Pledge to Mother Earth, up 20th Apr. Solemen Walk, 17th – 20th Apr


Pledge to Mother Earth, up 20th Apr. Solemen Walk, 17th – 20th Apr
 A Healthy Environment For All Living Things
Pledge to Mother Earth, up 20th Apr.
Solemen Walk, 17th – 20th Apr.
Offering of the pledges to the Gods, 20th Apr.
Earth Day - Kids & Family Open Day at the Eco Park, 20th
Live music, Workshops, Games, Raffles & much more...
Saturday 20th April 2013
at the
Island Sustainability Education Center, Sawangan, Nus Dua
10am – 8pm
Workshops: 10am – 5pm
Entertainment: 3pm – 8pm
All funds raised go to this Earth Day event expenses and Role’s Children’s
Environment, Diet and Exercise Program.
Make a Donation:
Direct Deposit:
Account Name: Yayasan Role
Bank: Permata Bank
Branch: Sanur, Bali, Indonesia
A/C No.: 5801231804
Swift Code: BBBAIDJA
Send a check/cheque:
Role Foundation 22 Siligita
St. Nusa Dua, Bali
Island Indonesia 80361
Credit Card:
go to "make a donation" on our
website through PayPal
Share to care. Show your love for Mother Earth.
2 Earth Day Event 2013
Introduction to the Pledge to Mother Earth
Pengenalan akan Janji untuk Ibu Pertiwi
The Role foundation is celebrating the upcoming Earth Day 2013 with the Earth
Day Event at the Island Sustainability Education Center in Sawangan, Nusa Dua, at
the 20th of April 2013, aiming to create more environmental awareness among
children, adults, business and organizations.
Dalam rangka memperingati Hari Bumi 2013, Role Foundation akan mengadakan
acara di Island Sustainability Education Center di Sawangan, Nusa Dusa, pada
tanggal 20 April 2013, yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman tentang
lingkungan bagi anak-anak, orang dewasa, para pebisnis, dan organisasi.
Therefore, Role foundation is asking you, your staff and coworkers to get involved
by filling out the Pledge to Mother Earth, our home, to make the world a cleaner
and happier place. All pledges remain secret and are just between you and Mother
Earth. If you choose to make your hotel/business the collection point for the pledges,
surrounding schools and organizations can hand them in to you. The Solemen will
then collect all of the pledges during their 4-day walk around the Bukit.
Sehubungan dengan hal diatas, Role Foundation mengajak anda para staf dan
rekan kerja untuk ikut bergabung mengucapkan ikrar kepada Ibu Pertiwi, rumah, dan
dunia agar menjadi tempat yang bersih dan menyenangkan. Ikrar tersebut dianggap
janji rahasia, hanya antara anda dan Ibu Pertiwi yang tahu. Anda bisa menjadikan
hotel atau kantor anda sebagai pusat tempat pengumpulan janji kepada Ibu Pertiwi
ini dari sekolah-sekolah atau instansi di area sekitar. Soleman akan mengambilnya
dari jadwal jalan kaki mereka yang sudah di tentukan.
Show that you care about the natural beauty of Mother Earth and that you are
willing to protect and preserve her!
Tunjukkan bahwa anda perduli dengan keaslian dan kecantikan Ibu Pertiwi dan
betapa inginnya anda untuk menjaga dan melindunginya.
Thank you for creating a sustainable future!
Terima kasih untuk tetap memelihara kelangsungan masa depan!
3 Earth Day Event 2013
The Pledge
Pledge to Mother Earth
Janji untuk Ibu Pertiwi
I, ........…............., pledge to Mother Earth that over the next year I will:
Saya, ........…............., berjanji kepada Ibu Pertiwi bahwa untuk tahun-tahun berikutnya, saya akan :
to help create a sustainable world for future generations.
Berusaha untuk menciptakan dunia yang lebih baik untuk generasi yang akan datang.
Please hand it in to the nearest pledge collection point until the 16th of April, 2013.
Mohon untuk mengumpulkan janji kepada Ibu Pertiwi ini di tempat-tempat yang dipilih sampai tanggal 16 April 2013.
Pledge ideas - Janji kepada Ibu Pertiwi
• I will plant a tree and help it grow
Saya akan menanam pohon dan memelihara pertumbuhannya
• I won’t throw rubbish on the ground, in the rivers or ocean
• Saya tidak akan membuang sampah sembarangan, di sungai ataupun di laut
• I will separate my garbage
• Saya akan memilah-milah jenis sampah
• I won’t burn plastic or other garbage
• Saya tidak akan membakar plastik atau sampah lain
• I will collect my water bottles
• Saya akan mengumpulkan botol plastik
• I will reuse paper by using both sides
• Saya akan menggunakan kertas sisi depan dan belakang
• I will compost organic waste
• Saya akan membuat sampah organik menjadi pupuk
• I will pay my bills online to reduce the use of paper
• Saya akan membayar tagihan secara online untuk mengurangi kertas
• I will turn off the light and other electronic devices when I am not using them
• Saya akan mematikan lampu dan peralatan elektronik lainnya jika tidak
• Install low-flow showerheads
• Mengurangi volume air ketika mandi dengan menggunakan shower
• Shop “green.” Use reusable bags instead of plastic or paper
• Belanja ramah lingkungan dengan menggunakan tas daripada plastik atau
4 Earth Day Event 2013
The Solemen Walk
The Solemen & Solegirls will collect all the pledges during their 4-day barefoot
environmental awareness walk around the Bukit on the following dates before
Mangku Made Ariawan will burn the pledges in an offering to the Gods at the Earth
Day Event at the ISEC. (If you are not from the Bukit, please send the pledges to
Role foundation, Jl. Siligita 22, Nusa Dua.)
Solemen dan Solewomen akan bertugas selama empat hari dengan jadwal
tercantum di bawah ini, mengambil ikrar yang sudah anda tuliskan itu dengan
berjalan tanpa alas kaki di sekitar Bukit sebelum dibakar oleh Mangku Made Ariawan
yang dianggap sebagai sesajian untuk Tuhan terhadap perayaan Hari Bumi di ISEC.
(Jika anda tidak berasal dari Bukit, silahkan kirim ikrar tersebut ke Role Foundation,
Jl. Siligita 22, Nusa Dua)
Dates of the Solemen walk: 17th – 20th of April
Jadwal jalan kaki Solemen sebagai berikut : 17 – 20 April 2013
5 Earth Day Event 2013
1. Platinum - $2000 or equivalent item/service to value of
Platinum size logo on 2 banners at the entrance and in the entertainment
Platinum size logo on all e-flyers and newsletter related to the event.
20 Team Building or Individual Interactive Tours of Sustainability Park.
20 Organic Aloe Vera Massages by Spa trainer and students.
20% discount on Product and Silly Snail Cafe and Warung Scenic.
Help make Tourism and Business in Bali Sustainable and Environmental
Jobs and Business for the people of Bali.
2. Gold - $1000 or equivalent item/service to value of
Gold size logo on 2 banners at the entrance and in the entertainment area
Gold size logo on all e-flyers and newsletter related to the event.
10 Team Building or Individual Interactive Tours of Sustainability Park.
10 Organic Aloe Vera Massages by Spa trainer and students.
15% discount on Product and Silly Snail Cafe and Warung Scenic.
Help make Tourism and Business in Bali Sustainable and Environmental
Jobs and Business for the people of Bali.
3. Silver - $500 or equivalent item/service to value of
Silver size logo on 2 banners at the entrance and in the entertainment
Silver size logo on all e-flyers and newsletter related to the event.
10 Team Building or Individual Interactive Tours of Sustainability Park.
5 Organic Aloe Vera Massages by Spa trainer and students.
10% discount on Product and Silly Snail Cafe and Warung Scenic.
Help make Tourism and Business in Bali Sustainable and Environmental
Jobs and Business for the people of Bali.
4. Bronze - $200 or equivalent item/service to value of
Bronze size logo on 2 banners at the entrance and in the entertainment
Bronze size logo on all e-flyers and newsletter related to the event.
5 Team Building or Individual Interactive Tours of Sustainability Park.
5 Organic Aloe Vera Massages by Spa trainer and students.
10% discount on Product and Silly Snail Cafe and Warung Scenic.
Help make Tourism and Business in Bali Sustainable and Environmental
Jobs and Business for the people of Bali.
6 Earth Day Event 2013
WHAT WE DO - What Role Foundation does on a daily basis.
On our two Campuses: The Silly Snail Campus, Siligita, Nusa Dua, 700 mtr2 under
The Island Sustainability Education Center, Sawangan, Bukit, 1.5 hectares;
we manage the following Programs and Projects.......
1. Bali Wise by Role Foundation - Women and Girls Skills Education:
a) Basic Work and Life Skills, 3 month x 6 days per week course, 16 students;
b) Hospitality Vocational Skills,3 month x 6 days per week;
c) Girls Literacy and primary Education, up to 5 year course;
d) Social Business Development, 1-2 year course and business set up, Weaving
Futures, Spa Product, and Snail and Produce, Nursery, 6 women, soon to go to
e) Beach Cleaner bi-weekly Literacy and management education - up to 80
2. Sustainability Education - Environmental Ambassador: - Waste to wonder Village and Farmland
a) 3 month Basic Permaculture;
b) Teacher and Manager 3 month;
c) Town and Farmland Development and Planning 3 month
3. Sustainability Education - Children's Environmental, Diet and Exercise
Two buses per week, and special events. 2500 kids per year. (last week
Padang@ school, but from all over the Bukit.) We pick them up in our bus.
4. Sustainability Education - Social Business Development Program:
- 1-2 years, Natural Dyes and Organic Cotton Weaving, Health and Spa
Products, Snail Farming, Useful Plants Nursery, Eco Tourist
5. Role Foundation Off Campus - Coastal Communities Assistance Program:
6 Environmental Projects - Eco Surf Rescue, Uluwatu/Completed and handed
over; Sawangan waste Management Pilot Project/Completed and Handed over;
Eco Surf Rescue, Balangan; Eco Surf Rescue, Canggu; Eco Surf Rescue,
Keramas; Eco surf Rescue, Brawa; National Surf Reserve, Nusa Dua. We have a
manger with interns and committees for each project.
6. Role Foundation Off Campus Town,Village and Farmland Development and
Planning Program:
Ngis Village mou sign and 2 Eco Ambassadors training and we are paying for
them for 3 months. Penida, and a village in north Bali ready to sign.
Further documentation and financial information is available on request.
7 Earth Day Event 2013
Who are the Solemen and what do they do?
Solemen are a small group of passionate and dedicated individuals who conduct
barefoot walks around Bali and other countries to raise awareness and money for the
plight of the many poor and underprivileged children who must walk barefoot every
day of their life, even to school. Their goal is to raise USD 1 million for the benefit of
poor, sick, underprivileged, orphaned and homeless children in Bali.
An integral part of Solemen’s walks are their visits to orphanages, schools and
villages where they distribute their health manuals, facilitate medical check-ups and
give health education presentations about the danger of drug addiction, AIDS, child
safety and environmental awareness. The medical check-ups are crucial as many
children suffering from a variety of ailments like infected ears, scabies and other skin
diseases, under-nutrition, etc.
Solemen want to reach as many disadvantaged children in Bali as possible and to do
so they support 5 respected NGOs that care about underprivileged, oprhaned,
handicapped and abandoned children. They also support special and acute cases for
example little Ani, a severely malnourished child from Karangasem, and a small boy
near Singaraja, suffering from a rare genetic debilitating skin disease.
You are invited to join their next walk and if you cannot walk along, you still can help
the Solemen reach their goals by contributing through their websites, sponsoring
their next walk or event, or dropping your spare change in one of the many charity
collection boxes in supermarkets and various businesses around Bali.
Please donate at
Solemen Thank You from the Bottom of their hearts.
“Your extraordinary commitment to raising awareness to help poor and homeless
children in Indonesia is a perfect example of how a few men can make a tremendous
impact on people’s lives. “
Rotary International head Office, Chicago