ARCC NOTES - Abbey Road Christian Church


ARCC NOTES - Abbey Road Christian Church
July 6, 2016
Volume 41, Issue 26
(Disciples of Christ)
Sunday, July 3rd BackStage Faith met at
Judy Cureton’s house for our session.
We had pizza on the front porch and discussion on her rooftop. It was a magical
evening, complete with bats! Pictured
Bethany Whitehouse, Cody Cole, Chris
Albertson, Sabrina Ward, Marian Kramer,
Jim Atwood, Judy Cureton and her dog
Ginger. (Photo taken by Pastor Ron)
Adult Sunday School July 10
The Green Room class will continue a
study of Christianity’s Family Tree: What
Christians Believe and Why by Adam
Hamilton ($10.12 for paperback & $9.61
for Kindle). Please read Chapter 4
(“Presbyterianism: the Sovereignty of
God”, pp. 59-70). The book examines
Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Lutheranism,
Presbyterianism, Anglicanism, Baptists,
Pentecostalism, and Methodism. If you
would like a copy of the book, please
The Middle Room class will begin on
page 182 (“Trembling Giant”) & continue on for 10-20 pages in Rachel Held
Evans book, Searching for Sunday.
“In the Good Ole Summer Time”
Sermon Series
Pastor Ron concludes his time with
us here at Abbey Road with a 5 week
sermon series. On July 3, we heard part
1: “What Time Is It?”. The remainder of
the series schedule is as follows:
 A donation to the Food Bank was
made by Amanda Kiehne in honor of
her mother, Debbie Balsano, on her
Golden Boys will meet at 8:00 on
Tuesday at My Daddy’s Cheesecake.
Please join us for breakfast and conversation
Many thanks to Peggy Bentlage &
Jim Main for helping put up & take
down the flag display over the weekend.
There are a few nice plastic food
containers in the kitchen; please pick
them up—or leave them for the garage sale!
John & Deborah Browne, Del Brunton, Bernice
Osborn, Connie Gibson, Kenny Werner, Gene
Farrar, Luther Hunt, Barbara Farrar, Bonnie
Hennessy, Mary Ann Heinsman, Justin Vines,
Jimmy Smith, Jim & Linda Green, Nancy Matherne,
Maxie McKenzie & family, Bill Ludlow, Charles Blattner, Bill Pratt,
Mark Faith, Tom Simpson, Billy Bess, Dorothy Lowes, Ed Tilley,
Calvin Wells, Bill Cox, Nelda Simpson, Carla Jordan, Emily Long,
relatives & friends serving in the military, all who are hurting,
lonely, and afraid
Do you have someone to add to our prayer list? Please
inform the church office or fill out a form found at
the back of the sanctuary.
Serving on Sunday July 10
9:30 a.m.
At Table: Martin Needels (c), David Giles (o)
Distribution: Jim Main, Anne McDonough + ushers
Communion Prep: Marge Janssen
Scripture Reader: Charmagne Schneider
Greeters: Felicia Fox, Diane Simpher
Ushers: Linda Dillman, Dwight Powers
Worship Capt.: Melanie Sherinski
Soundboard: Breedon/Dean
July 10
Time to Pray
Luke 11:1-13
July 17
Time to Fly
Deuteronomy 32:1-14
July 24
Time to Claim Yes
2 Corinthians 1:18-22
July 31
Time to Say Goodbye
Acts 20:17-24; 36-38
Ron’s last Sunday at ARCC is July 31.
A dinner will be held in his honor at
11:30. Please bring a dish to share.
Our new pastor, Rev. Dr. Jeffrey
Long, will begin his ministry with us on
August 1, & will be installed on Sunday,
August 7. A dinner will be held on the
7th to welcome Jeff & his family to Abbey Road Christian Church.
Worship Notes
July 3
Attendance: 75
First-time guests: 3
Regular friends: 7
Offering: $5,208
Lectionary for
July 10
Amos 7:7-17
Psalm 82
Colossians 1:1-14
Luke 10:25-37
Thursday, July 7
8:00am Women’s Breakfast Group at The Pie Safe,
Pocahontas; meet at ARCC at 8-8:15am to carpool
Sunday, July 10
9:30am Worship Service
9:30am Abbey Rd. Adventures for children, K-6th grade
10:30am Fellowship
10:45am Sunday School
6:00pm BackStage Faith, 15 Spanish
Tuesday, July 12
8:00am Golden Boys at My Daddy’s Café & Bakery
Wednesday, July 13
9:30am Bible Study
6:00pm New Life Singers practice
July 5, 2016
To God’s Beloved at Abbey Road Christian Church;
I write you this letter to say thank you and to encourage you. It’s hard to believe that
my time with you is nearly complete—this year has gone by so quickly. But one filled with
more blessings than can be counted.
Thank you for welcoming me, not just as your Pastor but as a person. You’ve given me
full permission to be myself, both in my interactions with you and in the pulpit, and that is a
great gift. You have provided me with a generous income as well as a generous opening of
your lives. You have trusted me to lead you as well as teaching me more about the gift of the
Church to individuals and the wider community. You have been sensitive to my needs and
well being, and thus the joy of ministry has been a two way street. You have been willing to
try some new things, and to get clarity about identity and mission. In short, we took a
chance on each other and what abundant dividends it has paid! So, from the bottom of my
heart, thank you for giving me the privilege of entering your hearts and community during
this last year. I have made friendships here that I will treasure for all eternity.
As I offer this first farewell, Philippians 1 captures the stirrings of my spirit towards
you: “I thank my God every time I mention you in my prayers. I’m thankful for all of you
every time I pray, and it’s always a prayer full of joy. I’m glad because of the way you have
been my partners in the ministry of the gospel from the time you first believed until now. I’m
sure about this: the one who started a good work in you will stay with you to complete the
job by the day of Christ Jesus…God is my witness that I feel affection for all of you with the
compassion of Jesus Christ.”
Your future in God is bright. Keep your heart open to your new Pastor and trust Spirit
to take you to new places yet undreamed. As I pass the baton of leadership, I do so with confidence that a gentle and gifted Shepherd will continue to care for you. Live deeply into the
reality that you are God’s Beloved and release the uniqueness of your personality and giftedness for the common good. Take your place at the Table, and one day soon I’ll see you at the
Heavenly Banquet and we’ll remember God’s faithfulness toward us during this brief moment in time. What a day that will be!
To the Glory of God and in the Name of Jesus Christ,

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