Next Board of Directors Meeting


Next Board of Directors Meeting
Inside this Issue
Board Meeting Agenda............3
Board Meeting Minutes...........3
ARC Approvals . .....................5
Energy Upgrade.......................5
North San Rafael Village.........6
Lucas Valley Homeowners Association
October 2014
Draft Minutes of the LVHA Board Meeting September 10, 2014
Meeting Called to Order: 7:30 PM.
PRESENT WERE: Maggie McCann, Greg Kamman, Doug Charlton and Eric
Egan. Absent Greg Stilson.
No. 489
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion: Eric Egan moved to approve the agenda.
It was seconded by Greg Kamman and unanimously approved.
Saturday, October 18, at 10:00
a.m. and 1:00 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion: Doug Charlton moved to approve the
minutes of the August 20, 2014 Board of Directors meeting. The motion was
seconded by Eric Egan and unanimously approved.
The Emergency Response Committee, in conjunction with the Marinwood
Fire Department, will be offering two
free hands-on Cardiac Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) classes on Saturday,
October 18 at 10:00 a.m. and 1:00
p.m. Anyone from age 14 and up is
welcome. The first class at 10:00 a.m. will be
a two hour session and the second class
at 1:00 will be a three and a half hour
session with a certificate given at the
end. (We need a minimum of 15 people
in each class.)
Each class can hold up to 20 participants. We anticipate these classes will
fill up quickly. To reserve your space or if you
have any questions, call or email or telephone
415-479-3437. Please state your time
preference and leave a contact number
where you can be reached. Don’t miss it! This is a great opportunity and value.
Guest Speaker: LAFCO, Keene Simonds
Keene Simonds of the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO), a
political subdivision of the State of California, gave an overview of the work the
commission performs. This commission looks at the need of communities and
strive to make government agencies more efficient. They receive their direction
from the Senate and Assembly Committees on Local Government.
There are 54 special districts in the state. LAFCO looks at land use planning
as it surrounds communities and performs an analysis of the cost benefit to landowners. CSA 13 is an “island” in between Marinwood and Lucas Valley Estates.
The Commission is looking at annexing LVHA and CSA 13 to Marinwood CSD.
A homeowner asked what the advantage was to being annexed. If CSA 13
continued on page 3
Board of Directors Meeting
Oct. 15, 2014 • Wed. 7:30 PM
Page 2
New Valley Vibration
Billing Policy
Home Owners Dues
Lucas Valley Home Owners dues
are $160 per quarter and this amount
is due and payable on the following
dates: January 1, April 1, July 1 and
October 1.
Statements will be sent to home
owners on these dates. You may choose
email billing by emailing the office at
The use of the pool, tennis courts,
and television channels 2 -13 are included in the dues.
Non payment of dues will result in
the following actions: If dues are not
paid within 30 days of the due date a late
fee of $15 per quarter will be added to
the invoiced amount. If not paid within
60 days of the due date TV service to
the residence will be terminated and
use of the pool or tennis courts will not
be permitted. If not paid within 90 days
of the due date, the LVHA Board may
place a lien on the property.
TV Reception Problems
Lucas Valley Home Owners Association contracts with Lucas Valley
Cable to provide television channels 2
-13 to all residents. If you have problems with these channels, call Lucas
Valley Cable at 259-5856 for service or
for emergencies call 707 538-7355.
Returned Checks
Checks returned by the bank are subject
to a $15 fee plus the bank charge.
LVHA Board of Directors
Maggie McCann 613-0662
Vice President Greg Stilson
Doug Charlton 613-8125
Greg Kamman 225-3378
Member-at-large Eric Egan
Committee Directory
Architectural - Mark Neely 499-1214
Emergency Response - Kelby Jones 499-0871
Finance - Tom Egan 499-9079
Horseowners - Tad Jacobs 672-3425
Legal - chair vacant
Pool/Recreation - Margaret Nau 507-1744
Public Improvements - Bob Schellenberg 479-3549
Swim Team - Beth Miller 479-0424
Cable TV and Internet - vacant
Tennis - Carlos Lamas 492-8984
Watershed - Marnie Glickman 472-2859
Social - Debra Golden 717-0789
Zoning/Planning - Meehyun Kurtzman 641-1101
Fire Commissioner & CSA 13 - Ron Marinoff 479-8103
LVHA Business Office
1201 Idylberry Road, San Rafael, CA 94903
Tel: 415 472-3202 Fax: 415 789-4169 E-mail
Mon. - Fri. 9:00 am to 1:00 pm • Website
Janice Cunningham, Business Manager
Teen List
B= Babysitting, C= Cleaning, G= Gardening, H= House Sitting, P= Pet Sitting, T= Tutoring
Maxwell Halpern 18 B*PGH 846-0462
Chris Garofalo 16 HP 492-0673
Leah Gray 17 B*HP 450-5968
Sophie LaPorte
18 B*TP 259-5418
Gaby Gaston
17 BGHPT507-9333
Lucas Scherer
15 BCGHPT499-1965
Keely Gallagher 15 BP 259-6595
Melissa Rule
15 B*P 446-7336
Emma Tuck
15 B*TP 472-0335
Chiara Cameron 12 TPG 479-8914
Erin-Rose Charleton 15 BHPT 479-5923
Dylan Slack
14 BCHT 472-3021
Janine Grgurina
14 BPHG 492-8188
Anna LaPorte
15 B*P 259-5418
Lindsey Jordan 13 B* 295-7020
Georgia Applegarth 15 B*TPH 472-5955
Lindsey Lowder 14 BP 831-8614
Kai Nau
13 CGHPT497-3659
Jordan Halpern
14 GHP 377-9742
Abi Naftzger
13 B*HP 572-4801
* denotes completed certification
New Valley Vibration
Minutes continued
were annexed to Marinwood CSD, they
would have taxing authority over CSA
13. Marinwood CSD provides street
lighting, fire protection, and park and
rec facilities. A member of the audience asked if the rumor that LAFCO
has a “no island” policy was true. Mr.
Simonds stated that there was no such
policy. (LVHA pays for the street lighting along Lucas Valley Road and fire
protection through property taxes).
Another homeowner asked if
LAFCO has the authority to make a
boundary change without community
approval. Mr. Simonds explained that
if there was enough protest it could stop
the action and they would proceed with
a special election.
Mr. Simonds stated that “those who
get to vote on boundary changes would
be those tied directly to the affected territory subject to the proceedings”. The
vote would include other surrounding
communities with votes being based on
land value. So LVHA could be outvoted
by surrounding communities.
Various comments from the audience let Mr. Simonds know that they
thought it would be more cost effective or efficient for LAFCO to look at
combining fire districts, police or school
If one would like to be on LAFCO’s
notification list please send an email to
Office: Fourth quarter statements will
be mailed at the end of this month. Dues
will be due by Oct. 31st. Comcast tells
us that the internet connection for the
office or pool area that was referred to in
the contract was not meant to be internet
service but rather just TV service. The
Board is reviewing the contract.
Pool News: The new wading pool cover
has been fitted and is functioning well.
The new Dri Dek rubber floor matting
has been installed in the rest rooms.
Page 3
There are just a few more pieces of edging that had to be ordered which should
arrive next week. The new robotic pool
cleaner has arrived and will be put into
use next week.
Tennis Courts: Treemasters will remove approximately 16 dead, dying or
diseased trees at the upper courts tomorrow. The oaks will remain. Further improvements are planned for the area.
by Maggie McCann. Maggie thanked
the Social Committee for a wonderful
“Summer of Love” 60’s themed party.
It was enjoyed by many residents young
and old alike. Maggie noted that the
Earthquake happened later that night
and is pleased to see that the Emergency
Response Committee has re-energized
and has new members. Maggie announced that the Tree Lighting ceremony will no longer be happening,
however the Social Committee will
sponsor a gingerbread house decorating party.
by Doug Charlton. Doug noted that the
income and expenses were on track on
the bottom line but that a few categories
were heavy handed: water use, pool
expenses, and landscape repairs are
high and the 2014 budget for the Social
Committee has been spent.
CSA 13 Report: Given by Ron Marinoff. Ron noted that the Conservation
continued on page 4
Next Meeting
Oct. 15, 2014
1. Approval of Agenda
2. Approval of Minutes
3. Business Manager's Report
4. President's Report
5. Treasurer's Report
6. Items from Homeowners
7. Committee Reports
8. Unfinished Business: Card Key Entry Update,
Upper Court Tree Removal Update,
Swim Team Contract,
9. New Business: ER Budget,
Pool Budget, Budget 2015,
Tennis Court Water Fountain
10. Adjournment
Page 4
Minutes continued
Corps was working along the creek
this week clearing debris that could
potentially cause flooding. This was
not a major tree cutting event but just
clearing debris.
Emergency Response Committee:
Given by Kelby Jones. The Committee has arranged for two classes this
fall; 1) CPR training Saturday, October
18 and GetReady training on Sunday,
November 9th.
He reported that the committee
has recently; defined requirements for
emergency communications capability,
developed a 2015 budget, and resumed
emergency preparedness articles in
the newsletter. They plan to contact
coordinators for each Neighborhood
Emergency Team, identify medical
practitioners in the valley and evaluate medical equipment and supplies.
They are also requesting portable communications equipment for the cost of
Finance Committee: Given by Ron
Marinoff. Ron reported that the Committee will more closely watch committee spending as a couple went over
budget significantly. The Finance Committee will ask for better reporting from
Equestrian Committee: Given by Tad
Jacobs. Tad reported that the pastures
are rented at full capacity. He noted that
they have two or three work days a year
for general cleanup.
He reported to the Board that the
complaint from a Lucas Valley Estates
resident about a few droppings of horse
manure being left in the flat area near
the barn has been addressed. He said
it was a very small amount, less in fact
than the dog droppings in the area but
that all has been cleaned up and the parties responsible will take better care to
clean up completely in the future.
Pool Committee: Given by Eric Egan.
New Valley Vibration
Eric noted that the gate retrofit and security camera project would commence
on September 15th. The robotic pool
cleaner has arrived and will need specific instructions on use by the various
parties handling it. A training session
will be scheduled. The pool rules are
in the process of being revised.
Public Improvements Committee:
Given by Bob Schellenberg. Bob reported that Steve Rule has put together
a time line for the remodel and is working with Studio Green to establish the
necessary steps to move the project
forward. The committee is asking for
$15,000 to have an assessment done of
the current condition of the facility building and grounds.
The Board noted that this was a
large sum of money and should be vetted properly and other bids acquired. They also noted that the drainage
project completed at the upper courts
was not done properly as the drain was
not connected to the main drain even
after a Board member was assured it
was by the contractor. The project was
supposedly supervised by the landscape
architect company. The Board reiterated the need to do due diligence on this
Key Entry and Cameras. As noted
earlier the Board reported that this work
would begin on September 15th.
Tree Removal at Upper Courts: Bob
Schellenberg stated that the project to
remove the dead, dying or diseased trees
at the upper courts was schedule for the
following day, Sept. 11th.
Swim Team Contract: This was
tabled to the following meeting on October 15th as there were a couple items
still to iron out.
Catherine Munson Tribute: Maggie
McCann reported that Shelley Munson
submitted a design she would like for
the tribute for her mother, Catherine
Munson. She also thanked the committee for their efforts. An existing
rock at the entrance to open space from
Pikes Peak Drive will be utilized for a
Motion: Doug Charlton moved to approve the design for a tribute to Catherine Munson submitted by Shelley
Munson. It was seconded by Eric Egan
and unanimously approved.
Marinwood CSD Court Usage Contract: Marinwood CSD would like to
use the lower courts twice a week after
school for tennis lessons from Sept. 8
through November 24th and from February 3 – 26th, 2015.
Motion: Greg Kamman moved to approve the contract as written. It was
seconded by Doug Charlton and unanimously approved.
LVC/Comcast: The Board announced
that just this week it was notified that
Lucas Valley Cable will not be renewing
its contract and will cease operations
as of the end of their current contract
on October 10, 2014. The Board noted
that for 13 year Lucas Valley Cable has
run the LVHA owned cable system and
thanked Herb Drake and Betty Naegele
for their efforts in providing the valley
with TV and Internet, an area where
there were not many choices or in some
cases any other choice.
The Board is in the process of contracting with Herb Drake to provide the
basic channels; 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11 via
analog and digital signal for six months
from Oct 10th until such time that the
CC&Rs can be amended.
Keith Parker, a local resident and
owner of IT SystemWorks has agreed to
take over the and lucasvalley.
net domain names and will continue to
support email addresses for a modest fee.
The domains will be migrated to a new
mail server with faster speeds, higher
mailbox capacities and upgrades to Exchange mailboxes for those who desire.
The Board had hoped that Comcast
would have completed their installation
by now but it looks like their new comcontinued on page 5
New Valley Vibration
Minutes continued
pletion date is the end of November.
Web Perception has started discussions
with the Board as of yesterday to purchase the internet portion only of the
system. They have been providing LVC
with approximately 50 % of their internet for the last 3 and a half years.
It was suggested that the Board
write to the County to see if there was
anything holding up the progress of the
fourth phase.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 PM.
ARC Approvals
The LVHA Architectural Review
Committee (ARC) serves to help maintain various architectural characteristics
of our unique community as outlined in
our CC&Rs, and Design Guidelines.
All projects, including exterior
painting, fencing, roofing, replacement of entry doors, driveways, siding, and other projects visible from
the streetscape, are subject to design
Approvals in Aug. - Sept.
79 Mt. Muir Court - solar
70 Mt. Muir Court - roof
9 Rubicon Court - roof
233 Mt. Shasta - garage door
180 Mt. Lassen - landscape
1111 Idylberry - siding, paint
1166 Idylberry - paint, landscape
1345 Idylberry - glass wall in carport
229 Mt. Shasta - garage door
25 Mt. Foraker - paint, door, numbers
Important Numbers
Emergency - call 911
Sheriff’s non emergency 499-7233
Page 5
Marin County
Energy Upgrade
Emergency Assistance
Have you been looking for ways to
make your home more comfortable and
have better air quality, all while saving
money on monthly utility bills? Now
it’s easier than ever to take advantage
of up to $7,800 in incentives from
Energy Upgrade California and Marin
County for completing a project that
meets your home comfort and energy
efficiency goals. Free assistance is
available by calling a Home Upgrade
Advisor, simply call 1(866) 878-6008
and a specially trained Home Upgrade
Advisor will guide you through every
step of the process.
Upgrade your home’s comfort while
saving energy and taking advantage of
great rebates and financing options.
More information on Energy Upgrade
California, and other energy-saving
programs that are available to all Marin
County residents can be found at www.
Your LVHA Emergency Response
Committee asks residents to complete
an updated Emergency Assistance Information Form. This one page form identifies the skills and resources you may
contribute, and any special needs you
may have in the event of an emergency.
This voluntary information will assist
your Neighborhood Emergency Team
in knowing who and what to look for,
helping to focus their attention where it
is needed most.
Please take a few minutes to complete this form and deliver it to the
LVHA Business Manager at the LVCC.
Your information will be used solely for
emergency preparedness and response
to emergencies affecting our community. Thanks for your participation!
LV Social Calendar
The Social Committee has various events scheduled for the year for
your enjoyment. Mark your calendars now.
• Fri. Oct. 31, Halloween Party
• Fri. Dec. 5, Eichler Gingerbread
House Decorating Party, 4 - 6 PM.
Halloween Volunteers
Calling all families with young children! The Social Committee is looking
for volunteers to help with the Family
Halloween Party on Oct. 31st and the
Gingerbread House Decorating Party on
Dec. 5th. Please email if you’d like to help
throw a spectacular party.
Don't miss it - Fri., October 31,
5 - 6 pm at the LV community hall.
Thank you for your commitment to our
Page 6
New Valley Vibration
Fido's Manners and
North San Rafael
Those of Their Master Village
Another friendly reminder. Please
be sure to pick up after your pet. We are
getting a lot of calls - especially along
Idylberry. Often this happens late at
night when the perpetrator is less likely
to be seen.
Please folks - we all live in this valley so let's try to work together to keep it
a beautiful and pleasant place to live.
A couple residents actually take
along extra bags and pick up after others'
pets. How fortunate we are!
Be kind and take your plastic bag
with you rather than dump it on the trail.
Plastic does not decompose!
Owls are Nesting
Please do not use poison to kill rats
or gophers. Poisoned rodents usually
take days to die and during this time are
very easy prey. Wildlife including owls,
hawks, eagles, bobcats, foxes victim to
secondary rodenticide poisoning.
The LVHA office has a supply of
pamphlets from the Marin/Sonoma
Mosquito and Vector Control District,
or for information on non-toxic alternatives go to
A Support Community for
Independent Living in Your
Own Home.
Would you like to help your friends
and neighbors to stay home, stay active
and stay connected? Are you interested
in staying in your home as you age?
Come to a coffee at the Rotary
Valley Senior Village community room
at 10 Jeannette Prandi Way to learn
more about this wonderful organization
Thursday, Oct. 2, 2014 at 10 am. Hear
about Marin Villages that are already
going strong in Mill Valley, Sausalito
and other locations. The coffee is held
every first Thursday of the month. No
reservation necessary just drop in. If
you need a ride to the coffee call Carole
Sherick at 479-0930.
Their goal is to enable seniors to
continue to live at home as they age.
Volunteers help with transportation,
household tasks, occasional errands,
home visits and phone check-ins.
Become a member or a volunteer. Call
415 457-4633 or e-mail More info at
Elderly Help List
Ted and Betty Von Glahn have offered to help any elderly resident with
small chores at no charge. They suggested this list in the Valley Vibration of
those willing to help. The task could
be as simple as changing a light bulb for
someone who cannot get up on a ladder
to change it.
Please e-mail the office at lvha@ or call 472-3202 to be added to
the list.
Ted and Betty Von Glahn - 505-0019
Mel and Lisa Jung - 846-2155
Jody Morales - 479-6460, 377-9295
Danielle Messick - 524-7694
Dave Tight - 595-9987
Pasture Work Day
The Equestrian Committee spent a
day doing chores at the pastures. Lessees from pastures 3,4,5,6,7,8, and 10
were present and participated
Lessees from pastures 1,2 and 9
were out of town and will perform make
up tasks
Many areas were addressed:
1) Horse manure in common areas
were cleaned and moved.
2) Arena and round pen areas were
3) Fallen tree debris was cleaned from
the creek.
4) the main gate between pavement
and asphalt at Rubicon was maintained
and hardware was tightened.
5) The "Gate must be closed at all
times" sign was re-installed.
New Valley Vibration
Oak Mountain Does
It Again
Oak Mountain Court held its 7th
Annual Summer Block Party on August 17, and from all accounts, it was
a great success. Everyone brought
extraordinarily delicious dishes to
share, grilling on the Weber, good
visiting and conversation, and
terrific music by ANTHONY
DELLAVALLE AND ALLIGATOR - An eclectic combination of sound - Zydeco,
Blues, Reggae, Country, and
Rock. All the Oak Mountain
kids enjoyed themselves immensely, and two new puppies were also in attendance.
All in all, a perfect day.
Page 7
Page 8
New Valley Vibration
DRE # 01725634
Realtor® and LV Homeowner
call (415) 342-4537
or email
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Lucas Valley Homeowner
Dixie School District Parent
Top-Producing Realtor
Marin Modern Real Estate
Modern Representation for Modern Times
2144 Fourth Street
San Rafael, CA 94901
New Valley Vibration
Page 9
Paul Miller
Custom Painting
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Tutoring and mentoring for beginners to advanced:
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database, page layout, graphics, information
management — All ages and skill levels
Website design: personal or business
Home wired/WiFi network installation and setup
Flexible hours, fast response, and reasonable fees
Ultimate Apple Help
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Summer Special
15% OFF all paint jobs!
Call 415-456-6695 for a FREE estimate
Local, Licensed, Bonded & Insured. Ca. License: 933181
Your Local Home Repair Expert
Qualified in all areas of home repair
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Chuck Powers
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Page 10
New Valley Vibration
Your neighborhood “Church on the Hill”
Please worship with us
8AM or 10AM every Sunday
(Sunday School at 10 AM)
333 Ellen Drive, San Rafael, CA 94903
Rocky Sunshine
For directions and more information, please visit
Heather Robertson Law
T r u s t s E s tat e s Pr o b at e
Larry H.
Heather Robertson is an Estate Attorney and Lucas Valley resident
In-home & After Hours Appointments Available
Dr. Matthew Egan DC
45 Mitchell Blvd, Suite 9
415 785-7131
What is my Lucas Valley Home Worth?
or scan the QR code for a free
assessment of your home's value!
Provided Courtesy of:
Renee Adelmann, Realtor & Neighbor
Marin Modern Real Estate
DRE #: 01725634
Email: | Phone: 415-342-4537
New Valley Vibration
Shannon Stallone
Personal Historian
Preserving Stories and Memories
Page 11
Sunday, November 9
The Emergency Response Committee presents an
all day Safety Day in conjunction with the Marinwood Fire Dept.
• Fire extinguisher sales and refurbishing
• Hands on practice,
• Emergency supplies for sale
• Get Ready Marin discussions on safety in the event of a major catastrophe
• Come learn how to take care of your family,
and help your neighbors and the community.
What’s Your Story?
Mark Your Calendars Now
Lucas Valley Resident
What’s Your Story?
Shannon Stallone
Personal Historian
Preserving Stories and Memories
Lucas Valley Resident
Shannon Stallone
Nicolas Carlos
Personal Historian
Preserving Stories and Memories
Lucas Valley Resident
Petaluma, CA
What’s Your Story?
Call 415 596-2636
Shannon Stallone
Personal Historian
Page 12
New Valley Vibration
Gene Burch
Plumbing Heating & Air
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