he cross - St. Raymond
he cross - St. Raymond
1979 HE CROSS 2006 PUBLISHED BY 27 Years of Dedication MSGR. W.J. WALSH-ST. RAYMOND COUNCIL, No. 7220 21st NEW YORK DISTRICT VOL. 22, NO. 4 READ THE GOSPELS FOR THE WAY April, 2006 GRAND KNIGHT’S MESSAGE I must first thank all of my brother knights for your prayers and well wishes during my surgery and hospital stay from March 15 through the 21st. I am happy to report that all is going quite well, I am progressing well and will be taking it easy for the next few weeks. I hope to be at the first meeting in April. Being that I have been out of the loop, I will just post a few reminders on some important dates in April for you to keep in mind. On April 4th The New York State Council Prayer Rally in Albany. If you are interested in going let me know and we will try and get you a place on one of the buses. Lets keep the string of successful affairs going, Cabaret, Saint Patrick’s and next up The 100 Club drawing on April 8th. Call Dan Gerrity to purchase your ticket! We have changed our meeting dates for April due to Easter Week; we will meet on the 6th and 20th of the month. Our Communion Breakfast is slated for April 23rd. Also keep Sunday May 7th open on your calendar, as that is the day of the CYO Track Meet at East Rockaway High School. We will have the food concession and we will need all hands on deck to set up and cook for the day! A Blessed and Joyous Easter to all my brother knights and their families! Sincerely, Thomas Donza, GK The “Fabulous 100-Club” SOLD OUT for the 4th Year Running The exceptional and fabulous 100 Club is HERE. Make plans to join us Saturday, April 8th at the VFW. Dinner will be delicious and the beers, wines and company will surely satisfy. This is a terrific fund raiser enabling our council to be as generous as it can be to our local charities and worthy endeavors throughout the entire year. Please support your chairman, Dan Gerrity for all his efforts! Communion Breakfast is April 23 Msgr. Tom Hartman of “The God Squad” named guest Speaker We are exceptionally blessed to have as our guest speaker, Msgr. Tom Hartman host of the syndicated newspaper column “The God Squad” and Telecare television series. Seating will be VERY LIMITED and tickets available only on an advance purchase basis. Complete pancake breakfast for Adults $7, Children to six years old are $3 and Children under 3 are FREE. Contact Anthony Barcia for tickets today by calling 593-6720. Your help in the kitchen is always welcomed. OFFICERS Father John Aduseh Poku ..................... Chaplain 593-5000 Deacon Guy Donza ................ Associate Chaplain 593-2521 Deacon Thomas Connolly ...... Associate Chaplain 872-6262 Thomas Donza ......Grand Knight G.K. 593-2521, 887-6050 Ed Corrado.................................................D.G.K. 596-3760 Daniel Gerrity...................................... Chancellor 887-4491 Robert L. Stewart, Jr. .............................. Warden 599-0084 Al Compagnoni..................................... Treasurer 599-2917 Steve Higgins, PGK..................Financial Secretary 887-7346 Anthony Barcia ......................................Recorder 593-6720 Angelo Bianculli .................................... Advocate 599-6323 Artie Leonetti...................................Inside Guard 887-7497 Edmund Farrell ................................Inside Guard 593-7805 Frank Sabella ................................Outside Guard 768-3406 Ted Ward ................................... Honorary Guard 593-6967 Bob Kelly................................................. Lecturer 593-1829 Joe Donza ..........................................................Co-Lecturer DIRECTORS Membership & Recruitment Deacon Thomas Connolly .................................... 872-6262 Program Director Anthony Barcia ............................................ 593-6720 Council Activities Ed Corrado................................................... 596-3760 Family Activities Doug Yadanza ............................................. 887-6795 Community Activities Bob Kelly...................................................... 593-1829 Youth Activities Bruno Romano............................................. 599-2440 Church Activities Frank Sabella................................................ 768-3406 Fourth Degree Frank Stallone, PGK, PFN, FN. ...................... 593-1034 Ceremonial Jack Dempsey, PGK ...................................... 887-4744 THE CROSS Robert L. Stewart, Jr. (Editor)..................... . 599-0084 Bruno Romano (Public Relations)................. 599-2440 Sick & Welfare Ed Corrado................................................... 596-3760 Pro-Life Chairpersons Ed Farrell...................................................... 593-7805 C&B Charlie Kelly, PGK......................................... 593-9776 TRUSTEES 1 Year .........Bob Kelly ...........................................593-1829 2 Year .........Charles Kelly PGK ..............................593-9776 3 Year .........Frank Stallone PGK, PFN, FN..............593-1034 NASSAU CHAPTER 1 .........Ed Farrell 2 .........Steve Higgins, PGK, FS NASSAU CONFERENCE 1 ........GK Delegate - Tom Donza 2 .........GK Alternate - Delegate Ed Corrado 3 .........PGK Delegate - Frank Stallone, PGK, PFN, FN 4 .........PGK Alternate Delegate - Steve Higgins, PGK, FS COUNCIL TELEPHONE NUMBER ................. 887-8170 LADIES AUXILIARY Elise Compagnoni ................................................. President Catherine DeMarrias .................... Vice-President 599-6390 Terry Leonetti........................................ Treasurer 887-7497 Catherine Miller ............ Corresponding Secretary 599-2587 Karen Carneglia ....................................Recording Secretary Marie Lonergan ....................... Sergeant at Arms 887-7045 Eva Ferraro.............................................Historian 599-6814 Trustees: Evelyn Contaldi, Joyce Sellitti, Judith Kelly April Birthdays 4/4- DCN Thomas W. Connolly 4/5- Robert Stewart 4/8- Anthony Barcia 4/8- John E. Reilly 4/10- Charles Beehn 4/11- Thomas Sherwood 4/16- Stephen Rochford 4/18- Anthony J. Martorella 4/18- Stephen V. Scaramell 4/20- Edward J. DiCanio 4/20- Bruno F. Romano 4/23- Al Barbarino 4/23- Thomas Donza 4/23- William P. Duggan 4/28- Daniel Devoe 4/30- Clement P. Hill 4/30-Dominick J. Vulpis From the Ladies Auxiliary Thanks to the ladies for all their support. We look forward to you working with the Knights on the upcoming Communion Breakfast. Watch for details. Next meeting: April 10. 4/2-District Deputy Breakfast at St. Anthony’s 4/4 Albany Prayer Rally-See GK Tom Donza 4/6–Regular Membership Meeting 8:00PM 4/8 Fabulous 100 Club-See Dan Gerrity 4/10– Ladies Auxiliary Meeting 4/20-Regular Membership Meeting at 8:00PM 4/23-Communion Breakfast (Reservations Required-Msgr. Hartman guest speaker. See Anthony Barcia for tickets.) 4/27 –Second Degree at St. Therese Upcoming: 5/1-Executive Meeting 5/7– Track Meet at ER High School (Truck loading Sat 5/6) Holy Name Society Holy Name Person of the Year will be honored at the 4/23 Communion Breakfast following the 9:00AM Mass. KofC Website is www.saintraymonds.org Then click Organizations and click the KofC logo for the latest news on the web. This is the best way to stay current between issues of The 2006 St. Patrick’s Dance Party— Full of Surprises, Full of Fun and Delicious Food Track Meet at ER HS Volunteers for Food, Fun & Fund Raising Get on Board Sunday May 7 Ed Farrell is now two for two with Cabaret & St. Patrick successes were absolute achievements—both financially and socially. Below, you can see the fruits of Ed and his team who showed that it’s possible to change the rules and get a rave review. Page one of the Cross shows painter, Harry Schwagerl with his life-size image of St. Patrick driving the snakes from Ireland. A stunning rendition unveiled to an awestruck-sold out room, who received a standing ovation for his creative image of Ed Farrell in his impish alter ego...great work to all. Music, dancing, poetry and camaraderie added a beautiful touch to the excellent food and beverages. *Slante to John Caffrey.* Recognize the guy in the dashing hat?...Well, this year might well be his swansong for the boy’s track program. Come down to East Rockaway High School early on May 7th, and witness the extraordinary effort Frank Honorkamp and his fellow coaches put forward for every boy and girl on this team. And we need you on the Knight’s team to cut and serve bagels, coffee, burgers, dogs, soda and water to HUNDREDS of hungry parents and athletes. Please mark your calendar and roll up your sleeves...it’s a fun and very worthwhile fundraiser. Bring us your ideas and your muscle as we make a memorable day for the Council. Steve Higgins is the chairman, so give him a call or pop down for a hour or two to help out! (Plenty of time...we start at From The Deacon’s Bench I couldn't help but reflect back on our Council's wonderful St. Patrick's Party. It was truly 'grand.' The decorations, the music, the entertainment, to say nothing of Chef John Caffrey's incredible corn beef and cabbage, all made the night perfect. If you couldn't make it this year, plan not to miss it next year. I couldn't help but look around the room that night and reflect on all the smiling faces. There were, of course, the smiling Irish faces but there was also many smiling Italians and Germans and Poles and Latinos and a few others too. Bay Park Fire District Honors PGK Vic Yadanza Sunday, March 26, 2006, the Bay Park Fire District Honored PGK Vic Yadanza, posthumously. PGKS Frank Stallone and Steve Higgins along with DGK Ed Corrado were present to honor Vic's memory. Vic was a Fire Inspector in the District from 2001 until 2005. Pictured are his wife Joan, his son Doug, Senior Town Councilman Anthony Santino, Chief Inspector Together we ate, we drank, we sang and we danced. It was an evening that celebrated more than just the Irish, it celebrated our Church as well. It celebrated the coming together of many peoples and ancestral homelands whose common thread is the faith that we all share. Scripture tells us that the People of God are the Mystical Body of Christ and as such, by reason of our baptism, we are His messengers, just as St. Patrick was. It is our responsibility to let everyone we meet know that Christ is our light and our joy. It's preached in the way we treat each other and how we pray. As we begin the glorious season of Easter let us thank God for all His blessings and share His great gift of faith with all we meet. Happy Easter Phil-Amy Florist Anchor Audi Leonard S. Molite Harry Schwagerl 843 Sunrise Highway Lynbrook, NY 11563 Tel. (516) 887-5300 Fax (516) 887-3628 704 Dogwood Avenue Franklin Square, NY 11010 Prints The Cross each month 516-481-4857 1-800-4-PHIL-AMY Call Bill Mincher 596-0599 (1-800-474-4526) Parrots of the World Ltd. 516 www.philamyflorist.com Homemade Salads Advertise Here… Your Message will be seen... We support our advertisers Mincher Printing Tropical Birds, Exotic Animals & Fish 764-0717; 718 343-4141 316 Sunrise Hwy. Rockville Centre Hot & Cold Catering "W e Do BBQ It All 's" tion oca t r wL Ne reepo F Old Fashioned Hand Rolled Bagels BAGELS plus . . . Paul's Modern Drive-In Cleaners A HOLE LOT MORE! 599-6219 Call Us Now Same Day Laundry & Dry Cleaning Expert Tailor on Premises We Deliver 151 E. Main Street, E. Rockaway, NY 11518 T.N.T. Electronics VCR-TV 1013 Merrick Road Baldwin, NY 11510 516-223-7358 We Fix it - One Stop Shop Auto Repair! (516) 546-0115 or 546-8181 Emergency Service Beeper (516) 291-3854 Frank's N.Y. State Inspection Station THE FISHERY OYSTER BAR CHOWDER HOUSE OUTSIDE DECK FNT Auto Repair Inc. 1017 MERRICK ROAD BALDWIN, N.Y. 11510 (Between Milburn Ave. & Central Ave.) Phone: 516-256-7117 FAX: 516-256-7558 1 MAIN ST. EAST ROCKAWAY, NY 11518 Please welcome the newest member of our Council, Brian Kiernan. Our Recruitment Push Coming…And remember, ask someone to join you in the Knights today! MIKE HONG 432 Atlantic Avenue East Rockaway, NY 11518 (516)599-9482 Visit the KofC website at www.saintraymonds.org and click Organizations and the KofC logo Pray for the Sick & Deceased At this most inspirational time of year, please pray for the sick of our parish and deceased brothers. Our prayers for GK Tom Donza continue as he recovers from his surgery. Knights Insurance Corner New York State Council State Deputy Golf Tournament June 4 – June 6 For those of you who have been around long enough, you will remember we would attend this golf outing way back in the late eighties and early nineties! Maybe there are some of you still out there playing golf? Well would you like to join some of the younger brother knights at this years outing? (I sense some sort of a challenge here). Place- Villa Roma. Dates- Sunday June 4th through Tuesday June 6th. Cost- $260 per golfer. Experience-Priceless! To reserve your spot, Contact GK Tom Donza @ 592-9630 or FS Steve Higgins @ 887-7346, a $60 deposit is required, payable to K of C # 7220. "I shoulda, coulda, woulda!" Somewhere in our lives we have all said that in regard to one undone thing or another. By our very nature, we all tend to put things off, especially unpleasant things. Time and time again I have spoken to people who tell me, "I already have insurance." My response is usually, "I certainly hope so, but is it enough?" The answer is almost always, "Yes, plenty." Yet when I actually review their insurance holdings we discover that it is far from adequate. So we have to stop and think, yeah, maybe it's plenty enough for me, I have to pay for it; but is it enough to take care of my wife and children. Shoulda, coulda, woulda just doesn't cut it when your family is concerned. If you died yesterday what would their financial picture look like today? Why not be safe and find out. Ask your field agent to provide a professional family security profile. Other financial planners charge as much as $800.00 but as a member of the Knights you are eligible for this free, no obligation service. Call us at 872-6262 and make an appointment today you really do owe it to your family! ANTAEUS Joey’s Pizza & Deli D.J. SERVICE Free Delivery 599-2929 5 Huntington Ave., Lynbrook, NY DJ’S - MC’S - KARAOKE Make your next party a triumphant success Call Doug Yadanza 516-887-6740 STU COMMUNITY AUTO REPAIR E a s t Ro c ka w ay S h e l l Tel. (516) 599-9574 Fax. (516) 593-1463 146 Main Street, East Rockaway 340 DEBORAH HIRSCHBERG, Branch Manager 40 Main Street, East Rockaway, NY 11518-1929 Tel: 599-3737 * Fax: 599-4036 Open 7 days 11 A.M. - 9 P.M. Hours: Mon-Fr 7 am - 7 pm Sat. 8 am - 7 pm 30 Main Street Mark Macoge 516 East Rockaway 599-9564 EDWARD T. SIEBAN, Esq. Attorney At Law Real Estates - Wills & Trusts Estate & Administration Proceedings. Guardianship Proceedings Elder Law - Estate Planning Business Law Negligence & Personal Injury 119 Rhame Ave. E. Rockaway, N.Y. 11518 Advertise Here… Knights gladly support our advertisers (516) 285-1402 In Home Consultation Available! MERCS EXXON, INC. QUICK PICK CONV. OPEN 24 HRS GIFT SHOP 500 Atlantic Avenue East Rockaway, NY Your local stop for all your conv. needs (Lotto, Beer, Milk, Hot & Cold Bev and a whole lot more.) (516) 593-4422 For All Seasons...For All Reasons… BILL GAYLOR CORAL HOUSE CATERERS On Milburn Lake 70 Milburn Avenue Baldwin, New York 11510 800-99-CORAL * 800-CEREMONY www.coralhouse.com 11 Atlantic Avenue Lynbrook, USA 11563 516-593-6500 www.lyngift.com Atlantic Ave. Laundromat, Inc. 3050 Long Beach Road (516) 599-WASH Pick-up & Delivery Drop Off or Self Service Bobby & Denise Anastasio Shanes O i l LTD. State Inspection Road Service Complete Foreign & Domestic Mechanical Repairs Scranton & Atlantic Ave., East Rockaway 599-9704 (516) Mike Carver, Prop. Direct: Office: Cell: Fax: 516-837-8417 516-837-8400 516-721-8885 516-485-7743 25-D Main Street EAST ROCKAWAY, N. Y. 11518 516-593-4242 SERVING THE COMMUNITY FOR OVER 45 YEARS Oceanside, New York 11572 tel 516-678-1190 New Outdoor Furniture Dept. ST. RAYMOND’S HUMAN LIFE COMMITTEE Contact: 516-785-4070 Life Center of LI 631-243-2373 PRUDENTIAL DOUGLAS ELLIMAN REAL ESTATE THINKING OF SELLING, BUYING, OR RENTING CALL US! Compliments of Legislator Fran Becker MOTHER & BABY - WE LOVE YOU BOTH! Torborg’s & Sons East Rockaw ay Garage Complete Automotive Service 21 Davison Plaza East Rockaway 593-6290 Mr. & Mrs. Frank & Rosalind Stallone PFN, GK fax 516-678-1349 Call us at 561-2220 “Before I formed your in the womb I knew you….” (Jeremiah 1:15) www.prudentialelliman.com Over 60 Offices & 3,000 Professional Agents Every life is a blessing! Learn the Difference! 221 Tel: (516) 678-2909 24 Hour Towing Fax: (516) 678-8231 Lawson Automatic Transmissions, Inc. OCEANSIDE, N.Y. SPECIALISTS IN Foreign & Domestic Automotive and Heavy Equipment Transmissions James F. Rooney, Esq. Electronics Expert Computer Diagnostics Wills - Will Contests - Real Estate Probate & Administration All Surrogate’s Court Matters Est. 1956 3375 Lawson Blvd. Oceanside, NY 11572 EAST ROCKAWAY 15 Columbia Ave East Rockaway, NY 11518 (516) 599-0229 WOODHAVEN 86-07 Jamaica Avenue Woodhaven, N.Y. 11421 (718) 849-2913 (718) 847-0090 Hall Rental - Recently Redecorated Reasonable Rates Rocco’s Italian Veterans of Foreign Wars Take-Out Restaurant Post 3350 164 Main Street, East Rockaway, NY 11518 Tel: 887-8170 Handicapped Accessible 516-599-9600 Marty Vavrinec, Pres. Peter M. Vono W h ol e L i f e • T er m • R et i r em e n t • A n n u i t i es L o n g T er m C ar e • I R A MARTY MURATORE Field Agent PHONE NUMBER 516-620-0581 PIZZA - CATERING SEAFOOD MPMURATORE@YAHOO.COM Knights of Columbus INSURANCE A.M. Best: A++ LTC 01-ID 6/99 Standard & Poor’s: AAA 24561-04 Knights of Columbus NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. Postage Msgr. Walsh-St. Raymond Council 7220 P.O. Box 100, East Rockaway, N.Y. 11518 Return Address Requested Postmaster: Time Element Material Do Not Delay PAID Permit No. 125 East Rockaway, N.Y. The Strapless Dress 26A Atlantic Avenue Lynbrook N.Y. 516-561-8203 Dresses - Formal Wear & Accessories for all your special Events Compliments of… Councilman Anthony J. Santino MURMUR-LEE’S Men’s and Boy’s Shop (516) 887-3250 (516) 599-7170 S&B OPTICAL CO. EYEGLASS FACTORY DIRECT Glasses For The Whole Family 3 Huntington Avenue, Lynbrook, NY 11563 HARRY LEVITT 24 ATLANTIC AVENUE LYNBROOK, NEW YORK 11563 516-599-7777 FAX 516-593-0549 East Rockaway Recreation Center “We Offer Programs for Everyone” Sports Programs: Flag Football, Kickball, Basketball, Open Gym, Children’s Activities: Dance, Arts & Crafts, Organized Sports Events, Teen/Tween Night 475 Atlantic Ave, 516-887-6321 Tony’s Shoe Repair Orthopedic Prescriptions Filled Luggage, Handbag Repairs (516) 599-3232 74A Atlantic Avenue Lynbrook, NY MINUTE MAN Drive-In Cleaners SHIRT LAUNDERERS SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT (516) 599-1344 Atlantic & Ocean Avenues East Rockaway & Oceanside Buying, Selling, Renting Cold Cut King 156 UNION AVE., LYNBROOK “See Us First” Moccia Real Estate Homes / Rentals / Notary / Fax Svc. Gerri Moccia 96 Rocklyn Ave Lic. Broker Lynbrook, NY 11563 (516) 599-6800 (516) 593-1689 Fax: (516) 599-6801 593-3379 Open 7 Days A Week - 7 am to 10 pm Custom Audio 453 Sunrise Hwy. Lynbrook Car & Home Stereo Experts (516) 593-3415 VUOTTO CONCRETE & PAVING Inc. General Contracting • • • • • • Concrete Work Black Top Driveways Blue Stone Tile Work Brick Work Foundations JERRY VUOTTO (516) 887-4678 East Rockaway Realtec One Source Realty 5 Hay's Plaza, Moscow, Pa., 18444 office 570-842-2300 Selling, Buying, Investing, Relocating or Building in the beautiful Pocono Mountains Call Tony Palladino, Realtor Home 570-848-1890Cell 570-814-2202 East Rockaway Music Center SALES • REPAIRS • LESSONS COMPLETE ACCESSORIES • BOOKS 53 Main Street E. Rockaway, N.Y. 11518 (516) 599--6693 Compliments of Msgr. William V. Singleton REAL ESTATE SERVICE, INC. “Long Island’s Most Trusted Name In Real Estate.” 516-887-0677 www.BeckerRealEstate.Com “Serving Long Island For five Generations.” Hewlett House of Tires Corp. Specialists in: 593-2201 Brake & Wheel Alignment 1740 Rockaway Ave., Hewlett, NY 68 Atlantic Ave. Lynbrook (516) 599-9545 (516) 593-7516 Fax Famous For Over 50 Years Hot & cold Buffets 6 Foot Hero's Cocktail Trays Imported Cheese Imported Beer Ice Cubes Homemade Salads Great Sandwiches Robert Albers Richard Albers LIONI’S Pizza & Pasta Restaurant 133 Main St. East Rockaway, N.Y. 516-599-7447 CHILDREN'S PARTIES MAKE YOUR OWN PIE! For Info. Call 516 764-5866 HILARY H. BECKER, CPM PRESIDENT HEARING AIDS - AUDIOLOGY Dr. LAWRENCE CARDANO, Au.D. www.HearingCenterofLI.com (516) 872-8485 46 Rockaway Ave. Valley Stream