Summary of University of Surrey Academic F2 projects 2012-15


Summary of University of Surrey Academic F2 projects 2012-15
Foundation Year 2; Academic Rotation
Attachment to
Clinical Informatics & Health Outcomes Research Group
A summary of projects – Last two years
Simon de Lusignan
Professor of Primary Care
Chair in Health Care Management
A summary of projects
– 2012/2013 & 2013/2014
Core skills & approach
Andrew McGovern
Meena Rafiq
Tom Milner
Bernadette Carpenter
Liana Zucco
Hannah Fieldhouse
Matt Smith
Core skills
Applied research – using available datasets
Clinical terminologies
Data management in SQL
Medical statistics in R
Academic writing for publication
Andrew McGovern
• Publications
– Peripheral neuropathy and the risk of cardiovascular events in type 2
diabetes mellitus. Heart (2014). Online publication ahead of print.
PMID: 25095826
– A simple clinical coding strategy to improve recording of child
maltreatment concerns: an audit study. BJGP (2014). 64(618): 389-390.
PMCID: PMC4111318
– Falls in the elderly were predicted opportunistically using a decision tree
and systematically using a database-driven screening tool. J Clin
Epidemiol (2014). 67(8):877-86. PMID: 24786593
– Gestational diabetes mellitus follow-up in primary care: A missed
opportunity. Diabetes & Primary Care (2014). 16(2): 60
– Diabetes screening after gestational diabetes in England: A quantitative
retrospective cohort study [Abridged text in print]. BJGP (2014).
Andrew McGovern
• Publications
– Serum phosphate as a risk factor for cardiovascular events in people with
and without chronic kidney disease: A large community based cohort
study. PLoS One (2013). 8(9):e74996. PMID: 24040373
– The relationship between hypertension, eGFR, proteinuria and
cardiovascular disease in people with diabetes: cohort study
[Presentation] - Diabetes UK Professional Conference. Manchester, UK.
March 15th, 2013.
• Posters
– Peripheral Neuropathy is an Independant Predictor of Cardiovascular
Events Among Individuals With Diabetes Mellitus
– Postnatal monitoring for diabetes following gestational diabetes in the
UK [Poster].
– Diabetes UK Professional Conference. Manchester, UK. March 1315th, 2013.
Andrew McGovern
Andrew presented
“Peripheral Sensory
Neuropathy is a Predictor
of Mortality in People
with Diabetes” at the 73
Scientific Sessions of the
American Diabetes
Association in Chicago.
Andrew McGovern
Andrew presented poster
at Diabetes UK
Professional Conference.
Liverpool, UK. March 57th, 2014.
Cited as Editor’s choice
Andrew article in BJGP
was cited as “Editor’s
McGovern A, van Vlymen J,
Liyanage H, Jones S,
de Lusignan S, Woodman J,
Gibert R, Allister J, Rafi I.
A simple clinical coding strategy
to improve recording of child
maltreatment concerns: an audit
Br J Gen Pract. 2014
Aug;64(625):389-90. doi:
Meena Rafiq
• Publications
– Falls in the elderly were predicted opportunistically using a decision tree
and systematically using a database-driven screening tool - Journal of
Clinical Epidemiology - Volume 67, Issue 8, Pages 877–886, August
– Serum Phosphate as a Risk Factor for Cardiovascular Events in People
with and without Chronic Kidney Disease: A Large Community Based
Cohort Study – PlosOne - September 10, 2013 (with Andy McGovern)
• Presentations
– Peripheral sensory neuropathy is a predictor of mortality in people with
diabetes - American Diabetes Association's 73rd Scientific Sessions.
Chicago, USA. June 22nd, 2013.
• GP Academic Fellowship at UCL
– Obtained a prestigious academic fellowship
Key publication
Tom Milner
• Publications
– Sentinel lymph node metastasis burden in breast cancer patients predicts risk of
further axillary metastases following analysis using one-step nucleic acid
amplification: A prospective cohort study. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2014; 40(5): 601.
– Breast cancer metastasis burden in sentinel nodes analysed using one-step
nucleic acid amplification predicts axillary nodal status - The Breast (in review).
• Presentations
– Oral presentation at Brighton Regional Association of Breast Surgery conference
(11/10/13) - 'Determining risk of further axillary metastases: Predictive factors
following OSNA sentinel node analysis'. Won the best presentation prize
– Request to speak at meeting:
…20th and 21st November of the UK OSNA users group and we would love it
if you could present on the Friday
• Poster
Determining risk of further axillary metastases: Predictive factors following
OSNA sentinel node analysis
Tom Milner
Determining risk of further axillary metastases: Predictive factors following OSNA sentinel node analysis
Presented at the Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland international conference 2014
Won the British Journal of Surgery best paper prize
Tom Milner
Bernadette Carpenter
• Poster
– Overcoming the limitations of current data recording in pregnancy:
computerised algorithm to maximise the identification of hypertensive
– Presentation at Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists ,
Annual Academic Meeting in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, December
• Publication
– Maternity paper : scope for submission based on poster
Bernadette Carpenter
Liana Zucco
• Subject area
– effect of re-admission rates where there has been a reduction in length of
stay for conditions with well defined guidelines, timings of discharge,
enhanced recovery after surgery protocols and acute medical assessment
• Progress
– Literature review completed
– Analytic frame work completed in SQL & R
– 2 of 8 disease areas analysed
Liana Zucco
Liana attended Surrey
Winter Statisitcs School
2014 prior to
commencement of her
Academic rotation
Hannah Fieldhouse
• Poster
– Disparities in who attends retinal screening: cross sectional study of the
Quality Improvement in Chronic Kidney Disease (QICKD) trial data
– RCGP Annual Primary Care Conference. Liverpool, UK. October 24th, 2014.
– Failing to record blood glucose test provenance wastes time, money and
delays diagnosis of diabetes - RCGP Annual Primary Care Conference.
Liverpool, UK. October 2-4th, 2014.
• Publication
– Retinopathy screening : pre-submission
– Duration of diabetes : pre-submission
Hannah Fieldhouse
Hannah Fieldhouse
Disparities in who attends
retinal screening: cross
sectional study of the Quality
Improvement in Chronic
Kidney Disease (QICKD) trial
Presented at the RCGP
Annual Conference 2014 in
Hannah Fieldhouse
Failing to record blood glucose
provenance wastes time,
money, and delays diagnosis of
Presented at the RCGP
Annual Conference 2014 in
Matt Smith
• Subject area
– Falls prediction in the elderly using a multilevel logistical regression
model: When to intervene
• Progress
– ROC of 0.78 out performs other prediction models in area
– All results except model generated (currently processing)
– First paper written except for discussion section – awaiting final
model has completed running on distributed computer
What should change?
• Make sure clear understanding of attachment
• Completion of training (especially statistics) in
advance of attachment
• Greater academic involvement of RSCH
• Resources to support greater University input
• Other suggestions?
F2 Attachment University of Surrey
Prof Simon de LUSIGNAN
Group website: