Land ServiceS group
Land ServiceS group
Land Services group Land Services Group Land Services group Land Services group Table of Contents 1. About Us 2 2. Case Studies 12 3. 2013 Transactions 22 4. 2014 Transactions 33 5. Our Associations 46 6. Our Contributions 49 1 Land Services group The Land Services Group are experienced and dedicated professionals who partner with vendors, developers, corporations and individual investors to develop and execute real estate strategies that add value, preserve wealth, and ensure each transaction meet the clients goals and objectives. The Land Services Group provides a full spectrum In Canada, CBRE Limited employs over 1,800 people in 24 offices from coast to coast. Using its strength, resources and passion, CBRE helps clients successfully anticipate market opportunities, seize competitive advantages and achieve their real estate objectives. of brokerage services – including site selection, land use analysis, acquisition, disposition and ground leasing to buyers In Canada, our professionals strive constantly for a clearer understanding of the global and local marketplace and and sellers of commercial, industrial, retail, residential and mixed-use properties. We have the expertise to cover all the new opportunities they present. Our clients depend on our ability to see the landscape ahead, and translate these aspects of a client’s needs and state of the art technology in mapping, demographics, database management, and perspectives into a tangible difference. By using our strength, resources and passion, we help our clients anticipate web publishing applications that sets us apart from the competition. As leading land brokers we continue to expand market opportunities, seize competitive advantages and exceed their real estate goals. our existing high profile listing inventory in the GTA and our process allows Sellers to achieve maximum value through market knowledge and expertise by providing insight and access to active investors, developers and end users in the market place currently acquiring assets. We would like to invite you to contact us to discuss your land and how our creative sales program and team may be able to assist you in obtaining the maximum value for your property. The core services include, Brokerage Services, Investment Properties, Corporate Services, Market Research, Valuation & Advisory Services, and Debt & Equity Services. CBRE Global Corporate Services, the management division, Offers Facilities Management, Asset Services, Property Management and Project & Construction Management. We perform critical corporate real estate functions vital to our clients’ success: • Formulating real estate strategy • Assessing property values • Identifying and evaluating market positions and potential purchasers • Negotiating the best possible transaction terms Our personal approach, combined with the strength of our market knowledge and experience in the commercial real estate industry, provides a winning strategy and the necessary solutions for all your real estate needs. We would like to invite you to contact us to discuss your land and how our team may be able to assist you in obtaining the maximum value for your property. 2 3 Land Services group cbre canada about us Land Services group O u r r e c o r d spe ak s f o r it se lf. kn ow led ge ; We dif f e r e n t iat e o u rs e lv e s with o u r market w e ar e spe c ialist s in t h e f ie ld o f la n d ; a n d ca n co m p le te th e m o st in t r ic at e t r an sac t io n s w it h sk ill an d c r e at iv ity, a n c o m e f r o m y e ar s o f e x pe r ie n c e . (O v e r c ase y o u w e r e w o n de r in g! ) 80 years e xpe r t is e th a t ca n o n ly o f co m b in e d e xp e rie n ce …. In Our Modified T ender P rocess - HO W it works! T h e M o dif ie d Te n de r Pr o c e ss is a c lo se d biddin g p ro ce s s with th e a b ility to g a rn e r higher sa le p rices , in st e ad o f u sin g t h e ty p ica l lis t a n d s e ll te ch n iq u e . T h e pr o c e ss w o r k s be c au se o f t h e c o n f ide n t ia lity o f o f f e rs a n d p o te n tia l pu r c h ase r s. T h is c r e at e s an e n v ir o n m e n t w h e r e p u rch a s e rs will co m e in with Our Marketshare can’t be beat - check out the stats below to see that LSG is the market leader across the GTHA in LAND sales • Over $700M in consideration since 2008 • Sold over 1000 acres in one transaction • The largest to date land deal of 2011 in Toronto • LSG’s SVPs Mike Czestochowski and Pat Viele are ranked Top 20 t h e ir stron gest offer . A sm all gr o u p o f p u rch a s e rs a re s h o rt- lis te d to st r e n gt h e n an d r e su bm it be st o f f e r s base d o n t h e Ve n d o r ’s re q u ire m e n ts f o r a co mp leted sa le . T h is pr o c e ss c an : 1 .Re su lt in h igh e r pr ic in g; 2 . S h o r t e n du e dilige n c e pe r io ds; 3 . C r e at e a c o m pe t it iv e e n v ir o n m e n t ; 4 . S h o r t e n n e go t iat io n t im e s; an d 5 . A llo w t h e Ve n do r t o m ain t ain c o n t r o l o f th e p ro ce s s . Our Streamlined Mar keting Process – Professional Excellence ! O u r m ar ke t in g pr o c e ss t y pic ally r u n s f o r f o u r to s ix we e k s a n d h ig h lig h ts th e pr o pe r t y t o it s t h e m ar ke t in g full p ot en tial . Wo r k in g de liv e r s a full scop e o f t h e with th e Pla n n e rs a n d A g e n ts , p ro p e rty to th e m o s t q u a lif ie d pu r c h ase r s. O u r M ar ke t in g Pr o c e ss C r e at e s: 4 • M ax im u m e f f ic ie n c y • T h e f ast e st r e su lt s • A qu alit y pr o du c t , in c lu din g: • Pr o f e ssio n al A e r ials • I n -h o u se G r aph ic D e sign • H igh C lass D at abase o f Q u alif ie d Pu r c h ase rs • A dv e r t isin g: N at io n al an d Tar ge t e d • S o c ial M e dia I n it iat iv e s • We b I n t e gr at io n • S po n so r sh ips 5 Land Services group W h y th e L A ND SERV ICES GR O UP ? Land Services group Lauren Doughty is a member of CBRE’s Land Services Group, one of the largest land brokerage groups by transaction volume in the country. With more than 8 years of real estate experience, Lauren has transacted over $500 million in land dispositions. Lauren provides her clients with an extensive knowledge of local market conditions and ultimately creates a strategy to maximize the value of her clients’ real estate holdings by achieving the best price and terms tailored to meet their specific needs. In her role, Lauren helps to form and execute the market strategies on her clients’ behalf and is directly involved in all of the team’s property transactions. Her land disposition and acquisition experience covers all zoning categories including residential, retail, office, mixed-use, and industrial. As a Senior Vice President with the Land Services Group at CBRE Limited, Mike has been specializing in the valuation & sale of development land throughout the Greater Toronto Area for over 30 years. His experience and knowledge of the GTA market compliments his proven abilities for site acquisitions, dispositions and the marketing and sale of real estate. Since 1995, Mike has been ranked as one of the top ten sales people for CBRE’s Toronto North Office and is uniquely qualified in locating development and investment properties and evaluating their feasibility for landowners, developers, users and investors. Mike Czestochowski** Senior Vice President TEL: 416 495 6257 EMAIL: As a Senior Vice President with CBRE Limited, Pat has been specializing in the sale and leasing of industrial facilities and development land sales in the suburban markets for over 25 years. Pat’s strong knowledge of the market allows him to represent mid to large commercial clients, Pat joined the Land Services Group in 2010 and helps local owners and developers and assists in finding long-term real estate solutions. Pat uses his extensive experiences and negotiating skills to help his clients strategize and achieve their real estate goals. Pat has been in the CBRE’s Toronto North Office Top 10 thirteen times since 2000. Pat also has a large network of associates that help coordinate environmentals, geotechnical, surveys etc, to ensure that transactions are completed successfully. TEL: 416 495 6258 Pat Viele* Senior Vice President EMAIL: Lauren Doughty* Senior Sales Associate TEL: 416 495 6223 EMAIL: Ian’s strengths in valuation, knowledge of events and trends in the market, and reliability allow him to generate additional business for the team as well as strengthening existing relationships with clients. Since Ian joined CBRE Limited in 2008 he has focused predominantly in the sale of development land throughout the 905 regions in addition to the disposition of urban redevelopment properties. Ian’s persistence and dedication, paired with a strong real estate education ensures that his client’s interests are put first, always. Ian Hunt* Sales Associate TEL: 416 495 6268 EMAIL: **Broker *Sales Representative Jason has worked in land development since 1998, starting at CBRE and becoming a founding member of the Land Services Group. In 2006, Jason joined Walton International Group Inc. as Senior Vice President of Land Research and Acquisition, managing acquisitions throughout Ontario and the southern United States. He was then promoted to Walton Development and Management as President of the Ontario division, breaking ground for Walton’s first development in Ontario. Jason was promoted to President of Walton Realty and Management Ltd., responsible for managing international acquisitions of development projects for all of North America. Jason marks his return to CBRE Land Services Group as Vice President, in charge of research and acquisition of land development opportunities in Canada. Jason Child* Vice President TEL: 416 495 6249 EMAIL: 6 Land Services Group 7 Land Services group Sales Professionals Land Services group Melissa joined the CBRE Land Services Group in early 2012 as the Client Services Coordinator. She Kathy joined CBRE’s Land Services Group in 2014 and is responsible for analyzing the diverse has over 7 years of experience in marketing, specializing in brand and creative services. Melissa range of planning issues related to each property. Having graduated from Ryerson University’s received her education in media and creative design; and journalism. Having previous marketing School of Urban and Regional Planning, Kathy is responsible for writing comprehensive reports for experience, Melissa is responsible for research, management and marketing of property listings, the team and our clients, special projects for the Land Services Group and is focused on delivering presentations and proposals. Melissa is focused on the creative design of marketing materials, professional planning support. Kathy also produces a quarterly report specific to each region in the liaising with clients, special projects, public relations and event coordination. Her education and GTHA for investors and private owners. experience assist with the creation and management of all marketing, including social media for the Land Services Group. Melissa Wildman Marketing Specialist TEL: 416 495 6316 EMAIL: Kathy Ribeiro Planner TEL: 416 495 6309 EMAIL: Nathaniel Pace joined CBRE’s Land Service Group in 2015. Nathaniel has strong background in Karis joined CBRE’s Land Services Group in 2013, and is responsible for the effective day to day real estate having worked for a residential developer and a real estate investment corporation management of administrative duties of the team. Karis brings with her 5 years of real estate before graduating from the University of Western Ontario’s Urban Development program in 2013. experience working in the head office of a residential developer where she completed legal Nathaniel is responsible for examining a wide range of planning concerns regarding a number of documents, liaised with purchasers and assisted in the sales offices. Karis is focused on delivering properties as well as updating the Land Services Group’s regional mapping and providing accurate, professional customer service to clients and her team and also oversees closing documentation, site professional and timely planning advice and support to the Land Services Group and their clients. selection research, lease proposals and property information of team listings and client deliverables. She is also in the process of obtaining her real estate license. Karis Savage Client Services Coordinator TEL: 416 495 6254 Nathaniel Pace Planner TEL: 416 495 6246 EMAIL: EMAIL: Land Services Group 8 9 Land Services group Support staff Land Services group twitter: LAND SERVICES GROUP @cbrelsg Land Services group you can also Find us online: linkedin: Land Services Group our website: 10 11 Land Services group Land Services group high density Land Services Group case studies 12 13 Land Services group SUBJECT PROPERTY The Land Services Group and National Investment Team were retained on an exclusive basis by Canadian Tire Corporation Limited to arrange the sale of approximately 6 acres of High Density redevelopment land, located on Dundas Street West, just west of Kipling Avenue. OUR ROLE Canadian Tire mandated the Land Services Group and National Investment Team to design and manage the exclusive marketing and disposition program. We offered the property to the market using the Modified Tender Process with no asking price. We prepared a targeted marketing campaign, which included a four page brochure that went to all prospective purchasers and ran national advertisements. Qualified purchasers received access to information in an online data room and Confidential Offering Memorandum, in order to expedite the due diligence process. We set a date for offer submissions and conducted face to face meetings with interested proponents. OUTCOME The Land Services Group successfully negotiated the deal and was present throughout the entire due diligence process. The $15,500,000 transaction was completed with Concert Properties Limited on June 20, 2013. 14 15 Land Services group 5365 Dundas Street West, Toronto, ONTARIO Land Services group Land Services group Case Studies bay street & wellesley street, toronto, ONTARIO SUBJECT PROPERTY The Land Services Group and National Investment Team were retained on an exclusive basis by Infrastructure Ontario (IO) to arrange the sale of an outstanding development opportunity situated at 11 and 25 Wellesley Street West and 14, 16, 20 and 26 Breadalbane Street in downtown Toronto. This offering was exceptionally well-located on the south side of Wellesley Street West and strategically positioned between the Yonge Street and Bay Street arterials in Downtown Toronto. OUR ROLE IO exclusively mandated the Land Services Group and National Investment Team to design and manage the marketing and disposition program. We offered the property to the market using a Modified Tender Process with no asking price. We prepared a targeted marketing campaign, which included a four page teaser flyer that went to all prospective purchasers, highlighted the property on our website, ran national advertisements and used social media outlets. Once purchasers were qualified through our RFQ process they received a 35 page comprehensive package, Confidential Information Memorandum (CIM) as well as access to information in an online data room, in order to facilitate an expedient due diligence process. We set a date for offer submissions and conducted face to face meetings with interested proponents. OUTCOME Our efforts generated multiple offers on the property. The offers were then entered into our Offer Evaluation Matrix which enabled us to rank the offers based on the weighted variables of IO. We were able to compare offers on matters of importance and move forward on the most viable option. The transaction was completed in February 2013 with Lanterra Developments Limited for $65,000,000. 16 17 Land Services group Land Services group 2200 lake shore Blvd West & 10 park lawn rd, etobicoke, ontario SUBJECT PROPERTY The Land Services Group represented Menkes Development, a multidisciplinary real estate development company, and AEW Capital Management, an international investment management firm headquartered in Boston, in the disposition of their site located at 2200 Lake Shore Boulevard West and 10 Park Lawn Road. At the time of sale, the complex located at 2200 Lake Shore Blvd. West held 22 office units and 14 storage units with lease terms expiring from June 2007 to June 2011 and was approximately 139,523 SF with a NOI (for 2007) of $1,600,000. The complex located at 10 Park Lawn Road was leased to Kraft as one unit of office and one unit of storage with the lease expiring in July 2014. This building was approximately 53,705 SF and had a NOI (for 2007) of $725,000. At the time of sale the site had been approved for 1200 high density residential units and 195,365 square feet for commercial use. This property signifies a unique development, being one of the last remaining developable sites along the Etobicoke waterfront corridor. OUR ROLE Within the first several weeks a listing agreement was negotiated that provided incentives for CBRE if the team achieved a purchase price in excess of the initial valuation. During the negotiation of the listing agreement, the team assembled due diligence materials, built a marketing campaign and prepared offering materials. This property was offered for sale without an asking price via the Modified Tender Process. Interested proponents were asked to submit offers for this unique opportunity according to our Offering Process outlined in our Confidential Offering Memorandum (COM). In a six month period the Land Services Group received the listing, brought the property to market, short listed the most attractive offers, negotiated a deal and completed the transaction. OUTCOME Through the Modified Tender Process, the Land Services Group produced a competitive bid process that generated multiple offers resulting in a successful acquisition by ONNI Group of Vancouver for $56 Million. This was ONNI’s first transaction in Ontario. 18 19 Land Services group Land Services group low density 21 20 david dunlap observatory, richmond hill, ONTARIO Land Services group SUBJECT PROPERTY SUBJECT PROPERTY The Land Services Group represented Romandale Farms in their disposition of a Future Development property located on the south side of Elgin Mills Road, just west of Kennedy Road in the City of Markham. The Land Services Group was retained by the University of Toronto to manage the disposition process for its unique and historical site, the David Dunlap Observatory. The 190 acres are located at 123 Hillsview Drive and 305 16th Avenue in Richmond Hill. This infill property is improved with the historic observatory and Canada’s largest telescope, the stone administration building dating from 1935, the Alexander Marsh OUR ROLE The Land Services Group completed the sale of 50.0 acres of future development land for Romandale Farms. After implementing the Modified Tender Process and overseeing careful negotiations, including two rights of refusal, the property was purchased by Angus Glen Developments using the first right of refusal for $11.3 million. Angus Glen farmhouse dating from the 1850s, the Gate House located at the entrance of the property, and the Elvis Stojko Arena (leased to the Town of Richmond Hill). OUR ROLE Developments had 48 hours after receiving the offer to accept it in its entirety. In order to successfully complete the The property was originally brought to market by a consulting/planning firm. During the early transaction, the team had to manage a number of planning issues, including widening a road to allow access to stages of the process the Land Services Group was asked to convene with interested parties and the property from Elgin Mills. The TRCA and the City of Markham also required a severance from developable and commence in negotiations on behalf of the University of Toronto. Our role was to ensure that a non-developable land to be completed. timely and transparent disposition process was conducted in order to meet the University’s needs. The Modified Tender Process was administered in order to allow all interested parties the opportunity OUTCOME to review the property and submit an offer. Once the offers were resubmitted we hosted face to face The property sold for the highest price in the block to date, at over $495,000 per developable acre. meetings with the short listed bidders. Our team negotiated an attractive, firm deal on behalf of our client and continued to stay involved throughout the closing period to ensure a smooth transaction. OUTCOME Approximately four months after we received the listing the Land Services Group successfully completed the transaction. The property was sold to Metrus Developments for $70,000,000 and closed in July of 2008. El gi n M ill s Ro a d d dy a Ro e nn Ke 22 23 Land Services group Elgin Mills Road and kennedy road, Markham, ontario Land Services group 312 acres of future residential, institutional and community facility land in Lindsay, Ontario. The property is located on the south side of Thunder Bridge Road, east of Highway 35 and west of Angeline Street North in the The Land Services Group was retained by a group br of private individuals to arrange the sale of 70- o n te Town of Lindsay located in the Kawartha Lakes District. The Vendor’s concept plan is a large scale, multi-phase 90 Bronte Road in Milton. The approximately 2 ro a acres of Residential land is located on the east d residential community with approximately 1,500 – 1,900 single family homes. The property sold for $4.6M to side of Bronte Street South, between Derry Road and Steeles Avenue East. We created a two page a private developer. brochure that went to all prospective purchasers; we also highlighted the property on our website, in social media campaigns and ran targeted advertisements. We were able to complete a deal on December 13, 2013 with a private investor for e g d ri der ad ro $2,300,000. b The Land Services Group was retained on un th an exclusive basis by a private individual to arrange the sale of a Medium Density highway 35 Residential development opportunity in Oshawa. This property is exceptionally well-located in the East Windfields area, among land owned by other major developers, on the east side of Bridle Road South and just south of Winchester Road East. LSG was quickly able to complete a transaction with Delpark Homes, closing ad south bridle Ro December 20, 2013, for $1,300,000. We were mandated by the Salvation Army of Ontario for the dispostion of 7.25 acres of future low/medium density land in Markham. The property is located on the northeast corner of McCowan Road and 16th Avenue, surrounded by new developments and existing low density residential. The site sold on October 1, 2012 to the developer Terra Gold Properties for $9,250,000. The Purchaser will be building a medium density community, with great access to transportation and amenities. 24 The Land Services Group was retained on an exclusive basis by Runnymede Development Corporation Limited to arrange the sale of an outstanding Medium Density Residential development opportunity in Ajax. This offering was exceptionally well-located on the east side of Salem Road, just north of Kingston Road and was designated and zoned to permit 151 residential units. Our efforts generated multiple offers on the property. The offers were then entered into our Offer Evaluation Matrix which enabled us to rank the offers based on the weighted variables of Runnymede. We were able to compare offers and move forward with Stafford Developments, closing on January 15, 2013, for $3,900,000. ad Ro m le Sa 25 Land Services group The Land Services Group was retained by Runnymede Development Corporation Limited for the disposition of Land Services group Land Services group The Land Services Group and the National Investment Group were retained by a lender to execute the power of sale of approximately 1 acre of Medium Density Residential land in the Upper Bluffs neighbourhood. The property is located on the southeast corner of St Clair Avenue Road. East and Brimley The $2.7M transaction was completed with developer Yorkwood Homes on July 2, 2014. The purchaser has submitted a Rezoning Application and a Site Plan Application that proposes 21 three-storey street townhouses with 38 parking spaces for a GFA of 44,425 square feet. Two private families mandated the Land Services Group to sell, institutional on an exclusive basis, 62.3 acres of net developable land. We managed and designed a marketing and sales strategy and brought the property to market using the Modified Tender t stree lie les Process. After obtaining multiple bids on the property, we moved forward with negotiations on a deal with Mattamy Development Corporation. After a short due diligence period, we were able to close the deal in under one month from the date of submission. ls il nm i g el d Roa The site was purchased for over $1,000,000 a developable acre in November 2012 by Mattamy. 26 27 Land Services group Land Services group The Land Services Group was retained by ErinoakKids Centre for Treatment and Development for the acquisition of lands in the Region of Peel for the construction of a new treatment centre. The team evaluated site opportunities and advised ErinoakKids throughout the purchasing and due diligence process. Negotiating on their behalf, LSG was able to acquire approximately 7.8 acres of land in Brampton at McVean Drive and Castlemore Road for $4,240,000. The Land Services Group was retained by ErinoakKids Centre for Treatment and Development, to locate and acquire land in Mississauga for a brand new treatment facility. The 6 acre property is located on the south side of Central Parkway West, southeast of Burnhamthorpe Road in the City of Mississauga. ErinoakKids plans to build a three storey institutional facility with a GFA of approximately 150,000 square feet. Construction is expecting to be completed in early 2017. We were able to acquire the property for ErinoakKids from a private corporation for $7,200,000 in ad ro ro ad bu rn ha m th o rp e n io at st 28 cen tra l pa rkw ay w est e al d in er w es t January 2014. 29 Land Services group Land Services group major mackenzie drive & highway 400, vaughan, ontario SUBJECT PROPERTY As one of the largest land transactions completed in Ontario in 2009, CBRE’s Land Services Group successfully negotiated the $59.45 million sale of 87 acres of infill development land, on behalf of Cedar Fair Entertainment Corp. Located on the north side of Major Mackenzie Drive East between Highway 400 and Jane Street in the heart of Vaughan, Ontario, this property is bounded by single-family residential development to the north and is immediately adjacent to Cedar Fair’s amusement park, Canada’s Wonderland. This land was sold to Vaughan Health Campus of Care (VHCC) who plans to build a community hospital fully integrated with a parallel community services network which includes a wellness centre, family health team and long term care services. CHALLENGE In July 2008, the property was originally brought to market by a competitive national brokerage firm who were unable to consummate a transaction. In January 2009, the Land Services Group was approached by Cedar Fair to advise on our services and provide them with a strategic go forward plan. Two weeks later the Land Services Group met with Cedar Fair in Sandusky, Ohio to pitch on the listing, and after being selected from a competing group of international brokers, we were retained to manage the disposition process. There were numerous issues to overcome which included the state of the global economy and on a micro scale an Interim Control By-Law that placed development restrictions on the property. SOLUTION After discussions with Cedar Fair, the Land Services Group met with local planning, municipal and political figures with the City of Vaughan in which they expressed their interest in acquiring the site for Vaughan’s new hospital. Vaughan is the largest city in Canada without a hospital to date. After a lengthy and comprehensive site selection process involving 28 potential locations for the hospital site, it was decided that the subject property was the optimal location for the future hospital development. CBRE undertook the negotiations with VHCC and provided Cedar Fair with extensive market and analytical data allowing them to make appropriate business decisions. The Land Services Group attended all council meetings regarding the property so we were able to relay updates back to our client who could not attend. The team also organized meetings with local engineering firms to determine new road networks that would meet both Cedar Fair’s and VHCC’s access needs. CBRE stayed involved throughout the due diligence period ensuring both parties received adequate information and any assistance they required to complete the transaction. Vaughan Health Campus of Care Rendering 30 31 Land Services group Land Services group brownfields 33 32 Land Services group Land Services group 30 Ordnance street, toronto, ONTARIO SUBJECT PROPERTY The Land Services Group was retained on an exclusive basis by Diamondcorp and Build Toronto to arrange the sale of 30 Ordnance Street, located in the Liberty Village neighbourhood of downtown Toronto. The site was approved for two residential towers, a proposed total of 629 residential units, with the possibility of three additional towers and retail uses on the 1.613 acre site. OUR ROLE Build Toronto and DiamondCorp exclusively mandated the Land Services Group to design and manage the marketing and disposition program. We offered the property to the market using the Modified Tender Process with no asking price. We prepared a targeted marketing campaign, which included a 15-page brochure that went to all prospective purchasers, highlighted the property on our website and ran national advertisements. Once purchasers were qualified through our RFQ process they received a comprehensive package, Confidential Offering Memorandum (COM) as well as access to information in an online data room, in order to expedite the due diligence process. We set a date for offer submissions and conducted face to face meetings with interested proponents. OUTCOME Our efforts generated multiple offers on the property. The offers were then entered into our Offer Evaluation Matrix which enabled us to rank the offers based on the weighted variables of the vendors. We were able to compare offers on matters of importance and move forward on the most viable option. The $27,000,000 transaction was completed on October 29, 2012 with Cityzen Developments. 34 35 Land Services group Land Services group sheppard avenue east & Leslie Street, Toronto, ontario SUBJECT PROPERTY At the time of sale the Sheppard / Leslie Site represented the single largest approved high rise residential development opportunity available in the Greater Toronto Area. Encompassing 39.76 acres and site plan approved for 20 residential towers to house 4,000 residential units (4,000,000 square feet). OUR ROLE Canadian Tire Corporation (CTC) exclusively mandated our team to design and manage the marketing and disposition program. CTC was willing to look at a number of different options such as a joint venture, sale, and the option of a Vendor Take Back Mortgage (VTB). We offered the property to the market using a Modified Tender Process with no asking price. We prepared an international marketing campaign, which included a twelve page brochure that went to all prospective purchasers, highlighted the property on our website and ran national advertisements. Once purchasers were qualified through our RFQ process they received a comprehensive package (Confidential Offering Memorandum) on the property in order to facilitate an expedient due diligence process. We set a date for offer submissions and conducted face to face meetings with interested proponents. Purchasers were encouraged to submit multiple deal structures with their offer submissions and multiple groups chose to do so. Phase 1 OUTCOME Our efforts generated multiple offers on the property, including offers from Vancouver and Australia. The offers were then entered into our Offer Evaluation Matrix which enabled us to rank the offers based on the weighted variables of CTC. We were able to compare offers on matters of importance and move forward on the most viable option. The transaction was completed in December of 2006 with CTC and the successful purchaser Concord Adex for $149,500,000. Phase 2 Phase 1 Phase 2 36 37 Land Services group Land Services group commercial 39 38 legal descriPtion 86 John Street, toronto, ONTARIO The Group LT320582; T/W RIGHT OF WA Y OVER PT 1 40R21629 AS IN DR190359 was retained by Runnymede Development Corporation Limited to arrange the sale OUR ROLE Services N wa gh Daniels Corporation retained the Land Services Group to arrange the sale of a retail investment opportunity in Downtown Toronto. Located on John Street, between Adelaide Street West and King Street West in the Entertainment District of Toronto, the property is ideally located between three prestigious condominiums and steps from the TIFF Bell Lightbox. The building is three storeys and approximately 6,825 square feet. Land of 12.72 acres of Prestige Employment land on the northeast corner of Salem Road the property in a 32-page portfolio brochure that went to rive included ers d which mb campaign, all prospective purchasers; we The Land Services Group achieved a successful transaction for the Daniels Corporation. We completed the purchase of 86 John with Street Properties for $3,300,000 on December 18, 2014. Beck crescent prepared a targeted marketing also highlighted the property on our website and ran targeted advertisements. We salem road outlines are appr were able to complete a deal on December 18, 2013 with Lifetime Fitness for $6,800,000. ProPerty summary ProPerty summary Lifetime will be using the site total size: 12.72 Acres and is approved to build an total developable: 12.72 Acres frontage: 770 ft salem rd, 900 ft Beck cres. official Plan: Prestige Employment Zoning: PE 152, site specific Prestige Employment approximately 125,000 square foot, three storey fitness centre. servicing: serviced to the lot line taxes: $73,366.47 Asking Price: $7,632,000.00 Price per Acre: $600,000.00 OUTCOME and Highway 401 in Ajax. We cha We designed and managed the marketing and disposition program, including a four page brochure, social media awareness and advertisements. We fully marketed the property to qualified proponents for an asking price of $3,600,000. We received multiple offers for this prominent location and were able to work with the vendor and prospective purchasers through the negotiations and due diligence. 01 Land Services group y4 SUBJECT PROPERTY PT BLK 1 PL 40M1454, PTS 1, 2 & 3 40R19755, EXCEPT PT 1 DR76724 & PT 1 40R21629; S/T EASE OVER PT 2 40R19755 AS Hi Land Services group Furthermore, the OMB ruling allows for a minimum of two automobile dealerships on the property. N subject The Land Services Group was retained by a lender for the disposition of a film studio and office in the Leslieville neighbourhood of Downtown East. Toronto The property is located southeast Carlaw Avenue of and Eastern Avenue and is over 170,000 square feet. The 86 John Street transaction of 65 Heward Avenue was completed in October 2014 with a private user, selling for $9,150,000. 40 41 Land Services group Land Services group Cityview Boulevard, Vaughan, ONTARIO SUBJECT PROPERTY The Land Services Group was retained on an exclusive basis by Home Depot to arrange the sale of their excess commercial land, located adjacent to Highway 400 on Major Mackenzie Drive in Vaughan. The site will be located in a shopping centre anchored by the Home Depot, and across the highway from the future Vaughan Hospital and Canada’s Wonderland. OUR ROLE Home Depot mandated the Land Services Group to design and manage the marketing and disposition program. We offered the property to the market using the Modified Tender Process with no asking price. We prepared a targeted marketing campaign, which included a four page brochure that went to all prospective purchasers, highlighted the property on our website and ran national advertisements. Once purchasers were qualified through our Request for Qualification (RFQ) process they received access to information in an online data room, in order to expedite the due diligence process. We set a date for offer submissions and conducted face to face meetings with interested proponents. OUTCOME Our efforts generated offers on the property for the 6.0 acres. The offers were evaluated based on their merit. The $8,700,000 transaction for 6.0 acres was completed with History Hill Group (Greenpark Homes) on December 10, 2013. industrial 42 43 RoadandKingstonRoad,immediatelysouthoftheproperty.Manybigboxstoresandmajorretailerscanbefoundi OfficialPlanandiszonedPrestigeEmployment-Exception66andEnvironmentalProtection. including,WalMart,Costco,Chapters,HomeDepot,CanadianTire,Starbucks,TimHorton’saswellasmanywellk legal descriPtion andallmajorbanks.Thelandis11kilometressouthofthefutureHighway407/SalemRoadinterchangeandjust OLGSlotsatAjaxDowns. The Land Services Group was retained by N Runnymede Development Corporation N on rris iv dr Limited to arrange the sale of over 52 acres st Highway 401 a ee of Prestige Employment land, just steps Kingston road east Ke from the Kingston Road Retail Node, in Ajax. We prepared a targeted marketing st rive ea Kerrison d campaign, which included the property in a 32-page portfolio brochure that went to all sa l em prospective purchasers; we also highlighted ro sa lem ad the property on our website, sent email ro a d outlines are approx. blasts and ran targeted advertisements. We were able to quickly complete the courtPrestige emPloyment uses: FuneralHome ordered transaction on April•• 9, 2013 with a • AccessoryRetailSalesOutlet Hotel ProPertysummary summary ProPerty Total Size: 52.8 acres Total developable: 44.9 acres official Plan: Prestige employment, General employment and environmental Protection • The Land Services Group was assigned by exception 66, Site and eP Crosscan InvestmentsPe -Limited toSpecific arrange the Zoning: Servicing: Serviced to the lot line sale of approximately$347,430.00 17 acres of Employment Taxes (2012): asking Price: $8,755,500.00 Price per developable acre: $195,000.00 land in Waterloo. The property is located to the northeast of Northfield Drive East BanquetFacilities • LicensedAccessoryOutdoorPatio private developer for $6,600,000. • CommercialFitnessCentre • LightManufacturing Restaurant • Communitycentre • Motel • Restaurant,Dr • DayCarefacility • MotorVehicleRentalEstablishment • ServiceorRep • Drive-thruFacility • MotorVehicleSalesEstablishment • SportsArena • Offices • UnlicensedAc • PersonalServiceShop • VeterinaryClin • PlaceofAssembly • WarehouseDi DryCleaningEstablishment North field Dr E. a four page brochure and highlighted the property on our website and ran national and targeted advertisements. The transaction was accomplished with Waterloo North Hydro Inc. on June 27, 2013 for $7,100,000. The Land Services Group was mandated by Mattamy Homes to arrange the sale of over 23 developable acres of Industrial land in Cambridge, located on Can America Parkway and Bishop Street. Working with Bishop Street No rth partners in our CBRE Kitchener/Waterloo Amer Can- office, we prepared a marketing campaign, including a four page brochure and highlighted the property on our website and ran national advertisements. LSG negotiated the deal and consulted with Mattamy during the due dilligence and closing process. The transaction was completed with a private user on March 9, 2013 for $3,500,000. 44 45 RecreationFac • Working with partners ay arkw ica P PublicStorage • MedicalClinic 5 prepared a marketing campaign, including PlaceofWorsh • • E. v•e EmergencyServiceFacilities ity A • FinancialInstitutions ers v Uni in our CBRE Kitchener/Waterloo office, we PlaceofEntert • CommercialSchool in an area of Ontario known as Canada’s Technology Triangle. • • • and southwest of University Avenue East, Land Services group Land Services group PARTLOT6CONCESSION2,TOWNSHIPOFPICKERINGSUBJECTTOANEASEMENTASINDRS90371TOWNOFAJAX so lD perty is the CN Railway Line and a single tenant industrial building, followed by industrial and residential use properties. To Land Services group The Land Services Group was retained by Runnymede Development Corporation Limited to arrange the sale of 8.3 acres of Employment Land (zoned Business Park) in the Tapscott Employment Area, on the south side of McNicoll Avenue, just east of Markham Road, in Toronto. Markh am rWe oad tapsc o included the property in a 32- page portfolio brochure that went to tt roa d all prospective purchasers; we also highlighted the property on our website, venue Mcnicoll a cn in social media campaigns and ran ra i lw Morningside avenue Mitted uses Light industry uses ay targeted advertisements. We were able to complete a deal on October 3, 2013 with a private investor for $2,295,000. outlines are approx. Land Services group north are industrial properties, while to the south is a utility corridor with an industrial park just beyond. The Land Services Group was retained by Runnymede Development Corporation Limited to arrange the sale of over 222 N acres of Prestige and Mixed Employment land (zoned Industrial) in the Brock Industrial Park. The property is located on Financial Institutions the south sideconducted of Highway 401, east of Church Street South, west of the CN Rail line and north of Bayly Street in Pickering. Education and Training Facility uses, within wholly enclosed buildings We included the property in a 32-page portfolio brochure that went to all prospective purchasers; we also highlighted Recreational uses the property on our website, in social media campaigns and ran targeted advertisements. The $8,800,000 transaction Restaurants Banquet halls was completed with a private investor in September 2013. Offices Day nurseries Health Centre subject Fire Station/Police Station mixed use provided by: Google earth pro 24 46 47 Land Services group SUBJECT PROPERTY The Land Services Group was retained on an exclusive basis by Runnymede Development Corporation Limited to arrange the sale of over 50 acres of Mixed Use development land, located on Taunton Road, just east of Lakeridge Road in Whitby. The site will be adjacent to the future Highway 401/Highway 407 West Durham Link. OUR ROLE Runnymede mandated the Land Services Group to design and manage the exclusive marketing and disposition program. We offered the property to the market using the Modified Tender Process with no asking price. We prepared a targeted marketing campaign, which included a four page brochure that went to all prospective purchasers, highlighted the property on our website and social media, and ran national advertisements. Once purchasers were qualified through our RFQ process they received access to information in an online data room, in order to expedite the due diligence process. We set a date for offer submissions and conducted face to face meetings with interested proponents. OUTCOME The Land Services Group successfully negotiated the deal and was present throughout the entire due diligence process. The $5,000,000 transaction was completed with Tribute Communities on October 3, 2013. 48 49 Land Services group 880 Taunton Road, whitby, ONTARIO Land Services group on an exclusive basis by Canada Lands Company to arrange the sale of over 10 acres of Mixed Use land in the North Oakville East Secondary Plan. Trafal The property is located on the west side of Trafalgar Road, just north of ad gar Ro Dundas Street (Highway 5) in Oakville. We prepared a targeted marketing campaign, which included a four page brochure that went to all prospective purchasers, highlighted the property on our website and ran national advertisements. Our efforts generated multiple offers on the property. The over $5.3M transaction was completed with Cityzen Development Group on February 22, 2013. The Land Services Group Land Services Group transactions 2014 was retained by a private owner to arrange the sale of approximately 2 acres of Mixed Use land in the new Langstaff Gateway Secondary Plan. The property is located south of Highway 407, on the east side of Cedar Avenue in Vaughan. We a targeted marketing Ceda prepared campaign, which included a two page e enu r Av brochure that went to all prospective purchasers, highlighted the property on our website and ran national advertisements. transaction was The $4,775,000 completed with Digram Developments on August 6, 2013. The property is part of phase two of the Langstaff Gateway Master Plan. 50 51 Land Services group The Land Services Group was mandated Land Services group Land Services group Northeast pickering lands, pickering, ONTARIO SUBJECT PROPERTY The CBRE Limited Land Services Group was retained to be the exclusive agents for the disposition of over 1,000 acres of future development land in the City of Pickering. Located just minutes to the Pickering City-Centre and in immediate proximity to Markham, York Region and the City of Toronto, these properties are well positioned for a future phase of development in Durham Region. The Properties will be a very important part of accommodating the rise in population and employment in Durham Region and the City of Pickering and can assist in achieving the goals of the Growth Plan as a location to create a mixed-use, transit conscious, pedestrian friendly environment, as well as planning for local employment, all while reducing the need for commuting. OUR ROLE The property was brought to market on behalf of Runnymede Development Corporation Ltd. During the early stages of the process, the Land Services Group was asked to speak with interested parties and commence negotiations on behalf of the vendor. Our role was to ensure that the most appropriate and qualified developers were approached for a land transaction of this size. The Modified Tender Process was administered in order to allow all interested parties the opportunity to review the property and submit an offer. Once the offers were resubmitted we hosted face-to- face meetings with the short-listed bidders. Our team negotiated a deal on behalf of our client and continued to stay involved throughout the due diligence and closing period to ensure a smooth transaction. OUTCOME Approximately three months after the call for submissions, the Land Services Group successfully completed the transaction. The property was sold to Dorsay Realty Corporation for $38,350,000 and closed in March 2014. 52 53 The Daniels Corporation to arrange the sale SUBJECT PROPERTY of the northeast corner of St. John’s Sideroad First Capital Realty Inc. exclusively retained the Land Services Group to arrange the disposition of over 12.5 acres of Mixed Use development land, located on the southwest corner of Trafalgar Road and Burnhamthorpe Road in the Town of Oakville. The Draft Site Plan allows for an anchor grocery store and nine buildings with commercial and/or office uses. and Bayview Avenue. The approximately 1.2 acres of commercial land located in Aurora, bayview avenue OUR ROLE First Capital mandated the Land Services Group to design and manage the exclusive marketing and disposition program. We offered the property to the market, using the Modified Tender Process, with no asking price. We prepared a targeted marketing campaign, which included a four page brochure that went to all prospective purchasers, highlighted the property on our social media, and ran national advertisements. Once purchasers were qualified through our RFQ process they received access to information in an online data room, in order to expedite the due diligence process. We set a date for offer submissions and conducted face to face meetings with interested proponents. Ontario was Site Plan Approved for a 16,850 ad ero sid n’s oh st j Land Services group The Land Services Group was retained by square foot commercial building over two storeys. We created a four page brochure for a select group of purchasers; we also highlighted the property on our website and ran targeted advertisements. We received an acceptable offer in less than two weeks and were able to complete the transaction in a timely fashion for $1.5M in July 2014. First Capital mandated the Land Services Group for the sale of approximately 11 acres of Commercial land on the southeast corner OUTCOME of Mayfield Road and Creditview Road in the The Land Services Group successfully negotiated the deal and was present throughout the entire due diligence process. The $9,020,000 transaction was completed with Fieldgate Commercial on June 24, 2014. City of Brampton. The site is approved for a 10 building commercial complex with units ranging in size from 2,400 square feet – 50,130 square feet, totaling 112,595 square feet and providing 474 parking spaces. The property was sold to History Hill Group (Greenpark) for $8.25M in May 2014. The Land Services Group was retained by a lender to arrange the sale of approximately 0.105 acres of Mixed Use land in Toronto’s Leslieville neighbourhood. The property is located on the southeast corner of Queen Street East and Pape Avenue. We prepared a marketing campaign, which included a four page brochure that went to prospective purchasers, highlighted the property on our website, in social media, put up signs and ran national advertisements. The $2,100,000 transaction was completed with the developer Kartelle Corporation on June 25, 2014. The property consists of 10,732 square feet of which 10 units are residential and two units are at grade retail (1,633 square feet). 54 55 Land Services group Trafalgar road and Burnhamthorpe road, oakville, ONTARIO to design and manage the marketing and disposition program for Rossland Road. Lakerid ge Roa d The property is located on the north side of Rossland nd la ss Ro ad Ro Road just east of Lakeridge Road in Whitby. The future West Durham Link connecting Highway 407 to Highway 401 is being built to the east of the site with an interchange adjacent to the site. We prepared a targeted marketing campaign, which included a four page brochure that went to all qualified purchasers, highlighted the property on our website and social media, and ran advertisements. The site is approved for a higher order supermarket with a GFA of approximately 161,500 square feet and a minimum residential The Land Services Group was retained density of 18 units per acre. The property was by a lender for the disposition of 140 sold to a private investor for $4.25M. 11091 Huntington Road, Vaughan, ONTARIO SUBJECT PROPERTY The Land Services Group was retained on an exclusive basis by Caliber Homes to arrange the sale of over 82 acres of Low Density Residential land, located on Huntington Road, just north of Nashville Road in Kleinburg Ontario. The site is west of Highway 27 and Highway 400 and adjacent to the Copper Creek Golf Club. OUR ROLE Caliber mandated the Land Services Group to manage the exclusive marketing and disposition program. We previously sold this property in 2011 and were familiar with the due diligence and intricacies of the property. We fully marketed this property to qualified proponents with a four page glossy brochure, social media integration and national advertisements. The property was offered with no asking price, using our Modified Tender Process, accepting offers on the bid date. After creating an offer matrix based on the Vendors’ key requirements, we proceeded with meetings and negotiations. Queen’s Plate Drive in Etobicoke. The OUTCOME approximately 5.25 acre commercial land is located on the north side of The Land Services Group accomplished a successful transaction and was present throughout the entire process. Royal Pine Homes completed the purchase of the property for $15,200,000 on May 12, 2014. Rexdale Boulevard, east of Highway 27. We fully marketed the property and received offers within the first week on the market. The transaction was completed with a private user in July 2014 for a sale price of $4,500,000. The purchaser will be constructing an industrial building for their own personal use. The Durham Catholic District School Board retained the Land Services Group for the disposition of an elementary school in Pickering, Ontario. Located on Meadowview Avenue, surrounded by existing residential and just west of Whites Road, the property is approximately three acres and designated Low Density ew wvi nue Residential in the Official Plan. ave resubmissions of short-listed offers the do mea After property was sold to a private user in July 2014 for $3,700,000. 56 57 Land Services group Land Services group Runnymede mandated the Land Services Group Land Services group 100 Ranleigh Avenue, Toronto, ONTARIO SUBJECT PROPERTY SUBJECT PROPERTY The Land Services Group and National Investment Team were retained on an exclusive basis by Runnymede Development Corporation Limited to arrange the disposition of a 5.89 acre commercial development, located on the southeast corner of Westney Road North and Williamson Drive, just south of Taunton Road West in the Town of Ajax. The Land Services Group was engaged by the Trustees of the Bedford Park United Church of the United Church of Canada to arrange the sale of a medium density residential development opportunity. Located on Ranleigh Street, between Yonge Street and Mount Pleasant Road in the Lawrence Park neighbourhood of Toronto, the property was Site Plan Approved for a four storey senior’s residence with a community centre component on the ground floor. OUR ROLE OUR ROLE Runnymede mandated the Land Services Group and National Investment Team to design and manage the exclusive marketing and disposition program. We offered the property to the market using the Modified Tender Process with no asking price. We prepared a targeted marketing campaign, which included a teaser postcard that went to all prospective purchasers, highlighted the property on our website and social media, and ran national advertisements. Once purchasers were qualified through our RFQ process they received access to information in the Confidential Offering Memorandum and an online data room. We set a date for offer submissions and spoke with all interested proponents. The Land Services Group created a full marketing program, including a four page glossy brochure, social media initiatives and a targeted advertising campaign. The property was released to qualified proponents with an offer submission date using our Modified Tender Process. The proponents were given access to an online data room containing all the due diligence materials and a Confidential Information Memorandum to accelerate the due diligence requirements of the conditional period. Once the offers were inserted into our Offer Evaluation Matrix using the Vendors requirements for a sale, we began negotiations and met with prospective groups. We stayed involved through the entire process until a transaction was completed. OUTCOME OUTCOME The Land Services Group successfully negotiated the deal and was present throughout the entire due diligence process. The $18,400,000 transaction was completed with Standard Life in May 2014. 58 The Land Services Group concluded a successful transaction for the Bedford Park United Church. We achieved the sale of the property, with a private developer, for $7,000,000 on November 26, 2014. 59 Land Services group Nottingham Market, ajax, ONTARIO Land Services group of our swimmers to develop his or her full potential in competitive swimming in the pursuit of personal excellence. Group Mike Czestochowski served as the Board’s Vice President for 5 years and was very active in the organizations continued growth and support of the community. our associations The Urban Land institute provides leadership in the responsible use of land and in creating and sustaining thriving communities worldwide. ULI Toronto carries forth that mission by serving the Greater Toronto Area’s public and private sectors with pragmatic land use expertise and education. Lauren Doughty serves as Co-Chair of the Programs Committee and a member of the Young Leaders Group for ULI Toronto. She is very active in the education and events of ULI Toronto, as well as being an integral member of the Young Leaders Group which focuses on the education, development and networking for professionals under 35 years of age. NAIOP Greater Toronto Chapter is deeply committed to supporting communities where members live and work. Our members believe that strong, healthy communities benefit everyone and the Chapter proudly supports the efforts of organizations such as the Geneva Center for Autism, Alpine Canada and Alpine Ontario, and Eva’s Initiatives, an organization which provides shelter and training to homeless youth. CoreNet Global’s mission is to advance the effectiveness of Corporate Real Estate professionals and the entire industry engaged in delivering value to corporations through the strategic management of corporate real estate and workplace resources. Ian Hunt is a member of this global network of professionals as a Young Leader in his field. He is attending seminars and meetings which are set up specifically to educate the Leaders of tomorrow and create more tuned in and capable employees. 60 61 Land Services group Land Services Markham Aquatic Club provides the opportunity and encouragement for each Land Services group Land Services group Established in 1996, Toronto Commercial Real Estate Women (Toronto CREW) has grown to 181 members who are key decision makers from some of the most influential corporations in Canada. Lauren Doughty joined Toronto CREW in 2013 and is participating in numerous networking events, educational seminars and career development. Through the full- service network of women in the commercial real estate industry, Lauren will make lasting connections resulting in a stronger knowledge of the field and possible referrals for new business. The Building Industry and Land Development Association was formed through the merger of the Greater Toronto Home Builders’ association (GTHBA) and the Urban Development Institute/Ontario. BILD is the voice of the land development, home building and professional renovation industry in the Greater GTA . BILD represents more than 1,400 member companies.Each year they honour the leaders of our industry in a variety of categories to reward achievement and encourage innovation. They conduct tours of the best developments in cities throughout the world, so that the members remain on the cutting edge of technology, design and marketing. Mike Czestochowski has been a member of BILD since joining in 2009. Epilepsy York Region is a non-profit, community based, multi- service agency dedicated to the education advocacy and support of those affected. JASON CHILD has been a member of Epilepsy York Region for almost two years, serving as an active member of their programs. Becoming a member of Epilepsy York Region is a tremendous asset to their agency and they appreciate the support of all those individuals within the communities of York Region who are willing to help and support Epilepsy York Region. 62 Land Services Group our contributions 63 Land Services group Epilepsy Ontario aims to raise public awareness and improve education to help them reach their potential to lead productive, self-sufficient and healthy lives of seizure disorders through publications, conferences and outreach by providing safe shelter and a range of services, and to create long term solutions for initiatives. Jason Child was proud to support the efforts of Epilepsy homeless youth by developing and implementing proactive and progressive services. Ontario as he participated on their behalf in the Toronto Waterfront Marathon. For over 40 years, JDRF has been a global leader in the search The Canadian Cancer Society is a community-based organization of for an end to type 1 diabetes (T1D), through both research volunteers from across the country, whose mission is the eradication funding and advocacy. of cancer and the enhancement of quality of life for those living with it. The Land Services Group held a small fundraiser as part of The Land Services Group participates in the Real Estate Ride their annual Land and Development Conference After-Party for the with teams consisting of six riders, with each team member Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation. Jason Child has volunteered taking a turn riding a stationary bike for seven minutes, over for the Candian Cancer Society and is honoured to give his time to the course of 42 minutes. support this cause. One in three Canadian families cannot afford to enroll their children in sports or recreation activities (Vision Critical 2011). That means that many kids are missing out. Canadian Tire Jumpstart is dedicated to removing barriers, so children can participate in organized sport and recreation. The Land Services Group was proud to donate their time and resources to help children receive what all kids have the right to: participation in organized activities that promote health and well-being. The Heart and Stroke Foundation is one of Canada’s largest health charities, investing over $1.39 billion in heart and stroke research. For numerous years Jason Child has played in the Hockey for Heart Tournament to benefit the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Hockey for Heart is an annual series of adult, recreational-level hockey tournaments taking place across Ontario. Participants enjoy an exciting 3-game tournament while raising critical life-saving funds for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. The Land Services Group was proud to sponsor a golf hole for FHJC, BAYT means “home” in Hebrew, and when you come to the BAYT, sending Ian Hunt to play in the charity golf tournament - The 2013 you truly are coming home. They are an integral part of the Thornhill Latner Classic. The purpose of the Forest Hill Jewish Centre is to serve Jewish community, providing a warm and traditional synagogue as a centre that nourishes individual and communal Jewish connection and community centre for all. The Land Services Group was proud through learning, living, and the celebration of Jewish life. to be the Tournament Sponsor for the BAYT Golf Classic 2014, on September 18, at Cherry Downs Golf Club, and is pleased to support BAYT’s continued efforts in education, social programs and support of the community in the year to come. Ian Hunt and Pat Viele participated in the tournament with friends of LSG. 64 65 Land Services group The mission of Eva’s Initiatives is to work collaboratively with homeless and at-risk youth Land Services Group CBRE Limited | 2001 Sheppard Ave E, Suite 300| Toronto, Ontario | T 416 494 0600 | F 416 494 3204 | Mike Czestochowski** Pat Viele* Jason Child* Lauren Doughty* Ian Hunt* Senior Vice President Senior Vice President Vice President Senior Sales Associate Sales Associate 416 495 6257 416 495 6258 416 495 6249 416 495 6223 416 495 6268 *Sales Representative **Broker This disclaimer shall apply to CBRE Limited, Real Estate Brokerage, and to all other divisions of the Corporation; to include all employees and independent contractors (“CBRE”). The information set out herein, including, without limitation, any projections, images, opinions, assumptions and estimates obtained from third parties (the “Information”) has not been verified by CBRE, and CBRE does not represent, warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the Information. CBRE does not accept or assume any responsibility or liability, direct or consequential, for the Information or the recipient’s reliance upon the Information. The recipient of the Information should take such steps as the recipient may deem necessary to verify the Information prior to placing any reliance upon the Information. The Information may change and any property described in the Information may be withdrawn from the market at any time without notice or obligation to the recipient from CBRE. CBRE and the CBRE logo are the service marks of CBRE Limited and/or its affiliated or related companies in other countries. All other marks displayed on this document are the property of their respective owners. All Rights Reserved.Mapping Sources: Canadian Mapping Services; MapPoint, DMTI Spatial, Environics Analytics, Microsoft Bing, Google Earth 2015