Spirit Night with the Memphis Grizzlies
Spirit Night with the Memphis Grizzlies
MHEA NEW S & VIEWS Feb2015 Vol28 Issue 2 Spirit Night with the Memphis Grizzlies Get Your Tickets Now! On Saturday, March 21, the Memphis Grizzlies will take on the Portland Trail Blazers at the FedEx Forum at 7:00 pm, and it will be MHEA Spirit Night! This will be a game you won’t want to miss, as both teams are primed to make this an exciting showdown. The MHEA group attending the game has the opportunity to have some great fan experiences pending the number of tickets sold. So encourage your friends and family to come along with you. MHEA members should purchase tickets through a web-portal on the MHEA webpage (MyMHEA.org and use the code “MEMPHIS” to get your tickets) to register with our group. If your sports team, support group, or group of friends would like to attend the game together, you may purchase group seating through our own ticketing liaison, Ashley Hill (901-205-1449). This game will most likely sell out, so don’t delay; get your tickets today! Your family may get to high-five some NBA stars! The first 30 tickets we sell will get a fan tunnel experience. If we sell another 30 tickets, those ticket holders will also get a fan tunnel experience. If 75 tickets beyond those are purchased through MHEA, our ticket holders will have the opportunity to attend the “shoot-around” (warm-up) on the floor of the FedEx Forum two hours prior to the game! But wait, there’s more . . . those who purchase tickets will also have the unique experience to opt into one of several special VIP tours of Fed-Ex Forum (organized just for MHEA) in the weeks leading up to the game. Tickets prices start at just $19, but you may order tickets at any price point you choose. And, the higher the price point, the more credit MHEA gets towards the “tickets sold,” getting our group closer to those special fan experiences. So, make this a unique family field trip and show off just how cool your homeschooling family is; organize your sports team for an outing they will always remember; give your kids an incentive to work toward that will motivate and make memories; get grandma w w w. M y M H E A . o r g and grandpa out of the house to scream Direct MHEA E-mail Links: and shout. Come on out to show that you BELIEVE in MHEA and the MEMPHIS MHEA@MyMHEA.org (office) GRIZZLIES! Activities@MyMHEA.org Contacting MHEA Rally Day 2015 Tennessee State Capitol, Nashville, TN Tuesday, April 14 You won’t want to miss Rally Day this year, because a great day is being planned with extraspecial activities for all. We’ll join together with home educators from all across our state as we bring the good report of family-directed education to Capitol Hill. We’ll also share in a celebration of God’s blessings to Tennessee home-educating families! Lots more details will be coming your way in the weeks to come. Watch your newsletter. We look forward to seeing you there! Conference@MyMHEA.org Graduation@MyMHEA.org HiSChoir@MyMHEA.org HonorSociety@Mymhea.org HighSchoolConnections@MyMHEA.org Legislative@MyMHEA.org NewsNViews@MyMHEA.org President@MyMHEA.org SWATspeechdebate@MyMHEA.org Sports@MyMHEA.org SpringBanquet@MyMHEA.org Webmaster@MyMHEA.org Yearbook@MyMHEA.org MHEA is a Christian organization, dedicated to serving home educators, and is the Memphis-area organiztion of the Tennessee Home Education Association 2014-2015 MHEA OFFICERS President Wayne Addison Executive Vice President Bill Richard Vice President Kathy Armstong Secretary John Vanzant Treasurer Paulette Mastin-Gunder Legislative Liaison Karen Johnson Athletics Director Kurt Brown At-Large Suzanne Marrero April Shamoun National Geographic Bee Winners We had another group of talented students who competed for this year’s title of MHEA National Geographic Bee Winner. Nicholas Armstrong and Gloria Davis went head to head in a tie breaking question during the final championship round. It was an exciting finish! Congratulations to all the students who did an amazing job answering a wide range of questions from physical geography, U.S. states and capitals, as well as countries, landmarks, and regions from around the globe. This year also featured several new categories like Fun Facts from Around the World, Wild Animal Atlas, and Popular Artists on Tour. If you would like more information on study tips and ideas to help you prepare for next year’s geographic bee, check out www.nationalgeographic. com/geobee/study-corner. There are some great tips for teachers on how to easily incorporate geography into your studies. Webmaster John Vanzant First place winner: Nicholas Armstrong, grade 8 Second place winner: Gloria Davis, grade 8 Third place winner: Kirsten Erickson, grade 7 Science Fair Newsletter Editors Becky Sater Michele Griffith The MHEA Science Fair will be Friday, February 20, at Great Oaks Church of Christ. This year we have decided to shake things up a bit. New this year: Students will have 3 minutes to present their projects to the judges, and PRIZES!!! Contacting MHEA Presenting your projects may seem a little scary, but have no fear. For grades K-3, parents will be allowed to stay in the gym until their students have presented. Also new this year, if students want to see how they scored, they can submit a self-addressed, stamped envelope, and the judges’ score sheet will be mailed to them. Mailing Address P.O. Box 2196 Cordova, TN, 38088 901-753-4705 Fax: 901-753-4706 Office Hours Mondays, 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Tuesdays, 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Wednesdays, 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Closed on Thursdays and Fridays Office Location 879 Willow Tree Circle, Suite 111 Cordova, TN 38018 Email Address: MHEA@MyMHEA.org Web Address MyMHEA.org 2 Currently, the Memphis Zoo, the University of Memphis Herff College of Engineering, and In His Presence Farm have committed to donate prizes. The Memphis Zoo is giving 4 free admission passes to the student with the best animal-based project. The Herff College of Engineering is giving a loaded pack of goodies to the best engineering project. In His Presence Farm will give a $20 gift card to the best agricultural-based science project in grades K-5, a $30 gift card for middle school, and $50 gift card for high school. A host of other companies and colleges are being contacted, so new prizes will be added weekly. As the donations come in, we will get the word out through our Facebook page and website, so keep watching. The tentative schedule is: Student Set-up: 10:15-11:15 am Clear for Judges: 11:15-11:30 am (parents of children older than 3rd grade are welcome to wait in the parking lot, but not in the hallway of the church) Judging will start at 11:35 am and continue until done. Registration: See page 13 for registration form. All registration forms must be dropped off at the MHEA office or postmarked by Tuesday, February 10. Once the registration deadline has passed, a viewing time will be set up. For all other questions and concerns, contact Tamara Cunningham at ScienceFair@MyMHEA.org. ~ NewsNViews@MyMHEA.org February 2015 Field Day The 21st annual MHEA Field Day for grades 5K-6 will be hosted by the Eta chapter of Eta Sigma Alpha National Homeschool Honor Society again this year on Friday, April 10, with a rain date of Friday, April 17, at Buckhead Creek Recreation Complex, 8300 Hwy 70, Arlington, TN. You must be an MHEA member in order to participate. Check-in begins at 9:30 am, and the Opening Ceremony begins at 10:00 am, with games running until noon. Participants will enjoy various games, relays, and competitions appropriate for their age levels. Parents must stay to “cheer on” their children. In addition to providing a fun day for our children, this is the Honor Society’s annual fundraiser for a charity voted upon by the Honor Society. Concessions will be available at a reasonable cost for lunch and snacks. Also, our “silent auction” will be back by popular demand! ALL participants will be awarded ribbons, and there will be door prizes as well! The cost for Field Day is $4 per student with a family maximum of $12. Preregistration with payment is required, and postmark deadline is Tuesday, March 31! (See form on page 18.) There will be NO REGISTRATION available on Field Day. In the case of inclement weather, please check the Honor Society (honorsociety.mymhea.org) and the MHEA websites (mymhea.org) for announcements. If Field Day must be cancelled, registration fees will be given to the charity for this event. Achievement Testing MHEA is pleased to announce that we will be offering Stanford Achievement Testing again this year through MHEA Renewed Moms Ministry for grades K-12. This is for MHEA members only. Test: Stanford 10 Dates and times: Monday – Wednesday, April 27 - 29, 9:15 am - approximately 11:30 am each day Cost: $50 per student (cannot be refunded once testing materials are ordered) Location: Germantown Presbyterian Church, 2363 South Germantown Road, Germantown, TN 38138 PLEASE DO NOT CALL THE CHURCH; THEY DO NOT HAVE ANY INFORMATION REGARDING THE TESTING. Postmark Registration Deadline: Tuesday, March 10. Registration materials and payments must be postmarked by Tuesday, March 10. Registration Form: Available below or the MHEA website, MyMHEA.org. This will be a drop-off event. Parents are not required to stay with students. For more information, email RenewedMoms@MyMHEA.org. Achievement Testing Registration Registration DEADLINE - Tuesday, March 10 (PRINT CLEARLY) ONE registration form per family. Space is limited. Registration is for members only. $50 per student. Parent’s Name Parent’s Email Parent’s Phone Parent’s Address City Zip Student Name Grade Age Student Name Grade Age Student Name Grade Age Student Name Grade Age State MHEA # For information about joining MHEA visit MyMHEA.org or call the MHEA office at 901-753-4705 Mail form and registration fee to: MHEA, Achievement Testing, P.O. Box 2196, Cordova, TN 38088. Office Use Only: Date Received:_____________ Check:____________ Check Amount:_____________ MHEA #:_____________ February 2015 NewsNViews@MyMHEA.org ~ 3 TEENews SNOWFLAKE BALL Recap It was a flurry of excitement at MHEA’s very first Snowflake Ball! The Woodland Hills Grand Ballroom was filled with students arrayed in beautiful dresses and fancy bowties. The dance floor was rockin’ all evening with a variety of swing dance, disco, classic rock, line dancing, and pop music. Students also had the opportunity to compete for awesome door prizes throughout the night. One of the highlights of the evening was dressing in super hero masks, feather boas, funky sunglasses, and other funny props for the photo booth. What a fabulous way to capture the evening’s memories! All the photos taken at the photo booth and in the selfie area can be viewed by going to www.photoboothbling.smugmug.com/; then click on “browse”, find “Snowflake Ball 2015,” then enter the password “snowflake.” Thanks to Photo Booth Bling for making the evening extra special! A special thank you to Patricia Robinson and her Snowflake Committee who worked tirelessly to put on this event. It takes many hours of preparation and many hands to accomplish a task of this magnitude. They did a phenomenal job! Thank you to committee members Kathy Armstrong, Donna Eakes, Tonya Richard, Cindy Rogers, Becky Sater, Britt Shideler, and Heather Weiner; decorating assistants Anna Grace Rogers, Ragan Robinson, and Dennis Robinson; and chaperones Bill Richard, Karen and Greg Spencer, and David Weiner. Thanks also to Paulette Mastin-Gunder and Helen Sater who worked behind the scenes on the website and in the office to make registration go smoothly. 4 ~ NewsNViews@MyMHEA.org February 2015 TEENews High School Connections Kroc Center Team Challenge Course In February we’re going to try something new – the Team Challenge Course at the Kroc Center! Participants will be CoreFire Commandos (an elite team of search-and-rescue operatives) and “train for deployment on missions around the world.” Participants will be in teams of 6-8 and will compete in a series of 5-minute mental and physical challenges, each designed to teach critical thinking, teamwork, and leadership skills. This event is open to ALL MHEA students in grades 9-12. When: Friday, Feb. 27, 4:15 – 6:30 pm. Where: Meet at the Kroc Center lobby, 800 East Parkway South, Memphis, TN 38104. Price: $8.50 per person. Register online at MyMHEA.org or mail the form found on page 18 with payment. Contact Sherry Shaffer with any questions - phone/ text 901-497-1755 or email HighSchoolConnections@ MyMHEA.org. Collierville Burch Library Teen Events Some exciting events are coming up soon for teens at the Collierville Burch Library! Register for all events online at colliervillelibrary.org/events. Lasertag For March we’ve scheduled one of our more popular activities - Lasertag. This event is open to ALL MHEA students in grades 9-12. When: Friday, March 27, 4:30 - 6:30 pm. Where: Golf and Games Family Park, 5484 Summer Avenue, Memphis, TN 38134. Price: $15.50 per person; includes 1 game of Lasertag, 1 game of Putt-Putt, and $5.00 in game room credits. Bring extra money for concessions. Register online at MyMHEA.org or mail the form found on page 18 with payment. Contact Heather Weiner with any questions - phone/text 901-517-4889 or email HighSchoolConnections@MyMHEA. org. Find Us on Facebook! “MHEA High School Connections” We have our own Facebook page! It’s a great way to stay connected and informed of High School Connections events and news. Practice SAT Test Saturday, February 21, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm. Registration opens Saturday, February 7 at 10:00 am. Take a free full-length practice SAT test, and see the score. Get realistic practice on the types of questions that will be on the actual exam. Receive a personalized score report pinpointing strengths and weaknesses as a follow up to the practice test. Held in the Halle Meeting Room. Practice ACT Test Saturday, February 28, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm. Registration opens Saturday, February 14 at 10:00 am. Take a free full-length practice ACT test, and see the score. Get realistic practice and on the types of questions that will be on the actual exam. Receive a personalized score report pinpointing strengths and weaknesses as a follow up to the practice test. Held in the Halle Meeting Room. Anti-Valentine’s Day Party Saturday, February 14, 3:30 - 5:30 pm Come to the Collierville Burch Library Teen Anti-Valentine's Day Party! Play the ultimate anti-romance board games, vote on most ridiculous rom-com, make an anti-Valentine's card, and enjoy unromantic treats! This event is for ages 12-18. Held in the Storytelling Room. February 2015 NewsNViews@MyMHEA.org ~ 5 TEENews CELEBRATE THE JOURNEY MHEA High School Banquet Thursday, May 7, 2015 Racquet Club of Memphis 5111 Sanderlin Ave, Memphis, TN 38117 Life brings many journeys throughout the years. High school years and graduation are ones that stay with us a long time. As the Class of 2015 brings their high school years to a close, help us Celebrate the Journey with them at this year’s MHEA High School Banquet. The MHEA High School Banquet is open to high school students and friends (completing grade 9 and above), parents, and grandparents. Complete the registration form (found on page 15) and mail with your payment to MHEA High School Banquet, P.O. Box 2196, Cordova, TN 38088. Once again, groups of 10 or more can reserve a table(s) for your family and friends. Separate checks for tickets are acceptable but MUST be submitted together with one registration form. If more than one table is needed, please submit all forms and payments together. Forms and payments received separately are not guaranteed seating together, and will be seated at Open Seating tables. Eta Sigma Alpha National Homeschool Honor Society, ETA Chapter Molly Matheny & Lexie Lagen, sponsors Eta Sigma Alpha is looking forward to sponsoring MHEA’s Field Day for elementary students again this year. Please see the Field Day announcement and registration form in this issue! Our members are always looking for more opportunities to obtain individual service hours; if any of you have knowledge of service opportunities for our members, please let us know! You can contact Molly Matheny or Lexie Lagen at HonorSociety@mymhea.org with the information. 6 ~ NewsNViews@MyMHEA.org February 2015 TEENews Pick Up Scheduled for Graduation Announcements Seniors, if you ordered announcements from Balfour, the pick up has been scheduled for Tuesday, March 3, from 4:006:00 pm, at the MHEA office, 879 Willow Tree Circle, Cordova, TN 38018. Pick up will be in the conference room. If you didn’t order announcements and now would like some, or if you need extras, they can be purchased at that time on a first-come, first-served basis. If you need more than 2 or 3, please contact Tonya Richard at Graduation@ Mymhea.org or 901-465-5517. The cost is $1.25 each and must be paid in cash or money order. If you want name cards, Balfour has the stock on hand and can print them for you. You must call ahead, 901-759-0116, to make arrangements and prepay by Friday, February 27. Balfour will have them ready for you to pick up on March 3. They come 15 cards to a sheet and cost $7.50 per sheet. If a balance is due for graduation supplies, payment must be cash or money order only (no checks or credit cards). WE NEED YOUR PHOTOS NOW FOR BANQUET AND GRADUATION VIDEOS! BLINK, BLINK! That’s how fast time seems to go these days with planning graduation, college tours, and senior year activities. These are such precious days, and we know you will not want to miss a moment of them. Now is the time to get your forms and pictures in for the banquet and graduation. Before you know it, another week or month will BLINK away! Following is what we need from you. High school experience photos: ALL HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS are asked to submit photos for this video. Photos need to be from ALL of your high school years even if you have submitted them in the past. We don’t keep them from year to year. Photos can be candid or formal shots from field trips, family outings, classes, sporting events, parties, or clubs; anywhere you had fun with your friends and family. There is no limit on the number of photos. Send as many as you have. It’s about the memories! Everyone loves to reminisce about “the good ole days.” Banquet/Graduation senior photos: SENIORS are asked to submit approximately five photos, including a baby picture, grade school picture, middle/high school picture, and your senior or current picture. Include your parents’ names, your full name including first, familiar name, middle and last name (ex: David (Dave) Allen Smith, son of Jim and Lucy Smith), mailing address, phone number, and email address (printed on a separate piece of paper with hard copy photos or in the body of your email for electronic submissions). MHEA seniors who are attending the MHEA graduation and banquet are asked to submit photos. Two separate videos will be prepared - one for banquet and one for the graduation ceremony, each including the seniors participating in those events. Please don’t wait! Submit your pictures early! Electronic submission of photos is strongly encouraged. We’ll Scan Your Photos for You - For those photos that are not digital, two Scan Days are scheduled for you to bring your hard copy photos to the MHEA office for us to scan while you wait. You will then be able to take them back home with you for safe keeping. The dates are Friday, February 6 and Friday, March 6 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm both dates. The MHEA office is located at 879 Willow Tree Circle, Suite 111, Cordova TN 38018. Scanners will be set up in the conference room as you enter the building. The deadline for photo submission is Wednesday, April 1. Please don’t miss out on this fun element of graduation weekend. ACT/SAT Dates for 2014-2015 The ACT dates for this school year are: (Test Date / Registration Deadline / Late Fee Required) April 18/ March 13 / March 14-27 June 13 / May 8 / May 9-22 February 2015 The SAT dates for this school year are: (Test Date / Postmark Deadline / Late Fee Required) March 14 / February 13 / March 3 May 2 / April 6 / April 21 June 6 / May 8 / May 27 NewsNViews@MyMHEA.org ~ 7 Area Activities Art Museum of the Univ. of Memphis 142 Communication and Fine Arts Building, 901-678-2224. Includes The Institute of Egyptian Art & Archaeology. Monday - Saturday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm (closed university holidays and between temporary exhibits). Please visit www.memphis.edu/ amum for more information, directions, parking, as well as information for group tours conducted by docents. Admission is free. Biblical Resource Center & Museum 140 East Mulberry, Collierville. 901-854-9578, www.biblicalmuseum.org. General admission is free at all times. Hours are Tuesday - Saturday, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm. Inquire about Bible Lab classes, group presentations, and other special events. Dixon Gallery & Gardens 4339 Park Avenue, Memphis. 901-761-5250, www.dixon.org. Free admission Saturdays, 10:00 am - 12:00 noon; Pay-WhatYou-Can Tuesdays, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm. Fire Museum of Memphis Fire Engine House No. 1, 118 Adams Ave., Downtown Memphis, TN, 38103. 901-636-5650, www.firemuseum.com. Tuesday all day: Two admissions for price of one (pay for higher price admission). Holidays excluded. Group tours are available, schedule in advance, $3 per person. Lichterman Nature Center 5992 Quince, Memphis. 901-767-7322, www.memphismuseums.org/lichterman. Free admission Tuesdays, 1:00 pm - closing. Memphis Brooks Museum of Art 1934 Poplar Avenue, Memphis. 901-544-6200, www. brooksmuseum.org. Pay-What-You-Can Wednesdays, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm. Free parking. Memphis Pink Palace Museum 3050 Central, Memphis. 901-636-2362, www.memphismuseums.org. Free admission Tuesdays, 1:00 pm-closing. (Does not include IMAX, planetarium, or Enchanted Forest.) Memphis Zoo Overton Park, Memphis. 901-333-6500. Free admission Tuesdays, 2:00 pm - closing. Tennessee residents only, all adults must present valid Tennessee ID. See www.memphiszoo.org/hoursprices for special guidelines regarding children. Free Tuesdays are not held during the month of March. National Civil Rights Museum 450 Mulberry, Memphis. 901-521-9699, www.civilrightsmuseum.org. Free admission Mondays, 3:00-5:00 pm. Tennessee residents with state issued ID only. Not valid during special events or holidays. Center for Earthquake Research and Information (CERI) University of Memphis, 3890 Central Ave., Memphis. 901678-1723, www.ceri.memphis.edu/perc. Free admission at all times. Appointments required. Presentations available for groups with appointment. Plan ahead for mhea events Mark your calendars for these great MHEA sponsored events for 2014-2015! Spirit Night with the Grizzlies - Saturday, March 21 Field Day - Friday, April 10 THEA annual Rally Day - Tuesday, April 14 Spring Banquet and Senior Graduation - May 7 & 9 Kindergarten Graduation - target date in May MHEA Used Book Sale - Wednesday, June 3 Submission Guidelines: Submissions to the newsletter are evaluated taking into consideration all of the following criteria: to promote the mission of MHEA/THEA/HSLDA; to promote and provide follow-up for MHEA/THEA/HSLDA sponsored events and services; to celebrate MHEA member student accomplishments; and to list MHEA support groups and some of their key monthly activities. Submissions may be included that provide information about other area events and services of interest to home educators that are not provided by MHEA as a community service to our members, however, we do not promote activities or functions that are in direct competition with MHEA. All news submissions must be received by the 10th of the month prior to publication. “Editorial privileges” will be used when necessary without changing the intention of the submission content. Submissions may or may not be printed. 8 ~ NewsNViews@MyMHEA.org February 2015 Community Tutorial Open House & Registration Thursday, February 19th, 2015 11:00 am - 1:00 pm at Highland Church 400 N. Houston Levee Meet tutors & register for classes. 1st - 12th grades. Contact tutors now to reserve classes. Space is limited. More info: www.communityhomeschoolclasses.com THE BRIDGE TUTORIAL thebridgeclasses.org The Bridge Tutorial Open House will be held on Thursday, March 5th, from 4:00-6:00 pm at our Bridge location – First Baptist Church, Fisherville, 11893 Macon Road, Eads, TN 38018. (Please do not contact the church for information.) Visit www.thebridgeclasses.org to see the full list of course options. Open House is a great 2015/16 school year planning opportunity in which to meet Bridge tutors, ask specific questions, see curriculum, and enjoy an art show by current art students. General questions may be directed toward The Bridge Administrative Assistant, Stephanie Redmond (stephanie@redmondroad.com or 901-826-1818.) The Bridge has offered quality tutorial instruction for almost 15 years in the Memphis area. We offer classes for older elementary, middle school, and senior high homeschooled students. We aim to glorify the Lord in supporting and assisting parents as they instruct their children. February 2015 NewsNViews@MyMHEA.org ~ 9 Archery News Paulette Mastin-Gunder, Archery Coach TN STATE INDOOR TOURNAMENT: This year’s NFAA TN State Indoor Tournament will be held FridaySunday, February 6-8, at Avery Outdoors in Memphis. For more information about participation in this tournament, please contact Coach Paulette. A reminder that this tournament is mandatory for our high school students who are seeking a varsity sports letter for archery. Stay tuned for results! There were 10 TN state records set by Memphis archers during last year’s state tournament. SIX (6) of those were MHEA archers! Congratulations to our MHEA TAA state record holders: Agnes Duncan, Rebekah Mastin, Morgan Mastin, Kelsie Mastin, Taylor Owens and Jason Weiner!!!! So proud of you all!!! NFAA INDOOR NATIONALS: This year the NFAA Indoor Nationals Tournament will take place in Louisville, KY, on Friday-Sunday, March 13-15. Stay tuned for results! MHEA Cheerleading Girls’ Softball Girls’ softball for spring 2015 is right around the corner! This will be the 3rd season, and a tournament and 15 games are already scheduled. All games are played from the end of March through the month of April. We need a few more players in grades 7-12! Current players from last year will have no player fees. Practices started in January; tryouts and an informational meeting will be held Friday, February 13, at 10:00 am in the Bellevue gym. All interested girls and parents are invited to attend. If you have any questions, call Coach Cheryl Willis at 901-299-1557. Patricia Robinson, Sponsor The cheerleaders are excited about supporting the basketball teams at Regionals this month! Also, everyone be on the lookout for 2015-16 Cheer Tryout info coming in March. Tryouts will be held in April and May for Middle School (grades 6-8) and Varsity (grades 9-12). Can't wait to see you! Sports Team Contacts Athletic Director/General Info Archery Basketball - Jr High / 12u Boys Basketball - Varsity boys Basketball - 10 and under boys Basketball - all girls’ teams Baseball - Varsity Baseball - JV / Middle School Bowling Cheerleading (Varsity) Cheerleading (JV) Fencing Golf Soccer - Girls ages 12 - 18 Soccer - Jr High Boys Softball - Ages 12 - 18 Swimming Track & Field Volleyball 10 Kurt Brown 901-496-1920 Paulette Gunder 901-340-4969 Kurt Brown 901-496-1920 Andreus Shannon 901-299-5727 John Moore 901-270-1230 Tracy Rice 901-413-8789 Ron Hobar 901-581-7508 Scott Murry 901-590-9933 Jim Rohde 901-383-8361 Patricia Robinson 901-794-2143 Susan Powers 901-873-1883 Tom Knowles 901-258-1075 Scott Murry 901-590-9933 Bill Ragatz 901-652-0359 Mark Baker 901-484-1193 Cheryl Willis 901-299-1557 Margie Wray 901-896-0303 Quintel Cooks 901-254-4540 Gina Brown 901-949-5866 ~ NewsNViews@MyMHEA.org Sports@MyMHEA.org Archery@MyMHEA.org BoysBasketball@MyMHEA.org BoysBasketball@MyMHEA.org BoysBasketball@MyMHEA.org GirlsBasketball@MyMHEA.org Baseball@MyMHEA.org JrBaseball@MyMHEA.org Bowling@MyMHEA.org Cheerleading@MyMHEA.org Cheerleading@MyMHEA.org Fencing@MyMHEA.org Golf@MyMHEA.org Soccer@MyMHEA.org Boys.Jr.Soccer@MyMHEA.org Softball@MyMHEA.org Swim@MyMHEA.org TrackField@MyMHEA.org Sports@MyMHEA.org February 2015 MHEA Eagles Swimming Exciting times! Are you ready to try something NEW? Kellye Stelling MHEA is planning to start a co-ed WATER POLO team! The only requirement is that you are able to swim one length of the pool unassisted - you DON’T have to know anything about water polo - that’s what practice is for! Our own Kelsey McDonald will be coaching the team. You may recognize her name already from our training program. Water Polo encourages team spirit, good health and FUN! Practice will be held at St. George’s High School on Houston Levee. Our meeting to discuss the particulars will be the first week in February. Please see our website for the exact DATE and TIME. Go to www.mheaswim.com. January 15 was our last dual meet, and our swimmers swam fast! However, with many attending the Snowflake Ball, we couldn’t pull off a win against Collierville. First place finishes for the night went to Caelin Weaver (200 Free), Shelby Halliday (100 Free), Lucas Franklin (50 Free), and Molly Stelling (100 Back). BOTH the girls’ and boys’ 400 Relay teams won! Coach Amanda Galbraith says, “I am so proud of your hard work through the tough part of the training season. Keep up the good work!” All that dedication culminates in two key meets - County (January 31) and State (February 13-14) . Coach Amanda plans to take around 20 swimmers to Knoxville to compete. You’ll be able to see the results here in the March issue! We couldn’t do what we do without parent volunteers. THANK YOU, moms and dads, for all you do to encourage your swimmers and to run our meets! Our middle school Eagles swam their final regular season meet on Saturday, January 10. This was their last chance to qualify for the County Championship at St. George’s. As their times get faster and faster, our kids hold their own against MUCH bigger teams. At that last regular season meet, our team placed 3rd overall (out of 24 teams) with only 17 swimmers. The first place team had 33 swimmers, and the second place team had 40 swimmers. That’s some QUALITY swimming, kids! Way to go! Top point winners for the girls were Shelby Hale, Amber Schulte, and JoBeth Hillyard. The boys’ top scorers were Hobson Stelling, Wood Davis, and Levi Reeves. Two of our girls took FIRST place finishes. Congratulations to Shelby Hale for winning the 100 Individual Medley and to JoBeth Hillyard for winning the 50 Backstroke. The training program continues to be a place of fun and learning! The kids have a GREAT time whether they are beginners or are honing their strokes to compete in the meets. JOIN US! We’d love to have you. All information can be found on our website - www.mheaswim.com. Go EAGLES!! The Dedicated - the pool’s the place to be! High school swimmers having fun on January 15! February 2015 NewsNViews@MyMHEA.org ~ 11 MHEA Memphis Eagles Baseball JV & Varsity Teams Begin Preparations For Another Competitive Season After nearly winning the High School Homeschool World Series last year in Auburndale, Florida (the team fell just short in the championship game, 2-1 in extra innings, to a very strong Dallas Angels team), the MHEA-Memphis Eagles baseball teams are gearing up for another season. It’s not going to be an easy road to get to the championship game again this year, having lost 10 players to graduation, moves, and such. However, the Eagles baseball squad is optimistic. Preparations began in September with the players going through a fall workout program that included a strength, quickness, agility, and conditioning emphasis, along with some baseball skill development. The team recently started pre-season team workouts on January 2nd - training on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for 3 1/2 hours a day. The Eagles are going to have to play a different brand of baseball this year after losing solid pitching and good offensive production, but with the returning varsity players’ experience, athleticism, and leadership, the coaching staff believes that good defense, playing small-ball offense and smart pitching can get the job done. The Eagles baseball team has much work to do before the season kicks off on February 16 at Magnolia Heights, so please pray for the team when you think about it. Pray for good health, no injuries, focus, determination, hard work, selflessness, and a passion to play the game for God. A very competitive schedule this year will include the following Memphis-area schools: Magnolia Heights, Covington, FACS, Tipton-Rosemark Academy, Trinity Christian Academy (Jackson, TN), Jackson Southside, Adamsville, Chester County, Fayette Academy, Starkville Academy, Heritage Academy, Rossville Christian Academy, St. Benedict, Bolton, Haywood, ECS, Cordova, Millington, Brighton, Munford and Briarcrest. The Eagles will also be traveling to Jackson, MS for a Homeschool/Private School Tournament and to Nashville for the Music City Homeschool Invitational. The season will again culminate with a trip to Auburndale, Florida to play in the Homeschool World Series. If interested in coming out to some ball games to cheer on the team, contact Coach Hobar for a copy of the schedule at Baseball@MyMHEA.org. 2015 MHEA-Memphis Eagles High School Baseball Team Roster Sophomores Juniors Seniors Coaches Joseph Addison Nathan Appling Chase Baker Alex Bush Nathan Dickerson Cody Essary Billy Causgrove Ryan Guyton Ron Hobar - Varsity Head Coach Garrett McAdams Matthew Guyton Sam Conrey Mason Houck Jax Pennington (8th) Drew Murry Aaron Hill Micah Kendall Turner Seilhamer Avery Pattat Adam Sanderlin Brenner Whitney Cody Stafford Jesse Silvis Camden Nephew Stephen Sanderlin - Pitching Coach Freshmen 12 ~ NewsNViews@MyMHEA.org Scott Murry Varsity Head Coach - Jr Cody Walding February 2015 MHEA MARKETPLACE Welcome to the MHEA Marketplace! These ads are submitted by MHEA members “selling their wares.” MHEA Marketplace provides MHEA members advertising advantages of increased visibility, increased ad type identification, and increased quantity for the price $5 per 50 words for members versus $5 per 25 words for non-members. member ads Learn how to impact your state government for Christ - TeenPact Leadership School, February 2-6 at the State Capitol in Nashville (http://www.teenpact.com/); phone 888-343-1776. non-member ads Christian Renaissance Camps - After a century of death and despair, the time is ripe for a Christian Renaissance. Dr. Steven Hake, a literature professor at Patrick Henry College in Purcellville, VA, has been praying for a Christian Renaissance for many years and is now offering two camps to help begin such a Renaissance. He is inviting young people aged 1418 to his home for a week to wrestle with one classic work and one contemporary one; to impart the vision of a Christian Renaissance to them; to challenge them to love God with their minds in the context of loving Him with their heart, soul, and strength; and to consider the part they and their children might play in this Renaissance. Find out more and register at www. christianrenaissance.org. The MHEA Board would like to state that the appearance of a product, program, or other non-board related business in the News & Views newsletter does not necessarily have the approval of the Board. Any advertisement, program, etc., not directly related to the business of the MHEA Board should be carefully scrutinized and considered for the best interests of your family before obtaining/participating in it. The Board is not responsible in these areas. Science fair Registration POSTMARK DEADLINE - Tuesday, February 10 ONE registration form per individual or group. Parent will be primary contact for student and/or groups. Registration is FREE for members and $15 per individual or group registration for non-members. (PRINT CLEARLY) Parent’s Name Parent’s Address Parent’s Email Parent’s Phone City State Zip MHEA # Grades K-12 may enter either a group or individual project. Limit is 4 for any group. All group member names must appear on original form and cannot be added later. Student Name Grade MHEA # Cover School Student Name Grade MHEA # Cover School Student Name Grade MHEA # Cover School Student Name Grade MHEA # Cover School Mail form and registration fee to: MHEA, Science Fair, P.O. Box 2196, Cordova, TN 38088. For information about joining MHEA see form on Page 15. Office Use Only: Date Received:_____________ Check:____________ Check Amount:_____________ MHEA #:_____________ Entry in Grade Level ______________________ # students _________________________ Project ID # ____________________ February 2015 NewsNViews@MyMHEA.org ~ 13 So are we. As the only women’s college in Alabama and one of the only Christian women’s colleges in the nation, we know what it’s like to stand out in a crowd. If you’re not afraid to be the best possible version of yourself in a world that often settles for second best, you might have what it takes to be a Judson Girl. Find out at the Greater Memphis National College Fair February 24-25, then schedule a visit to experience Judson for yourself! 14 ~ NewsNViews@MyMHEA.org February 2015 CELEBRATE THE JOURNEY 2015 MHEA High School Banquet Registration Thursday, May 7, 2015 Racquet Club of Memphis Please order your tickets early. $45 per person if postmarked by April 3, 2015 $65 per person if postmarked after April 3 but before final deadline of April 24, 2015 Name: ___________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________ E-mail: _____________________ Phone Number _______________ For high school students and friends (completing grade 9 and above), parents, and grandparents. Please print clearly. Please list all that will be attending, including yourself. Name Homeschool Participating in Graduating Senior Senior Presentation Grade/ Adult (circle one) (circle one) Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Graduating with MHEA, Faith Heritage, Other E-mail (Senior Presentation Participants Only) (Senior Presentation Participants Only) A Table of 10 can be reserved for families and groups. Separate checks for tickets are acceptable but MUST be submitted together with one registration form. If more than one table is needed, please submit all forms and payment together. Forms received separately will be seated at open seating tables. I have 10 attending. I would like to reserve a table. Yes No Please Circle One Please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope with payment. Forms received without self-addressed stamped envelope will receive e-tickets at e-mail listed on form. MHEA High School Banquet, P.O. Box 2196, Cordova, TN 38088 Date Rec'd__________ Ck #___________ Amt______________ Ck Date__________ Mem #_________ February 2015 NewsNViews@MyMHEA.org ~ 15 GROUP NEWS Support Groups Ebony Homeschoolers Shelby Homeschoolers Leaders: *Tamara Cunningham, 901-864-5151 ShelbyHomeschoolers@MyMHEAorg Web Site: www.shelbyhomeschoolers.weebly.com Contact: 641-715-3900, ext. 348907 EbonyHomeschoolers@MyMHEA.org Web Site: www. EbonyHomeschoolers.org Grapevine Leader: Kathy Armstrong, 901-388-8364 Grapevine@MyMHEA.org Support Group Meeting Thursday, February 12, 7:00 pm, Advent Presbyterian Church, 1879 N. Germantown Pkwy. We are a group focused on pursuing whole hearted learning, preserving homeschool freedoms, and providing prayerful support. We meet on the second Thursday of each month. Renewed Moms Ministry Leader: *Denise Turner RenewedMoms@MyMHEA.org Web Site: www.renewedmomsministry.org Spring Class Day Thursday, February 5, 9:30 am– 1:30 pm, Germantown Presbyterian Church, 2363 Germantown Road South. Bible Study – Lesson 6. Faith 828 Praise Band practice 1:30–3:30 pm. Art with Heart 1:30–3:30 pm. Attention Members Please notify the MHEA office if you change your mailing address. We use non-profit bulk mailing for the newsletters; therefore, the post office will not forward your newsletter to you even if you have given the post office a change of address. Instead the newsletters are returned to the office (sometimes 3 months later) and we have to pay for them. Thank you all so much. A BIG THANK YOU to all the wonderful MHEA members who write their membership number on their payments. It really saves time in the office and is greatly appreciated. Please note that email addresses for support groups and support group leaders are to be used for support group questions and correspondence only, not for unsolicited emails and/or sales and advertisements. Northern Mississippi GROUPS Spring Class Day Thursday, February 12, 9:30 am–1:00 pm, Germantown Presbyterian Church, 2363 Germantown Road South. Bible Study – Lesson 7. Gen SC officer meeting 1:30-2:30 pm. Spring Class Day Thursday, February 19, 9:30 am–1:00 pm, Germantown Presbyterian Church, 2363 Germantown Road South. Bible Study – Lesson 8. Gen SC regular meeting 1:30–2:30 pm. Faith 828 Praise Band practice 2:30-3:30 pm. Spring Class Day Thursday, February 26, 9:30 am–1:00 pm, Germantown Presbyterian Church, 2363 Germantown Road South. Bible Study – Lesson 9. 20152016 Instructor Meeting 1:30-2:30 pm. Fellowship of Christian Home Educators (FOCHE) Contacts: Web Site: Michael and Laura Matlock, 662-429-7933 www.ourchurch.com/member/f/FCHE OBLIQUEducators Contact: Web Site: Dawn Robinson www.OBLIQUEducators.com Olive Branch Christian Home Educators (OBCHE) Contacts: Web Site: 16 ~ NewsNViews@MyMHEA.org Laurinda Sparks, 901-486-9047 OBCHE.org February 2015 GROUP NEWS Activity Groups Choir Contact: John McWhorter, 901-292-4690 HiSChoir@MyMHEA.org Honor Society Contacts: Molly Matheny *Lexie Lagen HonorSociety@MyMHEA.org SWAT Speech & Debate Contact: *Nanci Heath SWATspeechdebate@MyMHEA.org Yearbook Contact: Karen Johnson, 901-438-3834 Yearbook@MyMHEA.org Sports Groups Archery Contact: Paulette Mastin-Gunder, 901-340-4969 Archery@MyMHEA.org Baseball Contact: *John Silvas BaseballSG@MyMHEA.org Basketball Contact: Website: *Kit Carson, 901-734-8092 BasketballSG@MyMHEA.org MHEAsports.org Bowling Contacts: *Jim & Dee Rohde, 901-383-8361 Bowling@MyMHEA.org Cheerleading Contact: Patricia Robinson, 901-794-2143 Cheerleading@MyMHEA.org Softball Contact: *Cheryl Willis, 901-299-1557 Softball@MyMHEA.org Swimming Contacts: Website: Margie Wray, 901-896-0303 Pam DeSalvo Swim@MyMHEA.org www.MHEAswim.com Track & Field Contact: *Heather Adams, 901-299-7707 TrackField@MyMHEA.org *Denotes MHEA Board representative February 2015 NewsNViews@MyMHEA.org ~ 17 High School Connections Challenge Course Postmark deadline: Friday, February 20 Student’s Full Name _________________________________________________ Grade ____________ Phone No. ___________________________________ Email Address _ ________________________ MHEA No. _ _________________________________ Current Age ___________________________ Registration: $8.50 per student. Make checks payable to MHEA and mail to: MHEA High School Challenge Course P.O. Box 2196 Cordova, TN 38088 For Office Use Only Date received ____________________Check #________________Check Date ________________Amount __________________ High School Connections Lasertag Postmark deadline: March 20 Student’s Full Name _________________________________________________ Grade ____________ Phone No. ___________________________________ Email Address _ ________________________ MHEA No. _ _________________________________ Current Age ___________________________ Registration: $15.50 per student. Make checks payable to MHEA and mail to: MHEA High School Bowling P.O. Box 2196 Cordova, TN 38088 For Office Use Only Date received ____________________Check #________________Check Date ________________Amount __________________ Parents’ Names MHEA Field Day Registration postmark deadline Tuesday, March 31 Address Phone City State Email Fax Child’s Name Grade Child’s Name Grade Child’s Name Grade Child’s Name Grade MHEA Membership Number Registration: $4.00 per child; $12.00 maximum per family; $_______ total enclosed. Zip Make checks payable and mail to: MHEA Field Day P.O. Box 2196 Cordova, TN 38088 For Office Use Only Date received ____________________________ Check #________________ Check Date ________________Amount _ _________________ 18 ~ NewsNViews@MyMHEA.org February 2015 2014-2015 MHEA Membership Application All memberships/subscriptions expire on July 31 of each year regardless of the month in which they begin. Membership Dues - $35.00 (THEA annual dues are included in this price.) Please choose one: News & Views online (viewed at website) News & Views hard copy Make checks payable and mail to: MHEA Membership P.O. Box 2196 Cordova, TN 38088 Name of Cover School and/or School District for your student(s) _ ____________________________________________________________ MHEA Membership No. (if renewing) ________________________ Widow(er) _______________ (If yes, ask about additional MHEA services.) Last name - husband ____________________________________ Last name - wife ___________________________________________ First name - husband ____________________________________ First name - wife ___________________________________________ Address _ _____________________________________________ City _________________ State _____ Zip ______________________ County _ _____________ Home phone _ ____________________ Work phone ___________________ Mobile ____________________ Email address __________________________________________ MHEA Support Group _ _____________________________________ MHEA Sports/Activities___________________________________ Church Attending __________________________________________ Child’s first name __________________ Last name ________________________ Grade ____________ Date of birth _ ________________ Child’s first name __________________ Last name ________________________ Grade ____________ Date of birth _ ________________ Child’s first name __________________ Last name ________________________ Grade ____________ Date of birth _ ________________ Child’s first name __________________ Last name ________________________ Grade ____________ Date of birth _ ________________ (Use back of form for additional children.) Unless otherwise informed by the member, MHEA reserves the right to use the name/photo of your family members in our association’s publications for the purpose of recognizing the individual’s service to MHEA or for winning or placing in a competition sponsored by MHEA. Date Rec’d__________ Check #__________ Amount__________ Check Date__________ Member__________ Card__________ Letter___________ Mailed___________ Newsletter Submissions ALL newsletter submissions must be RECEIVED by the 10th of the month prior to publication via EMAIL. Classified and Display Ads A copy of each ad (email preferred), along with payment and a completed Ad Submission Form for each must be POSTMARKED by the 1st of the month prior to publication. Artwork or any copy-ready item should be submitted as a PDF file format by email. Ad Submission Form Thank you for advertising in the MHEA News & Views. Payment is required in order to publish your ad. Please complete and mail this form along with a copy of your ad. Continuing ads must be paid in full at the onset. MHEA, PO Box 2196, Cordova, TN 38088 MHEA Member Number _________________________ Advertiser’s full name_ __________________________ Business name (if applicable) _____________________ Mailing address________________________________ City, State Zip ________________________________ Home phone_ _________________________________ Business phone________________________________ Cell phone____________________________________ Email address_________________________________ Ad Rates Classified ads for MHEA members cost $5 for every 50 words per ad (no pro-rating); classified ads for non-members are $5 for every 25 words per ad (no pro-rating). Display ad rates: fullpage portrait vertical - $200.00; half-page landscape horizontal - $100.00; fourth-page portrait vertical - $80.00; eighth-page landscape horizontal - $40.00. Non-member advertisers must include payment of $1.50 per issue to receive a copy of the newsletter(s) in which they advertise. All payments are final. EMAIL: NewsNViews@MyMHEA.org FAX: 901-753-4706 MAIL: MHEA, Re: Newsletter Submission PO Box 2196, Cordova, TN 38088 Type of ad (check which type and complete): Classified ad (no pro-rating) - # of words_ ____________ Total MHEA Member Cost - $5/50 words/ad_ _________ Total Non-member Cost - $5/25 words/ad ____________ Display ad (circle ad price/size below) $200 full vertical $100 half horizontal $80 quarter vertical $40 eighth horizontal List the month(s) your ad is to run:_ __________________ Note - “Editorial privileges” will be used when necessary without changing the intention of the submission content. Submissions may or may not be printed. Continuing ads must be paid in full at the onset. Non-member advertisers include payment of $1.50 per issue to receive a hard copy of the newsletter(s) in which they advertise. February 2015 NewsNViews@MyMHEA.org ~ 19 MHEA P.O. BOX 2196 Cordova, TN 38088 NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID MEMPHIS, TN PERMIT NO. 3548 Return Service Requested NEWS & VIEWS MHEA M H E A Feb 2 0 15 Volume 28 Issue 2 ~ M e m p h i s - a r e a H o m e E d u c a t i o n A s s o c i a t i o n Inside read about: Save the Date! Rally Day 2015 Tuesday, April 14 TN State Capitol Field Day Science Fair Grizzlies Spirit Night Geographic Bee Winners Snowflake Ball recap High School Banquet Teen News, Sports News and much, much more!
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