jersey in congress - New Jersey Courier
jersey in congress - New Jersey Courier
PIO N K BR N E W S P A P E R COURIER. O F O CEAN CO U N TY. "««•M«M»'<*>4ly||»l«11- ‘j ssfiifcisaiir •R” MONTHS AREALLGONE The Oyster Season dust Closed, was a Poor One The oyster season an the natural bids closed on Saturday o f Inst week. Jo the oy sternum, both the tonger ind the planter, the past winter in Uarnegat bay, was a disappoint ment. Farther down shore, In Egg Harbor and Great Bays, the ovstermen are reported to have made good to a larger extent for the ijlorced inactivity ol the long win Butin the lower part o f the jounty moie preparation is made for winter by planting oysters where thevcan be easily gotten at, notwith•landing the weather may become onftvorable. Barnegat bay, however, had one of the worst winters i n record so fens the oyster shipper was con eerntd. The ice shut in at Thanks giving time, and did not break up for three months The heavy ice jmothered many p’ anted oysters, particularly where the bottom was shoal As tor the tongers, while they might have made a few dollars i day on the natural beds, the ice would not let them work. Beside the catch of seed oysters last fall was not heavy, and the Cedar Creek bedsdrdnot last long alter being turned open on the first of October. Planting of oysters in the lower bays began sometime ago Oysters tromVirginia were brought to West Creek, Tuekerton and Barnegat Around Cellar Creek, few ousters are planted, mostly shells and cultch. This is considered a little early for thatkindot planting. The Virginia oysters were planted early, it is said, because that State allows the ship pir.gof seed oysters from natural Aft/initsidc of the State only In the early spring. Little The Biidgeton Pioneer savs that contrary to all expectations the Dein ware Bay has furnished more seed this Spring than was expected, al though as a whole plan's taken from thenattiial beds have been small. The boats are still working and get ting fair results with each day's work Already some of the big planters arehringing oysters from the South for planting Pretty much all of the p ants this this year will come from about V ir ginia. Not ¡1 single planter will go to Connecticut for oysters The bivalves from that locality do not thrive here, and those that live are covered with such a thin shell that •be star fish can bore through them "ithout the slightest difficulty. One frma couple of years ago brought Ijtoo worth of these oysters to the »ve snd never got more than $400 fromthem. I There will he hut very few °y*ters taken from the Bay anil panted. The natural beds are prac «»fly barren, and oystermen gen truly agree that there will he no possibility o f ever getting more plants the Bay unless the entire Dela,lreBav is closed for a couple ol J(,is and shelled In the State Com million. Fisherman Landed Safely During Storm at Bay Head W illiam McKinley, a fisherman belonging to the crew of the schoon er Maud Gertrude, of Newport, R . I , came ashore at Bayhead, on Wednesday, after having spent the night on a storm tossed ocean in an open dory. He was exhausted from the strain of trying to keep his little craft afloat, and trom exposure to the elements, but otherwise was unin jured. McKinley told the life savers, who assisted him to reach the shore safe ly that he had left the schooner about ten o’clock the night before to look after some of their nets. While the was out the wind rose and the weather became so thick that he was unable to find his way hack. He was buffeted about like a cork by the heavy sea. but when the fog lifted in the morning lie saw land some two or three miles away and he pulled for the shore. Word was immediate ly sent to his relatives at Newport of his safety. Neat by Notes Lakewood’ s horse show this week. is held Arthur P. Clayton has leased the Maple Grove hotel at Point Pleasant Harry Osborne, the fifteen months old son ot Marcus Robertson of Greenville, died last week A . H. Jones is painting die houses of Mrs. Matilda Ripley and Mrs Lena Wescott at West Creek Mr. and Mrs. George Gould and their daughter Marjorie will sail toi Europe early in May to be gone three months. After spending the winter at Hilton Head, S. 0 ., M r and Mrs. Edward Lawrence are at Point Pleasant for the summer. this summer, instead of only Saturdays, as last year. TOMS RIVER, N. J.i THURSDAY .AFTERNOON, MAY 5,1904 FOUND DEAD IN HIS SHOP E dw ard L ew is Met Death A lo n e from H eart F ailu re Edward Lewis, a p umber and tinsmith, living on Hooper avenue, and with a shop on Water street near Main, was found dead in his shop on Saturday morning last. Lew is had been working : t Sea Side Park, coming home at night. Friday night he tailed to return as usual, and his w ife thought he had been detained at Sea S id e Saturday morning, Raymond Applegate, who had been working lor the firm ot Hall and Lewis, went down to the shop and found Lewis iving there, and the door locked. He we*nt hack and got Jlrs Lewis, w ho came down to the shop with lum. and then they ran for Dr Jones, but Lewis was dead. Coroner Hagaman, on the statement of Dr. Jones, that be hail been treating Lew is for heart trouble, gave a burial certificate, with that disease as the cause o f death It is also stated that Lewis was a sufferer from heart trouble before he came here. Lewis had been working here for several years, first with E S. Van Nostrand, than with his brother. John W. Lewis, and lastly with John Hall, under the firm name of Hall and Lewis He leaves a widow and tour children, Stella, Edward, Harold and Bessie. He was 42 years of age He had neen worried much recently about sickness among his children Funeral services weie held on Tuesday afternoon at his residence on Hooper avenue at 2 o clock O b itu ary on The contract for the building of the public dock along the creek at West Creek, was awarded to C. M. Shinn and Frank Shinn, their bid being 13 1 feet ot dock tor $100 Tuekerton his permanent home. Lakeburst R ope F actory Dead F irem an Left 7 C h ild ren David Letts of Point Pleasant, the P It R. fireman, killed at Elizabeth last week, leaves a widow and seven little children with little or no support save the $500 which they will receive from the P. R. R. Voluntary Benefit Association. Mayor L D VanNote collected over $100 tor the widow. a s » * -'■ ‘r-rit... George G Irons, a well known E . F,. Pearce found washed ashore citizen of Toms River, died on Sun on the Bay Head beach, twenty -50 day last, aged about 70 years Mr, fathom mackerel nets, such as are Irons was a member of one of the o cl time lamilies of this community, used by smack fishermen. Captain W111 \Voodmansee,of the anil was a brother to William G. Barnegat Light House, has accepted Irons and A I’ Irons. He leaves a a position offered him at St Louis widow and thtee grown up children: Longstreet Irons, a train dispatcher Exposition, operating a light on the New York, New Haven and May 1st is the time that the Lake Hartford railroad, located in New wood police force is cut down to York; Mrs George G Grant and summer schedule, and Officers Nathan Irons of Toms River. Burdge and Manolt were laid off' Funeral services will tie held this James N Berrv of the management (Thursday) afternoon at 2 o’c.ock. of the Lakewood hotel will sail trom Mr Irons was a Lieutenant in Co, Boston on the White Star line on II , 9th N I. Vols , and it was May 5 for an extensive trip abroad. while that company was at Trenton, Lodene Barber, a young colored in camp, just before going to the man employed by W. W. Stilwell, front, that he married Miss Lvdia the Lakewood baker, had a linger Jeffrey, who has been his faithful taken ofl'bya dough mixing machine. helpmeet all these years Mr Irons The Island Heights yacht club has buffered much trom rheumatism is working on a scheme to have so that he has been unable to work music at the club house every day for many years past. C'apt. Jerry Sptague has the con tract for painting the Beach Haven Yacht Club house, and Capt. Thomas Lane to put down the Club Oystermen say that the winter in dock. The work is to be completed •oitie respects has been hard upon by June 1st. the Oysters Where the oysters have Eugene Borda, who has been ^?n worked on and iff" during the spending his summers ar Beach *lnter (he ice has caused much dam Haven, has purchased two building s8e>but where the oysters have not lots on Cedar street Tuekerton, from b®tndisturbed at all there does not Mrs [. C. Price and will erect a Mfbi to have much damage resulted cottage Mi. Borda intends to make factory at Lakehurstjs at work, Piling niaiiilii fibre through the curd A "pinners, etc., into the finished #Pe ready tor market The work •lindeertile superintendence of Mr. "Iter and several out-of-town e x ists ®reemployed, also several of nin8e young ladies and boys. The i'Ctl wy Was formerly operated by lohn S. Schnitze as a jute mill. •— D ouglas D efeated by Egan A P retty A p ril W ed d in g At North Long Branch A very pretty April wedding was celebrated Wednesday night of last week, at the home ol Mr and Mrs. J- I. Hennessey of North Long Branch, when Miss Margaret Gulick, daughter of James A. Guliok, hecame the wife of Harry Hennessey, son of Mr. and Mrs. John I. Hen nessey. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. J. G Edwards, pas tor of the Asbury 31. M. church The young couple are very well known and have a host of friends at Long Branch They will take up their residence at North Long Branch. 1 lie hrule is well known at Toms River, where she visited frequently. S em a p h o re C o lo rs are C h an g ed on Pennsy On the first of May the Pennsyl vania railroad changed the colors on the semaphore blades or arms of the automatic signal service along the lines of the entire system. The present colors are red and green, the red denoting the home or danger signal and the green the distance signal. The new colors are yellow and black, the same as are in use on the Western lines The official or ders to make the change have been given The purpose of the change, according to an official of the com pany, is that the yellow and black are more easily distinguished than the red and green, especially the lat ter, which is apt to approximate to nearly the co or of the surrounding foliage at this season of the year There will he no change in the color o f the signal lights which will re main red and green as at present. B arge S u n k Last W eek O ff Little Egg Station Little Egg Harbor Life-saving Station reports that the two-masted barge which was in dirtress, sank three quarters of a mile from the station early last Friday. There were no signs ol life aboard the craft it was learned that the boat was the barge Carrie, and had neen aban doned ofl the coast opposite Sea G ut, on Wednesday afternoon be cause she had been so strained by the storm and the gale that she was no longer seaworthy The crew of the Carrie had been saved and landed further up the coast. A life preserver floated on the beach at Little Egg Harbor, marked “ C hi rie” and the crew o f the station believe it came from the barge. F reeholders W ill O rganize The Board of Freeholders will meet at the courthouse on Tuesday, May 10, to wind tip the business o f the year. The next day, Wednes day, 11til inst., the new- Board will meet anil organize The Board stands eight Repnbli cans and six Democrats, and it is ex pected that the Director will he u Republican. Among those named for the office so far have been Dr Uennett, James D Holman, Joseph Camp, and R F. Rutter None o f these men is a candidate in the ac tive sense, hut all have been talked over by their friends on the Board By defeating Findlay S. Douglas, H. Chandler Fgan, the young Har vard goiter, won the open Spring tournament of the Country Club of. Lakewood Throughout the three days play of the tournament Egan played a steady and consistent game. lie tied with Douglass for first place in the qualifying rounds on the opening day and by clever work cleared his way through the match play rounds and came up for the senn finals. He was pitted against George T. Brokaw and won by 2 up one 1 to play. C lerg y m an Victim 7 0 Run D ow n H orse T h iev es The Burlington, Monmouth and Ocean Counties Pursuing and De tective Society, at Bordentown, last week, elected the to lowing officers: President, John P. Hutchinson ; secretaiy; Walter B la ck , directors, Charles Stillwell, Charles Retmne, fohn P. Hutchinson, Richard Ring way, Thomas Ridgway, Charles Gaskill, George Buzby, Edward S. Buzby, Frank S. Gaskill and J. Howard Burr. ot T h ieves Rev A. J Gregory, pastor of the Methodist church at Oceanport, who as a young man lived at To 1 s River, and who a few years ago wan stationed at Barnegat, hail his week's wash stolen recently, his hen coop robbed, anil Ills coal bin burglarized. (In le ts A r ie s J. A. (lulledge ofV erbeni, Ala., was twice in the hospital from a severe case of piles causing 25 tumors. After doctors and all remedies failed, Bucklen’s Arnica Salve quicKlv arrested further inflaination and cured him. /t conquers aches and lulls pain. 25c. at nil Druggists. Standard Oil Magnate JERSEY IN CONGRESS R epresen tatives Return Andrew’s Will Probated Home to L ook after P o litics F o r a brief space of time the interest of the New Jersey Repre sentatives will he centred in State and national conventions, and then they will turn their attention to “ buildingtheir fences'* for the Fall campaign and possible renomination. It is generally understood that the Republicans on the delegation will all be renominated for another term, as it is considered the wiser thing to do. Mr. Loudenslnger, who represents the First district, may have some opposition to his renomination, hut ins friends say he will he the candi date again He was elected to the Fifty third Congress, and his majority two years ago was 5,092 Repre sentative Gardner was elected at the same time and his majority two years ago was 20,301 There is no likeli hood that anyone but Mr Gardner will he mentioned for the nomination In the T Inril district,an effort has heen made to provoke some opposition to Benjamin F. Howell, of Middle sex, and yet it is believed that he will again tie named for a sixth term, he having been first elected to Con gress to the Fifty fouith His majority two years ago was 1,669 Representative Limning was elect «1 to the present Congress two years ago with a majority ol 2,006, and lie will lie renominated by acclamation Mr Fowler has served since the Fifty-fourth Congress, andtwo years ago he had a majority of 1,149. Representative Wiley is a new man, having heen e ected to the Fifty-eight Congress with a majority of 6,809 t0 his credit, anil he will be asked to stand lor another term. Represen tative Parker has been there since the Fifty third Congress, and had a majority ot 5,507, two years ago, and it is not expected that any other can didate will he named in the ¡Seventh district Kepi esentative McDermott was elected to till out the unexpired term of the late \V illiam D. Daly in the Fifty-sixth Congress and he has been there ever since. Me had a majority of S.716 two years ago The district is hopelessly Democratic. Repre sentative Benny came to Congress two years ago, witli a majority of 792 as the representative for the Ninth district, and it is possible he may he left at home next Fall. Represents tive Hughes had a majority of 3,14s two years ago in the Sixth district, and it is believed the Repnolicans will make a determined effort to win it back this Fall. George H. Burke, ol Paterson, deputy revenue collector, is mentioned as the possi hie candidate who might defeat Mr. Hughes. FISH A N D G A M E N O T E S Frostfish and tomcods are being caught in large numbers along the beach. I he will of Katnuel Andrews of Lakewood, who was identified with the formation of the Standard Oil Company, has heen admitted to pro bate by Surrogate Grover. Mr. Andrews lived in Cleveland for many years, but claimed Lakewood as his residence, and customarily came from Cleveland to vote at the village elections The will does not give the value of the estate Mr. A n drews received $1,000,000 horn John D. Rockefeller, according to report, for his interest in the Stand ard Oil Company He names his widow ami his son. Horace Andrews as executors, and t >them, astrustees he gives all his property, real and personal, to he held by them during the life of his widow. Mrs, A n drews, should she desire it, is to have the ent re net income of the estate. At her death the estate is to he divided equally among his child ren, Horace, Charlotte, Lily, Belle, Bertha 11ml .1. ary. The document is dated at Cleveland, February 5, 1894, and the witnesses were Andtew Squire, J H Dempsey and W. B. Whiting, of Clevi-land. Secret Society Gossip James F. Conly ot Lakewood, was elected a director ot the Odd Fellows Home Association at the last meeting of that body. The officers of the new Thomas Hooper Encampment ot Lakewood are: C. P ., James F. Conly; II. P-t C. F. Comstock; S. IV., John Capel; J. W , George Reynolds; Scribe, William E Tibbitts ; Finan cial Scribe, Jesse E. Fowler ; Treas uier, Raymond Vorhees Manchester Lodge, No 138, Knights of Pythias, will hold a dis trict meeting on May 12th. Several ot the Grand Lodge officers are to he present and will hold a Provisional Grand Lodge session for the pur pose of conferring the Grand I.odge rank on Past Chance lors Girl C a d d ies For R o ck efe lle r When John D. Rockefeller goes golfing nowadays he is altended by four pretty girls. Two of them, who are stalwart as well as graceful, hover about him, carrying his large assortment ot clubs The other two, slender and lithe limbed, dart hither and thither after the halls which the Standard Oil magnate knocks about the links. He used to employ boys, hut they failed to perform their duties to his liking. He would have nothing to do with the Philadelphia idea of us ing collie dogs for caddies. The caddy girl is his own inven tion and he is proud of it, declaring it to be one of the biggest successes ot his file— Lakewood Citizen. L akew ood m ay have N ew P a p e r Rumor says that Lakewood will have a new paper, edited by Mr. C'emmons, who was on the Times and Journal stall'this winter The sam e 1 u m o r sa ys that it i„ backed financially by Wilired H. Jayne, j former Assemblyman Harrison, anil other Democrats, and will he a Democratic organ. 1 Flounders are still being caught in large numbers. Large eels, fat after their Winter's inactivity, were taken by the pot and a few line fishermen ¡11 unusual G. A. R. at Asbury Park quantities last week in Barnegat The Department of New Jerse q f Bay G. A. II., will hold its annual m sThe shad catch in the Delaware has been light, hut prices are high sion at Ashurv Park on June 16 and and the gillnet men are just covering 17, with headquarters at the West End Hotel. expenses, while the seine men are losing money. A few shad have a Surf* T h i n s ; heen caught in New York waters It is said that nothing insure except death and taxes, but that is not altogether true. Dr. and along the Jersey coast. King’s New Discovery fur (.onsutnpdtfii is a A fiestl shad from the ocean is sure cure for all lung and throat troubles. worth two which have had a chance Thousands can testify to that Mrs C. B VanMetre of Shepherdumn, \V. Va., says, to get into fresh or brackish water. “ / had a severe case ol bronchitis anti for a An old fashioned Donnybrook fair ! year tried everything / heard of, but got no relief. O nebottieof Dr. Kings New Dis scrap is on between the Essex county covery then cured me absolutely.” /t’s in anglers association, and president fallible for Croup, Whooping Cough, Grip, /’neumonia and Consumption. Try it. /t’s Morris of the Fish and Game Com guaranteed by all druggsts. Trial b ties free, Reg. sizes 50c, Si 00 mission. Sic'em, Tige. £|je lieto Jcrscn OLourkr ed fine music. The attendfuice was large, and refreshments of various Miss Nuhi Letts and Fred Steel kinds were on sale In the latter man attended the Epworth League part ot the evening, the guest retired convention at Long Brunch last to the upper hall, where games were week. played. Mrs Hettie Crane of Jersey City, formerly of this town, is visiting relO S B O R N V IL L E M A N N A H A W K IN ,Ji.«'iH».ViCre. pnbllilml bp I t w JKUHKV COCRIBll r'UULISIIlNU COMPANY. . H. b't«i!li«ri Ktlltor mill Mmmgrr Thursday Afternoon, May 5, ’ 9° 4 TOMS ItlVKIt. N. .1. 'l i c t , Net« Jeney Courier DiillGtiiK Tomi Hiver, Oceanico., N. J. ftriB ii S'i.DO per Year In advance C O U N T Y H IS T O R IC A L S O C IE T Y P R O P O S E D Several O.' counfians from different parts of the county were talking rise other day about the history of this section, and as a result of the exchange of ideas, it was decided to form a County Historical Society. There is no question that much data of interest legarding the early history of Ocean County is unrecord ed, and that every year, by the death of the older residents, it becou es harder to secure. In fact, the one who tries to delve into the history of this county, finds that written records give little insight into the life and acts of the people along shore from the time of the Revolution till the county was formed in 1-8,50 And much of the Revolutionary and Colo nial history is tradition— tradition that is dying out, for there are but few left who received it at first hand from the Revolutionary grandsires. The object o f the proposed society is to get as much data as possible about the people of Ocean County from the time of the first settlers till the present Any one interested is asked to become a corresponding member. No hard and fast rules are as yet proposed, but if you know of any bit of history, tradition, legend, or family gossip, that would throw light on the indistinct past, anil help the coming generations to better understandthe conditions from which our great nation has sprung, semi them along, ll you are interested you may address Mr. \V J. Harri son at Lakewood, Mr B H Crosby at Tuckerton, or the eduor of th Courier. T im e to C o ll a Halt When the Board o f Freeholders organize- on Wednesday, it will find that not only has the o'd Board spent ever,- cent of the money raised lor the coining year, but has left it a legacy o f a few thousand dollars of debt,, to say nothing ot big contracts that the new Board must find some means o f getting money 10 pay for. It’s a rather datk out 00k for the new Board, but it is a worse outlook lor the county, if the methods of the past few years are continued— going at ead blindly, without stopping to count the cost, and spending ill iney regardless of the amount appropri ated. The Board has seemed to forget that to exceed appropriations is against the law. The statement has been made thi t a recent I nr made a close sea son for eels daring May, Jane and July. The law referred to, applies only to the Delaware river, and has no effect whatever upon the catching of eels in pots m Barnegat B iy There are quite a number of men at Toms River and farther down tbe shore who make a good thing out t f tbe eel fishing, and they are glad to know that the statement was a mis take. The Long Branch Hospital will ask the Board of Freeholders on Wednesday of next week, when the new Board organizes, to make an appropriation for the support of that hospital. The hospital antbor* ities say that they receive many free patients from Oeenn county in the course of n year. The provisional River and Harbor bill, as made up just before Con gross adjourned last Thursday, con tained another $12,000 appropriation for Tuckerton creek. Tnckerton people say tbat tbsy do not expect this amount to be available before pext rammer. .... s, and Ms*. Alonzo Van Note BRtStemmt-r "»«*■ • son •¡fJM City, spent a few days of this week and daughter, were Sunday visitors at Farmingilale. with his father on Main street. Mis Thomas Gant was unable to Mrs Samuel Johnson is spending teach her school at Pleasant Plains n few days in Camden. The work on the County road is a few days last week. Mr Rudolph Gant substituted in her place. progressing rapidly. Measles are very thick in West Miss Rena Hilliard is visiting Osbornville friends in Absecom. S. C. Shadinger ami wife were Master Pierson Bennett is spend Tuesday visitors at New York. ing a few days in Atlantic City. Miss Laura Cook and Harry Slier The West Creek band came up Saturday evening and gave us some man of Lakewood, were visitois at ibis place, 'ast week. fine music in Predmore s hall. V W . Applegate and wile of Ced Miss L i lian Lowans is convalesc ar Grove, were Sunday visitors at ing. Miss Edna Crane is visiting in T. J Van Note's. Mrs F. T . Johnson of Lakewood, Phiadelphia James Lowery is vvotkitig at was a Thursday visitor at Alonzo Van Note’s. Harvey Cedars. Isaac Osborn and w f- were v is i Pierson Bennett is visiting friends tors at Toms fti' t, Tin - ..,y in Atlantic City. Alex Eveiinghum is m the emp'oy Mrs Elizabeth Hurley is visiting of Charles G ant. in Asbury Park Miss Selena Wo'tit substituted in Miss Marian Steelman has been ill the pub ic school, Wednesday for a few days. Silas Reid has been making vari Howard Steelman of Barnegat ous improvements to his place in Citv, was a Sunday visitor. William Austin of L. S. S. No. .24, West Osbornvil e Mr. Sherman of Long Branch, is home for a tew days. Mrs Alexander Palmer of Tucker caught 272 shad at his Lavallette pound, recently. ton, was in town Monday. Mr. and Mrs Tylee Reynolds and C. H. Cranmer and wife visited Mrs. Hannah Hulse were Friday Philadelphia on Friday. Miss Mary E. Pharo of Tuckerton. \ isitors at Tom s River. John Polhemus has returned from was in town Saturday. Isaac Austin and wife of Smith a trip in tbe country Jackson Worth has gone to New ville, were in town over Sunday. Reuben Corlies of Brigantine York, where he will he employed on Beach L S. S , is home for the sum one of the pleasure craft Dr. R L. Disbrow of Toms River, mer. Mrs. George Bennett has recover was a Saturday visitor here. Captain Monroe Van Note of Point ed from an illness of several da\s. Thomas Smith is out after a few Pleasant, was a business visitor here, Saturday days sickness William Jones and Harrison WarMrs. Charles Cranmer is visiting dell of West Mantoloking, were re'atives in Wilmington, Napoleon Cranmer spent Wednes Sunday visitors here Robert Van Note of Mantoloking, day with his parents on Bay avenue. Roland Elberson and wife of was over this week, Joshua Polhemus visited the coun Barnegat, were here over Sunday. William Hall returned Saturday, ty seat, Saturday. Henry Downey of Point Pleasant, after a week spent in Philadelphia William Abbott, Jr., recently join was down this week. Joseph Le Compte of Greenville, ed the order of Mechanics at Barnewas here, Sunday. gat Edgar Irons and wife of Lake Miss Gnrdetta Cranmer, teacher at William Parkertown, was in town Saturday. wood, were visitors at Adelbert Crane is among the sick. Hulse's this week John Hail of West Mantoloking, Mrs Samuel Elberson and (laugh ter Edna, spent Sunday last in was a visitor here Sunday 1 he Board ot Education of Brick Harvey Cedars. William Berry has returned to Township, elected teachers on Sat Atlantic City, after a week spent in urday. Following are the teachers for the various schools : West Point town Edward Bennett, seventh man at Pleasant, I D . Hartley, principal; L. S. S No. 19, is home for the rooms 1-2-3, Mrs. Haitley, Miss Sembler, and Miss Fisher. Her summer Dr. Hilliard spent part of the week- be-tsville, grammar, vacant; primary Miss Valentine; Cedar Bridge, in Absecon Henry Hazelton has newly gravel grammar, C. E Downey; primary, ed the sidewalk ot this place on Bay Mrs Thomas Gant; Osbornville, W. C. Applegate; Burrsville. Miss avenue. It is said that the Mannahawkln Lil ian Havens; W’est Mantoloking. men will soon play the Barnegat vacant. Thomas Van Note and Thomas baseball team. A children’s party was held at the Gant were visitors at Point Pleasant home o f Mrs. Sarah Letts on Mon this week. The honor roll of the public school day evening. Mrs. Thomas Hazelton returned for April is as follows: Selena home Saturday evening, alter spend Worth, Maud Polhemus, Otis Hav ens. Louisa Falkenhurg, Lila Rog ing two weeks in New York Mrs. Clara Snell has returned to ers. Percentage of attendance on Chatsworth, after a weeks visit with the average enrollment for the same month was 90 per cent. Mrs. Stephen Johnson. Miss Carrie Bradley has declined Elmer Cranmer has opened a 6toie in C. H. Cranmer’* store on Main a re election to West Mantoloking street. He has wallpaper and school Mrs. Gus Halmeth of Englishpaint on sale. Charles Cranmer and family, who town, is visiting relatives at this have been spending the winter in place. Mr. and Mrs George Johnson Harvey Cedars, will soon return to spent Sunday with the latter’s moth Mannahawkin. In the baseball game played Satut- er at Cedar Grove. James Fisher was presented with day, the uptown boys were again defeated the downtown players, with a Columbia chainless wheel recently |Friday attending to business interests, a score of one to two. It is reported that T. S. Sprague’s i Several cases of sickness are rehouse on Bay avenue, at present I ported this week, largely due to the occupied by Mrs. Rachael Corlies, j inclemency of the weather. James Lee made a business trip to has been sold to a man in Camden, who w ill take up his residence here. IPhiladelphia Saturday. Revival services have begun in The workmen on the county road are at present graveling the road on the M P. church, under the super, vision of Rev. Litsinger. the crossway. One of the bridges is being widen ed and the road when ccmpleted, will no doubt furnish fine driving. An entertainment was given on Saturday evening, by the Knights of the Golden Eagle. The West Creek bard was present, and furnish The new M. E church at Lanoka, | standing in the grove by the stream 1on the main shore road, is beginning to show up. It will be a neat little structure. R . C. Parvin the builder. THE HAHNE & € 12-ACRE 12-ACRE inwimt»miiiinmitmmmuttuimu niununuif (Ulli I*MIUUMIUI s t o r i; the STORE BROAD. NEW AND HALSET STREETS. NEWARK. Floor Coverings-for Summer Homes M A T T IN G S —Chinese, Japanese, Crex and Fibre Mattings. R U G 8— -Kashmir, Crex, Fibre, etc., all in profound variety and at small prices C H IN E S E M A T T I N G S at 7.59 1 0 . 5 0 , 1 2 . 0 0 and 1 3 . 0 0 . F or roll o f 40 yards J A P A N E S E M A T T IN G S A T 7 .2 5 , 9 ,0 0 , 1 0 .0 0 , 1 2 ,0 0 . For roll of 40 yards. s on ’ JAPAN ESE M I T T I N G S , per yard, 1 9 c, 2 5 c , 3 0 c and 3 5 c . C H IN E S E M A T T IN G S , per yard, 2 0 c , 2 5 c , 3 0 c and 3 j j c C R E X P R A IR IE G R A S S M A T T I N G S , in green, blue, red; per yard, 4 5 c H O C G E S ’ F IB R E M A T T I N G S , per yard, at 3 5 c, 5 0 s 6 0 c“ K A S H M IR ,’’ the best low-priced rug in the market. Oriental styles and rever. sible. 6x9 feet, 5 .9 5 ; 7 lx io i feet, 8 . 7 5 : 9x12 feet, 12 .0 0 . GREX M A T T IN G 6x9 feet . 8x10 feet . 9x12 feet . RUGS— . 4 ,5 0 . 7.00 . 9.00 F IB R E M A T T IN G R U G S 6x9 feet . . 6.00 7 |x io i feet . . j} qq 9x12 feet 10.00 H a m m o c k s —Woven hammocks of manv colors au<l Kinds, with pillows and valance, all full sizis. froiu9:c. to 1 10.00 Grass hammocks, from B0c. to $¿.00. '1 he “0»o" hammock made of seine twine, each strand run ning from end to end of hammock: open and tool. No knot«; make a hammock that conforms to the body; beyond doubt the most comfortable on? made at from |i.50 t >|V00. NOTE—We are sole agent« In Newark for this hammock. B a b y C a r r i a g e s a n d C o - C a r t s - T n e F. A. Whit ney ‘Bloch” ana "Dann” Go-carts; of tine nuke ana flnlsh 125 styles to select from. Prices, 6 2 . 0 8 to 6 3 5 . 0 0 O paque W indow S h ad es—b.ow Window shades, water opaqne, 96 lncies aide by 7it inches in length, mounted on a good strong sprl tg roller; there ar? several colors from which to select, 21c* each. Bam boo P o rch B creens—Best quality outside bark This screen will not mildew as the bark Is on the reed and so protects It from the weather. They make an excel eut subs’itnte for an awning, as >t Is easy to put up and excludes the direct the rays of the sun. They may be bad m the to lowing aizes: 18X8 10x8 8x 8 1 .9 3 i.eo 1 .3 8 L a w n S w i n g s -Only (he : truftwortliy gt-a.lis, our RMonment cim isi ot “Columbia” am 'Taris” *00(1 swing. ati-1 “E <k¡o” all sleet swing. Trie "Colombia" Is raa.le ot g io t nnple In two ,iZi, , oenger ami 4 passenger. The height ol both Is 8 It; sprem hr . *"1 hot ¡1 pas.enger Is 4 ft an.1 ol the 4 passenger, s it lor small one, 8 3 . 7 8 ; large one, * 4 . 9 8 Tlm -‘Pa-ls” is built ol Mountain Ash; the shies srn relnforcM with extra strips bo.tetl on. giving perfect righlitj, ami Is mu. in two sizes, viz.; j pasenger am! 4 passenger. Price for imin one, 8 8 . 9 8 ; large one, * 7 8 8 The "Bagle" is built of steel with ciuopy top; Is about «;< ft blgti; will carry 4 passengers, anti Is probably the strongest«« most comfortable spring maJe. Price 8 1 3 . 8 0 . M o p * P o r t i e r e s - F o r summer draperies there 1s m equslto th-Rope Portieres, as they exclude neither tbe light nor air, and at the eatne time take bareneaa from the room For this popnlar drapery onr store is headquarters and we ire making an exceptional showing this spring. We have 8 a m them in price from O B c - t o | | | 6x8 ex8 9 6 C. 8O0. r n r r CVUIDITinil 01 tUe "“S'11“''««»! Boy 10.00 worth of our goods of as at one time, or In the various small amouats to make up that sum, and loan us a clear photograph, we will reproduce It free of cost to you Frames are extra, but at.tha option of tbe buyer, Mae of portrait 6xc Inches. > FREE PORTRAITS HAHNE & co. I n e t C A n l D I I IU N 'MUSIC HATH CHARM,"k, the famous Antwerp artist, Geo-ge Leramers In Amusamen Hall, second floor, from » A. M to 0.30 P. M. No adimsiloe fee is charged. Don't fall to see ttiu great color piece. NEWARK N J HAHNE & CO. FOR OUR READERS IF W e shall publish serially in our columns beginning in an early issue that remarkable detective story The Filigree Ball By Anna Kaiharine Green The disputed From collar with a rough edge you will appreci ate the work done by writing Sad Ending ■ *>c ' Y ou have ever worn a A Bride of o! a Two Weeks Honeymoon our Edge Ironer. Joins River Hand and Steam Laundry T o i u n “R i v e r If you have an yth in g particular to do at a certain hour— such as catch in g trains, etc.— and you still have a little w hile le ft on your hands, don ’t read “ T h e I-'iligree B a ll.'' If you do y o u 'll miss that train .— New Y o rk Tim es Saturday Book Review. W hen you are tired and in need o f stim ulation, read “ The F ili gree B a ll.” — N ew Y o rk Sun. Watch For the First Installment Plants for Sale A full line o f Vegetable and Flow er Plants for sale, at reasonable prices. Freeholders Accept the Little Egg Harbor Road A special meeting of the Board Freeholde-s of Ocean County, to consider matters relating to county roads in Little E gg Harbor and Ocean townships, was held on Tues day, May 3d, at the Carleton house, Tuckerton, convening at 2. p m , after driving over the road from West Creek to the Burlington county line. A ll members present except Mr. Camp of Piumsted. Mr. Stackhouse offered a resolu tion, that was adopted, authorizing a supplemental contract for 5750 additional cubic yards of excavation, or so much thereof as is necessary to comp ete the road, and no more. On motion adiourned. W il l ia m H. F i s c h e r , Clerk WE DON'T CLAIM ,0 KNOW EVERYTHING On motion of Mr. Harrison, a vote B u i a ft e r - l o n g y e a r s o f s t e a d y of thanks was extended to Director a p p l i c a t i o n t o t h e b u s i n e s s o f Otis lor the dinner given the Board On motion of Mr. Harrison, the Little E gg Harbor township road was accepted by the county from the contractor, subject to the ap proval of the State Road Engineer Fire and Life INSURANCE Mr Stackhouse presented a certifi cate from Theo P. Price, engineer of the Ocean township road, stating that the original contract amount of 2250 cubic yards ot excavation was insufficient, and that 5750 cubic yards additional would be needed to complete the road. W e d o c la im to k n o w t h is in tr i c a te a n d d iffic u lt b u s in e s s t h o r o u g h l y . O u r p a t r o n s g e t t h e Tull b e n e fit o f o u r e x p e r ie n c e a t n o c o s t t o t h e m — w e ’ v e p a i d f o r it. S. C. BAILEY, Jr. « ■ • c o a io r to H n , U . H a i n a n Cranmoor Farm TOMS RIVEE. 1 J' THOM S ROBERTS 15 & 17 MAIN ST., TOMS RIVER. N.JPractical Tin-Roofer, Plum ber and Steam HealingAgent for Windmills, Pumping Engines, etc. Dealer in Stoves. Heaters, Tin ware, Glass and Queensware, House Furnishing Goods in general. s— Well Wood and Irou PumpsDrilling a specialtyStove Repairs and Repairinf promptly attended to _ Courier, the Best and Brighesf t | i f e t o J a w s d o m iti •▼ ▼ TTTTTTTTVT^VTVTTTTTTTT • There was but one bid, the boat go ing to Mr. Richardson, one of her owners. [ BREVITIES j • T m T T T m m m T m m 'f * É PERSONAL ________ 4 «I IT/ S A MATTER O F HEALTH BARNEGAT Joseph Predmore, who has been employed in tbe freight department Warm days but cool mghis. •i i M i i u u a u i u i m u i i t eM U i i i i a t U i U U U U i A a Afternoon, May 5, 1904 of the Central Railroad at L kewood Thursday Fire meeting Friday evening. W. H Brooks wa- dowu ovtr Rhubarb time. ail winter, resumed hie old position Wild flowers give the bees occu Sunday. ^ent-a-'Word Colum n as purser on the Atlantic Highland! Full moon lust Friday. pation. boat on Thursday last. \\ ilmtr Spick was up fiorn Tiu-keTile courthouse is being i epaiuted j------ n o YOU M B THIS ? 11 looks like no peucb orop at all ton yesterday. Tben otbw.3»Yiould see your wAv, Captain Wright Predmore has sold • TStmFfflftite huvu the leaves half in this section. U j|.#ere here. his schooner, and has taken up hie M iss Maud Phillips vieited Phila grown. ~ "Laverai _ heavy work norses. lesmence hete. Tom Wilson’s blacksmith Bhop is delphia last week. pJiKnport “ ¡¡¡Sir (jo,' Tom» Hì*et What has become of the baseball being enlarged. Jesse Reeves and wife of Glusboro, Charles Dennis and wife bine -~ r '„ kn T —Hnntll t*rm, hall wile out ol town enthusiasm! spent a few days last week iu town. '¡gu aeitu r.i P ik e . E .n Voder. Tom. Hitler. Charles Grover is putting a new moved to Whiting. Bernard Hainer has his launch in roof on hiH house. Capt James Soper wae home for a ■— -TZZ\<, , r b o a t lot Balu, T. A. Warded of Burrsville, was urot»1 CA1 HOYGOWUY. commission. few days last week in town this week. Southern strawberries are coming «VLK-Oat Boat TALOFAH. Dimensions Fireman Letts of Point Pleasant, Plum and oberry trees are white down within reach. over B11,8»-«; water line. Ha-4; beam, Don Cirmichiel was bom-) frmu - t M f °„ui,ie <i, 8-6; draft, M . Bum m isoi. who was killed in the accident at with blossom. Ill a"tfn i»r further partlculaia apply to Song birds are becoming more Lakewood this week. Plirsl»0- * jj.^ 0 u a I l KY, Mauasquau, N, J, Elizabeth recently, has relatives here. Early truck begins to make and more numerous. At wood Wardelt of Philadelphia, — ^ 'kale—S loop Carrie; any rcasoualile The bird social held by tbe Junior Absolutely Pure show above ground. ¿S^iceepted- For Information apply Kirks The Dover house is being fixed was u vii-itor this week. Epworth League im the M. E. bool J8"'_____________ —------------------Decoration day is the next ho i- up for yacht club uses. F. A. Downes of Merchantville, THERE 15 NO SUBSTITUTE "« T nTK D -60O eorde ofplneuoril wood. IS. K. church last Friday evening, was a day, Monday, May 30 th. j*S*rToms lttver. ______ The rubythroated hummingbird was in town lust Tuesday. success. ~ ~ Z , HANTK1I to learn how 10 make paper Robinson Bros, are overhauling has come back from the south. Capt. Henry Townsend, who baa 0 . “ vvaues aueordlun to tlio work. John W Holman, was up from graph of Salem chinch, Va., whets MU«*' " * human , inP’rauk llairIs Building the Vtndex for Alex Tiuex. The fragrant maypink a id the Wrst Creek en Friday lust. that regiment was badly cut up, as been here for over five months, left T S S u T KENT— A horse ami laigny, »'»“ Mrs. John Watson uus moved to star eyed pyxy are nearly gone. on Fiiday for his home in California^ Will Oukerson aud family of M.iiia a souvenir of the day. '■ fro m now until September. , 00«.'" aiUiress tills Office, the Red Mens house on Water street. The Long Beach club house open The seventh man left the life-sav tquar, were here on Sunduy. Captain Joseph Drown is home r r,i,T .o v a l FUK s a l e —At lurgslii price. ed for guest on May 2d. George George Worstall is having the ing stations with the first of May. *,™.,rc,IT 11Y. C About Vi foot over all, James Nieukirk was hern from this week vv L. Fo“ Force o f Key port, roomy, lTbTw.L. 'eo* ......... . ■cabin, -.............. H. YanNote ia again in charge aa Vesper overhauled for tin summer. A tennis court has beeu laid out at Merchamville over Sunday. S atie. Apply to to A. A 11, IsElVBVKY A CD. Fred Bunnell spent Sunday in jjeJIlKlVK» manager. Joseph J. Johnson bus purchased the Kilpatrick place on Water street. Misses Pauline and Frances Brit New York. Joseph Helfricb. who is buildings, ‘T n k S U .K -A very Una thoroughbred o year the Kendall house on Dayton ave Several new sneakhoxes will be too spent Sunday in Lrkehursi. ll’ng. NVarrautod a inno ami kind in ah Miss Ella Goble is spending some marine railway at our landing, haa womeu aim elilldren. s is « , ” A a hoiae lor fur w.uueu nue. put in the water at Island Heights Miss Sadie Stontenburgli of New lime in Pliilndelpia the same about completed. price, gitv't. Apply at thla umuo. A fifteen day ticket between Toms (bis year. York, is spending a week hole Mrs Brackenridge and Miss Hurry J. V . Lerniug has moved from the River aud Philadelphia now costs Among Our Churches. The Old Graveyard at Washington Mrs. L tu ri Suburamin ia horn, ar- at the Ocean lt->n«e William's house on Bay street to $1 .75. street and Hooper avenue is being from a winter spent in Florida. .H e tlie d la t E p l .i u p a l Mrs Fred Bunnell has returned Irving Piedmore bouse on Valley Charles VauSchoick has moved cleaned up. street. Rev, W. X. Valiant, pastor Rev. Steuduran Applegate of Like In m a long visit in New York city from tbe Red Men's bouse on Water 10,SO a. m. Preaobiug— Tbe annual election of trustees of It is understood that there will be wood, was a W ith eiday visitor, Mr. and Mrs. Kilpatrick are on a atreet. , 11:18. S u n d a y -sc h o o l. Masonic Hall Association will be held no giaduating olass this year at the trip to California, but rumor says John Robinson aud daughter, 7:00 p. m, Kpworth League service. Henry Forcanser of Germantown, high Bohool. on Tuesday, May 3 d. they will he here for the “timmer. T'illie, visited New Yotk this week. 7:16 p. m. Preaching— has purchased a Remington type The Presbytery of Monmouth, Several local Republicans will a t Class meetings on Tuesday evening Lawyer Aaron E . Johnson has D. G. T. Watson of New York, ia will meet here the latter part of Jane. Pnyer meeting on 'Wednesday even- writer. tend the State oonventioa at Tren spending some time in Toms River. fully recovered Irorn the operation Captain James V. Lewis who t u The house occupied by Mrs. Sarah ton next week. |a|. Frank Vitnderheri hen, tbe Oam- for appendicitis performed on him. been Bick, aud in the hospital at gou.lav-school at Gowdy school Goble on Lien street is being t e A new anto is expected here deo sail maker, was in town this Mis. George H. Holtnvn returnc- Trenton for over two years,died there house, 2.30 p. m. rn o deled. Saturday of this week by one of our week. C h r i s t ( K p la e o p u l) C h u r c h from the St. Barnabas hospital,New Tuesday, April 2C, in hie 56 th year. Tbe band will give a cake sale at leading citizens. Rev. J . W. Sparks, Rector Ralph Applegate ot Cedar Grove ark, last week. She is doing as well His romaina were broagbt here, and Morning prayer and Sermon _ at Grover and Irons store on Saturday, William McKelvey will occupy bis is Bpending the week at Asbury !a9 could be expected. he was buried from Lis late home on 10.80 a. in. May 14th. house on Main street that he bought Park. Frank Brown and bis mother have Friday. Revs. J. B. Wbittonand O. Sunday-school at 2 :30 p . m. The base ball association seems to recently from William Frost. The public reading room and l i W. Wright officiated, after which the Caleb Falkenbnrgh and wife have returned to their borne on tbe Lakebrary is open on Mondays. Tuesdays. tind it difficult to get a suitable field Foimer Sheiiff C. L. Holman is returned from their long visit in wood road, after spending the win members of Mariners Lodge No 150 Thursday and Saturday evenings to play on. ter in New York city. plowing up the Hooper field on Florida. tuck charge and the body was de irom 7 to 9 o’clock; Wednesday and The T. R. Y . C. will hold its Washington street, and will farm it. posited intoitB last resting place with MrB. H. M. Hoyt, who since the E. A. Barnett of Hooper avenue Jrlday afternoons from 8 t o 8 o'cloolc. annual meeting for the electioa of Masonic honors. He was a mem death of her husband has made her Mrs. Jesse R. Irons baa been ap is spending some time at Far Rockgfri S t. P h ilip ’ s, Isla n d H e ig h t s fficers early in June. home in Brooklyn, is in town this ber of that lodge and also a member pointed administiatrix of the estate away, L. I. Even so u k , a n d serm on , 4.00 p. m . Charles J. Beck of the Btck en of.htr husband by Surrogate Grover K i r » ! IlM p tls t week, with her daughter, Miss Mena of Baruegat Lodge, No. 71, K. of P . Fred DtGrnw has gone to New Rev. E . F . F ra n c is , p astor graving company, Philadelphia, with The residence of Mrs. William P . Frank Bement has a new sneakbox Yoik city, where he expects to spend Hoyt. Pnblio w o r s h ip a n d serm on a t 10 ;30 bis bod, was here over Sund»y. Seaman in Trenton was entertd Sy Taylor Irons and Mrs. Annie that some of the ‘ knowitalls’’ say the BUtnmer. Sunday-school at 12 :00 a . m. It is nimored that Fred Ottrner of will astonish the natives this summer. Applegate arrived here Tuesday burglars, and many articles stolen Christian E n d e a v o r p r a y e r m e e t in g Mrs. W. B Havens aDd two child Lakewood, will take the blacksmith night from Franklin. Ind., to attend while she was visiting her parents 416:30 p. m . May 20 th, the Village Improve ren on Monday returned from a visit Public w o r s h ip a n d serm on a t 7 :30 shop of the late Jesse R. Irons. the funeral of their brother, George ht-re last week. ment Association will have a leetuie to Philadelphia Capt Wiight Predmore is repaint Player m e e t in g o n F r id a y a t 7 ; 80 | G , Irons. - The last time May day fell on Sun by John Z. White in Cowperthwait John Irnlay has been spending the M . .lo a r p liM H o i» » h n C t t t h o l i c , ing liis house, and otherwise improv | TLe Misses Mary Haslett and Bur. f a t h e r Joh n A . C a u lfie ld , p a sto r day, was the morning Dewey wiped ball. week with his sister, Mrs, W, E . ! DaisyjForcanserwtnt to Philadelphia ing his residence on West Bay atreet. out the Spanish fleet in Manila bay. Jiass at 11 a. m . e a c h S u n d a y The big turkey buzzards have Bunn, at Lakewood. George Collins will have a vendue P r e s b y t e r ia n ,on Sutmdiiy last to enter the train Lucy E . Closter haB sold the come back from their winter iu the Captain and Mrs. John Beatty re on Saturday next of household K e v . J. J . C o a le , p a sto r Daniel G. T. Watson farm on south, and sail along as gracefully as turned Saturday night after several ing school for nurses at the Presby- goods, wagons, ite. Diviue w o r s h ip a n d serm on , 10. 80— Iteiian hospital. Walnut street to John Browne of ever. Christian E n d e a v o r p r a y e r m e e t in g Mrs lvaie Predmore who has spent months spent in Florida. | Charles Stanwood and family have Brooklyn. (.30 p m Thomas Roberts will put in a the wiQter in Merchantville, returned Mr. and Mrs. James D. Limont, jaobath-school a n d B itile c la s s a t It was an ideal May day— very steel range and modern plumbing at and John Browne and wife have i returned from California, where they home on Monday. 11:15 a. m. much like that "Dewey morning’’ the Kilpatrick residence on Water been stopping at Henry McKelvey-« 11-pent the past few years, and will Rev. Mr. Whitton entertained big Divine w o r s h ip at 7 :3d uinko their home at Pleasant Plains when something dropped in Mauilu street. son and daughter-in-law over Sun Weekly p r a y e r m e e th ig on W edn es, Captain George Grant has left for the preount. bay, six years ago. day. day e v e n in g at 7.80 The old Board of Freeholders Frisco for Midway Island, where he Rev. \Y. T. Valiant and Theodore Burnside Post is making arrange winds up its affairs on Tuesday uexl, The first accident on the new will take a hard in helping lo lay the Allen spent several days at the Ep ments for Decor utiou day. The vil county road,occurred on Mondaylast. G o After th e T ra d e and the new Boaid organizes on Pacific cable. worth League c inference convention A driver fell from his load of gravel lage hand will, it is expected, furnish Wednesday. E. IV. Sadil of Lawrence, L. I., a t Long Branch last week, as dele- and the wheels of his wagon passed Mr. Business Man, you want trade. the miiBic thut day. State Road Commissioner Budd vvas btte tins wet k, and had his plot gates fiom the local chapter, over him. While no l-ones were Gi after it. Yon cau reach the peo Mrs. Henry T . Wood of Lanoku, was in Lakewood Monday, and went of ground on tbe north aid« Kid out, , j i iaB l . c . Barnard, becuuse of ill broken he was badly shaken up. ple of this town and county only in has bought the John A. Hyers lot on over the road from Burrsville to The Township committee has into luiklir.g lots. health, has resigned as Sccretaty of one way to compete with mail order Lein street next to Daniel Brewer, West Point Pleasant. kns«.s: That way is through the and expects to build soon. Fiank Wilsty attended the re-'th e Howard Seminary, at West awaided the contract to build the Rev. J. J. Coale has purchased union e.f General Bind Grubb's old Bridgewater, Muss., and will make pavillion at the dock to Joseph Chad Courier, No other paper in this C. E. Topping s house boat has from R. B. Gowdy the house at the regiment at Edgewater Park on Toms River her home for the pres- wickoounly has so large a circulation. So other paper even claims to have. been overhauled at Faunce Bros’, corner o f Main and Colfax street Tuesday, and brought home a photo- i nt The Courier reaches the people boat works, and is now anchored in that he has occupied for some time IS L A N D H EIGH TS past, that you want to reach. It is the the cove near John P. Haines. Mr. Peterson and family from home paper of Ocean County. It is Capt. Barnard, harbor master for A son was born to Mr. aud M n . New Orleans are stopping with W. the only medium the teaches all the the (J. R. R ,i n New York harbor, George S. Newman on Wednesday M. Hugg, a brother in law. was here over Sunday. Kirk is of this week. This gives to Superio people Clarence Casteilo of Philadelphia The people mast he reached. It overhauling his yacbt Rbubama. tendent Miller of Cranmoor, the is a visitor at the Heignts this week will do no good to say everyone added dignity of graudfatherhood. The Japanese plum orchard on The usual reduction in the fare to knows you si® in business. That the Alonzo Chambers’ place in White Mr Crabbe has given the T R Y C the City took place the fiist day of used to go, but the mail order house Oak Bottom, is in full bloom aud a seventy-five foot cedar pole for a May and the time is increased from bn stopped all that. You must makes a most beautiful appearance. flagstaff at the club house, and 11 to 1C days. idvertise your goods or the On Friday and Saturday of this Charles D Brackenridge will donate Mr. Bodine's family have returned sheriff will advertise them. If you the flag Kirk will dress the pole to the Heights and me in their cot advertise— then advertise in a paper week, Teacher s examination will be tage on the coiner of Simpson and The Old Hollow casts its baleful tint reaches all the people. Don’t held at the High school room. May Summit avenues. Utter your shot. Take your trou examination is generally well attend influence on all it touches— even The aged mother of fireman Letts ed. Washington street, the peerless street t s to the Courier, it pays. of Point Pleasant, who was killed in Next Monday, May Htb, a change of the village, grows disreputable the railroad collision lately, has beeu in tbe P. R. R. schedule is expected, looking when it touches the Hollow. A $1 Lecture for 10c a resident ot Island Heights for a the local between Toms River and Both Burnside Post, G. A. R., and number of years. Point PleaBaDt going on, with a A strawberry festival will be given Harmony lodge of Masons, to which The Yacht Club are going to try on Friday evening (tomorrow), in round trip nigbt and morning. George G . Irons belonged, will at to Itirnisb plenty of mtiBic the com Cowperthwait hall, by the ladies of At tbe T . R. Y. C . meeting Satur tend bis funeral this* afternoon, ing summer. the M. E. church. A lecture upon day evening, opinions were read from though the lodge rituals will be John Simpson is making some im Bussia and Japan will be given by lawyer Carmichael and Judge Mar omitted. provements on A Wood's house. Prof. Oliver G . J. Schadt of Ocean tin that to issue bonds the club Next week, County Superintend Walter Wood, the l ’nckerton boat Gfove, formerly a resident of Russia, would first have to be re-incorporatent Peter Tilton will hold the eighth builder, was a vii-itor to the Heights *ko just returned from the realm of grade examinations in the grammar ed. this week. the Czar 6ix weeks ago, and who is The fence in front of the Kessler schools throughout the county. His •"curdiiigly competent to speak of house, on the Lakewood road, has series of questions have been ap A S tn rtlln j; Tost what has been going on in that been removed which greatly improves proved by State Superintendent To save a life, Dr. T. (_». Merritt, of No. fonntry since the declaration of war. Meho paiiv, /’a., made a startling (es* result* the appearance of the Jawu. Many Bixter Brof. Schadt lias also traveled in ing in a wotlderfnl cute. Ilf* writes, “ a improvements are going on, in prepSome growers have their cranber patient was attacked u ith violent hemor Japan. The waitresses at the tabrhages, caused by ulceration o f the stomach* aratiou for the coming season. ries still on hand, and they are not 'e8 will be gowned in Russian and 1 had often found Electric Bitters excellent for acute stomach and liver troubles so 1 pre The sloop Arthur R. Fling, origi salable at almost any price. If the 'hpunese costumes. scribed them. The patient gained from the growers do not extend their markets nally built at Atlantic City by Sam Admission to lecture, ten cents. tirst, and has not had an attack in 14 months.” by a campaign of education, they nn.y Klectric Hitters arc positively guaranteed B. Otanmer for Eugene Longstreet ft*r Dyspepsia, /ndigestion, Constipation and look for such slumps ev ery year that The Baptist C E Society will give a of Sqnan, was sold at T . J. R. Kidm y troubles. Try them. Only 50. Prol. O. 0t J. Schadt. there is a full crop. Brown’s dock Saturday, ,for $ 18 oo. “»ttieale onM ay 2 G ro J IS III V K K . s. j. ^ U lla o f H u m e N ew s 4 « l l ' k l y 1'lllU 3 ^ I n te r e s tin g Oue.ll» o f Y o u r K r l u s t l d POWDER Sito 3 crsen Courier A FEW FACTS W O R TH REM EM BERING t OPTICIAN PAPER UP OCHAN COUNTY. F n b lU h c il b y ■ IW J K lO K f 10 ( 1(1HU PU UL.IHI1INU COM PAN*. W m - 11. b ' l i i l i r r , K i ll lot* n m l 9ln » n | | r r Thursday Afternoon, May 5, 1904 TOMS HIVKRi A. J. Olllce, New .leritey Courier Hulliltuv Tomu Hirer, Ocean Co., N. J. Vermel ®U.Ot> |»«r lea f la lulvituce a d v e r t & in g r a t e s TKANMIRNT ADVKRTIHKMKNTH—TwdYH lHie» or.»' lurh hpm-e), 78 «ent« ou<* Insertion. Ka--b »ddbloual Insertion, 3»cents. UrtiNKsa cards—one inch »pace, fts.OOa year r.a«*hadditional inch, io.uu. (Unsral AuvKKTiHiNd -- Our rateH will bo ffia.te known upon »pplicatlon at this ofiiee either personally or by letter. Lkual ADViRTtaKMKNT»—At rates allowed by aw Cent a-Word AbVKWTi8*MRNTs--onlocalpag*> one cent, a word for ouch ins t Mou. The popular ocal advertising H' lieine. Entered at the Post oniceai Toms River a» second-elans mall matter. WiliiiuuA. Nowell wftN the founder erf thu life saving system of tliis country, which bus been copied by other civilized nations all over the world, and it is eminently proper that there should lie a monument erected to his memory at some of the shore resorts. Perhaps the monu ment should bciD Monmouth County, for that was his couuty. Asbury Park has spoken for it, bo has L ong Branch, blit it makes no difference which gets it. That place that gives it tbe best setting should have it, and some place should start the movement in a practical tmiDner— Jersey City Journal. Monmouth county was Governor Newell's county, but it was not in the present bouuds of Monmouth county that he conceived the need of the life-saving service, of which ho is justly called the founder. I t was (as be himself has said in writ ings) while visiting his uncle, the famed Dr. Hankinson of Mauuahawk in, one stormy winter, that a wreck on Long Branch gave him the idea. Nor was it in the present limits of Monmouth county, that the idea was first practically worked out, but at Chadwick, also in Ocean county now. By the way, the Corn nr has had tLe oiler of a subscription of $25 for a N -well monument at Chid wick. When the Board of Freeholders re organizes on Wednesday of uext week it should t ike a new start, and there are a few things that the peo ple of tin county have a right to ex pect of it First, it should do away with star chamber methods It is a public body, transacting public business, and the people have a right to hear all that goes on, and to know how every man voted ou each question. Sectet sessions and secret ballots cam ot hot make t he public in gen eral feel that something is being hid den. Second, it should devise some way of k replug within the county s ii> c tui. If the accumulated debts of the last four or live years will eat up all of this year’s income, then either all woik should stop until debts can be paid off, or else the debls that, have accumulated should be put u the shape of bonds, a sinking inn 1 provided, and they should be piid off is lust as possible— and no more incurred. P re sid e nt R o o se velt’s P o s itio n FIRE INSURANCE WHEW YOU RECEIVE The Democratic newspapers harp so continually on the immense bnrdeu imposed upon the people by the tariff that some persons, who do not take the trouble to find out what the burden is and haveNiever neen or felt it, really imagiue that there is some sort of a burden on tuem, but they are mistaken. The cost of our general govern t ment is less than than that of most great countries and a very large item of that cost is in tho pension list, which returns the money to the peo ple in the most direct way and uo doubt where it can dothe most good. This item is one that will grow smaller now with notable rapidity. ftp «• ¡S ® The “ Democratic Chronicle,” m considering this subject, says: “ The Insurance Co. of America H om e Office, N e w a rk , N J Ï population of this country, accord .JOHN F, DBYDfcN. President KDllAR B. WARD, Vit Vii-v-v»-. h. ing to the latest estimate, is a little LKbLiB D. WARD, Vice-President fuhrest K. PRY PEN, a •Vt l’r.'«Mi»ut ^ over 80,000,000 , and the per capita EDWARD «I! ' >. SMW*r> expenditure in $7 . 97. That of Can Ileo, lirawfora, Anaistfttit Sujit., Ilniglits o¡ "Vil.i.i., hall, I-..unii ■n t’l, l.tk1vvi»■>.!, N,.. y ^ ada is $9 30! the German Empire, ISIS T, ® SO 46: Ila'v, $ 10. 97; Austria-Hun gary, $14 07 ; Belgium, 817 40; France, $17 84 ; (treat Britain, $21 .39. N EW EGYPT Next year, 1905, wii. t«- tin in n • and Australia, $37.09 The cost per for the decennial State census V r l, D Woodward ol Cooks capita of the general governments in The first State cm--us was »■■ k* Belgium, France, Great Britian and in 1805 with a population of 773 - :».w r, is Inning hi.*, house painted. Australia is more than double wbut 700 , an increase of 15 per cent, in Maurice Dilutee ol this place has die contract. it. ¡H in the United States." five years, although there hud been » Nearly all of the foreign nations large less of males incident to tLi Edward Cliullender o f near Cooks are running in debt year after year, great Civil War. The increase in town, ts having his house rebuilt and while the United States shows a sur the next half decade was neatly 17 improving bis property very much. plus besides reducing its debt every per cent. The State census of 1875 Oliver Eldrcdge o f this place, is year. showed a less increase, namely. 12^ doing the carpenter work. Under Republican administration per ceut., and between 1875 and 1880 While ploughing on the faim of tlie general government is one of the it was below 10 per ceut. This was George Millslagle near Jacobstown, best managed mid largest business the period following the severe panic Diniel Reed unearthed a blue nicer concerns in the world and the suc of 1873, which stopped immigration snake which measure»! 7 feet iu cess is mainly due to tho tariff, which and clucked in other ways the length It wan with great trouble affords protection to our capital and that Mi. lined succeeded in killing growth ol State population labor. In the State census of 1885 the the reptile, es it gave fight and suc percentage of increuse again advane- ceeded in wrapping itsell about Liis A comparison of the judiciary sys ed to 13 per cent, over 1880, the arm and made battle with the dog tems in New Jersey and Massachus total population theu being 1, 278,033, who helped in Ilie killing uf the etts was recently set forth in an art an increase in twenty years of 504,- snake. icle by Charles Hartshorne in the 333 . Tho census of 189 > gave an Joseph G. Moore, wbc Las been New Jersey Law Journal, and it is increase of 13 per cent, for the live attending tho Baltimore Medical so striking that it well deserves jears. From 1898 to 1895 there was College at Baltimore, Maryland, study at this time when it is pro posed to create two additional an increase of 15£ per cent., the spent a portion of the week with bis total population ut the last census parents, near here. Circuit Court judges. being 1,883, 996. Mrs. Anna Singleton has been New Jersey has an area of 7,815 your Life Insurance policy it is a n indi cation of your good physical condition. Write for rates to day. THE PRUDENTIAL square miles, and Massachusetts’ area is 8,315 square miles. New Jersey’s population, in round Mum pers, is l,8oo,ooo, and that of Massa chusetts 2,8oo,ooo. How, then, are these two »States judicially equipped7 New Jersey lias six special judges of the Court of Errors, nine supremo judges, one chancellor and six vicechancellors, twenty-one law judges in counties and three circuit judges. In all there are one bundled courts hold by forty-six judges whose sal aries aggregate $251,180. Massachusetts lias seven supreme judges, eighteen judges of the Superior Court and sixteen county judges. In all, there are thirty courts held by forty-one judges whose sularies aggregate $ 231,480 . With its much greater population and property wealth, Massachusetts , , »ts along with seventy-nine less 'courts, five leeB judges and neatly’ $20,000 leas expense for Balance than New Jersey. It can hardly he claimed that the judicial system in this State is stipe n or to that of Massachusetts. It is certain that in essential features it is obsolete. Ai what point will the L i gishiture stop in the creation of new judgeships for or( overloaded and antiquated jndT-iul system__ Newark Truth. According t>a report just issued by the Department of Commerce uud Labor at Washington scientists are ixperimer tir g with iron impreg nated vegetables. Iron token into the system through plant foods is much better than that swallowed in tinctures nnd other kinds of medi cine. Spinach, which ordinarily contains a good ileal of iron, hai been sown under the experiments mentioned so that, it produces seven tunes as much. This result is ob tuiueil by adding hydrate of iron to the soil in which tho plant grows. I istead of prescribing ten grains of iron, therefore, the physician of the future will order “ two dishes of spin ach at supper and a plate of aspara gus ut breakfast,” for the run down patient M cClure’s Magazine for May I lints a most interesting excorpt from a letter written by President Roosevelt to liny »Standard Baker, commenting on his discussion ot “ (iieat Labor Conflicts," in the Mugizuie, in which the President defloes bn attitude toward capital and as follows: “ I believe in corporations, I be lli ve in trude uniuiiB Both have come to stay and are necessities in out present industrial system. But whi te in either one or the other there develops corruption or mere brutal indifference to the rights of others, and short-sighted refusal to look b e yond the moment’s gain, then the M in i« Y o u n g A g a in offender, whether union or corpora “ One of i)r. King’s New Life Pills each tion, must be fought, and if the pub night for two weeks has put me in my ‘teens’ lie sentiment is calloused to the in again” writes D. H. Turner of Dempseytown, P a . They’re the best in the world for Liver iquity of either, by just so must the Stomach and Bowels. Purely vegetable. whole public is damaged.” Never gripe. Only 25c. at all druggists When a Man Yells jl I E , Lie doesn't need a stepladder to reach the % E a r of the Public Isn't that so? Then you ought to heed a ♦ t W hisper of W arning *■ and have your property insured at once. ♦ A postal card will bring it personal ©all. I I» WM. H. FISCH ER % I > i : n C Y !.. G l i o m a , M a n a g e r Room 2, Courier Building I Toms Rivet FIRE INSURANCE Cow perttow ait iË xd m ig© 1856 1 Come and look over our many departments Dry Goods Millinery W hite Goods Trimmings Notions Men’s Hats Boots and Shoes Groceries House Furnishings, Etc., Etc. spending the past week with her The Newark Call suyi-: daughter, Mrs. Moses I<uer iu New Tlie Republican convention to ark. name a candidate for Governor will .John Meuney of near Cookslown, probably be held some time in is having a fbit! large bn-n built. September. A long State campaign C . B. OO W PEH TH W AI M. E Lamb has had the double C W . C O W P E H T H W A I T is onerous, and it has beeti cunsiiltthouse on Mtplo avenue painted. ed wiser to devote a few weeks, At the minimi session of the A M. rather than mouths, to that part of E. confiieoce held at Tienton la-t M O U N T .L the political field. The State elect wit i;, ihe following tippoinlmeuts RESOURCES LIABILITIES ion is so overwhelmed by the im s 1,088,750 63 Capital, $200,00000 uen mule: Cookstowo. \V. G. Investments, L)ue frum Banks. 74,i 37 36 portance of the National campaign Surplus and Protits 97,72349 Campbell; Bordentuwi , ]. H. Mur Cash and Reserve, 59*5°5 Deposits, 724,67031 that it receives scarcely fair consider Circulation, 2oo,oOo00 spin; Mocirestown, J. T. Giggs; 14mlHtion. The Republican nominee ngton, C. H. Johnson; ,\l r. Holly, Si, 222.393 So 51 , 222,393 80 tin« year seems to have been picked R A. Murry; Crosswicks suit River Tlie only liank lu the county designat -l t»y the (iovt-rnnu nt rb a United States Depository, tf'e out long in advance. Edward U. ton to be filled. ls»ue a puss i»t)OK for deports In our Stokes, the probable nominee, bails 3 A V IN G S D E P A R T M E N T , P a y in g 3 p e rc e n t. INTEREST A daughter was bom to Mr. and from Cumberland county, but has With t ur large retonreo we nre «Iwpjh prepared to me*»t tha legitimate demands of our patrons la on State »Senator and Cleik in Mrs. Edward Barry, on Thursday of Wo are prepared to furnish all depositors lui-lness facilities iu keeping with th r balances an 1:st week. financial »landing. Chancery and bauk president in We solicit tut* accounts of flrme, eorp< rations and individuals. Richard Riley of e.-ar Wrights in Trenton, and may be regarded as \\ i* arc confident that relations once entnirlahed woum |he permanent and mutually a town, is having modern bain built. VRMBgeCU*. quite bb much a Tieutouian us of Do nor. hesitate to call or write if you are contemplating to establish or change existing banking 'I he proceedings instituted in the Cumberland. He had a clean career rel itions. iu the Senate and was probably its j c u r t of Cbanceiy l.v Mrs Laviaia Chas. Ewan M e rritt, P resident. J o h n B. Davis, Cashier. most influential member Jur two Pew , to secure it divorce from her i jears. He has broader views than husband, \V. Bnitis lJew, now living many South Jersey representatives,] in Mt. Holly, instilled in lbs decree and n good deal of independence of i i ing granted. Mr. Few baa been caaraeter. H-j it, moreover, ti teif- ldired b> pay $3 00 per week, for tnuiln man, with some bitter youth die support of his three ihiblren COWPERTHWAir k CO. THE FARMERS’ NATIONAL BANK First-class GE0CERIES ful experiences, suck, us try men otu, V- E. Chamberlain who ii s been anil leave them either wrecked or s.u tiding the winter with his mother much stronger, unit lie is educated Mrs, Emiiy Cuumberlain h ». accepland acute. Few mou know the 1 u potihiou in Philadelphia. Suite as well, and iu Essex Lie has tt j B A Y V IL L E good many friends who leal he would not ignore the needs of their great Ben Evernhatn locovoi ing fn.m couuty. Altogether be is unusually ac an attack of sickness. ceptable, especially considering he is Mrs. Peterson ol liaruegat is visit a sluted candidate, andjlhe Democrats will he lucky if they find as available ing hoi daughter, Mrs. William liurvey. a man. Mrs. Laura Button is very sick A number of new features oharuc with pneumonia. The measles are here, and the terize the June Issue of the New Idea Woman’s Magazine. Among them school attendance suffers. Hailiu bixton is wutking with Mr. may he mentioned especially “ Per dita’s Problems,’’ the first of a series Itavatt, at his Cedar Creek saw mill. Charles L. Applegate of Toms of papers by Alice Chittenden, tel ling how a small family may live River, spoke at the M. E. church, comfortably on a moderate income. Sunday. Michael Phillips, ivbo ima been “ Summer Comfort” is another inter esting paper by Maud Murrey Miller. homo on a sick leave, has returned to ••A Glimpse of Capri," by Jean B. Study Hook L. S. S. Klwood Butler of this place was his substi Stearns, is a tale ot travel. “ A German Bride’s Outfit,” by tute while sick. Mabel A. Potter, is both iustiuctive Hulun s VmiNote was admitted to and entertaining. In fiction, fash the Long Branch hospital on Fri ions, theatrical news, domestic day last. science and inteiior decoration, the No Ulus, Carriage Paint niaile number tuirly teems with good will wear as long as Devoe’s, N o others are things, and the illustrations fitly as heavy bodied, because Devoe’s weigh 3 to8 supplement the text. ounces more to the pint. Sold by E. It. Berry BICYCLES Up-to-Date Lite 1leurra] Store -ourier Building JO S . G R O V E R depni.' Shop in charge o í ( H A R L E S li. (JltOYKR Huit iTieaus the very best work— a»i you know. New Millinery Spring # Easter Wearers ^ yG>- « § in Variety ready for Irreproachable Styles, but not Excessive Prices, A. 0. H IR SC H Main Street, Toms River. • • Each w eek gives M O R E O C E A N C O U N T Y NEWS than can be lound in all other papers combined. ¡R O V £ M 1 ¡:n ¡M Q u it a ’s í ¿ n f A s Seen IM N S Associates geep alaicít K j;e¿ Y U n n g lum dy HÖW‘ to iiave about tl7o house oft LOOKED tCupyrifin, Isibl, by U. L.. Ktluuir.J II. r0uare abuui ready fot spring 0g cl»*ani''g.... vrlmt about vitr floors .r flew Spring Line ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ It's a White and it’s right. A P G L E O N 'S secretarli s hrnd"I In th eir moinnira gllnijiKCH o f Napoleon as they him on (lia'H'ont oeeaOiio of lliom litui shared N;:p: n’a school life at tl uu. . col li;.- o f Brleiino. Th is w a s Hour:- >nim. who served the Fir. m sui s p m •:*» socretnrv up to 180::. According tu B ourne mio. Napoleon's uj > ■ ano :,vns n otew orthy in boyhood. ! iV ■ : ^ *o-mj ut B rietine. Ilonapnrt' w as re m arkab le for ih e dark color of Ids romp! Ion (wide i su b seq uen tly the d im a 1 •f France som ew h at changed), fnr hi eilig a i I scru tin izin g glance nini f, style c f Ills eonveroatlon.” ot Napf Icon a bout th e time d the reins o f pow er a s first nitrim mo says* rto w a s now in the prl (? of ¡bout th irty . T h e per* I o f - lias served n s a model for sk illfu l p ain ters and scalp, y aide French artists have nuivos .fu lly deliueatAil his fini tu n s, and yet it m v bo said th a t no perforil.v fa ith fu l portrnit of h is exists. Ills finely shaped hood, his superi» fore head. hi- pale countenance an d his usual tn ediiatlve look h a v e boon transfo r m i to the ca n vas, but the versatility o f Ins expression w a s beyond th e roach o f im itation. A ll the variou s w orkings o f Ills mind w ere in stan taneously de pleted in his countenance, and his j mouth, nyl u l l In thin Upped, becomes The teeth are regular. Mis chin is short, and Ids : ja w heavy a n d square. Mo has w ell loiint il hands nvd ietT. l mention them ' part .eularly be utise he thought u good ' deal o f them. “ H e has an h ab itu al slight stoop. Ills e\ us are dull, givin g to his face w hen t in ropuso a m elan ch oly and m editative ! expression. When he is excited w ith anger. Ids looks are fierce and men ms iug. L a u gh ter heron <s him. It m akes him look m ore you thful and less foram iable. It is dltlleult not to like him when h" ghs. I F countenance im proves so touch. l i e was a lw a y s sim ple In his dross. “ I h ave said there w as a sort o f fas (dilation in th e smile o f Bonaparte. but during all th e time l was iu the habit of seeing him he rarely put forth th at ehanu G r a v ity w as the foundation of his ch ara cte r- not th e g ra v ity of a dig nlfie;I and noble m anner, but th at wi ‘ i at i • ■ from profound thought. In hi'- yum! he w a s a dream er, Inter In life lie l"-cam e a moody and later still an habitunily ill tempered nm u." B ein g la th e suit o f the em press at the coronat!un of Napoleon and .To* soph!:»» in 1 ' 11• Mine, do U em usat wa-. L close to the em peror and g iv e s n gra p h ic picture o f Ids costume and presence; "H U own ebstnnie w as brilliant. ll< : w as to assum e the im perial robes at No tre I mine, bu t for th e present lie w ore n 1 agreeable w h en he laughs. r r bis all the up to date improvements is woodwork and mechanism that inure you of long and satisfactory Before you buy a machine be sure ^trytbc White. “Two in One” Bare you seen the now White bit MVs both a Look stitch litdaChain stitch the same nacbiufdoes both stitches iVoone but the woman who lews can appreei ite this great mprovemet t. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Sectional Wire Springs smummwmmtasfiwcx* EMPEH0 R NAPOLEON. JFrom a print bi-nrim: tH«• following tnsrrtption by Count Gabrb-llt. a relative of the «mperor: "Only portrait o f Napoleon Bonapurte that r sembles him."] Aren sure cure tor insomnia placed under one of our Elastic Felt Mattresses i& & an antique tin : * p l I# MAT7ft£Sg WITHOUT THE ABOVE TRABE MARK. ♦ <*■ *♦ ♦ ♦ fewDinner Sets Im ported in Ertghtn ! to (tit' or<Ut , FWtirntntod not to craze. ! f new gomb or lit • price ptned. P ren d i font gl.juuu chan;: cd from nilhl fo a ,.., , In gold, a lltlll fi'tu. , . ' " j- to ;" .id Immer ;.('t |,| moat w ith t ‘.■ c rap id it}’ Ilf littli , „a ,. ! sew ed w ith hers, a plumed hat turned It m ay trulj be stiid th at be !had a i up In front w ith a diam ond buckle and the collar c f the Legion o f H onor in p iiîtiv u 'a f )v fu r eve ry tliougl: : [i dlaniomts. T h is superb dress became nrofli in h!s inind. j him well. "B oim pari >Inni heanttfiil hauti , 1 "O il Ills 1! ni a t Nntr hr w as viu*y j'rum i of them . W 1 tl pal an y w i 11Miulsonie ware. ♦ « **■ (#<>*♦ * + ♦ ***♦ ^opinand Look Around IRON S P‘ S. I R O N S . M g r Courier Bldg, M aio et. fctntPH by bis trncks. and w e hopcateii liltn h eforc he otruek a rui; "W ill you p la g hi n o:i ..¡gkt. . a.Jvcd Kern* D a\is, in mk i in: " n “ l d on ’t h e lle re thercki ' c any ing liands," sahl iSim griiuly, ana glurSed ln Ute cem ln g light. By I z ó la L. F orrester Just ¡-.i A'i’c r'-umd u we cam e u; u them h:,U' wa.\ u.u B a kl mountuin. w e r.u:n le.l a eu racr o f the trail a •• CopurltfiL ¡: bìi T. M a lm « s.unbrere ab ove th e t:;r> e ' jrrowth o f vtn es itmi ferus timt ci.;v. M arlqulta Jom phn M aria w a s her to th e top o f the ivi-i:s. F'im p v t i name, accorillng to tl e bap tism al rec bullet thron., h it ne; tiv. T h e au- -u o rd s In th e little w hite m ission church labt K enn I»av!s out ntnler the ’ • de a t Han J uni pern O ver at Htipp; Chance c f a ent!) pit’.e. and v e deuided to rest und d<» h atlle seien tifically. as 1. :ry w e called her Q uita. hat! n eles.r <ye -muI a m ighty y ¿ml Some w ay s! i seemed to belon g more ■ hanen to take ■ liis piel< u f u hostile to Happy C’hnnee than she did to San im . . V.Tdk* i Tu re st <if u s c i r ." -■ H Junipero. with its soft tone 1 b e lls and lis Interest fre •rn tho L •i'll lielow the th e solitude of vlwlstcred gardens She oek. Lim took four otlu 1-s ::nd y;- ■ cted w as ;.nd slim and su n b urn ’ ‘ .l, with m i u de, ur to P iuh a \ )olnt n’. It w a s a gou l tight. T h e re w a . no lip s like c h eart of a ruse a n d dark elliiig or A i ehe w a r diinctnff, only shad" y . es th a t looked sidelong at 1 awtivpilv; 1■ vi11Ili «\f iu torch« a.-' t’ i i u., nl t d i i , li ( u- a • ; .. v t ! " ‘ earth seem a n exeeluents that n.iea nt bosiiu »<*s. mid a g r i d b . 1 ■ live it). rally closin g Iti around ille î»K*k. I . -• H appy C hance had opened up I V (Jv.itu m ust be w ith 1 a s .< ¿diver m ining center the sh ack of . r ko had fain ted or ! o ld Tom I i [Tier hqd held Us ow n up bom "’ Id not tell, until Riniti o n the immntain side and dom inated j arp cry ra n g out, and e th e whole valley. No one k n ew when man lo red Ids gu n at th e so i t laid be< a bu ilt. P errier had drifted It w a s cry fo r help, w e belie from e:unp to cam p d ow n through Colit b.'.ek a shout tb it cel orftdo and eri^ sw ise thveugh th e Sjr long le: pu vp the deep ravin es r a s until M exico wua the* lim it, and lie tlehev :>lit or found H appy C hance. It \v :ik u bit o f from lien began th e wilderness Unit had escaped fo r t!c’ u or, y\it not so tu n e seekers an d railroad surveyors, the it Ice o f Sim a n d lie held it fo r his own and be ont above. lieved th a t some d ay h e would be a s il >r (h J’s sake, hoys, u n it firing!” v e r king. It w a s bar to oi c y w ith v ic ta rv so In l in e - of th a t b e lie f he h ad built near uud th e bullets ilyiu w ild .‘ .round th e shack and m arried 1 adores Ruiz, our beads from th e hi: li t » lmnd b e d au gh ter of th e old M exican who hind th e rock. But wo xtoMueJ. th ey claim ed the v a lle y by p rio r rig h t. The did also, and w e scram bled front ledge resu lt w a s a su ccess in a w ay. There to led ge up o v er the ragged, s ’ lintored w e re no signs o f silver, blit th ere w as stones until the top w as gained, anil Quita. we looked dow n on Lu rry and his c a p When the strik e did come, fifteen tive. y e a rs later, both I'c rle r and th e Mex it w a s n stra n g e sigh t. B a ck a g a in -, ican lay in the deep sleep up among the rough, g ra y rocks stood Quita. her th e pines on th e hills, and fro m the eyes atlam c w ith reck less cou rage an ! lone slmek Q uita and h er m other look defiance. L a r r y ’s tw o revolvers \*ot*o e d down on the valley a n d saw th e cho gripped, still sm okin g in her hands. s e n of th e Lord of M am m on sweep At h er feet lay L a rry, Ills w hite face a w a y th eir C an aan and its w ealth . But upturned to the d aw n in g lig h t arid a tnoy w e re w ise, being wom en, and dull, <rlntson stain so a kin g the rig h t show ed no light, and H ap py C hance as side o f his g ra y fluntu*l shirt. a law abiding com m unity review ed “ I’ ll shoot the first one that C a n th eir ease an l adm itted them to a share to touch h im !” called Q uita. "Y> u ’re in the profits o f their own property a pack o f co w ard s to follow and hold an d shook hands w ith itself over its ua up like th is! W h a t’s he done?” generosity. ‘T ie stole yo u .” The summ er a fte r th e strik e Larry It w a s Sim who answ ered her. Carroll alighted in cam p, and w e en Q uita turned mi him like a flash. tertained him u n aw ares, not seeing " l i e didn’t steal me, Rim I ran a n y wings. W e laid heard o f Larry a w a y w ith him b ecau se I loved him, before, lie w a s a g en tlem a n ly boy and it SMCtnod better to go a t the last w ith a good record behind him o f w ays m om ent th an to m arry you and love o f honor, lie w a s a m iner, bu t he nev him a ll the same. I thought a girl e r rained. lie w ould fo llo w th e cry of could elioosc the m an she loved aud fa m e to a new camp and laze around not h av e a w h ole cam p ch ase her mid fo r a fe w weeks until h e found a claim shoot him dow n. Y ou don’ t play fair, th a t suited him. He p a id In cash , and boys.” th e camp would see him no m ore until T h ere w as a dead silence. Ile r eyes on e day h e w ould come back w ith some w ere fu ll o f tears, and H ap p y C h a n ce poor innocent o f a ca p italist he had hid Its head In sham e. It is not p le a s corralled, and th e claim w ould change ant to h ave a g a lla n t rescue knocked hands, and L a rry w ould, ride on in tri in th e hor.d b y the scorn o f a w om an ’s umph, ton thousand to the good. will. It showed a depth o f in tu itive w is B u t Sim stood w ithout sham e o r an dom that the w o rld respected, and Hap ger and stared at th e w hite, you n g py Chance welcom ed h im ; a lso he hud face a t Q u ita ’s feet, and a t last w it h a winning w ay w ith wom en. l i e w as out a word he w en t down and lifte d g a y hearted and debonair and m aster L a rry in Ids arm: an d m ade Ids w ay fu l, with eyes <*f Irish blue aud hair with him to the tra il, and Quita fo l lik e a w ater spaniel, ch estn u t curled, lowed slow ly. l i e never wooed w ith w ord s; o n ly with A t l T ’>t ra we left the three, m il hittcyes. They w e re sutibdent. You can Rim never g a v e up his gu ard until the n ot make out a case again st a man on wound w as lieale 1. and Q uito rode i.ith e score of ten der eyes So L a r r y rode to cam p beside her husband ns Mrs. scot free over a h igh w ay o f sighing L a rry Carroll. hearts until he struck H appy Chance Then* v «• o no h ard feelings. As and Quita. L arry said, no la w s lmd been broken T h c:e w as a dance a t D o rrlty ’s the but th e law uf the heart, and each night I " <. and he ram bled in. Q>;;- heart has a law of its own. ta w as danelnr. and ¡is he stood in the B u t when it w as sill over Sim sold doorw ay, w atching, s h e w h irled by out liis n ine to him and went buck him on b ig Sim Itaw don’s arm . aud the over the n . uni- ins to the States. Mb* d u s te r o f scarlet m ountain flow ers she understood and ¡lid not b lam e him . It w ore in her h a ir fell a t L a r r y ’s feet. Is easier to -ave th e life o f the man Pint wem b ie k fo r them. T h ey wore m you h ate than to stnn 1 by and see tin* I veM ;;ii i j iu\ r : « u ix \\ ur. ors to settle* the ur th e tw went e „ íslon while* Guita g ll pic lit for p< ¡¡•rlifi* trn e o n . a w in d o w sill nnd p e rchei Mr. Dim *• i, ,, smiled • •an t h a t ever enme fm m tt \v; Ireland, nu.l i!w moat, enustant b oast y C h a n ce r< »on! ■ ;!. Hawdm camp ; ::vw to b< him m a held ch ief o Kidnaping uu of lm< in hi habit o f st<’c; a little and ere u Ids hands behind his back. He fre (pieiitly g.;v ■ an invoiutunry sh rug uf bis rig h t shoulder, w h ich w a s ;:;r.tin pauled by a :i i-venient of his inoiit!; from le ft to right. T in s habit w as a l w a y s most is m arkab le when h is mind w as absorbed in any d eep subject." T ie used often to s a y to mm ‘You see, Bourrieinic how tem perate and cw thin I am. but in spite o f that l rauuot help th in k in g th a t at forty l snail become a great eater and get very fa t. I foresee th at my con stitu tion w!!! undergo a change. I take a great deal of exercise, but y e t 1 loci assured th at uiy presentim ent w ill be fit 111lied.' " A vein of criticism , more or less m arked runs through the reminhs. eta es o f Mine, do Kem usat, a close i l it -id and companion o f Josephine and Per cham pion in the rupture w ith Napon-on. The follow in g descriptions of Napoleon's person and o f his appear¡•.in ■ on state occasions are taken from bet* memoirs, tran slated l>y Mrs. Cashel H ory and Mr. John L illie: "Napoleon B onaparte Is of low sta t ure and rather ill proportioned. H is bust is too long and s*> jhor.uns the v. St of bis tig arc. He lia s thin • T smut hair. Ills eyes are gra yish blue, and his skin. w hich w a s yellow while lie w as slight, became in later years a dead white without a n y color. Ills forehead, the setting of his eye. the line of bis n o s e - a l l that is b e au tifu l and reminds one o f an antiqu e medallion. H is ad, th e author m zeline, the dram hist. d¡' ui as be appear: d a e coronation, in l,su4 "I wais In till” Bilker y." smj•s ( ’It;! 1' Ú* brianil. "w h en Xnp.»|. ■ on enti?m l. í w a i ngPTMl.ily stru ck by him. 1 bad never soon hi in b efore exet*pt a t a dis ta nee. H is sin tic w a s kindly nnd d. »Heute nu eyes w ere adm lraide. especially from the m anuer in which the;, w ere set un der his b row and fram ed by the eye lashes. T h e re w as no pretense in hh look, n othing either theatrical o r a f fected .” C h ateau brian d had abandoned Nape leon’s cause before lie w rote this impressioii and w as n ot a im rtisan. "I have never seen a portrait of Bonaparte, either in fh -nn any or F ran ce.” s a y s Kotzebue, "Miat really resem bles h im . T h e great num ber, in deed, are n ot like him a t all. The effigy on the five franc pieces stru ck in tb • y e a r tw elve Is faithful. K.tch tinn that 1 look at one 1 s um to s«*,> Bonaparte him self. H is profile is Rom an- th a t is to say. g ra v e, noble and expressive. W hen lie is silent be looks cold and even severe, but as soon u s he speaks a tru ly gracious smile renders his mouth very pleasan t and inspires con fidence Im m ediately.” A ll w itn esses note the" m obility of Napoleon’s featu res. lie a lw a y s looked the p art be happened to be playin g. G E O R G E L. K IL M E R . Lest a! i nor i and nei e<i up ti But w elm \V( L a rry ried Sit home from th e dance with a Lullet i liis shoulder, and L u rry went back ;.u«i ¡ .. ihc u a lU \v L h Quihi. The ut .vi day Sim w«*nt to *e slaic'; w ith ¡i hutuli t-d shoulder a n d spoke u p like ¡i man. know in g th a ‘ publF »entiinent ivaa with him. NYiien b ■ c;inie 1 k lie in vited t.s all to th e wen ding, and L a rry tipped his c h a ir fa r th e r lu rk on th e shady stoop of the S ilv e r S tar and w h istled softly. The w edding w a s set for t i: * follow in g Saturday, and Sim rode • very day to the ' an d cam e lawk wiih a sm ile on his Ibis and a spi\ , o f scarlet flow« ;u fro; tlie vine t in t grew on Q uito's hillside. But Satu rd ay at sunset, when h e rode a fte r Liu in'i ' •. ho eai < hack w ithout sm ile or Hew e rs and told h is story to th e crowd th a t w aited In th e S ilv e r Star. Fri-'a w as gone. Old Dolores said .-"In* laid been carried oil’ by tin- devil with the Irish u to th e mountain.:, and Sim asked fo r coinpauy. W e \Y< tv w illin g to go. S h e w:n a home product, and w e didn’t propose h avin g any s tra y blue eyed m averick com e out of th e north and steal her ft w ay. TTp through th e v alle y w e rod e that night, forded th e Y a rb a ju s t below th e falls and took to th e b roken trail that, led to the mo tntnins on th e Cali fornia line. L a r r y w as m ak in g for the L A S T OF THE S E A S O N The'Pennsylvania RailroiulX lust tincc tiny personally-coiiiiuclt-it ttnnr to Washington, lor the present sea son, will leave New York, Trenton, and Philadelphia May ii, Roumi (lip rates— only dtllt-rence being in* self eted,,m ,„JV-».I,;.. ...... , imu-nti TTMB are $10.50 or $13 from Trenton, $ 9 or $11 50 from I'hiladelphiit, anil proportionate rates from other points. l'lekeiH cover rui.Tond trui;-. >>r tatii'i for the round trip uti.l boiol au.'iitniiicdatinbs. A epeem Hide ti ip to Jit. V el'UiHi nmy id...i I..j ! . k< ti. ■ All tickets good for ten .Ihy», wi'lv special hotel rule* nt expirnti. n o f hotel coupon For idnernni-.- ami full inlornmtion «l>|>ly lo ti k. r "Kent*-, or Geo. W. Boyd, G. Par..-)* r e o' A'.'rr t. Id: : d d:r.. ; 1... lion, I’ nihididptii.', Pa. The lust ptrsoually eoiidneted tousto Old Point Ci. mfoit, Hie', iminrf. ui.d \V ushii ptcn vk the PeniiHylvui ia Iinilroml for Hie present season w ill leave N e w Y o lk M..1 Pbiludelpllin ulii Saturday, May 7 . Tickets. 0 cltuiir g trunsportetioD, ii.oal« eti m ile in both diiectione, 11 Mtirtcih ol psHH,igen- luggage, h ull, 11t v inodptiAi h at Old Pc ink Coinfnt t, Richmond, ¡n d OHbingtoi , 1.1.1I cat rings lulu ubout irionil— in feet, every neressary rxp. iihS for 11 pel ltd ot six day*— 11O he mod 1 t 11 rule i I ¥dO 00 fti ni N* -.v Y’ jik, Brooklyt', hi d N.wmk; $0)4,50 n ni Tietiton; S 33 00 fiom Pi'i’". delpbiil, utld plopel tiinnte rnlsH from other .tati.iiiH. T ic k e t s to OKI Point Comfort om s, 11 ending luncheon on going trip, one 11 <t three fuuiths duys’ board at Chamhei-hn Hotel, snd good lo reti rn direct by regular trains with ® six days, will be sold iu connection with 1his tour at rote of $17.90 in m New York, Brooklyn, and Nmvark; $15,00 from Trenton; $14 50 iron» Philadelphia, and proportionate rates from other points For itineraries and full infoi mntiorx apply to ticket agtuts; TouristAgent , 268 Fifth Avenue, New York , 4 Court Street, Brooklyn! 789 Broad Street, Newark, N. J ; or George W . Boyd, Gene'ftt Passenger Agent. Broad Street Station, Pbiladelplm . For the benefit >•( those deioriiK: to attend tbs Republican Stale Con vention, at Trenton, N. J., on May 10, the Pennsylvania Railroad Coinwill sell round-trip tickets to Tren ton, from all stations on ils lines in the State of New Jersey, May 9 ai d lu, good returning tint 1 May 11, in clusive, at mte of single l ue for the round trip (minimum rate, 25 cults). N o M oney fo r Ci vi W a r Service Medals. T h e r e w ill tie gum'- liisupp, it t n itiit a m o n g C iv il M a r vx-iciiu - »II o v e r th e S ta te when th e y I Key w ill n ot Ita iu ti receiv e flu e y e a r the* v ic e niHlain n n tb on z.-.l b y t¡» i .- ¡ L e g is la tu r e both b o u se ,1 b o rin .r S lu rp fa ile d to i fu n d s fo r n The May number of Lippineoti W is notnbly atirring ami strotg firm the opening page of its novelette through to tho close of the hist f>bof * in story. “ FlgR from Tbistlhs'' rasi ks thors F ic le ric Rcdtlalc s third appeiinihro "In deed,” sudi l his fa ir audit through tb, medinm of a long I : js "but yet, T.n yen k n o w , nitL. h I h ave studied h istory fa irly w.-il. I ¡fi» not in tb h Megwine, and be woik im y recall a n y royal personage c. bo honestly described as good, be*.. O T ta rrign n /’ Slio thought s!:e ’ 1 ter, and best. i In» hist show# in.icoriK'j(*»l him , but M •• had mise luted bis g i l t of it1;»altee. t.urity in both ihe plot and the ij.u;"Su re, it m ust I t* jo k in g y e are,” h» dling of it. Its heroine, Jane Persis. said. "A n ’ did ye nivor re;; l < r" tliresa K a th e rin e O T h irrigan , ' !; • is young and pretly, yet too prudent, to marry for love »lore, after an ap . m arried I lin r y V III. the ow id viliin ? Sure, she w u z me graiH liiiotheds gn ':'iprenticesbip to poverty as one o i great - gn iin in ioliiei !" Lt»ndun An seven daughter of a c.iinti v do, Ly sw ers. man. For this icnson sin f,J]s ,,n Plt nir- of ÌI ìia» M a ied n l. easy prey to tho plans of an anxious "H rnudpa,’’ s-dtl th e children, " te ll another story about the t ime \\ ! >n mother iu regard to her sou, a Bat — yon w ere a young man and tr a v e l- '! nnct, of tplei did pliys’que hut of with the sh ow .” Infantile meniality. Tho wedding "W e ll," said G ra n d fa th e r D u ': : . takes place and then the real tale be.“ w hen I w a s with th e c ir c e ■; fort;» ■ " gins fifty years ago one o f my great nets w as to got ft boy to put an apple on top tfi' ills h e 1 !, and. then I would s ' enfi ton paces a w a y and shoot a rifle badi through it.” " B u t didn 't you .sometimes miss tin apple and shoot Ila* b o y?” "N ot often. But it happened one. in a w hile, o f c unve.” "W’ lia.t did you do then?” they u. ' breathlessly. "D o ? ” s a i l G ra n d fa th e r B u t t i\ j shruggin g h is shoulders. "W h y, som e j tin e s I had to w a it tw o or throe min ut ex before I could find another L-u ! but not often. T h ere are a lw ays pHut ' ty o f boys.” h-**- • v - Golf P lans at L akew ood The C nntrj Club, of Lake« , <1, will close its bouse m l golf t-oa: -. ■ I May 81 and re-open tl-im October < 1 These are the same dates that mark I ed the closed period at its old home i «nd links. A force of men will be kept at work on the greens all sum mer. There is some call for noni j esident memberships and the officers j may establish such a class next fall. Dead Looking Fruit Trees CHOICE MISCELLANY May Still Come All Right From Urlìi* to The Agricultural Department at Washitsgtiti Lus just issued a bulle tin ad visit g fi nit growers to be can turns about pulling out lives that have been damaged by Ibe severe ’cold \vcalEe'iyW9!fliB^F"flK 9 a trees that are apparently dead will recover if given proper treatment. O ichardb in New England, especially ir the Hudson and Connecticut valleys wete seriously frozen during the past winter, and there are even many irees in the southern part of New Jersey that were damagedThe n jnred trees are mainly peach, plum and pear, and the serious liuiui was generally to those plat ted on lower levels. The bulletin says that in February, 1899, nearly every pencil tree in the Michigan fruit belt was so badly froze,' that the wood was blackened and dead clear to tlio bark. A new layer of live white wood formed inward from the live baik. the trees made a li.iriy good growth, having no fruit crop to carry, and boie the following year a lecord fruit <’iop. Kiurl.v riser« p a ssin g b y tlu* Uiu* <U* la I'lilnt* in Lu YU ette, Hint homo o f nils* vr.v, ofton mot « bout, shrlvoloil, white hull’l l old w om an oarrylnir a baskot on hor b ack and In her hand a ntirk with an iron p oin t to It. W ith Ibo stic k aho soiirehod bini: lio.ips dopositoil by householder# for the sou vendors to ca rry a w a y . She {iroddinl and scrutinized her w a y along tho silen t sLi\ «is, u irninji o v er an old shoo here, a bit o f rug th ere or cigar s i r u p or ru sty null and to ssin g her treasure luto her basket, 'i’ lie sad fa ced old w om an took notice o f no one. Ilu t the people o f the q u a rte r and of localities m ore fash ion ab le k n ew tluif “ the m other o f the ch iffon iers,“ other w ise ragpickers, had seen b etter days. Mine. A n d re had once a “d o ” to her name. H er v isitin g cards hml once borne her fa m ily crest. She had fig ured ei th e cou rt o f Napoleon III. and the ¡im press K u gen ie and there w altzed w ith the best o f them . In her garret iti the K r ' t> la Celine Mine. A ndre Imeni 1 the w reck o f her for tune. about £.o00 . It w as hidden In her m attress. lie tu rn in g home* tho oth er d a y from her custom ary rounds. M ine. Andre found the m attress lorn open and her m oney gone. A fe w hours la ter her n ext door n eigh bors found her hanging b y a cord dead. P a ris Correspondencto. Obeyed Ilist met Ioiim. C o urtn ey lx linvliu: Ills im m illi i’X|iiricu ce w ith frcshin cfl can d i,lu tes 1'or tin.1 crew s. W hen he g iv e s un order to •a new unni th e new m an u su ally obeys lite ra lly , such Is the resp ect with w h ich the conch Is treated. T ill* clinic n e a r ru in in g a shell. C o u rtn ey Und sent out an eigh t w ith a freshm an co ck sw ain , and, bein g ob liged to look a fte r anoth er cre w for a fe w m inutes, h e said to "c o c k s:" “ T r y not to steer In a c ircle for a •change. See th at red spot d ow n on the bunk th ere? W ell, ste e r stra ig h t for th a t.” W ith w hich he tu rn ed to Ids o th e r ch arges. A how l from sonic o f the oarsmen tu rn ed him around In tim e to see “ co ck s” try in g lo tunnel Into the Inlet ban k w ith the prow o f his shell. "1 th o u g h t I told you to steer straigh t fo r th a t re.l spot,” rem arked C ourtn ey sa rc a s tic a lly w h en he cam e u p In the launch. ’ “ I — I d id." gasped th e co ck sw ain . ’Cottrtocy looked a t the boat and then disliked at the risi spot. .Inst then th e spot tossed up Its horns and moved to b etter grim ing ground. It w its a red cow . ami th e freshm an had been te a l.Oilsly sw e rv in g his hont around as the c o v had m oved up and dow n the pas ture. - I ’lillad clph lii Inniger. N EW EGYPT Arthur Durand of Mooiestowr. had charge of the prize social held at Collier’s Mills on Tuesday evening laat, which was a big success Miss Amanda Compton and Mrs Cornpt of Columbus, spent, Sunday with Mrs Elizabeth Cbamberlain Hailey It Jones rendered a veiy pretty violin solo at the evening service of the M E church on S u t. day last Sadie E Moire of Columbus,vis ited her uncle, G Frank Moore on Sunday. New Egypt Guru* t Band made tbeir Aral appearance cn ibe street 1 Tuesday evening, and marched all I ] the principal streets ot our town, making things lively wherever they want j Forman Hendrick-on of A lle itown, was a visitor in town cn Wed nesday W ARETOW N Leon Emley spent Sunday Lnkeluirsi. It is rumored that Wesley Letts wib open u conlectioncrv store in the old 1’ O building The closing exercise* of the pn m ar'school,w ill be bcTIT".day 'aofjj at which time all parents and friends will lie invited to tie present A number of charcoal pits arc being bin t near the C. R. R , north of Waretow». Mrs. A. B. Conover is having her bouse painted. Wilkes Burden is doing the work. Mrs. Elmira Bodine and niece, Mi-i* Ella Lear of Burlington, have arrived hero for the summer. Mrs. Louise Hondly of Jersey City is visitiug her mother, Mrs. Julia A Csmburn. John Birdsad and his i ister, Miss Rkodtt, joit ed their parents berejlast week. Too Ladies’ Aid Society will meet on Friday i vui.b g at the home of Mrs Anna Penu Joseph Gaskiil, otir new Post Master, begtm his work on Thursday of mid week, and as wo leave Ihe old stand for the new, we leel that we owe many thanks to Wyckoff Letts aud Wesley, for their faithful st vice* and the kindly way in which they pei formed their duties in the past Joseph Smith and daughter Miss Lina of Jersey City, visited his moth er last week. GarrieChambeilain of Long Branch called on friends here last week. Herscbel Conover and wife spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. A. B. Conover. WeBley Letts has returned home after spending nearly a week in Phil adelphia. William H. K ie s of Jersey City, was here on Tuesday. Clarence Eayie, son of station agent F. H. Eayre, has been quite sick for several date. F O R K E D RIVER CEDAR GROVE MARINE NEWS! The Epworth League was re organized last Friday night and the MOVEMENTS OF OÜEAN following officers elected. President, COUNTY VESSELS W . K Blackiston; vice president, F. M Tiltoni secretary, Miss Leona be sure and Inspect my Ijne April aS Applegate; treasurer, W. C. Apple Conover A p p J q u U g g N u i f o . k sld fu¡r.4.„ Mr. Clayton of Asbury Patls, was N V G rad e D Buchanan, Fernandina sld a Sunday visitor here. James Irens was over from for N Y' April 29 Lavallette Sunday. P C. Applegate was home ovtr H S Little, Phila cld for Portland April 30 Sunday. Memorial Day this mouth. T ie Blanch H King N Y sld for Bruns’ men should get together and dunute wick two or three days work at the grave Eva D Rose, arr Phila from Norfolk before you buy elsewhere-. Edith Olcott, Delaware Breakwater yard. finest line ever shown Albert McKelvey and wife were sld tor N Y ln town E R Kirk, Delaware Breakwater sld visitors at Silverton Sunday. sld tor N Y' J. V. A. Cattus, with a party of friends, have been etijoying Barnegat | Ho incs Blrdsall, Cape Henry sid for Boston Bay breezes at his Meadow Meie John Peirce, arr Norfolk from N Y farm. Emil Altman and Miss Elizabeth Percy Birdsull, Cape Iienry *ld for Boston Bender of New York, are visiting Peter C Schultz, arr Norfolk- from relatives at this place. Vincent Applegate and wife and N Y son Walter, visited Thomas VanNcte T Morris Perot, Delaware Break CARM ICH AM water ski for N Y' of O-boinville, on Sunday lost. CoJNsaroB mi L aw u s Andrew Applegate visited West VanNaine ,fc King, Delaware Break A I a s t z u ih ü h a h o h i , water sld for N Y Creek aud Barnegat City for a few OmOEON MAIN ASD WASHINGTOHl days last week. May 1 Toms River, JJ j LeRny Clsyton from Asbury Park, A E A Holmes, arr Norfolk fro» Fertiamlin» spent Sunday with Frank Tilton. A LBEKT 0. MARTIN. The ’‘Young People's Society” Elm City, Rostov/sld for coa port ^ A tTOBHBT AMD will meet at the residence of Joseph Fanny Tracy, arr N Y’ from Ya SOLIOITOB I » G b a M I I T . John R Fell, »rr Savannah fromi E. Wilbur, next Friday eveniDg. o r r tc i o v ia m u rn , Ball ¡more Caleb Worth and wife of Bayvilfe, T o m s Rivs»,K.j are visiting Sirs. Worth's mother, .>ylvia C Hall, arr IS Y from George Mrs Pease. town aw o f f i c e s Mr. Cattus is bnilding a fine new Thomas A Ward, ii«wport News sld THEO J. R BROWN, Charleston carriage bouse, und other buildings, Jtrorney at Law, Solicitor and lfMi«rtartii eery, N otiry Pablle. Charlie Wilbur has gone to’ Sea Wilson & Hunting, arr Phila Iron»COURIER BUILDING, MAIN BTKHT James Rivet Side Park to work tbie summer with TOM» RIVER. N. j. bis team. May Z¿•poetai attention given to Collection! Reti kua ana Litigations. James Bogart of Island Heights, A E A llolm es, arr Norfolk from Fernandina has a gang of men working 06 the ARON E. JOHNSTON large bugs being put in on the Scho C lu s W Alcott,arr N -Yh orn Norfolk COUNSELLOR AT LA! field property. Eva B Douglass, arr Perth Am boy S u prem e C o urt C ohmusiosb Xt.'Ltl ITOK, MASTER, SI'Et m MASTIS, from Brunswick Fred Bailey from Sea Side Park, EXi» IKK» IK CIAKCUT l.AKKVM XID .N .J, visited here last week. Edith O colt, arr N Y’ ‘bout Bruns At Lakewood 1 dice, mi i-eiaml Mint ™t m ïl.fton «vetiUD , tvL'.iue.dxy. aud Sainnt.ji iron Mi» Samuel Smith of Keyport wick . 1.11 a. m. to S.V) p. lu. Ttieplioae No».— Lakewood, No. LI; Frottio.L is visiting her father, Dilion Wilbur. Ed wiki R Kirk, arr N V lirotw Va O«-. ; I T Clarence Wilbur of Se> Side Park, Grace Van Dusen, N Y *ld tor Y a ► pent Sunday in this place. Jesse L Leach, N Y’ sld ior V a JAM C E L C. B AILEY, Wrimer Johnson is tit Ortley this Kate B Ogden, arr N Y troin Briansdealer Hi week. wick, FRESH,HALT ASD HM02ED MUT& » V TTER. LARI', MINCEMEAT. IW., ITC. Ai villa Applegati, daughter of F T Bartmnn, Brunswick. »M for AT LIVING PRICES, butcher William Applegate, enter N Y' MHtn aníi ‘A Tonjh Kl ver. N. J. tinned her friends und schoolmates T Morris Perot, arr N Y from. Va in a very enjoyable manner at her Van Name k King- !<rr N \ frwn LEON GOBLE, Charleston. h me last Saturday evening., it being tier birthday. May 3 DENTIST. Miss tTrace Applegate m with her Bertha F Walker. Port Hoy al. sld for crn O L üPP. WARDELL HALL, MAIN il TOMS RIVER, N. J. sister,Mrs. Gibbs, at Island Heights NY TJccDiiyj—Tlfurs'lay. Friday aadîjfttnrdy A daughter was born to Mi. and Cassie F Bronson N for Bruns T eih extracted without pain by ADMU inplled ro gumfi. Mrs Andrew App.egate last week. wick F & T Lupton, arr Pror idenct from H UTS & FISCHER L etter to A J. Johnson No rfolk Toms River, N J H. S Lunfair, N Y sk i t o r N o r & l k ----- BARBERS— Hattie \ Kelsey, N o it o lk aid fo r Denr Sir: A ^.iliion savetl* saved1 is $4 u Sfl-resMor to l . T. UuoBon rued. 1 levue savse 2 i.r 3 jnllons in lu. Yvovulence • E stablished 1ST" How much is ii worth a ynlli u? Y fi o in Job H jacksun, O p p o s it e th e O cean H ucse A liahon saved saves the painting too; ami Charleston both together cost ,*4lir .*>— •"< where labor N- Y from l-L.te R Ogden, a r j L Y S S E S S. GRANT. is cheap; 25 where labor is dear. » T onudbiat T., Brunswick onnorial. A rtih r t ist Our agents in Bridgeport,Gonn, Ilubhell •Y w h ailt Cv. tell us; “ There are a great Martha. S Bement, N, Y tld for JATHS POOL AND BILLIAHÜ TABLE) many workingmen's house, here. '/’hey Cowperthwttit Rxchange. Mffin street Ferniuufiira Open every day (excepr Sund»y)from G.WA used lu paint lead-und-tiil and)take ten gallons. Mary Manning, Boston sld for cotrl- to %p. .4 1. : Saturdays, from 6 a. m. to 14 mW# WANT TO GET LEFT Jewelry, Silver** Pocket Books Souvenir Goods Fine china Glassware, lamp» Musical Instruments Sheet Music GEO. G. WORSTALL JEWELER, Nt, 7Washington St„ TOUS i w L Rt-v. J. bn Wagg st ems to be well liked by the M. E. church people, Here'« a Conjecture. who lire proud of their new pastor. À very strnu/í*1 incident o c c tirm l ut * D eleg ates Elected th e (’en trai H igh school bu ild ing in Rumor says that Alfred Garlhwalt W ebster, In., recen tly. E v e r y clock in At the Dover lownthip Republican will start a feed un i flour store iu th e b u ild in g stopped a t e x a c tly 8 caucus he!,] Inal Tuest! iy evening T. tlin e a r of his father s bluek*n>ilh o'clock in the m orning. It w a s the d a y of the eru p tion on the island o f Ja va , j J lì. Brown wns chosen 11 delegate shop. and the tim e th e clock s stopped w as Mrs Heltu Parker of Camden, t the State cjdvlD'ìoi) next Tnes tv ithin a v e r y fe w seconds o f the tim o ¡ baa been visiting lur mother, Sirs day, with Joseph Grover us alter th a t the eru ption occurred, w h ich cov M u-y Archer. ered a v illa g e and k illed se v eral lnm- 1 nate. lì. I. H ilmar, A. W. Downey. d m ! people T h e phenom enon is^tnoxBen Suiderson has moved buck John Háganme, Adolph Ernst wete J vtacept th a t it w as v e r y ’ Tikcly j again irom Double Trouble to this eheted delegale* to the District con d ue to som e sy m p ath e tic ele ctrica l d is place. vention, the alternate* bemg Hai ry tu rb an ce in Hie "aoùo iñ w h ich the high Mrs. VanDoren Las built a neat ^school b u ild in g stands. O f course it Api legate, O. l ì Applegate, A-u T lm ve been a very stra n g e coitici- j wire fence aruuud her property on W ilsej, A B. Clute. Artico! and y e t th is exp lan a tio n hardly the Lacey 1oad. j K l t t a r i J o h n so n w a s e le c te d e xp lain s it sa tisfa c to rily . T h e phenom Garry Chamberlain, a lormer enon a t th e high school bu ild ing w as delegata and Mayor VanSant nlierfirst noticed on th e second floor o f th e resident, was lieie last week. n a ts ln m Island B eigb n borough bu ild ing. E v e r y clock had stopped a t | The oyster reason is over, and the to the Republican Stato Convi ntimi. Just s o’ clock . In v e stiga tio n showed o.vsiern.en will toon change their t h a t th e c lo c k s on both the oth er floors At Bay ville Tuesday night, Gecuge boats ami have them ready for yacht had also stopped at th e sa m e hour. In ; Warded was chosen delegale und th e k in d erga rten building, ju s t south ing and fishing parties. W ¡Illuni Britton, J r , alternate to tl e o f the h igh school bu ild ing, nil the T n e C .E . society meetB at tho •clocks w e re go in g ns u su al, nothing Republican Slate Convention. home Mrs. VanDoren on Friday h a v in g In terfered w ith th eir m ove m en ts. Springfield i l II.i N ew s. evening. R o y; I A rcan u m at L ak ew oo d We have been selling lliem, m gallons 1 Jev./e Siiadays till 12 m. povS Strawberries are in bloom, and we lead-anil :111c, ami have hadyineveny inslanic, A f f in it y o f M e tP o rfte M F o r W o ii n f n f t iN . The Grand Council of the Royal are hoping for a better crop tlmu two gallons retu»iieil." /he propurtiun, is Viking. N Y' sid tor Brunswick A total o f 1134 m eteorites w a s know n Arcanum of New Jersey held its last year. OWARD D. V akSANT, u p to ItMiff o f w h ich th ere w ere 1X2 May g often higher than that; we have known it live irons am! only 74 ston es in tin* w estern twenty second annual session this in leu, but that is eaceptionah Charles K Buckley, in pors CharlesREAL ESTATE, The business meeting of the 1’lpS h em isp here and L'M'.i ston es and only /'his is the explanation : Devue is ground v eek at Lakewood. These officers worth League wu« held Wednesday C h ifu issioN E R o f D eeds ton for N Y 71) irons in the eastern hem isphere. T h e j by machinery, and is ground line; lead-and-oil . . . N o t art PtWK GraceSevmour,arr Boston fromjPhila record s show only th e fa ll o f 3TiO o f | wer.- elected and installed: Grand night. is-mixed by hand,.and isn't ground at aL, Island Heights. N. J th e s e m eteorites, d atin g back to the tit’- | Repens J M. Washburn«* Grand Jesse L Leach, arr Norfolk for N Y’ Appral»eiii<-ntB of N Y. City and «U** Mr. Hugo Eugelhardt spent sever Yours truly te e n th cen tu ry. P ro fesso r Perw erth o f Vice Rig*i I, Jau.e* Rodgers; Grand al days in New York last week. John M Brown, am Savannah from property cheerfully furnished. F. W , tlLVOE i 4u V ienn a, d espite this sm all number o f 1 F S— K H lierry sells uur paint N ew London k n o w n sneeim ens. ca lcu late s that i«M) Orator, John R. Weeks; Past Grand Sunday visitors included B. F. R. GEORGE T. CROOK R.-iri nl, Horace I Bowne; Grand Lane of Lanoka, Edwin Parker, a C. m eteorites ¡mist full to the earth each Mary Manning, arr Newport News y e a r, no? cou n tin g sh ootin g stars th at Secretary, Robert H- Alberts; Gmnd R. R . employee, Lewis Barkalow of R fs id e n t ’ D entist from Boston FasbioBB, fantywcuk and ficlit b «Jisap:• 11* in the atm osphere, and th at ' fifty-fiv e o f these at least should com e I Treasmer, Henry Ilollinsbead, J r; L S. S. 14, and Isaac Brown of * 10 tbe- strong points of The Design O H Brown, am N Y from Fernan- 1 T bi.kphoxk C xi.i. h TOMS K1VKH.T.J Grand Guide, W E Collins ; Grand Waretowu. u n d e r ob servation . P ro fe sso r P.erwertb dina er for June. There are all kinds uf Anesthetic« applied far p«t»)eM extrMW fin d s tout meteorit«»s 1 vo i «•.•*:l chiefly j C h a p l a i n , Geoige Lmin-burg; A dance was given by Miss Ruth cool and dainty things in tbe apparel Peier C Schulb^Norfolk sld tor N YT | Peeth. Also Nitrous Oxide Has »ilnlBUM"’ record ed in civili/.c 1 cou n tries, but th at Gr-nd Warden, D R Walla; Grand Cuttiell Saturday evening. In many in stan ces th ey a r e more n u line, and a special article on “-The Twilight, in port Charleston for Sentry, Sam E Wh.teun; Grand m erous in th in ly settled d istricts and Phila Mis« Grace Matthews spent Fii Shirt-W aist Costume," while aside th at tliey lm ve an csju'clal affinity fo r Tin-tee (1 year), William Thomas day iu Barnegat.. VanName & .King,.am Perth Ambcyt from the regular “ Lesson iu Millin I am ready tt> afcoe you r horse or do m ountainous areas. Ph iladelp hia R ec jobbing aud nsw work. from Charleston Mrs. J. S. Bunnell has returned ery ” there are directions for “ Making o rd . Wa>ner Rider of Sen Haven, and home from Ocean Grove. H0R8E8H0BING A SPBClAltl a Raffia Hat,” “ Pillow Lace,” “ Bags, All work gujkranteed hy A L a k e I’ liNtotlli-p. Miss Elizabeth Gaskiil, daughter of Honor roli of Silverton school Sor Mrs. John Holmes has returned, Cushion Tops and Buffet Spreads in In B a k e Wttblgouti, O ntario, at a THOMAS John Gaskiil of Tuckerton, were after two weeks in Long Branch. ■ pom* w h ere th e w a te r Ih not very deep, Cross Stitob” “ Stocks and Yokes in the month of April was as follow s: W ter gtreet TOM*1 married by Rev. E. M. VanNote at a s 1 ng w ooden sta k e lias Been d riven Grammar— Milion Irons, Chester Stephen Holmes of L. S. S. No. Fancy Fagotting” and “ Baby Cap in to the ground. On the top a box lias Tuckerton on Saturday evening last. 14 , was over Monday. and Stock Collar,” in tatting 00m- McKelvcy,. Cecil Irons, Leona d a y been seeiirely fasten ed , and there you X H O S . E . V A N 1) V £ & * Captain A. G. Wilbert is home for piise the fancy work, and “ Mothers' ton, Mystic Gant. Stave th e B ake W iibigoon postotflee. C. R. R. Tours T h e little steam er from lin t 1‘ortage Fiimarv— Lena Zellweger* Freda Harness, a fi-w days. Higher Education," “A Morning •drops th e m ail here oil its ou tw ard D. L. Chamberlin of L . S . S. No. Call,” and “ Tbe Land of Wish to-be” Zellweger, Stella Irons, Lida Irons, Col'ara, Horse ClothlDg.Turf aiid öjordöf90® There Is an Dili) charm In that tamou* resort on v o yage , and a canoe goes out from the Repairing Neatly Do»® ^ the Small .Jersey coast Known as Atlantic City. Conrad Zellweger. 1C, was a Tuesday visitor supply the fiction. sh ore and collects it. depositing the Cor. Mala and Washington Sts, '•.JJimg’ " At onetime it was considered purely a health re Also 1020-1044 Fruukferd Ave. PM»«» ou tgo in g m all a t the sam e t Ime. w h ich Charles Cashman of New York, sort wlmre invalids congreKated to renew their THU is picked up by the steam er on its re vlaor In a climate evor temperate and always was a Sunday visitor. •I,KAN«1 »«; N ew County O ffic ia l Needed healthful. Gradually, however, there came a ttimi trip to Hat V ortage n e x t day. ANTI tJ I’ ll.I N I . George Bunnell has gone to High change, and Instead of the Btck'.y tnhahltat.lng the CURE EUR famous city hy tlie sea, the robust pleasure seek, Ton Fret* W itli K u iv « n . Point and will be employed by the The Board of Freeholders will Lime, Cement and Brick or tliuls In Atlantic City attractions social as well Sir F red erick T reves, tlie em inent fishing company have a new office to lilt on Wednes a- climatic, the like of which hi not found at uni Sash and Blinds, -Lath, »1. E n g lish surgeon, recently d elivered mi on mg place Oil the Atlantic, seaboard, John K. Green, formerly proi tie- day i.ext. Under the road law, it U(U!i( -s In w hich lie took th e view th at ir n m iiM Blacksmith’s Coal and Grand hotels, untold uleasures, a live inllo R«sy aud to tlie k n ife Is used too h astily in m any tor of the Blodgett house, at Forked is necessary to choose a Cunniy hoard walk, bathing fact Itios which are in,exnso. Coutulns go In At lowest prices. s.iiscs o f uppondicltls. T h e re are oppos celled.sports and entertainments of all Kinds, jurious dm#, River, will this btmimer be associated Super visur of toads to look after the at. s quickly absorbed, .ing sch ools o f su rgery ull over tlie Lucas’ Faints. hosting, ashing and the like take up one’s time (iive.s Kelief at once, with B. E . Eno ut the Riverside. county roads when completed. awl after a visit to America’s well named lash•world In this generation. One Is rarely It opens aim cleanses loriahlSpa there Is always a desire to go again. •w illing to w a it and often cu ts In a hur tlie Nasal Past-age* His salary is to be fixed by the Allays Inflamm&rion. ry. T h e o th er holds to tlie view that T h e N ew Jersey Central has the bent train ser A new turntable is being built for Board, 1 is term uf effice is three Heals aud protects tlie Successor to Willi#m 4# vice between New York and Eastern points uul nnlure o u gh t to h av e n liberal chance Membrane. Hesiores At a n tic C ity , and If you are interested send for tho Tuckerton railroad at Tucker- years, and he muBt give a bond of tue honHPH of Taste end Smell Large size ßOe. Opposite C. R. R. Dep0*’ 1 to do h er b est In the long run tlie con l i m e table to SB Butt, G.jP. A.) -Nsw Jersey st Drugcists or by mall. Trie) Size luo b.v mail ton. servative surgeon» may possibly coma Central, New York city. ¿looo. ELY ultOTURW» til Warren at.. New York River, N- J. •out ahesil » Da S H' D' BLACKSMITHING Saddles, CATARRH COAL and LUMBER A. B. NEWBTOT 4 COLD‘N "fOMS BI Vit* POST OFFICE. Ocean County Teachers’ P O IN T PLEASANT LAKEHURST M B K T I 3 U « O U T H IS Association Meeting ■------ ¡¡¡lüJÜÜjtiKKOlt EXAMINATION o k t e a c h e r s The following is the list ol honor Benjamin Watson and wile of Phil pi* Neuve In hereby inveu m u ihcrn wl • . roll pupils lor A p ril: adelphia, are guests of Mrs Samuel inculiti* ot th e C< tinrv u( KXtt,llll, _ , The spring meeting oi the Oc.ettn ? « •& ! U fi'ar c ro o k , F o rk c - '’O in t1, h«w i>»n Mime H u tu Pearce. Room I Ev« Hartman, Myrtle Oounty Teachers' Association was OUR VISION ff^ ? * lS ? i» 'ï , W »»tiiu*tou> A o attien i a n t Miss Florence Caiman is spend Ford, Sndie Exel, Rut -ecu Mc OhIo rtf « n tlOU> Wlh b° Rlven o u t m ,h *? following' T t t W X . i . o o t i i t . ootw otm Tomo itlv o raiu ' held in Toms River public school on Many people are in doubt as to what llo tg ltu ,T rem o ri nun iviutnori f r lilu y - i iV 'G i'H 'ship, 4« rtliouruuhv, U Aritti» Saturday ot last week. About one mg this week with telatives in New lion, Charlie Gautier their e> es should do for them. A test luetic, 4 U(*r*miih . ft (irmhrB..r, (1 h,.»iltiiB York city. situ Il».r mi ,)»|.,.,l,— I r » , n " T 5 ; , r tl.«, Room [f— Marguerite Donahue, R nO Pj"Jt^V « n »«»»IO»Hark anti P o in tP lo u i- tilth ot the teachers ot the county will set you right, if you h ave headache 2 sein «>1 L«w c | >e w .I'll« .), 8 renili,.recce I pnotì.,'» vi Daniel Ferguson and wife returned Mary McCnllion, Edna Wainright r jÄ * » ^ d paum bötwcü. were present, and a most enjoyable " ’ iva», o o im p c or your eyes are causing you anxiety or rttion? " S>l * 11■8’ Room HI - - K>ky-n»■ !>—•• Coaq.m-, discomfort,, r.oiysult ■ . ......... , XeemiM cr,i,li—1Th..|,r, ,il.,l Preei:™, .... ...... time was Spent m discussing the bu-'tbHs’ temiyrri ILivmmeoii Mon various professional q u e s t i o n s d a y ' , ' ^ r r i ^ n i l f W y spent1Joseph Md niiToii, dir«>', Hrm Tlieorvtlnil Urat’t i c e o l i ’eaehlnir M a r g u e r i t e G a u t i e r , ( J r . i c e L a i 'a h e e , «St'imoi Law, ft Misto» v>f mI ughUou, i Aignbru* » A l i « A R K JV 8 FKUM brought up und in listening to the here with friends and relatives. M I vIon, 6 I'hynlun, 7 G eneral H isto ry , s p ia n e vnrkauii PhlMolnni* k.aiia.ii . Edward Lawrence and wife, who A g n e s W h a l e n . deom htrjf. Ul address ot the meeting. . ^peoiHi—1 Theory an d P ractice of Teaching 4 H',1Knt''' Pl° ' have just returned from South Caro Room I \ — Charles Thompson, . rimo! of New .fercey, a K unlorirart u ’, 4 In tUe absence ot the president of PMl.ritVii iu d TuokgPtoii.4iici p o in ts n o tw eei P hila d e lp h ia Eye S pecialists m ? WT,fi’i r! Manimi T rain in g , 6 P rijsical Tialn«li»»,»““' r ' u , ,i linn, where they have been «pending Hugh Thompson, William McCal hk, « Mutile, s Ab«d«>nt 1angiifur**», l) M o 'e m b ^ ’^vrtrk amt Ml) p o iu ts n o rth ,F o rk e d Kivui the Association Principal sterner ot Lttfjgugffeg, jo loventlonal O eom etrr. the winter, have rented looms over ion, Earl Beers, Raymond Whalen, I *SeV tn i«.°n M. PETER TILTON, County S u p erin ten d en t P * Yorkin*1 »H p oint*uoP th of Mbih‘Uohic*i Barnegut, the secretary, Principal Elsie Shinn, Mae Havilanc! the post office, which they will ocami p o m i» n o rth o r M auchmv » j Stout of tiokehurst, cu led the meet cupt this summer. i lie i" S t p e r c " t . i g e o l a t t e n d n i c e N0TICE *e'J ! ing to order at halt past ten. Sup ?.ï*rtoanod B u rravl’b». l."o F Ta ,, d a l li. lUURS: 9:«H) till 3:00 v.ta. w a s w o n i , ro o m th r e e , w ith n in e ty Miss Dora Pearce is entertaining &5Ìuiref1 toftll« 8 «IO F.M • lerintendent Neal of L.ocewood, w..s O r . u i, C o i m ty O i p U u . ' C o u r t K(t,,<ere WILLIAM B, SINULETON, 1’. M. Koiiito or Uenjsinln a . Mortoti, ilereaied e.ected president pro tempore, ,nuj y> iss Margarette Jones ot Lakewood, f iv e p . t c u n , m l u o t a r d i e s . SHERIFF’S SALE. TI», l’retlltors „1 llea jn m lo A. Mortim, ¡leccate:!, at her home here on Arnold avenue. «n,i all otliiT I«non» Intorraini, art* liuri-bv the following program was followed 1(1111 0 r porto« thè nevrral ulamia ani EAILBOAD TIME TABLES. V .aiclen Foulks Right in It William Cloke and wife, of Tren By Virtue of a writ i»f F> Fa, issued out of the nonn...| 'H-uiamla clblliltwl a*alD»t tlir eatutr "t cierein the morning session: Court of Chidic«*ry of the State d New -l 'l' Ut, limi f thè amoQiit ot tu» pemmai »111 rrol ami to mo direct« d, I wl! »ell at. imb'l«* vendueou ' -M'.., win.Phe mule ro thè Orpliao«' (.' .uri ut tur | Teaching Spelling, discussed by ton, are spending this week here Warden Foull s of New Egypt T V KS D A Y , J lin e 7 . t !M>», ’''lauti ofOoran, on w » i osilav. dio ri*:, o.-ntli ! -hiss Johnson, Messrs Stout, Morrell looking after their summer cottages. was one of a posse of Wardens who M the hotel of Cowdrlck un i Cook. In the " .y I.f Ma,v next »t whli li C'.mo .»i..| plaoi- i xi -ii’11» tlii'Mo are 10 or tlteit. and thè aitiulm»tr.iVllbige of Toms River, In tli«‘ (,«'uuiy of (>< mi Merrit Middleton anil wife ol New ; and others. and State of New Jersey, between tn« hour» of 1 u wid m-ke «ppllratioa tu Ulve »11.1 estate captured a zoo ...thorn shad seine on Him. NEW JERSEY C E N T R A L and Po'clock p. m..towft at I 06 o’-lock p in. d creici '*» !',• lrsoiv**nt. York city, spent Sunday at the BKNJ A M INI' MOKTON. Ailininlstrator. Teaching Physiology in Primary on said «lay the following «'.esortbed real os'ate: Kit« u h » r x c t ii» l v e i) ,u iH ii r Sunday night in the Delaw re river, All .1 .. t NAM! R i, A. ATKiNSON, Procter. that tract or r*srcei of land am! prenii'i«*». Date»! Arverne. ’ mir rlo H iilIn cw u a n d C u m t o r r , ¡March 7, I N . Grades, discussed oy Messrs Ebert, particularly describe«!, situate, lying contrary to the law which forbids hereinafter and being m the Township of Cnton In ttie Mrs. John Mundie entertained INeal, Peter Tilton and others ronntv of th'onn am! State of New Jersey, ro.«r ln e i t e r t M u r. H l). 1 9 0 » . Miss M. P Hughes o f As! urv Park, Sunday fishing There were forty the village «)f Bsrnegat and lying on the north NOTICE Arithmetic in Grammer Grades, west side of Tnokerton Hall Hoad. one lug shad in the net, and both TRAIN» LKAVK TOMS H1VEH on Sunday Beginning ut a stone situate«! at t*e north east discussed by Messrs Eueit, tsnyder, The Animai M«-< g of the St.'ckholder* o t vom er of Noau W oodmmseo’s lan«! and run» 1st net and shad were confiscated I hrSEW YORK, BU naheth und N rw n rt, all Howard F. Egbert of New York, north twenty- hree degrees ao«! thirty m« u tes the / uc’kerfou Huttrou I <ompany («corganlzeifj y*it 1.08,9.3» «■ 3-"0 an,l a.iiu p. m. sn n - Stout and others eitst rwo chs'ps along th° sal«! rail road - hence r<>« t»i« ei-erion of nIn-• dbc« to rs wii be held ou a l w p. m was home for a tew days last week. (2) north »• venfy-elght degrees w**sr two chains 1 l u i i-M(tn) , C ie tx v «-Iftl> «l«> o f .U n y , 1U01, i'ilRNKOAT. at 9.14, >. m ., '.k in. 4.1» au , A t half past twelve the Associu I Hi«* •'Ul«- i f h . \. Drake, sij , ani M arke. and th re e links thence (3«i) som h tw enty.three ORDINANCE NO. 52 ¡,!.iiiS»turcl»>*) r. « . Sunday» n.4« «. ra. John Lang, wile and babv, of degrees 'nil thirty m inutes w«-st. two ch»ln^; Street, Cam It’ll, N. J . ut 12 o ’clock noon. ® «U ltH D K »T (M »npheat«r) LAKEWOOD tion adjourned to take lunch at Hur thence (*th) south seventy-eighth degrees ea-d, T. T. PRICK, Secretary , (UMt, etc., l.i« , 0.3a, a . a.iH) uui' Lakewood, are visiting [ohn I Bail An ordinance relaiinn to tl:e Board of Health two chains and throe links along -al l Woodmani , u . Sunday» I 43 p. m. ns’ restaurant where a social hour sees line t *the place of hr’ginning, containing of th e Borough of Sea Hide Park N. '. L ia t o n t o w n , r a s t u j n o b r a n o h ey and wife on Richmond avenue, one h a'f an acre more oless. Being a part of Be It ordinance by the Council of trie Borough NOTICE 71« *33 4. »■ 3.1X1 r X («.l« P. X. U> was spent the prem ises convened by stenhnn Hldgway and u .Spa -M e Park a* follow»: iLiiwo) (Sunday» 7.43 p, m. tu Katontowu Mias Elizabeth Chafey of Lake- ofSection l . There shall be In and for the Borough wife to said Samuel G. C ranraer by deed dated The afternoon session began at Pfor ATLANTIC CITY , e tc ., a l 7,03 9.33 a Fehruarv n th a . D IMS'« and recorded In the l lie M inuU M eeting of the Stockholder* of wood spent Sunday here with her Sea Hide Park, a Board of H ealth tn accordance Clerk*» office of the County of Ocean In Book of the I uckertou and L*> g Beach Building, l.anti w ith the provialona of the Act ot the Legislature •¿vfilKLAND. B R ID G E T O N ,etc,, Crnnhcr , two, when the Association listened ami Improvement Association to r the election of of tlew Jersey, entitled "An A. t to esrandah in deeds 103 pige 89. etc mother, Mrs Susan Chafey. n ig d jlu r.c « R ly e t B ran c h , nt 7 u3 t . n an. this 8 ta te Board» ot Health an d a bureau of vital , Seized as the proner’v of Stmuei a . Cranmer bine director« In said »‘ Hoctatton will oe held at, to an able address by Charles E . wife, defrn«lants. and taken into execution ........ ... if. A D rake, Ehcj . No. 801 Market Arthur P. Clayton has leased the sta’ Ptlc», and to detine th d r respective powe»» an<l l*Sx PHILADELPHIA, ela W in n o w J n n c tlo i and d in e s ; approved March 31st, I8s7, a n d the st the suit of Marv Etta Cox, executrix and Nireei.H’araden, N. ,T , on the « w e lf f l i < U y of I Snyder, Master ot Mathematics in L f i i , »., 8.oo p. m . Ralph B. Gow iv, executor of William Cox, de 31 h » , 1001, tit J2 ti5 p III, severe »upplen.entH thereto Maple Glove Hotel of,Joseph Cohen. ceased, corup'atnants and to be sold by IV 0.B1BLBK, C. M .B P R T , T . t . PRICE, 8e«*retary Section 2. The said Board of Health shall con¡the Lakewood school, on the subject 1 »fitnand G en’J.M ’ff’r. G en ’l )’•»» .A fi HU' keitou. April 11th, 1904, COURTNEY <\ CARR, sheriff. •iat of live members and H. E Clayton, D r. Geo. I He took possession May 1st .*ls » b t C. M artin . Solicitor. H. Thacher, Dr. Chas H arker,Leonidas J . Stone. ! “To Teach or To Educate." Mr. U [Pr’s tee, )8.f8 John Huss o f Lakewood was irj Chas B ro les are hereby appointe«! to constitute Hat* d, Mav 81904. the said Board of Health H. E. Clayton shall j Snyder pleased all present with his N O T IC E T O CREDITORS S T L V A N IA R A II.H O A D town on Monday looking alter his r old th e said office for one year; Geo. H. 1 A iftertS Tl't<ra»n<t Albert c . M artin, B *eeuT hacher and Chas. H arker »hail hold said office [earnestness and eloquence. He said tors or , nroian Hniter«. iH c u m i I, i.j illreniloa ot interests here. for tw o years and Leonidas J . Htone and Chaa. I In e ffec t S o v , I B , l i W a I til» K u rro isie ot the C o u n t, of Ocean, hereby very cleariy that *’to teach was to B, Coles shall hold said office for thee yearB. All (live notice ro the ereili or» »« th e »aid Pormau On Saturday night there will he a m em bers ot sal«I Board hereafter appointed shall I OF ! " ’«er» to bring iu th e ir dvhta, netnanda and TBAINS LBAVB TOMB KIVKK ; point out, while to educate was to be appointe«! by the council and shall hold office i UM I basket ball game in the Club house, for th e form of three year« except in th e case j dHiiu» ag aln .t the ea tate ol 'h e said decedent, I for Csmden and P hiladelphia, 8.07 • no and j draw out" and then went on to show under earn o r »fflrraation. within nine month» of vacancies; vac nicies shall be Ailed for the un- I L ja a weekday* sandaya, 5 23 p in between the first and second teams expired term. trom 'h ie d ale, or th e , w d be forever barred o t Iporlaland H eights,sea Side P ark P oint Fleaa- of how much more value it was to a n , action therefor a*am »t the »aid Rxecutor». elections Bald Board of Health shall adopt L Ms Girt. Asbnry Par« *n< Long Branch, ot the Mohawk A C. ALdKHT ». TILTON, rules and regulations for its own governm ent i l i o ; and 5.46 p m week days. Sandaya, have what is in us developed than ALHKKTC. m a k t i n . and shall elect » president from am ong Us own 1 By V ir u s of a writ of fieri facia«» to me direct tSSB mem bers. . .. Kxei'Utoi« ed lssue«l out of the c o u rt of chancery o f New _ to have our attention merely direct» Section 4, Said board of Health shall appoint a Jersey, in tbs cause wherein William A. Hamil Da'ed, March 4tli, A. D. 19.1«. L IA V I P O IN T PLIA B A N T reg istrar of vital statistic-», clerk and san ltarv in ton is com plainant an«t Hannah Ann Brower, et M A N T O L O K IN G I tor Toro* River, an d way » ta th n s 7 16 ed to wlmt is about us. He also quoted spector and may aNo appoint such o ther officers als. are defendants, 1 will expose to sale at ( bu>6 3.10 p m w eekdays. Sandaya, 4.34 p m o r JuiaisUnt» a* »aid Board o f Health m ay deem public vendue on NOTICE TO CREDITORS »I Dr. Draper’s remarks in a recent ad LEAVE PHILA D ELPH IA necessary: ali appointees of said board or He Mrs. J . W . Tmipson of New •hall be governed by the ru les of sal i Board and M O N D A Y , t h e s l x t e e u t h «lay o f M a y , K H. ^ e rry . A dm inistrator, o f Cornelius Peck, I for Tons River M o a m, and 4.00 p m w eek dress, and predicted that in the future deceased, by dirfictlon of the su rro g ate i»f the n in e te e n h u n d r e d a n d fo u r, may oe removed for cause by said Hoard 9:30 a m. York, is spending a Tew days at the they raj If,j*.w. luodayi, county of Ocean, hereby gives notice to Hie the Marshal» of said Borougn when on police iTTERBray, j . h . w ood . New York as a State would have a d u tj »hall b? »pedal sanitary Inspectors, and between the hours o f twelve o'clock and five crciii o rs n f th e sat«! Cornelius peck to bring m Albertson hotel. 0*0*1. M anater Paaa. Traffic Mgr. o’clock, to wit. ai two o.’clock »a. the afternoon of .ineir ands and claim s w against theg ---------— .H«.UBV *U they shall promptly report to the Board of Healtn , , ,, , . _ . . debts,- dem G. W. BOYD, Gen’l. Pass. Agt. magnificent educational system, as violation of the health ordinances of th e ,Ha ^ ’ ,n r T o w n f,r ate ° ( aa (| d®c W*®nt; under oath or afflrmMrs John Parson spent Monday every Borough which may mav com« within their obsArva. date, or they observa Lakewood, Id the County of Ocean and M ule of atton, within nine m onths from this «!ste, Dr. Draper s ideas on education were New Jersey. , will t,e forever barred of any action theretotion or knowledge. in Point Pleasant. All th a t tract nr parcel of land ami prem ises, against the said A dm inistrator. sections. The said Board ot H ealth shall not worked out there. Teachers’ salaries |jr r i E R T « » W R A ll.t iO A D ontract any debt or debts of any kisd bevond *]B»ate, lying and being in the Townships o f ’ * E H BERRY', A dm lnlstrat >r. Captains Pearce and Harvey of <the am ount of the appropriation Drst first m ade for Tor its i t 4 Howell and Brlca, In th e Counties of Monmouth Dated, April goth. a . D. 19i4. would take care ot themselves then, , and o ce an and State ot New Jersey. 1 ----- -- — IB effw et O c t. 1 3 , 1 0 0 3 . by his council Manasquan, were Monday visitors. UBe I Beginning at two Spanish oak saplings grow ing ~ ~— ----------------------Approved Apr. 9th 19 >4, as the requirements ot the profession NOTICc TO CREDITORS H a r r i s , Maror. out of on e root, each in \r aed <*n four sides with Mrs John Had and sons, spent A ttest: J. B. V ooo,FRANKLIN |m i ll from TUCKBRTO v t j N SW YORE a blaze, a d one notch above and be.ow each », . . . . Clerk. were raised. Only those who were blaze, standing by a crooked stum p which is a « g?-«»,..« » ranm er, A dm inistrator of P itm aa some time at Point P.iasant last TWNTON and P H lL A D JfiL rm « . . corner of a tract of land that formerly belonged ” 1 r *n,l>e r *‘L'cease«!, by «lirectlon of the Surroambitious and who were constant week. | to William Estell sltua? d tx.tween th e North ,M5'!,lI,lv!,ereb y * ,ve8 notloe ; and Sou h branches of the Metedeconk River, irors rdt. he hi id Pitm an . C'raumer, LemTuckerton, 7.20 a. *.. 3.13 p. if. NOTICE students, educating themselves as It»« West C reek, 7.27 a. m. 3.2«) r . *. -- , and about ten chains to the eastward of Cabin . r K dem ands and claims Mrs. S. Shadinger is spending lewEuumhawfclc, 7.4) a . m ., 3.33 p. m. i Field Branch, an a abo t fourteen chains northe \ ,a,e o f the «aid decedent, under well as their pupils, would then be ! sometime here. UeTOBlTMgdt, 7.49 A. M., and 3.43 P. M. N otice ta hereby given, by the following applt- w estw ard of the dwelling house wherein th e said , , ° I r ,, ia m ,l4ne m onths from this Affinirfrintings s .is a . m ., and 4 13 p. m . cant, for adm ission to the bar of the Supreme : WWilliam illiam Estell formerly ,lve : thence due south l..,,,.« 1vv,„„JiL'!.!«..T. ?«l,arred of any I IrrtmtSew York 11.35 and 8.82 p. M., C. It. R able to fill the higher positions and o u rt of th e s ta te of Pennsylvania, th a t he will forty-five degrees west leu chains; then«1' north at’H°n therefor ugalost the said Administrator. Louis Downer of Lai; «wood, was iMWHV M. W CRANMER, « U JVM HARRY JrriffitNew York 11.48 a. w .,7.23 p. m . P .R .R on or before the 31st day o f May, 19 >4, flie tils ¡•cveuiv-flve"degree» we*t fifteen chains and Artre it Trenton 10.0« a. m ., 6.43 p. m., P . R . R the law of supply and demand would Adminletrator, credentials w ith, and make application to, the s ix tv fiv e links; thence north th i«tv-six degrees a Monday visitor. Dat -d. A rii l-lt’i, A. 1». 1904. ArriveaiPhiladelphia 9.47 a , m., 8.81 p. M. Mat«* Board of Law Exam iners (of the State of east tw enty-eight chains and .sixty links; thence soon raise the pay of all such places RETURNING Pennsylvania) to he exam ined by said Board on south seventy degrees and forty five m inutes Miss Jennie Warded has returned the 21st anil 22d days of J u n e , 1 *('4. for adm ission I Dive New York (C entral H K .of New J e rs e y east twenty-four chains and tldriv links* thence ■Wa. x.ond 1.40 r . m Notica ol Settlement. from a visit with relatives at Long to the I ar of the suprem e Court of Pennsylvania sonili fifty-six degr«*es ano fortv-flve m inutes la*vcNew York.^t . R. h .) l.oup.M . ALFRED EDGAR Fi» EE MAN. we-t twenty-one chains ro the place of begin Estate o f Mila« J . Anderson A D A M S T O N nave Trenton, 7.40 a . *., 4.56 r . *. ning. containing fifty acres an ! nineteen hun Branch and Bradlev Beach. leave Philadelphia (P . K. K.) at H.20 a . m . 4.00 Notice is hereby given th at th e accounts o f the dredths of an acre, being the same f a c t of land r.i. M iss II. S. English ol Orange, is that Sarah Lllor conveyed to Hannah Ann Major subscriber a« A dm inistrator of >»«1.! E llas J . Dive Whitings, 9.52 a . m., 5.34 p. * . by deed «luted July 22, 18T8 and recorded m Free Anders m, w ill be au d ited and stated by th*.* Sur SHERIFF'S SALE Selali Huise, son of Aaron \V spending some tune at the hotel LeaveBafhegal, 10.21 ». a , and 0 04 p . m . hold iu Book 3 9 «»f Deeds, page 27S Ac., and r«*- rogate. and report «1 for settlem ent to the Or Leave MannaaawklQ, 10.32 a. m., and 6,13 p . m Guise, is sick. corded a* Toms River in Book as of Deeds, on phans’ C ourt of the C ounty of o -ciiu, on w ed By V irtue of a writ, of F i. Fa. issued o ut or the page 405 Ac. Albertson Leave vneel cree k , iu.46 a. m „ uQvi 6.4ft p . m . n esd ty , the 4'h «lav o f Mav nex t. Arrive at Tucker; j d , %. a , « u l 6.32 P. m C ourt of Chancery of the M ate of New Jersey, Cond*tl >ns: Twenty per «’cut. on «lay of «aie CL\RMONT THORNE, A dm inistrator William C. Jones, seventh man in John Stillwell of Point Pleasant, and to me directed, 1 will setl at public vendue ou and th e balance of the purchase price, In cash, Dated March »1st. I9t>4 •JOHN C. PRICK, S uperintendent. thirty days from day of sal-*, on delivery of deed. the Spring Lake L. S S., is otf duty. was a business visitor here last week. T U E S D A Y , J n n v 7 , 1 001. CIIAHLtes.I. I'ARKEH, A t the hotel of Cowdrlck and Cook, in the Special Master In Chancery of New Jersey . Edgar Irons and wife of LakeMiss Elizabeth Eeley ot Hights* village of Toms River, County or Oeeau, and F rank Mekv, Solicitor. Notics o f S e itle m n’ » Sta e of New Jersey, be’w een the hour* of 12 m. Dated April 11, 1904. t p m i l l W k l * A M ) I.I I M , UK %< 11 wood, were, entertained by Mrs. [ Pr’s fee, $11.34] Estate o r Bowles Colgate M lllA > - P O K T A 1 lo.Y ( 0 . 1 1 * 4 . 0 ' town is spending some time with and 5 o’clock n m , to wit at 1 o’«:iock p m. ou said day, the following described real estate: Notice 1« heiei.y g iven that th e accounts o t th e William Huise, Friday. lu f l t r l 't « c l 1 4 , 1 0 0 J All tr a d or parcel of lands and prem ises, her sister, Mrs. E R. Stillwell. »uiiscrliier» ns Executor» or »alii Bowie« (Jo|. situ ate, lyl g and being in th e tow nship of LakeRate. “ HI lie nuolteo amt stateil t.v the SHERIFF’S SALE William C- Jones and wile, were W estward b tttr l STATIONS Joseph Erickson of Freehold visit wood lu t h e County of Ocean ao»l S tate of New Stirroirare. uml reported lor «ettlcinent to tne Jersey Orphan»' Court of rite County or Ocean, on W e '7« 1 0 Leave A rrive A M P M Tuesday visitors at the county seat ed J . D. Stillwell Monday. F irst Tract being the same property conveyed By Virtue of a writ of Fl Fa, issued o ut of the , ncBilny, the 1Mt day o r Ju n e n e x t, I« 11.43 7.93 New York (P R R) to by Frank M, Chambers, A X .' IE A. CO LGA TE, Captain Henry Ware’s house at - th —e said Chas- Peterson - - , , . . . Court of Chancery of the Stat* of New Jersey, i» S.1J 9.4U 8.47 Phi lad’a (P R K) Dart Clayton is recovering from JO H N 0 H ILLY Eli, Sheriff,tiy 'leen dated Oel. 16. »91 anil recorded In a m, t0 m e .iitw te.l, I wll sell »1 iiubllu vcu.lue 8 20 Its Hit 7.28 M nnnahawkln the Ocean County Clerk’« offi«:e in book 223 of »oll J j_ Executors. West Mantoloking is receiving a 3.ÜÖ «» two B arnegat city Jan«j. an attack ot grip. ILES deeds pages 417 etc a*)d Is described as follow’s; | DateiL April 24th, 13n4. (B 7.06 Surf City M O N D A Y , M ny iff, 1004, Said property being in th e Township of Lakecoat of paint. 743 7.00 C onrads Am ong the Tuesday visitors at wood. Region! g at a stake standing south On the premises on the westerly side Manasquan 1 l£ 6.68 H arvey Cedars Arthur Brower of Bay Head,spent j Point Pleasant from this place, were forty-four degree« and fifteen m inutes w .s t River, near ilerbertsvllle, in the County of Ocean W Noiice of Settlement 6.56 High Point ihree hundred seventeen feet ami sixty-tlve and S tate of New Jersey, between the hours of (it 6.45 Club House Estate of Joseph H . V anlllse h undreths feet from the eouth east corner of 12 m. aud 6 o'clock p. m„ to wit at 1 o’clock p. m , 1 Sunday at Samuel Huise-s 6.40 B arnegat City : Mrs. Minnie Falkingburgh, Mrs. P iuehurst and Bellevue aveiiues—as laid down on ou said day, the following described rea estate: 11.t.J HV « T i n : h lI K K K K Y L ilV E N that the a 2.83 Pehala a m ap made by A. L. Oliver, surveyor, dated Our new pastor, Rev. Littsinger, Eliza Jones and Mrs Spencer Shad a• counts of the subscriber a» A dm lnlstra’c r 1U1 2-44 «pray Beach Decem ber 16, 1*92, and died in the Ocean County Ail those tract» or parcels o f land ami prem ises 1of said Joseph li, V anlllse will be audited ami 11.14 2.39 N. Beach H aven C lerk’s Office. hereinafter particularly described, situ a te, lying stated by th e Hiirrog«ti«, ami reported for set’ • h,n 2,38 has been calling on the members ol inger Beach Haven Thence, as the m agnetic needle now (it-93) and being in th e Township of Brick, in th e Coun m ent to th e O rphans’ C ourt of the County o f « «■ Arrive (1) south, forty-five degrees an a lorry- ty of Ocean ami Slate ot New Jersey, aud on the Mr. Leave A M P 11 the M. P. church this week. W ednesday, th<* 4th day of May n ex t. Mr Harvey Matthews of Lake- points. flve m inutes east two hundred feet (2) south, w esterly side of Manasquan River near H e rb e rts -, Ocean, onISAAC •IAS. V. JONES, S uperintendent a . V a > H18E, A dm inistrator Littsinger is an eloquent speaker and wood visited friends at this place forty-four degrees and fifteen m inutes w est oue Vlllf, Dated, March 81st, i9i)4. h undred feet; (3) north forty-five degrees and TRACT NO. 1-BEG IN NIN G at a stone s ta n d - , UC foity-dve m inutes w est, tw o hundred feet, to the very much liked by the people in Wednesday. east side of Pinehurst avenue, and south west lng in Curtis Havurn»' east line and on the west i WANTED—Several Industrious Persons In rn er of lot No. 7, in block No. 4 (4) along P in e line of lands whereon Thomas Tilton formerly each State to travel for house estc« lshed eleven I p U B E K T O * & R i a u m o M N H K general. S. J. Meeker and wife of Orange, co h u rst avenue, no rth forty-four degrees aud lived; tUence (1) south eighty decrees, e,i>st tw en year» a««d with a la rg e capital, to cal« upon merty-five chains, eighty links to a stake standing Jesse J Jones will act as S C. were here Friday looking after their fifteen m inutes east, one hundred feet to the about u «Pa4oa Tran»t>ortaHon C o .,£ e « f e e * . sixty U nkslrom .the river; (2) no rth two i chants and agents for successful an«l profttab.-. beginning, containing four hundred and fifty- degrees, thirty m inutes w est, three chains sev- 'lin e . Perm anent engagem ent, Weekly cash Shadinger’s assistant, while the lat nine thousandths of an acre 459-1000 A. summer cottage. '.Inks; (3) north thirty-five degrees west »alary of $94 and ail traveling expenses and ho* «■« T a b le In E ffe c t O c t. I S , IO O S . Seized as the property of Charles Peterson and euty-tlve tw o chains fifty links; (4)north Ofty-one degrees, bills advanced in ca sh each wojk . Kxpertem ter is away for a few days. w ife, defendants, and taken Into excutU n at the Mrs. L. G. Meyers of New York, suit of Mary Etta Cox, execu trix , and Ralph B. forty rniuutes west six chains sevenfy-/Ive links h ot essential. M ention reference and e n d " the road th a t leads down the hill to th e land-1 self-addressed envelope. TH E NATIONAL. i TRAINS LCAYB NBW EGYPT Mrs Hannah Carmen of Point was a Tuesday visitor here. Gowdy, executor, of William Cox, deceased, to lug; (6) up the road north eighty degrees, thlrtv , D earborn S t., Chicago. co m plainants, and to be sold by m inutes west, three chains (6) north ________ Philadelphia, 7.M,, a m: 7.M p m Pleasant, was the guest of Mrs Hat COURTNEY «!. CARR, Sheriff. Capt W . H. Clayton was a Tues seven degrees west two chains, ten links (7) south 1 ------------------------------------------------------- — ------I T ,; * ! 1- Xunrtaya, 7,1* a tu, 5.9» P m. A lbert C. Martin , Solicitor. seventy-five degrees fifteen rniuutes w est two | W ANTED— ffa lth /u l Person to < all on retit 1 ¡XTom«Ki,er,7 5e a .m ., field Irons, Monday. Dated May 2, 1904. [pres fee, $9.90 day visitor at Point Pleasant. chains (3) south elghiy-elght degrees w est eleven I trade and ag en ts fo r m anufacturing h< use having | ™ »«v York, 8.90 a . 8.08 T. a . chains forty links to a stake In Curtis Haven's ' well established bualne»s; local territory; straig u t Norman Van Note of Sea Side Miss Lois Huise was a visitor at RETURN IN G, east line; (9) south tw o degrees west nve chains sal ary $2u paid w eekly ami ex p e u -e money a<c Ufty iiuks to the beginning, containing seven- va need; previous ex p erien ce uune«*esaary; po.-i« and this place Friday I tS ’I r!llI*delphla. (.83 a. m ., and 19.V5 Park, was in town Saturday teen aud 78-1W acres. lio n perrnaneat, b usine»« «ucce«»fui. Enei«.»« I Bkudaya 9.8(i a. in., r a . addressed envelope. S u p erin ten d en t Trav Sunday. Mrs. Fine of Princeton, was here I ^wToms River, 4 02 r. m . TRACT NO. 2—Situate adjoining No. 1 BE self e lers, 6US Monon B uilding. Chicago. Itlro . BU RTIS, S up erin ten d en t GINNING at a red cedar stak e le ln g the south Capt. W. H . Clayton launched his Forman Huise of the Mantoloking I 'w A FiT.G en‘1 P assencerA F re ig h t A gent w est corner of a tra c t of woodland late belong lng to Thom»» Cook, deceased, also northeast model liaptha launch on Saturday, By thousands of Brooklyn people. Can you take co rn er of*William Burdge’s line; thence (l) south L. S. S.. spent Monday home. R -I-P -A -N -S Tabules a few? If so, list your house In the BROOKLYN eightv-elghi degrees east twelve chalus seven IT James L. Lee has purchased a new April 3 oth, assisted by the Manto DAILY EAGLE FR EE INFORMATION BUREAU links to a stone (2) south seventeen degrees west Doctors find chains fifty-six links (3) south five degrees P A R K E R ’S horse for his business in Lakewood. lok-'cg Life Saving crew and others. fo r which purpose a prin ted Blank Is provided. wfour est five chains, seventy-tour links to north line A good prescrip ion ^ H A IR B A L S A M lands Peter Til on, deceased; (4) south eighty[»lfuuef and beautifies the hair. Mrs. J. R. A IbertBon christened the T he service of the INFORM ATION BUREAU of eight degrees thirty rniuutes west ten chains, Promotes s luxuriant growth. For mankind W ill Cost You Nothing. N ever Pails to Restore G ray boat, gracefully breaking a bottle of T h e L a d le s 11a ir to its Youthful Color. ?woeD,i»;r“ « ’“th l " » 8 minute» " e a u S ‘'’¿ " »•««>< P « 8 e t In »nongh tor u » n a.o o e u n m » . T ne Brooklyn Eagle is the best advertising Curt” ft «.p ri rrate* a hair failing, eiglitj-Dim, link» tnestric higlnnlnK, '“aii !}duraelrlit« n ern.___ m ^ * SUPP‘7 «■jc.and ll.'.-OW DrusKisU wiua over the bow, giving the name m edium in the world. I t carries more reso rt eleven favor painting their churches, and therefore and 74 -10u to acres t measure.uxotaluiug lor a y ear.__ ru g g i-rs »6*1 st-.f trn« Jrl we urge every Minister to remember we give Moonlight II, the boat being r« - adverttseraeis than any New Y’ork p ap e r. It TRACT NO. 3—-ltuate as aforesaid. DEGIN NING at a s tik e standing by the westerly edge stan d s PRE-EMINENTLY at the head a liberal quantity of the Longman & Martinez modeled from Moonlight I. The An ADVRTIiEM EST in the Eagle costs little , of Manasquan hiver a little above the sand bar p o int at tne southeast corner of a tract o f 8 A MAunt toward the painting. b u t brings large results, because th e EAGI.E loo acres conveyed to Joseph Tilton; thence (1) seven horse power motor which he I*** I 6 0 Y EAR S’ INFORMATION BUREAU Is constantly helping south eighty-eight degrees west fourteen chains V e a rs and covers like gold. C V D B Q I F lU r P foriy links to ihe east one of Thomas co o k ’s recently put in, will afford sufficient I»* it. Don’t pay i 1.50 a gallon for Linseed Oil land (2) south six degrees west along sal«l line I W rite for listing blank, picture of B ureau and six* chains to a stone s utheasf corner of-»aid (worth 60 cents) which you do when you speed for all pleasure trips on the i ook '* him ; ,31 cast one ctialn fifty links to the | advertising Hate Card. Address. Weave selling th e BEST west line of th e “Old River T ract”; thence along bay. buy other paints in a can with a paint label of m id u p NEW CUOI* IN F O R M A T IO N B U R E A U . the lines of the Dime to the Donh Hue of a t act wards " f Teas, C of on it. of 17 aud >ft- ico acres hereinbefore described 50c. T e a s fee s, v p ic e s, E x tra c ts B R O O K Y N D A IL Y E AG LE , as Lot No 1; thence north seventy-five in vho l’ . S. 8 & 6 make 14, therefor when you want M o th e r » ! M o th e r » ! Oolong. Eng. Break fast. a n d Halving P o w d e r. degrees fifteen m inutes ea st two chains; thence w * w ill allow* y o n ft© Brooklyn, N. Y. Gun - powder. S o n south sevt'uiy-f even degrees east two chalus ten fourteen gallons of paint, buy only eight uf n o w many children are at this season feverlali 4U,i point» n o rth , M O A. M. * „ 1 nil point» no rth o t M nnoheitn srÆivi. Ä i r Illg"Ä Ä Stiles & Co., at Cowperthwait 3xchar,?c Saturday, May H r [jÜADING SYSTEM SPECIAL MISTER’S SALE R EAL E st a t e WANTED SUMMER BOARD SPECIAL OFFER Patents T rade M ark s D e s ig n s C o p y r ig h t s A c . UfSF.t® a »ketch and deicriptlon may in lin . 1! 9ur opinion free w hether an foijPrcP».oly patentable. ComraunlcaK on Pateuta Uk*n î^eney for securingpatenta. *0*4« iu u nrou?h Munn A Co. receive J? charge, tn the lif le A m e r ic a n . L. ft M , and mix si.r gallons pure Linseed O il with it, and thus get- paint at less than $1 20 per gallon. Many houses are well painted with four gallons of L & M. and ihree gallons of Lin seed Oil mixed therewith. These Celebrated Aunts are sold by A . A. Brant, Toms River, Stanwood B ro s ., Aland H e ig h ts . t n w h t c l i y o u >oc liuks to the sixth com er of said 17 &75-100 acres: thence south eighty degrees thirty m inutes east to Man «/“quart River; thence up said river the several courses thereof to th e beginning, contain ing 19 and 76- 00 acres. The above property will be sold in tracts. and consitpatecl, w ith had stomach am! heartac he M other G ray’s Sw eet Powder» lo r Children wll always cu re. If w orms are (re s e n t they wt certainly rem ove them . At all druggiats, 25 ot Sample» mailed FR B K . A ddress, Alien S. Olm' sted, LcKoy, N. Y M e n t i o n iIn - p n iio r th l» a i l v e r t l .r n i e n t . A s k Y e a r D e w ie r T or A l l e n ’» F o o t- B » » e LISTED AND UNLISTED A SPECIALTY. Also A »owiler for the feet. I t cares Swollen. Sore, Hot. Gallon», Aohloff, Sw eating feet, Corn» and Bunion». At all D ragglsts and »hoe (tore«, 8ic. A t t M -day. C.W• k LN.MX6LU.KU., 1 #8 S- F ourth S t, Phila. MINING STOCKS. All other stocks and bomb» on the m arket, as well as grain cr cotton. The best investment we know of is JH-Metallh’ T. A Mining Co. Stock. Send for particu lar* a n d lint of what you have/or talc or e.rc/ianoe. Seized as the property of M arietta H. Harrison, e t als, deleu 'ants, and taken in execution at the su it of Edward F. P i.le n g er, coinpluluaut, ami to be sold oy C. C. UARK, Sheriff. F rank D urand, hollo tor. D ated, April is, !9o4. [i'r'a fee, $16.20] chong. Congou M ixed, .lapilli. Young Hyson. Im perial. Ceylon. Good Oolongs. Mixed and Eng. breakfast, 26i*. ft 30c. lb. We ar «*h«-1i i 11g t U«- i l EsT p e r c e n t o ff u n t l p n j r id h 'v { ir« s N «-Iio i ' k - «**■', po t h a t y o u m ay •b '.g h ly t e s t t h e «¡uailty o f t h e g o o d s. T h is is a c h a n c e t h a t is se ld o m offered ; I t 25c. C o ffe e g iv es a i l a c h a n c e t o Good R oasted c o f f r e s . p u r c h a s e o u r goods a t 12, 16, IH ami L’Oc*, a lb . 1c s s t h a n c o s t . F o r fu ll particu lars a pfom ptattontiou.H d’rese M r.B o f The G reat A m erican TeaCo. »1 a JM I T e a e y H t . , P . O . B o x S H B . N e w Y o r k ,, „ •• •.■vvrjr. y r r w ir r r - — ----------- u l — ttm m m æ m •••••••••••••••••••••« ••••••••••« •••••••••••••a U he Trait * C tp y r tÿ n 'B\ By STEWART EDWARD WHITE «• a e t W h ite T h e firm could not tak e tip Its nuics w hen they ennu* due; it could not pay the interest on the m ortgages, whh ¡1 w ou ld now be foreclosed; It could not even pay in fu ll tlie ‘ uien w h o had w orked fo r It— that would eom e under a court’s adju d ication . H e had th erefo re w atched Thorpe'» desperate s a lly to mend tie* w eakened ch ain in a ll th e snsp'-use o f a in in w hose entire u n iverse is in the keeplug o f the elm nee moment. It 1 ii:st be reniemhereU th a t ut bottom, b" ow the outer consciousimss, Thorp. •• final de cision had a lre ad y grown t< mni ant/. On the oth er hand, no other thou 1 than that o f nceom plislim ent had even entered the little book! r’s head, T h e rescue and all that it had meant had hit him lik e n stroke o f apt pi \y. and Ids thin em otions hud curdled to h ysteria. F u ll o f the idea In* appeared bm ore the men. Witt) rapid, alm ost incoherent speech he poured it out to them. Profession al t h e boom, seized tlie gia n t by the eolcaution and secrecy wen* forgntic):. l a r mid d ragged him through the w a W allace C a rp en te r attem pted to push t e r to sa fe ty . through the rin g fo r tlie purpose of ‘ T in a !" he shouted. "H u n for void stopping him. A gigan tic liv e r man life r k in d ly hut firm ly held him buck. i'he tw o started d esperately hack, “ I guess it’s ju st us w ell w e hears s k ir t in g the edge o f the logs wli'.rli no« th is,” said th e latter. r h “ very seconds alone mvr.irtl to hold It all ca m e out— tlie loan to C arpen h a c k . T h e y w ere drench- il and hlliiil ter, w ith a hint at the m otive—the * ‘<] w ith sp ray, deafened w ith the ernsh m achinations o f tin* rival firm on the at tim b ers se ttlin g to th e leap. The board of tra d e; tin* notes, tb e m ort »«' ll oil shore roulil no lon ger s • ■ them gages. tlie necessity of a b ig season’s tor the KinotJier. The g re a t crush uf cu t: the reason s the rival firm had fo r lo g s had avtun lly begun its tlrst mtijes w ish in g to p rev e n t th at cu t from a r *U- slidin g motion when a t last they rivin g at th e m arket: the d esp era te and •emerged to sa fety. varied moans th ey had em ployed. The* A t tlrst u few o f the loose tim bers men listened, silent. H am ilton, his •b u ild the opening. Slipping quietly eyes glo w in g like coals, d ran k in every (hsoucAi w ith the cu rren t: then more, word. Il»*re w a s the m uster m otive lie tn n a lly th e fron t o f the Jam dove for had sought: h ere w as the sto ry great w a r d , a n il mi Instant Inter the smooth. to Jj!s hand. • w lT l m otion laid gained Its Impetus "T h a t's w h a t ire ought to g e t!" cried a n l w a s sw eepin g the en tire drive Collins, a lm ost w eeping. "A n d now d o w n th rou gh the gap. w e’ re gone and bust Just b ecau se that Haul! n fte r ran k, like soldiers ch arg Infernal r iv e r hog had to fa ll off a in g . they rail. T h e great tleree wind boom! It’s a sham e! Those sc a la w a g s «■ tight them up abend o f the current, h ave done 11s a fte r a ll!” l u a m om ent the open riv e r w a s full C u t from the sh adow s o f tin* woods at Jogs jo stlin g eag erly onw ard. Then stole Injun C h a rley . The w h ole bear sm ddenly f a r out above the uneven ing and aspect o f tin* man had ch an g to ssin g sk y line o f Superior the strange ed. His e y e gleam ed w ith n distant, n o rth ern “ loom.” or m irage, threw the farsecln g lire o f its own. w h ich took sp e c te rs o f thousands o f restless tim no account o f an yth in g but som e re b e r s risin g and fu llin g on th e bosom of unite vision. li e stole alon g almost t h e lake. fu rtively, but w ith a proud, upright carriage o f his neck, a b a ck w ard tilt C H A P T E R X X X IV . o f ids fine bead, a distension o f his l l E V stood nnd w atch ed theta nostrils, th at lent to his appearan ce a go. panther-like pride and stealth in ess. No one smv him. Suddenly lie broke through Ihe gro up and m ounted tbe “ Ob, tlie great m an! O b, tbe steps beside Collins. g re a t man.1" m urm ured the “ The en em y o f my brother is gone.” w rite r, fascin ated . said he sim p ly In ills n ativ e tongue, T lie gran d eu r o f the sacrifice had nml with a sudden gesture held out be » tru ck them dum b. T h e y did not un fore them - a sculp. d e r sta n d the m otives beneath It nil. but T h e m oditi'val barbarity o f the tiling t b e fa c t w ns paten t. R ig Junko broke mi ; alli'd them fo r a moment. T h e days d o w n and sobbed. o f sej ¡ping w ere long since past, had A ft e r n tim e the stream o f logs been closed a w a y between th e pages f&KDUgb the gap slackened. In n mo o f forgotten histories, and yet here m e n t m ore, sa v e for th e inevitably a gain before them w as the th in g in nil ■ trandod fe w . tlie booms w ere empty. iis living horror, i’l.en a g ro w l arose. A d eep sigh w e n t up from the atten T h e hum an anim al had tasted blood. t i v e m ultitu d e. A ll at once, like wine, th eir wrongs “ S h e 's gone!” said one m an. w ith the mounted to th eir head. T h e y remem e m p h a sis o f a novel d iscovery, nnd bered their dead <omrmlcs. T h ey re gro an ed . membered tin* heart breakin g d a y s and T h e n th e a w e broke from about their nights o f toil they had endured on ac m ind s, and they spoke m any opinions count of tills m an and Ids associates. sind *peeuIntk>nH. Thorp« lmd disnpT h ey rem em bered the words o f Collins, lu n n vd . T h ey respected ills emotion the little bookkeeper. T h e y hated. 4i»0 did not fo llo w him. T h ey shook th eir lists across the skies. " I t w a s just plain foolishness. Imt Th ey tin n ed and w ith one accord it wsrs g re a t.” sa id Shearer. "T h a t no stru ck hack for the railroad right o f t.-nf ja c k a ss o f ¡1 I. .r Junko ain't w ay w hich led to S liin gleville. the w o rt!' ns much per thousand feet as tow n controlled by Morrison A Daly, VT»od w h ite pine.” T h e railroad s lay for n m ile straigh t T h u th ey u n tilrd a group o f men through a th ic k tam arack sw am p , then X .'lfbering about the efiiee -;.**ps. and over a n e a rly treeless cra n b erry plain, o n it *- >me one talkin g. Cnilins. tlie '»he tam arack w as a screen between tm okkis-per w as m aking a ••¡»•‘■ eh the tw o tow n s. When h a lf w ay t ’oJHns w as a little b a f e e t ftim l through the sw am p K id J a c k e t stop* * m » . w ith straigh t. lank lu ir. iiu-t P’ “ i. rem oved his coat, ripped the lining » igh b ei eyes, a ti'nid. un i v l<* .nv, d! from It and began to fash ion a ntete and a great snitabilii.v 1 *r ii!s m ask. I>iv*JVsston. He w as aeeurate. mu'ino"•lust ms w ell they don’t recognize tto n al and valuable. Ail Ids’ actions us.” said he. W'-'sv as d ry as tli" sn ’.vde-d in ihe "Som ebody ill tow n w ill g iv e us Im rner \ o one hail <v ■ . -.ccn him e.\a v s'.y.” su ggested Shorty, the chore boy. <*iti\i. Hut he w a s huniMn. and now ” N". they w on ’ t : they're nil here.” lt>s know lodge o f the eom pany's 1i»• assured K e rlie. sJiiK icI !im the d!; ; rttje j rgsj He It wns true. E xcep t fo r th e women tonev.. He knew that th e property of and children, who w ere not y e f about, t h e ?h*m !.ad been m ortgaged to the 'h e entire v illa g e had assem bled. Fv, n d o lla r hi orf!«r to n eslst expanpion. aid V anderiioof. the tire enteher o f the th at not another cent could be horYard, ho! ; h d .dong b reath lessly on his " ‘d to tide o ver present ditlieulty. rheum atic I I n a m om ent the JJ> k n ew th at the notes for $(»0,000 m asks w ere fitted: in a m om ent more c- vi vir.g th e loan to W allace Carpenter fh.' little band lmd oumryed from the 1 due in th ree m onths. l i e knew shelter o f ¡lie sw am p nnd so cam e into fiv-, rhe long tab le o f sta tistic s whirl] fid! view o f its ( bjeetive point. h>‘ v,;'s oteninll.r prep arin g and com S liin gleville .imsisted o f a b ig mill, p a rin g th at the season’s cut should the yard:-, now nearly em p ty o f lumha >. -netted a profit o f $200.000. enough b i ". the Inrg" fram e b oardin g house, *•> ;*;i*. die Interest on th e m ortgages, the office, th e stable. ¡1 store, tw o sa i o - like up the note's and to furn ish a loons and n dozen d w ellin gs. T h e p a r *«V>i w ir k n t g cap ital for the ensuing year. ty at once fixed its eyes on th is collec •rm ' i • tilin g s he knew in the strange tion of b u ild in gs and trudged on down ti i >-Te nrithmetler.I m anner o f the the right o f w a y with u nlm stcning v.» bookkeeper O th er men saw grim ness. o'w aie phase 0« firm rivalry. H e ! T h eir approach w ns not unobserved • .1 >U‘iiggie to the u itm u o s t. • Uth D a ly saw them , and B a k e r, his fore ««* men cheered n rescue. lie thrilled | m an, saw them . The tw o nt once w ent ♦ Wig* the m agnilicent gestu re o f the fortli to o rg an ize opposition. When g;))!.1:' r Men tie rin g his sla k e in largesse , the a tta c k in g party reached tlie mill t o ie w th . y a rd it fou n d the boss and th e fo re ’ v. as th e sim ple tu rn in g of the hand man sta n d in g alone on the sa w d u st, 1 . ¡van fu ll breathed prosperity to life- volvers d raw n . dux-; fa ilu re . D aly tra ced n line w ith ids toe. . ’h is v iew w as the in verse of his m as "T h e first man th a t crosses Hint line te r's . T o Thorpe it had suddenly be- gets it,” sa id he. * *<mw a very little th in g in contrast to T h ey k n e w he meant w h a t - he said. t h e g re a t, sw eet, elem ental tru th that Ari Instant’s pause ensued, w h ile the tin* d ream girl had enunciated. To b ig man and th e little fa ce d a mob. C o llin » th e a ffa ir w as m iles v aste r than D a ly ’s riv e r men w ere still on d rive. H e th e w id e s t scope o f h is own narrow »J<& t h i n g » . ►Smvt’ss w a s « illi .v Ui, i„ the o it Hi Kin o f unii it little thing lu itami," l i f fuit tin’ tru 'h o f It. .Viri liefe u n s luve In ihing.T. Hint i t Its m om ent'* h abitation In fla y o f tlie e o a w e r molli 1■ n1 nothing lo ilo *> nil tin* grout elem ental tritt!) o f It. K o r the tlrst tim e In Ills life Thorpe f e lt the fu ll cru sh in g pow er of an abMiv-ietlon. W ithout thought, hi ; u t ie e ly , he th rew h fore the iifecs lt,v of t ie uieue'lit all timt w as I c s * '1', ! i Í* t h e trium ph o f wl-nt " u s real til the m in i o v er that wlneh euvlrom uent. | a lie n n tlo n , dltlleultles, hail rnis il up w it liin him. A t p,tg .Junk»'« w on ts T h orp e raised t ils h am nvT amt w ith eue m ighty lilmv s e v e r e d th e elm lus " i h tultimi the «•nils of th e Iks .in* a cr - th e opening T h e free end th e poh s Ini n o -j With the ■ ' r re n t to the i lhl "J rpi m k n ew the mill m en too w e ll to depend on them . T ru th to tell, tin* possibility o f such a raid a s this had not oivurrrrJ to him for the sim ple reason th a t lie did not a n ticip ate the d iscovery o f Ids com plicity w ith the fo rces of nature. S k illfu lly carried out, th e plan w a s a good one. No one need know o f the w eak en ed link, and It w a s tin* most u atu ru i thing in the w orld that Sad ler & S m ith ’s d rive should g o out w ith the lu ereaso o f w ater. V and s i h -nily on" rbo” » W r i . i * sn w d u sT T h e pftuse did not mean th a t D a ly ’s de fen se w as good. " D o you know w h at’s going to hap pen to you ?” said a v o ice front the group . T h e speaker w a s Had w a y . but th e con tractor k ep t h im self well in iIn backgroun d. " W e ’re g o in g to burn y o u r m ill; w e ’re going to burn your y a rd s ; w e’ re g o in g to b u rn you r whole shooting m atch, you low lived w h elp !” " D y e r,” said Injun C h a rley sin . dy. sh a k in g the w et scalp a rm ’s le n gth to w ard tin* lum berm en. A t this grim interruption a silence fell. T h e ow n er paled s lig h tly ; ids forem an chew ed a nonchalant straw . D ow n the si. 11 deserted v*.root crossed and recross’ d th e subtle* occult iutl'id ic e s o f a h a lf h u n d r ’d con ceded w a tch e rs. D uly and h - subordinate w e re very m ilch ¡done an d very uiueli in danger. T h e ir last h ou r had couie. and th ey knew it. W ith the recognition o f the fa c t they im uieillately raised their w a p o n * in tli»* resolve to do as ¿.such d a m a g e up possible before being o v erp ow ered Th en suddenly, full in tli" b a ck , a h e a v y stream o f w ater knocked them com pletely off th eir feet, rolled them o v er on the w e t sa w d u st and finally Jam m ed them both a gain st the trestle, w h ere it held them , k ick in g and gasp in g fo r breath, in a ch okin g c a ta ra c t ot w a te r. T h e pistols Hew h arm lessly in to the air. For an in stan t the F igh tin g F o rty stared in paralysed astonish m eat. Then a trem endous r o a r ot la u g h te r saluted this e a s y vanquishm ent of a form idable enem y. D a ly and B a k e r w ere pounced upon and captured. T h ere w a s 110 resistance T h e y w ore too nearly stra n gle d to: th a t. L ittle S o lly and old Vunderhool turn ed off th' w a te r lu th e lire b y drum and disconnected the hose they had s» efl'e« tiv ely em ployed. "T h ere, blast you!” said R o llw a y C h a rle y , je rk in g the m ill man to hi.» fe e t. "H o w do you like toy m u ch w a te r. hoy?” T h e unexpected com edy ch an ged tin p a r ty ’s mood. It w as no longer u ques tion o f killing. A num ber b ro k e into th e store and sh ortly em erged bearhiv p a ils o f kerosene, with w h ich th e y del uged the slabs on the w in d w a rd side o f 1la* mill. T h e flum es ca u g h t the stru ctu re in stan tly. A thousand sparks, born»* hv the offshore breeze, fastened like so m any stin gin g Insects o n the lu m b er in the yard . It burned as dried balsam th ro w n on a cauip tire. T h e heut o f it d ro v e the onlookers fa r b ack in the village, where in silence they w atched th e destruction. D aly and Ids man w e re slapped ami cu ffed hitlur and th ither at the men's w ill. T h eir fa c e s bled, their b edhs nclied as one bruise. " T h a t sq u ares us.” said the m en . “ If w e e: n’ t cut th is year, neither k in yon. I t’s up to you n ow !" Then, like a d estro yin g horde o f lo eusts. they gu tted the office a n d the store, sm ash in g w h at th ey co u ld not c a rry to the tire. T lie d w e llin g s and saloons th ey did not distu rb . F in ally, about noon, th ey kicked tbelr t w o pris oners into tbe river and stra g g le d hack a lo n g the right o f way. "I surm ise w e took th a t to w n apart som e!” said S h orty w ith satisfaction . "I should rise to rem ark ,” replied K erlie. A t the hoarding house they found W a lla ce C arp en ter and H am ilton suit ed on the veran d a. It w a s n ow after noon. T h e w ind laid abated som ew hat, and the sun w a s stru gglin g w it h the still (lying scuds. "H ello, boys.” said W allace, "been fo r a little w a lk In the wood»?** "Y e s. sir.” replied H ylan d , " w e ” — " I ’d rather not hear.” interrupted W allace. "T h e r e ’s q u ite a tire over east. I suppose you haven ’ t noticed it.” H yland looked gra v ely eastw a rd . "S u re ’ nough.” said he. " B e tte r get some g ru b .” suggested W allace. A fte r the men lmd gon e in lie turned to th e jou rn alist. "H a m ilto n .” he began, " w rite a ll you know about the d rive nnd th e break and the rescue, but a s to the burning o f tin' m ill” T h e other held out b is hand. ‘‘Hood," «aId W allace, o ffe r in g his ow n. ------------ ried U a d w a y. "1 hear this i * a > .1 timi, Itemi ereet. v .u - ■ "! f ' ih :!■ " »mush for the firm." lie fo iv tu- ttiul i-i'iii . 'I ili • niiu-i- duor " W e ’ ll see that the men g e t Ihci,1 tlu> ifli-1 W!'.* nt li! ' .tiie. w a g e s all rig h t." replied Carpenter, 11 “ Wti.v u v e y m i n ; 1; .v?” luìt'.i’it. little disappointed that such 11 ^piostion “ I Ulivi- lliHlllilM tirivi, te should he asked at such a time “ Nolliltus’;" " A ll rig h t," rejoined the con tracto r “ Xotlilnjr ut 1ili." " W e ’ re all going to need oar mc i SUr UniiiiH'tl Uiiinilly lo liei'sr':’. th is slim m er.” -T.llt I Uovi' unirli. Collie lindt.” TUey l'rtim in l tu llie fitti ’ moi’iilnji CH APTER XXXV. room, T lio rp e 's « illteil Imo:* :.eujtliiK out tlie litU i' tl’lilli; irn e In n o « .* In Un* Ì U O I U 'E williirit tlll-oi’.,v:li till' ft .Ultl'dwooil U001-. Ai !IUri’ n Uceil tliiit. l tent li-ili vVroup . <1 mi’ii « Hi '**sA *r-Tt- tiTi-wmt-.* iWBg .» r*«K»ÌM»tmwnwtti to. k. she catech ised , facin g him In tbe mil for w luit Ur lmd dnur. but i tlie Irluuiiilm nt d iscovery Ur lmd man, d ie of the room. A long ten dril o f her b cau llfu l corn silk Imir fell a cross her In sp ite o f Ulinsrlf. It w n s th en nUout fi o'rlncU lu ta r eyes; her red lips purled In n fa in t, w ist fu l smile; beneath the d rap e rie s o f her mornliiK, Tliorpe pnssed tUe lamed iiiii house, tlm store nnd tlie oi.'lcr, to loose gow n the pure slen der lines o f ta k e Ulmaelf ns fu r us tin* little open her figure leaned tow ard him. "1 mu g o in g h ack." he replied pa shell th at served ns u ra ilw ay stnti.m. T h e re lie set the sem aphore to Huy the tiently. "I knew you would com e," said she. e a st hound train from Duluth. At(l:;;il, th e train happening on time, he clim b “ I have been exp ectin g you. Oh. H ar ed aboard. H e dropped h eavily into u ry ," she breath ed, w ith a sudden flash sent and stared stra ig h t In front of o f Insight, "yo u are a man horn to be him until th e conductor had spoken to m uch m isunderstood." H e held him self rigid, b u t In his him twice. veins w a s creepin g a m olten tire, and " " 'h e r e to. .Mr. T h o rp e ?” he asked , the lire w a s b eginning to g lo w dully In "O h ! .M ackinaw C ity ." T liorpe descended at M ark in aw City his eye. H e r whole b ein g ca 'le d Ifim. And still she stood th ere b e f a'e him. to find th at the noon train bud gone, l i e ate lunch at the hotel, borrow ed sayin g nothing, leaning slig h tly tow ard $ !0 0 from the agent o f Louis Sands, a him, her red lips h a lf parted, her eyes lum berm an o f his a eiju a lm a iirc. and fixed a lm o st w istfu lly on Ids face. "G o u w a y !" he w hispered hoarsely a t sea ted h im self rigidly lu the little w a ll in g room, th ere to rem ain until th e U:fii) last. The voice w as not his ow n. "G o th a t night. When the ears w ere barked a w a y ! G o a w a y !" Suddenly she sw a yed to Idm. d ow n from the .¡(Hug he boarded til? "Oh, H a rry . H u rry." she whispered, siecper. In till1 d oorw ay stood a disap “ m ust I te ll you ? D on 't you see?" p ro vin g colored porter. Tlie flood broke th rough Idm. He " I d'll II11' th e sm okin' call up f o ’w u ’d. sa il." said th e latter, firm ly b arrin g the seized her hungrily. H e crushed her to him until she gasped: lie pressed his w ay. " I t 's gen erally fo rw a rd ." a n sw ered lips a g a in st hers until she all hut cried out with pit In of It; he ran Ills great Thorpe. " T h is yen h 's the sl-epn li." protested brow n h an d s blindly th rough her hair until It ca m e down a bou t them both lr the fu n ction ary. " V o ' p ays e x tr y ." “ I am a w a re o f It." replied Thorpe n cloud o f spun light. “ Tell m o!” he w hispered. “ T ell me!” c u rtly . " G iv e me a low er." "Oh. o h !" she cried, " l ’lense! W hat "V e s. sa il." acquiesced the d ark y, g iv in g w ay. but still in doubt. H e fol Is it?" "1 do n o t believe It," he murmured low ed T h orp e cau tiou sly, peering Into the sm oking room on hl:o from tim e to savagely. She d re w herself from him w ith gen tim e. A little a ft e r 12 id* patience g a v e out. T h e stolid, gloom y m an o f tie dignity. "I mu not w orthy to say It.” she said lo w e r i! seem ed to intend sittin g up all soberly, " b u t I love you w ith all my n igh t. " Y o ' berth is ready, sa b ." he d elicate heart and so u l.” Then f o r the first a n d only tim e In Idly su ggested . T liorpe arose obedien tly, w a lk e d to life T h orp e fell to w eepin g, w h ile she low er ft nnd w ithout un dressin g threw u nderstanding, stood b y and com forted h im se lf on the bed. A fte rw a rd the him. The fe w moments o f T h orp e's tears porter in conscientious d isch arg e o f Ids d u ty looked d iligen tly beneath th e scat eased the em otional strain u n der w hich fo r hoots to polish. H appening to glance perhaps u n con sciou sly he hud been la up a fte r fru itless search he discovered boring fo r nearly a y e a r past. T b e th e boots still adorning the feet o f their tenseness o f Ills n erves relaxed . He s a vored d elib erately the Joy o f n lu xu ri ow ner. " W e ll, fo r the la n d 's sake!" e ja c u la t ous couch, rich h an gin gs, polished floor, ed th e scandalized negro, b e a tin g a subdued lig h t, w orm ed atm osphere. H " w atched w ith soul d eep gra titu d e the h a sty retreat. T h orp e descended nt T w e lfth street soft girlish cu rves o f H ild a's body, the In C h ica go w ith o u t an y clear notion o f poise o f h e r flower head, the piquant, w h ere he w a s going, l-'m* a m om ent he h a lf w is tfu l, half ch ild ish sot of her fa ced the h ug. p .irk llk c e xp an se o f tl " red lips, tlie clear sta rlik e glim m er or la k e front, th< a turned sharp to his left her d usky e y e s. It w a s all n ear to him and ¡licked Ids w a y south up th e Inter — his. "K iss m e. dear." she said. m inable reaches o f M ichigan uvciiu ’. Mi,' le a n e d her ch eek s a gain st her m ock a fte r block he clicked a lon g, the hand and h er hand a g a in st his slloiil c a lk s o f Ids l oots strik in g fire from tin tier. pavem ent. "I h av e been read in g a sto ry lately." A ft e r an Interval he seem ed to havi le ft th e sm oke and d irt behind. T h e said she. “ th a t has in terested me very stre e t becam e qu ieter: hoardin g houses much. It w n s about a m an w ho iv and tailors* shops ceased; h ere (and nomieed a ll he held m ost d e a r to shield a friend." th ere appeared a hit o f la w n , sh ru b “ Yes.” s a id Thorpe. b ery and flowers. B y and by lie came “ Then h e renounced all h is most vnl to h im se lf to thul th at lie w a s staving a t th e deep carved letterin g in a stone uable possessions because a poor cop men man needed tlie sa crifice." h orse block before a la rg e d w ellin g. “ Sounds ilk ” a m ediawul story." said HI* mind tnck tlie letters in on e a fte r he, with unconscious humor. 111 other, perceivin g them p la in ly be “ It happened recen tly." rejoined HP fo re It accorded them recognition. F i n ally he had com pleted the w ord "Far- dn. "I rend ¡t In the pap ers." “ Well, h e blazed a good tra il." w, ra n d ." l i e w hirled sh arp on his heel, m ounted the broad w h ite sto n e steps Thorpe's sigh in g com m ent. “ Probably and ran g th e hell. It w a s an sw ered alm ost Im m ediately b y a clean shaved, p o rtly and dignified m an w ith the most Im passive counte nan ce in th e world. T h is m an looked upon T liorpe w ith lo fty disapproval, " I s Miss Hilda F a rra n d nt hom e?" he asked . "I cannot, say.” replied the m an. “ If yo u w ill step to th e hack d oor I w ill a sce rta in .” "T h e tlo'yers w ill do. Now see that th e sou th vfiibni Is ready, A n n ie." tloat* ed a voice from w ithin. W ith o u t n w ord, b a t w ith n deadly earn estn ess, Thorpe reached forw ard , seized the astonished se rv a n t by the collar, yan k ed him bodily ou tsid e the door, stepped Inside nnd strode across th e hall tow ard a closed portiere w hence had come th e voice. T lie r iv e r m an's lon g spikes cut little tria n g u la r piece* from the hardw ood floor. T liorp e did not notice that. H e th rust aside the portiere. B e fo re him lie sm v a you n g and lien a tlftll girl. Slit* w a s seated, and I r lap w a s filled w ith flow ers. At Id s s udd • And th at w a s as fa r as the famous apparition her h an d s flew to h er la For a S liin glev ille raid ever got. D a ly did nnd her lip» slig h tly parted liis best to collect even circu m stan tial second the tw o stood look'll::- uf es i eviden ce a gain st the p a rticip a n ts, but oth er, ju st as n early a year lief, r • " in vain. Me could not even g e t any e y e s liml crossed o v er file old pole it b! T o T horpe the girl seemed m ore beau one m say th at a single m em ber o f the v illa g e o f C arp en ter lmd absen ted him tifu l than over. T h e red o f fids vk. s e lf from tow n that m orning. This len t unexpected encounter rn se u ! to m igh t h ave been from lo y a lty or it h er face, her bosom rose and fell In a m ight h ave been from fe a r of th e venge flu tterin g catch fo r breath, hut her ance the F ig h tin g F o rty w o u ld sure eyes w ere steady and inquiring. Th en th e bu tler pounced on Thorpe ly visit on a traitor. P robab ly it was ¡1 com bination o f both. Tlie fa c t re from behind w ith the Indent to do e rra t m ains, h ow ever, th at D a ly n e v e r knew i ,JI'l,llv ll,u'1' 1' 'M orris! com m anded H ilda sharply su rely of but one m an Im plicated In ''w h itt a re yon d oin g?” th e destruction o f Ids plan t. T h a t man T h e m an cut sh ort Ills heroism In w as Injun 0'h arley; b u t Injun Charley t'onfuslon. prom ptly disappeared. "Vim m ay go,” concluded H ilda. A fte r an in te rva l T im S h earer. HadT horpe stood stra ig h t and u n w in k in g w a y and K e rlie came o u t a gain . by the poniere. A fte r a m om ent lie “ W here's th e buss?" a sk ed Sh earer. spoke. "1 don't know . Tim .” replied W allace "I h ave come to tei! you th at you seriously. " I ’ ve looked everyw h ere. H e’s gone. H e must h a v e been nil cut w e re right and I w a s w ro n g." said he up. 1 think he w ent o u t In th e woods stead ily. "Yon told me there could la* to get o ver It. I am not w orryin g . nothing hotter th an love. In the pride I la r r y has lots o f sense. H e’ll come In o f my stren gth I told you th is w as not so. 1 w a s w rong." nbout d a rk .” H e stood for a n oth er Instant looking “ Su re!" said 7 ’lm. “ H ow about the b oys’ s ta k e s ? " que d irectly nt her. then turned sh arp ly "H a iry ,-- she interrupted v e r y firm ly, “you must a, you were go in g to say. j it. M oney ennic' lietwe,,,, It m ust n o t do so again rig h t, de,,« ?" Smn' „„„„ t ,B t b «t WN „ ‘ot. Dll»w ! A“ > t S h e sm iled at him with the Il e i,lid und th e eyes o f a w 0lu J P' o f' Yes. h e agreed after a at*., "yo u are right. B u t now I Ä Klh all o v e r again . U will he ■ tim e b e fo re 1 sh all lie „hh, -I t o v e my w „ B u t y o u !" he cried suddenly M o T to n r m e' *». H 0 w »4 ï “ W h a t abou t him ?" „„ged .. “ S i“ T horpe’s blood. » «V c , * face slow ly mlwl »id “ You'll break the engagement,, once, he com m anded, a little h a r A " "W h y should I break the m erit?" dem anded Hilda, e v l n ^ i f w ith some alarm . * ll1» "Y o u a c tu a lly don't think he’s , sa g e d to Uie!" she hurst out final], " isn 't lie ? " asked Thorpe. ' “ W h y, no. stupid! He's engn M „ E lizab eth C arp en ter, Wallace’s N o w . w h e r c did you got that s% f o i H l l i l l . il y . i t W T.fl. Il K A n il ; M ITHHS fo r o ^ T « m .u .u fn e fu r ii.B „11 w „ Pfi,v V * " 1 G o o d s o n o u r o w n u r e i , ,! ,/ , e v e r y c o n v e n i r n e » n in i * “ “ » • s e r v i e » Is R iv e li ‘ •o n t. f e n t r a l l y l o e a f e il, „ ’" J '" ‘ m in M a rk e t s tr e e t. o ,le n e u illiltf T e rm in a l Slutlon. “ W e reeomnirntl «fin .s e s n ul. . H o lld O o ld Hpeoinclos, ns low Hieel Ktieclnclufi. hh low hk A rUfloiui K y es iu aerled , H «B b iow»« luuoiieu, iow sa V 1 M.ZINENAN&BRO• gl Natili Hth SI.. Philidalnhln - A. A. BRANT. F .rerythinsfor Building L o n g m a n & M artine P ai nts A tlan ttc and B u ck Leads Oils, T u rp s and D ryer T a rr k W onson’ s and New Jersey C opper Pain ts C rocketts Spar Varnish Poultry N etting and Screen Wire Upper L eh igh a n d G ilt Edge Coals Mapes F ertilizers, Land Plaster, 4c, Hard Times! SHOES REPAIRED Soled tind heeled (nail worn) Men’s 65c.; Ladies' 50c. Hand Sewed, Men's $1.00, A ll w o r k ffuiiranteed FULL STOCK BOOTS & SHOB Always on hand ; p ric e s to suit hard times Also, mad« to order, best material,finest workmanship, prices right. JOS ALSHEIMEB JOHN W. LEWIS P ractical 4- PLUMBER Gas and H ot Water Fit ters, Steam Fitting and Hot A ir Heating,Tin and Sheet Iron Workers Jobbing promptly attended to t i l WiiHhinyton Street T O M S ' Ji IV E li W . G. C D N H A D DKALIH IK ALU KINDS Ot um ber, coal L and w o o d , ham ware, Lock«, Hinge«, Sciewi, Niib Glass, etc., Door«, Sa»h, Blind» Mouldings, Shingles, Lath, Lime, Cl men'. Brick, etc., etc. «Hire ami T u rd «n Loweit pit* EJarnekit n * E. S. VanNOSTRAND Plumbing & Tinning “ Go a wayl" he whispered. A gont P ie r c e , B u tle r & P i e r c e Hot w a t e r a n d S t e a m H e a te r R i c h a r d s o n <& B o y n t o n F u rn a o P e rfe c t R a n g e C anopy R ange ... P e n n E s t h e r s , a n d f a n c y h«»1 in g s t o v e s S t a n d a r d O il W i c k l e s s Btove ^ lie had h is chance. W e d o n 't all o f us get th at. Things go crooked nnd gel tangled up, so w e h av e to do the best w e can. 1 don't believe I’d have done X o , r, W ii * 1 . 1 „ 11,it SI ■ T.nn* 'Of It." "Oh, y o u are d eliciou s!" she cried. A fte r u tim e she said v ery hum bly: I'lirovi-r sixty rear» "I w ant to beg you r pardon for mlson Mrs.w Uislrw'.s f until ing Syrup 1111» l"','n ¡‘S i r >v»r »fitly years nv iu UUoiih of luoilie'» *" fi derstim illng you and cau sin g von so ■biulren w h ile Isctriing, with perfect soora* '¿j intiel, su fferin g. 1 w a s very stupid and rmtho* tlie elillil, sn flen s the Pul11®.' ‘ S r W , imln, cu res wind colic, an I 1b the I«'»1 ‘ „.»«rir didn't se e w hy .von could not do as I blurring:., it will relit ye the i m o r ,«»1 yvtìntoti you to.” mm cdlrttely Kolij i,v DriiRgtsIs In e*«n I I|lie he world Tw enty-live coni» a home "T h at is nothing to forgive. I acted nil link t o r ‘ Mis! Winslow's Soothing like a fo o l." i uni take n o other kind. '1 h a v e known abou t you ," she w ent on. " I t Inis nil come nut in the papers, it has been very excitin g . Poor hoy! you look tired." He stra igh ten ed him self suddenly. “ I h ave forgotten — a ctu a lly forgotten ” C E N T -A -W O R D COLUMN be cried, a little bitterly. “ W hy, I am a pauper, u bankrupt, t ” — G IV E S Q U IC K RETURN®