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Your ad - Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
SACRED HEART OF JESUS CATHOLIC CHURCH Archdiocese of Galveston - Houston 6502 County Road 48 Manvel, Texas 77578 Office Hours / Horario de Oficina: Monday-Friday / Lunes-Viernes 9:00 a.m. -- 5:00 p.m. Email: Parish Clergy Clérigo Parroquial Pastor/ Párroco: Rev. Thomas V. Ponzini Deacons / Diáconos: Robert Leicht Hector Ibarra Richard Reyes IN ALL THAT WE DO, WE SEEK TO REVEAL THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS WHICH SO LOVES ALL PEOPLE We, the Catholic Christian Community of Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish, Pastored by our Diocesan Priests, are primarily accountable in love to God and in obedience to the Cardinal of Galveston - Houston. We are called to Evangelize, Foster family community and vocations, Minister to all people and Develop leadership at all levels of parish life. Recognizing that the liturgy of the Eucharist is the source and summit of Christian life, we celebrate our social, multicultural, and economic diversity believing that each member of our fellowship is infinitely valuable to our common goal. EN TODO LO QUE HACEMOS, PROCURAMOS REVELAR EL SAGRADO CORAZÓN DE JESÚS QUE TAN ADORA A TODAS PERSONAS Nosotros, la Comunidad Cristiana Católica del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, a cargo de los Padres de nuestro arquidiócesis, somos principalmente responsable en el amor a Dios y obediente al Cardenal de Galveston - Houston. Somos llamados a Evangelizar, Fomentar la comunidad entre la familia y vocaciones, Ministrar a todas personas y Desarrollar el liderazgo a cada nivel de la vida parroquial. Reconociendo que la liturgia de la Eucaristía es la fuente y la cumbre de la vida cristiana, celebramos nuestra diversidad social, multicultural y económica, creyendo que cada miembro de nuestra confraternidad es infinitamente valioso a nuestra meta común. Parish Office: 281- 489-8720; FAX: 281-489-8727 Faith Formation: CCE Office / Doctrina 281-489-7603; FAX: 281-489-6987 Emergency / emergencia: 409-392-4506 (only after office hours--solamente después de horas de oficina) MASS AND CONFESSION SCHEDULE Horario de la Santa Misa y de Confesión Saturday / sábado: 6:00 p.m. Vigil Mass (English) Sunday / domingo: 8:00 a.m.,10:30 a.m.,5:00 p.m. (English) 12:30 p.m. (Español) *Rosary—30 minutes before each Mass *Rosario— 30 minutos ántes de cada Santa Misa Weekdays / Entre Semana Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday lunes, martes, jueves y sábado : 8:00 a.m. Wednesday, Friday — miércoles y viernes 9:00 a.m. First Thursday of the Month 7:00 p.m. Mass First Friday of the Month 7:30 p.m. Misa (Español) (with anointing of the sick — con unción a los enfermos) Confession / Confesión Friday / viernes 9:30 a.m.--10:30 a.m.; Saturday / sábado 9:00 a.m.--10:00 a.m.; Every 2nd Wednesday of the month 6:30 p.m.-- 7:30 p.m. / Cada 2º miercoles del mes 6:30 p.m. -- 7:30 p.m. or by appointment — y por cita Holy Hour / Hora Santa: Friday after 9:00 a.m. Mass / viernes después de misa Wednesday / miércoles 6:30 p.m.—7:30 p.m.. Patriotic Rosary: Wednesday evenings during Adoration in the chapel (English) 6:30 p.m. Rosario: cada lunes a las 7:30 p.m. en la capilla (Español) Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord ~ April 20th, 2014 Domingo de Pascua de la Resurreción del Señor” ~ 20 de abril 2014 When Christ your life appears, then you too will appear with him in glory. — Colossians 3:4 Cuando se manifieste Cristo, vida de ustedes, entonces también ustedes se manifestarán gloriosos, juntamente con él. — Colosenses 3:4 TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Peter is an eyewitness: The Lord is risen (Acts 10:34a, 37-43). Psalm — This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad (Psalm 118). (1) Second Reading — All who are baptized, set your hearts in heaven (Colossians 3:1-4) or (2) Second Reading — Christ our Passover is sacrificed; therefore let us celebrate (1 Corinthians 5:6b-8). Gospel — Three witnesses, Mary, Peter, and John; each responds to the empty tomb (John 20:1-9) or Matthew 28:1-10 (or, at an afternoon or evening Mass, Luke 24:13-35). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-11; Mt 28:8-15 Tuesday: Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22; Jn 20:11-18 Wednesday: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Lk 24:13-35 Thursday: Acts 3:11-26; Ps 8:2, 5-9; Lk 24:35-48 Friday: Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118:1-2, 4, 22-27; Jn 21:1-14 Saturday: Acts 4:13-21; Ps 118:1, 14-21; Mk 16:9-15 Sunday: Acts 2:42-47; Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 2224; 1 Pt 1:3-9; Jn 20:19-31 WE REMEMBER YOU! We remember you, O risen Lord, firstborn of the dead. Your resurrection destroys the power of death and changes tears of agony into cries of joy. Blessed are you! ~From Come, Lord Jesus by Lucien Deiss, CSSp, copyright © 1976, 1981, Lucien Deiss. Published by World Library Publications. p. 163 May this joyous day and season bring hope and blessings to your families and may the love of the Risen Christ that surpasses all understanding warm your home. We wish for our parish family a Blessed, Peaceful and Joyful Easter! Fr. Tom and the Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish Staff LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Pedro es un testigo: el Señor ha resucitado (Hch 10:34a, 37-43). Salmo — Este es el día del triunfo del Señor. Aleluya (Salmo 118 [117]). (1) Segunda lectura — Todos los bautizados, eleven su corazón al cielo (Colosenses 3:1-4) o (2) Segunda lectura — Cristo, nuestra Pascua, fue sacrificado;por tanto celebremos(1 Corintios5:6b-8). Evangelio — Tres testigos, María, Pedro y Juan; cada uno responde a la tumba vacía (Juan 20:1-9) ó Mateo 28:1-10 (ó en la Misa de la tarde o de la noche, Lc 24:13-35). LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Martes: Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sábado: Domingo: Hch 2:14, 22-33; Sal 16 (15):1-2, 5, 7-11; Mt 28:8-15 Hch 2:36-41; Sal 33 (32):4-5, 18-20, 22; Jn 20:11-18 Hch 3:1-10; Sal 105 (104):1-4, 6-9; Lc 24:13-35 Hch 3:11-26; Sal 8:2, 5-9; Lc 24:35-48 Hch 4:1-12; Sal 118 (117):1-2, 4, 2227; Jn 21:1-14 Hch 4:13-21; Sal 118 (117):1, 14-21; Mc 16:9-15 Hch 2:42-47; Sal 118 (117):2-4, 13-15, 22-24; 1 Pe 1:3-9; Jn 20:19-31 ¡NOS ACORDAMOS DE TI! Nos acordamos de ti, oh Jesús resucitado, el primero de entre los muertos. Tu resurrección destruye el poder de la muerte y cambia las lágrimas de agonía a lágrimas de alegría. ¡Bendito eras! ~De Oraciones Biblicas por Lucien Deiss, CSSp, copyright © 1976, 1981, Lucien Deiss. Publicado por World Library Publications. p. 163 Que la alegría de este día y esta temporada de Pascua traiga esperanza y bendiciones a sus familias y que el amor de Cristo Resucitado que sobrepasa todo entendimiento embrace su hogar. ¡Deseamos para nuestra familia parroquial un Día de Pascua lleno de bendiciones, paz y felicidad! El Padre Tom y el personal del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Calendar of Mass Intentions Monday, 8:00 AM April 21 Nelson & Anita Francisco~37th Wedding Anniversary Tuesday, April 22 8:00 AM Ryan J. Pegoda † Wednesday, April 23 9:00 AM Debbie Cerevasa † Thursday, April 24 8:00 AM Fedela Aragon † Friday, April 25 9:00 AM Tom Collins † Saturday, April 26 8:00 AM Fr. Donald Kuder, C.S.B. † 6:00 PM Carol Olsovsky~Special Intention for Health Sunday, April 27 Second Sunday of Easter 8:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 5:00 PM Gilbert Rosales † Dolores Salazar † Familias Calderon y Olivo Parish Family of Sacred Heart of Jesus * To request a Mass Intention, please contact the Parish Office: M-F; 9:00 am-5:00 pm * Anointing of the Sick / Unción a los Enfermos: First Friday of the month during 7:30 p.m. Mass (Spanish) or any time upon request. Primer viernes del mes durante Misa de 7:30 p.m. (en Español) o a cualquier tiempo con petición Marriage Preparation / Pláticas Prematrimonial Contact a priest or deacon six months before you celebrate the rite of marriage. Must be registered and active in this parish. Call the parish office for an appointment. Contacte un sacerdote o un diácono seis meses ántes de celebrar el matrimonio. Debe ser registrado y activo en esta parroquia. Llame la oficina parroquial para una cita. Baptism / Bautismo: For requirements and information please refer to page 7 of the Bulletin or contact the Parish Office. Para los requisitos favor de revisar la información en la página 7 del boletín o contacte la oficina parroquial. April 20th, 2014 Altar Flowers for the Masses on Easter Sunday, April 20th are in honor of Kathy and Jimmy Greak in celebration and in thanksgiving for their 40th Wedding Anniversary. The flowers were donated by their loving family. Congratulations and Countless Blessings for Jimmy and Kathy! Patriotic Rosary with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament ~ Since August 2012, the Patriotic Rosary (a specific rosary directed towards the consecration and conversion of our nation) is being prayed every Wednesday in our church from 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm during the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. It is a beautiful opportunity to focus on God’s transforming love that has no limits. Please consider being a part of this long-standing tradition, of giving one hour of your week to God and to pray specifically for our great nation, our present government leaders and the people of our nation. Welcome To Our Parish! If you and your family are new to the area and wish to become members of Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, or have attended our church but have not yet registered, we welcome and invite you to pick up a New Parishioner Registration Form. These forms are available in the church foyer or the parish office. You may drop off the completed form to the parish office, mail, or place in the Sunday collection basket. Thank you and welcome to our Parish family! ¡Bienvenidos a Nuestra Parroquia! Si usted y su familia desean ser miembros de nuestra familia del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, les invitamos y les damos una cordial bienvenida. Favor de llenar la forma de registro que se encuentra en el vestíbulo de la iglesia o pase y pídala en la oficina parroquial. Triaga la forma completa a la oficina parroquial, mándela por correo, o simplemente póngala en la canasta de la ofrenda cualquier domingo. ¡Gracias y bienvenidos a nuestra familia parroquial! Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church, Manvel, Texas PLEASE PRAY FOR THESE BRAVE MEN AND WOMEN SERVING IN OUR ARMED FORCES. If you have loved ones in the Armed Services, please call the parish office, 281-489-8720. Their names will be listed in the bulle n and remembered in our parishioners’ prayers. U.S. NAVY: HM Devan Fakharizadeh, E3 Hayden J. Smaistrla, SM Ericka Rios (Valvaneda), PO Joshua Piefer, SR Crystal Stang, MM3 Travis K. Stang, PO2 Jason R. Gill, Airman Andre Tijerina, Richard Mellado, Michael Sco , SW2 Michael T. DuBose, SR Ellio Handly U.S. ARMY: PFC Felix C. Valvaneda, SGT Julian Rodriguez, SPT Emme Williams, Col. Vincent Malone, SSG Rafael A. Morales, 1st LT Christopher Torres, 1st LT Cliff Meyer, LT Christopher Dannemiller, PFC Brandon D. Lopez, SGT Eric A. Lopez, SGT Ronald Hill, LT Josh Goldman, PFC Anthony Alvarez, Alfredo Moya Jr., SGT Emir Guevara Jr., MAJ Chris Brooke, LTC Stephen Ruth, PFC John Benkenstein, PFC Bryan Bell, SPC Jacob Garza, Ron Hill, LTC Sonia Torres (Buckelew) CPT Michael Pecina, PFC Korey Killough, PFC Beau Bryant, SPC John Simpson, SSG Danny Medina, PV2 Jorge Luis Soto, SPC Raelynn Salazar, PFC Miguel Alvear [Na onal Guard]; David D. Or z, Jr. U.S. Army Air Cavalry Warrant Officer. U.S. AIR FORCE: STF SGT Phillip Cyb, LTC Luis O. Morales, Tech SGT Jason Cole, LT Paxton Parker, SGR Casey W. Vallow, Master SGT Gerard D. Vallow, SR Airman Patricia Gilliland, CAPT Erika Hooper; Tech SGT (Re red) David Porche U.S. M.C.: LCPL Jeremy Lira, LCPL Natalio Lopez, PFC Eric Piefer, PFC Nick Tomich, PFC Alexander Julian Guajardo, CPT Patrick Lambert, CPL Paul Espindola, PFC Jose Diaz Pedraza, Gerad Merri , CW03 Eric M. Strause, SGT. Anthony Wayne Wright, CAPT. Corey McVeigh U.S. COAST GUARD: DC3 Cody C. Cates, LCDR Norbert J. Pail Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for their selfless acts they perform for us in our me of need. Protect them and lead them safely back home. We ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. ~Amen Señor mantenga a nuestras tropas en tus manos. Protégelos como ellos nos protegen a nosotrosBendícelos y a sus familias por los actos que ellos realizan por nosotros en nuestro empo de necesidad. Protégelos y tráelos de nuevo al hogar. Te pedimos esto en el nombre de Jesús, nuestro Señor y Salvador. ~Amen ~page 4 Please pray for the sick and those who have requested our prayers, especially... Allison Miller, Erin Walsh, Ron Sauber, Jacob Peña, Jorge Delgado, Be y & Norbert Wollney, Jody Smith, John Cook, Be y Marlow, Be y Mar n, Monica Yamasaki, Michael Laney, Lilda Lampo, Michael Lampo, Santos Lara, Cannon Sbrusch, Meli Pennington, Doris Waters, Pete & Irene Pel er, Carol Jane Heydorn, Joe Romano, Bridget Taylor, Emilia Colin, Julie Luna, Ray Banda, Flora DeLong, Ruben DeLong, Margaret Ramirez, Ronald Cook, Phenitha Blake Goynes, Yvonne Byler, Jose R. Garcia, Guadalupe Fonseca, Carlos Gusman, Valen n Cruz, Larry Duran, Feliciana Mandi, Teddie Lozano, JoAnn Zore ch, Patricia Garrity, Dick Rensch, Donna Slaughter, Doris & Robert Senior, Ana Oliva, Geneva Rives, Dee Dee Petru Schmeisser, Crystal Walker, Teresa Porter, Carol Olsovsky, Sheila Hageman, Johnny Olsovsky, Jr., John & Polly Olsovsky, Joanna Castro, Angel & Maria Isabel Ricco, Irene Garcia, Chris na Zak, Gavin Williams, Jesus Valero, Roselyn Vortherms, James Novak, Sr., Gina Galvan, Shirley Gonyea, Pauline Zak, Joyce Davis, Victor DelaCruz, Sylvia Grenillo, Sara Galloway, Harry & Joyce Margiolos, Sharon Revier, Jamie Mauricio, Tina Garcia, Joyce Williamson, Isabela Plata, Betsy Rice, Estelle Williams, Dolores Torres, Irene Gohrig, Pat Piefer, Robert K. Schatz, Lydia & Cesar Morales, Hector Guevara, Roy Delgado, Jesse Vargas, Susie Vargas, Carl Klesel, Delores Klesel, Karen Ford, Diana Priest, Larry Stavinoha, Sissy Lienemann, Ernesto Rodriguez, Charlie Jarrell, Mary Light, Adam Ramirez, Emily Peña, Maria Lopez, Rebecca Luna, Clem Petru, Kris e Williams, Elva Valusek, Frank Lincoln, Gary Davila, Anne e Sloss, Rosa Ramirez, Garre Williams, Andrew Susce, Roxanne Cascak, Hilda Hall, Norma Steffen, Patricia Strole, Judy & Jonny Wernly, Alton Rogers, Margaret V. Mann, Peter & Dennis Vlachos, Donna Roth, Jana & Alex McDougall, Chris ne Goucher, Alma Nava, Josefina Leal, Rose Heil, Gertrude Ohnheiser, Lore a Light, Peter Ngo, Phuoc Ngo, Loc Ngo, Thu Ha, Tram Nguyen, Hue Nguyen, Trung Ngo, Lebert Prihoda Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church, Manvel, Texas Collection For April 6th : Budget Avg. Collection: Difference: 2nd Collection Debt Reduction Standing on Holy Ground: $ 15,498.74 $ 18,409.75 – $ 2,911.01 $ 4,672.37 Thank you! May God bless you all for your generosity and continued support! Supporting our Church the Faith Direct Way~~The Lord is risen! As Christ's disciples, we are called to go forth and spread the good news of His Resurrection. Our parish's many ministries are examples of how many of you answer that call. Our ministries require not only gifts of time and talent, but also of financial help. Please prayerfully consider supporting Sacred Heart of Jesus with electronic donations through Faith Direct. Enroll now by visiting the website: Our parish code is: TX151. As always, know that your generosity is truly a gift from God. May God Bless You All! ~ Fr. Tom Stewardship Reflections ~ Easter Sunday of the Resurrection on of the Lord, April 20, 2014 : That we put God first in everything and not let earthly possessions become gods to us. “Set your minds on things that are April 20th, 2014 It is a blessing to be able to prayerfully support the sick of our parish as well as those who protect our great nation by serving in the military. We will continue to do so! In order to most effectively and most accurately pray for these most vulnerable of our brothers and sisters, we will be starting our prayer lists from scratch – beginning with those names that were added within the last two months. If you wish to have someone’s name added to either of these lists, please contact the Parish Office. We are happy to add back the name(s) of your loved one, even if we just removed their name. We plan to leave these names on our prayer lists for two months. If, after two months, you wish for someone’s name to continue to remain on either of these lists, please contact the Parish Office and we will ensure that the person’s name remains on the appropriate list. Thank you, so much, for continuing to pray for our sick and for those serving our nation within the armed forces. God bless you for your cooperation and for your understanding! Your brother in Christ, Fr. Tom above, not on things that are on earth.” Colossians 3:2 Do you put God first in all things? Possessions, money, power, ego can easily become gods to many of us. Do a quick check of what is important to you. Is God at the very top of the list? If not, your priorities need to be re-adjusted. Don’t let earthly things become your god. Reflexiones de Mayordomía ~ Domingo de Ramos “De la Pasión del Señor” 13 de abril de 2014: Para que pongamos a Dios primero que todo y no dejemos que las posesiones terrenales se conviertan en dioses para nosotros. "Poned la mira en las cosas de arriba, no en las de la tierra." Colosenses 3:2 ¿Usted pone a Dios primero ante todas las cosas? Las posesiones, el dinero, el poder o el ego pueden convertirse fácilmente en dioses para muchos de nosotros. Haga una revisión rápida de los que es importante para usted. ¿Está Dios al comienzo de la lista? Si no, debe reajustar sus prioridades. No deje que las cosas de la tierra se conviertan en su dios. ...More notes from our Pastor Thank you to everyone for your help and cooperation in helping keep our church missalettes and song books neatly in the book racks of the pews. I would like to encourage you to continue your good work, as this makes the worshipping experience just as special for the people who sit in your pew during the Mass following yours. I have heard many positive comments concerning the neatness of the church due to the worship materials being carefully placed in the book racks. God bless you all for your good work! Your brother in Christ, Fr. Tom Sacred Heart Of Jesus Catholic Church, Manvel Texas Part-Time Maintenance Position Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church Summary: Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church is seeking a qualified candidate for a part-time maintenance person. The hours are flexible and include some weekend work as business requires. The maintenance person will perform general maintenance and repairs to the buildings and grounds including (but not limited to) minor carpentry, painting, and HVAC. The maintenance person should be able to perform outdoor work, climb a ladder, lift up to 50 pounds, and have a valid Texas Driver’s License. Experience: Candidate must have a minimum of two years maintenance work experience, ability to use tools, and have working knowledge of Microsoft Office products. Candidate must pass a criminal background check. Please send your resumes to Michele Gunn, Business Administrator, at: Annual Senior Spring Luncheon The Altar Society of Sacred Heart of Jesus is pleased to invite all the seniors 55 and up, to their Annual Senior Spring Luncheon on Wednesday, May 7th from 12:00 noon to 2:00 pm in the Church Parish Hall. Registration is at 11:30 am, with lunch to be served at noon. Come and enjoy an afternoon of great food, wonderful door prizes, and some social time with your fellow parish friends. We look forward to seeing you there! To: All Parish Ministries & Organizations For bulletin announcements, please email information to: Deadline is Monday 12:00 noon one week prior to publication Thank you. ~page 6 Facilities Manager Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church Summary of Position: Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church is currently seeking a Facilities Manager. This position requires the following skills: carpentry, sheet rocking, painting, HVAC, electrical, mechanical and plumbing of the church facilities and upkeep of the grounds. The position is responsible for the cleanliness, maintenance and safety of all facilities and grounds. This position also oversees all usage/rentals of buildings and property. This person should be able to lift up to 50 pounds, climb ladders and work outside. This position will supervise at least one maintenance person. Bi-lingual (English and Spanish) preferred. Must be available for emergencies 24/7. Required Education and Experience: Associate’s degree in Facility Management desired. Experience is required in supervising others along with 3-5 years of facility management experience. This position requires a valid Texas Driver’s license. To apply, please send your resume and references to: Michele Gunn at Living, Loving & Losing (weight) at Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish Join us as we pray a bit, walk a bit, and support one another as we work towards getting a bit healthier. Mondays & Thursdays; 9:00 am; Parish Life Center Rm.104. Please wear loose fitting, comfortable clothes and sneakers! Contact: Mary Wisnoski at 281-489-8090 What I Did For Others—It’s never too late...Anytime, all the time, and anywhere...Is the best time...With God’s love in our do something special for someone else! Just look at the WIDFO notes posted on the walls of our Church. See how we as a parish are making a difference in others’ lives!!! Sacred Heart Of Jesus Catholic Church, Manvel, Texas Baptism Preparation Information Parents are required to attend a Baptism Preparation class; Godparents are greatly encouraged but not required to attend. The parish office must have a copy of your child’s Birth Certificate no later than the week before the Baptism. Upon completion of the Baptism class, you must call the parish secretary to schedule a Baptism. Baptisms in English will be celebrated on the 2nd Sunday of the month at 2:30 pm and in Spanish on the 4th Sunday of the month following the 12:30 pm Spanish Mass. Dates for Baptism Preparation Class (English) : April 24; May 22; 7:00 PM in the west wing of Church. No pre-registration is required. Dates for Baptisms (English): April 13; May 11; June 8; July 13; August 10 ~page 7 Información para Bautismos Se require que los padres asistan clases Pre bautismales; a los padrinos se les sugiere que asistan. La oficina de la parroquia require una copia del acta de nacimento del niño(a) que va bautizar. Favor de traérla a las clases prebautismales o, entréguela a la oficina parroquial, una semana ántes del Bautizo. Después de haber asistido las clases prebautismales, se require llamar a la secretaria de la oficina parroquial para reservar la fecha del bautizo. Bautismos en español se celebrarán el cuarto domingo de cada mes inmediatamente siguendo la Misa de 12:30 pm. Fechas para la serie de clases Pre-Bautismales: 18, 25 de mayo y 1º de junio ; a las 2:00 pm en el Centro de Vida Parroquial Fechas para Bautizos en español: 27 de abril; 25 de mayo; 22 de junio ; 27 de julio; 24 de agosto Confirmation Schedule 2014: Catholic Daughters Scholarship Sacred Heart of Jesus Church~Manvel Monday, May 19, 2014; 7:00pm Mass 1. Local Court Senior Scholarship Our local court is offering a $500 scholarship to a 2014 graduating senior. Applicant must have a mother or grandmother who is a current member of our local court #2073. Deadline: April 30, 2014 2. Local Court Catholic School Scholarship Our local court is offering a $250 scholarship to a student attending Pre-K through senior year in a Catholic school. Applicant’s family must be registered with St. John in Alvin or Sacred Heart in Manvel. Other requirements listed on application. Deadline: April 30, 2014 3. National Court Scholarships The national court is offering two $500 scholarships to 8th grade students entering the 9th grade in the fall. One scholarship is to a Catholic high school and the other scholarship is to a public or private high school. There are also two for graduate level students. Applications are available in the church office or the CDA website. Applications for these scholarships are available in church office or by contacting Donna Schaffhausen, Scholarship Chairman, at 281-9687144 or email to Adult Faith Education Classes~~~Want to learn more about the faith you practice? From 9:15 to 10:15 Sunday mornings during CCE, we offer adult faith formation classes in the upstairs multipurpose room. We are currently doing a really great video series called “Catholicism” that you can join at any time. Come hangout with us as we drink coffee, eat donuts, and learn some challenging and uplifting things about our faith. Sacred Heart of Jesus CCE First Communions Saturday, May 17th 10:00 am ~ English 2:00 pm ~ Spanish Saturday, May 31st 10:00 am ~ English Domingo de Pascua “De la Resurrección del Señor” 20 de abril de 2014 Ministerio La Asamblea de Oración PLANIFICACION FAMILIAR NATURAL Es la UNICA forma aprobada por la iglesia para planificar la familia. Está científicamente probado y hasta 99% efectivo. Usado por numerosas parejas católicas alrededor del mundo. Salva matrimonios. No requiere el uso de ningún tipo de medicamentos. No tiene efectos secundarios. Todos están invitados desde parejas que planean casarse hasta parejas con muchos años de casados. La próxima serie de clases: Mayo 9,16 y 23; 7:00 pm; Centro de Vida Parroquial Para mas información contacte: Julio y Estela Cordova al 713-640-1232. ¡Atención Ministerios y organizaciones parroquiales! ¡Deseamos informar a todos nuestros feligreses del buenísimo trabajo que ustedes contribuyen a la parroquia! Para dar a conocer noticias, eventos especiales o eventos de recaudar fondos en el boletín dominical favor de enviar su información: no tardar el lunes 12:00 mediodía una semana antes de ser publicada.¡Gracias! “Caminando con Jesús” El ministerio de la Asamblea de Oración tienen su reunión todos los viernes a partir de las 7:30 pm en la Iglesia. Cada primer viernes del mes se ofrece a toda la comunidad Misa de Sanación con el Sacramento de la Unción de los enfermos.¡ Te esperamos, recuerda que Jesús y María te invitan! Requisitos para Misa de Quinceañera La familia esté registrada en la parroquia. Se require estar inscrita 2 años consecutivos en CCE o la Doctina ántes de celebrar la Misa de Quinceañera. Para reservar una Misa de Quinceañera, favor de primero comunicarse con la oficina de CCE para pedir verificación de atendencia de clases de CCE o Doctrina. Después, llame la oficina para reservar su fecha. Misa de Quinceañera se celebrará el primer sábado de los meses: marzo, junio, septiembre y diciembre a las 2:00 p.m. Preparación con la Co-ordinadora de Quinceañeras Blanca Castillo; 281-692-9686. Sacred Heart Of Jesus Catholic Church, Manvel, Texas ~page 9 Sacred Heart of Jesus Social Ministry News TheSocialServiceMinistryand ThriftStoreisopenTuesday throughFridayfrom10:00amto3:00pm Closed12:00pm‐1:00pmforlunch .The ThriftStoreisalsoopenthe1stSaturdayofthe month10:00am‐3:00pmandallclothingis only$1.00thatSaturday.Forinformation, pleasecalltheSocialServiceMinistryof iceat 281‐431‐0969.Thankyouforyoursupportand generosity.TheSocialServiceMinistryStaff Respect Life~Word of Life April 2014 “Know that you are not alone, separated, abandoned or useless. You have been called by Christ and are His living and transparent image. You are the brothers of the suffering Christ, and with him, if you wish, you are saving the world.” ~Pope Paul VI, To the Poor, the Sick and the Suffering, 1965 Life, Marriage and Religious Liberty Visit or text “fast” to 99000 Join the Movement Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church Manvel, Texas Blood Drive Date: 03/30/2014 Donors: 14 Total Units: 18 These donations will help patients like Victoria throughout our community and are greatly appreciated. Once again, thank you for Committing for Life! Notes from the Desk of Michele Gunn...Our2013PictorialDirectorieshave arrived!Ifyouhavenotyetreceivedyours,stop bytheparishof ice.Thosewhodidnotsitfor pictures,butwouldlikeacopy,canpurchaseone for$10.ProceedswillgotoStandingonHoly Ground!Thereisalimitednumberofcopies availablesodonotdelay!Pleasestopbythe parishof iceandpickyoursup!Also,thankyou tothehouseholdswhoareparticipatinginthe KrogerCommunityRewardsprogram!This moneywillbeusedtopayoffourStandingon HolyGroundDebt!Ifyouareinterestedinpartic‐ ipating, SacredHeartofJesusChurch’sNPOnumberis 82940.Ifyouhaveanyquestionsorneedhelp signingup,pleasecontactme.Thisisaneasyway togivebacktothechurchwhiledoingyournor‐ malgroceryshopping.ThankyouandGodBless! CHRIST SPOKE OF THE TALENTS each one of us has, talents which must not buried. Our calling is to take those talents, develop them fully, and then use them in establishing His kingdom on earth. Are you using your talents to fulfill your vocation to service? Are you an active Christian in the parish, at your workplace, and in the home? Take some time today to reflect on how you might use your special talents in the service of the Kingdom. Take on prayer for vocations as your personal effort to increase the number of priests, sisters, brothers, and lay ministers. Serra for priestly and religious vocations BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR Michele Gunn email: PARISH BOOKKEEPER RESPECT LIFE/GABRIEL PROJECT 2nd Thursday of the month - 7:00 p.m. Lyne e Salmon (281) 437-6537 ENGLISH LEGION OF MARY Tuesday 6:00 p.m. Rosa Linda Medina (832) 433-8301 Randy Dobyanski email: ALTAR SOCIETY PARISH SECRETARY/Bulle n Editor 1st Thursday of the month 7:00 p.m.~Parish Life Center Karen Olsovsky 281-489-0925 Mar Salomone *email: *Bulletin articles emailed no later than Tuesday at noon the week before you wish your article to appear. Thank You! RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Connie Bowers, DRE email: Rebecca Brodigan, CYM & Website Editor email: Maria Owens, CCE Secretary email: R.C.I.A. (Inquiry / Catechumenate): Connie Bowers (281) 489-7603 Sara Canales (281) 835-8567 ALTAR SERVERS Elba Maldonado email:; cell: 832-768-0459 MUSIC DIRECTORS Lisa Arriaga (832) 444-9362 Ricardo Montemayor (832) 721-5836 (Spanish) USHERS/ACOMADORES English Masses Larry Ross (281) 692-9203 Spanish Mass Javier González (281) 844-5967 José Gámez (713) 826-3044 FINANCE COUNCIL LECTORS / LECTORES Eucharis c Ministers Ministros de La Eucaris a Chair - Michael Culling, Jason Daily, Doug Hall, John Polasek, Connie Williams Pat Cernoch (713) 404-0333 Salvador Cas llo (281) 692-9686 PASTORAL COUNCIL HISPANIC MINISTRIES: email: Chair– Salvador Cas llo Vice Chair—Tony Jones; Secretary–Bethel Guk-Ong Kevin Demen; Cindy Gross; Greg Hyzak; John Ke erer; Dorsie McDonald; Sr. Henrie a Okoro, H.H.C.J.; Rita Renfro-Guidry; Don Salmon; Russell Tilley SOCIAL SERVICE MINISTRY & THRIFT STORE: (281) 431-0969 OPEN: T-W-Th-F: 10:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. (Closed 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. for lunch) Open: 1st Saturday of the month 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. BOOK STORE Lois Ruth Open a er 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Sunday Masses (Or when volunteers are available ) PROMISE KEEPERS COVENANT KEEPERS: 3rd Saturday of each month: 7:00a.m. - 8:00a.m. Mul -Purpose Room PLC PRAYER MEETINGS: English– First Tuesday of the month ; 7:30—9:30 p.m. Contact: Mike or Jan Culling (281) 489-9113 STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE R L (Dick) Penning (832) 260-6010 AA SUPPORT GROUP/Manvel-Iowa Colony Mee ngs: Friday 8:00 p.m. Parish Life Center Houston Intergroup (24/7): 713-686-6300 Hotlines: 832-431-5639; 409-877-1674/ Plá cas para Bau smos Virginia Carreon (713) 585-5572 Eva Fonseca (832) 452-4731 Legión De María Juntas los lunes a las 7:30 p.m. Juntas el 2º domingo del mes: 10:00 am Rodolfo Solorzano (713) 898-2345 Vicky Hernandez (832) 571-4697 Quinceañeras: Required: 2 year CCE enrollment prior to the 15th Birthday Celebra on Requisitos: estar inscrita 2 años en la doctrina antes de la quinceañera Coordinadora: Blanca Cas llo (281) 692-9686 Asociación de Guadalupanas Juntas el segundo domingo del mes después de Misa de 12:30 p.m. Crispin Correa 713-705-2513 Javier González (281)844-5967 Movimiento Familiar Cris ano Católico—Coordinadores José Luis Y Martha Méndez Casa (281) 835-5214 / Cell (832) 876-4748 Asamblea de Oración Viernes: 7:30 p.m. Jessica Morales (979)997-4015; Maria Luz Rivera (832)731-6487 *Misa de Sanación / Primer Viernes *Para toda la comunidad DIEGO CERVANTES, AGENT AUTO • HOME • LIFE • HEALTH • BANK • BUSINESS SAVINGS UP TO 40% ON YOUR CAR INSURANCE 281-258-4181 Parishioner ✂ 16251 S. Post Oak Rd., Ste. B, Houston, TX 77053 Hablamos Español Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers For a wide selection of Catholic greeting cards, artwork, and inspirational recordings, visit Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! 800-566-6150 World Library Publications the music and liturgy division of J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. What We Can Offer You and Your Business: • Many ad size options to meet your budget in color or black and white • One-on-one customer service to help build and design your ad • The ability to change your ad up to 12 times per year J.S. Paluch Company 1.800.833.5941 See Your Ad in COLOR Your ad Call J.S. Paluch Today! 1.800.833.5941 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. as low as $1045 per couple Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For further information, please call the Parish Office. Music for Reflection and Meditation Jesus A to Z Blessed Assurance Les Stahl Inspiring collection of solo piano arrangements of classic hymns on CD $17 could be in this space! Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS A colorful Catholic ABC book for kids and families! Includes a glossary of questions to help adults pass on their Catholic faith. 800-566-6150 World Library Publications 007199 9 x 12 Hardcover the music and liturgy division of J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. $16.99 each • Special Offer — 2 for $25.00! 800-566-6150 515277 Sacred Heart Church (B) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-833-5941 Air Condition & Heating Pat Gross, President Office 281-431-6400 Texas Lic # TACLB020136E Parishioner Honest, Reliable, Affordable Service “30 years experience” Catholic Cemeteries Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston Mount Olivet Calvary Dickinson, TX Galveston, TX 281-337-1641 409-744-1661 “Faith brings us together” SCOTT Carlee A. Reiler, DDS, PC General Dentistry Parishioner 713-436-0200 10015 Broadway (FM518) Suite A Pearland, TX 77584 INDEPENDENT BEAUTY CONSULTANT 713.436.7492 Cell: 361-947-1385 Patricia Kubicek LEENA J. GEORGE, CPA LOCALLY OWNED MICHAEL A. CULLING, ATTORNEY 20130 Hwy. 6 • Manvel, TX AND MANAGED BY • ESTATE PLANNING • DIVORCE/CUSTODY FUNERAL HOME THE SCOTT FAMILY (PARISHIONERS) (281) 585-1000 MARJORIE PLANKA BROKER, GRI, ABR, CBR • WILLS & PROBATE 2319 Echo Harbor Dr. Pearland, TX 77584 713-436-7676 • 832-244-0644 • REAL ESTATE Your Income Tax Expert 281-489-9113 LINDALE AIR Air Conditioning & Heating FREE ESTIMATES Mario Fernandez 832-860-4322 TACLA005371C BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY HOME SERVICES Anderson Properties 2197 N. Bypass 35, Alvin, TX 77511 John LeBlanc 713.818.7133 Cell TAQUERIA, CARNICERIA Y PANADERIA WE ACCEPT LONE STAR CARD ACEPTAMOS TARJETA DE LONE STAR 19323 Hwy 6 Manvel, Texas 281-489-3131 Parishioner Auto • Home • Life • Business 11711 Shadow Creek Pkwy. Ste 125 Pearland, TX 77584 Business 713-436-4707 • Fax 1-713-436-0732 ABIERTO LOS SIETE DIAS DÉ LA SEMANA 12105 HWY 6 FRESNO, TX 77545 281-710-4315 We Sell Health Insurance EVELYN ANG CANARE Broker/GRI CRS MBA CPA LUCKY REALTY Bus: 281-498-8822 Cell: 713-398-3817 7705 Boone Rd., Houston TX 77072 ALVIN CLEANERS Family Owned & Operated Dry Cleaning & Alterations SAVE 10% W/AD 535 Tourea Rd., Suite 102 281-824-4665 Alvin, TX 77511 Automatic - Standard 2646 Bypass 35 South behind Walmart 331-8209 • 3 & 4 LOAD WASHERS • WASH, DRY & FOLD SERVICE • OPEN 7 DAYS JOE HAAS - REALTOR DIRECT: 281-989-8012 Top Realty 2911 S. Sam Houston Pkwy East Houston, TX 77047 515277 Sacred Heart Church (A) 219 N. Taylor 331-4491 281.585.3433 • 8:00 AM - 8:15 PM (LAST WASH) 1125 S. Hood Street • Alvin, Texas 77511 • FULLY ATTENDED For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-833-5941