May 1, 2016 Bulletin - St. Isaac Jogues Catholic Church


May 1, 2016 Bulletin - St. Isaac Jogues Catholic Church
Saint Isaac Jogues Roman Catholic Church
306 West Fourth Street ◆ Hinsdale, Illinois 60521 ◆ 630/323-1248 ◆
Sunday Masses
Saturday evening: 4:30 pm
Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 am, Noon and 6:00 pm
Daily Masses
Monday-Friday: 7:00 am & 5:00 pm
Saturday: 8:00 am
Saturday afternoon 3:30 - 4:15 pm
Sunday evening 5:00 - 5:45 pm
Saint Peregrine Devotions
Devotions in Honor of St. Peregrine — patron of
those who suffer with cancer or any incurable
disease or condition — first Tuesday of each month
at 7pm.
Pope Saint John Paul II Eucharistic Adoration Chapel
The Chapel is located behind the sanctuary of the
church, and is available 24 hours a day for private
prayer and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. For
information: Linda Lannert,
or 630/408-9567.
1st& 3rd Sunday of the month at 1:00 p.m. Please
phone the Rectory to register for the required
Baptismal Preparation meeting.
Arrangements must be made with the Rectory at
least six months in advance. Contact the Rectory
before making any other arrangements.
Visits to the Sick
Due to hospital admitting policies, it is necessary to
inform the Rectory when hospitalized parishioners
would like a visit from a priest or deacon. Likewise,
call if you would like a visit while convalescing at a
facility or at home. Before being admitted to a
hospital for surgery it is advisable to call the Rectory
and arrange a time to receive the Sacrament of the
Anointing of the Sick. Please contact the Rectory
regarding communion visits to the homebound.
It is the responsibility of the parish to bury their
dead. The funeral director will contact the Rectory
Office regarding arrangements. Funerals are
ordinarily celebrated at 10am. According to
Diocesan policy, if family members wish to offer eulogies,
they should do so during the wake. #382 of the General
Instruction for the Universal Church states: At the
funeral Mass there should as a rule be a short homily, but
never a eulogy of any kind. No specific offering is
required in connection with the funeral liturgy.
New Parishioners welcome!
Please call the Rectory Office to register.
May 1, 2016
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Father William De Salvo, Pastor
Father Tom Dunn, Parochial Vicar
Deacon John Sebastian, Permanent Deacon
Assisting Priests
Father Larry Dreffein, OFM and Father John Tapper
Director of Evangelization and Outreach
Deacon William Dunn
Saint Isaac Jogues School
Mrs. Carol Burlinski, Principal
Miss Diane Sullivan, Vice-Principal
Religious Education & Youth Faith Formation
Mrs. Helen Johnson, Director of Religious Education
Mr. Michael Kuhn, Coordinator 7–8th grade & Youth Ministry
Director of Liturgical Music
Mr. Nicholas Thomas
Director of Administration and Planning
Mr. Tom Sullivan
Campus Engineer
Mr. Bruce Barker
Rectory Office
Mrs. Cathy Booth, Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Michele Blando, Business Manager
Counseling Services
Provided by Annette Spiezio and Affiliates
Ms. Annette Spiezio, LCPC, CADC ~ Parish Counselor
Page Two
May 1, 2016
Sunday, May 1, 2016–Sixth Sunday of Easter
7:30 AM-Jeanette and Robert Lehner
9:00 AM-Jerry Coveney
10:30 AM-For the Parish Family
12:00 PM-Frank Mastro
6:00 PM-Robert Jaques
Monday, May 2, 2016–Saint Athanasius, Bishop and
Doctor of the Church
7:00 AM-Mary Dempsey
5:00 PM-Jerry Caveney
Tuesday, May 3, 2016–Saint Phillip and James,
7:00 AM-Jesse Coffey
5:00 PM-Robert Butler
Wednesday, May 4, 2016–Easter Weekday
7:00 AM-Elizabeth and Michael Nelson
5:00 PM-Miguel and Margarita Guerrero
Thursday, May 5, 2016–Ascension of the Lord
7:00 AM-Henry Vaughn
5:00 PM-Marvin L. Wesely
Friday, May 6, 2016–Easter Weekday
7:00 AM-Bernice Hodakowski
8:30 AM-Judy Veselik
5:00 PM-Lois and Bill Steinbarth
Saturday, May 7, 2016–Easter Weekday
8:00 AM-Bishop Joseph Imesch
4:30 PM-Fr. Richard Wojcik
Sunday, May 8, 2016–Sixth Sunday of Easter
7:30 AM-Alice Monk
9:00 AM-Helen Paul
10:30 AM-For the Parish Family
12:00 PM-Lee Navarra
6:00 PM-Anne De Salvo
Flame of Faith
Saint John Paul II Eucharistic Adoration Chapel
Six candles burn perpetually around the Blessed
Sacrament in the Saint John Paul II Eucharistic Adoration
Chapel. Intentions listed below are remembered for ONE
WEEK [Sunday to Sunday]. The burning candles serve as
a constant prayer before the Lord, present in the Blessed
Sacrament. Envelopes for you to have your intentions
remembered and prayed for are available in the lobby of
the Adoration Chapel. The candles will burn this week for
the following intentions:
For the health and healing of my sister, Dawn Feusi
For my son to do well in his studies and pass his test
For my daughter to have a healthy pregnancy
For our daughter’s health
For good test results and health for mother and husband
For the health and well being of my loving wife Sonia
Dear Parish Family,
Today we celebrate the Sixth Sunday of Easter. This
beautiful season to remember and celebrate the Lord’s
rising to new life continues for a few more weeks. In His
resurrection, Jesus gives us Himself, He continues His
presence in the lives of His people, and wants our
happiness. So much does He want our salvation. His
mercy surrounds us, and has for centuries in the Catholic
Church. For two thousand years the Church has worked
tirelessly and consistently to make the love and mercy of
God known in the lives and hearts of His people. Let’s be
grateful for the gift of Faith God has given us, and for the
call and invitation we have received to live as Catholics.
In today’s Gospel the Lord Jesus leaves His disciples
with His gift of peace and the promise of the Holy Spirit,
the Advocate. Whom do we rely on to help us make sense
of everyday life? Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit to guide us
in the way of His truth. Do we count on Him when things
get tough for us? Do we turn to Him for guidance, or
simply tell Him what He needs to do to be God and “win”
our approval? Today’s readings challenge us to accept the
gift of the Lord’s peace, His abiding presence, and, in
obedience, to give our hearts to Him.
No one exemplifies this “call to discipleship” more
than the Blessed Virgin Mary. This entire month of May is
dedicated to the honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the first
and the greatest of all the disciples. I would encourage
everyone to go to Mary to follow her example of love,
obedience, faithfulness, and abandonment to the Divine
Will and Providence. She is the Church in its perfection,
and the perfect model of what you and I should be in
following the Lord Jesus. Everything about Mary points to
Jesus. Would that same thing be said of all of us.
To Jesus through Mary! Begin your “time” with Mary
by reading the sections of the Catechism of the Catholic
Church dedicated to Her, #963-975. Other spiritual
readings are available through Catholic publishers,
especially Ignatius Press.
During this month of May, dedicated to Mary, do
something to grow in your knowledge, love, devotion,
and understanding of Mary’s role in the Church and in
our lives. Grow closer to Her who is so close to Her Son.
She’s a mother who loves us completely. A mother who
wants our salvation and happiness in this life and in the
life to come.
I hope everyone will join us NEXT weekend, on
Mother’s Day, when we hold our parish May Crowning at
all of the Masses. Remember to bring flowers to lay at the
feet of the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It would
certainly please the Lord if we were to honor His beloved
and blessed Mother!
May God bless you and Mary keep you!
Father De Salvo
May 1, 2016
Page Three
“Bring Flowers of the Fairest...”
Mother’s Day and May Crowning
Dawn Feusi
Mary Geraldine Fahey
Anna Mrdak
Mary Tadda
Victory Limjuco
Marty Stratman
Timothy Brown
Carl Bay, Jr.
Numeriano S. Gabriel
Raffaela Tenuta
May Andrle
Liam Fitzpatrick
Gina Consalvo Anderson
Annamarie Challenger
Mary Pabst
Wife of Dick, mother of Doug Pabst
Please pray for our beloved deceased
and for their families
Sunday Offering
Weekly Offering for April 24, 2016 ..................$28,589
Weekly Offering same week last year ...............$32,910
Targeted Goal ....................................................$36,000
To donate to St. Isaac Jogues Offertory, Mercy,
THM, Preserving Our Heritage and Preschool Fund
please visit our website and click
on the E-Giving tab.
Please call me at 630-323-1248 with any questions.
Thank you for your continued support of St. Isaac
Jogues Church and School.
Michele Blando, Business Manager
Acts 16:11-15; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b;
Jn 15:26 — 16:4a
1 Cor 15:1-8; Ps 19:2-5; Jn 14:6-14
Wednesday: Acts 17:15, 22 — 18:1; Ps 148:1-2, 11-14;
Jn 16:12-15
Thursday: Acts 1:1-11; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9; Eph 1:17-23 or
Heb 9:24-28; 10:19-23; Lk 24:46-53
(for Ascension); otherwise
Acts 18:1-8; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 16:16-20
Acts 18:9-18; Ps 47:2-7; Jn 16:20-23
Saturday: Acts 18:23-28; Ps 47:2-3, 8-10; Jn 16:23b-28
Acts 7:55-60; Ps 97:1-2, 6-7, 9;
Rv 22:12-14, 16-17, 20; Jn 17:20-26
or (for Ascension) Acts 1:1-11;
Ps 47:2-3, 6-9; Eph 1:17- 23 or
Heb 9:24-28; 10:19-23; Lk 24:46-53
Next Sunday, May 8th is Mother’s
Day. A day to honor Mother s: Our
own mothers, our Holy Mother the
Church, and Mary the Mother of Jesus
and the mother of us all, given to us by
the Lord as He hung upon the Cross.
Our Parish May Crowning will be
held at all Masses NEXT SUNDAY on
Mother’s Day. Everyone is invited to
take part in giving honor to Mary our
Mother, as we honor all those women who
have “mothered us”. Especially if your
mom is deceased, what better way to
remember her than by making an offering of love to the
Blessed Virgin Mary? Whether living or dead, by honoring
Mary, we honor our own mothers and ultimately the
creator of all mothers, God who is Father, Son, and Spirit.
Mary leads us to Jesus, and like a good mother She shows
us the face of God in Her goodness and in Her care for us.
When you come to Mass for Mother’s Day bring
flowers to lay at the feet of the image of the Blessed
Virgin Mary. During the Entrance Hymn of the Mass
whoever has flowers to offer will be invited to come
forward during the hymn and lay them at the feet of
the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary which will be in
the sanctuary.
We encourage you to bring flowers from your own
garden. Let children and grandchildren pick their own to
offer, but please do not limit the offering to children alone,
or to the ladies. Young and old — men, women, and
children should eagerly want to show their love for Mary.
Don’t miss this opportunity to make a concrete show of
faith and love for the Lord by honoring His Blessed
Mother. In honoring the Mother of Jesus, we honor Him,
and He will bless our efforts with an increase in faith and
devotion. Join us on Mother’s Day as we “bring flowers of
the the loveliest rose of the vale!”
Patron Saint of all those who suffer from
Cancer or any incurable Disease or Condition
This Tuesday is the First Tuesday of the Month.
We will hold the usual devotions in honor of Saint
Peregrine at 7:00 p.m..
The blessing of the sick with the
relic of Saint Peregrine will be given,
and Benediction of the Blessed
Sacrament will also be a part of the
evening service. If you, or someone you
know, suffers from cancer or is
struggling with an incurable disease or
condition, join us the First Tuesday of
each month for prayer and ask for
healing, an increase in faith, acceptance
of God’s will, and strength to bear
whatever God asks of you.
Page Four
The Mass: “The Action of Christ”
May 1, 2016
To live and love our Catholic Faith, we have to know it!
Each week we will examine the mass,
piece by piece, looking at all the
elements that go into this great
prayer, the greatest act of worship of
the Roman Catholic Church.
Robert Cardinal Sarah (a Cardinal
from Africa), head of the Roman Congregation for Divine
Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, called for
a more faithful implementation of the liturgical texts, in
particular, The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, the
first document of Vatican II, calling for the liturgical
reform of the liturgy. He lamented almost fifty years of
misinterpretations of its teaching on “active
participation,” and a host of other errors that have become
part of the liturgical experience of many Catholics. He
also reminded Catholics throughout the world to
remember explicit Church law: The liturgical books,
approved by the competent authority, are to be faithfully
observed in the celebration of mass and the sacraments;
therefore no one on personal authority may add, remove,
(ignore) or change anything in them [ccc #846.1].
“The liturgy is essentially the action of Christ,” the
prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship wrote in
the June 12, 2015 edition of L’Osservatore Romano (the
Vatican newspaper). “If this vital principle is not received
in faith, it is likely to make the liturgy a human work, a
self-celebration of the community. To speak of a
‘celebrating community’ is not without ambiguity and
requires real caution. Active Participation should not
therefore be understood as the need to do something. On
this point the teaching of the Council has often been
distorted, and misinterpreted. According to the mind of the
Church, and Vatican II, “active participation” is instead
to let Christ take us and associate us with his sacrifice.
Citing the teaching of Pope Francis, Cardinal Sarah
criticized the attitude of priests and people who make
themselves the focal point of the liturgy. Continuing his
discussion of “active participation,” Cardinal Sarah
criticized the “contemporary Western mentality” in which
the faithful are to be “constantly busy” and in which the
Mass is to be rendered “convivial” and “personal.” On the
contrary, “sacred awe” and “joyful fear” require our
silence in the presence of the divine majesty. It is often
forgotten that sacred silence is one of the means set forth
by the Council to encourage participation.”
Cardinal Sarah recalled the Council’s teaching that
the faithful should “be able to say or to sing together in
Latin those parts of the Ordinary of the Mass which
pertain to them,” and said that the liturgy “must stop
being a place of disobedience to the requirements of the
Church.” This often happens when people want to make
funerals and weddings about “me,” adding all sorts of
aberrations that are contrary to the teachings of the
Church. Usually, this has been done without malice, and
has the intention of making the liturgy “more personal,”
“more meaningful” to people because, in many ways, we
live in an age of increasing secularism, a society and
individuals seeking to live their lives without reference to
God. Secularism includes an inordinate focusing on the
“individual” and his/her emotions, waning devotion and
piety, and a lack of appreciation and understanding of the
truths and practices of our Catholic Faith. The efficacy of
the Church’s liturgy is denied: the rites of the Church are
no longer enough.
Unfortunately, with an increasing notion of the
secular over the sacred, the lofty ideals of faith, devotion,
and proper Catholic piety are being lost, de-valued, or are
being inappropriately “re-defined,” often times, placing
cultural values above religious ones.
What is needed is humility, obedience, charity, and
fidelity to the Church’s teachings. What also is necessary
is “knowledge,” what the actual teaching of the Church is.
Opinions abound, but, they are just that: opinions, and
everybody’s got one. As Archbishop Fulton Sheen once
said: “Not 100 people in the United States hate the
Roman Catholic Church, but millions hate what they
mistakenly think the Roman Catholic Church is.” Church
law that is not just “another opinion” that we can take or
leave. Obedience and humility is a means to, and an
expression of holiness, maturity and wisdom. Cardinal
Sarah said: “If we live in this spirit, then the liturgy will
cease to be the place of rivalry and criticism,” and instead
be the place in which we participate actively in the
heavenly liturgy.”
During Mary’s month of May and always...
Look to Mary!
Pope Francis I
Let us look to Mary! After the
Annunciation, her first act is one of
kinswoman Elizabeth. Her first words
are: My soul magnifies the Lord – the
Magnificat, a canticle of praise and
thanksgiving to God not only for what
he did for her, but for what he has
done throughout the history of salvation. Everything is his
gift; if we were able to understand that everything is a gift
from God, how much happiness there would be in our
hearts! He is our strength.
Saying thank you is so easy, and yet so hard! How
often do we say thank you to one another in our families?
It is one of the key words of co-existence. How often do
we say please, I'm sorry, thank you, to those who help us,
those close to us, those at our side throughout life? Often
we take everything for granted! This happens with God
too. It is easy to go to the Lord to ask for help, but to give
thanks to Him … “Ah, it didn't occur to me...”
Let us invoke Mary’s intercession. May she help us to
be open to God’s surprises, to be faithful to him each and
every day, and to praise and thank him, for he is our
May 1, 2016
“Mary Month of May”
by: Peter J. Lynch
from: “Spirituality for Today”
Not so many years ago, a
little girl had come of the age to
take her turn at pasturing the
sheep that her family owned.
Her two little cousins, whom she
had played with every day until
this time, sought permission
from their parents to allow them
to go with her. The three would
meet every morning. One day,
as they were shepherding their
flock, they saw what seemed to
be lightning, so they decided
that they should try to get the flock home before it began
to rain. As they made their way down a slope, they only
went a short distance when there was another flash of
light. When they looked up they saw before them a Lady
dressed all in white. "She was more brilliant than the sun,
and radiated a light more clear and more intense than a
crystal filled with sparkling water, when the rays of the
burning sun shine through it." Astounded, they stopped.
Their life was never the same. This occurred on May 13,
1917, in a small village called Fatima, in Portugal. The
Blessed Mother would come to visit Lucia, Jacinta and
Francisco every 13th of the month for six months to give
these little children, in this little known place, a message
for the world.
What was the message that Our Lady gave those
children? It is a message of conversion. She calls the
world to turn back to God, be reconciled, and reform our
lives according to the Gospel. To accomplish this she
calls us to turn to the Sacraments, prayer, and penance.
She said that by these practices we can make reparation
for the offenses committed against the Heart of Jesus and
her own Immaculate Heart.
In this month of May, one of the months dedicated to
Our Blessed Mother, we can renew our devotion to the
Mother of Our Savior in several ways. Three of the
greatest devotions we can have to the Queen of Heaven,
who always points to her Son, are the daily recitation of
the Rosary, devotion to her Immaculate Heart, and
consecration to Mary according to the formula as found in
True Devotion to Mary, by St. Louis De Montfort. This is
the formula was a favorite of Saint Pope John Paul II.
The Rosary is one of the most powerful prayers of the
Church. From the time of the early Church the Rosary
was always prayed in some form or another. The basic
form that we have today was given to the Church in an
apparition to St. Dominic in 1214. Our Lady revealed to
him that the Rosary is the “weapon the Blessed Trinity
wants to use to reform the world.” The Rosary is powerful
because it is like praying the Gospel. Consider the prayers
of the Rosary: The Our Father was given by Christ
himself when asked by his disciples how we are to pray.
The Hail Mary contains the very words of the Gospel
Page Five
accounts of the Annunciation and the Visitation from
Luke’s Gospel .We then have the Mysteries of the Rosary
that recount the great mysteries of our redemption in
Christ. Being the greatest Scriptural prayer the Church
has in her treasury, taken as a whole it is easy to see that it
reveals Mary’s place in our lives in relation to Christ. Just
like Mary herself, the Rosary points to the Gospel of
Christ, leading people to Jesus through the preaching of
the Gospel message. The Rosary itself is a sermon! What
better way to come to Jesus than through his Mother, who
he so honors and loves as to grant her whatever she asks?
And it only takes ten to fifteen minutes to pray five
mysteries of the Rosary each day! As the prayer of Our
Mother, which leads us to her Son, we can see how
powerful it is as the Gospel Prayer of the Family.
We should learn to “put on” the Heart of Mary, to
love Mary and to imitate Her holiness and virtuous life.
There is an even more profound reason we practice
devotion to the Virgin: This reason is found in
considering a simple question. W hat heart has ever loved
Jesus so intimately, and so purely, and so perfectly as the
Immaculate Heart of Mary? In our devotion to her
Immaculate Heart, our heart grows in imitation and comes
to love Jesus by the Heart that loved him so well. May we
too love Jesus with the Immaculate Love of the Heart of
Mary. During this month of May, the month dedicated to
Mary, let us all grow in holiness, in our love for the
Blessed Virgin Mary, who leads us to Jesus.
Four-Week Bible Study
The Origin of the Bible
Have you ever wondered: How did we
get the Bible? Where does the Bible
come from? And why are there
different Bibles? In this primer for
anyone interested in Bible study, Dr.
Brant Pitre takes you through a study of the origins of
the Old and New Testaments. Whether you’re a
beginner or a lifelong student of the Bible, you’re sure
to gain new and exciting insights from this informative
series. Cost for the study is $5.
Evening Bible Study
Wednesdays, May 18 through June 1
7:30 pm, Sacred Heart Room
Morning Bible Study
Thursdays, May 19 through June 2
9:00 am, Fireplace Room
For more information,
contact the Evangelization Office, 630-655-5918,
Page Six
May 1, 2016
2016 Annual Diocesan Appeal Update
...Have you made your Pledge?
The target goal for Saint Isaac Jogues Parish for this
year’s Catholic Ministries A nnual A ppeal is $154,458. To
date, 462 donors have pledged $234,560 on the goal.
That means we have already reached and exceeded
our goal for this year! However , LAST YEAR, 516
donors contributed $245,753. We have a ways to go to
equal and exceed last year’s parish contributions and
number of donors who participated.
Thanks to all who have made a contribution to this
year’s Annual Diocesan Appeal. Because of YOU, the
work of the Lord Jesus can continue in the lives of His
people. His love and mercy is seen in action!
Those who have contributed to the CMAA in the past,
but have not done so yet in 2016, have or will soon
receive a letter from the Diocesan Appeal Office asking
them to make a gift in support of the many good works
underwritten by the CMAA.
We encourage our parishioners to make a generous
gift. Also, we remind those of you that have already
pledged your support, to continue to make your pledge
payments. Now that our parish reached its goal in the
amount paid, 60% of any additional funds received are
returned to the parish to help with our needs, and our
operating budget. Thanks to all who have given. If you
receive a letter from the Diocese, under the Parish’s
name, please be generous in your gifts to the Annual
Appeal. You can also pledge online through the Diocesan
If you need assistance, call the Rectory Office.
Please make your gift today.
Thanks to all who have given to the Appeal!
Monthly Food Collection
Our next food collection for
the poor is the first full
weekend of May.
Please drop your food
donations in the church food
boxes Saturday, May 7 and Sunday May 8.
Thank you!
May 1st: The Feast of Saint Joseph the Worker
Strong, Loving and Wise
March 19th is the major feast
celebrated in honor of Saint Joseph.
However, in May, at the beginning
of the month dedicated to the
Blessed Virgin Mary, we celebrate
another feast day in honor of the
foster father of Jesus, the husband
of Mary: May 1st we celebrate the
Feast of Saint Joseph the Worker.
Although, this year, the liturgy for
the 6th Sunday of Easter is
celebrated on May 1st.
Just because Sacred Scripture doesn’t record any
words Saint Joseph spoke doesn’t mean he lived a life in
the background. Surely he didn’t look on in silent
passivity but rather excelled as the moral and spiritual
head of his household. The feasts we celebrate in honor of
Saint Joseph [March 19th ~ The Solemnity of Saint
Joseph: Husband of Mary, and May 1st ~ The Feast of
Saint Joseph the Worker] remind us that he is also an
active role model - not only as a hard working provider
but also a loving spouse.
Saint Joseph’s first role is to be husband of Mary. He
is the model of husbands and the model of fathers. Any
good father exercises his fatherhood by first of all loving
the mother of his children: By Mary and Joseph being
united in love, Jesus is raised in a home filled with great
love. Saint Joseph is also the patron saint of workers, of
those who provide for home and family. Just as Saint
Joseph provided for the needs of the Holy Family — for
Mary and Jesus — he is also the patron and “provider” for
the household of God, the Church. In this role, he also
shows us the dignity of hard work, of toiling with our
hands to provide for our needs, and the needs of those we
love. Especially in these days of a “hard economy” we
need to go to Joseph and ask his intercession for those
who are unemployed or under-employed. Pray to him,
and ask him to pray for you, for all those who work to
provide for themselves and/or for their families. The
words inscribed above the statue of Saint Joseph in our
church say it all: Ite Ad Joseph! [“Go to Joseph!”].
Adult Formation Calendar
Light of the World
May 1, 7:00 pm, Rectory Room 201
Divorce Recovery Group
May 2, 7:00 pm, Fireplace Room
Women’s Prayer Group
May 2, 7:30 pm, Rectory Room 201
SIJ Seniors Luncheon
May 3, Noon, Fireplace Room
Donut Sunday - hosted by Cornerstone
May 15, after 9:30 and 10 am Masses, Narthex
May 1, 2016
Page Seven
Thursday May 26th following 6:00 pm Mass
From St. Isaac Jogues to Notre Dame Parish
By our baptism we became followers of Christ. But do we truly follow Him? On Thursday May 26th we’ll all get that
chance to literally follow Jesus in a joyful, reverent, and real way.
Come and be a true follower of Jesus and take part in this awe-inspiring,
musical, festive, candlelight procession of praise, and pageantry, joining
hundreds of Catholics and many seminarians, priests, nuns, and other
religious in a powerful public witness, which may just that first grace-filled
step needed to change our lives, and the lives of those in our families, our
parishes and communities. Enjoy an unforgettable mile long stroll on a spring
evening with Catholic families and Jesus Himself from St. Isaac Jogues to
Notre Dame on the Feast of Corpus Christi. We’ll even have a trolley to
transport processors
between the two parishes and to follow the procession, if it’s too far
for some to walk. Once we arrive with Christ at Notre Dame, we’ll
have Adoration followed by some much needed Christian
community, with music, food and drink.
For those who made the historic Walk with Christ the last two years,
you know the sense of peace and presence of Christ was truly
palpable. We likely will never know the divine benefits we may
have received personally, for our families, our parish, and our towns,
by being followers of Christ in such a great public display of our
Faith, but let me just share a few incredible impressions from each
year’s Procession.
2014 Procession: The day following the Procession, a woman
miraculously escaped her vehicle without injury before it was
struck by a Metra train in Hinsdale (we too traversed these
tracks with Christ), and three days after our Procession, the
abortion clinic in town was listed for sale-yes, three days.
2015 Procession: On the day of the Pr ocession ther e wer e the
worst, violent, thunderstorms, but God gave us a brief two hour
window perfectly timed so we could walk with Jesus before the
skies again opened up to more damaging storms. Also as we
the train
tracks to
cross into Hinsdale we encountered a long, slow moving freight train
which prevented us from crossing, but as we approached the tracks
the train ended and we processed into Hinsdale without stopping.
Apparently Jesus doesn’t wait for trains.
Only God knows what is in store for each of us who walks with
Christ this year. To find out please join us at St Isaac Jogues on
Thursday night May 26th 2016 for Mass at 6:00pm followed by a
joyful, candlelight Corpus Christi Procession.
Page Eight
May 1, 2016
Wednesday, May 4 NO – On Campus program
Grades 1 to 6 at 4 pm CANCELED
Grades 1 to 6 at 6 pm to 7:15 pm CANCELED
Grade 7 at 6 pm to 7:15 pm CANCELED
10 am Mass group practices from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm
12 noon Mass group practices from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm
Saturday, May 7th
10 am Mass (children be in the parish center at 9:30 am)
12 noon Mass (children be in the parish center at 11:30 am)
Wednesday, May 11th – On Campus program
Grades 1 to 6 at 4 pm to 5:15 pm (school)
Grades 1 to 6 at 6 pm to 7:15 pm (school)
Grade 7 at 6 pm to 7:15 pm (parish center)
Wednesday, May 18th – On Campus program
Grades 1 to 6 at 4 pm to 5:15 pm (school)
Grades 1 to 6 at 6 pm to 7:15 pm (school)
Grade 7 at 6 pm to 7:15 pm (parish center)
Thursday, May 26th CORPUS CHRISTI
Steubenville Youth
Conference In Ohio
June 17 – 19, 2016
Steubenville Youth Conferences gather thousands of
Catholic teens and adults. Participants enjoy inspiring
talks and workshops, plus great music and worship.
Teens will enjoy meeting other youth from around the
country who love God and want to grow in their faith.
For more information and registration forms go to
Contact Mike Kuhn with questions at
All RE families (at home and on campus program) are invited
to 6 pm Mass at St Isaac Jogues Church, followed with a
procession into the community of Hinsdale, over the railroad
tracks into the community of Clarendon Hills,
concluding with prayer at Notre Dame and refreshments.
Cornerstone Youth Ministry
May 1, 2016
Page Nine
Weekly News
SIJ Auction Shoots and Scores!
March Madness is over, the final numbers are in, and we are excited to
announce that this year’s SIJ “Shoot for Success” Annual Auction was a
huge success! Thanks to the generosity of all our SIJ families and the
dedicated Auction committee, we netted over $240,000 for our school
this year! Additionally, we raised $35,000 for the school's STEM
initiative that will launch in the next school year. Many thanks to Father
De Salvo, Father Dunn, Mrs. Burlinski, Ms. Sullivan, the PSA and all the
SIJ families who supported the Auction this year. Go Team SIJ!
—Kelly Francis and Emily Hargan, 2016 Auction Co-Chairs
Internationally-Acclaimed Authors Visit SIJ
5th-8th Graders met Kwame
Alexander, who read from The
Crossover, which won the 2015
Newbery Award, as well as his
newest release, Booked, and who
spoke to the students about the
writing process.
New York Times best selling author,
producer and lead anchor of
EWTN News, Raymond Arroyo,
spoke to 3rd-5th Graders about his
new book, Will Wilder: The Relic
of Perilous Falls,
and shared photos of meeting
with Pope Francis.
artist and author, Hervé
Tullet, spoke to K-2nd
Graders about Let’s Play and
Mix It Up!, two interactive
picture books that are New
York Times Best Sellers.
Page Ten
May 1, 2016
All women of the parish are invited to
The CCW Breakfast
Monday May 16th, 2016
8:15 am
In the parish center
We will honor
at 9:00 am
Everyone is welcome- children too!
*if you would like to nominate someone for
Woman of the Year,
please contact Melissa Gramann
Senior Luncheon
SIJ SENIORS Welcome…..
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Luncheon Served at Noon
St. Isaac Jogues Parish Center
Please join us!
$10.00 per person
R.S.V.P. by April 26th
Call Lorraine at 630-323-2942
Entertainment by
The St. Isaac Jogues Cadence Choir
This group of 58 members are in Grades 5 - 8 and rehearse two
mornings per week before school. Many have been involved in
the school’s choir program since kindergarten and also serve as
student helpers for the younger choirs each week.
May 1, 2016
Page Eleven
Page Twelve
• Hoping
to raise pure teens?
• Worried
your kids will be
via text messages,
the latest
apps and the Internet?
• Wondering
how to have “the talk”
so your kids will listen?
You do not want to miss this!
May 1, 2016
Wednesday, May 4,
7 p.m.
St. Isaac Jogues
Nationally Recognized Speaker
Jason Evert
will address these topics & more
In the midst of a cultural assault against innocence and
virtue, young people need convincing reasons to practice living
a virtuous life.
Jason Evert understands the cultural influences that lure
teens away from a pure life and offers communication
techniques, resources and a wealth of information to support
parents. Jason will speak to parents from 7-8:15 p.m. in St.
Isaac Jogues Church, followed by Q&A.
Mark Your Calendars
For the Next
Saint Isaac Jogues
Blood Drive
Sunday, May 15, 2016
8 a.m. – 2 p.m.
To schedule your appointment please
call LifeSource at 877.543.3768 or and use code E06.
Blood supplies are dangerously low and Life
Source Blood Services asks your help in replenishing
this vital link in the medical system. Donation takes
less than an hour with the professional staff from
LifeSource. You can enjoy a snack before you return to
your regular Sunday activities, confident that you have
made a difference in the life of the person who receives
your donation. Don't wait until someone you know
needs blood.
People with reservations receive priority but walkins are always welcome. Please bring identification
when you come to the Parish Center between 8:00AM
and 2:00 PM on May 15th.
Questions? Call SIJ School at 630.323.3244
and leave a message for Mrs. Joan Latto.
St. Isaac Jogues Men’s Group
Inspiration ■ Fellowship ■ Enrichment
May 19, 2016
● 6:30 PM Social ● 7:00 PM Dinner
● 7:45 PM Presentation — Parish Center
Ladies Golf
Still time to join!
Tee Times available!
League plays Wednesday mornings beginning May 4th at Twin Lake Golf Course in Westmont.
Questions? Contact Nellie McCarthy
Meg Berger ( or
Jessica Jagoe (
Montini Catholic High School
2016 Summer Camps
With summer quickly approaching, it’s time to consider
academic and athletic summer camps.
For a full description of all camps available, go to