the Winter 2016 CHATTER Magazine.
the Winter 2016 CHATTER Magazine.
magazine INSIDE... Annual Report 2014-15 A SCHOOL OF Significance EDITOR’S When I graduated from TCK in 2012, I could not have guessed that I would be back in 2016. Of course, this time around, my perspective has changed, as I moved from student to staff. In some ways, it has been a similar experience to entering grade nine. Who am I going to eat lunch with? How much homework will I have? But I quickly realized that, like my first days of grade nine, these questions became irrelevant the moment that I stepped in the door. TanenbaumCHAT is not just a high school, it’s a caring community and true home, where everyone has a place. To create and maintain this unique culture, TanenbaumCHAT is always innovating new programs which benefit the school. The surrounding communities, students, and parents have not only extended their support for these programs, but have offered vital communal participation, in order to ensure the continuity of the Jewish values that we all hold dear. This edition of the CHATTER brings light to these newly created initiatives and highlights how our current students, as well as our alumni, have built the strong foundation upon which TanenbaumCHAT stands today. ELIE GUTTMANN ’12 PAGE ANNUAL REPORT 2014/2015 is published through the TanenbaumCHAT CHATTER Advancement Office and is distributed to magazine more than 7,000 TanenbaumCHAT alumni, parents and friends of the school. E D I T O R S • Raquel Walman ’08 & Elie Guttmann ’12 D E S I G N / L AY O U T • Lynn Stanley, Graphic Directions P R I N T I N G • Origo Communications P H O T O G R A P Y • Matt Feinstein, Feinstein Photography; Raquel Walman ’08 H O W Twitter @TanenbaumCHAT F r o n t C o v e r : E m i l y F r e e m a n ’16 a n d A d a m R o s e n b l u m ’1 6 2 | CHATTER MAGAZINE WINTER 2016 T O R E A C H U S W A L L E N B E R G C A M P U S • 416.636.5984 K I M E L FA M I LY E D U C AT I O N C E N T R E • 905.787.8772 D I R E C T O R O F A D V A N C E M E N T • Frances Bigman, CFRE 416.636.5984 x 230 | A M E S S A G E F R O M HEAD OF SCHOOL RABBI LEE BUCKMAN TANENBAUMCHAT STUDENTS AND THOUGHT LEADERSHIP Theodor Herzl was a man with an idea that changed history. Despite great opposition from within the Jewish community, he argued that being a people without a nation is an anomaly. The State of Israel exists today in part because he persuaded the global Jewish community of the need for Jewish sovereignty. Ideas matter. – – – – Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity taught the world that every time you measure an object’s velocity or how it experiences time, it is always in relation to something else. His insights led to the discovery of nuclear energy and the GPS which, to function accurately, must take relativistic effects into account. Ideas matter. – – – – Moses’s notions of monotheism, equality, and the dignity of all human beings transformed humanity. Throughout history, Judaism has been an engine of ideas for civilization that has sought not just to repair the world but transform it. – – – – Herzl, Einstein, and Moses were thought leaders. They moved and inspired people with innovative ideas. They turned ideas into reality and proved that “if you will it, it is no dream.” Thought leadership is about building awareness. It’s about leading with ideas. TANENBAUMCHAT IS RAISING A GENERATION OF THOUGHT LEADERS. LET ME GIVE YOU ONE EXAMPLE OF WHAT I MEAN. Since October, many of our students have been distressed by the rise in terrorism against our brothers and sisters in Israel. When they saw that the attacks weren’t diminishing and neither was the world’s silence in the face of this violence, our students felt compelled to do something. At the very least, they did not want to join the chorus of the silent. They understood that in the face of apathy, we must choose activism. In the face of silence, we must be the ones to raise our voices. At first, the idea of a rally was considered, but then we decided to go global. TanenbaumCHAT students, shlichim, and staff recruited 40 other schools from around the world to stand with Israel and sing Hatikva together in one resonant voice. The participants were varied: Young kids and older kids, kids who come from Orthodox families, and kids who come from Conservative or Reform families; students who wear uniforms and students who don’t; kids whose mother tongue is Spanish and kids whose mother tongue is French; those who speak English with an Australian accent and those who speak with a southern accent. Our students led with an idea: to assemble the voices of Jewish children around the world and collectively affirm the right of the Jewish people “to be a free people in our land.” By doing so, they showed that they are not only the leaders of the future. They are the leaders of today who demonstrate that the Jewish people continue to affect history not by might, numbers, or money but by what we stand for – a way of life filled with values, courage, and powerful ideas. More about the Global Hatikvah event on page 13. | 3 AS WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS SAID, “EDUCATION IS NOT THE FILLING OF A PAIL, BUT THE LIGHTING OF A FIRE.” IT TAKES ONLY A SMALL FLAME TO IGNITE A FIRE, BUT ONCE LIT, IT CAN BURN FOREVER. T C W T H O U G H I have just joined the Wallenberg Campus, I see sparks of greatness across many domains. Visiting dozens of classes, I see curiosity piqued during discussions around ethics, literature, and science. Our talented teachers create a classroom environment that fosters independent thinking and nurtures students’ nascent ideas, allowing them to develop into full-fledged points of view. From very early in the morning to late in the evening, I see students participating in athletic teams and various clubs and committees; which allow them to make tremendous contributions to the school and general community. Recently, I witnessed five sports teams practicing, attended a robotics club meeting and stopped by two other committee meetings all in the same afternoon! The many school performances highlight our students’ multifaceted talent and creativity. Our students have also dedicated thousands of hours to community service ranging from helping those less fortunate to serving as role models for others. Together, the curricular and extracurricular programs help develop the whole child, providing them with the tools to succeed in university and P R I N C I P A L beyond, as well as the values to form a deep bond with their roots – Jewish, Canadian, and internationally. JON ATH AN LE VY Ph.D. | 5 ROBOTICS GearingUp! CHAI Engineering Academy Partnering with the University of Waterloo’s Faculty of Engineering, TanenbaumCHAT has welcomed engineering interns into the school, bringing their unique backgrounds and expertise to our students. Students of all grades have been introduced to basic coding, Lego programming, circuit building, Arduino kits, manufacturing design and simple robot design. Each campus now has a dedicated room for engineering and robotics design. These specialty spaces are equipped with tools, machinery, Lego robotics, Arduino kits, stock material, and various electronic components. Robotics has captured the interest and imagination of our students. In keeping with the school’s desire to continually connect Israel into our curriculum, a Robotics Mini Mester saw 14 students spend 10 days intensely studying robotics. Under the auspices of the Technion’s Centre for Robotics and Digital Technology Education in Haifa, Ben Gurion 6 | University’s Department of Robotics and Beit Yatziv Educational Centre in Beer Sheva, and the Goldwater High School in Eilat, students learned engineering concepts through the interaction with robots. The mini-mester included hands-on workshops, visits to robotics industries, guest lectures, preparation for the First Robotics Competition, and mini-contests This once in a lifetime experience opened the students’ eyes and minds to the incredible potential and infinite possibilities in the areas of engineering and robotics, as well as to some of the cutting edge research and development taking place in Israel. Being immersed in this learning while in Israel has strengthened the already deep rooted bond that TanenbaumCHAT students have with our Jewish Homeland. The robotics clubs are only the beginning of what TanenbaumCHAT has in store. In the coming years, the school will begin to offer specialized, Ministry approved courses in the areas of engineering, computer science and technology studies. The set of skills that will be fostered and gained through these courses will provide our students with the practical skills and problem solving ability necessary for success in our rapidly changing technological world. TanenbaumCHAT is proud to be a leader in this educational realm and to provide its students with this outstanding opportunity. “ THE SCHOLARS’ CIRCLE קהילת לימוד WHOSE LEARNING TAKES PRECEDENCE, A CHILD’S OR A PARENT’S? THE PARENT’S LEARNING TAKES PRECEDENCE.” – TALMUD TRACTATE KIDDUSHIN 29A With thanks to a generous donor, TanenbaumCHAT has an opportunity to share A JEWISH LEARNING EXPERIENCE with families new to the school. THE SCHOLARS’ CIRCLE PROGRAM Jewish History, Tanach (Bible) and Jewish Ethics. Each area will be taught by The Scholars’ Circle Program will mirror the TanenbaumCHAT a member of the TanenbaumCHAT Jewish Studies faculty. In addition, Jewish Studies program taught to our students. In exchange for two semi-annual programs or Yemei Limud will provide your commitment to ongoing learning, a $5,000 credit will opportunity to continue learning together and strengthen be applied to your child’s tuition in the following year. the community. These two study sessions will include The participants of this program will be known as Participation is limited. your child – one pre-Chanukah and one pre-Pesach. TanenbaumCHAT Scholars. An online application process will be announced after student In order to receive the tuition credit, participants must TanenbaumCHAT Scholars will participate in a acceptances for the 2016/2017 successfully complete their studies and not miss Jewish Studies Curriculum of twenty-four, ninety year have been delivered. more than two sessions. minute evening classes during the school year. These For more information please visit will be divided equally into three areas of study: | 7 2016 EVENTS For further information please contact T C K March 2, 9 TA NENBAU MCHAT U NIVERS ITY•7:30PM TCK March 13 REEL FILM FESTIVAL 7 P M • TCK T C W March 6 DANCE/FASHION SH O W• 7 P M Cardinal Carter Academy for the Arts T C K April 3, 4, 5 TCK’S PRODUCTION OF A DIFFERENT LIFE 7:30 PM•TCK’s Drama Studio April 13 SPRING CON CERT 7 P M • Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts T C K May 26 ATHLETIC AWARDS BANQUET 7:30PM•TCK T C W May 17, 18 UNDERGROUND PLAY 7:30PM• Matlow Black Box Theatre May 19 ATHLETIC AWARDS BANQUET • TCW March 20 MUSIC NIGHT 2 016 7 P M • Cardinal Carter Academy for the Arts 8 | CHATTER MAGAZINE WINTER 2016 May 5 YOM HASHOAH TCK May 26 A RTS CA FÉ•6 :30 PM TCW T C K June 20 GRA DU ATIO N 8 P M • Adath Israel T C W June 21 GRA DU ATIO N 8 P M • Adath Israel TanenbaumCHAT WELCOMES OUR NEW ISRAEL ENGAGEMENT Shlichim TanenbaumCHAT proudly welcomes Shlomi and Ya’ara Edelshtein as our inspiring new Israel Engagement Shlichim. The shlichim (Israel emissaries) program has been one of TanenbaumCHAT’s signature initiatives, helping deepen students’ connection to Israelis and to Israel. Shlomi and Ya’ara are dynamic leaders and informal educators who joined us September 1st and are involved in strengthening current Israel engagement activities and in creating their own exciting initiatives for and with our students. Ya’ara and Shlomi bring a wealth of experience with them. The young couple met while on shelichut (Jewish Agency Emissaries) as staff at Camp Ramah in New England, and have returned there for several summers. In the IDF, Ya’ara served as a medic in the Navy Seals, and Shlomi served as a combat commander and received the “President’s Citation Award” for his excellence in service. Both recently graduated from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Shlomi earning degrees in political science and education, and Ya’ara in political science and sociology. Ya’ara has worked with at-risk youth in Jerusalem. Shlomi was Division Head for Ramah Seminars in Israel – and is beloved by the TanenbaumCHAT students who were his campers these past summers. Shlomi is also a certified Guide in the International School for Holocaust Studies at Yad Vashem museum. They are creative, passionate, warm, friendly, dedicated, and inspiring. TANENBAUMCHAT STUDENTS ARE VERY FORTUNATE TO HAVE SHLOMI AND YA’ARA JOIN AND ENRICH OUR COMMUNITY. ! mi`ad mikexa | 9 GRANDPARENT DAY WA L L E N B E R G C A M P U S 10 | C H A T T E R M A G A Z I N E W I N T E R 2 0 1 6 K I M E L F A M I LY E D U C A T I O N C E N T R E | 11 STUDENT LAUREN BERMAN ’17 MY SUMMER SPENT ...counseling bereaved children at Camp Koby T C K On May 8th 2001, a 13-year-old boy named Koby Mandell went hiking with his friend Yosef Ish Ran in a canyon near their home in Israel. Arab terrorists stoned the two boys to death. In memory of their son, his parents started a foundation called The Koby Mandell Foundation, whose mandate is to focus on helping the family and friends of victoms of terror. This past summer TCK student Lauren Berman ’17 participated in Camp Koby. The program consisted of a four week tour of Israel and a week spent as a counselor for bereaved Israeli children who have lost close family members. The role of the counselor was to take campers to regular activities, different therapies, and most importantly, act as a support system during this emotional time. During orientation the head therapist provided tools and strategies to better prepare the counselors for tough situations they would face when helping their campers. On Shabbat, one of Lauren’s campers left the group suddenly. When Lauren approached the camper she could STUDENT HARRISON LEVINE ’17 see tears in the campers eyes. Lauren explains that the camper “put her head on my shoulders and cried for a long time. When she could speak she told me she missed her daddy. This is a moment I will never forget, it made me realize how lucky I was to have my family.” There is an evening activity called Sharing Circle, where each camper has the opportunity to talk about their personal situation, but to the campers it is referred to as “Death Circle.” Lauren was brought to tears during every story shared. The strength the campers had in their moment of sharing was remarkable. The most amazing part of working at the camp for Lauren was seeing how happy these kids were, how grateful they were for what they had and mostly their unconditional love for Israel. Lauren describes her time at Camp Koby as, “the most amazing experience that made me revaluate what is important to me.” “ I am thankful for such a life changing experience. ” MY SUMMER SPENT a Diller Teen Fellow in Israel T C W Over the course of the summer, 20 of Toronto’s finest Jewish teens travelled halfway across the world to Israel as part of their Israel Summer Experience (ISE). This three week trip was part of the larger 15-month Diller Teen Fellowship, which develops leadership skills. After touring the Golan Heights and hiking the Jilibun trail, the Toronto fellows traveled to Jerusalem for their Tikkun Olam project, OneFamily Fund, which provides aid to victims of terror attacks. They then visited Har Herzl and Yad Vashem to learn about contemporary history, ending with a visit to the famous shuk, Machanne Yehuda, and prepared for Shabbat at the Kotel. The fellows spent Shabbat attending their choice of three synagogues, followed by an insightful discussion lead by their tour guide, Maor, about Israel, its history and politics. The group then prepared for the drive to Kibbutz Sde Boker for Kennes; a three day meeting of 11 North American and South African communities, engaging in discussions and listening to different speakers to gain an understanding of the similarities and differences between their communities. 12 | C H A T T E R M A G A Z I N E W I N T E R 2 0 1 6 Concluding Kennes, participants climbed Mount Masada and swam in the Dead Sea. The fellows embarked to Givat Haviva for International Congress, where fellows from North America, South Africa, and Israel met for five days of stimulating conversations about Judaism, the diversity of Jewish identity, and the commitment to Jewish community. Their trip finished in Tel Aviv, visiting the Israel Guide Dog Centre for The Blind, learning about the training process, and the Centre’s connection to Canada. Israel Summer Experience was an important and essential part of the Diller Teen Fellowship, bringing relevance to participants’ education in Toronto. The trip was filled with adventure, new experiences and meaningful discussions, and opportunities to develop leadership skills. Presently, the Toronto fellows in connection with UJA and Helen Diller Family Foundation, will be creating a charitable initiative helping Toronto’s Jewish community and the Toronto community as a whole. Gl bal Hatikvah On December 7th, the first day of Hanukkah, TanenbaumCHAT organized and led a worldwide Standing withIsrael ••••• Leading theWorld singing of Hatikvah in solidarity with Israel. In light of the recent rise in terror attacks, and the muted response worldwide, the students decided that we must make our voices heard. At exactly 12:20 p.m. EST, all the students of TCK and TCW gathered in their respective gyms in order to sing an empowering Hatikvah, joined live by over 40 schools and institutions around the world, including Brazil, Columbia, Australia, Italy, the United States, two army units in the IDF, as well as many Jewish schools in Toronto. Some institutions overseas stayed up overnight just so they could partake in the powerful experience! At a moving assembly leading up to the Hatikvah, we honoured the memory of several victims including Rav Yaakov Don, former TanenbaumCHAT teacher shaliach, gap year student Ezra Schwartz, and TanenbaumCHAT graduate Howie Rothman ’79. Throughout our years at TanenbaumCHAT we have been inspired to be deeply connected to the State of Israel with all its beauty and complexities, and this Global Hatikvah was one way to show Israel as well as the rest of the world that we, as a Jewish unified community, stand with Israel. We a r e f i l l e d w i t h j oy a n d p r i d e a n d w e a r e s o g r a t e f u l t o e ve r yo n e w ho made this e xt r aordinar y e vent p os sible . ! ig l`xyi mr w w w. t i m e s o f i s r a e l . c o m / w a t c h - s t u d e n t s - w o r l d w i d e - r a i s e - v o i c e s - i n - g l o b a l - h a t i k v a h | 13 TanenbaumCHAT University (TCU) T C K NEX T T C U SESSIONS: MARCH 2 N D & 9 T H 7 :30 PM ADULTS EMBRACE THE JOY OF LEARNING T O R A H L I S H M A ABOUT TO ENTER ITS FOURTH SUCCESSFUL YEAR, TANENB AU MCHAT UNIVERSI T Y (TCU) has ushered in a new era of adult education in the community and has showcased the outstanding teaching taking place at TanenbaumCHAT. Over the past three years, hundreds of TanenbaumCHAT parents, grandparents, alumni and community members have joined together to enjoy thought-provoking presentations and engaging discussions exploring some of the fascinating issues taught in courses at TanenbaumCHAT. Topics have included the Arab-Israeli Conflict, Risking One’s Life to Save Another, Science versus Religion, The Jewish Revolt, Jewish Ethics, and Archaeology in Israel. Future topics will include Antisemitism & Modernity and more. TCU has also twice partnered with the Sarah and Chaim Neuberger Holocaust Education Centre’s Holocaust Education Week to feature TanenbaumCHAT teacher-scholars sharing their outstanding research and insights with interested crowds from the community at large. TCU creates community partnerships, enhances TanenbaumCHAT’s reputation, and offers a stimulating, warm, scholarly and inviting atmosphere for us to practice and model Torah lishmah – the joy of learning. To find out more about the TCU sessions contact Ms. Judith Shapero ’90, TCK Vice Principal, at or 905 787 8772 ext 2201 or go to 14 | C H A T T E R M A G A Z I N E W I N T E R 2 0 1 6 DIALOGUE TIKKUN OL A M G r o w i n g u p i n To r o n t o t h e c o n c e p t o f ‘ t i k k u n o l a m’ w a s d e e p l y i n s t i l l e d i n u s by our families, our communities and o u r C H AT e d u c a t i o n . Carly Bennie ’07 Caroline Kassie ’08 Ashley Steinhauer ’03 Lauren Kimel Wise (Chief Marketing Officer) We founded The Dialogue Projects in the fall of 2014 as a response to the challenges we have each experienced dealing with stigma surrounding mental illness and the lack of accessible resources for those seeking help, and it is our contribution to the shared mission of ‘tikkun olam.’ The company is a marriage of two ideas: a philanthropic accessories line to make tangible changes in our communities (currently in Canada we support programs at Mt. Sinai Hospital, Baycrest, Sick Kids Hospital and Progress Place), and a content portal to share resources and provide a platform for stories of personal experiences with mental health issues. After relying heavily on our individual support networks, we recognized the power of sharing stories and how profoundly impacted we were by sharing our experiences with each other. This was the impetus for the creation of our Voices blog, which we hope will continue to empower people to share their stories, and inspire readers to educate themselves on mental health. V I S I T W W W. T H E D I A L O G U E P R O J E C T S . C O M T O L E A R N M O R E ! | 15 Rebecca Alumna T C W COPELOVICI ’04 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE CANADIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IN SHANGHAI WHEN Rebecca Copelovici ’04, was a student at the TanenbaumCHAT Wallenberg Campus, she could never have imagined that she’d end up moving to China and represent Canadian commercial interests abroad. Additionally, Rebecca didn’t anticipate that learning a language such as Hebrew with a non-romanized alphabet would give her a leg up in studying Mandarin Chinese. Natalie Alumna T C K SL AVAT’11 PRESIDENT OF H I L L E L YO R K ENGAGING THE JEWISH COMMUNITY ON CAMPUS “A typical day for me includes spending time with students, planning activities to engage the Jewish population on campus ... and maybe a bit of class!” “TA NE N BAUMC HAT TAUGHT ME THE I MP ORTANCE A S TH E P ROUD P RE S ID EN T OF H ILLEL YORK of creativity, thinking out-of-the-box, and cultivated a strong curiosity towards life” states Copelovici. Post graduation, Rebecca went on to travel the world, studying International Relations in Hong Kong and later, moved to China. TCK alumna Natalie Slavat ’11, has the privilege of educating and engaging the Jewish Community on campus and helping students foster and develop their Jewish identity and their own unique personal relationship with Israel. Her goal is to demonstrate to Jewish students the importance of creating, fostering and maintaining a strong, united and proud Jewish community at York University. At the age of 29, Rebecca was appointed as Executive Director of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai. Rebecca is the youngest director the Chamber has ever had and the first Jewish executive director to be selected. In her new position, Rebecca leads a multicultural team, conducting business in 3 languages and every day gets a chance to apply her creativity and out-of-the-box thinking when creating and implementing new initiatives to further solidify the Sino-Canadian bridge the Chamber has built. ”I enjoy my work at the Canadian Chamber of Commerce immensely and am thankful to TanenbaumCHAT for providing me with the skills to see what the world can offer and how business learning can transform into a career across the world.” 16 | C H A T T E R M A G A Z I N E W I N T E R 2 0 1 6 “Today, the York University campus is a safe and comfortable environment for Jewish students. I hope that more students are encouraged to come and be a part of our vibrant, growing and diverse Jewish campus life!” Natalie explains that “my time at TanenbaumCHAT gave me the tools and resources necessary to help me on my journey to becoming an effective Jewish campus leader. Over my four years, I was able to learn about the unique history of the Jewish people and participate in several workshops about effective Israel advocacy. I am excited to see what the future holds for Jewish campus life! how ‘‘ did it feel being a finalist for college hockey’s best player award last year? It was a humbling experience. Being selected as a finalist for the Hobey Baker Award was a tremendous honour. I am very appreciative. Much of my passion for community service stems from the way I was brought up and the values that my parents and teachers taught me over the years.” how have you utilized your status as an elite athlete to improve the situation of others through your community work? Giving back to the community is really important to me. I realize that fans, and in particular children, look up to athletes and I always want to be a positive role model. I’ve written two children’s books and I enjoy volunteering, visiting schools and hospitals where I read to children. how has TanenbaumCHAT contributed to your passion for community work? TanenbaumCHAT always encourages its students to go out and participate in community work. Beyond that, by being Jewish, we are taught the importance of Tikkun Olam – together we can make a difference in other people’s lives. Each of us can do our part to help make our world a better place. why ZACH HYM AN ’10 INTERVIEWED BY TCW’S NOAH CHAIKOF ’15 have you made community service such a central part of your life? Much of my passion for community service stems from the way I was brought up and the values that my parents and teachers taught me over the years. I enjoy helping others. Graduating from TanenbaumCHAT and studying at the University of Michigan afforded me many wonderful opportunities. I want to share my experiences and always want to give back to the community. It’s really, really important to me. what is your favourite TanenbaumCHAT memory? I really value my years at TanenbaumCHAT. I was taught by so many incredible teachers and I made life-long friends. I have wonderful memories that will last forever. CHATting WITH OUR ALUMNI | 17 CLASS OF 1990 1990 Highlights... Edmonton Oilers win the Stanley Cup The Berlin Wall comes down 18 | C H A T T E R M A G A Z I N E W I N T E R 2 0 1 6 South Africa frees Nelson Mandela Hundreds of thousands of Soviet Jews emigrate from the Soviet Union to Israel The Simpsons airs on Fox for the first time REUNION Twe nt y fi v e y e ars melted away on a Saturday night in November, when the Class of 1990 returned to school to reunite with old friends and teachers. A hard working planning committee, led by Michelle Pearl Scholes and Elana Zionz Winkler ensured a wonderful evening with good food and drink to fuel the nostalgia in the room. For some it was truly the first time back in twenty-five years while others in the crowd are proudly sending their own children to their alma mater and were familiar with the physical changes to their old Wilmington campus. Recognizing the continued need for improvement, the Class of 1990 has been fundraising for capital improvements and plan to refurbish a classroom. Driving Miss Daisy wins the Oscar for Best Picture Microsoft releases Windows 3.0 Seinfeld makes its debut Grammy for Song of the Year goes to Wind Beneath My Wings 104 amazing students graduate from CHAT | 19 NEWS&NOTES Lilly Malka TO IS A A C A PTE R ’03 A ND A LY N I ZN IK ’03 Births Lev Aryeh T O M ITC H BAN K ’06 AND OLI V I A BANK Jack Julius T O A LIZ A ( SH AIN H OUSE ) GROSSM AN ’05 A ND LEE GROSSM AN ’03 CaseyBenjamin Yasher Koach JACLYN (MILSTEIN) LAKIEN ’05 and Josh Lakien on the birth of their child Benjamin Shael ••• MELISSA LASS ’01 on her engagement to Ross Linker Evan William TO R ON NE N M A Z E ’99 A ND DAWN S HEP PARD 20 | C H A T T E R M A G A Z I N E W I N T E R 2 0 1 6 TO E LYS E ( KUMER) WIESKOP F ’04 AND JEFFREY WIESKOP F ’04 Engagements NEWS&NOTES MA DD IE A LEX R OD ’07 T O DAVID KOG A N ’07 | S H IR A G E LKOPF ’08 T O AR I UNTERM AN ’08 | D IAN A JA SKOLKA ‘06 T O JAS ON GIL BERT LAUR A LI CH T ’05 T O JEREMY WEIS Z | M I RELLE S HI M ONOV ’08 T O COREY PARIS | S AR I TILE ’08 TO JACOB DI SK IN SE ND US YOUR NE W S & NOT E S! Contact Arielle Maze ’09 at 416.636.5984 ext: 333 or RA Q UE L WALMAN ’08 T O JOSH FRIE DLI C H ’08 | LEA H WALTERS ’05 T O DANNY FEUER | 21 NEWS&NOTES Weddings N ATALIE BI RK ’09 T O JORD A N F REI BERG | S A M AN THA FIALKOV ’05 T O JEF F REY GRAY | RA CH EL G OLDENBE RG ’05 T O NATHANI EL BENNAROC H JUDA H G UTTM A NN ’10 TO LEAH K LAPI SC H | ASHLEY KOC HM AN ’03 T O ILAN BAHAR SHAWN A MA RON ’06 TO JONATHA N KA MIEN | A R IE LLE M AZ E ’09 TO JOE L KADI S H ’10 | RA CHE L N A IMA N ’07 TO ID AN MIZRAHI 22 | C H A T T E R M A G A Z I N E W I N T E R 2 0 1 6 Weddings NEWS&NOTES AVIVA P RATZER ’10 T O MATT HEW RENI C K | JAC QUE LI N E ROS E ’06 T O MAT T HEW GOLD BERG | M I ERA S RE BROLOW ’10 T O I SAAC MA RESK Y A SH LEY (A R SHOFF) STE IN HA UE R ’05 TO D AVI D S TEI NHA UER | E LANA TE ITE LBAUM ’07 T O DAN I E L OSTROMICH ’07 | KATY TI LE ’07 TO DAV ID A LBERT SEND US YOUR NEWS & NOTES! Do yo u hav e a sp ec ia l o c c a sio n or so me go o d ne w s t o sha re ? Please keep sending us your announcements and photos! Contact Arielle Maze ’09 at 416.636.5984 ext: 333 or YA RDEN A WIN E G US T ’09 TO ROS S MI T GANG | LE ORE Z I M NER ’06 T O JER EM Y ROS MA RI N ’06 | 23 2014-15 ANNUAL REPORT BOARD MEMBERS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE BOARD OF DIRECTORS LIFE MEMBERS STUDENT RECRUITMENT AND PA R E N T E N G A G E M E N T C O M M I T T E E GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE AUDIT COMMITTEE BUDGET & FINANCE COMMITTEE HEAD OF SCHOOL S U P P O R T A N D E VA L U AT I O N COMMITTEE PERSONNEL COMMITTEE FACILITIES COMMITTEE S T R AT E G I C C O M M U N I C AT I O N S COMMITTEE RISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE S T R AT E G I C A LT E R N AT I V E S COMMITTEE DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 24 | C H A T T E R M A G A Z I N E W I N T E R 2 0 1 6 2014-15 ANNUAL REPORT | A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT have no doubt heard our venerable Head of School, Rabbi Buckman, say that his vision for TanenbaumCHAT is to be recognized as a “school of significance”. I would like to focus on two of the ways in which the school is realizing that vision. The first is by constantly encouraging curiosity and innovation – in curriculum, in teaching, and in extra-curricular programming. From Shabbatonim to robotics, from international business classes to mini-mesters in Israel, TanenbaumCHAT teachers and administrators are providing a rich and unparalleled experience for students. There is simply no other place where students can explore their Jewish identity and heritage while taking part in such an exciting, rigorous and innovative General Studies curriculum. The second way is by ensuring that students understand that academic achievement is crucial, but it is equally important to contribute to your community and to the broader world. Students participate in a myriad of social action and volunteer activities that enrich their own lives as much as those they are helping. I believe that the Board’s role in carrying out the vision is also important, and mirrors that of the administration’s and teachers’ roles. That is why the Board of Directors is also committed to curiosity and innovation; for example, by seeking out the latest research in best practices in corporate governance to ensure that the school’s by-laws and committee structure are strong and focused. By ensuring that Board members think strategically and creatively, and by committing to work with UJA Federation and the broader Jewish community to safeguard and ensure the school’s financial sustainability. In terms of contribution – I am so grateful to all the volunteers, who serve on committees and on the Board itself, for being such wonderful role models, and for giving their time and expertise and financial support to the school. When students see their parents and other community leaders getting involved and supporting TanenbaumCHAT, it sends a very powerful message about the importance of our school to all of us in the Toronto Jewish community. Indeed, it reinforces that TanenbaumCHAT is not content to rest on its many laurels, but rather is committed to innovation and improvement and is constantly seeking to become the destination of choice for all Jewish high school students in Toronto – T R U L Y ELLEN CHAIKOF ’80 A S C H O O L O F S I G N I F I C A N C E . | 25 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE YOU 2014-15 FINANCIAL REPORT ANNUAL REPORT | REPORT FROM THE CFO/EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE Year ending June 2015 RHONA BIRENBAUM B.A., M.B.A. Financial statements at year-end show a small surplus of $4,000 compared to $168,000 in fiscal 2014. Below is a statement of the school’s operating fund for the year ending June 30, 2015 and comparative figures for June 30, 2014. YEAR ENDING JUNE 2015 % of total YEAR ENDING JUNE 2014 % of total REVENUES Tuition and Ancillary Fees Donations UJA Federation Grant Other Sources $ 25,267,000 $ 340,000 $ 1,855,000 $ 216,000 $ 25,920,000 $ 200,000 $ 1,800,000 $ 252,000 T O TA L R E V E N U E S $ 27,678,000 100% 91.3% 1.2% 6.7% 0.8% 92.0% 0.7% 6.4% 0.9% $ 28,172,000 100% EXPENSES Salaries and Employee Benefits $ 21,115,000 76.3% Programming and Operating Expenses $ 3,037,000 11.0% Rent and Occupancy Expenses $ 3,426,000 12.4% Fundraising $ 95,000 0.3% $ 21,298,000 $ 3,241,000 $ 3,368,000 $ 97,000 T O TA L R E V E N U E S $ 28,004,000 100% EXCESS REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES $ 27,674,000 100% $ 4,000 76.1% 11.6% 12.0% 0.3% $ 168,000 Tuition income declined because there were 105 fewer students in 2014/15 than in 2013/14. However, this was somewhat mitigated by a significant increase in fundraising of $140,000 (70%) and an increase of $55,000 (3%) in our grant from UJA Federation. Overall spending decreased by 1% in 2014/15. Before the school year ended, the Board drafted a strategic plan to ensure a healthy financial future for TanenbaumCHAT on both campuses. Board members, collectively and individually, committed to implementing a five-point plan that requires TanenbaumCHAT to: ❶ intensify recruitment efforts, ❷ tighten expense management, ❸ identify partners to lease space in our school buildings, ❹ attract significant donor dollars to secure signature programs, and ❺ redouble efforts to enhance the value of a CHAT education. 26 | C H A T T E R M A G A Z I N E W I N T E R 2 0 1 6 T HE S CHOOL HAS EMBARK ED ON T HESE EF F ORTS AND WE ARE OP TIMI ST IC AB O UT OU R FU TU RE. 2014-15 A N N U A L R E P O RT | A M E S S A G E F R O M T H E D I R E C T O R O F E D U C AT I O N A L T E C H N O L O G Y EDUCATIONAL AVITAL AHARON B.A. (HONOURS), B.ED., M.ED. TECHNOLOGY REPORT technology empowers teachers and students, enhances the teaching-learning process, increases engagement, promotes change, motivates students and fosters the development of twenty-first century skills. In the past year, teachers have increased technology integration by incorporating the use of programs like Voicethread, an oral assessment and e-portfolios online program, blogging, website creation and multimedia. Course, ISA and FST expectations involved online content and technology integration. Flipped and blended learning, which reverses the traditional educational arrangement by delivering instructional content online and outside of the classroom, has been used in multiple courses. Online modules replaced traditional assessments, and Chrome extensions as well as Google apps have been used to enhance learning and increase collaboration. A year-long, school wide contest called Project Israel involved many forms of educational technology tools from QR codes to video submissions and voting. This year at TanenbaumCHAT promises even more technology integration with the help of Edsby, our new learning management system (LMS), the Hour of Code initiative, new Chromebooks and tablets and the new interactive SMARTBoard software (SMART Notebook 2015). E-learning opportunities and the Global Hatikvah assembly connect our students to exciting learning opportunities.Teachers will continue to be educated and trained on tools, gadgets and sites that in turn will enhance student learning, engagement and success. INTELLECTUAL C URIOS I TY, C OLLABORATION, MEA NING F UL C ONNECT I ONS, DIG I TAL CITIZ ENS HIP, A ND A S ENS E OF BELONG ING TO THE GLOBA L A ND D I GI TAL C OMMUNI T Y A RE ALL ENHANCED THROUG H THES E MA NY INIT IAT IVES A ND TRANSF ORMAT I ONAL WAYS OF L EARNI NG. | 27 2014-15 ANNUAL REPORT JEWISH S TUDIES REPORT OUR STUDYING OUR JEWISH ROOTS SOLIDIFIES THE FOUNDATION FOR OUR CHILDREN’S STRONG FUTURE Jewish studies program has been developed to teach students knowledge and skills for life, understanding and abilities that transcend university years and last a lifetime. Our courses and teachers implant in our students’ character traits distilled from our Jewish traditions to ensure they grow into connected leaders in our society, proud proactive members of our Jewish community, and productive citizens of our country. The four subjects our students study, Hebrew language and literature, Bible Studies (Tanach), Rabbinics (Jewish lore and tradition), and Jewish History, offer our students foundations of significance in helping them develop the “Five C’s” of our school’s mission – curiosity, character, connection, community, and contribution. This year we embarked on curricular work and development in a number of departments to help further our mission and develop student character building and relevancy and to enhance student intellectual curiosity and engagement. A new Tanach curriculum has been introduced at the Kimel Family Education Centre in Grade 9 and Grade 10 New Stream. Students will be trained to focus on the big ideas and essential questions in the Tanach books as well as learn text skills. Work has started on integrating this new program at the Wallenberg Campus. We are piloting a New Stream Rabbinics curriculum in Grades 9-10 on Jewish holidays and life cycle events, to build open discussions and nurture students intellectual curiosity to help solidify their connection to our tradition and heritage. We have renewed our association with Hebrew at the Centre (Ivrit Bamerkaz) to help continue our development of the Hebrew proficiency approach in our Ivrit courses. Teacher discussions and an internal review last spring have offered us direction in retooling our curriculum to better reflect materials our teachers are familiar with. We continue to infuse more opportunities for technology into our programs in order to enhance our students engagement and connection. Our Jewish Studies program also includes components that fundamentally help build character, connection and community in our students. We offer lunchtime events on Jewish and Israel themes and activities. Shabbatonim are offered to all grades which help students not only celebrate Shabbat together in various ways but offer opportunities to foster community building as well as develop connections to our Jewish roots. Our celebration of Shabbat on Shabbatons set the basis for Jewish dialogue and a sense of communal responsibility, as well as build the foundation for character and community. A new young dynamic Shlichim couple of informal educators are infusing our students with a vibrantly strong connection to Israel. O U R J U D A I C S T U D I E S P R O G R A M I S T R U LY O N E O F T H E F O U N D AT I O N S O F O U R 28 | C H A T T E R M A G A Z I N E W I N T E R 2 0 1 6 2014-15 A MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL OF JEWISH STUDIES RABBI MOSHE J. YERES PH.D. JEWISH S TUDIES REPORT S C H O O L O F S I G N I F I C A N C E A N D H I G H L I G H T S A U N I Q U E N I C H E O F TA N E N B A U M C H AT. | 29 2014-15 ANNUAL REPORT THERE is a lot to talk about when it comes to philanthropy at TanenbaumCHAT. We have not seen the kind of success in our fundraising efforts, totaling over one million dollars, since the Together Campaign. Our Annual Fund efforts resulted in a 70% increase over the previous year and funding for new projects we hoped to launch were realized successfully. Earlier this year Board Chair, Ray Rubin, hosted an evening at her home to celebrate the successful year, to report to donors on our past performance, and hear about our plans for the coming year. FRANCES BIGMAN CFRE C A P I T A L P R O J E C T S | Fundraising to reach the conclusion of the Together Campaign for the Guttman Family Science Wing continued over the year. The response to this ongoing project, another $200,000 this year, primarily from our TCW families, confirmed that TanenbaumCHAT is in our DNA! Take a walk down the science wing hall to see the beautiful new DNA Wall adjacent to our already famous version of the classic periodic table – the Palter Family Science Learners Wall. ADVANCEMENT MESSAGE A N N U A L F U N D | As always, the Annual Fund gives donors an opportunity to support the school in a wider range of funding opportunities, aside from our capital projects. Our TCK families responded overwhelmingly in 2014/15 – doubling donations to nearly $160,000, while TCW families who chose Annual giving raised over $60,000 in unrestricted dollars. D E S I G N A T E D G I V I N G | The school is fortunate to engage donors who are ready to step up and support specific projects that underscore TanenbaumCHAT’s vision and values. In the past, ensuring our students understand and identify their relationship with Israel has been enhanced by the role of our Shlichim, who also served as teachers in our Jewish Studies department. This year, our funding allowed us to engage a young Israeli couple who, through experiential programming, are involved in strengthening current Israel engagement activities and in creating their own exciting initiatives for and with our students. As we continue to enjoy the benefits of significant donations to our Freedman Centre for Differentiated Learning and our Flatt International Business, we are excitedly looking forward to the opening of the Anita & Daniel Chai Engineering Academy in September 2016. In the interim, their generosity has allowed us to pave the way with a robust Robotics program at both campus’ this year – staffed by top Waterloo engineering student interns, attracting more than one hundred students, some of whom travelled with their mentors recently to study with their Israeli counterparts. Fundraising efforts for 2015/16 are well underway, and the school is fortunate to have Board member Melanie Kraft serving as our Chair of Development. Melanie is building a core of parent volunteers with a goal of raising at least $500,000 for the Annual Fund. The success of the past year has shown us – it takes the collective effort of each of us to deliver the financial resources we require to ensure TanenbaumCHAT continues to remain strong, and vibrant – delivering the highest standard of educational excellence in an engaging and valuable Jewish environment. O N B E H A L F O F T H E S T U D E N T S W H O B E N E F I T F R O M Y O U R G E N E R O S I T Y, T H A N K Y O U ! 30 | C H A T T E R M A G A Z I N E W I N T E R 2 0 1 6 2014-15 A M E S S A G E F R O M T H E D I R E C T O R O F A D VA N C E M E N T ADVANCEMENT MESSAG E | 31 2014-15 ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL FUND ••• THE BOA RD OF D IRE CTORS , A D MIN IS TR ATION , STA FF A N D S TUD E NTS EXPR ES S H EARTF ELT TH ANKS TO ALL THOS E WH O MA D E NEW D ONATIONS TO TA N ENBAUMC HAT – Period of July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015 – SUPPORTERS OUR DONORS Sarah Abitbol Leonard & Marcy Abramsky Molly Adler 1961 SOCIETY – Robert Agar RECOGNIZING & Mindy Alter Jeremy DONORS WITH Clifford & Rebecca Ansel GIFTS OF $1200+ Miriam Ansel Tarin Arenson Jason & Judith Berman Peter Ballon & Judy Hirsh Samuel & Beverley Cohen Michelle Baron Sheldon & Lori Disenhouse Solomon & Anna Mae Belmont Steven & Shelley Ekstein Duarte & Susan Belo Marc & Michelle Factor Israel Ben-Ishai & Rhonda Jay & Vered Feldman Wilansky Leslie & Patti Fluxgold David Bercovitch & Sari Fridell Howard & Claire Glowinsky Rabbi Scot Berman & Esther Moishe & Jodi Gottesman Meiersdorf Alan & Pearl Greenspan Craig Guttmann & Esther Berglas Paul & Patti Betel Frances Bigman Marsha Joseph Brian & Rhona Birenbaum Howard & Janice Langer David & Marilyn Bisgould Russel & Charlene Orelowitz Howard Bisgould John & Susan Rose Brian Blatman Mark Schachter & Elina Gerald & Pearl Bloom Guttenberg David & Lorraine Bloom Aaron & Ettie Schimmer Elaine Bloomberg Eric & Caline Schneider Martin & Nurit Bloomberg Stephen & Hélène Sender Alana Bobet Jonathan & Rachie Teller Tobi Bongard Gerald & Florence Urbach Harvey & Yetta Brenman Gabi Weisfeld Andrew & Lara Brodkin Thomas & Zipora Zwiebel 32 | C H A T T E R M A G A Z I N E W I N T E R 2 0 1 6 Adam & Marla Brown Marla Brown Melvin & Sandra Brown Peter & Carol Brown Peggy Buchan Ray Buchowski Rabbi Lee & Rachel Buckman David Caplan & Lisa Kerbel Caplan Joel Cayne David & Ellen Chaikof Leo & Bayla Chaikof Joshua & Rhonda Charlat Robert & Sharon Cherniak Simyon & Zoia Cherniavski Betty Cohen Harry & Helen Cohen Mark Cohen & Ellen Kurtz-Cohen Michael & Karen Cohen Lorne Cohn & Miriam Blumstock Cohn Allen & Evie Collins Sydney & Marilyn Conn Michael & Ethel Cooper Creations by Sheri Crown Wallpaper & Fabrics Jeff & Lisa Dack Sam Damiani & Marnie Burke Linda Davidson Brian & Gayle de Bloeme Beryl Deitcher Talia Dick Michael & Sara Dobner Marvin & Miriam Dryer Harriet Dworkin Jerry & Terry Dykopf Cyvia Dym Michael Edgerley & Beth Skuy Joel & Andria Eisen Sydney & Doris Eisen David Eisenstadt & Amanda Salem Maurice Elgin Elite Roofing & Contractors The Estate of Elliott M. Wilson Estelle Elmaleh Gary Elman & Jan Goldstein Elman David & Judy Engel Toby & Donald Farb Bernard & Evelyn Farber Eleanor Farkas Michael Feldman & Nanette Rosen Shim & Vivian Felsen Tova Fischtein David Fishbaum Marion Flescher Pamella Freedman David Freudenstein & Anna Urowitz-Freudenstein Joseph & Linda Friedlich Michael Friedman & Debbie Rothstein Robert & Shari Friedman Marek & Wanda Frodis Adam & Sharin Froman Allen & Brenlee Gales Ra’anan & Jill Garazi Michael Garfinkle Allan & Devorah Gelkopf Richard Gilbert & Susan Starkman Alan & Debra Giller Gerry & Lilianne Glazer Matthew & Nadia Glick Allan & Melissa Goldberg Marvin & Helen Goldberg Mira Goldberg Richard & Yvonne Goldberg Sydney & Nancy Golden Ralph & Sharon Goldfinger Zelda Goldhar Allan Goldstein & Michelle Glied-Goldstein Rami & Anita Goldman Irv & Esther Goodman Carl & Joyce Gordon Diane Grafstein Alexander & Keren Green Bernard & Helene Green Erin Greenblatt Scott Greene & Sarah Lambert Avi & Irina Greenspoon Jerry & Gloria Groberman Alex Gropper & Anna Stuckler Nolan & Carol Grubert Moises & Liza Gutfrajnd Hymie & Beatrice Guttman Craig Guttmann & Esther Berglas Melech & Dorothy Halberstadt Howard & Marie Halpern Lorraine Hanser Jonathan & Yehudit Hames Paula Harlan Clifford & Donna Hart Diane Harvey Jason & Shoshana Helfenbaum Samuel & Esther Helfenbaum THANK YOU! Michael & Lori Kline Aaron & Melissa Komlos Daniel & Karen Korobkin Michael & Sharon Korolnek Mark Kostiner Allan & Pam Krett George & Shari Krieser Alexander & Svetlana Krivykh Jeffrey Kusner & Ali Aber Connie Kussner Ron & Gina Lapsker David & Sally Laren Brian Lass & Brenda Gasner-Lass Hershey Latner Les & Linda Lauer Michael & Jackie Lebovic Neal & Karen Kadish Toby Kadish Howard & Ilsa Kamen Allan Kanee & Thea Weisdorf Zena Kanowitz Adam & Elayne Kardash Syril & Jeanette Karp Alvin Katzberg & Miriam Schneiderman Joseph & Feige Kay Steven Kelman & Lisa Richman Martin & Doreen Kerbel Michael & Henrietta Kestenbaum Alexander & Mirit Khemlin Chaim & Mindy Klein Alan Kline & Varda Springer-Kline Jonathan Lechter & Faygie Bercovitch Michael & Ora Leese Philip Lieberman & Sherri Pinsler Lieberman Al & Ann Leibovitch Minnie Leibovitch Jay & Roxanne Leider Randy & Randi Leifer Marlon Levin & Hannah Springer Gary & Joyce Levine Jeff & Debbie Levman Todd & Heather Levy Jay & Sarah Libfeld Cliff & Judy Librach Julie Liebmann Roslyn Shuler Ilana Silber Carey Singer & Fern Stark Bram & Ricci Slipacoff Neil & Jordana Smiley Shera Smith Ben & Barbara Smuskowitz Joel & Blossom Snitman Harvey & Elaine Snowbell Kevin Rochwerg & Aviva Howard Lichtman & Riki Shelly & Leah Sokoloff Dunn-Rochwerg Kwinta-Lichtman Jeff Solomon & Eva Rosenthal Martin & Marlene Rochwerg Rabbi & Mrs. Efrem Lifschitz Jeremy & Randi Solomon Sheldon & Ruth Rose David Lifshitz Gershon & Sheila Sone Dov & Sari Rosenblum Sam & Elisheva Lightstone Aryeh Snitman & Heather Ted & Doris Rosenstock Susan & Paul Lindzon Rinzler Snitman Bobby Rosenthal & Andrea Safer Norman & Marlyn Stein Marc & Carolyn Lipton Helen Rosenthal Morrie & Donna Liquornik Hillary & Tracey Steinhart Sammy Roth Jonathan Mackenzie Stanley & Bernice Steinman Jamy & Michele Rotman Ian & Sarah Maged Richard & Leora Stoll Mark & Batya Rottmann Nira Malis Lily Stoll Ron & Pearl Saban Rabbi Eli & Hadassah Mandel Bradley & Terry Strauss Martin & Gayle Sable Jonathan & Iris Mandel Amri & Leah Susman Rob Sandler & Nyla Ahmad Paul & Sandi Mandel Edison & Rose Susman Peter & Randi Satok Stanley & Ingrid Mann Mikael & Beverlee Swayze Jerry & Annie Scherer Ely & Elise Mansoor Gary & Rosemary Tile Bernard & Eleanor Schimmer Stephen & Elisha Margles Eddie & Ita Tobis Joe & Rosalind Schwartz Gary & Rella Margolis Marshall & Tova Train Paul Marks & Shawna Granovsky Todd & Rosalind Schweber Andrew Tylman Sarah Scutaru David & Leanne Matlow Joe & Gillian Varkul Judith Shapero & Darren Ezer & Dorit Mevorach Richard Venn & Carol Mitchell Phillipson Gilbert & Shayna Miller Melissa Vickar Elliot Shapiro Michael & Lisa Mills Lorne & Susan Wallace Leo J. Shapiro & Associates Murray & Ruth Miskin Harry & Evelyn Walt Mark & Lori Shapiro Larry & Bonnie Moncik Cary & Laurie Wasser Zipora Shapiro Bill & Trudi Mondrow Robert & Donna Weinerman Shmuel & Naomi Sharir Louis & Eva Muller Howard Weinroth & Eileen Cole Evelyn Shecter David Nadler & Tara Dubrow Benny & Heather Weinstock Jimmy Shekarchi & Sigal Hartley & Marilyn Nathan Ken Weisbrod & Robin Brudner Kadouri Ian & Bari Nefsky Jack & Judy Weisdorf David & Sharon Shore Stephen & Linda Newstead Aaron & Nina Wine Ivan & Maureen Orelowitz Paul Orlander & Helayna Shekter Lloyd & Fran Orson Claire Ozier Yusuf & Emili Ozlevi Gerald & Gita Pearl Mark & Sharon Pearlstein Eddy & Deanna Peranson Austin & Sheron Phillips Richard & Alena Polisuk Pride of Israel Synagogue Brian Prosserman Mark & Dawn Ram Jeffrey & Dalia Raphael | 33 OUR DONORS Adam & Alison Hennick Morton & Judith Hersh Lloyd Hoffman & Ray Rubin Murray & Evelyn Hoffman Joseph & Ronit Holtzman Eli & Penina Honig Darlene Horlick & Danny Schild Sandy Hurwitz Scott & Cindy Hyman Ralph & Harriet Israel Jeffrey & Gayle Jackson Julie Jacobson Jewish Foundation of Greater Toronto Chaim Joseph & Chana Zeifman Charitable Trust OUR GENEROUS DONORS 2014-15 ANNUAL REPORT Betty Winston Menachem & Elana Wolff Simon & Stacia Wolle Andrea Woznica Aura Woznica Les & Andrea Wynn Michael & Dianne Yanofsky Leon & Freda Yermus Bernard & Hedda Zaionz Raphael & Ellen Zaionz Rose Godfrey Ian Gold & Anita Kimel Allan Goldstein & Michelle Glied-Goldstein Allan Guttman & Helen Finder Guttman Lloyd Hoffman & Ray Rubin JAF Investments George & Shari Krieser Bruce & Lianne Leboff Neil Shinder Samuel Stochinsky & Lori Kingstone Stephen Turk & Maura Levine-Turk The Estate of Elliott M Wilson Aaron & Nina Wine Les & Andrea Wynn Lawrence Zucker & Debbie Kleiner OUR DONORS SUPPORTERS Sheldon Adler & Lisa Werger-Adler Ian Alter & Sarah Eisen Jeremy & Mindy Alter Frank Ander & Karen Durbin Ander Peter Ballon & Judy Hirsh Greg Beiles & Yael Schacter Shawn & Serena Beber Noah Belman Israel Ben-Ishai & Rhonda Wilansky David Birnbaum Yonathan Blumenfeld Martin & Fran Caplan Leo & Bayla Chaikof Steven & Carolyn Cohen Allan Corber & Margaret Cliff & Judy Librach Joel Zarmati Orlander Ian Zatzman & Debbie Kingstone The Estate of Marvin Michael & Laurie Davis Lichtenfeld C. Joseph Zeifman & Eva Zeifman Martin Day & Martina Marc & Carolyn Lipton Jonathan & Tracy Zepp Borchardt Sandy & Susan Minuk Stuart Ziegler & Gail Mostyn Arnold & Paula Dubrow David Zitzerman & Karen Friedman Paul Orlander & Helayna Gary Elman & Jan Goldstein Shekter Lawrence Zucker & Debbie Kleiner Elman Estate of William H. Owen Michael & Jayne Elman Stephen Posen & Robyn C A PI TA L Greg & Marina Feldman Kestenberg ••• Percy & Ellie Fink Rocky Bay Investments Ltd. M A J O R G I F T D O N O R S Avie & Fonda Roth Robert & Maxine Fish Mark Rotstein & Melanie Kraft Wendy Fish Leonard & Marcy Abramsky Ian Freedman & Shelly Markel Richard Samuel & Marion Jay & Marta Basian Marek & Wanda Frodis Greenberg Stephen Bloom & Bonnie Adam & Sharin Froman Todd & Rosalind Schweber Goodman-Bloom Devora Galper Zindel Segal & Lisa Morrison Richard & Melanie Bogoroch Robert Garmaise & Shira Peter Seligman David & Ellen Chaikof Liquornik Stephen Selznick Saul & Toby Feldberg 34 | C H A T T E R M A G A Z I N E W I N T E R 2 0 1 6 Gensco Equipment (1990) Inc. Richard Gilbert & Susan Starkman Alan & Debra Giller Stephen & Merle Goldman Abe & Joan Goldstein Randy & Shelley Goodman Philip & Susan Gordin Nolan & Carol Grubert Alan Gutmann & Lori Unger-Gutmann Gary & Myrna Gutmann Clement & Tatiana Hamani Anne Handelman Hart & Gila Heller S Jeffrey & Elaine Hertz Lloyd Hoffer & Sandra Dawe Joseph & Ronit Holtzman Avi Hyman & Heidi Shuster Aaron & Sharon Jesin Allan Kanee & Thea Weisdorf Joel Katz & Deborah Kestenbaum Richard & Lynda Kimel Elliot & Andrea Kohn Zelda Korenblum Gary Krikler & Sheila Jacobson Jonathan & Elayna Latsky Stewart & Carol Lesser Marlon Levin & Hannah Springer Mitchell Levine Wally Levitt & Beth Gamulka Batya Levy Allan & Alisa Lyons Richard Maisel & Suzy Tylman Stephen Manly & Sharon Domb Myles & Jodi Margolis Eric & Judy Moncik Steven & Michelle Muller Errol Nezon & Rhonda Dick Geoff & Linda Pearlstein Jeremy Prince Craig Rimer & Elyse Zelunka Kevin & Nira Rittenberg Harold & Gili Rosen Larry & Suzanne Ross Peter Rostas & Barbara Yaffe Paul & Gella Rothstein Jeanette Ruttenberg Vivienne Saltzman Alan & Lorraine Sandler David & Sandra Sandler Inga Sapir Harry & Judy Schachter Clive & Naomi Schwartz Barry & Monica Shapiro Max & Laurel Sherman Norman & Janet Shiner Sol & Zelaine Shinder Arnold Smith & Francie Bay Smith Bob Stewart & Marilyn Sandler Jeffrey Trossman & Paula Hurwitz Larry & Cindy Turk Murray & Judith Urowitz Mark Varkul & Joanna Shapiro Gerald & Ruth Warner Andrew & Fay Weisberg Ken Weisbrod & Robin Brudner Leo Weksler & Fran Weisberg Jay Wintraub & Brenda Cowen Sheldon & Peri Wiseman Howard & Carol Zerker OUR GENEROUS DONORS THANK YOU! DESIGNATE D ••• D E S I G N AT E D F U N D S Jonathan David Deitcher Memorial Scholarship Fund The Beth Tzedec Stephen Cooper Award Arthur Lerman Memorial Endowment Fund Anita and Daniel Chai Engineering Academy Israel Appeal Award Avrum Jeffrey Duke Memorial Endowment Fund Adam Buck Family Business Fund Lisa-Ann Lauren Posluns Memorial Endowment Fund Hillel Schneiderman z”l Memorial Fund Barbara Manilla Memorial Endowment Fund David J. Levy Memorial Endowment Daniel Sherman Memorial Scholarship Danny Salsberg Memorial Fund Henry Korenblum Memorial Endowment Fund D E S I G N AT E D D O N O R S Rosanne Agasee Jeremy & Mindy Alter Michael & Dina Alter Clara Antonacci Jeffrey & Paula Ashley Joe & Alexandra Azouri Wayne Baker & Leona Fields Tony & Norma Barone Kenneth Beallor & Alla Levit Irving & Raquel Benmergui Beth Tzedec Congregation David Birnbaum The Leonard & Felicie Blatt Foundation Andy Brijmohan Andrew & Lara Brodkin Alfredo & Rosina Caprini Pompeo & Giuseppina Cardarelli G. & Karen Cerisano Daniel & Anita Chai David & Ellen Chaikof Leo & Bayla Chaikof Carmelita Clubbe Randi Cogan Shinder Lorne Cohn & Miriam Blumstock Cohn Michael & Maria Decarolis Carlo & Mary D'Ambrosio Joseph Deitcher Tony & Christina Diceglie Jack & Rosina Dicesare Arnold & Paula Dubrow David & Pearl Elman Lorne Fine & Felicia Gopin Fieldgate Cares Foundation Fred & Ruth Fishman Marion Flescher Allen & Sandra Forester Edith Fruitman Allan Goldstein & Michelle Glied-Goldstein Ruth Golosky Mark & Cheryl Grammer Anna Gramolini Robert & Elana Gryfe Edith Fruitman Lorraine Hilton Ida Infusino Jewish Foundation of Greater Toronto Stuart Kamenetsky & Anita Evans Jeffrey & Vered Kaminker Alvin Katzberg & Miriam Schneiderman Detlev Kiklas Laz & Lois Klein Jonathan Lechter & Faygie Bercovitch Teresa Leuyhip Margot Levitt Barry & Cooki Levy Terry Malz Mr. & Mrs. Mamok Lawrence & Carol Manilla Douglas & Barbara Marks Lois McGratton Gertrude Michael Rochelle Monas Joel & Rochelle Monson Sante & Maria Morello Victor & Millicent Morgan Donald & Valerie Morrison Joseph Neumark & Lisa Tarshis Michael & Dana Oren Bonnie Ornstein Paul Palermo Ann Panchyshyn Aida Regalado Larry & Suzanne Ross Andrea Samaroo Donald & Shirley Schell Todd & Rosalind Schweber Yossi & Matty Sherman Mike & Daisy Shriqui David Simand & Susan Bloon Alicia Sinukoff Eric & Marsha Slavens Gary & Carla Smith Robert Solomon & Shari Wert Steven Solomon & Nicole English Joseph & Sue Sonshine Allan & Sari Stitt Arthur & Harriet Tarshis Gaetano & Nardina Tassielli Nicola & Caterina Tino Richard & Marcy Wajs Lorne & Susan Wallace Cary & Laurie Wasser David Weisdorf & Risa Levine Louis & Marlene Weisleder Marvin White & Faye Bielak-White Howard & Lisa Winston Carmelo Zambri Lawrence Zucker & Debbie Kleiner OUR DONORS \ AA SSCHOOL CH O O L OF O F SIGNIFICANCE SIGN IFICANCE HOOL SIGNI IFICANCE We spark students’ intellectual curiosity in an atmosphere of academic excellence, preparing them for the rigours of university and beyond. We expect all members of the school community to treat all people with dignity and act with integrity, empathy, self-discipline, and derech eretz. We deepen students’ connection to their Jewish roots by showing them how Judaism is timeless, meaningful, and relevant to their lives. We help students develop a sense of responsibility to the State of Israel with all its complexities and the global Jewish people in all its diversity. We teach that achievement without contribution lacks significance and that life becomes more meaningful when we reach beyond ourselves. HOW TO REAC H U S Wallenberg Campus • 416.636.5984 Kimel Family Education Centre • 905.787.8772 inf o@t a ne nb aumcha t.o r g