The Red Fez - Ali Ghan Shriners
The Red Fez - Ali Ghan Shriners
ALI GHAN SHRINERS FROM THE POTENTATE’S DESK RED FEZ August 2016 At the Ali Ghan Picnic Grounds August 19, 2016 Gates open at 5:30 Show times: 6:00pm & 7:00pm Nobles, I would like to thank all the Units who so kindly gave, to support the Temple at the last Unit Head Meeting. Your generosity has no boundaries. I was very Humbled by your show of support. In light of the current situation, we are still looking for a treasurer. So if you are willing to accept the challenges of the position please give me a call. I am scheduling a Special Meeting for FRIDAY AUGUST 12, 2016 at 7:00 PM all members are encouraged to attend. We will be discussing the current state of Ali Ghan and a follow up to the Unit Heads meeting from last month. The Car / Bike show had to be rescheduled due to thunderstorms, so we look forward to the event being rescheduled. We will announce the new date as soon as possible. Once again thank you for your continued support. Through working together we will finish 2016 strong. Children 6 and under FREE Ages 7-16- $10.00 Adults are $20.00 Come out to the Ali Ghan Picnic Grounds and enjoy delicious food and great Hawaiian Entertainment! Yours In Faith, Potentate, Ali Ghan Shrine Call 301-722-5970 with any questions Members & Guests Welcome! 2 Notice of Special Temple Meeting Fall M.A.S.A. Virginia Beach September 4-10 , 2016 There will be a Special Temple Meeting scheduled to discuss the State of the Union. Quality Inn & Suites Eighth Street & Atlantic Avenue Friday, August 12, 2016 Virginia Beach, VA 23451 7:00 PM All rooms face the Ocean and have private balconies Heated Indoor Pool and Large Outdoor Pool In the Ali Ghan Ballroom Free Continental Breakfast You may visit To explore the accommodations Deposit of $250.00 due by May 16th 2016 The remaining balance due by June 30 2016 Fee includes taxes, MASA Fees, hospitality, ect. Double capacity All rooms are assigned on a first come basis—no one day registrations Mail your deposit or payment in full to: Ali Ghan Shriners, P.O. Box 1416 Cumberland, MD 21501. 3 4 Fall M.A.S.A. Virginia Beach Registration Form Quality Inn & Suites 705 Atlantic Ave. & 8th Street Virginia Beach, VA Deposit of $250.00 due by May 16, 2016 The remaining balance due by Jun 30, 2016 Fees include taxes, MASA fees, hospitality, etc.. Double capacity Choose one: _______Sunday-Sunday September 4-10 $1016 _______Monday-Sunday September 5-10 $904 _______Tuesday-Sunday September 6-10 $792 _______Wednesday-Sunday September 7-10 $680 _______Thursday-Sunday September 8-10 $569 _______Friday-Sunday September 9-10 $456 Name: ______________________________________________ Lady’s Name or Guest: ___________________________________ Unit: __________________Phone # _______________________ Amount Enclosed: ______________________________________ Credit Card # _________________________________________ EXP. For C.C: ____________________ V-code:________________ Do you need a handicapped accessible room? YES or NO Mail Deposit or payment in full to: Ali Ghan Shriners, Po Box 1416 Cumberland, MD 21501 5 6 Tickets are now available in Shrine Office. August 1– RR Unit Spaghetti Dinner 301-722-5970 August 19– Hawaiian Luau/ Pig Roast August 22– Desert Legion Roast Beef Dinner August 28– MASA Pre- Party September 4-10– MASA September 12– RR Unit Spaghetti Dinner September 15– Director’s Staff Steak Feed September 23– Birthday Dinner/Temple Meeting September 24– Western MD Music Festival September 26- Desert Legion Roast Beef Dinner October 1– Oktoberfest October 3– Golf outing/RR Unit Spaghetti Dinner October 16– Purse Bingo October 24– Desert Legion Roast Beef Dinner October 29– Mummer’s Parade 7 8 Call 1.800.782.5605 or 610.779.8640 or email Oktoberfest is fast approaching! October 1, 2016 In the Ali Ghan Ballroom Come out and enjoy craft beer, live music, soft pretzels, and German food! There will be a stein hoisting contest!! So don’t forget to come out and have a night filled with fun festivities and delicious food! 9 10 The long and hot summer days are with us for the next 65 plus days and then we know what is coming next, so enjoy the warm days!! Our meeting was held on the 12th of July. 17 members were present. We missed you!!! Please take notice on your next visit to the Temple or Motor Corp. They are spruced up on both sides of the entry way to our building. It sure makes a great improvement. No more weeds for a long time and thanks to all who helped!! There was a good turnout for the patient family picnic last month. Our fire truck appears to have an issue. Hopefully it will be on the road soon, thanks to Bert! The ambulance is ready and again a big thank you to Bert, our super mechanic!!! As always there are some of the little cars need work done on them, so if one of them is yours, it needs to be fixed ASAP. The parade season is fast approaching!! Parades- Barton– August 6 Buckwheat Festival, Kingwood, WV ( we will have a date next month) Autumn Glory– October 15, Oakland, MD South Cumberland– TBA Hagerstown– TBA For the drivers who attended the 4th of July (rain) parade, we had a ball. Rain began around 10:41am and the parade was at 11:00. It was a good turn out for the weather condition and we all got soaked. So never let it be said that it doesn't rain on a Shriner parade. Dates to remember– August 1– Spaghetti feed at the RR Unit August 12– Kool Klown Nite– Oakland, MD. There are just a few tickets left Call the Shrine Club! Our condolences go to the family of Departed brother, Bob Alkire. May he rest in peace. Until next time, Pete 11 12 RED FEZ BOOSTERS Ali Ghan Desert Legion Red Fez for August 2016 Our meeting was held Monday July 11th at 7:30 PM at our Club House. The beautiful weather must have caused our membership attendance to be low. Our discussion at the meeting was on how we can help at our Gun Bash! Barton Maryland has a parade on August 6th, line up is at 10:45 and step off is at 11:30. Don’t forget MASA is coming up soon! September 5th thru 10th. Our Members Steak Feed (Members and immediate family only!) is on Sunday August 7th at 4 PM at our club house. Everything provided. If you are attending please call Carol Straw at 301-388-2834 to get a steak ordered for you! Our next Famous Roast Beef Dinner is still only $8.50. Will be on Monday August 22nd. The fellowship was GREAT! & our ladies desserts was better than ever! We had almost 100 meals to serve and never ran out!!!! This year’s dinners left are: September 26th-October 24th- November 28th. Starting 5 pm till 7pm or until we run out! Our Gun or Cash Bash was on Saturday July 23rd this year. Great time was had by all!!!!!!!!!! Thank You!!!!!!!! Our sick and distress: Noble Earl E. Miller & Joyce are both still on the mend at home please send card 182 Old Mill Lane Clearville, Pa. 15535 Phone: 814-7843204. Noble Bud Starkey is caring for his wife Jeanne at home following her operation please send card or call: Jeanne Starkey 753 Washington Street Cumberland, Md. 21502 Phone: 301-777-3226 E-mail: Our Prayers are with you! God Bess You All! -Ron Straw, Desert Legion Fez Rep Regular New small Jeeps 13 January 2016 Marie, Tom & Terri Bowers in memory of Charles E. Bowers Sue Haines– Lederman Carla Cunningham in memory of Robert Cunningham Polly Eyler in memory of Walter S. Eyler Thomas A. Downs Ray Andrews Jack & Nancy Newkirk Bill & Virginia McKenzie Neil Yommer Joan Ralston February 2016 Clyde Ebersole Kenneth & Susan Winters James Bachtell Joe Graham March 2017 Richard & Janet Pyles Fred M. Novak Janet Stutzman in memory of Marlin, Bud, Stutzman Eileen Poland in memory of Charles B. Poland Art Isom in memory of James Kreiling James G. Jones Glen J. Michael John H. Clark James A. Poland Everett A. Spiker Ronald Brubaker Leona Smelser LeRoy Dziuk Keith Thomas in memory of Robert R. Golden D. Craig Radcliffe Joseph W. Kyle Betty Thomas in memory of Charles E. Thomas April 2016 Tom & Lovella Bryant Ernie Messick Charles Hardy Don Blair Rosie Skidmore in memory of Randy Skidmore Robert Holsinger Thomas Skidmore Richard Shaffer Harold Anderson Dean Hancox in memory of Donna Hancox William Skinner Charles Bujac Harry Kesecker In memory of Vincent Thompson by his loving wife, Wilma G Clifton Loar in memory of Louise Loar May 2016 Jean Hite in memory of Harold Hite Floyd & Pat Wertz 14 Joan Evans in memory of Donald F. Evans Joan Evans in memory of Raymond and Anne MacDonald Gene Mason in honor of Grace Mason Don & Carolyn Thorn Calvin & Heather Nazelrod Bill & Patty Hays Cyrus Lecron in memory of Claudine Lecron Charles Ridgeway May 2017 Joan Evans in memory of Donald F. Evans Joan Evans in memory of Raymond and Anne MacDonald June 2016 George & Janet DeHaven Ernie & Helen Combs In memory of Donald R. Wade Ronnie & Helen Middleton in memory of Susie & Wilbert, Bus, Mowen George & Ginny Smith July 2016 Margie Seaber in memory of Francis R. Himmelwright Rita Hout in memory of Bill Hout John T. Staub August 2016 15 PERMIT NO. 932 CUMBERLAND, MD 301-722-5970 PAID Cumberland, MD 21501 US POSTAGE March 2018 Jane Heavner in memory of Roger Heavner Emajane Marks in memory of Lewis Marks Ralph and Erma Buser March 2021 Pam Shirk in memory of Allen Shirk P.P. April 2017 Phil & Lois Handley In memory of Charles F. Schelble April 2018 Bob & Marion Alkire Nancy Hite in memory of Lou Hite Donald Shives Jr May 2018 Shirley McGregor in memory of George McGregor Sr. May 2019 Margaret Seaber in memory of Francis R. Himmelwright May 2020 Lollie Fridinger in memory of Jack Fridinger June 2017 Ronnie & Helen Middleton in memory of Betty & Ted Beckman Don and Geneva True August 2017 Norma Bosley in memory of Harry S. Bosley Alda Wade in memory of Sheriff Donald Wade September 2019 Bill & Darcy DuVall October 2017 Jack Lawson November 2023 Walt & Irene Growden in memory of Sgt. Vernon Growden September 2020 In memory of Mary Jane Kershner October 2027 Roy Pepper P.O. Box 1416 February 2017 Norma Shaffer in memory of Donald, Boo, Shaffer P.P. Ali Ghan Shriners Phyllis Hovatter in memory of Gordon Hovatter WL & Thelma Puffinburger Butch & Corky Elliot in memory of daughter Roxie September 2016 Ruth Chapman in memory of Ron Chapman October 2016 In memory of P.P. Paul Scott Ruth Baker Mary Murrell in memory of Jack A. Murrell & Doris & Harold Hartman November 2016 Catherin Garvin in memory of Harry C. Garvin Jerald Allen Mason Family in memory of Donald Mason Shirley Brinkman in memory of Leslie Brinkman December 2016 Barbara Rice in memory of Ronald Rice P.P. January 2018 Hilda M. Canfield in memory of John Canfield Irene Brant in memory of Harold, Pete, Brant NON PROFIT ORG. RED FEZ BOOSTERS PLEASE SEND ALL NEWSLETTERS TO ALIGHANSHRINERS@ATLANTICBBN.NET 16
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