PIANC 125th Anniversary Celebration in Asia Masataka SHIOZAKI
PIANC 125th Anniversary Celebration in Asia Masataka SHIOZAKI
Title: PIANC 125th Anniversary Celebration in Asia Masataka SHIOZAKI Director of the International and Environmental Division, Ports and Harbours Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) PIANC 125th Anniversary Celebration in ASIA, Nagoya JAPAN 12-14 September 2010 PIANC 125th Anniversary Celebration in ASIA, Nagoya JAPAN 12-14 September 2010 Comparison of GDP & Population EU27 17 Tri USD 17 Tri USD 462Mi 497 Mi Asia (JPN, CHN, NIEs3 & ASEAN) Nominal Population (2010) GDP (2010) 2,125 Mi Nominal Population (2010) GDP (2010) 13 Tri USD Nominal Population (2010) GDP (2010) Reference: IMF “World Economic Outlook Database” UN “World Population Prospect” 1 PIANC 125th Anniversary Celebration in ASIA, Nagoya JAPAN 12-14 September 2010 Container Throughputs in Asia 5.0 100 Mi TEU 4.8 Maritime Container Throughput 4.5 4.3 3.9 4.0 World 160 Mi TEU x 481 Mi TEU 3.5 JPN 11 Mi TEU x 19 Mi TEU 3.0 Asia 58 Mi TEU x 216 Mi TEU Others 3.5 Europe 3.0 2.8 2.3 2.5 North America 2.4 2.0 2.0 1.5 1.0 1.3 0.86 0.94 1.0 1.4 1.6 1.7 ASIA 1.1 0.5 0.0 '90 '91 '92 1.5 JPN '93 '94 '95 Asian Ports 58 Mi TEU '96 '97 '98 '99 '00 '01 '02 Asian Ports 216 Mi TEU '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 Containerisation International Yearbook(The National Magazine Co.Ltd) ○Asia Korea, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia ○North America America and Canada ○Europe UK, Netherland, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, France, Greece, Ireland, Sweden, Finland and Denmark 2 2 PIANC 125th Anniversary Celebration in ASIA, Nagoya JAPAN 12-14 September 2010 General Program (Tentative) 10 September 2010 (Fri) All day RecCom Meeting 11 September 2010 (Sat) All day ExCom Meeting 12 September 2010 (Sun) AM Opening Ceremony PM International Seminar 1 13 September 2010 (Mon) AM International Seminar 2 PM Council Meeting 14 September 2010 (Tue) All day Technical / Cultural Tour 15 September 2010 (Wed) Optional Tours 3 PIANC 125th Anniversary Celebration in ASIA, Nagoya JAPAN 12-14 September 2010 Opening Ceremony Program (Tentative): Opening Remarks Congratulatory Address Introduction of the theme of the entire event Keynote Speech (Mr. Eric Van den Eede, President of PIANC) Closing Remarks His Imperial Highness At the 27th PIANC Congress The THAMES as HIGHWAY 4 PIANC 125th Anniversary Celebration in ASIA, Nagoya JAPAN 12-14 September 2010 International Seminar Theme: Coastal and Inland Waterborne Transport and Regional Development Presentations 1)Mr. Ian White, InCom Chair, PIANC 2) Mr. Tran Thi Tuyet Mai Anh, Vice Director, Department of International Cooperation, Vietnam Maritime Administration, Socialist Republic of Viet Nam 3) Mr. Ros SOPHORNNA, Deputy Director, Department of Waterway, Ministry of Public Works and Transport, Kingdom of Cambodia 4) From Lao People's Democratic Republic 5) Mr. Park Jun Kwon, Director of Port Policy Division, Port Development Policy Bureau, MLTM, Republic of Korea 6) From People's Republic of China 7) Dr. Yasuhiro AKAKURA, Director of Port Planning Division, National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management, JAPAN 5 PIANC 125th Anniversary Celebration in ASIA, Nagoya JAPAN 12-14 September 2010 International Seminar Theme: Dredging & Environment Presentations 1) Mr. Harald KöTHE, EnviCom Chair, PIANC 2) Mr. Geoffroy CAUDE, MarCom Chair, PIANC 3) Prof. Kisaburo NAKATA, School of Marine Science and Technology, Tokai University, Japan 4) Dr. Gil Lim YOON, Senior researcher, Coastal harbor engineering Lab, Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute (KORDI), Republic of Korea 5) From People's Republic of China 6) Mr. Richard Jose LINO, President Director, PT Pelindo II, Republic of Indonesia 6 PIANC 125th Anniversary Celebration in ASIA, Nagoya JAPAN 12-14 September 2010 Nagoya, JAPAN: Venue of the Event The Westin Nagoya Castle Hotel, Nagoya JAPAN KYOTO TOKYO NAGOYA The Westin Nagoya Castle Hotel is located beside the Nagoya Castle moat in the city center. The Hotel is approximately 10mins by car from JR Nagoya Station. Central Japan International Airport (Centrair) is a 30-minute train ride from JR Nagoya Station. 7 PIANC 125th Anniversary Celebration in ASIA, Nagoya JAPAN 12-14 September 2010 Nagoya: the center of manufacturing industry in Japan NAGOYA CITY TOYOTA Head Office 8 PIANC 125th Anniversary Celebration in ASIA, Nagoya JAPAN 12-14 September 2010 Nagoya: the center of manufacturing industry in Japan NAGOYA CITY Nippon Steel Corporation Nagoya Works 9 PIANC 125th Anniversary Celebration in ASIA, Nagoya JAPAN 12-14 September 2010 Nagoya: the center of manufacturing industry in Japan NAGOYA CITY Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Nagoya Aerospace Systems Works 10 PIANC 125th Anniversary Celebration in ASIA, Nagoya JAPAN 12-14 September 2010 Atsuta-Jingu shrine 11 PIANC 125th Anniversary Celebration in ASIA, Nagoya JAPAN 12-14 September 2010 Beautiful “Mingei (Folkcrafts)” around Nagoya MINO WARE TOKONAME WARE NAGOYA CITY SETO WARE IGA BRAIDED CORD 20km 12 12 PIANC 125th Anniversary Celebration in ASIA, Nagoya JAPAN 12-14 September 2010 Nagoya castle 13 PIANC 125th Anniversary Celebration in ASIA, Nagoya JAPAN 12-14 September 2010 Extend your journey to….. Historic Village of Shirakawago (The World Heritage) (about 3h drive from Nagoya) 14 PIANC 125th Anniversary Celebration in ASIA, Nagoya JAPAN 12-14 September 2010 For more information, please contact the address below http://www.congre.co.jp/pianc125/ e-mail; asia-125th@pianc-jp.org PORTAN MEETAN “PORTAN” and “MEETAN” the mascots of the Port of Nagoya are waiting for you. 15
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