St John the Evangelist Great Stanmore
St John the Evangelist Great Stanmore
St John the Evangelist Great Stanmore November 2016 24 Price 50p 1 PARISH ORGANISATIONS SUNDAY SERVICES 8am 9.30am Children 9.30am 9.30am 11am 5pm Holy Communion (Order One in traditional language) Parish Communion (Order One) or All-Age Communion Coffee is served in Church House after this service Junior Church (4-12yrs) in Church House (also crèche for babies) Holy Baptism (after due preparation) Morning Prayer (BCP) Evening Service (see Weekly Bulletin for details) WEEKDAY SERVICES 10.30am Tuesday Holy Communion Holy and Saints' Days as announced CHURCH OFFICIALS AND STAFF Rector The Reverend Matthew Stone The Rectory, 14 Chambers Walk Stanmore, HA7 4FN 020 8954 3876 Commissioned Lay Preacher Jeremy Aspinall 020 8954 8475 Assistant Curate The Reverend Daniel Norris 07889 461494 07971 219918 Readers Jean Orpwood Frances Westcott Lydia McLean 020 3645 0491 020 8952 8665 020 8952 5990 Readers Emeriti Michael Carmody Dr Daphne Johnson Dr John Mair 01895 831 472 020 8958 7892 020 8952 5044 Pastoral Assistants Sylvia Daniels Stuart Webster 020 8863 4080 07971 219918 Commissioned Children’s Minister Beverley McKeon 020 8952 1936 Safeguarding Officer Stuart Webster Children’s Champion Clare Rodenas Churchwardens Jane Prentice Mark Lynch Hon Treasurer Jennifer Neve 07979 150761 07976 388958 07982 906833 Mobile 07989 378840 Parish Administrator Karen Stirrup 020 8954 7064 Parish Office, Church House, Old Church Lane, Stanmore HA7 2QX Bell ringers Peter Scott (Master) 01895 835 623 Elizabeth Bowen (Secretary) 020 8954 5360 Bereavement Visiting Jean Orpwood 020 3645 0491 Bible Reading Fellowship Carole White 020 8421 1510 Brownies Jean Gregson 020 8952 2866 Church Flowers Peggy Simpson 020 8954 8606 Crèche Grace Nicholson 01923 226969 Electoral Roll Andrea Nicholson 01923 226969 Girl Guides Heather Gregson 07900 056 402 Sarra Angel 07743 964 777 Junior Church Beverley McKeon 020 8952 1936 Magazine – Editorial Team Elizabeth Bowen 020 8954 5360 Pat Stevens 020 8954 6525 Frances Westcott 020 8952 8665 Magazine – Advertisements Elizabeth Bowen 020 8954 5360 Magazine – Distribution Mick and Sheila Oliver 020 8954 4976 Leprosy Mission Frazer Johnson 020 8954 8566 Mission to Seafarers Valerie Banger 020 8951 4012 Parish Visiting Team Sylvia Daniels Sheila Oliver 020 8863 4080 020 8954 4976 Rainbows Francesca Brissimatzakis 07743 040 588 (after 7pm ) St John's Church of England School Headteacher Mrs J Hester 020 8954 3978 Stanmore Hill, Stanmore HA7 3AD Servers Ian Walker 07947 070613 Social Committee Marianne Wright 020 8952 1604 Stewardship – Gift Aid Jennifer Neve Home 01923 824364 Mobile 07989 378840 Tea & Chat Sylvia Daniels Sheila Oliver 020 8863 4080 020 8954 4976 Toddler Group Sylvia Daniels Edit Rees 020 8863 4080 020 8951 3893 Welcome & Café St Jean Rosemary Mackenzie-Corby 020 8386 1640 Music – Director of Music Philip Rees 020 8951 3893 Cover drawings by Peter Williams 23 Magazine preparation schedule Deadline Sunday Monday onwards Weekend Tuesday Friday Saturday & Sunday (last in the month) Desirable last date for contributions Late entries considered; magazine compiled Proof reading Magazine sent for printing Magazine available for distribution Magazine on sale in church and available for collection by deliverers Deadline dates in 2016 and 2017 13 November — 11 December — 15 January — 12 February — 12 March — 16 April — 14 May — 11 June Copy for the magazine — PLEASE submit mater ial in A5 for mat if it uses clever computer techniques, and let the editors know if it is going to be late. Send it by EMAIL to BOTH the following addresses: Place it on the table at the back of the church Give it to one of the editorial team (see inside back cover) Send or deliver it to 7 Masefield Avenue, Stanmore, HA7 3LU To advertise in this magazine, please contact the Advertising Manager – Elizabeth Bowen – 020 8954 5360 – 7 Masefield Avenue, Stanmore HA7 3LU 22 The Rector writes: Dear Friends, November is here, we have turned the clocks back, found our warm scarves and hats, birds look for food and find shelter to rest during the cold days and nights. Churches often have Memorial Services that call us together to give thanks for the many lives that have gone before us (our service was on 30th October). November is a month of remembrance and reflection, a month of looking back and looking forward. The days grow shorter, and we value the precious hours of daylight. The Bible is full of images of light and darkness, from the beginning of the Book of Genesis to the last chapters of the Book of Revelation. Light is a powerful sign of God’s presence. Jesus tells us that he is the light of the world, whoever follows him will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life. As we begin the darkest time of the year, we know how important light is, we have electric light illuminating streets and homes, but the natural daylight is vital for our health and for the health of all growing things. The Bible reminds us that just as flowers cannot blossom without sunlight, our lives need the light of Christ so that we may grow and flourish. The words of the following poem could be used as a prayer: Awaken me, Lord, to your light, Open my eyes to your nearness. Loving God, star kindler, Kindle a flame of love within us To light our path in days of darkness. Awaken me, Lord, to your love, Open my heart to your indwelling. Loving God, sun maker, Warm us with your love To melt the frozen days of winter. 3 On Thursday both Year 6 classes went to the Natural History Museum. After getting ready we boarded the coach at 9am. On the coach ride I sat with Ben, Joshua, Dohyun, Tori, Maya and Makeda. We had a laugh and before we knew it we had arrived at the Natural History Museum. When we arrived at the Museum we were put into groups of 7. I was lucky enough to be put with my two friends Ben and Dohyun. We sat down in a waiting area and had a snack. I had an apple and a carton drink. Finally it was time to look around the museum. First of all we went to the green zone. We went to the bug section, Ben and I were freaked out “We hate bugs!” we both exclaimed. Awaken me, Lord, to your life, Open my mind to your abiding. Loving God, moon lighter, Illuminate our waking and our sleeping With your gentle presence. Awaken me, Lord, to your purpose, Open my will to your brightness. Loving God, light in our darkness, Protect and guard us as we follow Where your lamp leads us [Amen] By Darrell Class 6 Debussy May the light of Christ be with us all through these winter days. When we got to the Natural History Museum the first thing we did was go to the fossil room where we had to sort some fossils. We also learnt about the super continent of Pangaea. We dug up dinosaurs with brushes. We went to many different rooms. My favourite room was the dinosaur room because there was a simulation of a T-Rex. We saw tons of dinosaurs. We went to the Charles Darwin centre and learnt about evolution. The sea creatures were very interesting. The fossils were interesting because we learnt many facts about them like the most common fossil is an ‘ammonite’. With every blessing Matthew To all our Readers We hope you will wish to continue to receive the Parish Magazine during next year. The cost will be £6. If you would like to pay for 2017, our deliverers will be happy to receive this sum in cash or by cheque – payable to St John’s PCC – early in December when they deliver the magazine for that month. 4 By Rowan Class 6 Mozart Thank you Maisie, Imaan, Darrell and Rowan. I wish I could have come too. Editor God’s Post-it note God’s Post-it note You can tell how big a person is by what it takes to discourage him / her. God Himself doesn’t propose to judge people until their death. So why should you? 21 Junior Church Column Beverley McKeon Commissioned Children’s Minister Autumn has arrived and we are all now settled into our new groups. Bubbles - crèche for babies and toddlers Splash - Pre School to Year 2 Xstream - Year 3 to Year 6 Grid - Year 7 and above If you have any questions about our new arrangements please speak to me after Church. ‘Light themed’ mini Holiday Club As I write we are in full swing with our mini holiday club we have 30 children registered and we are having lots of fun. We have made lighthouses and been learning ‘My Lighthouse’ song along with some old favourites. Tomorrow we will be painting tea light holders and making stars to decorate the room ready for our Light Party disco on Wednesday. We hope to sing for you soon in Church so that we can share what we have been doing over in Church House on a Sunday and at Holiday Club. 20 5 Very Special Occasions Wedding Receptions Parties & Anniversaries Spectacular Cakes With over a century’s experience in catering for discerning clients, Heriot provide an exciting mix of traditional and contemporary cuisine, served in style by friendly and immaculately presented staff. Visit our large website for a wide selection of menus, information and advice to help you plan your special occasion. 20-22 HEADSTONE DRIVE, HARROW HA3 5QH 020 8427 7373 DCG Electrical Services Part P Approved Contractor Additional lighting and sockets - Full/part rewires Inspection and testing - Fault finding - Fusebox upgrades David Gosden 8 Milton Street Watford WD24 5EU 6 01923 224503 07501 337223 Natural History Museum Trip Recount by Year 6 Pupils at St John’s C of E School It took 40 minutes to get to the Natural History Museum. We had a lovely day and I learnt a lot. I stepped right into the gigantic, brown, oldfashioned doors. There were exhibits everywhere. I first went to see the fossils and was given a sheet on which I had to choose an animal fossil to draw, so I drew an Ichthyosaur. Next we had a workshop about comparing fossils and stones. After that they gave us a lot of fossils to brush off. Then our group split up and we went to the Dinosaur Zone. They had this little show with a dinosaur figure walking around. Next we went into human biology and I learnt about Genes, DNA and Human Life. We learnt about eye colour, the patterns on our thumbs and I played a memory game that was really fun, but challenging. Then we looked at the birds. What really caught my eye were the monkeys and the Dodo because they look so cool. There was another room full of animal bones that were hung up on a ceiling and it was massive. The room also contained a gigantic T-Rex. By Maisie Class 6 Mozart Our school trip to the Natural History Museum was great fun. We saw lots of fossils and skeletons of amazing creatures. At first we went to a workshop and we got to feel and uncover real fossils. When the workshop was over we walked through a hallway of dinosaurs. We had to choose one of them and write and draw them on our factsheets. I chose the Ichthyosaur which is now a dolphin. We split into groups, my group went to the mammal section. We visited the dinosaur section. I learnt about dinosaur facts, parts and types of dinosaurs. In the workshop we learnt about a super continent called Pangaea which used to be a large landmass which built up and revealed many other things. By Imaan Class 6 Mozart 19 KIRKWOODS - SOLICITORS Authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority SRA No 79929 We specialise in House sale and purchase Remortgages Landlord and tenant Business advice Wills and probate Death duty tax planning Divorce and family problems 41a CHURCH ROAD, STANMORE HA7 4AB Tel: 020 8954 8555 - Fax: 020 8954 4124 Est. 1875 * L. J. BUTLER & SON LTD. Our memory verse at holiday club has been based on John 8 Verse 12 Jesus spoke to the Pharisee again. ‘I am the light of the world,’ he said ‘Whoever follows me will have the light of life and will never walk in darkness.’ Our Praise and Worship will continue in Church House on a Sunday at 9.30am so bring your children along and see what exciting things we have planned. Our Praise and Worship will continue in Church House on a Sunday at 9.30 so bring your children along and see what exciting things we have planned. 40 Kenton Park Parade, Kenton Road, Kenton, Harrow, Middx. HA3 8DN Tel: (020) 8907 3163 FAX: (020) 8907 4452 E-Mail: ALSO STONEBRIDGE FUNERAL SERVICE 101 High Street, Edgware, Middx. HS8 7DB Tel: (020) 8952 0201 * We offer ‘Golden Charter’ and ‘Help the Aged’ pre-paid funeral plans as part of our service 18 Calling Young Choristers The successful Junior Choir, launched 2016, is resuming practices in November to prepare for the Carol Service. Rehearsals will begin on Sunday 30th October at Edit’s and Philip’s house, 14 Peareswood Gardens, Stanmore. Light refreshments will be served. If you are interested please have a word with Edit or Philip. You do not need to be able to read music, just bring a lot of enthusiasm and a sense of humour. Don’t worry if you can’t attend every rehearsal, just come to as many as you can. 7 CHILDMINDER Friendly, caring, trustworthy, locally based childminder Available 7:30am-6:30pm Mon-Fri inc. school holidays Very experienced in childcare, with lots of related qualifications Good knowledge of Early Years Foundation Stage requirements Competitive rates For more information or to arrange an appointment Please speak to Edit Rees on 020 8951 3893 or at café St Jean on Sunday Roger Rushton Opticians 15 Belmont Circle, Harrow, Middlesex, HA3 8RF Tel: 020 8907 3454 Email: Parish Registers Baptism 16th October Interment of Ashes “ 28th September “Received into the family of Christ’s Church” Kasey Kylesha Davis-Dole I am the Resurrection and the Life saith the Lord” Caroline Rosaberry Mark Squire Christmas Greetings If you would like to send a Christmas greeting via the magazine, please let us have your message by 13th November 2016. NHS & Private Eye Examinations/ Contact Lens checks Designer looking glasses at NON-designer prices Free NHS glasses* Spectacles & Contact Lenses at reasonable prices Miss Geetal Shah - Optometrist Opening hours: Monday-Friday: 9am-5.30pm, Saturday: 9am-4pm 8 RELATE Having family problems? - Call 020 8427 8694 and take the first step to resolving your family problems with Relate family counselling 17 November cover illustrations This month Peter Williams’ front cover is on the theme of remembrance. The back cover features the life of Elizabeth of Hungary, who is remembered on November 18th. “During Hungary’s Communist era It was difficult for Christians as churchgoing was discouraged”, says Hungarian born Edit Rees. “Yet no one could keep people away from church at Christmas, Easter and on Saint Elizabeth’s Day.” Tea and Chat Tuesdays at 2.15pm in Church House November 15th - Freeman of the City of London and Liveryman of the Stationers’ Company A Personal View by Andrea Cameron Elizabeth of Hungary lived for only 24 years but achieved as much as most people do in a life time. She was born in 1207, possibly in Hungary or maybe in Bratislava, Slovakia, the daughter of Alexander II, King of Hungary. At the age of four she was sent for education to the court of the Landgrave of Thuringia, to whose infant son she was betrothed. As she grew in age, her piety increased. In 1221 she married Louis of Thuringia and in spite of her position in court, began to live an austerly simple life, practised penance and devoted herself to works of charity. Her husband, although a strict man, esteemed her virtue, encouraging her in her exemplary life. They had three children when Louis was killed fighting with the Crusaders. After his death, Elizabeth left the court, made arrangements for the care of her children, renounced the world and became a tertiary of St Francis, whom she much admired. She built the Franciscan hospital at Marburg and devoted herself to the care of the sick until her death in 1231. ALL ARE WELCOME Remembrance Poetry should surprise by a fine excess and not by singularity, it should strike the reader as a wording of his own highest thoughts, and appear almost a remembrance. John Keats Various miracles, e.g. the miracle of the roses and the crucifix in the bed, were attributed to Elizabeth and her shrine became a centre of pilgrimage in the 14th and 15th centuries. Melody is a form of remembrance. It must have a quality of inevitability in our ears. 2007 was declared ’Elizabeth Year’ in Marburg. A musical was written to celebrate her life and the entire Third Order of St Francis joined in this celebration through a two year programme of study of her life. She is the patron saint of tertiaries, widows and young brides. I've given my life to the principle and the ideal of memory, and remembrance. Gian Carlo Menotti Elie Wiesel Source: 16 9 BERNAYS MEMORIAL HALL 25 The Broadway, STANMORE HA7 4DA THE STANMORE SOCIETY Exists to serve the place where you live ITS STRENGTH DEPENDS ON YOUR SUPPORT Membership Secretary : 10 Rainsford Close, Stanmore HA7 3DJ Bookings: 07954 230 210 Tel: 07977 929 281 24 Thursday 7.30pm 8-9.30pm 25 Friday 8pm 26 FIXTUREROSE LIMITED Ringing Practice – newcomers welcome Catherine of Alexandria, Martyr, 4th century; Isaac Watts, Hymn Writer, 1748 Choir rehearsal Saturday 6pm 27 PCC Meeting (Silent Prayer from 7pm) SUNDAY St Paul’s Cathedral Advent Procession FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT 8am 9.30am 11am Holy Communion Parish Communion Matins 6.30pm Joint Advent Service at Stanmore Baptist Church IAN WALKER, CAT, ATT The Church of St John the Evangelist, Great Stanmore, Tel: 01727 840 351 is open each day from 9am until dark Fixturerose@ Visitors welcome ACCOUNTING VAT RETURN TAXATION SELF ASSESSMENT 10 Three things in life you should never lose HOPE PEACE HONESTY 15 16 1.15pm Little Fishers Babies and Toddler Group 2.15pm Tea and chat Wednesday 3.30pm 17 Bible Study at Wolstenholme 8pm Home Group (7 Halsbury Court) Thursday Hugh, Bishop of Lincoln, 1200 8-9.30pm 8pm 18 Margaret, Queen of Scotland, Philanthropist, Reformer of the Church, 1093 Friday Ringing Practice – newcomers welcome Deanery Synod, St Peter’s - West Harrow Elisabeth of Hungary, Princess of Thuringia, Philanthropist, 1231 Congratulations Joan and John Joan and John Fuller’s 70th Wedding Anniversary celebrated at “Tea and Chat” on Tuesday 4th October 2016 They write: “We would like to thank everybody who made our anniversary such a happy occasion. Our particular thanks go to Sylvia Daniels and Sheila Oliver for organising the afternoon and the delicious food. 19 Saturday Hilda, Abbess of Whitby, 6800 We thank Matthew for his summary of our careers in teaching; and more especially for being there and being the focal point of St John’s “family”. 20 SUNDAY CHRIST THE KING - SUNDAY NEXT BEFORE ADVENT We appreciated Ken Peters’ sparing time from his busy life with “The Mission to Seafarers” to join us in celebrating our anniversary. 8pm 8am 9.30am 11am 5pm Choir rehearsal Holy Communion All Age Communion with Baptism Matins Evensong It was so pleasant to share happy memories with Phyllis O’Leary. We are grateful to her for coming back from Morecambe to see us. The floral table decorations by Pam Huckle were lovely and our basket of flowers arranged by Barbara Robbens is still a pleasure to see as we write this. 21 Monday 22 Tuesday Cecilia, Martyr at Rome, c. 230 10.30am Holy Communion 23 14 1.15pm Little Fishers Babies & Toddler Group 2.15pm Tea and chat Wednesday Clement, Bishop of Rome, Martyr, c. 100 Many other people gave up their time to join us in celebrating our 70th Wedding Anniversary and we thank all of you very, very sincerely. You have given us memories which we shall treasure. Joan and John Fuller 11 Church Diary for November 2016 1 2 Tuesday ALL SAINTS’ DAY 10.30am Holy Communion 1.15pm Little Fishers Babies & Toddler Group 2.15pm Tea and Chat Wednesday 8pm 3 4 Thursday 5 Ringing Practice – newcomers welcome Friday 11 SUNDAY Monday Saints and Martyrs of England 10.30am Holy Communion 1.15pm Little Fishers Babies and Toddler Group 2.15pm Tea & Chat Wednesday Thursday Margery Kempe, Mystic, c. 1440 Leo the Great, Bishop of Rome, Teacher, 461 7pm St John’s School Fashion Show and Pop up Shop 8-9.30pm Ringing Practice – newcomers welcome Friday Martin, Bishop of Tours, c. 397 Choir rehearsal 12 Saturday 13 SUNDAY REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY 8am 9.30am 10.45AM 11am Holy Communion Parish Communion Act of Remembrance NO Matins Choir rehearsal Churchyard Working Party THIRD SUNDY BEFORE ADVENT Holy Communion Parish Communion Matins Holy Communion Tuesday 8pm Saturday 5pm 12 Richard Hooker, Priest, Anglican Apologist, Teacher, 1600 8-9.30pm 8am 9.30am 11am 12 noon 7 10 Home Group (7 Halsbury Court) Holy Communion at Paxfold 9.30am 6 9 All Souls’ Day – Commemoration of the Faithful Departed 10am 8pm 8 5pm 6.30pm 14 Monday 15 Tuesday NO Evening Service Stanmore Charities Meeting Samuel Seabury, first Anglican Bishop in North America, 1796 No Evening Service Willibrord of York , Bishop, Apostle of Frisia, 739 10.30am Holy Communion 13