35.PUB (Read-Only) - Small Farm Central
35.PUB (Read-Only) - Small Farm Central
American Pastured Poultry Producers Association Issue 35 Inside this Issue: Executive Director’s Box Director Info 2 From our President 3 In Memory: Ron Desens 3 2005 Planning 4 Profile—Brower 5 State Updates 6-7 Events 8-9 Recommended Reading 10 Hatchery Directory 12-15 APPPA membership by State 14 Online Resources & Classifieds 16 Producer Plus Buying Opportunity 16 Northeast Pastured Poultry Conference Registration 19 Purpose-Events 20 March-April 2005 WHAT’S HAPPENING AT THE HATCHERIES By Matt John, Shady Lane Poultry After a few years of working in commercial poultry right out of college, I became very familiar with the industry from the large corporations to the ‘small-order’ hatcheries that most pastured poultry growers buy from. I was surprised to find that a large number of chicks sold around the country are drop-shipped from one or two sources and nearly all of the broilers and sex-link layers are hatched from eggs purchased on the open market. In fact, at least one of the most popular ‘hatcheries’ has not owned chickens for many years, but drop-ships everything they sell. My wife worked briefly for a company that sells broiler hatching eggs to corporate poultry companies as well as many of the small hatcheries across the US. The main lesson learned from that experience is that when Tyson, Perdue or one of the corporate companies wants a particular broiler cross, they get first choice. The smaller hatcheries that buy hatching eggs get whatever cross is left over. You may have noticed that batches of broilers from the same hatchery in the same year can vary greatly in size, growth rate, livability, etc. The only way to insure a consistent quality of chicks is to buy from a source that owns their breeding stock. Call and ask, if they refer to ‘cooperating hatcheries’, ‘affiliates,’ ‘associate breeders’ etc. then you will know they are not breeding their own chickens. When choosing a hatchery, the first consideration should be to buy local. Most of us who sell meat, eggs or other produce from our farms use the fact that it was grown locally as one of the main selling points. It seems logical that we would choose to support local businesses to provide our chicks or poults. I would try my best to find a hatchery that can deliver by the next day after hatching. For many readers in more remote parts of the country, this may be nearly impossible. However, the benefits of limiting shipping time and getting chicks into a stable environment and on feed and water as soon as possible have been known for many years. If the hatchery closest to your farm does not meet your expectations for quality, price or any other reasons, then choose a hatchery that uses their own breeding stock. This said, it may be nearly impossible to find a hatchery near you that has its own Cornish cross breeders. However, I want to suggest another option. Why not develop chickens that meet your specific needs? Until about 60 years ago, one could pick up any of the farm or poultry publications and find advertisements from poultry farmers who were selling pure breeds and first generation (F1) crosses of production chickens. The ads talked about high egg production numbers, fast growth, etc. While those ad(Continued on page 10) APPPA Grit! is published six times a year . The APPPA Office is moving. Please note our new contact info: Voice mail/phone APPPA E-mail: 256-751-3925 grit@apppa.org Executive Director and GRIT Editor: Karen Wynne APPPA Grit!, the newsletter, is included as a benefit of membership in APPPA. Membership rates are $30 per year for basic membership, $50 for producer-plus. To join APPPA, send check or money order made out to APPPA to: APPPA PO Box 73 Hartselle, AL 35640 Information provided in this newsletter is believed to be accurate but readers assume all responsibility for actions based on this information. Classified ads for members are $5 per issue, up to 25 words, 25-50 words $10. Nonmembers add $5. Display advertising per issue is $20 business card size, $35 for a quarter page. For more information on advertising in the GRIT, please contact us. APPPA DIRECTORS Thru Jenny Drake, TN ‘05 Kip Glass, MO ‘05 Brian Moyer, PA ‘05 Jeff Mattocks, PA '06 Jody Padgham, WI ‘06 Karen Black/ Robt Plamondon, OR ‘06 Charles-Laura Ritch, AL ‘07 Mac Stone, KY ‘07 David Smith, MD ‘07 Thank goodness for Grit! A little more than a month into this job, I have been wearing out my three ring binder full of past isxecutive director’s box sues. No one mentioned that bonus in the job description. Paula Stotts called in search of articles about mobile processing units to show to bureaucrats in Maine. What did I find in Issue 25? Jim McLaughlin’s perfect state-by-state review of MPUs complete with contact information - exactly what I was looking for. When I found a headless hen in my chicken yard the other day, where did I turn? Issue 31, the predator identification key. Now I understand the phone calls I get from people that just want to make sure that their membership renewal arrives in time for the next issue, or if it didn’t, to get any issues that they missed. This issue is my first Grit! effort. Thank you to everyone that helped, edited, contributed, and collaborated. It doesn’t help my confidence much that everyone raves about what a great job Jody has done as editor. But now we’ve recruited her as a board member, so she can keep an eye on my progress from there and answer my many questions. Please let me know if you have any requests for articles in upcoming issues or would like to contribute an article, picture or news item. I also always appreciate kind words of criticism. (Well, usually.) APPPA has big plans for the coming year. We hope that you will help represent APPPA in your state and region, so that we can be an effective international organization and still be active locally. Please contact me if you would like to help or have any ideas for APPPA’s future. -Karen APPPA DIRECTORS - Contact Information Karen Black and Robert Plamondon (541)453-5841 (email preferred) Jody Padgham (715) 667-3203 36475 Norton Creek Rd, Blodgett OR, 97326 2240 310th Street, Boyd, WI 54726 jodyp@cvol.net robert@plamondon.com karen@plamondon.com Brian Moyer (610) 944-9349 Jenny Drake (615)683-4291 96 Noll Lane, Fleetwood, PA 19522-8846 69 Cowan Valley Lane, Hickman, TN 38567 BrianM22@aol.com NaturalMeat@aol.com Charles and Laura Ritch Kip Glass (417) 732-4122 2169 N Farm Road 71, Bois D'Arc, MO 65612-2305 glassmagic@axs.net Jeff Mattocks (800)347-1566 (The Fertrell Company), PO Box 265, Bainbridge, PA 17502-0265 jeffmattocks@fertrell.com American Pastured Poultry Producers Association (256) 751-0987 298 Goose Pond Rd, Hartselle, AL 35640 ritch@hiwaay.net Mac Stone (502) 863-0086 3636 Paris Rd, Georgetown, KY 40324 annbell@prodigy.net David Smith (410) 472-0738 16701 Yeoho Rd, Sparks, MD 21152 dsmith0011@comcast.net Issue #35 Page 2 From Our President Another year is upon us! 2005 looks to be a very important milestone for APPPA. In January, APPPA held its 6th annual membership meeting in conjunction with Southern Sustainable Agricultural Working Groups (SSAWG) in New Orleans, Louisiana. This year was significantly different than the past annual meetings that I have attended, in that the APPPA Board joined for the first ever Planning Meeting. We felt this necessary to outline the future of APPPA and what goals we felt were necessary for the organization to continue to be a benefit and increase its benefit to members and consumers. The Planning Meeting, I felt, was a great success (even if it took all day and part of the next) in that we determined that APPPA must grow to survive. We are looking to increase membership to at least 1000 members within 2 years. We expect to reach this goal by appealing to more of what we often refer to as “Hobby Farmers,” who in the past we may have overlooked or have overlooked us in thinking APPPA was only for serious producers. Well if you have chickens and care about them, regardless if you have 5 or 5000, APPPA has information and benefits for all. (Actually, I feel that even huge commercial producer could learn enough from Grit to recoup the cost of membership.) I would urge all of our current members to look around them for backyard hobbyist who might be interested in a membership. They need help too - help them out and tell them about APPPA! You will see APPPA advertising and soliciting in a big way to increase membership. When we reach these goals APPPA will have strength or a presence that can be recognized on a larger scale. This presence can then be used to help the little guy getting harassed or chastised. At our current size, we can’t really be of assistance to our members when they have trouble. There were more goals established at the Planning Meeting but the membership goal is the pivotal one that makes the rest possible. APPPA is not just the board of directors, the Grit!, or a name. It is a group of producers across the U. S. and Canada that believe in a Paradigm of good food, raised right and shared with others. It’s time to share more than your products, it’s time to share your resources and your ideals by recommending APPPA memberships to everyone you know raising or buying chickens. American Pastured Poultry Producers Association Your APPPA Board of Directors is as good as I have had the privilege to work with. But we need input and assistance from the membership to move to the next level. The Board has decided to split the executive position into four positions, president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer. This was adopted and completed at the board meeting held in New Orleans in January. The new officers are: President-Jeff Mattocks Vice President-Brian Moyer Secretary-Jenny Drake Treasurer-Kip Glass This group will now form an executive committee to provide suggestions and assistance to APPPA’s new Executive Director, Karen Wynne. The separation of positions will also provide the ability to separate responsibilities for better effectiveness. So, with that said- We are ready to get something done! Give us some suggestions, input, ideas or something to work with or for! We are determined to start working more with smaller regional groups that already provide assistance to our producers. We want to know of the groups you associate with and their contact information so APPPA can make an association with that organization to provide you a better service and start working on regional functions in your area. It’s a New Year, a New Board of Directors, New Goals for APPPA and Revitalized Organizational Blood - let’s not waste it! This Board’s Ready. Are You? Jeff Mattocks In memory of Arthur Ronald Desens 1945 to 2004 Ron Desens, pastured poultry producer, organic farmer, and consummate traveler, died last November in a tractor rollover accident while chasing a fox that was killing his laying hens. He lived life with great spirit, and he will be remembered and missed. Issue #35 Page 3 APPPA Board Looks to the Future by Karen Wynne The APPPA board took some extra time before the annual meeting this year to develop a strategic plan for the short and long term. The group was energized by the discussion of what direction APPPA should take in the coming years. Some things members can look forward to include opportunities to purchase items cooperatively for better prices (see page 16), a speakers bureau to make pastured poultry producers available for conferences and workshops, and expanded consumer education options. APPPA’s member numbers have hovered around 450-500 members for years. Much discussion centered on increasing those numbers, both by expanding the producer membership numbers and by creating a membership for consumers. The plans for increasing producer membership centered on the idea of targeting smaller-scale producers that would benefit from the information that APPPA provides. This group includes diversified farms that include poultry in their operations and smaller hobby farmers who may not market a product but do raise a number of birds. In addition APPPA will participate in more conferences and trade shows to expand its presence and recognition. In addition, we plan to create a consumer membership to target consumers that appreciate good healthy food and would like to be better informed about pastured poultry. We will develop a separate consumer newsletter complete with farm stories, recipes, and news briefs. This newsletter will be available to our consumer membership as well as to our producer members to distribute. Getting consumers involved will increase their sense of ownership and also help producers connect with their customers - the concept of “relationship marketing” that everyone is encouraging. Creating a consumer identity for APPPA will also help our members have a more identifiable product. Fertrell “Where Quality Comes Naturally” The board also discussed the need to focus on regional groups and opportunities. While the organization has members from most states and beyond, many issues that producers deal with are at the state or local level. By connecting our members within the region with each other and other organizations, we can improve our Poultry Nutri-Balancer For all your Poultry Nutrition (Continued on page 11) The Fertrell Company PO Box 265 Bainbridge, PA 17502 800-347-1566 www.fertrell.com Layers Broilers Turkeys Ducks Geese Ratite Game Birds American Pastured Poultry Producers Association Issue #35 Page 4 APPPA Business Member Profile Brower The Brower company originated in the 1922 when founder William J. Brower started a mail order farm supply business. He expanded into manufacturing in Quincy, Illinois, in the 1930s, and successfully produced a wide range of poultry equipment. Mr. Brower continued to manage the company until the mid1970s, when his son-in-law took over. The business remained in the family until 1980 and expanded into other livestock equipment production. The business was then sold to an investment group, who soon realized that the 80’s was not the best time to invest in agricultural equipment production. A few years later, Hawkeye Steel Products purchased the company and kept the Brower name for their poultry equipment division while updating and adding to the product line. The Brower company had always sold poultry equipment through catalogs, farm stores, and cooperatives, and discovered the pastured poultry niche upon invitation to some of Joel Salatin’s field days. While they have a broad line-up of equipment for sale, Brower now manufactures a number of items specifically for pastured poultry, for both production and processing needs. The company prides itself in having high quality products that are constantly being improved and fine-tuned. Brower has a full line of poultry processing equipment for small-scale processing that they sell to small farmers in the United States and overseas and also to universities doing processing research. Brower has developed a larger 25” picker that can handle three to six broilers or a turkey (or two small ones), which had been a limitation in the industry. They also have developed a bleeding rack that, combined with killing cones and a tank, can greatly improve the efficiency of a small operation. The company has also created a video that demonstrates the step-by-step processing method for pastured poultry producers. Company: Brower, a division of Hawkeye Steel Products Location: Houghton, IA Product line: A wide variety of poultry production and processing equipment Service area: Products distributed internationally, especially throughout North America and the Caribbean Years in operation: Over 80 Contact information: 800-553-1791 phone 319-469-4402 fax www.browerequip.com sales@hawkeyesteel.com Mission statement: Our mission is to profitably increase our market share by continuously improving our products and service. Brower– CALL FOR SPECIAL PRICING Email: sales@hawkeyesteel.com Web: www.browerequip.com Phone: 800-553-1791 Fax: 319-469-4402 In the field, Brower manufactures everything from incubators to waterers, transport coops, mini grain bins and roll-out nests for laying hens. They manufacture a light-weight PVC pastured poultry pen for those producers that aren’t as skilled at building their own pens. Brower continues to work to develop new equipment and maintain the company’s reputation as a manufacturer of high-quality products with excellent service. American Pastured Poultry Producers Association Issue #35 Page 5 State News Updates Maine Producers Work to Find New Processing Option Maine producers are frantically looking for processing alternatives after recent decisions by the state to enforce previously lax laws. Maine has not had USDA or state inspected processing facilities for poultry slaughter for two decades, and there are rigid on-farm exemption laws for home processing. In recent years, some Maine pastured poultry producers had been using USDAinspected facilities for custom-slaughter that were approved for other types of livestock. While the state government recognized a few years ago that this was a problem, there was no resolution put forth by them to address it. Now the Maine Department of Health, in conjunction with the Department of Agriculture, have announced that this year that it will impose a $1000 per bird fine on each farm that sells birds that have been processed at uninspected poultry processing facilities. Farmers who sell through their local farmers markets or to customers such as restaurants will be fined not only by the bird but also for each location where the birds have been sold. What’s happening in your state or region? Do you have a local pastured poultry group that is planning to meet or just met? Are there any legal issues coming up? Let us know about upcoming regional meetings and news. help satisfy the growing demand that local pastured poultry producers have created. The facility can process 400 plus birds per day and should be a big boon to local producers. Next, the group convened to the Missouri University Southwest Extension Center meeting room for a pot luck lunch and a great time in sharing and discussing each others production ideas. Ways of doing coop purchases were discussed and many great ideas came from this get together. To get your name on the list for next years meeting, contact Kip Glass, 417-732-4122. For more information about Aurora Grand Meats, contact Ben or Moses Borntreger at 417-678-3902. Upcoming MPU Inspection Bill Proposed to Montana State Legislature Presently, Montana law does not give the State authority to inspect mobile slaughter units. Grow Montana's proposed legislation, HB 484, Providing In order to find a solution to this problem this Maine pastured poultry producers are in the process of talking with state officials to identify other options for processing their meat. One option being pursued is the establishment of a state-inspected mobile processing unit. (Continued on page 7) For more information, moral support, or suggestions, contact Paula Stotts at 207-3459005 or stofarm@aol.com. Missouri Producers Tour New Processing Plant On February 19th, the Missouri pastured poultry producers toured the new State inspected poultry processing plant of Aurora Grand Meats. This facility was opened in 2004 to American Pastured Poultry Producers Association Issue #35 Page 6 Authority for State Meat Inspection of Mobile Slaughtering Units, will give explicit authority to the Montana Department of Livestock to inspect mobile slaughter units. All current rules, such as the federal poultry exemption for slaughter of under 20,000 birds and custom slaughter and processing, will remain unaffected. The bill simply adds mobile slaughter units to the definition of establishments covered by state meat inspection laws. For more information, contact Crissie McMullan at crissiemc@yahoo.com or (406) 531-5162. Voluntary On-Farm Processor Registration and Upcoming Conference in New York New York State Ag and Markets has begun a voluntary registration of farmers that will be doing on farm processing under the 1000 bird exemption. According to John Arnold, Supervising Inspector with Ag and Markets, all producers are asked to let the department know if they will be processing birds on their farms. The intent according to Arnold is to be certain each processor is familiar with the criteria set forth in Section 96c of Article 5A poultry exemption. The Northeast Pastured Poultry Conference will be held April 9-10 in Syracuse, New York (see details on page 9 and registration on page 19). A pastured poultry workshops will be held April 2nd (location to be announced). For more information, contact Jim McLaughlin at 607-334-2833 or jrmclaughlin@juno.com or check www.cornerstone-farm.com for updates. Hermann Weber will be hosting a two-day workshop in Attica, New York, on June 4. The workshop will cover a the basics of pastured poultry production, with plenty of time for discussion, and the second day will be a semi-hands-on processing workshop. For more information call 585-591-0795 or check the next issue of Grit! Alabama Low-Income Farmers Receive Training in Pastured Poultry Production A new partnership between the Alabama Sustainable Agriculture Network and Heifer International is working to teach low-income farmers in the state about alternative production and marketing options for their farms. The program will include on-farm training in pastured poultry production methods and no-interest loans to establish small broiler flocks. For more information contact ASAN at 256318-0537. American Pastured Poultry Producers Association Issue #35 Page 7 UPCOMING PASTURED POULTRY EVENTS March 5, 2005 8:00 a.m. -Mt. Vernon, Washington Farming for Production, Profit and Pleasure Joel Salatin, a pioneer in the production and marketing of grass-based livestock products, will share his family's model for making a comfortable, sustainable living on their Virginia farm. The one day conference will be held March 5, 2005 at Skagit Valley College in Mount Vernon beginning at 8:00 am. Registration includes a gourmet lunch of locally produced food products. Call Skagit County Extension to register 360-428-4270, or download a registration at http://skagit.wsu.edu/. March 5-6, 2005 - Johnstown, Ohio 26th Annual OEFFA Conference Seeding the Soil, Setting the Table - Working Together to Grow www.oeffa.org/05_conference.html Phone: 614/421-2022, Fax: 614/421-2011 Email: oeffa@oeffa.com Speakers Eliot Coleman and Gene Logsdon, plus over 45 workshops and 8 workshop sessions that focus on organic and sustainable farms, gardens, markets, and lifestyles, Kids Conference (in the same building), Trade Show featuring tools of the trade, great books,"natural" and handmade products, and networking opportunities, silent auction and more. Pastured poultry workshops include: Pastured Poultry Production and Processing, Production and Marketing of Pastured Organic Eggs, Keeping Poultry Healthy, and Suburban Chickens. for an exciting day of information that will impact your business and most importantly your bottom line. This workshop will benefit a wide variety of animal producers and meat processors. Registration includes lunch. For more information, contact Heather Flashinski with the River Country RC&D Council, (715) 834-9672. March 13-15, 2005 - Albuquerque, New Mexico Southwest Marketing Network Conference This third annual conference will include tracks on alternative marketing opportunities, boosting production and processing, marketing approaches, business tools, and policy, as well as special workshops on marketing coops, grass-fed livestock, food and agricultural policy. Contact Farm to Table at 505-473-1004 or ladams@cybermesa.com. March 15, 2005 - St. Paul, Minnesota Minnesota Grown Marketing Conference University of Minnesota St. Paul Campus This annual conference for marketers of specialty crops and livestock is especially powerful and dynamic because of the diversity of its attendees. The mixture of marketers leads to great networking opportunities and access to slightly different perspectives that often result in a new idea that will transform your business. Joel Salatin will start the conference with a keynote marketing address for all attendees and then conduct two additional breakout sessions during the afternoon. Contact Paul Hugunin at 651-297-5510 or March 12, 2005 - Blairstown, New Jersey paul.hugunin@state.mn.us. Foodshed Alliance's Winter Conference For more information contact the Foodshed Alliance at March 15-17, 2005 - St. Paul, Minnesota 908-362-7987. Midwest Poultry Federation Convention St. Paul RiverCentre March 12, 2005 - Unity, Maine MOFGA’s Spring Growth 2005 - Local and Organic http://www.midwestpoultry.com The MPF takes pride in hosting an annual regional in a Global Food Economy: What is our role? convention 2005 marks our 34th year for on-farm www.mofga.org/news20050201.html A day-long engagement with the future of our food sys- poultry production, emphasizing excellence in education and outstanding business opportunities on its extem featuring big thinkers from around the world and hibit floor. Individuals involved in all segments of the right here in Maine. $35 individual/$50 couples/$25 diverse poultry industry turkeys, broilers, layers, orstudents & apprentices includes lunch. For more information or to register, contact MOFGA: ganic egg layers and broilers, gamebirds, allied industry and others with an interest in the industry should 568-4142 or mofga@mofga.org attend this event. March 12, 2005 - Neillsville, Winsconsin Branding your beliefs: How selling your beliefs can sell more meat Presented by Mike Lorentz, Nationally Recognized Expert in Direct Marketing of Meat and Livestock. Join us American Pastured Poultry Producers Association March 16 & 17, 2005 - Bradley, Illinois Poultry and Livestock Grassfed Workshop Featuring Jo Robinson and Joel Salatin At our last Midwest pastured poultry workshop with Joel Salatin, we set the agenda. This time, you get Issue #35 Page 8 MORE UPCOMING EVENTS to tell us what you want to hear from our two New York Times best selling authors and workshop presenters. Includes a farm tour the afternoon of March 17th. Workshop fee: both days $75 ($50 for each additional family member), single day -$50. Fee includes meals. For more information call Merrill at 815-937-8940 x104 or Merrill.marxman@il.usda.org. March 19, 2005 - Hume, Virginia Poultry 101, Featuring Harvey Ussery, The Chicken Man of Hume (Rain date: March 26) This workshop will be a general introduction to the joys and challenges of starting and managing a small flock of poultry for homestead production. Topics covered will include: brooding justhatched fowl, housing, feeding, pasturing the flock, using electric net fencing, breeding your own stock, working with broody hens, and more. Suggested donation is $15 per person, $25 per couple. Any profits will be donated to Society for Preservation of Poultry Antiquities and the Weston A. Price Foundation. For more information or to RSVP and get directions, contact Harvey Ussery at huboxood@earthlink.net. Stay tuned for Harvey’s hands-on butchering workshop later in the season. March 30-31, 2005 - Bowdon, Georgia Farmland Preservation and Sustainable Agriculture Expo featuring Dr. John Ikerd and Joel Salatin. Contact 770-836-8546 or 770-505-4288 for information. DON’T MISS THE FIRST NORTHEAST PASTURED POULTRY CONFERENCE April 9th – 10th, 2005 SYRACUSE WYNDHAM HOTEL, CARRIER CIRCLE, SYRACUSE, NY A CONFERENCE FOR PRODUCERS, CONSUMERS & AG PROFESSIONALS CONFERENCE REGISTRATION ON PAGE 19 Hosted By: APPPA CENTRAL NEW YORK RC&D CORNELL UNIVERSITY GENERAL SESSIONS ON POULTRY HEALTH POULTRY FEEDING SOIL HEALTH WORKSHOPS ON BREEDS • PRODUCTION • MARKETING • HEALTH • ORGANICS PROCESSING MANAGEMENT • MULTI-SPECIES GRAZING April 9-10, 2005 - Syracuse, New York Northeast Pastured Poultry Conference Sponsored by APPPA, Cornell University, and Central New York RC&D. Details on right, registration form on page 19. Details in the next issue of Grit! May 20-22, 2005 - Lebanon, Tennessee Rare Breed, Livestock, Miniature & Pet Expo May 28, 2005 - Silex, Lincoln County, Missouri National Auction of Rare and Heirloom Baby Chicks and Hatching Eggs June 4, 2004 - Attica, New York Pastured Poultry Seminar Sponsored by: CADE, Inc. Cornerstone Farm Ventures Cornell Small Farms Program Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative USDA- Natural Resources Conservation Service SUPPORTED BY: ADIRONDACK NORTH COUNTRY ASSOCIATION - GLCI – NY FINGER LAKES RC&D - HUDSON MOHAWK RC&D GRAZE NY - - NE PASTURED POULTRY ASSOCIATION COBBLESTONE FARM - FERTRELL COMPANY - KINGBIRD FARM NATURES WAY FARM - PASTURE PRIDE FARM -WIND HAVEN FARM For more information contact the Central New York RC&D at 607-334-3231, x4 or kimberly.totten@ny.usda.gov Exhibitor space available - Call for more information Please contact APPPA at grit@apppa.org or 256-751-3925 to include your pastured poultry-related event. American Pastured Poultry Producers Association Issue #35 Page 9 (Continued from page 1) vertised numbers pale in comparison to that of modern production layers and broilers of today’s commercial industry, it is very difficult to find a New Hampshire, Rhode Island Red, Delaware or other dual purpose breed that can truly be considered a ‘meat bird’ as they were in the first half of the last century. Nearly all of the pure breeds offered in today’s market have been selected for egg production and most private breeders have selected for exhibition qualities such as type, color, etc. I have heard it said recently that, “dual-purpose means no purpose.” While it is true that many of the meat and egg traits are genetically negatively correlated, careful breeding can bring about the best of both worlds. It is unrealistic to expect any one breed to produce 300 eggs per year and a 5 pound broiler carcass at 8 weeks, but it is a worthy goal to aim for economical production of your own meat and eggs from one breed of chicken. The sustainability of maintaining a particular flock that can meet the needs of your family’s or farmer’s market customer for meat and eggs as well as reproduce itself year after year with little or no outside importation of new stock need not be further clarified! According to a recent poultry genetics text, three multi-national poultry companies own the five primary layer breeder firms. It is estimated that in 1960, approximately 132 primary firms of egg breeder stock were participating in the USDA random-sample egg test. The control of broiler breeding stock is similar. The same text reported six major primary broiler breeders and most of the global market is supplied by two major multi-national companies. These products are hybrids based on crosses of several highly inbred pure lines. The genetic base of the vast majority of chickens in the US is extremely narrow. These commercial birds are performing at a production rate unimagined even 20 years ago. However, nearly all commercial stock is completely dependent on constant use of sub-therapeutic antibiotics and I’m sure most of us are aware of the implications of antibiotic resistance pathogens in food to human health. A recent study completed in Georgia has indicated that antibiotic-resistant bacteria such as E. coli are surviving and being released into the environment through field application of litter and manure from factorytype poultry farms. A gap in information exists about the meat qualities of the dual purpose breeds. The design of a study or studies to compare and contrast growth, carcass qualities, feed efficiency, etc. of these breeds and their F1 crosses is sorely needed to quantify where we are in the United States and give some direction to where small breeders and farmers need to go. One recent study from the Stay tuned for updates on pastured peepers and other progress in breeding in upcoming issues of Grit! University of Arkansas compared various traits among slower growth hybrids. The results of this study may serve as a baseline for comparison. In addition, recent conversations with one of the rare breed preservation organizations indicated that they agree there is merit in further study of this area. Some pure breeds of chickens which could be readily crossed for a gourmet market broiler still exist. Some are in the hands of private breeders and amazingly, some universities are maintaining lines with a lot of potential. These chicks will not grow as quickly as Cornish cross. Educating your customers about the differences in appearance, taste and texture will be the key to marketing these gourmet broilers. I believe for today’s small farmers to become truly sustainable we need to have more control over the source of our own chickens. (Continued on page 11) Want to learn more about poultry genetics? Read Genetics of the Fowl: The Classic Guide to Chicken Genetics and Poultry Breeding by F. B. Hutt Genetics of the Fowl has been the indispensible companion of chicken breeders since it was first published in 1949. Chapters include the genetics of plumage, egg production, body size, disease resistance, and much more. The readable style of the book is a refreshing change from modern tomes written for an audience of researchers. Genetics of the Fowl makes fascinating and thought-provoking reading even for people who are not serious poultry breeders. The late F. B. Hutt was Professor of Animal Genetics at Cornell University. Available from your local bookseller or Norton Creek Press, 36475 Norton Creek Road, Blodgett OR 97326 (541) 453-5841 or nortoncreekpress@plamondon.com American Pastured Poultry Producers Association Issue #35 Page 10 (Continued from page 10) Introducing, Wouldn’t it be great to go to a neighbor or someone just a couple of counties over for chicks or to purchase new stock for your own breeding program? Poultry production led the animal industry in consolidation, confinement and commercialization of agriculture starting in the 1960’s. Pastured poultry farmers have been among the leaders in reminding Americans how high-quality food should taste. Isn’t it time to stop depending on the commercial industry for our basic inputs and create our own breeding programs tailored to our own region, state or farm? For specific texts and references mentioned in the article, please feel free to contact me: Matt John Shady Lane Poultry Farm 520 Agawam Road Winchester, Kentucky 40391 www.shadylanepoultry.com (859) 745-4944 THE FEATHERMAN PRO Hands-free chicken picker gets ‘em spankin’ clean in 20 seconds! FEATURES: ● Tough, UV-stabilized, food grade, plastic tub and housing ● 1 HP motor, 10:1 speed reducer (both U.S. made) ● Spray ring to wash feathers away ● Feather chute for tidy work area ● Easy access, water-proof switch ● “More pluck for your buck!” ● ONLY $975! Quail and Non-electric models Available - Dealer Inquiries welcome Featherman Pluckers www.schaferfarmsnaturalmeats.com 760 SW 55th Ave., Jamesport, MO 64648 ● 660/684-6035 ● dna76@grm.net APPPA Looks to Future (Continued from page 4) network of information and support. We hope to work more closely with regional poultry groups, agricultural organizations, consumer groups, and others to hold workshops, create educational materials, and keep informed on local issues. We will also be able to offer speakers for workshops and con- Predator Resistant Portable Poultry Shelter Constructed of 16 gauge aluminum for many years of service. Optional nest boxes and feeder Poultry and Game Bird Brooder Tripod Waterers 2 Cup Waterers Quail Transport/ Callback Crate 3 in 1 Compartment Feeder Raised Garden Beds, Cold Frames and more! ferences through a speakers bureau. This program would make it easier for organizations to find speakers in their area with knowledge of pastured poultry systems. We also discussed increasing producer plus member services with cooperative purchasing, which we will experiment with in the coming year. Our test case is advertised on page 16. Let us know if there is anything in particular you would like us to purchase and distribute this way. Of course, the discussion also included ways to create an infrastructure to support these planned expansions, including increasing the job of executive director progressively to fulltime (plus staff!) and increasing the budget eight-fold over the next five years. We don’t want to implement these ideas at the expense of what APPPA already does well. The ideas are big, but they will happen gradually as we can put more money and time toward them! Free Info 1-800-257-8744 www.easy-garden.com American Pastured Poultry Producers Association Issue #35 Page 11 Listed alphabetically by state Schlecht Hatchery 9749 500th Avenue Miles, IA 52064-9773 schlecht@netins.net Rockin' Rooster Ranch Rt. 1 Box 214-M Douglas, AZ 85607-9747 520-364-6654 Dunlap Hatchery Box 507 Caldwell, ID 83606-0507 208-459-9088 Belt Hatchery 7272 S. West Ave. Fresno, CA 93706 209-264-2090 www.belthatchery.com Sun Ray Chicks Hatchery PO Box 300 Hazleton, IA 50641-0300 319-636-2244 www.sunrayhatchery.com Decorah Hatchery 406 W. Water Street Decorah, IA 52101 319-382-4103 www.decorahhatchery.com CEBE Farms PO Box 1404 Ramona, CA 92065 800-777-8730 Hoover's Hatchery PO Box 200 Rudd, IA 50471 800-247-7014 www.hoovershatchery.com Rainbow Breeder Company P.O. Box 2363 Clanton, AL 35046 205-280-3771 Metzer Farms 26000 Old Stage Road Gonzales, CA 93926 800-424-7755 www.metzerfarms.com Robb's Roost 36758 Rd. Z Wray, CO 80758 970-332-4222 Hall Brothers Hatchery PO Box 1026 Norwich, CT 06360 860-886-2421 2005 Hatchery Directory Welp, Inc. PO Box 77 Bancroft, IA 50517 800-458-4473 www.welphatchery.com Winter's Guinea Farm 21357 White Pine Lane New Vienna, IA 52065 319-853-4195 www.guineafarm.com Murray McMurray Hatchery Box 458, 191 Closz Drive Webster City, IA 50595 800-456-3280 www.mcmurrayhatchery.com Shady Lane Poultry 520 Agawam Road Winchester, KY 40391 859-737-2636 www.shadylanepoultry.com Sandhill Preservation Center 1878 230th Street Calamus, IA 52729 563-246-2299 www.sandhillpreservation.com Double R Discount 3840 Minton Rd West Melbourne, FL 32904 866-325-7779 www.dblrsupply.com G.Q.F. Mfg. Co. PO Box 1552 Savannah, GA 31498 912-236-0651 www.gqfmfg.com K & L Poultry Farm 772 Morris Road Aragon, GA 30104 706-291-1977 www.klpoultryfarm.com American Pastured Poultry Producers Association Townline Hatchery PO Box 108 Zeeland, MI 49464 616-772-6514 www.townlinehatchery.com Rainbow Breeder Company Offering a full range of chicks for Pastured Poultry and Free Range production PO Box 2363 Clanton, AL 35046 Danny Eiland, 205-280-3771 Richard Udale, 479-903-6373 dceiland@hiwaay.net Issue #35 Page 12 Giese's Waterfowl Hatchery 2550 50th St. SW Appleton, MN 56208 800-529-3447 C. M. Estes Hatchery, Inc. PO Box 5776 Springfield, MO 65802 800-345-1420 www.esteshatchery.com Heartland Hatchery Rt. 1 Box 177-A Amsterdam, MO 64723 660-267-3679 www.heartlandhatchery.com Cackle Hatchery PO Box 529 Lebanon, MO 65536 417-532-4581 www.cacklehatchery.com Calico Woods Farms 3571 Sunset Road Grove Spring, MO 65662 417-741-7750 www.calicowoods.com Marti Poultry Farm PO Box 27 Windsor, MO 65360-0027 816-647-3156 www.martipoultry.com McKinney & Govero Poultry 4717 Highway B Park Hills, MO 63601 573-518-0535/ 573-431-4841 www.mckinneypoultry.com Guineas Crow Poultry Box 106 Windsor, MO 65360 660-647-2614 Stover Hatchery P.O. Box 616 Stover, MO 65078 573-377-2519 www.stoverhatchery.com Johnson's Waterfowl 36882 160th Ave N.E. Middle River, MN 56737 218-222-3556 Stromberg's Box 400 Pine River, MN 56474 800-720-1134 www.strombergschickens.com Urch/Turnland Poultry 2142 NW 47 Ave. Owatonna, MN 55060 507-451-6782 (Continued on page 14) Shady Lane Poultry Farm, Inc. Day–old chicks, several varieties: Pasture-bred commercial Cornish Cross Broilers, Rainbow Free Range Gourmet Broilers, Brown Sex-link layers, Homesteader’s Delight dual purpose chickens. Also several varieties of exhibition and heirloom poultry available. Matt John 520 Agawam Road Winchester, Kentucky 40391 859-737-2636 www.shadylanepoultry.com B r o ile r & L a y e r C h ick s R e a d y - t o - la y P u lle t s E q u ip m e n t/In c u b a to r s F e r tile E g g s 2 6 6 E . P a le t o w n R o a d , Q u a k e r t o w n , P A . 1 8 9 5 1 P h . : 2 1 5 - 5 3 6 -3 1 5 5 F a x : 2 1 5 - 5 3 6 -8 0 3 4 American Pastured Poultry Producers Association w w w .m o y e r s c h ic k s .c o m o r d e r s @ m o y e r s c h ic k s .c o m Issue #35 Page 13 2005 HATCHERY DIRECTORY Continued from page 13 Shulte Waterfowl 2242 320 Ave Marshall, MN 56258 507-532-2893 Larry's Poultry Equip & Hatchery PO Box 629 Scottsbluff, NE 69363 800-676-1096 www.larryspoultry.com Seven Oaks Game Farm 7823 Masonboro Sound Road Wilmington, NC 28409 910-791-5352 www.poultrystuff.com Eagle Nest Poultry Box 504 Oceola, OH 44860 419-562-1993 Cedar Grove Farm 93 Living Waters Rd. Edgewood, NM 87015 505-281-1023 Mt. Healthy Hatcheries 9839 Winton Road Mt. Healthy, OH 45231 800-451-5603 www.mthealthy.com Privett Hatchery PO Box 176 Portales, NM 88130 800-634-4390 www.privetthatchery.com Ridgway Hatcheries Box 306 La Rue 32, OH 43332 800-323-3825 Howell's Exotic Waterfowl Rt. 1 Box 514 Muldrow, OK 74948 918-427-4813 www.rarebird.com/ howellsswans Rock-n-Cedar Rt. 3 Box 414 Mulgrow, OK 74948 918-427-3510 www.boxess.com/chome.htm Shank's Hatchery 17874 Shank Rd NE Hubbard, OR 97032-9733 800-344-2449 www.shankshatchery.com Holderreads' Waterfowl Farm & Preservation Center PO Box 492 Corvalis, OR 97339 541-929-5338 Uncle Tom's Farm PO Box 42 Gardiner, OR 97441 541-271-5401 www.uncle-toms-farm.com www.hoffmanhatchery.com Wish Hatchery PO Box 862 Prairie City, OR 97869 541-820-3509 Hatching since 1948 Offering a large variety of poultry, equipment and books Goslings ◦ Ducklings ◦ Turkey Poults Commercial Breed Chicks ◦ Guineas Game Birds ◦ Bantams & Fancies Swans & Peafowl FREE POULTRY AND EQUIPMENT CATALOG P.O. BOX 129 GRATZ, PA 17030 (717) 365-3694 Clearview Stock Farm & Hatchery PO Box 399 Gratz, PA 17030 717-365-3234 Cross Keys Pheasantry 115 List Hill Road Valencia, PA 16059 724-898-9600 Hoffman Hatchery, Inc. P. O. Box 129 Gratz, PA 17030 7l7-365-3694 www.hoffmanhatchery.com We participate in the National Poultry Improvement Plan selling only U.S. Approved, U. S. Pullorum-Typhoid Clean Poultry American Pastured Poultry Producers Association Issue #35 APPPA membership by state February 2005 AL 6 AR 6 AZ 3 CA 6 CO 9 CT 3 DC 1 FL 2 GA 9 IA 12 ID 4 IL 18 IN 17 KS 7 KY 4 LA 7 MA 11 MD 11 ME 6 MI 15 MN 12 MO 16 MS 3 MT 1 NC 10 ND 3 NE 4 NH 1 NJ 2 NM 2 NV 2 NY 31 OH 23 OK 2 OR 10 PA 62 RI 1 SC 4 SD 3 TN 7 TX 20 VA 20 VT 3 WA 13 WI 37 WV 4 Cana 3 UK 1 Bermuda 1 Page 14 Moyer's Chicks, Inc. 266 East Paletown Rd. Quakertown, PA 18951 215-536-3155 www.moyerschicks.com G&K Exotic Farms 1061 Leadmine Road White Pine, TN 37890 423-674-2737 www.g-kexoticfarms.com Mt-Di Started Capons 1209 S. Catherine St. Altoona, PA 16601 814-942-7024 Bear Bayou Quail Farm PO Box 514 Channelview, TX 77530 281-452-5407 www.flash.net/~akr514/ Noll's Poultry Farm PO Box 14 Kleineltersville, PA 17039 717-949-3560 Reich Poultry Farms, Inc. 1625 River Road Marietta, PA 17547 717-426-3411 Witt Farms 2056 Old Stagecoach Rd Cassatt, SC 29032 803-432-1067 Dogwood Acres Adamsville, TN 38310 901-632-5080 www.dogwood-acres.com Phinney Hatchery, Inc. 1331 Dell Avenue Walla Walla, WA 99362-1023 509-525-2602 Springhetti Gamebird Farm 12220 Springhetti Road Snohomish, WA 98290 360-568-7277 Abendroth's Waterfowl Hatchery WB697 Island Road Waterloo, WI 53594 920-478-2053 Frances Grieve Farms PO Box 154061 Waco, TX 76715-4061 817-799-5648 Nasco Farm & Ranch 901 Janesville Ave. Fort Atkinson, WI 53538 800-558-9595 www.enasco.com Ideal Poultry Breeding Farms, Inc. PO Box 591P Cameron, TX 76520-0591 254-697-6677 www.ideal-poultry.com Sunnyside Inc. PO Box 452 Beaver Dam, WI 53916 920-887-2122 McDucks Hatchery Rt. 2 Box 4057 Nacogdoches, TX 75961 409-569-8317 Utgaard's Hatchery Box 32 Star Prairie, WI 54026 715-248-3200 Harder's Hatchery 624 N. Cow Creek Rd. Ritzville, WA 99169 509-659-1423 www.ritzville.com/hardershatchery POULTRY MAN LLC Eli M. Reiff 570-966-0769 922 Conley Rd Mifflinburg, PA 17844 SCALDER 42 gallon rotary, gas fired with auto control temp timer. 60,000 BTU, all stainless steel. Mechanical PLUCKER 3/4 HP motor, motor totally enclosed, 10:1 Gear reduction, 27” diameter, stainless with shower ALSO AVAILABLE: Manual Scalder– hand dunk birds. 42 gallon, 30,000 BTU Please call for prices on all equipment American Pastured Poultry Producers Association Issue #35 Page 15 APPPA www.apppa.org Resources on the Internet Eat Well Guide www.eatwellguide.org Alternative Transfer & Technology to Rural Areas (ATTRA) www.attra.ncat.org USDA Agricultural Marketing www.ams.usda.gov Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Food Safety Inspection Service www.usda.gov/fsis www.sare.org FDA HACCP Information www.fsis.usda.gov/regulations_&_policies/ Center for Integrated Ag Systems establishment_specific_information/index.asp www.cias.wisc.edu Egg Cartons www.eggcartons.com www.pactiv.com Free Range Poultry www.free-rangepoultry.com LocalHarvest www.localharvest.org Subscribe List Serves at egroups.com DayRangePoultry PasturedPoultry APPPA Pro Plus (membership required) NewFarm www.newfarm.org Eat Wild www.eatwild.com Robert Plamondon’s Poultry Newsletter www.plamondon.com/nortoncreekpress.html GRIT Classifieds For Sale: Good used plastic chicken crates. $20 each. Eli Reiff, Mifflinburg PA, 570-9660769. Advertise in Grit! Classified ads for members are $5 per issue, up to 25 words, 25-50 words $10. Nonmembers add $5. Display advertising per issue is $20 business card size, $35 for a quarter page. Call the APPPA office at 256751-3925 or email your ad to grit@apppa.org. PRODUCER PLUS MEMBER OPPORTUNITY Producer Plus Members now have the opportunity to save money by taking advantage of bulk purchases! This month: Cryovac FC805 Poultry Bags Put your bird in these bags, seal, dip in 200 degree water and the bag shrinks around the bird. If bag is violated, bag stays tight around product. Helps prevent freezer burn and ice crystals on the product. Size 8 ½” x 14”, fits 3.75- 4.5 lb. bird. 1000 bags - $85 plus shipping. Contact:417-732-4122. Other Producer Plus Perks: Pasture-Raised Poultry Nutrition Pastured Poultry Marketing Brochure Pro-Plus list serve Back Issues of APPPA GRIT What would you like to be able to purchase cooperatively? Let us know! 256-751-3925 grit@apppa.org American Pastured Poultry Producers Association Issue #35 Page 16 DOTSON FARM AND FEED Distributors of Fertrell Poultry Nutri-Balancer and the complete line of Fertrell Products. Fertrell Also Available : Certified Organic Hay Dotson Farm and Feed 2929 N. 9th Street Rd. Lafayette, IN 47904 Ph 765-742-5111 cell 765-404-9826 Fax 765-429-5601 American Pastured Poultry Producers Association POULTRY PROCESSING EQUIPMENT Very reasonably priced Complete line of used equipment from peeps to a dressed bird. 2 ea galvanized steel brooder hoods (6ft dia +/-) $125/ea Brower SS30 scalder, propane fired $2,600 Brower QBP-23 picker $1,900 2 ea galvanized steel chill tanks (265 gal/ea) $200/ea 2 ea “ “ “ “ (165 gal/ea) $150/ea 6 ea plastic chicken crates $ 5/ea 8 ft long dbl basin, dbl drainboard SS sink $350 8 ft long SS work table, L shaped $200 100# propane tank (4 ft tall +/-) $75 5 hanging drinkers $8/ea 5 rubber mats $3/ea This quality, commercial equipment has top of the line, high production capability and will accommodate all your poultry processing needs. All items good to excellent condition, call for more details, Prices FOB our farm in the Lynchburg, VA area. Take it all deduct $600. Call (541) 921-1994 or email: jfreeo@perini.com. Issue #35 Page 17 Helfter Feeds • Complete Feeds Certified USDA Organic • Organic Free Choice Individual - Vitamins Minerals - Buffer (Also available for Sheep and Goats) • Premixes for Poultry, Beef, Dairy and Swine Fortifying and Balancing your Organic Grains • 26% Organic Non-Soy Concentrate For those choosing not to use Soy for Poultry and Swine Calories and Performance are pound for pound the same as 44% Soybean Meal GUARANTEED ANALYSIS Crude Protein (min) ----- 26.0 % Crude Fat (min) ------—— 4.0 % Crude Fiber (max) ------— 7.5 % Calcium (Ca) (min) ------— 0.8 % Calcium (Ca) (max) -----— 1.3 % Phosphorous (P) (min) ----- 0.8 % Methionine (min) ------- 0.4 % Lysine (min) ------——- 1.4 % Threonine (min) ------— 1.8 % Tryptophan (min) -------- 0.5 % Acrobat Document For a FREE Catalog or to speak with a Customer Service Representative call 1-866-435-3837. At Helfter Feeds, Inc®. no order is to small! 135 N. Railroad St. • P.O. Box 266 • Osco, Illinois, 61274-0266 (Toll Free) 866-435-3837 • (Local) 309-522-5024 • (Fax) 309-522-5021 HelfterFeeds@netexpress.net • www.HelfterFeeds.com Helfter Feeds, Inc. Pickwick-Zuber (formerly PICKWICK-ZESCO) POULTRY PROCESSING EQUIPMENT Gillis 7887 Fuller Road – Suite 116 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 USA Telephone: 800/808-3335 USA 952/906-3333 Fax: 952/906-3335 www.zuber-inc.com sales@zesco-inc.com Pickwick-Zuber has equipment for your processing needs. We have equipment to do one bird at a time to 500 birds per hour. The Pickwick line of poultry processing equipment has been picking birds for over 50 years worldwide! Check out our equipment on our web page, or call us for a catalog! We also handle meat processing equipment for the small to medium size processor. We have over 40 years experience in this field. CALL PICKWICK-ZUBER TODAY FOR YOUR POULTRY & MEAT PROCESSING EQUIPMENT NEEDS! American Pastured Poultry Producers Association Issue #35 Page 18 A CONFERENCE FOR PRODUCERS, CONSUMERS & AG PROFESSIONALS NORTHEAST PASTURED POULTRY CONFERENCE 2005 Early Bird Registration Deadline March 11, 2005 April 9-10, 2005 * Syracuse Wyndham Hotel * Carrier Circle * Syracuse, New York PLEASE USE ONE CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FORM PER PERSON Registrant Category: O Exhibitor O Agency O Producer O Academia O Consumer O Consultant O Other __________ Name: ____________________________ Business/Organization Name:_________________________________________ Address_____________________________________City _________________________State/Zip: ______________ Phone (___)_________________Fax: (____)_____________ Email: __________________________________________ Hotel Accommodations: O Yes # People in Room ___________ O Smoking O Non-Smoking O No Check-in Date: 4/ /05 Check-out Date: 4/ /05 Room Occupants __________________________________________ Room Type: ________ $90 (S) $105 (D) $76 (F) Federal Rate w/ID O HOTEL Guarantee Credit Card Authorization Tax is not included in Rate O American Express O MasterCard O Visa O Discover Name (as it appears on card): _________________________________Card Number: ________________________________________ Expiration Date: ____/____ Signature: ______________________________(Authorizes SMCS to guarantee your hotel with credit card.) Breakout Session – Workshop Selection: Saturday, April 9, 2005 General sessions: 10:30 am Poultry Health 11:15 am Poultry Feeding Please Select One Workshop in Each Time Period 1:00 pm O Pastured Poultry 101 O Alternative Poultry Health O Poultry Breeds Sunday, April 10, 2005 8:30am General Session Soil Health 2:30 pm O Holistic Management O Pastured Layers O Organic Production 4:00 pm O Multi-species Grazing O Farm Business O Marketing Please Select One Workshop in Each Time Period 9:30 am O Poultry Processing O Marketing O Turkey Production 11:00 am Panel Discussion “Past, Present, & Future of Pastured Poultry O Early Bird Registration $95.00 (Postmarked by March 11, 2005) (includes Lunch, Banquet & Continental breakfast) O Registration $105 (After March 11, 2005) (includes Lunch, Banquet & Continental breakfast) O Sunday(No Meal) O One Day Registration $55 O Saturday (No Meal) O Sat. Banquet $30 O Sat. Lunch $20 Registration Payment: All registration fees are due at time of registration. Enclose a check or complete credit card authorization section to pay conference registration fee. A credit card must be provided to guarantee hotel accommodations, your card will not be charged until time of check-in when you may provide an alternative payment method. (Full Registration includes Sat lunch & banquet & Sun continental breakfast. One Day Register.– no meals; you must purchase separately) O Check Enclosed $ __________ Make check payable to SMCS. O Charge Registration Credit Card Authorization Your card will be charged for registration ONLY upon receipt of this form. O American Express O MasterCard O Visa O Discover Name (as it appears on card): __________________________Card Number: _____________________________________ Expiration Date: ____/____ Signature: ______________________________(Authorizes SMCS to charge your card for registration fees.) Cancellation Policy: If you must cancel, we will issue a full refund, minus processing costs ($20) until March 25, 2005, thereafter no refunds. Submit Form to: SMCS, 620 Erie Blvd. W Suite 302, Syracuse, NY 13204 Voice: 1-877-384-8829 Fax: (315) 234-1491 Register Online: www.cornerstone-farm.com/neppc.htm American Pastured Poultry Producers Association Issue #35 Page 19 APPPA GRIT! PO Box 73 Hartselle, AL 35640 All the indicators point to pastured, home processed poultry as one of this century’s best family farm enterprises. Pasture Poultry Profit$ by Joel Salatin. APPPA STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The American Pastured Poultry Producers Association (APPPA) is a nonprofit educational and networking organization dedicated to encouraging the production, processing, and marketing of poultry raised on pasture. APPPA exists to facilitate the free flow of creative ideas. Member producers are encouraged to consider all poultry species and all pasturing models, assuming personal responsibility for adapting ideas and models presented through APPPA. APPPA passionately embraces humane, people-friendly, environmentally-enhancing, pasture-based production models. While we respect the freedom of others to engage in industrial confinement factory farming, we believe our approach is superior. APPPA assists both producers and consumers to transact business with as little government intervention as possible. APPPA does not discriminate in membership or programs based on the business size of producer or consumer. Realizing that production models must be profitable to be successful, APPPA's interests include processing, packaging, cooking, marketing, and any other topics related to pastured poultry enterprises. APPPA's world vision is to see pastured poultry adopted as the model for environmentally, emotionally, and economically sensible poultry production. This vision includes decentralized food systems, farmstead-sized processing, and as much interaction as possible between producer and consumer. (Adopted by the APPPA Steering Committee, August 27, 1997) EVENTS & HAPPENINGS DETAILS ON PAGES 8-9. March 5, Mt. Vernon, WA Farming for Production, Profit and Pleasure March 5-6, Johnstown, OH, 26th Annual OEFFA Conference March 12, Blairstown, NJ Foodshed Alliance's Winter Conference March 12, Unity, ME, Spring Growth 2005 March 13-15, Albuquerque, NM Southwest Marketing Network Conference March 15, St. Paul, MN Minnesota Grown Marketing Conference March 15-17, St. Paul, MN Midwest Poultry Federation Conference March 16-17, Bradley, IL, Poultry/Livestock Grass-Fed Workshop with Joel Salatin and Jo Robinson March 19, Hume, VA, Poultry 101 with Harvey Ussery April 9-10, Syracuse, NY Northeast Pastured Poultry Conference Next Issue of Grit— April 2005. Deadline April 1
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