the seagull - Wrightsville United Methodist Church
the seagull - Wrightsville United Methodist Church
WRIGHTSVILLE UMC June 2016 Doug Lain Pastor Edie Gleaves Pastor Bill Braswell Pastor Julia Walker Jewell Dir. of Music Ministries Donna Pinckney Dir. of Spiritual Formation Mikki Perry Dir. of Congregational Care Susan Fieldstein Asst. Dir. of Congregational Care THE SEAGULL Editor Carla Whitlow Dir. of Operations Melissa Wagenseller Asst. Financial Administrator Christina Norvell Dir. of Youth Ministries Nicole Roche Dir. of Children’s Ministries Joseph Hughes Asst. Choir Director & Accompanist Kelly Jewell Early Services Musician Ryan Mansbery Sound Technician Kathleen Crowley Nursery Coordinator Ruth Cotton Preschool Director Phone 910.256.4471 Fax 910.256.4478 Office Hours Mon-Thurs 8-4 Fri 8-12 THE SEAGULL So how do I say farewell to you, my friends? For some assistance and profound insight I turn to that great canine theologian, Snoopy, who said to Charlie Brown one day: “Why can’t we get all the people together in the world that we really like and then just stay together? I guess that wouldn’t work. Someone would leave. Someone always leaves. Then we would have to say good-bye. I hate good-byes. I know what I need. I need more hellos.” Like Snoopy, I hate good-byes. Like many of you I feel the anxiety, pain, sadness and reluctance toward saying the two words that acknowledge the end of a particular relationship in a certain setting. Once the words are spoken, a person then has to learn how to live without the other in their daily midst. That type of dramatic change can also be scary. So, how do I say farewell to friends? Well, that’s what I want to say briefly in this newsletter article, and in my last homily as one of your pastors when we will share Communion together on Sunday, June 26th. Right now my prayer is that the presence of the Spirit allows time for us to reflect on the sacredness of this moment of change. As Edward White points out in his book Saying Goodbye: A Time of Growth for Congregations and Pastors: “Often it is the transitions of life that are the greatest occasions for growth. In addition to appreciating what we are leaving and what we are moving to, we can learn many secrets of the Spirit by monitoring the experience of the transition itself. We can discover new things about ourselves and about the God who is with us in the transitions.” My hope is that we will discover some amazing things about ourselves and God upon my departure from Wrightsville UMC and move into the position of service as your Harbor District Superintendent. While DS’s should not have favorites, Wrightsville UMC will hold a special place in my heart among the ninety-nine churches of our District. I will miss my daily, active relationship with this congregation’s people and life. I have so enjoyed providing pastoral care with you-leading in worship on Sundays mornings, preaching, teaching, counseling, performing baptisms and weddings. I will miss praying with you by hospital beds and in emergency and pre-op rooms, and bidding final farewells to loved ones with you as we commend them into the arms of our loving God. I will miss laughing with you and crying with you. I will miss helping to supply church leaders with resources for ministry and mission. I will miss talking church business with you in various Committee meetings. I will certainly miss working with the best church staff there is anywhere. Transitioning out of this role will be difficult, but I like what Joan Mahon notes in her book Saying Goodbye: “The pastor ceases to be the pastor/friend and becomes friend only; members cease being associates/clients/advocates/friends and also become friends only. Relationships must then be redefined as friendships alone, apart from ecclesiastical roles…” So I say to you from my heart my friends: I love you all. I thank God for our six wonderful years together! I ask only two things of you as I leave. First- “Love God. Love yourself. Love your neighbor. No exceptions.” Second, love Christina Turner when she comes, embracing her as a part of this awesome church family of Wrightsville United Methodist Church. I know God will continue to bless and keep you! Grace & Peace, Pastor Edie Page 2 THE SEAGULL UMM NEWS Thanks to all who helped with and contributed to the 17 th Annual Methodist Men’s Golf Tournament. We had 39 players- all of whom had a great day of weather, fellowship and golf. More importantly we raised over $7,500 for the many missions and projects of the U.M.M. We couldn’t have done it without help and guidance from God and support from the players, hole sponsors and prize donors. Thank you to everyone who helped us with this fundraiser! United Methodist Women’s Low Country Boil The United Methodist Women are having a Low Country Boil! Friday, July 15th 5:30 p.m. Tickets will be on sale soon for $15.00 (includes dessert) Children 12 & under $5.00 (hotdogs, drink & dessert) Children 2 and under are free. There will be a silent auction featuring signature desserts! Please come out and meet Christina Turner (our new associate pastor)! If you have any questions, please call Judie Eakins at 686-6746 or Alice Tysinger at 520-0198. Thank you to Nancy & Mike Harris If you were here on Pentecost Sunday, May 15th, you may have noticed the beautiful red paraments on the altar table as well as on the pulpit. These paraments were donated by congregation members, Nancy and Mike Harris and family. They were donated in loving memory of Nancy and Mike’s son, Brandon Harris, and also in loving memory of Tommy Stanley, Nancy’s brother. JUNE 2016 Page 3 Stephen Ministry by Beth Perry What kind of ticket do you hold? Stephen Ministry is looking for a few good congregants who would like to hold third class tickets. If you were in church on Confirmation Sunday, May 15, you heard a wonderful message from Pastor Doug about the kinds of tickets we Christians can hold. He explained that on the old stage coaches in the 1800s, you could have a first, second or third class ticket. First class ticket holders got to sit in the coach regardless of accident, broken wheel, anything. Second class ticket holders had to get out of the coach if a mishap occurred but they were not required to help. They could stand off to the side and watch repairs being made or the coach being pushed back on the trail. Third class ticket holders had to get out and help if anything happened. They had to repair, push, whatever was needed just because they had the third class ticket. (If you weren’t there, by all means, request the sermon or listen to it on Podcast). Pastor Doug said true Christianity calls for us to be third class ticket people. If we believe and have faith, it calls us to do good works. Not just writing a check but getting out there and getting our hands dirty doing what needs to be done to bring God’s love and grace to our neighbors. If we are physically able, we can feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the ill or the prisoner, give water to the thirsty. Or we can serve as Stephen Ministers bringing Christian care to those who are suffering from depression, chronic illness, family problems, financial problems, relationship problems – the list is endless. A new training class will be starting in September. We will be conducting the training along with several other area churches in the First Baptist Activity Center on Independence Blvd. Fifty hours of training will certify you to come into our Stephen Ministry group and serve your neighbors. We currently have 16 active Stephen Ministers and they are having to double up on referrals. We can use the help. Classes meet weekly with time off for Election Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year. They finish up in February of 2017. There will be at least one Saturday “retreat”, probably here at WUMC. The retreats are normally about 6 hours which allows us to cover some longer topics all at once. For the past several months, I have shared some testimonials from some Care Receivers and Stephen Ministers. Reread the past Seagulls to get an idea of what the impact Stephen Ministry can have on both parties. If you have any interest in seeing if you would like to become a third class ticker holder with Stephen Ministry, please call Janis Norris at 509-9608 or Beth Perry at 231-2369. Two weeks of Interfaith Hospitality by Scott Whisnant We have an excellent opportunity to volunteer coming up! We have again pledged to host the Wilmington Interfaith Hospitality Network program for two weeks, beginning Sunday, June 26th and ending on Sunday, July 10th. It’s quite a challenge to host and support for two consecutive weeks, but we can do this! Based on the excellent support we had last year and the ongoing assistance we provide Masonboro Baptist, we have plenty of resources to fill all the slots. This program provides temporary housing for homeless families, typically with small children. They live in church space, rotating to a new church each week, while church members provide food, transportation and shelter. After about three months, more than 90 percent are ready to move into housing of their own. The program provides some of the best volunteer opportunities we have. Providing the meals works well for small groups and Sunday school classes, and driving the van takes about an hour of your time. Hosting overnight consists mostly of sleeping at the church. All volunteer opportunities give you a chance to interact with these families and show them that others care. The program is also a great way to get children involved in helping others. We will have a sign-up sheet for both weeks and post it in the narthex. If you would like to go ahead and volunteer for a slot (and begin to help me reduce my stress ) please call me at 612-3109. I look forward to being able to say our church nimbly handled this challenge. Page 4 THE SEAGULL Celebrations for Pastor Edie Please join Bishop Hope Ward to celebrate the achievements of Harbor District Superintendent Bob Bauman and to introduce incoming Harbor District Superintendent Edie Gleaves on Tuesday, June 7, 2016 at Pine Valley United Methodist Church (3788 Shipyard Blvd.) The Celebration service starts at 6:00 p.m. followed by a reception with refreshments at 7:00 p.m. All are welcome. Please make plans to join us for a covered dish farewell dinner for Pastor Edie on Wednesday, June 22, at 6:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. This will be a chance to share fond memories and best wishes before she leaves to assume her new job as our District Superintendent. As always, we ask you to provide food to feed your family and one other. So that we may plan for seating, please let the office know ahead of time if you will be attending. Sign up on the “deep roots” bulletin board in the hallway by the offices. Let’s Welcome Christina to WUMC! Circle Friday, July 15th, on your calendar for the United Methodist Women’s Low Country Boil. This will be an evening of great food and fellowship as we welcome our new Associate Pastor, Christina Turner, to the WUMC family. Come out to support the United Methodist Women and have an opportunity to meet Christina! For more info, check page 2 for details. 4:12 Fundraiser! Our 4:12 youth are having a fundraiser! The funds will go towards their mission trips this summer! Congregation members can buy “Stock” for $20 each. We are asking each Stock Holder to be in prayer for the youth during the week of the mission trip. All Stock Holders are invited to a Stock Holder meeting on Tuesday, August 16th, at 6:00 p.m. to see your return on investment! If you would like to sponsor someone, please fill out this form and return to the church office with your donation attached. Page 5 To the people of The United Methodist Church: The Council of Bishops brings you greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who has called us to be servant leaders of the church. In 1812, Bishop Francis Asbury, Bishop William McKendree and General Conference Secretary Daniel Hitt sent the first letter to churches following General Conference. This letter seeks to revive that tradition. Many bishops will also be communicating individually with their own areas. Hundreds of lay and clergy delegates from around the world gathered in Portland, Oregon, along with bishops and pastors, church members and staff, volunteers and visitors, to engage in Christian conferencing, to make decisions for our church’s future, to affirm our global connection, to worship and to celebrate God’s faithfulness. We celebrated the success of our Imagine No Malaria initiative, which seeks to raise $75 million in the fight against malaria, a disease that takes the life of a child in Africa every two minutes. We celebrated our ecumenical partnerships as we move into full Communion with the Uniting Church in Sweden and toward full Communion with the Moravian church. We celebrated our heritage: the 250th anniversary of our oldest church, John Street United Methodist Church, the 200th anniversary of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, the 150th anniversary of United Methodist women, the 25th anniversary of Africa University and others. We continued in our acts of repentance with a presentation from the Cheyenne and Arapaho tribes about the Methodist involvement in the 1864 Sand Creek massacre. We shared in the consecration of deaconesses and home missioners and the commissioning of missionaries. We moved toward a global Book of Discipline and global Social Principles. We voted to add five new bishops in Africa after 2020, and approved a church wide study on our ecclesiology. The Episcopal address set the tone for the event, focusing on humility and lifting up our accomplishments. We heard from our laity an invitation to members to be more involved in making disciples and getting involved in ministries to bring the love of Christ to others. We heard our young people say they “are engaged in Christ’s journey with energy and love.” We also heard them say clearly that they do not want a divided church and urged us to "be in unity even if we do not have unanimity." They give us hope for our future. The body had difficult and challenging work before it as we acknowledged our differences over human sexuality. Amidst those differences, the delegates affirmed they want their bishops to lead and we found ourselves with an opportunity for a holy moment. We spoke candidly about what divides us and what our church might look like in the future if we dared to consider new possibilities. We offered a way forward, postponing decisions about sexuality matters and committing to having a different kind of global conversation that allows all voices to be heard. Our differences do not keep us from being the body of Christ. They do not keep us from doing good in the world. They do not keep us from making a difference – and so we set forth bold new goals: to make a million new disciples of Jesus Christ; to engage 3 million new people to make a difference in the world; to transform 400 communities for vital abundant living; to reach a million children (continued on page 6) Page 6 (continued from page 5) with lifesaving health interventions; and to double the number of vital congregations. Most importantly, we affirmed our commitment to stay united. We proved that we are more than debates and divisions, more than rules and resolutions. We stood together as the body of Christ. As we reflect on our time in Portland, our prayer is for unity in the church for the advancement of our mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. As John Wesley reminds us, “Best of all, God is with us.” Signed on behalf of the Council of Bishops, Bishop Bruce R. Ough, president of the Council Presenting “Seamless!” Beginning Tuesday, June 28th Calling Middle School Girls and their Moms for a Super-Cool 7 week video- guided Bible Study WHO ME? Yes, YOU! This is truly an incredibly easy way to learn a “Cliff Notes” version of the Bible, and get to know other Moms and teens at the same timePerhaps a laid-back kind of support group!? In the videos and discussion book, author Angie Smith shares her passion to thread together the people, places and promises of the Bible, to make it understandable as one complete story. In just 7 weeks, we plan to cover the entire Bible, and how we can relate the teachings to our middle school, hectic, challenging, changing, perhaps not-so-traditional lifestyles. She provides compelling questions for discussion, using humor to lighten in up. There are even Icons at the bottom of pages for quick guide. What a real treat it will be to look back on this precious stage of our relationships and know that by example- we fostered knowledge-seeking in our Faith, and continued to support the belief that our Church is alwaysthere for us. It’s only 1 hour once a week. We will meet 5:30-6:30 p.m. on Tuesdays. We look forward to seeing you there on June 28th! Page 7 THE SEAGULL Help Needed For Patriotic Service! If you have a child in grades K-3 who would like to ring the colored bells in one of the patriotic services on July 3, please let Julia know by June 19th. If interested, please contact Julia at 256-4471 or at Also, would you be interested in joining the choir for a short term commitment? We all know how much we love the Patriotic Service. This is your opportunity to be part of this wonderful, inspiring service without having to make a long term commitment. Practice will be on Wednesday evenings from 7:15-8:30 p.m. in the sanctuary, beginning Wednesday, June 1st. WUMC’s Super Teaching Staff This month we say “thank you” to all those who so faithfully serve in the teaching ministry of this congregation. On June 12 we will honor these teachers with a gift given in their honor to the United Methodist Volunteers in Mission – a group that shares their love for others and commitment to making a difference. Sunday School teachers: Loren Rippy, Kristen Selby, Mikki Perry, Jess Bell, Julie Wells, Crystal Peebles, Maggie Reed, Hope Conway, Scarlet Campbell, Ashley Doyle, Leslie Clark, Mandi Bobo, Velvet Kleppinger, Katie Dattilo, Phil Dattilo, Megan Demolina, Mary Beth Hosier, Maddie Bullock, Spencer & Kristi Jarnagin, Wortley & Graham Whitehead, Brittany Witmer, Emily Speight, Gina and Ash Good, Jennifer and Patrick Kelly, Barbara Gowdy, Sherri and Gene Ingle, Frances Knowles, Beth Perry, Barny Ratliff, Bern Coulter, Peggy Efird, Linda Chapman, and Scott Whisnant Faithful Subs: Sam Lee, Christina Norvell, Kim Edwards, Greg Roche, Amy Bullock and Jack Kilbourne Nursery staff: Kathleen Crowley, Lynn Walker, Rachel Locklear, Erin Strickland, Cullum Crowley, Olivia Ward, Elle Garrett and Molly Jones Disciple Leaders; John Adams, Doug Lain Small Group and Education Ministry Leaders: Sherri Ingle, Ann Jenkins, Gene Ingle, Linda Chapman, Connie Rogers, Ashley Lee, Jack Kilbourne, Spencer Jarnagin, Myk Hutsell, Christen Windham, Alyssa Gallo, Suzanne Gill, Cam Guthrie and Sam Lee & Julia Royall As is true with any list, I am sure we have neglected to mention someone’s name. For that we are truly sorry! Please know how much we appreciate ALL those who serve in the Educational ministries of WUMC! JUNE 2016 Page 8 New Weekly Email Blast Here at WUMC! Our next New Member class is on Saturday, June 4th, from 9:00-12:00 in the Fellowship Hall. If you plan to attend, there is a sign-up sheet on the deep roots bulletin board in the hallway. Those taking the class will join the church on Sunday, June 19th. We are always trying to find ways to make sure that WUMC’s information gets to you! We have just started sending out a weekly email blast. It will go out on Wednesdays and will be sent to the email address that we have on file for you. If your email address has changed, please call the church office and let us know. If you aren’t receiving the blast, please call and give us your email address or send it to Wrightsville United Methodist Church: Class of 2016 Samuel Agee Logan Chadwick Olivia Elizabeth Freeman Gregory Futch Zachary Giuffre Madison Graham William West Graham Jackson Potter Hardee Andrew S. Kerekes Ana Lambeth Rachel Claire Locklear John M. Sandlin, Jr. Paige Scott Robinson Holt Snider Mason Draper Whitlow Our Baccalaureate Service will be held June 5 at 11:15 with a reception to follow. Our Dear Church Family: As Phyllis and I have faced the latest bout of what seems to have turned into a never-ending stream of health issues and related outcomes, it has sometimes been quite difficult for us not to lose faith and to just give up. But every time we reached that point of just barely hanging on by one or two remaining fingernails, a happy “coincidence” would come along and renew our faith. We know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that God is not surprised by any of our trials and tribulations, and He has a plan. We know that if we simply put our hands into the hand of God he will lead us safely through it all and ultimately to His purpose for us. But, it is very easy for that knowledge to be drowned out by the clamor created by our challenges, doubts, and fears. The thing that has consistently propped us up and dragged us back to a place of being secure in that knowledge has been our church family. It seems woefully inadequate to simply say “Thank You”, but for the present that’s all we’ve got. So, for the support and guidance of Stephen Ministry, Thank You! For the people who prepared meals for the Loaves and Fishes Ministry, Thank You! For the people who from time to time brought us some of those meals, Thank You! For the people who called or spoke to me on Sunday morning, with messages of love, concern, and hope; and offers of help, Thank You! For the people responsible for “Olive Leaf”, Thank You! And Last, but certainly not least, for all of you who have so graciously included us in your daily intercessory prayers, Thank You! As I said above, it seems woefully inadequate to simply say Thank You, but we did want to let you know how we have been touched by your love and support, and how important that is and will continue to be as we face the challenges ahead. With your love and support, and the help and guidance of our Lord Jesus Christ, we are confident that we will meet these challenges and proceed to fulfill His Purpose for us. We extend our thanks, and ask that you continue to pray for us in the days, weeks, and months ahead. In Christ’s Love, Russ Deats & Family PAGE 9 Faith, Food & (Church) Family: A Summer Worship Experience This July and August, join us for our annual “Faith, Food, and Family”! Believing that deep roots lead to bountiful fruit (like love, joy, peace, and patience) in our lives, and in our world, your Spiritual Formation Ministry Team has been hard at work putting together a summer of deep roots opportunities for you and your family. Here are the details: -Worship and Sunday School during the months of July and August. As we seek to educate our children about the importance of worship and learning about God’s word, what better way to do that than to have them with us in worship on a more regular basis? Adult and Youth Sunday School Classes will continue on their own schedules and Children’s Sunday School will be offering an exciting “One Room Sunday School” option for those children who choose to continue with Sunday School through the summer. But we’ll also be asking you to consider bringing the children to Worship more often – even as we offer a new Sunday School experience. We hope that by offering them (and you) an experiential opportunity to learn about what it means to worship together, we will raise up a generation that relates what we do in the classroom AND the Sanctuary to how we live in the world. - Additionally, since the Scriptures are full of exhortations regarding eating together as the people of God, we are excited to offer you the opportunity to be ‘at the table’ with your church family for breakfast July 10-September 4. The various Men’s Groups of Wrightsville UMC will be offering Sunday Breakfast: free of charge! Join us on Sunday mornings between 9:00 and 10:15 for breakfast. What a great way to “break bread” with your church family! We’re very excited to return to our “Summer Schedule” of “Faith, Food, And Family”. Contact Sherri Ingle, Spiritual Formation Ministry Team Chair; Donna Pinckney, Director of Spiritual Formation or Nicole Roche, Director of Children’s Ministries if you have any questions! PAGE 10 Greetings congregation!!!! We have an exciting new ministry here at Wrightsville: Young Adult United Methodist (YUM) This new group is for post college, non-married (or recently married with no children) young adults. Our goal is to feed the needs of our ever growing and diverse young adult population. Please join us for our kick-off Thursday, June 9th at Cardinal Lanes Shipyard for $5 unlimited bowling from 8-11pm. Hope to see you there !!! Questions? Hey Young Adult Fellowship! It’s time for our annual night at Airlie Gardens! Pack a picnic, grab the kids and join us at Airlie on Friday, June 17, to hear Jack Jack 180 and enjoy fun and fellowship! We’re easy to find – just look for the tall Wrightsville UMC banner! Can’t wait to see you there! Page 11 THE SEAGULL KIDS CORNER “…..Jesus said to them, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL ‘Ocean Commotion’ Please be in prayer for this year’s VBS team as we prepare to welcome 170 children into our church and in hopes of leading them to Christ. Also pray for the children who will be attending this year’s Ocean Commotion VBS. It is my prayer they will receive the good news about Christ’s love and forgiveness. EACH ONE, REACH ONE! Please make your plans to invite a friend or two to “Each One Reach One!” The Sunday school classes have been working on invitations to hand out to their friends, inviting them to come to Sunday school on June 5th at 9:40 a.m. Each class will hold a small welcome reception during the Sunday school hour. SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS The last day of the 2015-2016 Sunday school year will be June 19th. I want to personally thank each and every teacher for being the hands and feet of Jesus this past year. If you are interested or willing to teach this upcoming year (2016-2017) please contact Nicole at Kick-off Sunday will be Sunday, September 11th at 9:40 a.m. SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL! We will kick off Summer Sunday school on July 10th at 9:40 a.m. Ages 3 years old preschool - first grade will meet in one room downstairs in room 109. Second grade -fifth grade will meet upstairs in room 204-B. We will run these two rooms from July 10th-August 28th. Question? Email Nicole at JUNE 2016 Page 12 Calling all Middle School Girls & their Moms! Check out a Super Cool 7 week Bible Study! Details on page 6! Save The Date! Mission Trip Fundraising: Parking cars for July 4th Holiday! Saturday, July 2: 11 a.m. Sunday, July 3: 12:15 p.m. Monday, July 4: 11:00 a.m. Reminders about Mission Trips! Second payment is due June 15th Thanks! Meet at St. Pauls’ UMC at Carolina Beach at 2:30 p.m. RSVP to Christina! 4:12 Schedule Sunday, June 12th 4:12 will be headed to Outdoor Adventure Challenge Course! 1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Free & lots of fun! Details will be emailed out! Make plans to join us! Terrific Tuesday, June 21st Beach Day! For all Middle and High Schoolers 2:00-5:00 p.m.! Bring your beach gear & snacks! Meet @ church! Tuesday, June 28th Middle School Mission Trip Mix & Mingle for Parents & youth. 6:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall Join us for Dinner and Fun! Come & meet your Faith Keeper Chaperones & learn more about the trip! Congratulations Seniors! Congrats to All of our seniors who are graduating! Join us in celebrating them on Sunday, June 5th, at the 11:15 service with a reception to follow! JUNE 2016 Page 13 Back to School! No, the title’s not a typo! Although most of us are counting down days until the end of this school year, others in year-round schools are already preparing for the start of the next. Our C4C school, Snipes Academy, is switching to a year-round program and will be kicking off their next school year in July. We have been asked to help them get ready by donating three composition notebooks for each student. That’s 1,500 notebooks, but we’re confident WUMC can meet the challenge. We’ll be collecting the black and white “marble” wide-ruled composition books during June. Please continue to support Snipes students by donating composition books this month. Last Day of School at Snipes: FUN DAY! Thanks in part to contributions from WUMC’s C4C luncheon, Snipes Academy will end the 2015-2016 school year with a Fun Day on the last day of school, June 9th. Many of the games will be manned by our volunteers under the tents donated by our congregations. What a Fun Way to end the school year! NC Education Lottery To thank the staff at Snipes, the Teacher Appreciation committee will be honoring them with their own NC Education Lottery the last day of school. Each teacher will draw from a bowl filled with gift cards to area restaurants, stores, etc. If you’d like to donate a gift card, please contact Lisa Brewster at 297-5185. Collection Corner Thanks to all who contributed books for Give Five-Read Five on the shelves in the Caring Corner in May. This month we’re switching to composition notebooks (see article above). Packages of individually -wrapped snacks are also always needed. Page 14 THE SEAGULL June 2016 Birthdays 1. Howard Rockness, Joy Whitlow, Nickie Ray, Kirstin Lewis, Emma Kenny, Essie Kenny, Charlie Fatzinger, Gloria Edwards 2. Ann Millard, Lynn Davis, John Zabriskie, Edward Simmons, Lisa Caddell, Olivia Hutsell, Mason Whitlow, Alex Beste, Courtney Aughtry, Greg Pittillo 3. Tom Richardson, Nancy Smith, Ann Holt, Patrick Weaver, Jennifer Harris, Margaret Gresham, Kim Turner Freshwater, Linda Ritenhour, Ann McBryde Barker 4. Diane Ginthner, Teresa Willetts, Judi Wells, Katie Strobush, Michael Everhardt 5. Paula Suber, Steve Hughes, Paige Nagle, Emily Leister, Brent Moore, Jessica Spencer, John Robert McNeill, Madeline Claire McNeill 6. Jim Whitaker, Alex Eakins, Yates Weaver, Lacey Kleppinger, J.W. Musselwhite, Jim Whitaker 7. Linda Smith, Olivia Ward, Melissa Schosek, Leah Scaringe 8. Ed Goldston, Kathy Tunks, Carl Rogers, Mae Rowley, Eleanor Snell, Tim Moore, Morgan Lazorchick, Morgan Bulla, Lee Cowper 9. Steve Wahnsiedler, Shannon Maus, Zoe Caliva, Mike Saieed 10. Elise Kelly, Wes Edwards, Dixon Dickens 11. Andy Anderson, Kristen Bazemore, Cate Beste 12. Jan Burgess, June Preast, Colby Byrd, Parker Whitlow 13. Frank Leak, Beth Adams 14. Bill Kirby, Ann Shearon, Jane Roberson, Lindsay Bass, Sallie Jones, Sophie Whisnant, Zak Giuffre, Ben Pleasants, Jackson Renton, Graham Farrell 15. Ray Parkhurst, Walt Andrews, Deb Shulse, Jennifer Firth, Eva Taylor 16. Lois Liborio, Tyson Bridger, Amy Oots 17. Paige Sweyer, Natalie Kermon, Amy Caliva, Nate Landon, Rudy Dombroski 18. Diane Bame, Todd Garrett, David Hearn 19. Susan Treadway, Len Jenkins, Erika Lewis, Tyler Baucom, Michael Madden, Liam Schumacher, Logan Schumacher, Selah Hebbard 20. Caroline Lytle, Maggie Venters, Zack Gowdy, Amy Fisher, Kris Sipe, Bill McClain 21. Phil Phillips, David Sweyer, Irene Seeling, Beth Perry, Mary Honbarrier, Sienna Kanyok, Allen Rippy, III, Kaylee Thigpen, Mel Chilton 22. Steve Cotton, Robert Wszalek, Jessie Batson, Claudia Webb, Jennie Duncan, Martha Blacher, Hadley Midgett 23. Becky Phillips, Roland Stoner, Cissie Brooks, Isabel Demolina 24. Bernie Morgan, Janice Catlin, Tiffany McWhorter, Dylan Nelson, Brooks Isear, Lauren Dudley 25. Larry Snider, Bob Jones, Lynn Neill, Harper Menius, Peter Sweyer 26. Bill Jump, Alice Dean, Jennifer Dennis, Nina Neill, Ben Wagenseller, Eliana Horne, Max Lewis, Meredith Howell 27. Jeff Sweyer, Pernilla Kanyok, Wesley Kanyok, Mack Carson, Walt Carson, Mason Doyle 28. Lib Sheets, Cheryl Newman 29. Martha Chase, Jim Batey, Conrad Pope, Reagan Landon, Doug Leonard, Phyllis Shanklin 30. Debi Byrd, Dino Ankrah, John Blackwell, Jack Cunius, Ali Blackwell, Darrin Scott, Addison Fagan, Gary Casselman, Angela Crittenden, Jayden Wingate If you have news to share with your church family, please email Susan ( by June 15 so it may be included in the July edition of The Seagull. Thank you. JUNE 2016 PAGE 15 Prayer List June 2016 “Pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective.” Ivy Faith Bond Betty Bouras Carol Anderson Joe Farr Joel Stephenson John Kelley David Winders Peter Brown Ruffin Jim Johnson Marie Stewart Tom & Laura Connolly Katie Charlene Woody Kara Ann Lyon Mary Helen Barr Chet Stukes Bud & Audrey Laney Sara Lawson & Family Chris Combs Mr. McAdams Dahlia Froeber Rachel Barker Paxton Acevedo Family Country of Isreal Dee Capps Roger Cash & Family Cole Kacey Alex Jones Ruth Anne Freidrichs Steve Post & Family Brenda Buie Jonathon Carol Blake Smith Fran Russ Laura Clark Joni Young John Sandlin Laura Johnson Ean Webb Carter Daniels & Family Phil Barker Ruth Johnson Julie Allen Summer Chavez Rose Roper Luther Judie Eakins Tess Perry Marjorie Fields Kim Smith Vic McGee Al Barry Jean Collie Sherry Ward Harvie Ogle Bob Tayloe Manny Keck Dale Poole Kristy Accetta Brenda Gooden Cora Gleaves Jim & Marsha Barnes Connie Woodard James 5:16 Scott Watkins Russ & Phyllis Deats Susan Yow Meredith Morgan Eric Berman Benny Freeland Leslie Teague Melanie James DeAnne Thompson Debbie Wrench Shirley Pigford Scott Corbett Charlie Swing Colby Honeycutt Stella Menius Morgan Thomas Rick Keenan Jordan Shomaker Cristi & Family USMC 2D CEBCamp Lejeune Ann Davenport The Louthan Family Shelia Evans Ingela Kirby Nancy Monroe Our Country Bobby Sutton Devon Plumer Lindsay Barnwell Tony Nicholson Ellie Duckett Our Service Men & Women A requested prayer of thanks from many who have benefited from our prayers Elizabeth Farrar (Marion Dalgleish’s mother), Perky Blake (Edie Blake’s mother), Karen Pechersky, Jan Hendricks (Tyrone Rowell’s sister), Jennifer Smith (MaryAnn Roberson’s sister-in-law), Neil McManus (Phil Dattilo’s grandfather), Wade Shanklin, Frances Luisa Charles (Lydia Desmond’s mother). Prayer request cards may be found in the pew pockets and inside of the Attendance Pads. Please fill them out legibly, and be sure to include your name and phone number, without which we cannot publish your request in either the bulletin or the newsletter. If you wish to have a note sent, please include the mailing address. If you do not have it with you, please call the church office (256-4471) with the information. Thank you. Page 16 THE SEAGULL Participating in Worship in June 2016 8:30 Worship 9:45 Worship 11:15 Worship Greeters 06/05: Team One 06/12: Team Two 06/19: Team Three 06/26: Team Four Greeters 06/05: Team Three 06/12: Team Four 06/19: Team Five 06/26: Team One Greeters 06/05: Team One 06/12: Team Two 06/19: Team Three 06/26: Team Four Ushers 06/05: Team Two 06/12: Team Three 06/19: Team Four 06/26: Team One Ushers 06/05: Team Three 06/12: Team Four 06/19: Team Five 06/26: Team One Ushers 06/05: Team One 06/12: Team Two 06/19: Team Three 06/26: Team Four Lay Readers 06/05: Bob Jones 06/12: Nancy Jones 06/19: Dick Horgan 06/26: Dale Smith Lay Readers 06/05: Connie Rogers 06/12: Ginny Brown 06/19: Pam Hutsell 06/26: Julia Campbell Lay Readers 06/05: Phyllis Shanklin 06/12: Teresa Smith 06/19: Gloria Kidd 06/26: Jared Kerr Worship Bags: 06/05: Joyce Galloway 06/26: Geri Haynes Fellowship 8:30 06/05: 06/12: 06/19: 06/26: Susan Fieldstein Linda & Dick Chapman Chris & Don Reichard JoAnne & Howard Rockness 9:45/11:15 06/05: Gwen & John Hawley 06/12: Shannon & Bill Maus 06/19: Leslie & Neill Clark 06/26 Vick/Reynolds 06/12: Phyllis Barnard Preschool Nursery 06/19: Pat Hardison Altar Guild 8:30 06/05: 06/12: 06/19: 06/26: M. Roberson/A. Crittenden A. Fields/R. Freeman G. Vick/B. Lovell Brook & Fraley Kelley Flowers 06/05: Eunice Andrews 06/12: Eunice Andrews 06/19: Walt & Eunice Andrews 06/26: Sally Crandall 11:15 06/05: 06/12: 06/19: 06/26: Dabney Schultz Alexandra Draughon Jennifer Fagan Lynn Felton Sanctuary 06/05: Jean Sandlin 06/12: Susan Snider 06/19: Sue Bridge 06/26: Geri Haynes Kempton Worship Team 06/05 Worship Leader: Ann Sawyer Communion Stewards: Carla Schiffel, Betsy Summey, Malcolm Leonard Kitchen Patrol June: July: Mike Hutsell Martha Chase/ Gladys Beach Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard Lesli Musselwhite Interfaith Hospitality begins (and runs through July 10th) Pastor Edie’s Last Sunday 26 New Members Join Today 27 6:00 pm Middle School Mission Trip Mix & Mingle 7:00 pm Stephen Ministry 28 2:00 pm 4:12 Beach Day! 21 6:00 pm Handbells 7:15 pm Chancel Choir 29 6:00 pm Handbells 6:00 pm Farewell Dinner for Pastor Edie in FH 7:15 pm Chancel Choir 22 Last Day for Children’s SS 20 8:55 am-12:30 pm VBS 15 19 8:55 am-12:30 pm VBS 14 6:00 pm MS Boys 6:00 pm Handbells 7:15 pm Chancel Choir 8 8:00 pm AA 6:45 am Men’s Bible Study 30 8:00 pm AA 6:45 am Men’s Bible Study 23 6:45 am Men’s Bible Study 8:55 am-12:30 pm VBS 8:00 pm AA 16 6:45 am Men’s Bible Study 8:00 pm AA 8:00 pm Young Adult United Methodist (YUM) Bowling @ Cardinal Lanes 9 8:00 pm AA 6:45 am Men’s Bible Study 6:30 pm Handbells 7:15 pm Chancel Choir 2 10:30 am La Leche Thu 1 Wed 6:00 pm Handbells 7:15 pm Chancel Choir 8:55 am -12:30 pm VBS 6:00 pm PVUMC Celebration for Pastor Edie 7 Tue 12:00 pm VBS Set-up 1:00 pm 4:12 to Outdoor Adventure Challenge Course 13 9:45 am Disciple Recognition 6 Mon 12 9:45 am “Each One, Reach One” Children’s Sunday” 11:15 am Baccalaureate 2:30 pm 4:12 “Dive into Compassion” 5 First Foods Sunday Every Sunday Worship 8:30, 9:45 & 11:15 a.m. Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. Sun June 2016 24 6:30 pm Young Adults To Airlie Gardens 17 10 3 Fri 8:00 pm NA 25 8:00 pm NA 18 8:00 pm NA 11 8:00 pm NA 9:00 am-12:00 pm New Member Class 4 Sat Page 17 4 Live Oak Drive / PO Box 748 Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 Return Service Requested Mark your calendars now for our Patriotic Service on Sunday, July 3rd!