Volume III Number 18 July 2008 Competitive advantages of NGV and refuelling components Malaysia Car owners line up at NGV conversion centres India Orders for CNG conversion kits are doubling-up II Fiera Mondiale dei Veicoli a Gas Naturale ed Idrogeno II World Fair of NGVs & H2Vs Sponsor Gold Sponsor Hosted by Sponsor Silver Sponsor Silver Supported by Supported by Organizzatore Organizer Energia pulita per un mondo sostenibile Clean energy for a sustainable world Esposizione - Ciclo di Conferenze Magistrali Exhibition - Master Conferences Dal 25 al 27 settembre 2008 September 25-27, 2008 Lingotto Fiere, Padiglione 1 - Torino, Italia Lingotto Fiere, Pavilion 1 - Turin, Italy 2 July 2008 Summary 04 Asian NGV Communications is a publication of NGV Communications Group, publishing house and fairs-conferences organizer: In Europe, we print The Gas Vehicles Report, GVR, and, the International NGV Guide. In Argentina, the Group publishes Prensa Vehicular, Argentine CNG Guide, maps, books and brochures while in Brazil, Folha do GNV, Brazilian NGV Guide, maps and posters, among others. In Peru Prensa Vehicular Peru. More info: The signed articles are exclusive responsibility of the authors, as well as advertising companies and agencies are responsible for the published ads. is member of the ANGVA (Asia Pacific NGV Association) KOREA 300-5, Changchon-Ri ■ Namsan-Myun Chuncheon-Si ■ Kangwon-Do ■ 200-911 Tel. and fax.: +82 33 260 3419 +31 20 420 1076 ■ PERU Av. Brasil 3222 oficina 403 - A Magdalena del Mar - RUC: 20513085576 CP: Lima 17- Asia, the largest NGV region with 4.2 M vehicles and 5,000 stations Asia as the region had about 2 million NGVs at the beginning of 2007, increased to almost 3.5 million by early 2008. By May 2008, Asia has ... 15 Thai’s NGV development strategy The government draws a plan to increase numbers of NGVs and NG stations by 2012. Gas consumption in transport sector will be multiplied as ... 16 Malaysian commuters are turning towards NGVs More and more Malaysian residents choose to switch over to NGVs. Due to the rising demand in vehicle conversion workshops, car owners who wish ... 18 P1 billion funding for public transport sector 25 Equipment suppliers and the competitive advantages 20 Request for CNG conversion kits in India is doubled 33 GNV2009, a world NGV expo in Spain 21 Iran to limit gasoline cars production to 40% only 34 New OEM NGVs: Toyota Altis CNG variant 23 Pakistan to adopt EURO 2 by 2009 36 Asian statistics with world reviews ITALY Vicolo Gonzaga 13 ■ 46045 Marmirolo (Mn) Tel.: +39 0376 294055 ■ ARGENTINA Uspallata 711 ■ CP 1268 ■ Capital Federal Tel./Fax: +54 11 43074559 /5201/ 43006137 BRASIL Av. Rio Branco, 131 Sala 1.701 CEP: 20040-006 Rio de Janeiro - RJ Tel: + (55 21) 2215-0799 ■ + (5521) 2232-6798 ■ Printed: Rigraph S.R.L. • Constitución 4, 28.511 Madrid - España • Tilcara 3.146, Buenos Aires Copies Distribution We print and mail to 24 countries about 4.000 copies addressed to governmental related offices, OEM and Oil & Gas companies, associations, related NGV industries, refuelling stations, workshops and suppliers, according the following list (some figures rounded): Armenia: 0.3% Australia: 4.1% Azerbaijan: 0.2% Bangladesh: 5.0% China: 10.9% Egypt: 1.9% India: 9.5% Indonesia: 1.6% Iran: 7.0% Israel: 0.1% Japan: 10.2% Korea: 5.1% Malaysia: 6.6% Myanmar: 0.5% New Zealand: 1.0% Pakistan: 11.4% Philippines: 3.6% Russia:4.3% Singapore: 3.1% Taiwan: 0.2% Thailand: 5.8% Turkey: 5.5% United Arab Emirates: 2.1% Vietnam: 0.1% In addition, the magazine is sent to over 19.300 readers in 94 countries by e-mail (.pdf) and is also online in If your NGV business is in Asia, advertise with us. Asian NGV Communications 300-14, Changchon-Ri, Namsan-Myun, Chuncheon-Si, Kangwon-Do, 200-911 KOREA Tel : +31 20 420 1076 Tel : +82 33 260 3419 e-mail: 4 July 2008 Asia, the largest NGV region with 4.2M vehicles and 5,000 stations On June 3rd -5th 2008, the 11th World NGV Conference & Exhibition— NGV2008- was held in Brazil. The event, which was promoted by IANGV, IBP, and NGV Communications Group—the mother company of Asian NGV Communications- was joined by exhibitors and visitors from around the world including Asia. The next IANGV fair and conference will be held in June 2010 in Rome, to be hosted by Consorzio NGV system Italia and organised by NGV Communications Group. Prior to that, the 2nd World Fair of NGVs, biogas & H2Vs which will be held in Turin city, Italy in September this year, is the bridge to the NGV2010 fair in Rome. During the NGV2008 conference opening, John Lyon, IANGV President, commented that the world is learning about NGV challenges and success. “This fuel is being considered as a practical alternative for the market and the environment. An accumulated growth of millions of vehicles in several countries takes place on yearly basis. NG is a flexible, viable and sustainable energy for the world”. The statement is justified in Asia as the region had about 2 million NGVs at the beginning of 2007, increased to almost 3.5 million by early 2008. By May 2008, Asia has become the biggest NGV region with its 4.2 million NGVs and 5,000 NG refuelling stations, accounting for 49% and 40% of the world’s NGV and station population respectively. On a country level, Pakistan even leads the refuelling sector as it homes the world’s largest CNG fuelling network with its 1,923 stations. The key question is, “Which market is promising the biggest growth in both NGV and station population? Will Asia remain as the most attractive market?” To answer that question, we have to refer to recent news and statistics, amongst others. According to the world NGV statistics, Asian countries targeted a big increase in both vehicle and fuelling sectors, and, thus, will remain as the most attractive market in the industry. In brief, the short and medium-terms targets are as follows: 760 more stations in Iran for the construction period 2008-May 2009 and hundreds thousands of OEM NGVs to be produced; 4,100 more stations may be installed in Pakistan as over 6,100 NG station licenses have been issued; 270,000 more NGVs for China in two years from now; 100-500 more stations for Malaysia for 2008-2013 that might allow the operation of 1 million NGVs by 2015; 27,000-47,000 more vehicles and 150 more stations for Thailand by the end of this year. And many other countries with a steady big growth in terms of vehicles and fuelling amenities—such as Armenia, Bangladesh, India, Korea, Russia as well as Japan and the promising Myanmar—increase the attractiveness of this region. In Bangladesh, the government plans to add 5,000 CNG auto-rickshaws in Dhaka, the capital city. At the moment, the authorities are revising terms and conditions of this scheme. To support fuelling station business, recently a committee has been formed to set a one-stop service for CNG station owners. PTT in Thailand even came with a plan to switch 25 LPG stations in the country to CNG ones. NG supply will be increased from the current 1,025 tonnes/day to 5,464 tonnes/day at the end of 2008. The PM Samak Sundaravej announced that Bangkok Mass Transit Authority plans to replace its bus fleet with 6,000 NG buses. Several car/pick-up manufacturers have benefited from introducing CNG models in their assortment as revenues increased due to big sales of NGVs. Small & Medium Enterprises Development Bank of Thailand even provides a loan for purchase of new NGVs, to cover up to 90% of the vehicle’ price and offers a seven-year term. As oil price touched US$ 135/barrel in the international market, gasoline price was increased to 40 THB/lt, making CNG more favourable and cheaper compared to other fuels. As many other countries, Thailand is concerned about the forecasted oil price hike that would reach US$ 141/barrel by the second-half of 2008 according to Goldman Sachs. In New Delhi city in India, the number of private vehicles switching to CNG grew by 48% in the first nine-months of fiscal year 2007-2008. Ten per cent of all private cars in Delhi are powered by CNG nowadays. This growth is also caused by the rise in oil price, which is retailed at Rs45.52/lt for gasoline, Rs 31.76/lt for diesel compared to cheap CNG sold at Rs 20/kg. Due to the same reason, there is a surge of interest in CNG kits. In Mumbai city which owns 200 vehicle conversion centres, retrofit request increased by at least 20% in certain workshops. In Jakarta city in Indonesia, there is a plan to switch all public transport and government vehicles to NGVs by 2010. Currently there are about 3,000 public and government vehicles are running on NG in Jakarta. It is expected that in 2010, there will be 92,000 units of these vehicles powered by CNG, and thus, the same amount of conversion kits are needed. In the refuelling sector, several investors have asked for permits to build 500 units of NG stations according to the Head of Jakarta Mining Agency, Peni Susanti. 6 July 2008 420万辆车及5000座加气站 亚洲成为最大天然气汽车市场 2008年6月3日到5日,第11届世界天然气汽车大会暨展览—— NGV2008在巴西举行。这届展会由国际天然气汽车协会(IANGV)、巴西石油与天然气研究所(IBP)和天然气汽 车传媒集团(NGV Communications Group,“亚洲天然气通讯杂志”的母公司) 共同承办,吸引了来自世界各地的参展商和观众。下一届IANGV展会将于2010年6月在罗马举行,意大利的Consor zio天然气汽车系统公司和天然气汽车传媒集团将承办该届大会。此前,作为2010年IANGV展会的序曲,意大利都 灵在今年9月举办了“第二届世界天然气汽车、生物气和氢气汽车博览会”。 在NGV2008大会开幕式上,, IANGV主席John Lyon 先生说 , 世界各地正在收获天然气汽车产业的成功发展, 同时也要应对它带来的挑战。“天然气被认为是相对传统燃料和改善环境切实可行的替代燃料。每年,在一些国家 都有着成百万辆的天然气汽车在市场上出现。天然气以其便利性、可行性以及可持续供应的特点受到世界瞩目。” 上述论述在亚洲市场得到了很好的印证。2007年初,亚洲就有200万辆的天然气汽车保有量,而到了2008年早期 ,这一数字上升为350万辆。到2008年5月,亚洲以420万辆车、5000座加气站的纪录,分别占世界天然气汽车保 有量的49%,和加气站保有量的40%。巴基斯坦拥有1923座加气站,其网络之大居于世界首位。而关键的问题在于 :“未来,哪里将成为天然气汽车及加气站成长最快的地区?还会是亚洲吗?” 为了回答这个问题,我们有必要来看一下最近的新闻和统计数据。根据世界天然气汽车统计数据,未来亚洲无论 在天然气汽车数量和加气站数量方面都有着高增长的规划,因此,仍将成为该产业最具吸引力的地区。统观亚洲 各国发展规划,伊朗将在2008年5月到2009年5月间新建760座加气站,生产数以千计的OEM车型,而巴基斯坦将新 建4100座加气站,目前已经有6100张建站许可证被政府发出。未来两年,中国将新增27万辆天然气汽车。2008年 到2至今年年底,泰国将新建150座加气站,新添27000到47000辆天然气汽车。此外,亚美尼亚、孟加拉、印度、 韩国、俄罗斯以及日本和缅甸都在天然气汽车和基础设施方面稳步发展,显示了亚洲在这块市场的良好前景。 孟加拉政府计划在首都达卡增加5000辆天然气三轮机动车。为此,政府当局在完善相关法规,为其发展提供最为 便利的条件。例如政府最近就成立的一个委员会为加气站的建设提供一站式服务。 泰国国家油气公司(PTT)甚至计划将该国的25座LPG加气站全部改为天然气加气站。根据规划,到2008年底,天 然气每天的供应量将从目前的1025吨提高到5464吨。该国首相Samak先生宣布泰国的公共运输管理当局将更换原 有6000辆公家车为天然气车型。随着销量的上升,很多引入天然气车型的轿车和皮卡制造商获益颇丰。泰国中小 企业发展银行为天然气汽车的购买提供了贷款,贷款额度高达汽车售价的90%,且还款期限长达7年。随着石油价 格达到135元/桶,汽油价格在泰国高达40泰铢/升,因此CNG的优势立刻得到显现。根据Goldman Sachs的说法,泰国预计2008年下半年国际油价将达到141美元/桶。 在印度的新德里,改为天然气汽车的私家车数量在2007年的前9个月增长了48%。现在,德里的私人轿车中有10% 是天然气车型。主要原因是当地汽油和柴油价格分别达到45.52卢比/升和31.76/升,而CNG仅售20卢比/公斤。同 样的原因刺激了CNG汽车改装件市场的发展。孟买地区的天然气汽车改装中心达到200家,在一些改装厂,其改装 数量至少上升了20%。 根据印尼雅加达政府的规划,到2010年,所有的公共车辆和政府车辆将是天然气汽车。目前,雅加达共拥有3000 辆天然气的公共和政府车辆。预计,到2010年将新增92000辆天然气汽车,因此市场需求同样数量的改装件。根 据雅加达矿业部主任Peni Susanti的介绍,目前有若干投资者正在申请建设约500座加气站。 8 July 2008 아시아, 420만대 천연가스자동차와 5천개 충전소를 보유한 가장 큰 NGV 도입 지역 2008년 6월 3일부터 5일까지 제 11회 세계천연가스자동차 총회 및 전시회가 브라질에서 개최되었다. IANGV, IBP, 아시아 NGV Communication의 모회사인 NGV Communication Group에 의해 진행된 이 행사는 아시아를 포함한 세계 전역의 출품자와 관람객들이 참여하였다. 차기 IANGV 전시회 및 총회는 2010년 6월 로마에서 개최될 예정이며, Consorzio NGV system Italia가 주최, NGV Communications Group이 주관한다. 이 총회 이전에 biogas & H2Vs가 올해 9월 이탈리아 Turin시에서 열리게 되며 이는 로마에서 열리는 NGV2010 행사를 잇는 중개역할을 할 것이다. NGV2008 행사의 개회식에서 IANGV 회장인 John Lyon은 세계가 NGV를 향한 도전과 성공에 대하여 알아가고 있다고 발표했다. “이 연료는 시장과 환경을 위한 실용적인 대안으로 간주되고 있다. 몇몇 국가에서는 해마다 수백만 대의 NGV 증가(누적)를 보이고 있다. 천연가스는 사용이 용이하고, 실용적이고 지속 가능한 세계를 위한 에너지이다.”라고 말했다. 이것은 NGV가 2007년 초 200만대에서 2008년 초까지 거의 350만대 가까이 증가한 아시아 지역에서는 충분히 일리가 있는 이야기이다. 2008년 5월, 아시아는 420만대의 NGV와 5,000개의 천연가스 충전소를 갖추며 각각 세계 NGV와 충전소수의 49%와 40%를 차지하여 세계에서 가장 큰 NGV 보급 지역이 되었다. 국가별로는 파키스탄이 1,923개의 충전소를 갖추어, 세계적으로 가장 큰 CNG 충전 네트워크의 본국으로서 충전분야를 이끌고 있다. 여기서 핵심 질문은 “어느 시장이 NGV와 충전소 양 분야에서 가장 큰 성장 가능성이 있는가? 아시아는 가장 매력적인 시장으로 남을 것인가?” 이다. 그 질문에 답하기 위하여 우리는 최근 뉴스와 통계 자료를 참고해야 한다. 세계 NGV 통계자료에 따르면, 아시아 국가들은 자동차와 충전부분의 현저한 증가를 목표로 삼았으며 이 산업에서 가장 매력적인 시장으로 남을 것이다. 요컨대, 단ㆍ중기적 목표는 다음과 같다: 이란은 2008년부터 2008년부터 2009년 5월까지 760개의 충전소 추가 건설, 수십만 대의 OEM NGV를 생산 예정이며, 파키스탄은 6,100개의 천연가스 충전소 설치가 허가되었으므로 4,100개의 충전소가 추가로 건설될 예정이고, 중국은 지금부터 2년 내에 자국에 270,000대의 NGV가 추가 도입 예정이다. 2015년까지 100만 대의 NGV가 운행 예정인 말레이시아에 2008~2013년까지 100~500개의 충전소 추가 도입, 올해 말까지 태국은 27,000~47,000대의 차량과 150개의 충전소 도입 예정이다. 차량과 충전시설로 볼 때, 안정된 큰 성장을 보인 많은 국가들, 예를 들면 아르메니아, 방글라데시, 인도, 한국, 러시아뿐만 아니라 일본과 장래성이 있는 미얀마는 아시아 지역에의 주의를 점차 증가시키고 있다. 방글라데시 정부는 수도인 다카에 5,000대의 CNG 소형삼륜차를 추가로 도입할 계획이다. 현재 당국은 이 계획의 기간 및 상황을 검토 중에 있다. 충전설비사업을 지원하기 위해 최근 CNG 충전소 소유주를 위한 원스톱 서비스에 대한 계획 수립을 위해 위원회가 구성되었다. 태국의 PTT는 심지어 자국 내 25개의 LPG 충전소를 CNG 충전소로 바꾸는 계획을 하고 있다. 천연가스 일일 공급량이 현재 1,025톤에서 2008년 말에는 5,464톤으로 증가될 것이다. PM Samak Sundaravej는 방콕 교통국이 기존의 버스를 6,000대의 새 천연가스버스로 교체하기로 하였다고 전하였다. 몇몇 자동차/소형트럭 제조업체들은 NGV의 대량판매로 인한 수익이 증가하여, 사업분야에 CNG 모델을 소개하는 것으로부터 이익을 보고있다. 태국의 중소기업 개발은행은 심지어 NGV 신차 구입에 대해 차량가격의 90%까지 대출을 제공하며 7년의 대출상환기간을 제공하기로 하였다. 세계시장에서 유가가 US$ 135/barrel에 도달하고 휘발유 가격이 40 THB/lt로 인상되었기 때문에 CNG는 다른 연료에 비해 더 인기 있고 저렴한 연료가 되고 있다. Goldman Sach에 의하면 많은 다른 나라들과 마찬가지로 2008년 하반기까지 유가가 US$ 141/barrel으로 인상할 것으로 보여 태국은 유가 인상에 관심을 가지고 있다. 인도의 뉴델리에서는 2007~2008 회계연도의 처음 9달 동안 CNG로 개조하는 사유 차량의 수가 48%나 증가하였다. 델리 내 모든 사유차량의 10%가 현재 CNG로 운행되고 있다. 이 CNG 개조비율의 증가는 Rs 20/kg에 판매되고 있는 저렴한 CNG연료에 비해 휘발유는 Rs45.52/lt, 디젤은 Rs 31.76/lt에 소매되는 원유가격의 상승에 기인한 것이다. 같은 이유로 CNG kits에 대한 관심이 급증되고 있다. 200개의 자동차 개조센터를 보유한 뭄바이의 한 작업장은 개조(retrofit) 주문이 최소 20%나 증가하였다. 인도네시아의 자카르타에서는 2010년까지 모든 대중교통수단과 관용차량을 NGV로 교체할 계획이다. 현재는 약 3,000대의 관공차량이 천연가스로 운행되고 있다. 2010년에는 92,000대의 차량이 CNG로 운행될 것으로 보이며, 그에 따라 같은 양의 개조 kit가 필요할 것으로 생각된다. 충전분야를 살펴볼 때 자카르타 광업협회장인 Peni Susanti에 따르면 여러 투자자들이 500개의 NG 충전소를 건설하기 위한 허가를 요구하고 있다고 한다. 10 July 2008 アジア:世界最大のNGV普及地域 NGV420万台、天然ガススタンド 5,000ヶ所 2008年6月3日から5日までブラジルで第11回国際NGV会議・展示会(NGV2008)が開催された。IANGV, IBP,Asian NGV Communications誌を発行しているNGV Communications Group主催のこの会議はアジアを含む世界各国から会議や展示の参加者を得た。次回の国際NGV会議・展示会は、NGV システムイタリア、NGV Communications Groupの主催で2010年6月にイタリア・ローマで開催される。その前段として、今年の9月には第2回NGV・バイオ ガス・水素国際フェアがイタリアのトリノで開催され、ローマでのNGV2010への架け橋になる。 NGV2008のオープニングで、ジョン・リヨンIANGV会長は、世界はNGVのチャレンジと成功を学んでいると 言及した。「天然ガスは市場と環境に実用的な代替燃料であると考えられている。いくつかの国々で無数の車の普及が毎 年起こっている。天然ガスは世界でフレキシブルな、成長しうる持続可能なエネルギーである。」 この発言はアジアにおいては正しい。というのは、2007年初めに200万台のNGVが普及し、2008年の初めま でに約350万台に達している。2008年5月には、NGV普及台数420万台、天然ガススタンド5,000ヶ所とい う世界で最大のNGV普及地域になった。この数字は、世界のNGVの49%、天然ガススタンドの40%を占めるもの である。各国ごとに見ると、パキスタンが世界最大の1,923ヶ所の天然ガススタンドネットワークを持ち、スタンドに ついては進んでいる。ここで重要な問いは、「NGVと天然ガススタンドでは、どちらの市場が最大成長を約束されてい るのか?アジアはもっとも魅力的な市場でなり続けられるのか?」ということである。 この質問に答えるため、最新のニュースや普及データに触れなければならない。世界のNGV普及状況では、アジア諸国 はNGVも天然ガススタンドも大きな普及の伸びを示しており、NGV業界は最も魅力的な市場であり続けるだろう。要 するに中短期的には次のようになる。イランでは、2008年から2009年5月までに760ヶ所以上の天然ガススタ ンドが建設され、多数のOEM車が生産される。パキスタンでは、6,100ヶ所の天然ガススタンド設置免許に対して4 ,100ヶ所以上が実際にスタンド建設されるかもしれない。中国では2年以内に27万台のNGVが導入され、マレーシ アでは 2015年までに100万台のNGVに対応するために2008年から2013年に100から500ヶ所以上の天然ガ ススタンドを設置予定である。今年の暮れまでにはタイでは2万7千台から4万7千台のNGV,150ヶ所以上の天然 ガススタンドが予定されている。そして、アルメニア、バングラディッシュ、インド、韓国、ロシア、日本では、NGV ,天然ガススタンドとも堅調な大きな伸びを示すだろう。そして将来あるミャンマーもこの地域の魅力を増大させる。 バングラディッシュでは、首都ダッカでさらに5,000台のCNG三輪車の導入を政府は計画している。同時にこれを実 行するために期限や条件の見直しを実施している。天然ガススタンドビジネスを援助するために、最近ではCNGスタン ドオーナー対してワンストップサービスを提供できるよう委員会を設置した。 タイのPTTでは、25ヶ所のLPGスタンドをCNGスタンドに切り替える計画を行なってきた。このため、2008 年末には現在の1,025トン/日から5,464トン/日に天然ガス供給が増えるだろう。PM Samak Sundaravejは、Bangkok Mass Transit Authorityが6,000台のCNGバスに切り替えると発表した。いくつかの自動車メーカーは、販売車種にNGVを入れ ることにより大きな売上げが生じ、収入が増えた。タイの中小企業開発銀行では、車両価格の90%まで、7年間のNG V購入ローンを用意している。国際原油市場では1バレル当たり135米ドルになり、ガソリン価格は1リットル40バ ーツまで上昇している。このため、CNGはより割安感が生じている。他の多くの国々のようにゴールドマンサックスが 予想している2008年第2四半期に1バレル141米ドルに届くような原油高をタイでは心配している。 インドのニューデリーでは、CNGに切り替える自家用車の数が2007-2008会計年度の最初の9ヶ月で全体の 48%まで成長した。デリーの自家用車の10%が現在ではCNG車である。この現象は原油価格の上昇によっても引き 起こされている。つまり、ガソリン1リットル45.52ルピー、軽油が31.76ルピーに対して、CNGは1kg20 ルピーと安い。同様の理由でCNG改造キットに対する需要が激しい。200ヶ所の改造工場があるムンバイでは、少な くとも20%以上の改造注文が増えた工場もある。 インドネシアのジャカルタでは、2010年までにすべての公共交通機関と政府公用車をNGVにする計画がある。現在 、ジャカルタでは3千台の公共交通機関、政府公用車が天然ガスで走っている。2010年には9万2千台がCNG車に なり、同数のCNG改造キットが必要になるだろう。充填スタンドでは、ジャカルタのMining AgencyのPeni Susanti長官に よると、複数の会社が500ヶ所のCNGスタンド設置許可を求めている。 the 50 th anniversary Genuine Solution, one name - Doosan Infracore Natural Gas Engine Automotive Application GE08TI GE12TI 191kW@2300rpm 250kW@2100rpm Ŧ Bus & Truck Use Doosan natural gas engine is Environmentally friendly, Highly fuel efficient, Dynamic, and Durable Generator Application GE08TI GE12TI GV158TI GV180TI GV222TI 141kW@1500rpm 187kW@1500rpm 253kW@1500rpm 319kW@1500rpm 385kW@1500rpm Ŧ Co-Gen & Industrial Use Ŧ Available at 1800rpm Seoul office : Engines & Materials BG, Doosan Infracore Co., Ltd. 23rd Floor, Doosan Tower, 18-12, Euljiro 6-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea. Tel : +82-2-3398-8530~8546 Fax : +82-2-3398-8509 Email : 12 July 2008 Asia, benua NGV terbesar dengan 4.2M kendaraan dan 5,000 stasiun Pada tanggal 3 Juni lalu telah diselenggarakan konferensi dan pameran NGV international-NGV2008di Brazil. Exhibitor dan pengunjung dari manca negara termasuk Asia ikut berpartisipasi si acara yang diselenggarakan oleh IANGV, IBP, dan NGV Communications Group (ibu perusahaan dari Asian NGV Communications) ini. Konferensi dan expo mendatang akan dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni 2010 di Roma oleh Konsorsium NGV Itali dan NGV Communications Group. Sebelum itu, 2nd World Fair of NGVs, biogas & H2Vs yang akan diselenggarakan di kota Turin, Itali September mendatang, akan menjembatani NGV2008 dan NGV2010 di Roma. Pada acara pembukaan forum 2008 ini, John Lyon, President IANGV menyatakan bahwa seluruh dunia mempelajari tantangan dan sukses dari bisnis NGV. “Bahan bakar ini dilihat sebagai alternatif praktis bagi industri transport dan lingkungan hidup. Jutaan NGVs ditambahkan di armada kendaraan di beberapa negara pada tiap tahunnya. NG adalah sumber enerji yang flexible, feasibel dan berkesinambungan bagi seluruh dunia. Pernyataan ini berlaku bagi Asia yang memiliki 2M NGVs di tahun 2007 dan 3.5M di awal tahun 2008. Pada bulan Mei 2008, Asia telah menjadi regio NGV terbesar di dunia dengan 4.2M NGVs dan 5,000 stasiun pengisian bahan bakar NG, yang mewakili 49% dan 40% dari total populasi kendaraan dan stasiun NG dunia. Di segmen negara, Pakistan memimpin si sektor stasiun pengisian bahan bakar gas karena negara ini mempunyai CNG statsiun network terbesar di dunia dengan 1,923 unit stasiunnya. Pertanyaan utama industri ini adalah,” Pasar manakah yang menjanjikan perkembangan terbesar di bidang NGVs dan stasiun? Apakah Asia akan tetap berperan sebagai pangsa pasar paling menarik di inustri ini?” Jawaban dari pertanyaan di atas dapat dilihat di data statistik dan berita-berita NGV paling akhir. Menurut statistik global NGV, negara-negara Asia menargetkan peningkatan jumlah kendaraaan dan stsiun NG dalam jumlah yang besar. Dengan demikian, regio ini menggaris bawahi posisinya sebagai pangsa pasar palingmenarik di industri ini. Singkatnya, berikut ini adalah target jangka pendek dan menegah dari negara-negara tersebut: 760 stasiun tambahan di Iran untuk periode konstruksi 2008-Mei 2009 dan ratusan ribu mobil berbahan bakar NG akan diproduksi dalam periode tersebut; 4,100 stasiun baru bagi Pakistan yang mana 6,100 sertifikat pebangunan stasiun telah dikeluarkan oleh pihak negara; 270,000 tambahan NGVs dalam jangaka waktu dua tahun mendatang; 100-500 stasiun tambahan bagi Malaysia untuk periode 2008-2013 yang diharapkan akan memungkinkan adopsi dari 1M NGvs dit ahun 2015; tambahan dari 27,000-47,000 NGVs dan 150 stasiun bagi Tailand hingga akhir tahun ini. Selain itu, masih banyak negara Asia lainnya yang mencatat perkemabangan besar secara stabil di dua sektor tersebut yang membuat regio ini sangat menarik. Contoh negara-negara tersebut adalah Armenia, Bangladesh, India, Korea, Rusia juga Jepang dan negara Myanmar yang sangat menjanjikan. Di Banglades, pemerintah merencanakan untuk menambah 5,000 CNG auto-rickshaw di kota Dhaka. Saat ini, pemerintah sedang merevisi syarat-syarat dari program auto-rickshaw ini. Akhir-akhir ini, sebuah komite dibentuk untuk membentuk one-stopservice bagi pemilik CNG stasiun untuk menyuport bisnis mereka. PTT di Tailand bahkan merencanakan untuk mengubah 25 stasiun LPG menjadi stasiun CNG. Suply NG akan ditingkatakan dari 1,025 ton/hari menjadi 5,646 ton/hari di akhir tahun. Perdana Menteri Samak Sundaravej mengumumkan bahwa pihak pengelola kendaraan umum di Bangkok berencana mengganti armada bisnya dengan 6,000 NG bis. Beberapa pabrik mobil/pick-up mengalami peningkatan sales dari penjualan mobil-mobil CNG. Small & Medium Enterprises Development Bank di Tailand bahkan menawarkan pinjaman uang sebayak 90% dari harga NGV baru dengan jangka waktu pengembalian uang selama 7 tahun. Karena harga minyak mencapai US$ 135/barel di pasar internasional, harga besin menignkat menjadi 40 THB/lt, membuat CNG makin menarik dan bertambah murah dibanding harga bahan bakar lainnya. Seperti banyak negara lainnya, Tailand mersa prihatin dengan kenaikan harga minyak yang diperkirakan oleh Goldman Sachs akan mencapai US$ 141/barel di semester kedua tahun ini. Jumlah kendaraan pribadi yang dimodifikasi menjadi NGVs di kota New Delhi, India, telah meningkat sebayak 48% selama 9 bulan pertama dari tahun anggaran 2007-2008. Sepuluh persen dari total mobil pribadi di Delhi menggunakan CNG. Pertumbuhan ini juga disebabkan oleh kenaikan harga minyak yang mana besin dijual seharga RS 45.5/lt, diesel seharga Rs 31.76/lt sedangakan CNG dijual dengan harga Rs 20/kg. Konsekunsinya, demand CNG kits meningkat banyak. Kota Mumbai yang mempunyai 200 pusat retrofit kendaraan (workshop), permintaaan modifikasi kendaraan ke NGV meningkat sebanyak 20% di beberapa workshop. Pemerintah kota Jakarta di Indonesia telah membuat rencana untuk mengganti seluruh armada kendaraan umum dan pemerintah dengan NGVs di tahun 2010. Pada saat ini, sekitar 3,000 kendaraan menggunakan CNG. Diharapkan pada tahun 2010, 92,000 unit armada kendaraan pemerintah dan umum akan beroperasi dengan bahan bakar CNG. Dengan demikian, jumlah conversion kits yang dibutuhkan juga mencapai jumlah yang sama. Meneurut kepala Dinas Pertambangan Peni Susanti, di sektor stasiun bahan bakar, beberapa investor sudah mengajukan permohonan untuk mendapatkan ijin untuk membangun 500 stasiun NG. July 2008 13 14 July 2008 July 2008 15 Thailand continues to show a strong growth in the industry Four new CNG cylinder manufacturers Four manufacturers will produce CNG cylinders in line with the Energy Ministry's plan to increase gas consumption from the current 6% to 20% by 2012. A combined amount of 790,000 cylinders/year can be produced by these companies: Metal-mate, Natural Gas Cylinder (Thailand), Plus Lab and Korean businessman Han Hung Choi. The production will be started by end 2008 and in 2009. It is expected that their entry into the market will help lower the price of tanks by 2,000 THB each and the cost of equipment installation by 5,000 THB/set. This would also reduce the installation cost from 50,000-60,000 THB/car to 38,000-55,000 THB. About 790,000/year locally made CNG tanks will be produced by end 2008/2009 Development plan for NGV industry Over 300,000 NGVs and 740 stations by 2012. Energy Minister Poonpirom Liptapanlop said she had already developed a 2008-2012 plan for promoting CNG consumption, anticipating an increase of NGV fleet from the current level to 333,000 units in the next five years. The volume of CNG consumption should rise from 1,025-2,460 tonnes/day at present to 12,220 tonnes a day, while CNG refuelling stations should increase to 740 stations by 2012. The Minister also plans to increase the number of trucks transporting CNG from 900 units to 3,650 in 2012, to transport 16,450 tonnes NG per day. In 2009, it is anticipated that CNG stations will be available in all provinces. On the other hand, the government will spend 51.6 billion THB on building two gas pipelines in 2011 and another one in 2012. The first route of 250 km will be laid along the Asia superhighway. The second route, of 170 km, will run along the Mitrapab superhighway. The last route, which will be 270 kilome- From 2008-2012, around 540 NG stations will be built in Thailand tres, will be installed along the Petchkasem. In its effort to find an additional NG supply, the country may have to import LNG in 2010. State Oil & Gas company PTT informed Asian NGV Communications that by 8 June 2008, there were 78,775 NGVs and 202 stations in Thailand. 16 July 2008 Malaysia goes NGVs Private car owners rush to CNG conversion workshops Due to price increases of gasoline and diesel, it is believed that demand for NGVs will increase among car users. In fact, demand for vehicle conversion to NGVs in some workshops increased by 5 to 10 times. Since the increase in gasoline and diesel prices, about 500-1,000 phone calls with conversion demand come in on daily basis, according to Hijau MOG Sdn Bhd and other conversion centres. A workshop which normally has 8 customers a day now has 20 or more vehicles lining up to be retrofitted. In some workshops, waiting period could be up to 1 month due to the high demand. Oil impact on transport sector The transport sector is the biggest consumer of energy according to the Energy, Water and Communications Ministry and Economic Planning Unit. In 2005, 40.5% of the commercial demand came from this sector compared to 38.6% from industrial segment and 13.1% from residential and commercial ones. Consequently, the transport sector is most affected by the new price hike. According to the Transport Ministry, about 85% of the public use private transport. Local delivery charges were doubled, public transport fares are twice more expensive and other items are expected to be priced higher. This means that the wage structure has to be adjusted. The Malaysian Trades Union Congress Secretary-General, G. Rajasegaran, proposes that salaries be raised by up to 15%. Meanwhile, the government tried to curb the impact of high oil by offering rebates to private car owners. Yet, Federation of Malaysian Consumers Associations sees that if fuel prices go up further, the rebate scheme would not be sufficient. Another option to cut fuel cost is by car pooling or using public transportation (more often). However, car pooling is considered to be impractical by many. Using public transportation is not always an option for some people, especially for those who have to commute very often on daily basis, to drive and pick-up children from schools and buy groceries, etc. There is also concern on the time spent on public transport in the morning, as it takes considerably a lot more time to go to work in this manner. For some, it means that they have to get up at 4 a.m. in the morning to go to work. Finding the answer in NGVs Since oil subsidy was reduced during the first week of June, the retail prices per litre for gasoline and diesel were increased by RM 0.78 and RM 1 respectively. Currently, price for gasoline is RM 2.70/litre while diesel costs RM 2.58/litre. On the other hand, CNG price remains at RM 0.68/litre equivalent gasoline. Considering this price scheme, it is a viable solution to switch to NGVs. July 2008 The operational cost of NGVs is about 68% lower compared to operating gasoline vehicles and 36% cheaper compared to running diesel vehicles. For some years already, the main issue that delays a big growth in the NGV adoption in the country lies in the inadequate refuelling network. Malaysia had 60 CNG stations by December 2007. This year, however, Petronas, the state oil & gas company, plans to open another 200 CNG refuelling stations in its existing network. A private company, Global CNG Sdn Bhd, has approached the government for a permission to build up to 600 NG stations in a 5 years period. The company is ready to start the project should the permission be granted and should Petronas agree to supply the gas. As Malaysia has 82.5 trillion cubic feet of gas reserves, equal to two times of the oil reserves, the sufficient supply of this gas is guaranteed. Acting Kelantan Menteri Besar Datuk Husam Musa stated the important role of NG to the country. "When natural gas is available as an alternative fuel, there will no longer be a need for the government to have oil subsidy," he said in June. Switching to NGVs In general, the cost of conversion of a normal car varies from RM 3,500 to RM 5,000 depending on the type and brand of system installed. An owner of Pajero who chose to install NGV kits in his car has managed to cut down fuel costs by almost 80%. It only costs him about RM 0.09/km to run his NG Pajero compared with the RM 0.50/km cost before he switched his vehicle. The conversion cost is RM 8,800. Another example of NGV user who converted her Toyota Unser to NGV said that she saves about RM 350/month since she uses NGVs. Normally, it cost her around RM 400/month to run the vehicle with gasoline compared to RM 50/month with CNG. The system installation cost her RM 4,500. The payback period of converting a car to NGV system ranges between 1-3 years. After that, there will be a fuel cost saving of about RM 200-300/month collected from price differences between CNG and gasoline, or even bigger if oil prices continue to increase. Incentives To support the industry, the government 17 offers waiver on import duties and sales tax of NGV conversion kits. Additionally, reduced road tax for NGVs is offered, depending on the fuel type of the vehicles: 50% reduction for dedicated NGVs, 25% discount for bi-fuel, and 25% for dual fuel vehicles. Other countries The story above is an example of the impact of oil price on economy and people. Other countries also face the same problems and challenges. Countries need to switch to alternative fuels to cushion these negative impacts of the gap between oil supply and demand which currently take place in a very rapid pace. Demand for conversion to NGVs is up by 5-10 times 18 July 2008 The Philippines Government is expected to further endorse the use of “clean” vehicles “Alternative Fuel Vehicles Act” can help the adoption of AFVs Stressing the need to look for long-term solutions to the rising prices of gasoline, the Philippines government’s active role in pushing for the extensive use of alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) is very crucial. By early June, Muntinlupa City Representative, Rozzano Rufino B. Biazon, had called on the House of Representatives for the fast track approval of a measure -House Bill (HB) 51- or the "Alternative Fuel Vehicles Act” that he filed. The proposed bill mandates promote the manufacture, importation, sale, distribution, use and development of hybrid or alternative fuel vehicles in accordance with the objectives of Republic Act 8749 or the Clean Air Act. This Act has been pending since August last year. And since oil prices have skyrocketed and continue to increase, larger scale of “clean” fuel vehicles’ adoption is highly needed. After the launch of CNG buses in the Manila-Batangas route, it is expected that wider use of AFVs will be feasible. Oil price increase Pressure from the oil price increase continues. Socio-Economic Planning Secretary Augusto Santos said that world crude oil prices are projected to reach US$ 140/barrel by the end of 2008. The Energy Secretary Angelo Reyes also reminded that energy analysts had predicted that the price of oil would rise to between US$ 150-200/barrel in 2008-2010. In the Philippines, pump prices were increased by the end of May, 1.50 P/litre more for diesel and kerosene and 1 P/litre more for gasoline. Dedicated NGVs in 2010 The Land Transportation and Franchising Regulatory Board (LTFRB) is moving towards the adoption of dedicated CNG public utility vehicles (PUVs) by 2010. Two years from now, all buses, taxis, and jeepneys, should run on CNG according to Chairman Thompson Lantion. At around P20 to P25/litre equivalent diesel, CNG is a cheaper option than “traditional” fuels. The country aims for more energy independency as CNG is made locally and, thus, cheaper, he added. July 2008 19 Arroyo offered P 1 billion loan for engine conversion The first hybrid PUVs running on LPG, CNG, and electricity was launched during the LTFRB anniversary on June 16. LPG jeepneys, diesel electric cars, CNG electric cars, and dedicated CNGoperated PUVs were demonstrated. On May 22, Transportation and Communication Secretary Leandro Mendoza said that President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo released a P1 billion budget to allow PUVs access to loans to convert their engines to hybrids. However, the EV is considered to be insufficient in terms of power for city/metro use, and thus, should be used in villages instead. President Arroyo endorses the use of CNG in public jeepneys, buses, and taxis President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo on 16 June announced a 1 billion pesos free-interest-fee loan programme aimed at helping the public transportation sector switching to alternative fuels. The programme will be funded by additional collections from the VAT on oil, which was reported to have hit P4 billion as of April. The Energy, Science, Trade, and Transportation departments are directed to supervise the shift to alternative fuels. The fund will be used to initially cover the P 70,000 cost for the conversion of 1,000 diesel engines to LPG or CNG engine. Vehicle owners who wish to benefit from this zero loan programme have to apply at branches of the Development Bank of the Philippines and Postal Bank. The daily loan payment is set at P80. 20 July 2008 Oil prices increase, CNG price decreased India doubled CNG kit requests The recent increase in fuel prices has led to a big boost in demand for CNG conversion kits. After the hike in gasoline and diesel prices was announced, the number of car owners switching to CNG has doubled. While oil prices are rising, CNG prices actually dropped in March from Rs 19.20/kg to Rs 18.90/kg. "Since the latest petrol price increase, the demand for CNG conversion kits has hit the roof. My phone just does not stop ringing," said Ankit Jain, Director of Power Fuels India Pvt Ltd, which fits CNG kits. Added Mukesh Garg, owner of Badarpur-based Eco Gas, stated that kits orders in his conversion workshop have doubled from 5 to 10 units a day. And they are not being able to meet the demand because of lack of infrastructure. The demand for conversion kits is said to increase further and therefore, vehicle conversion centres expect the government to solve the problems at the kits and gas supply end. While about 30,000 new cars enter city roads each month, there are just about 4,500 conversions to CNG being done in Delhi." CNG prices dropped by the first semester of 2008 from Rs 19.20/kgto Rs 18.90/kg. Switching a gasoline car to NGV can lower fuel cost by almost 75%. As India, especially New Delhi is one of the world’s most polluted nation/city, the environmentally-friendly aspect of “clean” CNG is also a major attraction to the nation. But a major obstacle to conversion to CNG is long queues at filling stations. With NGV fleet of over 821,000 and 325 NG stations, each station should serve over 2,500 vehicles. Meanwhile, according to the global rule of thumb, each NG station should only serve no more than 1,000 vehicles (of cars and high-duty vehicles). Currently, the queuing time at a CNG pump station is about 15 minutes, making it inconvenient for NGV owners. In the gas infrastructure sector, on June 6th, Gas Authority of India Ltd (GAIL) and Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation (TIDCO) inked a gas cooperation agreement that will prioritise the setting up of a CNG corridor in Chennai after Nagapattinam, Karaikal and Pondicherry. The gas will be used for industrial, commercial and transport sectors. OEM Apart from the vehicle conversion business, a car producer, Hyundai Motor India Limited, in June introduced CNG variant of its mid-size sedan 'Accent'. The car will be available in New Delhi and the rest of the National Capital Region (Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan states). At Rs 555,500 per unit, this bi-fuel variant is Rs 56,500 more expensive than its gasoline version. The vehicle is equipped with CNG conversion kit from a Korean supplier. The kit uses an advanced Lambda control system that allows the car to meet the Euro III emission norms. July 2008 21 Congratulations to Iran to slash down gasoline cars production Richard Kolodziej, the new IANGV President The Cabinet of the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced last June 6th that this year, 60% of passenger cars produced in the country will use CNG or bi-fuel CNG/gasoline technology. The 40% of the total car production will run on gasoline. Also, 80% of pick-up trucks and 80% of vehicles for public transport use made by domestic automakers must be powered by CNG or bi-fuel. Following the June 2007 vehicle fuel rationing programme, on June 7th, a new program was issued limiting owners of luxury cars to only buy gasoline at market price from June 21st, instead of the heavily subsidised regular unleaded fuel. The Asian NGV Communication takes this opportunity to congratulate Richard Kolodziej on his election as the new President of the International Association for Natural Gas Vehicles (IANGV). Kolodziej, who is also the President of NGVAmerica, will take the chair for a two-year term. Moving towards IANGV’s Richard Kolodziej, President of IANGV goal to increase NGV population to 65 M by 2020, Kolodziej aims to double the current NGV number from over 8 M to 16M during his two years term. 22 July 2008 More attention to public transport is needed The Delhi government has introduced comfortable AC buses which cost was substantially high. Associate Director of Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), Anumita Roychoudhury, said that the Finance Minister’s offer to reduce the excise duty for buses to only 12%-same as that on small cars – is not significant enough compared to the cost of low-floor urban CNG buses at over Rs 4,000,000/unit. Meanwhile, it is important that Delhi and India have more big public transport units to curb air pollution level. The Asian Development Bank has projected that in 2035, the total fuel consumption of on-road vehicles in the country will be six times higher than in 2005 - this growth will be driven by light-duty vehicles, mainly cars. Should more commuters use CNG buses, the pollution level that might derive from people commuting in diesel and gasoline cars could be reduced by 20%. Demand for CNG tanks are escalating Sunita Narain, CSE Director, said that it is time for the government to announce the policy of mandatory disclosure of fuel economy of vehicle models with complete details of technical parameters including weight, power, etc, and at the same time it should implement fuel economy standards. July 2008 23 News from Pakistan Adopting EURO 2 norm in 2009 Pakistani Environment Ministry announced that there is a plan to introduce EURO 2 emission standard for vehicles to ensure higher air quality in the country. The standard will be applicable for gasoline vehicles since January 2009. For diesel vehicles, the measure will apply as per July 2012. Euro 2 compliant diesel fuel will be available by the end of 2011. Vehicle manufacturers demanded the government to allow zero duty on import of EURO 2 compliant auto parts. Locations for CNG station The Capital Development Authority has approved seven locations for CNG stations in the federal Capital of Islamabad. The locations have been appointed along G-9/2, G-8/2, G-6, D-8/1 sectors, Blue Area, Kashmir Highway, and Islamabad highway. CNG rickshaws Unlike the previously totally banned Qingqi (motor-rickshaws) and two strokes auto-rickshaws, the Punjab authority plans to introduce CNG four-stroke rickshaws in the city and has set up a fund for this purpose. Two-stroke auto-rickshaws are banned from some roads as they are really polluted. Car OEMs The government is considering cancelling the 2.5% withholding sales tax on local purchase of cars. Local assemblers have proposed an exemption on this tax as it has been hurting sale of cars. On the other hand, due to the rising steel prices and the decreased value of rupee, several car manufacturers increased prices of their vehicles. Indus Motor Company, Honda, and Pak Suzuki Motor Company Limited had raised prices of their products by the beginning of June. Pak Suzuki Motor, the biggest CNG car producer in Pakistan also increases prices of their CNG cars. 24 July 2008 The next IANGV conference and exhibition Towards NGV2010 in Rome The 11th World Conference and Exhibition of the International Association for Natural Gas Vehicles (IANGV) was held in Brazil last month. Seventy nine companies from 14 countries from Asia, Europe, and South and North America joined the exhibition.The next IANGV expo and conference will take place in the city of Rome, Italy, on June 8th -10th , 2010 The agreement was signed by John Lyon, IANGV President, and Vanni Cappellato, Chairman of Consorzio NGV System, Italy. Claudio Kohan, NGV Communications Group Director, participated in the ceremony on behalf of the company that will organize the event. The next IANGV expo and conference will take place in the city of Rome, Italy, on June 8th -10th , 2010. The capital city of Italy shall welcome visitors under the theme “Today solution for a better transport”. A pathway to export to Europe in 2010 A bridge to Rome will be the Torino Fair, which will be held on September 25-27 this year, in Turin, Italy. This 2nd World Fair of NGVs, Biogas, and H2Vs will present both exhibition and master conferences. To ensure a wide exposure and high visiting rate, the admission for both fair and conference is for free. So far, about 85% of the expo stands are already booked by various companies. In this 7,620 sqm area, vehicle and fuelling equipment as well as retrofitted and OEM NGVs will be displayed. Various OEM NGVs will be displayed as well as NGV systems, cylinders, CNG nozzles and accessories, From left to right: Garth Harris, IANGV Secretary-General; John Lyon, IANGV President; Vanni Cappellato, Consorzio NGV System Chairman; and Claudio Kohan, NGV Comm. Group. electronic equipment, injection rails, pressure regulators, continuous filament winding plants, fittings, conversion kits, CNG and Hydrogen valves. Also dispensers, compressors, CNG measurement and control, home refuelling appliance manufacturers, and Cryogenic pumps, LCNG refuelling systems have reserved their space in this event. Oil & Gas Company, Italian NGV Association, Third Party Inspection (for vehicle), Global Strategies & Investment as well as NGV event organisers and publishing house, stations maps and GPS information supplier will join the exhibition. July 2008 25 BusinessCentre Aldesa CNG and LPG conversion kits ALDESA is a family-owned company which was founded in 1965 and firstly started operating as a forging manufacturer. In 1974 ALDESA produced its first gas pump for the automotive sector under the license of ESV Marshall. 1976 ALDESA started first researches in the LPG sector and manufactured his first LPG Reducer in 1978. In 1995 ALDESA produced the first complete LPG system in Turkey which got the Turkish Standards Institute (TSE) approval as well as the ECE-R 67 standard approval by Bureau Veritas in 1997. By 2001, ALDESA was the 4th company in Europe and the 1st one in Turkey which attained the international ECE-R 67-01 approval by Apragaz Luxemburg and became one of the biggest Autogas System manufacturers in Europe. Aldesa’s CNG electronic reducer and sequential reducer made in Turkey Today ALDESA is an IS0 9001 certified company which possesses all the necessary approvals like: ECE R67-01, R110 and R115 from TÜV. With a dealer network of more than 120 representatives in Turkey and abroad countries, ALDESA already proved his high quality products and customer satisfaction. In its 10,000 m2 closed area, ALDESA produces and develops all components of the Autogas systems by itself with the most experienced engineers, technicians and designers. Due to its very well structured organization, ALDESA is always very flexible to respond the market challenges and needs. All the produced parts are assembled very carefully and tested one by one to ensure the highest performance and customer satisfaction. The firm’s main aim is to produce high quality products for its customers all over the world and to contribute to improve the global environment. ALDESA’s CNG related products include CNG sequential kits, CNG carburetor kits, reducer, filling unit, solenoid valve, tank valve, injector, ECU Contact: ,, tel. +90 216 561 41 70 26 July 2008 BusinessCentre Importance of preventive and detective actions in the new designing approach for CNG components The CNG market has grown significantly in the last five years. For various reasons, a growing number of nations, even those which do not have their own methane resources, are turning to this type of fuel as an alternative to petrol. The main car producers have started to make series vehicles designed to run on methane. Reliability and cost-effectiveness imposed by car producers have inevitably become main requirements along with the ever increasing need to have safe and reliable products in the long term. The approach used in the last twenty years with respect to components of methane powered cars has started to show its limits. Old history is no guarantee of future reliability, but it can be a starting point for future development: safety standards have become higher and operating parameters (pressure, flows, etc) are increasingly restrictive. In the era of globalisation, in which a vehicle can be developed and tested in one nation (for various reasons that we will not discuss here) and then exported all over the world, it is impossible to conceive a product strictly bound to a specific territory: it must work in all possible situations all over the world. Car producers have already faced and solved this kind of problems (two examples could be the function tests carried out in extreme climatic conditions in Antarctica and in the Death Valley). It is clear that past design methods are the guidelines used for the development of today’s components aimed at converting cars to methane. The most important instrument still used in the design phase is the universally known method called DFMEA (Design Failure Modes and Effect Analysis). This instrument has led to the transformation of the design phase which is no longer the “property” of a single designer, but the object of teamwork based on critical analysis. Individual car producers have developed their own approach to this analysis and they all have the same objective: a sound design (functional approach) and the detection of the causes and effects of defective component parts (such failures imply the non-fulfilment of the foreseen function in the first place and a chain reaction effect to be evaluated in the second place). Which were the old and which are the new design guidelines? The answer to this question is a real novelty: while in the past the simple compliance with a standard could represent the final objective, now it is no longer so. The product must comply with a certain standard, but it must also fulfil the customer’s requirements in terms of functionality (the safety aspects of this requirement must be guaranteed for an unlimited period) and fulfil the requirements “chosen by the car producer” which allow the product to successfully compete in the market against other products. It is therefore necessary in the design phase to evaluate all aspects which could affect the car functions (each of which has its own level of criticality) not only in the territory in which the product is designed and tested, but in all countries in which it could be sold. After the evaluation of all causes (temperature, different fluid composition, high maximum flow rates, flow instability, vibrations, etc.) which could be assumed to affect a product Eng. Renato Santulli Ph. D, R&D and Laboratory Manager of OMB (through Fmea) in the design phase, “preventive” and “detective” measures must be implemented in order to validate it. A failure in the “process” phase (on the market) would be absolutely unacceptable!. The fluid dynamic and structure simulation software plays a basic role among the main preventive instruments. These instruments allow simulating extreme conditions in terms of speed, temperature and behaviour under stress or in a deformation state. Which are the advantages of these instruments? They are quite evident: It is possible to simulate an extreme condition in advance and to see what could happen with time if the instruments are used correctly. The abov mentioned instruments shall be used only by highly qualified personnel. Once the fulfilment of “extreme” requirements has been guaranteed in the design phase, it is necessary to go on to the prototype experimental validation. According to the new guidelines, also in this case, the tests provided for by standards must be carried out along with the tests considered necessary following the outcome of the DFMEA analysis (once again, the functional approach has changed: fulfilment of standards, of customers’ requirements and of producers’ requirements). Tests are carried out on components produced under boundary conditions with extreme thermodynamic parameters by focusing as much as possible on their “overlapping” (here are some examples: pressurisation and depressurisation with CNGs under variable temperature conditions, resistance test on components under pressure or subject to very complex vibration cycles and test conditions representative of the real ones). New component producers have set up laboratories with innovative equipment and highly qualified personnel. Laboratories have now two main functions: they are not only the places in which validation tests are carried out, but also places where the tested article is compared with the products offered on the market. Experiments are carried out in order to establish if the solutions proposed fulfil customers’ needs in an exhaustive manner or whether competitors’ products are better. This is the future orientation! Companies who have decided to adopt this method are already starting to enjoy the fruits of their work. July 2008 27 28 July 2008 BusinessCentre Gas injector technology-Experience of Landi Renzo By: Filippo Munna, Technical Manager, Beijing Landi Renzo Autogas Systems Co., LTD Founded in 1954, LANDI RENZO SPA (LR) is world leader in the field of NG and LPG systems for automotive applications. Following the more and more severe legislation about vehicle emissions, LR has committed strong efforts to develop its own technology in the field of gas injection. In fact, this is certainly the best way to exploit gas properties and optimise engine performances. The use of gas injector instead of mixer brings better emission results, lower consumption, and more power. Driveability can be tuned at the same level as gasoline EMS because of the possibility of executing perfect optimizations and of adopting special strategies (for example engine warm up injection management). The most challenging issues for gas injector design are: linearity, repeatability, endurance, tightness, noise and compatibility with extreme condition like cold start and heatstroke. To achieve this target, LR has designed a side feed injector where the flow is regulated by the opening of a disk commanded by an EM coil. The disk movement is guided by an axial cylinder whose material reduces friction, thus permitting the repeatability of each injection cycle. Eventually, the command is a 5/1 Amp “peak and hold”, that means fast response to move the inertia of the disk. In terms of performances, LR has stressed the capability of its injector “to survive” whatever the purity of the gas. In fact, the injector is a side feed type. Thus, the flow of the gas has an extremely short stroke inside, and mobile elements have a very limited contact with it. The materials of the disk and axial guidance cylinder have been studied with FEM to permit a long life of around 300 million cycles, and still perform the necessary tightness. Repeatability and linearity are guaranteed by the calibration of the spring, and the stroke of the mobile parts. Beyond the satisfaction with its product, LR continues thinking of future improvements. It is well LR gas injector can lower emission and gas consumption known that a “peak and hold” command requires a complex and expensive Hw for the ECU. Therefore, the application of innovative ideas will allow using a saturated command, so that the CPU job will be reduced to an ON/OFF command. Layout problems and noise reduction requests may lead to a change of philosophy in terms of gas feeding. While maintaining the same long life performances, LR is looking into the possibility of developing a top feed injector. These are the challenges for the future. Indeed, LR is confident that its growing experience with OEM clients will help achieve all the targeted improvements. Contact:,, tel:+86 10 67856675 Be present at a world class NGV fair The August edition of this magazine will also be distributed in the 2nd World Fair of NGVs & H2Vs or the so-called “Torino fair”, in Italy. In this edition, we will publish the attractiveness of Asian market for local and overseas companies, and the information on Asian products. Attending this event means being present in a world market. Exhibitors, visitors, and conference delegates from around the globe have already registered to this even: from Europe, Asia, North and South America. You are cordially invited to visit this fair and to be present in the world market/Torino fair by advertising with us. Volume III Number 17 June 2008 49% NGVs & 40% NG stations in the world are in Asia China 500,000 NGVs by 2010 Iran Expected to be the new NGV leader in 5 years July 2008 29 BusinessCentre RHPS pressure regulators RHPS has always focused on the manufacturing and supply of pressure regulators for high flow and high pressure applications. The majority of the RHPS pressure regulators are used in the general industry. Also the niche markets of the clean gas systems, the medical world, the semiconductor industry, the military and aerospace industry and the pharmaceutical industry became important for RHPS. The last 10 years the alternative fuels industry, and especially the (CNG) market became very important for RHPS. RHPS took the first steps in the CNG market in Gothenburg, Sweden, some 10 years ago. After Sweden, we jumped to the South of Europe, Italy, the largest CNG market in Europe. The RHPS representative RTI did a good job for RHPS in the Italian Market. It was in Italy that RHPS supplied the first large quantities of pressure regulators for CNG applica- Edition Deadline August July 10th tions. The RHPS pressure regulators became specified in filling stations by Italian governmental regulations. The next step was Germany, where RHPS started to supply the Erdgas Mobile project. From that moment the use of pressure regulators in CNG applications started to spread over the world, from South America, North America to Asia. By now we are supplying hundreds and hundreds of pressure regulators to South America and Pakistan. Where to use RHPS pressure regulators, safety relief valves and priority valves - To control the inlet pressure of the compressor To control the inlet pressure in several stages in the compressor. - To control filling of three bank system with priority valve. - To control the backpressure over gas dryers. - To control maximum filling pressure. - Relief valve on maximum filling pressure. - Monitor regulator on maximum filling pressure. - Temperature compensation of maximum filling pressure. - To prevent pressure shocks in dispenser and compressor Gas pressure regulator for refuelling system with differential pressure regulator. - To reduce pressure to pilot-pressure for actuators. - To reduce high flow low pressure CNG in mother daughter systems. - Safety relief valves between stages in compressors - Dome loaded pressure regulators between storage and dual dispensers. Testing Stock You can contact us at: Markweg 21, 2153 PG NieuwVennep, The Netherlands Tel: +31 (0)252 620 005,, RHPS carries a large stock of parts. We assemble to order so that we may remain flexible. Special report Asian manufacturers in Europe and the world: special 2nd World Fair edition Vehicle conversion market: the companies and the technology October September 4th Progress in LNG activities in Asia 3rd anniversary of the Asian NGV Communications Each and every pressure regulator is tested at high and low pressures. Quality RHPS is an ISO 9001:2000 approved company regarding design and manufacturing of pressure control valves. Events with massive magazine distribution 2nd World Fair on NGV, Biogas & H2V 25-27 September Turin, Italy 30 July 2008 BusinessCentre IMW Delivers Clean CNG Solutions CNG is widely accepted as one of the best available alternative fuels. It is abundant, clean, safe, and the technology exists to deliver it on a cost-effective, widespread basis. Few people would argue these points, but are all CNG compressors created equal? Since 1984, IMW Industries of Canada has set themselves apart from their competitors by using advanced technologies and materials to produce some of the world’s cleanest and most efficient CNG compressors and fuelling systems. CNG stations that use IMW equipment, and the vehicles that fuel there, reap the benefits of reduced operating and maintenance costs as well as minimal environmental impact by avoiding oil contamination with CNG. While many gas compressors are lubricated by injecting oil into the cylinders, IMW makes clean, non-lubricated compressors by using PTFE (Teflon©) piston rings and pressure seals that do not require lubrication. IMW systems deliver CNG with oil content of less than 5 parts per million (ppm) compared to 100 ppm from many lubricated compressors. Oil in CNG is vaporized under the heat and pressure of compression and mostly passes through filters. It will usually separate from the CNG only when it has cooled sufficiently, which typically happens in the storage vessels of the station or the vehicle, resulting in a loss of capacity (driving range) and increased maintenance of (or damage to) the vehicle’s CNG regulator and combustion sensors. Inside the compressor system, oil contamination can reduce the effectiveness of heat exchangers, raising the operating temperatures and reducing component life. Inside the vehicle’s engine, oil-contaminated CNG also contributes to increased emissions. To build reliable, non-lubricated compressors, IMW has created their designs specifically for CNG applications, including longer piston strokes, lower rotational speeds, and lower compression ratios. IMW pays close attention to accurate machining tolerances, surface finishes, and special processes in the manufacturing of the compression cylinders, which results in ring life equal to or exceeding those in lubricated compressors. Factory tests and millions of operating hours in the field have resulted in piston rings that routinely last 6000 ~ 8000 hours and, in many cases, often last more than 10,000 hours. The basic configuration of the piston assembly is dramatically different from those in lubricated compressors, resulting in superior sealing and increased longevity. See Figure 1. The biggest benefit of non-lubricated compressors accrues to the station operators who are able to reduce operating costs by eliminating the need for frequent topping-up of oil and the associated costs of material and labour, increased filtration, and increased waste oil disposal. Steve Steinebach, Commercial Projects Manager Lube vs non-lube piston Reducing costs and labour requirements helps improve the efficiency of CNG stations and encourages more rapid development of CNG infrastructure. IMW’s non-lubricated compressors have proven themselves globally as the clean standard for CNG fuelling systems, making financial and environmental sense for savvy station and fleet operators. For more information visit Author Steve Steinebach is the Commercial Projects Manager for IMW Industries Ltd. and has 14 years of technical and commercial experience with CNG fuelling systems. Email July 2008 31 BusinessCentre Lincoln Tuffshell type IV cylinder Lincoln Composites has been manufacturing filament wound pressure vessels since the 1960’s. From Space Shuttle tankage to rocket motor cases, Lincoln Composites has put an expansive technical background to work in providing lightweight composite solutions to many markets. In 1993, Lincoln Composites entered the natural gas vehicle market with the TUFFSHELL® Type IV compressed natural gas cylinder. A Type IV pressure vessel has an all-composite construction; the only metallic feature on the cylinder is the end-boss, used as a connection port for the plumbing interface and, in some cases, for mounting. The most significant differentiator of a Type IV pressure vessel is the liner – it is a non-structural bladder for gas containment. Because the liner is non-structural, Type IV technology can be scaled up easily for larger cylinder sizes and higher operating pressures. Lincoln Composites currently manufactures the largest NGV cylinder in the world – a 540 L, 250 bar pressure vessel that stores 160 SCM of CNG. Lincoln Composites’ Type IV technology also offers a cost and weight efficient means for 700 bar and higher storage pressures utilized for on-board and off-board storage in the emerging hydrogen fuel cell market. As with all CNG cylinders on the market today, the TUFFSHELL® design meets or exceeds all of the requirements of the regulatory agencies in the country of use. Lincoln cylinders have been approved for use in accordance with ECE R110, ISO 11439, NGV2-07, and METI-KHK. Through durability, impact resistance, and environmental testing, the design of the Lincoln cylinder has proven to be up to its name: TUFFSHELL®. Currently, Lincoln Composites cylinders are in service in major cities across the globe: Los Angeles, Jakarta, Stockholm and Tokyo to name a few. The high performance, robust design has proven to be a favorite of transit bus manufacturers and operators. The increasing prevalence of low-floor bus designs has created a need to locate the CNG cylinders on top of the roof. Lightweight TUFFSHELL® tanks have enabled manufacturers to accomplish this without serious weight penalties, maintaining valuable driving range. Recently, the appeal of the TUFFSHELL® construction has garnered attention from utilities and gas companies looking for a more cost-effective method to transport large quantities of CNG. The 540 L cylinder has proven to be very useful in tube trailer applications that have previously relied on clusters of extremely heavy Type I cylinders or 3AAX steel tubes. Taking advantage of all the Type IV construction has to offer, Lincoln Composites will begin delivering a new product to the market in late 2008. The TITANTM is an Tuffshell® type IV, with all composite construction 8400 L, 250 bar cylinder capable of storing over 2500 SCM of CNG and weighs just 2087 kg (unloaded). The weight advantage of the TITANTM tank is significant when compared to traditional bulk-hauling storage solutions. An 11 meter long 3AAX-2900 tank requires 4.8 kg of steel to deliver one SCM of CNG. The TITANTM can deliver one SCM of CNG with only 0.83 kg of material. Lincoln Composites’ Type IV technology will enable users to optimize their delivery of gas instead of steel. 32 July 2008 BusinessCentre Sequential gas injection system OMVL designs and manufactures complete CNG/LPG fuelling systems, developed for safety, comfort and performance of Alternative Fuel Vehicles. The basis of the company’s mission statement is: optimum performance with minimal emissions, reliability and special attention to customers’ maximum satisfaction, and a guaranteed cleaner environment in the future. OMVL spa is based in Italy and part of SIT Group company. This group is an Italian multinational specialised in co-designing solutions that offer safety, monitoring system, and enhanced performance of any gas application, from domestic heating to alternative fuel vehicles. Our equipment for automotive can be used in various vehicles from motorcycles to large trucks, advanced passenger cars, and also suitable for application in public and private transport. Established in 1976 and being present in 51 markets in the world, OMVL collaborates with the most important international automotive companies – such as Volkswagen, PSA Peugeot-Citroen, Ford and FIAT-being recognised as one of the top high-tech companies in the industry. Our R&D, Operation Division, Hacia una vili dad limpia y sosmo tenible Towards a clean sustainable mo and bility 17-19 JUNIOJUNE 2009 Feria de Madrid Madrid Fair Pabellón 1 Pavil ion 1 info@gnv2009ma www.gnv2009m Un evento de An event of Organizado por Organized by OMVL’s components are sold in 51 markets around the globe Quality and Commercial Department are located in our headquarter in Pernumia (Padova) in Italy. Three different plants –Italy, Argentina and Chinastrategically backing our overseas markets with a local touch for technical support and assistance. The OMVL products and solutions – also sold under the registered brand “REG by OMVL” - are fruit of years of research and know-how matured in a quarter of century of activities and experiences in the field: pressure reducers, injection systems, electronic computer units, accessories and related spare parts are entirely developed and produced by OMVL; all mechanical die casting, workings, assembling and tests are directly executed in-house. The quality of the products has always been a starting point for us - more than an objective to pursue - and this is verified by our business certification ISO 9000 (VISION 2000), and the homologation EURO 4 for our systems, along with the most restrictive European standard concerning polluting emissions, the homologations 67R01 and R110 for LPG and methane systems, R10 for the electronics and certification ISO 15500 for the range produced in the CNG line. OMVL products are known in the world for their quality and reliability, capable of facing the most stringent and extreme climatic situations. In the industry level, the customers recognise the premium quality of OMVL sequential injection DREAM XXI which flexibility answers every engine requirement and underline our famous pressure stabilisers. OMVL SpA Via Rivella, 20 - 35020 Pernumia PD Italy Tel. +39 0429 764111, fax +39 0429 779068, July 2008 33 BusinessCentre GNV2009 expo in Spain GNV 2009 Madrid, International Conference and Exhibition, under the theme “Towards a clean and sustainable mobility”, will be held Wednesday 17th – Friday 19th June 2009, at Pavilion 1 of the Madrid Fair. The event will gather the activities of NGVA Europe and the third version of the World Fair of NGV, Biogas and H2V. NGVA Europe is the association that assembles organisms and companies which endorse the application of natural gas to the transport universe; it is the most important forum of the old continent, for the quality and depth of the topics it approaches as much as for the level of representation and experience it deploys. On the other hand, the Expo gives continuity to the successful fairs of Bolzano (2005) and Turin (2008), showing the latest technologies and services for a clean, technically proved and affordable drive. of particulate matter into the atmosphere, in addition to 7,000 tons CO2, and the displacement of 31 M liters of diesel oil. Barcelona, Valencia and more than 15 cities already benefit from this efficient energy alternative. Three reasons to hold the event Madrid The capital city of Spain encourages participation and solidarity with an environmentally-friendly civic scenario. Hundreds of urban transport vehicles, taxis, and refuse trucks already operate on natural gas around its streets and broad avenues as well as special airport and other applications units. Numerous projects of public fueling stations will soon be incorporated in the existing fuel supplying network. The concerns and work of local administrations in the environmental field, along with innovations from OEMs and the industry targeted on reducing emissions are expressed and strengthened in GNV 2009 Madrid. An event that contributes to the city’s candidature to host the 2016 Olympic Games. Spain Madrilenians are not alone in this commitment. In the country, natural gas is used in over 1,400 public service vehicles, which are refueled in 35 stations. The idea of Iberian Blue Corridors for LNG HDVs is really growing. The application of natural gas to vehicles in Spain avoids the yearly emission of 23 tons CO, 300 tons NOx and 17 tons Europe EU standards lead to continue reducing emissions generated by transport, and natural gas is an effective, abundant and safe alternative. Most vehicle manufacturers in the Continent make NGVs of different sizes and uses. Fuelling stations network in Europe expands steadily, whereas the segment’s industries produce and export at global level. In several countries, it is also notable the employment of biogas as well as research and development of hydrogen for vehicles. There are refueling stations in 1,044 European cities -50% of the “methanized cities” in the world. The constant rise in oil cost widens the road to energy alternatives. - 34 July 2008 BusinessCentre Toyota to introduce CNG Corolla Altis Toyota Motor Thailand (TMT) has announced that it would launch the bi-fuel variant of the 10th generation Corolla Altis by the end of 2008. The car will has a CNG system with a 70-litre cylinder while maintaining its regular E20 fuel system and tank. The CNG Altis will be equipped with a 1.6 litre engine. Toyota Corolla Altis will be available in CNG version in Thailand by end of this year As with current taxi conversions of the 9th generation of Altis to NGV model, this 10th generation model will result in about 1/4 - 1/3 reduction in boot space. The company stated that a three-year or 100,000km warranty is going to be offered on this model. The primary target market is local taxi operators although a sales expansion to Singapore also being considered. CNG is one of the best options for vehicle owners in Thailand. With more guarantee in fuel supply, mainly from domestic resources, NG is much cheaper than other traditional and alternative fuels. With retail price of premium gasoline is set at 40 THB/litre and diesel at 28.34 THB/litre, CNG at 8.50 THB/kg is by far more economic than both fuels, also when compared to LPG at 10.15THB/litre and the E20 at 28.59THB/litre. July 2008 35 BusinessCentre Seamless steel cylinders for vehicles and filling stations The company VÍTKOVICE CYLINDERS a.s. is a leading world manufacturer of high-pressure seamless steel cylinders operating continuously in this field since 1906 and supplying filling stations for CNG. The seamless steel cylinders and pressure vessels are used for CNG, industrial gases, fire fighting systems, acetylene, respiration, sanitary, diving equipment and drinking devices. Currently, the company uses of the state-of-the-art fully automated and robotised equipment that allows the production of pressure seamless steel cylinders of the top world-class level. The firm manufactures all these products on three industrial lines, including at its plants in Poland and Argentina. Vitkovice’s annual production is nearly one million steel cylinders which most of them are exported worldwide. In 2008, the unique production line has been launched using the reverse extruding Tomas Klimek, Head of Engineering technology from billets. The basic parameters of our seamless steel cylinders are as follows: Test pressure 60 - 1000 bar, working pressure 18 - 690 bar; Water capacity 0.8 – 500L, outside diameter 83 - 406 mm. Steel cylinders are designed and produced in accordance with many standards, mainly ISO 11 439, ECE R110, ISO 9809-1, ISO 9809-2, EN 1964-1, EN 1964-2 and further in accordance with special requirements of our customers. Since the year 1994 we have been holder of the Quality System Certificate ISO 9001 and since 2003 of the Environmental System Certificate ISO 14001. We realise that the natural gas is the cleanest and most economical fuel available in transport today. The steel cylinders production is considered as a complex programme and the company offers a wide assortment of cylinders for natural gas filling stations and vehicle conversions. The tanks can also be used to transport natural gas from a mother station to a daughter filling station in which the gas is carried in cylinders and transported by trailers. VÍTKOVICE CYLINDERS a.s supplies turn-key filling stations service, which is customised to fit your needs. Our product and service is mostly intended for transport fleets with one up to hundreds of vehicles. Our cylinders are excellent choice for companies using forklifts or medium and light-duty vehicles, Vitkovice’s cylinders for vehicles and gas storage but also for school transport, cabs or other commercial vehicles. We are able to deliver filling stations with the flow rate from 1.3 m3/h up to several thousands m3/h. In addition to product delivery, we also offer complete services. At present we are working on a unique vehicle conversion project in Ostrava City in Czech Republic that has the biggest density of vehicles running on CNG in Central Europe. 36 July 2008 Asian NGV statistics NGV statistics Natural Gas Vehicles Country Total Asia Cars/LDVs MD/HD Buses Pakistan 1.650.000 1.599.960 India* 821.872 315.200 Iran 730.107 727.442 China* 336.062 95.545 Bangladesh 180.000 46.602 Armenia 101.352 69.971 Russia* 95.000 18.000 Egypt 87.733 58.370 Thailand 78.775 67.043 Uzbekistan 47.000 47.000 Japan 34.203 13.168 Malaysia 28.405 28.309 Korea 15.523 137 Myanmar* 10.900 2.902 Tajikistan 10.600 10.600 Kyrgyzstan* 6.000 Georgia 3.000 3.000 Turkey 2.567 2.564 Indonesia 2.453 1.755 Australia 2.453 130 Singapore 1.102 1.086 United Arab Emirates 305 305 New Zealand 283 180 Philippines 36 11 Taiwan 4 Total Asia 4.245.735 3.109.280 40 12.000 2.653 45.321 1.553 9.831 8.000 5.367 3.247 Refuelling Stations MD/HD Trucks 715 12 100 8.355 19.626 35.000 3.356 6.818 1.402 90 15.097 6.373 Others Total 50.000 493.957 1.923 325 402 561 229 214 222 115 202 43 327 60 121 20 53 6 4 6 9 146 1 2 14 3 1 5.009 195.096 123.490 1.924 34.000 20.640 1.667 18.481 6 289 1.152 1.625 6.000 3 238 1.263 12 0 66 25 4 112.585 210 1.060 2 0 250 2 37 94.030 929.840 Public Under construction Private 1.923 6 380 453 6 9 214 111 178 43 294 58 121 20 53 6 4 2 9 127 1 1 1 1 4.021 319 22 108 223 205 8 4 24 Average monthly gas consumption VRA 200 60 758 13 8 5 18 82 52,00 1 13 193,33 21,36 23,80 24,00 30,00 8 4,25 33 2 85 680 10 13 11,00 4,13 0,60 4 1 3 19 0,40 130 2 1 14 2 988 1.235 855 364,87 Last update January March April January April March December March June December March September December December December December December December March March December March March February April June 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2008 2008 2007 2008 2007 2007 2006 2007 2007 2007 2007 2008 2007 2007 2007 2007 2006 2005 2008 Notes: The numbers of NGVs in the "other vehicles" column in countries marked with * indicate uncertainties about fleet composition.In Japan, among other vehicles are fork lifts, etc, while in New Zealand it includes tractors, etc.The 248,919 NGVs and 489 refuelling stations from Eurosian countries are already included in the above Asian counting. World Reviews Region Asia Eurasia Europe Africa LAC North America World Total NGVs Cars/LDVs MD/HD Buses 3.996.816 248.919 707.902 226 3.671.323 112.140 8.737.326 2.968.745 140.535 569.256 220 3.594.999 96.000 7.369.755 94.751 17.834 39.835 6 13.820 11.240 177.486 MD/HD Trucks 39.404 54.626 44.942 9.660 2.500 151.132 Other NGVs FS under Total FS Public Private construction 893.916 35.924 53.869 4.520 489 2.332 7 52.844 4.095 2.400 1.201 1.038.953 12.644 Fuel price, 2008 Premium Regular CNG price CNG price Country Gasoline Gasoline Diesel CNG equivalent per equivalent per (Euro/litre) (Euro/m3) litre gasoline litre diesel (Euro/litre) Armenia Bangladesh China Egypt (a) India Indonesia Iran (b) Japan (c) Korea (a) Kyrgyzstan Malaysia Pakistan (d) Philippines Russia Singapore (d,e) Tajikistan Thailand (d,f) Turkey (g) Ukraine Uzbekistan 0,79 0,52 0,48 0,19 0,91 0,56 0,110 1,02 1,18 0,46 0,54 0,65 0,62 0,55 0,82 0,71 1,70 0,49 0,49 (Euro/litre) 0,73 0,49 0,43 0,13 0,94 0,50 0,080 0,96 0,40 0,37 0,57 0,46 0,81 0,55 0,63 1,60 0,34 0,34 0,71 0,34 0,40 0,08 0,67 0,62 0,013 0,83 1,18 0,32 0,50 0,46 0,53 0,48 0,59 0,45 0,61 1,26 0,34 0,34 0,27 0,10 0,26 0,06 0,39 0,19 0,016 0,46 0,44 0,23 0,17 0,31 0,24 0,19 0,36 0,21 0,18 0,78 0,11 0,11 0,24 0,09 0,23 0,05 0,35 0,17 0,015 0,35 0,39 0,21 0,15 0,28 0,22 0,17 0,32 0,19 0,16 0,68 0,10 0,10 0,28 0,10 0,27 0,06 0,40 0,19 0,015 0,39 0,45 0,24 0,17 0,32 0,25 0,19 0,37 0,22 0,18 0,76 0,11 0,11 3.749 272 2.010 6 4.094 1.185 11.316 771 217 322 1 16 1.327 VRA Monthly gas consumption (Mnm3) 1.221 14 176 847 8 3.236 312,42 52,45 126,99 1.413 109 523,61 8.092 55,00 12.292 1.070,48 Date June 2008 Notes: Eurasian countries--Armenia, Georgia, Russia, Turkey, Uzbekistan--are located in the European-Asian borders, and, thus, belongs to both regions. The counting of Eurosian countries, which are normally included in the TOTAL ASIAN statistic is counted seperately in this list. LAC consist of countries located in South and Central American region. Notes: (a): In Korea and Egypt diesel is only allowed in heavy duty engines, buses and trucks. (b): Iranian fuel energy contents: CNG= 13.9kWH/kg = 10.78kWH/m3; diesel = 10.44 kWH/litre; gasoline = 9.79kWH/litre. The normal density of CNG is 0.775kg/Nm3. (c): The 5% VAT is not yet included. Normally, CNG price depends on the consumption volume of the customers. (d): In these countries the local gauge unit is Euro/kg, the conversion factor depends on the normal density of gaseous natural gas in each country. (e): The normal density of 1 Nm3 CNG in Singapore is 0.76 kg (f): Thai's CNG normal density is 0.96 kg/Nm3.The energy contents are: CNG=10.53 kWh/Nm3, gasoline=9.42 kWh/litre, diesel=10.76 kWh/litre. (g): All taxes included. Fuel energy content in Turkey: CNG = 10.24 kWH/Nm3; diesel = 9.95kWH/litre; gasoline = 8.93 kWH/litre; LPG = 7.15kWH/litre. LPG price is 0.75 Euro/litre in November 2005. Normal density of CNG is 0.7172 kg/Nm3.
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