2012-03 Valley Vibration Newsletter


2012-03 Valley Vibration Newsletter
Inside this Issue
Board Meeting Agenda............3
Board Meeting Minutes...........3
ARC Approvals........................4
Sylvia Thalman........................5
Lucas Valley Homeowners Association
March 2012
No. 461
Lucas Valley HOA Needs You!
Easter Egg Hunt
Three seats on the LVHA Board are up for election this year; those of Tim Irish,
Denis Ford and Dale Miller. As of this date Tim Irish and Denis Ford will not be
rerunning. Please consider running for a position on the Board. Start by filing a
candidate's statement by March 23rd, 2012 and present it on Candidates' Night
at the April 18th Board of Directors' Meeting. Elections are held in May. If you
have any questions about the position you may call any of the Board Members to
discuss the time involved.
Ongoing volunteer opportunities:
· There are 10 active volunteer committees in LVHA - Pool, Tennis, Watershed,
Cable TV and Internet, Finance, Emergency Response, Recreation (to name a
· Check the Vibration, LVHA.org, Channel 8 or come by the business office for
more information.
· These volunteer positions require very little time (generally just a couple hours
each month) and can be rewarding, fun, enriching and educational!
· Get involved in something that interests you!
The benefits of Lucas Valley Homeowners Association are only made possible
through the dedicated efforts of community volunteers like yourselves.
The annual Easter Egg Hunt will
take place on Saturday, March 31st at
10 AM. Meet at the LVCC parking lot
and parade up to Vogelsang.
After many years of organizing
this fun event Tiana Grgurina would
like to pass this event on to someone
else. If you can take it over or at least
co-organize it please call 492-8188.
Lifeguards Wanted
Next Meeting
Board of Directors
March 21, 2012 • Wed. 7:30 PM
Are you looking for a fun summer
job? Look no further than your own
neighborhood pool. Just think - no
commute, a short bike ride or walk
away. The Pool Committee will soon
be interviewing applicants for the
spring and summer season. Applications are due by March 30th.
If you are interested and will have
your certifications up to date by then
call the office for an application. Or
send an email to lvha@lvha.net requesting an application.
Page 2
New Valley Vibration
Billing Policy
Home Owners Dues
Lucas Valley Home Owners dues
are $160 per quarter and this amount
is due and payable on the following
dates: January 1, April 1, July 1 and
October 1.
Statements will be sent to home
owners on these dates. You may choose
email billing by emailing the office at
The use of the pool, tennis courts,
and television channels 2 -13 are included in the dues.
Non payment of dues will result in
the following actions: If dues are not
paid within 30 days of the due date a late
fee of $15 per quarter will be added to
the invoiced amount. If not paid within
60 days of the due date TV service to
the residence will be terminated and
use of the pool or tennis courts will not
be permitted. If not paid within 90 days
of the due date, the LVHA Board may
place a lien on the property.
TV Reception Problems
Lucas Valley Home Owners Association contracts with Lucas Valley Cable
to provide television channels 2 -13 to
all residents. If you have problems with
these channels, call Lucas Valley Cable
at 259-5856 for service.
Returned Checks
Checks returned by the bank are subject
to a $15 fee plus the bank charge.
LVHA Board of Directors
Denis Ford
Vice President Dale Miller
Treasurer Greg Kamman
Secretary Tim Irish Member-at-large Greg Stilson
472-3202 president@lvha.org
472-3202 vicepresident@lvha.org
472-3202 treasurer@lvha.org
472-3202 secretary@lvha.org
472-3202 memberatlarge@lvha.org
Committee Directory
Architectural - Terry Bremer 492-0342
Emergency Response - Kelby Jones 499-0871
Finance - Tom Egan 499-9079
Horseowners - Tad Jacobs 492-0161
Legal - David Bremer 492-0342
Pool/Recreation/Welcoming - Maggie McCann 499-0662
Public Improvements/Watershed - Ron Marinoff 479-8103
Swim Team - Nancy Applegarth 472-5955
Cable TV and Internet -John Applegarth 472-5955
Tennis - Carlos Lamas 492-8984
Zoning/Planning Fire Commissioner & CSA 13 - Ron Marinoff - 479-8103
LVHA Business Office
1201 Idylberry Road, San Rafael, CA 94903
Tel: 415 472-3202 Fax: 415 472-7512 E-mail lvha@lvha.net
Mon. - Fri. 9:00 am to 1:00 pm • Website www.lvha.org
Janice Cunningham, Business Manager
Teen List
B= Babysitting, T= Tutoring, P= Pet Sitting, H= House Sitting, C= Cleaning, G= Gardening
James Sitzman
Ellen Cole
Michael Sitzman
Mason Scherer
Dominique Gaston
Maxwell Halpern
Julia McKeag
Jessica Garofalo
Chris Garofalo Tommy Holt
Jacquie Bigot
Emilie Weiss
Leah Gray 18 GP 572-9869
17 BHP 472-7137
17 PGHBT225-9449
16 PG 847-4897
16 B*PG 499-1858
16 BGHP 499-0817
16 PH 492-0673
14 H 492-0673
18 GHP 377-9564
16 BHG 472-1186
16 BPG 472-5624
14 B*HP 479-6119
Fiona Fowler
14 B*HP 479-3880
Sophie LaPorte
15 B*TP 259-5418
Gaby Gaston
14 BGHPT507-9333
Lucas Scherer
14 BGHP 499-1965
Keely Gallagher 15 BP 259-6595
Emma Tuck
13 B*TP 472-0335
Chiara Cameron 12 TPG 479-8914
Erin-Rose Charleton 12 P 479-5923
Dylan Slack
14 BCHT 472-3021
Janine Grgurina
12 BPHG 492-8188
Anna LaPorte
P 259-5418
Georgia Applegarth 12 B*TPH 472-5955
New Valley Vibration
Minutes of the LVHA
Board Meeting
February 15, 2012
Present were: Denis Ford, Dale Miller,
Tim Irish, Greg Kamman, and Greg
Approval of Agenda: Greg Stilson
moved to approve the agenda. It was
seconded by Tim Irish and unanimously
Approval of Minutes: Greg Kamman
moved to approve the minutes of the
January 18, 2012 meeting. It was seconded by Dale Miller.
Office Manager’s Report:
Community Center: The Easter Egg
Hunt will be on March 31st at 10am.
Tiana Grgurina is looking for someone
to take it over so if you feel you can
help please call her at 492-8188. Office:
Homeowners dues were due by January
31st. Please check to be sure that you
are paid up. Pool News: Mike’s Pool
and Spa have started up the heaters and
the pool should be heated by Friday. We
have one more inspection due from the
Health Department hopefully this week
and then should be done. There are some
other small issues but we are working on
getting a bid to take care of those.
President’s Report: Given by Denis
Ford. Denis had no report other than
to thank those who were in attendance
for coming.
Treasurer’s Report: Given by Greg
Kamman: Greg reported that for the
first month of the year budget wise all
looks good.
Motion: Dale Miller moved that the
following notice be posted on channel
8 and on BigTent ten days prior to the
date on which LVHA quarterly dues are
due: “The LVHA quarterly homeowner
dues are due on the (month, day, year). If
you have already paid your dues, thank
you or your prompt payment, otherwise
please send your check or schedule your
electronic payment to arrive prior to
the due date”. In addition, no late fees
Page 3
whatsoever are to be forgiven even for
members serving on the Board of Directors. It was seconded by Tim Irish and
unanimously approved.
Motion: Dale Miller moved that the
Board send letters to the Lucas Valley
Swim Team President and each member
of an LVHA committee notifying them
that homeowners who are delinquent by
60 days or more in their dues will not be
allowed to use the facilities or to serve
on a committee. LVHA shall also send
a letter and list of homeowners who are
delinquent by 60 days or more in paying
their dues shall be sent to Lucas Valley
Cable requesting that the basic television, channel 8, and FM radio band be
disconnected from these homes whose
dues are delinquent. It was seconded by
Greg Stilson and unanimously approved.
Items from Homeowners:
Board of Directors: One homeowner
in the audience suggested that any
member serving on the board ought to
be forgiven the homeowners dues as a
way to entice members to serve on the
board. Although a comment was made
that the Davis-Stirling Act provides that
no board member may solicit or receive
any compensation from the association
for serving on the board, the member
thought that perhaps there may be a way
around that. The Board was flattered but
did not feel it was necessary to waive
dues to entice community members to
serve. They also recognized the hard
work by many committee members
which cannot be compensated.
Fiftieth Anniversary: Greg Stilson
suggested that LVHA have a party to
celebrate 50 years in existence. He
continued on page 4
Next Meeting
Mar 21, 2012
1. Call the Meeting to Order
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Approval of Minutes of Feb. and Exec. meetings
4. Business Manager's Report
5. President's Report
6. Treasurer's Report
7. Items from Homeowners
8. Committee Reports
9. Old Business:
FM Radio band
10. New Business: Paint fascia,
Replace pump room pipes
11. Adjournment
Page 4
New Valley Vibration
Let's Go Green!
Minutes continued
This column was suggested as a way
of giving away an item that was still
usable but no longer wanted. If you
have a free usable item to give away
call the office at 472-3202 so that it can
be listed in the next issue of the Valley
thought that a party at the pool would
be appropriate this summer since some
homes were built before and some after
1962. The Association was thought to
have been incorporated in late 1962 or
early 1963.
Committee Reports:
Architectural Review Committee:
Given by Greg Stilson. Greg reported
that the committee would like to increase in size from five to seven given
that they meet twice a month and they
feel the workload warrants it. However,
it was noted that the CC&Rs must be
changed as they now state there must be
five members on the ARC. The Ad-hoc
Committee to update the CC&Rs will
take it into consideration. It was also
suggested that the Committee Chairs remove those members who are not active
in order to allow others to join.
Finance Committee: Given by Greg
Kamman. Greg reported that at the
Finance Committee meeting the prior
week the fee for swim team members
who are not homeowners should be
increased. The initial discussion was
to increase it to $50 but $35 was also
discussed. The Committee would like
to figure out a fee structure by the hour
and season rather than have to take percentages of the various items.
Motion: Dale Miller moved to have an
executive session to discuss the issue of
pool rental contracts within two weeks.
The motion died from lack of second.
Public Improvement Committee:
Given by Gary Scharlach. Gary reported that April Phillips and he sent
a proposal and RFP to remodel the
community center landscaping, the upper courts and the lower courts to six
landscape architects for review. A site
walk will take place February 23rd with
responses expected by March 9th. Concept drawings will be due in June.
Old Business:
Pool Update: Tim Irish stated that the
This month's free items are:
• Upholstered footstool, light
green fabric, 24" x 24" x 17" high,
excellent condition. Call 479-0584.
• Little Tikes climb and play
slide, sturdy plastic 30" tall. Excellent
condition. Call 479-0584.
ARC Approvals
The LVHA Architectural Review
Committee (ARC) serves to help maintain various architectural characteristics
of our unique community as outlined in
our CC&Rs, and Design Guidelines.
All projects, including exterior
painting, fencing, roofing, replacement of entry doors, driveways, siding, and other projects visible from
the streetscape, are subject to design
Approvals in January - February:
105 Mt. Whitney Ct. - garage door
7 Mt. Burney Ct. - roof and door
1229 Idylberry - concrete walkway
18 Rubicon Ct. - foam roof
Important Numbers
Emergency - call 911
Sheriff’s non emergency 499-7233
pool plastering job is complete but that
there are a couple of items that will be
taken care of in the near future. There
are some piping changes in the pump
room that are being looked at.
Extenet Update: Nothing new has been
filed with the County at this time.
FM Radio Band: Some months ago
LVC requested that they be allowed to
drop the FM Radio Band from the TV
cable only and in exchange use that
bandwidth to significantly increase
internet speeds. If removed, the 20
FM radio channels will no longer be
available to every homeowner through
the Basic Service.
Herb Drake reported that he needs
a response quickly as more and more
people are streaming and it is slowing
down the system. LVC has already
purchased the equipment necessary.
LVHA has requested a reduction in the
maintenance fee to reflect the reduced
services. Herb suggested that he would
waive the annual CPI increase in lieu
of the maintenance fee reduction. Dale
Miller replied that the CPI has been at
0% the past 5 years. No decision was
arrived at.
Grady Ranch Update: Dale Miller
reported that the County does not know
who the spokesperson is for LVHA and
that it needs to be clarified. He suggested a letter be sent to the County
noting who the Board members are. He
volunteered to be the representative at
the County hearing on February 27th to
state that LVHA is not taking a position
on the issue.
Motion: Greg Stilson moved that Dale
Miller be the spokesperson representing
LVHA at the February 27th hearing on
the Grady Ranch project. It was seconded by Tim Irish and unanimously
New Business:
Bees on CSA 13. A homeowner, Michael Gibson, presented the Board with
a proposal from a professional beecontinued on page 6
New Valley Vibration
Sincere Condolences
Sylvia B. Thalman June 21, 1927January 28, 2012 Marin County shines
just a little less bright after losing one
of its own this January. Sylvia Barker
Thalman was a long time Marin County
resident with a lifetime spent active in
many community causes. Sylvia was
the daughter of Florence B. Barker and
Dr. Nelson W. Barker, a well known
cardio-vascular specialist at the Mayo
Clinic. Sylvia grew up in Rochester,
Minnesota, graduated from Rochester
High School in 1945, and from the
University of Wisconsin, class of 1949
with a Bachelor of Arts degree. She was
a member of Alpha Xi Delta sorority.
At Wisconsin, she met the love of
her life, Robert N. Thalman whom she
married August 25, 1951. They celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary
August, 2011. Sylvia and Bob lived in
New York while Bob was enrolled at
N.Y. University and then, with Bob on
active duty in the U.S. Navy, she lived
in the Presidio in San Francisco. In
1955, they moved to Terra Linda where
they raised four children, Mark, Heidi,
Leslie and David. In 1964 Sylvia and
Bob moved the family over the hill to
Lucas Valley where she had lived ever
since. With Marin growing rapidly in
the 50's, Sylvia took an early interest
in helping her community. She invited
severely handicapped kids into her
home as part of an after-school enrichment program. She was also an early
organizer of the Terra Linda Nursery
School Cooperative. By the early 60's
she began working for Dixie Schools
as a library clerk, eventually serving
at Don Timoteo, Hoffman and Mary
E. Silveira elementary schools. At the
same time she also was active as a Girl
Scout leader for troops in both Terra
Linda and Lucas Valley.
During this time she began studying
genealogy and developed an interest in
archeology, which became a life-long
passion. Starting with a community
effort to preserve the Miwok village
archaeological site at Miller Creek
Middle School in 1970, Sylvia, with
her good friend Don Thieler, went on
to co-found the Miwok Archaeological
Preserve of Marin (MAPOM) to teach
native American skills and educate the
public about tribal culture. After Sylvia
and MAPOM completed two definitive
Miwok archaeological studies, the National Park Service asked MAPOM to
help recreate a Miwok village in Point
Reyes National Seashore.
Along with Thieler, she was one of
the driving forces behind the creation
of the Coastal Miwok village at Kule
Loklo in the National Seashore. For
over 20 years Sylvia spent her weekends
at Kule Loklo, teaching with others as
part of a curriculum of Indian skills
classes. Sylvia may be remembered by
many for teaching countless visitors
how to make beads out of seashells, how
to start cooking fires using traditional
Miwok hand tools and showing visitors
the resurrected village. Sylvia worked
with Don Thieler and many California
Indian experts and scholars researching
the genealogy of the remaining Miwok
Indians in a body of work that led to federal recognition of the Federated Indians
of Graton Rancheria, an independent
tribe. For her efforts, the tribe designated her an Honorary Elder of the Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria. Sylvia co-authored Interviews
with Tom Smith and Maria Copa with
Page 5
Mary E.T. Collier, The Coast Miwok
Indians of the Point Reyes Area, as well
as several scholarly papers on Miwok
genealogies and records of internment.
In 2005, Sylvia received the Bay Area
Jefferson Award from the American Institute for Public Service for her work to
increase awareness of the Coast Miwok
Indians and for making a difference in
her community. Sylvia is survived by
her husband, Robert N. Thalman, her
children, Mark C. Thalman (Danielle),
Heidi T. Myron (Wayne), Leslie Thalman and David B. Thalman (Ann),
her brothers David Barker and Robert
Barker, her six grandchildren and her
six great grandchildren. A celebration of
Sylvia's life will be held at Corinthian
Yacht Club, Tiburon on March 4. In
lieu of flowers, donations should be sent
to: Miwok Archaeological Preserve of
Marin (MAPOM) Box 481, Novato CA
94948 or your favorite charity.
Elderly Help List
Ted and Betty Von Glahn have offered to help any elderly resident with
small chores at no charge. They have
suggested a list in the Valley Vibration
of those willing to help. The task could
be as simple as changing a light bulb for
someone who cannot get up on a ladder
to change it.
Please e-mail the office at lvha@
lvha.net or call 472-3202 to be added to
the list.
Ted and Betty Von Glahn - 479-5191
Mel and Lisa Jung - 846-2155
Jody Morales - 479-6460, 377-9295
Gabrielle Gaston, age 14 - 507-9333
Danielle Messick, 524-7694
Page 6
Minutes continued page 4
keeper to keep hives in a specific spot
in CSA 13. He is trying to repopulate
the honey bees as many have died out
from Colony Collapse Disorder over the
last several years.
The beekeeper has many hives
throughout the Bay Area and will
responsibly maintain the hives and
split them when necessary to prevent
swarming. He would also give LVHA
members 10% of the honey each year. A discussion ensued about the benefits and dangers, and the liability to the
association. The Board took no action
because it does not have the authority
to approve commercial activity on the
CSA13 open space.
Reserve Study: A reserve study must
be conducted every three years according to the Civil Code §1365 (a). A
reserve study is a list of the major common area components with an estimate
of their remaining useful life.
Motion: Greg Stilson moved that a reserve study be conducted by Association
Reserves in San Francisco, for a fee of
$1760. It was seconded by Greg Kamman and unanimously approved.
Website Postings: A discussion about
who would monitor and what was posted
on the LVHA website occurred. County
and State links would be allowed. Dale
Miller noted that he was monitoring
the website as well as BigTent and that
each item would be decided on a case
by case basis.
Adjournment of Board Meeting:
The Board meeting was adjourned at
9:20 PM.
New Valley Vibration
Get Your Plate in
Shape - National
Nutrition Month
March has been designated National
Nutrition Month. This year’s theme is
“Get Your Plate in Shape” and encourages people to remember to include
a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole
grains, lean proteins and dairy on their
plates every day.
“National Nutrition Month provides
us the chance to remind our community
of the basics of healthy eating,” said
registered dietitian Gina Berry. “By
focusing this year’s theme on the new
MyPlate guide, we can help people
make simple changes to their daily eating habits that will benefit them for a
MyPlate, which replaced MyPyramid in 2011, is the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) primary
visual symbol to help residents adopt
healthy eating habits consistent with
dietary guidelines. By dividing the plate
into four sections (fruits, vegetables,
grains and proteins), as well as a glass to
represent dairy products, it helps people
be mindful of what foods they should
be eating and how much should be on
their plate.
For more information, including
helpful tips designed to help you “Get
Your Plate in Shape,” visit www.eatright.org or www.choosemyplate.gov.
Marin County CERT
The next Basic CERT class will
be held in San Rafael on five Tuesday
evenings April 3-May 1, 6-9 pm. The
following training will be in Southern
Marin June 9 & 10, 8:30-4 pm. All
classes are 15 hours and costs only
$45.00. Students receive a manual,
backpack, helmet with chin strap, vest
and goggles. The skills taught in CERT
classes are valuable and life saving
skills, which include fire safety and suppression, disaster medical operations,
and light search & rescue. Students also
learn how to work as a team and how to
help in their community in the event of
a disaster. Sign up online under “Registration” at MarinCountyCERT.org or
call 415)485-3409.
A burglary occurred on Mt. Whitney
Drive on March 1st between 11am and
12:30pm. A large flat screen TV and a
bicycle were taken.
The sheriff asks that everyone be
vigilant. Notice unfamiliar vehicles. In
a recent case the only lead the Sheriff’s
department had was a report that there
was a white van involved. That information led to an arrest when the van was
spotted in the area.
Great Website for
Modern Homes
The ARC would like to recommend
a website that they discovered that has
many ideas and pictures of modern
fences and front modern landscaping.
This website is www.Houzz.com
and could be useful in planning a remodeling project or to just provide you
with great ideas for landscaping.
New Valley Vibration
Page 7
Page 8
New Valley Vibration
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$15 for three lines,
$20 for five lines,
$25 for 10 lines (bus. card size),
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$200 for a full page.
Call the LVHA office:
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Julie’s All Body Fitness
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Outdoor Boot Camp: Sundays 8-9 am
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New Valley Vibration
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Page 9
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Page 10
New Valley Vibration
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New Valley Vibration
Page 11
Steve Dahlgren
1200 Idylberry Rd. | 415.819.0684
CA License #822066
General Business Practice
Business Reorganizations
Debtor/Creditor Out of Court Workouts
Business and Personal Bankruptcy
William R. Pascoe
Attorney at Law
Notary Public
now available at
the LVHA Office
Call 472-3202
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Page 12
New Valley Vibration
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