CEDA Annual Report 2013 - Central Dredging Association
CEDA Annual Report 2013 - Central Dredging Association
CEDA Annual Report 2013 www.dredging.org CEDA Annual Report 2013 3DJH MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT AND THE GENERAL MANAGER Message from the President and the General Manager 1 About CEDA 2 Dear Reader, Membership 3 National Sections 5 Last year was incredibly busy and very successful for us, and it was also a year when we passed a number of important milestones. Events 12 Services 22 Publications In the focus: WODA Principles of Sustainable Dredging 29 CEDA Working Groups Monitoring and Adaptive Management 31 Special Features: The Dredging Debate London Convention Dredged Material Guidelines 32 33 Commissions 34 Finances 28 Objectives for 2014 39 Organisation 39 CEDA Volunteers 41 Thank you 44 Corporate Members of CEDA 45 The highlight of 2013 was the memorable and very successful WODCON XX that we organised for the worldwide dredging community. Attended by 474 delegates from 31 countries, the congress featured 95 peer-reviewed technical presentations. These presentations, along with the exhibition and the Anna Csiti, Anders Jensen, CEDA technical visits, were testament to the innovation General Manager President and creativity of the dredging sector. The social and partner programmes were of the highest quality. Our host city, Brussels, the congress centre and the venues for the social functions were all exemplary. We were delighted by the enthusiastic feedback ZHUHFHLYHGIURPWKHSDUWLFLSDQWVZKRZHUHOLEHUDOLQWKHLUXVHRIWKHZRUGV³PDJQL¿FHQW´³DPD]LQJ´ DQG³IDQWDVWLF´2UJDQLVLQJ:2'&21;;ZDVDGHPDQGLQJWDVNDQGPHDQWDORWRIZRUNIRUPDQ\ people, but there is absolutely no doubt that it was worth the effort. :HFHOHEUDWHGWKLVRXUWK:2'&21ZLWKDVKRUWVOLGHVKRZKLJKOLJKWLQJVFHQHVIURP\HDUVRI :2'&21VJRLQJDOOWKHZD\EDFNWR:2'&21,LQLQ1HZ<RUNWRJHWKHUZLWKPDMRUSURMHFWV and memorable technological achievements. :2'&21;;DOVRPDUNHGWKHDGRSWLRQRIWKH:2'$3ULQFLSOHVRI6XVWDLQDEOH'UHGJLQJDVWDWHPHQW RQVWFHQWXU\GUHGJLQJSUDFWLFHDJUHHGE\&('$($'$DQG:('$WKHWKUHHDVVRFLDWLRQVWKDWIRUP WODA. The principles capture the common values to which each association subscribes, emphasising WKHQHHGWRZRUNLQKDUPRQ\ZLWKQDWXUDOSURFHVVHVDQGWKHVLWHVSHFL¿FFKDUDFWHULVWLFVRIHFRV\VWHPV With these principles, our organisations can demonstrate that their driving force is achieving goals for the environment and for prosperity by promoting and organising active collaboration, exchange of views and use of the best available knowledge. /HVVWKDQ¿YHPRQWKVDIWHU:2'&21HQGHGZHVWDJHGRXUQH[WLQWHUQDWLRQDOHYHQWCEDA Forum 2013,WFRYHUHGWZRLPSRUWDQWVSHFLDOLVWVXEMHFWVZRUNLQJXQGHUH[RWLFFLUFXPVWDQFHVZLWKDIRFXVRQ WKH$UFWLFDQGWKHOHVVRQVOHDUQHGIURPGHVLJQLQJDQGH[HFXWLQJODUJHPDULQHLQIUDVWUXFWXUHSURMHFWVLQ FRPSOLDQFHZLWKWKH(8+DELWDWV'LUHFWLYH0DQ\PHPEHUVKDGEHHQDVNLQJIRUPRUHGLVFXVVLRQWLPH so the Forum was designed to engage delegates and maximise the sharing of knowledge.The case-led workshop in which delegates worked in small groups proved a real hit. This was an experiment and a most successful one. We will certainly repeat the format in the future. :H SXEOLVKHG WZR VLJQL¿FDQW SDSHUV WODA Technical Guidance on Underwater Sound in Relation to Dredging and the CEDA Information Paper on Ecosystem Services and Dredging and Marine Construction. They were produced by international groups whose members, scientists and practitioners, encompass a broad spectrum of expertise, representing knowledge institutes, government, manufacturers, ports and contractors. These documents summarise state-of-the-art knowledge, offer NH\UHFRPPHQGDWLRQVDQGDUHHVVHQWLDOUHDGLQJRQWKHLUUHVSHFWLYHVXEMHFWV www.dredging.org CEDA Annual Report 2013 3DJH Last year we started a programme of webinars so that distant members could participate in knowledge-sharing. A combination of ‘web’ and ‘seminar’, the word webinar represents a very VSHFL¿FNLQGRIVHVVLRQ3DUWLFLSDQWVFDQDWWHQGDZHELQDUULJKWDWWKHLUGHVNZLWKRXWQHHGLQJWR travel. They can engage with the speaker by typing questions into a question box and can view the UHFRUGHGHYHQWDWDQ\WLPH:HZHUHWKULOOHGWROHDUQWKDWXQLYHUVLW\VWXGHQWVLQ6W3HWHUVEXUJ Russia, came together in the classroom to follow one of the webinars. This is exactly what we had in PLQGZKHQZHVWDUWHGWKLVSURJUDPPH,QOLJKWRIVRPHYHU\HQFRXUDJLQJIHHGEDFNZHZLOOSXUVXH this programme with even more vigour. Another exciting project that we started....... )LYH \HDUV DJR WKH &('$ %RDUG RI 'LUHFWRUV DGRSWHG CEDA Strategy 2009, dubbed ‘The way ahead’. This new commitment to strategic planning helps us focus on actions and initiatives that HQVXUHZHFDQJURZGHYHORSDQGVWD\UHOHYDQWZKLOHUHPDLQLQJ¿VFDOO\VRXQG$WDEUDLQVWRUPLQJ VWUDWHJ\ZRUNVKRSODVW\HDUZHVWDUWHGZRUNRQGHVLJQLQJ&('$¶VVWUDWHJ\IRUWKHQH[W¿YH\HDUV The workshop delivered many interesting ideas and in 2014 we will crystalise and convert them into a strategy. $QRWKHUH[FLWLQJSURMHFWWKDWZHVWDUWHGLQWKHSDVW\HDULVWKHFUHDWLRQRIDnew book on sustainable dredging:HZLOOGRWKLVLQFROODERUDWLRQZLWKWKH,QWHUQDWLRQDO$VVRFLDWLRQRI'UHGJLQJ&RPSDQLHV ,$'& MXVW DV ZH GLG ZLWK WKH ERRN (QYLURQPHQWDO $VSHFWV RI 'UHGJLQJ SXEOLVKHG LQ $OWKRXJKZHDUHJRLQJWREXLOGRQWKHZRUNWKHQHZERRNZLOOEHPRUHWKDQMXVWDQXSGDWH,W ZLOOKDYHDGLIIHUHQWVFRSHDUHYLVHGVWUXFWXUHDQGIUHVKFRQWHQWUHÀHFWLQJRXUFXUUHQWNQRZOHGJH and understanding. 0XFKPRUHKDSSHQHGLQWKH\HDUWKDWZHFDQORRNEDFNRQZLWKSULGHDV\RXZLOOGLVFRYHULQWKLV UHSRUW:HZRXOGOLNHWRPHQWLRQVRPHSDUWLFXODUPLOHVWRQHVKRZHYHU+HDGLQJWKHOLVWEHORZLV DQ HYHQW WKDW ZDV FHOHEUDWHG ZLWK DQ LQWHUHVWLQJ URXQG WDEOH GLVFXVVLRQ RQ WRSLFDO VXEMHFWV ZLWK SURPLQHQW¿JXUHVRIWKHGUHGJLQJFRPPXQLW\RQWKHSDQHOWKHRWKHUVZHUHDOVRFDXVHIRUFHOHEUDWLRQ • The 25th anniversary of the Belgian Section • The 50th meeting of the CEDA Environment Commission • The 35th anniversary of CEDA )LQDOO\ ZH WKDQN WKH PDQ\ &('$ PHPEHUV ZKR NLQGO\ YROXQWHHUHG WKHLU WLPH ZRUWK PDQ\ thousands of valuable engineering hours - and who worked with enthusiasm and dedication on various committees and task groups or as technical representatives of our association. Thanks are DOVRGXHWRWKHLUHPSOR\HUVZKRHQGRUVHGWKHLUZRUNIRU&('$ Anders Jensen CEDA President Anna Csiti General Manager ABOUT CEDA CEDA Secretariat 9LVLWLQJDQGSRVWDODGGUHVV Radex Building Rotterdamseweg 183c +''HOIW 7KH1HWKHUODQGV 3KRQH )D[ ceda@dredging.org www.dredging.org 7KH &HQWUDO 'UHGJLQJ $VVRFLDWLRQ &('$ LV DQ LQWHUQDWLRQDOO\ UHFRJQLVHG LQGHSHQGHQW SURIHVVLRQDO DVVRFLDWLRQ ,W LV DQ HDV\WRDFFHVV OHDGLQJ SODWIRUP IRU WKH H[FKDQJH RI NQRZOHGJH DQG DQ DXWKRULWDWLYH UHIHUHQFH SRLQW IRU LPSDUWLDO WHFKQLFDO LQIRUPDWLRQ 6WURQJO\ UHFRPPHQGLQJ ZRUNLQJZLWKQDWXUH&('$DFWLYHO\VWULYHVWRFRQWULEXWHWRZDUGVVXVWDLQDEOHGHYHORSPHQW&('$ members are corporations, professionals and stakeholders involved in a diversity of activities related to dredging and marine construction. Mission &('$¶V PLVVLRQ LV WR EH DQ LQGHSHQGHQW HDV\WRDFFHVV OHDGLQJ SODWIRUP IRU FRUSRUDWLRQV professionals and stakeholders involved in any kind of activity related to dredging and marine FRQVWUXFWLRQ7KURXJK&('$¶VSURJUDPPHVSURGXFWVDQGVHUYLFHVWRPHPEHUVLWDLPVWRDGYDQFH SURIHVVLRQDOGHYHORSPHQWDQGFRUSRUDWHDQGSHUVRQDOVXFFHVV,WIRVWHUVWHFKQRORJLFDOLQQRYDWLRQ and advances in best practice. www.dredging.org 3DJH CEDA Annual Report 2013 Vision &('$¶V YLVLRQ LV WR EH HVVHQWLDO WR FRUSRUDWLRQV SURIHVVLRQDOV DQG VWDNHKROGHUV LQ WKH ¿HOGV RI dredging and marine construction and to be universally recognised for its professional expertise and balanced, impartial views. Position &('$LVSDUWRIWKH:RUOG2UJDQLVDWLRQRI'UHGJLQJ$VVRFLDWLRQV:2'$DQGLVUHVSRQVLEOHIRU (XURSH$IULFD DQG WKH 0LGGOH (DVW &('$¶V WZR VLVWHU DVVRFLDWLRQV :('$ :HVWHUQ 'UHGJLQJ $VVRFLDWLRQDQG($'$(DVWHUQ'UHGJLQJ$VVRFLDWLRQVHUYHWKH$PHULFDVDQG$VLD$XVWUDOLDDQG WKH3DFL¿FUHJLRQUHVSHFWLYHO\ A number of international and national organisations, both professional and trade, operate in dredging DQGUHODWHG¿HOGV7KHJUDSKLFEHORZVKRZVWKRVHLQWHUQDWLRQDORUJDQLVDWLRQVZLWKZKLFK&('$KDV UHJXODUFRQWDFWVDQGFRRSHUDWHVRQSURMHFWVRIFRPPRQLQWHUHVW CEDA members are active in many diverse ¿HOGV MEMBERSHIP 2QHRI&('$¶VGLVWLQFWLYHVWUHQJWKVOLHVLQLWVGLYHUVHPHPEHUVKLS&('$PHPEHUVFRUSRUDWLRQV RUJDQLVDWLRQVDQGLQGLYLGXDOVFRPHIURPPDQ\¿HOGVDQGLQFOXGHSURMHFWRZQHUVFRPPLVVLRQHUVRI ODUJHLQIUDVWUXFWXUHSURMHFWVGUHGJLQJFRQWUDFWRUVHTXLSPHQWPDQXIDFWXUHUVFRQVXOWDQWVDFDGHPLFV and regulators. The graphic and list on the next page illustrate the diversity and the geographical VSUHDGRI&('$¶VPHPEHUV www.dredging.org &('$$QQXDO5HSRUW 3DJH Countries of origin CEDA is driven by LWVYROXQWHHUV Argentina Australia Belgium Bermuda &DQDGD &KLQD &\SUXV Denmark Finland France Germany Guinea ,QGLD ,QGRQHVLD ,UDT ,UHODQG ,WDO\ 0DOD\VLD 0RURFFR 0R]DPELTXH 1HWKHUODQGV 1LJHULD 1RUZD\ 3RUWXJDO Qatar Romania Russian Federation 6HQHJDO 6SDLQ 6XOWDQDWHRI2PDQ 6ZLW]HUODQG Togo 8QLWHG$UDE(PLUDWHV 8QLWHG.LQJGRP 86$ $WWKHHQGRI&('$KDGLQGLYLGXDOPHPEHUVLQFOXGLQJVWXGHQWVVWDUWHUVUHWLUHG members and 12 university or college lecturers. The number of individual members continues to GHFUHDVHLQWKHSUHYLRXV\HDUWKHUHZHUH The number of corporate members has also fallen. At the end of 2013 we had 122 corporate members, WZRIHZHUWKDQLQ7KH&('$$IULFDQ6HFWLRQDGGHG¿YHPRUHFRUSRUDWHPHPEHUVLQ resulting in a total of 133 corporate members. Attracting new members and retaining existing ones is a challenge. We need to put extra effort into bringing new members into our community, and all members are encouraged to be good ambassadors IRU&('$ www.dredging.org &('$$QQXDO5HSRUW 3DJH New corporate members ,Q ZH ZHUH GHOLJKWHG WR ZHOFRPH WKH IROORZLQJ FRPSDQLHVRUJDQLVDWLRQV DV QHZ FRUSRUDWH PHPEHUVLQWKH&('$FRPPXQLW\ $VLFRQ'LYLVLRQRI$VWURQ19Belgium Bradken, UK 5XVVLDQ 6WDWH +\GURPHWHRURORJLFDO 8QLYHUVLW\ 56+8 Russian Federation 'UHGJH<DUGThe Netherlands *DUHORFK6XSSRUW6HUYLFHV%9The Netherlands //&(FR([SUHVV6HUYLFHRussian Federation Remu Oy, Finland TrustLube, The Netherlands CEDA VOLUNTEERS: CEDA PILLARS &('$LVGULYHQE\LWVPHPEHUVPDQ\RIZKRPSURYLGHWKHLUWLPHDQGH[SHUWLVHYROXQWDULO\7KH JURZWKRIWKHDVVRFLDWLRQLVEDVHGRQWKHLUHQWKXVLDVWLFDQGGHGLFDWHGZRUNWKH\DUHWKHWUXHSLOODUV RI&('$ NATIONAL SECTIONS $UHDVRUFRXQWULHVZLWKPDQ\&('$PHPEHUVFDQVHWXSDUHJLRQDORUQDWLRQDO&('$VHFWLRQWR support internal networking at regional or national events. These sections are the smallest clusters WKURXJKZKLFK&('$PHPEHUVFDQEHFRPHSDUWRIWKHZLGHU&('$QHWZRUNDQGWKURXJK:2'$ be connected to the global network of professionals who share the same interest in dredging and PDULQH FRQVWUXFWLRQ 7KH FKDLUSHUVRQV RI WKHVH VHFWLRQV DUH &('$ DPEDVVDGRUV ZKR FDQ KHOS QHZFRPHUVVZLIWO\DQGHDVLO\EHFRPHSDUWRIWKH&('$FRPPXQLW\ ,Q&('$¶VQDWLRQDOVHFWLRQVFRQWLQXHGWRRIIHUDVXFFHVVIXOVHULHVRIPHHWLQJVDQGVLWHYLVLWVRQ WRSLFDOVXEMHFWV$OWRJHWKHU&('$¶VIRXUQDWLRQDOVHFWLRQVKHOGDQXPEHURIZHOODWWHQGHGPHHWLQJV VLWHYLVLWVDQGHYHQWVRYHUWKH\HDU0HPEHUVFDQVHHPDQ\RIWKHSUHVHQWDWLRQVRQWKHDSSURSULDWH QDWLRQDOVHFWLRQSDJHVRIWKH&('$ZHEVLWH African Section 'XULQJ WKH $IULFDQ 6HFWLRQ FKDLU 7DULN -DNKRXNK WRRN LQWHULP UHWLUHPHQW IURP RI¿FH 'XULQJWKH&('$%RDUGPHHWLQJLQ1RYHPEHU $EGHODPLG0LPRXQL3UHVLGHQWRI*URXS:RUOG Drapor, the company that hosts the African 6HFWLRQ 6HFUHWDULDW FRQ¿UPHG WKDW KH ZDV interested in taking on the chairmanship of the section and will stand for election at the African 6HFWLRQ¶VDQQXDOJHQHUDOPHHWLQJLQ$SULO Tarik Jakhoukh Chair Khadija Legliti Secretary www.dredging.org CEDA volunteers: CEDA pillars CEDA Annual Report 2013 3DJH 7KH &('$ %RDUG FRQGXFWHG D GHWDLOHG GLVFXVVLRQ DERXW WKH VWDWXV DQG IXWXUH RI WKH VHFWLRQ ,W KDV EHFRPH FOHDU WKDW ZKLOH WKHUH LV D JUHDW QHHG IRU WKH WUDQVIHU RI NQRZOHGJH LQ SDUWLFXODU DERXW FRVWHI¿FLHQW VWUDWHJLHV IRU GUHGJLQJ WKH ODUJH geographic area and differences in language present considerable challenges. 7R HOLPLQDWH WKH ODQJXDJH EDUULHU DQG PDNH RSHUDWLRQV HDVLHU WKH &('$ %RDUG UHFRPPHQGHG WKDW WKH JHRJUDSKLFDO FRYHUDJH RI WKH FXUUHQW $IULFDQ 6HFWLRQ EH DGMXVWHGVRWKDWLWFRQFHQWUDWHVRQWKH)UHQFKVSHDNLQJSDUWRI$IULFD7KHVHFWLRQ ZLOOKDYHWREHUHQDPHGWRUHÀHFWWKLVFKDQJH(IIRUWVZLOOEHPDGHWRVXSSRUWWKH setting up of a regional section to serve the needs of dredging professionals in the (QJOLVKVSHDNLQJ$IULFDQFRXQWULHV Abdelamid Mimouni (Group World Drapor) gives an update on the African Section to the CEDA Board in November 2013 Anna Csiti General Manager CEDA Belgian Section General Assembly 2Q 2FWREHU WKH %HOJLDQ 6HFWLRQ RUJDQLVHG D JHQHUDO DVVHPEO\ WR DSSURYH the updated rules and regulations that govern the internal operations. These are FRPSOHPHQWDU\ WR WKH JHQHUDO E\ODZV RI &('$ )URP QRZ RQ PHPEHUV RI WKH H[HFXWLYHFRPPLWWHHKDYHDPDQGDWHRIIRXU\HDUVWKDWFDQEHUHQHZHG(YHU\WZR years, half of the committee will resign to allow new members to be recruited. 'XULQJWKHJHQHUDODVVHPEO\5HQDDW'H6XWWHUIURP$QWHD*URXSZDVFRQ¿UPHGDV a new committee member. Eric Van den Eede Chair Christel Goetschalckx Secretary WODCON XX 7KHPDLQHYHQWRIZDVWKHWK:2'&21RUJDQLVHGZLWKWKHVXSSRUWRIWKH%HOJLDQ6HFWLRQLQ%UXVVHOV%HWZHHQDQG-XQH a total of 474 individuals came from 31 countries to participate in a highly appreciated technical and social programme. The technical programme included about 100 presentations organised in two or three parallel tracks. 2QHRIWKHKLJKOLJKWVZDVWKHUHFHSWLRQDW%UXVVHOV7RZQ+DOO,WLQFOXGHGDJXLGHGWRXURIWKLVPDJQL¿FHQWEXLOGLQJZKLFKHPERGLHV WKHULFKKLVWRU\RIWKLVFLW\RQFHFDSLWDORIWKHGXFK\RI%UDEDQWDQGQRZRIWKHNLQJGRPRI%HOJLXPDQGRIWKH(XURSHDQ8QLRQ7KH event was equalled only by the closing banquet at Auto World, a museum of old-timers from the very beginning of the auto industry XQWLOWKHV 7RHQFRXUDJHPD[LPXPSDUWLFLSDWLRQWKHIHHZDV¿[HGDWDUHDVRQDEOHOHYHOEXWVWLOOWKH¿QDQFLDOUHVXOWZDVHQFRXUDJLQJWKDQNVWRWKH KLJKHUWKDQH[SHFWHGVSRQVRUVKLSDQGWKHIXOO\ERRNHGH[KLELWLRQ5HDGPRUHDERXW:2'&21;;RQSDJH;;RIWKLVUHSRUW CEDA-Belgium 25 years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¿FZRUOGGHEDWHGWKHIXWXUHRIWKHGUHGJLQJLQGXVWU\DQGKRZWKHGUHGJLQJLQGXVWU\ can meet the challenges posed by climate change. CEDA Annual Report 2013 3DJH The panel at the 25th anniversary round table (l to r): Wim de Wilder (VRT), Bernard Malherbe (Jan De Nul), Freddy Aerts (Ministry of Flemish Community, Division Maritime Access), Marc Van Den Broeck (DEME), Kathleen De Wit (IMDC) and Ward De Broe (Port of Antwerp) Over 200 people participated in the wo round table discussions New Year reception 2Q-DQXDU\WKHWUDGLWLRQDO1HZ<HDUUHFHSWLRQZDVRUJDQLVHGLQ2VWHQGDWWKH)OHPLVK,QVWLWXWHIRUWKH6HD7KHUHFHSWLRQZDV SUHFHGHG E\ D NH\QRWH VSHHFK E\ -RKDQ9DQGH /DQRWWH YLFHSULPHPLQLVWHU RI %HOJLXP ZKR DOVR KDV UHVSRQVLELOLW\ IRU WKH 1RUWK 6HD+HJDYHDYHU\LQWHUHVWLQJSUHVHQWDWLRQDERXWWKHVSHFLDOSODQIRUWKH%HOJLDQSDUWRIWKH1RUWK6HDZKLFKZDVDWWKHWLPHEHLQJ VXEPLWWHGWRSXEOLFFRQVXOWDWLRQ7KLVSODQLVRISDUWLFXODULPSRUWDQFHIRUWKHGUHGJLQJDQGRIIVKRUHLQGXVWULHVEHFDXVHLWGH¿QHVWKH ]RQHVZKHUHGUHGJHGPDWHULDOFDQEHUHORFDWHGZLQGIDUPVFDQEHFRQVWUXFWHGDQGVDQGDQGJUDYHOFDQEHH[WUDFWHG Actions for 2014 &('$%HOJLXPLVDVXVXDOSODQQLQJWKUHHHYHQWVLQRQHRIZKLFKZLOOEHKHOGLQFRRSHUDWLRQZLWKWKH%HOJLDQ3,$1&6HFWLRQ (IIRUWVWRDWWUDFWQHZPHPEHUVZLOOFRQWLQXH Eric Van den Eede Chair British Section Overview ZDVD\HDURIFRQVROLGDWLRQIRUWKH&('$%ULWLVK6HFWLRQ&RPPLWWHH:H FKDQJHGRXUQDPHWR&('$8.WRDSSHDOWRDZLGHUDXGLHQFHEH\RQG/RQGRQDQG the south east and to be inclusive to the regions. 7KH &RPPLWWHH KDV VRXJKW WR VWUHQJWKHQ LWV OLQNV ZLWK WKH ,&( E\ SODFLQJ D UHSUHVHQWDWLYH RQ 7KH ,&( 0DULWLPH 3DQHO DQG ZLWK 3,$1& WKURXJK VKDULQJ minutes and potentially co-badging appropriate events or seminars. Nicola Cay Chair Cheryl Maund Secretary www.dredging.org CEDA Annual Report 2013 3DJH Events and Activities Two half day technical meetings were held in 2013 • Rock dredging • Dredging for the offshore industries 7KH¿UVWKDOIGD\WHFKQLFDOVHPLQDURIIRFXVVHGRQURFNGUHGJLQJ7KHHYHQWZDVFKDLUHGE\ :LOO6KLHOGVRI%RVNDOLVDQGZDVEURDGFDVWOLYHRYHUWKHZHE7KHHYHQWZDVWHFKQLFDOLQFRQWHQWDQG of considerable interest to the approximately 30 attendees from a range of organisations including dredging contractors and engineering consultants. The event encompassed aspects of site investigation, rock pre-treatment, types of equipment IRU UHPRYDO DQG HQYLURQPHQWDO PRQLWRULQJ 3HWHU 9HUKRHI 6HQLRU (QJLQHHULQJ *HRORJLVW ZLWK Boskalis discussed the various requirements of ground investigation with respect to techniques and UHVXOWVUHTXLUHGLQRUGHUWRDVFHUWDLQWKHPRVWHI¿FLHQWDQGDSSURSULDWHPHWKRGRIURFNGUHGJLQJ *RUGRQ6WHHOIURP5RFNDOODVSHFLDOLVWVXEVLGLDU\RI%RVNDOLVGHVFULEHGWKHYDULRXVPHWKRGVRI XQGHUZDWHUGULOOLQJDQGEODVWLQJRIURFNDVSUHWUHDWPHQWSULRUWRGUHGJLQJ(VWKHU'LMNJUDDI9DQ 2RUG3URGXFWLRQ6SHFLDOLVWIRUEDFNKRHVDQGEDFNDFWHUGUHGJHUVIRFXVHGRQWKH,FKWK\VSURMHFWLQ Australia where she has been involved in dredging of rock with a number of dipper dredgers and a FXWWHUVXFWLRQGUHGJHU7LP0DVRQ6HQLRU&RQVXOWDQWZLWK6XEDFRXVWHFK(QYLURQPHQWDO/LPLWHG H[SODLQHGWKHW\SHVRISRWHQWLDOLPSDFWVRQWKHPDULQHZLOGOLIHZLWKDVSHFL¿FIRFXVRQGUHGJLQJ DVZHOODVWKHEDVLVWRWKHFULWHULDWKH\XVHDQGWKHWRROVWKH\KDYHWRDVVHVVWRWKHP0DUF9DQ'HQ %URHFN+HDGRI5HVHDUFK0HWKRGV3URGXFWLRQDQG(QJLQHHULQJ'HSDUWPHQWDW'(0(SUHVHQWHG RQWKH'HHSHQLQJDQG:LGHQLQJRIWKH3DQDPD&DQDO±GLUHFWKDUGURFNGUHGJLQJZLWKFXWWHUVXFWLRQ dredger and drilling & blasting techniques. Dredging for the offshore industries ,Q'HFHPEHU&('$8.KRVWHGDWHFKQLFDOVHPLQDUDERXWGUHGJLQJIRUWKHRIIVKRUHLQGXVWULHV7KH VHPLQDUZDVYHU\ZHOOVXSSRUWHGZLWKDWWHQGHHV±DQH[FHOOHQWRXWFRPHIRU&('$8.7KH seminar theme highlighted that dredging is playing an increasingly important role in the development of the offshore industries with dredging companies and the energy industry recognising the key role this technology can play. Dredging has long been used in the oil and gas industry with specialised plant designed for rock placement on pipelines and currently considerable interest is focussed on the role of dredging for gravity based foundations for offshore wind farms. The seminar brought WRJHWKHU VSHDNHUV ZLWK H[SHUWLVH DFURVV WKHVH LQGXVWULHV ZLWK 3DXO +HVN 9DQ 2RUG H[SODLQLQJ KRZ GUHGJLQJ LV XVHG LQ RLO DQG JDV DFWLYLWLHV -RKQ 6HZHOO RI 0DULQH 0LQHUDOV /WG LQWURGXFHG KLVWLQPLQLQJSURMHFWRIIWKH1RUWK&RUQZDOOFRDVW%DPEDQJ6DPSXUQR)XJURKLJKOLJKWHGWKH LPSRUWDQFHRIVXUYH\WHFKQLTXHVLQWKHRIIVKRUHHQYLURQPHQWDQG1LFN(YHULQJWRQRI7KH&URZQ (VWDWHLQWURGXFHGWKH&URZQ¶VUROHLQRIIVKRUHPLQHUDODFWLYLW\'LVFXVVLRQFRQWLQXHGGXULQJWKHWHD break and after the event as attendees networked and made new contacts. Site Visits A technical site visit was organised WR'3:RUOG¶V/RQGRQ*DWHZD\3RUW YLVLWRUVMRLQHGWKH&('$8.YLVLW DQG KHDUG SUHVHQWDWLRQV IURP '3 :RUOGDQG'(0(DERXWWKHSURJUHVV and challenges associated with the SURMHFW $WWHQGHHV ZHUH SOHDVHG WR receive a tour of the site and to have the opportunity to watch the dredged material being pumped ashore. At the London Gateway Port www.dredging.org CEDA Annual Report 2013 3DJH Ronny Simons (Dredging International) and Marcus Pearson DP World share their insights about this landmark project John Sargent Lecture 7KH-RKQ6DUJHQW/HFWXUHZDVGHOLYHUHGE\%ULGJHW5RVHZHOORI9ROWHUUD3DUWQHUVDQGIRFXVVHGRQWKHWRSLFDOVXEMHFWLQWKH8N µ:K\DQGZKDWLVD7KDPHV(VWXDU\$LUSRUW"¶%ULGJHWH[SODLQHGWKDWWKH8.¶VIXWXUHHFRQRPLFVXFFHVVZLOOFORVHO\GHSHQGRQLWV DYLDWLRQFDSDELOLW\DQGLWVDELOLW\WRVXSSRUWDYLDWLRQJURZWKLQDPDUNHWOHDGLQJZD\7KHH[LVWLQJFRQ¿JXUDWLRQRI/RQGRQ¶VDLUSRUWV DSSHDUVWREHLQDGHTXDWHHYHQDWFXUUHQWOHYHOVRIGHPDQGOHWDORQJDVLWLQFUHDVHV&DSDELOLW\XWLOLVDWLRQLVDWWKHPD[LPXPDQGWKH evolving market supports larger and larger airports around the world. The requirement will continue to change and aviation will need WRRIIHUÀH[LELOLW\+RZHYHUDLUSRUWVDUHDOVRORQJWHUPLQYHVWPHQWVZKLFKQHHGWRORRNIDUDKHDG%ULGJHWKLJKOLJKWHGWKDWDOWKRXJK PDQ\SHRSOHKDYHVXJJHVWHGJRLQJ(DVWWRSURYLGHDYLDWLRQFDSDFLW\QRWPDQ\KDYHWKRXJKWWKURXJKDOOWKHGLIIHUHQWLVVXHVLQYROYHG ZKHWKHURIK\GURORJ\DLUSRUWGHVLJQDFFHVVLELOLW\IRUSHRSOHDQGSODQHVUHJHQHUDWLRQDQG¿QDQFH%ULGJHWGHVFULEHGWKHSURMHFWVKH was leading and how it met the aviation capacity requirements. 7KHSUHVHQWDWLRQZDVYHU\LQWHUHVWLQJDQGHQOLJKWHQLQJDERXWWKLVPDMRUXQLTXHSURMHFW7KHDXGLHQFHRIFLUFDSURIHVVLRQDOVDVNHG QXPHURXVSHUFHSWLYHDQGWDUJHWHGTXHVWLRQV7KH&RPPLWWHHZRXOGOLNHWRWKDQN%ULGJHW5RVHZHOOIRUKHUSDUWLFLSDWLRQ CEDA input to legislation &('$FRQWLQXHVWRSOD\DQDFWLYHUROHLQWKHGHYHORSPHQWRIQDWLRQDODQG(XURSHDQOHJLVODWLRQWKDWPD\DIIHFWWKHGUHGJLQJLQGXVWU\ 7KH8.JRYHUQPHQWLVLQWURGXFLQJDQHZQDYLJDWLRQGUHGJLQJOLFHQVLQJUHJLPHLQ$SULODQG&('$KDVSURYLGHGDGYLFHWKURXJK UHSUHVHQWDWLRQDWWKHVWDNHKROGHUHYHQWV&('$PHPEHUVZHUHDOVRLQYROYHGDVSDUWRIWKHSURMHFWWHDPZRUNLQJZLWK*RYHUQPHQWWR LPSOHPHQWWKHQHZUHJLPH)XUWKHUJRYHUQPHQWLQLWLDWLYHVUHOHYDQWWR&('$LQWKH8.LQFOXGHGWKHGHVLJQDWLRQRIWKH¿UVWWUDQFKHRI 0DULQH&RQVHUYDWLRQ=RQHV±QRWDEO\0&=VDIIHFWLQJVHYHUDOSRUWDUHDVZHUHQRWLQFOXGHGLQWKH¿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¶V(QYLURQPHQW&RPPLVVLRQ DQG.DWKHULQH+DUULVDOVRKDVDUROHRQ<RXQJ&('$ Future Events ,QWKH&RPPLWWHHLVDUUDQJLQJDVLWHYLVLWWRWKH/LYHUSRRO3RUWGHYHORSPHQWGUHGJLQJDQGUHFODPDWLRQSRWHQWLDOO\WRWKH6DQG 0RWRULQWKH1HWKHUODQGVDQGDOVRDERDWWULSLQWKH7KDPHV(VWXDU\WDNLQJLQWKHQXPHURXVPDMRUGHYHORSPHQWVLQWKHDUHD'HWDLOVZLOO EHSURYLGHGZKHQWKHYLVLWVDUHFRQ¿UPHG :H DUH UHMXYHQDWLQJ WKH &('$ /LDLVRQ *URXS E\ EULQJLQJ LQ 7KH &URZQ (VWDWH WR EULQJ D FRPPHUFLDO DQG SUDFWLFDO IRFXV WR WKH discussions about using dredged material. www.dredging.org CEDA Annual Report 2013 3DJH 7KH -RKQ 6DUJHQW /HFWXUH ZLOO EH JLYHQ E\ $QGUHZ %RZHQ 'LUHFWRU RI (QJLQHHULQJ DQG 0DUFXV 3HDUVRQ (QYLURQPHQW 0DQDJHU DW '3:RUOG $QGUHZ DQG 0DUFXV ZLOO WHOO WKH VWRU\ RI /RQGRQ*DWHZD\3RUWIURPFRQFHSWLRQWRRSHQLQJDQGLQWRWKHIXWXUH Discussions are ongoing with respect to the topics for two or three additional technical seminars. &XUUHQWO\WKHWRSLFVXQGHUFRQVLGHUDWLRQLQFOXGHWKHIROORZLQJ • 0D\3RUWGHYHORSPHQWDQGGUHGJLQJLQ6FRWODQG • 6HSWHPEHU/HJLVODWLRQUHYLHZDQGXSGDWH • 'HFHPEHU7%& Liaison with kindred organisations 7KH&RPPLWWHHKDVFRQWLQXHGWROLDLVHZLWKNLQGUHGRUJDQLVDWLRQVLQFOXGLQJWKH,&(0DULWLPH3DQHO 3,$1&WKH)HGHUDWLRQRI'UHGJLQJ&RQWUDFWRUV$,1$WKH'HIUD0DULQH/LFHQVLQJ*URXSDQGRI FRXUVHWKH&('$0DLQ%RDUG&('$FRQWLQXHVZLWKLWVRI¿FLDOREVHUYHUUROHVLQWKH/RQGRQDQG 263$5&RQYHQWLRQV Personnel 7KHUHKDYHEHHQQRIRUPDOFKDQJHVWRWKHFRPSRVLWLRQRIWKH&('$8.&RPPLWWHHLQ1LFN (YHULQJWRQRI7KH&URZQ(VWDWHKDVDWWHQGHGPHHWLQJVDVDQDOWHUQDWHWR,DQ6HOE\DQGKDVPDGHDQ H[FHOOHQWFRQWULEXWLRQ$OOPHPEHUVKDYHPDGHDVWURQJ&RPPLWPHQWWR&('$WKURXJKDWWHQGDQFH DW PHHWLQJV DQG OHDGLQJ WHFKQLFDO VHPLQDUV DQG HYHQWV , ZRXOG OLNH WR WKDQN WKH &RPPLWWHH PHPEHUVIRUWKHLUFRQWLQXHGGHGLFDWLRQWR&('$DQGHQWKXVLDVPIRURXUDFWLYLWLHV,ORRNIRUZDUG WRDQGDSSUHFLDWHWKHFRQWLQXHGLQSXWIURPDOO&RPPLWWHH0HPEHUVGXULQJ Nicola Clay Chair Dutch Section Taking its cue from the overall mission and JRDORI&('$WKH'XWFK6HFWLRQ&('$1/ focuses on disseminating knowledge and acting as a platform for networking in the Dutch and DGMDFHQWGUHGJLQJFRPPXQLWLHV 7DNLQJLWVFXHIURPWKH RYHUDOOPLVVLRQ Johan Pennekamp Chair Yvonne Duivenman Secretary ,Q &('$1/ RUJDQLVHG µMXVW¶ ¿YH meetings instead of the normal six. The 1RYHPEHUPHHWLQJGURSSHGIURPWKHVFKHGXOH EHFDXVH RI &('$¶V LQYROYHPHQW LQ WKH (XURSRUW ([KLELWLRQ ZKLFK ZDV WUDQVIRUPHG LQWRWKH&('$)RUXP7KHWKHPHVFKRVHQIRU the meetings again proved appealing and all the meetings were well attended. :HZHUHDEOHWR¿QGWZRRUJDQLVDWLRQV'HOWDUHVDQGWKH3RUWRI5RWWHUGDPWRKRVW&('$1/¶V PHHWLQJV1RWRQO\GLGWKLVUHOLHYHWKH&('$EXGJHWEXWPRUHLPSRUWDQWO\LWEURXJKWWKH&('$ community close to their businesses. www.dredging.org CEDA Annual Report 2013 3DJH Speakers at the evening on Building with Nature at Deltares (l to r): Stefan Aarninkhof (EcoShape), Walter Jacobs (Boskalis), Martin Baptist (IMARES & Van Hall Larenstein), Huib de Vriend (EcoShape & Delft University of Technology) and Johan Pennekamp (Deltares) evening chair :HFRQWLQXHGWRZRUN on increasing the atWHQGDQFHDQGLQYROYHment Christ de Jong (TNO) talks to a packed room at the World Port Centre in Rotterdam about measuring underwater sound We continued to work on increasing the attendance and involvement of young professionals in the &('$FRPPXQLW\DQGWKHVHHIIRUWVSURYHGIUXLWIXODVJURZLQJQXPEHUVZHUHZHOFRPHGHDFKWLPH 7KHFROODERUDWLRQZLWKDGMDFHQWEUDQFKDVVRFLDWLRQVVKLSEXLOGHUV.1976DQGRIIVKRUHLQGXVWU\ ,52ZDVH[WHQGHGDQGFXOPLQDWHGLQMRLQWPHHWLQJV 7KH&('$1/PHHWLQJVFRYHUHGWKHIROORZLQJWRSLFV • -DQXDU\µ%XLOGLQJZLWK1DWXUHUHFHQWO\QRZDQGIXWXUH¶DW'HOWDUHV+HDG2I¿FH'HOIW • 0DUFKµ:RUNLQJLQWKH$UFWLF¶LQDVVRFLDWLRQZLWK,52 • $SULOµ%DFNKRHGUHGJH$OEHUWR$OHPiQ=XELHWD¶LQDVVRFLDWLRQZLWK.1976 • 0D\µ0DLQWHQDQFHFOHDQXSGUHGJLQJLQWKH5LYHU9HFKW¶ • 6HSWHPEHUµ6XUYH\XQGHUZDWHUVRXQG¶DWWKH:RUOG3RUW&HQWUH5RWWHUGDP 7KHRUJDQLVDWLRQ0DLQWHQDQFHLQ'UHGJLQJRIZKLFK&('$1/LVRQHRIWKHIRXQGHUVFRQYHQHG WKUHH WLPHV LQ DQG GLVFXVVHG WKH IROORZLQJ 0DUFK µ6XVWDLQDEOH GLOHPPDV¶ -XQH µ9LEUDWLRQVRQERDUG±VKRFNLQJ¶DQG1RYHPEHUµ*OXLQJDQGUHSDLUDFWXDOO\ZK\GRZHVWLOO ZHOG"¶ Johan Pennekamp Chair www.dredging.org $ZLGHVSHFWUXPRI SURGXFWVDQGDFWLYLWLHV on show CEDA Annual Report 2013 3DJH EVENTS Conferences and seminars World Dredging Congress XX – The Art of Dredging 3-7 June 2013, Brussels, Belgium 7KHWKHGLWLRQRIWKH:RUOG'UHGJLQJ&RQJUHVVDQG([KLELWLRQDOVRNQRZQDV:2'&21;;WRRNSODFHRQ-XQHDWWKH 6TXDUH±%UXVVHOV0HHWLQJ&HQWUHLQ%UXVVHOV%HOJLXP:HZHUHSOHDVHGWRRUJDQLVHWKLVHYHQWIRUWKH:RUOG2UJDQLVDWLRQRI'UHGJLQJ Associations, WODA, as one of its constituent associations. The congress drew a huge number of participants. Over the four days delegates were able to meet 474 colleagues from 31 countries, DWWHQGDQGOLVWHQWRWHFKQLFDOSUHVHQWDWLRQVDQGWZRNH\QRWHVWDNHSDUWLQWKUHHQHWZRUNLQJHYHQWVQRWFRXQWLQJOXQFKHVDQGFRIIHH EUHDNVMRLQWKUHHWHFKQLFDOWRXUVDQGYLVLWPRUHWKDQH[KLELWLRQVWDQGV 2Q7XHVGD\-XQHGXULQJWKHRSHQLQJFHUHPRQ\WKH)OHPLVK0LQLVWHURI0RELOLW\DQG3XEOLF:RUNV0UV+LOGH&UHYLWVRI¿FLDOO\ ZHOFRPHGGHOHJDWHVWRWKH&RQJUHVVDQGJDYHDVSHHFKDERXWWKHUROHRIGUHGJLQJLQWKHFXUUHQWGHYHORSPHQWVLQWKHUHJLRQ 7RFHOHEUDWHWKHRFFDVLRQRIWKHWKHGLWLRQRI:2'&21GHOHJDWHVWRRNDWULSGRZQPHPRU\ODQHYLHZLQJDVKRUWYLGHRFRYHULQJ D\HDUWLPHVSDQIURP:2'&21,LQLQ1HZ<RUNWR:2'&21;;$VWKHIDFHVDQGPRPHQWVRISDVW:2'&21VZHUH EULHÀ\UHYLVLWHGWKHYLGHRXQGHUVFRUHGWKHH[WUDRUGLQDU\GHYHORSPHQWRIGUHGJLQJWHFKQRORJ\RYHUWKHSDVWKDOIFHQWXU\7KHRSHQLQJ FHUHPRQ\HQGHGZLWKDQDPD]LQJSHUIRUPDQFHE\%HOJLDQVLQJLQJJURXS/DwVDQLFHVXUSULVHIRUHYHU\RQH An exceptional concentration of knowledge and experience The core of the congress, the technical programme, began with the presentations RI WZR H[FHOOHQW NH\QRWHV )LUVW 'DYLG 0F*LOOHZLH GHSXW\ FKLHI HQJLQHHU RI 7UDQVQHW 1DWLRQDO 3RUWV $XWKRULW\ RI 6RXWK $IULFD VSRNH DERXW IRUWKFRPLQJ FDSLWDO GUHGJLQJ ZRUNV LQ KLV FRXQWU\¶V SRUWV +H ZDV IROORZHG E\ 5RJHOLR $ *RUGRQ KHDG RI GUHGJLQJ RSHUDWLRQV RI WKH 3DQDPD &DQDO $XWKRULW\ ZKR SURYLGHGDQRYHUYLHZRIWKH3DQDPD&DQDOH[SDQVLRQDQGLWVIDUUHDFKLQJHIIHFWV on economy and trade. ,QWKHWHFKQLFDOVHVVLRQVWKDWFRQWLQXHGWKURXJKWKUHHGD\VUXQQLQJLQWZRRUWKUHH parallel tracks, experts from all over the world presented around 95 peer-reviewed technical papers. The speakers addressed the design and execution of dredging SURMHFWV DQG WRROV IURP PDWKHPDWLFDO PRGHOV WR PDFKLQHV ± D FRPELQDWLRQ RI NQRZOHGJHXQGHUVWDQGLQJDQGVNLOO7KHEDVLFKHDGLQJVLQFOXGHGWKHIROORZLQJ • Alluvial and deepsea mining 0HWKRGVHTXLSPHQWDQGWHFKQLTXHV (QYLURQPHQWDOLVVXHVFRYHULQJGUHGJLQJZLWKQDWXUHDVVHVVPHQWDQGPRQLWRULQJ and remedial dredging 0DQDJHPHQWRIFOHDQDQGFRQWDPLQDWHGVHGLPHQW 0DQDJHPHQWDQGHFRQRPLFV • Regulatory issues. The congress programme also included a highly interactive session, The Dredging Debate, during which participants were challenged to consider and to take a stance on some of the today’s hot dredging topics. A wide spectrum of products and activities on show 7KHH[KLELWLRQKDOOGXEEHGWKHOLYLQJURRPRI:2'&21;;ZDVZKHUHGHOHJDWHVJDWKHUHGEHWZHHQWKHWHFKQLFDOVHVVLRQV/HDGLQJ international companies from around the globe were on hand to showcase a wide variety of products and activities, including dredgers DQG PLQLQJ YHVVHOV RI DOO VL]HV HTXLSPHQW VRIWZDUH IRU RFHDQRJUDSKLF VHUYLFHV VDWHOOLWHEDVHG SRVLWLRQLQJ V\VWHPV UXEEHU KRVHV winches and steering gear, dredging instrumentation and automation systems, offshore marine engineering, vessel repairs, hydrographic and geotechnical surveying, and measuring and monitoring systems. Enticing social programme ,QWKHHYHQLQJVHQWLFLQJVRFLDOSURJUDPPHVRIIHUHGIXUWKHURSSRUWXQLWLHVIRUQHWZRUNLQJUHOD[LQJDQGKDYLQJDJRRGWLPHZLWKIULHQGV 2Q0RQGD\-XQHDWWKH,FH%UHDNHULQWKHH[KLELWLRQDUHDGHOHJDWHVJRWWKHLU¿UVWWDVWHRI%HOJLXPWKURXJKWDNLQJSDUWLQWKHFKHHVH DQGEHHUGLVFRYHU\WRXU7KHQH[WHYHQLQJGHOHJDWHVHQMR\HGWKHFRFNWDLODWWKHH[TXLVLWH%UXVVHOV&LW\+DOOUHFHSWLRQZKHUHVRPHWRRN DWRXUDURXQGWKHPDJQL¿FHQWURRPVRIWKHKLVWRULFDOEXLOGLQJ2Q:HGQHVGD\GHOHJDWHVDQGJXHVWVZHUHLQYLWHGWRWKHJDODGLQQHUDWD PDMRU%UXVVHOVDWWUDFWLRQ$XWRZRUOGZKHUHWKHVXFFHVVIXOFRQJUHVVDQGWKHWKDQQLYHUVDU\RI:2'&21ZHUHGXO\FHOHEUDWHGZLWK &('$$QQXDO5HSRUW 3DJH WODCON XX moments WODA directors and executives, keynote Speakers amd distinguished guests, minutes before opening of WODCON XX Hilde Crevits, Flemish Minister of Mobility and Public Works on the role of dredging in Belgium WODCON’s home - The spectacular Square &('$$QQXDO5HSRUW WODCON XX moments Cutting the WODCON 20th anniversary cake (l-r) Anders Jensen, Chairman of WODA, President CEDA (DHI) and Eric Van den Eede, Chairman of the WODCON XX Executive Committee, member of the CEDA Board (Waterwegen en Zeekanaal) 3DJH 3DJH &('$$QQXDO5HSRUW WODCON XX moments Great opportunity for networking Prof. Cees vab Rhee, Chairman of the Technical Papers Committee (Delft University of Technology) introduces the congress programme Gala-dinner: Great time with friends City Hall: Welcome Reception at the prestigious City Hall WODCON’s living room Gala dinner at Autoworld: Welcome drinks amongst beautiful cars During WODCON 95 technical ppaers were presented and discussed. In the picture: Sape Miedema (Delft University of Technology) 3DJH CEDA Annual Report 2013 Exhibitors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a birthday cake. Informative and enjoyable partner and technical tours While delegates were working, their partners had a wonderful time taking in the historical and FXOWXUDOVLJKWVRI%UXVVHOVDQG%UXJHVRQHRIWKHSUHWWLHVWWRZQVRIQRUWKHUQ(XURSHDQGFUHDWLQJ and tasting their own chocolate bars. On Friday, after three days of an intensive schedule of presentations, interested delegates could JHWDFORVHXSYLHZRIRQHRIWKUHHODQGPDUNSURMHFWVWKH'HXUJDQFN'RFN/RFNWKH$025$6 PHFKDQLFDOVLOWGHZDWHULQJSODQWRUWKH6LJPDÀRRGSURWHFWLRQSODQ Paper Awards To encourage the highest standards in research and presentations two awards for papers were SUHVHQWHGDW:2'&21;; • 7KH<RXQJ$XWKRUV$ZDUGE\WKH,QWHUQDWLRQDO$VVRFLDWLRQRI'UHGJLQJ&RPSDQLHV,$'&ZLWK D¼FDVKSUL]HZDVSUHVHQWHGIRUWKHSDSHU7KHDUWRIVFUHHQLQJHIIHFWLYHQHVVRIVLOWVFUHHQV E\ 0D[ 5DGHUPDFKHU 'HOIW 8QLYHUVLW\ RI 7HFKQRORJ\ )RNNR YDQ GHU *RRW DQG 'DDQ 5LMNV %RVNDOLVDQG/\Q\UGGH:LW6YDVHN+\GUDXOLFVWKH1HWKHUODQGV • 7KH%HVW3DSHU$ZDUGRIIHUHGE\'UHGJLQJ&RQWUDFWRUVRI$PHULFD'&$ZRUWKZDVJLYHQ IRUWKHSDSHU)DU¿HOGDQGORQJWHUPGLVSHUVLRQRIUHOHDVHGGUHGJHGPDWHULDOE\7KLMVYDQ.HVVHO DQG%DVYDQ0DUHQ'HOWDUHVWKH1HWKHUODQGV &('$LVJUDWHIXOWRDOOWKHVSHDNHUVDQGVHVVLRQFKDLUVWKHPHPEHUVRIWKH([HFXWLYHDQG7HFKQLFDO 3DSHUV&RPPLWWHHVDQGDOVRWKHVSRQVRUVDQGH[KLELWRUVIRUWKHVXSSRUWWKH\JDYHWR:2'&21;; 7KHSUHVHQWDWLRQVDQGWKHIXOOSDSHUVDUHDYDLODEOHIUHHRIFKDUJHWR&('$PHPEHUVLQWKH&('$ Digital Library on www.dredging.org. A large selection of photos and the anniversary video can be viewed on www.wodcon.org. WODCON XX SPONSORS PREMIUM SPONSORS SILVER SPONSORS BRONZE SPONSORS www.dredging.org CEDA Annual Report 2013 3DJH CEDA Forum 2013: Dredging in a Changing World an ‘experiment’ worth following up 1RYHPEHU5RWWHUGDPWKH1HWKHUODQGV :HUDQJWKHFKDQJHVZLWKRXU)RUXPGXULQJ(XURSRUWWKLV\HDU $IWHU :2'&21 ;; ZH VDZ RXU SUHVHQFH DW (XURSRUW DV the perfect opportunity to organise an event that allowed more interaction and networking, giving delegates the chance to engage fully with each other and with the content. We did this in response to requests from many of our members for more discussion time at our events. $OOWKHHOHPHQWVIURPWKHDQQRXQFHPHQWÀLHUVWRWKHPHHWLQJURRP setup and, most importantly, the programme design, were geared towards bringing this experience to delegates while maximising knowledge-sharing. 7KHDQLPDWHGDQQRXQFHPHQWÀLHURIWKHPRUQLQJZRUNVKRS The Forum’s main components were two workshops, each looking DWDQLPSRUWDQWVSHFLDOLVWVXEMHFW Exotic circumstances The morning workshop, ‘Working under exotic circumstances’, considered the safety issues and challenges facing those who have to ZRUNLQUHPRWHKRVWLOHDUHDV&RQWHQWZDVIRFXVHGRQZRUNLQJLQWKH$UFWLF&KDLUHGE\-RKDQ3HQQHNDPSRI'HOWDUHVZKRLVDOVR FKDLUPDQRIWKH1HWKHUODQGV6HFWLRQRI&('$WKHZRUNVKRSVWDUWHGZLWKHQJDJLQJH\HRSHQLQJSUHVHQWDWLRQVE\WKUHHVSHDNHUVHDFK DQLQWHUQDWLRQDOH[SHUWRQWKHLUVXEMHFW • µ9LJRURXVO\HPEUDFLQJVDIHW\ZLWK1,1$¶:LOIUHG+DDLMHU6+(4 PDQDJHU %RVNDOLV WKH 1HWKHUODQGV FRYHULQJ VXSSRUWHG VDIHW\ awareness throughout the company • µ,F\ZDWHUVRSSRUWXQLWLHVDQGREVWDFOHVLQWKH$UFWLF¶6HEDVWLDQ 9LOO\Q PDULWLPH ULVN DQDO\VW &RQWURO 5LVNV 8QLWHG .LQJGRP covering safety risks • µ([WUHPHUHPRWHKHDOWKFDUH¶5\DQ&RSHODQGUHJLRQDOPHGLFDO GLUHFWRU,QWHUQDWLRQDO6261RUWKHUQ(XURSH8QLWHG.LQJGRP covering health risks. After the speakers set the scene, delegates were put to work in VPDOOPL[HGJURXSVRQ¿FWLWLRXVEXWKLJKO\UHDOLVWLFFDVHVDURXQGD dredging operation in the icy waters of the unforgiving Arctic. As the dredger made its way to its destination - a port under FRQVWUXFWLRQYDULRXVLQFLGHQWVRFFXUUHGRQERDUG3DUWLFLSDQWVKDG WR¿QGVROXWLRQVWRWKHVDIHW\DQGULVNLVVXHVWKDWDURVHWDNLQJWKH roles of captain of the dredger or operations director at the dredging FRPSDQ\¶V(XURSHDQKHDGRI¿FH Engaging on a different level The safety and risk issues ranged from an accident that resulted in a FUHZPHPEHUVXIIHULQJDGLVORFDWHGVKRXOGHUWRDVHYHUHO\LQMXUHG activist falling into the icy water while trying to board the vessel IURPD=RGLDF6RXQGHIIHFWVKHOSHGWRPDNHWKHH[SHULHQFHPRUH realistic. As was demonstrated by the solutions the participants proposed - some of them with angles that surprised even the H[SHUWVWKLVVHWXSKDVJUHDWSRWHQWLDOIRUOHDUQLQJ,WLVH[FHOOHQW for networking and, on top of that, it is fun! Wrapping up the session, it was concluded that a safety culture KDV WR EH IRXQGHG RQ WKUHH SLOODUV RSHQ FRPPXQLFDWLRQ HTXDO perception and trust, and that safety conduct and safety awareness go hand in hand, as do risk avoidance and risk awareness. Questions, contributions kept coming in...Pictured: Johan Pennekamp (Deltares) workshop chair www.dredging.org CEDA Annual Report 2013 3DJH Lessons learned with the Habitats Directive The topic of the afternoon workshop was ‘Large PDULQHLQIUDVWUXFWXUHSURMHFWVDQGWKH(8+DELWDWV 'LUHFWLYHOHVVRQVOHDUQHG¶ 7KLVZRUNVKRSZDVFKDLUHGE\3ROLWH/DER\ULH RI:LWWHYHHQ%RV&RQVXOWLQJ(QJLQHHUVKH LVDOVRFKDLUPDQRIWKH&('$(QYLURQPHQW &RPPLVVLRQ 7KH ¿YH VSHDNHUV DOO KDYH LQGHSWK NQRZOHGJH RI DQG H[WHQVLYH H[SHULHQFH ZLWK WKH +DELWDWV Directive. The speakers were carefully selected to represent the entire spectrum of players, which ensured that all relevant perspectives were represented. The line-up included the regulator, WKH SURMHFW RZQHU WKH GUHGJLQJ FRQWUDFWRU DQG the consultant with a background in engineering, ELRORJ\DQGHFRORJ\7KHVXEMHFWVDQGWKHVSHDNHUV ZHUHDVIROORZV • µ7KH (8 +DELWDWV 'LUHFWLYH DQG XQFHUWDLQWLHV FDVHVWXG\RIWKH6FKHOGWHVWXDU\GHHSHQLQJ¶ • 6WHIDDQ ,GHV UHVHDUFK HQJLQHHU 3RUW RI Polite Laboyrie of Witteveen+Bos, workshop Antwerp, Belgium • +DELWDWV 'LUHFWLYH DQG LQIUDVWUXFWXUH chair wraps up the sessions reading out the participants’ notes about the key lessons learned GHYHORSPHQWV¶ )UDQFRLV .UHPHU SROLF\ FR RUGLQDWRU+DELWDWV'LUHFWLYH(XURSHDQ&RPPLVVLRQ'*(QYLURQPHQW%HOJLXP • µ0DLQWHQDQFHGUHGJLQJLQWKH(PVDQG1DWXUD¶(ULN0LQNVHQLRUDGYLVHU(X'$%HOJLXP • ‘Balancing the provision of infrastructure enhancements against their environmental cost’, Lindsay -DQH6HLGHUHUPDQDJLQJGLUHFWRU0DULQH(FRORJLFDO6XUYH\V/LPLWHG8QLWHG.LQJGRP • µ(QKDQFLQJ ¿VK KDELWDWV LQ SRUWV¶ *XXV .UXLWZDJHQ HFRORJLVW :LWWHYHHQ%RV &RQVXOWLQJ (QJLQHHUVWKH1HWKHUODQGV 7KHSUHVHQWDWLRQVZHUHIROORZHGE\DOLYHO\GLVFXVVLRQZKLFKZDVMRLQHGE\%DUW*HHQHQIUHVKZDWHU H[SHUWDWWKH:RUOG:LGH)XQGIRU1DWXUH::)WKH1HWKHUODQGV This open exchange between members of the speaker panel and the audience ranged over a wide variety of issues, such as the need for and use of environmental regulation to balance the interests RIHFRQRP\DQGQDWXUHDQGWKHVWUHQJWKDQGZHDNQHVVHVRIWKH%LUGVDQG+DELWDWV'LUHFWLYHVDQG ZKHWKHU LW LV WLPH IRU LWV UHYLVLRQ$UH XQIRUHVHHQ FRVWV DQG GHOD\V LQKHUHQW WR SURMHFWV WKDW DUH OLNHO\WRKDYHQHJDWLYHLPSDFWVRQD1DWXUDVLWHRUDUHWKHUHZD\VRIDYRLGLQJWKHP"&DQWKH µ:RUNLQJZLWK1DWXUH¶SKLORVRSK\KHOS"&DQZHOHDUQIURPWKH+DELWDWV'LUHFWLYHWRDYRLGWKHVDPH PLVWDNHVZLWKWKH:DWHU)UDPHZRUN'LUHFWLYH"'RWKHPHPEHUVWDWHVPDNHEHVWXVHRIWKHÀH[LELOLW\ RIIHUHGE\WKH+DELWDWV'LUHFWLYH"$QGRIFRXUVHWKHUHZDVPXFKPRUH At the end, participants were asked to write down the most important lesson they had learned during the workshop. Among the OHVVRQVFLWHGZHUH • (YDOXDWLQJ HQYLURQPHQWDO effects requires the ad hoc ascertainment of national uncertainties • Focus more on ecosystem VHUYLFHVDQGFRORJLFDOREMHFWLYHV rather than setting tight, LQÀH[LEOHREMHFWLYHVRILGHDOV A detailed report about this workshop will be published in due FRXUVHE\WKH&('$(QYLURQPHQW &RPPLVVLRQ From left: Francois Kremer (European Commissions DG Environment) listening to comments on his talk about the Habitas Directive and Bart Geenen (World Wide Fund for Nature) who joined the panel discussions. www.dredging.org &('$$QQXDO5HSRUW 3DJH ³7KLV LV DQ H[SHULPHQW DQG ZH PDGH \RX SD\ IRU LW´ MRNHG -RKDQ 3HQQHNDPSDWWKHEHJLQQLQJRIWKHPRUQLQJZRUNVKRS³:HHPEDUNHG RQ WKLV H[SHULPHQW LQ UHVSRQVH WR &('$ PHPEHUV ZDQWLQJ PRUH LQWHUDFWLRQDWRXUHYHQWV´H[SODLQHG$QGHUV-HQVHQ&('$SUHVLGHQW ³:H FDQ VD\ ZLWK FRQ¿GHQFH WKDW WKH H[SHULPHQW KDV ZRUNHG ZHOO We have learned a lot and we will certainly see more opportunities for VWUXFWXUHGHQJDJHPHQWLQRXUIXWXUHHYHQWV´KHDGGHG The programme of workshops was complemented by table-top GLVSOD\V7KHGD\HQGHGZLWKWKHDOZD\VSRSXODU&('$1HWKHUODQGV Reception. The presentations and a set of selected photographs are available at www.cedaconferences.org/cedaforum The presentations were followed by a lively discussion. Here two of the speakers (l-r): Stefaan Ides (Port of Antwerp) and Lindsay Jane Seiderer (Marine Ecological Surveys Limited) Sponsors Exhibitors (YHQW &RQWURO5LVNV_)XJUR0DULQHVWDU_,+&0HUZHGH_,QWHUQDWLRQDO 6261RUWKHUQ(XURSH_10'&_9DQ2RUG_9267$/0*_ Wärtsilä 7HFKQLFDOYLVLWDQG5HFHSWLRQ www.dredging.org &('$$QQXDO5HSRUW 3DJH CEDA webinars &('$¶V UHJLRQ FRPSULVLQJ (XURSH $IULFD DQG WKH 0LGGOH (DVW LV JHRJUDSKLFDOO\ ODUJH 7R include distant members in knowledge transfer and exchange we introduced a webinar programme in 2013, presenting two webinars. We started in April, when Dr Frank Thomsen, senior marine mammal and underwater sound scientist of '+,'HQPDUNZKRZDVDOVRFKDLULQJWKH:2'$ ([SHUW *URXS RQ 8QGHUZDWHU 6RXQG SUHVHQWHG D ZHELQDU HQWLWOHG µ8QGHUZDWHU VRXQG LQ UHODWLRQ to dredging’. Of the 134 people who signed up, the webinar was followed in real time from 77 computers. By the end of the year the webinar was watched on demand on 323 occasions, 148 times on the Webex platform on which it was recorded and WLPHVRQ<RX7XEH The second webinar was presented in October by 3RO+DNVWHJHWHFKQLFDOPDQDJHUDW5LMNVZDWHUVWDDW 0LQLVWU\ RI ,QIUDVWUXFWXUH DQG (QYLURQPHQW WKH Pol Hakstege (Ministry of Infrastructure & Environment) presents the webinar on the 1HWKHUODQGV DOVR FKDLUPDQ RI WKH &('$ :RUNLQJ role of dredging in adapting to climate change *URXSRQ&OLPDWH&KDQJH$GDSWDWLRQ3ROSUHVHQWHG WKHUHVXOWRIWKHZRUNLQJJURXSHQWLWOHGµ&OLPDWHFKDQJHDGDSWDWLRQDVLWDIIHFWVWKHGUHGJLQJFRPPXQLW\¶)RUWKLVZHELQDUSHRSOH signed up and it was followed in real time from 43 computers. By the end of the year the webinar had been watched on demand on 53 RFFDVLRQVWLPHVRQWKH:HEH[SODWIRUPDQGWLPHVRQ<RX7XEH From feedback received we learned that on several occasions people have watched the webinars real-time in small groups, so the DFWXDO QXPEHUV DUH KLJKHU WKDQ WKRVH PHQWLRQHG DERYH :H ZHUH SDUWLFXODUO\ SOHDVHG E\ WKH QHZV FRPLQJ IURP WKH 5XVVLDQ 6WDWH +\GURPHWHRURORJLFDO8QLYHUVLW\LQ6W3HWHUVEXUJWKDWWKDQNVWR3URIHVVRU0LFKDHO6KLOLQDJURXSRIVWXGHQWVIURP/LWKXDQLDDQG 6SDLQDQGDJXHVWDVVRFLDWHSURIHVVRUIURP/LWKXDQLDZDWFKHGWKHZHELQDUWRJHWKHULQDGHGLFDWHGFODVVURRP:HKRSHWRVHHPRUHVXFK initiatives in the future. Frank Thomsen (DHI) presents the webinar on underwater sound CEDA Annual Report 2013 3DJH Prof Michael Shilin at the Russian State Hydrometeorological University at St Petersburg, Russia, and 12 students follow the webinar on climate change CEDA presentations at events organised by others ,QDGGLWLRQWRRUJDQLVLQJRXURZQHYHQWVZHJDYHSUHVHQWDWLRQVDWWKHIROORZLQJHYHQWVOLVWHGLQ FKURQRORJLFDORUGHU • )UDQN7KRPVHQ'+,'HQPDUNSUHVHQWHGDSRVWHUSDSHUHQWLWOHGµ:2'$WHFKQLFDOJXLGDQFHRQ XQGHUZDWHUVRXQGIURPGUHGJLQJ¶DWWKHUG,QWHUQDWLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHRQ7KH(IIHFWVRI1RLVHRQ $TXDWLF/LIH$XJXVW%XGDSHVW+XQJDU\ • &RU 6FKLSSHU 'HOWDUHV WKH 1HWKHUODQGV SUHVHQWHG WKH &('$ LQIRUPDWLRQ SDSHU µ(FRV\VWHP VHUYLFHVDQGGUHGJLQJDQGPDULQHFRQVWUXFWLRQ¶DWWKHWK,QWHUQDWLRQDO6HG1HW&RQIHUHQFH 1RYHPEHU/LVERQ3RUWXJDO www.dredging.org CEDA Annual Report 2013 3DJH SERVICES ,QDGGLWLRQWRSURYLGLQJDSODWIRUPIRULQIRUPDWLRQH[FKDQJHDQGQHWZRUNLQJE\RUJDQLVLQJFRQIHUHQFHVVHPLQDUVDQGWUDLQLQJFRXUVHV &('$RIIHUVDYDULHW\RIRWKHUVHUYLFHVWRPHPEHUV,QSDUWLFXODULWSXEOLVKHVLQIRUPDWLRQERWKLQSULQWDQGRQOLQH,WDOVRPDNHVLW possible for corporate members to present themselves online, at events and in publications, including white papers. With the release of WKH&('$'LJLWDO/LEUDU\&'/EDFNLQGLJLWDOVHUYLFHVZHUHVWHSSHGXSFRQVLGHUDEO\ 3XEOLFDWLRQV &('$¶VRI¿FLDOPDJD]LQH,+6'UHGJLQJDQG3RUW&RQVWUXFWLRQ'3& (YHU\&('$PHPEHUUHFHLYHVDVDEHQH¿WRIKLVRUKHUPHPEHUVKLSDVXEVFULSWLRQWR,+6'UHGJLQJDQG3RUW&RQVWUXFWLRQ'3&WKH RI¿FLDOPDJD]LQHRI&('$7KLVVSHFLDOLVHGPRQWKO\SXEOLFDWLRQNHHSVWKHUHDGHUVLQIRUPHGRIWKHODWHVWGHYHORSPHQWVLQWKHVHFWRU DQGLVKHOSIXOLQLGHQWLI\LQJDSSURSULDWHEXVLQHVVSDUWQHUV'3&DOVRNHHSVUHDGHUVXSWRGDWHRQWKHDFWLYLWLHVRI&('$DQGLWVVLVWHU DVVRFLDWLRQV($'$DQG:('$&('$PHPEHUVKDYHDFFHVVWRWKHRQOLQHYHUVLRQRI'3&DQGFDQEURZVHRUGRZQORDGWKHDUFKLYHV 6LQFH'HFHPEHUVXEVFULEHUVWR,+6'UHGJLQJDQG3RUW&RQVWUXFWLRQLQFOXGLQJDOO&('$PHPEHUVKDYHEHHQHQMR\LQJ HQKDQFHGIHDWXUHVVXFKDV • $FFHVVWRWKH,+66HDZHEQHZVPRGXOHwww.sea-web.com/news • 'LJLWDOPDJD]LQHmaritime.emags.ihs.com. $OO&('$PHPEHUVZHUHVHQWORJLQGHWDLOVIRUWKHRQOLQHLWHPVRQ'HFHPEHU7KRVHPHPEHUVZKRPD\KDYHRYHUORRNHGWKH notice should check their inbox to make sure that they can take full advantage of these new enhancements. e&eZ` ŝƃĜŗ .+Z ļ¼®ÖêĉÖ |ĉ® TĒļŒ ĒĉńŒļşŒêĒĉ `ä¼ ù¼|®êĉÖ êĉŒ¼ļĉ|ŒêĒĉ|ù ă|Ö|ſêĉ¼ ÏĒļ Œä¼ qĒļù® ĒÏ B|ļêĉ¼ êŶêù ĉÖêĉ¼¼ļêĉÖ ®Ĥă|Ö|ſêĉ¼ĪĒă qHHC ss ļ¼Ŷê¼ŷ B|õĒļ ńş¼ńń ÏĒļ Œä¼ ļşńń¼ùń ĒĉÖļ¼ńń q êĉ +|ŷ|êê Ēĉϼļ¼ĉ¼ Ĥļ¼Ŷê¼ŷ |ĉ® Ĥļ¼ń¼ĉŒ|ŒêĒĉ ùêńŒ `ä¼ ă¼ļê|ń ļ¼ĤĒļŒ q¼ ÷ê÷ ĒÏÏ êĉ Œä¼ |ļê¼|ĉ …more; the new package All CEDA members receive the print magazine DPC and… WODA Technical Guidance on Underwater Sound in Relation to Dredging 3XEOLVKHGLQ-XQHWKHGRFXPHQWLVDIROORZXSWRWKH&('$SRVLWLRQSDSHURQXQGHUZDWHUVRXQGLQUHODWLRQWRGUHGJLQJWKDWZDV SXEOLVKHGLQ7KHSRVLWLRQSDSHUDWWUDFWHGJUHDWLQWHUHVWERWKIURPZLWKLQDQGRXWVLGH&('$ 7KH:2'$7HFKQLFDO*XLGDQFHJRHVEH\RQGWKHSRVLWLRQSDSHUDQGKDVDEURDGHULQWHUQDWLRQDOVFRSH,WSURYLGHVJXLGDQFHIRUGHFLVLRQ makers, stakeholders and scientists on how to manage impacts of underwater sound from dredging and other sources. The document follows a risk-based approach. www.dredging.org CEDA Annual Report 2013 3DJH The paper begins with some background on why underwater sound is an important issue and goes on to describe the risk-based approach. The chapters that follow cover impacts of sound on aquatic life, the measurement of sound and the presentation of knowledge on dredging-related sound sources. Finally, it provides recommendations on managing and mitigating potential risks from dredgingrelated sound impacts in offshore and coastal areas, estuaries and inland waters. 7KH :2'$ 7HFKQLFDO *XLGDQFH ZDV SURGXFHG E\ WKH :2'$ ([SHUW *URXS RQ 8QGHUZDWHU 6RXQG:(*86XQGHUWKHUHPLWRIWKH:2'$(QYLURQPHQW&RPPLVVLRQ0HPEHUVRI:(*86 are experts, scientists and practitioners with a broad range of expertise, representing knowledge institutes, government, manufacturers, ports and contractors. 7KHJXLGDQFHGRFXPHQWKDVEHHQSUHVHQWHGRQQXPHURXVRFFDVLRQVLQFOXGLQJ:2'&21;;,WKDV DOVREHHQUHSULQWHGE\,+6'UHGJLQJDQG3RUW&RQVWUXFWLRQ,WFDQEHGRZQORDGHGIURPWKH&('$ website, www.dredging.org. 7KH&('$ZHELQDUSUHVHQWHGE\WKH:(*86FKDLU'U)UDQN7KRPVHQLQ$SULOFDQDOVREH YLHZHGRQGHPDQGRQWKH&('$ZHEVLWH Figure 3: Measuring dredging sound Non-stationary (trailing/sailing) dredger Stationary (dredging/moving) dredger dredger dredger d1 d2 d1 d3 d2 d3 monitoring station monitoring vessel Examples of procedures for measuring underwater radiated sound of dredgers during various operations (after de Jong et al. 2010). For a reliable estimation of the source level, measurements with one or more hydrophones are carried out at multiple distances (d1, d2, d3). probably more relevant for physiological effects such as TTS and PTS (Southall et al. 2007). Standardisation of underwater acoustic terminology and measurements To facilitate comparison of results of different studies, it is very important to use a standard terminology in underwater acoustic research. In 2010, in the Netherlands, Germany and the United Kingdom, collaborative projects were set up to define and agree upon the terminology of underwater sound. The results of this collaboration are described in TNO 2011. Technical Committee 43 on ‘Acoustics’ of the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) installed subcommittee SC3 on ‘Underwater Sound’ in June 2012. The TC43 SC3 Working Group 2 will use TNO 2011 as a basis for the development of a new ISO standard for underwater acoustic terminology. There are also no specific national or international standards for measuring the radiated sound of dredgers, nor of other ships operating in shallow water. The American National Standards Institute’s ANSI-ASA S12.64/2009-Part 1 Report for measuring radiated sound of (transiting) ships in deep water formed the basis for the development of the international ISO Publically Available Specification 17208-1:2012 ‘Acoustics – Quantities and procedures for description and measurement of underwater sound from ships – Part 1: General requirements for June 2013 measurements in deep water’. ISO working groups TC43 SC3 Working Group 1 and TC8 SC2 Joint Working Group 1 are developing international measurement standards for ships in deep water. These groups have expressed the intention to address shipradiated sound measurements in shallow water as a next step. How can the spatial distribution of underwater sound be determined? Underwater sound distribution depends on the sources that generate sound and on the propagation of sound in the environment. Because of practical limitations, it is not realistic to get a global overview of this distribution from measurements alone. Underwater acoustic models, in combination with the relevant measurement data, can provide a pragmatic approach for the determination of the underwater sound distribution. Various types of shallow water propagation modelling techniques are available (Wang et al. 2013), all varying in the level of detail modelled and hence in the requirements for input data and in the resulting accuracy of the calculations. These sound propagation models describe the sound source as an ‘acoustic monopole’, characterisd by an underwater acoustic ‘Source Level’ spectrum (TNO 2011). The received sound pressure level at positions in the environment is the difference between this monopole Source Level and the calculated Propagation Loss between source and receiver positions. The depth below the water surface of this assumed monopole is an important parameter, because it influences the radiated sound power and propagation loss for near surface sources at lower frequencies. Hence, characterising the sound distribution of dredging activities requires measurement data of dredgers’ radiated sound and a shallow water sound propagation model. Neither the measurement method for dredging sound, nor the propagation models are currently standardised. Recent studies in the Netherlands (de Jong et al. 2010) and the UK (Robinson et al. 2011, Wang et al. 2013) have advocated the use of a source-image type of propagation model (Urick 1983) in combination with radiated sound measurements at various distances from the dredger. Care should be taken in the selection of an appropriate propagation model and assurance should be given that the model’s details are reported fully. Measuring the underwater radiated sound of dredgers Until measurement standards become available, the approach followed in recent studies in the Netherlands (de Jong et al. 2010) and the UK (Robinson et al. 2011, Wang et al. 2013) can provide guidance for measuring the radiated sound of dredgers. These approaches will be proposed for the future international standard development, which are urgently required to arrive at an internationally accepted protocol for risk assessment. Underwater radiated sound measurements of dredgers require the use of hydrophones, deployed from a quiet vessel or from a buoy, or mounted on the seabed at a minimal distance of about one ship length from the dredger. Data from acoustic measurements at a fixed position while the dredger passes the hydrophones, or at a number of measurement positions at various distances from a stationary dredger, are required to obtain an assessment of the source level of the dredger. Positions of the hydrophones relative to the dredger need to be monitored, e.g. by means of GPS. Figure 3 provides an example of measurements involved in monitoring both a moving and a stationary dredger. These arrangements can be adapted to other types of dredgers. 5. Exposure assessment: what do we know about dredging sound? As outlined in the CEDA position paper on underwater sound from dredging (CEDA 2011), the dredging process involves a WODA Technical Guidance on Underwater Sound | 5 State of the art CEDA information paper: Ecosystem Services and Dredging and Marine Construction 3XEOLVKHGLQ-XO\WKLVGRFXPHQWKDVEHHQSURGXFHGE\WKH&('$:RUNLQJ*URXSRQ(FRV\VWHP 6HUYLFHV:*(6XQGHUWKHUHPLWRIWKH(QYLURQPHQW&RPPLVVLRQ&(& 0HPEHUV RI :*(6 DUH VFLHQWLVWV DQG SUDFWLWLRQHUV ZLWK D EURDG UDQJH RI H[SHUWLVH UHSUHVHQWLQJ knowledge institutes, government, manufacturers, ports and contractors. The concept of ecosystem VHUYLFHV(6HQDEOHVDYDOXHWREHDVVLJQHGWRQDWXUDOUHVRXUFHVWKDWPDNHVLWSRVVLEOHWROLQNWKH environment to human well-being. This has important implications for the planning and management of dredging and marine construction SURMHFWV,QVKRUWWKH(6FRQFHSWLVDWRROIRUGHFLVLRQPDNLQJDERXWVXVWDLQDEOHGHYHORSPHQW 7KHSDSHUH[SODLQVWKDWWKHUHDUHIRXUEDVLFJURXSVRIHFRV\VWHPVHUYLFHVSURYLVLRQLQJVHUYLFHVIRRG DQGZDWHUIRUH[DPSOHUHJXODWLQJVHUYLFHVVXFKDVÀRRGFRQWURODQGDLUSXUL¿FDWLRQVXSSRUWLQJ VHUYLFHVHJQDYLJDWLRQDQGFXOWXUDOVHUYLFHVLQFOXGLQJUHFUHDWLRQ (DFKVHUYLFHLVGHOLYHUHGE\DVHWRIVWUXFWXUHVDQGSURFHVVHVFDOOHGDQHFRV\VWHPIXQFWLRQ7KLVPD\ EHFKDQJHGWRGHOLYHUDEHQH¿WWRKXPDQZHOOEHLQJIRUH[DPSOHE\GUHGJLQJDQDYLJDWLRQFKDQQHO ,QGRLQJVRWKLVFUHDWHVDSUHVVXUH www.dredging.org CEDA Annual Report 2013 3DJH 7KH (6 FRQFHSW LV LQWHQGHG WR KHOS SURMHFW designers create a sustainable balance between pressures and services in ecosystems. The aim is not merely to minimise damage SUHVVXUH EXW DOVR WR ORRN IRU RSSRUWXQLWLHV to improve the environment. As dredging and marine construction often takes place in and around sensitive, and sometimes degraded, environments, such as coastal waters, rivers, PXGÀDWVDQGVDQGEDQNVWKH(6FRQFHSWLVRI considerable value if used at the earliest stage RISURMHFWSODQQLQJ Pieter de Boer (Ministry of Infrastructure & Environment) working group chair presents the information paper at WODCON XX The paper sets out how individual ecosystem services are affected by dredging. For example, for water quality, dredging may cause a short-term decrease in local water quality and, by altering the morphology of the system, perhaps lead to a loss of habitat and VSHFLHV+RZHYHUGUHGJLQJRIFRQWDPLQDWHG sediments decreases the contaminants in the system. Also, if reed beds are created then water quality will be enhanced. The paper recommends that a multiGLVFLSOLQDU\ SURMHFW WHDP EH VHW XS WR DVVHVV WKHHFRV\VWHPVHUYLFHVWRDVVLJQYDOXHVWRWKRVHVHUYLFHVDQGSUHVVXUHVDQGWRGHVLJQWKHSURMHFW,W LQFOXGHVWZRFDVHVWXGLHVVKRZLQJKRZWKLVKDVEHHQDFKLHYHGLQSUDFWLFHLQWKH6FKHOGWHVWXDU\DQG LQHVWXDULHVLQWKHHDVWRI(QJODQG2WKHULQWHUHVWLQJLQLWLDWLYHVLQFOXGHWKHXVHRIµHFRFRQFUHWH¶ which encourages colonisation of marine structures by small organisms, and seabed landscaping after aggregates dredging, which again promotes biodiversity. 7KLV &('$ LQIRUPDWLRQ SDSHU VKRZV KRZ E\ DSSO\LQJ WKH HFRV\VWHP VHUYLFHV FRQFHSW WKH GUHGJLQJDQGPDULQHFRQVWUXFWLRQVHFWRUFDQGHOLYHUEHQH¿WVERWKIRUVRFLHW\DQGIRUWKHQDWXUDO environment. 7KHLQIRUPDWLRQSDSHUKDVEHHQSUHVHQWHGRQQXPHURXVRFFDVLRQVLQFOXGLQJ:2'&21;;DQG WKH6HG1HWFRQIHUHQFHLQ1RYHPEHU,WKDVDOVREHHQUHSULQWHGE\,+6'UHGJLQJDQG3RUW &RQVWUXFWLRQDQG7HUUDHW$TXD 7KHGRFXPHQWFDQEHGRZQORDGHGIURPWKH&('$ZHEVLWH CEDA Forum 2013 presentations 0RVWSUHVHQWDWLRQVDW&('$)RUXPKDYHEHHQSXEOLVKHGRQWKHHYHQW¶VZHEVLWHWRGRZQORDG RUEURZVH7KHSRSXODULW\RIWKHVHRQOLQH¿OHVLVFOHDUO\GHPRQVWUDWHGE\WKHZHEVLWH¶VVWDWLVWLFV www.dredging.org CEDA Annual Report 2013 3DJH Environmental Aspects of Dredging in the Russian language 7KH SXEOLFDWLRQ RI WKH &('$,$'& ERRN (QYLURQPHQWDO $VSHFWV RI 'UHGJLQJ HGLWHG E\ 1LFN %UD\7D\ORU)UDQFLVLQWKH5XVVLDQODQJXDJHZDVDPDMRUDFKLHYHPHQW7KHIDFWWKDWWKH (QJOLVKZRUG³GUHGJLQJ´KDVKDGWREHWUDQVSODQWHGLQWR5XVVLDQLQGLFDWHVWKHVRUWRIFKDOOHQJHVWKH translators and editors had to face. 7KHLGHDWRWUDQVODWHWKHERRNHPHUJHGGXULQJWKHVHPLQDU(FRIULHQGO\'UHGJLQJLQWKH0RGHUQ :RUOGWKDWWRRNSODFHLQLQ6W3HWHUVEXUJ5XVVLD7KHVHPLQDUZDVRUJDQLVHGE\&('$DQGWKH 5XVVLDQ6WDWH+\GURPHWHRURORJLFDO8QLYHUVLW\56+8DQGPDUNHGWKHVWDUWRIDIUXLWIXODQGFORVH FRRSHUDWLRQEHWZHHQWKHWZRRUJDQLVDWLRQV6HYHUDOVXFFHVVIXOMRLQWXQGHUWDNLQJVKDYHWDNHQSODFH subsequently. 7KHPDLQWH[WZDVWUDQVODWHGE\DSURIHVVLRQDOVRFLRORJLVWDVSHFLDOLVWLQHQYLURQPHQWDOFRQÀ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µJHQHUDOVFKHPH of development of transport-technological port complexes in the Finnish Gulf’, new construction RU PRGHUQLVDWLRQ RI H[LVWLQJ SRUW FRPSOH[HV DUH SODQQHG DW9\ERUJ 9\VRWVN 3ULPRUVN QRUWKHUQ FRDVW/RPRQRVRY8VW/XJDDQG%DWDUH\QD\D%D\VRXWKHUQFRDVW7KHGHYHORSPHQWVFKHPHIRU 6W3HWHUVEXUJ¶VWUDQVSRUWOLQNVIRUHVHHVWKHFRQVWUXFWLRQRIKDUERXUVQHDU%URQND/RPRQRVRYDQGRQ .RWOLQLVODQG7KHVHSURMHFWVZLOOLQYROYHODUJHVFDOHGUHGJLQJDQGUHFODPDWLRQZRUNV 7KH ERRN LV DOVR LQWHQGHG WR EH XVHG DV D KDQGERRN E\ WKH PDVWHU SURJUDPPH µ$SSOLHG 0DULQH (FRORJ\¶RI56+8ZLWKLQWKHIUDPHZRUNRIWKH7(0386H0DULVSURMHFW7KHSXEOLFDWLRQRIWKH 5XVVLDQHGLWLRQKDVEHHQPDGHSRVVLEOHZLWK¿QDQFLDOVXSSRUWIURPWKHSURMHFW www.dredging.org 3DJH CEDA Annual Report 2013 Prof Michael Shilin (Russian State Hydrometeorological University) presents the Russian version of the book to the CEDA Board The word ‘Dredging’ is now part of the Russian language The word “dredging” is QRZSDUWRIWKH5XVVLDQ ODQJXDJH A new CEDA-IADC book on environmental aspects of dredging (in preparation) ,QWKH¿YH\HDUVVLQFH(QYLURQPHQWDO$VSHFWVRI'UHGJLQJZDVSXEOLVKHGWKHUHKDYHEHHQFRQVLGHUDEOH advances in knowledge about the natural environment and its processes and dynamics. The focus of HQYLURQPHQWDOFRQFHUQVDVVRFLDWHGZLWKGUHGJLQJSURMHFWVKDVVKLIWHGIURPFRQWDPLQDWHGVHGLPHQWV WRFOLPDWHFKDQJHZRUNLQJZLWKQDWXUHKDELWDWVDQGVRRQ7KHERDUGVRI&('$DQG,$'&WKHUHIRUH felt it was time to summarise the new knowledge and make it available to a broad audience in a book. www.dredging.org CEDA Annual Report 2013 3DJH 2QFHDJDLQDMRLQW(GLWRULDO$GYLVRU\%RDUGKDVEHHQVHWXSWRJXLGHWKHSURMHFW,QWKHFRXUVHRI WKH($%PHWVHYHUDOWLPHVDQGGHVLJQHGWKH¿UVWGUDIWHODERUDWHGVWUXFWXUHRIWKHQHZERRNDQG VHQWLWIRUUHYLHZWR&('$DQG,$'& 7KHUHVSRQVLEOHERG\ZLWKLQ&('$WKH(QYLURQPHQW&RPPLVVLRQKDVSUHSDUHGGHWDLOHGFRPPHQWV During the process some issues needed further discussion before the section and chapter authors could start drafting their respective parts. The new book will include many case studies, such as Køge Bay and Amager in Denmark (pictured), which FRPELQHÀRRGSURWHFWLRQZLWKµHQJLQHHUHGQDWXUH¶LQWKHIRUPRIODJRRQVDQGKLJKTXDOLW\DUWL¿FLDOEHDFKHV CEDA white paper on integrated risk management By a ‘white paper’ we mean a technical article that provides detailed information about a product RU VHUYLFH :KLOH LW KDV DQ REMHFWLYH HGXFDWLRQDO approach, white papers may - contrary to conference papers that must avoid commercialism - contain persuasive information to lead the reader to the conclusion that the described product or service is the favourable solution to a particular problem. %\ SXEOLVKLQJ D &('$ ZKLWH SDSHU RQ WKH &('$ website corporate members can reach a large portion of their target audience. ,Q -XO\ ZH SXEOLVKHG WKH ZKLWH SDSHU µ(QKDQFLQJ SURMHFW DQG FRPSDQ\ UHVXOWV ZLWK LQWHJUDWHG ULVN PDQDJHPHQW¶ E\ &('$ FRUSRUDWH PHPEHU$21 :KLWH3DSHUV 8QGHUVWDQGLQJ'UHGJLQJ (QKDQFLQJSURMHFWDQGFRPSDQ\ UHVXOWVZLWK,QWHJUDWHG5LVN 0DQDJHPHQW E. van Zandvoort, S. Janicijevic, H. Bredemeijer Aon Copyright: Aon Corresponding author: H. Bredemeijer Tel: +31 (0)10 – 448 7286 Email: huub.bredemeijer@oan.nl Web: www.aon.com ŽŵƉĂŶLJůŽŐŽ Date: July 2013 This publication reflects the opinions of the authors and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the members of the Central Dredging Association. ZZZGUHGJLQJRUJ In less than six months after its publication the AON white paper had received 2,428 hits Books with discount for CEDA members :H VWULYH WR PDNH DUUDQJHPHQWV ZLWK SXEOLVKLQJ FRPSDQLHV WKDW ZLOO DOORZ XV WR RIIHU D &('$ PHPEHUGLVFRXQWRQUHOHYDQWWHFKQLFDOERRNV%RRNVDYDLODEOHDWD&('$PHPEHUGLVFRXQWSULFHDUH OLVWHGLQWKHµ3XEOLFDWLRQVDQG5HVRXUFHV¶VHFWLRQRIWKH&('$ZHEVLWHwww.dredging.org. www.dredging.org &('$$QQXDO5HSRUW 3DJH 'LJLWDOVHUYLFHV CEDA websites and e-newsletters 7KH WZR &('$ ZHEVLWHV www.dredging.org and www. cedaconferencesRUJ DV ZHOO DV WKH &('$ 1HZVOHWWHU DUH XVHIXO ZD\V E\ ZKLFK PHPEHUV DQG RWKHUV DUH LQIRUPHG DERXW &('$¶V activities and also allow the sharing of dredging knowledge and LQIRUPDWLRQ 0RUH DQG PRUH HPSOR\HHV RI &('$ FRUSRUDWH members are opening personal accounts so that they can receive &('$HQRWLFHVDQGHQHZVOHWWHUVGLUHFWO\HYHQLQWKHDEVHQFHRI WKH&('$FRQWDFWSRLQWVIRUWKHLURUJDQLVDWLRQV The CEDA website keeps members up to date on CEDA activities CEDA Digital Library (CDL) The CEDA Digital Library now contains 740 peer-reviewed conference papers a valuable resource for all CEDA members 7KH &('$ 'LJLWDO /LEUDU\ FRQWDLQV D ZHDOWK RI VFLHQWL¿F DQG technical knowledge on a broad range topics relating to dredging and the construction and maintenance of water-based infrastructure, all of which is available online. /DVW \HDU ZH DGGHG SDSHUV IURP:2'&21 ;; -XQH %UXVVHOV WR WKH 'LJLWDO /LEUDU\ DQG DOVR SDSHUV SXEOLVKHG LQ WKH SURFHHGLQJVRIWKHSUHYLRXV:2'&21LQ%HLMLQJ7KHVHDGGLWLRQVEULQJWKHWRWDOQXPEHURISDSHUVUHDGLO\DFFHVVLEOHDQGIUHH RIFKDUJHIRU&('$PHPEHUVWR $OOFRQIHUHQFHSDSHUVLQFOXGHGLQWKH&('$'LJLWDO/LEUDU\KDYHEHHQSHHUUHYLHZHGE\UHQRZQHGLQWHUQDWLRQDOH[SHUWVDQGSURYLGH high-quality technical content. For most of the papers the corresponding presentations made at the conferences can be also viewed online or downloaded, thereby bringing the content of the documents closer to the reader. The Digital Library is also a valuable resource for non-members, who can have immediate access to any full paper for €20.00. Services to corporate members Corporate members of CEDA have the opportunity to promote their products and services directly to the membership and to a broader audience through publishing commercial white papers in the CEDA e-newsletter and on the CEDA website. The listing of corporate members on the CEDA website, which includes hotlinks to the companies’ own websites, is one of the most frequently visited pages of the site. www.dredging.org &('$$QQXDO5HSRUW 3DJH IN THE FOCUS: WODA PRINCIPLES OF SUSTAINABLE DREDGING 'XULQJWKHFORVLQJFHUHPRQ\RI:2'21;;WKHFKDLUPDQRI:2'$DQGSUHVLGHQWRI&('$ $QGHUV -HQVHQ VLJQHG WKH:2'$ 3ULQFLSOHV RI 6XVWDLQDEOH 'UHGJLQJ DQ DJUHHG VWDWHPHQW RQ 21st-century dredging issued by the associations that form WODA. 7KH WKUHH :2'$ FRQVWLWXHQWV :('$ $PHULFDV &('$ (XURSH $IULFD DQG WKH 0LGGOH (DVWDQG($'$$VLDDQG$XVWUDOLDRSHUDWHDURXQGWKHZRUOGDQGVRPHWLPHV¿QGVLJQL¿FDQW GLIIHUHQFHVLQWKHZD\GUHGJLQJSURMHFWVDUHSODQQHGDQGLPSOHPHQWHG7KLVVWDWHPHQWFDSWXUHV the common values and principles to which each association subscribes. ³:LWKWKHVH3ULQFLSOHVRI 6XVWDLQDEOH'UHGJLQJRXU organisations show what WKHLUGULYLQJIRUFHLVDFKLH YLQJJRDOVIRUWKHHQYLURQ PHQWDQGIRUSURVSHULW\E\ promoting and organising DFWLYHFROODERUDWLRQH[FKDQ JHRIYLHZVDQGXVLQJEHVW DYDLODEOHNQRZOHGJH,KRSH WKHVHSULQFLSOHVZLOOKHOSWR LPSURYHRXUZRUN´ 3ROLWH/DER\ULHFKDLUPDQRI the WODA and CEDA Environment Commissions ³7KHVHSULQFLSOHVUHFRJQLVH WKHHQYLURQPHQWDOVRFLDO DQGHFRQRPLFYDOXHVKHOGE\ :2'$DQGVKRXOGFRQWULEX WHWRWKHZRUOGZLGHGUHGJLQJ FRPPXQLW\PRYLQJIRUZDUG LQDVXVWDLQDEOHPDQQHU´ &UDLJ9RJWFKDLUPDQ:('$ Environment Commission Anders Jensen (DHI), CEDA President and WODA Chairman, signs the WODA Principles of Sustainable Dredging as Eric Van den Eede looks over ³:HDUHORRNLQJIRUZDUG WRXVLQJWKHVHSULQFLSOHVWR DFKLHYHDVXVWDLQDEOHOLIH VW\OHIRUIXWXUHJHQHUDWLRQV´ -RKQ'REVRQ($'$UH presentative on the WODA Environment Commission Polite Laboyrie (Witteveen+Bos), chairman of the WODA and CEDA Environment Commissions, presents the Principles at WODCON XX www.dredging.org &('$$QQXDO5HSRUW 3DJH &('$$QQXDO5HSRUW 3DJH IN THE FOCUS: CEDA WORKING GROUPS ON MONITORING AND ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT 7KHVHWZRQHZ&('$JURXSVVWDUWHGLQ2FWREHUZLWKWKHDLPRI FUHDWLQJSDSHUVRQDGDSWLYHPDQDJHPHQW$0DQGHQYLURQPHQWDO PRQLWRULQJSURFHGXUHV(03 $0 LV KHDYLO\ GHSHQGHQW RQ JRRG HQYLURQPHQWDO PRQLWRULQJ ZKLOH HQYLURQPHQWDO PRQLWRULQJ (0 LWVHOI FDQ EH GRQH LQ DQ DGDSWLYHPDQQHU7KHUHLVHQRXJKLQIRUPDWLRQRQ(03DORQHWR MXVWLI\VHWWLQJXSDVHSDUDWHZRUNLQJJURXS 7KH :RUNLQJ *URXS RQ $GDSWLYH 0DQDJHPHQW :*$0 FKDLUHG E\ *HUDUG YDQ 5DDOWH 5R\DO %RVNDOLV :HVWPLQVWHU WKH 1HWKHUODQGV IRFXVHV RQ KRZ $0 FDQ EH DSSOLHG VXFFHVVIXOO\ LQ GUHGJLQJ SURMHFWV DQG LQ HQYLURQPHQWDOO\ VHQVLWLYH GUHGJLQJ SURMHFWVLQSDUWLFXODU ³,Q VRPH FDVHV VWULFW WKUHVKROGV PLJKW EH DSSOLHG WR DVVXUH environmental performance with levels deemed to be acceptable. ,Q RWKHU FDVHV OHVV FOHDU HQYLURQPHQWDO OLPLWV DUH VSHFL¿HG VRPHWLPHV GXH WR DQ LQDELOLW\ WR IXOO\ DSSUHFLDWH DQG MXGJH HQYLURQPHQWDOFRQGLWLRQVDQGSRWHQWLDOSURMHFWHIIHFWVLQFUHDVHG XQFHUWDLQW\ DERXW HIIHFW RQ DQG UHVSRQVHV E\ QDWXUH EXW VRPHWLPHV IRU RWKHU UHDVRQV VKDULQJ ULVNV DQG UHVSRQVLELOLWLHV (IIHFWVFDQEHERWKQHJDWLYHDQGSRVLWLYH´VDLGYDQ5DDOWH ,QFDVHVZLWKOHVVFOHDUUHTXLUHPHQWVDVHTXHQFHRIPRQLWRULQJ impact assessment and management actions may be implemented, known as ‘adaptive management’, although interpretation and implementation may differ considerably. The working group DLPV WR SURYLGH LQIRUPDWLRQ RQ $0¶V REMHFWLYHV GH¿QLQJ circumstances, conditions, governance and lessons learned. 7KH :RUNLQJ *URXS RQ (QYLURQPHQWDO 0RQLWRULQJ 3URFHGXUHV :*(03FKDLUHGE\'U,GD%U¡NHU'+,'HQPDUNDPELWLRXVO\ aims to produce a position paper that answers why, when, what DQG KRZ PRQLWRULQJ LV FDUULHG RXW E\ LQFOXGLQJ GH¿QLWLRQV RI types of monitoring - baseline, compliance, feedback and longWHUP FRQWURO PRQLWRULQJ ,W ZLOO GLVFXVV KRZ XQGHUVWDQGLQJ RI WKH SK\VLFDO HQYLURQPHQW LV GHULYHG IURP VSHFL¿F PRQLWRULQJ and existing data, and how environmental indicators and their threshold values, along with relevant response times of the system, DUHXVHGWRGH¿QHWKHRSWLPDOFRQFHSWIRUPRQLWRULQJ $ÀRZFKDUWZLOOEHGHYHORSHGWRDVVLVWLQWKHSURFHVVRIGH¿QLQJ the optimal monitoring programme and examples will be given of PRQLWRULQJ DSSURDFKHV IRU GLIIHUHQW W\SHV RI SURMHFWV LQ YDULRXV environments. For the full list of working group members please refer to page xxx in this report. %RWKJURXSVZLOOGHOLYHUWKHLUFRQFOXVLRQVLQ1RYHPEHU The two working group chairs, Ida Brøker (DHI) and Gerard van Raalte %RVNDOLV¿QDOLVHWKHGUDIWWDEOHRIFRQWHQWVIRUWKHWZRGRFXPHQWV $WWKH¿UVWMRLQWPHHWLQJRIWKHWZRZRUNLQJJURXSVRQDGDSWLYH management and environmental monitoring in October 2013 (l to r): Henrich Röper (Hamburg Port Authority); Mark Lee (HR Wallingford), John Kirkpatrick (HR Wallingford), Rebecca Gardner (Anchor QEA AS), Gerard van Raalte (Boskalis), Marcel Van Parys (Jan De Nul), Frederik Goethals (Dredging International), Steve Challinor (Royal HaskoningDHV); Ida Brøker (DHI), Ulrik Lumborg (DHI), Dafydd Lloyd Jones (Marine Space Ltd). On the screen: Andrew Costen (BMT WBM), Ram Mohan (Anchor QEA AS) participated in the meeting via teleconferencing &('$$QQXDO5HSRUW 3DJH SPECIAL FEATURE: THE DREDGING DEBATE &KDLUHG E\ &('$ (QYLURQPHQW &RPPLVVLRQ FKDLUPDQ 3ROLWH Laboyrie, the debate was designed as an interactive session that would challenge participants to consider, and take a stance on, hot topics. 7KH SDQHO LQFOXGHG .DWKHULQH +DUULV DQG *HUDUG YDQ 5DDOWH IURP &('$ -RKQ 'REVRQ IURP ($'$ &UDLJ 9RJW RI :('$ DQG +DUDOG .RHWKH UHSUHVHQWLQJ WKH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO 1DYLJDWLRQ $VVRFLDWLRQ3,$1&,QDVFULSWHGUROHSOD\HDFKSXWDTXHVWLRQ to the audience, taking a fairly controversial stand in the process. The WODCON XX Dredging Debate panellists engaged in a role play and pretended to be either a proponent or an opponent on a variety of subjects (l to r): Polite Laboyrie (Witteveen+Bos), Katherine Harris (HR Wallingford), Gerard van Raalte (Boskalis), John Dobson (EADA), Craig Vogt (WEDA, Craig Vogt Inc.) and Harald Köthe (PIANC Envicom) • 9DQ5DDOWHRQEHQH¿FLDOXVHRIGUHGJHGPDWHULDO³%HQH¿FLDO" :KR VD\V" )RU ZKRP" , RQO\ ORYH WKLV EHQH¿FLDO XVH VR DV ORQJDVWKHSURMHFWJRHVRQ´&('$¶V1LFN%UD\UHVSRQGHG “But if you use the material, especially if it’s contaminated, IRU VRPHWKLQJ HOVH \RX PXVW JHW D EHWWHU UHVXOW´ %XW 3RUW RI +DPEXUJ¶V+HLQ]'LHWHU'HW]QHUZKRKDVPRIVLOWWR GLVSRVH RI DQQXDOO\ DVNHG ³:KHUH LV WKH PDUNHW" 6RPHWLPHV hundreds of kilometres away. The best solution is when the PDWHULDO¶VFOHDQDQGFDQEHXVHGRQEHDFKHV´ •9 RJWRQSURMHFWSODQQLQJLQYROYLQJVWDNHKROGHUV³,¶PLQIDYRXU of the earliest possible involvement, otherwise permitting and RWKHUUHJXODWLQJDXWKRULWLHVFDQGHUDLO\RXUSURMHFW$VZHVD\ LQWKH86QRVXUSULVHV´-RKQ'REVRQUHSOLHG³,WORRNVOLNH ,¶PWKHRQO\SHUVRQLQWKHURRPDJDLQVWWKLV<RXDOZD\V¿QG SHRSOHZLOOSRSXSODWHU¿VKHUPHQIRUH[DPSOHLIWKH\IHHO WKHLULQWHUHVWVDUHWKUHDWHQHG3ROLWLFLDQVFKDQJHWKHLUPLQGVWRR LIWKH\IHHOWKHUH¶VWRRPXFKRSSRVLWLRQDQGWKH\¶OOORVHYRWHV´ • +DUULV RQ XVLQJ QDWXUDO SURFHVVHV IRU VXVWDLQDEOH SURMHFW GHYHORSPHQW³7KHUHLVQRGRXEWZRUNLQJZLWKQDWXUDOSURFHVVHV HQKDQFHVRSSRUWXQLWLHV´$QGWKLVWLPHWKHÀRRUDJUHHG³,I\RX can build beaches rather than solid seawalls, it’s far better to do VR´FRPPHQWHGDQDXGLHQFHPHPEHU • .RHWKH DVNHG LI DGDSWLYH PDQDJHPHQW ZDV D VXLWDEOH WRRO IRU HQYLURQPHQWDOSURWHFWLRQGXULQJGUHGJLQJSURMHFWV9DQ5DDOWH WKRXJKWVRWKRXJKIRUPDMRUUDWKHUWKDQVPDOOSURMHFWV³7KRVH with adaptive management have nearly always been completed RQWLPHDQGZLWKLQEXGJHW´KHDGYLVHG%XW:('$FKDLUPDQ HOHFW5DP0RKDQIHOWLWUHPDLQHGDGLI¿FXOWLVVXH³,I\RXJREDFN WRWKHURRWVRISURMHFWPDQDJHPHQWWKHUHDUHPDQ\SUREOHPVWR GH¿QHLW¶VYHU\FRPSOH[WKRXJK,WKLQNLW¶VDJRRGWRRO´7KH DXGLHQFHDJUHHGQRRQHZDVVXUH\RXFRXOGHYHUXQGHUVWDQGDOO the facets in dealing with natural processes, but it was felt that DGDSWLYHPDQDJHPHQWZDVVWLOODJRRGWRROIRUODUJHSURMHFWV • Dobson on strict environmental regulations forcing the industry WR ORRN IRU QHZ DSSURDFKHV ³&DOO PH ROGIDVKLRQHG EXW , OLNH WR NQRZ ZKDW WKH UHJV DUH DQG ZK\´ +DUULV WRR IHOW WKDW prescriptive regulations didn’t help stakeholders and others to ¿QGWKHEHVWVROXWLRQV7KHDXGLHQFHDJUHHG³5HJVGRQ¶WWDNH LQWR DFFRXQW WKH G\QDPLVP RI QDWXUH´ FRPPHQWHG D PHPEHU ³:KDW LI \RX FDQ FRPH XS ZLWK D EHWWHU VROXWLRQ" 5HJXODWLRQ FDQNLOOLQQRYDWLRQ´ $FNQRZOHGJHPHQW7KLVVXPPDU\ZDVRULJLQDOO\SXEOLVKHGLQWKH $XJXVWLVVXHRI'3&DQGKDVEHHQNLQGO\PDGHDYDLODEOHIRUWKLV report. <RXFDQ¶W¿JKWQDWXUHVWUHVVHG+HLQ]'LHWHU'HW]QHU+DPEXUJ3RUW$XWKRULW\ CEDA Annual Report 2013 3DJH SPECIAL FEATURE: LONDON CONVENTION DREDGED MATERIAL GUIDELINES 7KH7KLUW\¿IWK&RQVXOWDWLYH0HHWLQJRIWKH3DUWLHVRIWKH/RQGRQ &RQYHQWLRQ DQG /RQGRQ 3URWRFRO DGRSWHG *XLGHOLQHV IRU$VVHVVPHQW RI 'UHGJHG 0DWHULDO GXULQJ WKH ¿QDO GD\ RI WKH PHHWLQJRIWKHSDUWLHVDWWKH,QWHUQDWLRQDO0DULWLPH2UJDQL]DWLRQ headquarters in London, 12-18 October 2013. The Guidelines are to be used for assessment of dredged material that is proposed to be placed at sea to ensure that placement does not have unacceptable adverse impacts to the ecological resources of the sea or present an unacceptable risk to humans. 7KURXJK LWV REVHUYHU VWDWXV :2'$&('$ PDGH D VXEVWDQWLDO contribution to drawing up the original assessment frameworks and guidelines and has continued to provide expert input into their UHYLVLRQ &('$ DOVR SDUWLFLSDWHG LQ WKH FRUUHVSRQGHQFH JURXS that carried out this latest revision. Our representatives in this ZRUN ZHUH 3ROLWH /DER\ULH :LWWHYHHQ%RV WKH 1HWKHUODQGV FKDLUPDQ RI WKH &('$ (QYLURQPHQW &RPPLVVLRQ &(& DQG 'U$QGUHZ%LUFKHQRXJK&HIDV8.PHPEHURIWKH&(& 7KH :RUOG 2UJDQLVDWLRQ RI 'UHGJLQJ $VVRFLDWLRQV :2'$ KDV DQ RI¿FLDO QRQJRYHUQPHQWDO REVHUYHU 1*2 VWDWXV DW WKH /RQGRQ &RQYHQWLRQ DQG LWV 3URWRFRO 2Q EHKDOI RI WKH WKUHH GUHGJLQJDVVRFLDWLRQVPDNLQJXS:2'$WKH&HQWUDO'UHGJLQJ $VVRFLDWLRQ&('$WKH(DVWHUQ'UHGJLQJ$VVRFLDWLRQ($'$ DQG WKH :HVWHUQ 'UHGJLQJ $VVRFLDWLRQ :('$ &('$ undertakes this work and actively participates in meetings and relevant working groups to provide independent expert advice to help shape policy development. Our overarching aim is to ensure that any legislation pertaining to dredging and disposal activities and maritime construction works is based on the sound technical DQG VFLHQWL¿F NQRZOHGJH WDNHV DFFRXQW RI EHVW SUDFWLFH DQG LV ultimately workable. Before a permit for placement of dredged mater ial at sea can be issued, an assessment must be conducted that includes evaluation of alternatives to ocean placement and characterisation of the dredged material in terms of physical, chemical and potential biological toxicity. The Guidelines require that the characteristics of the dredged material be compared to an action list to determine acceptability for open water placement in the ocean, which is followed by careful considerations of placement site characteristics and an assessment of the potential effects of placement at that site. A permit is only to be issued if any effects are below acceptable thresholds. The Guidelines specify that monitoring programmes should be put in place to ensure that permit conditions and predictions of acceptable impacts are on target. &('$ DORQJ ZLWK RWKHU RUJDQLVDWLRQV KDV ZRUNHG WR HQVXUH that dredged material is treated as a special case and has been instrumental in changing the image of dredged material, recognising that it consists mainly of natural sediments and only a small proportion of the total volume dredged annually is contaminated. As a result, what was previously described as dredged ‘spoil’ is now known as dredged ‘material’ - a term now embedded in the conventions. &UDLJ 9RJW &UDLJ 9RJW ,QF 86$ FKDLUPDQ RI WKH :('$ (QYLURQPHQW &RPPLVVLRQ UHSUHVHQWHG :2'$&('$ DW WKH UHFHQW FRQVXOWDWLYH PHHWLQJ DQG PDGH WKH IROORZLQJ VWDWHPHQW “WODA believes that the updated Guidelines for dredged material is a much improved and user-friendly document. WODA UHFRJQLVHV WKH H[FHOOHQW ZRUN RI WKH 6FLHQWL¿F *URXS DQG LQ particular, the correspondence group. WODA enthusiastically VXSSRUWVDGRSWLRQ´ 7KH /RQGRQ &RQYHQWLRQ DQG 3URWRFRO DUH LPSRUWDQW LQ VHWWLQJ basic requirements for the management of dredged material placement at sea and produce guidelines that provide the context within which assessment of the suitability of dredged material placement is carried out within contracting countries. The Guidelines apply to the 90 countries that are members of WKH /RQGRQ &RQYHQWLRQ DQG FRXQWULHV WKDW DUH PHPEHUV RI WKH /RQGRQ 3URWRFRO VRPH FRXQWULHV DUH PHPEHUV RI ERWK 7KH *XLGHOLQHV ZLOO VKRUWO\ EH DYDLODEOH RQ WKH ,02 ZHEVLWH www.imo.org DV ZHOO DV RQ WKH &('$ DQG :('$ ZHEVLWHV www.dredging.org and www.westerndredging.org, respectively. )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQFRQWDFW&('$RU:('$ 7KH /RQGRQ &RQYHQWLRQ DQG 3URWRFRO DGRSWHG WKH 'UHGJHG 0DWHULDO $VVHVVPHQW )UDPHZRUN '0$) LQ WKLV ZDV UHSODFHGE\WKH6SHFL¿F*XLGHOLQHVIRUWKH$VVHVVPHQWRI'UHGJHG 0DWHULDOLQ The new Guidelines, provided in a user-friendly format, represent a comprehensive updating that takes into account the latest science. Craig Vogt (Craig Vogt Inc.) from WEDA represented WODA at the 2013 meeting of the consultative bodies of the London Convention that adopted the revised guidelines for dredged material www.dredging.org CEDA Annual Report 2013 3DJH COMMISSIONS Strategy Implementation Commission - CSIC 7KHDLPRIWKH workshop was to SURYLGHLQSXWWRWKH new CEDA strategy Hendrik Postma Chair ,Q,FRQFOXGHGP\WLPHRQWKH&('$%RDUG DQGDVFKDLUPDQRIWKH6WUDWHJ\,PSOHPHQWDWLRQ &RPPLVVLRQ,ZDVKRQRXUHGZKHQ,ZDVDVNHG by the Board to chair this dedicated and forwardORRNLQJ JURXS LQ ZKHQ &('$¶V FXUUHQW strategy, ‘The way ahead’, was adopted. Back WKHQ , ZDV FRQYLQFHG WKDW &('$ KDG UHDFKHG the point where a more strategic approach to planning and implementing its activities would greatly improve its value to the members. %HLQJRQHRIWKHLQLWLDWRUVRIWKH¿UVW6WUDWHJ\ Workshop that led to ‘The way ahead’, it was ¿WWLQJ IRU PH WR EH DFWLYHO\ LQYROYHG LQ LWV LPSOHPHQWDWLRQDVZHOO,HQMR\HGWKHPHHWLQJV of this group, which generated many good ideas that were turned into successful initiatives later on. )RU D VKRUW ZKLOH WKH 6WUDWHJ\ ,PSOHPHQWDWLRQ &RPPLVVLRQ EHFDPH 6WUDWHJ\ &RPPLVVLRQ again as it was charged by the Board to design WKH QG 6WUDWHJ\ :RUNVKRS +RVWHG E\ 5R\DO +DVNRQLQJ'+9 LQ $PHUVIRRUW WKDW ZRUNVKRS WRRNSODFHRQ6HSWHPEHUZLWKWKHSDUWLFLSDWLRQ of 14 people, including representatives of the (QYLURQPHQW DQG<RXQJ &('$ &RPPLVVLRQV The aim of the workshop was to provide input WRWKHQHZ&('$VWUDWHJ\WREHIRUPXODWHGLQ 2014. The in-depth discussions covered topics WKDW LQFOXGHG VWUHQJWKHQLQJ &('$¶V UROH DV knowledge disseminator and expanding it to become a knowledge networker and knowledge JHQHUDWRU VXEMHFW DUHDV RI UHOHYDQFH WR WKH various groups within the membership such as GHHSVHD PLQLQJ DQG RIIVKRUH HQHUJ\ RLO DQG JDV DQG UHQHZDEOHV HQJDJLQJ WKH \RXQJHU JHQHUDWLRQDQGH[WHQGLQJ&('$¶VJHRJUDSKLFDO UHDFK,WZDVDVXFFHVVIXODQGLQVSLULQJGD\WKH results of which will be evident in the coming years. , DP SOHDVHG WR VHH WKDW RWKHU DFWLYLWLHV UHFRPPHQGHG E\ WKH &6,& IRU WKH \HDU KDYHEHHQWDNHQRQERDUGVXFFHVVIXOO\,QVWHDGRI OLVWLQJWKHVHLQGLYLGXDOO\,UHIHUWKHUHDGHUWRWKH 3UHVLGHQW DQG 0DQDJHU¶V UHSRUW WKH EHJLQQLQJ RI WKLV GRFXPHQW , VKDOO RQO\ PHQWLRQ KHUH WKH &('$ ZHELQDUV D SURJUDPPH ZH VWDUWHG last year. The number and range of people we managed to engage this way exceeded all expectations. ,ZLVKWKH&6,&DQG&('$VXFFHVVDQGPDQ\ new useful initiatives to keep the association strong and relevant for all groups within the membership and across its region. Hendrik Postma Chair The CEDA Strategy Workshop in September 2013 generated a lot of ideas www.dredging.org CEDA Annual Report 2013 3DJH (QYLURQPHQW&RPPLVVLRQ±&(&DQG&('$¶V,QWHUQDWLRQDO 5HSUHVHQWDWLRQ CEDA members representing you at various international forums &('$¶V (QYLURQPHQW &RPPLVVLRQ KDG D PRVW SURGXFWLYH \HDU 2XU DLP LV VWLOO WR IDFLOLWDWHWKHXVHRIKLJKTXDOLW\LQIRUPDWLRQLQWKHSURMHFWGHFLVLRQPDNLQJSURFHVVDQG LQUHJXODWLRQVDQGJXLGHOLQHV,WPLJKWEHWKRXJKWWKDWRXUZRUNORDGZRXOGEHUHGXFLQJ E\ QRZ EHFDXVH HYHU\RQH NQRZV KRZ WKLQJV ZRUN <HW HYHQ DIWHU PHHWLQJV RI WKH&(&WKHUHDUHVWLOOQHZIURQWLHUVWRGLVFRYHUDQGIUHVKLWHPVWRGLVFXVV:RUNLQJ with dedicated professionals from a variety of disciplines and different organisations ensures that the work in the commission remains relevant and inspiring. Polite Laboyrie Chair ,Q ZH KHOG WZR SURGXFWLYH PHHWLQJV RQH LQ WKH VSULQJ LQ WKH )UHQFK WRZQ RI 1DQWHVKRVWHGE\&HQWUHG¶(WXGHV7HFKQLTXHV0DULWLPHVHW)OXYLDOHV&(70()DQG DQDXWXPQHYHQWLQ:DOOLQJIRUG(QJODQGKRVWHGE\+5:DOOLQJIRUG%RWKPHHWLQJV were well attended. 7KH &(& LV IRUWXQDWH WR KDYH PHPEHUV IURP %HOJLXP %XOJDULD 'HQPDUN )UDQFH *HUPDQ\,WDO\WKH1HWKHUODQGV5XVVLDDQGWKH8QLWHG.LQJGRP7KH\ZRUNIRUJRYHUQPHQWVSRUWDXWKRULWLHV consultants, contractors, dredging constructors and research institutes, and their professional background is similarly diverse - civil engineers, ecologists and mechanical engineers, among others, many of them with science doctorates. Between them, the members can draw on knowledge and experience that is fully equal to WKHZLGHUDQJHRIVXEMHFWVZLWKZKLFKWKH&(&GHDOV London Convention Polite Laboyrie, Witteveen+Bos London Convention Andy Birchenough, Cefas &('$ PHPEHUV SURYLGH FRQVLGHUDEOH VXSSRUW WR WKH &(& IRU WKH WHPSRUDU\ ZRUNLQJ JURXSV WKDW SURGXFH LQIRUPDWLRQRUSRVLWLRQSDSHUV:RUNLQJJURXSVDUHVHWXSDIWHUWKH&(&KDVVHOHFWHGDVXEMHFWIRUPXODWHG WHUPVRIUHIHUHQFHDQGLVVXHGDQLQYLWDWLRQ,QZHZRUNHGRQHFRV\VWHPVHUYLFHVDGDSWLYHPDQDJHPHQW and monitoring of dredging operations and a WODA expert group on underwater sound, 'XULQJ:2'&21;;WKH&(&RUJDQLVHGRQHRIWKHVHVVLRQV2XUWZRLQYLWHGVSHDNHUVZHUH)UDQN7KRPVHQ IURP'+,RQ:2'$¶VWHFKQLFDOJXLGDQFHRQXQGHUZDWHUVRXQGLQUHODWLRQWRGUHGJLQJDQG3LHWHUGH%RHU 5LMNVZDWHUVWDDWRQWKH&('$LQIRUPDWLRQSDSHURQHFRV\VWHPVHUYLFHVDQGGUHGJLQJ$IWHUWKDWZHKDGD OLYHO\GHEDWHRQPDMRUWRSLFDOLVVXHVDQGGLOHPPDVDIIHFWLQJWKHGUHGJLQJLQGXVWU\VHHWKHVHFWLRQµ'UHGJLQJ 'HEDWH¶RQSDJH;; 7RJHWKHU ZLWK RXU VLVWHU DVVRFLDWLRQV :('$ DQG ($'$ &('$ SUHSDUHG WKH :2'$ 3ULQFLSOHV RI 6XVWDLQDEOH'UHGJLQJ7KHSULQFLSOHVDUHUHSULQWHGRQSDJH;;RIWKLVUHSRUW7KH\HPSKDVLVHWKDWGUHGJLQJ and the management of dredged material are essential if our quality of life and economic well-being are to be maintained and improved. Water-based infrastructure needs to be created and maintained through, for H[DPSOHQDYLJDWLRQGUHGJLQJDQGUHFODPDWLRQ(QYLURQPHQWDOTXDOLW\FDQEHHQKDQFHGE\EHDFKQRXULVKPHQW RU E\ LPSURYLQJ ÀXVKLQJ LQ HQFORVHG ZDWHU ERGLHV DQG SURYLGLQJ PLQHUDOV DQG FRQVWUXFWLRQ PDWHULDOV %\ adhering to principles of sustainability that include working with natural systems to integrate these actions, the goals of environmental quality and economic prosperity can both be achieved. 7KH&(&SOD\VDQDFWLYHDGYLVRU\UROHLQWKH/RQGRQ&RQYHQWLRQLQWKH2VORDQG3DULV&RQYHQWLRQVDQG LQ (8 SROLF\ ZKHUH ZH FDQ KHOS HQVXUH WKDW legislation is based on the best available knowledge and that past mistakes are not UHSHDWHG &XUUHQW LWHPV XQGHU FRQVLGHUDWLRQ are new assessment guidelines for the handling of dredged material, dealing with underwater VRXQG DQG VHDÀRRU LQWHJULW\ 7KHUH LV DOVR a debate about what exactly constitutes a good environmental status. The contributions RI &(& PHPEHUV ZKR SDUWLFLSDWH LQ WKHVH discussions are appreciated. ,Q WKH /RQGRQ &RQYHQWLRQ UHYLVLRQV WR WKH 'UHGJHG 0DWHULDO $VVHVVPHQW *XLGHOLQHV The spring meeting of CEC was organised by CETMEF and hosted by Port of Nantes. Part of the meeting took place on the river Loire, cruising from Nantes to Saint-Nazaire (l to r): 1st row – Cor Schipper (Deltares), Katherine Harris (HR Wallingford), Anna Csiti (CEDA), Joël l’Her (CETMEF); 2nd row - Henrich Röper (Hamburg Port Authority), Andy Birchenough (CEFAS), Gerard van Raalte (Boskalis), Noemi von Meijenfeldt (Witteveen+Bos), Eric van der Blom (IHC Dredgers); back row - Frederik Roose (Ministry of Flemish Community, Division Maritime Access), Ida Brøker(DHI), Helmut Meyer (German Ministry of Transport Building & Urban Affairs), Polite Laboyrie (Witteveen+Bos), Luc Hamm (Artelia Group), Jos Smits (IMDC) www.dredging.org OSPAR Commission Cor Schipper, Deltares EU Water Framework Directive (until October 2013) Axel Netzband, Hamburg Port Authority EU Water Framework Directive (from October 2013) Henrich Röper, Hamburg Port Authority EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive, Noemi von Meijenfeldt, Witteveen+Bos CEDA Annual Report 2013 3DJH ZHUHDGRSWHG7KHFRPPHQWVDQGUHPDUNVPDGHE\WKH&(&RQEHKDOIRI&('$DQG:2'$ZHUHWDNHQLQWR account. 7UDQVODWLRQRIWKHERRN(QYLURQPHQWDO$VSHFWVRI'UHGJLQJLQWR5XVVLDQODQJXDJHZDVFRPSOHWHG A new attitude towards the environment LV DSSDUHQW WRGD\ ,W LV QR ORQJHU WKH FDVH that a civil structure is designed and the environmental effects only calculated and PLWLJDWHG DIWHU WKH HYHQW 1RZDGD\V WKH environment and society are integral to the design process. Design principles such DV µEXLOGLQJ ZLWK 1DWXUH¶ µZRUNLQJ ZLWK nature’ and even ‘engineering with nature’ are being adopted worldwide and they are being incorporated into legislation and guidelines. 7KLV GHYHORSPHQW KDV SURPSWHG &(& WR SURSRVHDVXFFHVVRUWR(QYLURQPHQWDO$VSHFWV of Dredging that will be more based on these new design principles. We have formed an HGLWRULDO FRPPLVVLRQ WRJHWKHU ZLWK ,$'& which is responsible for developing this book. The fall meeting of CEC was hosted by HR Wallingford (l to r): Michael Costaras (HR Wallingford, guest, also member of the CEDA Board), Katherine Harris (HR Wallingford), Eric van der Blom (IHC Dredgers), Frederik Roose (Ministry of Flemish Community, Division Maritime Access), Joël l’Her (CETMEF) CEDA members representing you at various international forums EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive/Working Group Good Environmental Status/ Technical Technical Subgroup Underwater Noise and OSPAR Intersessional Correspondence Group Noise Frank Thomsen, DHI 2IFRQVLGHUDEOHLPSRUWDQFHDUHWKHQHWZRUNLQJDFWLYLWLHVRIWKH&(&7KHUHZHUHLQWHQVHFRQWDFWVZLWKRXU VLVWHURUJDQLVDWLRQV:('$DQG($'$DQGDOVRZLWK(8'$3,$1&DQG,$'&7KH&(&FRQWLQXHVWREH YHU\DFWLYHDQGIRUZDUGORRNLQJDQGWKHUHDUHPRUHWKDQVXI¿FLHQWLWHPVRQWKHDJHQGD OSPAR Intersessional Correspondence Group on the Marine Strategy Framework Directive Marie Pendle, HR Wallingford Polite Laboyrie Chair Thank you! &(&VDLGJRRGE\HWRWKUHHORQJVHUYLQJDQGYHU\DFWLYHPHPEHUVZKRVWHSSHGGRZQGXHWRDSSURDFKLQJ UHWLUHPHQWVIURPWKHLUGD\MREV$[HO1HW]EDQGIURP+DPEXUJ3RUW$XWKRULW\*HUDUGYDQ5DDOWHIURP%RVNDOLV DQG3RO+DNVWHJHRI5LMNVZDWHUVWDDW $[HOZDVSUHVHQWZKHQWKHLGHDRIWKH&(&±LQLWLDOO\FDOOHGWKH&('$(QYLURQPHQWDO6WHHULQJ&RPPLWWHH± ZDVFRQFHLYHGLQ'HFHPEHU)LYH\HDUVODWHUKHEHFDPH+HLQ]*OLQGHPDQQ¶V&(&DOWHUQDWHEHFRPLQJ a full member in 2010. Axel’s made numerous invaluable contributions, primarily on sediment management ±SURPSWLQJ&(&FKDLUPDQ3ROLWH/DER\ULHWRFDOOKLP³WKHNLQJRIVHGLPHQWPDQDJHPHQW´ $[HO¶V SRUWIROLR LQFOXGHG WKUHH (XURSHDQ 'LUHFWLYHV ± :DWHU )UDPHZRUN :DVWH DQG 0DULQH 6WUDWHJ\ ± DQG KH SOD\HG D key role in reviewing and responding to (XURSHDQ &RPPLVVLRQ SURSRVDOV IRU WKHLU LPSOHPHQWDWLRQ $[HO ZDV DOVR &(&¶V OLQN WR6HG1HWDQG'UHGJLQJ(XURSHDQGHQVXUHG these groups were well-informed. EU Waste Directive Pieter de Boer, Ministry of Infrastructure &Environment International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) Vera Breitung, German Federal Institute of Hydrology *HUDUGKDVEHHQD&(&PHPEHUIRU\HDUV and has always taken a proactive, constructive DSSURDFK $V 3ROLWH /DER\ULH SRLQWHG RXW LQ KLV IDUHZHOO VSHHFK ³*HUDUG KDV VKDUHG his vast knowledge and experience with &(& DQG WKH ODUJHU GUHGJLQJ FRPPXQLW\ LQ The retiring trio enjoying the surroundings during the meeting PDQ\ FDSDFLWLHV RQ WKH HGLWRULDO ERDUG RI break at HR Wallingford (l to r): Gerard van Raalte (Boskalis), (QYLURQPHQWDO$VSHFWVRI'UHGJLQJSXEOLVKHG Pol Hakstege (Ministry of Infrastructure & Environment) and in 2008 and its predecessor booklets published Axel Netzband (Hamburg Port Authority EHWZHHQ DQG RQ WHFKQLFDO SDSHUV FRPPLWWHHVRI&('$FRQIHUHQFHVDQGVHPLQDUVRQWKH&('$ZRUNLQJJURXSDQG:2'$H[SHUWJURXSRQ XQGHUZDWHUVRXQGDQGPXFKPXFKPRUH´ www.dredging.org CEDA Annual Report 2013 3DJH *HUDUG KDV DOVR EHHQ DQ LQH[KDXVWLEOH VRXUFH RI LGHDV ± PDQ\ VXFFHVVIXO QHZ LQLWLDWLYHV FDQ EH WUDFHG EDFN WR KLP ± DQG ZLWKRXW exception, the ideas were backed up by hard work, often in his spare time. 3ROZDVMXVWOLNH$[HODQDFWLYHPHPEHURIWKHJURXS±DVDOWHUQDWHWR3ROLWH/DER\ULH±ORQJEHIRUHKHEHFDPHDIXOO&(&PHPEHULQ 2011. 'XULQJKLVUHODWLYHO\VKRUWPHPEHUVKLS3ROKDVPDGHKLVPDUNDVµWKHFOLPDWHFKDQJHPDQ¶FKDLULQJWKH&('$ZRUNLQJJURXSDQG SUHVHQWLQJ WKH VHFRQG &('$ ZHELQDU 3RO MRLQHG WKH WHDP RI OHFWXUHUV IRU WKH &('$,$'& FRXUVH RQ (QYLURQPHQWDO$VSHFWV RI 'UHGJLQJZKHUHKHVKDUHGKLVPDQ\\HDUVRIH[SHULHQFHIURPWKHSURMHFWRZQHU¶VSHUVSHFWLYH6HGLPHQWPDQDJHPHQWDQGWKH:DWHU )UDPHZRUN'LUHFWLYHZHUHDOVRVXEMHFWVZKHUH&(&FRXOGDOZD\VFRXQWRQ3ROIRUH[SHUWLQVLJKWV &(&WKDQNV$[HO*HUDUGDQG3ROIRUWKHLUFRPPLWPHQWGHGLFDWLRQDQGIULHQGVKLSDQGZLVKHVWKHPDOOWKHEHVWIRUWKHLUUHWLUHPHQWV <RXQJ&('$ ,Q<RXQJ&('$RUJDQLVHGWZRHYHQWVDQGIRFXVHGRQRXURUJDQLVDWLRQZLWK the aim of representing young members and organising future activities. Activities Daan Rijks Chair (until June 2013) Arjan de Heer Chair (from June 2013) <RXQJ &('$ RUJDQLVHV WHFKQLFDO H[FXUVLRQV DQG VHPLQDUV WR LQYROYH \RXQJHU PHPEHUV LQ WKH &('$ RUJDQLVDWLRQ $V ZHOO DV SUHVHQWLQJ DQG GLVFXVVLQJ H[SHULHQFHV IURP \RXQJ SURIHVVLRQDOV <RXQJ &('$ WDSV LQWR WKH H[WHQVLYH NQRZOHGJHRIH[SHULHQFHG&('$FROOHDJXHV,QWKLVZD\&('$LVNHSWDOLYHDQGXS WRGDWH,QGLVSHQVDEOHDIWHUDFWLYLW\GULQNVRIIHUDPSOHRSSRUWXQLW\IRU<RXQJ&('$ members to exchange ideas, gain technical insights and expand their professional networks with valuable new contacts. ([FXUVLRQ$PD]RQH+DUERXU5RWWHUGDP ,Q0DUFKDQH[FXUVLRQZDVRUJDQLVHGWRWKH$PD]RQH+DUERXUZKHUHRQHRI5RWWHUGDP¶VFRQWDLQHUWHUPLQDOVLVORFDWHG:RUNV LQFOXGHGGHPROLWLRQFRQVWUXFWLRQRIPRITXD\ZDOODQGGUHGJLQJRI0PRIPDWHULDOWRZLGHQWKHEDVLQ:HDOVRYLVLWHGWKH QHDUE\ (XURSHHV 0DVVDJRHG 2YHUVODJEHGULMI (02 (XURSH¶V ODUJHVW EXON WHUPLQDO7KH H[FXUVLRQ ZDV MRLQWO\ RUJDQLVHG ZLWK WKH \RXQJSURIHVVLRQDORUJDQLVDWLRQVRI3,$1&3RUWRI5RWWHUGDPDQGWKH9HUHQLJLQJYDQ:DWHUERXZHUVZKRVH¿HOGVRILQWHUHVWWHQGWR RYHUODS7KHH[FXUVLRQZDVFRQFOXGHGZLWKDERDWWRXUWKURXJKWKH3RUWRI5RWWHUGDP 7KHWRXUZDVDJUHDWRSSRUWXQLW\WRPHHWRWKHU\RXQJFROOHDJXHVLQWKH¿HOG CEDA Annual Report 2013 3DJH WODCON XX networking event <RXQJ &('$ MRLQHG WKH RYHUDOO RUJDQLVLQJ FRPPLWWHH IRU WKH :2'&21 ;; LQ %UXVVHOV $ QHWZRUNLQJ HYHQW VSHFL¿FDOO\ IRU \RXQJ FRQJUHVV YLVLWRUV WRRN SODFH LPPHGLDWHO\ DIWHU WKH PDLQ opening reception. The event attracted more than 40 people from various backgrounds and with differing levels of experience. The less formal setting encouraged networking and lively discussion about our exciting industry. <RXQJ&('$ RUJDQLVHVWHFKQLFDO H[FXUVLRQVDQG seminars 7KHUHZDVDORWWRVHHDQGH[SHULHQFH¿QG Organisation of Young CEDA )HHOIUHHWRFRQWDFW DQ\<RXQJ&('$ member 7KHSDVW\HDUZDVPDUNHGE\WKHVXFFHVVLRQRIVHYHUDOERDUGPHPEHUVE\QHZSHRSOH,QWKHVHFRQG KDOIRIWKH\HDUDFWLYLWLHVIRFXVHGRQWKHUHYLHZRIRXUPLVVLRQVWDWHPHQWDQGWKHGH¿QLWLRQRIRXU annual plan for 2014 with the aim to organise activities in all countries where we have a presence, QDPHO\%HOJLXP'HQPDUN*HUPDQ\WKH1HWKHUODQGVDQGWKH8. Participation in the Board and commissions <RXQJ &('$ ZDV LQYLWHG WR WKH %RDUG PHHWLQJV DQG WKH VWUDWHJ\ PHHWLQJ 3DUW RI RXU PLVVLRQ is to represent young members, challenge the board by putting forward new ideas and provide constructive feedback. <RXQJ&('$FDUULHVWKLVPLVVLRQIRUZDUGE\EHLQJSUHVHQWLQWKHRWKHU&('$FRPPLVVLRQVDQG advises them on how to interest and involve young professionals and students in the dredging LQGXVWU\DQG&('$ Outlook for 2014 While 2013 was a relatively quiet year, we expect to increase our visibility to young members LQ6HPLQDUVDUHSODQQHGDWXQLYHUVLWLHVLQWKH8.%HOJLXPDQGWKH1HWKHUODQGVWRLQIRUP students and young professionals about working in the dredging industry. An excursion is planned LQ+DPEXUJRQWKHLPSRUWDQFHRIGUHGJLQJDFWLYLWLHVDVSDUWRISRUWPDQDJHPHQW 8VLQJ WKH &('$ ZHEVLWH DQG WKH /LQNHG,Q SDJH ZH ZRXOG OLNH WR FUHDWH D EHWWHU SODWIRUP WR FRPPXQLFDWHZLWK\RXQJPHPEHUVDERXW&('$DQGRXUDFWLYLWLHV Become a member )HHOIUHHWRFRQWDFWDQ\<RXQJ&('$PHPEHUIRUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQ7DNHDORRNDWWKHGHGLFDWHG <RXQJ&('$SDJHVE\IROORZLQJWKH<RXQJ&('$OLQNRQZZZGUHGJLQJRUJDQGEHFRPHPHPEHU RIWKH<RXQJ&('$/LQNHG,Q*URXS Arjan de Heer Chair www.dredging.org CEDA Annual Report 2013 3DJH FINANCES 7KH¿QDQFLDO¿JXUHVIRUWKH\HDUZLOOEHSXEOLVKHGIROORZLQJWKH$QQXDO*HQHUDO0HHWLQJLQ2FWREHU OBJECTIVES FOR 2014 $IWHUWZRH[FHSWLRQDOO\EXV\\HDUVZLOOEHD\HDURIHYDOXDWLRQDQGUHÀHFWLRQ:HZLOOSXWFRQVLGHUDEOHHIIRUWLQWRFRPSOHWLQJ WKHZRUNZHVWDUWHGODVW\HDUGHVLJQLQJ&('$6WUDWHJ\DQGWKHDFFRPSDQ\LQJSODQRIDFWLRQWKDWZLOOHQVXUHWKDW&('$VWD\V relevant and focused in the future. :HZLOOFRQWLQXHZLWKRXUZHOOHVWDEOLVKHGUHJXODUDFWLYLWLHVDQGEXLOGRQRXUUHFHQWLQLWLDWLYHV7KHVHLQFOXGH • 0HHWLQJVVLWHYLVLWVDQGRWKHUDFWLYLWLHVRUJDQLVHGE\WKHQDWLRQDOVHFWLRQV • ,QRXUUROHDVWKHLQGHSHQGHQWH[SHUWYRLFHRIGUHGJLQJDQGZDWHUEDVHGLQIUDVWUXFWXUHZHZLOOLQIRUPGHFLVLRQPDNHUVDWLQWHUQDWLRQDOIRUXPVVXFKDVWKH/RQGRQ&RQYHQWLRQ263$5&RPPLVVLRQ(XURSHDQ&RPPLVVLRQDQGWKH,QWHUQDWLRQDO&RPPLVVLRQIRU WKH3URWHFWLRQRIWKH'DQXEH • 3XEOLVKLQJWZRLQIRUPDWLRQSDSHUVRQWZRVWURQJO\UHODWHGWLPHO\WRSLFVDGDSWLYHPDQDJHPHQWDQGHQYLURQPHQWDOPRQLWRULQJ procedures • :HZLOOVWDUWZRUNRQRXUQH[WÀDJVKLSFRQIHUHQFHDQGH[KLELWLRQ&('$'UHGJLQJ:HZLOOUDLVHWKHEDUHYHQKLJKHUE\ providing increased opportunities for interaction among the attendees • We will continue to develop the webinar programme that we started so successfully last year • We will launch our upgraded website, which will provide even better access to knowledge products • /HGE\<RXQJ&('$ZHZLOOUHLQYLJRUDWHRXUHIIRUWVWRHQJDJHVWXGHQWVDQG\RXQJSURIHVVLRQDOV $FKLHYLQJRXUREMHFWLYHVLVSRVVLEOHRQO\WKURXJKWKHGHGLFDWLRQDQGHQWKXVLDVPRIRXUPHPEHUV2QFHDJDLQZHORRNIRUZDUGWR their continued support and valuable input in the coming year. ORGANISATION CEDA Board of Directors &('$LVJRYHUQHGE\WKH%RDUGRI'LUHFWRUVZKLFKJHQHUDOO\PHHWVWZLFHD\HDU(OHFWLRQVDUHKHOGHYHU\WZR\HDUV$IWHUWKHPRVW UHFHQWHOHFWLRQLQ1RYHPEHUDQGRQHLQWHULPUHWLUHPHQWGXULQJWKH\HDUWKH%RDUGRI'LUHFWRUVFRXQWVPHPEHUVIURP¿YH FRXQWULHV7KHQH[WHOHFWLRQZLOOWDNHSODFHLQ1RYHPEHU The spring meeting of the Board in 2013 was hosted by Rohde Nielsen in Copenhagen (l to r): Michael Costaras, Cees van Rhee, Jan VandenBroeck, Daan Rijks, Anna Csiti, Wim Klomp, Polite Laboyrie, Claudia Flecken, Lindsay Murray, Eric Van den Eede, Anders Jensen, Johan Pennekamp, Katheleen De Wit www.dredging.org CEDA Annual Report 2013 3DJH Marcel Wauben gives a brief update about host Witteveen+Bos’s ongoing projects that include a dredging component (around the table clockwise): Abdelamid Mimouni, Eric Van den Eede, Wim Klomp, Daan Rijks, Cees van Rhee, Johan Pennekamp, Gerrad van Raalta [Gerard van Raalte??] (stepping in for Polite Laboyrie), Arjan de Heer and Claudia Flecken (hamburg Port Authority) Thank you! &('$WKDQNV+HQGULN3RVWPDRI%RVNDOLVZKRKDVVWHSSHGGRZQ from the Board of Directors after two terms. (OHFWHG WR WKH ERDUG LQ +HQULN PDGH XV DOO ORRN FORVHU DW LVVXHVE\DVNLQJWKHVLPSOHTXHVWLRQµZK\"¶ ,QVWUXPHQWDO LQ WKH %RDUG DGRSWLQJ D PRUH VWUDWHJLF DSSURDFK WR SODQQLQJ DQG LPSOHPHQWLQJ &('$¶V DFWLYLWLHV +HQGULN SOD\HG D NH\ UROH LQ RUJDQLVLQJ WKH ¿UVW VWUDWHJ\ ZRUNVKRS WKDW UHVXOWHG LQ 7KH:D\$KHDG ± &('$ 6WUDWHJ\ $QG DV FKDLUPDQ RI WKH QHZ6WUDWHJ\,PSOHPHQWDWLRQ&RPPLVVLRQ6,&KHOHGWKHJURXS responsible for The Way Ahead’s implementation and designing the second strategy workshop that took place in 2013. A committed, enthusiastic organising committee member of the &('$,$'&)RUXPRQ(DUO\&RQWUDFWRU,QYROYHPHQW+HQGULNDOVRDFWHGDVDQLQIRUPDOOLDLVRQEHWZHHQ&('$DQG,$'& &('$H[WHQGVLWVDSSUHFLDWLRQIRU+HQGULN¶VYDOXDEOHFRQWULEXWLons and support. Hendrik Postma’s (Boskalis) critical, constructive thinking has been much appreciated by the Board. Pictured (left) at the Board meeting in Abu Dhabi (2012) CEDA Annual General Meeting 7KH$QQXDO*HQHUDO0HHWLQJ$*0LQWRRNSODFH RQ1RYHPEHUDW$KR\5RWWHUGDPLQ5RWWHUGDPWKH 1HWKHUODQGVULJKWDIWHU&('$)RUXP'XULQJWKLV $*0WKH3UHVLGHQWJDYHDEULHIRYHUYLHZRIWKHDFWLYLWLHV DQGDFKLHYHPHQWVRI&('$LQWKH6HFUHWDU\ 7UHDVXUHU3URI&HHVYDQ5KHHSUHVHQWHGWKH¿QDO¿JXUHV IRUWKH\HDUDQGWKH$XGLW&RPPLWWHHUHSRUWHGLWV ¿QGLQJV0HPEHUVRIWKH$XGLW&RPPLWWHHZHUH5LNNH YDQ%HUN9267$/0*WKH1HWKHUODQGV&ODXV,YHUVHQ )HPHUQ$6'HQPDUNDQG-RULV6DQWHUPDQV,0'& Belgium. Ander Jensen presents his report as CEDA President www.dredging.org CEDA Annual Report 2013 3DJH CEDA Secretariat 7KHGD\WRGD\PDQDJHPHQWRI&('$LVFDUULHGRXWE\DSHUPDQHQWVHFUHWDULDWEDVHGLQ'HOIWWKH1HWKHUODQGV,Q&('$ HPSOR\HGWZRVWDIIPHPEHUVZLWKIXOOWLPHHTXLYDOHQWV$QQD&VLWLJHQHUDOPDQDJHUDQG<YRQQH'XLYHQPDQDGPLQLVWUDWLYH DVVLVWDQW7KHPDLQDUHDVRIZRUNIRUWKHVHFUHWDULDWDUHEXWQRWOLPLWHGWR 3ODQQLQJPDQDJLQJH[HFXWLQJRUVXSSRUWLQJWKHH[HFXWLRQRIYDULRXV&('$SURMHFWV 2YHUVHHLQJRUJDQLVLQJDQGDVVLVWLQJ&('$DFWLYLWLHVLQFOXGLQJ&('$'UHGJLQJ'D\VVHPLQDUVDQGFRQIHUHQFHV 6XSSRUWLQJWKH%RDUGRI'LUHFWRUVDQGWKHYDULRXV&('$FRPPLVVLRQV $FWLQJDV&('$¶VFRQWDFWSRLQWIRURWKHUUHODWHGRUJDQLVDWLRQVLQGLYLGXDOVDQGQDWLRQDOVHFWLRQV 'HYHORSLQJDQGPDLQWDLQLQJWKHRQOLQHSUHVHQFHRI&('$ 0DQDJLQJ&('$¶V¿QDQFLDODQGRSHUDWLRQDODGPLQLVWUDWLRQ 0HPEHUVKLSDGPLQLVWUDWLRQ $FWLQJDVWKHVHFUHWDULDWIRUWKH'XWFK6HFWLRQ $SDUWIURPWKHFHQWUDO&('$6HFUHWDULDWHYHU\QDWLRQDOVHFWLRQRUJDQLVHVLWVRZQQDWLRQDOVHFUHWDULDW WODA Board and Secretariat )ROORZLQJWKHURWDWLQJSDWWHUQRIWKHRUJDQLVDWLRQRI:2'&21VWKH:2'$FKDLUPDQVKLSDOVRURWDWHVEHWZHHQWKHWKUHHFRPSRQHQW DVVRFLDWLRQV&('$($'$DQG:('$7KH:2'$&KDLUDQGWKH:2'$6HFUHWDULDWLVDOZD\VZLWKWKHDVVRFLDWLRQWKDWLVRUJDQLVLQJWKHIRUWKFRPLQJ:2'&21$FFRUGLQJO\WKHFXUUHQW:2'$&KDLUPDQLVWKH:('$3UHVLGHQW5DP0RKDQRI$QFKRU4($ DQGWKH:('$([HFXWLYH2I¿FHVLVWKHFXUUHQW:2'$6HFUHWDULDW Anders Jensen, CEDA President (DHI), hands on the reigns of WODA along with the responsibility to organise the next WODCON to Ram Mohan incoming WEDA President, $QFKRU4($GXULQJWKHRI¿FLDOFORVLQJRI:2'&21;; CEDA VOLUNTEERS $ZRUGRIWKDQNVLVGXHWRDOOWKHYROXQWHHUVZKRZRUNIRUWKHEHQH¿WRI&('$:HSD\WULEXWHWRDOOWKRVHVLOHQWDQGVRPHWLPHVQRW VRVLOHQWZRUNHUVZKRJLYHXSVRPHRIWKHLUIUHHWLPHWRFRQWULEXWHWR&('$¶VVXFFHVVHV,QPDQ\FDVHVWKHLUHPSOR\HUVDOORZWKHP to do part of this work in their company’s time, so we express our gratitude to those companies too. ,QWKHZRPDQQLQJRI&('$¶VYROXQWDU\EDVHGXQLWVZDVDVIROORZV STANDING BODIES Board of Directors Elected members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elgium /RHN9HUKHLMHQ,+&'UHGJHUVWKH1HWKHUODQGV www.dredging.org CEDA Annual Report 2013 3DJH ([RI¿FLRPHPEHUV 3ROLWH/DER\ULH:LWWHZHHQ%RVWKH1HWKHUODQGVFKDLU(QYLURQPHQW&RPPLVVLRQ&(& 'DDQ5LMNV5R\DO%RVNDOLV:HVWPLQVWHUWKH1HWKHUODQGVFKDLU <RXQJ&('$ (ULF9DQGHQ(HGH:DWHUZHJHQHQ=HHNDQDDOFKDLU&('$ %HOJLXP([HFXWLYH&RPPLWWHH *HQHUDO0DQDJHU $QQD&VLWLWKH1HWKHUODQGV Alternates to board members .ODYV%XQGJDDUG'+,'HQPDUN 7KLEDXOWYDQ&UDHQ6','(0()UDQFH +HOPXW0H\HU)HGHUDO:DWHUZD\VDQG6KLSSLQJ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ Germany 'DDQ5LMNV5R\DO%RVNDOLV:HVWPLQVWHU 'LUN5RXNHPD%OXH3HOLNDQWKH1HWKHUODQGV 'HQLV6HXU\QFN'UHGJLQJ,QWHUQDWLRQDO'(0(%HOJLXP 0DUWLQYDQ2PPHQ,+&'UHGJHUVWKH1HWKHUODQGV Environment Commission CEC $QGUHZ%LUFKHQRXJK&HIDV8. (ULFYDQGHU%ORP,+&0HUZHGHWKH1HWKHUODQGV ,GD%U¡NHU'+,'HQPDUN 1LFROD&OD\+5:DOOLQJIRUGIURP-XO\5R\DO+DVNRQLQJ'+98. $QQD&VLWL&('$WKH1HWKHUODQGV 6LHJIULHG'¶KDHQH'UHGJLQJ,QWHUQDWLRQDO%HOJLXP 3RO+DNVWHJH0LQLVWU\RI,QIUDVWUXFWXUHDQG(QYLURQPHQW&HQWUH IRU3XEOLF:RUNVWKH1HWKHUODQGV $[HO1HW]EDQG+DPEXUJ3RUW$XWKRULW\*HUPDQ\ 3ROLWH/DER\ULH:LWWHYHHQ%RVWKH1HWKHUODQGVFKDLU ,JRU/LVND,QWHUQDWLRQDO&RPPLVVLRQIRUWKH3URWHFWLRQRIWKH Danube River, Austria +HOPXW0H\HU)HGHUDO:DWHUZD\VDQG6KLSSLQJ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ Germany 2OLYLHU3LHW&(70())UDQFH *HUDUGYDQ5DDOWH5R\DO%RVNDOLV:HVWPLQVWHUWKH1HWKHUODQGV )UHGHULN5RRVH0LQLVWU\RIWKH)OHPLVK&RPPXQLW\%HOJLXP 0LFKDHO6KLOLQ5XVVLDQ6WDWH+\GURPHWHRURORJLFDO8QLYHUVLW\ Russia -RV6PLWV,0'&%HOJLXP (PPDQXHOH=DQRWWRH$PELHQWH,WDO\ Corresponding Members -RKQ'REVRQ($'$$XVWUDOLD 9DOHULH3HQFKHY%ODFN6HD&RDVWDO$VVRFLDWLRQ%XOJDULD &UDLJ9RJW2FHDQDQG&RDVWDO3URWHFWLRQ'LYLVLRQ86$ 6KXKR<DQR0LWVXELVKL+HDY\,QGXVWULHV-DSDQ $OWHUQDWHVWR&(&PHPEHUV 6WHIDQ$DUQLQNKRI5R\DO%RVNDOLV:HVWPLQVWHUWKH1HWKHUODQGV .DWKHULQH+DUULV+5:DOOLQJIRUG8. -RsO/¶+HU&(70())UDQFH %LUJLW6FKXEHUW)HGHUDO,QVWLWXWHRI+\GURORJ\*HUPDQ\ +HLQULFK5RHSHU3RUWRI+DPEXUJ*HUPDQ\ Strategy Implementation Commission - CSIC $QQD&VLWL&('$WKH1HWKHUODQGV :LP.ORPS5R\DO+DVNRQLQJ'+9WKH1HWKHUODQGV 3ROLWH/DER\ULH:LWWHZHHQ%RVWKH1HWKHUODQGV +HQGULN3RVWPD5R\DO%RVNDOLV:HVWPLQVWHUWKH1HWKHUODQGV FKDLU %DUW9HUERRPHQ%DJJHUZHUNHQ'HFORHGW=Q'(0( Belgium /RHN9HUKHLMHQ,+&'UHGJHUVWKH1HWKHUODQGV Communications Commission - CCC $QQD&VLWL&('$WKH1HWKHUODQGV .DWKOHHQ'H:LW,0'&%HOJLXPFKDLU 0DUWLQYDQ2PPHQ,+&'UHGJHUVWKH1HWKHUODQGV %DUW9HUERRPHQ%DJJHUZHUNHQ'HFORHGW=Q'(0( Belgium Young CEDA .ODYV%XQGJDDUG'+,'HQPDUN %M|UQ*lEH)HGHUDO:DWHUZD\VDQG6KLSSLQJ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ Germany .DWKHULQH+DUULV+5:DOOLQJIRUG/WG8. 0DUWLQYDQ2PPHQ,+&'UHGJHUVWKH1HWKHUODQGV 'DDQ5LMNV5R\DO%RVNDOLV:HVWPLQVWHUWKH1HWKHUODQGVFKDLU -RDQQH5RQDOG9DQ2RUG8.8. -RULV6DQWHUPDQV0,'&%HOJLXPWUHDVXUHU 'HQLV6HXU\QFN'UHGJLQJ,QWHUQDWLRQDO'(0(%HOJLXP <L%LQ6KDQ0LQLVWU\RIWKH)OHPLVK&RPPXQLW\0DULWLPH Access, Belgium $QGUHDV:XUSWV8QLYHUVLW\+DQQRYHU*HUPDQ\ &RXQWU\UHSUHVHQWDWLYHV 5RELQ0RUHOLVVHQ'HOWDUHVWKH1HWKHUODQGV )UHGHULN5RRVH0LQLVWU\RIWKH)OHPLVK&RPPXQLW\0DULWLPH Access, Belgium CEDA-Africa Executive Committee )RJDQ.RGMR$GHJQRQ3RUW$XWKRULW\RI/RPH7RJR 6PDLQ%DFKWDU]L0HGLWUDP$OJHULD $EGHOKDPLG)ULRXL0HGLWUDP$OJHULD 5LDKG+HQWDWL7DSDUXUD7XQHVLD $EGHONHELU+PLPRX'UDSRU0RURFFR Tarik Jakoukh, Group World Drapor $PDGRX.DQH3RUWRI'DNDU6HQHJDO $QRXDU.KDOLID$JHQF\RI0DULQHDQG3RUWV&RPPHUFH7XQLVLD $KPHG/RIWL,QVWLWXWLRQIRU3RUW&RQVWUXFWLRQ0RURFFR $KPHG0RKNWDU3RUWRI1RXDNFKRWW0DXULWDQLD $KPHG2XOG0RKDPHGHQ3RUWRI1RXDGKLERX0DXULWDQLD -HDQ3LHUH2\LED2SUDJ*DERQ %DUD6DG\3RUW$XWKRULW\RI'DNDU6HQHJDO &DUORV'D6LOYD3RUW$XWKRULW\*XLQHD%LVVDX*XLQHD%LVVDX &DUORV7HL[HLUD+LGURSRUWV$QJROD (O+RXVVDLQ<RX]DOHQ1&0RURFFR CEDA-Belgium Executive Committee &KULVWLDDQ'HNH\]HU-DQ'H1XO &KULVWLDQ'HPH\HU:LWWHYHHQ%RV 0DUWLQ2FNLHU'UHGJLQJ,QWHUQDWLRQDO'(0( -RV6PLWV,0'& (ULF9DQGHQ(HGH:DWHUZHJHQHQ=HHNDQDDOFKDLU %DUW9HUERRPHQ%DJJHUZHUNHQ'HFORHGW=Q'(0( CEDA-Netherlands Executive Committee $OLQH$UHQGV0LQLVWU\RI,QIUDVWUXFWXUHDQG(QYLURQPHQW ,YDU'DHPHQ9DQ2RUG'UHGJLQJ0DULQH&RQWUDFWRUV .HHVYDQGH*UDDI'XWFK'UHGJLQJ 'LUN5RXNHPD%OXH3HOLFDQ$VVRFLDWHV %HUW.LSV,+&%HDYHU'UHGJHUV %DUW3U|SSHU5R\DO%RVNDOLV:HVWPLQVWHU -RKDQ3HQQHNDPS'HOWDUHVFKDLU /RHN9HUKHLMHQ,+&'UHGJHUV www.dredging.org CEDA Annual Report 2013 3DJH $OWHUQDWHV 5REEHUW-DQ1RUWLHU0LQLVWU\RI,QIUDVWUXFWXUHDQG(QYLURQPHQW 5RELQ0RUHOLVVHQ'HOWDUHV TEMPORARY COMMITTEES AND WORKING GROUPS Audit Committee 2012 $UMDQYDQ(JGRP'DPHQ'UHGJLQJ(TXLSPHQWWKH1HWKHUODQGV &ODXV,YHUVHQ)HPHUQ$6'HQPDUN >RU)HKPDUQEHOWDV SHU$*0UHSRUW"""@ 5RELQ0RUHOLVVHQ'HOWDUHVWKH1HWKHUODQGV Advisory Group for the EU Waste Directive 3LHWHU'H%RHU0LQLVWU\RI,QIUDVWUXFWXUHDQG(QYLURQPHQW FKDLU $[HO1HW]EDQG3RUWRI+DPEXUJ*HUPDQ\ 1LFN6PLWK%ULWLVK:DWHUZD\V8. CEDA Dredging Days 2012 Technical Papers and Programme Committee &HHVYDQ5KHH'HOIW8QLYHUVLW\RI7HFKQRORJ\WKH1HWKHUODQGV FKDLU 0LFKDHO&RVWDUDV+5:DOOLQJIRUG8QLWHG.LQJGRP $QQD&VLWL&('$WKH1HWKHUODQGV 5DQGD+DVVDQ10'&8QLWHG$UDE(PLUDWHV )UDQFLV+RHI'UHGJLQJ,QWHUQDWLRQDO%HOJLXP $QGHUV-HQVHQ'+,'HQPDUN /LQGVD\0XUUD\&HIDV8QLWHG.LQJGRP *HUDUGYDQ5DDOWH5R\DO%RVNDOLV:HVWPLQVWHUWKH1HWKHUODQGV CEDA Dredging Days 2012 Coordinating Committee $QGHUV-HQVHQ'+,'HQPDUN $QQD&VLWL&('$WKH1HWKHUODQGV <DVVHU1DVVHU=DJKORXO10'&8QLWHG$UDE(PLUDWHV Editorial Board ‘Environmental Aspects of Dredging’ – CEDA representatives 1LFN%UD\+5:DOOLQJIRUG8.FKDLU $QQD&VLWL&('$WKH1HWKHUODQGV Editorial Committee CEDAwiki $QGUHDV:XUSWV8QLYHUVLW\RI+DQQRYHU*HUPDQ\FKDLU $QQD&VLWL&('$WKH1HWKHUODQGV 7LP0DGGRFN9DQ2RUG'UHGJLQJ0DULQH&RQWUDFWRUV19 :LP9ODVEORP3URI(PHULWXV7HFKQLFDO8QLYHUVLW\'HOIW WODA Expert Group on Underwater Sound – WEGUS )DEUL]LR%RUVDQL&HIDV8. 'RXJODV&ODUNH86$UP\(QJLQHHU5'&HQWHU86$ :('$ )UHGHULN*RHWKDOV'UHGJLQJ,QWHUQDWLRQDO'(0(%HOJLXP 0DUWLQH+ROWNDPS07,+ROODQGWKH1HWKHUODQGV &KULVWGH-RQJ712WKH1HWKHUODQGV *HUDUGYDQ5DDOWH5R\DO%RVNDOLV:HVWPLQVWHUWKH1HWKHUODQGV )UHGHULN5RRVH)OHPLVK*RYHUQPHQW0DULWLPH$FFHVV Belgium )UDQN7KRPVHQ&()$68.FKDLU (OHQD6DQ0DUWLQ$%30HU8.FRUUHVSRQGLQJPHPEHU 3KLOLS6SDGDUR$UFDGLV86IURP$XJXVW 7KH,QWHOOLJHQFH*URXS86$:('$ 3LPGH:LW3RUWRI5RWWHUGDPWKH1HWKHUODQGV WODCON XX Technical Papers Committee – CEDA region $QGUHD%DUEDQWL,QWHD,WDO\ $PLQH%HQDOL$WODQWLF'UHGJLQJ0DURF0RURFFR 3LHUUH<YHV%HODQ&(70())UDQFH 0LFKDHO&RVWDUDV+5:DOOLQJIRUG8. $QQD&VLWL&('$WKH1HWKHUODQGV $QGHUV-HQVHQ'+,'HQPDUN -RKDQ3HQQHNDPS'HOWDUHVWKH1HWKHUODQGV +HQULFK5|SHU+DPEXUJ3RUW$XWKRULW\*HUPDQ\ 0DUF6DV,0'&%HOJLXP 5REHUWR9LGDO'UDYRVD6SDLQ WODCON XX Executive Committee $QQD&VLWL&('$WKH1HWKHUODQGV &KULV'H.H\]HU-DQ'H1XO%HOJLXP .DWKOHHQ'H:LW,0'&%HOJLXP -RKDQ3HQQHNDPS'HOWDUHVWKH1HWKHUODQGV (ULF9DQGHQ(HGH:DWHUZHJHQHQ=HHNDQDDOFKDLU $QQ:LWWHPDQV'UHGJLQJ,QWHUQDWLRQDO'(0(%HOJLXP Working Group on Climate Change Adaptation as it Affects the Dredging Community ,GD%U¡NHU'+,'HQPDUN -DQ%URRNHLQGHSHQGHQWFRQVXOWDQW8QLWHG.LQJGRP 3RO+DNVWHJH0LQLVWU\RI,QIUDVWUXFWXUHDQG(QYLURQPHQWWKH 1HWKHUODQGVFKDLU 0DULMQ+XLMVPDQV:LWWHYHHQ%RVWKH1HWKHUODQGV 0DHUWHQV-RQDV'UHGJLQJ,QWHUQDWLRQDO'(0(%HOJLXP /XFDV/RZH+RXJKWRQ9DQ2RUG'UHGJLQJDQG0DULQH &RQWUDFWRUV8QLWHG.LQJGRP %HUQDUG0DOKHUEH-DQ'H1XO%HOJLXP %UDP6WHLMQLQGHSHQGHQWFRQVXOWDQWWKH1HWKHUODQGV Working Group on Ecosystem Services 3LHWHUGH%RHU0LQLVWU\RI,QIUDVWUXFWXUHDQG(QYLURQPHQWWKH 1HWKHUODQGVFKDLU -DQ%URRNH-DQ%URRNH(QYLURQPHQWDO&RQVXOWDQW/7'8. -HVSHU'¡UJH'+,'HQPDUN 5HQH.ROPDQ,$'&WKH1HWKHUODQGV 3DWULFN0HLUH8QLYHUVLW\RI$QWZHUS%HOJLXP (ULN0LQN(X'$%HOJLXP 5RE1LHZNDPHU:LWWHYHHQ%RV(FRVKDSHWKH1HWKHUODQGV XQWLO2FWREHU )UHGHULN5RRVH0LQLVWU\RI)OHPLVK&RPPXQLW\'LYLVLRQ 0DULWLPH$FFHVV%HOJLXP +HQULFK5|SHU+DPEXUJ3RUW$XWKRULW\*HUPDQ\ (OLVDEHWK5XLMJURN:LWWHYHHQ%RV(FRVKDSHWKH1HWKHUODQGV IURP2FWREHU &RU6FKLSSHU'HOWDUHVWKH1HWKHUODQGV 0LFKLHO6PLWV,0'&%HOJLXP CEDA REPRESENTATIVES ON INTERNATIONAL BODIES IMO: London Convention (1972) and Protocol (1996) $QGUHZ%LUFKHQRXJK&HIDV8. 3ROLWH/DER\ULH:LWWHZHHQ%RVWKH1HWKHUODQGV OSPAR Commission &RU6FKLSSHU'HOWDUHVWKH1HWKHUODQGV 0DULH3HQGOH+5:DOOLQJIRUG8.,QWHUVHVVLRQDO &RUUHVSRQGHQFH*URXSIRUWKH0DULQH6WUDWHJ\)UDPHZRUN 'LUHFWLYH www.dredging.org &('$$QQXDO5HSRUW 3DJH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO&RPPLVVLRQIRUWKH3URWHFWLRQRIWKH'DQXEH5LYHU ,&3'5 9HUD%UHLWXQJ)HGHUDO,QVWLWXWHRQ+\GURORJ\%I**HUPDQ\ European Union: Water Framework Directive Common ,PSOHPHQWDWLRQ6WUDWHJ\ $[HO1HW]EDQG+DPEXUJ3RUW$XWKRULW\*HUPDQ\ European Union: Marine Strategy Framework Directive Common Implementation Strategy 1RHPLYRQ0HLMHQIHOGW:LWWHYHHQ%RVWKH1HWKHUODQGV $QQD&VLWL&('$WKH1HWKHUODQGV )UDQN7KRPVHQ'+,'HQPDUN06)'&,6:**(67HFKQLFDO 6XEJURXS8QGHUZDWHU1RLVH European Union: Waste Directive – H14 Working Group WR'HYHORSLQJ&ULWHULDIRUGLVWLQJXLVKLQJKD]DUGRXVQRQ KD]DUGRXVZDVWH *HRUJ5HLIIHUVFKHLG)HGHUDO,QVWLWXWHRQ+\GURORJ\%I* Germany 1RHPLYRQ0HLMHQIHOGW:LWWHYHHQ%RVWKH1HWKHUODQGV $QQD&VLWL&('$WKH1HWKHUODQGV $[HO1HW]EDQG+DPEXUJ3RUW$XWKRULW\*HUPDQ\ PIANC Environment Commission $QQD&VLWL&('$WKH1HWKHUODQGV 3ROLWH/DER\ULH:LWWHZHHQ%RVWKH1HWKHUODQGV PIANC Envicom WG 143 (in preparation): Screening Evaluation of Environmental Effects of Navigation and Infrastructure Projects 5XEHQ$EPD:LWWHYHHQ%RVWKH1HWKHUODQGV PIANC Envicom WG 157: Environmental Aspects of Dredging and Port and Waterway Construction around Coastal Plant Habitats 0DWWKHZ-DPHV-XU\'+,66LQJDSRUH PIANC Marcom WG136 (in preparation): Recommendations for Sustainable Maritime Navigation 6WHYH&KDOOLQRU5R\DO+DVNRQLQJ'+98. Water Framework Directive Navigation Task Group WFDNTG *UDKDPH1HZPDQ%ULWLVK:DWHUZD\V8. $[HO1HW]EDQG+DPEXUJ3RUW$XWKRULW\*HUPDQ\ Marine Strategy Navigation Group - MSNG THANK YOU &('$DVDVPDOODQGLQGHSHQGHQWRUJDQLVDWLRQFDQQHLWKHUH[LVWQRUVXUYLYHZLWKRXWWKHVXSSRUWRILWVPHPEHUVHVSHFLDOO\LWVFRU SRUDWHPHPEHUV7KLVVXSSRUWLVQRWRQO\¿QDQFLDOLQWKHIRUPRIPHPEHUVKLSIHHVDQGVSRQVRUVKLSLWLVDOVRPDQLIHVWHGE\PHPEHU FRPSDQLHVDQGRUJDQLVDWLRQVHQGRUVLQJWKHLUHPSOR\HHV¶DFWLYHSDUWLFLSDWLRQLQ&('$¶VZRUNWKURXJKWKHLUPHPEHUVKLSLQYDULRXV FRPSDQLHVDQGRUJDQLVDWLRQVHQGRUVLQJWKHLUHPSOR\HHV¶DFWLYHSDUWLFLSDWLRQLQ&('$¶VZRUNWKURXJKWKHLUPHPEHUVKLSLQYDULRXV commissions, committees, task groups and so on. 7KH%RDUGRI'LUHFWRUVRI&('$ZLVKHVWRH[SUHVVLWVJUDWLWXGHWRWKHIROORZLQJFRPSDQLHVDQGRUJDQLVDWLRQVZKRWKURXJKWKHLU FRUSRUDWHPHPEHUVKLSFRQWULEXWHGWR&('$¶VZRUNDQGDFKLHYHPHQWVLQWKH\HDU www.dredging.org CEDA Annual Report 2013 3DJH The Corporate Members of CEDA Members who make a major contribution to our activities for which we thank them ACADEMIC BODIES AND EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTES Delft University of Technology The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)15 278 6882 - Fax: +31(0)15 278 1836 Email: info@3me.tudelft.nl Web: www.3me.tudelft.nl CEDA Contact Point: Prof. Dr. ir C. van Rhee Russian State Hydrometeorological University - RSHU Russia Tel.: +7812 444 5636 - Fax: +7812 444 6090 Email: shilin@rshu.ru Web: www.rshu.ru CEDA Contact Point: Dr. M.S. Michael Shilin Hanzehogeschool, Hogeschool van Groningen The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)50 5954 646 - Fax: +31(0)50 595 49 99 Email: w.t.van.rossum@pl.hanze.nl Web: www.hanze.nl CEDA Contact Point: Ir. M.P. Parlevliet Scheepvaart en Transport College The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)10 44 86 000 Email: baggerinfo@stc-r.nl Web: www.stc-r.nl CEDA Contact Point: Mr. E.N.G. Wentink Centre d’Etudes Techniques Maritimes Et Fluviales (CETMEF) France Tel.: +33(0) 344 92 60 00 - Fax: +33(0)3 44 92 06 75 Email: cetmef@developpement-durable.gouv.fr Web: www.cetmef.equipement.gouv.fr CEDA Contact Point: Mr. O. Piet Deep B.V. The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)20 634 36 76 - Fax: +31(0)20 634 46 86 Email: info@deepbv.nl Web: www.deepbv.nl CEDA Contact Point: Mr. G.J. Hein Deltares The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)15 285 8585 - Fax: +31(0)015 285 8582 Email: info@deltares.nl Web: www.deltares.nl CEDA Contact Point: Ir. J.G.S. Pennekamp DEMAS Dredging Consultants B.V. The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)182 546 798 - Fax: +31(0)182 546 802 Email: demasnl@demas.nl Web: www.demas.nl CEDA Contact Point: Mr. K. Ooms CEDA ASSOCIATIONS DHI Denmark Tel.: +45 45 16 92 00 - Fax: +45 45 16 92 92 Email: dhi@dhigroup.com Web: www.dhigroup.com CEDA Contact Point: Ms. Jennifer Oakley Hafentechnische Gesellschaft E.V. Germany Tel.: +49 40 42847 2178 Email: service@htg-online.de Web: www.htg-online.de CEDA Contact Point: Dipl.-Ing. G. Kaschel Dredging Consultancy Van ‘t Hoff & Partners B.V. The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)30 69 20 294 - Fax: +31(0)30 69 20 362 Email: info@hoff-consultancy.com Web: www.hoff-consultancy.com CEDA Contact Point: Mr. J. van ‘t Hoff IRO The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)79 341 19 81 - Fax: +31(0)79 341 97 64 Email: info@iro.nl Web: www.iro.nl CEDA Contact Point: ir. A.P.H. Vergroesen Ecorem N.V. Belgium Tel.: +32(0)3 87 10 900 - Fax: +32(0)3 87 10 901 Email: info@ecorem.be Web: www.ecorem.be CEDA Contact Point: Mr. W. Mondt Vereniging van Waterbouwers The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)70 349 07 00 Email: info@waterbouwers.nl Web: www.waterbouwers.nl CEDA Contact Point: Mr. F. Heinis G-Tec S.A. Belgium Tel.: +32(0)438 78 500 - Fax: +32(0)438 78 509 Email: info@gtec.be Web: www.gtec.be CEDA Contact Point: Mr. F. Renardy CONSULTANCIES AND RESEARCH INSTITUTES GEO.xyz Belgium Tel.: +32(0)56 70 68 48 - Fax: +32(0)56 75 46 74 Email: info@geoxyz.be Web: www.geoxyz.be CEDA Contact Point: Ing. P. R. Reyntjens Antea Group Belgium Tel.: +32(0)33 221 55 00 - Fax: +32(0)3 221 55 01 Email: info.be@anteagroup.com Web: www.anteagroup.be CEDA Contact Point: Dr. ir. Renaat De Sutter Anthony Bates Partnership Dredging and Costal Consultants UK Tel.: +44 (0)1934 732 380 - Fax: +44(0)1934 733 439 Email: mail@anthonybates.co.uk Web: www.anthonybates.co.uk CEDA Contact Point: Mr. A. Bates Aqua Vision The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)30 245 98 72 - Fax: +31(0)30 245 94 99 Email: info@aquavision.nl Web: www.aquavision.nl CEDA Contact Point: Ms. S. van Maurik ARCADIS Nederland BV The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)10 235 2222 - Fax: +31(0)10 253 2194 Email: water@arcadis.nl Web: www.arcadis.nl CEDA Contact Point: ir. F.T. Heezen ARCADIS U.S. Inc. USA Tel.: +1(0)206 325 5254 - Fax: +1(0)206 325 8218 Web: www.Arcadis-us.com CEDA Contact Point: Mr. J. Beaver BMT JFA Consultants Pty Ltd. Australia Tel.: +61(0)892 427 522 - Fax: +61(0)892 427 298 Email: jfa@jfaconsultants.com.au Web: www.jfaconsultants.com.au CEDA Contact Point: Mr. T. Green GLM van der Schrieck B.V. The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0) 23 534 4525 – Fax: +31(0) 23 534 3201 Email: glm@vanderschrieck.nl CEDA Contact Point: Ir. G.L.M. van der Schrieck Halcrow Group Ltd. UK Tel.: +44(0)1793 812 479 Email: halcrow@halcrow.com Web: www.halcrow.com CEDA Contact Point: Mr. P. Foroudi HR Wallingford Group Ltd. UK Tel.: +44 (0) 1491 835381 - Fax: +44 (0) 1491 832233 Email: info@hrwallingford.co.uk Web: www.hrwallingford.co.uk CEDA Contact Point: Mr. M. Costaras International Marine & Dredging Consultants nv (IMDC) Belgium Tel.: +32(0)3 270 92 95 - Fax: +32(0)3 235 67 11 Email: info@imdc.be Web: www.imdc.be CEDA Contact Point: Mr. J. Smits KCI BV The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0) 10 4270 399 - Fax: +31(0) 10 426 6394 Email: info@kci.nl Web: www.kci.nl CEDA Contact Point: Ms. M.K.M. van Pol Knowles Ltd. UK Tel.: +44(0)8707530616 - Fax: +44(0)8707481700 Email: info@jrknowles.com Web: www.jrknowles.com CEDA Contact Point: Mr. T. Clarke www.dredging.org CEDA Annual Report 2013 3DJH The Corporate Members of CEDA Members who make a major contribution to our activities for which we thank them LICengineering A/S Denmark Tel.: +45-39 62 16 42 - Fax: +45-39 62 54 80 Email: rsl@liceng.dk Web: www.liceng.dk CEDA Contact Point: Mr. R. S. Lorenz LLC Eco-Express-Service Russia Tel.: +812(0)574 57 91 - Fax: +812(0)574 57 94 CEDA Contact Point: Ms T Bylina Marine Structure Consultants B.V. The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)10 2320 800 - Fax: +31(0)10 2320 801 Email: MSC@MSCoffshore.nl Web: www.MSCoffshore.nl CEDA Contact Point: Mr. C.J. Mommaas Nortek B.V. The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)20 65 43 600 - Fax: +31(0)20 65 99 830 Email: sicco.kamminga@nortek-bv.nl Web: www.nortek-bv.nl CEDA Contact Point: Mr. S. Kamminga Royal HaskoningDHV Nederland B.V. The Netherlands Tel.: +31 88 348 20 00 - Fax: +31 88 348 28 01 Email: pwcd@dhv.com Web: www.dhv.com CEDA Contact Point: Mr. W. Klomp Stema Survey Services B.V. The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)345 580 395 - Fax: +31(0)345 570 649 Email: stema@stema-survey.com Web: www.stema-survey.com CEDA Contact Point: Mr. W. Fontein Svasek Hydraulics The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)10 467 13 61 - Fax: +31(0)10 467 45 59 Email: info@svasek.com Web: www.svasek.com CEDA Contact Point: Ir. A.J. Bliek Witteveen+Bos Consulting Engineers The Netherlands Tel.: + 31(0) 570 69 79 11 - Fax: +31(0)570 69 73 44 Email: info@witteveenbos.nl Web: www.witteveenbos.com CEDA Contact Point: Mr. H.P. Laboyrie DESIGNERS, BUILDERS AND SUPPLIERS OF ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT Allard-Europe Belgium Tel.: +32 14 42 11 11 - Fax: +32 14 42 52 00 Email: jd@allard-europe.com Web: www.allard-europe.com CEDA Contact Point: Mr. J. Dijckmans Asicon, Division of Astron NV Belgium Tel.: +32 (0)3 227 7404 - Fax: +32 (0)3 227 74 01 CEDA Contact Point: Mr. S.B. Mr Steve Beckers Bakker Sliedrecht Electro Industrie B.V. The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)184 43 66 66 - Fax: +31(0)184 43 66 77 Email: info@bakker-sl.nl Web: www.bakkersliedrecht.com CEDA Contact Point: Mr. A. Boer Bradken United Kingdom Tel.: +44 114 284 1007 - Fax: +44 114 284 1001 Email: p¿eldhouse@bradken.com Web: www.bradken.com CEDA Contact Point: Mr P Fieldhouse Denialink SL Spain Tel.: +34 965 788 373 - Fax: +34 965 782 204 Email: info@denialink.com Web: www.denialink.com CEDA Contact Point: Mr. E. Wibbelink Esco Group USA Tel.: +1(0)5037786515 - Fax: +1(0)5037786765 Email: jack.rickey@escocorp.com Web: www.escocorp.com CEDA Contact Point: Mr. J. Rickey Future Pipe Industries B.V. The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)523 280500 - Fax: +31(0)523 280700 Email: g.faber@futurepipe.nl Web: www.futurepipe.com CEDA Contact Point: Mr. G. Faber Holland Marine Technologies B.V. The Netherlands Tel.: +31 (0)348 416075 - Fax: +31 348 410019 Email: info@HollandMT.com Web: www.HollandMT.com CEDA Contact Point: Mr. J.W. de Wit Konutherm The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)3412 642 83 - Fax: +31(0)341 264 893 Email: info@konutherm.nl Web: www.konutherm.nl CEDA Contact Point: M. de Jonge Loggers B.V. The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)78 6182844 - Fax: +31(0)78 6180650 Email: info@loggers.nl Web: www.loggers.nl CEDA Contact Point: Mr. D.J. van Ramshorst Man Diesel & Turbo SE Germany Tel.: +49 (0) 821 3220 - Fax: +49 (0) 821 322 3382 Email: info_de@mandieselturbo.com Web: www.mandieselturbo.com CEDA Contact Point: Mr. U. Ziegler N-Seatec Subsea Systems B.V. The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)111 45 61 00 - Fax: +31(0)111 45 61 11 Email: info@n-sea.com Web: www.n-sea.com CEDA Contact Point: Mr. E Smits Nanjing Deers Industrial Co., Ltd China Tel.: +86(0)258 450 7790 - Fax: +86(0)258 466 0486 Email: benny@chinarubberfender,com Web: www.chinarubberfender.com CEDA Contact Point: Ms. Vicky Zhu Prolec Ltd UK Tel.: +44 120 268 1190 - Fax: +44 120 267 909 Email: info@prolec.co.uk Web: www.prolec.co.uk CEDA Contact Point: Mr. G. Tuffy Remu Oy Finland Tel.: +35(0)820 7431 160 - Fax: +35(0)820 7431 161 Email: info@remu.¿ Web: www.remu.¿ CEDA Contact Point: Ms. H.R. Rissanen Rexroth Bosch Group The Netherlands Tel.: +31 (0) 411 651 764 - Fax: +31 (0) 411 651 453 Email: paulette.teulings@boschrexroth.nl Web: www.boschrexroth.nl CEDA Contact Point: Mr. E. Slaats Seatools B.V. The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)186 680 000 - Fax: +31(0)186 680 001 Email: info@seatools.com Web: www.seatools.com CEDA Contact Point: Mr. J.C.L. Frumau Siemens Nederland N.V. Bruinhof Marine The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)10 497 0801 - Fax: +31(0)10 483 4995 Email: Bruinhof.nl@siemens.com Web: www.bruinhof.nl CEDA Contact Point: Mr. J. Baas Technogenia France Tel.: +33(0)450 685660 - Fax: +33(0)450 686277 Email: technogenia@technogenia.com Web: www.technogenia.com CEDA Contact Point: Mr. L.T. Taba www.dredging.org CEDA Annual Report 2013 3DJH The Corporate Members of CEDA Members who make a major contribution to our activities for which we thank them Teledyne Reson The Netherlands Tel.:+31(0)10 245 1500 - Fax: +31(0)10 245 1555 Email: info@reson.nl Web: www.reson.nl CEDA Contact Point: Mr. N. van Woerkom VOSTA LMG B.V. The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)20 493 66 66 - Fax: +31(0)20 493 66 70 Email: info@vostalmg.com Web: www.vostalmg.com CEDA Contact Point: Ms. P.B. Koomen TrustLube The Netherlands Tel.:+31(0)88 8787 700 - Fax: +88 8787 750 Email: chiel.vandaelen@trustlube.com Web: www.trustlube.com CEDA Contact Point: Mr. N. van Woerkom Vuyk Engineering Rotterdam B.V. The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)10 450 25 00 - Fax: +31(0)10 458 72 45 Email: vuyk@vuykrotterdam.com Web: www.vuykrotterdam.com CEDA Contact Point: Mr. K. van de Berg Van Heck B.V. The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)561 43 17 39 - Fax: +31(0)561 43 17 66 Email: info@vanheckpumps.nl Web: www.vanheckpumps.nl CEDA Contact Point: Mr. J.G.M. Van Heck VandeGrijp Pipes & Parts The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)78 644 64 64 - Fax: +31(0)78 644 64 65 Email: info@vandegrijp.com Web: www.vandegrijp.com CEDA Contact Point: Mr. J.R. Kraaijeveld van Hemert Wärtsilä Nederland B.V. The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)10 427 7100 - Fax: +31(0)10 -427 7170 Email: sales.nl@wartsila.com Web: www.wartsila.com CEDA Contact Point: Mr. D. Heidelberg Xrosswater Bermuda Tel.: +19173 101 344 Email: Malcolm@xrosswater.com Web: www.xrosswater.com CEDA Contact Point: Mr. M. Harrison DESIGNERS, BUILDERS AND SUPPLIERS OF DREDGING VESSELS Boogaard Sliedrecht B.V. The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)184 41 51 44 - Fax: +31(0)184 41 14 02 Email: mail@boogaardbrokers.com Web: www.boogaardbrokers.com CEDA Contact Point: Mr. G. B. van Leeuwen Damen Dredging Equipment B.V. The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)33 247 40 40 - Fax: +31(0)33 247 40 60 Email: info@damendredging.com Web: www.damendredging.com CEDA Contact Point: Mr. D. Tenwolde Damen Shipyards Gorinchem The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)183 6399 11 - Fax: +31(0)183 6321 89 Email: info@damen.nl Web: www.damen.nl CEDA Contact Point: Mr. H.C. van Vliet Dredge Yard The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)70-770 9038 - Fax: +31(0)70-770 9039 Email: info@dredgeyard.com Web: www.dredgeyard.com CEDA Contact Point: Mr. Basel Yousef IHC Merwede B.V. The Netherlands Tel.: +31 (0)184 436 366 Email: info@ihcmerwede.com Web: www.ihcmerwede.com CEDA Contact Point: Mr R. Hendriks Machinefabriek De Hollandsche Yssel B.V. The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)348 56 14 41 - Fax: +31(0)348 56 33 24 Email: info@hollandscheijssel.nl Web: www.hollandscheijssel.nl CEDA Contact Point: Ir. R. Vollenbrock Seadrec Ltd. (Lobnitz Marine Holding) UK Tel.: +44(0)141 887 41 31 - Fax: +44(0)141 887 64 67 Email: seadrec@aol.com Web: www.lobnitz.com/Seadrec/Seadrec_Home.htm CEDA Contact Point: Mr. B. A. McKinney DREDGING AND MARINE CONTRACTORS Abeko Dredging & Marine Contractors The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)251 2760 70 - Fax: +31(0) 251 212 550 Email: info@abeko.nl Web: www.abeko.nl CEDA Contact Point: Mr. K. Koster Atlantic Dredging Corporation Morocco mail: info@atlanticdredging.com Web: www.atlanticdredging.com Tel.: +212 22 947 639 - Fax: +212 22 947 601 CEDA Contact Point: Mr. A. Benali Baeck & Jansen N.V. Belgium Tel.: +32(0)14 31 78 41 - Fax: +32(0)14 31 78 46 Email: bj@baeck.be Web: www.baeck.be CEDA Contact Point: Mr. A. Baeck Baggerwerken Decloedt & Zoon N.V. Belgium Tel.: +32(0)59 24 21 40 - Fax: +32(0)59 24 21 80 Email: infodecloedt@deme.be Web: www.decloedt.be CEDA Contact Point: Mr. B. Verboomen DC Industrial N.V. Belgium Tel.: +32 2 647 1234 - Fax: +32 2 640 4813 Email: of¿ce@groupdecloedt.be Web: www.groupdecloedt.be CEDA Contact Point: Mr. J. de Brabandere De Hoop Terneuzen B.V. The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)115 68 09 11 - Fax: +31(0)115 61 10 66 Web: www.dehoop-terneuzen.nl CEDA Contact Point: Mr. B.C. van der Peijl Drapor Dragages des Ports Morocco Tel.: +21(0)5 22 46 43 71 - Fax: +21(0) 5 22 46 43 64 Email: Legliti@drapor.com Web: www.drapor.com CEDA Contact Point: Ms. K. Legliti Dredging and Contracting Rotterdam B.V. The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0) 164 266 144 - Fax: +31(0)164 260 454 Email:Heidi.Schluter@dcrnl.com Web: www.jandenul.com CEDA Contact Point: Mr. G. Groot Nibbelink Dredging International N.V. Belgium Tel.: +32(0)3 250 52 11 - Fax: +32(0)3 250 56 50 Email: dredging@dredging.com Web: www.dredging.com CEDA Contact Point: Mr. A. Bernard Dutch Dredging B.V. The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)184 41 19 99 - Fax: +31(0)184 41 19 98 Email: info@dutchdredging.nl Web: www.dutchdredging.nl CEDA Contact Point: Ir. C.J. van de Graaf EDT Marine Construction Cyprus Tel.: +35 725 899 000 - Fax: +35 725 899 005 Email: miki@edtmc.com Web: www.edtmc.com CEDA Contact Point: Ms. G. M. M. P. Miki Peleg Emirates Dredging Co. LLC United Arab Emirates Tel.: +97 (0)2 634 2700 - Fax: +97(0)2 6334525 Email: edc@anholdings.com CEDA Contact Point: Mr. A. N. A. Al Masaabi www.dredging.org CEDA Annual Report 2013 3DJH The Corporate Members of CEDA Members who make a major contribution to our activities for which we thank them EMODRAGA Mozambican Dredging Company Mozambique Tel.: +258 23 327 038 - Fax: +258 23 323 841 Email: emodraga@teledata.mz Web: www.emodraga.co.mz CEDA Contact Point: Mr. T. A. C. Adamo Van den Herik/Sliedrecht B.V. The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)184 41 28 81 - Fax: +31(0)184 41 98 21 Email: Sliedrecht@Herik.nl Web: www.Herik.nl CEDA Contact Point: Mr. J. Huijbers Ghent Dredging N.V. Belgium Tel.: +32(0)9 222 6157 - Fax: +32(0)9 222 6106 Email: info@ghentdredging.be Web: www.ghentdredging.be CEDA Contact Point: Mr. W. De Schipper Van der Kamp International B.V. The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)38 421 75 47 - Fax: +31(0)38 421 59 75 Email: of¿ce@vanderkampbv.nl Web: www.vanderkampbv.nl CEDA Contact Point: Mr. H. Veerman Gulf Cobla LLC United Arab Emirates Tel.: +97148802222 - Fax: +97148804295 Email: gc-info@gulfcobla.com Web: www.gulfcobla.com CEDA Contact Point: Mr. J.J. Post Van Oord Dredging and Marine Contractors bv The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)88 826 0000 Email: info@vanoord.com Web: www.vanoord.com CEDA Contact Point: ir. I. Damen Jan De Nul N.V. Belgium Tel.: +32(0)53 73 15 11 - Fax: +32(0)53 78 17 60 Email: info@jandenul.com Web: www.jandenul.com CEDA Contact Point: Mr. J. De Nul Wasa Dredging Ltd. Finland Tel.: +358 6 3444 112 - Fax: +358 6 3444 110 Web: www.wasadredging.¿ CEDA Contact Point: Mr. K. Backlund JSC “Mezhregiontruboprovodstroy” Russia Tel.: +7(0)95 779 6066 - Fax: +7(0)95 719 4478 Email: pavlov03y@yandex.ru Web: CEDA Contact Point: Mr. S. Pavlov Land and Water Group UK Tel.: +44(0)1483 202733 - Fax: +44(0)1483 202 510 Email: enquiries@land-water.co.uk Web: www.land-water.co.uk CEDA Contact Point: Mr. A. Gascoyne National Marine Dredging Co. United Arab Emirates Tel.: +971(0)2 5516 000 - Fax: +971(0)2 5516 500 Email: mmk@emirates.net.ae Web: www.nmdc.ae CEDA Contact Point: Mr. Y. Nassr Zaghloul Northern Dredging Company Ltd Russia Tel.: +7812 320 4848; +79213050446 - Fax: +7812 3200701 Email: infondc@pstgroup.ru Web: www.sdk-dredging.ru CEDA Contact Point: Mr. N. Spas Royal Boskalis Westminster N.V. The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)78 696 9822 - Fax: +31 78 69 69 020 Email: royal@boskalis.nl Web: www.boskalis.com CEDA Contact Point: Mr. M. L. Schuttevaer Shoreline Chemicals & Oil Services Nigeria Tel.: +23(0)48423 9429/4851 71 - Fax: +23(0)484 84 23 07 33 Email: info@shorelineng.com Web: www.shorelineng.com CEDA Contact Point: Mrs. L. Amos Oluwole Somit S.r.l. Italy Tel.: +39(0)41 554 4467 - Fax: +39(0) 41 554 4257 Email: info@somit.it Web: www.somit.it CEDA Contact Point: Mr. G. Schavion Strabag Wasserbau GmbH Germany Tel.: +49(0)40 800 90 30 - Fax: +49(0)40 800 48 10 CEDA Contact Point: Mr. T Arps Terramare Oy Finland Tel.: +358(0)9 613 621 - Fax: +358(0)9 613 62700 Email: terramare@terramare.¿ Web: www.terramare.¿ CEDA Contact Point: Mr. J. Sederholm UK Dredging (ABP) UK Tel.: +44(0)29 2086 5200 - Fax: +44(0)29 2083 5216 Email: ukd@abports.co.uk Web: www.abports.co.uk CEDA Contact Point: Mr. P. Mitchell GOVERNMENT ORGANISATIONS AND PUBLIC WORKS Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS) UK Tel.: +44 (0)1502 527703 - Fax: +44(0)1502 513865 Email: infoservices@cefas.co.uk Web: www.cefas.co.uk CEDA Contact Point: Dr. A. Birchenough Danish Coast Authority Denmark Tel.: +45-99 63 63 63 - Fax: +45-99 63 63 99 Email: kdi@kyst.dk Web: www.kyst.dk CEDA Contact Point: Ms. S. Ingvardsen Femern Baelt A/S Denmark Tel.: +45 33 41 63 00 - Fax: +45 33 41 63 01 Email: info@sbf.dk Web: www.fehmarnlink.com CEDA Contact Point: Mr. C. Iversen German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs Germany Tel.: +49(0)228 300 4245 - Fax: +49(0)228 300 3428 Email: harald.koeth@bmvbs.buns.de Web: www.bmvbs.de CEDA Contact Point: Mr. H. Koethe GIE Dragages-Ports France Tel.: +33(0)2 32 7645 50 - Fax: +33(0)2 32 7645 52 Email: dir.dp@dragages-ports.fr CEDA Contact Point: Mr. M. David Marine Laboratory Aberdeen UK Tel.: +44(0)1224 876 544 - Fax: +44(0)1224 295 524 Email: enquiries@marlab.ac.uk Web: www.marlab.ac.uk CEDA Contact Point: Mr. J. McKie Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)70 336 66 08 - Fax: +31(0)70 390 06 91 Email: secretariaat-bvmd@rws.nl Web: www.noordzee.org CEDA Contact Point: Ms. A. Arends Ministry of the Flemish Community Maritime Access Division Belgium Tel.: +32(0)3 222 08 69 - Fax: +32(0)3 222 08 51 Email: maritieme.toegang@mow.vlaanderen.be Web: www.lin.vlaanderen.be/awz/ CEDA Contact Point: Mr. F. Aerts Ministry of the Flemish Community/Agency Maritime and Coastal Services Belgium Tel.: +32(0)2 553 7727 - Fax: +32(0)2 553 7705 Email: jacques.dhave@mow.vlaanderen.be Web: www.agentschapmdk.be/ CEDA Contact Point: Mrs. K. Bernaert Ministry of Water Resources Iraq Tel.: +96 47 901 388 592 - Fax: +96 455 610 60 Web: www.iraq-mowr.org CEDA Contact Point: Mr. S.H. Shakir www.dredging.org 3DJH CEDA Annual Report 2013 The Corporate Members of CEDA Members who make a major contribution to our activities for which we thank them MEDIA DSB Offshore UK Tel.: +44(0)207 3842882 - Fax: +44(0)207 7731 8163 Email: info@dsboffshore.com Web: www.dsboffshore.com CEDA Contact Point: Mr. A.C. Laing IHS Dredging & Port Construction UK Tel.: +44(0)1 737 379 000 - Fax: +44(0)1 737 379001 Email: tony.slinn@ihs.com Web: www.dpcmagazine.com CEDA Contact Point: Mr. T. Slinn Gareloch Support Services B.V. The Netherlands Tel.: +31 (0)10 59 22766 - Fax: +31 (0)10 59 274 97 CEDA Contact Point: Mr. E.J. Peute Marine and Coastal Construction Service (MACCS) UK Tel.: +44 20 7060 3000 - Fax: +44 20 7060 3099 Email: accounts@maccs.co.uk Web: www.maccs.co.uk CEDA Contact Point: Mrs. D. Heijer PORT, MARITIME AND NAVIGATIONAL AUTHORITIES Administration Des Ports Republic of Guinea-Bissau Tel.: +32(0)3 205 23 44 - Fax: +32(0)3 205 23 35 CEDA Contact Point: Mr C Da Silva Gemeentelijk Havenbedrijf Antwerpen Belgium Tel.: +32 (0)3 229 67 53 - Fax: +32(0)3 229 67 51 Email: info@haven.antwerpen.be Web: www.portofantwerp.be/ CEDA Contact Point: ir. E. De Broe Hamburg Port Authority AöR Germany Tel.: +49 (0)40 428 47 2791 - Fax: +49(0)40 428 47 2794 Email: info@hpa.hamburg.de Web: www.hamburg-port-authority.de CEDA Contact Point: Mr. A. Netzband Port Autonome de Dakar Senegal Tel.: +22(1)849 45 45 - Fax: +22(1)823 36 06 CEDA Contact Point: Mr. A. Kane Port Autonome de Lome Lome Togo Tel.: +228 227 47 42 - Fax: +228 227 26 27 Web: www.portdakar.sn CEDA Contact Point: Mr. Kodjo Adegnon Port of Rotterdam N.V. The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)10 252 10 10 - Fax: +31(0)10 252 49 65 Email: info@portofrotterdam Web: www.port.rotterdam.com CEDA Contact Point: Ir. T. Vellinga Independent Risk Solutions B.V. The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)10 440 0555 - Fax: +31(0)10 440 0556 Email: info@jltrisk.nl Web: www.jltrisk.nl CEDA Contact Point: Mr. H. Liem iPS Powerful People The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)104479494 - Fax: +31(0)102357878 Email: info@ipspersonnel.com Web: www.ipspersonnel.com CEDA Contact Point: Mr. E.D.T. Broeders Rabobank Nederland Corporate Clients The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)30 216 47 69 - Fax: +31(0)30 216 19 75 Web: www.rabobank.com CEDA Contact Point: Mr. T. Wouterse Steder Group B.V. The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)10 503 3435 - Fax: +31(0)10 501 1079 Email: projects@stedergroup.nl Web: www.stedergroup.com CEDA Contact Point: Mr. G. Langstraat Transport & Offshore Services The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)10 436 6293 - Fax: +31(0)10 436 6286 Email: info@tos.nl Web: www.tos.nl CEDA Contact Point: Mr. R. van der Kolk OTHER Damen Shiprepair Rotterdam B.V. The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)10 204 12 22 - Fax: +31(0)10 473 25 77 Email: dsr@damenshiprepair.com Web: www.damenshiprepair.com/ CEDA Contact Point: Mrs. J Koster Zeeland Seaports The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)115 6474 00 - Fax: +31(0)115 6475 00 Email: dick.engelhardt@zeeland-seaports.com Web: www.zeeland-seaports.com CEDA Contact Point: Ir. D. Engelhardt SERVICES (E.G. INSURERS, LAW FIRMS, FINANCIAL AGENCIES, TOWAGE COMPANIES) Acta Marine Waterweg The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)223 615 666 - Fax: +31(0)223 614 360 Email: info@actamarine.com Web: www.actamarine.com CEDA Contact Point: Mr. D. Bras Aon Risk Solutions The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)104487660 - Fax: +31(0)104769691 Email: Web: www.aon.com/ CEDA Contact Point: Mr. H. Bredemeijer Atlas Professionals The Netherlands Tel.: +31 (0)10 266 94 55 Email: info@atlasgroep.nl Web: www.atlasgroep.nl CEDA Contact Point: Mr. P. Steeghs Brandmarion The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)728 009 989 Email: info@brandmarion.com Web: www.brandmarion.com CEDA Contact Point: Mrs. M. Mooij www.dredging.org &('$$QQXDO5HSRUW 3DJH Visitors and Mailing address: RADEX Building Rotterdamseweg 183c +''HOIW7KH1HWKHUODQGV T +31 (0)15 268 2575 T +31 (0)15 268 2576 ceda@dredging.org ZZZGUHGJLQJRUJ Editing & Co-ordination: Anni Csiti Kathleen de Wit Bart Verboomen Martin van Ommen Jaco den Hoed Layout: Sjanie Gonlag Gesine Bouter www.dredging.org CEDA Annual Report 2013 Make sure you get the most from your organisation’s CEDA membership Did you know… …if your organisation is a member of CEDA then so are you? So make sure you make the most of it. As a CEDA member you can: • Create your own personal CEDA member’s account and network with fellow professionals • Access member-only content on the CEDA website such as conference proceedings • Register for CEDA events at the members’ discount and enhance your career If you’re not sure if your organisation is a CEDA member take a look at the corporate members’ list, in the annual report, or visit the CEDA website. If they’re not on the list maybe they should be... www.dredging.org www.dredging.org
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