Happy Thanksgiving - Affiliated Foods Inc


Happy Thanksgiving - Affiliated Foods Inc
November 2014
Volume 6, Issue2
Happy Thanksgiving
In All things give Thanks.
1 Thessalonians 5:18
Rosa completed seven years of service with Affiliated in June of this year.
Rosa works under the direction of Freddy Jimenez in the Sanitation Department. Freddy tells us that Rosa is one of the most dependable people he
knows. Rosa takes care of her area and is always willing to lend a hand where
ever needed; and does everything with a smile. Freddy believes Rosa to be an
asset to his department and Affiliated, as a whole.
Rosa is married to Fernando and they share two...
Randy Arceneaux, CEO and President of Affiliated Foods
presents the “Employee of the Month” plaque to
Rosa Martinez
See EMPLOYEE on Page 8
Thanks to all our Customers, Vendors , and Employees for making the
Food Service “Wicked Fall Food Show 2014” a howling success!
Doug Street General Manager Affiliated Food
Service & Sean Wright GVH/Millennium
Enrique Aguirre Affiliated Food Service Sales Consultant
& Joyce Martin Synergy Sales and Marketing
Megg Mathis – Business and Marketing
Director Affiliated Food Service
Yolanda Davis Affiliated Food Service Health Care
Account Manager and Michael Lopez Affiliated
Food Service Sales Consultant
Christina Avila and Ashley Wells Affiliated Food
Service Credit Analyst
Warner, his wife, Sharon and Donnie enjoy the party!
Employees gather to wish Warner good luck!
Donnie and Warner
Tim and Warner
Chris K. and Warner
Remembering good times!
Plains Dairy would like to wish Warner Ray a blessed retirement. Warner, now as you retire,
we will miss our colleague at work. We hope you have a stress free retirement and a life full of
success and happiness.
Warner was a Purchaser for the Dairy and has been with us for 7 years. Now that his wife,
Sharon has retired, he plans to join her in a new adventure for both of them!
Cherie and Warner
Warner, you have reached your professional achievements, we hope that you achieve all your
Courtesy of Mary Reed / Plains Dairy
November is American Diabetes Month, and with the holidays
just around the corner, there is no better time to remind us all
that even during holiday season, we can make healthy adjustments to our diets to keep us from being one of the many
Americans faced with diabetes every day.
To help spread this message, DJ
Spinderella is joining the American
Diabetes Association this November
during American Diabetes Month®
by challenging us to begin living a
healthier lifestyle through the AmeriNearly 30 million children and adults in the United States have
ca Gets Cooking to Stop Diabetes
DJ, rapper and producer Deidra "Dee Dee" Roper, also known as
diabetes, and another 86 million Americans have pre-diabetes
campaign, presented by Sun Life
"Spinderella," was one of the three members of all-female hip-hop group
and are at risk for developing type 2 diabetes. Recent estiSalt-N-Pepa.
mates project that as many as one in three American adults
will have diabetes in 2050 unless we take steps to Stop DiaThis initiative is designed to engage and empower Americans
to cook nutritious and delicious food, and encourage them to 4. Get Together Thursdays or Any Day! – This engagebetes.
ment will offer ways for residents to implement healthy cookbe more active. Through social media and an interactive
People with diabetes are nearly twice as likely to be hospital- landing page on DiabetesForecast.org, the Association will
ing activities into their daily lives through “Do-it-Yourself Fundized for a heart attack or stroke; diabetes also causes nearly share healthy cooking tips, diabetes and nutrition facts, reciraisers” called “Cook to Stop Diabetes.” These fundraisers
50% of all cases of kidney failure. More than half of all ampu- pes and more, as well as ideas on how to raise funds to help will be fun parties that can incorporate healthy recipes for
tations in adults occur in people with diabetes. More than half Stop Diabetes.
family and friends and will also raise money for the Associaa million American adults have advanced diabetic retinopathy,
greatly increasing their risk for severe vision loss. About 60-70 We can take part in the challenge to start living a healthier
5. Fact Check Friday – Challenging the public’s
percent of people with diabetes have mild to severe forms of lifestyle by participating in the American Diabetes Month’s
knowledge about nutrition and diabetes, each Friday a quesweekly activities:
nerve damage that could result in pain in the feet or hands,
tion will be posted to test diabetes knowledge and encourage
slowed digestion, sexual dysfunction and other nerve prob1. Get Moving Mondays – After the weekend, people are people to share it with their friends, family and/or co-workers.
not as excited about getting up and going on a Monday. Get Weekend Challenge to Stop Diabetes – Why not take the
In addition to the health problems diabetes can cause, it is
weekend and use it as an opportunity to get active and help
Moving Mondays will provide some easy tips to help Amerialso a very expensive condition to maintain. The American
cans get moving and keep up an active lifestyle all week long. raise funds to Stop Diabetes? We will provide fun fundraising
Diabetes Association estimates that the total national cost of
activities for people to engage in and use their 48 hours to
diagnosed diabetes in the United States is $245 billion. Direct 2. Tasty Tip Tuesdays – Many people are afraid of losing participate, or if they are too busy then do the 48 hours to
medical costs reach $176 billion and the average medical
the Association will take a traditional recipe and teach people
expenditure among people with diabetes is 2.3 times higher
For great tips, recipes and more each week, visit the Associathan those without the disease. One in 10 health care dollars how to substitute certain ingredients for healthier options
tion’s interactive web page at www.diabetesforecast.org/ADM. To
is spent treating diabetes and its complications, and one in
learn more, you can also visit us on Facebook (facebook.com/
five health care dollars is spent caring for people with diabeAmericanDiabetesAssociation) or call 1-800-DIABETES.
kicking-off the holiday season, keeping yourself on track and Source: American Diabetes Association
eating healthy is very important. Each Wednesday, the public
The good news is that type 2 diabetes, like many of the other
will vote on recipes that represent a healthy side dish, appemedical conditions spotlighted in our wellness articles, can be
tizer and/or dessert that they would like to see for a holiday
prevented by making responsible decisions about our diet and
meal. At the end of the month, we will unveil those winning
becoming healthier overall through diet and exercise.
Courtesy of Rebekah Blythe / HR
AFI Bakery / Deli News
Happy Thanksgiving!
Most of us will have
family gatherings to
give thanks to God’s
blessings but keep in mind that some
of us stay home for the holiday and
do not get to go home a good example are people in the military if you
have a base near your store cater to
them because you know some of
them have nowhere to go. This is a
great time to promote a good lunch
and dinner Thanksgiving special for
these customers. Also have plenty of
mashed potatoes, green beans, corn,
dressing, gravy, cranberry sauce,
yams, and a variety of salads available because on the day before and on
the big day customers will take everything you have. Offer Kretschmar
off the bone ham steaks smoked turkey legs and have a good variety of
turkey, ham and cheese sandwiches
available for lunch. Customers run
out of time and will look for prepared items that are ready to go.
tomer over to your deli departments.
Let’s all get in the holiday spirit and
decorate our departments and get
ready for the Holidays.
technician; this is impossible, but
you can do it. Let me know and I can
give you some ideas over the phone
or send you pictures of some displays
from previous years.
God Bless you and
your families and have
a Happy Thanksgiving!
This is football season, so of course
don’t forget all the football games on
the weekends and decorate displays
according to your area. Remember
the colleges, universities, and high
schools in your area in addition to
the professional football games. You
need to take advantage of all these
opportunities and go for more sales.
Remember it is important that we
take care of our customers first. We
need to provide the best quality of
service and provide the best products
to our customers; this will keep them Jaime
coming back.
Thank You
Well November is here and you need
to prepare and be ready for sales but
you need to make a plan by ordering
your pies, dinner rolls, sliced cakes
and cream cakes; and don’t forget to
order cookies you need to check last
year what and how many items you
ordered. Also check your supplies so
that you have the containers you
need and the packaging that you need
to put your products in. Remember
that November 1st and 2nd are Dia
de los Muertos and All Souls Day
respectively, especially for those
with stores that are in a community
with a Hispanic population. You
need to have a display of Pan de
Remember the customers are always
right; then we need to go back and
analyze our dates on the product for
the shelves and showcases. For example your cookies; they have a 7
days shelf life, but the day that we
over bake them, then we need to reduce the shelf life; this is going back
to basics. We need to make and prepare all products correctly. If a product is not baked correctly then we
don’t need to put them out for sale.
Also some of the basics that we need
to concentrate on is the mark up. I
see some stores increase the %
markup of the thaw and sell products. Well I am going to tell you that
if you mark up between 30 to 40%,
you may sell all those items. If you
mark up more than 40% (I have seen
some stores mark up all the way to
50%) then you will throw a lot of
product away or have a lot of shrink.
When you have a full bakery and do
a lot of bake-off product, you can
have shrink of 4% cost, but if you try
to cut corners and sell them to your
customers this will affect your efficiency because you sell stale product,
instead of new product. This is another way that I mean to go back to
the basics.
Keep in mind that winter has arrived
in November and customers are
looking for hot items to stay warm
soups and menudo are items that do
very well. The smell of fresh coffee This is one of the biggest months of
and hot chocolate will invite the cus- the year for the bakery department.
You all need to plan correctly and
have a big display for Thanksgiving.
By now I am sure that you all made
your pie orders. Check your last
year’s sales and see how many you
sold; if you ran out order more for
this year. You should also check the
sales for Christmas week and also if
you ran out of some pies last year
make sure to order more for this
year. I am sorry, but I can’t go to
every store and help make a Thanksgiving display for everyone or send a
Jaime Ortega / Sales Manager / B/D
Bobby Pena / Deli Specialist
Employee of the Month
Employee from Page 1.
children; Karla, who is 18; and Anthony, who is 10. They love spending
time together, especially playing volleyball. The family has a Chihuahua
named Pumpkin. Rosa’s favorite meals include Mexican and Chinese food.
Rosa’s favorite movie is Titanic starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet.
When we asked Rosa who had been the most influential person in her life
she told us about her parents. Rosa’s parents have always been supportive of her. They never gave up her and have helped her make good
Rosa plans to keep working hard and give her children a better living so
they can get an education.
Rosa selected gift certificates from Jorge’s Mexican Cantina and will have a
designated parking space for the month of November. She will, also, receive an additional 250 safety bonus points. Congratulations, Rosa!
Thanks for a Job Well Done!
The following employees were also nominated this month. Congratulations to all!
Clifford Branum, Juan Estrada and James Lanham.
Employee of the Month
Rosa Martinez
Courtesy of Rita Koontz / HR
Spotlight on the Warehouse
Please meet Vanse Aguilar. He is an Order Selector working in the Food Service Department under the supervision of Ralph Avalos. He began working
for Affiliated on July 22, .2014. In just a short time he has made a great impression on all who works around him.
As Ralph said, “Vanse has been with us about 2 1/2 months now...He comes
to work with a great attitude and goes the extra mile to get the job done. He
is always ready to learn new things. He is also ready to help others whenever the opportunity arises.
Congratulations, Lanse! The Affiliated Family News would like to wish you
many more years of success.
Courtesy of Cynthia Mauricio / WHSE Admin Asst.
Above & Beyond
At Affiliated Foods, when we hire a new order selector there is a working standard that must be met in the first 60 days of employment. The Warehouse Management System calculates time for each store order based on Engineered Labor Standard. This time standard must be met at 100% by the first 60 days. Once
the selector achieves 100% of standard and keeps that standard or above, they become qualified order selectors. This process helps orders to be pulled in a
timely manner. November...Above and Beyond…
Grocery Top Pay:
Tristan Moore
Joel Goichea
Scott Pantharath
Grocery Qualified:
Phillip Crawford
Robert Cooper
Jacob Graves
Miguel Lule
George Leftrich
Librado Alvarez
Courtesy of Jimmy Ross / Director of Warehouse
Operations, David Trimble / Assistant Director of Warehouse Operations, Enrique Barreras / Dry Grocery
Supervisor, Jeffrey Williams / Perishable Supervisor and Israel Guajardo / HBC Supervisor
Veteran’s Day - November 11, 2014
This Veteran’s Day let us never forget our brave Military personnel who give their today’s to
protect our freedoms for our tomorrows! ~ Unknown
Never Forget!
Pumpkin Pound Cake
Cups sugar
Cup margarine
16 oz. can pumpkin (solid pack)
Cups sifted flour
Teaspoon baking powder
Teaspoon salt
Teaspoon soda
Teaspoon nutmeg
Teaspoon cinnamon
Teaspoon vanilla
Cream: Sugar, margarine, eggs, and pumpkin.
Add flour, baking powder, salt, soda, nutmeg,
cinnamon, and vanilla; just stir until blended.
Bake in greased, floured tube pan for 1
hour and 45 minutes at 325°.
Becky Shelby
Houston, TX
For more great Shurfine Recipes check out
samplings from the Gardens of Goodness a collection of recipes
from heartland America Cookbook.
Courtesy of Val Clawson DeJarnett and Western Family
Turkey Saving Time
Happy Thanksgiving!
November 28, 2014, Midnight
Don’t forget to turn your scales back 10 lbs.!
“THANK YOU” to all who have contributed to the success of the Newsletter”! A special thanks to Dale Thompson and Kevin Fortenberry for their continued support and help! The Affiliated Family News / Cathy Gallivan / afinews@afiama.com
If you have any thing to contribute please e-mail the “AFI Family News” @ www.afinews@afiama.com
1401 Farmers Avenue
Amarillo, TX 79118
“Don’t step on it ...It makes you cry!