Pelican - The University of Western Australia
pelican volume 78 edition 1 uwa student newspaper growing up a melbourne prison guard shares his opinion on the death penalty. 19 21-34 pelican tackles the ‘growing up’ theme – read about how the birds and the bees became bisexuals, and why you shouldn’t be afraid to eat fairy bread. 48 TO CONTACT PELICAN Visit 1st floor Guild Building p: 6488 2284 f: 6488 1041 e: TO ADVERTISE IN PELICAN Please contact Sean Hettich: p: 6488 2211 f: 6488 1041 e: contents 12 freshers, welcome to a whole new world! check out your o day map, your guide to personalities on campus and much much more. paul keating sings and dances. 39 all the latest video games, reviewed in WLSPJHUMVY[OLÄYZ[ time ever. 42 the shins talk about being misinterpreted regular stuff 4 info Å`VU[OL^HSS 6 7 8 22 23 ^OH[»ZVUYV\UK JHTW\Z 24 LKP[VY»ZTHPSIV_ 26 28 [OLWLSPJHU ZWYLHK welcome to uni 12 21 `V\YSLHKLYZ ZWLHR 50 TP_LKIHN 10 growing up [YV\ISLZOVV[PUN !NHPUPUN\UP Z[YLL[JYLK WLSPJHU»ZN\PKL [VWLYZVUHSP[PLZ VUJHTW\Z 29 30 32 33 14 `V\YVKH`THW 16 PU[YVK\JPUN5<: 34 beyond uwa film 17 19 20 ÅHNNLK X\LZ[PVUPUN[OL KLH[OWLUHS[` H\[\TUPU LZ[VUPH 35 ]V_WVWZYV\UK JHTW\Z gaming 39 [OL[PTL^HYW NYV^\W NP]LHZOP[ JOPSKV»[OL UPUL[PLZ TV]PUNVUV\[ KHRV[HMHUUPUN! HWLSPJHU WPJRHWH[O KPHNUVZPZ!WL[LY WHUZ`UKYVTL NYV^PUN\W H\[OLU[PJHSS` [LY[PHY`NYV^PUN [OLIPYKZ[OL ILLZHUK[OL IPZL_\HSZ NYV^PUN\W NYV^PUNVSK YLLS^PZKVT! ^OH[ÄSTZOH]L [H\NO[\ZHIV\[ NYV^PUN\W WLSPJHU»Z MH]V\YP[LUL^ YLSLHZLNHTLZ music 40 YL]PL^Z 41 WLSPJHU[HSRZ >(4P 42^PUJPUN[OL UPNO[H^H`!HU PU[LY]PL^^P[O [OLZOPUZ 43 T`Z\TTLY VMMLZ[P]HSZ books 44 46 YL]PL^Z NYV^PUN\W SP[LYHSS` arts 47 48 49 YL]PL^Z PU[LY]PL^PUN RLH[PUN WLSPJHU»Z 70(-WPJRZ 36 YL]PL^Z 38 WLSPJHU»Z Z\TTLY MH]V\YP[LZ `V\YN\PKL [V70(- DISCLAIMER: The views in this Campus rag do not represent the views of the Guild or the Editor. EDITOR Magda Wozniak CONTRIBUTORS Anna Johnson GRAPHIC DESIGN Bec Kohn Abby Asomani Clint Jasper Su-Anne Lee Eva Bates Jesse Le Jessica Bovenkirk Daniel Beresford Danielle Marsland ADVERTISING Sean Hettich Mike Blanchard Will May SUB EDITORS Abby Asomani Joe Boats Tim McMinn Trent Bowen Trent Bowen Jack Midalia Zarah Burgess Robert Brennan Laura Miller Lyrian Evans Zarah Burgess Amity Moncharlotte Gemma Nisbet Enrico Burgio Gemma Nisbet Ed Percival the usual COVER DESIGN o ffer applies to lar g e pizzas o nly Jennifer Tate Zoe Chua ILLUSTRATOR Jeffrey Rudolph Caroline Dale Vidya Rajan ARTS EDITOR Vidya Rajan Sarah Elliott Tom Reynolds Jennifer Tate Lyrian Evans Nisha Richardson FILM EDITOR Abby Asomani Daniel Gibbons Domenic Rose GAMES EDITOR Nik Barron Michelle Goodwin Jeffrey Rudolph MUSIC EDITOR Nisha Richardson (UUL.YPMÄU(WWHKVV Rosie Sitorus Jeff Hansen Nicholas Van Hattem BOOKS EDITOR Å`VU[OL^HSS by Jeffrey Rudolph Emma Helsby 4 Guild Tavern A@ thi the usual si s e... lly m rea says: The concept of ‘growing up’ has always been very close to my heart. My catalogue of childhood memories is littered with dreams and plans and Nostradamus-style calculations - all born out of an obsessive preoccupation with life-beyond-the-present, or, more ZWLJPÄJHSS` SPMLIL`VUKJOPSKOVVK 4` youger self was utterly obsessed with the notion of growing into another person; a person who was allowed to get their ears pierced, a person who could deal with a pet’s death, a person at long last free of their baby fat (see above). Only recently have I begun to realise that I may have actually become this person - that I may have actually entered this long sought after ‘future’. These blissful moments of epiphany usually accompany seemingly innocuous incidents; like when I don’t get asked for ID, when I fearlessly eat ice-cream before dinner, or when I write wanky editorials as if I were some sort of H\[OVYP[`ÄN\YL reason, and that reason is my existence within the realm of university – in that mystical space that lingers somewhere between the child and the adult. For those of you who are only just commencing uni life, a whole new existence awaits you. You’re about to enter a world where it is perfectly normal to stay out until three am on a weekday, where geek is suddenly chic, and where (perhaps most importantly) everyone is studying out of a personal desire to do so. And in the midst of that simultaneous pursuit of hedonism and education, you can choose to view this time in your life as either a continuation of childish ignorance, as the beginning VMNYV^U\WSPMLVYHZ[OLÄUHSKL[V\YVU your inevitable path towards adulthood. Ultimately, that decision is up to you. This year’s O’Day is a great one for musical entertainment. I hope you enjoy the performances from Little Birdy, Birds of Tokyo and Mink Mussel Creek! Remember, Supporting Guild Members get free admission, as a thank you for supporting the organisation. If you’ve decided that you want to support the Guild by paying the Amenities and Services Fee, drop into the Student Centre anytime. Remember, if you haven’t opted in for supporting Guild membership by O’Day, it’ll cost you $15 to enjoy the concert! a re ot 6 Pelican is the UWA student press, and has a long and impressive history of tackling topical social, political and economic issues, as well as having a strong feel for popular culture. In a state like Western Australia, where we have so little diversity in our print media, Pelican is all the more important. A lot of time and effort goes into Pelican from student volunteers and Guild Staff, and I strongly encourage your involvement! Although some things have changed a lot around the Guild, such as the changes to our membership structure and package in 2007, some things have stayed the same, like our commitment to improving student welfare and providing academic advocacy. If you need a hand, drop by the Guild’s Student Centre – our professional staff can help you. I encourage you to investigate the diverse range of opportunities that exist at UWA for socialising, self-improvement and support. Whether it is encouraging greater understanding of different faiths, enjoying a night on the town, or improving your education – the Guild will be backing you all the way. Feel free to contact me to talk about any aspect of the Guild or the University. I’ve taken a year out from my studies to take on the role of Guild President, so my door (and my Inbox) is always open. I look forward to meeting you, and to sharing our ideas about the Guild and the UWA experience. Dave de Hoog 94th Guild President (08) 6488 2294 The UWA Student Guild is our student campus organisation. Run by students, assisted by professional staff, and guided by elected student representatives, the Guild is an independent organisation dedicated to enhancing the UWA student experience. is n though, there is another I’d like to begin by welcoming you to UWA for 2007. Regardless of ^OL[OLY [OPZ PZ `V\Y ÄYZ[ `LHY VY PM you’ve been around for a while, welcome to “the best days of your SPML¹0OVWL[OL.\PSKHUKP[ZHMÄSPH[LZ can play a part in your student experience, and I hope that in years to come you will be able to look back fondly on your time studying here. As an organisation, the Guild will certainly do what it can to make sure that you enjoy student life! this Luckily, your journey of self discovery need not be as complex as mine. Pelican’s wonderful team of devoted, talented and ridiculously good looking writers has already undertaken the With the exception of liberating moments JOHSSLUNLVMÄN\YPUNV\[^OH[P[TLHUZ such as these, though, I am not always to be ‘grown up’, so that you won’t so convinced that I have grown into the have to. We’ve approached it from adult I always wanted to be. I’m still too alternatively serious, humorous and afraid to get my ears pierced, I hate interrogative perspectives – hopefully sleeping without a stuffed toy in my resulting in a mixed bag of opinions bed, I don’t really want to move out of for you to peruse at your leisure. And, home and the very thought of losing my as per usual, Pelican brings you up to lovely, fat, ginger cat behind the ivory date in all the current happenings, both gates of cat heaven is still enough to at uni and in the political and artistic realms that lie beyond it. Remember: if send me into hair-pulling despair. you don’t like what you read, consider (UK ZV 0 MLLS JVUÅPJ[LK 0U WHY[ 0 JHU writing a letter to the editor, or even blame this delayed maturation upon contributing yourself. No one is more my obsession with shows such as The X\HSPÄLK [V ^YP[L MVY 7LSPJHU [OHU [OL Secret Life of Us, Friends and Coupling, average student. which suggest no need to fully grow. Also in part, I can blame it upon the fact that Good luck in 2007, and remember, my childhood self read The Babysitters regardless of how you analyse or Club and so therefore believed that it categorise it, there is no existence quite was perfectly normal for 11-year-olds like a student’s. Make the most of it. to have serious jobs, relationships and thoughts (it’s true, Mary-Anne Magda Wozniak was only 12 when she started 78th Pelican Editor dating Logan). Undeniably LNAO says: lly da ve. .. or is it? Have you attended a guild social event recently? Been part of a fresher camp, an orientation BBQ or a pub crawl worth remembering? Did you take your camera with you? If you answered ‘hell yes’ to these questions, please send your pictures through to with “social pages” in the subject line – and you may well spot some familiar faces in the next edition of Pelican! editor’s uni camp for (cool) kids Dearest Pelican, virtual shock I am writing to inform your readers about the wonderous organisation that is UCFK. As one of the university’s most prominent and recognisable charity’s, Uni Camp for Kids aims to afford socially, emotionally and ÄUHUJPHSS`\UKLYWYP]PSLNLKRPKZHUVWWVY[\UP[` MVYHKH`VY^LLRVMM\U;OYV\NOKVUH[PVUZ and student volunteers, every year the organisation runs three picnics, culminating in [OL\UKLY[HRPUNVM[OYLLJHTWZPU1HU\HY`H[ the apex of the UCFK calendar. Dear Editor, (Z H ÄYZ[ [PTL <*-2LY 0 ^HZ HWWYLOLUZP]L and anxious about signing myself up as a leader for one of the camps. I had set aside days to prepare myself physically and TLU[HSS`MVYH^LLRVM^OH[0[OV\NO[^V\SK IL ZLSMJVTI\Z[PVU @V\ X\PJRS` YLHSPZL OV^L]LY [OH[ ILPUN VU JHTW PZ SPRL L_PZ[PUN PUHWHYHSSLS\UP]LYZL)`[OLLUKVM[OL^LLR0 OHKILJVTLHIPNRPKL]LU[VT`MY\Z[YH[PVU [HSRPUNSPRLVUL ;OL ]VS\U[LLYZ KL]V[L [OLPY [PTL [V NP]L [OLZLRPKZH^LLRVMM\U[OH[[OL`TPNO[UV[ otherwise have. I learnt a lot on camp, from [OLL_WLYPLUJLHUKWHY[PJ\SHYS`MYVT[OLRPKZ All of a sudden, my attention was drawn to simple things that I had previously considered [V IL ZV [YP]PHS @V\ HJ[ HZ H WVZP[P]L YVSL TVKLSMVY[OLRPKZHUK[OLRPKZLUSPNO[LU`V\ in ways you could never imagine. I cannot believe that Pelican has a myspace UV^0ZUVVULMYLLVM[OPZPUZHUP[`&4`ZWHJL PZ H YHIPK SLLJO [OH[ Z\JRZ [OL SPML V\[ VM P[Z \ZLYZ 0[ [YHUZMVYTZ JVSV\YM\S PTHNPUH[P]L PUKP]PK\HSZPU[VSHJRS\Z[YL[YHUZWHYLU[JSVULZ Are you a clone, Pelican? Are we about to lose that previously vibrant, magnetic UWA IPYK[V[OLISHJROVSL[OH[PZ[OLPU[LYUL[PUP[Z KHYRLZ[ MVYT& 8\P[L MYHURS` 0 HT KPZN\Z[LK Seriously. Lame, Pelican, lame. In disgust, Gillian Forelle questions and no answers Dear Pelican, /LYLHYLHML^[VWPJHSX\LZ[PVUZ[OH[0OH]LILLU [OPURPUNHIV\[YLJLU[S`PUUVWHY[PJ\SHYVYKLY! >O` KPK (TLYPJH LSLJ[ .LVYNL )\ZO UV[ once but twice? >O`KPK[OLWYVK\JLYZVM[OL1HTLZ)VUK series dump Pierce Brosnan? >O` KVLZ Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows JVTLV\[Q\Z[VUL^LLRHM[LY[OL ÄM[OTV]PL& >O` KV 0 ULLK [V ZOLSS V\[ I\JRZ MVY H JYPTPUHSYLJVYKJOLJR[V[LHJORPKZOV^[V swim, when I am an 18 year old student? >O`PZ:[\KLU[*VUULJ[Z\JOHIHZ[HYK[V use when enrolling? >O`PZZHSZHKHUJPUNZVT\JOM\UL]LUPU 40 degree heat? >O`PZX-Men: The Last Stand such a lousy LUKPUN[VHNYLH[JVTPJIVVR[YPSVN`& DKP on campus ;OLPUMHTV\ZArts Union OVZ[ZP[ZÄYZ[L]LU[VM[OL semester, Sundowner, VU ;O\YZKH` 4HYJO Apparently, sexy times are guaranteed. In semester one, the Singapore Students Society presents a variety of events, including a welcome ))8 ZVJJLY [V\YUHTLU[ and the famous ‘Mambo 1’. 1VPU[OLJS\IVU6+H`PM`V\ ^HU[[VILRLW[\WKH[LKVUHSS the details of these events. Hosted by UWA’s Student Services, Link Week HPTZ[VSPURJVTTLUJPUN students to their peers, faculties and to oncampus HJ[P]P[PLZ 4HRL Z\YL you head down to the 6HR 3H^U VU ;O\YZKH` 4HYJO MVY [OL 3PUR >LLR MLZ[P]HS JVTWSL[L ^P[O H MYLL ))8 KYPURZ entertainment and plenty of sweet competitions. Also watch out for the “travelling roadshow” – ie a buggy armed with giveaways. As I had once been told, no one can describe camps to you. It’s just something you The Chinese society opens on a won’t understand unless you experience high note this year, with a whole range P[ <S[PTH[LS` `V\ RUV^ PM `V\ HYL [OL [`WL VM L]LU[Z ( -YLZOLY >LSJVTL ))8 of person who should get involved in this PZ ZJOLK\SLK MVY [OL 6HR 3H^U VU fantastic organisation. Not only did camp >O`HYL\UPIVVRZZVL_WLUZP]L& ;O\YZKH` 4HYJO HUK VU 4VUKH` THRLTLHTVYLWVZP[P]LHUKOHWWPLYWLYZVU 12 March, the society recommences >O`PZP[ZVOHYK[VJYHJRPU[V[OL(\Z[YHSPHU but now I have a newfound appreciation of its famous free Chinese Language writing industry, when the Australian writing my own childhood and upbringing. *SHZZLZ ;OL )LQPUN 6S`TWPJZ industry is crying out for authors? =VS\U[LLY9LJY\P[TLU[+YP]LILNPUZVU I cannot possibly emphasise enough the >O` JHU»[ L]LY`VUL PU [OL ^VYSK Q\Z[ NL[ 12 March and Wednesday 14 March along? greatness of UCFK. Props to the organisers. THYRZ[OLPYÄYZ[TV]PLUPNO[VM[OL`LHY (UKHZMVY[OLYLZ[VM`V\WSLHZL]PZP[www. >O` KVLZ L]LY`VUL RLLW JVTWSHPUPUN -VYTVYLPUMVJOLJR.5L^ZVYLTHPS HIV\[ 1VOU /V^HYK [HRPUN H OVSPKH` `LZ \UPJHTWMVYRPKZVYNHu for more info, and he has tough job, he may do it badly, but it THRLZ\YL[VZPNU\WVU6+H` is a tough job nonetheless)? Eva Bates >O` KV =L[ JSPUPJZ JVZ[ ZV T\JO considering cats and dogs are just take a chill pill little furry people? See your name on this page? If >O`PZ[OLZR`IS\L& so, you have won a Ghostrider Dear Pelican Newspaper, >O`KVLZL]LY`VULSPRLThe Lord of KV\ISL WHZZ HUK [Y\JRLY JHW I just bought a Mars Bar from one of the the Rings so much, when it really is :HK [V OH]L TPZZLK V\[& ;Y` campus vending machines. I’d actually meant just three mammoth movies about `V\Y S\JR H[ UL_[ LKP[PVU»Z WYPaL I` [V I\` H ;^P_ I\[ UL]LY TPUK ;OL YLHZVU ¸^HSRPUN [V H M\JRPUN ]VSJHUV¹ sending a letter to pelican@guild.uwa. I’m complaining is this: the side of my Mars [OHURZ9HUKHS& with “editor’s mailbox” in the Bar wrapper is a delightful baby blue strip >O`KVHU[ZL_PZ[PMUV[[VHUUV`\Z subject line. Write about anything that proclaiming the word “chilled.” I have to say, humans? PUJLUZLZPUZWPYLZ`V\RLLWP[HZZOVY[ my chocolate bar is not very chilled and as as possible and include your full name/ I sit here typing this and eating it, I wonder, I don’t have the answers to any of these Z[\KLU[ U\TILY PM `V\ OH]L VUL [V why would you buy a bar of chocolate from X\LZ[PVUZ HUK 0 KV\I[ HU` 7LSPJHU verify your identity. a supposedly refrigerated vending machine YLHKLYZKVLP[OLYI\[ZVTLVM[OLTH[ when you can get it so much cheaper from least) are interesting to consider. :[PSS RLLU VU H Ghostrider WYPaL PU one of our lovely Guild eateries? particular? Email pelican@guild.uwa. with “second chance draw” in Adios, @V\YZ[Y\S` the title for your chance to win one of 4H[[6\[YLK the six remaining passes. Chocolate Eater 07 the usual I=EH>KT what’s 6U 4HYJO [OL <>( Mahjong Club will OVZ[[OL<>(=Z*\Y[PU University Mahjong ;V\YUHTLU[ ^P[O LU[Y` at only $8. If you want [V IL RLW[ WVZ[LK VU this and other events, WSLHZLQVPU[OLJS\IVU6 Day at only $3 for guild TLTILYZ HUK MVY UVUTLTILYZ Are you a freshie thinking that uni is another school classroom? Are you graduating and thinking about your future career? Or are you tired of following the masses and want to follow your passions? >OL[OLY `V\ HYL 5,> VY 63+ AIESEC, the world’s largest Z[\KLU[Y\U VYNHUPZH[PVU JHU help you discover and develop your potential. From developing leadership and THUHNLTLU[ ZRPSSZ TLL[PUN ^P[O JVYWVYH[PVUZHUKI\PSKPUNUL[^VYRZ or going on one of our international internships in over 97 countries, there’s sure to be something that AIESEC can offer you. Come along to our Information :LZZPVUZ VU [OL HUK 4HYJO by emailing your contact details to and 9:=7UV^ (UKKPZJV]LY`V\YWV[LU[PHS 7 regular stuff OL=?A to rant sticky sticks by amity moncharlotte “What is brown and sticky?” “A stick!” Excuse me? You cannot describe a stick as being ‘sticky’ unless it is covered in honey, glue, tar, or some other form of adhesive substance. Describing a stick as ‘sticky’ only because it has stick-like qualities is erroneous, and in my mind, a form of blasphemy. Of course a stick has stick-like qualities – it is a stick! People who recount this so called ‘joke’ (and since it pisses me off so much I take note of it each and every time I hear it), expect a light hearted chuckle in reply, and usually look shocked when I start ranting at them about their inability to correctly retell a childhood joke. You may be surprised to learn that I am not usually a pedantic or highly strung person. In fact, I am so easy going that I could probably control my animosity towards said ‘joke’ – if I heard it only once or twice a year. Unfortunately, it seems to have become the new “Why did the chicken cross the road?” and this disgusts me. In the last two weeks alone I have heard this ‘joke’ [OYLL[PTLZ0U[OLÄYZ[PUZ[HUJL0OLHYK[OPZQVRLMYVT H \UP]LYZP[`LK\JH[LK JVSSLHN\L 0 UV^ ÄUK T`ZLSM unable to look at her without mumbling something under my breath about her failure to master both the English language and simple ‘joke telling’ skills (skills which really should have been acquired by the time one is 29.) The second time I heard the ‘joke’ it was uttered by my eight-year-old cousin, who I now fear has been traumatised by the torrent of foul language I unleashed upon him. In the third case, the joke was shared with me by someone I had previously considered to be a friend! Naturally, that relationship OHZILLUHJJVYKPUNS`TVKPÄLK In my endless plight to spread the word about this incorrect/stupid/un-funny joke, I have encountered many ‘sticky stick’ defenders. Their arguments invariably suggest that because a stick has stick-like characteristics, it is fair to describe it as ‘sticky’. My argument is that you simply cannot describe a stick as ‘sticky’ merely because it is one. This line of thought would no doubt encourage the circulation of similarly redundant phrases such as, “What an appleish apple, and check out that bunch of grapey grapes!”. If a stick is so darn stick-ish that you just have to make note of what a perfect stick specimen it is then, please, describe it as ‘the quintessential stick’. If there is an item in front of you that has stick-like qualities, without actually being a stick, such as a small branch, go for your life! Just do not, under any circumstances, let me catch you describing a nonadhesive stick as ‘sticky,’ or you will suffer my wrath, and you will be sorry. “What is brown and sticky?” “A twig.” 8 2AOP=QN=JP2AREAS KK’s at Broadway by trent bowen food outlets, many students haven’t tried any food at KK’s (except for the occasional basket of chips with their beer). In addition to the award-winning beer menu, the food menu at KK’s is nothing to be sniffed at, and ranges from your predictable pub food fare (nachos and steak) to the more unusual (sweet chilli beef salad, for example.) Recently, I tried the Chicken Sandwich ($12.00), while my partner in crime decided to try the ILLY IH[[LYLK ÄZO HUK JOPWZ ($13.00), and we accompanied both these dishes with pints of the Bock dark ale. Though a sandwich sounds as plain as something you’d normally make yourself (and at most pubs doesn’t taste much better), this one was fantastic. The chicken breast itself was If you’ve never been to the Broadway Fair shopping complex, it’s a courtyard surrounded by small outlets with decent, affordable food. It’s the perfect place to enjoy a student priced meal and it’s right next to uni! Unfortunately, many of the outlets serve fairly similar cuisine, and after a while, it does get a bit boring. Within the complex, though, is “KK’s at Broadway”, which most UWA students will recognise as an after-class hot spot, as it is the closest pub/restaurant to the main campus. Sadly, it is often seen as “just a pub”, and despite the popularity of other nearby tender, and was served with delicious mango chutney, which went really well with both the sandwich and the beerIH[[LYLKÄZOHUKJOPWZ0JHU»[ OVULZ[S`[LSS`V\^OH[[OLÄZO and chips was like, because they were gone before I even got a chance to have a taste (last time I’m taking that friend out!). Apparently though, the Bavarian style beer added a \UPX\L THS[` ÅH]V\Y HUK P[ was certainly was one of the largest servings I’ve seen at a W\I6MJV\YZL[OPZPZUV[Ä]L star gourmet, but, for pub fare, the quality and variety of the food are well above average, and the servings are generous. At $15 a main, it’s reasonably affordable for students wanting to try something different, and comes highly recommended! five questions for the EAN: 1. What is the EAN? HOT HOT HEAT Uni restarting Kevin Rudd Beck’s Verandah Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Southbound Leaving home Big Day Out Kyle and Jackie O VSU Uni restarting ICE ICE BABY The Education Action Network (EAN) is a group of students that get together to campaign on educational issues around the University of WA. Membership is open to any Guild member and it is completely free! 2. What does the EAN do? v UWA’s policy of not recognising work as a clash for classes. v The effect of Workchoices legislation on young, casual workers. 4. How do I get involved? We get together as a group once a week - Tuesdays at 1pm It’s best to think of us is as the (Common Lunch Hour). We use Guild’s army. If there is a battle this time to work out what we are [V IL MV\NO[ `V\»SS ÄUK \Z H[ going to do and how we’re going the frontline. We co-ordinate to do it. Everyone in the group JHTWHPNUZ [OH[ ÄNO[ MVY LX\HS has an equal say – there are no access to education for all SLHKLYZ6\YÄYZ[TLL[PUN^PSSIL students, organising petitions, March, which leaves you plenty of writing submissions of inquiry to time to settle into University. Be on various committees, managing the lookout for more information rallies, running forums, and closer to the date. basically doing all the things that Also make sure you come along to some of our training sessions you are too lazy to do yourself. – we run workshops that teach 3. What are our skills in negotiation, community campaign issues? organization, strategic v Voluntary Student Unionism questioning and how to run (VSU) successful media campaigns. v The introduction of Plagiarism 5. Who can I contact Detection Software v A University Course for more info? Restructure Contact the EAN Coordinator v The current cost of HECS Dom Rose on 0414577802 or v The decline in Government funding in Higher Education. the queer OLAA@@=PEJC university hot spots presents... the lighter side of coming out. by shamini joseph and keegan martens, your local queer officers All this talk of growing up takes us nostalgically back to perhaps the most challenging episode of our own youth – coming out. ‘Coming’ and ‘out’ are two remarkably banal words on their own, but put them together and you have one of the most terrifying phrases in existence! Assuredly more horrifying than ‘That fuzzy green thing that used to be our mayo’ or ‘Oh no! The Pelican article deadline was three days ago…’ (er, sorry about that, Magda). These days, however, some of our more enterprising youth have shed those nerves, albeit just slightly, and HYL ÄUKPUN UL^ HUK L_JP[PUN ^H`Z [V spread the news. Lines like “One icecream for the homosexual please” are all the rage, and there are even swanky, queer-empowered answers to those awkward coming out questions you get. Oh, those awkward questions! My personal favourite of “How do you, you know, do it?” is excellent fodder for the liberal and liberated queer. Discard five that awkward blushing and the vague gestured descriptions, the Queer of the Noughties is loud, proud and comes fully equipped with futuristic sex toys and full colour pamphlets. Give ‘em what they want, I say! Of course there are some questions which can only be met with a bewildered stare, namely my close relative’s reaction when I told her I was bisexual; “Well, what if you meet a nice boy, and you love him and he loves you, but he thinks you’re a gay?!” Yes, sometimes hiding in a closet for three hours (as I did with only a faint trace of irony) is still the only way to deal with telling a befuddled Aunt Eunice that you’re “a gay”. Still, you only come out once, so why not make it memorable? It might even make things easier if you appear that JVUÄKLU[ HUK H[ LHZL ^P[O `V\YZLSM 9LTLTILY[OH[PMP[HSSIHJRÄYLZVU`V\ at least it’ll still be an awesome story to tell at parties… much later… ya know. recent political events that every student should know about 1. An Inconvenient Truth – global warming hits politicians on the head 45th American Vice-President Al Gore and his compelling documentary brought global warming to the forefront of the political agenda. Previously overshadowed by terrorist threats, globalisation and obesity epidemics, our politicians had been focused on more ‘immediate’ issues. Mind you, if you live in cyclone hit Innisfail or went down to Esperance late last year, you may have a different idea of what constitutes “immediate.” Take heed of Mr Gore, and stop spraying all that Lynx. 2. Bush’s ‘Terrorist Plan’ – send in 50 more billion troops, please! This recent political event is backed, I quote, ‘one hundred percent’ by our own Prime Minister. After losing the Republican majority in the Senate, Sunken Gardens: “Although this garden set up quite the romantic scene, complete with charming foliage and subtle lighting, I felt something was not quite right. I’ve got an intuition for this kind of thing, and I don’t think I’d trust Sunken to take me home after a couple of drinks. Indeed, it appeared to have already worked its charms upon a young couple that I spotted ‘necking’ in the bushes. I felt a maternal need to interrupt their canoodling upon noticing that they had not properly applied insect repellent. I have no doubt that this garden is rampant with disease.” Oak Lawn: “Initially, I found this lawn quite pleasing; providing a central seating spot and facilitating much intriguing, inter-faculty discussion. I don’t think it’s the kind of lawn I’d like to settle down with though. Let’s be honest, it does whore itself about. .VVK OLH]LUZ @V\»SS ÄUK HSS ZVY[Z VM characters jumping on board, and I don’t think Oak is the sort of lawn who knows how to say ‘No, thank you.’” Reid Library: “Now this is my cup of tea! Classic Western literature, budget priced coffee, comfortable seating – what more could a girl wish for? with wendy jean Reid was particularly entertaining when it closed off the date with a rousing JSHZZPJHS ÄUHSL ¶ [OH[ SPIYHY` JLY[HPUS` knows how to hit the strings! Those fandangled modern libraries should take a leaf out of Reid’s book and learn how to treat a lady right! Absolutely JOHYTPUNÄ]LZ[HYZ¹ regular stuff OL=?A Guild Village: “I appreciate culture, but I do think this was a bit much. Call me old fashioned, but I’d choose the tranquil villages of Scotland over this outlandish location any day! The Tuesday markets were particularly displeasing, with peddlers hawking their wares in a most distasteful fashion. And don’t get me started on the Hare Krishna Thursdays! I’m not a racist, but there’s a time and a place for everything.” The Fitness Centre: “While I approve of keeping oneself trim and tidy, I do believe that perspiration and near-nudity should be kept out of the public arena. I enjoyed the diverse range of activities we tried together, but, really, Pilates? Hip hop dancing? Not for me, thank you very much! And as for the skimpy clothes; for heaven’s sake, I was told this was a gym, not a brothel! Disgraceful!” by sarah elliott George Bush has made one last attempt to savour dignity in his term as President by sending 21,500 more ‘sons and daughters’ down the Iraq grinder. Could Australia follow? Future politicians, cabinet advisors or defence force TLTILYZ RLLW `V\Y L`LZ JSVZLS` Ä_LK on how this genius strategy pans out. 3. Banning or Prescribing the Australian Flag – what the? Hands up who received an email stating that ‘Merry Christmas’ is a discriminatory holiday greeting? Next we were told we JHU»[ L]LU YHPZL V\Y UH[PVUHS ÅHN H[ [OL most anticipated Australian rock event of the year, the Big Day Out. The NSW Liberal party is proposing a national symbols act be introduced should they win their :[H[LLSLJ[PVU[VWYV[LJ[V\YUH[PVUHSÅHN and prescribe its use in circumstances. Here’s a thought: which is worse for your freedom of speech? 4. Nuclear Testing - North Korea plays with adult toys ‘Kapow!’ splutters North Korean communist leader Kim Jong II as he throws a nuclear missile into the East Sea. He possessed the nerve to reactivate frozen nuclear weapons, pull out of the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty and then attempt to blackmail Washington into being a more considerate enemy. Such actions had eight world leaders and six nations in crisis talks. This was a timely reminder for us to not be so naïve about the capabilities of this troubled nation and the lingering threat of nuclear war. 5. Workplaces Legislation held to be Constitutional - doh and establishment of the changes. Yet questions remain. Can students negotiate their pay rates at Chicken Treat? Would you want to at an entry level graduate position? Check out the Legislative Council inquiry into the impact of the work choices legislation at November last year saw the High *V\Y[ JVUÄYT [OL JVUZ[P[\[PVUHS ]HSPKP[` of the much debated Work Choice legislation. This has given primacy to the Commonwealth in the management 9 welcome to uwa 4NKQ>HAODKKPEJC – the fresher’s guide to campus cred by zarah m. burgess The transition from the comfort zone of high school and into university can be daunting. Many students spend sleepless nights fretting over challenges, such as unit selections, grades and terrorists. This article does not address such trivial matters. It tackles the Big Issues – from what recreational drugs to hit up on, through to advice on escaping from the renegade peacocks. If you are new to the uni environment, now is your chance to acquaint `V\YZLSM ^P[O [OL ÄULY HZWLJ[Z VM [OL <>( ‘hood, and gain some cred… I recently attended O-Camp and was made to drink a substance that looked and smelled of a homeless person’s urine. What is it called? Now, I’m going to do this as painlessly as possible: Goon. Punch. Remember these words, and embrace them as your new way of life. If in doubt as to how to achieve this, attend any sort of orientation camp, or join Blackstone – the law school’s faculty society. I have just come to UWA from an elitist private school and was wondering why I have not yet received special attention from the lecturers. If nobody writes my essays and tutorial presentations, how am I expected to pass the unit? Good golly gosh, this NEVER happened in high school… You are not special. You are only here because Mummy and Daddy paid a lot to send you to a school where teachers are trained to spoonfeed you until you make it to grown-up land (or at least a tertiary institution). Now you’re on your own; statistics show that you’ll probably drop V\[ I` [OL LUK VM `V\Y ÄYZ[ `LHY ZV KVU»[ NL[ your DKNY knickers in a knot. 0 HT NVPUN PU[V ÄYZ[ `LHY (Y[Z HUK OH]L heard that there are peacocks roaming the grounds surrounding the Arts building. Is this true? Unfortunately, yes. And there is nothing to be excited about. Do not let their colourful displays fool you – the peacocks, like most other birds, have a secret agenda. 10 Ask any older student, and they will regale you ^P[O[HSLZVMULHYLZJHWLZY\MÅLKMLH[OLYZHUK broken kneecaps. It is, sadly, a story with which many of the students are familiar. What starts out as an innocent stroll to the vending machines ends up a brutal peacock chase. Watch for the following warning signs: • Deserted Arts courtyard; • Peacocks gathering silently, each taking up a strategic position in order to surround you; • Quick, sneaky glances from beneath hooded, scaly bird eyes; The battle for life and death will almost always end with you running down the corridor screaming, followed by a herd of peacocks, their heads bobbing menacingly. Good places in which to barricade yourself: Arts Common Room, men’s toilets. Also, the Albino Peacock is not a legend – it really does exist; it is scary-looking and absolutely fucking terrifying. In short: these creatures will take everything from you – your livelihood, your dignity, and, if you are not careful, even your virginity. I noticed that there are two different kinds of toilets on campus. A female toilet and one with a funny picture on it of a girl with no dress. Is it a special toilet for dykes? Ah, you’ve discovered those people Mummy and Daddy were trying to keep you away from: boys. Don’t go overboard and express your repressed sexuality through raunchy displays on the Oak Lawn – you will get knocked up. Also, public school kids are not an urban myth – they really do exist. Look out for that punk who snorts dexies in the Arts common room – chances are he’ll knife you if you mention your pet pony or your Liberal-senator father. If you OH]L HU` OVWL VM Z\Y]P]PUN `V\Y ÄYZ[ `LHY SVZL the duck-down school leaver jacket. Also - stop beating your Samoan maid for burning the roast, and stop locking up and torturing HZ`S\TZLLRLYZ4HRL¸0HTPUZPNUPÄJHU[¹`V\Y mantra. Nobody likes a whiny bitch. I have no idea what to wear now that I don’t have a school uniform! Help! *\S[P]H[L ¸[OL SVVR¹" KPMMLYLU[ MHJ\S[PLZ NV MVY different styles. As a guide: 3(> ¶ .PYSZ HU`[OPUN L_WLUZP]L HUKVY WPUR NVLZ7V^LYKYLZZPUNPZHSZVNVVK.VK[OH[ girl in your Contract class with the same Louis =\P[[VU IHN HZ `V\ PZ Z\JO H )0;*/ .\`Z TL[YVZL_\HSP[`PZUV[HKPY[`^VYK"SLHYU[VSV]L it. Spiked hair (highlights preferable), upturned collars (designer labels visible, please) and just a touch of mascara. There. You’re a pretty boy now. SCIENCE – it doesn’t matter, nobody’s going to see you anyway. Just wear something that will keep you warm in the caves where you dwell. COMMERCE – you might want to take some [PWZ MYVT [OL SH^ Z[\KLU[Z (NHPU MVY [OL guys, a little hairspray won’t go astray. Female commerce students – something slutty will help if you end up failing EBS and have to sleep with the unit co-ordinator. (9;:¶WYL[[`T\JOHU`[OPUNNVLZ,_WYLZZ yourself creatively: a torn jacket, ripped stockings…don’t forget the anti-Howard badges and t-shirts with emo slogans. Nobody gets you. You are a tortured genius. .VZTVRLZVTL^LLKHUK^YP[LHWVLTHIV\[ how unloved you are. 4,+0*05,+,5;0:;9@¶UVIVK`SPRLZ`V\( IHNV]LY`V\YOLHK^PSSZ\MÄJL So go forth, armed with your new-found information, and feel safe in the knowledge that Pelican has provided you with the essential N\PKL[VILPUNZ[YLL[ZTHY[H[<>( growing up 0AHE?=J’O'QE@APK personalities on campus by caroline dale and magda wozniak It ain’t easy being a fresher, Pelican knows that. And though we can’t help you master tutorial discussion techniques or battle with student administration staff, we can help you understand (or at least recognise) the, at times overwhelming, details of UWA’s unique student culture. We’ve taken time out to focus upon some of UWA’s more memorable characters; characters that you ^PSS HSTVZ[ KLÄUP[LS` encounter at some point during your time on campus. All we can do now is let you loose into the big, wide world, hoping that we’ve shared enough knowledge to keep you out of harm… The Eager Beaver (ZSPNO[S`THUPJMHJPHSL_WYLZZPVUPZ[OLÄYZ[[OPUN that you will notice about the Eager Beaver, as you watch them grapple for a tutor’s attention. If in doubt as to the authenticity of the specimen, closely observe their tutorial presentation. A true Eager Beaver will incorporate one or more of the following: slideshows, Tim Tams, pyrotechnic displays and/or excruciatingly dull board-games. Though these individuals are usually intelligent, they are prone to forgetting that other members of the tutorial group may be equally smart, just not as enthused. Indie Royalty These are usually highschool eccentrics who OH]L LU[LYLK \UP]LYZP[` VUS` [V ÄUK [OH[ [OLPY quirks are extremely marketable. Big and/or outrageous hair is usually a distinguishing feature, accompanied by eye-catching clothing/ accessories. You may misconstrue these kooky threads as ugly or mismatched, but do UV[ILMVVSLK;OL`OH]LILLUJHYLM\SS`ÄS[LYLK through a comprehensive selection process in order to attain maximum ‘wow’ factor, with a touch of nonchalance. These characters are most commonly located reigning over their indie followers at a handful of cultural clubs (and at Cassette), where their aura of aloofness distinguishes them as royalty, SOCs Socialists On Campus are generally nice folk, but they are often too preoccupied with JY\ZOPUN [OL Z[H[L HWWHYH[\Z [V ÄUK [PTL MVY fun. If you are lucky enough to catch a SOC offguard with a witty political anecdote, they will most likely respond with a sage nod that calmly acknowledges the presence of humour in your statement. These barefooted bohemians crop up frequently in Politics tutorials, where they devote their best efforts to perpetuating the dream of student revolution. Ironically (and sadly), a large proportion of SOCs are destined to become COCs. COCs The Highschool Hangup Unless you are one of them, it is unlikely that you will ever be permitted to enter the sacred realm of the Highschool Hangup. These types socialise exclusively with remnants from their (usually private) high school days, developing increasingly incestuous relationship circles, ^OPSZ[HSS[OL^OPSLYLÅLJ[PUN\WVU[OLIYPSSPHUJL that was Leavers ‘01. Conservatives On Campus would be enigmatic, but they’re just not interesting enough. Usually found clad in grey starched suits with attached briefcase, these individuals may appear PU[PTPKH[PUN[V[OLPNUVYHU[ÄYZ[`LHYI\[YLHSS` they are nothing more than Young Liberals eagerly awaiting an escape from the excessive hedonism of the anarchic UWA lifestyle. Slash Wankers The Crazy Haired Predator Whilst composing this article, we were in fact swept away by the seductive powers of an authentic Crazy Haired Predator – and if it happened to us, then no one is immune. In a way, the CHP is remarkably similar to Indie Royalty with their big hair (almost certainly a 12 humorous mullet or afro) and wacky attire, but these are the kids that were actually cool in high school. They follow sports, enjoy hits of the 70s, 80s and today and like to dress in women’s clothing for a good laugh. They are usually found at the head of the Guild social JS\I OPLYHYJO` LUJV\YHNPUN ÄYZ[ `LHY NPYSZ [V engage in underage drinking. Freshers beware: while an encounter (of the sexy kind) with the CHP may seem like a quick road to social glory, all it will get you is a performance star rating, probably written on his fridge in permanent marker for extra effect. Not to be confused with those who combine two degrees out of interest, the Slash Wanker is one who tacks on a second degree exclusively for resume/personality improvement purposes – an endeavour that inevitably fails. A prime example of a Class A Slash Wanker is the medical student who undertakes studies in arts in order to give their résumé that human to smoke pot or, you know, whatever. From this description it may seem that Proshers HYL [OL ILUPNUIVYPUN /\MÅLW\MMZ VM JHTW\Z but this bewildering species actually has the wit of a Ravenclaw and the sharp tongue of a Slytherin, and they are often a pretty interesting time. hair glistening in the sun, you will know that you are in the presence of a Ladies Auxiliary member. While obviously not stupid, grades are not of huge concern: Daddy’s paying the HECS upfront anyway. Besides, isn’t uni all HIV\[ÄUKPUNHYPJOO\ZIHUK&4LK3H^IV`Z watch out. IIS/EIS Boozehounds Extracurricular Enthusiasts Despite the variety found in these UWA imports, [OL`JHU\Z\HSS`ILJSHZZPÄLKPU[V[^VKPZ[PUJ[ groups: the Introverted (IIS) and the Extroverted (EIS) International Student. The Introverted International Student tries desperately not to attract attention to themselves, speaking almost inaudibly when the time comes for their tutorial presentation, while the Extroverted International Student is American. A less successful version of the Crazy Haired Predator, these individuals usually dominate drinking clubs, the tavern and the engineering faculty. Labouring under the misconception that foreplay can be substituted with a hearty goon skull, these randy rapscallions dream of one day kissing a real, live woman – but as of yet few have experienced this exotic pleasure. A broader family that encompasses many of the aforementioned stereotypes (including Proshers, Phil the Philosophy Guy, Indie Royalty, Eager Beavers and even the Crazy Haired Predator), these are the crazy kids who run wild on campus, inspired by political, creative or social pursuits, rather than the promise of a glowing resume. Their motto may as well be, “Life; be in it!” and they are the VULZ^OV^PSSÄNO[MVY`V\YZ[\KLU[YPNO[Z[V party), wake you up at 5a.m. on Prosh morning and satiate your cultural lusts when you’re too lazy to make it happen yourself. Some members of the community are irritated by [OLZLJOHYHJ[LYZHUK[OLPYV]LYÅV^PUNLULYN` but, ultimately, they are the ones who will make your campus days all the more memorable, and that’s nothing to be sniffed at. Phil the Philosophy Guy Phil the Philosophy Guy was that guy in highschool who was a little too sensitive to be cool, but with mild good looks that kept him out of trouble. He was good at English Lit. and once read The Stranger by Camus. As a result he believes that he is a philosophical master whose incisive perceptions shall bring down the limestone walls around him. Phil makes a SV]LS`MYPLUKLZWLJPHSS`HM[LYÄYZ[`LHY^OLUOL has calmed down a bit. He will also provide you a handy ego boost when he falls feverishly in love with you, but try not to reciprocate or you will be doomed to his emotional Radiohead inspired mixtapes forever more (and, yes, he still considers Radiohead to be ‘underground’). Proshers Proshers are a rare hybrid. They have the boisterous nature and wacky hair of the Crazy Haired Predator, but less of the tendencies towards social climbing. Like Indie Royalty, they were never quite cool in high school. Unlike Indie Royalty, their dagginess still shines through in a most charming and delightful fashion. When Layout Weekend is over, they tend to retire to the Arts Union Common Room Resume Runners The more sinister cousin of the Eager Beaver, the Resume Runner will go to extreme lengths PUVYKLY[VPUÄS[YH[LL]LY`JVYULYVMJHTW\Z^P[O an eye for networking rather than socialising. They tend to focus in particular on the more highbrow areas; the German club, the Dramatic Society (but certainly not the Panto Soc) and even your friendly neighbourhood Pelican. Their university career almost inevitably culminates in running for Guild Council, not out of political aspirations, but rather out of a drive to succeed. Lawyers with Laptops The name says it all. Mt. Claremont Ladies Auxiliary Free from the constraints of a highly uniformed, unisex highschool, these IVUHÄKL(\Z[YHSPHU7YPUJLZZLZHYL classier than the contestants of any reality TV show. When you see a sophisticated lady behind the wheel of a P-plated Audi, cruising down Bayview Terrace with her sleekly styled 13 growing up touch, and then proceeds to complain when their grades do not match the resident SOCs’, upon whom they had previously heaped scorn. Though the Slash Wanker may appear benign, they are merely befriending you so that [OL` JHU ÄUK V\[ `V\Y NYHKLZ MVY H NHTL VM JVTWHYLJVU[YHZ[ 14 welcome to uwa Concert 2(3$, / MAIN ENTRY STAGE TOILETS BAR FOOD i FIRST AID ALL AGES 18+ TOILETS m a e B m Ji o n ce r t c OLOL . *+ 6- Guild Supporter FREE, non-Guild $15 +(33+$!(1#8 /, !HQCRNE3NJXN /, ,(-*,422$+"1$$* /, #)) !9 15 welcome to uwa ,KQ@=J@#HA=N your guide to student action in WA The National Union of Students: Your National Voice The National Union of Students (NUS) is the peak representative organisation for students in Australia, representing over 600 000 tertiary education students nationwide. The Union is made up of member organisations. As members of your student guild, you are also represented by the National Union of Students. NUS provides political representation for University students and is committed to ensuring that students’ perspectives are taken into account when decisions are made. NUS facilitates national and state-based campaigns that are run across many campuses. NUS also acts on behalf of students by lobbying the government and other decision-making bodies. By linking up student guilds across the country, NUS provides a larger base for campaigns and has a greater ability to speak out on behalf of students and make a real difference. Generally, NUS runs campaigns around issues that impact upon students, such as HECS increases, the inadequate rate of Youth Allowance, the high cost of housing and living and the introduction of full fee university places. Along with these issues, NUS also supports campaigns around women’s issues, cultural and race issues, queer issues, international student issues and environmental issues. These campaigns are facilitated with the assistance of specialist departments PU[OL5H[PVUHS6MÄJLPU[OLHYLHZVM,K\JH[PVU>LSMHYL Women’s and Queer Rights, International Students and the Environment. NUS West: Your Branch of the National Union The WA Branch of the National Union of Students, affectionately called NUS West, is made up of student representatives from all four WA campuses. In 2007, the MVSSV^PUNZ[\KLU[ZHYL[OLVMÄJLILHYLYZVM5<:>LZ[! State President: Enrico Burgio State General Secretary: Tom Cramond :[H[L,K\JH[PVU>LSMHYL6MÄJLY!+VTPUPJ9VZL :[H[L8\LLY6MÄJLYZ!:OHUL*\JV^ & Kitty Hawkins :[H[L,U]PYVUTLU[6MÄJLY!+H]PK:PUJSHPY :[H[L0U[LYUH[PVUHS:[\KLU[Z6MÄJLY!(KYPHUH@LL :[H[L:THSSHUK9LNPVUHS6MÄJLY!4H[[=HWVY 16 NUS West coordinates the grassroots activism across the four WA campuses of Murdoch, UWA, Curtin and ECU, by organizing around national issues as well as local issues particular to WA students. Its day-to-day JVVYKPUH[PVUPZ[OLYLZWVUZPIPSP[`VMP[ZVMÄJLILHYLYZ who run campaigns in the areas of education, welfare, women’s issues, the environment, Indigenous issues, international students, queer issues, issues facing students from small and regional campuses and anything else that comes up that is of importance to WA students. NUS West co-ordinates cross campus activities and campaigns through collectives such as the Cross Campus Education Network (CCEN) and the Cross Campus Queer Network (CCQN). The :[H[L )YHUJO 6MÄJL PZ UV^ OV\ZLK ^P[O [OL <>( Student Guild. Demand a Better Future 2007: National Day of Action May 2nd! In 2007, the National Union of Students will be running a campaign to “Demand a Better Future.” The campaign will focus on three issues: Quality and Accessible Education, Student Rights at Work and Climate Change. These are the three issues that students from around the country overwhelmingly supported as the issues that will affect young people and that should be prioritised by the major political parties who want students to support them in the 2007 Federal election. In this Federal election year, students will have more of an opportunity to get their voice heard than in most V[OLY`LHYZ5<:^PSSILLUJV\YHNPUNZ[\KLU[Z[VÄYZ[S` enrol to vote in the election, and also to get involved in the campaign for change. NUS will be calling a number of demonstrations where students will have a chance to speak out on the issues of education, workplace rights HUK JSPTH[L JOHUNL ;OL ÄYZ[ 5H[PVUHS +H` VM (J[PVU will be on Wednesday 2nd May! Remember, together we are stronger and can make a difference. For more information, and to get involved in the 2007 campaign, contact NUS WA Branch President Enrico Burgio on or visit the NUS website at TO PLACE AN ARTICLE IN LOUD & CLEAR CONTACT: Enrico Burgio President National Union of Students (WA Branch) Mobile: 0402 228 624 Email: by will may Australians have always held a place close to their heart for [OL ÅHN >L JVUZ[HU[S` \ZL P[ [V [PL [V \Z [V [OL ZHJYPÄJLZ made in wars past, and bristle whenever attempts are made to change it or deface it. Having said that, the controversy that has arisen from the Sydney Big Day Out organisers’ decision to ban the carrying of the ÅHN H[ [OL MLZ[P]HS PZ UV[ [OL least bit surprising. Although not an outright ban and more a request, the decision has brought condemnation from both the Prime Minister and Opposition Leader, and even has NSW Premier Morris Iemma looking into ways he can override the decision. Some have even called for the event to be scrapped rather than enforce the ban. The reason behind the BDO organisers’ decision is a ^PZO[VUV[PUÅHTLYHJPHS[LUZPVUZ^OPJOPU[OLPY ]PL^PZJH[HS`aLKI`WLVWSL¸IYHUKPZOPUN[OLÅHN in an aggressive way.” Although cries of ‘political correctness gone THK» HYL Q\Z[PÄHISL [OL \UMVY[\UH[L [Y\[O PZ that, in some ways, these organizers have made the right decision. Prime Minister John Howard lambasted their choice, saying that any racial or nationalist violence “[is] not the fault of [OL ÅHN" ÅHNZ KVU»[ OH]L HYTZ HUK SLNZ¹ ;OPZ is of course true, but, irrespective of our wish MVY[OLÅHN[VILHZ`TIVSVM[OLX\HSP[PLZ^L»K like to think Australians embody, it ultimately shares the character of the individual who bares it. And when it is brandished by shirtless yobs screaming racist slogans on the beaches of places like Cronulla, it is transformed into a Z`TIVSVM[OL]HS\LZ[OLZLWLVWSLOVSK(ÅHN on its own is powerless, but is a mirror to those who bare it. beyond uwa BH=CCA@ There’s a lot to like about summer. It’s the time of year when we get to indulge in the most sacrosanct Australian traditions; going to the beach, playing cricket and getting pissed on the front verandah. And yet, it is also the time of year when one of the more ugly sides of the Australian experience rears its head. Recently, it seems issues of nationalism, a UL^ ÅHTTHISL MVYT VM \S[YHUH[PVUHSPZT have dominated the landscape around this time of year. Last year we saw long simmering racial hatreds explode into the Cronulla riots, HUK[OPZ`LHYP[HWWLHYZ[OLÅHN^PSSIL[OLUL^ ÅHZOWVPU[PU[OLZ\TTLYVMº So the real issue here is the hold that this toxic, race based strain of nationalism has taken on wider society. Racism has always existed in Australia, from settlement through to the administration of indigenous peoples and the White Australia Policy. It is, however, alarming to see how in the modern world racist attitudes are being worn on peoples’ sleeves as was seen at Cronulla and since. You can argue that the blame lies at the feet of many factors; the high media coverage of ethnic and immigrant based street gangs, the War on Terror giving rise to fear and tension between Muslims and non-Muslims and the highly publicized Lebanese gang rapes. Those who have reacted to perceived attacks on white society, such as the gang-rapes and assaults of surf life-savers have been met in turn. The YouTube video glorifying Bilal Skaf released by a group of Sydney Lebanese men is one example. It is telling that, in that video, the 3LIHULZLÅHNMLH[\YLKWYVTPULU[S`\ZLKPU[OL same aggressive, provocative way the Australian ÅHNOHZILLUZLLUVMSH[L >OH[[OPZKVLZPZPSS\Z[YH[LOV^JLU[YHSÅHNZHYL to a country or people’s national identity. The JVUZLX\LUJLVM[OPZPZ[OH[OV^[OLÅHNPZ\ZLK and thusly what it is construed to represent, is central to how that country is viewed as a nation. That is why it is so important that we do not HSSV^[OLÅHN[VILOPQHJRLKI`L_[YLTPZ[ZHUK xenophobes, and become a symbol of division and hatred instead of representing all Australians and the values we share. It is my belief that the reaction of the Big Day Out organizers constitutes HJX\PLZJLUJL[V[OPZ[OYLH[!I`IHUUPUN[OLÅHN instead of, say, having increased crowd control, they are merely reinforcing the notion that the ÅHNPZWYV]VJH[P]LHUKKP]PZP]L Despite or perhaps in spite of the ban, many concert-goers arrived at the BDOs proudly KPZWSH`PUNÅHNZ^P[OUV*YVU\SSHZ[`SL]PVSLUJL or racist demonstrations. Those who beared [OL ÅHN ILHYLK P[ PU YLJVNUP[PVU VM [OL ]HS\LZ and heritage it should represent, refusing the negative, ultra-nationalist connotations that have stuck to it of late. As long as there are enough people that understand the danger, and are prepared to do something about it, hopefully by next summer it won’t even be an issue. 17 the death In 2006, a sensible looking young man in a crisp blue suit, with jet black hair and eyes devoid of expression was sentenced to KLH[O MVY KY\N [YHMÄJRPUN /L Z\MMLYLK L]LY` TV[OLY»Z ^VYZ[ UPNO[THYL @L[ MVY [OL HNLK unkempt and bearded man who emerged from interrogation and detainment; it was a ZVTL^OH[KPNUPÄLKLUK[VH[\T\S[\V\ZHUK MHUH[PJHSSLHKLYZOPW:VP[^HZ[OH[HUL_0YHXP leader and an Australian raised, Vietnamese born, one time drug smuggler came to share HJVTTVUMH[L )L[^LLU[OLZL[^VJHZLZ^OH[OHZQ\Z[PÄLKH GWLUHS[`» OLSK I` HKQ\KPJH[VYZ VM [OL >LZ[LYU >VYSK [V IL GTVUZ[YV\Z KLWSVYHISL HUK HIOVYYLU[»& 0Z KLH[O MVY [OL TVZ[ WHY[ HU LZJHWLMYVT[OLNYLH[LYW\UPZOTLU[VMHN\PS[ SHKLU JVJRYVHJO PUMLZ[LK PTWYPZVULK SPML& 6Y PZ P[ \S[PTH[LS` [OL VUS` KL[LYYLU[ ^L OH]L HNHPUZ[ JYPTLZ ZV ZLYPV\Z& ;OPZ ZHTL KLIH[L OHZ ILLU [VZZLK IHJR HUK 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I went to check out the land of my mother’s parents, and found all manner of surprises. Spilt Blood and Blood Sausage ,Z[VUPHOHZOHKHWYL[[`YV\NO[PTLOH]PUNILLU W\ZOLK HYV\UK I` [OL .LYTHUZ :^LKLZ HUK 9\ZZPHUZILMVYLHUKHM[LY>>00(ZHYLZ\S[[OL JHWP[HS;HSSPUUPZHMHZJPUH[PUNJVSSPZPVUVM[OLUL^ [OLVSKYLSPJZVM:V]PL[VJJ\WH[PVUHUK[OLYLHSS` VSK [OL SHYNLZ[ HUK TVZ[ WYLZLY]LK TLKPL]HS ZWHJLZPU,\YVWL ;OPZ JVTIPUH[PVU VM J\S[\YLZ OHZ JYLH[LK ZVTL WYL[[` L_[YHVYKPUHY` MVVKZ >PKLS` H]HPSHISL ^LYL Z\JO KP]LYZL TLHSZ HZ YVHZ[ ^PSK LSR HUK ISVVK ZH\ZHNL HZ ^LSS HZ [OL ,Z[VUPHU PKLH VM ZHSHK9LWSHJLSLHM`NYLLUZ^P[OHOLHY[`ZLY]L VM WV[H[VLZ ZHS[` ÄZO LNN HUK WLYOHWZ ZVTL HWWSL HUK [OLU Z\IZ[P[\[L SPNO[ ]PUHPNYL[[L ^P[O YPJO ILL[YVV[ TH`VUUHPZL HUK `V\ TPNO[ OH]L HUPKLH >OLU0SVIILKPU[V;HSSPUU0^HZTL[I`T`L]LY ZTPSPUN YLSSPLZ! 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While this may change, in the mean time, an informal exchange is very possible. Please email if you would like more information pops Were you ever attracted to any dodgy celebrities while you were growing up? Captain Planet and Super Ted. And all those little Cabbage Patch kids. One of them was such a whore, that was hot. Have any of these attractions stayed with you to the present day? Well Captain Planet won’t return my calls. I have made out with a Barbie. But apart from that… no [looks whistful.] Do you have any embarrassing moments from the whole growing process? .L[[PUN JH\NO[ ÄZ[PUN¯ 0[ ^HZ [OPZ whole thing with a seagull… Have you recently rediscovered any childhood interests? Fisting. Do you think university students should act like adults? No, because adults is for later. What do you think it means to be an adult? You have to be responsible. Fisting LUZ\LZI\[`V\OH]L[VÄZ[YLZWVUZPIS` as part of a 9-5 job. Mary, 19, Arts Were you ever attracted to any dodgy celebrities while you were Have you recently rediscovered any childhood interests? Were you ever attracted to any dodgy celebrities while you were growing up? Twister – for erotic purposes, like strip twister. It’s weird that kids don’t notice the erotic potential of this game when they’re young. Every single Disney girl, but especially Ariel. With legs. I like chasing tail, but girl-with-tail, well, that doesn’t do anything for me. Do you have any embarrassing moments from the whole growing process? Have any of these attractions stayed with you to the present day? There were many while I was a teenager, but perhaps the most vivid was when I JVTWSL[LS` Z[HJRLK P[ VU H ZUV^ÄLSK And not while going down the hill, but while going up it. On a lift. Don’t ask. Do you think university students should act like adults? No because living at uni is like living on another planet. You’re not a child and you’re not an adult. This is a world unto itself. What do you think it means to be an adult? When you stop going out to parties. When you have to stay home on Friday and Saturday night consecutively, or when you don’t go out because you “have to work the next morning”. I hope I never have to work. growing up? @LZ KLÄUP[LS` AHJO /HUZVU 0 ^HZ PU year four and he was the hottest guy around. It was a perfect match. Yes! Pink Power Ranger! She was KHTU ÄUL BSH\NOZ \WYVHYPV\ZS` HUK OP[Z[OLKLZR^P[OOPZÄZ[D Have any of these attractions stayed with you to the present day? Have any of these attractions stayed with you to the present day? >LSSAHJOZ[PSSOHZHZWLJPHSWSHJLPUT` heart, he always will… but he’s become overweight now and I don’t think he’s J\[OPZOHPYPUHIV\[ÄM[LLU`LHYZ No I think she’s ugly now [awkward silence]. No! No way! Adults are so boring. I don’t think adults should act like adults. (K\S[ZZOV\SKOH]LTVYL^H[LYÄNO[Z What do you think it means to be an adult? You become boring. And you have to start paying taxes. And you have to get a “real” job. I think it’s evolved into Belle – a bit more classy, someone to settle down with. Ariel was perfect for my youth but now she’s too promiscuous. Do you have any embarrassing moments from the whole growing process? Not really, because I’m very stylish. I’m always four years ahead of the trends. I was wearing ugg boots four years ago, when they were still uncool, and, in four years from now, bear suits will be in. You’ll see. Do you think university students should act like adults? James, 19, Law/Arts Have you recently rediscovered any childhood interests? Well, last year at O Day someone had drawn out a hopscotch thing, in chalk on the pavement in the Guild village. So, I did it and found myself coming back for more. I had some serious coordination issues as a child so it was NVVK[VÄUHSS`ILMYLLVM[OLT Do you have any embarrassing moments from the whole growing process? I was an accomplished member of both the choir and chess teams, I think that says it all… And I was the only person to be kicked out of Junior Choir, because my voice broke in year six. Were you ever attracted to any dodgy celebrities while you were growing up? No chance. The more childish the more fun. Dress up as a bear today! Yes, I went through a Looney Tunes phase, which is odd cos the females in that are quite sparse. So it was mainly female sounding animals, which YLÅLJ[ZWVVYS`VUTL[VKH`I\[P[»ZHSS in the voice. What do you think it means to be an adult? Do you think university students should act like adults? To develop a more acquired taste in women like Belle. So there are up-sides it’s true, but mainly it’s all responsibility. I think that’s a moot point. I think adulthood is the inbetween time, cos as an adult you lapse into a second childhood, when you become dependent on others. So adulthood is really just the waiting phase. That’s what I think. Do you think university students should act like adults? Tomy, 20, Science Were you ever attracted to any dodgy celebrities while you were growing up? Do you think university students should act like adults? Michael, 19, Arts Sam, 21, Engineering Brad, 20, Economics/Arts UWA Says: Pelican hit the campus streets and asked 25 random UWA students about their thoughts on growing up… Fuck no. We’re uni students. What do you think it means to be an adult? Do you consider yourself to be an ‘adult’? To not be a uni student? To have enough money and to have a job and be serious. When someone makes a fart joke and you’re like, “Nah, man, not funny.” Yes – 42% No – 6% Undecided – 52% What do you consider to be the ultimate rite of passage into adulthood? Moving out – 8% Getting married – 12% Having kids – 8% Beginning a career – 60% $FKLHYLQJÀQDQFLDO independence – 22% Graduating from uni – 0% Do you want to grow up? Yes – 58% No – 34% Not sure – 8% 21 growing up 6KT growing up 4DAPEIAS=NL by gemma nisbet Strange things are afoot. I turn 21 in a month and this has got me thinking, Carrie Bradshaw-style, about this looming, keysymbolism-heavy milestone in my life. Some days, it occurs to me that I am old. 0»T PU T` [^LU[PLZ 0 ÄUK T`ZLSM ZOHRPUN T`OLHKHUKÄZ[H[[OLILOH]PV\YVMRPKZ today when confronted by shrill 11 yearolds in Diva or some other secret-shametype outlet. Better start thinking about superannuation and anti-ageing skin care, right? But then on other, more ‘big-picture’ side of things, I realise that I’m incredibly young. Usually these particularly grandiose moments occur when I’m considering career options or doing the crossword in the TV guide, in which all the questions refer to shows that aired pre-1974. I, like my 18 to 28-ish student peers, am at the age to which most people aspire. Tweens and teens hanker after a few extra years of maturity, and older people desire the loss of a decade in the same way that others want to shed a couple of kilos. One group wishes to turn the clock forward, the other wants to turn it back. And we, with our unlined skin, fresh, fully-developed brains and general LU[O\ZPHZTÄUKV\YZLS]LZZ[\JRPU[OLTPKKSL (I’m aware of the gross generalisations I’m making here, by the way). How is it that everyone wants to be us, at least in age terms? Why are kids clambering to be older in way unheard of when I was their age only ten years ago? And, furthermore, why is the lifespan of our parents’ generation – the longest in the history of the entire world (heavy stuff) – correlated with spending the greatest amount of time and effort in the history of the entire world on looking and feeling young? The timeline of our lifespan has become all warped and kinked and it’s freaking me out, man. So here, in the space of one thousand words, I employ some super-sleuthing in the hasty search for answers. As I mentioned previously, baby boomers have the longest life expectancy ever. Australian women can expect to live to age 22 83, while men should enjoy a very precise 78.1 years. Consider this: most ancient Romans only lived to their mid-thirties. Okay, so that was two thousand years ago when medicine was not all it is today, with all the leeches and blood-letting and such. But! If we take, say, Ireland as an example (and we will, because I found some suitable stats), we can see life expectancy there has increased by more than a decade in the past half a century. Armed with more years with which to play around, life has lost some of its urgency. Subsequently, people are entering the workforce later, marrying later and having babies later. So much so that in 2004 a 64 year-old Indian woman gave birth to a healthy baby! Doesn’t bear thinking about… This phenomenon has spawned the media’s current favourite phrase: “40 is the new 30”. The gist of this trite little bundle of words is that now we’re living longer, we can extend our youth and settle down later. Whence and hence, instead of having established careers, a partner, a mortgage and two-and-a-half kids at 30, we can now put these things off for a decade or so. In correlation with this unprecedented extension of youthful living is record spending on plastic surgery and other [YLH[TLU[Z HPTLK H[ YLJHW[\YPUN Z\WLYÄJPHS young-ness. The search for the fountain of youth is no longer the preserve of whacked out Norma Desmonds, but has become democratised and popularised to the point where fewer and fewer people are acting or appearing old. The ages of 30 onwards seem to be increasingly conducted in a state of eerie perma-youth. Now to the other end of the spectrum: childhood. Teenagers have always desired a few extra years in order to reach milestones such as legal drinking and sex, getting their driver’s licence and leaving school. However! At risk of sounding like a twinset-wearing old lady with many cats; kids are growing up quicker these days, what with all that rap music and short skirts. In all seriousness, though, it’s really, truly true: children are actually hitting puberty younger. In the UK in 1840 kids ‘developed’ at around 16 years. By 1993 that average age had fallen to 12.5. Added to this is the fact that young people are performing social indicators of adulthood, such as drinking and having sex, earlier than ever before. It’s no longer just teenagers wanting to accelerate a few years ahead, either. Now [^LLUZ HUK L]LU IVUH ÄKL JOPSKYLU HYL NL[[PUNPUVU[OLHJ[HUK[OPZPZYLÅLJ[LKPU how these groups are treated by the media and advertisers. It has been the subject of much A Current Affair-style reportage that the ‘tween’ or ‘pre-teen’ market is booming. For example, according to Valerie Lawson from The Age, Barbie dolls are now marketed at three- to four-year-olds and slutty Bratz dolls to seven- to nine-year-olds. And, by [OL [PTL `V\»YL PU KV\ISL ÄN\YLZ KVSSZ HYL over, man. Call me a late developer, but it wasn’t that way when I was knee-high to a grasshopper. This is symptomatic of not only how young women are encouraged to spend, spend, spend (designer clothes in Teen Vogue, anyone?) but also of how girls are impelled to present a highly sexualised image from increasingly young ages. Case in point: the nine year-old tramps wandering your local shopping centre in minis, high-heeled thongs and more eyeliner than Avril. Boys are treated in a similar manner as mini-consumers, especially in regards to electronics such as games consoles, although the only people sexualising them are Catholic priests. Ooh, controversial. So where does this leave us? The oldies want to strip back the wrinkles and tone up the sagging bodies to resemble us. The young ‘uns want to grow bad teenage moustaches and/or wear impossibly heavy makeup so as to also appear like us. So, quite frankly, we’re sitting in a pretty peachy seat. We’re in our physical prime, although I’m sure most VM\ZYLHSPZL[OH[[OLYLHYLILULÄ[Z[OH[JVTL with age (primarily, you know lots of stuff.) So enjoy your supple skin and shiny hair. You’re only young once. give a shit ‘Life is an adventure of passion, risk, danger, laughter, beauty, love, a burning curiosity to go with the action to see what it is all about, to search for a pattern of meaning, to burn one’s bridges because you’re never going to go back anyway, and [VSP]L[V[OLLUK;LYYPÄLKI`[OPZKYHTH[PJ vista, most people just exist…’ – Saul D. Alinsky, Reveille for Radicals So many of us ‘just exist’. Meanwhile, we live in a world of constant turmoil. There are wars, diseases, droughts. There is widespread poverty and starvation. You name it, we’ve got it. ‘Terror’ has become so much a part of daily lives we just let it roll over us. So many students attending this university do not care that there are people starving in Africa while Australian kids become obese. Or that Iraqi civilians and American [YVVWZHYLÄNO[PUNHUKK`PUNPUH^HYMV\UKLK on a lie. Or that human rights abuses are a daily occurrence in China, West Papua and throughout the Middle East. Instead, we cry black and blue about ‘freedom of speech’ when idiots are told not to bring Australian ÅHNZ[VHT\ZPJMLZ[P]HS[VWYL]LU[WLVWSLMYVT being forced to pledge allegiance under the threat of violence. We think these things don’t affect us. We think these are all someone else’s battle. But what about when it is our battle? What happens when HECS fees increase by 25 percent? Or when we are forced onto a by dominic rose dodgy contract for a job that cuts our conditions and protections? Or when we can’t access Youth Allowance or Austudy, and when we do, we don’t even meet the poverty line? Do students do anything? Do we try to change these things that force us into poverty and desperation? No. People don’t. They just exist. We give as much of a shit about these things as we do about dying African babies. I hope that makes you feel uncomfortable. It makes me uncomfortable. I am worried that people are so apathetic that they don’t care about themselves. In my ever-humble opinion, people need to toughen the fuck up. We are so soft that we become easily overwhelmed by the world in which we live. We do not want to be challenged or be active. We whine that we can’t make a difference or that it doesn’t affect us. Bullshit. People dying around the world have an excuse to not get up and do something – starvation, poverty and the ^OVSL NLULYHS K`PUN [OPUN THRL P[ H [HK KPMÄJ\S[ to rise up - but what excuse do we have? Are we scared? Or have people actually convinced themselves that they can’t make a difference? So, why don’t we care? Socialists would tell you that we are so suppressed as a class that we have become divorced from society. Traditionalists will tell you that we have lost the values and ideals of our society. People who believe in religion will put it down to a lack of spirituality and ‘connectedness’ with the higher being(s). Atheists will tell you we have been brainwashed by created concepts onto which we place way too much trust. Personally, I think all of those reasons are a load of crap. I think people actively choose to not care. I think people KVU»[ [HRL YPZRZ HUK KVU»[ ÄNO[ ILJH\ZL [OL` HYL simply lazy. Toughening the fuck up requires people to realise that we can do something about our situation. We don’t have to keep getting knocked down. We don’t have to take this every single time. For example, in Victoria, a new trade union has been formed called ‘Unite.’ They are countering the conservative Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees Association and are organising and taking active steps to achieve better deals for young, casual workers. Nowhere else in the world has Borders agreed to a union deal. When young, casual staff took an active stance against their individual contracts, which set their wages at $14.50 no matter the day or hour, to get a better deal and the overtime rates they deserved, they achieved results. Borders agreed to give them all their minimum conditions. This means on Sunday nights, managers who are on individual contracts get $16/hr, where as young, casual workers get $42/hr. If we are willing to not just exist, we can make a difference. We are knocked down every single day and we do nothing. We constantly have to choose between getting an education, keeping our jobs and remaining healthy. We have to struggle just to get support from the government to live, let alone buy books. This university makes us choose between earning an extra couple of dollars (Lord knows we need them) and going to class. The media accuses all young people of being criminals, lazy and fundamentally a bad lot. Why don’t we get angry? Why don’t we strike back? We stand by and let it all roll over us. We exist. Some of us form committees and working parties. >LZP[IHJRÄSSLK^P[OV\YV^U self-importance, and we talk. (UK [OH[»Z HSS ^L KV >L ÄNO[ and we debate and in the end we have pretty little policies that go straight into the bin when the next wave comes about. Existing for a committee is the worst. We care enough for the status but not the work that needs to be done. This year we have the prime opportunities to toughen the fuck up. There is a federal election. We have the chance to throw out a government that does everything in its power to hurt us. We have the Your Rights @ Work Campaign. We OH]LHJOHUJL[VÄNO[MVY[OLYPNO[Z[OH[^LOH]L built up over 100 years. We have groups like the Education Action Network, the Environment, Women’s and Queer Departments that will all be HJ[P]LS`ÄNO[PUNMVYHIL[[LYKLHS We have two choices: We can grow up, and toughen the fuck up. Or we can put down this paper and just exist. 23 growing up 'NKS5L growing up ?DEH@ o’ the nineties by michelle goodwin My friend and I are utterly obsessed with Richard E. Grant – and not in your typical crush-on-astar kind of way (though he is quite handsome). We believe that he is truly the greatest actor alive today. I admit that much (or all) of our judgement is based on his role as the outlandish and eccentric character Withnail in Withnail and I. But really, I don’t think I’ve ever seen an actor nail a character so well. Such genius! Such skill! Ah Richard, you are the star of stars… Now all this may not seem to have much to do with the nineties, but it does. You see, our Richard starred in Spice World. And so it was that my friend and I found ourselves watching this laughably silly product of the nineties. We told ourselves we were watching it to appreciate Richard’s greatness. But, inevitably, I was caught up in it all – stumbling down memory lane and YLSP]PUN T` HIZVS\[L SV]L VM [OL MV\Y [OVZL Ä]L wacky girls and their addictive pop songs. Back in the nineties, almost every kid I knew had a band they were obsessed with. There were Hanson kids and Aqua kids; 5ive kids and N’Sync kids. Even Backstreet Boys and Savage Garden were big favourites. And then there was my person favourite; the Spice Girls. I wish I could say that I admired them for empowering girls with their sassy ‘Girl Power’ attitude, but it wouldn’t be true. I think the real reason why I loved them so much was because they were the most colourful, glittery, and spectacular of them all. I loved their colourful costumes, their intricate set designs, and especially their crazy, massive platform shoes! Their posters coated my walls. I had all their CDs. I had their movie on VHS, and I watched it repetitively. God, I actually had a Spice Girls mug which still lurks somewhere in the corner of my room. Occasionally, I still feel that anxious pre-teen shame about this obsession (“Man,” methinks, “the Spice Girls are SO uncool”). But I guess you have to learn to put all things in perspective. I mean, we are talking about the decade when the Macarena was danced at all the cool kids’ parties. 24 For everyone who grew up in that decade, there PZ HS^H`Z H JLY[HPU TLTVY` [OH[ KLÄULZ [OLPY childhood as “quintessentially nineties.” For some, it may be the TV programs; Captain Planet, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Round the Twist, or (my personal favourite) Inspector Gadget. Or TH`IL P[ ^HZ [OL ÄSTZ" Home Alone, The Lion King, and the big-budget blockbuster Titanic. And who could forget those classic nineties book series Goosebumps and The Baby Sitter’s Club (who among you did not own at least one of these books?). For me, what best encapsulates the spirit of my nineties childhood is not a particular product of the nineties, but, rather, a particular experience I had back in 1990 or 1991. It was Easter, I was dressed in a bunny suit, and I was wandering around the UWA campus giving out Easter eggs. My mum was studying Law at the time, HUK ILJH\ZL 0 ^HZ MV\Y VY Ä]L `LHYZ VSK ZOL frequently took me to her lectures and let me follow her around campus. On that particular day, she even let me dress up as a rabbit, and give out chocolate eggs to her law lecturer and fellow students. These days my mum always tells me, with a chuckle, that I should go and see this law lecturer (who still teaches at UWA), and introduce myself to him as the Easter Bunny. In retrospect, the whole bunnysuit thing seems oh-sokitsch, so wonderfully cute and silly at the same time. In this sense, dressing up as the Easter Bunny was quintessentially nineties, for so much of the decade was characterised by this kind of excess of outlandishness. I could digress; I could try to convince you that being in a bunny suit is not really ‘nineties’ at HSS (M[LY HSS [OL ÄST Donnie Darko was all about a guy in a bunny suit (although he gave out more apocalyptic predictions and evil stares than Easter eggs)! And kids still dress up as rabbits today. But, I think, this is beside the point. I was young; it was the nineties; and looking back now, there is nothing else about my childhood that seems as emblematic of the spirit of the nineties as that day. No matter how much we may snigger at its inherent tackiness, the nineties really was a special time to be growing up in. so much about [OLKLJHKL^HZKLÄULKI`H`V\[OM\SL_\ILYHUJL" so much appealed to the child’s innate love of all things kitsch, all things silly. I may be biased, but I don’t think that being a kid in any other decade in history would have been quite so much fun. growing up IKREJCon out by tom reynolds There’s no shame in continuing to live at home. After all, Paul Keating lived with his folks until his thirties and he didn’t turn out too shabby. Living at home, if nothing else, is a much cheaper alternative than renting. Certainly, any Freshers thinking about moving V\[ ZOV\SK KLÄUP[LS` ^HP[ \U[PS ZLJVUK ZLTLZ[LY ^OLU [OL` ^PSS OH]L ZVTL PKLH VM [OL \UP YV\[PUL 0 RUV^ [OH[ UV[ L]LY`VUL OHZ [OL ILULÄ[ VM ZWVUNPUN VMM T\T HUK KHK ^OLU[OL`ILNPU\UPI\[MVY[OVZLRPKZ[OLYLPZ HS^H`Z[OLVW[PVUVMJVSSLNL*VSSLNLPZNYLH[ PM`V\YWHYLU[ZJHUHMMVYKP[ILJH\ZL`V\»SSIL HZZ\YLKHYVVMV]LY`V\YOLHKMVYHZLTLZ[LY 7S\Z JVSSLNL RPKZ HYL YLUV^U MVY [OLPY ^PSK ZVJPHSSP]LZL_JLW[H[:[.LVYNLZ For everyone else, however, there is the option of renting. 26 Fight For Your Right to Party (and clean up afterwards) The biggest favour you can do yourself before renting is to make sure you know your rights (and responsibilities) because landlords rip off far too many students. Admittedly, this is usually because the student didn’t know or didn’t assert their legal rights as tenants. The amount of information given to you depends on the type of property. For example, most landlords don’t provide anything beyond a basic lease agreement whereas realestate agencies will require you to read through your contract outlining each party’s responsibilities before you sign anything. Student Services run a housing assistance program which includes basic information about the law in WA. One Man’s Home is Another’s Investment Property A landlord can make or break the living away from home experience and unfortunately just as there are some very good landlords there are also many bad ones. An alternative to dealing with landlords is to go through a real-estate agency which has several ILULÄ[Z 9LHSLZ[H[L HNLUJPLZ ^PSS VY ZOV\SK always provide you with receipts, and most also list their properties online, thus also providing online payment options. Because real estate agencies need to maintain a professional standard, repairs and complaints tend to be dealt with quicker and it’s less likely that they’ll try to exploit you (but if you know your rights and ask questions this is even less SPRLS`[VVJJ\Y9LTLTILYOV^L]LYIV[OSHUKSVYKZ and estate managers have the right to conduct property inspections periodically. a bigger property means more stuff to (potentially) damage and sharing with it brings all the problems VMJVUÅPJ[PUNWLYZVUHSP[PLZHUK[Y`PUN[VMHPYS`ZOHYL costs. There are some decent places around uni with low rents, but these are typically snapped up before uni starts. Keep an eye out for ‘tenants wanted’ posters at the start of each semester. 9LU[PUN H ÅH[ PZ H JVZ[ LMMLJ[P]L VW[PVU ILJH\ZL [OL`»YL TVYL LMÄJPLU[ [V OLH[JVVS HUK SPNO[ ZV you save on your utility bills. An apartment is also a good option for people who like their personal space because most are limited to single or double occupancy making them a quieter and cleaner option than share houses. Apartment buildings are almost always close to transport links and shops which helps save on petrol. Party animals take heed though – the amount of noise you can make (and when) is limited by the (in/)tolerance of your neighbours. Most apartment buildings also only provide a single parking bay per unit. The Tools Success of (Squatter Chic) Your Home is Your Castle There are some universal requirements for anyone living away from home. Firstly, make sure you have a bed! For the love of basic hygiene please don’t become one of those people who sleeps/eats/ studies in a festy sleeping bag piled among the old towels in the corner (you laugh now…). Basic furniture can be bought at charity stores, passed on from family and friends or picked up from garage sales or the mixed offerings of the night before a J\YIZPKL JVSSLJ[PVU LZWLJPHSS` NVVK MVY ÄUKPUN couches). Please note, though, that it’s never a good idea to take home electrical equipment picked up off the curb, as they either don’t work or will cost a small fortune to repair. Your rent will depend on the type and location of the property you live in. Detached houses are usually the most expensive and you’ll probably have to share [OLYLU[\[PSP[PLZ^P[OV[OLY[LUHU[Z;OLILULÄ[ZVMH house are that there’s plenty of space inside, room for the cars and noise is less of an issue. Conversely, The Four Essential Whitegoods (fridge, microwave, washing machine and TV) are usually advertised for cheap prices in newspapers (try the Quokka) or through the various ‘I’m moving/graduating’ posters placed around uni each semester. You simply can’t get through uni without these four things. Also keep growing up “ Moving out of home is the final milestone in the transition from adolescence to becoming a young adult. It’s a liberating “ experience best comparable to getting your licence or being released from Guantanamo Bay. PUTPUK[OLMHJ[[OH[`V\»SSULLKH^HYKYVILKPUPUN [HISL HUK H IVVRZOLSM UV[ [V TLU[PVU H RL[[SL MVY THRPUN[LHHUKTPNVYLUN(SSVM[OLZL[OPUNZJHU ILIV\NO[H[YLHZVUHISLWYPJLZVYL]LUWPJRLK\W MVYMYLL Back to Basics - Budgets 101 ( NVVK I\KNL[ PZ [OL RL` [V H ZH[PZM`PUN V\[VM OVTL L_WLYPLUJL )\KNL[Z HYL [OL LHZPLZ[ [OPUN PU [OL ^VYSK HUK JHU IL KVUL PU Ä]L TPU\[LZ VU 4PJYVZVM[,_JLS(NVVKI\KNL[^PSSSL[`V\JVTWHYL `V\Y^LLRS`LHYUPUNZJVZ[ZZV`V\KL]LSVWHUPKLH VM OV^ T\JO `V\ ZOV\SK IL ZWLUKPUN LHJO ^LLR HUK ^OLYL [V J\[ IHJR PM ULLK IL (S^H`Z JVSSLJ[ HU`YLJLPW[ZLZWLJPHSS`MVY[OLYLU[HUK\[PSP[PLZHUK WH` `V\Y YLU[ HOLHK PU VYKLY [VV JV]LY HU` [PTLZ `V\TH`Y\UZOVY[VUJHZO 3P]PUN VU [OL H]LYHNL Z[\KLU[ I\KNL[ PZ [V\NO ;V ZH]L MVY \UL_WLJ[LK IPSSZZWS\YNPUNLTLYNLUJPLZ [Y` HUK I\KNL[ ZVTL VM `V\Y ^LLRS` PUJVTL HZ ZH]PUNZ -VY L_HTWSL Q\Z[ ZH]LK H ^LLR PZ LUV\NO MVY H KLJLU[ IV[[SL VM ]VKRH L]LY` TVU[O VYHKLJLU[JHSSIV`L]LY``LHY;OLYLHYLOLHWZVM JHZ\HS HUK WHY[[PTL QVI H]HPSHISL H[ [OL TVTLU[ TVZ[S` PU YL[HPS HUK ZLY]PJLZ YLHK! JOLJRV\[ SHULZ HUK JHSS JLU[YLZ ;OLYL»Z HSZV [OL UV]LS VW[PVU VM WHY[PJPWH[PUNPUWZ`JOL_WLYPTLU[Z^OPJOHYLIPSSL[LK HYV\UK(Y[Z[OYV\NOV\[[OL`LHY1VIZHYLHSZVSPZ[LK H[:[\KLU[:LY]PJLZHUKHYV\UKJHTW\ZHZ^LSSHZ VUVUSPULZLY]PJLZZ\JOHZZLLRJVT<USLZZ`V\»YL VUZJOVSHYZOPWHQVI^PSSILLZZLU[PHSI\[IHSHUJPUN [PTL IL[^LLU JSHZZ Z[\K` HUK ^VYR [YPWZ \W H SV[ VMZ[\KLU[ZZVKVU»[MVYNL[[VI\KNL[`V\Y[PTLHZ ^LSS Feeding Five Thousand )LPUN ÄUHUJPHSS` LMÄJPLU[ YLHK! 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Dakota, it’s time to pick your path. 6 @V\SVZL[OL)LZ[:\WWVY[PUN(J[YLZZ6ZJHY [V [OH[ WLZR` 1\SPHUUL 4VVYL 5VUL[OLSLZZ your singing voice has caught the attention of WYVK\JLYZ>OH[PZ`V\YÄYZ[ZPUNSL& 1 You are Dakota Fanning. Congratulations! But Hollywood is a lonely place, and as you come of age, you seek a friendship to help you while away the hours. Who do you choose? If you befriend Paris and Britney, go to 2 If you hang out with Hilary and Mandy, go to 3 2 Paris informs you that, in order to keep yourself in the public eye, you need to commence your ÄYZ[OPNOWYVÄSLYLSH[PVUZOPW>OPJOS\JR`Z\P[VY catches your eye? If you take the hand of Jack Osborne, go to 4 If you get cosy with Jack Nicholson, go to 5 3 You go girlfriend! Mandy suggests that, in order to be taken seriously as an actor, you ULLK[VZLSLJ[`V\YÄYZ[HK\S[YVSL>OPJO6ZJHY hopeful biopic do you choose? If you choose Bush! A Presidency in Song, go to 6 If you star in Jamie: A Knight in the Kitchen, go to 7 4 <OVO 6aa` 1Y»Z JVUZ[HU[ ÅPY[H[PVU ^P[O substance abuse has left him in rehab (again). /V^KV`V\ÄSS[OLNHWPUNL_PZ[LU[PHSOVSL[OH[OPZ misdemeanours have branded into your soul? If you go crazy for Kaballah, go to 8 If you get sassy with Scientology, go to 13 5 @V\Y YLSH[PVUZOPW ^P[O 1HJR 5PJOVSZVU OHZ made you the talk of Tinseltown. However, some suggest that the controversial liaison threatens `V\YÄSTJHYLLY/V^KV`V\YLHJ[& If you tell Jack to hit the road, go to 8 If you stay in the house that Jack built, go to 14 6\JO @V\Y )VOLTPHU NPYSVUNPYS HU[PJZ ZL[[OLZJYLLUVUÄYLHUK4HNNPL»ZKL]V[PVUPZ NYV^PUNI`[OLKH`>OH[»Z[OLUL_[Z[LW& If you move to Canada and marry, go to 16 If you go with ‘U R My Angel,’ a soulful, inspirational ballad, go to 10 If you leave the talentless hack by the wayside, go to 17 If you shake it up with ‘Legs Akimbo,’ a sweaty, KHUJLÅVVYYLHK`NYPUKLYNV[V14 13 6OKLHY;OLYL»ZVUS`[OPUNTVYLJHYLLY 7 Your chilling portrayal of sinister kitchen [LTW[YLZZ 5PNLSSH 3H^ZVU WPJRZ `V\ \W H seemingly endless stream of awards. How do `V\WYV]L`V\»YLZ[PSS+HRV[HMYVT[OLISVJR& If you adopt a child from Rwanda, go to 9 0M`V\YLSLHZL`V\YÄYZ[ZPUNSLº3LNZ(RPTIV»H Z^LH[`KHUJLÅVVYYLHK`NYPUKLYNV[V14 8 Getting rid of that old codger was a stroke of genius. Your status as a free woman inspires women worldwide. How do you celebrate? If you adopt a child from Rwanda, go to 8 0M`V\HWWLHYPUH[LSSHSSZWLJPHSVU6WYHONV to 13 9 Right on! Your fashionable choice lands you in the epicentre of the Hollywood brat pack. >OVKV`V\ÄUK`V\YZLSMS\Z[PUNHM[LY& If you hook up with Jake Gyllenhall, go to 15 If you hook up with Maggie Gyllenhall, go to 11 ^YLJRPUN[OHU:JPLU[VSVN`HUK[OH[»ZHU6WYHO appearance. Start knocking back the gin, little SHK`"P[»ZKV^UOPSSMYVTOLYL THE END 14 While smutty antics may gain you temporary notoriety, your appeal fades as Hollywood mourns the innocent child you once were. The only person who will have you now is 2-LKHUK[OH[»ZTVYL[OHU`V\KLZLY]L THE END 15 1HRL PZ VUL NVVK SVVRPUN K\KL Unfortunately, everyone else thinks so too, and IV`KV[OL`OH[L`V\5L_[[PTLNVMVYº\NS`I\[ PU[LYLZ[PUN» THE END 16 >OH[& :\YLS` `V\»YL UV[ actually a lesbian? You may be in love, but Hollywood KVLZU»[NP]LHKHTU@V\»SSUL]LYTHRLPUHÄST in this town again. 10 Your touching single is an instant hit, but THE END unfortunately you catch a debilitating disease. /V^KV`V\WYV]L[OH[`V\HYLHºZ\Y]P]VY&» 17 *VUNYH[\SH[PVUZ @V\»]L JHSSLK HSS [OL shots and pulled all the right moves, and will one KH` YLNHYK SLH]PUN `V\Y Z[PÅPUN MH\_TVZL_\HS relationship as the career move of a lifetime. You HYLVMÄJPHSS`/VSS`^VVK9V`HS[` If you attend the Oscars wearing a wig and a Zimmer frame, go to 9 0M`V\HWWLHYPUH[LSSHSSZWLJPHSVU6WYHONV to 13 11 Hollywood lesbianism may be over, but a relationship with Maggie Gyllenhall is perennially OPW/V^KV`V\JLSLIYH[L`V\Y\UVY[OVKV_`L[ fashionable, romance? If you star alongside one another in a steamy David Lynch thriller, go to 12 0M `V\ HWWLHY PU H [LSSHSS ZWLJPHS VU 6WYHO go to 13 28 12 THE END growing up @E=CJKOEO peter pan syndrome by emma helsby I have a penchant for perusing the children’s ZLJ[PVU ^OLUL]LY 0 ]PZP[ H IVVRZOVW 0 ÄUK myself enthralled by all the pretty pictures and fanciful tales. But soon the sad truth hits me - I am no longer a child, and I really ought not to be seeking out children’s books as a source of mental stimulation, but rather profound reads with impressive titles, such as Edmund Burke’s Essay on the Sublime and Beautiful. Curiously, this compulsion for ‘kid-lit’ has only possessed me since the commencement of my uni days. It probably stems not so much from the desire to grant my weary mind a holiday from English texts, as from my lamentations over the loss of childhood days. True, I am prone to mourning the passing of days when life was simple and sweet. Dear friend, you and I are at an age when we are drawing closer to our destined adult lives, and quite frankly, it’s frightening. We are forging our own identities, and learning about ourselves in the process; our passions, our strengths, our weaknesses, our desires. This is, of course, a wonderful aspect of growing up. Yet as a result, our lives become a kind of multi-faceted tangle because we wish to achieve all manner of things and experience all sorts of personal successes and joys. When we were children, on the V[OLYOHUKÄUKPUNWSLHZ\YLPUZPTWSPJP[`formed the basis of our existence. The unpretentious activity of swinging for prolonged periods in the local park used to be a blissful experience. Nowadays any activity in which I partake, however simple, is underlined by the quest for personal achievement. To go for a casual stroll around the streets of my suburb is not so much for the joy of experiencing the outdoors, but primarily to attain my daily exercise target. Pleasurable experiences still exist for us now, of course, but unfortunately there are numerous duties and deadlines which contend for our attention. Just once every so often I wish I could forget that I am an ambitious twenty-yearold, grab a friend and while away the afternoon playing hide and seek. Upon a recent visit to the residence of relatives with children, I spied the trampoline in their backyard, and was struck with the urge to dash over and bounce on it, but knew that this just wouldn’t do. I wished to, so badly, but I knew my family would wonder what had overcome me if I did, so in this case the mature university student won out over the nine-year-old bursting to break out and bounce. However, sometimes I see a merry child frolicking in a puddle, displaying no compunction to the fact that they are ruining their fancy shoes, and I am imbued with the envy that inspires me to think, “Those were the days!” before I promptly return to my extremely mature and sophisticated pastime VM ZPWWPUN ZRPUU` ÅH[ ^OP[LZ HUK ^VYY`PUN HIV\[ career possibilities. Nonetheless, I remain haunted by the image of this child who is not plagued by a sense of wrongdoing (at least until her mother reproves her), while I live in a world where guilt forms an integral component of my day-to-day existence. For me, too much indulgence in hedonistic escapade is accompanied by the unpleasant prickling of my guilty conscience. Even when I succumb to a simple pleasurable experience, such as a night out on the town, I feel as though this should constitute a reward for some sort of personal achievement. In maturing, I have developed a conscience, and by golly do I have to live with it! You might say that I should just get on with it and relive those whimsical childhood days, but, unfortunately, getting in touch with the inner child isn’t always merited. I learnt this hard lesson when a peer of mine dared to pursue fun on a park trampoline, only to have her display of joie de vivre cut short by another grown-up individual, who did not appreciate her nostalgic venture into the realm of childhood. What’s more, I personally am far too self-conscious to partake in activities that might draw attention to me in public. However, this is not entirely the sad tale of a young woman who is not yet 21 but sometimes already feels geriatric. I recapture my childhood on a frequent basis, but through more personal, humiliation-proof, methods. Perhaps the greatest lesson I have learnt through my foray into adult life is that childhood is not recaptured solely through grandiose, public gestures. One does not have to hit a public trampoline or ruin expensive shoes in muddy waters in order to channel a youthful spirit. Instead, I have learnt that reliving our kiddie days depends entirely upon personal attitude. If one is able to ignore (just momentarily) the expectations placed upon us as young adults, then those youthful, sunny days will suddenly not seem that far off. And whether you choose to do this in a public park or in your private home, rugged up with some unhealthy food and a Babysitters Club book, is irrelevant, and merely a matter of personal choice. GET THEE TO YOUR CHILDHOOD Ten simple, user friendly ways to relive those childhood days: 1. Pretend the obesity crisis is non-existent for one day HUKNV^PSKMVYHRPKKPLPUZWPYLKZ\NHYÄ_.V all out with fruit loops, jelly beans, spiders, fairy bread and so forth, then happily run amok on your sugar high! 2. Whip out the Nintendo 64 and go crazy with Super Mario and Mario Kart! 3. Don your bathers and run through the sprinklers in your backyard, or, if you’re daring, do it in your undies! 4. Relive the Disney glory days with the classic kid’s movies! My personal favourite is Robin Hood, but better-known tales including The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, and Aladdin will more [OHUZ\MÄJL 5. Borrow your long-lost favourite childhood book from your local library. If you so desire, settle yourself in a beanbag in the kid’s section of the library (ignoring enquiring librarians) and immerse yourself in a kiddie fantasy world. 6. Construct a cubby-house indoors and hide in there all day. Insist on having dinner in there, too. 7. Drag out your old dress up box and re-familiarise yourself with your childhood fairy, warrior, or pirate costumes. Don’t be disheartened by the fact that [OL`UVSVUNLYÄ[P[»ZQ\Z[PU[LYLZ[PUN[V[HRLH[YPW down memory lane. 8. The next time you’re at the beach, have a sandcastle-building competition! 9. Revisit and make use of the dusty board game collection lurking in the back closet of your family OVTL .L[ IHJR PU[V [OL SPRLZ VM :UHRLZ HUK Ladders, Battleship, Cluedo, and Monopoly. 10. If you really want to go all out and be a real hero, then hire a bouncy castle for your back yard – yes, they do make adult size ones! Invite a bunch of buddies over and go for it! 29 growing up 'NKSEJC5L authentically by lyrian evans “ Somebody unintentionally spits on you while they’re talking and both of you carry on as though neither of you noticed, and as though you’re both fooled by this pretending even though regarded as a symptom of maturity? What is grown up about discarding truth and replacing it with foolishness? 6UJL \WVU H [PTL [OLYL SP]LK H I\UNL`LK -YLUJOK\KL^OVZTVRLKHWPWLHUKSPRLK[V [HSRHIV\[HSV[VMZ[\MM[OH[0YLMLY[VHZº^HUR` ZOP[»/L»ZKLHKUV^HUKH[PK`WLVWSL YVJRLK\W[VOPZM\ULYHS0UZHUL(U`^H`OLOHK ZVTLJ\YPV\ZPKLHZHIV\[OV^[OL^VYSKHUKP[Z JVUZ[P[\LU[ZL_PZ[/LYLJRVULK[OH[[OPUNZ[OH[ HYL \UH^HYL VM [OLPY L_PZ[LUJL Ä[ PU[V H YH[OLY KPMMLYLU[JH[LNVY`MYVTILPUNZ[OH[HYLH^HYLVM [OLPYL_PZ[LUJL:L]LU[LLUÅHTPUNVLZZH`Z[OPZ PZU»[UL^Z[V`V\(UKILZPKLZ^OH[KVLZHU` VM[OH[[YPWLOH]L[VKV^P[ONYV^PUN\W& >LSS0UV\YQ\KNTLU[ZVMV\YZLS]LZHUKV[OLYZ ^L YLMLY [V WHY[PJ\SHY [OPUNZ SPRL \ZPUN IPN ^VYKZOH]PUNHÅHZO`JHYHUKNL[[PUNTHYYPLK ILJH\ZL^LWLYJLP]L[OLTHZYLWYLZLU[PUN[OL WYLYLX\PZP[LZMVYNYHK\H[PUN[VNYV^U\WOVVK ;OL WYVISLT PZ [OV\NO [OH[ [OLYL PZ H NYVZZ HI\UKHUJLVMZPNUPÄJHU[Z[\MMSPRLWLVWSL»ZZLSM H^HYLULZZ[OH[[OPUNZSPRLI\ZPULZZJHYKZHUK HJY`SPJUHPSZKVU»[PUKPJH[L(UKX\P[LVM[LU0[OPUR [OL[OPUNZ[OH[KVPUKPJH[L[OPZV[OLYZPNUPÄJHU[ Z[\MMHYLJVTWSL[LS`PNUVYLKHS[VNL[OLYILJH\ZL ¶HUK[OPZTH`ZV\UKL_[YLTL¶^L»YLHSS[YHPULK [VISVJR[OLTV\[ ;OLYL»Z[OPZ[OPUN[OH[WLVWSLPU[OLRUV^YLMLY [VHZºIHKMHP[O»0UOPZOL`KH`[OH[I\UNL`LK WPWLZTVRPUNN\`0TLU[PVULKLHYSPLYJHTL\W ^P[O[OL[LYT0[ZTLHUPUNPZ[VKV^P[OMVVSPUN `V\YZLSMPU[VILSPL]PUNZVTL[OPUN[OH[PZU»[[Y\L SPRL ^OLU [^V WLVWSL NV VU H ÄYZ[ KH[L HUK MLPNUVISP]PVU[V[OLZJYLHTPUNS`VI]PV\ZZL_\HS PU[LU[PVUZ;VWYL[LUK[OH[`V\»YLUV[WYL[LUKPUN [VPNUVYL^OH[PZ[Y\LPZ[VILPUH\[OLU[PJ"[VIL PU IHK MHP[O (UK `V\»YL WYVIHIS` NVPUN º>OH[ [OLOLSSZPMP[JV\SKYLHSS`ILHU`V[OLY^H`»3PRL PM`V\»YL[HSRPUN^P[OZVTLIVK`^OVOHZHSPZW HUK `V\ JVU]PUJL `V\YZLSM [OH[ `V\»YL WH`PUN TVYLH[[LU[PVU[V^OH[[OL`»YLZH`PUN[OHU[V[OL ZWLLJOPTWLKPTLU[¶`V\RUV^HZVWWVZLK[V [HRPUN[OLºH\[OLU[PJ»VW[PVUVMNVPUNº/L`UPJL SPZWWHS)SVVK`OLSSP[»ZKPZ[YHJ[PUN>O`KPKU»[ 30 “ neither of you actually are. Why is this kind of etiquette You know something that seriously irritates me? Hearing and reading other people asking questions like, “Is time really linear, circular, or Q\Z[HUPUÄUP[LWYLZLU[&¹ VY ¸>OH[ PZ PUZHUP[`&¹ Yet, somehow, those kinds of questions always seem so totally different and important to me when I arrive at [OLT T`ZLSM (UK ILPUN the clever studykins I suspect you likely are, I KVU»[ KV\I[ [OH[ `V\»]L WYVIHIS` ^LSS HUK [Y\S` worked out the very question that I – well, I’ll NL[[VP[ `V\NL[ZWLLJO[OLYHW`[VÄ_P[\W&»)\[TH`IL HSS [OPZ WVSP[PJHSS`JVYYLJ[ WVSP[LULZZ PZ PU LMMLJ[ OPUKLYPUN\ZPUZVTL^H` 4H`IL LSPTPUH[PUN IHK MHP[O LU[PYLS` ^V\SK WYVMV\UKS`LUYPJOSPMLMVYL]LY`IVK`JVUZVSPKH[PUN O\THUP[` I` PU [\YU HSSV^PUN VUS` MVY [OL YH^ HUKUHRLK[Y\[O4VYL[V[OLWVPU[[OV\NO^OPSL [OPZ WHY[PJ\SHY L_HTWSL PZ H [V\JO JVU[YV]LYZPHS HUK KVLZU»[ YLHSS` THRL H\[OLU[PJ SP]PUN ZLLT HSS [OH[ HWWLHSPUN I` [OL ZHTL [VRLU ^L [HSR HIV\[ºWSH`PUNWYL[LUKZ»PU[OH[JVUKLZJLUKPUN RPUK VM ^H` ¶ HZ PM P[»Z MVY RPKZ .L[ `V\Y OLHK V\[VM[OLJSV\KZHUKJVTLIHJRMYVT-HPY`SHUK [V[OLYLHS^VYSK^OLYL^LILSPL]LV\YV^USPLZ [OH[^LKVU»[UV[PJLSPZWZVYL]LYNL[OVYU` .LULYHSS` ZWLHRPUN *OHUULS ;LU HUK CosmopolitanKVU»[YLHSS`[YHPU\Z\W[VYLJVNUPZL [OLPUKPJH[VYZVMWLVWSL»ZH\[OLU[PJP[`[OLPYIHK MHP[O HUK [OLZL ZVY[Z VM [OPUNZ 0UZ[LHK ^L»YL NLHYLK[VRLLWHUL`LV\[MVY^OH[IYHUKUHTLZ WLVWSL ^LHY OV^ NVVK [OL` HYL H[ JVVRPUN HUK ^OL[OLY [OL` SP]L PU H YP[a` Z\I\YI º.L[ 7\TWLK»& >OH[ [OL M\JR PZ [OH[& 7LVWSL ^OV I\` 7\TW HYL TVYL MHZOPVUHISL HUK [OLYLMVYL IL[[LY[OHUV[OLYZ&*HSSTLKYHTH[PJI\[^OH[ 0 ZLL PZ H WOLUVTLUHSS` LUVYTV\Z JVOVY[ VM WLVWSLILPUNW\TTLSSLKPU[VILSPL]PUN[OH[[OL TVYLNYV^U\W`V\HYL[OLTVYL`V\»YL^VY[O HUK[OH[[OL]HS\LVMHWLYZVUJHUILTLHZ\YLK I`[OLPYKYLZZZLUZLVYOV^THU`[PTLZ[OL`»]L ILLU [V ,\YVWL ;OH[ [OPUNZ SPRL QVI [P[SLZ HUK JHTLYH WOVULZ PUKPJH[L [OL JVTWVULU[Z VM ILPUN NYV^U \W HUK [OH[ [OPZ PZ HSS Z[\MM `V\ YLHSS`ZOV\SKJHYLHIV\[ :V`V\OP[HUK`V\OH]LHSS[OLYPNO[[YVWOPLZ" WYVVM [V L]LY`IVK` [OH[ `V\»]L JVTL V\[ [OL V[OLY ZPKL VM [OL NYV^PUN\W TL[HTVYWOVZPZ HUKHYLIL[[LYMVYP[@V\»]LNV[[OLOV\ZL[OL ZWV\ZL[OLJHY[OLZWHHML^SL[[LYZHM[LY`V\Y UHTLHUKH;PTL:OHYL]PSSHH[3HUJLSPU@V\»]L Essentially, the ‘growing up’ that socially-mainstream messages instruct us to do is a sham. The sociocultural symbols and protocols which we strive so diligently to acquire and conform to are arbitrary tools we use to continue the construction of the make-believe scaffolding which we depend on in order to stake out our place in the universe. And we are encouraged to fool ourselves into believing that these illusions are not devoid of some truthful substance: that they are necessary for any ‘real’, valid life and happiness. But to be a debonair, smooth-talking icon of societal success and worthy ambassador of the corporate world is, essentially, just to be a different kind of childish, living in a big shiny bubble of good manners and bad faith. Which raises the question of what it means to be grown up. What is it that wine appreciation, credit cards and formalwear should represent – what is it we’re YLHSS`OVWPUN[VÄUKILOPUK[OLT&(UK^OH[^V\SK serve as better representations, seeing as the ones we’re attuned to noticing (thank you David Jones HUK7VYZJOLHYLZVTPZSLHKPUN& I guess my answer is that growing up, at this point in socio-cultural time-space, really means living, breathing and believing a farce. The more illusory, arbitrary constructs you take as truths, the more ‘grown up’ you are. But, bearing that bung-eyed fella’s ruminations in mind, to become authentic by doing away with bad faith is to subject yourself to the pangs and arrows of uncompromised truth, and learning to acknowledge and handle that truth. To me there seems to be something far more admirable about that than about childishly clinging to the security blanket of standardised, commercialised make-believe in seeking a false sense of meaning for reassurance. Being an accomplished, breadwinning go-getter doesn’t mean that you aren’t pretending not to pretend to ignore what is true about things, as you’ve been moulded to. Somebody unintentionally spits on you while they’re talking and both of you carry on as though neither of you noticed, and as though you’re both fooled by this pretending even though neither of you actually are. Why is this kind of L[PX\L[[LYLNHYKLKHZHZ`TW[VTVMTH[\YP[`&>OH[ is grown up about discarding truth and replacing it ^P[OMVVSPZOULZZSPRL[OPZ& 0U HU PKLHS ^VYSK 0 [OPUR 0»K KLÄUL NYV^PUN \W HZ something along the lines of learning to rid ourselves of bad faith; learning to live authentically. Actively doing justice to our capacity for self-awareness. All [OH[»ZSLM[UV^PZ[VÄN\YLV\[^OPJO[OPUNZPUKPJH[L this kind of authenticity (babies’d probably know), and to get into the habit of recognising them. * Existentialist 1905-1980. philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre, arts mastered the art of masking your racist and sexist prejudices, and you think that you’ve got your head screwed on straight, and that junkies and teen mothers ought to blame their stupid selves for the pitiful mess they’re in. You spout that you’ve ‘found yourself’ and aim to ‘live life to the full’, but actually you’ve just managed very well to blind yourself to how clueless you are about how empty your life is. And this is because you have been conditioned by The West Australian and Eddie McGuire to not look MVYVYZLL[OL[OPUNZ[OH[PUKPJH[LV[OLYZPNUPÄJHU[ stuff (stuff like self-awareness, authenticity and bad faith), that arguably is what it really takes to be truly grown up. growing up tertiary CNKSEJC by jesse li So you’re a fresher. Five years of high school under your belt, but not much else. And you’ve set foot on a campus you’ll most likely be calling your second home for at least the next three years (less if you drop out, or more, depending on how many exams you fail, how much of a “Guild Hack” you become and how often you decide to rip up your enrolment to start afresh.) It may seem like a long time, but you’ll be having fun, and `V\»]LHSSOLHYK[OLHUJPLU[º[PTLÅPLZ»HULJKV[L(UK it that time, there is exists the scary potential for your ZL_`H[OSL[PJÄN\YL[V[\YUPU[V\NS`S\TWZVMMH[;OPZ is because, however adult you may consider yourself [VIL`V\YIVK`HJ[\HSS`OHZU»[ÄUPZOLKNYV^PUN`L[ /PNOZJOVVSZH^`V\YIHSSZKYVWIYLHZ[ZPUÅH[LJPYJSL appropriate) and now it’s uni’s turn. Liver No doubt, the university years will provide you with many a good drunken experience. Unlike many Asian cultures, where drinking in moderation is a nightly practice with dinner, much of Western social culture relies upon events held on Friday and Saturday nights, where it’s culturally acceptable to binge drink. It’s hard to remain sober when such a large number of drunken students are together in a packed, dimly lit club, with “Billie Jean” pumping in the background. But it’s as much about peer pressure as it is on how alcohol is marketed to university students. The role of low-priced jugs and special promotions during happy hour may seem like a bargain – but it ultimately contributes to a far higher medical bill, when you end up in hospital for cirrhosis, further down the track. The regulation of marketing practices (such as sale prices, promotions, and advertisements) may be important strategy for the reduction of binge drinking and its accompanying problems. Tip to save the organ: Join the Buddhist Bliss Club Brain University is as much as about learning, as it is about brainwashing. We are told that conservative governments are bad, that campus life will collapse under VSU and that the ‘Clubba’ is an excellent hangout spot. But this brainwashing may be very subtle, and often in a context where you simply have to conform to the thinking – I mean, honestly, how can you not like Clubba? A real big eye-opener for me, though, was studying Psychology and learning that brains can be physically altered after constant exposure to the same stimuli, in such a way that their synapses start making different connections. If you took an EEG sampling from a person before and after brainwashing, it would be noticeably different. And if you continue the process of brainwashing, the brain pattern may be permanently altered. So before you go rush off and join a rally, how much of your motivation was brainwashed? Tip to save the organ: Resist overly emphatic lecturers, and avoid pamphlets without references. 32 Body Whether it’s for a ball, sports, or the cute girl/guy in your Commerce lecture, many uni students attempt to build and maintain a lean physique during the academic year. However with rigorous academic schedules, and a myriad of extra-curricular activities, the stress and fatigue can often give way to poor excuses such as “I just don’t have time to go to the gym”. For many, this can spiral into an unhealthy cycle of procrastination, making that LS\ZP]LÅH[Z[VTHJOHWWLHYM\Y[OLYHUKM\Y[OLYH^H`:V if you don’t want to be as hot as Amanda Vanstone, its time to plan ahead. Tip to save the organ: Instead of saying “I’ll train when I’m free from study” say, “I’ll study when I’m free from training”. Groin Remember fresher camp – that time of ridiculous superhyped hormones? If you’re reminiscing too much about the days when this part of your body got a lot more action, then it’s probably time to do something about it. It’s a fact [OH[\UPZ[\KLU[ZNVJYHa`PU[OLPYÄYZ[VYZLJVUK`LHYZ and this sexual hyperactivity usually plateaus during third year. But when you’re in fourth year and still standing on your own, it may be time to realize that its best to act now before they get married off … forever. Tip to save the organ: Do some soul searching. Or, H[[LUKH3LPZ\YL[YHMÄJSPNO[WHY[`;OH[UL]LYMHPSZ Hair >OLU 0 ^HZ PU ÄYZ[ `LHY 0 YLTLTILY H N\` ^OV OHK his hair standing about one foot above his head (was his name Ed?). Apart from using a truckload of gel, he’s inspired a lot of students to copy his amazing feat – resulting in all sorts of Elvis-esque hairstyles over next few months. I’ve noticed that it was usually the freshers who put the most gel in their hair. As students got more JVUÄKLU[^P[O[OLPYZ\YYV\UKPUNZZVKPK[OLPYOHPYZ[`SLZ becoming more sculpted and less greasy. Go for your wacky hairstyles while you can, university may be your only chance. Tip to save the organ: Don’t shave off the lateral third of your eyebrows; research shows that this may cause hair loss. Heart Our heart is an amazing organ. During your time at university it will beat roughly 105 million times and pump 625 million litres of blood - that’s enough blood [VÄSS4\UKHYPUN>LPY [PTLZV]LY@L[^OLU`V\[OPUR about it, it only takes one abnormal heart rhythm to send `V\YOLHY[PU[VKLÄIYPSSH[PVUKPZVYKLYSLHKPUN[VHOLHY[ attack. Treat your heart well and, like a dog, it will be loyal to you. Tip to save the organ: Quit smoking, eat low fat foods HUKOP[[OL[YLHKTPSS^OLUL]LY`V\JHU >EOATQ=HO ever-changing perceptions of sex(ual intercourse) by zarah m. burgess THE PLAY SCHOOL STAGE ([[OL[LUKLYHNLVMÄ]L0OHKHSYLHK`SLHYULK MYVT T` TV[OLY [OH[ ºZL_» ^HZ ^OLYL [^V NYV^U\WZ ^OV SV]LK LHJO V[OLY ]LY` T\JO ^V\SK[HRLVMM[OLPYJSV[OLZHUKNP]LLHJOV[OLY H ºZWLJPHS O\N» [OH[ MLS[ X\P[L UPJL :OL ^HZ L_[YLTLS`JHYLM\S[VTHRLZ\YL[OH[0\UKLYZ[VVK [OL O\N ^HZ H WHY[PJ\SHY VUL [OH[ VUS` HK\S[Z ZOV\SKH[[LTW[HM[LY^OPJOZOLX\PJRS`SL[[OL Z\IQLJ[ZSPKL<UKLYZ[HUKHIS`T`YLZWLJ[MVY T`TV[OLYOHZZPUJLKPTPUPZOLKZVTL^OH[ You see, unfortunately for my mother, there is always that one kid at school who takes malicious glee from enlightening every other child about the act of sex. You know the type I’m talking about, perhaps you were that very kid yourself? It’s the kid who ruins Santa Clause and smells vaguely of Jack Daniels, because his/her mother is a drunkard and they forgot to brush their teeth before they kissed their little turd of a child goodnight. Thanks to one such child amongst my classmates (incidentally, the same little arsehole who told me the so-called ‘truth’ about the Tooth Fairy), I soon learned the ins-and-outs, as it were, of this mysterious act. Thus, by the time I was seven years old, I had learned enough about ‘penises’ and ‘vaginas’ to ÄN\YL V\[ [OL ÄULY WVPU[Z VM [OPZ ºZWLJPHS O\N» To this day I am also sure that, had my mother been completely honest with me, she would have actually told me that ‘sex’ was where grown-ups (who didn’t necessarily love one another, but could at least pretend they did for the modest price of one bottle of vodka) would take off their clothes and give each other a ‘special hug’ THE NAUGHTIES STAGE Still, nothing in my childish imagination could prepare me for the explosive surprises ejaculated by the public school system Sex Education programme. Sex, it seemed, was nothing short of dirty, unholy and (from all accounts and diagrams) a little unhygienic. As a result of this brief (yet disturbingly descriptive) education, my memory of [OLTPKUPUL[PLZPZKLÄULKI`[OYLLZ\IZ[HNLZ! 1. Disgust. During this stage, there was not a single child in the whole class who did not feel ashamed about the fact that their parents had JVTTP[[LK [OPZ NVKH^M\S HJ[ 7LYZVUHSS` 0 was disgusted when I realised that my parents must have committed such sin TWICE – once in conceiving me, and the second in conceiving my sister. However, it was nothing compared to the humiliation felt by the members among us who came from larger families. One poor kid from a six-child family actually stopped attending ZJOVVSMVYH^OPSLZVTVY[PÄLK^HZOL^OLUOL ÄN\YLKV\[[OH[OPZKHKT\Z[OH]LZ[\JRP[[VOPZ mother at least six times. 2. Denial. Once we had dealt with our initial TVY[PÄJH[PVU^LHSSJHTL\W^P[OZ[VYPLZ[VOPKL the fact that our mothers were sluts. Some went with the adoption tactic. I, being far superior in intellect… and looks (though my appearance “ The early high school stage (years 8-10) was, for most of my classmates, the time in which they learned everything and anything there was to know about sex… without actually doing any of it themselves. (Now would be an appropriate time to alert the reader to the fact that I attended an allgirls menagerie/school.) Suddenly, it was immature [VÄUKZL_KPZN\Z[PUN7LVWSL^OV\[[LYLK[LYTZ like “vas deferens” or “sexual intercourse” were Z\KKLUS`^PZLYH[OLY[OHUÄS[O` During this stage, we learned that sex isn’t always just between a male and a female: it could be between two males…and, in the case of two of our number on Year 10 Camp, two females. Suddenly, half the girls in the year group claimed to be bisexuals. Any deviation from the construed sexual ‘norm’ was seen as trendy – and a sign of social intelligence. Although admittedly, most girls soon realised that a few awkward gropes after a night of OP[[PUN [OL 7HZZPVU 7VW KPK UV[ JV\U[ [V^HYKZ the Bisexual Badge on their Girl Guide sash. And then condoms ruined any shred of maturity (and dignity) we had. @LHY :L_ ,K\JH[PVU VY ;OL +H` >L 7\[ Condoms On Zucchinis) was a sexual milestone for me, personally. Not only did I learn that bananaÅH]V\YLKJVUKVTZHYLHUHWWYVWYPH[LZ\IZ[P[\[L for lunch, I also learned that zucchinis don’t count as a girl’s First Time. However, I still maintain that asking teenage girls to simulate the act of I still maintain that asking teenage girls to simulate the act of putting a condom on a penis by using a foot long, eternally hard vegetable is setting the “ >EN@O PDA >AAO =J@PDA THE PRE-PUBESCENT STAGE bar rather too high, and is a sure way to instil false hopes that will only lead to inevitable disappointment. has nothing to do with this story…anyway), managed to convince my classmates that I was, in fact, a test-tube baby. This idea inevitably failed as everyone else decided to jump on the test-tube bandwagon, and my story suddenly lacked credibility. 2. Regression (also known as The “It” Stage.) Do you remember when every time someone said the word “it”, it was interpreted as a sexual reference? This is the time period I speak of. For example: 4(9@!7,PZZVIVYPUN JANE: I like it. MARY (and other little shits): You like “it”! OOOOOOOO! Exit Jane, stage left. Head is hung low with the shame of being a whore who likes “it”. Unfortunately, this was an all-too-frequent occurence for me. putting a condom on a penis by using a foot long, eternally hard vegetable is setting the bar rather too high, and is a sure way to instil false hopes that will only lead to inevitable disappointment. The only piece of information I have retained, to this day, is that condoms actually make for rather amusing (and tasty) balloons. THE POST-COITAL STAGE After spending the majority of my teenage years fantasising/fretting about the act of sex and all associated consequences (Chlamydia, pregnancy… death), the aftermath of said act was considerably less dramatic. Which leads me to believe that all those years of research and experimentation were a waste of time. The only concrete truth I came away with was that Santa does not exist. And, honestly, that ^HZHSV[TVYLKPZHWWVPU[PUN[OHUÄUKPUN out a zucchini is larger than the average male penis. 33 growing up PDA that felt quite nice for the male (and was mostly obligatory from the female perspective). But that notion, like the majority of my childhood, is purely speculative. old by tom reynolds As a young whippersnapper myself, I have to admit there’s a lot more I don’t know about ageing than what I do know. Like why old men never wear deodorant, how old people lose so many teeth and when exactly (if ever) do you become too old for sex? Actually, I’ve been told a lot of rumpy-pumpy goes on in the average nursing home, so I guess you’re never too old to be frisky. What I do know, though, is that ageing and dying aren’t as closely linked as I had previously thought they were. A lot of people live SVUN KPNUPÄLK SP]LZ ILMVYL ZWVU[HULV\ZS` K`PUN VY experiencing a quick decline. Although the process of ageing can be confronting it’s not really any more about dying than it is about another stage of life. 4HU` VM [OL ^VYSK»Z TVZ[ WYVTPULU[ WLVWSL HYL M\SS` ripened, including Rupert Murdoch (76), David Suzuki (71), Henry Kissinger (84) and Elizabeth II (81). All of these people have exerted a considerable force in their V^U ZWOLYLZ VM PUÅ\LUJL HUK YLTHPU HJ[P]L PU [OLPY pursuits. At the conclusion of a lifetime most people ^PSSOH]LTHKLHJVUZPKLYHISLPUÅ\LUJLVU[OLWLVWSL around them if not the broader community. After all, our grandparents are responsible for producing our parents and are indirectly responsible for us too. Unfortunately, the tragedy of being aged in Australia is that the elderly are marginalised and neglected socially HUKPU[LYTZVMZ\WWVY[HUK^LSMHYL (Z TLTILYZ VM [OL PU[LYUH[PVUHS `V\[O J\S[\YL ^L OH]LP[Z^LL[@V\[OH[[YHJ[ZHKPZWYVWVY[PVUH[LS`OPNO HTV\U[VMHK]LY[PZPUNHUKTHYRL[PUNMVJ\ZHZ^LSSHZ being one of the most culturally supported groups in “ personal neglect and mental fragility and it also makes the aged more vulnerable to exploitation. The status of [OLHNLKPU(\Z[YHSPHPZL_LTWSPÄLKI`[OL^H`W\ISPJ spaces are designed. Most restaurants, shopping JLU[YLZ W\ISPJ [YHUZWVY[ HUK WHYRZ OH]L SV^ZP[[PUN JOHPYZ HUK ILUJOLZ [OH[ HYL KPMÄJ\S[ MVY [OL LSKLYS` to use, given the common hip and knee problems. Public toilets lack handrails and this forces many of [OL HNLK [V \ZL KPZHISLK [VPSL[ MHJPSP[PLZ ^OPJO JHU ILLTIHYYHZZPUNHUKYLPUMVYJLZ[OL^H`HNLKWLVWSL are removed from mainstream society. Handrails and OPNOJOHPYZHYLJOLHWHUKVI]PV\Z^H`Z[VHZZPZ[[OL elderly, but they’re rarely considered in planning for public facilities. ;OL^VYZ[L_HTWSLVM[OLTHYNPUHSPZH[PVUVM[OLHNLK PU (\Z[YHSPH OV^L]LY PZ [OL WLUZPVU Z`Z[LT 4VZ[ pensioners aren’t reduced to eating dog food for dinner but I’ve seen enough of them queuing up at [OL Z\WLYTHYRL[ [V RUV^ [OH[ [OL H]LYHNL TLHS MVY pensioner diet is cheap and Spartan. Typically, it’s a JVTIPUH[PVU VM JOLHW HUK ÄSSPUN JHYIVO`KYH[LZ SPRL Growing old doesn’t necessarily mean a long and painful process towards total physical and mental entropy. It also doesn’t mean being “ growing up 'NKSEJC up – 'APPEJC automatically carted off to the nursing home after you retire to spend a decade eating Sunday roasts. society. I believe issues of inadequate housing and ^LSMHYL ZLY]PJLZ HYL TVYL [V KV ^P[O 3PILYHS 7HY[` ideology than any cultural grudge against young people. These problems are quite unlike the problems MHJPUN THU` LSKLYS` WLVWSL ^OPJO Z[LT MYVT IV[O government practice and Australian cultural norms. potatoes and pasta, soft fruit such as oranges, mince and the obligatory packet of teabags. In one of the ^LHS[OPLZ[ JV\U[YPLZ PU [OL ^VYSK ^OPJO PZ HSZV H ZPNUPÄJHU[MVVKL_WVY[LY[OLZ[H[LZ\WWVY[NP]LU[V[OL average pensioner is appalling. The tightening of social ^LSMHYLJVU[YPI\[LZ[VHUKJVTWV\UKZ[OLZVJPHSHUK mental poverty of so many aged Australians. One of the biggest problems for the elderly is social isolation. Isolation JHU JH\ZL KLWYLZZPVU ^P[OKYH^HS Where support is given it’s been very restricted. Some VM[OLUL^LY;YHUZWLY[OI\ZZLZOH]L[^VOPNOZLH[Z 34 I\[[OPZPZPUHKLX\H[LJVUZPKLYPUNOV^WVW\SHYW\ISPJ [YHUZWVY[ PZ ^P[O WLUZPVULYZ ^OV JHU»[ HMMVYK [V Y\U their cars. There’s also a lack of social activities for the aged and those that are organised (and there has been HU\UL]LUS`PUJYLHZPUNU\TILYHYLKLÄUP[LS`KL[HJOLK from the rest of the community. The treatment and services provided for the aged are mixed. Isolation is a serious problem for many elderly people, as are PUZ\MÄJPLU[ TLU[HS OLHS[OJHYL HUK WO`ZPJHS [OLYHW` ZLY]PJLZ^OPSLHSS[OL^OPSL[OLWLUZPVUYLTHPUZH[HU essentially poverty line rate. I think the biggest social issue confronting our society in the near future is the demographic rise in the number of elderly and aged citizens. The reality is that as an ageing nation our treatment and consideration of older people has to change. Social services and ^LSMHYL ULLK [V IL PTWYV]LK HUK L_WHUKLK >L HSZV ULLK [V ZLYPV\ZS` PU]LZ[ [V^HYKZ RLLWPUN VSKLY WLVWSL WHY[ VM [OL ^PKLY JVTT\UP[` 6\Y WLYZPZ[LU[ isolation of the old, excluding them from public spaces and community planning, cannot continue because it YPZRZ[OLNYV^PUNTHUPMLZ[H[PVUVMTLU[HSHUKWO`ZPJHS OLHS[O WYVISLTZ 0U V[OLY ^VYKZ [OL YVSL VM [OL VSK ULLKZ[VILZVJPHSS`YLLUNPULLYLK[V^HYKZPU[LNYH[PVU rather than exclusion. .YV^PUN VSK KVLZU»[ ULJLZZHYPS` TLHU H SVUN HUK WHPUM\S WYVJLZZ [V^HYKZ [V[HS WO`ZPJHS HUK TLU[HS entropy. It also doesn’t mean being automatically carted off to the nursing home after you retire to spend a decade eating Sunday roasts before going kaput. To me becoming a senior citizen isn’t about eating IHUHUHZHUKIVPSLKWV[H[VLZ^OPSL^HP[PUN[VKPL0[»Z HIV\[YLHWPUN[OLYL^HYKZVMHZ\JJLZZM\SSPML[OYV\NO holidays, grandchildren, family gatherings, the pursuit of hobbies and all round enjoyment of the best things about being alive. Becoming elderly is just another phase of life, even if it is the most overlooked and marginalised of them all. wisdom There are far too many lessons in life for us to learn each and every one of them ourselves. It becomes necessary to seek out alternative sources in our quest for self discovery and growth; learning the hard way can really take its toll. People turn to everything from Shakespeare to psychic hotlines in search of a helping hand on the perilous journey to adulthood. But where can you learn the lessons that really matter, giving rise to those rare moments of profound realization? Where can you learn that life is Cheaper By The Dozen? Who will enlighten you with The Truth About Cats and Dogs? Hollywood is a repository of knowledge as vast as any library. I’ve chosen the school of cinema over the school of hard knocks, and I haven’t had a moment of regret. (SST`KLÄUPUNTVTLU[ZOH]LILLUL_WLYPLUJLK vicariously through attractive people with shiny hair whose speech never falters. My life often spontaneously breaks into an appropriately timed montage, backed by New Order’s Bizarre Love Triangle. Film is my go-to resource for advice about growing up. Allow me to share with you just a short selection of silver screen insights… by abby asomani Young Adulthood (KTP[[LKS` [OPZ PZ HU H^R^HYK Z[HNL I\[ LHJO TVTLU[ PZ SVHKLK ^P[O WV[LU[PHS MVY L_WLYPLUJL ZLSMYL]LSH[PVU HUK NYV^[O LZWLJPHSS` PM `V\ HYL H /\THUP[PLZTHQVY;OL-\[\YLPZVUL]LY`VUL»ZTPUK HUK[OL^VYSKJHUILKP]PKLKPU[V[^V[`WLZ!WLVWSL ^OVRUV^^OH[[OL`»YLNVPUN[VKV^P[O[OLYLZ[VM [OLPYSP]LZHUKWLVWSL^OVKVU»[:OHYLOV\ZLSP]PUN PZHKPZ[PUJ[WVZZPIPSP[`"SP]PUNPUJSVZLJVUÄULZ^P[O V[OLYZ I\PSKZ JOHYHJ[LY @V\UN ^VTLU PUL]P[HIS` MHSS MVY HSVVM [LTWLYHTLU[HS T\ZPJPHUZ ^P[O IHK OHPY0[»ZULJLZZHY`MVYMYPLUKZOPWJSPX\LZ[VOH]LH YLN\SHYOHUNV\[WYLMLYHIS`HZTVR`JS\IVYHÄM[PLZ [OLTLKKPULY;OPZPZ`V\YSHZ[JOHUJLMVYHNYHUK NLZ[\YLVMWHYLU[HSKLÄHUJL 4V]PLZ [V ^H[JO! St. Elmo’s Fire, Reality Bites, Singles, Clerks, Prozac Nation, The Rage In Placid Lake, Garden State Adulthood 0KLHSS`[OLKLÄUPUNTVTLU[ZVMJOPSKOVVKZOV\SK VJJ\YK\YPUNVULWHY[PJ\SHYS`SVUNOV[Z\TTLYPU ^OPJO[OLKPZJV]LY`VMH^VUKLYM\SUL^^VYSKHUK VYHUL_[YHVYKPUHY`JVTWHUPVUWYLJPWP[H[LZ[OLLUK VM `V\[OM\S PUUVJLUJL @V\Y VWWVY[\UP[PLZ MVY ZLSM KPZJV]LY`NYV^L_WVULU[PHSS`PM`V\HYLVUHUH[OSL[PJ [LHTH[[LUKZ\TTLYJHTWVYWLYMVYTJOVYLZMVY LSKLYS`ULPNOIV\YZ6YWOHUZHUKJOPSKYLUULNSLJ[LK I` [OLPY ^VYRHOVSPJ WHYLU[Z HYL ^PSKS` PTHNPUH[P]L IYH]LHUKYLZPSPLU[0MH[HSSWVZZPISLNL[9VI9LPULY [VKPYLJ[(Y\UUPUNUHYYH[PVUPZWYLMLYHISL +LZWP[L[OL^LHS[OVMSPMLL_WLYPLUJLNHPULKK\YPUN JOPSKOVVK HKVSLZJLUJL HUK `V\UN HK\S[OVVK WLVWSL Z[PSS THRL LYYVYZ VM Q\KNTLU[ (K\S[OVVK PZH[PTL[VJVYYLJ[WHZ[TPZ[HRLZ*VUMYVU[H[PVUZ TH` IL ULJLZZHY` [V L_VYJPZL WZ`JOVSVNPJHS KLTVUZ/PNOZJOVVSYL\UPVUZHYLHWYPTLSVJH[PVU [V YLJVUULJ[ ^P[O HU VSK ÅHTL VY Z[HUK \W [V [OH[ JOPSKOVVK I\SS` ,P[OLY WLVWSL HYV\UK `V\ ^PSS JVTWSHPU HIV\[ OV^ K\SS HUK \W[PNO[ `V\»]L ILJVTLVY`V\^PSSSHTLU[[OPZJOHUNLPUV[OLYZ ,]LULTV[PVUHSS`Z[\U[LKTLUL]LU[\HSS`NYV^\W HUKZL[[SLKV^UH[[OPZZ[HNLWHY[PJ\SHYS`PMWYL]HPSLK \WVUI`HILH\[PM\S^VTHUVYHWYLJVJPV\ZJOPSK -VYILZ[YLZ\S[Z^VYRMYVTHZJYLLUWSH`HKHW[LK MYVTH5PJR/VYUI`UV]LS^P[O1VOU*\ZHJRPU[OL SLHK 4V]PLZ [V ^H[JO! Stand By Me, A Little Princess, E.T., My Girl, North, Spirited Away, The Neverending Story, Big 4V]PLZ[V^H[JO!High Fidelity, Fever Pitch, About A Boy, Four Weddings and a Funeral, Grosse Point Blank, The Big Chill Adolescence Later Life -PYZ[ SV]L YVTHUJL HUK ZL_ HYL THQVY MVJ\ZLZ H[ [OPZZ[HNLVMSPML0UL]P[HIS``V\^PSSILMY\Z[YH[LKPU `V\Y H[[LTW[Z [V ^PU [OL VIQLJ[ VM `V\Y HMMLJ[PVU I\[ Z[YHUNLS` [OL TVYL \USPRLS` H TH[JO `V\ HUK `V\YSV]LPU[LYLZ[HYL[OLIL[[LY`V\YJOHUJLZ/PNO ZJOVVSPZHRPU[VHWSHJLVM^VYZOPWMVY[LLUHNLYZ" ZVTL Z[\KLU[Z HYL YL]LYLK HUK YLZWLJ[LK ^OPSL V[OLYZ HYL ZLY]LK \W HZ ZHJYPÄJPHS VMMLYPUNZ 0U[LSSPNLU[\UHZZ\TPUNNPYSZ^PSSYLJLP]LHTHRLV]LY (U[PJPWH[LHUH^LZVTLOV\ZLWHY[`;OL[LLU`LHYZ HYL TVZ[ YL^HYKPUN ^OLU L_WLYPLUJLK K\YPUN [OL LPNO[PLZHUK*HTLYVU*YV^LZOV\SKILPU]VS]LK >OLUZLUPVYJP[PaLUZHYLU»[Z^PTTPUN[OL,UNSPZO *OHUULS [OL`»YL NHSSP]HU[PUN HJYVZZ (TLYPJH VU H TV[VYJ`JSL VY WVZPUN U\KL MVY H JOHYP[` JHSLUKHY 7LUZPVULYZHYLMVYL]LYKL]PZPUNTHKJHWZJOLTLZ ^P[O PUZWPYPUN YLZ\S[Z (Z [OL WYVZWLJ[ VM KLH[O S\YRZ Q\Z[ HYV\UK [OL JVYULY [OLYL PZ UV ULLK [V [HRLHU`[OPUNZLYPV\ZS`(THQVYS\_\Y`VMSH[LYSPMLPZ [OLMYLLKVT[VJVTWSL[LS`KPZYLNHYK^OH[[OLYLZ[ VM[OL^VYSK[OPURZ Childhood 4V]PLZ [V ^H[JO! The World’s Fastest Indian, Big Fish, Grumpy Old Men, On A Clear Day, Calendar Girls, Cocoon 4V]PLZ[V^H[JO!Fast Times At Ridgemont High, The Breakfast Club, Say Anything…, Clueless, She’s All That, Almost Famous, Looking For Alibrandi, 48 Shades 35 film reel what movies have taught us about growing up film Breaking and Entering Director: Anthony Minghella Cast: Jude Law, Juliette Binoche, Robin Wright Penn, Martin Freeman, Ray Winstone, Vera -HYTPUNH9HÄ.H]YVU London provides the backdrop for Anthony Minghella’s latest offering, the drama/romance/ thriller Breaking and Entering. London’s changing urban landscape mirrors its shifting cultural demography, and it is these changes that provide the starting point for the events that transpire. Landscape architect Will (Law) and his partner Sandy (Freeman) are working on the rejuvenation of King’s Cross, and move [OLPY Z^HUR` TVKLYU VMÄJL [V [OPZ rather seedy end of town. As is obvious MYVT[OL[P[SL[OLPYVMÄJLPZPTTLKPH[LS` robbed, and when Will chases the VMMLUKLY OL ÄUKZ [OL `V\UN IV` PZ the son of spirited Bosnian refugee, Amira (Binoche). Amira provides Will an LZJHWLMYVTOPZKPMÄJ\S[OVTLSPMLOPZ detached partner Liv (Penn) and her autistic daughter – and the two begin an affair. Breaking and Entering attempts to explore the causes and consequences of emotional transgressions by contrasting them against those of criminal offences; Will asks, “Is it worse to steal someone’s computer or is it worse to steal someone’s heart?”. ;OL ÄST NL[Z VMM [V H WYVTPZPUN Z[HY[ offering up a pleasing combination of humour and intrigue. However, the humour seems slightly disjointed from [OL TVYL ZLYPV\Z LTV[PVUHS TPK ZLJ[PVUVM[OLÄSTHUK[OLJVUJS\ZPVU a little lacklustre. Look out for scenes involving the Romanian prostitute (completely random, but amusing nonetheless) and Martin Freeman, who is as entertaining as always. Pelican Rating: Abby Asomani Epic Movie For Your Consideration The Fountain Directors: Jason Friedberg, Aaron Seltzer +PYLJ[VY!*OYPZ[VWOLY.\LZ[ Director: Darren Aronofsky *HZ[!*H[OLYPUL6»/HYH,\NLUL3L]` Parker Posey, Ed Begley Jr., John Michael Higgins, Harry Shearer Cast: Hugh Jackman, Rachel Weisz, Ellen Burstyn, Mark Margolis Cast: Kal Penn, Adam Campbell, 1LUUPMLY*VVSPKNL*YPZWPU.SV]LY In the year 2000, six writers decided to make Scary Movie. A good parody and an instant classic, but despite it’s tagline of “No Mercy. No Shame. No Sequel” another was made, then another, and after that a fourth. In their wake came Date Movie and the six writers became [^V ;OPZ ÄST THUHNLK H ML^ SH\NOZ but couldn’t live up to its big brothers (even after had started to grow stale). It may have ended there, but those two writers (who now seem to fancy themselves directors too) decided it was time to make yet another, and thus Epic Movie was born. Obviously not realising the mistakes of the last movie, Friedberg and Seltzer have decided to replicate them, and get H^H`^P[O[OPZI`THYRL[PUN[OLÄST[V ‘the MTV generation.’ As in Date Movie you will see long and dull recreations of other movies (usually Narnia), that are differentiated from the original by only one, single punchline. Some will elicit a laugh, V[OLYZMHSSÅH[HUK[OLYLZ[HYLZPTWS` replicas of MTV shows. Yes, MTV. Apparently, for these audiences, having Mr Tumnus appear on an MTV show or seeing a Jack :WHYYV^ SVVRHSPRL PU HU 4;= T\ZPJ video with pirate dancers (as well as the obligatory girls in bikinis) is what constitutes humour. I personally spent most of this movie wanting to feel a bullet in my head; there’s a reason I don’t watch MTV. In short, it’s hard to imagine a worse movie. Pelican Rating: 0 Robert Brennan 0[»Z]LY`YHYL[OH[0ÄKNL[[OYV\NOHTV]PL in desperate anticipation for the end. Even the notoriously obnoxious Get Rich or Die Trying was a thrilling and engaging experience compared to this mundane YVTW [OYV\NO PUOV\ZL /VSS`^VVK YLMLYLUJLZ >YP[LYKPYLJ[VY *OYPZ[VWOLY .\LZ[ HUK JV^YP[LY ,\NLUL 3L]` IV[O HWWLHYPUNPU[OLÄSTT\Z[OH]LVI]PV\ZS` been amused with their coy wit and subtle industry references because they have WYVK\JLK H ÄST HIV\[ [OL ÄST PUK\Z[Y` KPYLJ[LKH[TLTILYZVM[OLÄSTPUK\Z[Y` For anyone lacking in Hollywood experience (e.g. the average audience member) For Your Consideration JVTLZHJYVZZHZHISHUKHUKILSV^ H]LYHNL WYVK\J[PVU ;OL ÄST P[ZLSM deals with a potentially very funny PZZ\L" H SV^I\KNL[ ÄST Home For Purim HIV\[ H Z 1L^PZO MHTPS` PU [OL (TLYPJHU +LLW :V\[O [OH[ becomes embroiled in Hollywood awards hype. There are also some interesting cameos including Sandra Oh, Richard Kind and Ricky Gervais ^OVTVTLU[HYPS`IYPNO[LU[OLÄST 0UTHU`^H`Z[OLÄSTPZ[VVZ[\MM`HUK ZLSMJVUZJPV\ZHIV\[^OH[P[»Z[Y`PUN[V IL ¶ H RPUKS` ZH[PYL HIV\[ ÄST THRPUN and Hollywood itself. For example the lead Marilyn Hack (O’Hara) has a sudden makeover (read:‘gets tarted up’) between scenes without explanation or comment. This is particularly perturbing ILJH\ZL [OL ÄST IYPUNZ \Z PU JSVZL [V Marilyn only to be pulled away in order to reconstruct a formerly strong and independent woman into a caricature ÄN\YLVMWHYVK` For Your Consideration was a ILSV^H]LYHNL ÄST ^OPJO KLZLY]LZ H ILSV^H]LYHNLYH[PUN Pelican Rating: Thomas Reynolds 36 ( ]PZ\HSS` Z[\UUPUN ZJPLUJL ÄJ[PVU QH\U[ from the director of Requiem for a Dream and Pi, Darren Aronofsky, The Fountain interweaves three stories with Hugh Jackman playing the central character in each. ;OL ÄSTZ Z[HY[Z ^P[O HU HJ[PVUVYPLU[LK ]PL^ VM [OL X\LZ[ VM H [O JLU[\Y` Spanish conquistador attempted in order [VÄNO[OPZ^H`[V[OLMV\U[HPUVM`V\[O The narrative then jumps to that of a man travelling through space in a glass globe containing a dying tree. This character’s WLYZVUHSÅHZOIHJRZL_WVZLHKVJ[VYPUH more modern time, searching to cure the cancer that is stealing his wife away. These three interwoven stories progress [VNL[OLY [V^HYKZ [OL ÄST»Z JSPTH_ I` which point the three storylines begin to come together, allowing the audience to see the identical journeys made in the characters in these three, very different, stories. The climax itself has a wonderful ZLUZL VM ILH\[` HUK M\SÄSSTLU[ HZ 1HJRTHU»Z JOHYHJ[LY ÄUHSS` JV[[VUZ VU[V the idea we have been pummelled with from the start. ;OLLZZLU[PHSWVPU[KYP]PUN[OPZÄSTPZ[OH[ in all its ironic glory, death is a part of a SPML)`[OLLUKVM[OLÄSTZVTLTH`OH]L grown tired of this philosophy, as it’s drilled into us repeatedly. It may possibly even detract from the climax, or simply frustrate the viewer, as Jackman stubbornly fails to sustain audience empathy. Nevertheless,The Fountain is an interesting movie; beautifully directed, well scored and supported. Well worth a look. Pelican Rating: Robert Brennan Miss Potter Director: Chris Noonan Cast: Renée Zellweger, McGregor, Emily Watson Ewan -VY [OYLL X\HY[LYZ VM [OL ÄST 0 ^HZ JVU]PUJLK 0 ^HZ ^H[JOPUN )YPKNL[ 1VULZ WSH` )LH[YP_ 7V[[LY >OPSZ[ 9LUtL ALSS^LNLY ^OV WSH`Z [OL SLHK YVSLTHUHNLZ[VWVY[YH`]LY`KPMMLYLU[ (TLYPJHU JOHYHJ[LYPZH[PVUZ OLY ,UNSPZOWLYZVUHZLLTZSPTP[LK[V[OH[ VM [OL JS\TZ` IYHZO I\[ \S[PTH[LS` LUKLHYPUN ºZWPUZ[LY» )YPKNL[ 1VULZ (UK PU ZVTL ^H`Z P[ ^VYRZ ;OL JOHYHJ[LYZ ZOHYL [OL ZHTL HNL HUK THYP[HS Z[H[\Z HUK HYL IV[O MYV^ULK \WVUMVY[OLPYWLYWL[\HSS`ZPUNSLZ[H[L /V^L]LY IV[O LTLYNL MYVT ]LY` KPMMLYLU[IHJRNYV\UKZHUKLYHZ ;OL ÄST [HRLZ WSHJL PU WYL>>0 3VUKVU HUK KLWPJ[Z [OL YPZL [V MHTL HUK[\T\S[\V\ZSV]LSPMLVMILZ[ZLSSPUN JOPSKYLU»ZH\[OVY)LH[YP_7V[[LYJYLH[VY VMZ\JOJSHZZPJJYLH[\YLZHZ7L[LY9HIIP[ HUK)LUQHTPU)\UU`/LYZPUNSLTPUKLK KL[LYTPUH[PVU [V ILJVTL H W\ISPZOLK H\[OVYPZWSH`LKV\[HNHPUZ[HIHJRKYVW VM ZJVYU HUK J`UPJPZT 7\ISPZOLYZ HYL PUP[PHSS`ZRLW[PJHSHUK\UZ\WWVY[P]LHUK OLYTV[OLYMHPSZ[V[HRLOLYKH\NO[LY»Z HTIP[PVUZZLYPV\ZS` 4PZZ 7V[[LY»Z JHYLLY [HRL VMM ^P[O [OL OLSWVM5VYTHU>HYULWSH`LKI`,^HU 4J.YLNVY ^P[O ^OVT ZOL L]LU[\HSS` HUKPUL]P[HIS`MHSSZPUSV]L/V^L]LYIL WYLWHYLKMVYHU\UWSLHZHU[[^PZ[ -VY ^OH[ YLTHPUZ HU LZZLU[PHSS` ISLHR WYLTPZL Miss Potter PZ H Z\YWYPZPUNS` ^HYT HUK H[ [PTLZ O\TV\YV\Z WVY[YH`HS VM [OL JOPSKYLU»Z H\[OVY ;OL ÄST NSVZZLZ V]LY 7V[[LY»Z WLYZVUHS [YHNLKPLZ NP]PUN [OLT SPTP[LK ZJYLLU [PTLI\[[OLPU[LUZP[`VMOLYLTV[PVUZ PZ UVUL[OLSLZZ YLÅLJ[LK ;OPZ PZ H ÄST ^OPJO YLTHPUZ LUJOHU[PUN PU P[Z ZHKULZZVYWLYOHWZPUZWP[LVMP[ Pelican rating: (UUL.YPMÄU(WWHKVV Perfume – The Story of A Murderer Scoop Venus +PYLJ[VY!>VVK`(SSLU Director: Roger Michell Director: Tom Twyker Cast: Scarlett Johanssen, Hugh 1HJRTHU >VVK` (SSLU 0HU McShane *HZ[!7L[LY6»;VVSL3LZSPL7OPSSPWZ 1VKPL>OP[[HRLY=HULZZH9LKNYH]L 9PJOHYK.YPMÄ[OZ 0U[OPZSH[LZ\TTLYVMMLYPUN(SSLUZLY]LZ \WHRVVR`/P[JOJVJRPHUJYPTLJVTLK` (YLJLU[S`KLJLHZLKYLWVY[LYYL[\YUZ[V [OL YLHST VM [OL SP]PUN PU ZWPYP[ MVYT PU VYKLY [V WHZZ VU OPZ SHZ[ IPN ZJVVW! H JS\L [V [OL PKLU[P[` VM 3VUKVU»Z SH[LZ[ ZLYPHS T\YKLYLY [OL ;HYV[ *HYK 2PSSLY ;OL \U^P[[PUN YLJPWPLU[ VM OPZ TLZZHNL PZ Z[\KLU[ QV\YUHSPZ[ :VUKYH 7YHUZR` 1VOHUZZLU^OV[VNL[OLY^P[OTHNPJPHU :PK>H[LYTHUHRH;OL.YLH[:WSLUKPUP (SSLU PZ JVTWLSSLK I` [OL ZWLJ[YL [V [YHJR KV^U [OL Y\[OSLZZ WZ`JOVWH[O ;OLPY HTH[L\Y KL[LJ[P]L ^VYR SLHKZ [OLT[VÄS[O`YPJOHYPZ[VJYH[7L[LY3`THU 1HJRTHU^OVPZH[ÄYZ[[OLZ\IQLJ[VM [OLPY PU]LZ[PNH[PVU I\[ ZVVU ILJVTLZ [OLVIQLJ[VM:VUKYH»ZHMMLJ[PVU Venus JLU[YLZ VU [OL SP]LZ VM [^V MLPZ[` ZLW[\HNLUHYPHUZ NYV^PUN VSK KPZNYHJLM\SS`4H\YPJL6»;VVSLHUK0HU 7OPSSPWZHYLSPMLSVUNMYPLUKZHUK]L[LYHU HJ[VYZ ^OVZL TLKPVJYL JLSLIYP[` HUK `V\[OOH]LJVTLHUKNVUL4H\YPJLPZ UV^ YLSLNH[LK [V WSH`PUN H JVTH[VZL NYHUKMH[OLY PU H ;= ZVHW [V Z\WWVY[ OPZ LZ[YHUNLK ^PML 9LKNYH]L ^OPSL 0HU O`WVJOVUKYPHJHSS` MYL[Z HIV\[ OPZ OLHS[O IL[^LLU WLUZPVU JOLX\LZ ;VNL[OLY [OL [^V ZOHYL ^P[[` YLWHY[LL H[ H MH]V\YP[L JHMt YLTPUPZJPUN HIV\[ [OL WHZ[ HUK ZJHUUPUN [OL VIP[\HYPLZ MVYKLJLHZLKJVU[LTWVYHYPLZ Cast: Ben Wishaw, Dustin Hoffman, (SHU9PJRTHU9HJOLS/\YK>VVK Perfume PZ [OL [HSL VM VYWOHU 1VOU )HW[PZ[L.YLUV\PSSLIVYU^P[Oº[OLILZ[ UVZL PU [OL ^VYSK» H ISLZZPUNNVUL ^YVUN^OLUOLILJVTLZVIZLZZLK^P[O ºJHW[\YPUN»[OLZJLU[VM[OPY[LLU^VTLU PU[OLOVWLVMKPZ[PSSPUN[OL^VYSK»ZTVZ[ WV^LYM\SWLYM\TL 2UV^U MVY [OL ]PZ\HSS` Z[PT\SH[PUN Run Lola Run .LYTHU KPYLJ[VY ;^`RLY [HRLZVU[OLÄST[OH[2\IYPJRKLJSHYLK º\UÄSTHISL»^HZ[PUNUV[PTLPUZSH[OLYPUN [OL ÄST PU OPZ [YHKLTHYRZ! ZLSMWLUULK VYPNPUHS ZJVYL L_JP[PUN HUK RPUL[PJ PTHNLY`YLKOLHKLK^VTLUKVLZ[OPZ ;^`RLYOH]LHML[PZOVY^OH[& )` JSL]LYS` OLPNO[LUPUN V\Y HS[LYUH[L ZLUZLZ ;^`RLY YLSPL]LZ HU_PL[` HIV\[ ¸THRPUN [OL ÄST ZTLSS¹" [OL ÄST PZ YLZWSLUKLU[PUP[Z]PZ\HSHUKH\YHSPTWHJ[ LHJO ZOV[ ZV ]PZJLYHS HUK VM Z\JO KP]LYZL JVTWVZP[PVU ZV HZ [V OP[ `V\ ^P[OP[ZZ[LUJONP]LULLYPLIHJRIVULI` [OLKHYRSV^SL]LSZVMSPNO[PUN (J[\HSS` V\[IPKKPUN 6YSHUKV )SVVT MVY [OLYVSLVM.YLUV\PSSLWYV]PUN[OH[KLZWP[L P[ ILPUN LPNO[LLU[O JLU[\Y` -YHUJL HSS 7PYH[LZ HYL ILZ[ SLM[ PU [OL *HYPIILHU )YP[PZOHJ[VY>OPZOH^W\[ZPUHZ\WLYI WLYMVYTHUJL /PZ I\TISPUN H[OSL[PJPZT JVTIPULZ ^P[O JHW[P]H[PUNS` PUUVJLU[ MHJPHS L_WYLZZPVUZ PU Z\JO H ^H` [OH[ OPZTV]LTLU[ZVVaLLUV\NOWH[OVZ[V THRL L]LU [OL TVZ[ LTWH[OL[PJ HU[P OLYVSVVRSPRLHTVUZ[LY ;OL HIZ\YKULZZ [VV VM IV[O +\Z[PU /VMMTHU»Z T\S[PHJJLU[LK WLYM\TPZ[ and the ShortbusLZX\L OLHKLKMVY J\S[Z[H[\Z ÄUHSL HKK [OL SPNO[ OPSHYP[` Perfume ULLKLK [V YLZJ\L P[ MYVT HJJ\ZH[PVUZ VM \UQ\Z[PÄLK SLUN[OPULZZ ^P[O[OLL_JLW[PVUVM[OLPUJVUZPZ[LU[ /\Y[ UHYYH[PVU ^OPJO KLZWP[L P[Z WYVTPZPUN ZPUPZ[LY MHPY`[HSL ILNPUUPUNZ ^HZTVZ[S`JVTWSL[LS`PYYP[H[PUN Pelican Rating: +HUPLSSL4HYZSHUK ;OV\NO [OL WSV[ ZV\UKZ MVYT\SHPJ ScoopPZLUOHUJLKI`(SSLU»Z[YHKLTHYR VMMILH[ O\TV\Y .P]LU [OPZ MHJ[ [OL JOVPJL VM SLHKZ ZLLTZ WLYWSL_PUN HZ ULP[OLY PZ WHY[PJ\SHYS` RUV^U MVY [OLPY JVTLKPJ [HSLU[Z ;OV\NO 1VOHUZZLU»Z H[[LTW[ H[ O\TV\Y PZ UV[ HZ H^R^HYK HZ`V\TPNO[L_WLJ[OLYX\PYR`5HUJ` +YL^WLYZVUHPZHSP[[SLMVYJLK1HJRTHU (\Z[YHSPH»Z MH]V\YP[L L_WVY[ THRLZ H Z\P[HIS`Z\H]LHUKKLIVUHPY,UNSPZOTHU KVLZOLL]LY\ZLOPZV^UHJJLU[&I\[ [OLYL»ZUV[HSS[OH[T\JOMVYOPT[V^VYR ^P[OI`^H`VMJOHYHJ[LYKL]LSVWTLU[ 4LHU^OPSL(SSLU»Z\IPX\P[V\ZYVSLHZ[OL I\TISPUNUL\YV[PJZ[HY[LK[V^LHYHSP[[SL [OPUI`[OLTPKWVPU[ 0U[OL^HRLVM[OL^LSSYLJLP]LK Match PointP[PZLHZ`[VILKPZHWWVPU[LKHZ [OPZ ÄST PZ UV^OLYL ULHY HZ ZL_` HUK T`Z[LYPV\ZHZP[ZWYLKLJLZZVY,]LUZV Scoop WYV]PKLZ H MHPY ML^ SH\NOV\[ SV\KTVTLU[ZHUKVUZVTLVJJHZPVUZ UPUL[` TPU\[LZ VM SPNO[ KP]LYZPVU PZ LUV\NO[VZH[PZM` Pelican rating: Abby Asomani ;OL HYYP]HS VM 0HU»Z [^LU[``LHY VSK NYHUKUPLJL 1LZZPL >OP[[HRLY PU[LYY\W[Z[OLPYJVTMVY[HISLYV\[PUL0HU OHWWPS`HU[PJPWH[LZ[OLHYYP]HSVMHTPSK THUULYLK U\YZLTHPK HUK PZ PUZ[LHK ZHKKSLK ^P[O HU \UJV\[O [LYYVY )\[ 4H\YPJL HUK 1LZZPL I\PSK H YHWWVY[ HUK[OL[^VLTIHYRVUHU\UL_WLJ[LK \UJVU]LU[PVUHSYLSH[PVUZOPW >OPSL[OLPUKLÄUHISLYLSH[PVUZOPWIL[^LLU 4H\YPJLHUK1LZZPLPZH[[PTLZWLYWSL_PUN [OL WLYMVYTHUJLZ PU Venus HYL [Y\S` ^VUKLYM\S 6»;VVSL JHU IL KLZJYPILK HZ UV[OPUN ZOVY[ VM V\[Z[HUKPUN 6ZJHY 6ZJHY/PZKLWPJ[PVUVM[OLHNPUNYVN\L UV[`L[YLHK`[VZ\JJ\TI[V[OLYH]HNLZ VM VSK HNL PZ ZV THNUPÄJLU[S` KLSP]LYLK P[PZKPMÄJ\S[UV[[VZ\ZWLJ[[OH[[OLYLPZ [V ZVTL L_[LU[ HU H\[VIPVNYHWOPJHS LSLTLU[PUOPZWLYMVYTHUJL0UWHY[PJ\SHY 6»;VVSL»Z IP[[LYZ^LL[ L_JOHUNLZ ^P[O 9LKNYH]L WSH`PUN =HSLYPL [OL ^VTHU 4H\YPJL HIHUKVULK HYL LZWLJPHSS` [LUKLYHUKHMMLJ[PUN Venus THUHNLZ [V YLÅLJ[ VU `V\[O VSK HNL TVY[HSP[` MYPLUKZOPW HUK SV]L ^P[OV\[ SHWZPUN PU[V ZHWW` ZLU[PTLU[HSP[` HUK HSTVZ[ JVU]PUJLZ `V\[OH[SPMLILNPUZH[ZL]LU[` Pelican Rating: Abby Asomani 37 film LAHE?=J summer favourites Dreamgirls Forgive me for repeating myself but… I love musicals! A world where citizens frequently and spontaneously burst in wonderfully harmonious songs that everybody inexplicably knows by heart sounds like the perfect pitch to me. Dreamgirls is no exception. The vocal stylings of the three leading ladies are impressive, and coupled with the dreamy, glittering costumes they make convincing starlets. The fantastic show tunes skillfully emulate that classic Motown sound, just as the characters take their cue from the stars of the era (Eddie Murphy’s turn as a James Brown-esque character is hugely entertaining and might even earn him an Oscar). Dreamgirls can only be described as candy for the ears. Pelican rating: Abby Asomani Realistic it ain’t – but you’ll be hard WYLZZLK [V ÄUK H TVYL ÅH]V\YZVTL sensual experience without leaving the WS\ZOJVUÄULZVM`V\YJPULTHZLH[ Pelican Rating: Magda Wozniak Night At The Museum Larry (Ben Stiller), an ambitious guy who can’t hold down a steady job is employed as a night guard at the 4\ZL\TVM5H[\YHS/PZ[VY`6UOPZÄYZ[ night he discovers that after dark, the exhibits come to life and wreak havoc and he’s been bestowed with the dubious honour of maintaining peace and order amongst the inhabitants of the museum. Stiller is moderately, but consistently, amusing and the CGI effects are visually pleasing. The amusing cameo appearances by Robin Williams, Owen Wilson and Steve Coogan are the major draw card. Night At The Museum can be aptly described “as a cross between Jumanji & The Indian In the Cupboard” and the results are generally pleasing. Pelican Rating: Abby Asomani Marie Antoinette If you’re the kind of person who ILSPL]LZ [OH[ OPZ[VYPJ ÄSTZ ZOV\SK be located only one step to the left of the ‘documentary’ genre, then the latest offering from the poetic imagination of Sophia Coppola (Lost in Translation and The Virgin Suicides) will probably not be to your taste. Not VUS`PZ[OPZÄSTOPZ[VYPJHSS`PUHJJ\YH[L but it unashamedly evades accuracy in favour of a tantalizing, sensory overload. It fuses mismatched accents, a largely eighties-pop soundtrack and Coppola’s trademark cinematography with the intricate, perfectly detailed sets and costumes of Marie Antoinette’s France, in a extravagant display of style-over-substance. Pan’s Labyrinth -VYNL[[OL+H]PK)V^PLÄSTLabyrinth; not a muppet or a cod piece in sight in this wonderful dark fantasy from Guillermo del Toro. Set in Franco’s Spain this is the story of young Ofelia sent to live with the monstrous Capitain Vidal, and her encounters with the mysterious Pan (or Faun). Whether her adventures are real or the product of her imagination is delicately left open-ended, as the true message is one of innocence overcoming the brutality and cruelty that exists in the world, conveyed with at times graphic YLHSPZT;OPZPZHÄST[OH[^PSSSPUNLY^P[O you long after its beautiful, touching ÄUHSTVTLU[ZHYLV]LY Pelican Rating: Will May Perth International Arts Fesitval featured review: And there’s Familia more… Director: Louise Archambault Cast: Sylvie Moreau, Macha Grenon, Juliette Gosselin, Mylène St-Sauveur, Vincent Graton Perth Festival Films are as much a part of summer as the long, sweltering days spent waiting for the Fremantle Doctor What better way is there to ZWLUKHUL]LUPUN[OHULUQV`PUNHÅ\[LVMJOHTWLYZ under the stars, while taking in a saucy French comedy, a passionate Mexican romance, or an off-beat Norwegian thriller? Just as our university semester begins anew, the silver screen at our very own Somerville auditorium will be ablaze with [OLÄUHSÄSTZVM[OL7LY[O0U[LYUH[PVUHS(Y[Z-LZ[P]HS 3V[[LY`^LZ[ -LZ[P]HS ÄSTZ Familia is one of the MLZ[P]HS»ZÄUHSVMMLYPUNZ Exploring the intricate and volatile nature of mother-daughter relationships, Familia presents a candid depiction of familial tensions and domestic [YPI\SH[PVUZ;OLÄSTJLU[YLZVU4PJOuSL4VYLH\ a 30-something aerobics instructor, who, beneath her bohemian façade, is a slave to her gambling addiction. Faced with the impossible prospect of repaying OLY KLI[Z 4PJOuSL HUK OLY [LLUHNL KH\NO[LY 4HYN\LYP[L :[:H\]L\Y ÅLL [OL JP[` +LZWLYH[L and strapped for cash, they eventually settle in [OLOVTLVM1HUPUL.YLUVU4PJOuSL»ZJOPSKOVVK friend and her family. For a while the household remains relatively peaceful, but inevitably tensions soon reach breaking point. Archambault’s female characters are refreshingly spirited and strong, and the cast have succeeded in effectively representing those characters. 4VYLH\JHW[\YLZ[OL[YHNPJHZWLJ[VM4PJOuSL»ZSPML without being piteous, and Grenon manages to HY[M\SS`JVTT\UPJH[L[OLWYP]H[LKPNUPÄLKWHPUVMH woman emotionally abandoned by her husband. Rather than gradiose gestures or exaggerated melodrama, Familia leaves us with a quiet reassurance that despite our mistakes, the world continues to turn and life will carry on in a justabout-bearable fashion. Pelican Rating: Familia screens at the Somerville Auditorium from 5 – 11 March. Abby Asomani 38 19 – 25 February: As It Is In Heaven – Sa Som Himmlen (Sweden) Daniel, a successful conductor returns to his childhood village and unexpectedly reignites his love and passion for music. An inspired romance-drama, nominated for an Academy Award. 26 February – 3 March: Change of Address – Changement d’adresse (France) A slightly wacky, yet delightful Parisian love story about an introverted musician who falls in love with his spirited housemate. 12 – 18 March The Method – El Metodo (Spain/Argentina) Featuring a brilliant cast from both Spain and Argentina, this psychological drama explores the darker side of the competitive corporate world. 19 – 25 March: The Page Turner – La Tourneuse de Pages (France) Revenge is the motive in this psychological thriller, in which a disgruntled pianist is recruited by the very family who dashed her hopes of musical eminence. 26 March – 1 April: The Road to Guantanamo (UK) A docu-drama recounting the horrible experiences of three British Muslims detained in Guantanamo for two years, before being released without charge. For more information see .AS2AHA=OA '=IAO pelican’s favourite games Viva Piñata Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories XBOX 360 Developer Rare’s 5th title for an Xbox platform, Viva Pinãta is yet another departure from the norm for the venerable developer; best described as Harvest Moon meets The Sims, with piñata (yes, the Mexican papier-mâché animals that you smash with bats to release tasty sweets), and plenty of the charm we have come to expect from Rare. Sound weird? It is. But it is also oddly compelling, and disturbingly addictive. At the start of the game, you are granted a block of land on magical Pinãta Island. The idea is to turn this barren wasteland PU[VH[OYP]PUNNHYKLUÄSSLK^P[OJVSV\YM\S diverse and bizarre piñata-type creatures which you breed, nourish and eventually sell. It sounds simple, but the gameplay is deceptively deep – the piñata aren’t easy to attract and keep happy, and maintaining an appealing garden is hard work. Each of these little critters has to be lured, kept, HUK [OLU WYPTLK MVY TH[PUN I` M\SÄSSPUN certain requirements and herein lies the challenge. Your garden is developed by purchasing seeds, housing, and other such things, as well as a few trusty items like a multipurpose shovel (which improves as you “level up”) and a dodgy watering can. To go along with this, there are certain quirks; evil creatures will invade your garden and wreak havoc if you don’t take proper WYLJH\[PVUZ HUK WP|H[HZ ^PSS ÄNO[ VUL another. Thankfully, not all of the gardening needs to be done solo: later in the game you can “buy” helpers to do menial tasks like watering, and other characters will pop up to add more variety to the mix. All in all, the gameplay works very well, and is only held back slightly by the game’s somewhat mediocre control system. The beautifully, colourful visuals are complemented perfectly by great character design, art style and animation. They are, however, slightly marred by occasional frame rate dips. The audio aspects of the game are very impressive as well, with a solid soundtrack, excellent effects, and good (if occasionally annoying) voice acting. The whole package is tied together with a great sense of humor and some minimal Xbox live support for the cheaper price of $70. If you have a 360, can handle the “kiddy factor” of the game, and you aren’t afraid of getting addicted, pick it up as soon as possible. Daniel Beresford Platform: PSP Most gamers should already be familiar with this latest installment of the ultra-popular GTA franchise, which differs only subtly from its predecessors. But for those who have somehow managed to avoid it, this third person action game offers you unparalleled freedom in exploring the criminal underworld of a sprawling city; in [OPZJHZLHZ[`SPaLK 4PHTPÄSSLK^P[O endless beaches, pastel suits and overthe-top drug barons. For those returning to Vice City, you’ll notice little has changed. While Liberty City Stories (GTA’s previous PSP outing) took an old city design, changing it in orderto bring new life to familiarity, Vice City remains practically the same as it’s PS2 incarnation. Beyond that, this outing is considerably better than LCS: the basic gameplay mechanics have been well adapted to suit the PSP, and the ability to buy all your weapons back after dying makes the whole experience a lot less frustrating. Despite this, however, some problems common to the series continue to rear their ugly head. Whilst it is no longer counter-intuitive, the gun play (a major part of the games) is rather bland, though hand-to-hand combat has been improved. Overall, this is a predictable but improved, good-value revisiting of a game surprisingly suited to the PSP’s constraints. Ed Percival Madden NFL 07 Nintendo Wii If there one thing that you can always rely on, it’s EA Sports and Madden. The Madden franchise has always been a solid performer for EA, far out selling NFL Blitz and NFL 2K, largely because it doesn’t suck. EA worked out a good formula and have stuck to it. But after so many years, where to now for Madden? With a new one released every year, what makes us keep coming back? In short, it’s the varied and constantly improved gameplay; from running a million-dollar team in the franchise mode to realising your dream of being an NFL Hall-of-Famer in the superstar mode. The Wii, however, takes the old formula to an all-new level. Now, you are the QB. ( X\PJR ÅPJR VM [OL U\UJO\R [V [OL SLM[ jukes your character to evade that tackle. Holding the wii-mote out to the side fends off defenders. Shoving both forward lets you land a tackle. With some of the Wii’s prettiest graphics and a strange but compelling soundtrack of emo/punk and rap, it’s freakin’ awesome. For those who have a Wii, you need to get this game. If you don’t have one, here is a reason to get one. Dominic Rose P h o e n i x W r i g h t : Ace Attorney Nintendo DS Remember when you were young (maybe I’m showing my age here) and the only computer games were text based adventures? People would sit for days in front of their computers, trying to ZVS]LW\aaSLZ[VOPKKLUP[LTZVYÄN\YLV\[ where to go next. Now, you can regain that rad factor. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney is a text-based game for Nintendo’s DS handheld. You play as the titular Phoenix Wright, a rookie defence attorney who is determined to seek justice. From here, you are thrust into a manga style game where you work to prove your client’s innocence! At about $50 off eBay, some might consider this a cheap alternative to Law School. However, the justice system in the game (reminiscent of Japan but apparently set in America) doesn’t quite match real life. All the prosecutors are evil people who will cheat just to get a conviction (even if they know the defendant is innocent). To make matters worse, as a defence attorney you have to investigate the crime, prove your client is completely innocent and then prove the identity of the real criminal. While somewhat unreasonable, it can be a great challenge. Most of the cases are easy to medium but the last case is the best. Dominic Rose Rainbow Vegas Six: XBOX 360 After excellent beginnings, many of the Tom Clancy franchises (Splinter Cell excluded) did not get better with age. Abandoning much-loved gameplay mechanics in favour of bland action, Rainbow Six did not make the transition consoles well. Vegas, the latest installment, bucks this trend to deliver a fast-paced, action extravaganza, whilst retaining enough tactical depth to appease more serious gamers. Terrorists are attacking Vegas, and it’s up to you and a wide variety of customizable real world weapons to stop them. Old characters and plotlines are gone, but then story is hardly one of the game’s strong WVPU[Z!P[»ZÄULH[NP]PUN`V\HWYL[LUZL[V shoot terrorists, but offers few surprises. Similarly, although the environments provide for many interesting set pieces, after storming your third casino things start to look a little repetitive. The graphics, though generally of a high standard, look relatively unimpressive when compared to some of the available competition. That said, while games like Gears of War offer similar gameplay and stronger graphics, they lack the tactical depth, gritty realism and modern setting of R6:V. If you’ve shied away from Rainbow Six since it made the move to consoles, now is a good time to get reacquainted. Ed Percival 39 music 1 2 3 4 5 1. Derdang, Derdang (YJOPL)YVUZVU6\[Ä[ Alternative ;OL (YJOPL )YVUZVU 6\[Ä[»Z ZLJVUK album gets off to a great start with ¸*OLYY` 3PWZ¹ H KHYR KPY[` [\UL [OH[ WV\UKZ HSVUN ^P[O H IS\LZKHUJL Z[VULY YVJR MLLS ;OL WYVISLT ^P[O Derdang Derdang is that this pretty T\JO KLZJYPILZ [OL LU[PYL HSI\T Two of its better moments are the JSH\Z[YVWOVIPJ@V3H;LUNVZV\UKPUN ¸*\JRVV¹ HUK [OL HJV\Z[PJ JSVZLY “Harp for my Sweetheart,” but these brief glimpses of versatility only OPNOSPNO[ [OL SHJR VM ]HYPL[` VU [OL HSI\T ;OL IHUK»Z ZV\UK PZ SHYNLS` IHZLK HYV\UK :HT >PUKL[[»Z ]VJHSZ PU]HYPHIS` KLZJYPILK I` YL]PL^LYZ HZ ¸KLZWLYH[L¹ ^OPJO HYL Z[YVUNS` KLWLUKLU[ VU [OL ]HYPHISL X\HSP[` VM KY\TTLYS`YPJPZ[ (YW *SL]LSHUK»Z V\[W\[ Derdang Derdang’s biggest problem is simply lazy songwriting, HUK ^OLU H OVVROLH]` ZVUN SPRL ¸*\JRVV¹ JVTLZ HSVUN P[ Q\Z[ TV]LZ [VYLPUMVYJLOV^K\SSHUKSPMLSLZZTVZ[ VM [OL V[OLY [YHJRZ HYL L]LU ILMVYL [OL`YLHJO[OLZLJVUKJOVY\Z Jack Midalia 2. A Weekend in the City Bloc Party Alternative -LLSPUNOLH]PLY[OHU[OL\WILH[KYPM[ZVM )SVJ7HY[`»Z\Z\HSZV\UKA Weekend in the City KLTHUKZ H ZLJVUK SPZ[LU Q\Z[[VNL[ILULH[OP[HSS(M[LYWV\UKPUN `V\YOLHY[MVY[OLÄYZ[OHSM[OLHSI\T ZL[[SLZKV^UMVYHTLSSV^[\YUHYV\UK ¸2YL\aILYN¹¶HZVUN^OPJOTHYRZ[OL ILNPUUPUN VM [OL HSI\T»Z T\JOJHSTLY[HPSLUK;OL ZL[ LUKZ ^P[O ¸:9?;¹ 40 committing the album to silence in H OHPS VM NSVJRLUZWPLSZ 0[»Z HTHaPUN how after two or three listens all comparisons to Silent Alarm HYL SVZ[ The lyrics themselves serve as catharsis MVY H JVUJLYULK HU_PV\Z `V\[O ^OPSL 2LSL 6RLYLRL»Z KLSP]LY` PZ VUJL HNHPU PTWLJJHISLHUKVOZVWLYZVUHS3PRLS` [V IL YLJLP]LK I` H\KPLUJLZ ^P[O H TPSKKLNYLLVMHWWYLOLUZPVU0[VV^HZ KPZHWWVPU[LK[OH[[OPZHSI\TKP]LYNLZ MYVT P[Z HZ[V\UKPUN WYLKLJLZZVY )\[ though some of the most brilliant elements from Silent Alarm are absent, )SVJ7HY[`OHZÄSSLK[OLYLTHPUPUN]VPK ^P[OHWYVTPZPUNTV]LMVY^HYK Eva Bates 3. The Crane Wife The Decemberists Indie ¸0[ ^HZ [OL WLYMLJ[ WLYMLJ[ WLYMLJ[ WLYMLJ[ WLYMLJ[ JYPTL¹ ;Y` NL[[PUN [OH[SP[[SLTLSVK`V\[VM`V\YOLHK;OL lingering voice of front man Colin Meloy PZ OHYK [V ZOHRL HUK KVTPUH[LZ [OPZ HSI\TMYVTZ[HY[[VÄUPZO)HZLK\WVUH Japanese fable, each song has an epic HUKYVTHU[PJX\HSP[`[VP[^P[OILH\[PM\S WOYHZPUN ;OL +LJLTILYPZ[Z OH]L YLJLP]LK ZV T\JO WYHPZL MVY W\ZOPUN [OL IV\UKHYPLZ HUK PUJVYWVYH[PUN MVSRSVYLPU[VHULU[PYLHSI\TI\[^OLU `V\ Z[YPW [OH[ H^H` HUK Q\Z[ SPZ[LU [V OV^ P[ ZV\UKZ 4LSV`»Z ]VPJL PZ YLHSS` [OL VUS` [OPUN [OH[ PZ JHW[P]H[PUN -VY some of us, this is not the worst thing PU [OL ^VYSK I\[ 0 JHU»[ OLSW I\[ MLLS [OH[0»]LTPZZLK[OLWVPU[VM[OPZSH[LZ[ L_LYJPZL0NL[P[P[»ZHMHISLI\[HZH ºNYV\UKIYLHRPUN»HSI\TP[Q\Z[KVLZU»[ KLSP]LY9LHKPUN[OLS`YPJZPZHWSLHZHU[ L_WLYPLUJL I\[ ^P[O T\ZPJ P[ PZ VUS` L]LY [OL ]VPJL [OH[ THRLZ H UHYYH[P]L ZVUN^VY[OSPZ[LUPUN[VHUKMVYHIHUK HZNVVKHZ;OL+LJLTILYPZ[Z[OH[PZ UV[NVVKLUV\NOThe perfect crime. Nisha Richardson 6 4. The Good, The Bad and The Queen The Good, The Bad and The Queen Alternative 7LYOHWZ+HTVU(SIHYUPZQ\Z[YLZ[SLZZ WLYOHWZOLPZSLH]PUNILOPUKPUOPZ^HRL a trail of enemies that force him to start HMYLZOLHJO[PTLVYWLYOHWZP[PZQ\Z[ a sign of his own personal creativity that sees him constantly forming new NYV\WZ VM HY[PZ[Z [V SLHK OPZ T\ZPJ PU KPMMLYLU[KPYLJ[PVUZ>OH[L]LYP[PZ[OH[ KYP]LZ (SIHYU OL ZH^ MYLZO WV[LU[PHS PU [OL JVTIPUH[PVU VM OPTZLSM HU L_ )YP[WVW WVZ[LY IV` ^P[O HU (MYPJHU KY\TTPUN NYLH[ L_W\UR YVJRLY )YP[PZO T\ZPJ ZJLULZ[LY HUK VUL VM [OL TVZ[ ZV\NO[ HM[LY WYVK\JLYZ VM [OL TVTLU[" +HUNLY 4V\ZL ;OL HJJ\T\SH[P]LL_WLYPLUJLVM[OLNYV\W YL]LHSZP[ZLSMPU^LSSWVSPZOLKHUKKHYL 0 ZH` THNUPÄJLU[S` L_LJ\[LK [YHJRZ As you ease into the album you may ^LSS L_WLJ[ H TLSSV^ HSTVZ[ ZVTIYL L_WLYPLUJLI\[HML^[YHJRZSH[LY[OL Z`U[ORPJRZPUHUK[OLZVM[ILH[ZHUK ZV\UKZKYPM[`V\M\Y[OLYH^H`MYVTHU` JVTTVU YO`[OT (UK P[»Z H QV\YUL` `V\^PSSUV[YLNYL[LTIHYRPUN\WVU Nisha Richardson 5. Clubbers Guide to 2007 Ministry of Sound Dance Clubbers Guide to 2007 KLSP]LYZ [OL NVVKZ WYV]PKLK `V\ HYL H JS\IIPUN Q\URPLHUKHYL^PSSPUN[VILJVUZ\TLK I`ZVTLZLYPV\ZS`KPY[`ILH[Z:[LLYPUN clear of those overly commercial JS\I MH]V\YP[LZ IV[O KPZJZ WYLZLU[ H KLJLU[ TP_ VM [\ULZ `V\ JHU NYVV]L HSVUN [V ^P[OV\[ ULLKPUN ZLUZL MVY [OL KL[HPSZ .VVK^PSS»Z TP_ OHZ H ML^ 7 TVYLYLJVNUPZHISL[YHJRZJVTWHYLK[V 2PK2LUVIP»ZI\[IV[OKPZJZZOV^VMM [OLPYZRPSSZHZTHZ[LYTP_[HWLTHRLYZ 5V[MVY[OLOHSMHZZLKWHY[`NVLY[OPZ PZKLÄUP[LS`[OLRPUKVMHSI\T[OH[^PSS ZLUK`V\Z[YVUNV]LY[OH[JSPMMVM`V\Y UL_[HSSUPNO[LY Nisha Richardson 6. Hip Hop Is Dead Nas Hip Hop 5HZ HUK 1H`A»Z KLJPZPVU [V ÄUHSS` THRL \W HUK IL MYPLUKZ HM[LY Ä]L `LHYZ VM OPNO WYVÄSL JYVZZÄYL ^HZ H ZPNO VM YLSPLM [V SV]LYZ VM OPWOVW )\ZPULZZ ^HZ UV KV\I[ [OL JH[HS`Z[ for their coalition, but who cares? Hip Hop Is DeadYLSLHZLKI`1/V]H OPTZLSM VU +LM 1HT 9LJVYKZ ZOV^Z 5HZH[OPZS`YPJHSILZ[ZPUJLOPZNLUYL KLÄUPUNKLI\[Illmatic(WHY[MYVT[OL ML^2HU`L>LZ[WYVK\JLK[YHJRZ[OL beats are far from superb, but then [OH[»ZUV[[OLWVPU[;VVVM[LUYHWWLYZ have gotten away with lame rhymes, YPKPUN[OL^H]LVMHTHaPUNWYVK\J[PVU [OPUR: The Game’s Documentary >OH[`V\NL[^P[OHip Hop Is Dead is VUL VM [OL TVZ[ [HSLU[LK 4*»Z VM [OL WHZ[KLJHKLÄUHSS`YLNHPUPUNOPZMVYT 6O HUK [OLU [OLYL»Z [OH[ ^HYT M\aa` MLLSPUN [OH[ 5HZ HUK 1H`A JV\SK IL ILZ[VMMYPLUKZMVYL]LY Joe Boats 7. Not Too Late Norah Jones Jazz/Blues 5V^ VU[V OLY [OPYK HSI\T 5VYHO Jones continues to rely upon the ZHTLSHPKIHJRTLSSV^WVWMVYT\SH [OH[OHZZLY]LKOLYZV^LSSPU[OLWHZ[ 7YVK\JLKI`HUKPUJVSSHIVYH[PVU^P[O OLYWHY[ULY3LL(SL_HUKLYTHU`VM[OL LAHE?=JP=HGO wami by nisha richardson 8 9 songs are a labour of love, evident in the lyrics of tracks like “Thinking about You” and “Be My Somebody.” Previously fusing jazz and country elements, Jones’ music now even wanders over into some bluegrass - “Sinkin’ Soon” uses a trombone and a mandolin whilst “Little Room” features a distinct whistling solo. Despite being a beautiful, loving album that scratches new ground, though, Jones’ third offering seems to be hitting all the old notes. Essentially, there is nothing here that you couldn’t ÄUKHTVUNZ[OLYWHZ[YLJVYKPUNZ Eva Bates 8. Wincing the Night Away The Shins Indie The third and most hyped Shins album to date creeps up on you slowly and slightly, until it’s already too late to resist its charm. It opens with “Sleeping Lessons,” a song that begins quietly and delicately and then explodes into a fast-paced, deceivingly joyous melody of chorus and sound. The second track, ”Australia” was written back stage at the Beck’s Verandah two years ago, and it’s a typically danceable excursion. You could be forgiven for thinking that this piece, with all its ‘la la las,’ is some kind of throwaway pop song, but listen again - nothing in The Shins is that simple. Mercer’s lyrical poetry also tells us “and your shape on the KHUJLÅVVY^PSSOH]LTL[OPURPUNZ\JO ÄS[O HUK NV\NL T` L`LZ¹ ;OLYLPU lies the genius of this band - the way they break your heart and make you smile all in one song. This is the most WYVK\JLK TVZ[ ZSPJR TVZ[ OPÄ Shins album so far, but that is not to its detriment. There is more going on here than ever before; more layered sounds, more lyrical confusion, more jerky rhythms, more goodness. Laura Miller 9. Dreamgirls Various Artists Original Soundtrack I love musicals! There’s nothing sadder, though, than when that ÄUHS J\Y[HPU JHSS PZ V]LY HUK 0»T SLM[ to bid adieu to the stars who have entertained me, forlornly wiping a tear from my eye as the music fades away… until the musical soundtrack appears! The last credits had barely ÄUPZOLK YVSSPUN ILMVYL 0 YLZVS]LK to immediately procure a copy of Dreamgirls and, just as I’d hoped it would, it made me immensely happy. Although I am unable to compare it to the 1982 Broadway original, Dreamgirls is wonderfully boisterous, and after listening to it the songs and the music seem to loom larger than life. This is one of those albums that makes you want to sing along before you know the words. Earning a special mention, Jennifer Hudson demands respect as she channels Aretha, giving more heart and soul than some listeners might be able to handle. Listening to Beyoncé and co. belt it out the way only divas can brought back that big, classic sound of Motown. A must-have. Abby Asomani (Z HS^H`Z K\YPUN [OL ÄUHS KH`Z VM Z\TTLY 7LY[OPHUZ ^PSS ZVVU ZL[ [OLPY ^H[JOLZ[V>(4P;PTLHZ[OL>(4\ZPJ 0UK\Z[Y` ZOV^JHZLZ [OL ILZ[ T\ZPJ ^L OH]L VU VMMLY (WHY[ MYVT [OL H ^OVSL [OYVUNVMSVJHSNPNZPUJS\KPUN[OLMHTLK ¸:H[\YKH`:WLJ[HJ\SHY¹¸*YVZZ[OYLHKZ¹ HUK¸:V\[O>LZ[:OV^JHZL¹[OLMLZ[P]HS HSZVIYPUNZ^P[OP[[OL>(4P(^HYKZ¶PU OVUV\YVMV\YZ[H[L»ZV]LYÅV^PUN[HSLU[ 7LY[OPZMHZ[ILJVTPUNHO\IVMWVW\SHY Australian music and, as a result, the H^HYKZHYLQHTWHJRLK^P[OH^OVSL YHUNL VM OV\ZLOVSK UHTLZ 3VVRPUN H[ [OLUVTPUH[PVUZ,ZRPTV1VLOH]LMHYLK WYL[[` ^LSS MHPSPUN [V IL UVTPUH[LK PU VUS` VUL VM [OL THQVY JH[LNVYPLZ )` [OL [PTL `V\ YLHK [OPZ [OL H^HYKZ ^PSS OH]LWYVIHIS`ILLUHSYLHK`HUUV\UJLK I\[ 7LSPJHU [HRLZ H WYLKPJ[P]L SVVR H[ [OL WV[LU[PHS 1VL 1\NNLYUH\[ HUK [OLPY ]HSPHU[VWWVZP[PVU Most Popular Act (Eskimo Joe, Karnivool, Snowman, The Panda Band). Eskimo Joe: You’d be wise to place your bets on the average Joes of the Perth music industry, Eskimo Joe. Just turn on the radion. Any station will do... Hell no: If Pelican had the power to make dreams come true, we’d like to see Snowman top this category. They have been doing the rounds, and may well pull a cheeky victory as they have developed a strong following on the local music scene. Not likely, though. Most Popular Album :\burban Songbook [Bob Evans], Black Fingernails, Red Wine [Eskimo Joe], Snowman [Snowman], This Vital Chapter [The Panda Band]) Eskimo Joe: A consistent pattern of award winning and chart topping is always a good sign! Hell no: Perhaps the sweet melodies of Mr Evans may prevail? A fave amongst commercial and alternative tastes alike, OPZHSI\TKLÄUP[LS`PTWYLZZLK Most Popular Single “Black Fingernails, Red Wine” [Eskimo Joe], “Killer Pink” [Sex Panther], “Small Mercies, Sweet Graves” [Schvendes], “Come On, Come On” [Little Birdy]) Eskimo Joe: Scoring a nice little number two on the Hottest 100, “Black Fingernails…” looks pretty hard to beat. Hell no: One of these songs is not like the other - “Killer Pink” is the only song without a comma in the title so by the powers of deduction, it might just be the stand out winner. However the very catchy “Come On, Come On” was well received and also has a mild-moderate chance. Most Popular Live Act ,Zkimo Joe, Karnivool, Schvendes, Little Birdy) Eskimo Joe: The never-ending sea of people around these guys is pretty hard to miss. Hell no: Katy might ‘steele’ away the male votes and lead Little Birdy to victory. Leading ladies aside, though, Little Birdy always deliver a good rock out and impress crowds. Most Popular Music Video (“Black Fingernails, Red Wine” [Eskimo Joe], “Come On, Come On” [Little Birdy], “You Are A Casino” [Snowman], “Stand Up In Disguise” [Antistatic]) Eskimo Joe: Oh, come on! Hell no: Little Birdy could get the WAMi for this category with their retro, animated and funky video being the most memorable and fun out of the nominees. Favourite Newcomer (Birds of Tokyo, Mink Mussel Creek, Streetlight, Sugar Army) Eskimo Joe: Hell no! Finally, someone else gets a go! The Birds of Tokyo ‘buzz’ raises their chances, but, then, again Streetlight have also developed a small following. Whatever the outcome, it will be nice to [HRLHIYLHRMYVTÄUNLYUHPSZHUK^PUL --- For more information on WAMi Festival events, visit or www. The Festival runs 16-25 February, featuring live music performances on each of those days. (SZV IL VU [OL SVVR V\[ MVY `V\Y VMÄJPHS companion to the 2007 WAMi Festival, the 2PZZ4`>(4P three CD compilation. It’s a neat little package, featuring both national household names (Eskimo Joe, Bob Evans et al.) and Perth’s best kept secrets, as well as a DVD packed full of our best music clips. Ideal for overseas travel, to remind you of what you’ve left behind. Out now. 41 HEOPAJEJC Three years in the making, and several ;= HUK ÄST ZV\UK[YHJR HWWLHYHUJLZ later, ;OL :OPUZ return with maybe their greatest album yet, Wincing The Night Away. Singer/Songwriter James Mercer tells Laura Miller all about it. Your songs are pretty catchy but the structure’s not that predictable, do you L]LY ÄUK P[ OHYK [V NL[ [OL OVVR YPNO[ [V THRLP[JH[JO`& Well yeah you know actually that song [Phantom Limb] particularly was one that I struggled with. I had the main chord progression on the back I\YULYMVY`LHYZHUK^HZUL]LYYLHSS`HISL[VÄ[P[ together right. But, suddenly, it just broke and fell PU[VWSHJLHIV\[H`LHYHNV^OLU0ÄYZ[Z[HY[LK to buckle down and write songs for Wincing the Night Away. the music. It’s kind of like “What is the mood I’m being put in by this?” and “Why?” and I just try HUKÄN\YL[OH[V\[HUKL_WYLZZP[S`YPJHSS` life. It’s something that could possibly change things for a long time so I just used that to keep motivated and work hard on the record. Sometimes the words are a little bit hard to \UKLYZ[HUK TH`IL ILJH\ZL VM OV^ THU` words you sing and how they’re recorded. >OH[HYL[OLM\UUPLZ[TPZPU[LYWYL[H[PVUZVM `V\YS`YPJZ`V\»]LOLHYK& +V`V\MLLSSPRL`V\»YLNVPUN[VILHISL[V YLHJOH^PKLYH\KPLUJL^P[O[OPZYLJVYK& Well for instance…There’s a line where I say “and L]LY`[OPUNMLLSZÄULILP[ZPSRVYZSPTL¹HUKP[^HZ interpreted - I saw on a blog site - as “being circus slime.” So just, like, totally random other words! But I understand, they’re not straight forward pop lyrics. “ Oh I don’t know about that because in a way I think this record is maybe less poppy than the other ones - so maybe less accessible even - I don’t know, I hope so! :VTL WLVWSL TPNO[ RUV^ [OH[ H ]LYZPVU VM [OL HSI\T ^HZ SLHRLK VU [OL PU[LYUL[ TVU[OZILMVYLP[ZYLSLHZLOV^KPK`V\MLLS HIV\[[OH[& 0[»ZSPRL[OLYL»ZHI\UJOVMWLVWSL^HP[PUNBMVY[OPZHSI\TDHUK[OL`»YL “ music nights are for NVPUN[VNP]L`V\[OLH[[LU[PVU[OH[HU`HY[PZ[^HU[ZZV0Q\Z[MLS[SPRL[OPZ^HZH JOHUJLMVYTL[VKVZVTL[OPUNPTWVY[HU[ +V`V\JVUZJPV\ZS`\ZLOVVRZSPRL[OH[HZH ^H`[VTHRLZVUNZZV\UKTVYL\WSPM[PUN& Well the hook that I put together there really was to try and elevate the mood of the song. I felt like it was pretty melancholy; there was some sort of angst and melancholy and I guess I felt like maybe that wasn’t enough. While watching cable I ended up seeing a Beck video for “Summer Girl” and I noticed that what he did was a pretty blatant use of a real pop hook, sort of a traditional method of really taking a song that [up until] that point had really just been a groove and then [bringing] in this real poppy chorus. So, I got the idea to put something together in the middle that would really elevate and grab people’s attention. Lyrically your songs are a little cryptic, how KV[OL`JVTL[V`V\& Usually what I do is I sit with the song - I’ve ^YP[[LU[OLT\ZPJHS^H`ZÄYZ[HUK0Q\Z[[Y`HUK interpret whatever is being transferred to me from 42 0Z^YP[PUNMVY;OL:OPUZHJHZLVM`V\Q\Z[ going away and writing and then bringing [OLV[OLYZPU[V[OLZ[\KPV& Yeah it’s a bit like that, especially on this one. I really sort of locked myself away for months and began writing and recording at the same time. I’ve got a computer set up at home with pro-tools, like a little studio. So I just started L_WLYPTLU[PUNHUK^VYRPUNSPRL[OH[:P_TVU[OZ later I called the guys in to hear what I was ^VYRPUNVUHUKILNHUSL[[PUN4HY[`L_WLYPTLU[ with some of the keyboard tracks and stuff like that and we ended up calling Joe Chicarelli [coproducer] in and we tied it all up in the end. ;OPZHSI\TOHZILLUWYL[[`OPNOS`HU[PJPWH[LK ¶KPK`V\MLLSTVYLWYLZZ\YL^YP[PUNMVY[OPZ VUL[OHU^YP[PUNMVY[OLSHZ[& Well you know you could call it pressure but I think I was trying to look at it as a privilege. It’s like there’s a bunch of people waiting and they’re going to give you the attention that any artist wants, so I just felt like this was a chance for me to do something important, at least for my Well I know that Sub-Pop was really upset about it… But I think I had worked so long and hard on [OLYLJVYKB[OH[D0^HZHSP[[SLIP[HU_PV\Z[VNL[ ZVTLMLLKIHJRZV0^HZU»[L_HJ[S`\WZL[0^HZ looking forward to being able to read some blog YL]PL^Z ÄUHSS`¯ B[OLUD [OL ^LLR VY [^V HM[LY P[ was leaked I started reading some reviews and quickly realised why I shouldn’t do that. 0M VUL VM `V\Y MH]V\YP[L IHUK»Z HSI\T ^HZ SLHRLKLHYS`KV`V\[OPUR`V\»KNVSVVRV\[ MVYP[VY^V\SK`V\^HP[& It’s hard to say. I do think that if I liked it a lot I would buy it, and I would say if you don’t like our record you don’t have to buy it - but if you do I would certainly appreciate it. It is my livelihood and so on but I feel pretty successful as it is. I accomplished what I wanted to with this record. I’m very proud of it. I feel and I think a lot of people agree that it’s the best thing we’ve ever done. IUOQIIAN by jeff hansen, clint jasper and nisha richardson music of festivals (JOPUNSLNZZ^VSSLUMLL[ISPZ[LYZKPY[\UKLY`V\YÄUNLYUHPSZZ^LH[ZVHRLKJSV[OLZHWV\UKPUN OLHKWHYJOLK[OYVH[JOHWWLKSPWZHUKZSPNO[S`ZPUNLKZRPU0M`V\OH]LILLU[VHT\ZPJMLZ[P]HSVM HU`ZVY[[OPZZ\TTLY`V\^PSSWYVIHIS`OH]LL_WLYPLUJLKHU\TILYVM[OLZLHPSTLU[ZHUKPM`V\ ^LU[HSSV\[HUKOHKHIPNVUL[OLU[PJRHSSVM[OLHIV]L+LZWP[L[OPZ[OV\NOHKH`H[HUVWLUHPY JVUJLY[JHUIL[OLTVZ[NYH[PM`PUNKH`VMT\ZPJHUKM\U[OH[`V\^PSSLUJV\U[LYHSSZ\TTLY:V ILMVYL`V\OP[[OLIVVRZ[HRLHX\PL[TVTLU[[VYLTPUPZJLHIV\[[OLZ\TTLY[OH[^HZ Pendulum – NYE Breakfest *OVVZPUN [V Z[H` OVTL HUK ^H[JO >HYUL` NL[ OPZ [O TLHU[ HYYP]PUN H[ [OL THNUPÄJLU[ )LS]VPY H[ PU [OL HM[LYUVVU I\[ [OH[ KPKU»[ TH[[LY ILJH\ZL [OL L]LU[ VUS` YLHSS`Z[HY[LK^OLUA;YPW[VVR [OL Z[HNL (S^H`Z HTHaPUN A;YPW KPKU»[ KPZHWWVPU[ /L OHK [OL ^OVSL (TWOP[OLH[YL NYVV]PUN ZOV^PUN VMM OPZ ZRPSSZ HZH[\YU[HISPZ[HZ^LSSHZH+1 [OH[RUV^ZOV^[VYVJRHWHY[` 5L_[[OL3VVZL*HUUVUZ[VVR [OL Z[HNL (SS 0»SS ZH` PZ [OH[ PM 0 OHK ^HU[LK [V ^H[JO HU PKPV[ ^LHYHM\YJVH[WYHUJLHYV\UK [OLZ[HNL[VIHKT\ZPJHUK`LSS PU[VHTPJYVWOVUL[OLU0^V\SK OH]LOH]LNVUL[VHUHSSIV`Z» ZJOVVS WLYMVYTHUJL VM +HSTH[PHUZ3\JRPS`-YLUJOSHZZ 4PZZPS ^HZ ZVVU RPJRPUN P[ VU [OL[VWZ[HNL^OLYLZOLWSH`LK HU HZZVY[TLU[ VM IYLHRZ HUK OPWOVW 4LHU^OPSL IHJR H[ [OLTHPUZ[HNL-YLX5HZ[`W\[ VUVULVM[OLWLYMVYTHUJLZVM [OLUPNO[LTWSV`PUNLU[OYHSSPUN ]PZ\HSZ HUK SPNO[PUN /PZ TP_ VM IYLHRZ LSLJ[YVUPJH +U) HUK NLULYHS KYLHKSVJRLK THKULZZ ^HZ HTHaPUN [V ^H[JO HUK L]LUIL[[LY[VOLHY;VÄUPZOVMM [OLUPNO[^L^LYL[YLH[LK^P[O HSP]LZL[MYVT;OL-YLLZ[`SLYZ (S[OV\NO]VJHSS`H^LZVTL[OL SP]L HJ[ ^HZ T\ZPJHSS` LTW[` SHJRPUN [OL IHZZ W\UJO VM H +1 ZL[ 5VUL[OLSLZZ [OV\NO [OL`Z[PSSTHKL[OL^OVSLJYV^K bounce to their infectious blend VMT\ZPJ Hit! /PZ[VYPJHS ZWVY[Z L]LU[Z HUK W\TWPUN T\ZPJ HSS PU VUL KH` Miss! 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(TLYPJHU[V^UVM(KH;OLIVVRMVSSV^Z[OL PUJVTWL[LUJLVM[OL\UQ\Z[[V^UWYVZLJ\[VYZ HUK \S[PTH[LS` KLZJYPILZ [OL ÄNO[ [V RLLW HU PUUVJLU[THUVMMKLH[OYV^ .YPZOHT»Z IVVR PZ WYV]VJH[P]L WV^LYM\S HUK ^LSS ^VY[O [OL YLHK 0[ VWLUZ [OL YLHKLY»Z L`LZ [V OV^ LHZPS` KPZJYPTPUH[PVU JHU VJJ\Y ^P[OPU[OLJYPTPUHSQ\Z[PJLZ`Z[LTHUKJSLHYS` KLTVUZ[YH[LZ [OL KHUNLYZ VM PTWVZPUN [OL W\UPZOTLU[VMKLH[O 0[ PZ HSZV PU[LYLZ[PUN [V UV[L [OL ZPTPSHYP[PLZ IL[^LLU [OPZ JHZL HUK V[OLY PUZ[HUJLZ VM KLUPHSZVMQ\Z[PJL[OH[OH]L[HRLUWSHJLPU7LY[O ;OL WHYHSSLSZ IL[^LLU .YPZOHT»Z L_WVZt HUK [OLL_WLYPLUJLZVMV\YV^U(UKYL^4HSSHYKHYL \UJHUU` HUK ^PSS JLY[HPUS` LUSP]LU [OL YLHKPUN L_WLYPLUJL MVY [OVZL YLHKLYZ MHTPSPHY ^P[O [OL KL[HPSZVM[OH[JHZL ;OPZ IVVR ^PSS HWWLHS [V HU` YLHKLY 0[ PZ ZPT\S[HULV\ZS`LU[LY[HPUPUNHUKZOVJRPUN@V\ ^PSSUV[ILKPZHWWVPU[LK(KKP[PVUHSS`MVY[OVZL ^OV HYL PU[LYLZ[LK PU ÄUKPUN V\[ TVYL HIV\[ [OPZJHZL`V\JHUYLHKThe Dreams of Ada I` 9VILY[ 4H`LY VY Journey Toward Justice I` +LUUPZ-YP[a +HUPLS.PIIVUZ Mister Pip Lloyd Jones 3PRLTHU`YLJLU[UV]LSZ3SV`K1VULZ»Mister Pip L_WSVYLZ OHYYV^PUN L]LU[Z [OYV\NO [OL L`LZVMHJOPSK0UJYLHZPUNS`[OPZPZILJVTPUN H WVW\SHY [LJOUPX\L MVY YLUKLYPUN ^HY[PTL TVYL WHSH[HISL HUK ZPT\S[HULV\ZS` TVYL ZOVJRPUN[V[OLYLHKLY^OLUQ\_[HWVZLK^P[O [OLPUUVJLUJLVMJOPSKOVVK 4H[PSKH [OL UV]LS»Z WYV[HNVUPZ[ SP]LZ PU H [YHKP[PVUHS ]PSSHNL VU [OL 7HJPÄJ PZSHUK VM )V\NHPU]PSSL ^P[OOLYTV[OLY;OLZ[VY`PZZL[ K\YPUN[OLLHYS`UPUL[PLZ^OLU[OL island erupted into civil war. Embarrassingly, I knew so little about this war that I had to ask my parents to explain it to me. Even they were vague on the details, which only proves one of Jones’ points; the rest of the world, particularly Australia, turned a blind eye to the violence. I don’t mean to suggest that Mister Pip is a ‘war novel’ per se. In Mister Pip, the war functions only as the story’s backdrop, while the narrative itself is surprisingly light and humorous. It’s really about the village children’s relationship with their school teacher, the only white person who stays in the village when the violence begins. His lessons consist of one thing: a chapter of Dickens’ Great Expectations every day. The children become entranced by the book, and Matilda becomes particularly infatuated with the character of Pip, which has entirely unexpected consequences for the whole village. This is a short, highly readable novel characterised of sparse, subtle prose. The twist at the end will leave you reeling. You will read it in a day, but it will remain in your thoughts for weeks afterwards. Anna Johnson Every Move You Make David Malouf Surprisingly intricate, the untethered stories of David Malouf’s latest collection are etched into their two hundred and forty four pages with all the illustrious hallmarks of this prized author’s talents. Tenderly, Malouf creates characters that breathe and relate, effortlessly littering them throughout the unresolved reaches of our national fabric. Malouf’s sometimes frail, brittle characters mingle with the perfunctory, but just as some suffer from a lack of meaning in their lives, so do others thrive by their intrinsic resiliency, their profoundness made all the richer by the landscape Malouf gently places around them. Set generally beyond the urban boundaries of a bygone Australia, the characters in Every Move You Make struggle with what time brings them ULHYLY [V" H `V\UN THU ÄNO[Z [V SLH]L ZVTL mark on his world before going to Vietnam, while an aging Father heads south, deep into the big smoke, to face the burial of his own daughter. Malouf’s women are well represented too, with an equal humanity spread the length of their narratives – a product of Malouf’s gentle, almost funereal, observations of the human condition. As is the case with any sum of short stories, a greater emphasis must lie in the ending, a fact Malouf exploits to great effect; characters seem swallowed by the numb silence that follows each brief appearance. ;OL Z[VYPLZ HYL UV[ ÅH^SLZZ" YLHKPUN [OLT requires an attention to detail and a patience to match. The punctuation can leave the reader exhausted, the length of some sentences rivalling the likes of Roth, though rarely do they ÅPJRLYWHZ[HYLHKLY»ZL`L^P[O[OLZHTLRPUK of pace. There are echoes throughout this book too, shadows of Malouf’s prior writings bubbling up through the script. An idyllic, rural childhood is again a theme, just as a high-brow Cantata (Malouf is the author of three opera libretti) features in the concluding story. This is not to say Malouf’s canvas is a tired one, but only that a reader may feel that the author - and they along with him – might have visited this terrain before. However, far from rusted, Malouf’s Every Move You Make is a thoughtful, tender read, its imagery pulled straight out of that big, Queensland sky. Mike Blanchard Knockabout Girl Pip Newling 7PW5L^SPUN»ZÄYZ[IVVRKL[HPSZOLY[PTLSP]PUN and working in the remote outback towns of Halls Creek and Mataranka. Through her experiences and those of the many friends and acquaintance she makes along the way, Newling paints a vivid picture of a part of Australia many people will never see. Fresh out of university, Newling headed out to Halls Creek in pursuit of employment, little realising the intensity of what she was about to face. Ranging from the hilarious to the appalling, Newling’s experiences are incredible, and always told with a warming compassion. Her writing style is snappy, with short sentences and often minimal use of pronouns which, rather than being annoying as you might expect, actually lend to a fast paced story. There is no narrative structure to speak of, this being merely a series of events in vague chronological order (in the author’s note, Newling admits that the order of events may have been tampered with slightly). This does not detract from the book, though, instead adding to the sense that this is merely a snapshot into outback life; whilst so much more remains, simmering just under the surface. Unless you live under a rock, you’ll be aware that Halls Creek has recently received a lot of media attention, and, as such, Newling’s book serves as an excellent opportunity to gain insight into the controversial town from someone who has L_WLYPLUJLKP[ÄYZ[OHUK CQEHPU pleasure Making Waves David Hasselhoff I don’t really understand the appeal of star autobiographies. In many ways, they seem as biased and contrived as the tabloid magazines these people so abhor. Also, stars who write autobiographies often have a thirst to prove themselves, as if shouting, “Look, this is the real me”, and, more often than not, this leaves the reader feeling increasingly wary about the book’s credibility. However, in Making Waves, written with Peter Thompson, David Hasselhoff doesn’t pull many punches. He writes candidly about his failed relationships and long struggle with alcohol, culminating with a stay at the Betty Ford Centre where he set “the highest ISVVK HSJVOVS ÄN\YL L]LY YLJVYKLK there”. He is good-humoured about allegations that he claimed the Berlin Wall fell because of him, explaining, “I’ve been living it down ever since”. In the most bizarre part of the book, he also discusses his shyness around girls and issues relating to sex, sometimes going into a bit more detail than the world needs to know. His honesty has the potential to set him up for ridicule, yet he carries on anyway, which makes the book so much more valid than a simple blow-byblow account of his life would have been. Making Waves traces his entire life, including the highs and lows from childhood to the present, but does so in a much more interesting format. Sometimes the writing seems a little stilted, and the many synopses he gives of Nightrider and Baywatch episodes become rather tiresome, but all in all, his book is an interesting foray into the mind of the man who has somehow (he himself seems bemused) become a pop culture icon. As an interesting footnote, the publishers recently revealed that Making Waves is about to be released with (wait for it) an extra chapter! This comes a mere eight months after the original publication. Obviously, nothing stands still in Hofftown. Jennifer Tate Jennifer Tate 45 growing up growing up HEPAN=HHU an interview with australian author, pip newling. by jennifer tate After leaving university, NSW-born Pip Newling spent time in Melbourne and Perth before making the move to Halls Creek. Already an acclaimed ÄST THRLY MVY OLY ZOVY[ ÄST The Reunion, 5L^SPUN OHZ UV^ YL[\YULK [V OLY ÄYZ[ WHZZPVU ^YP[PUN HUK OLY ÄYZ[ IVVR Knockabout Girl, is published this month. Jennifer Tate caught up with her to discuss coming of age in the Outback, some of the issues faced in rural Australia and support for the arts. Hall’s Creek is an interesting choice of destination after uni. Did your experiences [OLYLYLÅLJ[HJVTPUNVMHNLMVY`V\& Absolutely, I guess at the time in 1990, I was a year out of university and I had been in Sydney doing odd jobs working in bars. Most of my friends had careers or were going overseas for big trips. I was just bumming around, basically. I’d done an arts degree and was always interested in writing but that’s not necessarily a career path. I left Sydney and spent some time in Melbourne and Perth before taking the job in Halls Creek because I needed work! I thought it might be fun for a while. It certainly ended up adding to the experience of growing up and also learning how to rely on yourself and knowing what your limitations are. ;OL V\[IHJR JLY[HPUS` ZLLTZ H ¸THRL VY break” place! It’s true. A lot of the time people were coming up from Perth, sometimes 17 or 18 year olds fresh out of school, and they were so young that they would ÄUK [OLTZLS]LZ PU [YV\ISL X\P[L X\PJRS` ILJH\ZL they didn’t know how to handle the situations they found themselves in. They’d come up and leave just a few weeks later. The outback brings upon people different responsibilities to the city, where you can just distract yourself. In the city you can hide, but PUWSHJLZSPRL/HSSZ*YLLR`V\HYLX\LZ[PVULKHUK challenged and you need to be able to stand up for yourself a bit. 46 Halls creek has been in the news a lot lately, with calls for the sales of alcohol to be further restricted. Do you think this would IL^VY[O^OPSL& When I was there, it was a very different police force, and it was at the time of the Aboriginal deaths in police custody commission, so there was a lot of examination of how people were served alcohol, what kind of state that made for arrests, what people being arrested for, what that lead to in custody. There’ll always be somebody saying ‘yes’ and somebody saying ‘no’ about alcohol, because in a way it’s about policing Aboriginal behaviour, which isn’t necessarily useful. While I was there, there were people, indigenous and white, who were completely blind and they would still be served because that was the done thing, that’s what management expected. The policeman I spoke to when I returned recently had a different way of managing the town; he was about making the town a town, and moving on the problem alcoholics back to their communities which had no alcohol. There are other problems as well, what about employment and education? You can’t look at one problem without considering the others. ;OLYLHYLZL]LYHSPUJPKLUJLZVMYHJPZTPU`V\Y book. Did it shock you that there was such YHJPZTZ[PSSYPMLPU(\Z[YHSPH& Absolutely, and that it was to such an extent as well. It’s still astonishing. It’s used as a mark of power. Who knows whether, with some of these stories, I was just being wound up, if they were trying to ‘big’ themselves up, but so many things happen out there that nobody even knows about unless they happen to a tourist. People can go missing and you may never really know what happened to them. You were awarded with a Varuna Award for THU\ZJYPW[KL]LSVWTLU[>OH[PZ=HY\UHHUK ^OH[KVLZP[TLHU[V`V\& Varuna is a god send. It’s a national writer’s centre, so people in WA have access to it as well. It’s a house in the Blue Mountains. In 2003 I set myself a deadline of writing these stories down and I submitted the manuscript and it was short listed. So, in 2004, I found myself spending ten days up at the house with the other writers who were part of that intake. Spending ten days in a place where you are wined and dined and get to sit with your editor, with no pressure on the outcome, was great. That period of time was a complete turnaround for me, because it made me realise that, yes, you may have to have a full time job, but it is still possible to be a writer. I’ve been awarded another fellowship for the second book project; I get three weeks per year for three years because there is recognition that [OLZLJVUKIVVRPZOHYKLY[OHU[OLÄYZ[0»TYLHSS` excited. It’s a marvellous place and I recommend it to anyone who is a writer. +V `V\ ÄUK [OH[ [OLYL PZ H SV[ VM Z\WWVY[ MVY [OLHY[ZPU(\Z[YHSPH& Yes and no. There’s never enough money and WLVWSL HS^H`Z OH]L [V ÄNO[ MVY P[ I\[ 0 [OPUR [OH[ somewhere like Varuna is really rare. The fact that you can go and there are no pressures, and there’s an acceptance that it takes time to work on something like this, is something I’ve never come across, even at uni. I agree that the arts are supported to a certain extent but just not talked about enough. (YL `V\ TVYL SPRLS` [V JVUJLU[YH[L VU `V\Y ^YP[PUN[OHUTHRPUNTVYLÄSTZ& >LSS0»KSV]L[VTHRLTVYLÄSTZPU[OLM\[\YL"0VUS` stopped because I had to get a job. They’re very expensive! Financially, writing is a far less demanding way to get my stories out into the world. NAREASO what’s on The Bakery, Northbridge, first Thursday of every month For those unaccustomed to the amateur or indie music scene, The Bakery – thick in its homage to those characteristically artsy bars of Melbourne – can sometimes intimidate the freshest of newcomers. However, the casual scene of the Club ‘Enthusiastic Musicians Union’ (E.M.U) provides a quality that, thankfully, is likely to seduce one into staying. Having moved recently to The Bakery after a minor hiatus in 2006, Club E.M.U (Enthusiastic Musicians Union) have returned and are ready to to seduce, helped along by its Musicians-inChief Danny Susnjar (drums) and the Callum G’Froerer Group, a dual guitar, drum, and trumpet quartet. Their recent performances, improvisations all the way through, seem like echos from a time of heightened artistic freedom and expression. Watching people get into their music can be an interesting and a rewarding experience, as Club E.M.U. prove. One gets the sense that this is ‘authentic’ music – the kind that requires active listening, and allows for the rich blend of music and thought. Simplicity, coupled with obvious sharp musicianship and skill and easily extended over good tenminute periods, gave time for thought (‘I need [VÄUKT`N\P[HYHUKOH]LHQHTHNHPU»HUK also time for appreciation of the alternative music we so often miss on commercial radio stations and charts. The idea of free artistic expression is one inherent to Club E.M.U. For an opening night to encompass the funky elements of jazz, the broody yet dulcet tones of the subcontinent and thoughtful and careful rhythms that demand a listener be responsible for what they hear, for me, are a promising and exciting indication of the what Club E.M.U hold in store for us in 2007. For more information check out www. Rose Sitorus Karron Bridges Walking with the Wongi Fremantle Arts centre Sat 20 Jan - Sun 4 March FREE I must admit that I was a little reluctant when I peered through the doorway leading to º>HSRPUN ^P[O [OL >VUNP» ([ ÄYZ[ NSHUJL HSS I could see were three walls lined with photo after photo, each the same size and shape, all devoid of colour and all depicting Australian outback scenes. But when I entered the room and started sideZ[LWWPUNHSVUNVULZPKLT`ÄYZ[PTWYLZZPVUZ quickly sunk away. It was like sitting on a comfy couch with a friendly neighbour you’ve never bothered to talk to much, and discovering how interesting they are as you sift through their family albums. There were deliberate shots - where your neighbour would have pointed out, “This is Jim with the old Holden before it carked it,” or “Here’s Aunty Marilyn at the lake”. These were contrasted with more poignant shots, such as a photo of grandchild sprawled across the arms of grandma, seeking solace from the heat on a mattress way past its use-by date. And as I passed each image, I noticed the emphasis on the struggle, and ultimately, the exhaustion of the people featured. The exhibition, embracing the ‘Human Family’ theme of PIAF 2007, documents the lifestyle of a community living in Ninga Mia, northeast of Kalgoorlie-Boulder. It catalogues the inhabitants’ reliance on solid family relations and the sheer strength of character needed to endure the destitution of life in the Australian desert. The evocative ways in which Karron Bridges places her subjects and captures their moments says a lot about the emotional space that these people occupy, and although I can never understand exactly what goes on in the Ninga Mia Village, the exhibition hints at the futility – and impossibility – of sticking to tradition in a developing world. 0ANBKNI=J?A Augie March with WASO: 24 and 25 Feb in King’s Park The ‘One Crowded Hour’ lads + Beautiful Symphonies + Starry nights with a bottle of wine = Unmissable. The Mozart Faction: 7 March – 24 March at the Blue Room Theatre Perth playwright Kate Rice’s latest black comedy ranges over life and art. The hook: A man with a gun interrupts a suburban choir rehearsal. Enjoy. 6EOQ=H ‘Collector’ – The Neistat Brothers: 8 Feb - 8 April at PICA Famous for the video ‘iPod’s Dirty Little Secret’ (see: YouTube), the Neistat brothers combine their digicam talents and their own mischievous, investigative zeal to produce a range of entertaining works. Yr 12 Perspectives: 3 March – 29 April at the Art Gallery of WA ‘Perspectives’ is renown as one of the most viewed exhibitions in the Perth artistic calendar. Visit and you may be surprised at how gifted these students really are. Come prepared to witness contentment, indifference, independence, love, resilience, and pride. This exhibit runs from 20 January to 4 March at the Fremantle Arts Centre and is completely free. Zoe Chua 47 arts Club E.M.U – PDEO IKJPD arts +A=PEJC the musical by vidya rajan Keating!, a hugely successful hit on the east coast and winner of a number of Melbourne Comedy Festival accolades, arrives in Perth this month as part of the International Arts Festival. Pelican chats to the man behind the musical; writer and musical director - Casey Bennetto. “Witty, passionate…very rude, very funny … magical theatre”. Everyone loves Keating! Did you expect it would take off? When we started doing [the musical], I wrote it to be performed by a group of friends (our band called the Drowsy Drivers) at the Melbourne Comedy Festival in 2005. The economics of that festival are such that, there are 200 shows on. And you know, you’re lucky [John Howard’s] career just goes on and on. if people even notice your show. Those are the kind of You can say ‘Uhh well that was kind of a tragedy for concerns, going to opening night thinking - will people show up? And if they do him,’ and ‘Well that was kind of hard for him.’ –will they think it’s any good? You’ve been rehearsing it for a few weeks and you have But, with Keating, the lights were either all green no idea, you think: will this bit work? Will that bit work? All that sort of stuff. That’s the or all red… He’s about the highs and lows. real concern. “ “ I’ve heard you add on to the show as you go along? Yeah, the Belvoir version, which is the version we’re bringing to Perth, is the newly expanded version. The original version was one hour, and we toured around with it. It was independently produced, we went to Adelaide and Brisbane and Darwin and stuff. But Neil Armstrong [the director] said, ‘Would you like to bring it to the Belvoir theatre to rework it?’ Which was a bit of a generous offer, I mean it’s Neil, he has an amazing reputation - and as it turns out a [OVYV\NOS` Q\Z[PÄLK VUL 0[»Z Q\Z[ [VV NVVK HU opportunity. So we reworked [it], and added a few songs. Its been ‘go go go’ ever since! So, this is probably the biggest thing you’ve ever done? Yeah! It’s really intimidating. For sure, coming into [OLÄYZ[YLOLHYZHSH[[OL)LS]VPY^L^LYL\ZLK to the situation where the cast is most of the show. You have a couple of people on the front of the house - a lighting and sound operator and a stage manager. At the Belvoir – “here’s Jennifer Irwin” – the costume director, and then here’s a couple of other costume people. And “here’s Damien Cooper – the lighting designer!” To make it more intimidating, all these people have considerable reputations in the theatrical community. “Here’s Brian Thomson” - and you think – ‘he’s the set designer for six million plays!’ John O’Connell for instance, was doing the choreography. “So what did you do last, John?” “Oh well, I did Shall We Dance with Richard Gere and before that, Baz Luhrmann’s Strictly Ballroom.” And you say “Riiiight. Now you’ve come to work with us? We each have three left feet…oookay” The question any writer gets asked – how did you come up with the idea? 0[ ^HZ H SP[[SL IP[ VM Å\RL HUK H SP[[SL IP[ VM happenstance really. I was looking for something to put a musical theatre style of plot around. What I’m really interested in and what the show really is – is satirical musical theatre rather than just plain old satire politics. When there’s a political focus, it’s normally more operatic. That’s right. So it seemed the casualness a musical could bring to it would be fun. Also, Keating did have that whole ‘Placido Domingo’ thing going… All these Keating quotes, such 48 pelican’s So why Keating? 0[»Z[OLHYJVMOPZJHYLLY>LSSÄYZ[VMHSSOL»ZHIV\[OPNOZHUKSV^Z<USPRL1VOU /V^HYK^OLYL[OLJHYLLYQ\Z[NVLZVUHUKVUHUK`V\JHUZH`º\OO^LSS[OH[ was kind ofH[YHNLK`MVYOPT»HUKº^LSS[OH[^HZkind ofOHYKMVYOPT»)\[ ^P[O2LH[PUN[OLSPNO[Z^LYLHSSNYLLUVYHSSYLK(WWHYLU[S`MYVTKH`[VKH` /L ^HZ H ÄN\YL VM NYLH[ TLSHUJOVS` VJJHZPVUHS KLZWHPY HUK HSZV NYLH[ [YP\TWOHU[ TVTLU[Z 4\ZPJHS [OLH[YL ^VYRZ ^P[O L_WSVZPVUZ VM L_WYLZZPVU -YVTº=HTWPYLZVM:\UU`KHSL»[V(\Z[YHSPHUWVSP[PJZ¶P[»Z[OH[IPNHUKÅVYPK L_WYLZZPVU[OH[`V\SVVRMVY A few reviews have stated that this is a biased leftist production that NSVZZLZV]LY2LH[PUN»ZÅH^Z 6OHIZVS\[LS`;OVYV\NOS`[OVYV\NOS`NSVZZLZV]LYOPZMH\S[Z0[PZHderanged WYLZLU[H[PVUVMOPZWVSP[PJHSJHYLLY0ÄUKP[VKK[OH[[OLVJJHZPVUHSJYP[PJPZTOHZ JVTL\WVU[OH[ZJVYL0RUV^HSV[VMWLVWSLNVPUHUK^HU[[VJOLLY2LH[PUN HUK[OL(37¶HUK[OH[PZÄULI\[0[OPUR[OLTHPUZH[PYPJHSWVPU[PZ[OH[P[PZ ZVIPHZLK[V^HYKZ2LH[PUN[OH[B[OLT\ZPJHSDOHZLUKLK\WPUHUPU[LYLZ[PUN WSHJL0[OPURKLYHUNLKPZ[OLJVYYLJ[^VYK)\[MVSRZHYLMYLL[VQ\KNL¯ 0KVU»[YLHSS`YLTLTILYHU`[OPUNHIV\[2LH[PUN0[OPUR0^HZHSSVMÄ]L I was chatting to mum and she remembers it as a more vibrant time, compared to today? B3H\NOZD @LZ [OH[ is [Y\L ;OLZL HYL [OL [OPUNZ [OL WPLJL JOVVZLZ [V \UHIHZOLKS`JLSLIYH[L[OLW\ZO[VHU(\Z[YHSPHUYLW\ISPJ[OLW\ZO[VIL[[LY YLSH[PVUZ ^P[O (ZPH (IVYPNPUHS YLJVUJPSPH[PVU (SS [OPUNZ 2LH[PUN Z[\TWLK MVY ]LY`Z[YVUNS`;OLPU[LYLZ[PUN[OPUNPUJVU[L_[VM[VKH`»ZWVSP[PJZPZ[OH[[OLZL [OPUNZHYLUV[]V[L^PUULYZ*SVZLYYLSH[PVUZ^P[O(ZPH[YHKP[PVUHSS`PZUV[H ]V[L^PUULY)\[[OLZLHYL[OPUNZ2LH[PUNZ[\TWLKMVYILJH\ZLOLILSPL]LK PU[OLT0HKTPYL[OH[^OVSLOLHY[LKS`5VVULWVSSLK[OPUNZVYPM[OL`WVSSLK ULNH[P]LS`2LH[PUNPNUVYLK[OLT(UK`LZ0HTHSLM[^PUNWLYZVUHUKOH]L ILLUKPZHWWVPU[LKPUWVSP[PJZIV[OZPKLZHJ[\HSS`ZPUJL[OLLSLJ[PVU Do you think people go away from the show with a bit of a political message? /TT;OLYLOH]LILLUZVTLZVY[ZVMWLVWSL^OV^LYLX\P[LSLM[`I\[HU[P 2LH[PUNHUK[OL`^H[JOP[HUKNV¸6O0»]LMVYNV[[LUOL»ZHIV\[[OH[¹HUK[OL` NVH^H`KYLHT`L`LK)\[0»]L[YPLKUV[[VILZH[PZÄLKI`HU`PU[LYWYL[H[PVU ;OLYLPZUVYPNO[HUK^YVUN@V\JV\SKSPRLArmageddonPM`V\HWWYVHJOP[PU [OLYPNO[^H`(UKCitizen KaneJV\SKIL[OL^VYZ[ÄSTPU[OL^VYSKPM`V\»YL UV[PU[OLYPNO[TVVK PKLBERA 70(-WPJRZ Looking over the brochures for the biggest Arts event that Perth will enjoy all year (the Perth International Arts Festival) is enough to leave `V\ LP[OLY L_JP[LKS` JVUM\ZLK VY KLZWLYH[LS` JVUÅPJ[LK ;V THRL things easier, PelicanWYLZLU[Z[OLZL;VWUV[`L[ZVSKV\[I\[`V\ IL[[LYO\YY`70(-WPJRZ! 1. Small Metal Objects: ;OPZH^HYK^PUUPUNZOV^\ZLZ-VYYLZ[*OHZLHZP[Z]LY`V^UWLYMVYTHUJL ZWHJLYVWPUN\UZ\ZWLJ[PUNZOVWWLYZPU[V[OLHJ[PVU7YVTPZLZ[VIL IV[OOPSHYPV\ZHUKWYV]VJH[P]L 2. Beck’s Verandah: (S^H`ZHTHaPUN;OPZ`LHYZLLZHJ[ZSPRL1LUU`>PSZVU*HTLYH6IZJ\YH HUK;OL;PNLY3PSPLZ 3. Circus Oz ;HRLTLV\[[V[OLJPYJ\Z*PYJ\Z6aYL[\YUZH[SHZ[[V7LY[OHM[LYYH]L YL]PL^ZMYVTP[ZZLSSV\[5L^@VYRZLHZVU:H[PYPJHSLULYNL[PJZ\YWYPZPUN HUKWLYMLJ[MVYHUPTHSSV]LYZP[»ZHZ\YLÄYLOP[ 4. Raised by Wolves: PICA ¸>VS]LZ HYL L]LY`^OLYL ;OL` HYL HTVUNZ[ \Z ;OL` HYL \Z¹ /V^ L_PZ[LU[PHS-VJ\ZZLK\WVUJOHSSLUNPUNMHTPS`Z[Y\J[\YLZ[OPZPZVULMYLL PU[LYHJ[P]LL_OPIP[PVU[OH[`V\JHU»[HMMVYK[VTPZZ 5. Travelling Curtain: Bambuco +VU»[ RUV^ ^OH[ [V THRL VM [OPZ VUL I\[ HU`[OPUN [OH[ PZ THKL V\[ VM )HTIVVHUKJVTLZ^P[OJVTWSL[L^P[O[OL[HNSPUL¸LH[ZP[Z[HPS¹Q\Z[OHZ[V THRL[OLSPZ[)LVU[OLSVVRV\[PU-LIY\HY`MVY[OLZ[YLL[ZVM7LY[OILPUN [YLH[LKSPRLH[YH]LSSPUNZV\UKZJHWL/PU[!:[PYSPUN.HYKLUZHUK:[.LVYNL»Z ;LYYHJL 0RUV^ZVTLVUL^OVKVLZU»[SPRLP[ 2HUL&@LHOI\[H[[OLLUK0»TOHWW`PM^LNL[[VWSH`L]LY`UPNO[HUK^L OH]LM\U^P[O[OH[ What are your plans for Keating after the festival? >LSS7LY[OPZHJ[\HSS`T`SHZ[JVU[PU\V\ZLUNHNLTLU[HJ[\HSS`WLYMVYTPUN WSH`PUN[OLYVSLVM/L^ZVUHUK+V^ULY>OPJOZOV\SKTHRLP[HSV[VMM\U 0»]LILLUKVPUNP[MVYX\P[LH^OPSL:VHIYLHR^V\SKILNVVK (ZMVYTL[OLYL»ZHT\ZPJHSPU:LW[LTILYVWLUPUNH[[OL)LS]VPYJHSSLKReal Estate ¶^OPJO0YLHSS`T\Z[Z[HY[^YP[PUN;OLJSVJRPZ[OVYV\NOS`[PJRPUNUV^ Keating! Is on at the Octagon from 27 Feb – 4 March. At the time of printing, all shows had already sold out. 49 arts HZ ¸>OLU [OL [PTL JVTLZ ^L»SS ÅPW [OL Z^P[JO [V ]H\KL]PSSL HUK 0»SS IL [OL ZVUNHUKKHUJLTHUPMYLX\PYLK¹¶HSS[OLZLX\V[LZZLLTLK[VPUKPJH[L[OH[ P[ ULLKLK [V IL H T\ZPJHS 0[ ^HZ JLY[HPUS` HSZV PUZWPYLK I` +VU >H[ZVU»Z Recollections of a Bleeding Heart IPVNYHWO` regular stuff IETA@>=C with caroline dale For the past couple of weeks I have been listening to this one album pretty much continuously. I know that it is a bad idea to keep listening to it, that I will grow PTT\UL[VP[ZTHNPJHUKP[^PSSUVSVUNLYÄSSTL^P[O a pleasant sort of wistfulness, but my power to stop is minimal. The album is Essence by Lucinda Williams and it really is very good. What I do is, I listen to it through once. Then I go back and listen to tracks 4-7, my personal favourites, once more. Track 7, though, is the hands down winner, the one I am really obsessed with, and so at this point I will listen to it for a third (and sometimes fourth) time, often whilst sagging melodramatically on my couch. This is the WVPU[H[^OPJOT`TPUKÄUHSS`Y\ZOLZPUHUK[LSSZT` trecherous heart to stop listening to that goddamn song because I am surely only ruining it for myself. I have pondered long and hard as to why this relatively innocuous little country-rock number should exert such emotive power over me. The conclusion I have arrived at is this: it makes me feel grown up. It is quite a phenomenal thing to listen to a song all about loneliness and lust and unrequited adult-type emotions and to realise, yeah I relate to that. It’s like one minute you’re watching Home and Away and the next your life actually is an episode of Home and Away. (In all honesty I would prefer to watch Neighbours any day, I\[ 0 KVU»[ YLHSS` ^HU[ [V ÄUK T`ZLSM PU HU LWPZVKL VM that. So many sagging jowls and bizarre subplots, and 0^V\SK\UKV\I[LKS`ÄUKT`ZLSMPUHZVYKPKYLSH[PVUZOPW with horrible Paul Robinson. Or Dylan Timmins. Actually Dylan might be okay.) 0[»Z IPaHYYL [OL ^H` ^L ZWLUK V\Y ÄYZ[ JV\WSL VM decades waiting for the life part of life to begin. Some people never really realise that it already has. A crude example, if I may: I can distinctly remember an archnemesis of mine from primary school maliciously PUMVYTPUNTL[OH[T`JOLZ[^HZO\TPSPH[PUNS`ÅH[0^HZ ten! Jesus! What was I meant to have on my chest?!) And for many, many years thereafter I was convinced that I was absolutely devoid of womanly features and would never win myself a bad boy with a heart of gold like I so desired. It was only on the day that I brought OVTLT`ÄYZ[+J\W[OH[0ÄUHSS`YLHSPZLK ohh my god; 0[OPUR0OH]LÄUHSS`NYV^UIYLHZ[Z This is why I love growing up. I always wanted to grow up, because growing up meant cleavage and boyfriends from the wrong side of the tracks and writing self- 50 conscious columns in student press, and now that my wishes have been granted, who would I be to complain? Some days I think I am a bit of a loser. I’m too scatty to keep a job, even as a coffee bitch. Consequently, I am permanently broke. My apartment’s a mess. I can’t hand in assignments on time. Bureaucracy makes me shaky and watery-eyed and I really hate making phone calls to people I don’t know. I am not yet an international megastar. All of which does not scream “success”. But when those times come around I simply imagine, what would the ten-year-old Caro think of me now? Let’s be honest here, the ten-year-old me would think this: YOU ARE AWESOME. Mini Me wouldn’t care that T` SP]PUN ZWHJL PZ H OV[ILK VM ÄS[O" [OL MHJ[ [OH[ 0 SP]L alone would be enough to blow her easily-impressed mind. Mini Me wouldn’t mind my fear of bureaucracy and authority, because Mini Me was so shy she could barely talk to her relatives let alone scary administrative staff. And get ready for this, Mini Me: I have friends of various genders, sexualities, nationalities, races and socio-economic classes. I have been involved in interesting relationships of varying lengths and intensities. I ditched a stultifying music degree to spend my days writing songs on an instrument I can hardly play. I have a boyfriend who is in not one but a couple of bands, one of which has even played on a stage before. A dude I had a crush on once gave me a CD with a song he’d written for me on it. (Recently I found out he was dating someone from Australian Idol, which somehow made the situation that much more awesome.) These situations, though mundane when they are actually happening, are incredibly poetic in the eyes of a tenyear-old. The point I’m trying to make is that we live out amazing and hysterical and scary soap operas every single day that we exist. You can be blasé and self-deprecating about it if you want. Or else you can choose to realise that these thrillingly adult things are happening to you on a daily basis, that you are living the dream, and is that not incredibly awesome? You got what you were ^HP[PUNMVY.L[\ZLK[VP[M\JRLYZ"[OLZLHYL[OLKH`Z of our lives.
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