A c t i v i t i e s f o r t h e We e k GriefShare continues at the church. Each session during the 12 week module is self-contained and anyone who has 12:30-2:00 p.m. experienced the death of a loved one is welcome to attend. The cost, including the workbook, is $20. For more information please call Ken & Ruth Bell at 519-754-4228. Tuesday Wednesday 6:00-7:30 a.m. Wednesday 6:25-8:15 p.m. Men’s Prayer Group: Act Like Men. A time of prayer and accountability for each other and our church (perhaps a small devotional). Open to any men who want to join us! Contact: Dan Blosdale (519-754-1566) SHENSTONE BAPTIST CHURCH ...a caring place for family and friends to grow together! Pioneer Club continues for SK to grade 6 here at the church! Please see Tracey Wagstaff for more information or to register. Youth Service Saturday for grades 7-12! Join us for a work day followed by a lunch out. See note below. 9 a.m.-1:00p.m. Contacts: Scott & Mandy Calberry Saturday Youth News: Please note there will not be a Youth meeting on Friday October 31st. On Saturday, November 1st, we are having a Service Saturday from 9-12, with a 12-1 lunch. Please bring money for lunch and let Mandy Calberry know by Wednesday, October 29th if you can attend. Shenstone’s Christmas Banquet will be held on Saturday November 29. If you are interested in helping out, please contact Keziah Campbell, Brittany Johnston or Janet John. If you have taken home a royal blue ladies coat, please check the size as you may have the wrong one. Please contact the office. Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child boxes are now available in the foyer. A list with recommended items is available on the table. Please return your boxes by November 16th. 4 Shenstone Baptist Church 25 St. George Street Brantford, ON N3R 1T9 Phone: 519-756-2870 E-mail: October 26, 2014 Thank you for joining us today at Shenstone Baptist Church. If you are one of our guests today, please note that there is a nursery available upstairs for children 0-3 years old during the morning service. We also have a morning children’s program for children aged 4-8 that will be dismissed mid-way through the service. Our service will include worship choruses and hymns led by the praise team, some special music, followed by the message. As our guest, we’d like to ask you to fill out the Friendship Registry Book as it is passed along the pew. We’d love to send you a small gift to thank you for being with us today. If we can be of help to you in some way, please speak to one of the ushers, someone you see on the platform or write a note in the Friendship Registry. 10:30 a.m. Rev. Gary Lidstone from FEB International shares this morning; he and his wife Kim are the Member Care Coordinators, providing pastoral care to the FEB International missionaries. Special music provided by Win & Doreen Johnson . Next Sunday Sunday School continues for all ages, nursery to adult! 10:30 a.m. Missionary Kwashi Amenudzie will be with us; Rosemary Samwell will provide special music. (No pm service) News and Notes J.O.Y. Ministry (50+) Planning Meeting—Nov. 20 at 2 p.m. We would encourage all who are interest in seeing this ministry continue, to attend this meeting. Shenstone Men’s Breakfast—Sat. Nov. 8th, 8:00-9:45am All men/boys are welcome to start the day with a delicious breakfast here at the church, followed by guest speaker, Pastor Terry Ciona from Pleasant Valley Community Church here in Brantford. Ministry Opportunity: We are in need of some willing folks to host our visiting speakers (& spouses) for lunch over the coming weeks. If you’d be willing to be put on a list for this opportunity, please sign the clipboard or speak to Brad Loveday 519-752-7125. Time Change Reminder: 12 Noon—Orchestra Practice in the auditorium; Choir Practice downstairs. Please note: There will not be an evening service tonight. A Prayer Group meets each Sunday from 10:30-11a.m. in Room # 3 downstairs. If you are interested in praying for our church services, you are welcome to join with them for one or all of the Sundays. For more info, please contact Sherri Comer (519-753-7161). 2 If anyone is interested in attending the upcoming Promise Keepers Conference on November 14/15, please speak with Shawn Campbell. GriefShare will be running the “Surviving the Holidays” Seminar on Saturday November 22 from 1-3 p.m. More details to come.