October - Cedar Creek Model A Ford Club


October - Cedar Creek Model A Ford Club
October 2013
President's Message
President's Message
Hello, Members:
Gigi's house. If I counted correctly
there was 24 there and lots of good
food to enjoy.
Hey everybody this is your frequent
flyer leader. I hope to be a round for a
few weeks so I can stay up with all the
activities. I will try and have some
picture from my trip to Maui in the
near future.
Hope to see everybody at IMAD in
Ben Wheeler this Saturday. Come
early and stay late. Be sure and bring a
See you there Jody.
Vice President
We had a good group for the luau at
Minutes for September 3, 2013
Vice-President Ola Powell, standing in for Jody Letchworth, called the meeting
to order at 5:30 PM and welcomed everyone. He then led the group in the
Pledge of Allegiance.
Ola asked if there were any changes needed to the August minutes. There were
none. Bill Capps made the motion to accept with a second from Danny
Gigi Henderson read the treasurer’s report.
SUNSHINE REPORT: We had good news from our club this month. Brooks
Gremmels is doing much better. Ola’s sister in law was undergoing a heart stent
procedure. We wish them both continued improvements. Pray for good news
every month.
(Continued on Page 2)
-----------------------NEWSLETTER EDITOR
(Minutes for September 3, 2013 - continued)
We had eight birthdays this month. Members present were, Sue Capps, Shirley Leone, Danny
Hampel, Sandra Lee, Lou Carpenter and C.L. York. We wish you all many more.
There were 24 members present, it was nice to see Adron and Dianne Neill back with us.
Bob Beck netted us $98 in raffle tickets.
Ola reviewed plans for International Model A Day with Chuck. Tents have been located and Chuck
asked for volunteers to assist with erecting them on Friday afternoon.
Cookies for dessert will be requested from the females of clubs attending. Hopefully we have the
plans for food down pat. Also, we could need back up cooks. Several members stated they were up
to the task.
We need to come up with plans for fun things to do Friday night, so if you have suggestions please
let someone know.
Several members have been contacting businesses for donations.
Walt and Ola have been checking cap prices and advised us how much they will be. They will be
ordering our caps and visors this week, in time for the Model A Day later this month. The motion to
go ahead with proceedings were made by Sue Capps and second by Chuck Sportsman.
Raffle winners were Dianne Neill and Sue Capps.
Breakfast gathering will be on Tuesday, 9-17 at 8:00 at the Athens Cafe. We will gather at the
Eustace square and leave at 7:30 for Athens.
The annual Car Show at 7 Points Dairy Queen is on 10-19. Danny has requested assistance with
parking for the car show at 9:30 that morning. Please let him know if you are available.
Remember our Luau scheduled at 5:00 PM on the 26th, at Gigi Beck’s home. Will have directions for
you at the breakfast on Tues. Wear your flowery shirts and grass skirts! Will discuss the menu cruise
Autumn Trails in Winnsboro is October 24-27, with the parade and lunch on the 26th.
Motion made to adjourn by Walt with Joe Creecy seconding.
Prepared by Treasurer, Gigi Henderson-Beck
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Sunshine Report
Sue Capps
Brooks Gremmels. Please continue to keep our dear friend in your daily prayers.
Paul Pirtle is scheduled for surgery soon. We wish you well Paul.
Wanda Bell goes to MD Anderson for her 6 mo check up. Pray she gets a thumbs up!
----We went to Hawaii last night. Sorry some of you missed it. We had a great time .....so much
food and great fellowship...wish you all could have been there to eat all the food we had
cooked for you. Everyone looked so good in their island attire. Thanks to Bob and GiGi for
Editor's note:
This newsletter is being prepared on the Friday before IMAD. We have just enjoyed our
Hawaiian Luau last evening at Gigi's lake house, this afternoon is site preparation in Ben
Wheeler, and then International Model A Day tomorrow. Hope the weather holds off and
that we will see y'all there.
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Tuesday Breakfast
Athens Cafe
September 17, 2013
Eatin' and jawin'
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Hawaiian Luau
September 27, 2013
Gigi Beck's Lake House
On Thursday, Sepember 27, the club gathered at Gigi
Beck's Lake House for a “Hawaiian Luau”. Everyone
brought food, dishes identified on a menu that
several prepared ahead. What a wonderful time
enjoying Bob's and Gigi's hospitality in a beautiful
Our “Elder Statesmen”
Our “Hawaiian” Beach
Staying cool!
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Coming Events
For more information visit: www.CedarCreekAs.org
SEP 28, 2013 -- IMAD - International Model A Ford Day
OCT 01, 2013 -- CCMAFC Meeting - Held at the Dairy Queen in Seven Points TX. Tire
Kicking starts a 5:00PM. Meeting starts at 5:30PM.
OCT 19, 2013 -- 11th Annual Classic Auto Show - Danny and Shirley's Dairy Queen of
Seven Points. Saturday, October 19, 2013, registration starting at 10:00am car show 12 to 4:00pm
OCT 25-27, 2013 -- Autumn Trails- Winnsboro - Stew supper on Friday night, large parade
Saturday morning, tour through countryside Sunday morning. Swap meet all weekend. Always a
great weekend.
NOV 05, 2013 -- CCMAFC Meeting - Held at the Dairy Queen in Seven Points TX. Tire
Kicking starts at 5:00PM. Meeting starts at 5:00PM.
DEC 07, 2013 -- CCMAFC Christmas Party - Civic Center, Tool TX.
The calendar is becoming AWFULLY THIN!
Remember that ANY club member can add items to the calendar on the CCMAFC
website. All you have to do is first log in, then bring up the calendar, and there is a
button at the top to “Enter New Event”
You can do it! Don't just leave it to one or two
folks to always have to pull the wagon.
Birthdays in October
Jim Estes
Bob Beck
Rese Gremmels
Edith Powell
Roberto Loar
Bob Letchworth
Nancy Wittner
Bill Holmes
Ola Powell
Happy Birthday!
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I've learned that ...
...no matter how much I care, some people are just jackasses.
...whatever hits the fan will not be evenly distributed.
...you shouldn't compare yourself to others they are more screwed up than you think.
...I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy it.
...we are responsible for what we do,
unless we are celebrities.
...there is a fine line between genius and insanity.
...the people you care most about in life are taken from you too soon and
all the less important ones just never go away.
And the real pains in the ass are permanent.
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