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Celebrating Shabbat
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On the cover....
Celebrating Shabbat
jewish federaTiOn
BOard Of direCTOrs
howard Levy and roberta nyman,
elliott Cohen, Vice President,
Campaign & Major Gifts Co-Chair
Marvin Lewis, Treasurer
fran Kaufman, Secretary
judith Cohen, Women’s Philanthropy
Celia norian, Women’s Philanthropy
Co-President & Allocations Co-Chair
allan Lehmann, Allocations Co-Chair
ellen Glass, Endowment Chair
Libby hoffman, Major Gifts Co-Chair
Bernie fromm, Executive Committee
Now that Passover is over and we
have taken part in Yom HaShoah and
Yom Ha’Atzmaut, we pause to take
a breath, but realize our job is not
done. Our annual campaign is still
continuing so that we will be able to
make an impact with our allocations.
The needs are still great and there
are many Jews here in the desert and
throughout the Jewish world that are
depending upon our support. Please
Joseph Bernstein
Bryan Kocen
Sandra Borns
Vernon Kozlen
Joel Cohen
Bev Libin
Nancy Ditlove
Dr. Paul Ross
Dr. Burt Fogelman
Stephanie Ross
Cora Ginsberg
Sandy Samdperil
Philip Glass
Elisa Schwartz
James Graff-Radford
Sandy Seplow
Sondi Green
Amy Stone
Margot Halperin
Bruce Landgarten,
Chief Executive Officer
Table of Contents
Vol. 37 • No. 9
Community Calendar
2, 3,6,12
Women’s Philanthropy
4, 8
Young Adults
Have a Nosh
Jewish Family Service
9, 15
Simchas & Classifieds
Temples Listing
2 • JCN • May 2012 • Iyar/Sivan 5772 •
make sure that your gift for the 2012
Annual Campaign has been made so
we can meet the needs of so many
As we write our last article, we
would like to thank the members of
our Federation Board and volunteers
who have chaired our events,
attended numerous meetings,
made possible our move to our
new home and worked diligently on
our campaign. We offer our sincere
thanks to our donors who, because
of their generosity, have allowed us
to do so much this year. We could
not do this without the support of our
excellent staff, led by our CEO Bruce
Please attend the Annual Meeting
on May 2 in our Community Room
where we will celebrate the success
of our Federation and welcome our
new Board, headed by our incoming
President, Celia Norian. We offer
her congratulations and our strong
Thank you again for allowing
us the privilege of serving as your
co-presidents. May we go from
strength to strength!
Mahmoud abbas’s Unhappy anniversary
By Jackson Diehl, Washington Post Opinions
It was a year ago in April that Palestinian
President Mahmoud Abbas turned his
back on the U.S.-sponsored “peace
process” with Israel and embarked on a
radically different strategy for achieving
Palestinian statehood. It’s time for a
Abbas’s step one was the surprise
signing of an agreement in Cairo with
the Islamic Hamas movement, ruler of
the Gaza Strip, that promised to end
the rift between Hamas and Abbas’s
secular Fatah movement. A joint
government was promised that would
stage parliamentary and presidential
elections within a year — i.e., by
Needless to say, no Palestinian
elections are on the horizon. The
joint administration, despite several
subsequent announcements, has not
been established.
Abbas’s step two was the publication
in the New York Times of an op-ed
in which he declared his intention
to take the Palestinian case to the
United Nations, where he would seek
full membership from the Security
Council or General Assembly. This, he
wrote, would “pave the way for the
internationalization of the conflict as a
legal matter” and allow “us to pursue
claims against Israel at the United
Nations, human rights treaty bodies and
the International Court of Justice.”
Last September, Abbas duly launched
his campaign at Turtle Bay. But neither
the Security Council nor the General
Assembly ever voted on the Palestinian
case. In the Security Council, it turned
out that the Palestinians lacked the votes
to win even a simply majority, despite
months of globe-trotting and lobbying
of world leaders by Abbas. The only
result of the u.N. campaign was the
admission of Palestine to uNESCO —
and the subsequent devastation of that
cultural agency’s budget by the loss
of u.S. funding. Other u.N. agencies
quietly begged the Palestinians not to
The final phase of the Abbas strategy
was supposed to kick in last fall:
Palestinians were urged to turn out for
mass pro-statehood demonstrations.
Abbas’s aides made no secret of their
hopes that a new popular intifada
would erupt, a Palestinian version of
the Arab Spring that, combined with the
U.N. votes, would bring unprecedented
pressure to bear on Israel.
Only nothing happened. There were
a couple of West Bank demonstrations
but no intifada.
This week, Abbas effectively
brought his campaign to a close
with a last, pathetic gesture: a letter,
under preparation for months, that
was delivered to Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu by a Palestinian
delegation. Predictably, the missive
faulted Israel for the failure of peace
talks; somewhat audaciously, it also
blamed Netanyahu for the collapse of
Palestinian reconciliation.
Even the small bombshell Abbas
planned to drop this time fizzled:
under pressure from u.S. and European
leaders, the 77-year-old leader merely
threatened rather than declared the
dissolution of the Palestinian Authority.
“This situation cannot continue,”
the letter ominously states. But the
disappearance of Abbas’s administration
looks no more likely than reconciliation
with Hamas, admission to the united
Nations or a new intifada.
Abbas’s defenders will claim that
Netanyahu’s right-wing government,
and the Obama administration’s
inability to influence it, left him with
few options. That’s a canard. In fact,
Abbas has never seriously tested the
Israeli leader. He could have done that
by fully committing to the negotiations
the Obama administration tried to
organize or to those sponsored by
Jordan’s King Abdullah this year. That
would have forced Netanyahu to reveal
his terms for Palestinian statehood —
and brought real pressure to bear on
him if they were unreasonable.
Instead, Abbas has repeatedly
backed away from serious diplomacy,
citing as an excuse Israeli settlement
construction in Jerusalem and the West
Bank — something that did not stop
him from participating in negotiations
with previous Israeli governments. He
embarked on his unity-U.N.-intifada
strategy on the premise that it would
bring about Palestinian statehood
without the need for negotiations with
And, not for the first time, Mahmoud
Abbas succeeded only in delaying
Palestinian statehood — and weakening
his own cause.
Jewish Federation of the Desert wants you to
Find your spiritual home
There is a place for everyone in our Desert Area congregations,
from Palm Springs to Palm Desert to Sun City, synagogues of all
denominations work to meet the needs of our community.
Temple Sinai
Congregation Har-El
Chabad of Palm Springs
Chabad of Rancho Mirage
Temple Isaiah
Congregation Beth Shalom
Sun City Congregation
In the Coachella Valley
Join a Synagogue. Get Connected. Be Inspired.
JCN • May 2012 • Iyar/Sivan 5772 • • 3
Pomegranate division Tea
The lovely Rancho Mirage home of
Jeanne and David Himy was the site
of the 2012 Women’s Philanthropy
Pomegranate Division Tea. With
the minimum gift of $1500 to the
Jewish Federation Annual Campaign,
the women of the Pomegranate
Division share the commitment to and passion for
Tikkun Olam, repairing the world, manifested by
their support for
the efforts of the
Fe d e ra t i o n o n
behalf of Jewish
community locally,
in Israel and around
the world. The tea
wa s ch a i r e d by
Bobbie Rosenberg.
Hostess Jeanne
Sandra Banner
Guest speaker Gina Waldman, recently retired Women’s
Philanthropy Director Mary Levine and Pomegranate
Division Chair Bobbie Rosenberg.
women’s Philanthropy installs
Officers april 18
The outgoing and incoming boards of Women’s Philanthropy
joined together to celebrate a year of significant accomplishments. The day was also bittersweet as retiring Women’s Philanthropy Director Mary Levine was thanked for her gracious
and energetic leadership. New WP Director Barbara Ben-David
was warmly welcomed and the board expressed excitement at
the new strengths she will bring to their efforts.
Outgoing Co-Presidents Judith Cohen and Celia Norian
were thanked for their leadership. Accolades were received
by Judith Cohen on both their behalves as Celia was in Israel
for a wedding. Retiring board members Sandra Banner, Audrey
Bernstein, Muriel Becker and Rennie Wrubel were thanked for
their years of service.
Past President Marcia Stein installed the new members to
the Women’s Philanthropy Board: Sheri Borax, Laura Friedman,
Lana Landa, Leslie Pepper and Elaine “Chickie” Steinberger. Past
President Annette Novack then installed Lainie Weil as Women’s
Philanthropy’s 2012-13 President, expressing the delight of all
in anticipation of the year to come under Lainie’s leadership.
Board member Diane Novack, Board Secretary Julie Fey-Clark,
Incoming President Lainie Weil and Education Vice President Judy Cohn.
A Publication of the
Jewish Federation of the Desert
vOL. 37, no. 9
Bruce Landgarten,
Chief Executive Officer
Miriam h. Bent, Editor
Lja Graphics, Layout & Design
jCn sTaTeMenT
The Jewish Community News seeks
to provide news and feature material
of special interest to its readership,
and to create a heightened sense
of Jewish identity through the
dissemination of information about
people, events and issues at home
and abroad. The JCN seeks to serve
as a forum for the exchange of
ideas and opinions in the Jewish
The JCN is published monthly,
ten months a year by the Jewish
Federation of the Desert,
69-710 Highway 111,
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270,
760-324-4737, fax 760-324-3154.
arTiCLes & adverTisinG,
Miriam h. Bent, Editor
760-323-0255, fax 760-320-6085,
Outgoing President Judith
Cohen with retiring WP
Director Mary Levine
Co-WP President Judith Cohen and
Outreach Vice President Sherry Salzman.
Judith Cohen with Past President
Marcia Stein
The JCN does not endorse the
goods or services advertised in its
pages and makes no representation
as to the kashrut of food products
and services in such advertising.
The publisher shall not be liable
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advertisement or for any error in
an advertisement. Acceptance of
advertisers and of advertising copy is
subject to the publisher’s approval.
The JCN is not responsible if ads
violate applicable laws and the
advertiser will indemnify, hold
harmless and defend the JCN from all
claims made by government agencies
and consumers for any reason based
on ads carried in the JCN.
Rhoda Lewis and Joan Feldman
4 • JCN • May 2012 • Iyar/Sivan 5772 •
From the CEO
Tribfest 2012
Jewish Federation Chief
Executive Officer
what happens in vegas stays in
vegas… unless it’s to report back on
the experience at TribeFest.
TribeFest, a major conference
hosted by Jewish Federations of
North America, March 25-27 drew
approximately 1,500 Jewish young
adults to Las Vegas from across North
TribeFest offered meaningful,
fun content and presentations and
many ways to connect to Judaism,
and to inspire young Jews. The 2012
TribeFest is the second event of its
kind; the inaugural TribeFest last year
drew more than 1,300 participants
from 84 communities around the
world, and involved more than 46
partner organizations.
TribeFest attracted new and diverse
voices to the Jewish community;
nearly 60 percent of last year’s
audience had never attended a JFNA
function prior to TribeFest, and almost
40 percent had never even been to a
program run by their local Federation.
This year, approximately one quarter
of all TribeFest participants were
return attendees.
TribeFest is an important part of
Jewish Federations’ efforts to engage
young Jews, and bring more voices
to our tables; TribeFest not only
creates a sense of community, but
also raises awareness about the
incredible, life-saving services at
Jewish Federations.
The Jewish Federation was
fortunate to have eleven amazing
community members attend and
participate in the conference. The
eleven individuals evolved into a Linda Cohn, Diane and Jason Novack and Federation CEO Bruce Landgarten.
cohesive group and developed an
instant rapport among one another.
The Desert “YAD Connect” group
represented a vibrant community,
which was admired by other cities at
the conference. This group included
Amy Stone, Julie Fey-Clark, Sarah
Milmet, Charmaigne Menn, Veronica
Charmaigne Menn, Sarah Milmet and Laura
Glas, Laura Friedman, Diane Novack,
Jason Novack, Michael Pitts, Jim
Cohn and Linda Cohn. The group
children through a service project
is representative of our on-going
in collaboration with PJ Library
successful Young Adults Division by the collective impact of Jewish
and the Las Vegas Federation.
Federations and other organizations
here in the Desert.
After three days of thoughtHeadliners included "Saturday also spoke.
provoking, programming everyone
Participants were able to give
Night Live" star Rachel Dratch, bestwas inspired. But it is not about just
to the Jewish community
selling humorist and author A.J.
being at TribeFest. It is about taking
Jacobs and Olympic gold-medal t h r o u g h m e a n i n g f u l s e r v i c e
the energy and bringing it home. It
swimmer Lenny Krayzelburg and opportunities at TribeFest, including
is there where the real work begins
more. TribeFest also offered sessions Jewish Genetic Disease Screening.
and we are counting on our Young
on politics, philanthropy, business, TribeFest-attendees also traveled to
Adults Jewish Federation group to
entertainment and culture. People five Las Vegas elementary schools
make it happen.
whose lives have been transformed to read and deliver 4,000 books to
Rabbi Yankel Kreiman will officiate at a service for Survivors at the Holocaust Memorial in
the Palm Desert Civic Park on Monday, April 23, 2012 at 11:00 am.
JCN • May 2012 • Iyar/Sivan 5772 • • 5
haunting and Poignant Poster Marks holocaust
by Gabe Kahn, Arutz Sheva
In honor of Yom Hashoah, Holocaust
and Heroism Remembrance Day, a
graduate of the Bezalel Academy of Arts
and Design in Jerusalem has designed
an evocative and poignant poster.
Dorielle Rimmer Halperin, who
created the poster, said the poster was
dedicated to her grandparents – David
and Esther Rimmer – who survived
the Holocaust, as well as their family
members who did not. The official
poster of Yom Hazikaron L’Shoah 2012
was designed by Rimmer-Halperin as
part of a project of the International
School of Holocaust Education at Yad
Vashem with the participation of the
Ministry of Public Diplomacy and
Diaspora Affairs.
“This was an exciting challenge
for me,” said Rimmer, who graduated
from Bezalel in 2003. “It’s a real honor
for me to be able to pass the message
on to every home in Israel. I believe
that the message of this poster is very
clear and it will touch the heart and
provoke thought. My design shows
that the shadow of the family lying on
the road is the shadow of the family
who perished and will always be
there with the survivors. But this is
also the shadow of their new family of
survivors, which is there to remember,
to preserve them and their heroism,”
she said.
“We are often ‘asked’ to
remember the Holocaust through
famous photographs, movies and the
‘usual’ characters. I tried to remove
the memory from what we are so
accustomed to seeing, removing
a little of the ‘national’ collective
memory and making it more personal
by showing how it comes into the
homes of every one of us and casts
a shadow over our daily lives. When
I look at my grandparents, both
Holocaust survivors, in their shadow
I see my shadow as well. The lack of
light in their lives is always there and
will always be a part of me and my
family, something we will pass onto
future generations,” Rimmer said.
“But around the great shadow of
the Holocaust is also light; plenty of
light. Holocaust Memorial Day is also
about heroism – and not only that of
the survivors.”
Panetta honors holocaust victims at the Pentagon
Leon Panetta and ehud Barak attend Ceremony in honor of Yom hashoah at the Pentagon.
By Elad Benari, Reuters
The Pentagon held a ceremony on
April 19 in honor of Yom HaShoah,
the Holocaust Remembrance Day.
The ceremony was attended by u.S.
Defense Secretary Leon Panetta.
“Today we pause to remember
and honor 6 million souls who were
murdered not because of anything
they had done, but because of who
they were,” Panetta said during the
ceremony, according to a statement
released by the u.S. Department
of Defense. He said he helped to
establish Yom HaShoah as a u.S.
Pacific Premier Bank Gives $5000 to
jewish federation
Pacific Premier Bank presented a check for $5000 to the Jewish Federation 2012
Annual Campaign “to support vitally needed human services.” Pictured, left to right,
are Kathi Hallock, Smoke Tree Branch Manager; Brian Johnston, Regional Banking
Manager; Steve Gardner, President and CEO; Eddie Wilcox, Chief Banking Officer;
Bruce Landgarten, Jewish Federation CEO; and Jim Trew, Jewish Federation CFO. In
presenting the check on behalf of the bank’s local branch offices, Brian Johnston
told Landgarten and Trew, “We’re always delighted to partner with Jewish Federation of the Desert, especially at this time when there is so much need throughout
the desert.” Johnston added, “It is a privilege to support Jewish Federation of the
Desert’s humanitarian mission to improve lives.”
6 • JCN • May 2012 • Iyar/Sivan 5772 •
observance while serving in the
House of Representatives in 1980.
Panetta noted that the day is also an
occasion to remember survivors of the
Holocaust. “They bore witness to evil
and to tragedy, and in their strength
we all find inspiration – inspiration
to fight against the intolerance and
indifference that allowed all of this
to happen,” said Panetta.
The program included an
appearance by guest speaker Charlotte
Schiff, the sole member of her family
who survived the Holocaust. Panetta
said Schiff has dedicated her life to
making sure those who perished in
the Holocaust are never forgotten. “It
is our honor to affirm to you that we
will never stop fighting in the memory
of those who perished – fighting for
a better future, [and] fighting for a
world safe from aggression, from
tyranny and from injustice,” he told
Panetta added that Yom HaShoah
is also a day to celebrate the Jewish
people “who overcame this tragedy
and built a strong and vibrant Jewish
State in Israel.”
The statement noted that the event
was also attended by Israeli Defense
Minister Ehud Barak, who arrived at
the Pentagon for bilateral defense talks
with Panetta. During the ceremony,
Panetta said that Barak has lived his
life as a tribute to the memory of the
Holocaust, and to the memory of his
two grandparents who were murdered
at the Treblinka death camp in Poland.
“Ehud, I am proud to be your partner,
I’m proud to be your friend, and I’m
proud to work with you in continuing
to strengthen the U.S.-Israel defense
relationship,” said Panetta.
He noted that u.S. soldiers in
World War II served as witnesses to
the atrocities of the death camps,
and helped to nourish and care for
Holocaust survivors. He added,
however, that in spite of the good
American and Allied forces did in
World War II, “we must always
remember that we were unable to save
the 6 million Jews who perished under
Hitler’s cruel reign.” That burden, he
added, must be carried forward as a
determination that no horror like the
Holocaust ever happens again.
The Yom Hashoah program was
preceded by a meeting between Barak
and Panetta. The meeting, which
lasted over an hour, was also attended
by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, Martin Dempsey. It dealt with
all the regional issues affecting the
Middle East, including Syria, Iran, and
the American aid to the Iron Dome
anti-missile system.
74 democrats join j street in Urging Concessions
by Rachel Hirshfeld, Arutz Sheva
Seventy-four Democrats in
t h e H o u s e o f R e p r e s e n t a t ive s
have joined the leftist J Street
organization in supporting the
Obama administration’s attempt to
force Israel into making painful and
possibly dangerous concessions to the
Palestinian Authority. “In our view,
support for a two-state resolution is
inseparable from such support for
Israel, its special relationship with the
United States, and its very survival as
a democratic homeland for the Jewish
people,” the letter asserted.
Seven Jewish members signed the
letter, including Reps. Steve Cohen
(D-Tenn.), John Yarmuth (D-Ky.),
Reps. Susan Davis (D-Calif.), Bob
Filner (D-Calif.), Jared Polis (D-Colo.),
Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) and Henry
Waxman (D-Calif.). Rep. Chris Van
Hollen (D-Md.), the chairman of the
Democratic Congressional Campaign
Committee also signed the letter.
J Street’s director of government
affairs, Dylan Williams, noted
that the signatories “are making
clear that to be pro-Israel is to
support active U.S. engagement
in achieving a two-state solution.”
“If the U.S. Congress does not
make a viable resolution to the IsraeliPalestinian conflict a cornerstone of
foreign policy in the region, then we
are not truly helping Israel to face
one of its most critical challenges,”
Williams continued, not mentioning
that there are other possible solutions
and that the two-state one might bring
catastrophe upon Israel.
While J Street claims it is a “proIsrael” organization, its policies have
ranged from supporting the libelous
Goldstone Report to opposing
sanctions and military actions against
Iran. The organization has provided
a forum for radicals advocating
boycotts, divestment and sanctions
against Israel and has denied, despite
evidence to the contrary, that it
receives funding from George Soros,
the multi-billionaire financier of
radically left leaning organizations.
idf shops for More Precision rockets
by Chana Ya’ar, Arutz Sheva
Israel’s military is going shopping
to upgrade the missiles fired from its
helicopters, a military source says. The
missiles are used most often during
surgical air strikes against Palestinian
Authority terrorists in Gaza.
According to the source, the Israel
Air Force is seeking to purchase guided
precision missiles to be used primarily
with its Apache and Cobra helicopters.
The army is also planning to equip its
ground forces with a range of precision
rockets ahead of a possible conflict
on the northern or southern front.
A number of rocket battalions will
choose from. The Spike is produced by
Rafael Advanced Defense Systems.
Another possible candidate is the
Guided Advanced Tactical Rocket
(GATR) produced by Elbit Systems.
The missile uses a laser homing seeker
to reach stationary and moving targets
at ranges of 1-8 kilometers.
Israeli Patrol Craft
be established in the Artillery Corps
under the new plan. One of those
being considered is the Spike antitank guided missile, of which there
are several in varying ranges range to
Tunisian President Pledges safety for
Tunisian jews
By Kouichi Shirayanagi, Public Diplomacy Network
On a visit to a synagogue that had
been bombed 10 years ago, Tunisian
President Moncef Marzouki said
Tunisia is committed to the security
of its Jews and that they are equal
citizens under the law. Marzouki also
said he had invited a group of Jewish
school children to visit his office at
the Carthage Presidential Palace. The
president has recently invited groups
of school children to his office as a way
of opening the Tunisian presidency
to the public following last year’s
Marzouki made his remarks as part
of a ceremony in early April to mark
the 10-year anniversary of the 2002 Al
Qaeda truck bombing attack on the El
Ghriba synagogue in Djerba. Twentyone people were killed in the attack.
Some Jews in the country have been
unsettled by demonstrations in Tunisia
over the last three months in which
ultra-conservative religious Salafi
groups with alleged ties to Al Qaeda
called on Muslims to kill or wage war
against Jews.
Jewish community leaders applauded
Marzouki’s visit to the synagogue
and said they were optimistic about
the future of Tunisia’s 2,600-year-old
Jewish community. Tunisia has an
estimated 1,500 Jews. “It is a blessing
to live together as Tunisians. Muslims
and Jews, our bonds challenge the
hatred of the Salafists,” said Perez
Trabelsi, president of the El Ghariba
synagogue and the Jewish community
of Hara Segira, Djerba. “The day-today living situation for Jews has not
changed since the revolution, and we
hope it will never change. We don’t
live in fear.”
JCN • May 2012 • Iyar/Sivan 5772 • • 7
new format for wP “step Up” event Created Magic
A Bintel Brief
Faced with the dilemma of the need to
raise increased funds and the realization
that many women were truly giving
what they realistically could afford,
the Women’s Philanthropy Board
kept the minimum gift requirement
for their annual luncheon at $180,
while encouraging women to “Step
up” with larger pledges for the 2012
Jewish Federation Annual Campaign.
A goal of a minimum “dollar a day”
was suggested and many women
Event chairs Judy Cohn (left) and
Stephanie Ross (right) with associate
chair Lainie Weil (middle).
A Bintel Brief Cast: Paula Klein, pianist
Linny Smith, Don Reiss, Shep Sanders
and Louise Ross.
“A Bintel Brief” dramatization
was selected for the program, and
organizers tied its history to the
“Step Up” theme. The front of the
invitation read: “Those who came
before us stepped up to make a
better life for themselves. Now it’s
our turn to step up to make a better
life for others.”
The program was outstanding.
Women’s Philanthropy Board
Member Paula Klein selected and
edited letters from the decades of The
Forward’s “A Bintel Brief” columns.
She then chose actors to join her in
reading selections of these poignant,
funny, touching letters. The women
sat entranced as story after story
A luncheon reminiscent of the
Jewish cooking of Europe rounded
out the day. Kudos to chairs Judy
Cohn and Stephanie Ross, associate
chair Lainie Weil and their committee
for producing a “complete package”
for the over 125 women present to
experience and enjoy.
in advance of May 15, which is
Israel’s Independence Day. On that
day, which Arabs in the region term
the “Nakba,” or catastrophe, large
and often violent anti-Israel protests
are traditionally staged. In recent
years, marches aimed at violating
Israel’s sovereignty by breaching its
borders have also become the norm.
Lebanon’s still-powerful opposition
has brought intense power to bear
on the government of Prime Minister
Najib Mikati to ensure security
incidents do not occur on the Israeli
frontier. They charge the Hizbullah
terror militias – which refuse to
disarm and step aside for the army –
have pursued an independent foreign
policy in the name of ‘resistance’
against Israel that has resulted in
unwanted and devastating wars with
the Jewish state.
Lebanese navy aiding idf
By Gabe Kahn, Arutz Sheva
IDF naval forces are reportedly
cooperating with their Lebanese
counterparts to prevent foreign ships
from approaching Israeli waters.
Naval officials say that Lebanon ahead
of Land Day last month increased
its naval patrols and barred ships
from approaching Beirut’s defacto
maritime boundary with Israel. It was
also reported Lebanon has assisted
Israel in driving away fishing boats
that approach Israeli waters with the
result. Officials say, as a result, that
“significantly fewer” such ships now
approach Israeli waters.
Israel and Lebanon have no official
ties, but the two nation’s militaries
intermittently discuss security
concerns and coordination through
UNIFIL (The United Nations Interim
Force in Lebanon). It is not clear
whether UNIFIL is the “international
body” through which Israel is
relaying information to Lebanon
about boats approaching its territory.
Jerusalem reportedly expects flotillas
organized by anti-Israel activists to
seek to violate its territorial waters
8 • JCN • May 2012 • Iyar/Sivan 5772 •
award to helen Thomas May Cost Pa
american funds
jCsd matzah helpers
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu, Arutz Sheva
Two C o n g r e s s m e n h ave
written to Palestinian Authority
Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and
warned that his award to journalist
H e l e n Th o m a s m a y v i o l a t e
American conditions for funding.
Ohio Republican Rep. Steve Chabot
and New York Democrat Eliot Engel
told Abbas in the letter that honoring
Thomas, who last year wrote that Jews
should go back to “Poland, Germany
and America and everywhere else,”
violates conditions on funding set in
legislation that was passed last year.
The threat is far from empty,
because Chabot is the chairman
of the House of Representatives
Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on the
Middle East and South Asia. The
“’Preparing the Palestinian People
for Peace Act’…amends the Foreign
Assistance Act to preclude assistance
to the Palestinian Authority unless
there is in effect a Presidential
certification to Congress that the
Palestinian Authority (1) is not
engaging in a pattern of incitement
against Israel, and (2) is engaged
in peace preparation activities to
promote peace with the Jewish State
of Israel.”
The act includes a waiver, similar
to that in the Congressional law that
the U.S. embassy in Israel be located
in Jerusalem, that the president can
overrule “if he deems such waiver
important to the national security
interests of the united States, in
which case the President must
submit to Congress a report detailing
the justification for the waiver…. The
report also should detail the steps
the Palestinian Authority has taken
to arrest terrorists.”
Chabot and Engel wrote Abbas
that the award to Thomas “is just
another way to avoid telling the
Palestinian population that they
must be prepared for a negotiated
settlement….unfortunately, the
recognition of stridently, and
sometimes even violently, anti-Israeli
individuals and themes has become
all too common by the Palestinian
Thomas has previously tried to
explain her remarks, saying that she
was referring only to Jews in Judea
and Samaria and parts of Jerusalem
claimed by the Palestinian Authority,
and she added she was not antiSemitic. Congressmen Chabot and
Engel wrote Abbas that her “words
and beliefs have been anything but
supportive of a settlement where two
peoples, Israelis and Palestinians,
would live side-by-side, in peace
and security.
“While Helen Thomas has not
specifically espoused such violence,
we see her recognition as simply
part of the campaign to celebrate
those who espouse harsh anti-Israeli
and anti-Jewish themes.”
As a special project for Pesach, Jewish Community School of the Desert students
made their own “Matzah Helper” aprons, painting the top ridges of squares of
corrugated cardboard to use as a “stamp” to replicate the iconic look of matzah.
Palestinian authority Cartoon: Teach
Children to seek world without israel
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques
Palestinian parents should teach
their children that it is their role or
destiny to destroy Israel, according
to a cartoon in the official PA daily.
In the cartoon, a mother is
showing her son a book with a map
that includes all of Israel and the PA
areas. The text in the book defines
the map as “Palestine.” The mother
tells her son: “This is your bride...
when you grow up you will know
the dowry.” [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,
March 31, 2012].
The message of the PA daily is that
parents either are educating their
children or should be educating their
children to see their obligation to
replace all of Israel with a state of
Text in book: “Palestine”
Mother’s words:
“This is your bride...When you grow up
you will know the dowry.”
“Palestine.” The dowry - the cost
of liberating Palestine - is yet to be
Official PA daily cartoons regularly
represent all of Israel as replaced by
JCN • May 2012 • Iyar/Sivan 5772 • • 9
May Shabbat
Local Temples
BeTh shaLOM
Ken Hailpern, Spiritual Leader
79-733 Country Club Drive
Bermuda Dunes
heBreO de MeXiCaLi
Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico
Contact: Ron Cohen
760-960-3392 Us
(686) 216-7152 Mexico
ChaBad Of PaLM sPrinGs
& deserT COMMUniTies
Rabbi Yonason Denebeim
425 Ortega, Palm Springs
ChaBad Of PaLM deserT
A project of Chabad of Palm Springs &
Desert Communities
Rabbi Mendy Friedman
760-969-2153 / 760-969-2158
ChaBad Of ranChO MiraGe
A project of Chabad of Palm Springs &
Desert Communities
Rabbi Shimon Posner
72295 Via Marta, Rancho Mirage
COnGreGaTiOn shaLOM BaYiT
Spiritual Leader: Dr. Harvey Lee Block
1320 Williams Ave., Banning
Contact 951-769-7514
(Member, Union for Reform Judaism)
Rabbi Richard Zionts
Har-El Cultural Center
47-535 Hwy 74, Palm Desert
TeMPLe isaiah
Beth shalom
Shabbat Services: 8:00 pm. Oneg
Friday, May 25: Shabbat dinner at
7:00 pm. Call 760-200-3636 for
Saturdays: Torah Study 8:30 am;
Services 9:30 am, followed by
sit-down Kiddush.
Morning minyan Mondays,
Thursdays and Rosh Chodesh:
8:30 am, followed by breakfast.
Call 760-200-3636 for Shavuot
Services schedule.
Chabad of Palm springs
Friday Shabbat services: 20 minutes
after candle lighting time.
Saturday services: Morning 9:30 am; 12:15 pm Shabbat
Lunch followed by Women’s
Torah Discussion with Sussie
Denebeim (no charge). Evening:
same as evening before.
saturday, May 26
7:30 pm Havdallah and Shavuot
Maariv services.
11:30 pm All night learnathon.
Sunday, May 27
9:30 am Shavuot services.
12:15 pm Gourmet dairy Kiddush luncheon and ice cream
7:30 pm Shavuot Maariv services
Monday, May 28
9:30 am Shavuot services.
Yizkor at 10:45 am.
7:30 pm Maariv services.
Chabad of rancho Mirage
Friday Shabbat services: Mincha
(Member, united Synagogue of
Conservative Judaism)
Rabbi Sally Olins
332 West Alejo Road, Palm Springs
TeMPLe sinai
Rabbi Jordan S. Ofseyer
73-251 Hovley Lane West, Palm Desert
A project of Chabad of Palm Springs &
Desert Communities
(Community Outreach)
Rabbi Yankel Kreiman
followed by Kabbalat Shabbat:
May 4, 11, 18, 25, 7:00 pm;
Shabbat morning: 10:00 am followed
by sit down Kiddush. Children’s
Program/Service 11:15 am.
Daily minyan: Shacharit services
Monday-Friday 7:00 am; Sundays
8:00 am.
Saturday, May 26 - 10:45 pm
“Sleepless on Shavuot” allnighter
Sunday, May 27 - 10:00
am Services followed by
“Cheesecake on Sinai” plus
ice cream social and special
children’s program
Monday, May 28 - 10:00 am
Shavuot services/Yizkor
approximately 11:15 am.
desert hot springs
jewish Community
Shabbat Services, Friday, May 4,
7.00-9.00 p.m., Mission Lakes
Country Club
Havdallah Services Saturday, May
19, 7.00-9.00 p.m., Mission Lakes
Country Club
Contact Linda Zweig at Jewish Family
Service for more information 760325-4088, ext. 108.
Member, union for Reform
Judaism. Kabbalat Shabbat
Services Fridays 5:00-5:30
pm, followed by Round Table
Discussion with Rabbi Richard
shalom Bayit (Banning)
Havdallah the first Saturday of each
May Community Calendar
Tuesday, May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
10:00 am Temple Sinai Yiddish
Tuesday, May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
1:30 pm Temple Sinai Bereavement
Tuesday, May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
4-5:15 pm Chabad of Palm Springs
Ladies Book Club. Current text:
10 • JCN • May 2012 • Iyar/Sivan 5772 •
“Toward a Meaningful Life” by
Rabbi Simon Jacobson. At Coffee
Bean and Tea Leaf, El Paseo and
San Pablo, Palm Desert. RSVP to
Sussie Denebeim, 760-808-3174.
Tuesday, May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
5:30-7:30 pm Chabad Rancho
Mirage’s popular weekly BBQ
Lots of fun and another great way
to meet great people! Choose
month at 5:30 pm. Shabbat
Services the third Friday of the
month at 7:30 pm. Both held
1320 West Williams Street,
Temple isaiah
Friday Shabbat services 7:30 pm,
followed by an Oneg Shabbat.
Saturday mornings: Services 10:00
am. Kiddush following.
Saturday, May 12: Bat Mitzvah of
Halle Brown.
Saturday, May 26: Bar Mitzvah of
Bryan Johnson.
Morning minyan 8:30 am Mondays
and Thursdays.
Shavuot Services Sunday,
May 27 8:30 am; Monday,
May, 28 10:00 am Yizkor.
Temple sinai
Friday, May 4 - 7:00 pm Family
Shabbat Service
Friday May 11, 18, 25: Services
7:30 pm.
Friday, May 18: Shabbat Zimra
Friday, May 25: Confirmation and
Shavuot Service
Saturday: 9:00 am: Bagels Lox and
Torah Study, 10:00 am - Shabbat
Saturday, May 5: Bar Mitzvah of
Jacob Frank.
Saturday, May 19: Bat Mitzvah of
Evelyn Moretatchi.
Sunday, May 27: Shavuot Service
10:00 am.
Centro Cultural hebreo de
Weekly Shabbat Services Friday at
7:00 pm, followed by dinner.
Saturday immediately before
sunset: Havdallah. Call for
holiday schedule.
your own menu from steak to hot
dogs, veggie burgers and salads!
It’s affordable, fun, and kosher!
Reservations not required, but
helpful 760-770-7785.
wednesday, May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
10:15 - 11:30 am - Chabad of
rancho Mirage women’s Class
“Caffeine for the soul”; a
weekly women’s roundtable.
new course, based on the essays
in the book “Bread and Fire”
led by Chaya Posner at Chabad
of Rancho Mirage. RSVP and
for directions: 760-272-1923 or
Community Calendar Continued
wednesday, May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
noon-4:00 pm Temple Isaiah
wednesday, May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
12:30 pm Temple Sinai Lunch
n’Leynen with rabbi jordan
Ofseyer. Call 760-568-9699.
wednesday, May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
4-5:30 pm Jewish Family Service
jewish Bereavement Group. At
JFS Offices. Call 760-325-4088
for further information.
Thursday, May 3
9:00 am Sun City Hadassah
Meeting. Installation of Officers.
Installing Officer: Dr. Helene
Pine. Program: Dean Lining.
$5. RSVP to 760-360-3342.
Thursday, May 3
7:00 pm Jewish Family Service
volunteer recognition dessert
reception at the Tolerance
Education Center. Featured
entertainment by jazz singer
Yves Evans.
Thursday, May 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
9:30-10:30 am Har-El Torah study
with rabbi richard Zionts. No
fee. For information call 760779-1691.
Thursday, May 3, 10., 17, 24, 31
noon Temple Sinai Mah jongg.
friday, May 4, 11, 18, 25
9:00 am Temple Isaiah “rap
with the rabbi” – weekly
discussions based on topics from
participants. Led by rabbi sally
Olins. Call 760-325-2281 to
saturday, May 5
7:00 pm Temple Sinai. Havdallah
followed by preview of
“expressions” - Israeli Art
Exhibition and sale 8-10 pm.
sunday, May 6 and Monday, May 7
10:00 am – 4:00 pm Israeli Art
Exhibition and Sale.
See ad page 7.
sunday, May 6
4:00 pm Temple Isaiah’s Philip
& Eleanor Short Lecture Series
Speaker dr. Benjamin Karp
of Yale University. Topic:
what Color is jewish? Multiracism judaism Today.” $10
members/$15 non-members. At
Temple Isaiah. See ad page 7 for
more information.
Monday, May 7, 14, 21, 28
1:00 pm Temple Isaiah Movie
Mondays. Enjoy a free movie
and popcorn every Monday
afternoon. Call Temple for
schedule: 760-325-2281.
Monday, May 7
6:00 pm Tamar Hadassah Dinner
Meeting. (Note date change)
installation of Officers. Installing
Officer: Miriam Bent. Dinner
couvert: $20. Clubhouse at The
Colony, Rancho Mirage. Prepaid reservation required. Call
Phyllis at 321-9941.
Monday, May 7, 14, 21, 28
7:00 pm Chabad rancho Mirage
Men’s Talmud Class with rabbi
Benny Lew. At Chabad Rancho
Mirage. RSVP to 760-636-2897
Thursday, May 10
5:00 pm Chabad of Palm Springs
celebration of Lag B’Omer.
BBQ, bonfire, Israeli food, music
activities for young and old.
Phone 760-808-3174 or email for more
information and reservations.
Monday, May 14
2-4:00 pm Jewish Family Service’s
Café europa program for
Holocaust Survivors, held at the
Tolerance Education Center.
May program: The Sunshine
Repertory Group presents
excerpts from plays by Neil
Simon: “neil simon’s women.”
Contact Linda Zweig,
760-325-4088, ext. 108 for more
Tuesday, May 15
4-5:30 pm Generations of
holocaust survivors (Children of
Survivors and others) meeting at
the Tolerance Education Center.
See classified ad
page 18 for details.
Thursday, May 17
noon Golda Meir Na’amat
Year-end Luncheon Meeting
at Temple Isaiah. Program:
“Sharing Stories.” RSVP to
Goldie Krechman,
saturday, May 19
7:00 pm “a night of Opera and
Broadway.” Temple Isaiah.
Members $25. Non-members
$30. Call 760-324-2281 for
more information and tickets.
Thursday, May 24
7:00 pm women’s rosh Chodosh
society: Final class: “Dream
Come True: The Complete
Woman.” At Chabad of
Rancho Mirage. RSVP to
CTeens program for Jewish teens,
regardless of affiliation. At
Chabad of Rancho Mirage.
Check website www.chabadrm.
com/cteen for detailed event
schedule, or call Melissa at
Email (preferred) or
call Miriam Bent
or 760-323-0255 to have
your events included in
the community calendar
for the Summer (June,
July and August) issue.
Deadline is May 7th.
Tuesday, May 8
11:00 am Rimona Hadassah
installation Luncheon. Installing
Officer: Miriam Bent. Pre-paid
reservations required. Couvert:
$20. Nick Faldo’s at Marriott
Shadow Ridge, Rancho Mirage.
For further information contact
Nancy Singer at 760-202-2838.
JCN • May 2012 • Iyar/Sivan 5772 • • 11
Tribute Card Donations
Sending tributes and memorials is a meaningful way to honor loved ones.
Honorarium Tributes –
In Appreciation For:
Mr. and Mrs. robert appelbaum, Thanks and
appreciation, from Barbara Platt.
Loni argovitz, Thank you for your friendship,
from Phyllis Eisenberg.
sandy Banner, On the simcha of Lila’s Bat
Mitzvah, from Rennie and Stan Wrubel.
audrey Bernstein, Thank you for a wonderful
afternoon, from Phyllis Eisenberg.
sera and Gary Brill, In honor of your new home,
from Susie and Bob Diamond.
jane effress, Happy birthday from Margot and
Jerry Halperin.
All contributions received by the Jewish Federation for Tribute Cards are placed
in our special Tzedakah Fund, which provides direct monetary intervention for
needy Jews living in the Coachella Valley.
Mr. and Mrs. sandy hertz, Best wishes for
a healthy and happy Passover, from Nora
Mr. and Mrs. sandy hertz, Thank you for a
lovely Passover dinner, from Sondra Schwartz.
Mr. and Mrs. jack heyden, Happy 35th
anniversary, from Ruth and Mal Kaufman.
stephen holland, Happy, happy birthday. It’s
only an age! From Cora and Ted Ginsberg.
frances horwich, Thank you for the wonderful
dinner. Get well soon, from Judith and Elliott
Pat Kerns, In honor of your 80th birthday, from
Jane and Larry Sherman.
Lois schnitzer, In your honor, from Sybil and
Paul Silverstein.
jerry stone and alan Green, Congratulations on
both of your “99th Grand Slams.” Keep playing
bridge and you will live forever, from Jerry
Weinstein and Pearl Upton.
eilean wuhl, Happy 80th birthday, from Rena
Magged and Elayne Rice.
Get Well Wishes To:
refuah shleimah –
dr, Burt fogelman, Refuah Shleimah. Get well
soon, from Dr. Basil Bernstein.
veda Glesby, Get well soon, from Frances
Paula Klein, With gratitude, appreciation and
admiration, from Barbara Platt.
Memoriam Tributes –
rancy feldman, Congratulations on your Bat
Mitzvah, from Amy and Bryan Stone.
frank Kulp, Happy 90th birthday, from Cora and
Ted Ginsberg, Margot and Jerry Halperin, Carol
Horwich Luber, Lila Rauch, and Ginger and
David Smerling.
Mrs. Mel addes, In memory of your beloved
husband Mel, from Marnie Miller.
Carol frankel and Mort Cohen, Thank you for a
beautiful evening, from Ruth and Mal Kaufman.
annette and Ted Lerner, Thank you for a
beautiful evening, from Pat Levy.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernie fromm, In honor of your
55th wedding anniversary, from Ellen and Jim
Pat Levy, Thank you for a wonderful afternoon,
from Phyllis Eisenberg.
Mr. and Mrs. jeffrey feder, Thank you for
a special evening, from Chickie and Claude
diane and hal Gershowitz, Thank you for a
lovely evening, from Pat and Howard Levy.
Mr. and Mrs. ronald Goldberg, Happy 50th,
from Margot and Jerry Halperin and Sanford and
Rosemary Hertz.
stanley Goodman, Happy birthday from Barbara
and Richard Rosenfield.
dr. alan Green, Happy birthday from Barbara
and Richard Rosenfield.
joyce Gruenberg, Thank you for a wonderful
afternoon, from Phyllis Eisenberg.
donald Maltzman, Happy birthday from
Barbara and Richard Rosenfield.
Condolences Sent To:
Mr. alvin Benatovich, In memory of your son
Adam, from Marsha and Richard Bernhard.
Barbara fremont, In memory of your beloved
husband Bob, from Edith and Arnold Familian.
Mr. Tom harris and family, In memory of your
beloved wife Joann, from Libby and Buddy
Hoffman, Ruth and Mal Kaufman, Marnie Miller
and Joe Noren.
Mr. and Mrs. fred Mayer, Thank you for a
special evening, from Chickie and Claude
Mrs. david heller, In memory of your beloved
husband David, from Marnie Miller.
Phyllis Poplawski, Thank you for a beautiful
afternoon, from Judith Cohen and Margot
The Leshgold family, In memory of Joan
Leshgold, from Susie and Bob Diamond, Frances
Horwich, Pat and Howard Levy.
Mr. and Mrs. Monroe rifkin, Thank you for
a wonderful evening, from Libby and Buddy
Trudy and edward schwartz, In memory of
your beloved daughter, from Edith and Arnold
Familian, Gail and Bob Scadron.
richard schneller, In honor of your 90th
birthday, from William and Peggy Schwartz.
herb and Marline Tolchinsky, In memory of your
brother Howard, from Sue and Arnie Gillman.
To apply for emergency funds from the TZedaKah
call the jewish federation 760-324-4737
12 • JCN • May 2012 • Iyar/Sivan 5772 •
american nazi Party registers first washington Lobbyist
The American Nazi Party offers downloads of Hitler's Mein Kampf
John Bowles, 55, told US media
he wanted to address political rights
and ballot access and he expected
congressmen would accept meetings.
Lobbying was something the party
would "try out for the first time and see
if it flies," Mr Bowles told ABC News.
He registered as a lobbyist this week.
Mr Bowles' Capitol Hill registration
also listed his lobbying interests as
agriculture, clean air and water, civil
News Briefs
french Cabinet OKs new
anti-terrorism Measures
France’s conservative government
unveiled new counter terrorism
measures on Wednesday to punish
those who visit extremist websites
or travel to weapons-training camps
abroad, in the wake of killings by a
suspected Islamic extremist in southern
France last month. The measures now
go to Parliament, where they may face
resistance from the Socialists, who say
France’s legal arsenal against terrorism
is already strong enough and that the
proposal is a campaign ploy to boost
President Nicolas Sarkozy’s chances at
a second term.
Citizen shalit: released hamas
Captive Officially Completes
his army service
IDF Staff-Sergeant Gilad Shalit officially
completed his compulsory army service
April 18. The Defense Ministry will
be in charge of the soldier’s ongoing
rehabilitation following his five-year
captivity in the Gaza Strip. After his
release, Shalit underwent surgery to
remove shrapnel from his hand after
his release by Hamas. He sustained
the injuries during the 2006 crossborder raid during which he was
kidnapped and smuggled to Gaza.
rights, the constitution, healthcare,
immigration, manufacturing, and
Bowles said he would not be paid for
his work on Capitol Hill and would take
a "careful and objective" approach. "I'm
not going to go in and shove a swastika
in their face," he said. He conceded
that there might be some resistance
to holding meetings with him. "There
might be some congressmen who
crumple up the paper and some who
say: 'This is interesting,' he told ABC.
Bowles also said that his move
to officially register as a lobbyist
was inspired by his reading of the
constitution, congressional newspaper
The Hill reported. He previously stood
as a presidential candidate for the
National Socialist Movement in 2008.
The American Nazi Party traces its
ideology to George Lincoln Rockwell,
Shalit did not receive humanitarian
visits from the International Red Cross
during his captivity. Shalit made a
non-commissioned officer after being
freed in October 2011. Israel released
1,027 Palestinian prisoners as part of
his prisoner exchange deal.
Canada Orders extradition
of suspect in 1980 Paris shul
jordanian Parliament Moves to
Ban Muslim Brotherhood Party
An Ottawa professor has been ordered
extradited to France, where he faces
charges related to the 1980 bombing
who founded a post-war National
Socialist white supremacist movement
in the uS. The group reportedly holds
meetings in South Carolina and lists a
postal address via a post office box in
of a synagogue in Paris that killed four
people. Canada’s Justice Minister,
Rob Nicholson, issued the extradition
order on April 4 against Hassan Diab,
who teaches sociology at two Ottawa
“Mensch for all seasons” honorees
Jordan's parliament has taken legal
measures to disqualify the Muslim
Brotherhood's political party, the
country's largest opposition movement.
In a Lower House session, 46 out of 83
Jordanian lawmakers voted to add a
law forbidding the establishment of any
political party on a "religious basis." The
measure would disqualify the Islamic
Action Front - the political branch of the
Muslim Brotherhood, from taking part
in upcoming parliamentary elections.
spain no Longer imports
Oil from iran
Spain stopped importing Iranian oil
“at the end of February” because of
a gradual European union embargo,
the foreign ministry said Tuesday. “We
haven’t imported Iranian oil since
the end of February as businesses
have diversified their buying because
of European sanctions,” a ministry
spokesman said.
On March 29, 2012, Mensch Foundation International presented four “Mensch
for All Seasons” awards: Posthumously to Rabbi Avi Levine and (pictured left to
right) Morris Beschloss, Robert Fey and Rabbi Yankel Kreiman, for being persons
who have gone the extra mile in serving the Jewish community. The award for first
presented in 2002 posthumously to Raoul Wallenberg.
JCN • May 2012 • Iyar/Sivan 5772 • • 13
Columbia journalism review’s anti-israel Lies exposed
by Gil Ronen, Arutz Sheva
The Columbia Journalism
Review (CJR) website posted
an article Monday that severely
criticizes an article by Justin Martin,
that appeared on CJR two weeks
earlier, which portrays Israel as a
country that stifles the press. Martin’s
reply to the criticism exposes at
least one outright lie in his claims.
The original article by Martin, a
journalism professor at the University
of Maine, relied on statistics from the
Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ)
to determine that Israel ranks second
in the world in a ranking he titled
“Jailed Journalists by Population.” The
ranking was obtained by dividing a
country’s population by the number
of journalists detained in it.
Eritrea came in first and Iran came
in third, followed by Syria, Myanmar,
Ivory Coast and Rwanda.
The April 15 critique by Sohrab
Ahmari notes that Martin drew
political conclusions from the data.
Although “the Islamic Republic is up
there,” he wrote, “Eritrea and Israel
also need to do some explaining.”
“Israel jails more journalists than
either the Palestinian Authority (zero)
or militant group Hamas (three), both
of which it criticizes for human rights
miscarriages,” wrote Martin. He went
on to explain that countries like Eritrea
do not care if they are portrayed as
brutal. “Israel, though, wants to be
called a modern democracy and gets
cranky when critics point out that it
is not.”
According to Ahmari, “Mr. Martin’s
findings soon sparked a firestorm of
controversy, with supporters of Israel
crying foul at the latest instance of
Israel-bashing in the prestige press.
The outrage intensified once Jodi
Rudoren, The New York Times’s
newly appointed Jerusalem bureau
chief, took to her Twitter account to
weigh in. ‘What do Israel and Iran
have in common? Jailing journalists,
according to [CJR],’ she wrote, without
pausing to consider the soundness of
such a claim. (She later apologized.)”
“The outrage was justified,”
d e t e r m i n e d A h m a r i . M a r t i n ’s
methodology was “a classic example
of the sort of statistical recklessness
that CJR scolds other journalists for.”
He cited Commentary’s Omri Ceren
who pointed out that “If you want a
‘per capita’ number describing which
countries disproportionately target
journalists, you divide the jailed
journalists in each country by the
total number of journalists in each
country, not by the total number of
“Otherwise,” explained Ahmari,
“tiny Israel—home to a huge press
corps and where commentators in
the Arab and leftist presses regularly
question the state’s very right to
exist—ends up appearing more
repressive than, say, North Korea,
where a totalitarian regime does not
permit journalism as such to exist.”
“In Iran, where I was born and
spent the first half of my life,” Ahmari
added, “journalists and writers are
persecuted on a nearly industrial
scale; dozens of outlets are shuttered
every year… But why should Western
audiences care about these very
real injustices when seemingly
authoritative ‘statistics’ show the
West—including Israel and the
U.S.—to be equally authoritarian?”
Justin Martin responded by saying
– “I fully agree with this criticism.
Unfortunately, we don’t yet have
reliable data on national tallies for
working reporters in many of the
countries—Eritrea, Sudan, Ethiopia—
that jail journalists. And even if such
data were available, we would want
counts of how many newsmakers
in each country were working for
regime-owned news sources versus
private organizations. For now,
although the data are a bit large and
cumbersome, ratios of imprisoned
reporters to countries’ population still
deliver some meaning.”
He denied any anti-Israel bias and
even said that he “did Israel a favor,”
because the CPJ data actually “make
Israel look worse.” He explained that
the CPJ report lists seven journalists
as having been detained in “Israel
and the Occupied Territories” and
that he did some further reading and
discovered that “three of them had
been jailed by Hamas in Gaza” -- so
he reduced the number from seven
to four.
This leads to at least two questions:
How could Martin claim that “zero”
journalists were jailed by the
Palestinian Authority if he admits
that three were jailed by Hamas in
Gaza? Maybe journalists are not
jailed because, like Vittorio Arrigoni,
they are abducted and murdered
Question number one indicates
that Martin simply lied when he
claimed there were “zero” journalists
imprisoned by the PA, because he
admitted in his later posting that
he knew at least three had been
imprisoned in Gaza.
jewish headstones vandalized in
veterans’ Cemetery
Detectives are investigating as a
hate crime the vandalism of Jewish
headstones at the Florida National
Cemetery at Bushnell. Furteen headstones in two sections of the cemetery were found pushed over or dug
14 • JCN • May 2012 • Iyar/Sivan 5772 •
out. Workers initially thought it was
a random act of vandalism until they
noticed they all had the Star of David
on them. The damaged plots included
those who had served in World War
II, Vietnam and the Korean War.
jewish family service
of the desert
“Count on us… for life”
801 East Tahquitz Canyon Way, Suite 202
Palm Springs, CA 92262
(760) 325-4088
jewish Community school
of the desert
Grades K-6
Director: Sharon Pollin
Asst. Director: Laura Gould
73-251 Hovley Lane West,
Palm Desert, CA 92260
PrOGraMs & serviCes:
for further information about these
services and others, please call the jfs
office, 760-325-4088.
Camp scholarships
Applications are being accepted for
scholarships for local youth to attend
overnight Jewish camps. Please visit
our website or call the office for an
desert Torah academy (Chabad)
A project of Chabad of
Palm Springs & Desert Communities
Toddler - Grade 4
Director: Sussie Denebeim
73550 S. Rosa Way,
Palm Desert, CA 92260
jfs express senior ride Program
If you know someone homebound and
needing transportation to a medical or
important appointment, please have them
contact JFS Express for assistance.
If you would like to become a volunteer
driver for this program, contact Amber.
Chabad hebrew school
A project of Chabad of
Palm Springs & Desert Communities
Director: Sussie Denebeim
73550 S. Rosa Way,
Palm Desert, CA 92260
jewish Bereavement Group
Free to the local community. Every
Wednesday at the JFS Palm Springs office,
3.30-5.00 p.m.
friendly visitors
For seniors who are isolated and would
like companionship, a JFS volunteer can
bring care and friendship. If you know
someone needing this service or would
like to volunteer to become a visitor, call
Linda Zweig at ext 108.
Beth shalom
79-733 Country Club Drive,
Bermuda Dunes, CA 92201
Rabbi Richard A. Zionts, Ph.D.
Opportunities For Youth Learning
47-535 Highway 74,
Palm Desert, CA 92260
Temple isaiah
Principal: Rabbi Sally Olins
332 West Alejo Road
Palm Springs, CA 92262
760-325-2281, ext. 203
Temple sinai
Director: Miri Ketayi
73-251 Hovley Lane West,
Palm Desert, CA 92260
Temple sinai Tikvah Pre-school
Director: Debbie Midcalf
24 mos - pre-K
73-251 Hovley Lane West,
Palm Desert, CA 92260
We sell everything from designer to
active day wear, shoes, handbags,
accessories, collectables,
menswear, furniture, works of art,
bric-a-brac and more!
solutions for seniors
Serves older adults to maintain
independence and help them enjoy a
higher quality of life. Services include
advocacy with healthcare providers;
transportation; volunteer visitation and
helping to obtain benefits such as MediCal and Social Security.
CafÉ eUrOPa
Monthly program for Holocaust Survivors;
meetings are held the 2nd Monday of the
month. Contact Linda Zweig at ext. 108.
Generations of holocaust survivors
The next generation of Holocaust
Survivors meets the third Tuesday of each
month at the Tolerance Education Center,
4.00 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.
desert hot springs jewish Community
Shabbat Services, May 4, 7.00-9.00 p.m.,
Mission Lakes Country Club
Havdallah Services , May 19, 7.00-9.00
p.m., Mission Lakes Country Club
volunteer recognition Luncheon
Recognizing and honoring JFS volunteers,
May 3, 7.00 p.m., Dessert Reception at
the Tolerance Education Center. Featured
entertainment by Yves Evans, jazz singer
JCN • May 2012 • Iyar/Sivan 5772 • • 15
israeli website sets to make ‘dr. Google’ Give Better Medical advice
By Orr Hirschauge,
Over the last decade, Google has
become one of the most influential
elements in the healthcare field.
The ready availability of medical
information online has turned us all
into experts of sorts. Today’s patients are
more informed, proficient and will often
even suggest alternative treatments to
their doctors. While this sounds like
a good thing for patients, it has its
drawbacks. “Dr. Google” could well
wind up exacerbating anxiety rather
than alleviating it, since search results
often find hair-raising descriptions
of personal experiences rather than
reliable medical content.
The Israeli company First Life
Research has launched Treato, a
search platform that aggregates billions
of user-generated medical posts and
pulls out their meaning with proprietary
algorithms. The final product, Treato’s
online service, is a broad-ranging
catalog of treatments and symptoms
which provides users with clear,
organized information.
Searching for a drug, for instance,
will bring up comparable alternative
drugs as well, together with patient
satisfaction ratings and a list of prevalent
side effects. Searching for a symptom
will bring up the common medical
treatments that appear in patient posts
about that symptom, as well as other
symptoms associated with it. Treato,
which went online in September 2011,
brings together more than a billion
patient voices from multiple sites on the
Web. Today, the site attracts hundreds
of thousands of visitors each month,
and three weeks ago, a new version
was launched.
“Our goal is to become the Waze
[social GPS] of the medical world,”
says Gideon Mantel, co-founder of
First Life Research, but better known
as a founder of the Internet security
company Commtouch. “We collect
everything people write about health.
The statistical assumption is: if it doesn’t
appear in the data, it doesn’t exist.”
continues Mantel. “The crowd decides
what to write about. We simply organize
it and lay it out for our users.”
Treato’s free site is currently tailored
The finest in
to the U.S. market. The health forums
where the data is gathered are American,
as are the medications and treatments
16 • JCN • May 2012 • Iyar/Sivan 5772 •
mentioned in them. The company
is currently exploring the option of
expanding the service to additional
countries, including Israel.
all the ways to say ‘Ouch!’
“You would not believe how many
ways there are to say muscle pain.
Understanding an everyday discussion
about a medical subject is much more
difficult than say, discussions about the
stock market. That’s why it took us four
years to develop the solution,” says
To tackle this issue, Treato uses an
analytical method. First, the “company
detective” locates the selected term.
Then, 500 posts are sent to medical
students who pull out the semantic
content - symptoms mentioned,
medications used, patient satisfaction
levels and so on. Finally, a designated
algorithm is developed so that future
encounters with similar texts can be
handled automatically.
“Most of the work is technological,
developing the algorithms. This process
is one of the reasons we’re so confident
in our product. It would be hard to
duplicate our work. We already have
a vast knowledge base which is ever
growing,” says Mantel.
The Treato business model is based on
revenue generation from its advanced
analytical capabilities. The data housed
in the company’s servers regarding
prevalence of use and users’ satisfaction
levels, with various medications is
extremely valuable for organizations
such as pharmaceutical companies,
researchers and health companies.
Treato’s premium B2B services will
highlight data collected from social
media. “The real-time monitoring
aspect is significant for us and very
important to organizations,” explains
Mantel. Currently Treato is working on
a mobile app. “We want people to be
able to access Treato from everywhere.
We’ve flipped the pyramid. It used to
be that the consumer was the last to
receive the information. With Treato,
the user is the first to know, in real
time. The moment people understand
that is the moment they will start using
our service. Wide consumer adoption
will accelerate the service’s usage by
businesses as well.”
Lebanese Columnist: judaism is a “fairytale”
asserts jewish People have no history in jerusalem
By Rachel Hirshfeld, Israel National News
Lebanese columnist, Jihad
Al-Khazan said in an interview
with Egypt’s CBC TV that the Jewish
religion is a “fairy tale” and that the
Jewish people have no biblical ties or
historical rights to Jerusalem, Middle
east Media Media Research Institute
(MEMRI) exposed.
“In Jerusalem, there are no
archeological remains of the Jews
or any of their prophets. They
have no history. People forget that
during Yitzhak Rabin’s first term
in government, in the early 1980s
(sic.)… I was in America at the time
studying at Georgetown University.
Rabin excavated under the Haram
Al-Sharif, and uncovered the remains
of an umayyad palace. There are no
(Jewish) archeological remains. There
is no Solomon’s Temple or any other
temple.,” Al Khazan claimed.
“They did not enter our country, nor
did they leave them. They were never
in Egypt of in the Sinai. Ask Dr. Zahi
Hawwas if he has found any Jewish
archeological remains in Egypt or in
the Sinai. Modern historians including
some Jews, call these ‘Torah fairy
tales,’” he continued. The Islamic
religion was delivered in the light
of history. Divine inspiration would
come to the Prophet Muhammad,
and he would put it on record that
same day.
“The Christian religion was
recorded by Jesus’ disciples 40 or 50
years later. When we’re all still alive.
The Jewish religion was recorded
after 1,000 years. Its like you and me
discussing family fairy tales about the
Crusades. The Crusades took place
800 years ago, not 1,000 years.”
“This religion is a fairy tale. We must
sever Islam’s ties with (the Jews). The
prophets are not the prophets of the
Muslims. Islamist scholars must have
the courage to show that these people
are frauds. That religion can’t possibly
be true,” he claimed.
GOP Congressional Candidate: ‘holocaust never happened’
by Rachel Hirshfeld, Arutz Sheva
A Republican congressional
candidate in the upcoming Illinois
primary blatantly denies the Holocaust,
calling it “the blackest lie in history.”
Arthur Jones, 64, who hopes to be
the Republican nominee against
Democratic Congressman Dan Lipinski
in the Illinois’ 3 rd Congressional
District, claimed that the “Holocaust
never happened” and said that, “As
far as [he is] concerned, the Holocaust
is nothing more than an international
extortion racket by the Jews.”
Jones has held past membership in
the Nationalist Socialist Party, took part
in Nazi marches on Chicago’s Marquette
Park in 1978, and has been known to
organize “family-friendly, neo-Nazi
events around Adolf Hitler’s birthday,”
the Oak Lawn Patch reported. Jones
alleged that, “Millions of dollars are
being made by Jews telling this tale of
woe and misfortune in books, movies,
plays and TV. The more survivors, the
more lies that are told.”
The Republican Congressional
nominee hopes to counter Lipinsky’s
affiliation with the American Israel
Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). Jones
has also lashed out against the leading
Republican presidential nominees for
their support of Israel. “These warmongering fools in Congress like Rick
Santorum and Newt Gingrich and Mitt
Romney—we can’t let Iran have one
nuclear weapon but we let Israel have
all the nuclear weapons they want. This
is ridiculous,” he stated.
Jones’ official website alleges that
an “Israeli tank fired away at this statue
of the Blessed Virgin Mary on top of
the Catholic Church in Bethlehem
hitting her 69 times and in the process
mutilating her face and severing her
“This deliberate terrorist attack on
a Christian Church symbolizes the
extreme hatred of anti-Christ Israel for
Jesus Christ and His Blessed Mother,”
he asserts. “This is UNACCEPTABLE.
This cannot go on, but it is going
on -- subsidized by u.S. tax dollars.
And Israel is supposed to be our best
Mufti’s al-aksa visit raises islamist ire
by Gabe Kahn, Arutz Sheva
Al-Azhar students and political
activists in Egypt are calling for a
protest Friday in front of Al-Azhar’s
administrative office after Grand
Mufti Ali Gomaa made a rare visit to
Jerusalem April 18th. Al-Azhar students
protested Wednesday in front of the
Al-Azhar student residence building
for the same reason.
Gomaa’s visit was in honor of the
inauguration of the Imam Ghazali
chair of Islamic studies under the
auspices of the Jordanian Al-Bayt
Foundation. The spokesman for
Egypt’s powerful Muslim Brotherhood,
Mahmoud Ghozlan, told al-Arabiya
the visit was “very strange.” “Muslim
clerics have taken a position that
there is no visiting Jerusalem with
continued Israeli occupation,”
Ghozlan said. “He violated this
opinion of the majority of clerics.
Why, I don’t know.”
Abdel-Akher Hamad, the leader
of the more radical Al-Gamaa
al-Islamiyya, told the Associated
Press the visit was a “challenge”
Egypt’s top religious law expert. He
heads Dar al-Ifta, an advisory body
where Muslims go to seek a religious
opinion on anything from marriage
rituals to commercial dealings. As
the top government-appointed
cleric, Gomaa also provides the
state with religious opinions.
“This visit only endorses the
occupation,” Hamad said. “But the
country is going through a tough time
Dome of Al-Aksa Mosque
above the Western Wall
to the boycott. He said Gomaa
was “taking advantage” of Egypt’s
turbulent political scene to defy a
national position.
He called the mufti a holdover
from the era of ousted President
Hosni Mubarak and predicted Gomaa
would not last in his position after a
new president is elected. Gomaa was
appointed by Mubarak in 2003 to be
and it is not now that we should call
for his dismissal. After an elected
president, all these figures must be
Earlier during April, noted the
report, the Jordanian king’s halfbrother, Prince Hashim, paid a
similar visit to Jerusalem. Jordan’s
Interior Minister Mohammad Raud
also visited Jerusalem the same week
as Gomaa.
The Desert Holocaust Memorial
is located in the Palm Desert Civic
Center Park at San Pablo Avenue &
Fred Waring Drive.
residents and visitors are
encouraged to visit this moving
memorial, a place of remembrance
and monument of hope.
JCN • May 2012 • Iyar/Sivan 5772 • • 17
As we celebrate
roberta nyman
receiving the
International Lion
of Judah Women’s
Friedland Award for Roberta Nyman
her service to our
Jewish community,
we learn of long
time winter resident
frances horwich
being honored
with this prestigious
award out of her Frances Horwich
home community
of Chicago, and
another long time
winter resident
from Chicago,
Margie Kulp, has
just been elected
to the Women’s
Margie Kulp
National Board.
Mazel tov, mazel
tov! ... Mazel tov to
jacob frank, son of
debbie and richard
frank on his Bar
Mitzvah at Temple
Sinai on May 5 ...
Jacob Frank
Mazel tov to halle
Brown, daughter
of dana and Kevin
Brown on her Bat
Mitzvah at Temple
Isaiah on May 12
... Mazel tov to
evelyn Monetatchi,
Halle Brown
daughter of judith
Monetatchi, on
her Bat Mitzvah at
Temple Sinai on May
19 ... and Mazel tov
to Bryan johnson,
son of stacey and
K C jo h n s o n , o n
his Bar Mitzvah Evelyn Monetatchi
at Temple Isaiah
on May 26…Share
your Simchas with
us. Email Miriam
Bent at mhbentjcn@ or call
Bryan Johnson
PersOnaL assisTanT/PersOnaL
affairs ManaGer Excellent local
references. Bill paying, reconcile
bank statement, run errands, drive
to appointment. Computer help: MS
Office, QuickBooks, emails. Notary.
2 hours minimum. Trustworthy,
discreet, dependable. 760-4085260.
niCe jewish reaLTOrs: Please
call my son and daughter-in-law for
all your real estate needs. OY! They
are so smart and will get your home
sold! Call Jeff and Linda Brandt
at 760-578-5828; Realtors JL@;
Thank you, Ella Brandt.
KrisTine a. KaUfMan - seniOr
Care sPeCiaLisT. Driving for
appointments, shopping, dining,
etc; Errands such as groceries,
banking, etc; Bill paying and other
hadassah has tribute cards and miscellaneous tasks; companionship.
certificates for all occasions. Call R e f e r e n c e s ava i l a b l e . 2 - h o u r
760-636-0491. We also handle minimum 760-902-3490.
JNF Trees. Call 760-341-8355. For
information about joining one of our a niGhT Of OPera & BrOadwaY
6 desert groups call Cheryl Scarlett at Saturday, May 19th. 7 pm. Temple
Isaiah, 332 West Alejo Road, Palm
Springs. $25 members/$30 nonj f s e X P r e s s s e n i O r r i d e members. Call 760-325-2281 for
T r a n s P O r TaT i O n p r o g r a m tickets.
currently recruiting volunteer
drivers. Drivers use their own GeneraTiOns Of hOLOCaUsT
vehicles to provide rides for older sUrvivOrs: Children of Survivors
adults to personal and medical and interested individuals are invited
appointments. Hours are flexible. to meetings on the third Tuesday of
You choose who, when and where each month 4:00-5:30 pm at the
you drive with our convenient Tolerance Education Center, Rancho
scheduling system. Call Amber at Mirage. For further information
7 6 0 - 3 2 5 - 4 0 8 8 f o r m o r e p l e a s e c o n t a c t Je f f B ra n d t a t
PrivaTe TUTOr/TeaCher. Adults
and children. Learn beginning
Spanish or French. Help in all
academic subjects. Credentialed.
Wendy Friedman, M.A. 760-3296025.
TeMPLe sinai GifT shOP : One of
a kind and largest Judaica shop here
in the desert. For all your traditional
needs and unique gift items. Special
orders available. For information call
the Temple office at 760-568-9699.
jewish, GLBT and new to the
desert? Contact Burt Fogelman
at 760-328-1003 or burtonfog@ and get on the shalom
GLBT list/email blast. Activities
every one to two months.
Also, check out our Facebook
page and our new website:
w w w s h a l o m g aya n d l e s b i a n
har-eL Membership for 2012-13
year open now. See ad page 11. Fall
schedule of courses available. Call
760-779-1691 or email harelurj@
QUaLiTY COMPaniOn Care.
Pleasant and dependable. CPR
and first aid certified. Compression
stockings expertise. Can provide:
Transportation. Shopping. Errands.
Meal preparation. Light laundry.
Companionship. Member of Palm
Springs Jewish community since
1960. Please call Debra Warshaw
18 • JCN • May 2012 • Iyar/Sivan 5772 •
fOr saLe: single grave site at Home
of Peace Cemetery in Los Angeles.
Only $2500. Call Arthur Bishop, 760341-3453.
TraveLinG nOTarY PUBLiC for all
your Health, Financial and Real Estate
Documents. Available 7 Days. Ernest
Sussman (760) 408-9338
hOMe CaddY. Caregiver, cook,
light housekeeping. Have own
transportation. Prefer part time but can
work extra hours. Excellent references.
Suzanne. 760-325-5550.
Brandeis requests email addresses
of members to be able to send out
Brandeis’ Desert Bulletin – with all
activities, study groups and special
events – via the internet. Send to
Cecilia Cohen at cohencohenassoc@
dav i d ’ s C O n s T r U C T i O n
Conscientious licensed, insured,
b o n d e d , g e n e ra l c o n t ra c t o r.
Catering to all your home repair
needs. No job too small or big.
Room additions, remodeling, patio
covers, decks, carpentry, electrical,
plumbing, masonry, drywall,
cement, wood floors, tile, fences,
painting, sprinklers, landscaping,
swamp coolers, custom homes
and more. License #506-370.
760-671-4476 .
hiGhLY QUaLified, eXPerienCed
PersOnaL assisTanT. Let me
handle your bookkeeping, secretarial
services, correspondence, check
payments and bank reconciliations.
Trustworthy. Personable. Excellent
references. Call Barbara at 760-5676628.
Candle Lighting Times
May 4
May 11
May 18
May 25
May 26
May 27
Acharei Mot / Kedoshim
Behar / Bechukotai
Erev Shavuot
Second night Shavuot
6:50 pm
6:55 pm
7:01 pm
7:06 pm
After 8:31 pm
After 8:32 pm
We Mourn the Passing of...
shirley alpert, eve Bistrin, alvin Meyrowitz and Phyllis Lee
rothman. Our deepest sympathies to their families and friends.
Recipes for Shavuot
Peach Buttermilk Kugel (Dairy)
have a nosh with Miriam
By Miriam H. Bent
In honor of
Shavuot I am
giving you three
distinctly different
milchig (dairy)
dishes. The Peach
Buttermilk Kugel is
an unusually light
recipe, using just
buttermilk, not cream cheese, cottage cheese and
similar higher calorie ingredients. And even if
buttermilk is not a usual item in your home, the recipe calls for 3 cups, so
you will use most of the carton in the recipe! The Apple Pancake Puff is
incredibly easy to make and produces a spectacular brunch dish. Even the
Mock Cheesecake is lighter than the “real thing” although I will concede
the calories in the sweetened condensed milk, but it is a quick, easy,
creamy dessert. Hag samayach! Happy Shavuot! mhb.
apple Pancake Puff (Dairy)
2 apples, pared and thinly sliced
1/3 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup lemon juice
6 eggs
1-1/2 cups milk
1 cup flour
1/4 lb. butter or margarine
Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Coat apples in brown sugar/lemon juice
mixture. Blend eggs, milk and flour. (It’s OK if it is a bit lumpy. Do not
over beat) Melt butter/margarine in a 12” round quiche dish (or 9”
X 13” baking dish) in the oven. Lift apples from lemon/sugar mixture
onto the melted butter/margarine. Pour batter over. Pour any remaining
sugar/lemon mixture over. Bake at 425 degrees for 20 minutes, until
puffed and brown. Serve immediately.
1 teaspoon salt
8 oz. medium flat noodles
4 Tablespoons (half stick) unsalted butter
4 eggs
1/3 cup pure maple syrup
(if you like a sweeter kugel, use ½ cup)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3 cups well shaken buttermilk
1 cup (6 to 7 oz) dried peaches,
snipped into small pieces
5 or 6 medium, ripe peaches
(peel if peels are bitter), cut into wedges
1 teaspoon almond extract (optional)
¼ cup brown sugar
(more if peaches are not too sweet)
¼ cup all purpose flour
2 Tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into pieces
¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon salt
Boil 3 quarts water with the salt. Add noodles and cook until just tender. Drain well. Return noodles to
pot and add butter, stirring to melt. Meanwhile prepare a 9” X 13” pyrex dish by spraying with Pam or a
little butter. Add the noodles and set aside to cool.
In a large bowl mix together the eggs, maple syrup, vanilla extract and a pinch of salt. Add buttermilk
and stir until smooth and completely incorporated. Add dried peach pieces, breaking up clumps. Pour
over the noodles, cover with foil and refrigerate for at least 4 hours.
Preheat the oven to 325 degrees. Uncover and bake the kugel for 50 minutes. Meanwhile, cut the
fresh peaches into 8 wedges each. Toss with almond extract. In a small bowl crumble together the
brown sugar, flour, butter, cinnamon and salt until it resembles course meal. After the kugel has baked for
50 minutes, remove from oven and arrange peaches decoratively on top (draining off excess liquid). Top
with crumble and return to oven. Bake for an additional 40-50 minutes, until golden and bubbling. Let
stand for 30 minutes before cutting. Serve warm, reheating if necessary, or at room temperature.
Mock Cheesecake (Dairy)
1 15-oz. tin Eagle Brand Sweetened
condensed milk
4 eggs, divided
2 lemons, juice and rind
8 or 9 graham crackers, crushed
1 tablespoon sugar
2 tablespoons butter or margarine, melted
Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Prepare crust by combining graham cracker crumbs, sugar and
melted butter or margarine. Grease a spring form pan and line bottom and sides with crumbs.
Mix condensed milk with egg yolks and juice and rind of lemons. Beat whites until stiff and fold
in. Pour into prepared crust and bake about 50 to 60 minutes. Test with straw to determine if
What will your
legacy be?
As we reflect on our actions and accomplishments we wonder what the future
will bring for our families and for our Jewish community. What challenges will
our children and grandchildren face? What will be the fate of the State of Israel, of
Jews around the world? There’s something you can do right now that will make a
Create a Jewish legacy, and provide financial resources to keep the Jewish
community vibrant and strong for generations to come. Your permanent gift can help
keep alive the traditions and values you cherish. We have the tools to help you.
For more information contact Bruce Landgarten, Chief
Executive Officer, Jewish Federation of the Desert, at
760-324-4737 or
JCN • May 2012 • Iyar/Sivan 5772 • • 19
Order today!
Order your
A wonderful
A wonderfulto
New Year!
wish everyone
a Happy
Happy New
New Year!
New Year!
Order your ad today! Deadline August 7th.
Call Miriam Bent 760-323-0255, for
prices on custom and larger ads.