GranQuartz - Ameripolish
GranQuartz - Ameripolish
GranQuartz DALLAS, TX May 20th! ® 1-Day TRAINING SEMINAR 866-639-0960 Concrete GQU PRESENTS: AMERIPOLISH CERTIFICATION 1-DAY, HANDS-ON SEMINAR AND WORKSHOP and Stone Care Solutions Presented by GranQuartz ® Bill Rains, Concrete Specialist, 17 Years Experience w/Special Guest Instructor Jonathan Hughel, Ameripolish® Don’t MISS This Concrete Industry Learning EVENT! Held at GranQuartz’ Dallas Store LUNCH 1400N Interstate 35E, Suite#106 Carrollton, TX 75006 PROVIDED FRIDAY, May 20 from 8:30 am until 3:30 pm YUM! Fee: $79 per person. Can be applied to Purchase. All Concrete Professionals Welcome! To Register, Call or email Bill Rains (215) 272-1346/, or Contact GranQuartz Dallas Store Mgr., Vicente Ruiz (972) 865-4786/ PREP! Concrete for Color! LEARN! How to dye and protect your concrete! LOOK! And Learn About Choosing The BEST Diamond Abrasive Tooling to Make Your Work SHINE! “The Partner that helps you Shine!” GranQuartz • 1.800.458.6222/ Locations in Anaheim, Atlanta, Baltimore/D.C., Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles, Pompano Beach, Salt Lake City, San Leandro & Seattle
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