program - Shenstone Baptist Church


program - Shenstone Baptist Church
A c t i v i t i e s f o r t h e We e k
6:00-7:30 a.m.
6:25-8:15 p.m.
6:30-8:30 p.m.
7:00-9:00 p.m.
7:00-9:30 p.m.
Men’s Prayer Group: Act Like Men. A time of prayer
and accountability for each other and our church (perhaps
a small devotional). Open to any men who want to join us!
Contact: Dan Blosdale (519-754-1566)
Pioneer Club continues for children in SK to Grade 6 here
at the church. For more information please contact Chris
Small Group: Revelation (David Jeremiah) at the home of
Ken & Ruth Bell. This group meets every week. (Full)
...a caring place for family and
friends to grow together!
Small Group: Following Christ at the home of Peter &
Janina Dekker (920-406 Colborne St. ) This group meets
every week. (Room for more)
Small Group: Study tba—Held at the church, lead by Ted
& Sherri Comer. This group meets every week. (Full)
Youth Laser Tag extended night for grades 7-12. Meet
at the church at 5:45pm sharp and then heading to
5:45-11:00 p.m.
Kitchener to Laser Quest. Cost: $15 plus money for
Wendy’s. We will then come back to the church for our
Bible lesson and games. Contact: Scott & Mandy Calberry
Please note:
 The Small Group led by Chris & Janet John (at Betty Neumann’s
home) will resume in a week or two. (room for more)
 The Small group led by Dan & Julia Blosdale will begin on Feb. 8
and run every other week. (God’s at War by Kyle Idelman).
Room for more!
Attention Ladies: Emmanuel Bible Church in Simcoe is hosting a
Ladies Conference on Sat. February 21 from 9 am until 3 pm entitled
“Unleashing God’s Transforming Power”. Lunch and coffee break
included. Registration is $35 before Feb.6 and $45 after. Please
contact Sherri Comer @ 519-753-7161 to register.
Interim Pastor: Rev. Jim Reese
25 St. George Street
Brantford, ON N3R 1T9
Phone: 519-756-2870
January 25, 2015
Thank you for joining us today at Shenstone Baptist
Church. If you are one of our guests today, please note that
there is a nursery available upstairs for children 0-3 years old
during the morning service. We also have a morning children’s
program for children aged 4-8 that will be dismissed mid-way
through the service. Our service will include worship choruses
and hymns led by the praise team, some special music, followed
by the message.
Whether you are a regular or a guest, we’d like to ask you to
fill out the Friendship Registry Book as it is passed along the
pew. We’d love to have a record of you being with us today.
If we can be of help to you in some way, please speak to one
of the ushers, someone you see on the platform or write a note
in the Friendship Registry.
10:30 a.m.
This morning Shenstone welcomes Missionary
Mario Bruno to share with us. Special music provided
by Jamie & Karen Bowen.
Please note there will not be an evening service.
A Prayer Group meets each Sunday from
10:30-11a.m. in Room # 3 downstairs. If you
are interested in praying for our church services,
you are welcome to join with them for one or all
of the Sundays. For more info, please contact
Sherri Comer (519-753-7161).
Next Sunday
Sunday School continues for all ages, nursery to adult!
10:30 a.m. Pastor Jim Reese will share “Hell and How to Avoid
It”. Please note there will not be an evening service.
News and Notes
PASTOR JIM REESE is at the church this Wednesday (9 - 5) and
available for appointments and visitation. His email is
SUNDAY EVENING SERVICES will begin again on February
22 at 6 pm. Pastor Jim Reese will present an eleven-week series on
THE MOUNTAINS OF GOD from Ararat: The Mount of New Beginnings, to Zion: The Mount of Christ's Reign. This will be of
interest to teens and pre-teens as well as all adults.
Directory Correction:
HAULEY, Ralph* (#36).............................................519-752-4734
SATURDAY FEB 7TH, 8am Men’s Breakfast open to boys/
men of all ages. Come for a hearty meal to start the day, followed
by the powerful testimony of Gord Jackson. Gord was born in
Brantford and is a graduate of London Baptist Bible College (now
Heritage). He served as a youth pastor in two churches here in
Ontario for a total of 8 years. Then in the mid 1990s, God led his
family to join a mission called Josiah Venture, spending most of
the next 12 years in Poland. For the past 7 years, Gord has been
on staff at Cedar Creek Community Church in Cambridge as an
Associate Pastor. Married for 30 years to Liz, the couple have 3
grown children, who all love the Lord. Gord is a cancer survivor,
having been free of the disease now for the past 19 months. He
will share the lessons he learned through his journey and how God
has sustained and stretched him through this experience.