April 24, 2016 Bulletin - St. Isaac Jogues Catholic Church


April 24, 2016 Bulletin - St. Isaac Jogues Catholic Church
Saint Isaac Jogues Roman Catholic Church
306 West Fourth Street ◆ Hinsdale, Illinois 60521 ◆ 630/323-1248 ◆ www.sij.net
Sunday Masses
Saturday evening: 4:30 pm
Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 am, Noon and 6:00 pm
Daily Masses
Monday-Friday: 7:00 am & 5:00 pm
Saturday: 8:00 am
Saturday afternoon 3:30 - 4:15 pm
Sunday evening 5:00 - 5:45 pm
Saint Peregrine Devotions
Devotions in Honor of St. Peregrine — patron of
those who suffer with cancer or any incurable
disease or condition — first Tuesday of each month
at 7pm.
Pope Saint John Paul II Eucharistic Adoration Chapel
The Chapel is located behind the sanctuary of the
church, and is available 24 hours a day for private
prayer and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. For
information: Linda Lannert, linda@sijhinsdale.com
or 630/408-9567.
1st& 3rd Sunday of the month at 1:00 p.m. Please
phone the Rectory to register for the required
Baptismal Preparation meeting.
Arrangements must be made with the Rectory at
least six months in advance. Contact the Rectory
before making any other arrangements.
Visits to the Sick
Due to hospital admitting policies, it is necessary to
inform the Rectory when hospitalized parishioners
would like a visit from a priest or deacon. Likewise,
call if you would like a visit while convalescing at a
facility or at home. Before being admitted to a
hospital for surgery it is advisable to call the Rectory
and arrange a time to receive the Sacrament of the
Anointing of the Sick. Please contact the Rectory
regarding communion visits to the homebound.
It is the responsibility of the parish to bury their
dead. The funeral director will contact the Rectory
Office regarding arrangements. Funerals are
ordinarily celebrated at 10am. According to
Diocesan policy, if family members wish to offer eulogies,
they should do so during the wake. #382 of the General
Instruction for the Universal Church states: At the
funeral Mass there should as a rule be a short homily, but
never a eulogy of any kind. No specific offering is
required in connection with the funeral liturgy.
New Parishioners welcome!
Please call the Rectory Office to register.
April 24, 2016
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Father William De Salvo, Pastor
Father Tom Dunn, Parochial Vicar
Deacon John Sebastian, Permanent Deacon
Assisting Priests
Father Larry Dreffein, OFM and Father John Tapper
Director of Evangelization and Outreach
Deacon William Dunn
Saint Isaac Jogues School
Mrs. Carol Burlinski, Principal
Miss Diane Sullivan, Vice-Principal
Religious Education & Youth Faith Formation
Mrs. Helen Johnson, Director of Religious Education
Mr. Michael Kuhn, Coordinator 7–8th grade & Youth Ministry
Director of Liturgical Music
Mr. Nicholas Thomas
Director of Administration and Planning
Mr. Tom Sullivan
Campus Engineer
Mr. Bruce Barker
Rectory Office
Mrs. Cathy Booth, Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Michele Blando, Business Manager
Counseling Services
Provided by Annette Spiezio and Affiliates
Ms. Annette Spiezio, LCPC, CADC ~ Parish Counselor
Page Two
April 24, 2016
Sunday, April 24, 2016–Fifth Sunday of Easter
7:30 AM-Joan Filak
9:00 AM-Salvatore Grampa
10:30 AM-For the Parish Family
12:00 PM-Payton Sullivan
6:00 PM-Betty Dussing
Monday, April 25, 2016–Saint Mark, Evangelist
7:00 AM-Florence and Jack Urhausen
5:00 PM-Mary Denpsey
Tuesday, April 26, 2016–Easter Weekday
7:00 AM-Sam Zumpano
5:00 PM-Bob Bauer-10 yr. anniversary
Wednesday, April 27, 2016–Easter Weekday
7:00 AM-Kevin Freund
5:00 PM-Thomas Higgins
Thursday, April 28, 2016–Easter Weekday; Saint Peter
Channel, Priest and Martyr; Saint Louis Grignion
deMontfort, Priest
7:00 AM-Donald Prodehl
5:00 PM-John Blair
Friday, April 29, 2016–Saint Catherine of Sienna,
Virgin and Doctor of the Church
7:00 AM-Payton Sullivan
8:30 AM-Mary Dempsey
5:00 PM-Jeanne Schell
Saturday, April 30, 2016–Easter Weekday, Saint Pius
V, Pope
8:00 AM-Heidi Schmidt
4:30 PM-Lee Navarra
Sunday, May 1, 2016–Sixth Sunday of Easter
7:30 AM-Jeanette and Robert Lehner
9:00 AM-Jerry Coveney
10:30 AM-For the Parish Family
12:00 PM-Frank Mastro
6:00 PM-Robert Jaques
Flame of Faith
Saint John Paul II Eucharistic Adoration Chapel
Six candles burn perpetually around the Blessed
Sacrament in the Saint John Paul II Eucharistic Adoration
Chapel. Intentions listed below are remembered for ONE
WEEK [Sunday to Sunday]. The burning candles serve as
a constant prayer before the Lord, present in the Blessed
Sacrament. Envelopes for you to have your intentions
remembered and prayed for are available in the lobby of
the Adoration Chapel. The candles will burn this week for
the following intentions:
For the health and healing of my sister, Dawn Feusi
For my son to do well in his studies and pass his test
For my daughter to have a healthy pregnancy
For good health and test results for mother and husband
For my family, may God bless, heal, and protect them
For me to remain cancer free
Dear Parish Family,
Special thanks to John Vrdolyak and the
Evangelization and Outreach Committee for their hard
work, dedication, and success with our Seeds of Service
Project. The past two weeks had the committee working
hard to coordinate the volunteers and the donations.
Thanks to all who participated. We had another successful
year because of your care and Christian charity!
In today’s Gospel Jesus gives us a new
commandment: A s I have loved you, so you also should
love one another. This is how all will know that you are
my disciples, if you have love for one another.
Our love for God is seen in our love for one another.
The “Command of Love” that Jesus gives us is a way of
life for us as Catholics, as followers of the Lord. Far from
being “something extra,” or just “something nice to do,”
putting our faith in action through service to others is part
of our calling as Christians. So many opportunities exist
for us to share the love and mercy God has shown us.
Through our Christian service and donations to the Mercy
Fund, Transitional Housing Program, Little Sisters of the
Poor, etc., we are allowing the helping, healing and loving
touch of the Lord to be felt in the lives of His people.
In John’s Gospel, Jesus intimately connects Himself
with His people, especially with those in need:
Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, you do for
me. [Matthew 25:40].What blessing it is for us to share in
His ministry, in His love. Through our works of charity
and service the Risen Christ is made known, heard, and
felt in and through us. And this should lead us to greater
love, greater works of charity, greater service all done in
His name.
I would encourage everyone to look for ways to share
Christ with others. A variety of ways exists in our parish,
so do what you can to take an active part in them, and to
support our efforts in whatever way you can. Proper
Stewardship is a Christian value, and an important
Christian practice to make part of our living out of the
Faith. It’s important that all of us do something to buildup and assist in the work of the Church. In everything we
do, it’s Christ who we serve.
God’s blessings!
Father De Salvo
Jane Cella
Wife of Marc Cella
Donna Cascino
Please pray for our beloved deceased
and for their families
April 24, 2016
Dawn Feusi
Mary Geraldine Fahey
Anna Mrdak
Mary Tadda
Victory Limjuco
Marty Stratman
Timothy Brown
Carl Bay, Jr.
Numeriano S. Gabriel
Raffaela Tenuta
May Andrle
Liam Fitzpatrick
Gina Consalvo Anderson
Annamarie Challenger
Sunday Offering
Weekly Offering for April 17, 2016 ................. $29,683
Weekly Offering same week last year .............. $28,264
Targeted Goal .................................................... $36,000
For those who have been away for the Easter Spring
Break we hope you enjoyed your vacation. Please
remember to turn in your Easter Offering either by mail
or in the Sunday collection or through E-GIVING.
E-Giving can be found on our website at www.sij.net.
There is a section on E-Giving to electronically give your
Easter donation and also join your fellow parishioners in
donating to the Preschool Project. Please feel free to call
Michele Blando at the church office 630-323-1248 or
Diane Sullivan at the school office 630-323-3244 to find
out more about the Preschool Founder’s Circle. Donations
to the Founder’s Circle can also be made on E-Giving.
Thank you all for your continued support of
St. Isaac Jogues Church and School.
Michele Blando, Business Manager
Pope Francis I
Jesus tells us that what
matters is not quantity but
fullness! There is a difference. It
is possible to have a lot of money
(quantity), but still to be empty
(to lack fullness). There is no
fullness in a heart like this... one
more concerned with quantity. Think of the difference
between quantity and fullness. It is not a question of the
wallet, but of the heart.
Faced with the needs of others, we are called to
deprive ourselves of essential things, not only the
superfluous. We are called to give the necessary time, not
only the surplus that is left over; we are called to give
immediately and unconditionally some of our talent, not
only after using it for our own purposes or for those of
our group. Stewardship of God’s blessings to us includes
everything about us.
Page Three
April 17, 2016
Matilda Olma Hillier
Daughter of Sarah and Samuel Hillier
Leonidas John and Tiberius John Larson
Sons of Beata and John Larson
Ellory Paige Ostericher
Daughter of Carrie and Scott Ostericher
Caroline Anne Otzen
Daughter of Anne and Jesse Atzen
Josephine Lorraine Schoon
Daughter of Katherine and Patrick Schoon
We welcome these children into our
church family of faith.
Second Collection Today!...
This Sunday, churches throughout the Diocese of
Joliet will take up a collection for the Catholic Home
Missions Appeal. Catholic Home Missions is
committed to providing poorer dioceses in the United
States with the support they need to sustain essential
pastoral care. Over the years, the Appeal has supported
religious education, evangelization, youth ministry,
seminarian education, and ministry training in mission
dioceses in Alaska, Appalachia, the Southwest—all
across the United States—as well as in Puerto Rico and
U.S. territories in the Pacific islands. This important work
is made possible through your generosity to this yearly
Please be generous in your gifts TODAY —
help spread the truth of our Catholic Faith
throughout the United States!
1 Pt 5:5b-14; Ps 89:2-3, 6-7,
16-17; Mk 16:15-20
Acts 14:19-28; Ps 145:10-13ab, 21;
Jn 14:27-31a
Wednesday: Acts 15:1-6; Ps 122:1-5; Jn 15:1-8
Thursday: Acts 15:7-21; Ps 96:1-3, 10; Jn 15:9-11
Acts 15:22-31; Ps 57:8-10, 12; Jn 15:12-17
Saturday: Acts 16:1-10; Ps 100:1b-3, 5; Jn 15:18-21
Acts 15:1-2, 22-29; Ps 67:2-3, 5-6, 8;
Rv 21:10-14, 22-23; Jn 14:23-29
Page Four
April 24, 2016
The Heritage Continues!
Saint Isaac Jogues Preschool
Saint Isaac Jogues Parish School will open a Preschool, for 3 and 4
year olds, for the 2016-2017 school year. Mrs. Carol Burlinski, Principal
of Saint Isaac Jogues School, Mr. Tom Sullivan, the Director of
Administration for the Parish, and your fellow parishioners have been
hard at work to establish this new program, an important educational
foundational link for our children.
The project to establish the program (both the build-out of the space
and the start-up costs) is coming in at $550,000. This far exceeds the
original preliminary “guesstimates” we received of around $400,000 (for
building costs). Those figures were provided very early on in order for
us to move forward, seek permission from the Diocese to build-out the
space and establish the program, and move forward with our plans.
When we actually contacted the contractors, architect, etc., the “real”
costs became known. Furthermore, and mandated by the State of Illinois
and the Village of Hinsdale, we must also provide a safe, up-to-code,
outdoor Play Garden. Estimates to prepare the site, secure, and install
equipment are coming in at $100,000. Although somewhat unexpected,
and separate from the other costs, the Play Garden is necessary to
comply with codes.
We have received gifts from 108 parishioners, totaling $261,375.
Funds are still needed to prepare the space and provide for the program.
We need your help! We need to open the preschool in September “debtfree” so that we can concentrate our efforts and resources on offering a
solid, first-rate, Catholic educational experience to our children. We
have a ways to go before this Heritage project is fully funded. There are
three different ways to contribute:
1. Make a direct contribution to the project.
2. Be part of the Founders Circle (to include a memorial plaque in the
Preschool). With each $5,000 contribution, families may designate
one child (in their family or another) to receive the fixed tuition
benefit. The lock-in is effective so long as that child is a student at
SIJ, pre-school through eighth grade.
3. Contribute to the Early Childhood Play Garden project to provide the
necessary, municipally mandated outdoor space for the children in the
Early Childhood Program of our School — primarily used by children in
Preschool through 1st grade. (It would be WONDERFUL if a single
donor would provide funding for this project. With this memorial, “The
Early Childhood Play Garden” would be named in the donor’s honor).
The SIJ Preschool, Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade programs will be
integrated to prepare and introduce our children to an excellent Catholic
educational experience. This invitation to support the establishment of
our preschool is for the entire parish... everyone is invited and
encouraged to take an active part in the educational ministry of the
Church, specifically through our parish day school. We recognize that
the children are not only the future, but also the present of the Church,
our parish, and society. They need our care, our guidance, and the
blessings a Catholic education can give them.
Thanks to all who have already contributed. We appreciate your
support, generosity and care for our parish, our young people, and The
Heritage of Faith that IS Saint Isaac Jogues Parish! Make your gift or
pledge to this project TODAY! Call the Rectory Office to discuss the
The Church’s Mission of Mercy
Pope Francis I
The Sacrament of Penance enables us
to draw near to the Father trustfully, to
have the certainty of his forgiveness. He is
truly “rich in mercy” and he extends it
abundantly to those who turn to him with a
sincere heart. The transformation of the
heart that leads us to confess our sins is a
gift from God it is “His work.” As we
leave the confessional, we are aware of his
strength that restores life and rekindles the
enthusiasm of faith. After confession we
are reborn.
Jesus' call impels us all not to stop at
the surface of things, especially when
facing a person. We are called to look
beyond, to focus on the heart to see how
much generosity each person is capable of.
No one must be excluded from God's
mercy. Everyone knows that the way to
reach it, and the Church, is the house that
welcomes all and refuses no one. Its doors
are always wide open, so that those who
are touched by grace may find the certainty
of forgiveness. The greater the sin, the
greater the love must be that the Church
expresses towards those who convert.
Dear brothers and sisters, I have often
thought of how the Church may make
more evident her mission as witness to
mercy. It is a path that begins with a
spiritual conversion; and we must take this
path. Together, let us live this in the light
of the Word of the Lord: Be merciful, just
as your Father is merciful! I am
convinced that all the Church, which is in
great need of receiving mercy, as we are
sinners, may find the joy of rediscovering
and making fruitful God's mercy, with
which we are all called upon to give
consolation to every man and every
woman in our time.
Let us not forget that God forgives
everything, and God always forgives, if we
are truly repentant. Let us never tire of
asking for forgiveness. Let us turn to the
Mother of Mercy, that she might turn her
gaze upon us and
keep watch over
our path; our
repentance, our
path with an
open heart, a
path to receive
God's mercy!
April 24, 2016
The Mass: The Universal Prayer
To live and love our Catholic Faith, we have to know it!
Each week we will examine the mass, piece
by piece, looking at all the elements that go
into this great prayer, the greatest act of
worship of the Roman Catholic Church.
One of the components of the synagogue liturgy was
a series of eighteen blessings containing requests for
individual and universal need. At a very early period in
the Church, a similar prayer became a fixed part of the
Liturgy in both the eastern and western Church. So
significant were these prayers that the catechumens (those
preparing for initiation into the Church) could not be
present for them, and were dismissed before they were
offered. The remnant of these early prayers is present
today in the Good Friday Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion.
Over time, the prayers were only used on Good Friday,
they disappeared from the Roman Liturgy, and were not
restored until the reforms of the Second Vatican Council,
in an abbreviated form.
The Prayer of the Faithful, formally called The
Universal Prayer, is just that — a universal, “common,”
or more general prayer for the needs of the Universal
Church. By intent and design they are general in nature
and should thus avoid overly specific prayer requests. For
example, we pray for all of the sick, not just some of the
sick mentioned by name. When intentions become too
specific, they stray from the needs of the whole
community and become too individualistic. The Intentions
announced should be sober, composed freely but
prudently, be succinct, and they should express the prayer
of the entire community. [General Instruction, #71].
Properly proclaimed by the Deacon, they are often
called the “General Intercessions” since they extend
beyond the needs and concerns of the local community.
The Prayer of the Faithful has the following structure: 1)
The celebrant addresses the people and relates the Prayer
of the Faithful to the mystery being celebrated, the feast,
memorial or season, or to some particular aspect of the
Scriptures that have been proclaimed. Then follows an
intention for the Pope, bishops, priests and Universal
Church; 2) for public authorities and the salvation of the
world; 3) for those oppressed by any need; 4) and for the
local community. Although general in tone, they are not
only universal and somewhat local, but also current to the
changing events of the world. They should be expressive
of the prayer of the entire community — in other words,
not “too specific” [General Instruction, #73].
Consequently, for example, the listing of the names of
the sick, the dead, and those for whom a particular mass is
offered is more fittingly published in the bulletin and
posted in our Adoration Chapel. Likewise, the primary
intention of the priest for a particular mass is mentioned
before the Mass begins (for those who are interested).
Although, according to Church law, this practice is not
strictly necessary. That way, the “Universal Prayers,” the
Page Five
“General” Intercessions remain universal, and more
general in their address, thus remaining more expressive
of the prayer of the entire community gathered in prayer
and worship (in union with the Church throughout the
world, joined to the saints in heaven). The Intercessions are
a moment of prayer and supplication, they are not a means
of communicating information, giving personal “updates” in
the parish, or meeting individual emotional needs to “hear”
a name mentioned. That sort of information, and request for
personal prayers from those who know the individuals
involved, is best taken care of outside of the Mass.
The point of the General Intercessions is that the sick
are prayed for, the dead are prayed for, and that the needs
of the community are prayed for... and, according to the
mind of the liturgy, at this “ liturgical moment,” this is
best done in a “general way” through the Universal
Prayer. It is a ritual moment, regulated by the liturgical
law of the Church.
2016 Annual Diocesan Appeal Update
...Have you made your Pledge?
The target goal for
Saint Isaac Jogues Parish
for this year’s Catholic
Ministries Annual Appeal
is $154,458. To date, 385
donors have pledged
$182,875 on the goal. That means we have already
reached and exceeded our goal for this year! However ,
LAST YEAR, 516 donors contributed $245,753. We have
a ways to go to equal and exceed last year’s parish
contributions and number of donors who participated.
Thanks to all who have made a contribution to this
year’s Annual Diocesan Appeal. Because of YOU, the
work of the Lord Jesus can continue in the lives of His
people. His love and mercy is seen in action!
Those who have contributed to the CMAA in the past,
but have not done so yet in 2016, have or will soon
receive a letter from the Diocesan Appeal Office asking
them to make a gift in support of the many good works
underwritten by the CMAA.
We encourage our parishioners to make a generous
gift. Also, we remind those of you that have already
pledged your support, to continue to make your pledge
payments. Now that our parish reached its goal in the
amount paid, 60% of any additional funds received are
returned to the parish to help with our needs, and our
operating budget. Thanks to all who have given. If you
receive a letter from the Diocese, under the Parish’s
name, please be generous in your gifts to the Annual
Appeal. You can also pledge online through the Diocesan
website: dioceseofjoliet.org
If you need assistance, call the Rectory Office.
Please make your gift today.
Thanks to all who have given to the Appeal!
Page Six
April 24, 2016
The Mercy Fund
To assist those in need - and ourselves
Take care not to perform righteous deeds in order
that people may see them; otherwise, you will have no
recompense from your Heavenly Father. . .
But when you give alms, do not let your left hand know
what your right hand is doing.
[Matthew 6:1 & 3]
The spiritual work of Almsgiving is a necessary part of the
Christian life for the individual Catholic. It is also an important
element of good stewardship. We need to make a conscious,
regular, and generous effort to provide for those in need. Named
after Our Lady of Mercy, Saint Isaac Jogues Parish has
established the fund to assist those in need. Through monthly
contribution envelopes and poor boxes installed at the entrances
of the church, a variety of ways exist to assist those in need.
One of the beautiful titles used for the Blessed Virgin Mary
is Our Lady of Mercy. The mercy, compassion, and love of God
is our greatest treasure, and should be the focus of our lives. His
mercy is seen perfectly in the Blessed Virgin Mary. Being the
Mother of Jesus — the Mother of God — who is mercy, itself...
Mary, by giving birth to Jesus brought God’s mercy into the
world. We should always seek Her intercession. She wants our
good, She wants our salvation, She wants us to experience in
our own lives the love and mercy of God. Living after the Heart
of Christ demands that we put the mercy and love we have
received from the hand of God into action in our own lives, in
imitation of the Blessed Virgin. In Christ’s name we extend
assistance to those in need, and place our efforts under the
patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary ~ Our Lady of Mercy.
In obedience to His command to love one another as I have
loved you, we must reach out in love and in concern to those
around us, especially to God’s poor. One way we do that is
through almsgiving. In giving alms, Scripture says, our left
hand is not to know what our right hand is doing, for our
Father who sees in secret will repay us. We give alms for love
of Jesus, to help those who are in need, and to help ourselves.
Only then do our gifts become true corporal works of mercy. A
true alms is also to include the element of sacrifice: We are to
give until we “notice” that we are giving. For each person the
amount will vary, and the amount of the gift is unimportant.
The Lord does not ask equal gifts, He demands equal sacrifice.
Many requests are made of the parish for assistance from
various organizations, individuals, and institutions who are in
need. These requests are received by the Rectory throughout the
year. To that end, and in addition to the monthly Mercy Fund
envelope in your packets, Poor Boxes to receive consistent
monetary gifts for the poor have been installed near the
entrances of the church [gold boxes mounted into the walls of
the church, marked for the poor]. Monies received will be
placed in The Mercy Fund. It is from this single charitable fund
that our Parish will provide for the needs of the poor, continue
to provide for the programs we already are supporting, and
hopefully be able to increase in our care for God’s poor. Make it
a regular habit to provide for those in need. And, know that the
Lord will bless you abundantly for your generosity.
40 presents abortion as the most important
human and civil rights issue of our time, gives voice
to both sides fairly and lets women speak for
themselves through experience on the reasons for
their firm convictions about abortion. 40 highlights
well-reasoned secular arguments against the prochoice position and provides heartfelt testimonies
from post abortive women and men including our
special guests, Yvonne Florczak-Seeman and John
Morales, the film’s director.
We encourage you to bring friends and family
who might be on the fence, not focused on the
abortion issue or pro-choice. This documentary film
is a must see. It is informative, fast paced and gives
arguments on both sides so it is a perfect movie for
our young people to prepare them to defend life out
in the world (appropriate for ages 13 and up). The
sad reality is they will have many conversations on
this topic during high school and beyond and may
even find themselves giving advice to someone
considering abortion. We want them to be prepared.
Come see a screening with inspiring testimonies by
our special guests on Thursday, April 28th at 7 pm in
the St Isaac Jogues Parish Center.
April 24, 2016
Page Seven
Thursday May 26th following 6:00 pm Mass
From St. Isaac Jogues to Notre Dame Parish
By our baptism we became followers of Christ. But do we truly follow Him? On Thursday May 26th we’ll all get that
chance to literally follow Jesus in a joyful, reverent, and real way.
Come and be a true follower of Jesus and take part in this awe-inspiring,
musical, festive, candlelight procession of praise, and pageantry, joining
hundreds of Catholics and many seminarians, priests, nuns, and other
religious in a powerful public witness, which may just that first grace-filled
step needed to change our lives, and the lives of those in our families, our
parishes and communities. Enjoy an unforgettable mile long stroll on a spring
evening with Catholic families
and Jesus Himself from St.
Isaac Jogues to Notre Dame
on the Feast of Corpus Christi.
We’ll even have a trolley to transport processors between the two
parishes and to follow the procession, if it’s too far for some to walk.
Once we arrive with Christ at Notre Dame, we’ll have Adoration
followed by some much needed Christian community, with music, food
and drink.
For those who made the historic Walk with Christ the last two years, you
know the sense of peace and presence of Christ was truly palpable. We
likely will never know the divine benefits we may have received
personally, for our families, our parish, and our towns, by being followers of Christ in such a great public display of our
Faith, but let me just share a few incredible impressions from each year’s Procession.
2014 Procession: The day following the Procession, a woman
miraculously escaped her vehicle without injury before it was
struck by a Metra train in Hinsdale (we too traversed these
tracks with Christ), and three days after our Procession, the
abortion clinic in town was listed for sale-yes, three days.
On the day of
the Procession
there were the
worst, violent,
but God gave
us a brief two
hour window perfectly timed so we could walk with Jesus before the
skies again opened up to more damaging storms. Also as we
approached the train tracks to cross into Hinsdale we encountered a
long, slow moving freight train which prevented us from crossing, but
as we approached the tracks the train ended and we processed into
Hinsdale without stopping. Apparently Jesus doesn’t wait for trains.
Only God knows what is in store for each of us who walks with Christ this year. To find out please join us at St Isaac
Jogues on Thursday night May 26th 2016 for Mass at 6:00pm followed by a joyful, candlelight Cor pus Chr isti
Page Eight
April 24, 2016
Weekly News
Eighth Graders Participate
in Year of Mercy
Devotional Mass
Jack Vrdolyak, Danny McGuigan, Matigan Smith, and Katie
Hughes served at the Shrine of Divine Mercy in Lombard with
Father John Belmonte, superintendent of Catholic Schools for the
Diocese of Joliet.
For a Cause!
Sixth, seventh and eighth graders had great fun at the Student Council
sponsored dodge ball tournament, while raising money for charity.
April 24, 2016
Page Nine
Steubenville Youth
Conference In Ohio
June 17 – 19, 2016
Wednesday, April 27th – On Campus program
Grades 1 to 6 at 4 pm to 5:15 pm (school)
Grades 1 to 6 at 6 pm to 7:15 pm (school)
Grade 7 at 6 pm to 7:15 pm (parish center)
Wednesday, May 4th NO – On Campus program
Grades 1 to 6 at 4 pm CANCELED
Grades 1 to 6 at 6 pm to 7:15 pm CANCELED
Grade 7 at 6 pm to 7:15 pm CANCELED
10 am Mass group practices from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm
12 noon Mass group practices from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm
Begins in the Parish Center
Saturday, May 7th
10 am Mass (children be in the parish center at 9:30 am)
12 noon Mass (children be in the parish center at 11:30 am)
Wednesday, May 11th – On Campus program
Grades 1 to 6 at 4 pm to 5:15 pm (school)
Grades 1 to 6 at 6 pm to 7:15 pm (school)
Grade 7 at 6 pm to 7:15 pm (parish center)
Wednesday, May 18th – On Campus program
Grades 1 to 6 at 4 pm to 5:15 pm (school)
Grades 1 to 6 at 6 pm to 7:15 pm (school)
Grade 7 at 6 pm to 7:15 pm (parish center)
Thursday, May 26th CORPUS CHRISTI
All RE families (at home and on campus program) are
invited to 6 pm Mass at St Isaac Jogues Church, followed
with a procession into the community of Hinsdale, over
the railroad tracks into the community of Clarendon Hills,
concluding with prayer at Notre Dame and refreshments.
Monthly Food Collection
Our next food collection for
the poor is the first full
weekend of May.
Please drop your food
donations in the church food
boxes Saturday, May 7 and Sunday May 8.
Thank you!
Steubenville Youth Conferences gather thousands of
Catholic teens and adults. Participants enjoy inspiring
talks and workshops, plus great music and worship.
Teens will enjoy meeting other youth from around the
country who love God and want to grow in their faith.
For more information and registration forms go to
Contact Mike Kuhn with questions at
Four-Week Bible Study
The Origin of the Bible
Have you ever wondered: How did we get
the Bible? Where does the Bible come
from? And why are there different Bibles?
In this primer for anyone interested in Bible study, Dr.
Brant Pitre takes you through a study of the origins of
the Old and New Testaments. Whether you’re a beginner
or a lifelong student of the Bible, you’re sure to gain new
and exciting insights from this informative series. Cost
for the study is $5.
Evening Bible Study
Wednesdays, May 18 through June 1
7:30 pm, Sacred Heart Room
Morning Bible Study
Thursdays, May 19 through June 2
9:00 am, Fireplace Room
For more information,
contact the Evangelization Office, 630-655-5918,
Page Ten
April 24, 2016
April 24, 2016
Page Eleven
Senior Luncheon
SIJ SENIORS Welcome…..
The St. Isaac Jogues Cadence Choir
This group of 58 members are in Grades 5 through 8 and
rehearse two mornings per week before school. Many
have been involved in the school’s choir program since
kindergarten and also serve as student helpers for the
younger choirs each week. Since the creation of
Cadence in 2004, they have enjoyed success and fun at
competitions around the Midwest, consistently winning
Grand Champion and 1st Runner Up plus caption
awards including Best Vocals and Best Choreography,
even among choirs from large public schools that are audition-based. Director Julie Petrando created the choir
program at SIJ in 2002. It is the largest extra-curricular
activity at our school.
Please join us!
R.S.V.P. by April 26, 2016
Jubilee Year of Mercy
April 24, 2016
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Jubilee Day for Youth
This Sunday’s “Youth Jubilee” previews July’s World
Youth Day in Krakow. Its theme from Matthew 5:7,
“Blessed are the merciful,” echoes Pope Francis’ warning
that “the practice of mercy is waning in the wider culture.” In
countercultural witness, therefore, “the time has come,” says
Francis, “for the Church to take up the joyful call to mercy
once more. It is time to return to the basics and to bear the
weaknesses and struggles of our brothers and sisters.” Jesus
affirms the same in today’s Gospel. “As I have loved you, so
you also should love one another” (John 13:34).
Francis concludes, “The Church’s very credibility is
seen in how she shows merciful and compassionate love.”
Jesus too asserts, “This is how all will know that you are
my disciples, if you have love for one another” (John
13:35). Thus mercy “makes young” the Church, the world,
and everyone. “Mercy is the force that reawakens us to
new life and instills in us the courage to look to the future
with hope. (Misericordiae V ultus, 10).
—Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.
Papal quotes Copyright © 2015, Libreria Editrice
Vaticana. Used with permission.
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Luncheon Served at Noon
St. Isaac Jogues Parish Center
4th & Clay Streets
Hinsdale, IL 60521
$10.00 per person
Call Lorraine at 630-323-2942
Adult Formation Calendar
Divorce Recovery Group
April 25, 7:00 pm, Fireplace Room
Women’s Prayer Group
April 25, 7:30 pm, Rectory Room 201
Scripture Study - Gospel According to John
April 27, 7:30 pm, Sacred Heart Room
April 28, 9:00 am, Fireplace Room
Mark Your Calendars
For the Next
Saint Isaac Jogues
Blood Drive
Sunday, May 15, 2016
8 a.m. – 2 p.m.
To schedule your appointment please
call LifeSource at 877.543.3768 or
www.lifesource.org and use code E06.
Page Twelve
April 24, 2016
• Hoping
to raise pure teens?
your kids will be
via text messages,
the latest
apps and the Internet?
• Wondering
how to have “the talk”
so your kids will listen?
You do not want to miss this!
Wednesday, May 4,
7 p.m.
St. Isaac Jogues
Nationally Recognized Speaker
Jason Evert
will address these topics & more
In the midst of a cultural assault against innocence and virtue,
young people need convincing reasons to practice living a virtuous life.
Jason Evert understands the cultural influences that lure teens away from a pure life
and offers communication techniques, resources and
a wealth of information to support parents.
Jason will speak to parents from 7-8:15 p.m. in St. Isaac Jogues Church,
followed by Q&A.
Questions? Call SIJ School at 630.323.3244 and leave a message for Mrs. Joan Latto.
April 24, 2016
Page Thirteen
All women of the parish are invited to
The CCW Breakfast
Monday May 16th, 2016
8:15 am
In the parish center
We will honor
at 9:00 am
Everyone is welcome- children too!
*if you would like to nominate someone for
Woman of the Year,
please contact Melissa Gramann
Interfaith Career Network
Tools, Tips and Techniques For Your Job Search
Join us on Thursday, May 5 7-9. Our speaker this evening will be Kevin Crews, a highly respected recruiter and
trainer with over 20 year s of exper ience wor king for For tune 500 companies such as Citigr oup and Discover
Financial Services. Kevin can offer a new dimension to your job search by giving his perspective from the recruiter's
side of the desk.
Kevin knows how to find top talent in places other recruiters are not even looking. Learn what it takes to get noticed in
today's job market at St. Cletus School, Room 201, 700 W. 55th Street, La Grange. Look for the ICN sign outside and
enter at the flag pole entrance.
Page Twelve
April 24, 2016
2016 Mission Supply Collection
April 30th – MAY 1st
The Hands and Feet Medical Mission team would like your support
this year as they begin collecting much needed over the counter
drugs. This will be our 9th annual trip to Central America with many
of our parishioners participating. We will be in the Narthex with
Krispy Kreme Donuts after all masses April 30th – May 1st.
If you miss the collection on the 30th or 1st,
please drop off at Dr. Salvino’s:
23 West Chicago Avenue, Hinsdale
Children’s, Jr. (Meltaways)
Adult Tylenol/Motrin
Children’s Cough & Cold medicine
Prenatal vitamins
Please help us so we can help them!
Please contact Mrs. Salvino
or Julie Potts @Pamperedpotts@aol.com
Thank you and God bless you for your generous spirit!
¡Dios le bendiga! ++
Volunteer for
Catholic Charities
Catholic Charities’ Back to School Fair
Needs Your Help!
Once again I am appealing to you for support of the
26th Annual Back to School Fair. This year we are in dire
need of donations as we are unable to finalize location
due to the Illinois budget crisis. As such, we need YOU to
help us carry out our mission. Many families are counting
on this fair and the need in our community is increasing.
Please consider donating today. Although the fair is
months away, we are already falling behind due to our
financial situation.
Please help support of the annual Back to School
Fair. This event is a successful collaboration of over 100
public and private agencies dedicated to improving the
needs of low-income families. It costs over $30,000 to
operate the fair and we need your help to make sure
every child is prepared for school this fall.
Donations may be mailed to Catholic Charities, Back
to School Fair, 26 W. St. Charles Road, Lombard or
made online at catholiccharitiesjoliet.org.
Amy Lambert — alambert@cc-doj.org
Back to School Fair Coordinator
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Joliet
Do you want to make a difference?
Do you want to give back to your community?
Are you looking for something fulfilling to do?
Come to our spring Volunteer Meet n’ Greet
Thursday, April 28th, 2016 at 7:00 PM
Catholic Charities Office
26 W. St. Charles Rd. in Lombard
Explore various volunteer opportunities.
Please RSVP by April 21, 2016
Robin Poage 630-495-8008 ex. 2122/rpoage@cc-doj.org
Marillac High School Alumnae and Daughters of
Charity Reunite to Create Lasting Legacy
Marillac graduates from every class will come
together for the first time, since merging with Loyola
Academy more than 20 years ago, to support the
Daughters of Charity Chicago area missions. Inspired by
their St. Louise de Marillac High School education,
graduates have launched the “Coming Home, The Legacy
of Marillac High School and The Daughters of Charity”
initiative which will create an enduring legacy of giving
back with a five year goal to raise $1M to educate those
most in need.
St. Joseph Services mentors youth, educates adults
and transforms lives, focusing in the Humboldt Park and
Austin neighborhoods of Chicago.
For tickets and further information please visit
marillachighschool.org or contact