a printable copy of the 2015 catalogue


a printable copy of the 2015 catalogue
Springwood Gardens 2015
Teeth of Iron
Angels Bow Down
Royal Invitation
Child of Bethlehem
Live in the Light
Guard Your Heart
Robed in Splendor
Joy Came Down
Unconditional Surrender
From Sea to Shining Sea
Vision of Things to Come
Deep Waters
COLLECTION AND CLUB PRICING: Price for the collection is $750 (a discount
from the total price of $930) plus $45 shipping. Special pricing for club orders for
auctions or “baby-sitting” plants (at least twice catalogue value).
Springwood Gardens 2015
Springwood Gardens is a family-owned mail order nursery which specializes in
breeding fancy, northern hardy, tetraploid daylilies with great color, many of which are
outstanding breeders. There are twelve introductions for 2015. Ten of the twelve
(including all of the dormants) display some to a lot of instant rebloom here in zone 4,
blooming for weeks at a time. Five of the twelve are dormant.
The website includes pictures of all 2003-2015 introductions (and in most cases
pictures of good and bad days, plants at clump strength, scapes, and offspring). Colors
are accurate, and folks who grow them say they are even prettier in person. The
website also includes pictures of hundreds of seedlings in various stages of the testing
process. You are welcome to use any of the photos – no need to ask.
(Please note: Dormant introductions that are lined out outside may not be ready until
late May; I will ship them at my expense if separate shipping is requested. Dormant
introductions that are lined out in the greenhouse will be ready much earlier, but not all
of them will perform “normally” - with strong scapes and fancy edges - until the
following summer, since most of them need colder winter temperatures than I can give
them in the greenhouse to “show their stuff.” So not to worry - they will be fine )
Thank you so much for the nice e-mails about the flowers you receive as well as the
pictures of your gardens and seedlings. I love hearing from you. Best wishes,
Karol Emmerich
Springwood Gardens
7700 Old Highway 169 Boulevard
Jordan, MN 55352
E-mail: springwoodgarden@aol.com
Website: www.springwoodgardens.com
Blog: www.springwoodgardens.blogspot.com
GUARANTEE: Springwood Gardens’ introductions are guaranteed for a year in zone 4
and higher if grown in normal garden conditions (e.g. grown in the ground rather than in
pots, not in standing water, watered as needed, soil not overly compacted); that bark or
other mulch is put around the plants to keep the roots cool and moist (no extra winter
mulching needed); and that they’re not divided when first received or during the first
year. (Note: it’s best to avoid dividing or transplanting daylilies when they are stressed by
high temps or drought, and northerners report better success dividing daylilies in spring
or early summer, rather than in the fall.)
SALES INFORMATION: Each order is important, and I personally choose each plant
to be shipped. Plants are state-inspected and rust free. Shipping is by priority mail from
March 15 to June 30 (although if I have time to ship after that I will). $12 for the first
plant and $3 for each additional plant. Check or money order should be made payable to
Springwood Gardens. U.S shipments only. My goal is to send double fans or supersized
singles, although sometimes the size is weather or cultivar dependent. I promise you will
be very happy with the size of your order as a whole Please note that I usually give
extra fans of what you have ordered rather than a separate gift plant as most seem to
prefer that. All Springwood introductions have been grown and tested outside before
selection. They are not babied or given special care. They are planted on top of a cold,
windswept hill, often with no snow cover. The ground around the daylilies is covered
with a couple of inches of hardwood bark for weed control. They are given at least an
inch of water a week during the growing season and only rarely any fertilizer. During
bloom season, nights are typically in the 60’s and days in the 80’s and 90’s, but in
making evaluations, I watch how the flowers open when temps are in the 50’s. The Sevs
and Evs (and some of the dormants) are lined out in the greenhouse in the summer (where
they are grown in the ground in raised beds, receiving only regular fertilizer and water
and sprayed for insects as needed), enabling you to receive large, high quality, blooming
size plants when it’s most convenient for you in the spring. I recognize that not everyone
is enamored of plants grown in greenhouses, but in our climate it’s the only way I’m able
to ship before early June! Bloom occurs in April and May in the greenhouse, and it is
likely you will receive a plant that has already scaped (happy to send scapes for pollen if
I have them). Most buyers report first year bloom (and often rebloom) on the majority of
the plants that I send, although not usually in sync with their peak bloom time.
Northerners will find that their plants will re-establish more quickly if they request
delivery after the soil has warmed up in their area and after hard frosts are expected.
VISITORS: Peak bloom outside is usually late July through mid-August; peak bloom in
the greenhouse is usually mid-April to late May. The greenhouse and garden are open by
appointment to members of daylily clubs. Garden clubs, seniors groups, church groups,
etc. are welcome to visit the garden by appointment (and if time, I will do a formal tour
for groups of 8-10 or more).
ANGELS BOW DOWN TET 66807 [sdlg x Entwined in the Vine], where the
seedling includes Dixie Rhythm, Tet LBB, Mildred Mitchell, and Intelligent Design.
8”, 36”, 4-way (range of 4-5), 15 buds (range of 11-25), lots of Minnesota instant
rebloom, M, Dor. Dark lavender, merlot eye, merlot plus ivory edge, chartreuse throat,
white midrib. A good increaser with a long bloom season (up to 6 weeks). Fertile both
ways, but more difficult than average pod parent (although it’s lots easier than parent
EITV). Haven’t seen any kids yet, but I made a lot of crosses with it this spring
because of its dormancy, size, color, and patterned genetics. Faults? It is not always as
vibrant as pictured, and because of the size/weight of its blooms, the scapes can
sometimes lean a bit (see website pictures)…………………………….……..……..$75
CHILD OF BETHLEHEM TET 32005 [sdlg x Kingdom Without End], where the
sdlg is (Heartbeat of Heaven x Lake Effect) x ({Regal Majesty x Clothed in Glory} x
Heartbeat of Heaven). 5”-5.5”on initial scapes (dropping to 4.5” on rebloom toward the
end of the season and when dry), 24” (plus flower), 3-way (range of 2-5), 14 buds
(range of 8-22), reliable Minnesota instant rebloom on almost all fans every year,
blooms between mid and late mid-season, Dor. Cranberry grape, lavender eye, ivory
white sharky edge, yellow to green throat. Rebloom starts when the first scape is about
half-way done, and the scape on rebloom is better than the original bloom scape – so
despite only 14 buds on the initial scapes, you get a lot of bloom on the plant. Beautiful
color. Best at front of the border. Keep well-watered, or else the tips of the foliage will
brown toward the end of the season. Pod fertile. I didn’t try the pollen since it is white.
Most plants will be shipped from the outside due to its dormancy………………..$100
DEEP WATERS TET 63707 [Kingdom Without End x Desire of Nations]. 6”, 32”
plus flower (note that the scapes are all the same height within a given year, but the
plant height has been different each year – range of 28”- 36”), 3-way branching (range
of 3-4), 15 buds (range of 11-19), Minnesota instant rebloom (some or lots, depending
on the year), M, Dor. Violet, gray lavender “chalky”eye and edge plus silver, yellow to
green throat. Some bud building. Lovely, consistent, unspotted blooms; chalky eye;
good opener in cool weather; super hardy; good performer no matter what. I love this
flower Fertile both ways. …………………………………………………..….......$75
FROM SEA TO SHINING SEA TET 17309 [(Not Guilty x Faith That Moves
Mountains) x Desire of Nations]. 6”, 32” (36” to top of flower) 5-way (range of 3-7),
27 buds (range of 15-39), some Minnesota instant rebloom, M, super hardy evergreen
that performed superbly in our malaise of 2012 (Note: Ev foliage habit noted in the
greenhouse – not sure about outside, where it could be a Sev). Clear merlot with a dark
lavender eye and edge; green throat. Interesting and distinctive. Please note that this
flower can look totally different from day to day – very hard to photograph, but make
sure to look at the pictures on the website so you won’t be surprised when it blooms! I
love all of its different looks – from regal to kind of spooky to a complete reversal of
the petal and eye colors. The changes are sometimes weather related, but sometimes
not, and unpredictable. Fertile both ways and it has made some beautiful kids – see
website for examples………………………………………………………………..$100
GUARD YOUR HEART TET 59009 [Seven Seals x sdlg] where the sdlg is out of blueeyed 17305 and (Entwined in the Vine x Intelligent Design). Pink cranberry; grape plus
lavender eye and edge plus ivory; olive green throat with red feathers. 5-3/4”, 32” plus
flower (this is its mature height – it is a bit shorter in the early years after planting), 4way (normal range of 3-5 way, but 2-way in the center when crowded), 20+ buds (range
of 13-33), instant Minnesota rebloom on some or most depending on the year, LM, Sev.
A rapid increaser, great foliage, lots of bloom, consistent flowers, a great performer year
in and year out. A star of the late garden, blooming into early September here. Color will
vary some in the sun and it is often a bi-tone. Very fertile both ways. Strong genetics in
the background, so excited to see what the kids will look like.…………………….…..$75
JOY CAME DOWN TET 32909 [(Repeat the Sounding Joy x Kingdom Without End) x
sdlg 17106], where sdlg 17106 includes Chance Encounter, Shaka Zulu, Heartbeat of
Heaven, Chariot of Clouds and a bunch of bold eyes. 6”, 30” (range of 27-34”) plus
flower, 5-way (range of 3-6 way), 20 buds (range of 13-27), lots of Minnesota instant
rebloom, M, Sev. Pink cranberry (and sometimes a bitone), lavender pink eye, lavender
pink plus ivory edge, yellow to green throat. A strong performer (except in 2012 malaise
year, but came back very strong the next year) and a good increaser. Will fade some days
in the intense sun, so might not be as pretty every day as pictured in the south with its
relentless sun. Fertile both ways. ………………………………………………….…...$75
LIVE IN THE LIGHT TET 1406 [Peace Beyond Understanding x seedling], where the
sdlg was a pink coral color and included Chance Encounter, Larry Grace , Reason for
Treason, Ed Brown, Tim Kornder, and Joan Derifield. 5.5”, 32” (plus bloom), consistent
4-5 way branching, 20 buds (range of 13-30), very very fragrant, no Minnesota rebloom,
EM, Sev with lots of dormancy. Creamy yellow, darker yellow eye, green throat. In most
years the flowers are beautifully sculptured early in the season and are quite eye-catching,
but in the last half of the bloom season they are usually quite boring except for some
pretty ruffling on a petal or two in the throat area. No idea on its fertility (not used in
breeding since yellows aren’t as much fun for me to work with as the roses and purples,
although I love them in the garden), but its parents are easily fertile and the pollen
looks good……………………………………………………………………………...$45
ROBED IN SPLENDOR TET 46006 [Kingdom Without End x Sermon on the Mount].
7”, 30’ (range of 28-35”) plus flower, 3-way when crowded and 4-way when not (range
of 3-6), 15 buds, some Minnesota instant rebloom, LM, Dor (I think). Grape cranberry
(Welch’s grape when cold), pink lavender eye and edge plus ivory, yellow to green
throat. Starts blooming here in late July or early August and it is a star of the August
garden with its clear, unspotted, large, beautiful blooms that last for weeks. No idea on
fertility, but no problems with its parents……………………………..………….…….$60
ROYAL INVITATION TET 25805 [sdlg x Kingdom Without End], where the sdlg is
(Heartbeat of Heaven x Lake Effect) x ({Regal Majesty x Clothed in Glory} x
Heartbeat of Heaven). 6.5”, 22” plus flower (range of 18-26”, depending on the year),
4-way branching (range of 2-6 way), 15 buds (range of 10-22), instant MN rebloom
(lots when ample moisture, and less when crowded) and sometimes reblooms twice,
blooms between M and LM, Dor. Dark lavender bitone, gray lavender eye, ivory
sharky edge on both petals and sepals, yellow to green throat. Gorgeous color that
holds great in the sun. Color varies, depending on the temperature the day before.
Super hardy. Front of the border plant, with flowers floating over the foliage. Despite
the large flower size relative to its height, the overall plant looks great, and I have
loved the unique color of these blooms ever since I first laid eyes on them. Fertile both
ways. ……………………………………………………………………………......$125
TEETH OF IRON TET 19707 [Kingdom Without End x Skin of My Teeth]. 6’, 30’
(range of 28-32” plus bloom), 3-way, 13 buds (range of 10-18, rebloom (but not in
Minnesota), M, Sev. Clear dark purple, etched lavender eye, yellow to green throat,
white sharky edge. Gorgeous color plus edge that calls to you from a distance.
Consistent performer year to year. What’s not to like? Bud count and rate of increase
are below what I would like to see in my introductions, but it’s a gorgeous flower and a
good plant that also produces sharky kids with great color – see website for examples.
Fertile both ways, but pod more difficult than average.………………………….....$100
UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER TET 1708 [sdlg x sdlg], where the first seedling
is pink and includes things like Shores of Time, Chance Encounter, Shaka Zulu,
Heartbeat of Heaven, Chariot of Clouds and a bunch of bold eyes. The second seedling
is out of chalky lavender eye breeding. 6”, 30” (plus flower), 4-way branching (range
of 3- 6 way), 15 buds (range of 10-24), instant Minnesota rebloom on almost all fans
and some years there is another set of rebloom scapes, M, very hardy (evergreen in the
greenhouse – best guess is Sev outside in MN, fr. Does fine in zone 4, but zone 5 and
up should be its sweet spot. Dark pink with pale pink eye; pale pink plus ivory ruffled
edge; chartreuse throat. Fertile both ways and a wonderful parent for rich pink colors
(see website for pictures of its offspring)…………………………….……………..$100
VISION OF THINGS TO COME TET 46707 [Repeat the Sounding Joy x Chariot of
Clouds]. 6’, 25’, 4-way (range of 3-5 way), 15 buds (range of 11-26), lots of instant
Minnesota rebloom, M to LM, Sev. Cranberry with darker cranberry eye, ivory edge,
yellow to green throat. Very striking when at its best, and a very nice parent (see
website). However, its performance is inconsistent from year to year here in zone 4 and
it can have too many spotted days. Because of that, it is available only as a GIFT (with
a $250 order and until I run out) for hybridizers who’d like to use it for breeding – you
will like the kids. If you would like to try it, please let me know on your order form.
If you do get it, and you have time, let me know how it does for you (and pictures are
welcome). Perhaps it will perform more consistently in zones 5 and up.
AVAILABLE 2003-2014 INTRODUCTIONS (all tets)
ALL THINGS TO ALL MEN 5.5-6”,28”,Sev,M,5-way,33buds,pink lav/eye.125
ALPHA AND OMEGA 5’,28’,Dor,M,pink lav/purple eye………………….....100
AMBASSADOR OF PEACE 6”,24”,Dor,M,3-way,20buds,yellow…………….30
ANSWERED PRAYER 5”,28”,Dor,M,2-way,20buds,yellow/red eye……….....25
ARMED FOR BATTLE 6”,38”,Dor,M,4-way,25buds,magenta grape/lav eye..65
BATTLE OF JERICHO 5”,28”,Dor,M,4-way,20buds,grape purple w/eye….…25
BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS 6”,28”, Sev,M,3-way,18buds,raspberry…….35
BLOOM WHERE YOU’RE PLANTED 5.5”,30”,Dor,M,4-way,22buds……...65
BORN TO REIGN 6-1/2”,26”,Sev,M,5-way, 20 buds,cran purple……………..35
CHARIOT OF CLOUDS 7”,34”,Sev,M,3-way,17buds,hot cranberry rose…....40
CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS 6”,26”,Dor,M,4-way,25buds,orange……….….30
CLOUD RIDER 5”,32”,Sev,M,3-way,15buds,lavender bitone……………..…..85
CLOUD OF WITNESSES 7”,26”,Dor,M,4-way,25buds,lavender pink…..........45
COIN OF THE REALM 5”,22”,Dor,M,3-way,20buds,yellowpeachorange.......25
COSMIC STRUGGLE 6”,26”,Sev,M,4-way,20buds,cranberry grape…………55
CROWN OF SPLENDOR 6.5”,28”,Dor,M,3-way,22buds,pale pink lav………40
DAY OF RECKONING 6.5”,38”,Sev,M,3-way,16buds,ivory pink w/eye……..30
DEFINING MOMENT 6.5”,36”,Dor,M,4-way,18buds,blood red……….……..30
DELIVERER 6”,30”,Sev,EM,4-way,26buds,tomato soup red………………….35
EL SHADDAI 7”,30”,Sev,M,4-way,31buds,deep lavender pink…………...…...60
ENTWINED IN THE VINE 8”,32”,Ev,M,2-way,15buds,lav pink/pattern……50
FAITH THAT MOVES MOUNTAINS 6”,28”,Ev,M,4-way,18buds,purple….65
FEAR NOT 5”,26”,Dor,M,4-way,25buds,Chinese red/watermark……………..30
FINISH THE RACE 6”,30”,Sev,EM,4-way,25buds,pale ivory yellow w/eye…50
FOUNTAIN OF LIFE 5.5”,28”,Sev,M,3-4way,17buds,pink lav……...………..35
GNASHING OF TEETH 6.5”,29”,Ev,M,3-way,18buds,grape cran/sharks….130
GONE TO GLORY 6”,28”,Dor,M,3-way,15buds,lavender pink bitone……….60
GOSPEL TRUTH 5.5”,32”,Dor,LM,4-way,25buds,magenta purple…………..20
GREATEST GIFT OF ALL 6”,24”,Sev,M,3-way,17buds,pink/yellow blend...35
HANDWRITING ON THE WALL 6”,24”,Sev,M,,4-way,15buds,pink/pattern.30
HEALING TOUCH 5.5”,26”,Sev,M,3-way,20buds,pink with rose eye……..…25
HEARTBEAT OF HEAVEN 6.5”,32”,Sev,MLa,3-way,20buds,pink lavender..40
HIIDING PLACE 5.5”,26”,Sev,M,3-way,15buds,pink lav/dark neon lav eye….65
INSCRIBED ON MY HEART 7”,26”,Sev,M,4-way,16buds,ivory/purple eye..85
INTELLIGENT DESIGN 6-7”,36”,Sev,EM,3-4way,15buds,pink lav w/eye....20
ISLE OF PATMOS 6”,24”,Dor,M,4-way, 25 buds,reddish purple……..…..........25
JOYFUL ASSEMBLY 6”,24’,Sev,M,3-way,20buds,rose lav with lav eye……..45
KEEP THE FAITH 6”,26”,Dor,M,4-way,20buds,apricot w/red eye……………35
KINGDOM WITHOUT END 6”,26”,Sev,M,4-way,18buds,grape blend………70
KING OF THE AGES 6-1/2”,38”,Sev,M,4-way,20 buds,yellow w/eye...............30
LIGHT OF THE WORLD 6”,24”,Sev,M,3-way,25buds,yellow w/red eye........20
LIVING WATER 4.5”,28”,Sev,MLa,4-way,30buds,deep pink lavender……....40
LOVE NEVER FAILS 5”,24”,Sev,M,3-ay,15buds,lav pink/cran eye………….50
MAN OF SORROWS 6”,26”,Sev,M,4-way,20 buds,rose red w/watermark........40
MINNESOTA NICE 6”,32”,Dor,M,pink lavender bitone.....................................50
MORNING FOG 4.75”,24”,Dor,MLa,cran grape with large lav eye…………...60
MOSES IN THE BULRUSHES 6”,20”,Sev,M,2-way,14buds,blend w/eye.......30
MOUNT ARARAT 6”,34”,Sev,M,5-way,24buds,purple………………………..40
MY YOKE IS EASY 6.5”,38”,Dor,MLa,4-way,20buds,lavender……………...35
NOT GUILTY 6”,30”,Sev,M,4-way,18buds,rose cran/pink eye and edge…….65
OVERFLOWING HEART 5”,24”,Sev,M,3-way,15 buds,pink w/eye….….….25
PROFOUND MYSTERY 5”,28”,Dor,M,4-way,18buds,rosy cranberry w/eye..75
REPEAT THE SOUNDING JOY 5.75”,30”,Sev,M,4-way,18buds,pinkcran...50
SECRET OF CONTENTMENT 6.5”,30”,Sev,MLa,3-way,18buds,pink/lav…30
SERMON ON THE MOUNT 6”,36”,Dor,M,5-way,21buds,purple………….....30
SHINING THROUGH THE DARKNESS 6”,28”,Sev,M,5-way,25buds,yellow75
SHOUT FROM THE MOUNTAINTOPS 6.5”,30”,Dor,LM,4-way,22buds,pk75
SITTING ON A CLOUD 6.5”,28”,Sev,M,3-way,17buds,dark pink lavender…30
SKIN OF MY TEETH 6”,26”,Sev,M,3-way,15buds,dark purple………………65
SOLI DEO GLORIA 6.5”,26”,Sev,MLa,3-way,20buds,dark purple………….135
SONG OF DELIVERANCE 6”,27”,Sev,M,3-way,20buds,yellow/red eye…… 50
SONS OF THUNDER 6”,24”,Sev,M,3-way,15buds,violet cran/eye…………..75
SPOKEN IN PARABLES 5”,26”,Sev,M,4-way,25buds,peach pink w/red eye..35
STORM SHELTER 5”,24”,Dor,M,3-way,15 buds,purplish pink w/eye…….….25
STRANGER IN A STRANGE LAND 5”,24”,Dor,MLa,3-way,15buds,grape.. 30
SWEETEST NAME I KNOW 5.5”,36”,Dor,MLa,3-way,20buds,pink lav…… 30
TERRIBLE SWIFT SWORD 7”,20”,Sev,M,3-4way,17buds,purple/sharks…...80
THROUGH A GLASS DARKLY5,5”,32”,Sev,M,5-way,25buds,grape/eye…...75
THUNDERING VOICE 6”,30”,Dor,M,3-way,20buds,grape cranberry…….….25
TRIUMPHAL PROCESSION 5”,24”,Sev,M,4-way,25buds,cran grape……....40
UNSHAKABLE KINGDOM 7”,24”,Dor,MLa,3-way,19buds,cranberry………40
VANISHING MIST 5.5”,36”,Sev,M,5-way,23buds,cran grape w/lav eye……..60
VIA DOLOROSA 6.5”,30”,Dor,M,4-way,23buds,blood red……………… …..40
VOICE OF MANY WATERS 5.5”,36”,Dor,M,4-way,30buds,cran grape…….25
WALL OF FIRE 7-1/2”,36”,Dor,M,4-way,20buds,rose coral………….………60
WOMAN AT THE WELL 5”,22”,Sev,M,5-way,20buds,apricot w/eye…..........25
WRESTLING WITH ANGELS 6”,33”,Dor, M, 4-way,18buds,pink lav……...50
EM = early midseason
M = midseason
MLa = late midseason
fr = fragrant
Dor = dormant
Sev = semi-evergreen Ev = evergreen
Tets = tetraploids
Re = rebloomer
EMO = early morning opener
CMO = cool morning opener
MN = Minnesota
Note: My height measurements are from the ground to the top of the dead scape and do
not include the flower, which can sometimes add 2-4” depending on the angle.