a printable copy of the 2016 catalogue


a printable copy of the 2016 catalogue
Springwood Gardens 2016
Trouble in Paradise
Broken Chains
Kingdom Bound
Citizen of Heaven
World Without End
Final Victory
Rainbow in the Clouds
Free the Captives
No Ordinary Child
Mystery of the Ages
Gathering of Nations
Solemn Oath
COLLECTION AND CLUB PRICING: Price for the collection is $825 ($970 catalog
value plus “priceless” gift plant) plus $40 shipping. Special pricing for club orders for
auctions or “baby-sitting” plants (at least twice catalogue value).
Springwood Gardens 2016
Springwood Gardens is a family-owned mail order nursery which specializes in
breeding fancy, northern hardy, tetraploid daylilies with great color, many of which are
outstanding breeders. I have 12 introductions for 2016, 5 of which are dormant. Many
of them have proven to be outstanding parents. The colors are accurate, and people
often say that the flowers are even prettier in person. The website includes several
pictures of each introduction, plus selected offspring if any. You are welcome to use
any of the photos – no need to ask.
A word about pricing of my new introductions. Just because I’ve priced a plant at less
than $100 doesn’t mean it isn’t absolutely gorgeous and a terrific performer that will
make a statement in your garden. More likely it means that I haven’t yet seen kids from
it, or that it is wonderful and distinctive in one or more aspects but doesn’t have a
brand new look. And because I don’t think a couple of flowers should cost as much as
a mortgage payment
Thank you so much for the nice e-mails about the flowers you receive as well as the
pictures of your gardens and seedlings. I love hearing from you. Best wishes,
Karol Emmerich
Springwood Gardens
7700 Old Highway 169 Boulevard
Jordan, MN 55352
E-mail: springwoodgarden@aol.com
Website: www.springwoodgardens.com
Blog: www.springwoodgardens.blogspot.com
GUARANTEE: Springwood Gardens’ introductions are guaranteed for a year in zone 4
and higher if grown in normal garden conditions (e.g. grown in the ground rather than in
pots, not in standing water, watered as needed, soil not overly compacted); that bark or
other mulch is put around the plants to keep the roots cool and moist (no extra winter
mulching needed); and that they’re not divided when first received or during the first
year. (Note: it’s best to avoid dividing or transplanting daylilies when they are stressed by
high temps or drought, and northerners report better success dividing daylilies in spring
or early summer, rather than in the fall.)
SALES INFORMATION: Each order is important, and I personally choose and box
each plant. Plants are state-inspected and rust free. Shipping is by priority mail from
March 15 to June 30 (although if I have time to ship after that I will). $10 for the first
plant and $3 for each additional plant. Check or money order should be made payable to
Springwood Gardens. U.S shipments only. Prices are for a double fan. I ship large plants,
although sometimes the size is weather or cultivar dependent. I promise you will be very
happy with the size of your order as a whole All Springwood introductions have been
grown and tested outside before selection. They are not babied or given special care.
They are planted on top of a cold, windswept hill with almost no snow cover. The ground
around the daylilies is covered with a couple of inches of hardwood bark for weed
control. They are given at least an inch of water a week during the growing season and
only rarely any fertilizer. During bloom season, nights are typically in the 60’s and days
in the 80’s and 90’s, but in making evaluations, I also watch how the flowers open when
temps are in the 50’s. Most of the dormants are lined out outside. The semi-evergreens
are lined out in the greenhouse (where they are grown in the ground in raised beds,
receiving only regular fertilizer and water and sprayed for insects as needed), enabling
you to receive large, high quality, blooming size plants when it’s most convenient for you
in the spring. I recognize that not everyone is enamored of plants grown in greenhouses,
but in our climate it’s usually the only way I’m able to ship before early June! Bloom
occurs in April and May in the greenhouse, and it is likely you will receive a plant that
has already scaped (happy to send scapes for pollen if I have them). Most buyers report
first year bloom (and often rebloom) on the majority of the plants that I send, although
not usually in sync with their peak bloom time. Northerners will find that their plants will
re-establish more quickly if they request delivery after the soil has warmed up in their
area and after hard frosts are expected.
VISITORS: Peak bloom outside is usually late July through mid-August; peak bloom in
the greenhouse is usually mid-April to late May. The greenhouse and garden are open by
appointment, and I do formal tours for groups of 8-10 or more.
BROKEN CHAINS TET 34209 [(Gnashing of Teeth x Chariot of Clouds) x Desire of
Nations]. 6”, 32” to top of scape (36” including the flower), 3-way branching (range of
2-3), 17 buds (range of 14-20) (I would expect somewhat higher budcount and
branching in warmer zones based on greenhouse performance), between late mid and
late season, EMO, Sev, fr, some MN instant Re. Cranberry purple with a chalky dark
lavender eye, chalky dark lavender edge plus ivory plus a few teeth, green throat.
Consistently good performer year after year and day after day, even in the 2012
“Midwest malaise” year. Gorgeous flowers. Many different looks (variations in color
and teeth), depending on the temperature. Great addition to the late garden. Very fertile
both ways. FABULOUS PARENT. Large percentage of its kids are beautiful and
hardy, with lots of chalky eyes and teeth and clear color (see links to some of its kids
on the website). Most bloom on the later side because of my genetics. ………..…$150
CITIZEN OF HEAVEN TET 39707 [Repeat the Sounding Joy x sdlg], where the
sdlg has too many components for a list to be useful. 6”, 31” (plus flower) with a range
over the years of 29”-36”, 5-way branching (range of 3-7), 23 buds (range of 15-40;
less when crowded), almost EMO but not quite, M, Sev, fr, some MN instant Re.
Beautiful flower, triple edge, and great scape. Dark lavender pink, medium cranberry
grape plus lavender eye, cranberry grape plus lavender plus ivory edge, olive green
throat. Fertile both ways……………………………………………………………...$85
FINAL VICTORY TET 48007 [Chariot of Clouds x sdlg], where the sdlg = {(Regal
Majesty x Clothed in Glory) x Remembering Joan} x {Heartbeat of Heaven x
[(Breaking My Heart x Shaka Zulu) x Rock of Salvation]}. 6”, 32” (35” with the
flower), 3-way branching (range of 2-5 way), 20 buds (range of 13-33), M, Dor, fr, no
MN instant Re (but very long bloom time - 6 weeks here in 2015 – July 2 to August
17). Pale rose pink cranberry (sometimes lighter than pictured), lavender pink eye,
lavender pink plus small ivory edge, yellow to green throat. No spots. Strong thick
scapes. Always an outside plant so didn’t use it in breeding, but pollen looks fine and
fertile parents…………………………………………………………………...…….$75
FREE THE CAPTIVES TET 61609 [ (Repeat the Sounding Joy x Faith That Moves
Mountains) x (Storm Shelter x sdlg], where the seedling incudes Dixie Rhythm, Tet
LBB, Mildred Mitchell, Intelligent Design, and a sdlg. 7” (8” early in the season and
6.5” late), 38” (plus flower), 6-way (range of 4-6 way) when mature and adequate
water and not crowded – otherwise 5-way, 32 buds (range of 24-39), LM, fr, Re (but
not MN), Dor. Grape cranberry with lots of veining; velvety cranberry plus merlot plus
cranberry feathered eye; merlot plus dark lavender plus silver edge; green throat.
Magnificent, clear, saturated, unspotted blooms. Nicely spaced laterals with wellspaced flowers; scapes sometimes curve. Gorgeous in heat; poor sepals in cold
weather. Large, heavy flowers and LOTS per scape, so in one year during its testing
period the scapes leaned 45 degrees (i.e 1:30 on a clock) but fine other years. Fertile
both ways, but haven’t seen many kids yet since always an “outside” flower……..$85
GATHERING OF NATIONS TET 40807 [sdlg x sdlg]. Lots of different parents in
these sdlgs, including Gnashing of Teeth, Heartbeat of Heaven, Storm Shelter, Jane
Trimmer, Tet LBB, Lake Effect, Uppermost Edge, Wolf Eyes, Regal Majesty, Clothed in
Glory, etc. 7” (range of 7-9”), 24” (plus flower), 3-way branching (up to 6-way in the
greenhouse) 12 buds (8-10 unprotected location, 12-17 in protected location some years),
Sev, some MN instant Re every couple of years. Lavender pink with etched neon violet
lavender eye and edge; chartreuse throat. Easy opener but not quite an EMO. A “show
stopper” in the greenhouse on a beautiful scape, but low budcount outside in zone 4 and
inconsistent flower form and color. Fertile both ways. A fabulous parent for large (7-8”),
gorgeous, hardy, distinctive flowers (although often with a budcount of 10-12). Will
breed patterns, especially several generations down the line (see link to kids on website).
Although not a spotter itself, some of the kids are, so be careful what you use it with.
Numerous grandkids and great-grandkids etc. will likely be intros in future years, but I’ve
had a lower than expected probability of an intro in the first generation, where I get killer
faces with only 10 buds, or plants with tons of buds but some spots or tangles. I know the
right stuff is in there, but haven’t figured out the key to easily unlocking it in the first
generation. Perhaps you will be able to. Because it is not a good garden flower in zone 4,
it is available only as a GIFT (with a $300 order) to anyone who would like to use it for
breeding – but you must indicate on your order form that it is for your personal use
only and not to be sold or given as a gift. Hopefully, it will perform a lot better in zones
5 and up (let me know), and some will wonder why in the world I gave it away as a gift
If there are enough reports and pictures over 2-3 years in warmer zones that indicate it
would meet my standards in those zones, I might allow it to be more widely distributed.
(Note: if you prefer, I will substitute Vision of Things to Come from last year)…....GIFT
KINGDOM BOUND TET 52310 [Entwined in the Vine x All Things to All Men], 7.25”
(range of 7-7.5”), 32” (35” with flower) when mature, 5-way branching (range of 3-6), 26
buds (range of 18-37), fr, Dor, LM, some MN instant Re. Soft lavender pink, violet
etched multi lavender eye; triple edge of violet plus lavender plus ivory with some teeth,
chartreuse throat. Gorgeous scape with great spacing. Easy pollen parent; almost
impossible pod parent. Great pattern breeder – wide variety in the kids, combining the
best attributes of Entwined in the Vine and All Things to All Men - see pics of offspring
on website………………………………………………………………......................$125
MYSTERY OF THE AGES TET 53309 [Repeat the Sounding Joy x Profound Mystery]
6”, 26”(plus flower), 3.5 way branching (range of 2-5), 17 buds (range of 11-23), M, fr,
an instant rebloomer but not much in MN, Dor, CMO, EMO. Grape lilac cranberry with
cranberry etched gray lavender eye and edge plus ivory; yellow to green throat.
Consistent form. Often reverses color between self and eye, although not within the same
day like its parent Profound Mystery. Consistently strong through the testing years
including the malaise. Beautiful healthy foliage. Long bloom season. Easily fertile both
ways. Making unusually high percentage of beautiful kids (see web pics)!.................$100
NO ORDINARY CHILD TET 27809 [{(Chariot of Clouds x Skin of My Teeth) x Not
Guilty} x{ (Born to Reign x Joan Derifield) x Heartbeat of Heaven}] So many
wonderful parents in this one! 6” (5.5” late in the season), 20” plus flower, 2.5 way
branching (range of 2-4), 17 buds (range of 10-29), LM, fr, Sev, Re (but not MN).
Merlot with icy pink lavender eye and edge, yellow to green throat. Distinctive,
mesmerizing color combination in the self and the eye. Good opener but not EMO or
CMO. Based on its strong greenhouse performance, I think budcount and branching
and height will be better in warmer zones. Fertile both ways and super easy pod parent.
I have a nice intro coming from it in a couple of years (see link to kids on website), and
looking forward to seeing lots of kids from it this spring…………………………....$85
RAINBOW IN THE CLOUDS TET 10207 [Lake of Fire x Entwined in the Vine],
6.5” (with a range of 6.25”-7.5”), 32” (35” including the flower), 4-way branching
(range of 3-5), 15 buds (range of 9-20), Dormant, M, fr, EMO, CMO, Re (but not MN).
Pale lavender pink with violet etched multi lavender eye, violet plus light lavender
edge, green throat. Eye is sometimes feathery, metallic, and/or patterned. Pollen easily
fertile; pod fertile but not easy…………………………………………………….…$65
SOLEMN OATH TET 22007 [Repeat the Sounding Joy x sdlg], where the sdlg has
too many components to be useful. 5.5”, 36” (plus flower), 4-way branching
(consistent scapes some years, and other years a range of 2-5 way), 26 buds (with a
range of 22-31, unless crowded and then an average of 20), Sev, M, very very fr, EMO,
Re (but not MN). Color reminds me of Blue Bunny Bordeaux Cherry Chocolate ice
cream. Lavender pink; bing cherry plus dark lavender purple eye; bing cherry plus dark
lavender purple plus ivory triple edge; green throat. Twinkle midribs. Pollen fertile;
pod fertile but not super easy…………………………………………………....…...$50
TROUBLE IN PARADISE TET 25807 [sdlg x Chariot of Clouds], where the sdlg
includes Light of the World, Way of Life, Regal Majesty, Clothed in Glory, Heartbeat
of Heaven and a sdlg. 7”, 32” (plus flower), 5-way branching (range of 2-7 way), 20
buds (range of 11-31) and 15 if crowded or poor soil, Sev, M to LM, EMO, fr, some
MN instant Re. Cranberry with cranberry etched chalky lavender eye, chalky lavender
plus ivory to white edge, yellow to green throat. Has lots of “wow” days, but not a
“cookie cutter” plant with every bloom and scape the same and perfect. Performed
well in 2012 malaise year. Fertile both ways. Very good parent for large blooms with
interesting faces, nice color, and fancy edges. Especially outstanding grandkids and
great grandkids. See links on website. ……………………………………..………$100
WORLD WITHOUT END TET 27105 [Fear Not x Terrible Swift Sword]. 6”, 26”
(plus flower), 5-way branching (range of 4-6), 28 buds (range of 16-40, and good
budcount even when crowded), Sev, starts between M and LM, fr, Re (but not MN).
Eye-catching because of its stunning clear color and saturation and thickness. Dark
grape cranberry, dark lavender plus red feathered watermark, silver lavender filigree
edge, green throat. Great substance – waxy and thick like Fear Not and its kids. Strong
fat scape with well-spaced branching. Long bloom season. No spotting. Easily fertile
both ways and makes huge pods. Interesting genetics. Can’t wait to see its kids this
AVAILABLE 2003-2015 INTRODUCTIONS (all tets)
ALL THINGS TO ALL MEN 5.5-6”,28”,Sev,M,5-way,33,pink lav/eye…….100
ALPHA AND OMEGA 5’,28’,Dor,M,pink lav/purple eye………………….....100
AMBASSADOR OF PEACE 6”,24”,Dor,M,3-way,20buds,yellow……………30
ANGELS BOW DOWN 8”,36”,Dor,M,4-way,18buds,lav w/merlot eye………75
ANWERED PRAYER 5”,28’,Dor,M,2-way,20buds, yellow/red eye………….25
ARMED FOR BATTLE 6”,38”,Dor,M,4-way,25buds,magentagrape/lav eye..50
BATTLE OF JERICHO 5”,28”,Dor,M,4-way,20buds,grape purple w/eye……25
BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS 6”,28”, Sev,M,3-way,18buds,raspberry……35
BLOOM WHERE YOU’RE PLANTED 5.5”,30”,Dor,M,4-way,22buds……..60
CHILD OF BETHLEHEM 5+”,24”,Dor,M-LM,3-way,14buds,crangrapeetc..100
CLOUD OF WITNESSES 7”,26”,Dor,M,4-way,25buds,lavender pink…..........40
CLOUD RIDER 5”,32”,Sev,M,3-way,15buds,lavender bitone………………....75
COIN OF THE REALM 5”,22”,Dor,M,3-way,20buds,yellowpeachorange.......25
CORONATION DAY 6”,24”,Dor,M,4-way,18buds,dark purple……………….35
COSMIC STRUGGLE 6”,26”,Sev,M,4-way,20buds,cranberry grape…………40
COUNT IT ALL JOY 5”,32”,Sev,M,5-way,30buds,peach pink w/eye………...25
CROWN OF SPLENDOR 6.5”,28”,Dor,M,3-way,22buds,pale pink lav………30
DAY OF RECKONING 6.5”,38”,Sev,M,3-way,16buds,ivory pink w/eye……..30
DEEP WATERS 6”,32”,Dor,M,3-way,15buds,violet w/lave eye………………..75
DEFINING MOMENT 6.5”,36”,Dor,M,4-way,18buds,blood red……….……..30
DELIVERER 6”,30”,Sev,EM,4-way,26buds,tomato soup red………………….30
EL SHADDAI 7”,30”,Sev,M,4-way,31buds,deep lavender pink…………....…..40
ENTWINED IN THE VINE 8”,32”,Ev,M,2-way,15buds,lav pink/pattern……40
EPHESUS 6”,28”,Dor, M,4-way,20buds,cranberry grape…………………........25
EYE ON THE SPARROW 4.5”,24”,Sev,M,3-way,18buds,yellow/wine eye….25
FAITHFUL AND TRUE 5”,27”,Sev,M,5-way,25buds,ivory w/eye…………...20
FAITH THAT MOVES MOUNTAINS 6”,28”,Ev,M,4-way,18buds,purple…50
FEAR NOT 5”,26”,Dor,M,4-way, 25buds,Chinese red/watermark…………….30
FORTY DAYS AND FORTY NIGHTS6”,36”,Dor,M,5-way,40buds,grape…..30
FOUNTAIN OF LIFE 5.5”,28”,Sev,M,3-4way,17buds,pink lav……...………..30
FROM SEA TO SHINING SEA 6”,32”,Sev/Ev,M,5-way,27buds,merlot……..75
GONE TO GLORY 6”,28”,Dor,M,3-way,15buds,lavender pink bitone………..40
GOSPEL TRUTH 5.5”,32”,Dor,LM,4-way,25buds,magenta purple…………....15
GUARD YOUR HEART 5-3/4”,32”,Sev,LM,4-way,20buds,pink cran w/eye…50
HANDWRITING ON THE WALL 6”,24”,Sev,M,,4-way,15buds,pink/pattern.30
HEARTBEAT OF HEAVEN 6.5”,32”,Sev,MLa,3-way,20buds,pink lavender..40
HIIDING PLACE 5.5”,26”,Sev,M,3-way,15buds,pink lav/dark neon lav eye…50
INTELLIGENT DESIGN 6-7”,36”,Sev,EM,3-4way,15buds,pink lav w/eye....20
ISLE OF PATMOS 6”,24”,Dor,M,4-way, 25 buds,reddish purple……..….........25
JOY CAME DOWN 6”,30”,Sev,M,5-way,20buds,pink cranberry……………..75
JOYFUL ASSEMBLY 6”,24’,Sev,M,3-way,20buds,rose lav with lav eye……40
KEEP THE FAITH 6”,26”,Dor,M,4-way,20buds,apricot w/red eye…………...35
KING OF THE AGES 6-1/2”,38”,Sev,M,4-way,20 buds,yellow w/eye..............25
LIGHT OF THE WORLD 6”,24”,Sev,M,3-way,25buds,yellow w/red eye........20
LIVE IN THE LIGHT 5.5”,32”,Sev,EM,4-5way,20buds,creamy yellow………40
LIVING WATER 4.5”,28”,Sev,MLa,4-way,30buds,deep pink lavender……….35
LOVE NEVER FAILS 5”,24”,Sev,M,3-way,15buds,lav pink w/cran eye……...50
MAN OF SORROWS 6”,26”,Sev,M,4-way,20 buds,rose red w/watermark.........35
MINNESOTA NICE 6”,32”,Dor,M,pink lavender bitone………………………..40
MORNING FOG 4.75”,24”,Dor,MLa,cran grape with large lav eye………….....60
MOSES IN THE BULRUSHES 6”,20”,Sev,M,2-way,14buds,blend w/eye.........25
MOUNT ARARAT 6”,34”,Sev,M,5-way,24buds,purple………………………...35
MY YOKE IS EASY 6.5”,38”,Dor,MLa,4-way,20buds,lavender………………30
NOT GUILTY 6”,30”,Sev,M,4-way,18buds,rose cran/pink eye and edge……..50
OVERFLOWING HEART 5”,24”,Sev,M,3-way,15 buds,pink w/eye….….…..25
PROFOUND MYSTERY 5”,28”,Dor,M,4-way,18buds,rosy cranberry w/eye....65
REPEAT THE SOUNDING JOY 5.75”,30”,Sev,M,4-way,18buds,pinkcran…40
ROBED IN SPLENDOR 7”,30”,Dor,LM,4-way,15buds,grap cranberry……….60
ROYAL INVITATION 6.5”,22”,Dor,M-LM,4-way,15buds,dark lav bitone….100
SECRET OF CONTENTMENT 6.5”,30”,Sev,MLa,3-way,18buds,pink/lav….30
SERMON ON THE MOUNT 6”,36”,Dor,M,5-way,21buds,purple……………..20
SHADOW OF HIS HAND 4.6”,28”,Dor,M,5-way, 25buds,cran rose/blackeye.30
SHINING THROUGH THE DARKNESS 6”,28”,Sev,M,5-way,25buds,yellow75
SHOUT FROM THE MOUNTAINTOPS 6.5”,30”,Dor,LM,4-way,22buds,pink75
SITTING ON A CLOUD 6.5”,28”,Sev,M,3-way,17buds,dark pink lavender…30
SKIN OF MY TEETH 6”,26”,Sev,M,3-way,15buds,dark purple………………50
SONG OF DELIVERANCE 6”,27”,Sev,M,3-way,20buds,yellow/red eye……50
SONS OF THUNDER 6”,24”,Sev,M,3-way,15buds,violet cran w/eye………..50
SPOKEN IN PARABLES 5”,26”,Sev,M,4-way,25buds,peach pink w/red eye...35
STORM SHELTER 5”,24”,Dor,M,3-way,15 buds,purplish pink w/eye…….…25
STRANGER IN A STRANGE LAND 5”,24”,Dor,MLa,3-way,15buds,grape. 25
SWEETEST NAME I KNOW 5.5”,36”,Dor,MLa,3-way,20buds,pink lav…… 30
TERRIBLE SWIFT SWORD 7”,20”,Sev,M,3-4way,17buds,purple/sharks….70
THISTLES AND THORNS 6”,30”,Sev,M,5-way,30buds,violet purple/sharks100
THROUGH A GLASS DARKLY 5.5”,32”,Sev,M,5-way,25buds,grape/eye….65
THUNDERING VOICE 6”,30”,Dor,M,3-way,20buds,grape cranberry…….…25
TRIUMPHAL PROCESSION 5”,24”,Sev,M,4-way,25buds,cran grape……....30
UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER 6”,30”,Sev,M,4-way,15buds,dark pink….80
UNSHAKABLE KINGDOM 7”,24”,Dor,MLa,3-way,19buds,cranberry………40
VANISHING MIST 5.5”,36”,Sev,M,5-way,23buds,cran grape w/lav eye……..50
VIA DOLOROSA 6.5”,30”,Dor,M,4-way,23buds,blood red…………………...40
VISION OF THINGS TO COME 6”,25”,Sev,M to LM,cranberry w/eye..….gift
VOICE OF MANY WATERS 5,5”,36”,Dor,M,4-way,30buds,cran grape……15
WOMAN AT THE WELL 5”,22”,Sev,M,5-way,20buds,apricot w/eye…..........25
WRESTLING WITH ANGELS 6”,33”,Dor, M, 4-way,18buds,pink lav……...35
fr = fragrant
Dor = dormant
Sev = semi-evergreen
Tets = tetraploids
Re = rebloomer
EMO = early morning opener
CMO = cold morning opener
MN = Minnesota
Ev = evergreen
Note: My height measurements are from the ground to the top of the dead scape and do
not include the buds or flower, which can add 2-5” depending on the angle.