ARCC NEWS March 2 , 2016 Volume 41, Issue 8 573.335.3422 (Disciples of Christ) InterFaith Neighbors: Building Bridges and Friendships (A Muslim/Christian Meal and Dialogue) Sunday, March 6, 5pm—7pm at Abbey Road Christian Church We will begin with a potluck meal to be brought by all participants; ARCC will provide brisket, chicken, and drinks. We will begin the meal promptly at 5pm, so please be there by 4:45, at the latest. We encourage everyone to sit with some folks you may not yet know. The format will be the sharing of the following 3 topics, one at a time, with a brief presentation from each tradition followed by large group discussion. Topics are: 1. Is the ‘Other’ my neighbor? 2. Misunderstanding and truth 3. How I live out my faith Please RSVP to the church office by Thursday, March 3 (335-3422; if you will attend this enlightening event. Parking Lot Repair Your Help is Needed! Our parking lot is in dire need of repair! There are cracks and fractures over the entire lot and driveway. Some of those near the building have been highlighted so you can see the work that needs to be done. We are now accepting donations to help finance the estimated $7,600 in repairs. To date, we have received $2,075. If you can give, please make check payable to ARCC & designate “parking lot” in the memo line. Your donation will be credited to your financial report. Thank you! ARCC will hold a garage sale in the summer or early fall. Proceeds will be used for parking lot repairs. Start saving your stuff now! We will not be accepting your donations until close to sale time. Watch the newsletter for dates & times. Adult Sunday School March 6 The Green Room class will continue our study of God Is Not One: The Eight Rival Religions that Run the World, by Stephen Prothero. Please read chapter 1, “Islam,” pp. 25-49. If you would like a copy ($11.93 for paperback; $12.99 for Kindle), please email and a copy will be ordered for you. The Middle Room class will continue chapter 1, “Baptism”, with discussion of section 4: “Chubby Bunny”, beginning on page 23, of Rachel Held Evans book, Searching for Sunday: Loving, Leaving, and Finding the Church. Both classes have just begun study of new books. This is a great time to join a class! 10:45 a.m. each Sunday! MARY ESTES’ 84th birthday is Saturday, March 5. All are invited to a drop-in celebration at the Chateau from 10-11:30 a.m. for cake & ice cream. Cards are welcome; no gifts, please. Communion Preparation If you’re looking for a way to serve on Sunday mornings, communion preparation might be a good fit for you! More people are needed who are willing to learn & do this easy task. If you’d like to try it out, please call the church office. If you like, someone can be available to walk you through the preparation routine, so you feel comfortable to take on the job yourself. Please give it some thought! Hannah Harmon, a young woman from the Cape Girardeau area, will be with us in worship on March 13. Hannah has a passion to address human trafficking and will be leaving on March 21 to begin a 12,000 mile bicycle ride around the country designed to raise awareness about human trafficking. Come and hear about her passion and adventure! A basket will be available to receive a love offering for Hannah’s mission. MARCH 2016 SCHEDULE 9: 30 a.m. Service AT THE TABLE Communion Offering (Person doing communion does Greetings/Anncmnts.) March 6 March 13 March 20 March 27 Randy McLain David Giles Steve Jordan Judy Cureton Judy McLain Glenda Zink Troy Dooley Dennis Underwood DISTRIBUTION March 6 March 13 March 20 March 27 Liz Cook, Anne McDonough Peggy Bentlage, Anne McDonough Peggy Bentlage, Adrian Wills Liz Cook, Glenda Zink Remember! PREPARATION OF COMMUNION March 6 March 13 March 20 March 27 You must get a re- Darla Snider Marge Janssen Carolyn Taylor Melanie Sherinski placement if you cannot serve and please give the name of the sub to the Worship SCRIPTURE READER March 6 March 13 March 20 March 27 Captain and the Steve Jordan Marge Janssen Darla Snider Judy Cureton Church Office. Thank you! GREETERS March 6 March 13 March 20 March 27 Felicia Fox, Naida Wills Felicia Fox, Naida Wills J R & E R Fischer Deanna & Larry Easley USHERS March 6 March 13 March 20 March 27 Steve & Karen Piker Kilja Israel, Marian Kramer Calvin & Carol Wells Ed Tilley, Adrian Wills WORSHIP CAPTAIN March 6 March 13 March 20 March 27 Carolyn Taylor Felicia Fox Ed Tilley Melanie Sherinski SOUNDBOARD Barbara Breedon/Brian Dean all month *Regular Sunday Schedule 9:30am Worship Service 9:30am Abbey Road Adventures for children, K-6th 10:30am Fellowship 10:45am Sunday School Sun Mon Tue 1 Wed Thu 2 Fri Sat 3 4 8am Women’s Breakfast at Bob Evans 5 10p BackStage Faith * 6 7 8 5p Muslim/Christian Meal & Dialogue 9 10 5:30p Sr. Dinner at Don Carlos (inside the mall) 10p BackStage Faith 11 12 18 19 14 15 16 17 8am Women’s Breakfast at Bob Evans 20 Palm Sunday 21 22 23 24 Maundy Thurs. 25 Good Friday 26 13 * DST Begins 6p Town Hall Mtg. w/desserts * 7:00 a.m. Holy Week Breakfasts & Devotions 6pm. Service 5:30p Sr. Dinner at Olive Garden 27 Easter 8am Breakfast 28 29 Cantata The Light of the World Corey Easley Linda Dillman Mary Estes Karen Piker Avery Kiehne Jean Dinwiddie Beverly King 31 8am Women’s Breakfast at Bob Evans Meet Weekly: 10p BackStage Faith No Sunday School 2 4 5 9 10 15 18 30 10p BackStage Faith Seder Meal 6am-6pm Prayer Vigil Abbey Rd. Computer Lab Thursdays 9:30 am All About Email 20 Van Ayers 23 Bobbi King Fridays 3/4 & 3/18 10am Genealogy Tuesday 8am Golden Boys Wednesday 9:30am Bible Study Thursday 6pm New Life Singers 10pm BackStage Faith John & Deborah Browne, Del Brunton, Bernice Osborn, Connie Gibson, Kenny Werner, Paul Hendrix, Gene Farrar, Lorelai Clubb, Pastoral Search Committee, Luther Hunt, Mary Jane Wills, Mary Ann Heinsman, Justin Vines, Jimmy Smith, Bonnie Hennessy, Barbara Farrar, Mary Estes, Gerald Dooley, Dorothy Lowes, Jim & Linda Stevenson Greene, Nancy Stevenson Matherne, Maxie McKenzie & family, Charles Blattner, Bill Ludlow George Amick, relatives & friends serving in the military, all who are hurting, lonely, and afraid (Disciples of Christ) 2411 Abbey Road Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 Rev. Ron Routledge, Transitional Minister , Do you have someone to add to our prayer list? Please inform the church office or fill out a form found at the back of the sanctuary. Phone: 573-335-3422 Please note: Names will be removed from the prayer list after 3 months unless Fax: 573-335-6996 an update is made to the church office. E-mail:!/pages/Abbey-Road-Christian-Church/332270383559624?fref=ts 2016 Board of Elders’ Officers Chair: Stephen Jordan Chair-Elect: Allen Taylor Past-Chair: Donald Gentle Finance Chair: Billy Bess Board Secretary: Leslee Pollina Trustee Chair: Dennis Underwood Elder At-Large: Karen Piker Serving on Sunday, March 6 At Table: Randy McLain (c), Judy McLain (o) Distribution: Liz Cook, Anne McDonough + ushers Communion Prep: Darla Snider Scripture Reader: Steve Jordan Greeters: Felicia Fox, Naida Wills Ushers: Karen & Steven Piker Worship Capt.: Carolyn Taylor Soundboard: Breedon/Dean CALENDAR Thursday, March 3 8:00am Women’s Breakfast Group at Bob Evans 9:30am ARCL: All About Email 6:00pm New Life Singers practice 10:00pm BackStage Faith Friday, March 4 10:00am ARCL: Genealogy 1:00pm Church Women United World Day of Prayer Sunday, March 6 9:30am Worship Service 9:30am Abbey Rd. Adventures for children, K-6th grade 10:30am Fellowship 10:45am Sunday School 5:00pm Muslim/Christian Meal & Dialogue Tuesday, March 8 8:00am Golden Boys at My Daddy’s Café & Bakery Wednesday, March 9 9:30am Bible Study Worship Notes February 28 Attendance: 81 First-time guests: 3 Regular friends: 16 Offering: $2,840 Lectionary for March 6 Joshua 5:9-12 Psalm 32 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32 Congratulations to Griffin King on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. Golden Boys will meet at 8am on Tuesday at My Daddy’s Cheesecake. Please join us for breakfast and conversation. Church Women United will host World Day of Prayer at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Jackson at 1pm on Friday, March 4. A signup chart is on the bulletin board for Holy Week Breakfasts and Devotions, March 21-25. If you would give a devotion or prepare a breakfast during Holy Week, please put your name on the chart under the day you would prefer. Thanks!
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