Kolding5.83 MB - Kolding Kommune


Kolding5.83 MB - Kolding Kommune
For people who recentlig have moved to Kolding
Welcome to
the Municipality
of Kolding
Kolding Kommune
By- og udviklingsforvaltningen
Dear new citizen
Welcome to the municipality of Kolding
Register for the bus-tour at:
- a nice place to live and a place where de-
sign, culture, history, nature and sports make
Please write “welcome tour” in the subject line
people and companies thrive and grow.
and mention the names of all the participants.
On www.kolding.dk/tilflytter you will find
I would like to welcome you to our municipali-
the date for the next bus- tour.
ty by inviting you free of charge to some of the
You can see the tour program at the last page
cultural activities and leisure time events that
of this brochure.
we are so proud to have.
It would be a pleasure for me to show you the
municipality, so please participate in one of
our three annual bus-tours. We will show you
a selection of the cultural and historical peaks
in the municipality, as well as some of our
most extensive development-projects.
to the municipality
til Kolding Kommune
of Kolding
Most information can be found
on the website
Our ambition, in all relations, is to render good
Kolding Libraries
service to everyone in all situations, whatever
The library is a modern cultural centre – a
the need may be.
place to meet and study and a place where
social networks can start or keep growing.
At our website www.kolding.dk you can
Join the Winterbookscafé, the Crimebook-
read about our various services.
club or one of the others readers-clubs. Meet
Here you will also find information about our
others with an interest for music, listen and
office hours, and what to explore in your new
talk about the music in the Listeners-clubs.
Come to the cinema, the theater or maybe
The website also provides access to the di-
an exhibition together with the others in the
gital self-service solutions where you, among
other things, can: Notify the authorities of a
change of address, chance doctor or register
Watch www.koldingbib.dk or ask at the
your child in day care.
library for information.
At www.oplevkolding.dk you will find a lot
Kolding Libraries
of inspiration for things to do in Kolding in
Slotssøvejen 4
your sparetime.
6000 Kolding
Kolding Kommune
By- og udviklingsforvaltningen
Explore Kolding free of charge
- See some of Koldings most impressive attractions below, and please feel free
to take this pamphlet with you and use the free admission tickets
Nicolai for børn
Nicolai for children
Genforenings- og Grænsemuseet
The Reunion and Border Museum
Visit the culture house, Nicolai for children, in-
Learn the history about the Reunion of North
tended for children aged 2-12 years and their
Schleswig and Denmark, when our King
grown ups. Enjoy fun and exiting acitivities
Christian X crossed the old border in 1920
and a lot of room for playing. In addition to
riding on his white horse. See the special
this Nicolai for children arranges concerts for
exhibition "Southern Jutland at War" and take
families and childrens theater performances.
a walk on the newly established border-path.
Please read more about upcoming events on
1 free visit for the whole family
(by showing this brochure).
1 free visit for the whole family
(by showing this brochure).
Opening hours:
Opening hours:
10 a.m.-5 p.m.
9 a.m.-4 p.m.
5th-8th April
Saturday-Sunday 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
1st-31st July
Opening hours - vacasions:
Open all weekends in September
In the school vacations in winther, at easter,
Week 42Autumn vacation
in summer, and in autumn the house is open
every day from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Genforenings- og
Nicolai for børn
Grænsemuseet, Koldingvej 52
Skolegade 2C, 6000 Kolding
Taps, 6070 Christiansfeld
Welcome to the municipality of Kolding
The Music venue "Godset"
The regional music venue, Godset, won the
Dansk Sygeplejehistorisk Museum
The Danish Nursing History Museum
title "Best Music Venue of the Year 2011". God-
Experience the history of patients and nur-
set is situated in the former freight terminal of
sing in Kolding in the past 100 years. See the
Kolding. The purpose of creating this music
authentic buildings and surroundings, where
venue is to promote rhythmical music and
the museum is situated as part of Denmarks
other cultural acitivities. In addition to this there
first Christmas Seal Sanatorium for children
are 12 practice rooms available for band and
suffering from tuberculosis.
The association, Rock'In House is the biggest
Free admission for 2 persons
organizer of concerts at Godset and offers
(by showing this brochure).
newcomers a family visit to a "SpotON-concert". Please write to clho@kolding.dk for infor-
Opening hours:
mation regarding the next "SpotON-concert"
Tuesday-Sunday 11 a.m.-4 p.m.
with free entrance.
1 free visit for the whole family
(by showing this brochure).
NB: It is not possible to make reservations
when using this entrance ticket. Admission is
subject to availability.
Dansk Sygeplejehistorisk Museum
Jens Holmsvej 5, 6000 Kolding
Fjordvej 152, 6000 Kolding
Kolding Kommune
By- og udviklingsforvaltningen
Art Museum Trapholt
Nicolai Scene
The only museum in Denmark with visual
This music venue at Nicolai complex is called
art, handicraft as well as design. You will see
Nicolai Scene. Every season we present a
both Danish and international special exhi-
high quality program with a variety of profes-
bitions. Enjoy your lunch and the impressing
sional chamber music and choir concerts.
view over Kolding Fjord in the café. The de-
Please see our concert program at
sign store offers a large selection of unique
Free admission for 2 persons
Free admission + coffee
(Valid for concerts arranged by Nicolai)
for 2 persons
(by showing this brochure. People under the
For ticket service please call:
age of 18 are admitted free of charge).
+45 7979 1034 or email: jonhe@kolding.dk
Opening hours:
Tuesday-Sunday 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
10 a.m.-10 p.m.
Æblehaven 23, 6000 Kolding
Skolegade 2, 6000 Kolding
to the municipality
til Kolding Kommune
of Kolding
The Museum of Agriculture
The Castle Koldinghus
Visit the city’s old Royal castle that was built
Experience Danish farming culture - from the
in the 13th century. The castle was burned
wheel plough to the combine harvester. You
down in 1808 but was award winningly re-
can also see tools and machines from hou-
stored in the 1980’s. Go explore the unique
seholds and trades which were connected to
international special exhibitions or take a look
at the country’s largest collection of modern
Danish silver.
Free admission for 2 persons
(by showing this brochure).
Free admission for 2 persons
(by showing this brochure).
Opening hours:
From 1st May through week 42:
Opening hours:
Monday-Sunday 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
2-5 p.m.
Saturday2-5 p.m.
Closed on:
24th, 25th, 31st December
and 1st January
Brødsgårdsvej 52, 6000 Kolding
Markdanersgade 11, 6000 Kolding
Kolding Kommune
By- og udviklingsforvaltningen
Den Geografiske Have
The Geographical Garden
Mungo Park Kolding
Mungo Park Kolding is a repertory and
Enjoy thousands of roses, herbs, animal
ensemble theatre that produces 2-3 new
pens', bird’s aviaries, the dangerous jungle
performances every year. The theatre’s own
paths and lots of other explorations in the 12
productions are Danish drama often inspired
hectares botanical garden where the plants
by the local area.
are divided by region of origin. Take a look
at the impressing mini town, still growing to
Despite the own productions the theatre also
become the city of Kolding back in 1860-70.
presents a number of guest performances
Have a picnic in the greenhouse all covered
and other events such as debate meetings,
with beautiful camellias or in one of the in-
conversation saloons and much more.
spirational gardens. At the website www.
geografiskhave.dk you will find more than
1 free visit for the whole family
100 yearly events.
For ticket service please call:
+45 2971 0000 or email:
1 free visit for the whole family
(by showing this brochure).
Opening hours:
From 1st of May – 1st of September
Geografisk Have
Mungo Park Kolding
Chr. 4´s Vej 23, 6000 Kolding
Fredericiagade 1, 6000 Kolding
to the municipality
til Kolding Kommune
of Kolding
The Christiansfeld Centre
Go to Christiansfeld and experience the city
Slotssøbadet - The swimming and
wellness facility
which in 2015 was appointet with UNESCO
Come and visit Koldings enormous and wet
World Heritage status. Bring your family on a
playground with a hot water pool, watersli-
guided tour around the city. Please register
des, steambath and babypool.
by contacting The Christiansfeld Centre.
1 free visit for the whole family
1 free city tour for the whole family
(by showing this brochure).
(By showing this brochure)
Valid for 6 months)
On our website www.christiansfeldcen-
Opening hours:
tret.dk you can stay updated on what hap-
Visit ww.ssbad.dk
pens in Christiansfeld.
Welcome to this unique and historical city of
Christiansfeld Centret
Nørregade 12, 6070 Christiansfeld
Hospitalsgade 16, 6000 Kolding
Kolding Kommune
By- og udviklingsforvaltningen
KIF Kolding København
Nicolai Cinema and Café
The best and most winning Danish handball
Nicolai Cinema and Café is an art cinema in
team through all times. The team will play
the centre of Kolding using the newest digital
some of their home matches at SYDBANK
equipment such as 3D. We are showing a vari-
Arena in Kolding.
ety of interesting movies from all over the wor-
On the website www.kif.dk you can see
ld; from drama and action to documentaries.
when they are playing.
1 free visit for the whole family
1 free visit for the whole family
(by showing this brochure. Does not include
(by showing this brochure).
special events).
To register please email: dp@kif.dk and note
In August and September we will show movies
which match you wish to see.
outside on the terrace after dark.
The offer is valid to all the preliminary mat-
Check out our program at
ches played in Kolding. We accept no liability
www.nicolaibio.dk or follow us
for any sold-out matches.
on Facebook.
Nicolai Biograf og Café
Ambolten 2-6, 6000 Kolding
Skolegade 2A, 6000 Kolding
Welcome to the municipality of Kolding
The Program for the bus-tour
The two-hour bus-tour will depart and return from Akseltorv, Kolding Centre. The mayor will
usually guide the bus-tour, but an officially errand can unfortunately prevent him.
During the bus-tour there will only be one stop with the possibility to alight.
Refreshments will be provided. The date for the next bus-tour can be seen on:
www.kolding.dk/bustur (bus-tour).
Completed before extradition
Household consists of number of adults
Number of children below the age og 18
The discounts are valid for 1 year
(unless otherwise is specified) from date
Issued by
Welcome to the municipality of Kolding
Kolding Kommune
Phone 7979 7979