The Library Network Newsletter March 01, 2010


The Library Network Newsletter March 01, 2010
The Library Network Newsletter
March 01, 2010
Page 2 - Minutes - SAS Technical Services Committee Meeting - Wednesday, January 20th, 2010
Page 6 - Minutes - Technology Committee Meeting - Tuesday, February 16th, 2010
Page 10 - Basic Joomla Training with Eric Hayes
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Meeting minutes, Wednesday, January 20, 2010, The Library Network
CALL TO ORDER at 9:30 by Diana Cunningham (BRIT)
INTRODUCTIONS Those present introduced themselves and stated the library they
APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Approved by unanimous consent.
APPROVAL OF THE NOVEMBER 18, 2009 MINUTES Approved by unanimous consent.
BDBS REPORT During December BDBS cataloged a total of 4,049 items. In addition they
repaired 248 broken records, deleted 181, and answered 23 help desk questions. Finally, they
cataloged 276 items under contract for Waterford Schools.
Jim Flury (TLN) reported that the transition within BDBS and other areas of TLN is going very
well, and he commended the staff for their work and assistance in making the transition
successful. BDBS is keeping up with the work that comes in on a daily basis.
Next month, Jim will have an update on the retrospective conversion project.
SASUG REPORT [December 3 Meeting]
Vanessa Morris (RROU) reported that III demonstrated their Encore product. Only one SIRSI site
is currently live with Encore. Two more have signed up.
Highlights of Encore include:
“Did you mean” feature
Ability to e-mail and “Add to Cart” list—no current ability to place holds on a cart
Change language of catalog
Limit search results by language
Limit searches to images or articles from databases
Include local program information in catalog
The libraries joining MelCat will not go live December 7. All libraries except Chelsea will be on
Beta testing of Symphony 3.3.1 is ongoing to see if it will speed up response time in iBistro.
Revision D can be accessed at
There has been reorganization at TLN with BDBS, Acquisitions and Serials Control merged into
the new Technical Services Department. Jim Flury is the manager of Technical Services. Susan
Pritts is no longer with TLN.
Three retirements will take place: Irene Bakowski, Mike Craft and Pat Antonelli.
In addition to delivery changes, the Interlibrary Loan department has been suspended indefinitely.
Canton, Independence Township, Birmingham Baldwin and Farmington Hills joined the
WAN in October 2009.
Plymouth will join the WAN in January 2010.
Increases and improvements in circuit size for several libraries
Please use the correct color bands: white or orange. The orange will become mustard
soon because of a new vendor being selected for the bands.
Novi & Redford libraries both expire cards after one year. New profiles have been added
for these cards.
Libraries should only renew cards for 30 days if the patron doesn’t have their driver’s
license changed, but provides some other form of proof of identification and residency.
Do not place a period after senior, junior and Roman numeral designations. Also, make
sure that you use only Roman numerals.
Only enter the ALT ID field without spaces.
The Library Network Technology Plan, June 2008-2011, was presented for review.
Informal review, Follow-up, Next Steps
Royal Oak Township is the last library to participate in Subfield z training; the session is
scheduled with Janna Williamson this week.
The problem found recently regarding the linking of the current edition of the World Book
Encyclopedia was discussed. Corrections will be made. It was decided by the Committee that
Encyclopedias should be added as a category to the Subfield z Quick Guide.
Use of Subfield z guidelines is going pretty well as far as ease of use. Spacing errors are causing
some of the problems with Subfield z use. Extra care should be used to make sure that spacing
is correct.
Retrospective conversion (for Subfield z standards) is not being done as a project, just on
individual items/records as problems come up or new items and editions are linked. John Inman
can do some global changes, as requested.
Subfield z training will be included in future linking classes.
Question of whether further enhancements could be made to Symphony to make use of Subfield
z more automated. Not likely, because it would require approval by other Sirsi libraries, and is a
long, involved process.
WebCam Tutorial
Janna Williamson (TLN) is still planning to implement a WebCam tutorial of the Subfield z
training. Work on it will continue once all of the Subfield z training is completed.
Jim Flury (TLN) discussed the issues the Committee raised at the November meeting with
Brigette Felix (TLN). Her response to various issues follows.
Online documentation
Updated last summer, and remains an ongoing process.
Periodicals deletions
See page 55 of the Serials Manual.
MelCat deletions
Do not delete; check out to discard. Instructions are included in the MelCat
If a MelCat deletion doesn’t happen fast enough, then contact Brigette Felix. This
shouldn’t happen very often, as MelCat deletions are done weekly.
Jim Flury discussed other issues in regard to Brief Records. All processes and procedures
concerning brief records created for on-order links or quick processing are currently under review,
and will continue to be reviewed, so that an optimal balance can be reached and maintained.
Perhaps further training can be done, and short record training could be included in the Linking
Class. Purchase of additional vendor records is being considered as well.
Thank you letters have not yet been sent. Diana Cunningham (BRIT) will follow up and send
letters to directors to the host libraries of the Subfield z training sessions.
Short records—What’s Best?
Keep documentation updated
Add short records training, and advanced searching, in Linking classes
Purchase of additional vendor records
Discussion by the Committee as to whether this is a good idea.
Anne Neville (TLN) noted that the current recon project may not find/eliminate as many short
records as expected, because many of the records can’t be matched.
It was pointed out that success of matches, and the worth of record purchases, often depends on
the timing, or when in the process they are purchased (point of order or point of shipment of
Jim Flury (TLN) is in favor of the purchase of additional vendor records, especially for A/V
materials, and wants the Committee to review the idea. Jim is confident that by purchasing
additional vendor records, BDBS should be able to eliminate most of the duplicates problem. The
keys to successful implementation will be making sure that tags (especially the 024 field) and
match points are correct, and following load rules.
Jim further emphasized that the purchase will be worth it in order to streamline acquisition and
cataloging processes, and to clean up the database.
Anne Neville stressed that a cost-benefit analysis should be done, because much of the benefit
from record purchases will depend on how well vendor profiles are done.
Will TLN continue to edit records to the extent that they have in the past?
Processes and procedures are under review, and will continually be revised as needed.
A lot depends on budgets and demand by member libraries. Jim is gathering sample
records from vendors; the quality of the records will impact what needs to be done.
Some vendor records are available in OCLC. If BDBS purchases vendor records, is it a
duplication of expense?
No. TLN’s OCLC cost is billed by access time and per search.
Is it okay to submit OCLC requests one at a time instead of in a batch? Yes.
Does BDBS prefer to receive a vendor record with the OCLC number or the whole OCLC record?
Either is fine. BDBS needs the OCLC number and the title.
Where should day-to-day cataloging questions be sent? Send them to Janna Williamson.
Short Records:
Order Records/Requests: short records generated in the Acquisitions Module.
Catalog Records/Requests: short records created by other member libraries.
Loads may shift depending on which vendors are chosen to supply records.
Short record documentation and procedures will be reviewed and updated again.
The Committee gave approval for Jim Flury (TLN) to continue to gather vendor record
samples, and for Jim Flury and Janna Williamson to review the vendor samples and make
recommendations to the Committee for the purchase of additional vendor records.
Jim Flury will bring back the results to the Committee for the next meeting.
There is nothing else for the Committee to do to assist with this process at the present time.
However, additional issues and questions will have to be addressed in the future. Also, some
resulting changes may have to go to SASUG for final approval.
Diana Cunningham (BRIT) circulated a thank you letter from Susan Pritts to the Technical
Services Committee. Susan bid the Committee members farewell, thanked everyone for our time
of working together, and expressed her pride and gratitude for all that we were able to accomplish
in our short time of working together.
NEXT MEETING is scheduled for Wednesday, February 17, 2010 at Livonia Civic Center Library,
Michigan Room, at 10:00 a.m. Vanessa Morris volunteered to bring a laptop with the ability to
access Symphony.
ADJOURNMENT by unanimous approval. Meeting adjourned at 10:45 a.m.
Respectfully submitted, Mable Doot, Livonia Civic Center Library
In attendance: Diana Cunningham (BRIT), Tina Fleischmann (BRIT), Cheryl DeCovich (AUBN),
Jim Flury (TLN), Anne Neville (TLN), Vanessa Morris (RROU), Al Smitley (NORT), Lucie Smith
(CHEL), Pam Quackenbush (LYON), Wendy Teagan (NOVI), Kathryn Kraepel (SPRI), Becky
Barnhart-Eckerson (OXFD), Janna Williamson (TLN), Sue LaBenne (TLN), Randi Mewhorter
(TLN), Mable Doot (LVCC).
TLN Technology Committee Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Northville District Library
1. Usual Business:
1.1 Order and Approvals
Meeting called to order at 9:45am
Agenda for February 16, 2010 Approved
Minutes from January 19, 2010 Approved
1.2 TLN Update
TLN 1. Router and Switch Purchase
Adam is finalizing the configurations on the routers and switches
Libraries will be contacted within the next 2 weeks to schedule site visits within the next
month. TLN has requested volunteers for during-the-day swaps, if possible, rather than
off-hours and weekends. Please let TLN know if swaps during regular business hours are
a possibility.
The goal is to have all equipment installed by April 1, 2010
TLN 2. Stimulus Grant Award - Round 1
25 TLN libraries received stimulus grant monies. It was specific to Oakland County
libraries only.
TLN is coordinating equipment purchases for libraries wishing to take advantage of the
volume discount.
TLN received grant monies also for purchasing laptops for a mobile lab.
TLN 3. Stimulus Grants - Round 2
Conference Call, Feb 19, 1-2pm for any interested Oakland County libraries that did not
participate in Round 1
TLN 4. Quarterly Bulk Purchase Order
Flashdrive, earbud, and headphone order due by March 2
Dell e-quotes due March 1
2010 schedule will change. Some items will be ordered less frequently. New items are
being considered (for example, firewalls).
1.3 Announcements & Upcoming Events
Basic Joomla Training will be held on March 18 @ Plymouth District Library. Watch
the Tech Comm mailing list for details.
2. Discussion Topics
2.1 TLN Technology Services and Products Presentation
See attached slides (attachment 1) for the presentation and list of available services
Survey for Tech Comm Members is also attached (attachment 2) to gauge interest in
new technology offerings
Note 1: Virtual Reference Statistic can be viewed here:
2.2 Licensing for the New User Tutorial
Committee agreed to adopt Creative Commons licensing model for the New User
Tutorial (a.k.a. "The NUT").
View the tutorial here:
2.3 Searchpath/Tutorial Review:
UPDATE (2/16): A request was motioned to find out if area libraries are using
Searchpath is a tutorial for using Information Resources.
Member libraries are encouraged to see if Searchpath would be of benefit.
Current state of Searchpath is "abandonware". It has not received a major update since
Some of the Flash content runs too fast for viewing on modern processors
3. Sub-Committee Updates
3.1 Video Conferencing Committee
Andy Halicki is the new TLN lead for the video conferencing project.
Sub-committee also includes Waterford, Brighton, and Novi
Committee has already met with Merit and various resellers and information
consolidation is in progress
Future meetings upcoming
4. Sharing Resources
4.1 Security Issues
Microsoft's Bulletins for February:
As submitted monthly to the Tech Comm list by Andrew (WATE). Thanks!
4.2 Tech Tips:
Rolling Laptop Carts (from Tech Comm Mailing List): "Bretford Basics":
File Recovery (as asked on Mailing List):
o Bad Copy Pro
o FlopShow:
o PhotoRec and TestDisk (open source):
o Recuva (free):
o Restoration (free):
o SpinRite:
4.3 Web Sites Worth a Look
Northville District Library (Our Host):
Downloadable versions of the TLN presentation and survey:
Virtual Reference statistics:
TLN New User Tutorial:
TLN Searchpath:
Hyper-V: or
Windows Azure:
4.4 Library Tour
Meeting was adjourned at 11:45am
Next meeting: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 at 9:30am
Location: Rochester Hills
Submitted by Gary Oke, WTLD
Ron Andrews, Chelsea (CHEL)
Jeremy Chevalies, Ypsilanti (YDL)
Tolan Danko, Saline (SDL)
Cheryl DeCovich, Auburn Hills (AUBN)
Frank Ferguson, Plymouth
Gerald Furi, Farmington
Andy Halicki, The Library Network (TLN)
John Hart, Baldwin, (BPL)
Eric Hayes, Royal Oak, ROPL
Garrett Hungerford, Salem-South Lyon (SLYN)
Dan Hutchins, Pontiac (PONT)
Andy Johanesen, Chelsea (CHEL)
Renae Keelerr, Oakland County
Adam Killeen, The Library Network (TLN)
Emily Kleszez, Dearborn Heights (DHTN)
John MacDonald, Wayne (WAYN)
Lee Martin, Dexter (DDL)
Michael McEvoy, Northville (NORT)
Angie Michelini, The Library Network (TLN)
Andrew Mutch, Waterford (WATE)
Marj O'Donnel, LTPL (Lyon)
Gary Oke, Westland (WTLD)
Barb Rutkowski, Novi (NOVI)
Shery L Schumacher, Walled Lake (WALL)
Ben Sebrowski, Commerce (COMM)
Martin Smith, Redford (REDF)
Becky Willemsec, Madison Heights (MDHT)
Donna Winter, Livonia (LVCC)
Basic Joomla Training
presented by the TLN Technology Committee
with Eric Hayes, IT Coordinator/Webmaster @ Royal Oak Public Library
Plymouth District Library
223 S Main St
Plymouth, MI 48170
(734) 453-0750
Thursday, March 18, 2010
9:30am to 11:30am
Join us at Plymouth District Library for a Basic Joomla Training class. This class will help familiarize your staff with using
the Joomla Content Management System to effectively present your Library website.
12 workstations will be available for the class. The first 12 who sign up will have priority access to the provided
equipment. We will be using “MovAMP” to provide a completely autonomous Joomla training environment for all who
Your trainer for the event is Eric Hayes, IT Coordinator and Webmaster for Royal Oak Public Library. ROPL recently
released the latest version of their website, which runs on Joomla. The class will last approximately 2 hours.
You may RSVP for this event by sending email to Michael McEvoy, Chair of the TLN Technology Committee at OR by completing the form below. Please specify who will be attending, and whether or
not a laptop will be required.
Please RSVP by Thursday, March 11, 2010.
NAME (s):
(Please circle one)
If using form, mail to: Northville District Library, 212 W. Cady St, Northville, MI 48167 OR
fax to: (248) 3492-8250, ATTN: Michael McEvoy OR
via TLN Delivery to: NORT #13, ATTN: Michael McEvoy