Pequeno resumo da história dos humanos. As próximas gerações
Pequeno resumo da história dos humanos. As próximas gerações
Pequeno resumo da história dos humanos. As próximas gerações darão conta do recado? João S. Furtado 15junho2015 Os hominídeos desceram das árvores, há pelo menos 7 milhões de anos atrás. Foram capazes de ficar de pé e caminhar com as duas pernas. O grupo engloba chipanzés, gorilas, orangotangos e ... melhor não se chocar ... os humanos antigos e os atuais. Nós, os Homo sapiens. Lucy foi a fêmea hominídea, com 1,20 de altura, que se tornou a personagem mais famosa, até o momento, na história biológica da humanidade. O nome foi inspirado na música dos Bettles “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds”, sucesso mundial na ocasião da descoberta do fóssil, em 1974. Lucy viveu há cerca de 3,8-‐4 milhões de anos e foi considerada o grande tesouro arqueológico e antropológico, para os humanos atuais. Os fósseis de nós, os homo sapiens, foram datados de 200.000-‐150.000 anos atrás. Porém, há “primos” longínquos, na escala de tempo, que viveram entre 2,8 milhões e 1 milhão de anos e utilizavam tecnologia para produzir artefatos de pedra. Além desses, há outros “parentes” primitivos. O homem neandertal foi o último. Habitou a Europa, há 350.000 anos e desapareceu há cerca de 30.000 anos. Conviveram com os sapiens em cavernas, durante pelo menos 40.000 anos com quem se cruzaram: 99,7% do DNA de neandertais estão presentes nas pessoas que circulam por aí. Por 100.000 anos os humanos sapiens viveram na Idade da pedra. Organizaram-‐se em tribos e vilas, mantidos pela caça e por colheitas e se comunicavam através de linguagem. Continuaram em cavernas naturais ou subterrâneas, até cerca de 10.000 anos, com o início da Civilização antiga. Adotaram organização social sob a forma de Estado, cidade ou reino. Desenvolveram assentamentos agrícolas e, há 4.400 anos, passaram a se comunicar pela escrita. Surgiu, assim o processo civilizatório, com o desenvolvimento de habilidades, tecnologias e a capacidade para lidar com símbolos, idiomas e diferentes modos de expressar artes e comportamentos. A Era moderna iniciou-‐se há 1.000 anos, com a concepção do modelo Estado-‐Nação, o sistema de industrialização e a expansão da imprensa, graças à invenção da palavra impressa, em 1440, apesar da gravação da escrita na Pedra de Roseta ter acontecido no século 196 Antes de Cristo. O grande salto da humanidade aconteceu na Fase ou era planetária, com os movimentos de governança global, globalização da economia, a Internet, no final do ano de 1969 e a criação da WWW, a World Wide Web, em 1992. Nos últimos 60 anos, os humanos sapientes inventaram e aperfeiçoaram aeronaves, jatos, foguetes, viagens espaciais, rádio, telefone, TV. Nos últimos 30 anos, surgiram transistores, microcomputadores, microchips, sondas espaciais, radiotelescópio, Internet. Nos finais 5 anos, grandes avanços em robótica, tecnologia de informação e comunicação, inteligência artificial, armazenamento de dados e comunicação virtual, Internet móvel, transmissão em massa de dados e informações online, computação em nuvem, equipamentos e serviços inteligentes (smarts), Internet de coisas, impressora 3D, rastreamento e localização à distância (GPS), chips implantados, avanços em biotecnologia e nanotecnologia, células de energia, energia renovável, genes sintéticos, células tronco, pele sintética, eletricidade sem fio, e tantos outros. Os inventos futurísticos incluem: ecossistemas e bioquímica alternativos, elevador espacial, robôs inteligentes, download da memória pessoal (leitura da mente), homem multitúdino (engenharia genética sintética e cibernética com inteligência artificial), organismos smarts, organismos coletivos, embriões sob medida (customizados), máquinas conscientes, vida no ciberespaço, mundo virtual, e mais. Quem viver, verá! Mas, assustador, não? Ian Pearson Singularitarian utopia or a new dark age? The singularity • Some illustrations of the enormous potential first, then some examples of how adding a high level of ambient stupidity might mean we might make a mess of it The singularity (critical level positive feedback in technology development) Invention curve can Implementation go almost vertical rate is limited Tech level Exponent increases rapidly as tech improves, especially as AI kicks in Normal tech progress 2000 2020 2040 Main driver is NBIC Convergence (nano-bio-info-cogno) Nanotech gives us tiny devices Tiny sensors help neuroscience figure out how the mind works Insights from neuroscience feed into machine intelligence Biotech and IT advances make body and machine connectable Improving machine intelligence accelerates R&D in every sphere Elemental Resources Better supply as we discover more and reach into space Materials tech development means we will need less raw material and have a range of potential substitutes Better recycling means elements mainly just move around Global land management With increasing global wealth, we need to make more effort to use limited land on the basis of global needs. Physical infrastructure Use farmland to grow food. Use deserts to Nature collect energy. Housing Energy Could feed up to 20Bn people or return some land to nature. Food Doom-mongers are wrong, again! Increasing population increases supply of intelligence and solutions faster than demand Energy shortage is a short to mid term problem We can produce more of everything than people need Clean water will be plentiful We will also need less and waste less. Long term pollution will decline Real problems are short term, and some of those come from policies created by doom-mongers, such as biofuels and energy poverty A better world via cheap energy Tissue-cultured meat Shale gas Thorium Fusion Solar farms …. All-electric transport Water production Landfill mining Galileo Potential for space too Space elevator Tourism Ark 1 Asteroid mining 30km high graphene structures Vacuum-filled columns made of hierarchical mesh/tape/cross members. 30km Earth version can be made lighter than air for most of the height, and could be erected like growing grass, by adding to members at ground rather than at top, enabling easy erection and super-tall structures. Graphene foam could be lighter than helium and used as buoyancy aid. Moon version could be over 150km high. plan Tubular wall structure platform Graphene sheet 43o C nanotube fill Graphene ribbon wrap vacuum Tension member seal member structure IT progress so far But it isn’t over yet!!! Electronic jewellery Bring your own kit 2.0 Social status Medical monitoring, alarms Communication, data distribution Networking Digital image augmentation Any form Sensing Mobile website Digital bubble Decoration Identification, security Tribal signalling Miniaturisation will bring everyday IT down to jewellery size. Combinations of devices can monitor and relay a wide variety of data. Display evolution Large wall displays, street ads, coffee table displays, digital windows, recipe tablets etc The more personal displays become, the more opportunity they present Active contact lens (Pearson 1991) laser focusing micromirror lasers Gaze direction sensor Resolution limited by the eye Allows natural distance perception Tiny environmental footprint Laser Processing retina Laser Micromirror Inductive power supply Gaze direction sensor Comms & ctrl Diamond Laser substrate Casual displays Program an image on a cheap display by touch. Could have lots of reusable card displays all over your house or office. Finger can transmit electrical power and 2Mb/s data, 1 second contact for a decent photo, with a networked wristband or hand held device as the data and power source. Virtualisation as happiness amplifier People, buildings and objects can emit an interactive digital ‘aura’ Hi-res, 3D information overlays for email, leisure, socialisation, navigation etc Dual appearance – Can blend games into real world – You can choose how you appear – Everyone can see the world differently – Fight off aliens while your partner chooses an outfit. Gel computing Processing Power Sensing Dual core 48 core comms Storage Single core Quad core LED Rx D i g i t a l Massively multiple core-multiple chip Self-organisation used with AI-controlled evolution to build circuit/function libraries and eventually strong AI Sensor Sensor Digital & Analog Large number of capsules suspended in gel using free-space comms to link up to form ad-hoc circuitry OB1 - optical brain mk1 A conscious computer 1 trillion neurons in 100ml gel 1 billion times more powerful than brain, with up to 2 million emotions & unlimited senses Could be fully sentient Could be benign or malicious Could be linked to other devices via the net Gel Optical ‘hormone’ playback Sensory echo Neural interference processing vortex Sensory stimulus Internal sensing sensory encoding Neural response neural vortex generation Smart cells could exist in both real world and cyberspace Custom DNA 1 micron Molecular circuitry assembled by cell Bacteria linked together via infrared, to make sophisticated self organising circuits Active skin – the body as IT platform Epidermis Wearable layer Detachable layer Transfer layer Mid-term layer Skin Permanent layer Dermis Skin-based electronics can link blood chemistry and nerve signals to external computers and systems Even thought recognition is starting to appear now Emotiv Epoc headset for computer games 20 IQ and sensory enhancement and electronic immortality Billions of tiny sensors linked to every synapse, signalling activity to external replica and able to recreate signals generated by external replica Billions of smart bacteria with synthetic neurons replicating behaviour of every individual neuron but able to run at much higher speeds and with connectivity to net and other brains. Sensory enhancement Magnetic field Radiation (EM or nuclear) Magnetic field External sensors Wearable sensors Detachable sensors Implanted sensors Audio Temperature Location Input Proximity Sensory translation unit Video Output Heat or vibration Sound Pain or pleasure Chemical or microbiological presence New senses Data Pollutants Alarms Telemetry Monitors Logs Control systems Messaging How close can you get? 2010: Can touch 2020 can link dreams 2025: Can link nervous systems 2040: Can link brains 2050:Can share enhanced consciousness in machine 2060: can share bodies too 2075: can merge completely Dream linking Dream state is detected in each person and then appropriate imagery and sound created in both headsets by computer. Ongoing detection of thoughts and emotions during dream influences choice of material. The Borg, 2075-2200 A global environment linking together all the minds of people and sentient machines in a global consciousness Medium Shared consciousness & awareness Shared personalities Link nervous systems together Body sharing Fuzzy boundaries between people Post-organic life Under 40s might live forever As brain add-ons and IQ, memory and sensory upgrades account for an ever-increasing proportion of your mind’s capability and content, death of the organic body becomes just an inconvenience. You may simply buy an android, upload and carry on. Repliee, Osaka University, lots of descendants now By then you may have spawned numerous replicas. Which are you? OK, so: What will your next body look like? How many will you have? Will you be willing to share? Human-machine Convergence homo erectus homo sapiens homo sapiens ludditus Homo habilis homo optimus homo sapiens neanderthalensis homo zombius? homo hybridus homo cyberneticus homo machinus robotus multitudinus robotus primus Gaia sapiens Sims sapiens Bacteria sapiens Today - 1.5M years - 125,000 years - 750,000 years - 40,000 years 150 years 50 years 100 years Organic resources Gaia 2.0 We may have to help fix, rebuild or even recreate damaged organic resources such as Natural world, fisheries and including rainforests Mk 1 humans Make new organisms & Ecosystems Alternative biochemistry NBIC enabled organisms, including transhumans Blurred boundary Cyberspace life, including conscious machines Panda 2.0 Enhance mating desire. Add fertility sensors, GPS location and dating sites so that Pandas can find suitable mates at the right times. Adjust discrimination levels so that potential mates are less fussy. Making other organisms smart Biotechnology Hybrid animal brains that contain synthetic processing and memory but exist and compete in both natural world and cyberspace Smart mice, chimps, dogs, cats, worms? Nanotechnology Artificial Intelligence Smart bacteria could exist in both real world and cyberspace Custom DNA 1 micron Molecular circuitry assembled by cell Bacteria linked together via infrared, to make sophisticated self organising circuits E-bay-bies? Machine-designed humans sentience Optional genetic Assembly Physical birth Human equivalence DNA mix digital conception Computer Simulation E-birth Parents can be of any gender 0 2010 2030 2050 2070 How long will it be before it will be considered irresponsible not to genetically enhance your kids? At what stage of electronic emulation or genetic assembly does a child become legally human? AI evolution AIs will have their own cultures and civilisation that will cross fertilise with ours Sims will get much smarter! Some AIs will migrate from cyberspace into the real world Some people might move into cyberspace – retirement or suicide? Cyberspace fauna and flora The Sims, EA Games But is all of this progress? Starting to get scary isn’t it? Who gets to decide how far we go? Do you trust them? Should we allow sentient beings in computer games to be controlled by children? How long will it be before ‘Robot Wars’ transforms into an android version of the Roman Coliseum with synthetic blood? Increasing danger from technology Probability of extinctionlevel event per year 1% 0.5% ETA for tech-enabled extinction is 2085 Via Pandemics, NBIC accidents or weapons, AI, climatic instability, or 100s of variants 1M BC 1950 today 2050 Perhaps we don’t see aliens because they all wipe themselves out within 300 years of discovering radio! Terminator scenario? V If we create smarter-than-man machines, we risk extinction. Even if they are not malign, we may end up in the same bargaining position as ants on a building site. If we can enhance or link human brain to the same level of intelligence, then such a capability gap will not occur. We need a good brain-machine link before we can safely make smarter-than-man machines 2025: Smart yogurt: Self-organising smart bacteria, WMD x 2 Can use chemical gradients to self-organise components into very complex structures Smart bacteria could use cloud computing to re-design their offspring, thereby adapting to any environment, destroying all other life and terraforming Earth Smart bacteria could control minds of people infected, enslaving them and making them into zombies Espionage 35nm tech means 200M transistors/mm2. Small specks of smart dust can be concealed anywhere e.g. sand or dirt, passed on by handshake, or dust settling from the air, in food, seeds, gravel or in clothes, stick to shoes. Air conditioning is a new security risk Even coins or banknotes could be used to hide devices to monitor, record and transmit activity Ant: 10mm Human vision limit: 0.1mm Apple 2 computer needs 0.015mm 0.25MB memory chips: 0.05mm Parallel web: Sponge nets Wireless links Wireless LAN link to web and between clusters Laptops Tablets Smart phones Displays Digital jewellery Beacons Street furniture Custom devices Smart clothing Active skin Direct inter-device networking will become an important alternative internet platform. May be popular 1984 defense. Will tribalism increase? Local govt Geographic World Community Networks Cyberspace Network Communities Global government Social world Geographic tribalism Tribalism is built in to human nature and fits the web perfectly. Political power is migrating onto the web. Government is trying to block anonymity to slow the slide. Values tribalism Urban tribes City A City B City C Real World Tribe X Tribe Y Tribe Z Cyberspace People may belong to many tribes, according to their professional roles, hobbies, social groups and political preferences. Each may have its own tribal symbols and uniforms that can be displayed virtually even when physical appearance can’t be altered. Appearance can be determined by dynamic group interaction, location and other contextual parameters. The Stepford Society impossible for law- abiding people to commit an offence, while criminals do as they please Road tolling via satellite tracking Government knows everywhere you go Speed cameras everywhere Extensive & permanent police records DNA Databases Anti-tech backlash Identity cards Smart meters One stop shop for all government data Monitoring of all comms Number-plate recognition 25% of the world’s CCTV Abuse of Millimetre wave cameras Face recognition systems Direct control of network capability Tax enforcement via integrated databases Speed limits built into car management systems Criminals will bypass all the rules with stolen phones, LCD plates, ID theft… Criminals will have total freedom, we will have none 1984 is here albeit a bit late If you aren’t free to do the wrong thing, you aren’t free at all! Search engines Social net monitoring Web tracking Smart-phone disabling ISP logs Blogs Electronic cash Average speed Identity cards cameras CCTV Secrecy for leaders Random walk of values Religious texts used to act as a fixed reference for ethical values Secular society has no fixed reference point so values oscillate quickly. 20 years can yield 180o shift e.g. euthanasia, sexuality, abortion, animal rights, genetic modification, nuclear energy, family, policing, teaching, authority… Pressure to conform reinforces relativism at the expense of intellectual rigour Isms are religion substitutes anti-capitalism animal rights environmentalism warmism feeling of inner worth fitness political correctness pacifism vegetarianism People have a strong need to feel they are ‘good’. Some of today’s ideological subscriptions are essentially secular substitutes for religion, and demand same suspension of free thinking and logical reasoning. The Spanish Inquisition spotlight Racial Gay Abortion equality equality Animal rights rights Female Religious equality Global ?? ??? freedom equality Attitudes PC Max Gender Carbon to crime Equality use Dark Age Pressures Anti-science Rebellion Moral relativism Rejection of authority Care economy Need to feel good Age of magic Rise of AI Abdication of Emotionalism personal Decline in free-thinking responsibility IT enablers for the Dark Age Wikipedia Blogs Search engines Positioning Memory stick nets Chat rooms Virtual environments Context engines Virtual communities Digital bubbles, ego badges etc Dilution of knowledge Ignorance Knowledge Knowledge New dark age Anti-knowledge 1000 1900 2000 2050 In pursuit of social compliance, we are told to believe things that are known to be false. With clever enough spin, people accept them and become worse than ignorant The wiki economy – beginning of the end Information quality high Wikipedia Professional Level of enthusiasm of professional elite to contribute low Gradually almost every kind of information became available free on the net. Quality rises for a while but eventually declines because genuine incentives to contribute reduce, while corrupted incentives increase. Time The rise of nonsense Nonsense beliefs e.g. new age, alternative medicine, alternative science, 21stC piety, political correctness Mainstream beliefs e.g. science, mainstream religions 2010 2015 2020 2025 The age of magic “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”, Arthur C Clarke As technology becomes both invisible and too hard to understand, it has a real danger of becoming like magic to many people, with damaging effects on the relationship between people and engineers The age of magic – professional elite is shrinking Fashion Celebrity Professional knowledge TV Culture Sport Games 1% hold all useful knowledge Scientists need to guard against becoming too fond of their power and abusing it as 21st century high priests Chat VEs…. 99% only well informed on trivia On Balance? Slight improvement? Losses Wins Health Wealth Fun Empowerment Growth Control Surveillance Oppression Directionless Terrorism Thank you In Kindle Store