PDF bestand VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam (VUmc CCA)
PDF bestand VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam (VUmc CCA)
VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam VUmc CCA Annual Report 2013 Appendices Address VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam (VUmc CCA) VU University Medical Center PK 7 Z 182 De Boelelaan 1117 1081 HV Amsterdam The Netherlands phone: (31)20 4443113 e-mail: vumc-cca@vumc.nl website : www.vumc.nl/afdelingen/CCA-V-ICI Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA - 1 List of contents Appendices 1. Organization 3 2. Scientific input 7 3. Newly started PhD projects 18 4. Scientific output 20 5. Indicators of esteem 60 6. Societal impact 107 7. Ongoing projects 125 8. International collaboration 156 9. Scientific Research Committee 187 10. Evening lectures 199 Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – List of contents - 2 Appendix 1. Organization Foundation VUmc CCA Management Board VUmc CCA research, patient care, education, regionalization/collaboration, fundraising, communication Patient care immunology Translational & basic research Patient care cancer Supporting staff Management Board Management Board (MB) members: - G.C.P.M. Hoskens, finance & internal organization (till 1-09-2013) - P.C. Huijgens, patient care and clinical research oncology, director of VUmc CCA (till 1-10-2013) - G. Kazemier, PR, communication and fundraising (from 1-10-2013) - E. van Kessel, finance & internal organization (from 1-09-2013) - G. Kraal, research immunology, deputy director of VUmc CCA - C.R. Leemans, education and training - G.A. Meijer, research cancer (till October 2014) - B.J. Slotman, regionalisation - H.M.W. Verheul, PR, communication and fundraising (till 1-10-2013), patients care and clinical research oncology, director (from 1-10-2013) - A.E. Voskuijl, patient care and clinical research immunology (from 23-09-2013) Supportive staff - C. Addens (secretary) J. van Diemen (board assistant) - Y.M. Duiker (board assistant) - E. van Kessel (project manager) - M.A.J. Koelink (senior secretary) - G.K. Kuipers (senior board assistant) - H. Loeffen (communication advisor) - E.M. Ruhé (senior board assistant) - E. Takkenberg (fundraiser) - B. Volman (project controller) (till 01-03-2013) - J. Zweers (project controller) Executive Board The Executive Board (EB) of VUmc CCA consists of the program leaders. The EB meets every 2 months together with the MB, chaired by one of the MB directors. The EB advises the MB about: - research projects - long-term policy with respect to personnel and materials - first money stream graduate students - allocation of equipment for research of > € 12.000 - patient care projects - clinical and translational research - education - fundraising for cancer research, care and education Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Organization - 3 - early diagnostics - all matters concerning VUMC CCA whether on request or not. The complete EB convenes regularly to discuss the long term policy of VUmc CCA. Executive Board members: Program 1: Oncogenesis: - R.H. Brakenhoff - P.J.F. Snijders - J. de Winter (till 30-8-2013) Program 2: Immunopathogenesis: - R.H.J. Beelen - T.D. de Gruijl - E. Hooijberg - Y. van Kooyk - R. Mebius Program 3: Disease profiling: - G.A.M.S. van Dongen - O.S. Hoekstra - C. Jimenez - C.L. Verweij - T. Würdinger Program 4: Innovative therapy: - R. de Bree - J. Janssen - G.J. Peters - S. Senan - H. van der Vliet Program 5: Quality of Life - J. Dekker - G.J.L. Kaspers - B.D. Onwuteaka-Philipsen - I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw - O. Visser Internal Advisory Board The members of the internal advisory board consist of 10 – 15 heads of departments involved in cancer and immunology within the VUmc. The chairman is member of the MB. The board meets twice a year. Internal Advisory Board members: - C.R. Leemans (chair) - M.A. Blankenstein - J. Bonjer - C.D. Dijkstra - J.J. Heimans - O.S. Hoekstra - G.C.P.M. Hoskens - P.C. Huijgens - G.G. Kenter - G. Kraal - D. de Kruif - G.A. Meijer - H. Meijers-Heijboer - C.J.J. Mulder - B. Slotman - E.F. Smit - H.M.W. Verheul - A. Voskuyl (on behalf of the department of reumatology) Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Organization - 4 Scientific Research Committee (CWO) The CWO is divided into a section that advises merely animal related protocols (CWO-DEC) and a section that advises patient related protocols and other project proposals (CWO). The CWO advises about the research policy and about the feasibility of new research projects upon request of the MB. The CWO advises the MB specifically about the quality and the feasibility of all research proposals that need permission of the ethical committees for patient related or animal related research before they can be realized. CWO for patient related protocols and other project proposals Research proposals that are already approved by a Dutch METC outside VUmc are judged only on local feasibility and if the research fits into the focus points of research. The CWO also advises on other research proposals for which judgment by the CWO is desired. The CWO gives asked and unasked advice to the MB about the quality of research within VUMC CCA. The VUMC Management Regulations stipulate that the VUmc CCA CWO section for patients related protocols is composed of five to nine members. In view of the institute’s size and in order to have sufficient expertise in the different research fields, the CWO has been extended to a maximum of 15 members, of which at least four clinicians (including a pathologist) and two fundamental researchers. Members are appointed for three years, which can be extended with another three years. The CWO meets twice a month. Scientific Research Committee (CWO) members - Section for patient related protocols: - A.A. van der Loosdrecht (chair) - A.A. van Bodegraven (till december 2013) - B.J.M. Braakhuis - A.J.M. van den Eertwegh - M. van Egmond - N. Haasbeek - N.H. Hendrikse - D. de Jong - M. Klein - G.K. Kuipers (secretary) - R.D.M. Steenbergen - W.J.J. Unger - Q. Waisfisz CWO for animal related protocols Animal related protocols that need approval of the animal ethical committee (DEC) of the VUmc are first evaluated by the CWO DEC committee. The protocols are judged once a month. The CWO DEC is composed of four to six members. Scientific Research Committee (CWO) members - Section for animal related protocols: - R.J. Scheper (chair) - B.J. Appelmelk - V.W. van Beusechem - J.M.M. den Haan (from 03-12-2013) - G. Kraal - Y.M. Duiker (secretary) Committee for Education & Training The committee for Education and Training supervises and advices about all training and education activities within VUmc CCA. These activities range from counselling of higher education students, monitoring and coordinating oncology and immunology education at the (bio)medical Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes at VU and VUmc, to coordinating graduate and postgraduate education. The graduate training in oncology is organized within the Oncology Graduate School Amsterdam (Onderzoekschool Oncologie Amsterdam - OOA). The committee consists of at least five members, who are all members of VUmc CCA and involved in educational activities on oncology or immunology. The committee consists of: the management board member with portfolio ‘education and training’, director OOA, programme director Master’s Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Organization - 5 programme in Oncology, the coordinator of the specialisation ‘Immunology’ at FALW and the education coordinator of bureau VUmc CCA. The committee meets at least four times a year. The PhD student council (ProPhD) is invited to the meeting when for matters that concern them directly. Members of the Committee for Education & Training: - R.H.J. Beelen - M.M. van Duist - A.W. Griffioen - C.R Leemans (chair) - E.M. Ruhé-Hoogervorst (secretary) - S. Zweegman Subgroups: Oncology profile committee members: - E. Boven - B.J.M. Braakhuis - N.C.T. van Grieken - A.A. van de Loosdrecht - E.M. Ruhé-Hoogervorst (profile coordinator) - F.B.J.M Thunnissen Immunology and Infection committee members: - B.J. Appelmelk - H. Bontkes - I.E.M. Bultink - K.A. Gelderman - I.M.W. van Hoogstraten - G.K. Kuipers (profile coordinator) Directorate OOA (Oncology Graduate School Amsterdam) - A.W. Griffioen - E.M. Ruhé-Hoogervorst, secretary (VUmc) - H. te Riele (NKI) - M. Spaargaren (AMC) Funding by Stichting VUmc CCA The Stichting VUmc CCA supports VUmc and VUmc CCA in their cancer research and care for patients with cancer. Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Organization - 6 Appendix 2. Scientific input Program 1: Oncogenesis Department Full professor Oudejans CBM de Winter JP Joenje H Meijers-Heijboer HE te Riele H Kenter GG Bloemena E Schulten EAJM van der Waal I Brakenhoff RH Leemans CR Meijer CJLM Meijer CJLM Meijer GA Middeldorp JM Mooi WJ Peeper DS Snijders PJF Associate professor Berkhof J van de Wiel MA Dorsman JC Braakhuis BJM Heideman DAM Steenbergen RDM Steenbergen RDM van Kemenade F Assistent professor Menko FH van Hest LP Waisfisz Q Forouzanfar T Karagozoglu KH Bleeker MCG Carvalho B Cillessen SAGM de Jong D Hooijberg E Pegtel DM Rozendaal L Uyterlinde AM van Criekinge WMR Other tenured staff Gille JJP Heins YM Holstege H Poddighe J Stoepker C Oudgenoeg G Lalic D Scheffer GL Total tenured staff Non tenured staff Ameziane N de Lange J Funding FTE Clinical Chemistry Clinical Genetics Clinical Genetics Clinical Genetics Clinical Genetics Obstetrics and Gynaecology Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Pathology Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Pathology Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Pathology Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 0,05 0,67 0,20 0,20 0,20 0,33 0,20 0,10 0,10 0,85 0,05 0,16 0,12 0,10 0,50 0,10 0,00 0,60 Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Clinical Genetics Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 0,70 0,50 0,40 0,85 0,50 0,50 0,04 0,02 Clinical Genetics Clinical Genetics Clinical Genetics Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Pathology Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 3 1 1 2 0,20 0,10 0,20 0,05 0,10 0,20 0,61 1,00 0,20 0,80 0,90 0,10 0,17 0,11 Clinical Genetics Clinical Genetics Clinical Genetics Clinical Genetics Clinical Genetics Laboratory Medical Oncology Pathology Pathology 1 1 1 1 1 4 3 3 0,10 0,10 0,50 0,10 0,25 0,25 0,83 0,50 15,41 Clinical Genetics Clinical Genetics 3 3 0,90 0,90 Appendix Annual Report 2013 Vumc CCA – Scientific input - 7 de Wit M Pham TV van Beynum JR Jordanova ES Nagel R Stoepker C Hesselink AT Wilting SM PhD students Adank M Bakker JL Dommering CJ Faramarz A Haitjema A Kooi EI Massink M Roohollahi K de Leeuw DC Neerincx M Paulis YWJ Ferns D Brouns EREA Dekker H Dekker H Ramawadh RS de Boer DV Graveland APJ Hakim S Martens-de Kemp SR Martens-de Kemp SR Rietbergen MM van Harten AM Bosch LJW de Strooper LMA Hiemstra AC Hubers J Luttmer R Mendeville MS Miok V Mollers M Novalic Z Ramayanti O Schütze DM Snellenberg S Uijterwaal MH van Boerdonk R van Zummeren M Verhoef VMJ Verlaat W Verweij FJ Haloua JP Total non tenured staff Laboratory Medical Oncology Laboratory Medical Oncology Laboratory Medical Oncology Obstetrics and Gynaecology Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Pathology Pathology 4 3 3 1 2 3 3 3 0,50 1,00 1,00 0,70 0,50 0,50 1,00 0,83 Clinical Genetics Clinical Genetics Clinical Genetics Clinical Genetics Clinical Genetics Clinical Genetics Clinical Genetics Clinical Genetics Laboratory Hematology Laboratory Medical Oncology Laboratory Medical Oncology Obstetrics and Gynaecology Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Pathology Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Pathology Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Pathology Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Pathology Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Surgery 1 1 1 2 3 3 2 1 3 3 3 1 3 4 1 1 3 1 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0,07 0,50 0,10 0,75 0,19 0,75 0,75 0,40 0,36 0,63 0,31 0,38 0,00 0,25 0,20 0,16 0,75 0,05 0,31 0,67 0,22 0,44 0,13 0,33 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,28 0,75 0,69 0,75 0,75 0,06 0,13 0,75 0,63 0,25 0,75 0,44 0,38 0,75 26,89 Total research staff 42,30 Program 2: Immunopathogenesis Full professor de Rie MA Gibbs S Department Funding FTE Dermatology Dermatology 1 1 0,01 0,25 Appendix Annual Report 2013 Vumc CCA – Scientific input - 8 Hoekzema R Starink TM Mulder CJJ Bitter W Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE Beelen RHJ Dijkstra CD Kraal G Mebius RE van Kooyk Y Scheper RJ van den Elsen PJ von Blomberg BME Associate professor de Gruijl TD Appelmelk BJ van Die IM van Egmond M van Egmond M Assistent professor Franken SM Rustemeyer T van Montfrans C de Boer KHN Felt-Bersma RJF van Bodegraven AA van Nieuwkerk CMJ Ang W Vainio SJ van der Sar AM van den Eertwegh AJM den Haan JMM Unger WWJ Douma CE Farhat K Nurmohamed SA van den Dungen FAM Mulder MF van der Kuip M van der Plas RN Other tenured staff Commandeur S Boks MA Reijmers RM van der Steen LPE van Vliet SJ Bakema JE Greijer AE van Hoogstraten IMW Total tenured staff Non tenured staff Santegoets SJAM Houben E Houben E Ambrosini M Bakema JE Garcia-Vallejo JJ Gul N Ilarregui JM Koning JJ Kuijk LM Lenos KJ van de Pavert SA Dermatology Dermatology Gastroenterology Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Pathology Pathology Pathology 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0,10 0,10 0,06 0,40 0,15 0,50 0,05 0,60 0,80 0,60 0,01 0,10 0,03 Laboratory Medical Oncology Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Surgery 1 1 1 1 1 1,00 0,70 0,60 0,80 0,80 Dermatology Dermatology Dermatology Gastroenterology Gastroenterology Gastroenterology Gastroenterology Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Medical Oncology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Nefrology Nefrology Nefrology Neonatology Paediatrics Paediatrics Paediatrics 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 1 1 0,30 0,30 0,10 0,10 0,20 0,20 0,20 0,10 0,01 0,70 0,05 0,60 1,00 0,10 0,20 0,15 0,20 0,10 0,02 0,00 Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Pathology Pathology 3 2 2 3 2 1 3 1 0,45 0,40 0,86 0,31 1,00 0,45 0,83 0,10 16,69 Laboratory Medical Oncology Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 2 2 1 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 0,29 0,35 0,23 1,00 0,45 0,75 0,80 0,78 1,00 0,83 0,67 0,25 Appendix Annual Report 2013 Vumc CCA – Scientific input - 9 Veninga H Broers CJM Bontkes HJ Gelderman KA PhD students Kosten IJ Ates LS Boot H van de Weerd R van Winden VJC Weerdenburg EM Lam SW Aleyd E Bar-Ephraim J Beijer MR Braster R da Silva Aresta Belo van Wijk AI Fehres CM Ferrantelli E Foster TL Goverse G Grewal SK Klaver EJ Pires da Silva Baptista A Stavenuiter AWD Vila Cuenca M Walraven M van Leeuwen LM Gross S Rachmawati D Turksma AW Total non tenured staff Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Paediatrics Pathology Pathology 3 1 1 1 1,00 0,20 0,10 0,07 Dermatology Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Medical Oncology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Paediatrics Pathology Pathology Pathology 1 1 3 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,19 0,13 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,40 0,75 0,75 0,56 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,06 0,75 0,14 0,47 0,00 0,34 23,81 Total research staff 40,50 Program 3: Disease profiling Department Full professor Blankenstein MA Mulder CJJ Huijgens PC Kluytmans J Morré SA Savelkoul PHM Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE Dijkstra CD Heimans JJ Boellaard R Comans EFI Hoekstra OS Lammertsma AA van Dongen GAMS de Bree R Leemans CR Bloemena E Meijer CJLM Meijer CJLM Meijer GA Snijders PJF van der Waal I Clinical Chemistry Gastroenterology Hematology Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Neurology Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Funding FTE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 0,05 0,06 0,10 0,20 0,40 0,15 0,15 0,05 0,06 0,30 0,05 0,30 0,15 0,75 0,10 0,05 0,20 0,17 0,12 0,10 0,20 0,00 Appendix Annual Report 2013 Vumc CCA – Scientific input - 10 Verweij CL Verweij CL Wesseling P Ylstra B Postmus PE Smit EF Castelijns JA van Kuijk C Lems WF Bonjer HJ Kazemier G Associate professor van de Wiel MA Jimenez CR van Beusechem VW Molthoff CFM Windhorst AD Beliën JAM Ylstra B Marcus JT van der Horst-Bruinsma IE Assistent professor Zijlstra JM Budding A Hekker TAM Ossenkopp YJ Smit AM van der Pouw-Kraan CTM Postma TJ Reijneveld JC Oprea D Raijmakers PG van Schie A Visser GWM Wang S Flach GB Tijink BM Carvalho B Fijneman RJA Thunnissen FBJM van Grieken NCT Hendrikse NH Bahce I Becker A Daniels JMA de Langen AJ Hashemi SMS Sutedja TG van Criekinge WMR de Graaf P Duvivier KM Meijerink MR van der Bos IC van Waesberghe JHTM Bultink IEM van der Laken CJ van Schaardenburg D Voskuyl AE Paul MA te Velde EA Other tenured staff Crusius JBA Kaiser AM Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pulmonology Pulmonology Radiology Radiology Reumatology Surgery Surgery 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0,30 0,30 0,15 0,06 0,20 0,50 0,20 0,05 0,10 0,20 0,30 Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Laboratory Medical Oncology Laboratory Medical Oncology Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Pathology Pathology Physics and Medical Technology Reumatology 2 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 0,50 1,00 0,50 0,30 0,30 0,80 0,23 0,05 0,40 Hematology Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Neurology Neurology Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pharmacy Pulmonology Pulmonology Pulmonology Pulmonology Pulmonology Pulmonology Pathology Radiology Radiology Radiology Radiology Radiology Reumatology Reumatology Reumatology Reumatology Surgery Surgery 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 4 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 0,20 0,50 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,90 0,10 0,10 0,12 0,05 0,10 0,10 0,75 0,02 0,10 0,31 0,90 0,10 0,20 0,30 0,50 0,10 0,30 0,20 0,20 0,00 0,11 0,03 0,05 0,10 0,10 0,05 0,10 0,20 0,05 0,10 0,10 0,20 Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Medical Microbiology and Infection Control 1 1 0,75 0,05 Appendix Annual Report 2013 Vumc CCA – Scientific input - 11 Karimi O Ouburg S Pettersson Fernholm AM van de Laar TJW Huisman MC Poot AJ Waalboer DCJ Yaqub MM Waalboer DCJ Bierkens M Blonde W Blonde W de Bruijn FDB Parlayan Parlayan Scheffer GL Sie DLS Sie DLS Steegers C van Denderen AC Voorham QJM Schook R Total tenured staff Non tenured staff Verwer E Vugts D Poot AJ Oostlander AE Johannesma PC PhD student Obulkasim A Obulkasim A Obulkasim A Obulkasim A Vink A Ben Larbi I Nijeboer P Eck Hauer A Schepens MLM van der Brand M le Poole CY Koekkoek J van Dellen E van Thuijl HF Frings V Hoyng LL Makris N Nissen IA Oprea D Rotteveel L Verbeek J van der Putten L Donken R van Elsland S Blits M Bosch LJW Cordes M de Groen FLM de Jong T de Ridder A Goos JACM Krijgsman O Lubbers J Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pulmonology 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 4 2 3 2 3 2 1 3 1 1 3 2 2 1 0,01 0,70 0,01 0,02 0,20 0,25 0,81 0,15 0,50 1,00 0,27 0,06 0,40 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,42 0,02 1,00 0,90 1,00 0,46 28,00 Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Pathology Pulmonology 2 4 2 2 2 1,00 0,90 0,56 0,20 0,42 Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Gastroenterology Gastroenterology Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Nefrology Neurology Neurology Neurology Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Paediatrics Paediatrics Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology 1 2 1 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 3 2 2 4 2 4 3 2 1 3 4 2 2 3 1 3 2 2 1 2 0,17 0,17 0,17 0,17 0,75 0,33 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,50 0,07 0,10 0,25 0,19 1,00 0,75 0,75 0,69 0,17 0,63 0,75 0,01 0,25 0,75 0,38 0,17 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,13 0,50 0,75 Appendix Annual Report 2013 Vumc CCA – Scientific input - 12 Ozturk S Scheinin AI Timmer LM van den Broek E van Thuijl HF Vosslamber S Johannesma PC Kuiper JL Mellema WW Paff T Schook R Siebring-van Olst E de Jong MC Scheffer HJ John MLB John MLB Abis GSA Abis GSA de Cuba E Total non tenured staff Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pulmonology Pulmonology Pulmonology Pulmonology Pulmonology Pulmonology Radiology Radiology Reumatology Reumatology Surgery Surgery Surgery 3 2 3 1 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 1 4 3 1 3 3 1 1 Total research staff 0,30 0,75 0,69 0,75 0,56 0,75 0,44 0,56 0,75 0,75 0,05 0,60 0,75 0,75 0,12 0,12 0,38 0,37 0,56 28,88 56,88 Program 4: Innovative therapy Department Full professor Zuurmond WWA Boers M Uyl-de Groot CA Mulder CJJ Huijgens PC Ossenkoppele GJ van de Loosdrecht AA Zweegman S Griffioen AW Peters GJ Boven E Verheul H Heimans JJ Vandertop WP Moll AC de Bree R Leemans CR Scheper RJ Kaspers GJL van Furth AM Senan S Slotman BJ Bijlsma JWJ Boers M Lems WF Cuesta MA Rauwerda JA van Leeuwen PAM Wisselink W van Moorselaar RJA Associate professor Perez RSGM van Agtmael MA Schuurhuis GJ Funding FTE Anesthesiology Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Gastroenterology Hematology Hematology Hematology Hematology Laboratory Medical Oncology Laboratory Medical Oncology Medical Oncology Medical Oncology Neurology Neurosurgery Opthalmonology Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Pathology Paediatric Oncology Paediatrics Radiation Oncology Radiation Oncology Reumatology Reumatology Reumatology Surgery Surgery Surgery Surgery Urology 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 0,20 0,30 0,00 0,06 0,10 0,30 0,30 0,20 0,80 0,80 0,10 0,20 0,06 0,10 0,03 0,10 0,05 0,01 0,10 0,30 0,20 0,20 0,21 0,10 0,10 0,20 0,05 0,10 0,15 0,10 Anesthesiology Internal Medicine Laboratory Hematology 1 1 1 0,10 0,90 0,75 Appendix Annual Report 2013 Vumc CCA – Scientific input - 13 van Beusechem VW Wurdinger T Assistent professor Coupe VMH Menezes R Menezes R Chamuleau MED Issa DE Janssen JJWM Meijer E Thielen N Visser O Wondergem MJ Peters EJG Cloos J Buter J de Jong JM Konings IRHM Labots M van den Eertwegh AJM van der Houven van Oordt CW van der Vliet JJ van der Vorst MJDL van Linde ME van Zweeden AA Voortman J Postma TJ Reijneveld JC Baayen JC de Witt Hamer PC Feller RE Noske DP Peerdeman SM van der Meij BS Eerenstein SEJ van Weert S Abbink F de Haas V Klein K Kors WA Oeij NA Wilhelm AJ Dahele MR Doornaert P Griffioen GHMJ Haasbeek CJ Lagerwaard FJ Sminia P Bultink IEM van Schaardenburg D Voskuyl AE Dickhoff C Hartemink KJ Meijerink WJ Oosterhuis JW Straatman J van den Tol MP van der Peet DL Zonderhuis BM Geldof AA ter Haar R Vis A Other tenured staff Laboratory Medical Oncology Neurosurgery 1 1 0,50 1,00 Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Hematology Hematology Hematology Hematology Hematology Hematology Hematology Internal Medicine Laboratory Hematology Medical Oncology Medical Oncology Medical Oncology Medical Oncology Medical Oncology Medical Oncology Medical Oncology Medical Oncology Medical Oncology Medical Oncology Medical Oncology Neurology Neurology Neurosurgery Neurosurgery Neurosurgery Neurosurgery Neurosurgery Nutricion and dietics Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Paediatric Oncology Paediatric Oncology Paediatric Oncology Paediatric Oncology Paediatric Oncology Pharmacy Radiation Oncology Radiation Oncology Radiation Oncology Radiation Oncology Radiation Oncology Radiation Oncology Reumatology Reumatology Reumatology Surgery Surgery Surgery Surgery Surgery Surgery Surgery Surgery Urology Urology Urology 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0,90 1,00 1,00 0,30 0,40 0,30 0,10 0,40 0,20 0,10 0,10 0,67 0,05 0,04 0,10 0,50 0,05 0,05 0,20 0,17 0,20 0,08 0,20 0,10 0,10 0,05 0,30 0,00 0,30 0,10 0,06 0,02 0,02 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,10 0,05 0,05 0,10 0,05 0,05 0,40 0,10 0,05 0,10 0,15 0,40 0,20 0,05 0,07 0,20 0,30 0,05 0,30 0,07 0,10 Appendix Annual Report 2013 Vumc CCA – Scientific input - 14 Bogaards JA Noordhuis P Smit L Smit MA van Oostveen JW Broxterman HJ Galvani E Giovannetti E Huijbers EJM Labots M Piersma SR Rovithi MN van de Ven R van Pul KM Visser BM Warmoes M Rovithi MN Berenguer de Felipe J Langius JAE Melis GC Wierdsma NJ von Mensdorff-Pouilly S van Battum L Senthi S Thijssen VLJL van Sörnsen de Koste JR Verbakel WFAR Al MCM Jansen G ter Wee MM Bossenga J Bundel EM Total tenured staff Non tenured staff Demirel E Peeters CFW Veldhuijzen IK Honeywell R van der Stoop PM Hulleman E van Tuyl L Bijnsdorp IV PhD students Bongers ML Chaturvedi N Greuter MJ van der Meijde E de Boer YS de Koning H Regelink JC Wondergem MJ Sikkens JJ Cremers E de Leeuw DC Kerkhoff N Niewerth D Ruben JM van Alphen C Verhagen HJMP Wojtuszkiewicz A Wouters R Zeijlemaker W Avan A Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Laboratory Hematology Laboratory Hematology Laboratory Hematology Laboratory Hematology Laboratory Medical Oncology Laboratory Medical Oncology Laboratory Medical Oncology Laboratory Medical Oncology Laboratory Medical Oncology Laboratory Medical Oncology Laboratory Medical Oncology Laboratory Medical Oncology Laboratory Medical Oncology Laboratory Medical Oncology Laboratory Medical Oncology Medical Oncology Neurosurgery Nutricion and dietics Nutricion and dietics Nutricion and dietics Obstetrics and Gynaecology Physics and Medical Technology Radiation Oncology Radiation Oncology Radiation Oncology Radiation Oncology Reumatology Reumatology Reumatology Urology Urology 3 4 1 4 1 1 4 2 4 3 3 4 3 4 4 4 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 4 0,30 0,30 0,75 0,02 0,05 1,00 1,00 1,00 0,66 0,10 1,00 0,31 0,06 0,38 0,03 0,30 0,58 1,00 0,33 0,89 0,22 0,10 0,02 0,08 0,60 0,20 0,10 1,00 1,00 0,83 0,10 0,50 34,68 Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Laboratory Medical Oncology Neurosurgery Paediatric Oncology Reumatology Urology 3 3 3 1 2 3 3 3 0,50 0,92 0,90 1,00 0,80 1,00 0,66 1,00 Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Gastroenterology Hematology Hematology Hematology Internal Medicine Laboratory Hematology Laboratory Hematology Laboratory Hematology Laboratory Hematology Laboratory Hematology Laboratory Hematology Laboratory Hematology Laboratory Hematology Laboratory Hematology Laboratory Hematology Laboratory Medical Oncology 3 3 3 3 2 4 4 1 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 1 4 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,25 0,75 0,75 0,40 0,07 0,30 0,50 0,37 0,75 0,75 0,06 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,40 0,75 Appendix Annual Report 2013 Vumc CCA – Scientific input - 15 de Bruin R Gotink KJ Hodzic J Kleibeuker EA Koster BD Schulkens I van der Mijn JC Weiss A Huijts L Kruger DT Lameris R Neefjes ECW Offringa R Schneiders FL Versteeg KS Wentink MQ Westgeest HM Koekkoek J van Dellen E Hiddingh L van Rijn S Buskermolen S Mourits DL Klumpers DD Schmitz MS Schouten CS Slobbe P Blufpand HN Gordijn MS Jansen MHA Janzen J Sewing ACP van Vuurden DG van Vuurden DG Veldhuijzen van Zanten SEM Kleibeuker EA Narayan RS Tol J Verstegen NE Bruijnen STG Chandrupatla DMSH Gent YYJ Konijn NPC Krieckaert CLM Rasch LA Tsang-A-Sjoe MWP Tsang-A-Sjoe MWP Ankersmit M Brinkmann SJH Buijs N Nielsen K Visser M Total non tenured staff Laboratory Medical Oncology Laboratory Medical Oncology Laboratory Medical Oncology Laboratory Medical Oncology Laboratory Medical Oncology Laboratory Medical Oncology Laboratory Medical Oncology Laboratory Medical Oncology Medical Oncology Medical Oncology Medical Oncology Medical Oncology Medical Oncology Medical Oncology Medical Oncology Medical Oncology Medical Oncology Neurology Neurology Neurosurgery Neurosurgery Nutricion and dietics Opthalmonology Orthopaedics Orthopaedics Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Paediatric Oncology Paediatric Oncology Paediatric Oncology Paediatric Oncology Paediatric Oncology Paediatric Oncology Paediatric Oncology Paediatric Oncology Radiation Oncology Radiation Oncology Radiation Oncology Radiation Oncology Reumatology Reumatology Reumatology Reumatology Reumatology Reumatology Reumatology Reumatology Surgery Surgery Surgery Surgery Surgery 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 4 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 1 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 1 1 4 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 Total research staff 0,75 0,13 0,75 0,25 0,44 0,75 0,50 0,25 0,75 0,25 0,25 0,75 0,75 0,25 0,50 0,75 0,63 0,10 0,24 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,44 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,19 0,75 0,75 0,20 0,00 0,75 0,50 0,30 0,60 0,01 0,75 0,72 0,75 0,75 0,01 0,75 0,37 0,37 0,40 0,00 0,75 0,75 0,00 44,78 79,46 Program 5: Quality of life Department Full professor Heimans JJ Neurology Funding FTE 1 0,06 Appendix Annual Report 2013 Vumc CCA – Scientific input - 16 Taphoorn MJB Festen JM Leemans CR Verdonck-de Leeuw IM Kaspers GJL Dekker J Meuleman EJH Associate professor Klein M Assistent professor van der Linden MHM van Dijk EM Reijneveld JC Rinkel RNPM van Gogh CDL Israels T Veening MA Other tenured staff Dirven L Lubberding S van den Berg MH van Litsenburg R Total tenured staff Non tenured staff Mostert SM van Dulmen-den Broeder E PhD students Schuurhuizen C Boele F Cnossen IC Jansen F Krebber AMH van Nieuwenhuizen AJ Braam KI Al-Itejawi H Total non tenured staff Total research staff Neurology Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Paediatric Oncology Rehabilitation Medicine Urology 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 0,01 0,03 0,05 0,60 0,10 0,10 0,10 Medical Psychology 1 0,40 Medical Psychology Medical Psychology Neurology Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Paediatric Oncology Paediatric Oncology 3 3 1 1 1 4 1 0,10 0,30 0,10 0,05 0,02 0,30 0,00 Neurology Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Paediatric Oncology Paediatric Oncology 1 2 3 4 1,00 0,05 0,60 0,35 4,26 Paediatric Oncology Paediatric Oncology 4 4 0,60 0,80 Medical Oncology Medical Psychology Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Paediatric Oncology Urology 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 0,09 0,24 0,50 0,16 0,61 0,75 0,75 0,25 4,75 9,01 Appendix Annual Report 2013 Vumc CCA – Scientific input - 17 Appendix 3. Newly started PhD projects PhD student Project leader Department Project Program Aleyd E Van Egmond M Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Immunoglobulin A Fc receptor (Fc-alpha-RI)induced inflammatory diseases 2 Al-Itejawi H Van Moorselaar RJA Urology De patient centraal bij de behandelkeuze voor prostaatkanker 5 Chandrupatla DMSH Van der Laken CJ Reumatology Imaging and targeting of macrophage folate receptor-beta in rheumatoid arthritis 4 Chondronasiou D De Gruijl TD Medical Oncology Targeting solid tumors and their myeloid infiltrate by specific nanobodies 4 Cremers E Van de Loosdrecht A Hematology Emerging role of Flow Cytometry in the diagnosis of Cytopenias of undetermined origin (ICUS) and Myelodysplactics Syndromes 4 Donken R Meijer CJLM Pathology HAVANA-studie: HPV amongst vaccinated and non-vaccinnated adolescents 3 Gootjes EC Verheul HMW Medical Oncology A phase I study of SGI-110 combined with irinotecan followed by a randomized phase II study of SGI-110 combined with irinotecan versus regorafenib in previously treated metastatic colorectal cancer patients (CORSICA) 4 Gootjes EC Verheul HMW Medical Oncology A randomized multicenter clinical trial for patients with multi-ORgan, Colorectal cancer metastases comparing the combination of cHEmotherapy and maximal tumor debulking versuS chemoTheRapy Alone: ORCHESTRA. 4 Jansen F Verdonck-de Leeuw IM Otolaryngology/Head & Neck Surgery Cost evaluation of supportive care in head and neck cancer. Netherlands Quality of Life and Biomedical Cohort Studies in Head and Neck Cancer (NET-QUBIC_HNC) 5 Janzen J Hulleman E Paediatric Oncology Growth factors as a target for the treatment of diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma 4 Kleibeuker EA Thijssen VLJL Radiation Oncology Study on the interaction between angiogenesis inhibition and radiotherapy 4 Kruger DT Boven E Medical Oncology PI3K pathway analysis in tumor tissue and circulating DNA to obtain further insight in the efficacy of evarolimus in combination with exemestane in postmenopausal patients with hormone receptor-positive advanced metastatic breast cancer, who have progressed on anastrozole or letrozole 3 Lameris R De Gruijl TD Medical Oncology Targeting of CD1d in Multiple Myeloma 4 Masoumi Kouhestani N Middeldorp JM Pathology Circulating microvesicles containing inflammatory viral RNA (EBER1) as indicators of SLE activity and organ involvement 2 Mendeville M De Jong D Pathology Molecular stratification for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma as a guide for treatment choice. 1 Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Newly started PhD projects – 18 Rovithi MN Verheul HMW Medical Oncology Clinical evaluation of the underlying mechanisms of targeted therapy related toxicities 4 Schuurhuizen C Verheul HMW Medical Oncology Screening and treatment of psychological distress in colorectal cancer with metastasized disease (TES) 5 Snoek BC Snijders PJF Pathology Discover and validation of molecular triage markers to stratify women with hrHPV positive self-samples for colposcopy directed biopsy by the gynaecologist 1 Straatman J Cuesta MA Surgery The STOMACH trial: Surgical Technique: Open versus minimally invasive gastrectomy after chemotherapy 4 Van der Werf A Verheul HMW Nutricion and dietics The effect of individualized NUTritional counselling on muscle mass and treatment outcome in patients with metastatic COLOrectal cancer undergoing chemotherapy (COLONUT) 5 Van Harten AM Brakenhoff RH Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Development of a personalized targeted treatment of head and neck cancer 1 Van Helden EJ Verheul HMW Medical Oncology Towards patient tailored cancer treatment supported by molecular imaging IMPACT: Imaging Patients for Cancer drug selecTion Metastatic Breast Cancer (IMPACT breast) 4 Van Helden EJ Verheul HMW Medical Oncology Watchful waiting in patients with good and intermediate risk metastatic renal cell carcinoma; an imaging guided observational approach 4 Van Leeuwen LM Van Furth AM Paediatrics The role of the granulomaformation in tuberculous meningitis in zebrafish 2 Van Thuijl HF Reijneveld JC Neurology Prediction of progression in low-grade glioma using chromosomal copy number alterations 3 Van Vuurden DG Cloos J Paediatric Oncology Targeted therapy in pediatric brain tumors 4 Van Winden VJC Bitter W Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Protein secretion systems of M. tuberculosis as novel target for drug development 2 Van Zummeren M Verlaat W Pathology Snijders PJF Vila Cuenca M 1 Pathology Discover and validation of molecular triage markers to stratify women with hrHPV positive self-samples for colposcopy directed biopsy by the gynaecologist 1 Molecular Celbiology and Immunology European Training and Research in Peritoneal Dialysis (EuTRiPD) 2 Westgeest HM Verheul HMW Medical Oncology Castration-resistant Prostate cancer RegIstry (CAPRI): an observational study in the Netherlands 4 Westgeest HM Gerritsen WR Medical Oncology Patient Reported Outcomes in the CAstrationresistant Prostate cancer RegIstry: PRO-CAPRI 4 Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Newly started PhD projects – 19 Appendix 4. Scientific output Abbreviations: (x /y): 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: (Cat.A): (Cat.B): (Cat.C): (Cat.D): After publications, x: quartile score (1-5), y: Impact Factor of journal Quartile score: SCI journal from lowest quarter, publications in peer-reviewed journals without an Impact Factor Quartile score: SCI journal from the second quarter (>25th and < 50th percentile) Quartile score: SCI journal from the third quarter (>50th and < 75th percentile) Quartile score: SCI journal belonging to the highest quarter 75th-90th percentile Quartile score: SCI journal belonging to > 90th percentile Dissertations prepared and defended at VUmc Dissertations prepared elsewhere and defended at VUmc Dissertations prepared at VUmc and defended elsewhere Dissertations prepared and defended elsewhere Program 1: Oncogenesis Scientific papers refereed 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Adank MA, Verhoef S, Oldenburg RA, Schmidt MK, Hooning MJ, Martens JWM, Broeks A, Rookus M, Waisfisz Q, Witte BI, Jonker MA, Meijers-Heijboer H. Excess breast cancer risk in first degree relatives of CHEK2*1100delC positive familial breast cancer cases. Eur J Cancer 2013; 49: 1993-1999 (4/5.061) Baalbergen A, Smedts F, Ewing P, Snijders PJF, Meijer CJLM, Helmerhorst TJM. HPV-type has no impact on survival of patients with adenocarcinoma of the uterine cervix. Gynecol Oncol 2013; 128: 530-534 (5/3.929) Backes DM, Snijders PJF, Hudgens MG, Bailey RC, Bogaarts M, Agot K, Agingu W, Moses S, Meijer CJLM, Smith JS. Sexual behaviour and less frequent bathing are associated with higher human papillomavirus incidence in a cohort study of uncircumcised Kenyan men. Sex Transm Infect 2013; 89: 148-155 (3/2.611) Bakker JL, van Mil SE, Crossan G, Sabbaghian N, De Leeneer K, Poppe B, Adank M, Gille H, Verheul H, Meijers-Heijboer H, de Winter JP, Claes K, Tischkowitz M, Waisfisz Q. Analysis of the Novel Fanconi Anemia Gene SLX4/FANCP in Familial Breast Cancer Cases. Hum Mutat 2013; 34: 70-73 (4/5.213) Bakker ST, de Winter JP, te Riele H. Learning from a paradox: recent insights into Fanconi anaemia through studying mouse models. Disease Models and Mechanisms 2013; 6: 40-47 (5/4.959) Berkhof J, Bogaards JA, Demirel E, Diaz M, Sharma M, Kim JJ. Cost-Effectiveness of Cervical Cancer Prevention in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Vaccine 2013; 31: H71-H79 (3/3.492) Bierkens M, Hesselink AT, Meijer CJLM, Heideman DAM, Wisman GB, van der Zee AGJ, Snijders PJF, Steenbergen RDM. CADM1 and MAL promoter methylation levels in hrHPV-positive cervical scrapes increase proportional to degree and duration of underlying cervical disease. Int J Cancer 2013; 133: 1293-1299 (4/6.198) Bierkens M, Krijgsman O, Wilting SM, Bosch LJW, Jaspers A, Meijer GA, Meijer CJLM, Snijders PJF, Ylstra B, Steenbergen RDM. Focal aberrations indicate EYA2 and hsa-miR-375 as oncogene and tumor suppressor in cervical carcinogenesis. Gene Chromosom Canc 2013; 52: 56-68 (3/3.546) Bogliolo M, Schuster B, Stoepker C, Derkunt B, Su Y, Raams A, Trujillo JP, Minguillon J, Ramirez MJ, Pujol R, Casado JA, Banos R, Rio P, Knies K, Zuniga S, Benitez J, Bueren JA, Jaspers NGJ, Scharer OD, de Winter JP, Schindler D, Surralles J. Mutations in ERCC4, Encoding the DNA-Repair Endonuclease XPF, Cause Fanconi Anemia. Am J Hum Genet 2013; 92: 800-806 (5/11.202) Bojesen SE, Pooley KA, Johnatty SE, Beesley J, Michailidou K, Tyrer JP, Edwards SL, Pickett HA, Shen HC, Smart CE, Hillman KM, Mai PL, Lawrenson K, Stutz MD, Lu Y, Karevan R, Woods N, Johnstonw RL, French JD, Chen XQ, Weischer M, Nielsen SF, Maranian MJ, Ghoussaini M, Ahmed S, Baynes C, Bolla MK, Wang Q, Dennis J, McGuffog L, Barrowdale D, Lee A, Healey S, Lush M, Tessier DC, Vincent D, Bacot F, Vergote I, Lambrechts S, Despierre E, Risch HA, Gonzaalez-Neira A, Rossing MA, Pita G, Doherty JA, Alvarez N, Larson MC, Fridley BL, Schoof N, Chang-Claude J, Cicek MS, Peto J, Kalli KR, Broeks A, Armasu SM, Schmidt MK, Braaf LM, Winterhoff B, Nevanlinna H, Konecny GE, Lambrechts D, Rogmann L, Guenel P, Teoman A, Milne RL, Garcia JJ, Cox A, Shridhar V, Burwinkel B, Marme F, Hein R, Sawyer EJ, Haiman CA, Wang-Gohrke S, Andrulis IL, Moysich KB, Hopper JL, Odunsi K, Lindblom A, Giles GG, Brenner H, Simard J, Lurie G, Fasching PA, Carney ME, Radice P, Wilkens LR, Swerdlow A, Goodman MT, Brauch H, Garcia-Closas M, Hillemanns P, Winqvist R, Durst M, Devilee P, Runnebaum I, Jakubowska A, Lubinski J, Mannermaa A, Meijers-Heijboer EJ, Chenevix-Trench G, Dunning AM. Multiple independent variants at the TERT locus are associated with telomere length and risks of breast and ovarian cancer. Nat Genet 2013; 45: 371-384 (5/35.209) Bosch FX, Broker TR, Forman D, Moscicki AB, Gillison ML, Doorbar J, Stern PL, Stanley M, Arbyn M, Poljak M, Cuzick J, Castle PE, Schiller JT, Markowitz LE, Fisher WA, Canfell K, Denny LA, Franco EL, Steben M, Kane MA, Schiffman M, Meijer CJLM, Sankaranarayanan R, Castellsague X, Kim JJ, Brotons M, Alemany L, Albero G, Diaz M, de Sanjose S. Comprehensive control of human papillomavirus infections and related diseases. Vaccine 2013; 31: H1-H31 (3/3.492) Brakenhoff RH. Potentially novel options for treatment of HPV-attributable head and neck cancer. Cell Cycle 2013; 12: 1020-1021 (4/5.243) Brouns EREA, Baart JA, Bloemena E, Karagozoglu KH, van der Waal I. The relevance of uniform reporting in oral leukoplakia: Definition, certainty factor and staging based on experience with 275 patients. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 2013; 18: E19-E26 (2/1.017) Couch FJ, Wang XS, McGuffog L, Lee A, Olswold C, Kuchenbaecker KB, Soucy P, Fredericksen Z, Barrowdale D, Dennis J, Gaudet MM, Dicks E, Kosel M, Healey S, Sinilnikova OM, Bacot F, Vincent D, Hogervorst FBL, Peock S, Stoppa-Lyonnet D, Jakubowska A, Radice P, Schmutzler RK, Domchek SM, Piedmonte M, Singer CF, Friedman E, Thomassen M, Hansen TVO, Neuhausen SL, Szabo CI, Blanco I, Greene MH, Karlan BY, Garber J, Phelan CM, Weitzel JN, Montagna M, Olah E, Andrulis IL, Godwin AK, Yannoukakos D, Goldgar DE, Caldes T, Nevanlinna H, Osorio A, Terry MB, Daly MB, van Rensburg EJ, Appendix Annual Report 2013 Vumc CCA – Scientific input - 20 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. Hamann U, Ramus SJ, Toland AE, Caligo MA, Olopade OI, Tung N, Claes K, Beattie MS, Southey MC, Imyanitov EN, Tischkowitz M, Janavicius R, John EM, Kwong A, Diez O, Balmana J, Barkardottir RB, Arun BK, Rennert G, Teo SH, Ganz PA, Campbell I, van der Hout AH, van Deurzen CHM, Seynaeve C, Garcia EBG, van Leeuwen FE, Meijers-Heijboer HEJ, Gille JJP, Ausems MGEM, Blok MJ, Ligtenberg MJL, Rookus MA, Devilee P, Verhoef S, van Os TAM, Wijnen JT, Frost D, Ellis S, Fineberg E, Platte R, Evans DG, Izatt L, Eeles RA, Adlard J, Eccles DM, Cook J, Brewer C, Douglas F, Hodgson Sao. GenomeWide Association Study in BRCA1 Mutation Carriers Identifies Novel Loci Associated with Breast and Ovarian Cancer Risk. PLoS Genet 2013; 9: e1003212 (5/8.517) de Bruijn RE, Heideman DAM, Kenter GG, van Beurden M, van Tinteren H, Horenblas S. Patients with penile cancer and the risk of (pre)malignant cervical lesions in female partners: a retrospective cohort analysis. BJU int 2013; 112: 905-908 (4/3.046) de Kemp SR, Dalm SU, Wijnolts FMJ, van den Brink A, Honeywell RJ, Peters GJ, Braakhuis BJM, Brakenhoff RH. DNA-Bound Platinum Is the Major Determinant of Cisplatin Sensitivity in Head and Neck Squamous Carcinoma Cells. PLoS One 2013; 8: e61555 (4/3.73) de Kemp SR, Nagel CR, Stigter-van Walsum M, van der Meulen IH, van Beusechem VW, Braakhuis BJM, Brakenhoff RH. Functional Genetic Screens Identify Genes Essential for Tumor Cell Survival in Head and Neck and Lung Cancer. Clin Cancer Res 2013; 19: 1994-2003 (5/7.837) de Vuyst H, Chung MH, Baussano I, Mugo NR, Tenet V, van Kemenade FJ, Rana FS, Sakr SR, Meijer CJLM, Snijders PJF, Franceschi S. Comparison of HPV DNA testing in cervical exfoliated cells and tissue biopsies among HIV-positive women in Kenya. Int J Cancer 2013; 133: 1441-1446 (4/6.198) den Bakker MA, Thunnissen FBJM. Neuroendocrine tumours-challenges in the diagnosis and classification of pulmonary neuroendocrine tumours. 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Vriend HJ, Bogaards JA, van der Klis FRM, Scherpenisse M, Boot HJ, King AJ, van der Sande MAB. Patterns of Human Papillomavirus DNA and Antibody Positivity in Young Males and Females, Suggesting a Site-Specific Natural Course of Infection. PLoS One 2013; : 8 (4/3.73) 79. Weemaes CMR, van Tol MJD, Wang J, Dam M, van Eggermond MCJA, Thijssen PE, Aytekin C, Brunetti-Pierri N, van der Burg M, Graham Davies E, Ferster A, Furthner D, Gimelli G, Gennery A, Kloeckener-Gruissem B, Meyn S, Powell C, Reisli I, Schuetz C, Schulz A, Shugar A, van den Elsen PJ, van der Maarel SM. Heterogeneous clinical presentation in ICF syndrome: correlation with underlying gene defects. Eur J Hum Genet 2013; 21: 1219-1225 (4/4.319) 80. Wielders EA, Houlleberghs H, Isik G, te Riele H. Functional analysis in mouse embryonic stem cells reveals wild-type activity for three MSH6 variants found in suspected Lynch syndrome patients. PLoS One 2013; 8: e74766 (4/3.73) 81. Wilting SM, Snijders PJF, Verlaat W, Jaspers A, van de Wiel MA, van Wieringen WN, Meijer GA, Kenter GG, Yi Y, le Sage C, Agami R, Meijer CJLM, Steenbergen RDM. Altered microRNA expression associated with chromosomal changes contributes to cervical carcinogenesis. Oncogene 2013; 32: 106-116 (5/7.357) 82. Wilting SM, Verlaat W, Jaspers A, Makazaji NA, Agami R, Meijer CJLM, Snijders PJF, Steenbergen RDM. Methylationmediated transcriptional repression of microRNAs during cervical carcinogenesis. Epigenetics 2013; 8: 220-228 (4/4.92) Professional publications 1. Ang CW, Wolfs TFW. Diagnostiek van lymeborreliose bij kinderen. Tijdschr Kindergeneeskd 2013; 81: 126-134. Appendix Annual Report 2013 Vumc CCA – Scientific input - 23 Dissertations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Adank MA. Clinical impact of breast cancer genes. 11/22/2013. (Co-)promotores: Meijers-Heijboer EJ, Waisfisz Q (cat A) Bierkens M. Understanding the heterogeneity of high-grade CIN lesions. Chromosomal and epigenetic analysis. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 1/22/2013. (Co-)promotores: Snijders PJF, Meijer CJLM, Steenbergen RDM (cat A) Brohet RM. Cancer risks and hormonal modifiers of risks in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers. Knowing the genes, what are the risks? 2/27/2013. (Co-)promotores: van Leeuwen FE, van 't Veer LJ, Rookus MA (cat B) Cornet I. Studies on mucosal and cutaneous HPV types: the role of genotypes and natural variants in determining their potential oncogenicity. , 3/14/2013. (Co-)promotores: Snijders PJF, Tommasino M (cat B) Oort FA. Survival of the FI-Test: Past, present and future of Fecal Inmmunochemical Tests in colorectal cancer screening. 10/28/2013. (Co-)promotores: Mulder CJJ, Meijer GA, van der Hulst RW (cat A) Rijkaart DC. Impact of HPV testing on cervical cancer screening. 3/1/2013. (Co-)promotores: Meijer CJLM, Snijders PJF, Heideman DAM, Berkhof J (cat A) Scherpenisse M. The humoral immune responses after HPV infection and prophylactic vaccination: Importance of serology. 10/17/2013. (Co-)promotores: Meijer CJLM, van der Klis FRM, Berbers GAM, Noske DP (cat A) van Harn T. Loss of Rb proteins: Consequences for cell cycle control and genome integrity. 5/17/2013. (Co-)promotores: te Riele HPJ (cat B) Zander SAL. Resistance to topoisomerase inhibitors in BRCA1-deficient mouse mammary tumors. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 1/25/2013. (Co-)promotores: te Riele HPJ, Rotterberg S, Borst P (cat B) Program 2: Immunopathogenesis Scientific papers refereed 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Adriaanse MPM, Tack GJ, Passos VL, Damoiseaux JGMC, Schreurs MWJ, van Wijck K, Riedl RG, Masclee AAM, Buurman WA, Mulder CJJ, Vreugdenhil ACE. Serum I-FABP as marker for enterocyte damage in coeliac disease and its relation to villous atrophy and circulating autoantibodies. Aliment Pharm Therap 2013; 37: 482-490 (4/4.548) Ammerlaan HSM, Harbarth S, Buiting AGM, Crook DW, Fitzpatrick F, Hanberger H, Herwaldt LA, van Keulen PHJ, Kluijtmans JAJW, Kola A, Kuchenbecker RS, Lingaas E, Meessen N, Morris-Downes MM, Pottinger JM, Rohner P, dos Santos RP, Seifert H, Wisplinghoff H, Ziesing S, Walker AS, Bonten MJM. Secular Trends in Nosocomial Bloodstream Infections: Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Increase the Total Burden of Infection. Clin Infect Dis 2013; 56: 798-805 (5/9.374) Andeweg CS, Mulder IM, Felt-Bersma RJF, Verbon A, van der Wilt GJ, van Goor H, Lange JF, Stoker J, Boermeester MA, Bleichrodt RP. Guidelines of Diagnostics and Treatment of Acute Left-Sided Colonic Diverticulitis. Digestive Surgery 2013; 30: 278-229 (3/1.472) Arranz E, Pena AS, Bernardo D. Mediators of Inflammation and Immune Responses in the Human Gastrointestinal Tract. Mediat Inflamm 2013; : 865638 (3/3.882) az-Gallo LM, Simeon CP, Broen JC, Ortego-Centeno N, Beretta L, Vonk MC, Carreira PE, Vargas S, Roman-Ivorra JA, Gonzalez-Gay MA, Tolosa C, Lopez-Longo FJ, Espinosa G, Vicente EF, Hesselstrand R, Riemekasten G, Witte T, Distler JHW, Voskuyl AE, Schuerwegh AJ, Shiels PG, Nordin A, Padyukov L, Hoffmann-Vold AM, Scorza R, Lunardi C, Airo P, van Laar JM, Hunzelmann N, Gathof BS, Kreuter A, Herrick A, Worthington J, Denton CP, Zhou XD, Arnett FC, Fonseca C, Koeleman BPC, Assasi S, Radstake TRDJ, Mayes MD, Martin J. Implication of IL-2/IL-21 region in systemic sclerosis genetic susceptibility. Ann Rheum Dis 2013; 72: 1233-1238 (5/9.111) Bakker SF, Tushuizen ME, Stokvis-Brantsma WH, Aanstoot HJ, Winterdijk P, van Setten PA, von Blomberg BME, Mulder CJ, Simsek S. Frequent delay of coeliac disease diagnosis in symptomatic patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus: Clinical and genetic characteristics. Eur J Intern Med 2013; 24: 456-460 (1/0) Baptista AP, Olivier BJ, Goverse G, Greuter M, Knippenberg M, Kusser K, Domingues RG, Veiga-Fernandes H, Luster AD, Lugering A, Randall TD, Cupedo T, Mebius RE. Colonic patch and colonic SILT development are independent and differentially regulated events. Mucosal Immunology 2013; 6: 511-521 (4/7) Beckett EL, Stevens RL, Jarnicki AG, Kim RY, Hanish I, Hansbro NG, Deane A, Keely S, Horvat JC, Yang M, Oliver BG, van Rooijen N, Inman MD, Adachi R, Soberman RJ, Hamadi S, Wark PA, Foster PS, Hansbro PM. A new short-term mouse model of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease identifies a role for mast cell tryptase in pathogenesis. J Allergy Clin Immun 2013; 131: 752-762 (5/12.047) Beijer MR, Molenaar R, Goverse G, Mebius RE, Kraal G, den Haan JMM. A crucial role for retinoic acid in the development of Notch-dependent murine splenic CD8(-)CD4(-) and CD4(+) dendritic cells. Eur J Immunol 2013; 43: 1608-1616 (4/4.97) Belo AI, van der Sar AM, Tefsen B, van Die I. Galectin-4 Reduces Migration and Metastasis Formation of Pancreatic Cancer Cells. PLoS One 2013; 8: e65957 (4/3.73) Bloem K, Garcia Vallejo JJ, Vuist IM, Cobb BA, van Vliet SJ, van Kooijk Y. Interaction of the Capsular Polysaccharide A from Bacteroides fragilis with DC-SIGN on Human Dendritic Cells is Necessary for Its Processing and Presentation to T Cells. Frontiers in Immunology 2013; : 4 (1/0) Bloem K, Vuist IM, van den Berk M, Klaver EJ, van Die IM, Knippels LM, Garssen J, Garcia Vallejo JJ, van Vliet SJ, van Kooijk Y. DCIR interacts with ligands from both endogenous and pathogenic origin. Immunol Lett 2013; 158: 33-41 (2/2.337) Bloem K, Vuist IM, van der Plas AJ, Knippels LMJ, Garssen J, Garcia Vallejo JJ, van Vliet SJ, van Kooijk Y. Ligand Binding and Signaling of Dendritic Cell Immunoreceptor (DCIR) Is Modulated by the Glycosylation of the Carbohydrate Recognition Domain. PLoS One 2013; 8: e66266 (4/3.73) Bom RJM, Matser A, Bruisten SM, van Rooijen MS, Heijman T, Morré SA, de vries HJC, van der Loeff MFS. Multilocus Sequence Typing of Chlamydia trachomatis Among Men Who Have Sex With Men Reveals Cocirculating Strains Not Associated With Specific Subpopulations. J Infect Dis 2013; 208: 969-977 (5/5.848) Boross P, Lohse S, Nederend M, Jansen JHM, van Tetering G, Dechant M, Peipp M, Royle L, Liew LP, Boon L, van Rooijen N, Bleeker WK, Parren PWHI, Winkel JGJ, Valerius T, Leusen JHW. IgA EGFR antibodies mediate tumour killing in vivo. Embo Molecular Medicine 2013; 5: 1213-1226 (5/7.795) Chow A, Huggins M, Ahmed J, Hashimoto D, Lucas D, Kunisaki Y, Pinho S, Leboeuf M, Noizat C, van Rooijen N, Tanaka M, Zhao ZJ, Bergman A, Merad M, Frenette PS. CD169(+) macrophages provide a niche promoting erythropoiesis under homeostasis and stress. Nat Med 2013; 19: 429-436 (5/22.864) Appendix Annual Report 2013 Vumc CCA – Scientific input - 24 17. Conrady CD, Zheng M, Mandal NA, van Rooijen N, Carr DJJ. IFN-alpha-driven CCL2 production recruits inflammatory monocytes to infection site in mice. Mucosal Immunology 2013; 6: 45-55 (4/7) 18. Conrady CD, Zheng M, van Rooijen N, Drevets DA, Royer D, Alleman A, Carr DJJ. Microglia and a Functional Type I IFN Pathway Are Required To Counter HSV-1-Driven Brain Lateral Ventricle Enlargement and Encephalitis. J Immunol 2013; 190: 2807-2817 (4/5.52) 19. Cote CH, Bouchard P, van Rooijen N, Marsolais D, Duchesne E. Monocyte depletion increases local proliferation of macrophage subsets after skeletal muscle injury. BMC Musculoskel Dis 2013; 14: (3/1.875) 20. De Filippo K, Dudeck A, Hasenberg M, Nye E, van Rooijen N, Hartmann K, Gunzer M, Roers A, Hogg N. Mast cell and macrophage chemokines CXCL1/CXCL2 control the early stage of neutrophil recruitment during tissue inflammation. Blood 2013; 121: 4930-4937 (5/9,06) 21. de Geus ED, Tefsen B, van Haarlem DA, van Eden W, van Die I, Vervelde L. 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Mesenchymal stem cells in lymph node development and disease. 1/9/2013. (Co-)promotores: Mebius RE (cat A) Pires da Silva Baptista A. Lymphoid Tissue: from Ontogeny to Function. 9/19/2013. (Co-)promotores: Mebius RE (cat A) Sanders MS. Host genetic variants in susceptibility, severity and outcome of bacterial meningitis. 2/27/2013. (Co)promotores: van Furth AM, Morré SA, Ouburg S (cat A) Stoop EJM. Mycobacterial factors involved in granuloma formation. 3/22/2013. (Co-)promotores: Bitter W, Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE, van der Sar AM (cat A) van de Stadt LA. Development of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Preclinical Biomarkers and Prediction. 4/24/2013. (Co-) promotores: Dijkmans BAC, Aarden LA, van Schaardenburg D (cat B) van der Woude AD. LOSt and found across the mycobacterial cell envelope. 4/19/2013. (Co-)promotores: Bitter W, Houber ENG, Luirink J (cat D) van Hout MWM. FcaRI and neutrophils: Caught in the act. The role of IgA in mucosal immunity. 11/8/2013. 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Personalized healthcare in Autoimmune Diseases; in Yao Y, Jallal B, Ranade K, (eds): Genomic Biomarkers for Clinical Application. Elsevier Publishers. 2013: 49-69 Verweij CL, Vosslamber S. The interferon system in multiple sclerosis; Towards a personalized medicine approach for IFNBeta therapy; in Yao Y, (ed): Type I interferon in autoimmune diseases and its clinical applications. Nova Biomedical Publishers. 2013: 9 Professional publications 1. Moelans CB, de Groot JS, Steenbergen RDM, Bosch LJW, Carvalho B, van der Wall E, van Diest PJ. Methylering, een veelbelovende biomarker voor het opsporenvan tumoren in lichaamsvloeistoffen. Kanker Breed 2013; 5: 24-27 Appendix Annual Report 2013 Vumc CCA – Scientific input - 37 2. 3. 4. 5. Oprea D, Lofgren J, Raijmakers PG, Law I, van Berckel BNM, van der Laken J, van den Bos IC, Kjaer A. Towards multiparametric medical imaging with PET/MRI: current clinical status. 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Minimal Residual Disease and Leukemic Stem Cell Detection in Acute Myeloid Leukemia: New Approaches for Clinical Decision Making. 4/12/2013. (Co-)promotores: Ossenkoppele GJ, Schuurhuis GJ (cat A) Turksma AW. Preclinical studies on immunotherapeutic approaches for the treatment of solid tumors. 11/21/2013. (Co-) promotores: Meijer CJLM, Leemans CR, Hooijberg E, Bloemena E (cat A) van Dellen E. Lesions in the connected brain. A network perspective on brain tumors and lesional epilepsy. 6/4/2013. (Co-)promotores: Stam CJ, Heimans JJ, Reijneveld JC, Douw L (cat A) van den Ancker W. Immunodiagnostics and immune surveillance in an era of evolving immunotherapeutic strategies in AML. 11/29/2013. (Co-)promotores: Ossenkoppele GJ, van de Loosdrecht AA, de Gruijl TD, Westers TM (cat A) van den Boezem PB. Implementation of single-port surgery and notes in clinical practice. 2/5/2013. (Co-)promotores: Cuesta MA, Sietses C (cat B) van den Broek M. 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Mellema WW, Dingemans AMC, Thunnissen E, Snijders PJF, Derks J, Heideman DAM, van Suylen R, Smit EF. KRAS Mutations in Advanced Nonsquamous Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Patients Treated with First-Line Platinum-Based Chemotherapy Have No Predictive Value. J Thoracic Oncol 2013; 8: 1190-1195 (4/4.473) 40. Neefjes ECW, van der Vorst MJDL, Blauwhoff-Buskermolen S, Verheul HMW. Aiming for a Better Understanding and Management of Cancer-Related Fatigue. Oncologist 2013; 18: 1135-1143 (3/4.095) 41. Oerlemans S, Mols F, Issa DE, Pruijt JHFM, Peters WG, Lybeert M, Zijlstra W, Coebergh JWW, van de Poll-Franse L. A high level of fatigue among long-term survivors of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: results from the longitudinal population-based PROFILES registry in the south of the Netherlands. Haematol-Hematol J 2013; 98: 479-486 (4/5.935) 42. Oskam IM, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, Aaronson NK, Witte BI, de Bree R, Doornaert P, Langendijk JA, Leemans CR. Prospective evaluation of health-related quality of life in long-term oral and oropharyngeal cancer survivors and the perceived need for supportive care. Oral Oncol 2013; 49: 443-448 (4/2.695) 43. Overbeek A, van den Berg MH, Hukkelhoven CWPM, Kremer LC, van den Heuvel-Eibrink MM, Tissing WJE, Loonen JJ, Versluys AB, Bresters D, Kaspers GJL, Lambalk CB, van Leeuwen FE, den Broeder E. Validity of self-reported data on pregnancies for childhood cancer survivors: a comparison with data from a nationwide population-based registry. Hum Reprod 2013; 28: 819-827 (5/4.67) 44. Petersen MA, Aaronson NK, Arraras JI, Chie WC, Conroy T, Costantini A, Giesinger JM, Holzner B, King MT, Singer S, Velikova G, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, Young T, Groenvold M. The EORTC computer-adaptive tests measuring physical functioning and fatigue exhibited high levels of measurement precision and efficiency. J Clin Epidemiol 2013; 66: 330339 (5/5.332) 45. Petersen MA, Giesinger JM, Holzner B, Arraras JI, Conroy T, Gamper EM, King MT, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, Young T, Groenvold M. Psychometric evaluation of the EORTC computerized adaptive test (CAT) fatigue item pool. Qual Life Res 2013; 22: 2443-2454 (4/2.412) 46. Pieterse QD, Kenter GG, Maas CP, de Kroon CD, Creutzberg CL, Trimbos JB, ter Kuile MM. Self-reported sexual, bowel and bladder function in cervical cancer patients following different treatment modalities: longitudinal prospective cohort study. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2013; 23: 1717-1725 (3/1.941) 47. Pistilli B, Bellettini G, Giovannetti E, Codacci-Pisanelli G, Azim HA, Benedetti G, Sarno MA, Peccatori FA. Chemotherapy, targeted agents, antiemetics and growth-factors in human milk: How should we counsel cancer patients about breastfeeding?. Cancer Treat Rev 2013; 39: 207-211 (4/6.024) 48. Schook RM, Linssen C, Festen JM, Schramel FMNH, Lammers E, Zaanen P, Postmus PE. Website visitors asking questions online to lung cancer specialists: what do they want to know?. Interactive Journal of Medical Research 2013; 2: e15 (1/0) 49. Singer S, Arraras JI, Baumann I, Boehm A, Chie WC, Galalae R, Langendijk JA, Guntinas-Lichius O, Hammerlid E, Pinto M, Nicolatou-Galitis O, Schmalz C, Sen M, Sherman AC, Spiegel K, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, Yarom N, Zotti P, Hofmeister D. Quality of life in patients with head and neck cancer receiving targeted or multimodal therapy - Update of the EORTC QLQ-H & N35, Phase I. Head Neck-J Sci Spec 2013; 35: 1331-1338 (5/2.833) 50. Singer S, Arraras JI, Chie WC, Fisher SE, Galalae R, Hammerlid E, Nicolatou-Galitis O, Schmalz C, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, Gamper E, Keszte J, Hofmeister D. Performance of the EORTC questionnaire for the assessment of quality of life in head and neck cancer patients EORTC QLQ-H&N35: a methodological review. Qual Life Res 2013; 22: 1927-1941 (4/2.412) 51. Sitaresmi MN, Mostert S, Gundy CM, Ismail D, Veerman AJP. A medication diary-book for pediatric patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in Indonesia. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2013; 60: 1593-1597 (4/2.353) 52. Sizoo EM, Taphoorn MJB, Uitdehaag BMJ, Heimans JJ, Deliens L, Reijneveld JC, Pasman HRW. The End-of-Life Phase of High-Grade Glioma Patients: Dying With Dignity?. Oncologist 2013; 18: 198-203 (3/4.095) 53. Slee-Valentijn MS, Maier AB. Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment and Adjustment of Cancer Treatment. Oncologist 2013; 18: 1330 (3/4.095) 54. Tong WH, van der Sluis IM, Alleman CJM, van Litsenburg RRL, Kaspers GJL, Pieters R, Uyl-de Groot CA. Cost-analysis of treatment of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia with asparaginase preparations: the impact of expensive chemotherapy. Haematol-Hematol J 2013; 98: 753-759 (4/5.935) 55. Uden-Kraan CF, Chinapaw MJM, Drossaert CH, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, Buffart LM. Cancer patients' experiences with and perceived outcomes of yoga: results from focus groups. Support Care Cancer 2013; 21: 1861-1870 (5/2.649) 56. van Bruinessen IR, van Weel-Baumgarten EM, Gouw H, Zijlstra JM, Albada A, van Dulmen S. Barriers and facilitators to effective communication experienced by patients with malignant lymphoma at all stages after diagnosis. Psycho-Oncol 2013; 22: 2807-2814 (5/3.506) 57. van der Meij BS, de Graaf P, Wierdsma NJ, Langius JAE, Janssen JJWM, van Leeuwen PAM, Visser OJ. Nutritional support in patients with GVHD of the digestive tract: state of the art. Bone Marrow Transpl 2013; 48: 474-482 (3/3.541) Appendix Annual Report 2013 Vumc CCA – Scientific input - 58 58. van der Meij BS, Schoonbeek CP, Smit EF, Muscaritoli M, van Leeuwen PAM, Langius JAE. Pre-cachexia and cachexia at diagnosis of stage III non-small-cell lung carcinoma: an exploratory study comparing two consensus-based frameworks. Brit J Nutr 2013; 109: 2231-2239 (4/3.302) 59. van der Spek N, Vos J, Uden-Kraan CF, Breitbart W, Tollenaar RAEM, Cuijpers P, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM. Meaning making in cancer survivors: a focus group study. PLoS One 2013; 8: (4/3.73) 60. van El CG, Cornel MC, Borry P, Hastings RJ, Fellmann F, Hodgson SV, Howard HC, Cambon-Thomsen A, Knoppers BM, Meijers-Heijboer H, Scheffer H, Tranebjaerg L, Dondorp W, De Wert GMWR. Whole-genome sequencing in health care Recommendations of the European Society of Human Genetics. Eur J Hum Genet 2013; 21: 580-584 (4/4.319) 61. van Exel E, Jacobs J, Korswagen LA, Voskuyl AE, Stek ML, Dekker J, Bultink IEM. Depression in systemic lupus erythematosus, dependent on or independent of severity of disease. Lupus 2013; 22: 1462-1469 (3/2.783) 62. van Gils RF, Bosmans JE, Boot CRL, Rustemeyer T, van Mechelen W, Valk PGM, Anema JR. Economic evaluation of an integrated care programme for patients with hand dermatitis. Contact Dermatitis 2013; 69: 144-152 (4/2.925) 63. van Litsenburg RRL, Huisman J, Raat H, Kaspers GJL, Gemke RJBJ. Health-related quality of life and utility scores in shortterm survivors of pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Qual Life Res 2013; 22: 677-681 (4/2.412) 64. van Nieuwenhuizen D, Ambachtsheer N, Heimans JJ, Reijneveld JC, Peerdeman SM, Klein M. Neurocognitive functioning and health-related quality of life in patients with radiologically suspected meningiomas. J Neuro-Oncol 2013; 113: 433440 (3/3.115) 65. Vermaete NVH, Wolter P, Verhoef GEG, Kollen BJ, Kwakkel G, Schepers L, Gosselink R. Physical Activity and Risk of Lymphoma: A Meta-Analysis. Cancer Epidem Biomar 2013; 22: 1173-1184 (5/4.559) 66. Wesseling J, Welsing PMJ, Bierma-Zeinstra SMA, Dekker J, Gorter KJ, Kloppenburg M, Roorda LD, Bijlsma JWJ. Impact of self-reported comorbidity on physical and mental health status in early symptomatic osteoarthritis: the CHECK (Cohort Hip and Cohort Knee) study. Rheumatology 2013; 52: 180-188 (4/4.212) 67. Zwinkels H, Dorr J, van der Kloet F, Taphoorn MJB, Vecht CJ. Pregnancy in women with gliomas: a case-series and review of the literature. J Neuro-Oncol 2013; 115: 293-301 (3/3.115) Scientific publications (books, book chapters, proceedings) 1. 2. Dirven L, Sizoo EM, Taphoorn MJ. Anaplastic gliomas: End of life care recommendations; in van den Bent MJ, (ed): Grade II and III loligodendroglioma and oligoastrocytoma. London, Future Science Group. 2013 Taphoorn MJB. Quality of Life in Low-Grade Gliomas; in Duffau H, (ed): Diffuse Low-Grade Gliomas in Adults. Springer. 2013; : 205-217 Professional publications 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Boele FW, Hoeben W, Hilverda K, Lenting J, Calis AL, Sizoo EM, Collette EH, Aaronson NK, Taphoorn MJ, Postma TJ, Reijneveld J, Heimans JJ, Klein M. Kwaliteit van leven bij naasten van patiënten met een primaire hersentumor. Tijdschr Neuropsych 2013; 8: 97-106 Brand A, Morré SA. Public health genomics - public health goed personalized. TSG 2013; 91: 86-87 Gordijn MS, van Litsenburg RRL, Gemke RJBJ, Bierings MB, Hoogerbrugge PM, van de Ven PM, Rotteveel J, Kaspers GJL. Hypothalamus-hypofyse-bijnieras-functie in overlevers van acute lymfatische leukemia op de kinderleeftijd en in gezonde controles. Tijdschr Kindergeneeskd 2013; 81: 7-14 Jansen F, Uden-Kraan CF, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM. Kwaliteit van leven van stomadragers; De Nederlandse Stomavereniging. 2013 Langius JAE, Leistra E, van Bokhorst-de van der Schueren, Kruizenga HM. Screenen van ondervoeding op de polikliniek noodzaak. NTVD 2013; 68: 20-22 Overbeeke N, Delsink P, Langius JAE. Verbeteren van de eiwitinname op dag 4: regie loont!. NTVD 2013; 68: 22-24 van der Meij BS, Langius JAE, Spreeuwenberg MD, Slootmaker SM, Paul MA, Smit EF, van Leeuwen PAM. Drinkvoeding verrijkt met n-3 vetzuren beinvloedt de kwaliteit van leven en functionele status bij patienten met longkanker tijdens chemoradiotherapie: een RCT. NTVD 2013; 68: S1-S8 Popular publications 1. 2. Verdonck-de Leeuw IM. Kankerpatiënt ontevreden over informatie nazorg. 2013 Verdonck-de Leeuw IM. Grootschalige studie naar kwaliteit van leven bij hoofd-halskanker. 2013; 5-8 Dissertations 1. 2. de Bruijn MJ. Speech quality in oral oropharyngeal cancer patients. The development and evaluation of objective speech assessment methods. 6/10/2013. (Co-)promotores: Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, Leemans CR, Langendijk JA, ten Bosch L (cat A) van der Meij BS. The impact of fish oil on clinical parameters and quality of life in patients with cancer. 3/21/2013. (Co-) promotores: van Leeuwen PAM, van Bokhorst-van der Schueren (cat A) Appendix Annual Report 2013 Vumc CCA – Scientific input - 59 Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem Memberships of editorial boards Associate Book / journal Ang, CW Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Medische Microbiologie Appelmelk, BJ Innate Immunity Beelen RHJ PDI Bitter, W FEMS Microbiology/reviews Microbiology Open Bloemena, E Boellaard, R EJNMMI Physics Boers, M Braakhuis, BJM Oral Oncology Open Pathology Journal Brakenhoff, RH Clincal Cancer Research Oral Oncology Reports of Practical Oncology and Radiotherapy Chamuleau, M Immunotherapie in de interne geneeskunde NTVH de Bree, R European Archives of Otorhinolaryngology Oral Oncology Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Oncologie de Gruijl, TD Cancer Immunology Research de Rie, MA Dekker, J International Journal of Behavioral Medicine Giovannetti, E European Journal of Surgical Oncology World Journal of Pharmacology Grunberg, K NVVP newsletter and website Hoekstra, OS The Oncologist Jimenez, CR Molecular and Cellular Proteomics Journal of Proteomics Proteomics Joenje, H Anemia; Cellular Oncology; Familial Cancer; The Open Genomics Journal; Open Genetics Reviews Kaspers, GJL Kluytmans, JAJW Plos One Infection World J Gastroenterology ISRN Gastroenterology Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology ISRN Gastroenterology Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology Arthritis and Rheumatism Letter to the Editor in Rheumatology Journal for Clinical Epidemiology Annals of Rheumatic Diseases Journal of Rheumatology Dermatology and Therapy Dermatology Case Reports in Dermatology Latin American Journal of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Journal of Oncology Expert Reviews of Anticancer Therapy Therapy Pediatric hematology/oncology and immunopathology Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 60 Associate Book / journal Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Lammertsma, AA Leemans, CR Hoofd-hals Journaal (Head and Neck Journal of the NWHHT) Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Keel-Neus-oorheelkunde (Netherlands Journal of Otorhinolaryngology) European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology Head and Neck Oral Oncology Head and Neck Oral Diseases Surgical Oncology Italian Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery Acta Otorrinolaringología Espanola Acta Otorhinolaryngoiatrica Italica Reports of Practical Oncology and Radiotherapy Keel-Neus-Oorheelkunde en hoofd-halschirurgie Schwartz's Principles of Surgery Oxford Textbook of Oncology Meijer, CJLM Journal of Clinical Virology International Journal of Oncology Meijer, GA World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology (WJGO) Oncology-up-to-date Oncology news international Menko, FH Familial Cancer Middeldorp, JM J. Clinical Virology Mooi, WJ Advances in Anatomical Pathology Pathology Research International Morré, SA Public Health Genomics World Journal of Gastroenterology Drugs of Today Ossenkoppele, GJ Duth journal of hematology Pegtel, M Journal of Extracellular Vesicles Biology of the Cell Peters, GJ International Journal of Molecular Imaging Nuklearmedizin Molecular Imaging and Biology Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Frontiers in Brain Imaging Methods American Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Clinical and Translational Imaging OA Medical Physics and Law OA Molecular Oncology Journal of Radiology Research and Practice American Journal of Cancer research Amino Acids Annals of Oncology Applied Scientific Reports Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology Cancer Therapy Chemotherapy Research and Practice Chinese Journal of Clinicians Clinical Colorectal Cancer Current Drug Resistance European Journal of Cancer Experimental Hematology and Oncology Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism and Toxicology Gastrointestinal Cancer Reviews International Journal of Oncology Journal of Cancer Research and Treatment Journal of Chemotherapy Journal of Chinese Clinical Medicine Journal of Epithelial Biology and Pharmacology Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 61 Associate Book / journal Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology Journal of Tumor Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE B (JZUS-B) Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids Oncology Discovery Pteridines The Open Lung Cancer Journal World Journal of Clinical Oncology World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pharmacology and Therapeutics World Journal of Pharmacology Reijneveld, JC Neuro-Oncol Practice Rustemeyer, T Contact Dermatitis Journal Dermatologie in Beruf und Umwelt main reference textbook “Kanerva’s Occupational Skin Diseases”, Springer Verlag, 2nd edition, 3 parts European Surveillance System on Contact Allergens Savelkoul, PHM Editorial Board Clinical Microbiology and Infection (CMI) Schuurhuis, GJ Open Journal of Hematology ISRN Hematology Dataset Papers in Medicine August 2012 Snijders, PJF Journal of Clinical Virology International Journal of Oncology Steenbergen, R BMC Cancer Taphoorn, MJB Neuro-oncology Neuro-oncology Practice Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research van Beusechem, VW Human Gene Therapy Genetics Research International van de Wiel, M STAT van den Elsen, PJ Immunogenetics Frontiers in Molecular Innate Immunity van der Waal, I van Furth, AM BMC Infectious Diseases "Purple pages" Pediatric Infectious Diseases Journal van Schaardenburg, D Arthrits and Rheumatology Vandenbroucke-Grauls, CMJE Frontiers in Public Health, Section Infectious Diseases Verdonck-de Leeuw, IM Cancer Psycho-Oncology Folia Phoniatrica Logopedica Oral Oncology World Journal of Clinical Oncology Supportive Care in Cancer Verweij, CL The Open Rheumatology Journal Genes and Immunity Frontiers in immunology Frontiers in innate immunology Arthritis Recent Patents and Biomarkers Arthritis Research and Therapy ACTA StomatologicaCroatica European Journal of Cancer Medicina Oral Minerva Stomatologica NederlandsTijdschriftvoorGeneeskunde Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMS) Oral Health & Preventive Dentistry Oral Oncology Revista de Odontologia da Universidade de São Paolo (Journal of Dentistry, University of São Paolo), Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 62 Associate Book / journal Vis, AN Wesseling, P Acta Neuropathologica Neuro-Oncology Brain Pathology Windhorst, AD Journal of radiolabeled compounds and radiopharmaceuticals Nuclear Medicine and Biology Current Radiopharmaceuticals Ylstra, B Cellular Ooncology Zweegman, S NTvH Leerboek hematologie Tijdschrift voor Urologie J Urol Eur Urol Int J Cancer Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 63 International functions Associate Position / function Name society / organisation Abbink, FCH Member DCOG protocol Committee CML DCOG Committee supportive care Nederlandse Vereniging voor kindergeneeskunde Nederlandse Vereniging voor Oncologie Ang, CW Chair Committe of "Knowledge sharing" Dutch Society for Medical Microbiology Avan, A Associate memer American Association for Cancer Research Bakema, JE Member NVVI (nederlandse vereniging van Immunology) Beelen RHJ Advisor Nierstichting Nederland Coordinator EuTRiPD 287813 Faculty member NBIC Member Dutch Society of Pattern Recognition and Image Processing (NVPHBV) National Committee Proof of Concept Implementation of Colorectal Cancer Screening, RIVM service providing (“Dienstverlening”) committee St. PALGA SURFnet/academy: Programmacommissie: Seminars De uitdaging van het delen van medische onderzoeksdata Dutch Society of Microscopy (NVVM) Blauwhoff-Bustermolen, S Member European Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Bleeker, MCG Member NVVP Beliën, JAM GPA panel Werkgroep dermatopathologie Bloemena, E Boellaard, R Chairman Wetenschappelijke Raad PALGA Landelijke werkgroep leverpathologie Member Cie Kwaliteit en Beroepsuitoefening NVVP Cie Kwaliteit en Capaciteit BVO darmkankerscreening Cie Kwaliteitseisen Pathologie ihk van het BVO Darmkankerscreening Nederlandse Vereniging voor Pathologie Nederlandse Vereniging voor Immunologie Nederlandse Vereniging voor Gastroenterologie Nederlandse Vereniging voor Hepatologie AACR European Society of Pathology ESP Working Group Head and Neck Pathologie European Salivary gland Society SFOPOM Autoimmuun hepatitis werkgroep Nederland Nederlandse werkgroep Hoofd-Hals Tumoren Richtlijncie Hepatocellulair Carcinoom Richtlijncie Hoofd Hals Kanker Board Member Netherlands Society Nuclear Medicine Secretary of educational committee medical imaging Netherlands Society Clinical Physics Chair EANM Physics Committee Member and chair of PET technology committee EORTC imaging working group Member, coordinator of PET/CT accreditation program EARL Scientific Advisory Board Advisor SCM CTN Image Reconstruction WG Member HOVON Imaging group QIBA FDG PET/CT working group UPICT FDG PET/CT WG Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 64 Associate Position / function Name society / organisation Boers, M Ambassador for rheumatological conditions non- OMERACT Co-chairman EULAR Committee on conduct and reporting of long-term extension studies in rheumatology Chair Trial Steering Committee: ZIPP (zoledronate in prevetion of Paget) trial. P.I. S Ralston, Edinburgh, UK Member EULAR Committee on monitoring of glucocorticoid therapy in rheumatoid arthritis. EULAR Committee on guidelines for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis OMERACT Task Force on imaging in rheumatoid arthritis ASAS, international consensus group on guidelines for outcome measures in ankylosing spondylitis COMET Steering Group. International initiative to create measurement core sets for trials across diseases Vaste Commissie Wetenschap (VCW) Centrale data safety monitoring board (DSMB) (Founding) Member International Academy of Oral Oncology Member American Association for Cancer Research Nederlandse Vereniging voor Oncologie Nederlandse Vereniging voor Keel-Neus-Oorheelkunde en Heelkunde van het Hoofd-Halsgebied Vice-chairman Vumc CCA Scientific review commitee Member NW0 Dutch Society of Cell Biology Dutch Society of Oncology Dutch Society of Otolaryngology/head-neck surgery AACR Reviewer AIRC Direzione Scientifica Bultink, IEM Member Nederlandse Vereniging voor Reumatologie American Society for bone and mineral research Dutch SLE working party Interdisciplinary Working Party on Osteoporosis International Osteoporosis Foundation Carvalho, B Member AACR (American Association for Cancer research) ISCO (International Society for Cellular Oncology) PathSoc (Pathological Society of Great Britain & Ireland) NVGE (Dutch Society of Gastroenterology) SPGH (Portuguese Society of Human Genetics) Chamuleau, M Secretary HOVON lymphoma working party HOVON CLL working party Treasurer HOVON LLPC working party Cloos, J Active member American Association of Cancer Research de Bree, R Board member Research steering committe NWHHT Member Nederlandse Vereniging voor Keel-, Neus- en Oorheelkunde en Heelkunde van het Hoofd-Halsgebied Nederlandse Werkgroep Hoofd-HalsTumoren (NWHHT) Nederlandse Vereniging voor Oncologie European Head and Neck Society International Academy of Oral Oncology American Head and Neck Society Collegium Oto-Rhino-Laryngologicum Amicitiae Sacrum Chair executive board Dutch Tumor Immunology Working Party Active member American Association for Cancer Research Lifetime member Society for Dendritic Cell & Vaccine Science Member Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) World Immunotherapy Council (WIC) Cancer Immunotherapy Consortium Dutch Association for Immunology (NVVI) Braakhuis, BJM Brakenhoff, RH de Gruijl, TD Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 65 Associate Position / function Name society / organisation Dutch Association for Oncology (NVVO) Grant Review Board member Melanoma Research Alliance (MRA) Committee member SITC website committee Scientific Advisory Board member DCPrime BV Member Ned Ver Dermatologie en Venereologie Eur Acad Dermatology Venereology Am. Acad Dermatology Councilor International Psoriasis Foundation Board member Rene Touraine Foundation President International Society of Behavioral Medicine Member Society of Behavioral Medicine Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research Netherlands Institute of Psychologists Board member Netherlands Behavioral Medicine Federation Chair Netherlands Health Professionals in Rheumatology (NHPR) den Haan, JMM Member NWO ZONMW VIDI commissie Dirven, L Active member EORTC Quality of Life Group Member European Association of Neuro-Oncology Individual member EBMT Individual member MASCC Individual member Nederlandse Vereniging van Seksuologie Member research sub committee EBMT Nurses Group Member working party EBMT Complications and Quality of Life Corresponding member American Head and Neck society Member of board /representative for Vumc Dutch Head Neck society Member European Head and Neck Society Dutch ENT society Organizing committee EHNS Make Sense-campaign organizing team The Netherlands Fijneman, RJA Member American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) International Society for Cellular Oncology (ISCO) Dutch Society for Gastroenterology (NVGE) Franken, S Member Nederlandse Vereniging voor Dermatologie en Venereologie Gibbs, S PI within angeogenesis group NIRM Member Nederlandse Vereniging voor experimentele dermatologie (NVED) European research group for experimental contact dermatitis (ERGECD) Active member American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Member of the Steering Committee of the EORTC-PAMM European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Member of the Abstract Selection Committee European Pancreatic Club (EPC) Member Italian Society for the Study of the Pancreas Italian Society of Pharmacology American Pancreas Club Inc Grant Reviewer British Lung Foundation Barts and The London Charity Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA) de Rie, MA Dekker, J Eeltink, C Eerenstein, SEJ Giovannetti, E Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 66 Associate Position / function Name society / organisation Koningin Wilhelmina Fonds (KWF), Netherlands Research Foundation Flanders (FWO), Belgium Grunberg, K Secretary executive board NVVP Scientific advisory board Dutch Lung Association (longfonds) Dutch National Tissue Portal Board member Workgroup Molecular Diagnostics in Pathology, Dutch Society for Pathology (WMDP NVVP) Foundation for Quality Medical Laboratory Diagnostics (Stichting Kwaliteitsbewaking Medische Laboratoriumdiagnostiek, SKML) - section Pathology Chairmen Committee Quality Control of WMDP-NVVP (QC committee WMDP NVVP) External auditor CCKL/RvA Member AACR: American Association for Cancer Research IASLC: International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer NVGE: Dutch Society for Gastroenterology (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Gastroenterologie) NVVP Dutch Society for Pathology (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Pathologie) VMDG: Society Molecular Diagnostics in Health Care (Vereniging tot Moleculaire Diagnostiek in de Gezondheidszorg) LNVH: National Network of Female Professors (Landelijk Netwerk Vrouwelijke Hoogleraren) Member Society Nuclear Medicine Eur Assocation of Nuclear Medicine Quantitative Imaging biomarker alliance RECIST committee Ned Veren v Nucl Geneeskunde EORTC Imaging group Commissielid ZON-MW doelmatigheidsonderzoek ZON-MW translationeel onderzoek Board member SNM Centre of Excellence Lid update commissie namens NVNG CBO melanoom richtlijn CBO KNO richtlijn Member International Society of Pediatric Oncology Member and co-founder European DIPG Network Member discipline group Molecular Research DCOG Member SKION groep “Outreach” VU Medisch Centrum Outreach Programma afdeling kinderoncologie Project Committee World Child Cancer Medical Trustee Board World Child Cancer, UK Co-chair SIOP Pediatric Oncology in Developing Countries (PODC) Coordinator Collaborative Wilms Tumour Africa Project Twinning Programma met College of Medicine, Blantyre, Malawi Jansen, MHA Member European DIPG network Jimenez, CR Founder and member steering committee Netherlands Proteomics Platform General council member European Proteomics Association Member board of directors Human Proteome Organisation Chair Vumc Onderzoek Naar Kinderkanker (VONK) Ziekte commissie Myeloide Maligniteiten, SKION Protocol Commissie "Relapsed AML 1999/2001" en Heideman, DAM Hoekstra, OS Hulleman, E Israels, T Kaspers, GJL Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 67 Associate Position / function Name society / organisation "Pediatric APL", SKION Protocol commissie initiele AML, NOPHO-DBH- AML-2012 Taakgroep "shared care", DCOG "International Outreach Program", SKION AML Relapse Working Group, International BFM Study Group Kors, A Lammertsma, AA Programma co-leider "Quality of Life" van VUmc CCA, VU medisch centrum Co-voorzitter IKNL - Werkgroep kindertumoren Amsterdam Member Raad van Toezicht SKION Protocol Commissie ALL-10 en AML2007 (DB-AML01), SKION Onderzoekscommissie, SKION LAD, NVK, NVvO, KNMG, AACR, ASH, EHA, SIOP Bestuurslid "Stichting Vumc Kinderstad" 2011 onwards Bestuurslid, wnd voorzitter per december 2013 Stichting Ronald MC Donald huis VUmc Hoofd onderzoeker DIPG VUmc 01 DIPG PET study Principal investigator I-BFM-SG Phase III studies "Relapsed AML 2001/01" and "Relapsed AML 2010/01" I-BFM-SG and ITCC study 021 "Bortezomib in childhood relapsed and refractory ALL" International coodinator Phase III study on Pediatric APL (ICC APL 01) Member Landelijke werkgroep hemoglobinopathie behandelaren Werkgroep benigne hematologie van de sectie kinderoncologie-hematologie van de NVK Adviescommissie neonatale screening (ANS SIKK) NVK Werkgroep sikkelcelanemie-netwerk kindergeneeskunde regio Amsterdam Protocol commissie aplastische anemie van de ziektecommissie beenmerkfalen DCOG IKA stamcelwerkgroep Landelijke pediatrische werkgroep trombose en stroke Taakgroep oncogenetica DCOG Nederlandse vereniging hemofilie behandelaren European Hematology Association European Workgroup of the Thalassemia International Federation Voorzitter Protocol Commissie Retinoblastoom van de ziektecommissie CZS DCOG (Dutch Childhood Oncology Group) Member management committee PET-MRI COST action Member college van beroep Stichting Opleiding Klinisch Fysicus Member scientific advisory board Center for Integrated Oncology Köln Bonn Member steering committee Roche Dutch Imaging Hub Philips/VUmc collaboration VUmc/CHDR Clinical Research Unit Board member Netherlands Commission on Radiation Dosimetry Member International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism Society of Nuclear Medicine European Association of Nuclear Medicine Society of Nuclear Imaging in Drug Development Academy for Molecular Imaging European Society of Molecular Imaging European Society of Neuropsychopharmacology Dutch Society of Nuclear Medicine Dutch Society of Clinical Physics Dutch Society of Biophysics New York Academy of Sciences Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 68 Associate Position / function Name society / organisation Langius, JAE Member European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) Dutch Dietetic Association (NVD) Netherlands Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (NESPEN) Leemans, CR General board member Dutch Head and Neck Oncology Cooperative Group (NWHHT) Chair subcommittee Surgery Head and Neck Cancer Cooperative Group of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Secretary Working Party Head and Neck Surgery of the Netherlands Society for Otorhinolaryungology and Cervico-Facial Surgery Founding board member European Head and Neck Society Founding fellow International Academy of Oral Oncology Member Netherlands Society for Otorhinolaryngology and Cervico-Facial Surgery Netherlands Society of Oncology American Head and Neck Society American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Concilium Oto-rhino-laryngologicum in the Netherlands Britisch Association of Head and Neck Oncologists European Rhinological Society Collegium Oto-rhino-laryngologicum Amicitiae Sacrum (CORLAS) European Salivary Gland Society (ESGS) Spanish Society of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (Sociedad Espanola de Otorrinolaringologia y Pathologia Cérvico-Facial; SEORL-PCF) Lems, WF Member Scientific Board EULAR, 2013-2015 Mebius, R Incoming president/ president Dutch society for immunology Meijer, CJLM Advisory member Commissie Baamoederhalskanker (Gezondheidsraad) Member Signaleringscie kanker KWF/NKB Commissie ombudsman Vumc Ned. Vereniging voor pathologie Ned. Vereniging voor oncologie Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland British Division of the International Academy of Pathology European Association of Haematopathology Ned. Vereniging voor Rheumatologie Member National Committee for Implementation of Colorectal Cancer Screening, RIVM Member of the Scientific Board and Chairman of the Committee for Translational Research Dutch Cancer Society (KWF) Member Scientific Advisory Committee Colorectal Cancer Maag, Lever, Darmstichting Member Scientific Advisory Board Etriks Officer International EBV Association Member European Society for Clinical Virology Netherlands Society for Immunology Netherlands Society for Medical MicrobiologyMember Netherlands Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Member Nederlandse Vereniging voor Pathologie Meijer, GA Middeldorp, JM Mooi, WJ Nederlandse Vereniging voor Oncologie Tumorfocusgroep melanoom Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 69 Associate Position / function Name society / organisation Commissie herziening landelijke richtlijn melanoom Morré, SA Member, scientific advisory committee Stichting KIKA Honorary member British Society for Dermatopathology Member Dutch Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Royal Dutch Society for Chemistry Dutch Biotechnological Society Royal Dutch Society for Medical Microbiology European Foundation of Immunogenetics Mostert, S Member Siop PODC Abandonment of Treatment Working Group Ossenkoppele, GJ Board member Dutch Society of Hematology HOVON European leukemia Net Foundation European Hematology Association Chair AML Working party European leukemia Net Member edicational Committee European Hematology Association Chair review Board Conten learning Center European Hematology Association Chair AML Scientific Working Party European Hematology Association Member European Organization for Research and treatment of Cancer Peters, GJ EORTC General Assembly EORTC Pharmacology and Molecular Mechanisms Group EORTC-Translational Research Advisory Committee (TRAC) American Association for Cancer Research Review Committee UICC for Translational Cancer Research Funds (TRCF) and ACSBI (1998-) Postma, TJ Reijneveld, JC Chair (2009-) EORTC Drug Discovery Committee NCI compounds task force Secretary/treasurer Purine and Pyrimidine Society (PPS) Advisory boards Steering Committee IMBRAIN, an EU funded program for Outermost Regions of the EU, Canary Islands, Spain (2012-) Kucera Pharmaceuticals, Winston-Salem, NC, USA Salzburg Therapeutics, Winston-Salem, NC, USA Taiho Pharmaceuticals, Tsukuba, Japan Lid Expert panel Medisch Onderzoek; Med4 (“Cancer Therapy and biology”). Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (FWO) Vlaanderen (2013-) Panel member La Marato de TV3 call on Cancer (2013-) Agency for health Quality and Assessment of Catalonia (Cahta Research) Member steering commitee PERINOMS outcome measure study Member SNO EANO LWNO Member Society for Neuro-oncology (SNO) European Association for Neuro-Oncology (EANO) Chair Dutch Society for Neuro-Oncology (LWNO) Member Steering Committee EORTC Brain Tumour Group Member Executive Committee EORTC Quality of Life Group Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 70 Associate Position / function Name society / organisation Rinkel RNPM Member European Laryngological Society Rozendaal, L Counsellor nationwide retrieval research data Stichting Palga Rustemeyer, T Member Working party Allergologic Occupational Disorders Dutch Association of Dermatology and Venereology Expert group of Allergology and Contact Dermatitis of the Dutch Association of Dermatology and Venereology European Surveillance System on Contact Allergens Guideline “Lichen sclerosus” of the Dutch Association of Dermatology and Venereology Board member European Environmental and Contact Dermatitis Research Group European Surveillance System on Contact Allergens European Prevention of Occupational Skin Diseases Continuum Dermatologica Scientific advisor and member CESES program of the Department of Public Health Chair person PMS cosmetica Hallmark of Skin Foundation Guideline "Atopic Dermatitis of the Dutch Association of Dermatology and Venerology Member Nederlands Vereniging voor Medische Microbiologie Member Nederlands Vereniging voor Microbiologie (NvvM) European Society for Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) Member American Society for Microbiology (ASM), European Society of Clinical Virology (ESCV) Chairman ESCMID European Study Group on Molecular Diagnostics (ESGMD), Sectie Microbiële Typeringen, NvvM Member Nederlandse Vereniging voor Immunologie American Association for Cancer Research Eur Exp Contact Dermatitis Res Group Eur Environm and Industr Cont Derm Group Bestuurslid Stichting Milieu- en Arbeidsdermatologie Alg directeur A-Skin BV, Amsterdam (Vumc spin-off) Schuurhuis, GJ Chair AML-MRD working party Sminia, S Councillor International Association of Radiation Research Board member Dutch Commission on Radiation Dosimetry (NCS) Member European Radiation Research Society (ERRS) Neuro-Oncology group Integral Cancer Center Netherlands European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ESTRO) European Association of Neuro Oncology (EANO) International Association of Radiopathology (IAR) Dutch Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (NVRO) Dutch Society for Radiobiology (NVRB) Member evaluation committee Swiss Cancer League Yorkshire Cancer Research Foundation Member evaluation committee Nederlandse Vereniging voor Oncologie / Rene Vogels Stichting Smit, L Active Member AACR Snijders, PJF Member Nederlandse Vereniging voor Pathology Member executive board International Papillomavirus Society Member AACR: American Association for Cancer Research ASM: American Society Microbiology Member scientific board IPV:International Papillomavirus Society Savelkoul, PHM Scheper, RJ Steenbergen, R Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 71 Associate Position / function Name society / organisation Taphoorn, MJB Member Cancer Research UK Clinical Trials Awards and Advisory Committee Samantha Dickson Brain Tumour Trust Grant Review and Monitoring Committee The National Brain Tumor Society Steering Committee on Clinical Trials Endpoints Member scientific advisory board Stichting STOPhersentumoren Member Commissie GBBS Gezondheidsraad Board member Simonsfonds Unger, W Member NVVI CWO van Asseldonk, D Member executive board Young initiative on Crohns and Colitis Pharmacology committee NVMDL van Beusechem, VW Board member (treasurer) Netherlands Society of Gene and Cell Therapy Chair, science committee Netherlands Society of Gene and Cell Therapy Member American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy American Association for Cancer Research RNAi Global Initiative van den Elsen, PJ Member Dutch Society for Pathology Dutch Society for Immunology Van der Horst-Bruinsma, IE Executive Board member ASAS (Assessment of SpondyloArthritis International Society, worldwide organisation of researchers in Ankylosing Spondylitis) (Vice-) chair mDagelijks Bestuur Stafconvent VUmc Chair NVR-werkgroep landelijke richtlijn Spondyloartrtritis Board member GENetica Research (GENRA) Amsterdam Member Managementteam Reumatologie Stuurgroep ziekenhuisverplaatste zorg VUmc Stuurgroep verwijzers VUmc Commissie wetenschappelijke stages VICI Werkgroepen zorgpad ontwikkeling ziekte van Bechterew en artritis psoriatica VUmc-Reade/JBI Committee member National working group imaging in Rheumatology (IRON) (Rheumatology Ultrasound) Member European working group of risk factors for rheumatoid arthritis Van der Waal, I Member of Scientific Committee STOMA van Die, I Member editorial board Glycoconjugate Journal van Dulmen-den Broeder, E Executive Board member Dutch Childhood Oncology Group-LATER Taskgroup Member and work group leader within Female Fertility Guideline International Guideline Harmonisation Group Member Advisory commitee Royal Tropical Institute NVK wetenschapscommissie Interne Auditcommissie (IAC) Voorzitter Commissie wetenschappelijk onderzoek Vumc Kindergeneeskunde Secretary Dutch Gastric Cancer Group (DGCG) Member Dutch clinical guideline on Esophageal cancer Scientific Committee Dutch Upper GI Audit (DUCA) Werkgroep Erfelijke Maagtumoren European Union Network of Excellence on Gastric cancer. Scientific Committee Parelsnoer Erfelijke darmkanker Member scientific committee International Immunology meeting Milan Board member Dutch Society of Immunology (NVVI) te Riel, H Van der Laken, J van Furth, AM van Grieken, NCT van Kooyk, Y Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 72 Associate van Montfrans, C Position / function Name society / organisation Scientific board member KWF Vice-president NVDV Board member EADV Member Scientific programming committee EADV 2014 WIN-O President PR committee NVDV van Sörnsen de Koste, JR Member councel board Trainee programe of VU medical students Van Vliet SJ Participating investigator Consortium for Functional Glycomics Member Club Francophone des Cellules dendritiques (CFCD, French Dendritic Cell Society) Ducth Society for Immunology (NVVI) Dutch Society for Glycobiology Chairman European DIPG network DCOG protocol committee DIPG Member DCOG protocol Committee Medulloblastoom DCOG protocol Committee High Grade Glioma DCOG Committee Research new medicines AACR Society for Neuro-Oncology Vandenbroucke-Grauls, CMJE Fellow Royal College of Physicians (UK) Veening, M Member Adviescommissie Neonatale Screening (ANS SIKK) NVK Landelijke werkgroep hemoglobinopathie behandelaren Landelijke pediatrische werkgroep trombose en stroke Nederlandse Vereniging voor Hemofilie behandelaren Nederlandse Vereniging voor kindergeneeskunde Werkgroep benigne hematologie van de sectie kinderoncologie-hematologie van NVK DCOG protocol Committee ALL-11 DCOG committee LATER DCOG Euronet-PHL-C2 committee (Hodgkin) Dutch network fertility preservation Verdonck-de Leeuw, IM Member Executive Committee EORTC Quality of Life Group Chair MASCC Study Group on Cancer Survivorship and Rehabilitation CCA and EMGO Research Program Quality of Life in Cancer Member Advisory Board NIVEL patient panel Living with Cancer Program leader V-ICI VUMC, program 3: Disease profiling Member advisory committee BioScience Biomarker summit symposium Member of the abstract selection committee and session chairman European Workshop for Rheumatology Research Member of the organizing committee and session chair Annual Dutch Arthritis Symposium Member Dutch Society for Rheumatology (NVR) Dutch Society for Immunology (NVVI) Dutch Inflammation Network (NIN) International Society for Translational Medicine (ISTM) European Association for Predictie and Personalised Medicine (EPMA) Vis, AN Member EAU ERUS NVU NVEC Waisfisz, Q Member Scientific Research Committee CWO, VUmc CCA Wesseling, P Member International Society of Neuropathology (ISN) American Association of Neuropathologists (AANP) European Confederation of Neuropathol. Societies van Vuurden, DG Verweij, CL Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 73 Associate Position / function Name society / organisation (EURO-CNS) Society for Neuro-Oncology (SNO) European Association of Neuro-Oncology (EANO) EORTC Brain Tumor Group Nederlandse Vereniging voor Pathologie (NVVP) Nederlandsse Vereniging voor Neuropathologie (NVvNP) Landelijke Werkgroep voor Neuro-Oncologie (LWNO) Central reviewing pathologist EORTC CATNON Study president Society of Radiopharmaceutical Sciences member European Association Nuclear Medicine, Drug Development committee member of the board Nederlandse Klinische Radiochemici Vereniging Wintzen, M Member Ned Ver Dermatol Venerol Ned Ver Allergologie Ned Ver Psychodermaology Consilium Dermatologicum Plenaire visitatiecommissie dermatologie Ylstra, B Chair International Society of Cellular Oncology (ISCO) Member American Association of Cancer Research (AACR) Nederlandse Vereniging voor Oncologie (NVvO) 3-year member apointment FWO Expertpanalist Med4: Cancer Research Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) Chair HOVON Imaging working group Member HOVON Lymphoma group Vice chairman HOVON Myeloma Working Group Member executive board European Myeloma Network Member Cie Klinische Studies KWF The Myeloproliferative Neoplasms Quality of Life (MPNQOL) International Study Group American Society of Hematology European Hematology Association Commissie Organisatie en Financiering Nederlandse vereniging voor Hematologie Windhorst, AD Zijlstra, JM Zweegman, S Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 74 Invited lectures Associate Title / topic lecture Meeting URL meeting / program Appelmelk, BJ COST and the mycobacterial alphaglucan capsule COST1003 Progress meeting, IT, Aci Trezza, 10-11-2013 www.costbm1003.info/ Mycobacterium tuberculosis Invited symposium at BOKU, AT, Vienna, 26-4-2013 Glycolipids and host-pathogen interaction COST1-bm1003 Training School, SP, Madrid, 29/1-1/2-2013 www.costbm1003.info/activitie s.html BCG glycolipid mutants as vaccines TBVI-NEW TBVAC, CH, les Diablorets, 29/1-1/2-2013 www.tbvi.eu/newsagenda/events.html Baart, JA Non-neoplastic salivary gland disorders: diagnosis and management European Meeting on Oral Diseases, NL, Amsterdam, 4/6-92013 Bakema, JE Pathogen recognizing receptors and antibody binding Fc receptors synergize their inflammatory responses 15th International Congress of Immunology (based on abstract submission) , IT, Milaan, 22/278-2013 Beelen RHJ Anti-inflammatory drugs Summerschool EuTRiPD, AT, Vienna, 19-6-2013 Overview EuTRiPD Winterschool EuTRiPD, NL, Maastricht, 15-10-2013 Bridging the generation gap in PD research EuRoPD, NL, Maastricht, 13-102013 Overview EuTRiPD PD initiatives, NL, Hengelo, 20-92013 Beliën, JAM Translational Research IT (TraIT): TraIT and OpenClinica: partners in translational research OpenClinica Global conference meeting 2013, USA, Boston, 216-2013 community.openclini ca.com/conference Bitter, W The type VII secretion systems of pathogenic mycobacteria: how do they work and what is their role in virulence? LSTHM seminar, GB, Londen, 311-2013 www.lshtm.ac.GB/ne wsevents/events/201 3/01/the-type-viisecretion-systems-ofpathogenicmycobacteria-howdo-they-work-andwhat-is-their-role-invirulence Bloemena, E Cytology of salivary gland tumors NVML Vakbeurs, NL, The Hague, 26-3-2013 www.nvml.nl/Opleidi ng__registratie/47/3 71/NVMLNascholing,_Congres sen__Symposia.html Basale Oncologie NMT congres, NL, Zeist, 14-62013 www.nmtjaarcongres. nl/2013/ Cytology and histopathology of neoplastic and non-neoplastic salivary gland lesions Eur Meeting on Oral Diseases, NL , Amsterdam, 5-9-2013 www.benns.nl/agend a/274/europeanmeeting-on-oraldiseases-diagnosisand-management Kwaliteitscriteria in het kader van het BVO Darmkankerscreening WHT thema dag, NL, Den Dolder, 5-11-2013 Cytology and histopathology of neoplastic and non-neoplastic salivary gland lesions European Meeting on Oral Diseases, NL, Amsterdam, 4/6-92013 Cytology of salivary gland tumors NVML Vakbeurs, NL, Den Haag, 26-3-2013 NMT congres Basale Oncologie, NL, Zeist, 14-62013 Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 75 Associate Boellaard, R Title / topic lecture Meeting WHT themadag Kwaliteitscriteria Pathologie in het kader van het BVO Darmkankerscreening, NL, Den Dolder, 5-11-2013 Wat doet een patholoog? Opleiding tot oncologisch, NL, Amsterdam, 12-112013verpleegkundige Histology of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma OOA Course, NL, Amsterdam, 311-2013 Cytology of salivary gland tumors AIOS course, AMC, NL, Amsterdam, 29-1-2013 Wat is kanker? PAOT cursus voor tandartsen, ACTA, NL, Amsterdam, 5-4-2013 PET/MR: possible clinical applications, opportunities and challenges Dag van de Biofysica, NL, Amsterdam, 22-11-2013 Het belang van standaardisatie van PET(CT) voor Multi-center studies DLCRG (Dutch Lung Cancer Research Group), NL, Amersfoort, 15-3-2013 Impact of Partial Volume Effects on Image Quantification and Review of PVE Correction Methods Precongres symposium "Quantitative Imaging and Dosimetry: Steps towards Personalised Nuclear Medicine Treatments", FR, Lyon, 19-102013 URL meeting / program www.biopm.nl www.eanm.org The EARL FDG-PET/CT EARL session at EANM Accreditation Programme & (Eur.Association of Nuclear Guideline Developments: Results of Medicine, FR, Lyon, 20-10-2013 First 55 Successfully Accredited Sites and Future Perspectives www.eanm.org CTE 4: Reconstructions: TrueX +TOF, PSF, OSEM CTE session at EANM (Eur.Association of Nuclear Medicine) , FR, Lyon, 20-10-2013 www.eanm.org Optimization of PET/CT acquisition protocols Eur.Fed.Of Med.Physics summerschool, CZ, Prague, 7-42013 www.efomp.org Standardization of 18F-FDG PET/CT Eur.Fed.Of Med.Physics for treatment response summerschool, CZ, Prague, 7-5assessments 2013 www.efomp.org Correlative imaging: methods and software for PET/CT image fusion with other imaging modalities Eur.Fed.Of Med.Physics summerschool, CZ, Prague, 7-62013 www.efomp.org What could nuclear medicine offer for dose painting? ESTRO-EANM-ICIS course"Molecular imaging and dose painting in Radiation, CH, Geneva, 19-4-2013 Symposium: PET quantification ESTRO-FORUM, CH, Geneva, 204-2013 PET kwantificatie; er is meer dan SUV alleen Fontys themadag:Kwantificering binnen de nucleaire geneeskunde, NL, Eindhoven, 1111-2-13 “Opportunities and challenges of PET/MR brain imaging Micro Symposium on Multimodal Imaging, NL, Amsterdam, 1-102013 PET/MR: methodologische aspecten en eerste resultaten Ned.Ver, Klinische Fysica, jaarcongres, NL, De Lutte, 10-32013 PET/MR evaluation and standardisation3 PET/MR Workshop Tuebingen, DE, Tuebingen, 4-10-201 www.nvkf.nl Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 76 Associate Title / topic lecture Meeting Boers, M Core sets of measures for clinical trials: concepts and structures Meeting on Psoriasis Outcome Measures.,USA, Boston Core sets of measures for clinical trials: concepts and structures Meeting on core set development for GB’s InBank, US, Bristol 90 minute workshop on scientific graphs EULAR annual conference, SP, Madrid Sing literature to solve clinical problems EULAR annual conferen ce, SP, Madrid COBRA therapy in RA: two decades of experience 5th International Conference on Neuroendocrine Immunology in Rheumatic Diseases (NEIRD) , IT, Genova Brakenhoff, RH URL meeting / program 6th International Symposium on Metastasis in Head and Neck Cancer, DE, Marburg, 24/27-12013 International Conference on Innovative Approaches in Head and Neck Oncology, SP, Barcelona, 7/9-2-2013 25th Annual Fanconi Anemia Research Fund Scientific Symposium, USA, Houston, Texas, 24/27-10-2013 European Head and Neck Course, NL, Amsterdam, 18/20-9-2013 FA-familiedag, NL, Leersum, 289-2013 EUROGIN 2013, IT, Florence, 3/711-2013 Bultink, IEM Fractures in systemic lupus erythematosus European Calcified Tissue Society 2013, 40th annual congress, PT, Lisbon, 18-5-2013 www.ectscongress.or g Sporten met reuma Symposium Aangepast (top)sporten: wetenschap en de sportpraktijk, NL, Amsterdam, 11-10-2013 www.reade.nl/casa.sy mposium Fracturen bij systemische lupus erythematosus Interdisciplinary Working party on Osteoporosis, NL, Zwolle 30-11-2013 www.stichtingiwo.nl Carvalho, B Molecular markers for early detection of colorectal cancer in stool 3rd International Symposium on Translational Medicine, BRl, Barretos, 29-08-2013 Chamuleau, M DLBCL NHC, NL, Papendal, 23-1-2014 DLBCL and Burkitt Lyfe symposium, NL, Amsterdam, 10-4-2013 Assessment of response after induction chemotherapy in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma European Cancer Congress, NL, Amsterdam, 28-9-2013 FDG-PET in head and neck cancer Wonnie Goedhart Symposium, SR, Paramaribo, 10-10-2013 Welk klinisch follow-up schema na behandeling hoofd-halstumoren? Scientific meeting VWHHT, BE, Brugge, 27-4-2013 ECT versus other local treatments of head and neck cancer Electrochemotherapy. 2nd International Users’ Meeting, IT Bologna, 1-3-2013 Immune biomarkers in prostate Society for Translational de Bree, R de Gruijl, TD www.vumc.nl/afdelin Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 77 Associate URL meeting / program Title / topic lecture Meeting cancer Oncology Annual Meeting 2013, NL, Amsterdam, 1-10-2013 genthemas/88610/7694 662/STO_Meeting_VU mc_CCA_1_oct_1.pdf Chemoimmunotherapy approaches Cancer Vaccine Institute 1st Intl Symposium on Immunotherapy, GB, London, 11-10-2013 www.cvi.org.GB/spea ker/dr-tanja-degruijl/ de Lange, J Synthetic lethality between DDX11 and ESCO2 Fourth Informal Meeting on Cohesin Biology and the Cohesinopathies, 12-07-2013 de Rie, MA New developments in the nonsurgical treatment of skin cancer Untitled, CH, University of Bern, 29-1-2013 New developments in the nonsurgical treatment of skin cancer Charles Rodolphe Brupbacher Symposium, CH, Zurich, 30-12013 Th17: the bridge between infections and psoriasis Third Surinam / Dutch Conference on Tropical Dermatology, SR, Paramaribo 14-4-2013 Th 17 and IL23 Eilanddagen, NL, Schiermonnikoog, 23-6-2013 Th17: the bridge between infections and psoriasis Bruggedagen, NL, Santpoort, 29-8-2013 Overview of pathways in the treatment of psoriasis EADV Novartis satelite symposium, TR, Istanbul, 3-102013 Screening for psychological distress: is screening the effective solution? Society of Behavioral Medicine. USA, San Fransico, 1-3-2013 Psychological distress in patients with cancer: is screening the effective solution? International Psycho-Oncology Society, NL, Rotterdam, 1-102013 Psychological distress in patients with cancer: is screening the effective solution? Psychological distress in patients with cancer: is screening the effective solution? CL, Santiago, 1-11-2013 Up-regulation of E2F3 target genes is a common denominator in primary Rbs which overall display a highly variable genome instability Third International Rb meeting, USA, Monterey, 07-10-2013 Up-regulation of E2F3 target genes is a common denominator in primary Rbs which overall display a highly variable genome instability Third International Rb meeting (Monterey, CA, United States) , USA, California, 7-10-2013 High-resolution SNP array profiling identifies variability in retinoblastoma genome stability International Society for Genetic Eye Diseases & Retinoblastoma (ISGEDR) meeting (Ghent, Belgium) , BE, Ghent, 24-8-2013 Characterization of retinoblastomas without RB1 mutations: genomic, gene expression and clinical studies NOG 2013 (Groningen, Netherlands) , NL, Groningen, 213-2013 Dekker, J Dorsman, JC Eerenstein, SEJ Critical weightloss before and 4th International congress Head during (adjuvant) radiotherapy: Neck Oncology (ICHNO) , SP, major prognostic factors for overall Barcelona, 7-2-2013 adn disease specific survival in head and neck cancer patients Voice rehabilitation in laryngectomized patients 6th European Head and Neck course, NL, Amsterdam, 20-92013 Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 78 Associate Title / topic lecture Meeting Panel salivary glands 6th European Head and Neck course, NL, Amsterdam, 19-92013 Panel larynx 6th European Head and Neck course, NL, Amsterdam, 20-92013 Critical weight loss during (chemo)radiotherapy has a significant impact on quality of life and disease specific survival in head and neck cancer patients 4th Trends in Head and Neck Oncology (THNO) , HR, Dubrovnik, 7-11-2013 Faramarz, A Role of ESCO1 and ESCO2 in: Establishment of sister chromatid cohesion, and DNA repair Fourth Informal Meeting on Cohesin Biology and the Cohesinopathies, 12-07-2013 Fijneman, RJA Translational research Life science e-infrastructure, IT, NL, Amsterdam, 10-10-2013 Translational research CTMM annual meeting, IT, NL, Utrecht, 9-12-2013 Forouzanfar, T Oral cancer and the role of the dentist QP Dental Education, NL, Amsterdam, 2-2-2013 Gibbs, S Skin models and DC migration Eurotox, CH, Interlaken, 1/4-092013 Giovannetti, E Prognostic and biological role of MiR-101, MiR-155 and MiR-21 in Pancreatic Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasms American Pancreas Club Meeting 2013. USA, Orlando, 17-05-2013 High-throughput microRNA (miRNAs) arrays unravel the prognostic role of miR-211 in pancreatic cancer, and functional analyses suggest its role in the modulation of gemcitabine activity and invasive behaviour Joint British Association for Cancer Research (BACR) European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Meeting, GB, Cardiff, 25-01-2013 Invited lecture “Genetic factors determining therapy response” 45th Annual Meeting of the of the European Pancreatic Club (EPC-2013), CH Zurich, 26-06-2013 Invited lecture “Pharmacogenetics of non-small-cell-lung cancer Congress “Lung cancer”, IT, Parma, 20-09-2013 Comprehensive arrays for expression profiling identify key microRNA to distinguish short and long survivors among resected pancreatic cancers patients ESMO-ECCO 2013, NL, Amsterdam, 01-10-2013 CYB5A emerges as a novel prognostic factor in pancreatic cancer, and is involved in the modulation of autophagy and oncogenic phenotypes Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Department of Gastroenterology & Hepatology Meetings, NL, Rotterdam, 21-102013 Tissue procurement for molecular diagnostics in lung cancer CCLO Meeting, CA, Vancouver BC, 8/10-2-2013 Diagnostic yield of bronchoscopy School of respirology, NL, Amsterdam, 10-10-2013 Grunberg, K Heideman, DAM Title: Molecular Tools for Pathology 20th International Molecular Diagnostics: Requirements in Medicine Tri-Conference. USA Terms of Turnaround Time, San Francisco, 2-2013 URL meeting / program www.eurotox2013.co m/fileadmin/user_up load/programme/45 24EUROTOX_Program _Booklet_2013_LR.pd f www.tfri.ca./home.as p - Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 79 Associate Title / topic lecture Meeting URL meeting / program Specimens, and Quality Assurance. Diagnostics and Cancer Channel: Cancer Molecular Markers – Advancing Personalized Medicine. Session: FFPE samples Title: The Use of Molecular HPV testing in Cervical Cancer Screening Programs and The Validation of The Aptima HPV Test according to the NVVP/WMDP Guidelines Post Summer Masterclass on Diagnostics, , NL, Utrecht, 18-92013 Title: Self-sampling for nonattendees of screening in the Netherlans. Session: SS7: New trends of vaginal self-sampling Eurogin. IT Florence, 11-2013 Title: Cervical HPV screening: medical professionalsampling and self-sampling – High income countries. Session: SS17: Screening Eurogin. IT, Florence, 11-2013 Title: Molecular Tools for Pathology 20th International Molecular Diagnostics: Requirements in Medicine Tri-Conference. USA, Terms of Turnaround Time, San Francisco, 2-2013 Specimens, and Quality Assurance. Diagnostics and Cancer Channel: Cancer Molecular Markers – Advancing Personalized Medicine. Session: FFPE samples Hoekstra, OS Huisman, M - Title: The Use of Molecular HPV testing in Cervical Cancer Screening Programs and The Validation of The Aptima HPV Test according to the NVVP/WMDP Guidelines Post Summer Masterclass on Diagnostics, NL, Utrecht, 18-92013 Title: Self-sampling for nonattendees of screening in the Netherlans. Session: SS7: New trends of vaginal self-sampling Eurogin. IT Florence, 11-2013 Title: Cervical HPV screening: medical professionalsampling and self-sampling – High income countries. Session: SS17: Screening Eurogin. IT, Florence, 11-2013 Oxford debate on PET scanning ECCO, NL, Amsterdam, 29-92013 on the contribution of PET technology to drug development and clinical practice state of the art in diffuse intrinsic www.knaw.nl/en/new pontine glioma, NL, Amsterdam, s/calendar/akademie 8-3-2013 -colloquium-state-ofthe-art-in-diffuse-en Image derived input functions World molecular imaging conference , USA, Savannah, 1809-2013 Israels, T ECCO 2013 website www.wmis.org/meeti ngs/ Meeting steering committee Collaborative Wilms Tumour Africa Project; 3 dagen, MW, Blantyre, 1-3-2013 SIOP Annual scientific congress Hong Kong. Coordinator Programma SIOP Pediatric Oncology in Developing Countries (PODC), HK, China, 19-2013 Jager, DHJ Tanderosie Tandheelkunde op to date 2013, Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 80 Associate Title / topic lecture Meeting URL meeting / program NL, Maastricht, 12/14-9-2013 Comfortable Solutions in Times of demographic Changes 3M ESPE Espertise™ symposium, NL, 21/22-11-2013 Jansen, MHA DIPG: Finding the right target in the right patient Tom Voute Award, NL, Utrecht, 6-2-2013 Jimenez, CR Cancer Proteomics 7th European Summerschool Advanced proteomics , IT, Brixen, 9-8-2013 Proteomics of Exosomes Secreted by Cancer Cell lines and Primary Cells Reveals Oncogenic Signaling and Biomarker Potential International Society of Extracllular Vesicles (ISEV) meeting, USA, Boston, 18-4-2013 Label-free proteomics for biomarker discovery and validation in proximal fluids Annual meeting Human Proteome Organisation HUPO 2013, JP, Yokohama, 9-2013 Cancer Proteomics: Novel biomarkers for colon cancer screening and BRCA1 deficient breast cancer Netherlands Proteomics Center 10-year anniversary meeting, NL, Utrecht, 11-2-2013 From peptidomics to proteomics, a personal view of 25 years of labelfree mass spectrometry PAC Imagine symposium, NL, Amsterdam, 7-3-2013 Karagozoglu, KH Management of oral cancer European Meeting on Oral Diseases, NL, Amsterdam, 4/6-92013 Kaspers, GJL Hodgkin lymphoma 4th Workshop on Pediatric Oncology, KE, Eldoret, 15-1-2013 Oncologic emergencies 4th Workshop on Pediatric Oncology, KE, Eldoret, 15-1-2013 Abdominal mass 4th Workshop on Pediatric Oncology, KE, Eldoret, 16-1-2013 Shared care SKION dagen, NL, Utrecht , 7-22013 Myeloide Maligniteiten SKION dagen, NL, Utrecht, 7-22013 Outreach SKION dagen, NL, Utrecht , 8-22013 Master Masterclass Kindergeneeskunde, NL, Amsterdam, 28-2-2013 Pediatric APL St. Jude VIVA preforum meeting, SG, Singapore, 6-3-2013 Progress in Diagnosis and Treatment of Pediatric AML St. Jude-VIVA Forum, SG, Singapore, 8-3-2013 ATRA, Arsenic and Emergency St. Jude-VIVA Forum expert Managemen of acute promyelocytic meetings, SG, Singapore, 8-3leGBemia in developing countries 2013 Progress on ITCC study 021, bortezomib in relapsed ALL Annual I-BFM-SG meeting, DE, Kiel, 16-5-2013, Pediatric APL Annual I-BFM-SG meeting, DE, Kiel, 17-5-2013 Study Relapsed AML 2010/01 Annual I-BFM-SG meeting, DE, Kiel, 17-5-2013 Chairman Annual I-BFM-SG meeting, DE, Kiel, 17-5-2013 Differences in treatment of pediatric and adult APL 4th international meeting on LeGBemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma, TR, Istanbul, 24-5Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 81 Associate Title / topic lecture Meeting URL meeting / program 2013 Kluytmans, JAJW Acute LeGBemias Grand Round Dr. Sardjito Hospital, ID, Yogyakarta, 30-72013 Kinderoncologie jaarlijkse cursus Oncologie IKNL, NL, Amsterdam, 30-9-2013 Pediatric acute promyelocytic leGBemia Annual SIOP meeting, keynote lectures, CN, Hong Kong, 28-92013 International Ped AML Study 01 Steering committee International Pediatric AML Group meeting 2013, NL, Amsterdam, 2/3-102013 Shared care Landelijke SKION dag shared care, NL, Amsterdam, 15-112013 Is it possible to achieve a target "zero"MRSA and SSI in "real life"? ECCMID. DE, Berlin, 27-4-2013 Guidelines and formulary positioning of anti-staphylococcal antibiotics ECCMID, DE, Berlin, 27-4-2013 Antibiotic-resistant microorganisms in meat, vegetable and soil: social and political Impact ECCMID, DE, Berlin, 27-4-2013 Prevention of surgical site infections (SSIs): health economics impact ICPIC, CH, Geneva, 25/28-062013 Resistentie in de dagelijkse praktijk Congres bacteriën onder de loep, van cure en care NL, Utrecht, 22-5-2013 Lammertsma, AA Antimicrobial Resistance: A new zoönosis? HAI, FR, Annecy, 23-6-2013 An overview of resistance and animals ICPIC, CH, Geneva, 25 t/m 28-062013 What we published is not what we do; science versus real-life practice ICPIC, CH, Geneva, 25 t/m 28-062013 Basic principles and kinetic modelling NVKF thema-middag “Ontwikkelingen in PET, NL, Eindhoven, 15-3-2013 Non-invasive assessment of the Blood-Brain Barrier using Positron Emission Tomography BBBNedwork meeting, NL, Leiden, 22-3-2013 Quantification in PET imaging U930 symposium “PET image processing” , FR, Tours, 27-32013 Quantification versus simplification BrainPET 2013, Shanghai, 20-52013 College Delft, NL, Delft, 12-62013 Plasma input and reference tissue compartment models World Molecular Imaging Congress 2013, Savannah, 18-9-2013 Positron emission tomography: principles and future directions, Targeted Network Meeting Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders (OCRN) European College of Neuropsychopharmacology, SP, Barcelona, 4-10-2013 Forward to the past Philips meeting, EANM 2014, FR, Lyon, 21-10-2013 Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 82 Associate Title / topic lecture Meeting Langius, JAE Malnutrition and oropharyngeal cancer Symposium NESPEN-NVGE, NL, Veldhoven, 22-3-2013 Leemans, CR 10-Year Results of The Two EORTC Larynx Preservation Trials (EORTC 24891 and 24954) 4th International conference on Innovative Approaches in Head and Neck Oncology (ICHNO) , SP, Barcelona, 7-2-2013 Human Papilloma Virus: Clinical and Biologiscal Aspects Mediterranean Alps Cancer Conference - from Bed to Bench: Biological-clinical interactive exchanges and therapeutic progress in head and neck cancer and burning issures in medical oncology, IT, Cuneo, 143-2013 Surgical salvage for head and neck tumors after organ preservation strategies The 30th Alexandria International Combined ORL Congress, EG, Alexandria, 10-42013 Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the head and neck: The Amsterdam Experience The 30th Alexandria International Combined ORL Congress, EG, Alexandria, 10-42013 Panel: Unusual presentation of head and neck masses The 30th Alexandria International Combined ORL Congress, EG, Alexandria, 10-42013 Management of parapharyngeal tumors The 30th Alexandria International Combined ORL Congress, EG, Alexandria, 10-42013 Advanced oropharyngeal cancer: What's new? The 30th Alexandria International Combined ORL Congress, EG, Alexandria, 10-42031 EHNS-AlexORL conjoint panel: Controversy in the management of cancer larynx The 30th Alexandria International Combined ORL Congress, EG, Alexandria, 10-42013 Improving Head and Neck Cancer outcome - a European perspective: The Make Sense Campaign 4th World Congress of the International Academy of Oral Oncology. GR, Rhodos, 15-52013 Quality of Life in Head and Neck Cancer: How Should it Be Best Used? 20th World Congress of the International Federation of OtoRhino-Laryngological Societies (IFOS) Collegium Oto-RhinoLaryngologicum Amicitiae Sacrum: Regeneration, Restoration and Rehabilitation in Otorhinolaryngology, KO, Seoul, 1-6-2013 Surgical Management of Squamous Cell Cancer of the Oral Cavity EHNS-ESMO-ESTRO Teaching Course on Multidisciplinary Management of Head and Neck Oncology, HU, Budapest, 30-62013 Surgical Management of Squamous Cell Cancer of the Oropharynx EHNS-ESMO-ESTRO Teaching Course on Multidisciplinary Management of Head and Neck Oncology, HU, Budapest, 30-62013 Morbidity after Surgery EHNS-ESMO-ESTRO Teaching Course on Multidisciplinary URL meeting / program Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 83 Associate Title / topic lecture Meeting URL meeting / program Management of Head and Neck Oncology, Hungary, Budapest, 30-6-2013 Management of Recurrent Tumours EHNS-ESMO-ESTRO Teaching Course on Multidisciplinary Management of Head and Neck Oncology, HU, Budapest, 30-62013 Lems, WF Management of Salivary Gland Tumors European Meeting on Oral Diseases; Diagnosis and Management, NL , Amsterdam, 49-2013 Case Discussion on the Neck 6th European Head and Neck Course, NL , Amsterdam, 18-92013 Oral Cancer 6th European Head and Neck Course, NL , Amsterdam, 18-92013 Case Discussion on Oral and Oropharyngeal Cancer 6th European Head and Neck Course, NL , Amsterdam, 18-92013 Parapharyngeal Space Tumours 6th European Head and Neck Course, NL , Amsterdam, 18-92013 Salvage Following Chemoradiation 6th European Head and Neck Course, NL , Amsterdam, 18-92013 The Role of Biological Imaging in the Assessment in Head and Neck Cancer 17th ECCO - 38th ESMO - 32nd ESTRO European Cancer Congress (ECC2013) , NL , Amsterdam, 27-9-2013 Surgical Management of Squamous Cell Cancer of the Oral Cavity EHNS-ESMO-ESTRO Teaching Course on Multidisciplinary Management of Head and Neck Oncology, IN, Indore, 27-10-2013 Debate: This house believes that neck dissection shoud take place regardless of response to (chemo)radiation 4th Trends in Head and Neck Oncology, HR, Dubrovnik, 7-112013 Role of surgery in organ preservation 4th Trends in Head and Neck Oncology, HR, Dubrovnik, 7-112013 Clinical Cases 4th Trends in Head and Neck Oncology, HR, Dubrovnik, 7-112013 Advanced oropharyngeal cancer: What's new? Fifth Head and Neck Cancer Update, IN, Guwahati, 30-112013 Surgical salvage for head and neck tumors after organ preservation strategies Fifth Head and Neck Cancer Update, IN, Guwahati, 30-112013 Treat to target in RA, and Osteoartritis/Osteoporosis, what is new? SA, Damman, 12/13-2-2013, Biologicals and Bone in rheumatoid arthritis ECTS 2013, PT, Lisbon, 18-52013 The value of the fracture outpatient EULAR, SP, Madrid, 6-2013 clinic? The BeSt study – focus on contribution of Glucocorticoids Steroids in NeuroEndocrinology, Immunology and Treatment in Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 84 Associate Title / topic lecture Meeting URL meeting / program Reumatic Diseases, IT, Genoa, 310-2013 Mebius, R Meijer, CJLM The relationship between joint space narrowing and erosions in RA International Congress on Bone Involvement in Arthritis, IT, Genoa, 15-10-2013 Crucial interactions between stromal and immune cells BTCure workshop Amsterdam, NL, Amsterdam, 18/19-3-2013 Control of mucosal immune responses by vitamin A International congress of Immunology, IT, Milan, 22/2708-2013 Microenvironemntal control of the immune system 3rd International lymphoid tissue meeting, NL, Rotterdam, 15/17-09-2013 Microenvironemntal control of the immune system Lymphoid tissue workshop, BE, Gent, 10-10-2013 2-dose HPV vaccination schedule GSK scientific advisory Board meeting, GB, London, 4-4-2013 Review of RCT in primary cervical screening comparing cytology and HPV screening HPV workshop, CZ, Prague, 124-2013 chairman PA panel Cotane lymfoompanel, NL, 5-62013 HPV DNA typing: is there a role for it in cervical cancer screening 18th International Congress of Cytology, FR, Paris, 26/30-52013 Longitudinal studies with p16 based cytology in cervical cancer screening 18th International Congress of Cytology, FR, Paris, 26/30-52013 HPV diagnostics in high and low income countries Key Opinion leader summit, Women’s Health and STI Workshop, Qiagen, CA, Niagara on the Lake, Ontario, 19-9-2013 HPV in Women's Health Key Opinion leader summit, Women’s Health and STI Workshop, Qiagen, CA, Niagara on the Lake, Ontario, 19-9-2013 HPV for decision making in screening and management Eurogin, IT, Florence, 3/6-112013 Prevention strategies for HPV; Implementation policies and priority Eurogin, IT, Florence, 3/6-112013 Molecular based strategies for primary screening of cervical cancer; risk-based screening strategies Eurogin ,IT ,Florence, 3/6-112013 Controversies in cervical cancer screening and prevention/ priority setting for cervical cancer control: developed vs developing countries; cytology versus HPV testing – high income countries (HIC) Eurogin, IT, Florence, 3/6-112013 5.Management options for women with HPV positive screening results; cytology Eurogin. IT, Florence, 3/6-112013 From cytology to full molecular screening Evolving Views: New perspectives in breast and Gynaecopathology,Postgraduate course Menarini, FR, Nice, 28/3011-2013 www.ici2013.org/ho me/ Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 85 Associate Meijer, GA Title / topic lecture Meeting Current and future perspectives in HPV testing in self-collected specimen Symposium cervical cancer screening, TH, Bangkok, 15/1701-2013 Molecular Screening for Coloractal Cancer in the Faeces Pathological society Winter Meeting, NL, Utrecht, 9-1-2013 Applied molecular biology of colorectal cancer, from screening to therapy selection LIMM Seminar, GB, Leeds, 21-22013 Translational research TranSMART foundation F2F meeting, IT, USA, Ann Arbor, 122-2013 TraIT & TranSMART Bio-IT World Pre-conference workshop, USA, Boston, 9-4-2013 The charity perspective on translational research Inaugural EATRIS meeting, NL, Amsterdam, 4-6-2013 URL meeting / program Introductionary speech; Pathologist TranSMART developer and user Avatar Vision meeting, NL, Amsterdam, 17-62013 Translational research BioMedBridges/TranSMART meeting on IT solutions for handling personalized Medicine data, IT, DE, Dusseldorf, 11-92013 Molecular high-risk hallmarks of colonic polyps WEO Colorectal Cancer Screening Meeting, DE, Berlin, 11-10-2013 EBV and Parkinson Disease 4th European EBV meeting, NL, Amsterdam, 17-6-2013 www.ebv2013.org Epstein-Barr virus markers in Nasopharyngeal carcinoma diagnosis and monitoring 6th International Symposium on Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma, TR, Istanbul, 20-6-2013 www.npc2013.org/ Mol, BM High-resolution SNP array profiling identifies variability in retinoblastoma genome stability International Society for Genetic Eye Diseases & Retinoblastoma (ISGEDR) meeting, BE, Ghent, 2408-2013 Moll, A LeGBocoria: retinoblastoma? European Paediatric Ophthalmological Society, NL, Leiden, 12-10-2013 Retinoblastoma and Pseudotumors Congress Intraoculair tumors, IT, Siena, 7-12-2013 Characterization of retinoblastomas without RB1 mutations: genomic, gene expression and clinical studies NOG 2013, NL, Groningen, 2103-2013 Neil Smith Lecture: Lentiginous Melanoma 93rd Annual Meeting of the British Association of dermatologists, GB, Liverpool, 97-2013 Neil Smith Lecture: Lentiginous Melanoma 93rd Annual Meeting of the British Association of dermatologists, GB, Liverpool, 97-2013 Case presentations British Society for Dermatopathology, GB, Liverpool, 8-7-2013 Update on Melanocytic Lesions Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland, joint meeting with the British Division of the International Association of Pathologists, GB, Edinburgh, 216-2013 Middeldorp, JM Mooi, WJ Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 86 Associate Morré, SA Title / topic lecture Meeting Case presentations Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland, joint meeting with the British Division of the International Association of Pathologists, GB, Edinburgh, 216-2013 Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Basal Cell Carcinoma and Its Differential Diagnosis Seminar, Workshop and masterclass: Dermatopathology, GE, Tbilisi, 14-11-2013 Melanoma, Molecular Pathology Seminar, Workshop and masterclass: Dermatopathology, GE, Tbilisi, 14-11-2013 Melanoma, Molecular Pathology Seminar, Workshop and masterclass: Dermatopathology, GE, Tbilisi, 14-11-2013 Pathogenesis of cancer Tbilisi State University, GE, Tbilisui, 18-11-2013 Melanocytic Consultation Cases: How to Approach Them Manchester Pathology Update Course 2013, GB Manchester, 31-10-2013 Case presentations Manchester Pathology Update Course 2013, GB, Manchester, 31-10-2013 Melanoma: Pathological Dilemmas EuMEET Amsterdam 2013, NL, Amsterdam, 10-12-2013 Chlamydia immunogenetics MINC, NL, Maastricht Chlamydia detection ISSTDR, AT, Vienna Chlamydia detection Roche Geneva, CH, Geneva Mostert, S Influence of Health-Insurance Access and Hospital Retention Policies on Childhood Cancer Treatment in Kenya SIOP congress, CN, Hongkong, 26-9-13 Ossenkoppele, GJ AML in the elderly is it a different disease? Acute leGBemia Conference, DE, Munchen, 26-2-2013 new treatment modalities in AML 7th Dutch hematology congre, NL, Arnhem, 24-1-2013 1. MRD as a predictor of survival in AML, 2.A randomized, open-label, phase II multicentre study with a safety run-in to assess the tolerability and efficacy of the addition of oral lenalidomide to standard induction therapy in AML and RAEB ≥ 66 years and very poor-risk AML ≥ 18 years (HOVON 103/SAKK428 Celgene 5th investigator meeting), BE, Brussels, 9-3-2013 The importance of MRD FDA Workshop on MRD, USA, Washington, 4-3-2013 LeGBemic niche and potential markers of malignancy European CML Expert Summit, GR, Athens, 24-5-2013 Applying MRD to outcomes and follow-up: prognostic and predictive AML discovery Working group meeting, NL, Lijnden, 28-6-2013 AML a glimpse into the future University of Oslo leGBemia symposium, NO, Oslo, 24-102013 Evaluation of therapeutic response in hematology Czech Society of hematology, CZ, Prague, 10-10-2013 Hematology Training in Europe: Italian Society of hematology, IT, URL meeting / program Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 87 Associate Pegtel, M Peters, GJ Reijneveld, JC URL meeting / program Title / topic lecture Meeting Different models towards a single CV passport Verona, 20-10-2013 Standard risk AML – should transplant decisions be made on MRD assessment GB hematology Forum, GB, London, 11-11-2013 Tumor Exosomes Biology Prof. Ingemar Enberg, Karolinska Institute, SE, Stockholm, Karolinska, 2013 Exosome & EBV infection Infection and Immunity symposium 2013, NL, Utrecht, 2013 Tumor Exosomes carry RNA biomarkers Molecular medicine, Select Biosciences, DE, Frankfurt, 2013 Exosomes in Autoimmunity American Association of Cell Biology, USA, San Fransisco, 2013 Exosomes in Viral Infection Medical Immunology Meeting, NL, Santpoort, 2013 Understanding the mechanism of drug resistance Department of Genetics - Basque University, SP, Bilbao, 29-1-2013 The role of transport in drug resistance Department of Genetics - Basque University, SP, Bilbao, 29-1-2013 Novel developments in the use of antimetabolites in the treatment of cancer International Symposium on Purine and Pyrimidine Metabolism, SP, Madrid, 6-62013 www.ppsociety.org Discussion on treatment of Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), ECCO - Proffered paper session Gastroinitestinal Malignancies Noncolorectal cancer, NL, Amsterdam, 1-10-2013 eccamsterdam2013.e cco-org.eu/ScientificProgramme/Searchab leProgramme.aspx#anc horScpr Drug transporters in tumor resistance, their roles in personalized chemotherapy Seminar at University of Barcelona - Institute of Biomedicine and Oncology Programm, SP, Barcelona, 2-102013 Determinants of the efficacy of tyrosine kinase inhibitors: uptake, metabolism, the target? The European Society for Translational Medicine (EUSTM) Annual conference EUSTM-2013, LU, Luxembourg, 14/16-10-2013 www.eutranslational medicine.org/prelimi nary-agenda-2 Cytidine deaminase and gemcitabine, SE, Lund, 20-12-2013 Mini symposium on metabolism of Nucleic Acid Precursors www4.lu.se/o.o.i.s?id =22418&list_mode=i d&calendar_id=1283 2 Intraparenchymateuze hersentumoren; aanvullende behandelingen Cursorisch onderwijs Nederlandse Vereniging voor Neurochirurgie Assistenten. NL, Bergen aan Zee, 23-5-2013 Damage to CNS and PNS from old and new antineoplastic agents 23rd annual meeting European Neurological Society. SP , Barcelona, 11-6-2013 www.congrexswitzerland.com/ens 2013.html Report on workshop on Cancer Survivorship EORTC Quality of Life Group Fall 2013 Meeting, GB, Canterbury, 13-9-2013 groups.eortc.be/qol/ Quality of life as primary outcome in brain metastases trials? EORTC Brain Metastases Platform Meeting, FR Marseille, 20-9-2013 brain-mets.com/ Incorporation of quality of life and neurocognitive function testing in Central Nervous System malignancies conference. AT, www.seronosymposia .org/en/oncology/liv Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 88 Associate Rustemeyer, T Savelkoul, PHM URL meeting / program Title / topic lecture Meeting brain tumor studies Vienna, 26-10-2013. eevents/symposia/20 13-central-nervoussystem-cnsmalignancies.html Pitfalls and solutions in HRQOL measurement of patients in brain tumor clinical trials 4th quadrennial meeting of the World Federation of NeuroOncology (WFNO) , USA, San Francisco, 21-11-2013 www.soc-neuroonc.org/2013annual-meeting/ QOL monitoring and intervention at a multidisciplinary neurooncology outpatient’s clinic' 4th quadrennial meeting of the World Federation of NeuroOncology , USA, San Francisco, 22-11-2013 (WFNO) www.soc-neuroonc.org/2013annual-meeting/ allergische contact dermatitis de rol van epicutaan onderzoek , NL, Utrecht, 17-1-2013 contact allergie Nederlandse Vereniging voor Allergologie, NL, BreGBelen, 153-2013 Voedsel-intolerantie en- allergie. Mechanismen, kliniek en diagnostiek Annual Dutch-Tropical Dermatology meeting, SR, Paramaribo, 22/24-04-2013 Contact Urticarieel Syndroom (CUS), SR, Paramaribo Annual Dutch-Tropical Dermatology meeting, 22/24-042014 Richtlijn Contacteczeem - een samenvatting voor de praktijk Dermatologendagen, NL, Papendaal, 12-04-2013 Palladium allergy Experimental European Contact Dermatitis Research Group, DK, Odense , 19/20-04-2013 Work and Consumer Exposure Occupational and Environmental Exposure of Skin to Chemicals (OEESC) , NL, Amsterdam, 3-062013 Current situation in the Netherlands Current scientific challenges of occupational skin diseases (OSD) in Europe, DE, Berlin , 18/20-092013 immunologischen Grundlagen der Kontaktallergologie Swiss Dermato-Allergological course, CH, Basel, 18-09-2013 Palladium allergy Experimental European Contact Dermatitis Research Group, CH, Basel, 19/20-4-2013 European Baseline Series Experimental European Contact Dermatitis Research Group, CH, Basel, 19/20-4-2014 Innovative model to predict and detect contact allergy Stichting Nederlandstalige nascholing voor dermatologie en venereologie, NL, Amsterdam, 07-11-2013 Over bacteriën en de rol van typeren Bvf symposium, NL, Maastricht, 14-3-2013 Van proef naar product symposium "Van idee naar METC; samen vooruit in wetenschap", NL, Alkmaar, 19-4-2013 Infectious diseases in the 21st century Mosa Conference, NL, Maastricht, www.mosa12-6-2013 conference.nl/work/ mosa-conference2013-2/ Nieuwste ontwikkelingen in de microbiologie Symposium "Vernieuwbouw in de microbiologie" , NL, Izore Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 89 Associate Title / topic lecture Meeting URL meeting / program laboratorium, 8-6-2013 Gezondheid Oratie Paul Savelkoul, NL, Maastricht, 13-9-2013 Bugs and chronic diarrhea in the Western world: an overview Falk Benelux Symposium Chronic Diarrhae in adults, NL Eindhoven, 12-12-2013 Scheper, RJ Immunopathogenesis of Allergic Contact Dermatitis 12th Asia-Pacific Environmental and Occupational Dermatology Group Symposium (APEODS) , IN, Yogyakarta, 24 October 2013 Schulten, EAJM Management of odontogenic cysts and tumours European Meeting of Oral Diseases. Amsterdam, NL, Amsterdam, 4/6-9-2013 Management of odontogenic tumours European Head and Neck Course, NL, Amsterdam, 19-9-2013 MRD in AML: Results in a prospective multicenter clinical study (HOVON/SAKK). Future Perspectives), European LeGBemiaNet (ELN) Mannheim (Germany). DE, Mannheim, 5-2-2013 MRD and leGBemia stem cells in AML, Berlin Frankfurt Munich (BFM) meeting DE, Kile, 16-5-2013. Flowcytometric definition of the leGBemia stem cell in acute myeloid leGBemia European Society for Clinical Cell Analysis (ESCCA) , LU, Luxemburg, 13-11-2013 Radiobiological aspects VMAT/RAPIDARC - advantages, implementation, tips and tricks , NL, Amsterdam , 13-09-2013 Radiobiological considerations IMRT hands-on-course, NL, Haarlem , 11-5-2013 Smit, L Reunion Hans Clevers Breakthrough Symposium, NL, Amsterdam, 7-9-2013 Snijders, PJF The future of molecular screening; Making screening easier and more objective Symposium ‘HPV primary screening: belangrijke besluiten en kritische consequencties’, NL, Utrecht, 6-3-2013 Current and future perspectives of HPV testing Annual meeting Thai Gynecologic Cancer Society: Future direction of Gynecologic Oncology, TH, Pattaya, 11-8-2013 Een unieke test voor baarmoederhalskanker screening: vrouwvriendelijk en kosteneffectief Health&Technology meeting 2013, NL, Papendal (Arnhem), 18-9-2013 HPV DNA strategies in screening for detection of precursor lesions of cervical cancer XIII Argentine Congress of Microbiology, AR, Buenos Aires, 26-9-2013 HPV and cervical cancer epidemiology V International Seminar 'Screening programs based on HPV Test: tools for an effective implementation', AR, Tucuman, 30-9-2013 HPV Test introduction in Netherlands: how and why? V International Seminar 'Screening programs based on HPV Test: tools for an effective implementation',AR, Tucuman, 30-9-2013 Translational research pipeline leading to a molecular screening test for cervical cancer : the experience of 25 years EATRIS biomarker platform meeting, SP, Madrid, 18-10-2013 Schuurhuis, GJ Sminia, S www.minc.eu/oratie/ page3.html expired www.hat-event.com Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 90 Title / topic lecture Meeting URL meeting / program HPV screening: current and future perspectives EUROGIN 2013, IT, Florence, 311-2013 www.eurogin.com/20 13/ New biomarkers in HPV screening EUROGIN 2013, IT, Florence, 411-2013 www.eurogin.com/20 13/ Testing for HPV oropharyngeal cancer – pearls, pitfalls and progress EUROGIN 2013, IT, Florence, 411-2013 www.eurogin.com/20 13/ The rationale for clinical validation of high-risk HPV tests Abbott Molecular Satellite Symposium at EUROGIN 2013, IT, Florence, 4-11-2013 The value of HPV genotyping in self-samples of screening nonattendees EUROGIN 2013, IT, Florence, 511-2013 Steenbergen, R DNA methylation markers Eurogin, IT, Florence, 5-11-2013 Taphoorn, MJB Quality of Life in Gliomas New trends for the treatment of CNS tumors, IT, Bologna, 8-112013, te Riele, H A novel mouse model to study prevention strategies for intestinal cancer in Lynch syndrome Nederlandse Vereniging voor Gastroenterology, NL, Veldhoven, 04-10-2013 Oligonucleotide directed gene targeting: evading mismatch repair Seventh workshop on innovative mouse models, NL, Leiden, 1406-2013 Retinoblastoma: a genomic instability syndrome? UMCG Seminar Series, Groningen University, NL, Groningen, 24-012013 Superior and long-term tumor control by combining DC-SIGN targeting vaccines with transient inhibition of regulatory T cells 43rd Annual Meeting. German Society for Immunology, DE, Mainz, 13-09-2013. domains.conventus.d e/fileadmin/media/2 013/dgfi/Programm/ DGfI_2013_Program mheft.PDF Uptake of sialylated antigens induces tolerogenic function on dendritic cells promoting regulatory T cell Wintermeeting Nederlandse Vereniging voor Immunologie, NL, Noordwijkerhout, 18-122013 www.dutchsocietyim munology.nl/agenda /nvvi-annualmeeting2013/4396_nvviannual-meeting-2013 ShrinkBayes: Bayesian analysis of high-dimensional data using multiple shrinkage priors Journee de Statistique, FR, Toulouse, 30-5-2013 jds2013.sfds.asso.fr/ ?lang=en ShrinkBayes: Bayesian analysis of high-dimensional data using multiple shrinkage priors European BioConductor meeting, GB, Cambridge, 12-9-2013 sites.google.com/site /eurobioc2013/timet able ShrinkBayes: Bayesian inference for (zero-inflated) count-based sequencing data in complex study, designs Symposium Statistical analysis of RNAseq data, Institute Pasteur, FR, Paris, 26-11-2013 www.pasteur.fr/ip/re source/filecenter/doc ument/01s-00004s01p/programme-pf226-11-13-fin.pdf ShrinkBayes: Bayesian differential expression analysis of RNA sequencing data, plus extensions to networks IBS channel network conference, GB, St. Andrews, 7-4-2013 bir.biometricsociety.o rg/events/channelnet workconference Data Integration: from Nice Figures to Real Conclusions CMSB meeting, NL, Leiden, 1510-2013 www.cmsb.nl/events/ 2-cmsb-10th-annualsymposium/ Research in AS British /Dutch Arthritis foundation, GB, Manchester, 1411-2013 lectures on Uveitis in Spondylarthopathy, psoriasis in ASAS international Educational Courses, TR, Istanbul, 26/28-11- Associate Unger, W van de Wiel, M Van der Horst-Bruinsma, IE www.eurogin.com/20 13/ Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 91 Associate Van der Laken, J Title / topic lecture Meeting SpA, Treatment of SpA, Diagnosis of SpA 2013 The role of Physiotherapy in AS Symposium prof van der Linden, NL, Maastricht, 13-12-2013 Overview of presentations and new developments American Conference of Rheumatology, NL, Ameland, 112013 Imaging van inflammatoire reumatische ziekten National Rheumatology Education and Learning (REAL) symposium, 1-2013 Positron Emission Tomography of inflammatory rheumatic diseases Society of Nuclear Medicine, BE, Brussels, 3-2013 van der Sar, AM Modeling tuberculous meningitis in Zebrafish Disease Models 6, SP, the zebrafish-Mycobacterium Murcia, 17-07-2013 marinum infection model Van der Waal I Maligne en premaligne afwijkingen Openingssymposium afdeling MKA Bronovo, NL, Den Haag, 1311-2013 ziekenhuis Oral leGBoplakia; an update; the nonsquamous cell oral cancers Spanish Association of Oral Medicine, SP, Santiago de Compostela, 17-5-2013 URL meeting / program www.zdm6.imib.es/ Current concepts of oral potentially 1st International Symposium of malignant disorders; diagnosis and the Oral Diseases Group of management Thailand, TH, Bangkok, 4-112013 van Die, I van Dulmen-den Broeder, E van Egmond, M Lichen planus and lichenoid lesions; leGBoplakia; histopathology of odontogenic cysts and tumors European Meeting of Oral Diseases, NL, Amsterdam, 5-92013 Mondkanker in de tandartspraktijk: dat mag je niet missen Hoe kan mondkanker eerder worden opgespoord? Mondkanker dat mag je niet missen, NL, Rotterdam, 22-32013 Orale leGBoplakie; diagnostiek en behandeling 2e Dermatologen-inopleidingdagen, NL, Amersfoort, 23-3-2013 Ulceraties van het mondslijmvlies; een uitdaging voor de tandarts. Klinisch-röntgenologische diaquiz; bespreking van 10 casussen NMT Jaarcongres 2013, NL, Zeist, 14-06-2013 De mond als spiegel van de gezondheid Afscheidssymposium A.G. Dumans, NL, Rotterdam, 1-112013 Immunomodulation by Trichuris suis: what are the M&M's Hydra conference on Helminth Immunomodulators, GR, Hydra, 28-08-2013 tot 01-09-2013 hydrathemes.bio.ed.ac.GB/ home Glycans and galectins in metastasis 24th Joint Glycobiology Meeting, of pancreatic cancer, DE, Wittenberg, 24-11-2013 tot 26-11-2013 www.glycobiology20 13.net/ Infertility and premature menopause Focus on Rare diseases-Cancer Survivorship Care, IT, Bergamo, 14/16-11-2013 www.hpg23.it/img/u pload/files/247_Men arini_programma_16 _ottobre_2013.pdf De SKION-LATER VEVO Studie SKION Prinses Maxima Research Retraite, NL, De Bilt, 18/19-112013 Immunoglobulin A and FcaRI in mucosal immunity revisited Invited lecture University of Liverpool, GB, Liverpool, 9-42013 Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 92 Associate van Furth, AM URL meeting / program Title / topic lecture Meeting Immunoglobulin A and FcaRI in mucosal immunity revisited Invited lecture University of Wageningen. NL, Wageningen, 26-09-2013 Macrophages prevent surgeryinduced liver metastasis development after mAb therapy Invited lecture Institut Pasteur. FR, Paris, 30-10-2013 Keeping the balance between protection and inflammation in the gut; The role of the human IgA Fc receptor FcaRI Invited lecture University of Connecticut Health Center. . USA, Farmington 14-11-2013 Modeling Tuberculosis meningitis in the zebrafish-Mycobacterium Marinum infection model Amsterdam Kindersymposium, NL, Amsterdam, 21-2-2013 Development from an Interdisciplinary Viewpoint NL, Amsterdam, 14-1-2013 Multi-Level and ethod evaluation of pediatric home-based care: knowledge to action for health Sustainable Rural Health Research Day, SA , Worcester, 32013 A human prospective analysis of the clinical spectrum of different subtypes Enterovirus and Human Parechovirus ESPID, IT, Milan, 28/31-5-2013 www2.kenes.com/es pid2013 Development of a rapid mulplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay for accurate diagnosis of neonatal sepsis. Going deeper, simpler, faster and real micro: molecular methods in diagnostic bacteriology ECCMID, DE , Berlin, 27/30-42013 www.congrexswitzerland.com/ecc mid2013.html Motorische ontwikkeling van kinderen na een humaan Enterovirus of Parechovirus centraal zenuwstelsel infectie: een prospectieve multicenter cohort studie Nederlandse Vereniging voor Kindergeneeskunde (NVK) 35ste congres, NL, Veldhoven, 6/8-112013 www.kinderartsenwet enschap.nl Ontwikkeling van een multiplex PCR voor de diagnostiek van late onset sepsis bij prematuren; resultaten van de INFANT-studie Nederlandse Vereniging voor Kindergeneeskunde (NVK) 35ste congres, NL, Veldhoven, 6/8-112013 www.kinderartsenwet enschap.nl amsterdamkindersym posium.nl/ Development of a rapid multiplex NL, Scheveningen PCR assay for accurate diagnosis of neonatal sepsis van Grieken, NCT van Kooyk, Y The benefit of two PCR based assays for the accelerated diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis 57 th Tygerberg Annual Academic Day, SA, Cape Town, 14/15-8-2013 sun025.sun.ac.za/po rtal/page/portal/Heal th_Sciences/English/ Annual_Academic_Da y Managing Change at multiple levels to make the transition from in-hospital treatment to home based care: lessons from South Africa 57 th Tygerberg Annual Academic Day, SA, Cape Town, 14/15-8-2013 sun025.sun.ac.za/po rtal/page/portal/Heal th_Sciences/English/ Annual_Academic_Da y Dutch Upper GI Audit DICA congres, NL, Amsterdam, 24-6-2013 www.clinicalaudit.nl/ Gastric cancer histology: Does it matter? Gastric cancer treatment. Anno 2013 and beyond. NL, Utrecht, 10-4-2013 dgcg.nl/dgcg/sympo sium-gastric-cancertreatment-201328dgcg29-flyer.pdf Glycans for improving skin vaccination strategies 100years the American Association of Immunologists AAI Annual Meeting, USA, Honololu, 3-52013 Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 93 Associate URL meeting / program Title / topic lecture Meeting Sugars and Lectins in autoimmunity Annual European Congress of Rheumatology (EULAR2013) , SP, Madrid, 12-6-2013 Skin vaccines to treat cancer 5th Twincore Symposium Mucosal infection and Immunity, DE, Hannover, 5-9-2013 Inhibitory and stimulatory glycans that alter Dendritic cell induced immune responses Annual meeting of the Society for Glycobiology (SfG), , USA, St Petersburg, 17-11-2013 How Glycobiology meets Immunology 15th International Congress of Immunology, IT, Milan, 22-82013 Immune inhibitiory and stimulatiory carbohydares that affect dendritic cell function 12th international Workshop on Carcinoma-associated Mucins, GB, Cambridge, 27-7-2013 How discovery based immunological research leads to cancer treatment in the clinic 7th VU University Medical Center Science Exchange Day, NL, Amsterdam, 8-3-2013 nanoparticles targeting Dendritic cells for anti-tumor vaccines Drug delivery meeting NNI, NL, Utrecht, 18-6-2013 DC targeting vaccines to improve anti-cancer immunity Invitation to the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, CH, Lausanne, 12-11-2013 Ulcus cruris venosum update richtlijn Eilanddagen dermatologie, NL, Schiermonnikoog, 27/29-062013 www.peonline.org/public/ Nieuwe middelen tegen gemetastaseerd melanoom Themadag Geneesmiddelenreacties Stichting Nederlandstalige Nascholing voor Dermatologie en Venereologie, BE, ,Hasselt, 20-42013 www.snndv.nl/thema dag2013/ Update dutch guideline venous ulcers Flebologie á la carte, NL, Rotterdam, 24-9-2013 Differential diagnosis of the leg ulcer European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, TR, Istanbul, 3-10-2013 Importance of dermatologist in new era of melanoma treatment European Melanoma experience exchange focus on therapy, NL, Amsterdam, 10/11-12-2013 van Schaardenburg, D Prediction of future onset of arthritis in individuals without current arthritis Annual Congress American College of Rheumatology, USA, San Diego, 26-10-2013 rheumatology.org van Sörnsen de Koste, JR Digital Tomosynthesis for verifying lung tumor position American Society for Radiation Oncology, USA, Atlanta, 25-92013 www.softconference. com/astro/am.asp Van Vliet SJ Tumor-associated glycans trigger the C-type lectin MGL on dendritic cells and dampen anti-tumor immunity Annual Meeting of the European Macrophage and Dendritic Cell Society (EMDS) , DE, Erlangen, 10/11/12-10-2013 www.emds2013.eu/ Tumor-associated glycans trigger the C-type lectin MGL on dendritic cells and dampen anti-tumor immunity Annual meeting of the Dutch Society for Immunology (NVVI) , NL, Noordwijkerhout, 18/19-122013 www.dutchsocietyim munology.nl/agenda /nvvi-annualmeeting2013/4396_nvviannual-meeting-2013 Terug naar de toekomst VHIG congres, NL, Egmond aan Zee, 10-4-2013 van Montfrans, C Vandenbroucke-Grauls, CMJE istanbul2013.eadv.or g/ ECCMID, DE, Berlin, 29/30-42013 Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 94 Associate Verbakel, WFAR Verdonck-de Leeuw, IM Verweij, CL Vis, AN Wesseling, P Title / topic lecture Meeting Lecture ESBL in The Netherlands JPEMS, FR, Angers, 1/2-10-2013 Fundamentals of VMAT XIV. National Medical Physics Congress 2013, TR, Antalya, 2110-2013 VMAT treatment of head and neck XIV. National Medical Physics Congress 2013, TR, Antalya, 2110-2013 Daily setup errors and IGRT, XIV. National Medical Physics Congress 2013 TR, Antalya, 2210-2013 Collaborative Knowledge Modeling and Integration for Radiation Therapy Planning AAPM 55th Annual Meeting & Exhibition 2013, USA, Indianapolis, 8-8-2013 Living with cancer Clinical Psychology, NL, Amsterdam, 16-9-2013 Quality of life in head and neck cancer survivors EORTC Meeting, GB, Canterbury, 11-9-2013 Distress: to screen or not screen CCA evening lecture, NL, Amsterdam, 9-5-2013 Psychosocial cancer care Pittsburgh Department of Psychiaty, USA, Pittsburgh, 14-52013 Living with cancer: innovative care programs and eHealth Clinical Oncology and Hematology Grand Rounds, USA, Pittsburgh, 15-5-2013 Netherlands Quality of Life and Biomedical Cohort Studies in , Cancer NWHHT meeting, NL, Rotterdam, 14-3-2013 Type I interferon in autoimmunity European Federation of Immunological Societies (EFIS) , FR, Paris, 7-2-2013 Tertiary lymphoid structures in autoimmunity the European League against Rheumatism (EULAR, SP, Madrid, 14-06-2013 The type I interferon system to predict therapy response and very early diagnosis of disease Seminar Program Karolinksa, SE, Stockholm, 4-2-2013 Testosterone and prostate cancer: myths and paradigms, State of the art (SOTA),NL, Weesheuvel, 1-2-2014 Testosterone and prostate cancer: myths and paradigms State of the art (SOTA) , NL, 1-102013 Result of 318 RALP in the VUmc, pathology, operative outcome, and functional and oncological outcome Refereeravond VUmc/ AMC, NL Radium-223 en CRPC, de visie van de uroloog Meeting IKNL, NL Botgezondheid en prostaatkanker Refereeravond VUmc/ AMC, NL “Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma; Towards Improved Understanding and Classification” DIPG Conference, sponsored by the Royal Dutch Academy for Arts and Sciences, NL, Amsterdam, 8/9-03-2013 “Glioma Growth, a Guerilla War; Lessons Learned from a Neuropathology Practice” Glioma Invasion Forum, NO, Bergen, 5/6/7-06-2013 “Gliomas; Don’t Be Fooled”, in Symposium “Gliomas, Let’s Try To Make Them Easy” European Congress of Pathology, PT, Lisbon, 2/3/4-09-2013 URL meeting / program www.medikalfizik201 3.org www.aapm.org/meeti ngs/2013AM/ Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 95 Associate URL meeting / program Title / topic lecture Meeting "Anti-angiogenic Therapy of Glial Brain Tumors; Lessons Learned from Human Glioma Xenograft Models”, 11th European Congress of Toxicologic Pathology BE, Gent, 10/11/12/13-09-2013 “Diffuse Glioma Growth; A Guerilla War” (Key note lecture) Educational Neurosciences Symposium of the International Society of Neuropathology, SA, Johannesburg, 22/23-09-2013 “CNS Tumours in Adults – Recent Developments Including Genetics and Molecular Biology”, SA, Johannesburg, 22/23-09-2013 Educational Neurosciences Symposium of the International Society of Neuropathology "Important determinants of the pathological diagnosis" Educational Neurosciences Symposium of the International Society of Neuropathology, SA, Johannesburg, 22/23-09-2013 “Diffuse Glioma Growth; A Guerilla War” National Spanish Multidisciplinary Neuro-Oncology Meeting, SP, Pamplona, 9/10/1110-2013 “Morphological and Molecular Pathology of Gliomas” VIth Evidence Based Multidisciplinary NeuroOncology Symposium, TR, Istanbul 1/2-11-2013 "Intratumoral heterogeneity in glial tumors; a pathologist's , erspective" National Working Group for Neuro-Oncol. Investigators, NL, Netherlands, 12-9-2013 PET imaging to support targeted drug therapy International Workshop on Innovative Personalized Radioimmunotherapy, FR, Nantes, 9/12-7-2013 PET/SPECT imaging biomarker development 9th annual conference in Imaging www.slideshare.net/ in cancer drug development, GB, CemTuna/smis-9thLondon, 13/14-9-2013 annual-imaging-incancer-drugdevelopment-event Wondergem, MJ AML case and discussion ELN frontiers, CH, Prague, 11-102013 Ylstra, B NGS for the detection of mutations and copy number aberrations in DNA isolated from FFPE solid tumor specimens NEXT GENERATION SEQUENCING, www.ecsaude.uminh approaches and applications , PT, o.pt/Default.aspx?tab Braga, 17-6-2013 id=8&pageid=943&la ng=pt-PT Intratumoral heterogeneity in lowgrade gliomas by shallow whole genome sequencing EMBO - 10th Golden Helix Pharmacogenomics Day, NL, Amsterdam (RAI), 23-9-2013 Intratumoral heterogeneity in lowgrade gliomas by shallow whole genome sequencing 1st International workshop on www.paoheyendael.nl Cancer Genetic & Cytogenetic /nl/bij-enDiagnostics, NL, Nijmegen , 22-3- nascholing/aanbod/ 2013 Implementing NGS on FFPE Tumour-Derived DNA for Mutation Analysis in Routine Diagnostic Pathology Joint Meeting of the Pathological Society of Great Britain & Ireland and the Dutch Pathological Society (NVVP) , NL, Utrecht, 8-12013 pathsoc.org/files/me etings/scientificMeeti ngs/utrecht2012/67 73%20PreN(Wint13Utrecht)%20v10%20[ web150].pdf Intratumoral heterogeneity in lowgrade gliomas by shallow whole genome sequencing Symposium on Innovative diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in oncology, NL, Maastricht, 19-12-2013 www.grow-um.nl/ Subclonal copy number aberrations with prognostic value in diffuse low-grade gliomas Jaarvergadering; De Nederlandse Vereniging voor Neurologie, NL, Utrecht, 15-9-2013 www.neurologie.nl/p ubliek/nvn/werkgroe pen/neuro- Windhorst, AD www.emn.fr/zsubatech/wipr-2013/ www.goldenhelix.org /index.php/news/lat est-news Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 96 Associate Title / topic lecture Meeting Zijlstra, JM How to treat advanced stage Hodgkin lymphoma 7th Dutch Hematology Congress, NL, Papendal, 25-1-2013 Imaging of malignant lymphoma Educational course Nuclear medicine physicians, NL, UMCU Utrecht, 8-3-2013 PET reponse monitoring in NHL Jaarsymposium Hematologie, NL, Utrecht, 19-9-2013 Treatment of the elderly Multiple Myeloma patients – state of the art Dutch Hematology Congress, NL, Arnhem, 24-1-2013 What’s new for elderly patients Multiple Myeloma Debate meeting, DE, Berlin, 31-1-2013 URL meeting / program oncologie/ Zweegman, S Randomized phase 3 trial in elderly International Myeloma Workshop, NDMM comparing MPT followed by JP, Kyoto ,6-4-2013 T maintenance versus MPR followed by R maintenance The role of maintenance therapy for patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma, Satellite symposium; Current and future therapeutic strategies for multiple myeloma European Hematology Association, SE, Stockholm, 13-62013 Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 97 Awards Associate Name award Awarded by, place, date Avan, A Chris Meijer Award VUmc, Amsterdam, 02-09-2013 Beelen RHJ Mid term award excellent Brussel, Maastricht, 15-10-2013 Blauwhoff-Bustermolen, S NVO Travelgrant Nederlands Voedingsteam Overleg, Utrecht, 12-03-2013 Blufpand, H Masterclass Amsterdam Kindersymposium 2013, Amsterdam, 29-022013 de Gruijl, TD Fenna Diemer Lindeboom Chair FDL Program, 01-08-2013 Dekker, J Distinguished International Affiliate Division 38, American Psychological Association Special Contribution to China Behavioral Medicine Chinese Society of Behavioral Medicine, Xi'an, 01-08-2013 Gibbs, S Fenna Diemer Lindeboom Chair VUMC / ACTA, Amsterdam, 08-03-2013 Giovannetti, E Berlucchi Award for Young Italian Researchers Berlucchi Foundation, Brescia, Italy, 26-062013 Heideman, DAM Klinisch moleculair bioloog in de pathologie (KMBP) NVVP, 2013 University Teaching Qualification (UTQ) (Basis Kwalificatie Onderwijs (BKO) 2013 Klinisch moleculair bioloog in de pathologie (KMBP) NVVP, 2013 University Teaching Qualification (UTQ) (Basis Kwalificatie Onderwijs (BKO) 2013 Meijer, GA Eatris national co-director Ministerie van OCW, 01-11-2013 Mooi, WJ Dr Neil Smith Medal for outstanding contributions to dermatopathology The British Association of Dermatologists and the British Society for Dermatopathology, Liverpool, GB, 09-07-2013 Lifetime Honorary Membership Award The British Society for Dermatopathology, Liverpool, GB, 09-07-2013 Nielsen, K Kanker in Beeld award SVBBK, VUmc Ossenkoppele, GJ Prof Neuwirth Award Czech Society of hematology, Prague, 10-102013 van Furth, AM Associate professor extraordinary: paediatrics and child health Stellenbosch University, Tygerberg, South Africa, Tygerberg, South Africa, 01-01-2013 van der Waal,I Honorary membership Spanish Association of Oral Medicine, Santiago de Compostela, 17 May 2013 Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 98 Obtained research funds, grants and contracts Type of funding, grant, contract Project leader(s) Title project Budget Bakema JE, Brakenhoff R, Braakhuis B, Leemans CR Het veranderen van de immunologische omgeving van hoofd-halstumoren waardoor patiënten beter reageren op Cetuximab behandeling. Fjoer stichting € 10.000 Bakema JE, Van Egmond M, van de Loosdrecht AA, van der Steen L TrisomAb-20, the more the merrier CCA V-ICI 2013 € 150.000 Bleeker MCG, Steenbergen R, van Beurden M Carcinogenisis vulvar cancer ECC Boellaard R, NAN Establishing a multimodality preclinical imaging facility for fundamental research and efficient drug development NWO Middelgroot € 1.2 M Quantitative PET/MR: improving MR based attenuation correction Quantivision (IMDI) € 250 k Bökenkamp A, Kaspers GJL Nierfunctie meten bij kinderen Fonds NutsOhra Brakenhoff RH, Leemans CR, Braakhuis BJM Development of a personalized targeted treatment for head and neck cancer University funding VUmc-CCA Brakenhoff RH, Schaapveld R MiRacle, Novel tumor-selective lethal miRNAs for the treatment of head and neck cancer FP7-SME-2013-606486 Brakenhoff, RH, T Poli OraMod, VPH based predictive model for oral cancer reoccurrence in the clinical practice FP7-ICT-2013-10611425 Bultink IEM, Voskuyl AE, Bijlsma JWJ, Tsang-A-Sjoe MWP Landelijke implementatie van een registratie voor SLE Stichting Kwaliteitsgelden Medisch Specialisten (VWS/Orde van medisch specialisten) € 60.000 Cloos J Splicing alterations as novel mechanism of drug resistance Stichting VUMC/CCA € 297.053 Application of bortezomib in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia Stichting Kinderen KankerVrij (KIKA) € 228.566 Ontrafelen van resistentie-mechanismen tegen bortezomib bij multipel myeloom Fonds Stimulans Cloos J, Giovanetti E, Zweegman S, Sciarrillo R Splicing alterations as novel mechanism of drug resistance Stichting VUMC/CCA € 297.053 Cloos J, Kaspers GJL, Jansen G, Niewerth D Application of bortezomib in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia Stichting Kinderen KankerVrij (KIKA) € 228.566 Cloos J, Zweegman S, Jansen G Unraveling bortezomib resistance Grant from “Fonds Stimulans” from the Dutch Patient Multiple Myeloma association € 30.000 Ontrafelen van resistentie-mechanismen tegen bortezomib bij multipel myeloom Fonds Stimulans € 30.000 Cloos J, Zweegman S, Sciarillo R Splicing alterations as novel mechanism of drug resistance Co-PI CCA grant 2013 € 290.000 de Jong D, Ylstra B Molecular stratification for diffuse large Bcell lymphoma as a guide for treatment choice. VUmc € 250.000 den Haan JMM, Molthoff C Roche study 5 Roche B.V. den Haan JMM, van Kooyk Y Development of a rapid and effective prime-boost vaccination strategy for melanoma Dutch Cancer Society € 540.000 Douw L Linking neurons to behavior through multi- Branco Weiss scale brain networks Fellowship (Society in Science, managed by € 400.000 € 85 000 € 65.000 € 30.000 € 14.000 Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 99 Project leader(s) Type of funding, grant, contract Title project Budget ETH Zurich, Switzerland) € 250.000 The molecules of behavior: how brain tumors link cellular biology to large-scale brain networks and cognition NWO Veni Fijneman RJA, Jimenez CR, Meijer GA Tumor-specific protein biomarkers for early detection of colorectal cancer project grant KWF VU2013-6025 Forouzanfar T Klinische inventarisatie van implantologie bij Sjögrenpatiënten in Nederland NUTS OHRA Giovannetti E Targeting key microRNA to combat pancreas cancer ” PI of the 5-months extensionMarieCurie/A IRC grant 2011 € 8.000 Giovannetti E, La Laguna University, Peters GJ, Leon LG, Padron JM IMBRAIN grant n° 4319786 Participant European Union FP7-REGPOT-Cal € 11.199.702 Grunberg K, Willems S (UMCU), Willems, Nagtegaal, von der Thusen, Hofhuis Variation in grading of colon adenomas Dutch Cancer Society (KWF) Heideman DAM Improved molecular pathology diagnostics for precision medicine (Verbeterde moleculaire pathologie diagnostiek die bijdraagt aan een zorg waar ‘therapie op maat’ centraal staat). Industrial grant €5k Hillebrand A, Reijneveld JC, Nissen I Identifying the epileptogenic zone in the absence of epileptiform discharges; biasfree network analysis applied to interictal MEG recordings Dutch Epilepsy Foundation (Epilepsiefonds) € 203.000 Hulleman E Groeifactoren als aangrijpingspunt voor de behandeling van diffuus intrinsiek ponsglioom Zeldzame Ziekte Fonds € 100,000 Israels T Collaborative Wilms tumour Africa Project SIOP € 560K € 150.000 € 67.500 t.b.d. Janssen JJWM Side studies to the CML NordDutch 009 study Novartis € 650.000 Janssen JJWM, van Agtmael M, Kramer M, de Jonge N Early discontinuation vs. extended treatment with imipenem for unexplained fever during neutropenia in hematology patients receiving antimicrobial prophylaxis: a randomized non-inferiority trial. ZonMW GGG € 238.000 Jenster G, Ylstra B, Fijneman R, Meijer GA NGS ProToCol CTMM NGS-ProToCol € 900.000 Jimenez CR, Jonkers J, van Diest PJ Discovery and clinical validation of novel protein biomarkers for homologous recombination deficient breast cancer project grant KWF VU2013-6020 Jimenez CR, Verheul HMW, Boven E In-depth quantitative (phospho)proteomics in tumors to detect proteins indicative for everolimus sensitivity or resistance pharmaceutical research (side study Novartis) € 55K Jimenez CR, Verheul HMW, Eerthwegh F Phosphoproteomics for vemurafenib response prediction in melanoma pharmaceutical research (side study) € 100K Jordanova ES, Kenter GG, de Gruijl TD, Heeren M Translating immune characteristics of metastatic tumour cells into therapeutic targets for cervical cancer KWF/NKB research grant € 440,000 Kaatsch P (overall coordinator), Byrne J (research coordinator), van Dulmen-den Broeder E PanCare Studies in Fertility and Ototoxicity to Improve Quality of Life after Cancer during Childhood, Adolescence and Young Adulthood PanCareLIFE (WP3 leader) € 599.162 Kaspers GJ, van den Berg MH, Abbink F Reducing vincristine-induced peripheral neuropathy in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia by one-hour infusions instead of bolus ZonMw Goed Gebruik Geneesmiddelen € 317.616 € 560K Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 100 Project leader(s) Type of funding, grant, contract Title project Budget injectionsReducing vincristine-induced peripheral neuropathy in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia by one-hour infusions instead of bolus injections Kaspers GJL Mebius RE € 317.616 Reducing vincristine-induced peripheral neuropathy in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia by one-hour infusions instead of bolus injections ZonMw (programma Goed Gebruik Geneesmiddelen Compliance with childhood cancer treatment in Manado SMALL Foundation High resolution 3D imaging of large fluorescently stained tissues Research grant for equipment, ZonMW middelgroot € 270.000 The role of retinoic acid in lymphatic vasculature development Research grant, ALW program € 253.465 University Research Fellow program € 40.000 Meijer C € 3.328 € 1.634.848 Meijer C, Berkhof J Comparing health services intervention for the prevention of HPV related cancer COHEAR, FP7,HealthF3-2013-603019 Meijer C, Berkhof J, Polman N Comparing health services interventions for the prevention of HPV-related cancer FP7-HEALTH-2013INNOVATION Meijer GA, Carvalho B, Jimenez CR CRC bioscreen CTMM € 315.000 Middeldorp JM, de Boer JP, Greijer AE, Novalic Z Trial support: New therapy for Epstein-Barr virus driven tumours by targeting the virus itself. KWF-VU-2012-4555 € 250.000 Middeldorp JM, Woulfe J EBV and Parkinson Disease Univ. Ottawa Morré S, Lanjouw E (PSI) Chlamydia screening RIVM Chlamydia Reference Lab € 120.000 Morris M, Kramer G, v.d. Eertwegh, Lammertsma, Moorselaar FDHT project research project grant € 374,706 Mostert S Compliance with childhood cancer treatment in Manado SMALL Foundation € 750.000 € 30.000 € 3.328 Niessen FB, Butzelaar L NBS € 100.000 Pegtel DM, de Jong, Zijlstra CCA-VICI € 150.000 Pegtel DM, Middeldorp JM, Voskuyl Rheumafonds € 230.000 € 150.000 Pegtel M, Zijlstra JM, de Jong D Circulating microvesicles for non-invasive remission monitoring in Hodgkins Lymphoma CCA V-ICI Peters GJ, Galvani E Novel EGFR inhibitors FIRC Fondazione Italiana per la ricerca sul cancro Post-Doc Reijneveld JC, Verheul HW, Würdinger T, Sol N Monitoring of response to EGFRvIIItargeted treatment in patients with glioblastoma through blood profiling Dutch Cancer Society (KWF Kankerbestrijding) € 539.000 Schuurhuis GJ I. development of biomarker panel for identification of AML stem cells with emphasis on detection of leukemia stem cell subsets in teh bone marrow; II. Assessment of AML-MRD in peripheral blood (PBMC) Industry Schuurhuis GJ, Ossenkoppele G In vitro activity of Z4681A-IGNs in primary AML ImmunoGen, Inc € 54.713 In vitro activity of AMG330 in primary AML Amgen, Inc € 71.726 The radiosensitizing effect of PI3K/mTOR inhibition in human glioma is circumvented via the MAPK pathway Dutch Society for Oncology / Rene Vogels Foundation; Dutch Cancer Society; Sminia P, Haas-Kogan D, Stalpers LJA, Franken NAP, Narayan RS 133.380 USD € 8.112 Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 101 Project leader(s) Type of funding, grant, contract Title project Budget dr. Hendrik Muller's Vaderlandsch Fonds; Stichting de Fundatie van de Vrijvrouwe van Renswoude € 105.000 Smit L, Ossenkoppele FG, Schuurhuis GJ, Cloos J Targeting leukemic (stem) cell growth in acute myeloid leukemia by a small molecule inhibitor against Porcupine, LKG974 Novartis/Pharmaceutic al research te Riele H, Brakenhoff RH, van Beusechem VW Compensatory survival mechanisms in head and neck cancer cells from Fanconi anemia patients: novel targets for cancer therapy NKB VU 2013-5983 Tito Poli (Uni Parma), Brakenhoff RH, van de Wiel M OraMod EC-FP7 van Beusechem VW, Leurs R, Würdinger T, de Esch I Towards novel anti-cancer drugs directed against G-protein coupled receptors to improve treatment of prostate, lung and brain tumors Stichting VUmc CCA € 221.801 van der Vliet HJ, de Gruijl TD, Verheul HMW, Chondronasiou D VHH based therapies for cancer VUmc-CCA research grant € 240,000 van der Vliet HJ, de Gruijl TD, Zweegman S, Lameris R Targeting of CD1d in Multiple Myeloma AICR research grant € 210,000 van Die I Modulation of inflammatory responses by helminth glyans NIH € 250.000 van Egmond M, van de Loosdrecht AA, Bakema J The more the merrier: Combining the strengths of IgG monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and FcaRI targeting to improve anti-CD20 therapy of B cell malignancies Stichting CCA van Elsland S, van Furth AM Home-based adherence of tuberculous meningitis treatment Mr Willem Bakhuys Roozeboom Stichting € 25.000 van Kooyk Y GlycoTreat-Novel vaccine generation fot the treatment of cancer ERC Advanced339977 € 2500K van Schaardenburg D Statins to prevent RA Dutch Arthritis Association Verbakel WFAR, Dahele M, Sörnsen de Koste J, van der Weide-Berkelaar L DTS Varian Master Research Agreement € 87.000 Verbakel WFAR, Dahele M, Tol J Knowledge based planning Varian Master Research Agreement € 100.000 Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, Leemans CR, van Nieuwenhuizen A, Jansen F Netherlands Quality of Life and Biomedical Cohort Studies _ Head and Neck Cancer Grant Vervloet MG, Nerodova € 1.2Me € 150 € 230.000 € 2.999.500 Innovation grant nierstichting (NSN) € 100.000 Verweij CL Personalized medicine in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis Dutch Arthritis Foundation € 500.000 Vis AN Testosterone measurement at low ranges Astellas € 200.000 Keuzehulp prostaatkanker: ontwikkeling Ipsen Keuzehulp prostaatkanker: implementatie en effectiviteit CZ zorgverzekeraar Wesseling P, Ylstra B, van Thuijl H Identification of clinically relevant genetic aberrations in pediatric glioneuronal tumors (GNTs). Edli Foundation (CCA) Witing S, Steenbergen R, Meijer C Construction of a discriminatory, Research grant KWF € 25.000 € 100.000 € 50.000 € 471.000 Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 102 Project leader(s) Type of funding, grant, contract Budget Confidential, not specified Hubrecht Institute € 5.000 Bladder Ca NGS FFPE copy number aberrations Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas: CNIO (ES) € 20.000 HNSCC NGS FFPE copy number aberrations University of California - San Francisco UC-SF (USA) € 78.000 Ovarian Ca NGS FFPE copy number aberrations Cambridge Research Institute (UK) NGS soil organisms Vrije Universiteit (VU), Dept. Ecology Title project biologically relevant miRNA marker panel for triage in hrHPV-based cervical cancer screening Ylstra B Determine copy number aberrations in RET Universidade do Minho syndrome patients (PT) € 5.000 € 20.000 € 5.000 Neuroblastoma NGS FFPE copy number aberrations Academisch Medisch centrum: AMC (NL) € 15.300 Salivary gland tumors FFPE arrayCGH University of Campinas: UNICAMP (Brazil) € 15.000 NGS, Chromatin Structures University of Edinburg (UK) € 16.000 Ylstra B, Sie D NGS translocations Cergentis (NL) € 30.000 Zijlstra J, Zweegman S, van Dongen G, Hoekstra O Individualized therapy guided by immunopositron emission tomography. a 3 year-Dutch Cancer Society grant for residents (KWF) € 270.000 Zijlstra JM, Jauw Y, van Dongen GAMS, Hoekstra OS Immuno-PET in obinutuzumb Roche € 336.750 KWF grant € 400.000 Zweegman S € 1.600.000 Zweegman S, Abildgaard N the trial “Randomized phase II trial in newly diagnosed patients not eligible for autologous stem cell transplantation, comparing MLN9708 maintenance therapy with placebo following induction with MLN9708 – Thalidomide – low dose dexamethasone” and for correlative biological and imaging studies Support for investigator initiated study, Industrie Zweegman S, Sonneveld P, van de Donk N the trial “ Feasibility and efficacy of dose adjusted Melphalan – Prednisone – Bortezomib (MPV) in elderly patients ≥ 75 years with newly diagnosed Multiple Myeloma; a non-randomised phase II study” and for correlative biological and imaging studies Support for investigator initiated study, Industry € 950.000 Zweegman S, Zijlstra JM, Jauw Y, van Dongen GAMS, Hoekstra OS Individualized therapy guided by immunoPET KWF € 268.408 Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 103 Meeting organization Associate Meeting Place / date Abbink, FCH Landelijke SKION dag shared care Amsterdam, NL, 15-11-2013 (Na)-scholing kinderoncologie, verpleging (shared care) Amsterdam, NL, 11/13-32013 Ang, CW 2nd Course Infectious Disease Serology “The Hidden Gold” (het verborgen goud) Amsterdam, NL, 12/14-112013 Beelen RHJ euRoPD Maastricht, NL, 13-10-2013 Beliën, JAM Seminar De uitdaging van het delen van medische onderzoeksdata (3) Utrecht, NL ,15-5-2013 Boellaard, R Precongress Symposium EANM Lyon, FR, 19-10-2013 Boers, M 12th OMERACT International consensus conference Budapest, HU, 5-2013 Carvalho, B OOA course on Early detection of cancer – Molecular tools and new developments. Amsterdam, NL, 9/10-122013 de Bree, R Electrochemotherapy: A potential solution for challenging situations in melanoma, breast cancer, and head and neck cancer, Amsterdam Amsterdam, NL, 1-2-2013 6th European Head & Neck Course, Amsterdam Amsterdam, NL, 18/20-92013 de Gruijl, TD Dutch Tumor Immunology Meeting Breukelen, NL, 6/7-06-2013 Eerenstein, SEJ 6th European Head and neck course Amsterdam, NL, 18-9-2013 1st European Head Neck Society "Make Sense" campaign Amsterdam, NL, 23-9-2013 Fijneman, RJA Proteome analysis in translational research Amsterdam, NL, 10-4-2013 Forouzanfar, T; Schulten, EAJM; Baart, JA; Karagozoglu, KH NVMKA voorjaarsvergadering Amsterdam, NL, 31-5-2013 Wintersymposium Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Amsterdam, NL, 13-12-2013 Giovannetti, E Chairman, Session “Pancreatic Development”, 45th Annual Meeting of the of the European Pancreatic Club (EPC-2013) Zurich, CH ,28-06-2013 Chairman, Session “New Cancer Drug Targets”, Joint 34th EORTC-PAMM - BACR Winter Meeting Cardiff, UK, 23-01-2013 Grunberg, K OOA course Amsterdam, NL, 30/31-12013 Heideman, DAM Symposium ‘Moleculaire diagnostiek is vooruitzien’. Utrecht, NL, 8-2-2013 OOA course "Early detection of cancer: molecular tools and new developments" Amsterdam, NL, 9/10-122013 Symposium ‘Moleculaire diagnostiek is vooruitzien’. Utrecht, NL, 8-2-2013 OOA course "Early detection of cancer: molecular tools and new developments" Amsterdam, NL, 9/10-122013 Hulleman, E KNAW symposium: "State of the art in diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma" Amsterdam, NL, 7/8/9-3-2013 Kaspers, GJL Fourth Workshop on Pediatric Oncology Eldoret, KE, 15/16-1-2013 KNAW symposium: "State of the art in diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma" Amsterdam, NL, 7/9-3-2013 Second Meeting European Pediatric AML Study Group Amsterdam, NL, 2/3-10-2013 ESCMID-SHEA Course in Hospital Epidemiology Potsdam, GE Infectiepreventie voor AIOS medische microbiologu Oisterwijk, NL Leemans, CR 6th European Head and Neck Course Amsterdam, NL, 18-9-2013 Meijer, CJLM EEC Prehdict meeting Amsterdam, NL, 10/11-42013 Eurogin (member scientific committee and chairman session) Florence, IT, 3/6-11-2013 Kluytmans, JAJW Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 104 Associate Meeting Place / date EEC COHEAR kick-off meeting Amsterdam, NL ,15/16-122013 4th European EBV Meeting Amsterdam, NL, 17-6-2013 6th International Symposium on Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Istanbul, TR, 20-6-2013 ECCMID 2011/2012/2013/2014 Barcelona, ES, 2011-2014 1st-9th AACM Amsterdam, NL, 2005-2014 Chlamydia and HPV Screening Vilnius, LT, 2011- European Chlamydiae Meeting Amsterdam, NL ,2012- Nielsen, K NanoKnife meeting Amsterdam, NL, 24-10-2013 Peters, GJ International Symposia on Purine and Pyrimidine Metabolism in Man" (PPMM) Madrid, ES, 6-2013 Middeldorp, JM Morré, SA European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Winter EORTC-PAMM meeting Cardiff, GB, 1-2013 25th EORTC-NCI-AACR congress on New Drug Development Boston, USA EORTC Quality of Life Group Spring 2013 Meeting Amsterdam, NL, 10/12-042013 EORTC Quality of Life Group Fall 2013 Workshop Survivorship Canterbury, GB, 11-9-2013 ESCD _immunology course Amsterdam, NL, 13/15-32013 Dermatologendagen Papendaal, NL, 11/12-4-2013 EECDRG Odense, DK, 19/20-4-2013 Occupational and Environmental Exposure of Skin to Chemicals (OEESC) Amsterdam, NL, 2/5-6-2013 Refereeravond VUmc-AMC Amsterdam, NL, 29-10-2013 MetaReview Dermatology 2013 Maarssen, NL, 31-10-2013 Contiunuum Dermatologica Utrecht, NL, 12-12-2013 van Asseldonk, D YICC Utrecht, NL, 15-11-2013 van de Wiel, M International Workshop on Statistical methods for (post) Genomics Data Amsterdam, NL, 24/25-012013 Reijneveld, JC Rustemeyer, T van der Waal, I, Schulten, EAJM, European Meeting on Oral Diseases; diagnosis and Brouns, EREA; van Steenbergen, management TJM Amsterdam, NL, 4/6-9-2013 Van der Waal, I Mondpathologie. Een nascholingscursus voor de KNOartsen en dermatologen Amsterdam, NL, 1-2-2013 van Grieken, NCT Gastric cancer treatment. Anno 2013 and beyond. Utrecht, NL, 10-4-2013 van Montfrans, C Themadag Geneesmiddelenreacties Stichting Nederlandstalige Nascholing voor Dermatologie en Venereologie Hasselt, BE, 20-4-2013 van Vuurden, DG Internationale congres hooggradige Glioom Amsterdam, NL, 5/6-3-2013 SIOP YC-MB HR meeting Amsterdam Amsterdam, NL, 5-9-2013 HR Medulloblastoma Meeting Amsterdam, NL, 5/6-11-2013 Vandenbroucke-Grauls, CMJE Antibiotic resistance. An ecological perspective. Amsterdam, NL, 5-3-2013 Verdonck-de Leeuw, IM 15th World Congress of Psyhco-Oncology and Psychosocial Academy Rottedam, NL, 4/8-11-2013 European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer, Quality of Life Group Amsterdam, NL, 11/12-42013 Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 105 Associate Meeting Place / date Vis, AN AMC - VUMC Urology Live Amsterdam, NL, 1-1-2013 Wesseling, P National Neuropathology Course for Residents in Neurology Utrecht, NL, Spring 2013 Neuropathology Course Eur. Soc. Pathology Meeting 2013 Lisboa, PT, 9-2013 EANM, CME "PET in oncology drug development" Lyon, FR, 19-10-2013 ISRS, workshop Regulation of radiopharmaceuticals for research use Jeju, Korea, 12-5-2013 Zijlstra, JM 7th Dutch Hematology Congress Papendal, NL, 23/25-01-2013 Zweegman, S Chairman of the organizing committee of the fourth Amsterdam Symposium Hematology - Intgraal Kankercentrum Amsterdam Amsterdam, NL, 1-11-2013 Windhorst, AD Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 106 Appendix 6. Societal impact Contributions, based on research, to post initial education Associate Topic Audience Date Ang, CW Lyme borreliose 2e Landelijke afweer en infectiedag 14-6-2013 Blauwhoff-Buskermolen, W Undernutrition in cancer: Sarcopenia, Cachexia and Wasting Paramedics 13-6-2013 Bloemena, E Cytology of salivary gland tumors Aios Pathologie 29-1-2013 Wat is kanker Tandartsen en mondzorgkundigen 5-4-2013 PET Pharmacokinetic course NEURO/ONCO Medical physicists / PET researchers 11/13-9-2013 PET Pharmacokinetic course INMIND Neuro PET researchers 25/27-11-2013 Eur.Fed.Of Med.Physics summerschool Medical physicists / PET researchers 4/6-7-2013 ESTRO-EANM-ICIS course-"Molecular imaging and dose painting in Radiation Radiation oncologists and physicists 19-4-2013 Fontys themadag:Kwantificering binnen de nucleaire geneeskunde Nuclear medicine technologists 11-11-2-13 CTE session at EANM (Eur.Association of Nuclear Medicine) Nuclear medicine technologists 20-10-2013 Precongres symposium "Quantitative Imaging and Dosimetry: Steps towards Personalised Nuclear Medicine Treatments" Physicists, dosimetrists 19-10-2013 de Gruijl, TD Tumor Immunology/immunotherapy Research Nurses, Amstel Academie, A'dam 21-1-2013 Grunberg, K OOA course (organiser) PhD students (VU/NKI/AMC) 30/31-1-2013 Heideman, DAM Working group Lung Oncology, NVALT (Dutch Association of Chest Physicians), Lecture entitled ‘Molecular diagnostics: basic principles.’ Chest physicians March, Terschelling, NL OOA course "Early detection of cancer: molecular tools and new developments" PhD students 9/10-12-2013 Symposium ‘Moleculaire diagnostiek is vooruitzien’ Pathologist, residents in pathology, KMBP(io), medical oncologists, chest physicians 2-13, Utrecht, NL Working group Lung Oncology, NVALT (Dutch Association of Chest Physicians), Lecture entitled ‘Molecular diagnostics: basic principles.’ Chest physicians March, Terschelling, NL OOA course "Early detection of cancer: molecular tools and new developments" PhD students 9/10-12-2013 Symposium ‘Moleculaire diagnostiek is vooruitzien’ Pathologist, residents in pathology, KMBP(io), medical oncologists, chest physicians 2-2013, Utrecht, NL Huisman, M PET/CT user meeting Clinical physicists 11-7-2013 Lammertsma, AA Course organizer & tutor INMiND Course PET Tracer Pharmacokinitics and Data Analysis Procedures 25/27-11-13, Amsterdam, NL Tutor PET Pharmacokinitic Course 17/19-5-2013, Boellaard, R Appendix Annual Report 2013 Vumc CCA – Societal impact - 108 Associate Topic Audience Date Tutor PET Farmacokinetiek 2013 11/13-9-2013, Amsterdam, NL Tutor PRIMA IV workshop “Quantitative Image analysis & application specific imaging”, 22/26-9-2013, Savannah Tutor INMiND Course PET and SPECT Radiopharmaceuticals Preparation: Design, Radiolabelling Strategy, Radiosynthesis and Drug Development 28/31-9-2013, Amsterdam, NL Radiobiological aspects Rapid Arc Radiation Therapists 22-04-2013; 2504-2013; 05-062013 Tumor Radiobiology Radiation Oncologists in training 7-10-2013 Radiobiology MNW Bachelor students 18-06-2013; 1906-2013 Radiation and Chemical Carcinogenesis BMW Bachelor students 5-6-2013 Radiobiological aspects of VMAT Oncology Scientists 22-11-2013 5Rs of Radiobiology and treatment improvement Master Oncology students 12-5-2013 Course grant writing Medical Students 6-2013 Course Hematology Medical Students 6- 2013 Shanghai Sminia, S Smit, L Supervising Internships Biomedical Science students During the year Steenbergen, R Educational course on epigenetics Teachers VWO Biology 4-4-2013 van der Laken, J National MRI education Rheumatologists van der Sar, AM Past, Present and Wish list for Korvatunturi Animal models II, 2013 part of Infection and Immunity research master, September 5 Summer master course, international master students, Erasmus, Rotterdam 9-3-2013 Mastercourse: Biomedical Systems Biology, October Master course, UVA, Amsterdam 16-10-2013 Mondziekten Een nascholingscursus voor mondhygiënisten NVM. Breukelen 15-3-2013 Oncologie voor de tandarts Dentists 5-4-2013 Oncologie voor de mondhygiënist Dental hygienists, NVM. Almere 4-10-2013 Diseases of the oral mucosa Dental education ACTA, Dental hygienists form Russia 3-5-2013 Histologie van gastrointestinale poliepen Pathologists 30-10-2013 Histopathologische respons op therapie bij oesophaguscarcinoom Chirurgen 4-7-2013 van Kooyk, Y Tijdschrift IMMUUN Voorzitter redactieraad van Montfrans, C Het ulcus cruris Huisartsen en specialisten ouderengeneeskunde 16-05-2013 Verbakel, WFAR Introducing safely advanced radiotherapy in Nepal Oncologists, radiation oncologists and medical physicists in Nepal 23-10-2013 Advanced radiotherapy imaging radiation oncologists, medical physicists in India 21-10-2013 Advanced radiotherapy imaging Medical oncologists and radiation oncologists in Liverpool, UK 26-6-2013 Van der Waal, I van Grieken, NCT Appendix Annual Report 2013 Vumc CCA – Societal impact - 109 Associate Topic Audience Date Yaqub, M PET Pharmacokinetic course NEURO/ONCO Medical physicists / PET researchers 11/13-9-2013 PET Pharmacokinetic course INMIND Neuro PET researchers 25/27-11-2013 Replication Stress and Chromosomal Instability (OOA course) PhD students OOA 20-12-2013 Ylstra, B Appendix Annual Report 2013 Vumc CCA – Societal impact - 110 Lectures for health care professionals, general public and patients (non-scientific audience) Associate Topic Audience Date Braamse, A Psychosociale nazorg na stamceltransplantatie Oncologiedagen 2013: Vooruitzien en grenzen verleggen 20-11-2013 Bultink, IEM Systemische Lupus Erythematosus Patients 23-3-2013 Sports and rheumatic diseases Health care professionals 11-10-2013 Ontwikkeling van een moleculaire test voor de detectie van colorectaal kanker: ontlastingstest MLDS 10-8-2013 Chromosome 20q Amplification in Colorectal Adenoma to Carcinoma progression Kreatech 3-8-2010 Carvalho, B Dikke darmkanker:'Voorkomen Avanti is beter dan genezen' 29-10-2009 My research at the VUmc, and how to survive as a foreigner in Amsterdam Top Talent Program 19-05-2010; 19-052008 Chamuleau, M M. Waldenstrom Patientenvereniging 1-2-2013 Cloos, J De rol van leukemische stamcellen voor de behandeling van acute myeloide leukemie Donateurs CCA 11-6-2013 VUmc Onderzoek naar Kinderkanker; laboratorium onderzoek Donateurs VONK 30-5-2013 VUmc Onderzoek naar Kinderkanker; laboratorium onderzoek Lions club 9-4-2013 de Gruijl, TD Breast cancer research Patients, A Sister's Hope 19-9-2013 Eeltink, C Questionnaire for assessing chemotherapy induced neuropathy EBMT nurses 8-4-2013 Quality of Life and the Monitor Clinical Profile Oncology nurses 19-11-2013 Sexual function in later life Oncology nurses 19-11-2013 pathology of the salivary glands 3rd year Bachelors Medicine Vumc 25-1-2013 Multimodal treatment in HNcancer 2nd year Bachelors Medicine Vumc 8-5-2013 Surgical treatment in HNcancer Members of "samen leven met kanker"group VUmc12-03-2013 Commando-resections in HN cancer Medical operation personel VUmc 3-6-2013 Fijneman, RJA Colorectal cancer screening Friends of the Cancer Center Amsterdam once or twice a year Grunberg, K Tissue procurement for molecular diagnostics in lung cancer VAP postgraduate teaching (Veldhuyzen) course 22-11-2013 CCLO Vancouver Pulmonary physicians, physician assistants, nurses 9-2-2013 Lung cancer Residents pulmonary medicine 3-2013 Eerenstein, SEJ Appendix Annual Report 2013 Vumc CCA – Societal impact - 111 Associate Topic Audience Date Mooi, WJ E-learning Event 2013 General, ICT professionals, teachers 16-4-2013 Oprea-Lager, DE Performances of Ingenuity TF PET/MRI Health care professionals (Radiologists, NM physicians, Physicists) 27-5-2013 The case of the month Health care professionals (Nuclear medicine Physicians, Physicists) 14-10-2013 Imaging prostate cancer with choline Health care professionals (Urologists and Oncologists) 5-2-2013 18F-choline PET/CT in prostate cancer Health care professionals (Radiologists) 12-2-2013 PET/CT and PET/MRI in prostate cancerHealth care professionals (Urologists, radiologists, NM physicians and Oncologists) Health care professionals (Urologists and Oncologists) 4-6-2013 Postma, TJ neuro-oncology Data management, general public'; IKNL 27 09 2013 Reijneveld, JC Samenwerking tussen disciplines in een neurooncologisch zorgpad. Congres 'Organisatie van oncologische zorg', UMC Utrecht (health care professionals) 23-5-2013 Neuro-oncologie (dagvoorzitter) Publieksdag Hersentumoren, Maarssen (patiënten en naasten) 16-3-2013 Scheper, RJ Contact allergy from a dental perspective Dentists, trainees; Jember, Indonesia 11-10-2013 Smit, L Beroepenmarkt/Barleas Gymnasium Scholieren Gymnasium 3-6 28-1-2013 Snijders, PJF De rol van methyleringsmarkers in het bevolkingsonderzoek baarmoederhalskanker Werkgroep Cervix uteri, Utrecht (health care professionals) 24-6-2013 Early detection/screening of cancer Master students Amsterdam University College 21-10-2013 Cervical cancer screening program: towards full molecular screening AIOs (OOA course 'Early detection of cancer – Molecular tools and new developments') 9-12-2013 Taphoorn, MJB Cognitieve gevolgen van het glioom Landelijke nascholing Nederlandse Vereniging Neurochirurgie Assistenten 24-5-2013 van Dulmen-den Broeder, E En Later? Over vruchtbaarheid childhood cancer survivors and their families 9-3-2013 En Later? Over vruchtbaarheid Childhood cancer survivors and their families 12-10-2013 van Egmond, M New insights in the pathology of Dermatitis Herpetiformis’ Belgian Celiac Disease Day (Keerbergen; patients) 3-9-2013 Verdonck-de Leeuw, IM Quality of life and psychosocial care Nurses 19-11-2013 eHealth and oncology Health care professionals 3-10-2013 Depression and cancer Psychologists and other professionals 26-9-2013 Quality of ife Patient society testis cancer 25-9-2013 Care innovation (Health care) profesionals 20-9-2013 Quality of life, eHealth General public 9-3-2013 Progress in Brain Tumor Research National information day for brain cancer patients and their relatives; Maarssen/Utrecht Spring 2013 Wesseling, P Appendix Annual Report 2013 Vumc CCA – Societal impact - 112 Associate Topic Audience Date Wintzen, M Huidafwijkingen bij ouderen Verpleeghuisartsen i.o. 13-3-2013 Ylstra, B Oratie: Kanker is een ziekte van het genoom: wat anders!? General public 27-11-2013 Wetenschappelijk focus onderwijs (WFO) Health care professionals 10-6-2013 Zijlstra, JM Wait and see policies in lymphoma Patients 2-3-2013 Zweegman, S Highlights of ASH Myeloma Patients Europe 31-1-2014 Appendix Annual Report 2013 Vumc CCA – Societal impact - 113 Memberships of an advice council in the public/commercial field Associate Name advice council Position/function Public/commercial Beelen RHJ Zytoprotec council Advisor Commercial Bitter, W NVMM Member scientific committee Public Bultink, IEM Medical Advice Council of the 'Nationale Vereniging voor lupus, sclerodermie en MCTD patienten' (NVLE) Member Public Local patient department of the Dutch Arthritis Foundation (Reuma patientenvereniging Amstelland en omstreken) Medical advisor Public Dutch network for Patient Research Partners in Rheumatology Member of steering committee Public CBG Advisor Public Roche Advisor Commercial de Gruijl, TD DCPrime BV Scientific Advisory Board Member Commercial Eeltink, C Lymfoom Vereninging Nederland Member Public Grunberg, K Dutch Lung Association (longfonds) Scientific advisory board Public Kluytmans, JAJW Amphia Ziekenhuis Breda/Oosterhout Consultant Microbiologist and Head of the Dep. Of Inf. Control Commercial St. Elisabeth Ziekenhuis Tilburg Consultant Microbiologist and supervisor education medical microbiology Commercial TweeSteden Ziekenhui Tilburg Consultant Microbiologist Commercial Vumc Prof. of Medical Microbiology and Infectioncontrol Public National Working Party on Infection Control (WIP) Chairman Public Infection Control Committee Amphia Ziekenhuis, Breda/Oosterhout Chairman Public Nederlandse Vereniging voor Medische Microbiologie Chairman Public NVMM guideline committee: detection of Highly Resistant Chairman Public Verpleeghuis Elisabeth, Breda Member Infection Control Committee Public Amphia Ziekenhuis Breda/Oosterhout Member Committee promoting science Public Concilium Microbiologicum Medical Microbiology Member Public Publications Committee SHEA Member Public European Advisory Board 3FM Member Public Int. Steering Committee Staphyloccus aureus vaccine Pfizer Member Public ZIEN Founder and member Public European Course on Hospital Epidemiology and Infection Control Chairman and member faculty Public Chamuleau, M ASM conference Emerging CO-organizer Technologies of Medical Importance for the Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases and the Detection of Public Appendix Annual Report 2013 Vumc CCA – Societal impact - 114 Associate Name advice council Position/function Public/commercial Society for Healtcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA) Fellow Public Fellow The Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh (RCPE) Public Genalice BV Member Advisory Board Commercial Merck Serono Member Scientific Advisory Board mCRC Commercial MDXHealth Member Scientific Advisory Board Commercial ACHMEA Member expertpanel moleculaire diagnostiek Public Cyto-Barr BV Founder and CEO Commercial Argen-X Consultant Commercial CSI Advisory Board member Public ECCMID Review Board Public Scheper, RJ Scientific Board DC-Prime BV, Leiden member commercial Snijders, PJF Sub-committee HPV of the Member Workgroup Molecular Diagnostics in Pathology (WMDP) Public van Beusechem, VW Medicines Evaluation Board expert group on Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products Member Public Vandenbroucke-Grauls, CMJE Adviescommissie Centrum voor Infectieziektenbestrijding van het RIVM Chairman Public Programmacommissie Infectieziektenbestrijding van ZonMw Member Public TOP commissie ZonMw Member Public Registratiecommissie ISIS, Centrum voor Infectieziektenbestrijding van het RIVM Chairman Public Programmacommissie Antimicrobiële Resistentie van ZonMW Member Public NWO, |TOP commissie Member Public Bestuur Nederlandse Vereniging voor Medische Microbiologie Member Public Antonie van Leeuwenhoekstichting Member Public Commissie Wetenschap Sint Lucas Andreas Ziekenhuis Member Public European Comission, FP7-HEALTH2011-single-stage Evaluator Public Verbakel, WFAR Knowledge Based Planning Council member Commercial Vis, AN Abbvie Commercial GSK Commercial Pathogenic Microbes Meijer, GA Middeldorp, JM Morré, SA Wesseling, P Wintzen, M STOPbraintumors Foundation Member Scientific Advisory Board Public Koppie-AU Foundation Member Scientific Advisory Board Public College ter Beoordeling van Consultant Public Appendix Annual Report 2013 Vumc CCA – Societal impact - 115 Associate Name advice council Position/function Public/commercial Medische Advies Raad Hematon patientenvereniging Member Public Advisory boards of Celgene, Millennium, Janssen, Novartis Member Commercial Geneesmiddelen Zweegman, S Appendix Annual Report 2013 Vumc CCA – Societal impact - 116 Perceptible impact on public informing and/or authoritative websites Associate Website Description Beelen RHJ www.eutripd.eu Website eutripd Beliën, JAM www.ctmm-trait.nl Website dedicated to Sustainable infrastructure for medical research projects de Gruijl, TD Tumor Immunology/immunotherapy Research Nurses, Amstel Academie, A'dam Eerenstein, SEJ www.makesensecampaign.eu Dutch webpages for international website on head neck cancer www.hoofd-halskanker.nl Dutch website on risk factors/treatment HNcancer Type of information Collaborating partners www.hoofd-halskanker.com http://www.vumc.nl/afdelinge n/themakanker/soorten_kanker/soort/ hoofdhalstumoren-alg Grunberg, K www.pathology.nl Dutch Scientific Society for Pathology (NVVP) Collaborating partners Moll A www.retinoblastoom.nl the Dutch retinoblastoma center website Health information Mooi, WJ www.melanocyticpathology.co m Educative website (postgraduate) Morré, SA www.immunogenetics.nl Laboratory of Immunogenetics Collaborating partners www.GRaPHInt.org Public Health Genomics Health information www.EpiGenChlamydia.com EU FP project based website Collaborating partners http://a-skin.nl/ Texts on novel skin ulcer treatments Health information http://www.dcprime.nl/ Texts on novel tumor vaccines Health information http://www.vumc.nl/afdelinge n/kinderoncologiehematologie/onderzoek/lateeffecten-onderzoek/VEVOonderzoek/ Provides information about the background, aims and progress of the DCOG-LATER VEVO Study on reproductive function and risk of premature menopause in female childhood cancer survivors Research project https://www.skion.nl/voorpatienten-en-ouders/lateeffecten/530/zorg/ Provides information for patients and their parents on the late effects of childhood cancer Health information http://www.skionlaterstudie.nl / Provides information about currently ongoing large scale nationwide DCOG-LATER Study www.samenlevenmetkanker.nl Provides information on research Collaborating partners of the research group "Living with cancer" www.triple-ehealth.nl Information on eHealth projects VU, Vumc, GGZ Ingeest Collaborating partners www. Oncokompas.nl Public website on the OncoKompas Collaborating partners www.polaris-study.org Information on POLARIS project Collaborating partners www.kubusproject.nl Information on NET-QUBIC project Collaborating partners www.halszaken-vumc.nl Intervention targeting exercises, head and neck cancer patients Health information Scheper, RJ van Dulmen-den Broeder, E Verdonck-de Leeuw, IM Appendix Annual Report 2013 Vumc CCA – Societal impact - 117 Associate Ylstra, B Zijlstra, JM Website Description Type of information www.hoofdzaken-vumc.nl Intervention targeting psychological distress in head and neck cancer patients Health information www.verderzonderstembanden Intervention targeting .nl laryngectomized patients Health information http://www.sciencepalooza.nl/ Public informing author/terry/?s= Research project http://www.diagned.nl/nieuws -endocumentatie/nieuws/berichte n/kankermedicijn-wordtmaatwerk.html Public informing Health information www.hovon.nl Information concerning treatment lymphoma Health information Appendix Annual Report 2013 Vumc CCA – Societal impact - 118 Patent applications, spin-off and start-ups Author(s) Name Number Date assigned Bosch LJW, de Wit M, Pinto Morais de Carvalho B, Fijneman RJA, Meijer GA, Jimenez CR, Piersma SR, Pham VT, Oudgenoeg G Biomarkers - Protein biomarkers for CRC early detection WO/2013/162368 26-4-2013 Houthoff, HJ, van Dongen GAMS, Kok RJ, Waalboer DCJ, Buwalda SJ, Sijbrandi NJ Method for preparing cell targeting complexes, and the complexes obtained WO2013103301 A3 4-1-2013 Schuurhuis GJ, Zeijlemaker W, Ossenkoppele GJ Leukemic stem cell markers description of one tube containing antibody-fluorochrome combinations that allow to assess leukemia stem cells in AML 2011904 6-12-2013 van Wetering S, de Gruijl TD, Kruisbeek AM, van de Ven R, Scheper RJ Method for inducing and accelerating cells US8,470,789B2 25-6-2013 Appendix Annual Report 2013 Vumc CCA – Societal impact - 119 Contributions a directive, protocol, or policy note Author(s)/name researcher(s) Title/topic Committee Blaauwgeers, Grunberg NVVP beleidsplan 2014-2018 Board Dutch scientific society for pathology (NVVP) Boellaard, R Aanbevelingen nucleaire geneeskunde, hoofdstuk apparatuur, pet/ct NVNG kwaliteitscommissie Brakenhoff, RH Website Fanconia anemie Brandsma D et al National Guideline meningiomas Bromberg J et al National Guideline CNS germ cell tumors Member of LWNO committee in adults de Man, RA, Bloemena E, van den Bosch MA, van Delden OM, v Erpecum K, Eskens F, Jansen PLM, de Jong KP, Klümpen H, Kleijwegt T, Koerts G, Mendez Romero A, Verheij J, Verhoef C. Landelijke richtlijn hepatocellulair carcinoom Landelijke werkgroep Gastrointestinale tumoren Gijtenbeek JM et al National Guidelines Quality Criteria in Clinical Neuro-Oncology Member of LWNO committee Member of LWNO committee Hastings, R.; R. Vanni; N. Bown; D. Best Practice Tumour Guidelines Betts; S. Chatters; S. Heim; Z. Zuzana; E van den Berg-de Ruiter; B. Espinet; M. Biletti; A. Bernheim; N. van Roy; B. Ylstra; M. Salido Galeote; P. Roberts; M. Teixeir; M. Stevens-Kroef; J. Schoumans-Pouw; A. Simons; G. Cheryl; B. Carleer; V. van Spauwen; B. Dewaele EU: EuroGentest Hulleman, E Discipline group molecular research SKION commissies Leemans, CR, Bloemena E, Langendijk J, Pameijer F, van Erpen C, et al Landelijke richtlijn hoofd hals carcinoom NWHHT Maessen-Visch, MB , K. van der Wegen- Diagnostiek en behandeling van het Franken , H.A.M. Neumann , A.B. Halk, ulcus cruris venosum C. Eggen,. J.J.E. van Everdingen, C. van Montfrans, P. van Neer, K. Munte, L. Huisman, A. Krasznai, P. Buis, M.W.F. van Leen, E.J.M. Kuijper-Kuip, S. Amesz, Y. Siebers, T. Jongerius, I. Sissingh, C. von Meijenfeldt Dutch guideline working group venous leg ulcer Minnema, M, UMCU, Marijke Eurelings, Spaarne ziekenhuis, Corien Eeltink, Vumc A web-based medical device , Monitor Clinical Profile Minnema, MC, Hazenberg BP, Croockewit A, Zweegman S, Kersten MJ, Sonneveld P, von dem Borne PA, Bos G, van de Waal E, Vellenga E, Lokhorst HM De behandeling van AL amyloidose in Nederland MWG HOVON Morré, SA Chlamydia Screening RIVM Chlamydia Screening European CDC Mostert, S Abandonment of Treatment Working Group SIOP PODC Siersema P, …, van Grieken, et al Dutch clinical guideline on Esophageal cancer IKNL Van de Beek, van Furth AM et al Bacteriele meningitis CBO richtlijn van Dorp, W, van Dulmen-den Broeder E., van den Berg M., van den HeuvelEibrink M.M., Dilorgio N., Levine J, Mulder R., Kremer L.C.M., Hudson M., Haupt R.,Wallace W.H. (order to be Female Guideline on female gonadotoxicity surveillance International Guidelines Harmonisation Group 31 item Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy Questionnaire Appendix Annual Report 2013 Vumc CCA – Societal impact - 120 Author(s)/name researcher(s) Title/topic Committee van Veldhuizen, H, van Wieren M, Olde Reuver of Briel A, Nagtegaal I, Kliffen M, Bloemena E, Brouwer E Kwaliteitseisen Pathologie in het kader van het Bevolkingsonderzoek Darmkankerscreening RIVM Vos, JM, Minnema MC, Wijermans PW, Croockewit S, Chamuleau ME, Pals ST, Klein SK, Delforge M, van Imhoff GW, Kersten MJ; HOVON Multiple Myeloma Working Party; HOVON Lymphoma Working Party Guideline for diagnosis and treatment of Neth J Med. 2013 Mar;71(2):54-62. Waldenström's macroglobulinaemia Zweegman, S et al Richtlijn behandeling Multipel Myeloom determined, in preparation) MWG HOVON Appendix Annual Report 2013 Vumc CCA – Societal impact - 121 Media attention Associate Topic Medium Name source URL Braakhuis, BJM Interview- Researcher of the week+ Other online sources (weblog, newsfeed, newsletter) KWF face book-page, 1012-2013 https://www.facebook. com/KWFKankerbestrij ding?hq_e=el&hq_m=5 7612&hq_l=16&hq_v= 2c85fcd58a Bultink, IEM Paget's disease Magazine RondReuma magazine, March 2013 http://www.reumafond s.nl/ Osteoporosis Magazine RondReuma magazine, June 2013 http://www.reumafond s.nl/ Juvenile idiopathic arthritis Magazine RondReuma magazine, 1- http://www.reumafond 9-2013 s.nl/ Sarcoidosis Magazine RondReuma magazine, 1- http://www.reumafond 12-2013 s.nl/ Chamuleau, M Burkitt lymfoom Magazine (online/print) Hematology News De Gruijl, T Een nieuw vaccin tegen leukemie Magazine (online/print) Mediator (NWO), 1-122013 http://mediator.zonm w.nl/mediator-3december2013/vaccin-in-demaak-tegen-acuteleukemie/ Douw, L Paper in NeuroImage Other online sources (weblog, newsfeed, newsletter) EANO website, 6-1-2013 www.eano.eu Paper in Radiology Other online sources (weblog, newsfeed, newsletter) Martinos center website, 19-11-2013 http://www.nmr.mgh. harvard.edu/news/131 119/epilepsy-patientsexhibit-altered-brainconnections Paper in NeuroOncology Newspaper (online) News Daily, 9-6-2013 http://www.newsdaily. com/health/8f4adb97 afc5a4e21c2d89da203 95db7/modafinil-failsto-ease-brain-tumorrelated-symptoms Paper in NeuroOncology Other online sources (weblog, newsfeed, newsletter) The Doctors Channel, 94-2013 http://www.thedoctors channel.com/view/mo dafinil-fails-to-easebrain-tumor-relatedsymptoms/collection/r euters/ Inspiring women election Magazine (online/print) Viva, 10-1-2013 http://www.viva.nl/ste m-wedstrijdonderdeel/linda-douw Gibbs, S Tegen die tijd zullen we zeker in staat zijn om zweren, beenwonden en doorligplekken te genezen die nu soms jarenlang openblijven of zelfs helemaal niet herstellen Newspaper Trouw, 11 maart Giovannetti, E Buitengaats' (rubriek over Magazine (online/print) onderzoekers over de grens) Dr. Elisa Giovannetti Mediator (Magazine ZonMw), 8-1-2013 Heideman, DAM Interview Heideman DAM. Snelle test beschikbaar om tumoren mee te karakteriseren. Tracer, December 2013 Tracer http://mediator.zonm w.nl/mediator-1augustus-2013/innederland-is-allesgoed-georganiseerd/ Appendix Annual Report 2013 Vumc CCA – Societal impact - 122 Associate Topic Medium Name source Heidemans, DAM and Snijders, PJF Pathologen specialiseren zich in moleculaire biologie Tracer Tracer, September 2013 Horrevoets, A In elk chromosoom zitten Radio telomeren ingebouwd, en naarmate je ouder wordt worden die steeds korter. Op een gegeven moment zijn ze zo kort dat dat ervoor zorgt dat het DNA niet meer goed functioneert en zo’n cel een soort geprogrammeerde celdood ingaat Labyrint, VPRO, Radio 1 (24-2-2013) Huijgens, PC Je moet een patiënt met kanker blijven zien als een mens met alles wat daarbij hoort; een hart, longen en weet ik wat meer. En niet als een kanker waar een patiënt omheen zit Magazine Medisch Contact, May 2013 Je moet een heel goed team hebben dat een patiënt echt door de ziekte sleept, door de infecties en de bloedingen. Er lopen hier veertig verpleegkundigen rond, tien hematologen, we hebben de bloedbank, het laboratorium. Er zit hier een hele club en die patiënt zit als het ware ingepakt in een cocon – zo trekken we hem erdoor Magazine Elsevier, September 2013 Ik vind het onzinnig als wordt gezegd: ‘gezondheidszorg kost veel geld’. Nee, we geven er geld aan uit, net als aan huisvesting, onderwijs of infrastructuur Newspaper (print) Parool, 15-10-2013 Proteomics voor vroege detectie darmkanker Magazine (online/print) Oncologie Up-to-date, vol 4: 6, December 2013 Jimenez, CR Kaspers, GJL Tandem-MS brengt ziekte Magazine (online/print) in kaart: Met geavanceerde MStechnieken zoekt het Amsterdamse OncoProteomics Laboratory naar biomarkers C2W Life Sciences, 26-42013 Cancer Television Sta op tegen Kanker, March 2013 Het overlevingspercentage onder kinderen die voor de tweede keer AML krijgen, is in 20 jaar gestegen van 16 naar 36 procent. Daardoor Internet NOS journaal URL nos.nl Appendix Annual Report 2013 Vumc CCA – Societal impact - 123 Associate Topic Medium Name source URL overleven in Europa jaarlijks tientallen kinderen meer Kluytmans, J Wie in aanraking komt met ESBL wordt niet direct ziek, maar de bacterie kan zich wel in het lichaam nestelen en grote schade veroorzaken. De bacterie kan bijvoorbeeld voor een blaasontsteking zorgen en antibiotica helpen dan niet Newspaper De Telegraaf, 24-5-2013 Krekel, N Het gaat om de categorie voelbare tumoren in de borst. Chirurgen opereren dan meestal op gevoel en halen vaak een behoorlijk stuk weg, ook gezond weefsel. … Bij gebruik van de echo was de hoeveelheid verwijderd weefsel precies goed Newspaper (print) De Telegraaf Waar met de traditionele methode 1 op de 5 tumoren er niet in een keer uit was, waardoor die vrouwen opnieuw behandeld moeten worden, daarbij is dat bij echogeleide borstchirurgie maar 1 op de 30. Dus dat is een enorme verbetering Television De Wereld leert door (62-2013) Momenteel is dat nog 30 procent, maar orale seks kan weleens de grootste veroorzaker van keelkanker worden Television RTL Editie NL (4-2-2013) Make Sense Campaign Newspaper (print) De Telegraaf, 1-9-2013 Make Sense Campaign Newspaper (print) Financieel Dagblad (bijlage), 1-9-2013 Make Sense Campaign Newspaper (online) De Telegraaf, 27-9-2013 Mebius, R Een directe link tussen ziekteverwekkende bacteriestammen en ziekten is niet eenvoudig te leggen, maar het lijkt er wel sterk op dat een gevarieerd samengestelde darmflora beschermt tegen het innestelen van schimmels, bacteriën en virussen. Voeding is dus belangrijk voor het immuunsysteem en de gezondheid in het algemeen Magazine Immuun, June 2013 Meijer, CJLM HPV vaccination Radio NOS journaal, 11- 5-2013 http://nos.nl/video/50 5697-wat-doe-ik-haaraan.html Nieuwe vorm BVO Television RTL nieuws, 18-10-2013 Leemans, CR http://www.hebikietsg Appendix Annual Report 2013 Vumc CCA – Societal impact - 124 Associate Topic Medium Name source baarmoederhalskanker dmv HPV zelfafnametest Meijer, GA Mulder, C URL emist.nl/aflevering/16 8040/rtl-4/rtlnieuws/19-30-uur.html Wie van de drie, Baarmoederhals screening Magazine Elsevier, 14-10-2013 DNA test beschermt beter dan het uitstrijkje Newspaper Volkskrant, 3-11-2013 HPV test voorkomt fors meer kanker dan het uitstrijkje Newspaper NRC, 4-11-2013 DNA test beter dan het uitstrijkje Newspaper Gooi en eemlander, Leids dagblad, 4-11-2013 DNA test beter dan het uitstrijkje Newspaper Telegraaf, 4-11-2013 Bevolkingsonderzoek Darmkanker Magazine (online/print) ZonMW Nieuwsbrief, 273-2013 Bevolkingsonderzoek Darmkanker Magazine (online/print) Nieuwsbrief Vumc CCA, 1-3-2013 Epigenetic Marker as Companion Diagnostic…. Other online sources (weblog, newsfeed, newsletter) Persbericht MdXHealth, 3-6-2013 Maintaining close relationships Magazine (online/print) Inter Faces, 1-4-2013 Vroege opsporing darmkanker Magazine (online/print) Leaflet MLDS, 1-11-2013 Moleculaire karakterisering van nonpolypoide colorectale adenomen Magazine (online/print) Oncology news international, 22-122013 In Nederland kregen mensen in 1998 gemiddeld 13 gram gluten per dag binnen. Nu is dat 18 gram. Er moet wel een relatie zijn met het feit dat het aantal mensen met coeliakie toeneemt. Maar hoe het precies zit, weten we niet Newspaper (print) NRC, 9-11-2013 Er zijn steeds meer patiënten die na testen geen coeliakie blijken te hebben, maar toch geen gluten verdragen (buikpijn, moe). Bij 8 à 9 van de 10 mensen met non-coeliac gluten sensitivity vinden we geen oorzaak Newspaper (print) NRC Next, 14-11-2013 Penninx, B Stress heeft zeker effect Television op ons immuunsysteem. Dat zien wij ook in ons eigen onderzoek waarin we kijken naar depressieen angstpatiënten. Die ervaren chronische stress en daarbij zien wij ook dat het immuunsysteem overgeactiveerd is Labyrint, VPRO/NTR, Nederland 2, 14-4-2013 Reijneveld, JC Memory problems in Medisch Contact, 18-12- Magazine (online/print) http://medischcontact. Appendix Annual Report 2013 Vumc CCA – Societal impact - 125 Associate Topic Medium brain tumour patients Name source URL 2013 artsennet.nl/home.ht m Rietbergen, M Ongeveer 550 mensen krijgen jaarlijks keelkanker en het komt bij mannen driemaal zoveel voor Magazine (print) Spits, 4-4-2013 Scherpenisse, M Tussen 1996 en 2007 steeg het aantal HPVinfecties van 20 naar 23 procent van de onderzochte personen Newpaper (print) Reformatorisch Dagblad, 18-10-2013 Slotman, B We hebben tegen elkaar gezegd: als we het samen doen, is het vrijwel zeker – door alle expertise die we bundelen – dat we het kunnen opzetten Newspaper (print) Parool, 6-7-2013 We verwachten dat we sommige patiënten een hogere stralingsdosis kunnen geven, omdat de bijwerkingen minder zijn. Dat betekent dat de kansen op genezing kunnen stijgen Newspaper (print) Trouw, 2-8-2013 KMBP Other online sources (weblog, newsfeed, newsletter) Tracer (number 19) , 199-2013 http://issuu.com/vum c/docs/tracer_19__low res_?e=2286190/4899 672 Citations HPV papers Other online sources (weblog, newsfeed, newsletter) Tracer (number 25), 1212-2013 http://issuu.com/vum c/docs/tracer_25_lowr es?e=2286190/59812 16 Stoop, E Door een voor een factoren uit te schakelen in de bacterie, hebben we onderzocht welke factoren belangrijk zijn voor het ziekteproces. Dit heeft geleid tot de identifi catie van 23 factoren die de bacterie nodig heeft om de ziekte te veroorzaken Newspaper Nederlands Dagblad (233-2013) VandenbrouckeGrauls, C Elke huisarts dringt erop aan: “maak een antibioticakuur af”. De achterliggende gedachte is dat ziekmakende bacteriën resistent worden als zij een (te korte) antibioticakuur overleven. Dat is pertinent niet waar Newspaper Noordhollands Dagblad, 13-3-2013 Van Dongen, GAMS Als we zien dat een medicijn een tumor niet bereikt, kunnen we meteen een ander proberen. Daarnaast kunnen we sneller zien of een behandeling aanslaat en ook de dosering van de Magazine (print) Esta (January) Snijders, PJF Appendix Annual Report 2013 Vumc CCA – Societal impact - 126 Associate Topic Medium Name source URL Magazine (online/print) Arts en Auto Student, 198-2013 http://www.artsenauto .nl/beroep-onder-deloep-klinischpatholoog/ medicatie op de persoon afstemmen. Behalve tijd scheelt dat voor patiënten een hoop nare bijwerkingen van Grieken, NCT Beroep onder de loep: klinisch patholoog Van Kooyk, Y Radiotherapie, Newspaper (print) chemotherapie en operatief verwijderen zijn de meest gangbare therapieën tegen kanker op dit moment. In de onderzoekswereld is men vooral bezig met de diagnostiek. Hoe eerder je erbij bent, hoe beter een patiënt geholpen kan worden. Door meer over kanker te weten, kan een tumor beter bestreden worden. Er wordt veel onderzoek gedaan naar de genetische afwijkingen van kankercellen. Ook naar het immuunsysteem is altijd onderzoek gedaan, maar pas sinds kort zijn er bewijzen dat het afweersysteem ingezet kan worden bij de bestrijding van kanker Parool, 30-8-2013 Verheul, HMW Wat we hier binnen VUmc Television CCA doen is het wetenschappelijk onderzoek heel dicht bij de patiënt brengen, door nieuwe vindingen zo spoedig mogelijk te implementeren in de zorg RTV Noord Holland, 2010-2013 Het zou natuurlijk fantastisch zijn als we met de inzet van speciaal getrainde honden een hogere mate van sensitiviteit en nauwkeurigheid in de opsporing van darmkanker kunnen behalen Newspaper (print) De Telegraaf, 9-12-2013 Verdonck-de Leeuw, IM Interview Radio Knooppunt Kranenbarg, 6-6-2013 Verweij, CL Test voorspelt uitkomst RA-behandeling met rituximab Rheum. News. Intern 4-4-2013 Interview voor reumapatienten blad "In beweging" In beweging 4-4-2013 Wesseling, P Award presentation Television Koffietijd' (national TV) Würdinger, T We willen begrijpen waarom die stamcellen Magazine Ad Valvas, 26-8-2013 Appendix Annual Report 2013 Vumc CCA – Societal impact - 127 Associate Topic Medium Name source URL Kankermedicijn wordt Maatwerk Newspaper (print) Parool, 27-11-2013 http://www.parool.nl/ parool/nl/224/BINNEN LAND/article/detail/35 52248/2013/11/27/K ankermedicijn-wordtmaatwerk.dhtml Kankermedicijn wordt Maatwerk Newspaper (print) Algemeen Dagblad, 2711-2013 Kankermedicijn wordt Maatwerk Newspaper (print) Nieuwsblad van het Noorden, 27-11-2013 Designchemo Magazine (online/print) ZIN-magazine, 1-3-2013 Kankermedicijn wordt Maatwerk Newspaper (print) Trouw, 27-11-2013 Meer kennis van resistentiemechanismen en het ontwikkelen van nieuwe strategieën om deze te omzeilen, kan de overlevingskans van patiënten aanzienlijk verbeteren. Ook kan beter worden voorspeld hoe een tumor op een bepaalde therapie zal reageren Magazine Zorg- en ziekenhuiskrant (January 25) helemaal naar de hersenen op reis gaan. Want als we dat snappen kunnen we het proces misschien vertragen of stoppen Ylstra, B Zander, S http://www.ddock.nl/ wp-system/wpcontent/uploads/CCA msterdam_Zin_septem ber2013.pdf Appendix Annual Report 2013 Vumc CCA – Societal impact - 128 Appendix 7. Ongoing projects Program 1 Breast cancer 1. Genomic profiles for inherited breast cancer M. Massink, S. van Mil, J.P. de Winter, Q. Waisfisz, H. Meijers-Heijboer Department of Clinical Genetics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam NWO VIDI Meijers-Heijboer 2. Towards targeted treatment of (familial) breast cancer J.L. Bakker1, S. van Mil1, A.B. Oostra1, H.M.W. Verheul2, H. Meijers-Heijboer1, Q. Waisfisz1, J.P. de Winter1 1Department of Clinical Genetics and 2Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center VUmc CCA Cervical cancer 3. CINtec PLUS studie, p16 analyse van afwijken uitstrijken C.J.L.M. Meijer Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam Ventana Medical 4. Molecular Self Screening for Cervical Cancer Prevention C.J.L.M. Meijer Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam EU ERC advan Colorectal cancer 5. Clinical and biological relevance of focal deletions in colorectal cancer O. Krijgsman1, G.A. Meijer1, B. Carvalho1, R.D. Steenbergen1, B. Ylstra1 Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Stichting Avanti STR 6. CRCbioscreen B. Carvalho, R. Fijneman, C. Jimenez, G.A. Meijer Department of Pathology and Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam CTMM 7. Datamanagement voor moleculaire vroegdiagnostiek en therapieselectie bij darmkanker J. Beliën, G.A. Meijer Department Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Stichting Avanti STR 8. Development of an improved molecular test for population-wide colorectal cancer screening A.C. Hiemstra, B. Carvalho, R.J.A. Fijneman, C.R. Jimenez, C.J. Mulder, G.A. Meijer Department of Pathology, Medical Oncology and Gastroenterology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Vrienden van het CCA 9. Development of screening tests for early detection of CRC L. Bosch1, B. Carvalho1, M. van der Wiel1, V. Coupé1, M. van Engeland4 Y. van der Burgt5, W. van Criekinge6, C.R. Jimenez2, R. Fijneman1, C.J. Mulder3, G.A. Meijer1 1Department Of Pathology, 2Department Medical Oncology (OncoProteomics Laboratory), 3Department Gastroenterology, VU University Medical Center, 4MUMC, 5LUMC, MdXHEalth, 6Univ Gent CTMM 10. Early detection of colorectal cancer by faeces derived microRNA testing L. Timmer1, B. Diosdado1, E. Cuppen2, G.A. Meijer1 Department Of Pathology1, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, Hubrecht Laboratorium Utrecht2 KWF VU 2009-4276 11. Identification of novel oncogenes/oncomirs located at 13q involved in the progression of colorectal adenoma to carcinoma F.L.M. de Groen, R.D.M. Steenbergen, G.A. Meijer, B. Carvalho Department Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam 12. Structural chromosomal rearrangements in colorectal cancer E. van den Broek, R.J.A. Fijneman, G.A. Meijer Department Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam Head and neck cancer 13. Clinical and genetic aspects of hereditary paragangliomas J.A. Rijken, E.F. Hensen, C.R. Leemans Department of Otolaryngology and Head-Neck Surgery VU University Medical Center 14. Clinical significance of human papillomavirus infection in oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma M. Rietbergen1, C.R. Leemans1, P.J.F. Snijders2, B. Witte3, R.J. Baatenburg de Jong4, B.J.M. Braakhuis1, E. Bloemena2, R.H. Brakenhoff1 Departments of 1Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, 2Pathology, 3Epidemiology and Biostatistics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 4Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam KWF VU 2009-4531 15. Determinants of radio and EGFR-mediated therapy sensitivity C.R. Nagel, C.R. Leemans, B.J.M.Braakhuis, R.H. Brakenhoff Department of Otolaryngology and Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects -125 CTMM 16. Development of a personalized targeted treatment of head and neck cancer A. van Harten, B.J.M. Braakhuis, C.R. Leemans, R.H. Brakenhoff Department Otolaryngology and Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam 17. Early detection of primary and recurrent nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) using (anti-) EBV based tumor markers and options for using photodynamic therapy (PDT) in the treatment of local disease I.B. Tan, S.M. Haryana, J.M. Middeldorp Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, AKI-AvL, Amsterdam, UGM, Yoguakarta, Indonesia KWF 18. Fanconi anemia: course of disease in rthe Dutch patient cohort and early recognition of cancer S. Smetsers1,2, A. Brink1, R.H. Brakenhoff1 Departments of 1Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 2Paediatrics, University Medical Center Utrecht Kika 19. Identification of oncogenic microRNAs and cancer genes involved in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma by a functional genomics approach M. Lindenbergh-van der Plas, B.J.M. Braakhuis, C.R. Leemans, R.H. Brakenhoff Section Tumor Biology, Department of Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam 20. Improving molecular staging of surgically treated head and neck cancer patients: towards rationalized adjuvant treatment A.P. Graveland1, M. de Maaker1, E. Bloemena2, B.J.M. Braakhuis1, C.R. Leemans1, R.H. Brakenhoff1 Departments. 1Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery and 2Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, University Utrecht NKB/KWF 2005-3285 en 2006-3694 21. Molecular diagnosis of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma B.J.M. Braakhuis1, W. van Wieringen2, B. Ylstra3, O. Krijgsman3, Q. Voorham3, C.R. Leemans1, R.H. Brakenhoff1 Departments 1Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, 2Epidemiology and Biostatistics, 3Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 22. Novel tumor-selective lethal miRNAs for the treatment of head and neck cancer ("MIRacle") S. Martens-de Kemp, M. Buijze, R.H. Brakenhoff Department of Otolaryngology and Head-Neck Surgery VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam EU-FP7-SME 2013-606486 23. Targeted therapy of precancerous fields in head and neck mucosa D.V. de Boer1, M. Stigter-van Walsum1, B.J.M. Braakhuis1, V.W. van Beusechem2, R.H. Brakenhoff1 Department of 1Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, 2Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam 24. Targeted treatment of oral cancer and precancer in FA S. Martens-de Kemp1, V.W. van Beusechem2, R.H. Brakenhoff1 Department of 1Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, 2Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Fanconi Anemia Research Fund 25. The Fanconi anemial/BRCA pathway in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas C. Stoepker1, N. Ameziane1, P. van de Lelij1, J.A. Balk1, A.B. Oostra1, M.A. Rooimans1, J. Steltenpool1, S. Martens-de Kemp2, R.H. Brakenhoff2, H. Joenje1, J.P. de Winter1 1Department of Clinical genetics and 2Department of Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, 3Department of Oncology, University of Oxford VUmc CCA HPV-induced tumors 26. Clinical evaluation of methylation markers for risk assessment of high-risk HPV-positive women for cervical cancer and its high grade precursors L. de Strooper, C.J.L.M. Meijer, P.J.F. Snijders, D.A.M. Heideman Department Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam KWF 2009-4522 27. Comprehensive analysis of the long-term oncogenic capacity and in vitro transforming property of the 15 high-risk human papillomavirus types D.M. Schütze, R. van Baars, J. van der Marel, P.J.F. Snijders, R.D.M. Steenbergen, W. Quint, C.J.L.M. Meijer Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam HUMAVAC 28. Comprehensive molecular characterisation of a longitudinal in vitro model of high-risk HPV-mediated transformation V. Miok1, S.M. Wilting1, R.D.M. Steenbergen1, W.N. van Wieringen2, P.J.F. Snijders1 Department Pathology1 and Epidemiology & Biostatistics2, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam St. VUmc CCA 29. Discover and validation of molecular triage markers to stratify women with hrHPV positive self-samples for colposcopy directed biopsy by the gynaecologist B.C. Snoek, R.D.M. Steenbergen, D.A.M. Heideman, C.J.L.M. Meijer, P.J.F. Snijders Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam 30. Discover and validation of molecular triage markers to stratify women with hrHPV positive self-samples for colposcopy directed biopsy by the gynaecologist W. Verlaat, R.D.M. Steenbergen, D.A.M. Heideman, C.J.L.M. Meijer, P.J.F. Snijders Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam 31. Health-economic modelling of prevention strategies for HPV-related diseases in European countries H. Berkhof, C.J.L.M. Meijer Department of Pathology and Biostatistiek&Epidemiologie, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects -126 EU en ZonMw 32. HPV vaccination M. Mollers, M. Scherpenisse, C.J.L.M. Meijer Department Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam RIVM 33. Identification and clinical validation of methylation markers for cervical adenocarcinomas and their precursor lesions S. Snellenberg, C.J.L.M. Meijer, P.J.F. Snijders, R.D.M. Steenbergen Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam KWF 2007-3771 34. Identification of miRNAs and other ncRNAs as biomarkers for cervical cancer and assessment of their potential functional relevance in HPV-mediated transformation S.Wilting , P.J.F. Snijders, R.D.M. Steenbergen Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Stichting Avanti STR 35. Improving detection-efficiency of CIN2/3+ in non responder-women that test positive for hrHPV in a self-collected sample: design of PROTHECT 3 trial (Schadelastreductie baarmoederhalskanker door vernieuwend beleid ten aanzien van niet-deelnemers BVO-BMHK) V. Verhoef, F. van Kemenade1, D.A.M. Heideman1, P.J.F. Snijders1, M. van Baal2, L. Masuger3, R. Bekkers3, W. Melchers4, R. Hol5 Department Of Pathology1 and Gynaecology2, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, Department Gynaecology, UMCN3, Mol. Diagnostics, UMCN4, Delphi Biosciences5 St. Bevolkingsonderzoek midden-west/Achmea Gezondheidszorg 36. Improving detection-efficiency of CIN3+ in non responder-women that test positive for hrHPV in a self-collected sample: design of PROTHECT 3 trial F. van Kemenade1, D.A.M. Heideman1, P.J.F. Snijders1, M. van Baal2, L. Masuger3, R. Bekkers3, W. Melchers4, R. Hol5 Department Of Pathology1 and Gynaecology2, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, Department Gynaecology, UMCN3, Mol. Diagnostics, UMCN4, Delphi Biosciences5 St. Bevolkingsonderzoek midden-west 37. Profiling of aberrant microRNA methylation events that are functionally relevant during cervical carcinogenesis S.M. Wilting, R.D.M. Steenbergen, P.J.F. Snijders Department Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center KWF 2010-4668 38. Simplified monitoring post-treatment CIN 2/3 women by molecular testing for hrHPV and methylation markers M. Uijterwaal1, C.J.L.M. Meijer1, Th.J.M Helmerhorst2, R.D.M. Steenbergen1 1VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 2Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam KWF 2009-4413 Immunotherapy 39. Physiological role of EBV-LMP1 in MHC-II+exosomes for tumor immune escape across the immunological synaps: Implications for prognosis and immunotherapy F. Verweij, E. Hooijberg, J.J.C. Neefjes, J.M. Middeldorp, D.M. Pegtel Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center KWF 2007-3775 Lung cancer 40. Evaluation of molecular sputum test diagnostic for lung cancer A.J. Hubers, D.A.M. Heideman, E.F. Smit, F.B.J.M. Thunnissen Department of Pathology1 and Pulmonology2, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam KWF VU 2008-4220 41. Genomic profiling for risk assessment of preneoplastic endobronchial lesions R.A.A. van Boerdonk, P.J.F. Snijders, E.F. Smit, D.A.M. Heideman, Department of Pathology1 and Pulmonology2, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam KWF VU 2008-3898 Retinoblastoma 42. Genomics to improve diagnostics and care of retinoblastoma patients E.I. Kooi1,5, B.M. Mol1, T. van Harn2, A.C. Moll3, J. Cloos4,5, G.J.L. Kaspers5, H. te Riele1,2, J.C. Dorsman1 Departments of 1Clinical Genetics, 3Opthalmology, 4Hematology, 5Pediatric Oncology/ Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 2Division of Molecular Biology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam Stichting KIKA Kinderen Kankervrij 43. The molecular carcinogenesis of retinoblastoma B.M. Mol1, E.I. Kooi1, A.C. Moll2, D.A.P. Rockx1, W.A Kors3, M.I. Bosscha2, C. Dommering1, H. Joenje1, H. te Riele1,5, J. Cloos3,4, J.C. Dorsman1 Departments. of 1Clinical Genetics, 2Ophthalmology, 3Pediatric Oncology/Hematology, 4Hematology VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam and 5Division of Molecular Biology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam VUmc CCA Stichting Avantie STR (round 2008) Other 44. A quantitative proteome progression model for squamous cell cancer M. Rietbergen, E. Bloemena Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam Nat Prot. Center 45. Role of the soluble viral BARF1 oncoprotein in Epstein-Barr virus-driven carcinogenesis and its functional inhibition by antibodies E.K. Hoebe, J.M. Middeldorp Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam KWF VU2007-3776 46. Towards improved melanoma treatment: gene identification, in vivo modeling and drug target discovery Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects -127 D. Peeper, W.J. Mooi Department Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam KWF Program 2 Cancer 1. Antibody based therapeutic intervention in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma J.E.Bakema1, S.H.Ganzevles1, B.J.M. Braakhuis1, C.R. Leemans1, R.H. Brakenhoff1, C.Tuk2, M.van Egmond2, L. P.E. van der Steen2 ,W.Unger2, A.A. van de Loosdrecht3, G.Vidarsson 4, T.Valerius5, and E. Breij6. 1Department Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, 2 Department of Molecular Cell biology and Immunology, 3 Department of Haematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. 4Department of Experimental Immunohematology, Sanquin Blood Supply Foundation, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. 5 Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. 6Genmab B.V., Utrecht, The Netherlands 2. Exploring the sweet spot in colon cancer mutations K. Lenos 1, R.J. Fijneman 2, Y. van Kooyk 1, S.J. van Vliet 2 Department of Molecular Cell Biology1 and Pathology 2 VU University Medical Center VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam 3. Glycosylation of the Prostate Antigen PSA as predictive marker for prostate cancer M. van den Berk, S.J. van Vliet, Y. van Kooyk Departments of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Eurostars 4. iNKT and Vγ9Vδ2-T cell based immunotherapies for solid tumors R.C. de Bruijn1, F.L. Schneiders1, R. Lameris, R.J. Scheper2, A.J.M. van den Eertwegh1, G.A.M.S. van Dongen3, R.C. Roovers4, P.M. van Bergen en Henegouwen5, H.M.W. Verheul1, T.D. de Gruijl,1 H.J. van der Vliet1. Departments of 1Medical Oncology, 2Pathology, and 3Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam and 4 Department of Pharmaceutics, Utrecht Institute for Pharmaceutical Sciences, and 5Cell Biology, Department of Biology, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands ZonMw Clinical Fellowship, KWF Clinical Cancer Research Fellowship 5. Macrophages and tumour development R. Braster1, M. Bögels1,2, R.H.J. Beelen2, M. van Egmond1,2 Departments. of 1Surgery and, 2Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center Eerste geldstroom via MCBI r 6. Macrophages as effector cells for monoclonal antibody therapy of cancer N. Gül1, R. Braster1, M. van Egmond1,2 Departments of 1Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology and 2Surgery VU University Medical Center Eerste geldstroom via MCBI and KWF 7. Notch-signaling in tumor-specific T cells to improve anti-tumor immunity L.Kuijk, MI Verstege, T.de Gruijl, E. Hooijberg, Y. van Kooyk, WWJ Unger Department Mol Cell biol and Immunol , Pathology and Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam CCA2011-5-01 8. Novel strategies for antibody therapy of cancer L. van der Steen1,2, C. Tuk2, A. van de Loosdrecht3, J. Bakema4, M. van Egmond1,2 Departments of 1Surgery, 2Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology, 3Hematology and 4Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center Stichting VUmc CCA 9. Promoting antitumor immunity by specific tumor-targeting of iNKT cells J.J. van der Vliet1, T.D. de Gruijl1, G.A.M.S. van Dongen2 1Department Of Medical Oncology and 2Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam ZonMw 10. Proteasome inhibitors and effects on immune effector cells in autoimmunity and cancer G. Jansen, T.D. de Gruijl, R.J. Scheper, B. Dijkmans Department of Reumatology, Medical Oncology and Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam 11. Specific tumor-targeting of iNKT cells and VγVδ2 T cells using nanobody technology T.D. de Gruijl1, H.M.W. Verheul1, R.J. Scheper2, J.J. van der Vliet1 1Department Of Medical Oncology and 2Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam KWF fellowship 12. Surgery induced development of liver metastases S. Grewal1,2, N. Gül1, R.H.J. Beelen1, J. Bonjer2, M. van Egmond1,2 Departments. of 1Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology, and 2Surgery, VU University Medical Center NWO, Mozaiek 13. Targeting solid tumors and their myeloid infiltrate by specific nanobodies D. Chondronasiou, J.J. van der Vliet, H.M.W. Verheul, T.D. de Gruijl Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam 14. The role of galectin-4 in progression of pancreatic cancer A. Belo1, Mina Maftouh2, E. Giovannetti2, I.M. van Die1 1Department of Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology and 2Dept of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, VUmc, Amsterdam Portuguese FCT to A. Belo Cancer - Dendritic cells 15. Antigen-specific inhibition of encephalitogenic T cells by selective targeting of corticosteroid/antigen-loaded liposomes to cervical lymph node dendritic cells Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects -128 I. Streng-Ouwehand; M.I. Verstege, M.Litjens, Y. van Kooyk, W.W.J. Unger Dept. of Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 16. Dendritic cell targeting using nanovesicles to improve anti-cancer therapy W.W.J. Unger, M. Verstege, S. Engels Y. van Kooyk Departments of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam SENTERNOVEM, NanoNext Initiative 17. Dendritic cell-targeted in vivo tumor vaccination: towards optimised prime-boost protocols B.N. Hangalapura1, D. Oosterhoff1, van de Ven1, J. van Moorselaar2, A.G.M. Stam3, R. E. Hooijberg3, V.W. van Beusechem1, W.R. Gerritsen1, A.J.M. van den Eertwegh1, R.J. Scheper3, Y. van Kooyk4, T.D. de Gruijl1 Departments. of 1Medical Oncology, 2Urology, 3Pathology, and 4Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam KWF-VU / Stichting CCA 2005-3284 18. In situ targeting and modulation of dendritic cells for immunotherapy: reversal of suppression R. van de Ven1, J.J. Lindenberg1, D. Oosterhoff1, S.M. Lougheed1, V.W. van Beusechem1, R.J. Scheper2, P. van den Tol3, D.T. Curiel4, A.J.M. van den Eertwegh1, T.D. de Gruijl1 Depts. of 1Medical Oncology, 2Pathology, and 3Surgical Oncology,VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam and Division of Human Gene Therapy, UAB, Birmingham, Alabama NWO VIDI 917.56.321 19. Interactions between CD169+ macrophages and dendritic cells H. Veninga, E. Borg, H. Kalay, Y. van Kooyk, G. Kraal, J.M.M. den Haan Departments of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam KWF VU2009-4504 20. Targeting dendritic cells with glycosylated liposomes in defense against prostate cancer A.J. van Beelen1, B. Hangalapura2, T.D. de Gruijl2, Y. van Kooyk1 Departments. of 1Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, and 2Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam Dermatology 21. Keloid S. Gibbs, F. Niessen, R.J. Scheper Department of Pathology and Dermatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Agentschap NL 22. Novel in vitro assays for detection of sensitizers S.W. Spiekstra1, T. Rustemeyer1, S. Gibbs1 Departments of 1Dermatology, VU University Medical Centre 23. Novel saliva-derived peptides for state-of-the-art clinical wound-healing applications S. Gibbs, E. Veerman, R.J. Scheper Department of Pathology and Dermatology, ACTA, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam STW 24. Prevalidation of a two-tiered approach to determine the skin sensitising capacity and potency of chemicals J. Reijnders1, S.W. Spiekstra,1 , E. Corsini2 , R. Roggen3 , R. Pieters4, S. Casati5. C. Krul6, S. Gibbs1 1Dermatology, VU University Medical Centre, 2 University of Milan, Milan, 3 Novozymes, Denmark, 4 Hoge School, Utrecht, 5 ECVAM, Ispra, 6 TNO, Utrecht ZON-MW PAD grant 40-40100-94-09015 25. Skin and mucosal allergies to dental metals D Rachmawati, J. Muris1) von Blomberg BME, R.J. Scheper, .M.W. van Hoogstraten Department Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam; 1) Department dental materials Science, ACTA, Amsterdam, Department Nat. Educ. Indon., Directorat General of Higher Degree education Dept. Nat. Educ. Indon., Directorat General of Higher Degree education 26. The development of immuno-competent human skin and oral mucosa equivalents and their use in determining factors involved in T cell skewing and imprinting I. Kosten1, S.W. Spiekstra1, B.M.E. von Blomberg2, T. Rustemeyer1, R.J. Scheper2, T.J. De Gruijl2, S. Gibbs1 Departments of 1Dermatology and 2Pathology, VU University Medical Center VUmc CCA OIO 27. Vascular growth in skin equivalents S. Gibbs, V. van Hinsbergh, R.J. Scheper Department of Pathology and Dermatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Neth Inst Regenerative Med Ministerie Gastroenterology 28. Exploration of novel therapeutic options for refactory CD (RCD) and EATL S. Cillessen, M. von Blomberg, H.J. Bontkes, G. Bouma, C. Mulder Department Of Pathology and Gastroenterology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Celiac Disease Consortium (CDC/NGI) 29. HLA-DQ genotype distribution in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus patients with concomitant Celiac Disease S.F. Bakker1, M.E. Tushuizen1, J.B.A. Crusius 2, S Simsek3 , C.J.J. Mulder1, B.M.E. von Blomberg4 1 Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, VU University Medical Center, The Netherlands, 2 Laboratory of Immunogenetics,Department of Medical Mirobiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 3 Department of Internal Medicine, Medical Center Alkmaar, The Netherlands, 4 Department of Medical Immunology, VU University Medical Center, The Netherlands Coeliac Disease Consortium 30. Prognostic and diagnostic marker analysis in (refractory) celiac disease S. Gross, B. M.E. von Blomberg, H.J. Bontkes, I.M.W. van Hoogstraten, K.A.G. Gelderman, G. Bouma, S. Cillessen, C.J. Mulder, F. Koning Department Of Pathology and Gastroenterology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, LU University Medical Center Leiden Celiac Disease Consortium (NGI) Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects -129 31. Protection against inflammatory bowel diseases by glycan antigens E.J. Klaver1, G. Bouma2, G. Kraal1, I.M. van Die1 1Department of Molecular Cell Biology & Immunology, VUmc, Amsterdam; 2Department Gastroenterology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam the Broad Medical Research Program of the Broad Foundation (USA) 32. The influence of vitamin A metabolism on immune cell differentiation in the gut Y. Bar-Ephraïm, G. Goverse, K. Lakeman, R.E. Mebius Department Of 1Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam CCA Host pathogen interaction 33. EBV-MicroRNA containing exosomes: Trojan vesicles carrying hostile message D.M. Pegtel, D.A. Thorley-Lawson, J.M. Middeldorp Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center and Tufts University, Boston, USA NWO-Veni, ZonMW2008 OZ05PAT110038 34. Enteroviral infections in children S. de Crom 1, Dr. Ch. Obihara 1, M. Peeters 2, S.A. Morré 3 , A. M. van Furth 4 1Department of Pediatrics, St. Elisabeth Ziekenhuis, Tilburg; 2 Department of Medical Microbiology , St. Elisabeth Ziekenhuis, Tilburg; 3Laboratory of Immunogenetica, Department of Medical Mirobiology and Infection Control,VUmc, Amsterdam; 4Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Immunology, and Rheumatology, VUmc, Amsterdam 35. Genetic profiling in bacterial meningitis O. El Tahir, S. Ouburg1 , S.A. Morré1 , A.M. van Furth2 1Laboratory of Immunogenetica, Department of Medical Mirobiology and Infection Control,VUmc, Amsterdam; 2Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Immunology, and Rheumatology, VUmc, Amsterdam 36. Immunogenetic, pharmacological and neurodevelopmental aspects of nosocomial sepsis and meningitis in preterm AGA and SGA infants F. van den Dungen1 , S.A. Morré2, P. Savelkoul3, M. M. van Weissenbruch1, A.M. van Furth4 1Department of Neonatology, VUmc, Amsterdam 2 Laboratory of Immunogenetica, Department of Medical Mirobiology and Infection Control,VUmc, Amsterdam; 3Department of Medical Microbiology, VUmc, Amsterdam, 4Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Immunology, and Rheumatology, VUmc, Amsterdam 37. Immunogenetics and environmental factors in infectious diseases S. Ouburg1, Y. Pannekoek3, J. Lyons1, S. Verweij, M. Sanders, G. van Well, V. Smelov, J. Land5, C. Bruggeman6, C. Hoebe6, A. Catsburg8, P.H. Savelkoul8, C.M.J.E. Vandenbroucke-Grauls8, M. van Agtmael9, M. van Furth 10, J.B.A. Crusius1, A.S. Peña1, S.A. Morré1 1Laboratory Immunogenetics, Department of Medical Mirobiology and Infection Control,, 2GGD Amsterdam, 3AMC Med Microbiol, 5AZM, Department Gynecol, 6AZM, Department Med Microbiol, 7Department Basic Dental Sci, 8Med Microbiol Infect Prev, 9Int Med, 10 Pediatrics, VUmc, NL 38. Immunoglobulin A and neutrophil immunoglobulin A Fc receptor (Fc-alpha-RI) in mucosal infections M.W.M. van Hout1, L. van der Steen1, J.E. Bakema1,2, M. van Egmond1,2 Departments. of 1Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology, and 2Surgery, VU University Medical Center NWO 39. Improving early diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis in children R. Solomons1, J. Schoeman1, A.M. van Furth2 Departments. of 1Tijgerberg Hospital, Cape Town, SA; 2Pediatric Infectiology, Immunology and Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 40. Inflammatory host defense in children with Down syndrome C.J.M. Broers1, M.E.Wijerman1,2 ; R.J.B.J. Gemke1 , A.M. van Furth3,4 1Department of Pediatrics, VU medical center, 2Department of Pediatrics, Diaconesseziekenhuis, Leiden; 3 Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases-Immunology and Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam; 4Laboratory of Experimental Internal Medicine, Academical Medical Center, Amsterdam 41. Metabolomics Study of Tuberculous Meningitis in Children S. Mason1, R.Solomons2, J.Schoeman2,R.Wevers3, C.Reinecke1, A.M. van Furth4 Departments. of 1Centre for Human Metabolomics, Potchefstroom, SA; 2 Tijgerberg Hospital, Cape Town, SA; 3 Clinical Chemistry, UMC, Nijmegen; 4Pediatric Infectiology, Immunology and Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 42. Microbial control of the mucosal barrier function I. Hiemstra, K. Vrijland, G. Bouma, G. Kraal, J.M.M. den Haan Depts of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology and Gastroenterology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 1e geldstroom 43. Predict TB: Model-based preclinical development of anti-tuberculosis drug combinations M. Boot, S. Commandeur, A.M. van der Sar, W. Bitter Department of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam EU-IMI 44. Predictionmodels in bacterial meningitis O. El Tahir, S.A. Morré, A.M. van Furth Department of Paediatrics and Medical Microbiology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Host pathogen interaction 45. Protein secretion systems of M. tuberculosis as novel target for drug development V. van Winden, E.N.G. Houben, W. Bitter Department of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 46. The effect of HIV infection and AZT-3TC-NVP/EVF therapy on vascular and metabolic changes in patienst with HIV T.Msoka1, Y.Smulders2, M.van Agtmael2, J.Bartlett3, A.M. van Furth4 Departments. of 1Centre for Human Metabolomics, Potchefstroom, SA; 2 VUmc, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 3 John Hopkins, Baltimore, USA; 4Pediatric Infectiology, Immunology and Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 47. The host immune response to tuberculous meningitis Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects -130 D. Visser 1 , R.Solomons2, J.Schoeman2, A.M. van Furth1 Departments. of 1Pediatric Infectiology, Immunology and Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 2 Tijgerberg Hospital, Cape Town, SA 48. The rich focus in tuberculous meningitis: from pathology to mathematics M. van der Kuip1, M. El-Kebir1, D. Kirschner2, A.M. van Furth1 Departments. of 1Pediatric Infectiology, Immunology and Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands and 2Microbiology and Immunology, The University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI, USA European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases / Wyeth (to MvdK) and the National Institutes of Health HL092853-01 (to DK) 49. Immune modulation by ESX-5 secreted proteins of mycobacteria E.M. Weerdenburg, W. Bitter, B.J. Appelmelk Department of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam V-ICI 50. Live mycobacterium bovis BCG bacteria as a platform for the induction of enhanced tumor-antigen-specific immunity L.S. Ates, B. Appelmelk, J. Geurtsen, W. Bitter Department of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 51. Mysteries beyond the mycomembrane:biogenesis of the mycobacterial capsule and its role in the host-pathogen interaction R. van de Weert, B. Appelmelk, C. Vandenbroucke-Grauls, J.J.G. Geurtsen Department of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam NWO/ALW VENI 52. The role of the granulomaformation in tuberculous meningitis in zebrafish L. van Leeuwen, M. van der Kuip, A. van der Sar, W. Bitter, A.M. van Furth Department of Paediatrics and Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 53. Unraveling a novel bacterial protein transport system: characterization of mycobacterial secretion system ESX-5 E.N.G. Houben, W. Bitter Department of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Immunology - Dendritic cells 54. Signaling pathways in homeostasis and function of dendritic cells M. Beijer, G. Goverse, R.E. Mebius, G. Kraal and J.M.M. den Haan Department of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam NWO-ALW Meervoud to J.M.M. den Haan 55. Targeting mMGL-1 and mMGL-2 on murine DCs to modulate immune responses I. Ouwehand, E. Saeland, Y. van Kooyk Departments of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam VUmc Research Institute: CCA/V-ICI 56. The design of glyco-peptide dendrimers to improve DC targeted antigen presentation M. Ambrosini, M. Perdicchio, H. Kalay, J.J. Garcia Vallejo, Y. van Kooyk Departments of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Carmusys FP7 EU Marie Curie Network 57. Variations in T cell glycosylation direct the interaction with dendritic cells S.J. van Vliet and Y. van Kooyk Departments of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Mizutani Foundation for Glycosciences Immunology - General 58. Identification of differentialy glycosylated glycoproteins in human milk and their effects on DCs N. Koning, E. Saeland, K. Bloem, S.J. van Vliet, Y. van Kooyk Departments of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam TIPharma Rheumatology 59. A phase 0 single dose study to evaluate the pharmacokinetics/-dynamics and specific targeting properties of 124-IF8IL10 in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis Y. Gent1, M. Tsang a Sjoe1, O.S. Hoekstra2, G.A.M.S. van Dongen2, D. Vugts2, L. Giovanonni3, D. Neri4, C.J. van der Laken1 Depts of 1Rheumatology, 2Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center, 3PHILOGEN S.p.A. , Sovicille (SI), Italy, 4ETH, Zurich, Switzerland FP7 Health program 60. Biomarkers in systemic lupus erythematosus J. Jacobs, M.W.P. Tsang-A-Sjoe, L-A. Korswagen, B.A.C. Dijkmans, I.E.M. Bultink, A.E. Voskuyl Department of Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center 61. Circulating microvesicles containing inflammatory viral RNA (EBER1) as indicators of SLE activity and organ involvement N. Masoumi Kouhestani, M. Pegtel, A. Voskuyl, J. Middeldorp Department of Pathology and Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam 62. Cross-talk between MGL and galectin-1 in the regulation of tolerogenic responses in multiple sclerosis J.M. Ilarregui, G.A.Rabinovich1 and Y. van Kooyk Departments of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 1IBYME;CONICET, Buenos Aires, Argentina Dutch Foundation MS Research 63. Immunoglobulin A Fc receptor (Fc-alpha-RI)-induced inflammatory diseases E. Aleyd1, L. van der Steen1, R. Korthouwer1, S. Pouw1, S. Ganzevles1, J.E. Bakema1, M. van Egmond1,2 Departments. of Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology, and Surgery, VU University Medical Center NWO, Agentschap NL, MaagLeverDarmStichting 64. MOG glycosylation and the induction of anti-inflammatory responses in Multiple Sclerosis I. Vuist, J.J. Garcia-Vallejo, B. ‘t Hart1, Y. van Kooyk Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects -131 Departments of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 1Department Immunobiology, BPRC, Rijswijk Dutch Foundation MS Research Other 65. Control of chemokine signaling by stromal cell-associated heparan sulfate proteoglycans R. Reijmers, R.E. Mebius Departments of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam NWO 66. Development of a novel wound healing formulation for advanced wound management S. Gibbs, R.J. Scheper Department of Pathology and Dermatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam EuroTransBio Agentschap NL 67. Effect evaluation of home treatment program TBM, Cape Town, South Africa S. van Elsland1; P. Springer2; J. Schoeman2; A.M. van Furth1 Departments. of 1Pediatric Infectiology, Immunology and Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 2 Tijgerberg Hospital, Cape Town, SA 68. Glycan specificity of C-type lectins K. Bloem, S. van Vliet, N. Koning, Y. van Kooyk Departments of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam TIPharma 69. Helminth glycoproteins: a new therapeutic option to prevent or ameliorate MS? G. Kooij, L. Laan, C.D. Dijkstra, I. van Die Department of Molecular Cell Biology & Immunology, VUmc, Amsterdam the Dutch Foundation MS Research 70. Large scale generation and analysis of glycovariants of Derp1 that down modulate the immune response in allergic asthma J.J. Garcia Vallejo1, J.M. Ilarregui1, H. Kalay1, I. Heijink2, Y. van Kooyk1 Departments. of 1Molecular Cell Biology & Immunology, VU University Medical Center, and 2Laboratory of Allergology and Pulmonary Diseases, Department of Pathology and Medical Biology, University Medical Center Groningen, , Groningen Astma Fonds 71. Mechanisms of mesenchymal cell differentiation towards stromal lymph node cells J.J. Koning, G. Goverse, T. Konijn, R.E. Mebius Department Mol. Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center NWO VICI grant 918.56.612 72. Regulation of functional differences between cord blood versus adult periperhal blood innate cells Y. Bar-Ephraïm, K. Lakeman, A. Baptista, R.E. Mebius Department Mol. Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center LSBR (Landsteiner Foundation for Blood Transfusion Research) 73. Retinoic acid mediates macrophage differentiation towards a separate lineage G. Goverse, T. Konijn, R.E. Mebius Department Mol. Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center NWO 74. Screening of new carbohydrate components that prevent pathogen binding to DC-SIGN M. Perdicchio, M. Ambrosini, W. Unger, Y. van Kooyk Departments of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Carmusys FP7 EU Marie Curie Network 75. Spatial dynamics of lectin-carbohydrate interactions S.J. van Vliet and Y. van Kooyk Department of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam VENI NWO 76. Synergistic effects of TLR ligands and oligosaccharides Y. van Kooyk, M. Boks Department Mol Cell biol and Immunol, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Tipharma 77. The generation of tolerance inducing vaccines J.B. Vos, K. Vrijland, G. Kraal Departments of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Eurostar Program 3 Brain cancer 1. Advanced glioma and correlation with histological and molecular characteristics P. de Witt Hamer1, O. Hoekstra2, R. Boellaard2, F. Barkhof2, P. Wesseling3, J.C. Reijneveld4 Department of 1Neurosurgery, 2Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, 3Pathology, 4Neurology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam 2. Anti-angiogenic treatment of gliomas W. Leenders, W. van der Graaf, P. Wesseling Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam RUNMC Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects -132 3. Expression of HER2 and other biomarkers in meningiomas: prediction of biological behaviour and potential targets for therapy V. ter Wengel, S.M. Peerdeman, W.P. Vandertop Deparment of Neurosurgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 4. Identification of clinically relevant genetic aberrations in pediatric glioneuronal tumors B. Ylstra1, P. Wesseling1, E. Aronica2, Schouten2 Department Of Pathology, 1VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, 2Amsterdam Medical Center Edli Foundation 5. Immunotherapy of gliomas G. Adema, P. Wesseling Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam St. Stop Hersentumoren 6. Ontwikkeling celtherapie voor kinderen met wittestofziektes S. Dooves1,2, J. Wortel1, C. van der Meer1, L. Thoolen1, T. Lagerweij3, C. Molthoff4, I. de Greeuw4, M. Verlaan4, V. Heine1,2 Departments of 1Pediatrics and 2CNCR, 3Neuro-oncology Research Group, 4 Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, Vumc, Amsterdam NWO 7. Overcoming Temozolomide (TMZ) resistance in glioma T. Würdinger1, P. Wesseling2 Department Of Neurosurgery1 and Pathology2, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam St. Stop Hersentumoren 8. Pediatric meningiomas in the Netherlands. Biomarkers as predictors for biological behaviour N. Thuijs, S.M. Peerdeman, W.P. Vandertop Deparment of Neurosurgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 9. Pilot study on the determination of tumor concentrations of protein kinase inhibitors in patients with newly diagnosed high-grade glioma M. van Linde1, K.E. Hovinga, P.C. de Witt Hamer2, T. Wurdinger2, M. Labots1, J. Buter1, G.J. Peters1, R. Honeywell1, C.R. Jimenez1, J.C. Reijneveld3, P. Wesseling4, F.J. Lagerwaard5, J. Berkhof6, WP Vandertop2, H.M.W. Verheul1 Department of 1Medical Oncology, 2Neurosurgery, 3Neurology, 4Pathology, 5Radiotherapy, 6Epidemiology and Biostatistics, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam 10. Prediction of progression in low-grade glioma using chromosomal copy number alterations H.F. van Thuijl1,2, J.J. Heimans1, P. van der Valk2, B. Ylstra2, P. Wesseling2, J.C. Reijneveld1,3 Departments of 1Neurology and 2Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, Department of 3 Neurology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam KWF Kankerbestrijding VU 2009-4470 11. Promising drug combinations in the treatment of high-grade glioma T. Wurdinger, P. Wesseling Departments of Neurosurgery and Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam St. Stop Hersentumoren 12. Radiological aspects in meningioma surgery M. Slot, S.M. Peerdeman, W.P. Vandertop Deparment of Neurosurgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 13. Radiosensitizing invasive glioblastoma cells P.M. van der Stoop, T. Wurdinger, P. Wesseling Departments of Neurosurgery and Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam St. Stop Hersentumoren 14. Role of protein-tyrosine phosphatases in the biology of gliomas W.J. Hendriks, W. Leenders, P. Wesseling Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam RUNMC 15. The molecules of behavior: how brain tumors link cellular biology to large-scale brain networks and cognition L. Douw12 1Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience, VUmc Amsterdam, 2Department of Radiology, Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging / MGH, Boston (USA). NWO Veni 16. Towards effective immunotherapy of gliobastomas G. Adema, P. Wesseling Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam RUNMC Cervical cancer 17. Cervix-care: biomarkers-based triage diagnosics for HPV positive women to detect cervical cancer C.J.L.M. Meijer Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam Eurostrats Colorectal cancer 18. Building data bridges and services between biological and medical infrastructures in Europe R. Voorham, J. van Denderen, J. Beliën, J.W. Boiten, G.A. Meijer Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam EU-KP7 19. Laboratory tests in primary colorectal cancer B. Carvalho1, M. van Engeland2, W. Corver3, B. Janssen4, W. van Criekinge5, G.A. Meijer1 Department Of 1Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 2MUMC, 3LUMC, 4ServiceXS, MDXHEalth, Univ. Gent CTMM Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects -133 20. Molecular imaging of early stage disease colorectal cancer M. de Wit,2, R. Fijneman2, J. Verbeek1, A.D. Windhorst1, R. Lamerichs 3,4, C. Sio3, K. Donato3, J. Stoker4, G.A. Meijer2 Departments of 1Radiology & Nuclear medicine, 2Pathology, Vumc, 3 department of biomolecular imaging philips research, 4department of radiology AMC CTMM, DeCoDe 21. Peritoneal metastases from colorectal carcinoma; Diagnostic markers to identify patients that will benefit from radical surgical resection E. de Cuba1, H.J. Bonjer1, G.A. Meijer2, E.A. te Velde1 Department Of 1Surgery and 2Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 22. Personalized therapy in recurrent colorectal cancer J. Goos1, R. Fijneman1, A.A. Geldof2, O.S. Hoekstra2, L. Perk3, G.A. Meijer1 Department of 1Pathology, 2Nuclear Medicine & PET reserach, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 3BV Cyclotron CTMM 23. Reducing CRC death in stage II carcinomas by identifying high/risk stage II cancer patients who could benefit from adjuvant chemotherapy B. Diosdado, R.Q.J. Schaapveld1, G.A. Meijer Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, 1InteRNA Technologies BV inteRNA Genetic profiling 24. Development of a methodology to characterize the genome content of Livestock-associated MRSA P.H.M. Savelkoul, C.M.J.E. Vandenbroucke-Grauls, J.A.J.W. Kluytmans Department Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam Agentschap.nl 25. DNAseq/RNAseq prostate and CRC R.J.A. Fijneman, Ylstra B, Meijer GA Department Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam CTMM 26. Involvement of miRNAs in gastric cancer G.A. Meijer Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam FCT 27. Metastatic colorectal molecular laboratory tests B. Ylstra1, B. Carvalho1, M. van Engeland2, W. Corver3, B. Janssen4, W. van Criekinge5, G.A. Meijer1 Department Of 1Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 2MUMC, 3LUMC, 4ServiceXS, MDXHEalth, Univ. Gent CTMM 28. Predictive genomic biomarker methods for combination Bevacizumab (Avastin) therapy in metastatic colorectal cancer B. Ylstra Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam EU 29. TRACER Genomic biomarkers to predict development of RA (VERA, ERA), and therapy responsiveness (ESRA) (WP5) J. Lübbers, E. Mantel, A.E. Voskuyl, R. Out, C. Verweij Dept. of Pathology, Dept. of Rheumatology, Flexgen CTMM Head and neck cancer 30. FALCON - Intra-operative fluorescent parathyroid glands localization A.F. Engelsman1, C.F.M. Molthoff2, A.D. Windhorst2, I. de Greeuw2, W.A. Adamzek2, M. Verlaan2, G.A.M.S. van Dongen2 1Dept. of Surgery, AMC medical center and 2Dept. of Radiology&Nuclear Medicine, Vumc Amsterdam AMC 31. Improvement of the diagnosis of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) R. de Bree1, G. Flach1 , D.A. Heuveling1, S. Faraj-Hakim1, C.S. Schouten, L. van der Putten1, I. van der Waal2,, H. Karakazoglu2, E.F.I. Comans3, A. Van Schie3, O.S. Hoekstra3, J.A. Castelijns3, P. de Graaf 3, E. Bloemena4, C.R. Leemans1 Depts. of 1Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, 2Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 3Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, and 4Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam ZonMw 32. Peri-implantitis, implant loss and radio-osteonecrosis in head and neck tumor patients H. Dekker, R. Ramawadh, E. Bloemena Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam ACTA IOT, Straumann, MKA Hematology 33. EBV markers in CLL cases from Spain De Sanjose, J.M. Middeldorp Department Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam Imaging 34. Design and production of anti-body drug conjugates (ADC), anti-body tracer conjugates (ATC) and other disease-targeted devices D. Waalboer, G.A.M.S. van Dongen Department of Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center LinXis 35. FLT- and FDG-PET imaging to support dose-finding for the CD-44 (RO5429083) program in pre- clinical xenograft studies C.F.M. Molthoff1, I. de Greeuw1, M.Verlaan1, R. Bergstra1, A.A. Lammertsma1 Department of 1Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Roche Diagnostics, Germany 36. FLT PET and DW MRI as markers of proliferation: technical validation Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects -134 1V Frings, 1IC Pieters-van den Bos, 2JPA Kuijer, 1OS Hoekstra, 2EF Smit, 3CW Menke-van den Houven v Oordt, 1R Boellaard Departments of 1Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, 2Physics & Medical Technology, 3Pulmonology, 4Medical Oncology, VUmc EU IMI project Quic-Concept 37. In vivo imaging of Epstein Barr Virus Activation by cytolytic antiviral therapy in nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell lines and xenograft models Z. Novalic1, M. Verlaan2, J. Eersels2, C.F.M. Molthoff2, A.E. Greijer1, J.M. Middeldorp1 Depts. of 1Pathology and 2Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam ZonMW, KWF 38. Measurement of tumor kinase inhibitor concentrations using PET imaging in patients with advanced solid malignancies (PIKTURE) L. Mammatas, C. Menke,A.A. Lammertsma, A.D. Windhorst, N.H. Hendriks, H.M.W. Verheul Department of Medical Oncology and Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 39. Multimodal imaging of orthotopic tumors: validation study C.F.M. Molthoff1, A. Avan2, E. Giovanetti2, T. Lagerweij3, R. Bergstra1, I. de Greeuw1, G.J. Peters2, T. Würdinger3, D. Fuchs4, P. Trochet4, J. Jose4 Departments. of 1Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, 2Medical Oncology, 3Neuro-oncology Research Group, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam and 4VisualSonics Europe, Amsterdam 40. PET studies in female C57Bl/6 WT mice after single treatment of GA504-mIL2 (CEA IgG-IL2v) C.F.M. Molthoff1, I. de Greeuw1, M.Verlaan1, R. Bergstra1, E. Borg, J.J.M. den Haan2 Department of 1Radiology & Nuclear Medicine and 2Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Roche Diagnostics, Germany 41. Quantitative imaging in cancer: connecting cellular processes with therapy: Data and Image Analysis (WP4) L.L. Hoyng, M. Yaqub, F. van Velden, R. Boellaard Department Of Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, Vu University Medical Center, Amsterdam IMI EU project QuicConcept (EORTC, CR-UK, EFPIA) 42. Technical validation of DW-MRI, FLT and ICMT-PET as read-outs of proliferation and apoptosis in drug development V. Frings1, L. Hoyng1, JPA Kuijer2, IC Pieters1, R Boellaard1, EF Smit3, W Menke-van den Houven v Oordt4, OS Hoekstra1 Department of 1Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, 2Physics & Medical Technology, 3Pulmonary Oncology, 4Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam IMI EU project QuicConcept (EORTC, CR-UK, EFPIA) 43. The development of radiolabeled tyrosine kinase inhibitors for PET imaging P. Slobbe, G.A.M.S. van Dongen Department of Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, Radiology & Nuclear Medinie, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam 44. Towards targeted therapy: quantitative imaging with PET and long lived isotopes N. Makris, R. Boellaard, M.C. Huisman, A.A. Lammertsma Department of Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Philips Healthcare Imaging - Antibodies 45. Antibody derivatives as molecular agents for neoplastic targeting D. Vugts1,2, G.W.M. Visser2, A. Vervoort2, G.A.M.S. van Dongen1,2 Department of 1Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, and 2Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Roche 46. Imaging of cell surface antigen with radiolabeled antibodies D. Vugts, G.A.M.S. van Dongen Department of Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery and Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center Roche 47. Pharmacokinetic modelling of PET tracers in oncology E Verwer, AA Lammertsma, EF Smit, OS Hoekstra, R Boellaard Departments of Pulmonology, Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, VUmc CTMM AiRForce 48. Profiling responders in antibody therapies vacature, L. van der Laken, G.A.M.S. van Dongen Department of Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center European Community 7th Framework Project 49. SelecTive aRmed Antibodies as Drugs Against cancer vacature, G.A.M.S. van Dongen Department of Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery,Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center European Communitu Collaborative project 50. The selective targeting of angiogenesis and of tumour stroma R. Cohen1, R. de Bree1, M. Stigter-van Walsum1, G.W.M. Visser2, D. Neri3, C.R. Leemans1, G.A.M.S. van Dongen1,2 Department 1Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, 2Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 3Swiss Federal Institute of Technology,Zürich, Switzerland European commision FP6-LSHC-CT-2003-503233 Imaging - Brain tumours 51. Assessment of blood-brain barrier function in pharmacoresistant patients with tumor-related epilepsy F. Froklage1, R.A. Voskuyl7, J.J. Heimans1, N.H.M. Hendrikse3,4, J.C. Baayen2, R.M.C. Debets6, D. Velis5, A.A. Lammertsma3, J.C. Reijneveld1,5, Departments of 1Neurology, 2Neurosurgery and 3Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, 4. Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy, VU University Medical Center, Department of 5Neurology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, Departments of Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects -135 5Neurology and 6Clinical Neurophysiology, Stichting Epilepsie Instellingen Nederland (SEIN), Heemstede, and 7Department of Pharmacology, Leiden/Amsterdam Center for Human Drug Research (L/A CHDR), Leiden Europese Unie Framework Program 7 (FP7 EURIPIDES project) 52. The effect of dexamethasone on the biodistribution of [3-N-11C-methyl]temozolomide in glioblastoma multiforme patients; a pilot study M. van Linde1, H.M.W. Verheul1, B.N.M. van Berckel, M.Yaqub2, J.Eriksson, C.H. Polman3, A.A. Lammertsma2, J.J. Heimans3, N.H. Hendrikse4, E.A.M Froklage2, J.C. Reijneveld3 Department of 1Medical Oncology, 2Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, 3Neurology, 4Pharmacy, VU University Medical Centerl Amsterdam Imaging - Colorectal cancer 53. Development validation of predictive PET tracers in patients with colorectal cancer liver metastases J.A.C.M. Goos1,2, R. Fijneman2, J. Verbeek1, M.P. van den Tol3, H.M.W. Verheul4, A.D. Windhorst1, A.A. Geldof1, O.S. Hoekstra1, G.A. Meijer2 Departments of 1Radiology & Nuclear medicine, 2Pathology, 3Surgery, 4Medical Oncology, Vumc CTMM DeCoDe Imaging - Head and neck cancer 54. Detection of residual neck disease after chemoradiation by PET-CT S. Hakim1, O.S. Hoekstra2, R. de Bree1 Department of 1Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, and 2Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 55. Evaluation and prediction of response C.S. Schouten1, O.S. Hoekstra2, J.A. Castelijns2, C.R. Leemans1, R. de Bree1 Departments. of 1Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, 2Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, 3Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 4Pathology, VU University Medical Center ZonMw and CCA 945-04-311, 80-82305-98-08106 56. FDG-PET for avoidance of futile direct laryngoscopies under general anasthesia with taking op biopsies in patiens with suspicion on recurrent laryngeal carcinoma after radiotherapy L. van der Putten1, I. van der Waal3, O.S. Hoekstra2, E. Bloemena4, C.R. Leemans1, R. de Bree Depts. of 1Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, 2Radiology & Nuclear Medicine 3Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 4Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam ZonMw and CCA 57. Improvement of the sentinel node procedure in head and neck cancer by PET-CT lymfoscintigraphy, optical techniques and minimal invasive surgery. Molecular targeting of intracellular proteins in cancer D.H. Heuveling1, G.A.M.S. van Dongen1,2, A. van Schie2, O.S. Hoekstra2, C.R. Leemans1, R. de Bree1 Department 1Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, 2Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam 58. Molecular targeting of intracellular proteins in cancer D.H. Heuveling1, G.A.M.S. van Dongen1,2, C.R. Leemans1, R. de Bree1 Department of 1Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, 2Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 59. PET tracers for (chemo)radiation of lung and head and neck cancer A. Poot1, N.H. Hendrikse2,3, G.A.M.S. van Dongen1,2 Departments. of 1Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, 2Radiology & Nuclear Medicine and 3Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy, VU University Medical Center, CTMM Air Force 60. Response evaluation after chemoradiation for advanced oropharyngeal cancer using PET-CT and MRI C.S. Schouten1, J.A. Castelijns2, O.S. Hoekstra2, R. de Bree1 Department of 1Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, 2Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam ZonMw 171201005 61. Screening for distant metastases and second primary tumors with FDG-PET (The school study) A. Senft1, J.A. Castelijns2, R. de Bree1, O.S. Hoekstra2, C.R. Leemans1 Depts. of 1Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, 2Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam ZonMw Doelmatigheidsonderzoek 945-11-014 62. The predictive value of PET-DW-MRI early during chemoradiotherapy for locoregional control of advanced stage head and neck cancer D. Noij, C.S. Schouten, P. de Graaf, T. Marcus, J.Kuijer, M.Yaqub, R.Boellaard, O.Hoekstra, R. de Bree, J.A.Castelijns Departments of Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, VUmc, Amsterdam 63. Ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration cytology and sentinel node biopsy in the detection of occult lymph node metastases of early oral and oropharyngeal cancer G.B. Flach, I.J. den Toom, J. Castelijns, O.S. Hoekstra, A. van Schie, E. Bloemena, G.A.M.S. van Dongen, I. van der Waal, C.R. Leemans, R. de Bree Department Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam ZonMw 80-82305-98-08106 Imaging - Lung cancer 64. Quantification and tumor delineation with PET I. Nissen1, FH van Velden1, M Yaqub1, OS Hoekstra1, EF Smit2, R Boellaard1 Departments of 1Radiology & Nuclear Medicine & 2Pulmonology, VU University Medical Center CTMM AirForce 65. Validation of 112C-Erlotinib PETto personalize NSCLC therapy I Bahce1, EF Smit1, Yaqub M2, AA Lammertsma2, NH Hendrikse2,3 Departments of 1Pulmonology, 2Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, 3Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy, VUmc Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects -136 KWF Imaging - Paediatric tumours 66. Development of pediatric brain tumor. Diffuse intrinxic pontine glioma (DIPG) models for improvement of imaging and therapy P. Wesseling1, T. Würdinger2, E. Hulleman3, G.J. Kaspers3 Departments of 1Pathology, 2Neurooncology Research Group, 3Pediatric Oncology/ Hematology, VU University Medical Center, 4VU University RNC, 5Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA Stichting Kika Imaging - Retinoblastoma 67. Diagnosis, staging and follow-up of (trilateral) retinoblastoma M. de Jong1, P. de Graaf1, H.J. Brisse MD2, P. Galluzzi3, S. Göricke4, Ph. Maeder5, A.C. Moll6, J.A. Castelijns1 1Dept. of Radiology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam,2Dept. of Radiology, Institut Curie, Paris, France, 3 Dept. of Neuroimaging and Neurointerventional (NINT), Azienda Ospedaliera e Universitaria Santa Maria alle Scotte Siena, Italy , 4Dept. of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology and Neuroradiology, University Hospital Essen, Germany, 5 Dept. of Radiology, University Hospital, Lausanne, Switzerland, 6Dept. of Ophtalmology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 68. Imaging of retinoblastoma: advanced MRI techniques and associated abnormalities F. Rodjan1, P. de Graaf1, A.C. Moll2, P.J.W. Pouwels3, J.A. Castelijns1 1Department of Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, 2 Department of Ophthalmology, 3 Physics & Medical Technology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands ODAS Foundation Imaging - Rheumatoid diseases 69. Detection of subclinical synovitis with (R)-11C-PK11195 positron emission tomography in treated Rheumatoid Arthritis patients without clinical synovitis Y.Y.J. Gent, N. Ahmadi2, A.E. Voskuyl1, N.Hoetjes2, C. van Kuijk2, K. Bristsemmer3, F. Turkstra3, M. Boers4, O.S. Hoekstra2, C.J. van der Lakenl1 Depts of 1Rheumatology, 2Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, and 4Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics, Amsterdam VU University Medical Center, 3Department of Rheumatology, Jan van Breemen Research Institute Institute | Reade, Amsterdam 70. Development of imaging markers, using PET(-CT), for early detection of RA and therapy monitoring Y.Y.J. Gent1, K. Weijers1, I. de Greeuw2, M. Verlaan2, B. Windhorst2, A.A. Lammertsma2, O.S. Hoekstra2, B.A.C. Dijkmans1, G. Jansen1, C.F.M. Molthoff2, C.J. van der Laken1 Departments. of 1Rheumatology, 2Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Proteomics - Brain tumours 71. Phosphoproteomics of glioblastoma cells: ΔEGFR targets and erlotinib effects J.C. van der Mijn1*, R. Piersma2*, Thang V. Pham3, Tom Wurdinger3, H.M.W. Verheul1*, and Connie R. Jimenez2* 1Angiogenisis Laboratory, 2OncoProteomics Laboratory, Department of Medical Oncology, 3Department Neurosurgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. *Equal contribution. VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam and the Moller Foundation Proteomics - Breast cancer 72. Immunohistochemical validation in human breast cancer of selected protein members of the mouse 45 protein BRCA1 deficiency signature P. van der Groep1,2, M. Warmoes3, J. Lam3, Y. Smolders2, E. Boven3, S. Rottenburg4, J. Jonkers4, E. van der Wall1, P. van Diest2, C. Jimenez3 1Division of Internal Medicine and Dermatology and 2Department of Pathology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, 3Oncoproteomics Laboratory, Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 4Division of Molecular Biology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 73. PI3K pathway analysis in tumor tissue and circulating DNA to obtain further insight in the efficacy of evarolimus in combination with exemestane in postmenopausal patients with hormone receptor-positive advanced metastatic breast cancer, who have progressed on anastrozole or letrozole D.T. Kruger1, S. Linn2, S. Sleijfer3, C. Jimenez4, E. Boven1. In cooperation with Dutch Breast Cancer Trialists' Group, Amsterdam 1Dept of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center. 2NKI-AvL, Amsterdam. 3Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam. 4Head of OncoProteomics Laboratory, VU University Medical Center 74. Proteomics of mouse BRCA1-deficient and proficient mammary cell line secretomes reveals candidate biomarkers for non-invasive testing M. Warmoes¹*, S.W. Lam1*, T.V. Pham1, S.R. Piersma1, S. Rottenberg2, E. Boven1, P. van der Groep3, P.J. van Diest3, P. Nederlof2, J. Jonkers2, C.R. Jimenez1 1 Oncoproteomics Laboratory, Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 2 Division of Molecular Biology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 3Department of Pathology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands. *Equal contribution. VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam Proteomics - Colorectal cancer 75. Chromatin-associated proteins in colorectal adenoma and carcinoma tissues J.C. Knol1, J. Albrethsen1, T.V. Pham1, S.R. Piersma1, S. Mongera2, B. Carvalho2, M. de Wit2, R.J.A. Fijneman2, G.A. Meijer2, and C.R. Jimenez1 1OncoProteomics Laboratory, Department Medical Oncology, 2Department Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam. The Netherlands VUmc-Cancer Center Amsterdam 76. Colorectal cancer tissue spheroids: an in-depth proteomics analysis U. Rajcevic1, J.C. Knol2, S. Piersma2, S. Bougnaud1, T.V. Pham2, E. Sundlisaeter3, P. Enger3, R. Bjerkvig1,3, S.P. Niclou1 and C.R. Jimenez2 1NorLux Neuro-Oncology, CRP-Santé, Luxembourg, 2OncoProteomics Laboratory, Department Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam; 3Department of Biomedicine, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway Fonds National de la Recherche (FNR) of Luxembourg and the VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects -137 77. Deciphering signaling pathways in a panel of colorectal cancer cell lines by label-free titanium-oxide-based phosphoproteomics B.K. Sampadi1, S.R. Piersma1, M. Labots2, J.A.C.M. Goos3, B. Carvalho3, G.A. Meijer3, R.J.A. Fijneman3, H.M.W. Verheul2, C.R. Jimenez1 1Oncoproteomics Laboratory, Dept. Medical Oncology, 2Angiogenesis laboratory, Dept. Medical Oncology; 3Tumor Profiling Unit, Dept. Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam 78. Proteome profiling of proximal fluids from human colon cancer tissue reveals novel candidate biomarkers for early diagnosis M. de Wit1,2, H. Kant2, S. Piersma2, T. Pham2, S. Mongera1, M.P.A. van Berkel2, E. Boven2, G.A. Meijer1, R.J.A. Fijneman1**, C.R. Jimenez2***Shared corresponding authors 1Department of Pathology (Tumor Profiling Unit), 2Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.*Shared last author Aegon International Scholarship in Oncology, VUmc-Cancer Center Amsterdam 79. Proteomics of colorectal metastase tissue: high expression of serpinB5 (Maspin) is associated with poor survival in stage III and IV colorectal cancer Snoeren N1*, Emmink BL1*, Goos JA3, Piersma SR2, de Wit M3, Pham TV2, Belt EJ4, Bril H5, Stockmann HB6, Fijneman RJ3, Meijer GA3, Jimenez CR2, Kranenburg O1, Borel Rinkes IHM1 1 Department of Surgery, University Medical Center Utrecht, PO Box 85500, 3508 GA, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2 Department of Medical Oncology VU University Medical Center, De Boelelaan 1117, 1081HV, The Netherlands, 3 Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, De Boelelaan 1117, 1081HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 4 Department of Surgery, VU University Medical Center, De Boelelaan 1117, 1081HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 5 Department of Pathology, Kennemer Gasthuis, Boerhaavelaan 22, 2035 RC Haarlem, The Netherlands, 6 Department of Surgery, Kennemer Gasthuis, Boerhaavelaan 22, 2035 RC Haarlem, The Netherlands 80. Proteomics of exosomes secreted by cancer cell lines and primary cells reveals oncogenic signaling and biomarker potential M. de Wit1, R.J.A. Fijneman2 , M. Lavaei1, H. de Wit3, J. van de Wetering3, J.C. Knol1, S.R. Piersma1, T.V. Pham1, R. Steenbergen2, G.A. Meijer2, H.M.W. Verheul1, M. Pegtel2, C.R. Jimenez1 1Dept. Pathology, 2Dept. Medical Oncology, 3NCA-VU, VU University Medical Center VUmc-Cancer Center Amsterdam Proteomics - Colorectal cancer 81. Stool proteomics reveals novel candidate biomarkers for colorectal cancer screening L.J.W. Bosch1*, M. de Wit2*, G. Oudgenoeg2, A.C. Hiemstra1, S. Mongera1, S.R. Piersma2, T.V. Pham2, J.S. Terhaar sive Droste3, F.A. Oort3, S.T. van Turenhout3, I. Ben Larbi3, C.J.J. Mulder3, B. Carvalho1, C.R. Jimenez2, R.J.A. Fijneman1, G.A. Meijer1 *These authors have contributed equally to this work. 1Department of Pathology, 2Medical Oncology and 3Gastroenterology and Hepatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam and CTMM-DeCoDe Proteomics - Generic 82. Label-free phosphoproteomics: evaluation of workflow performance at normal and low protein input levels M. Labots1, K. van der Mijn1, S. Piersma2, R. de Haas1, I. de Reus2, J. Knol2, T. Pham2, N. van Grieken3, G. Meijer3, H.M.W. Verheul1, C. Jiménez2 1Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, 2OncoProteomics Laboratory, Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, 3Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam 83. Pilot study on the determination of intratumoral concentrations of kinase inhibitors in patients with advanced solid malignancies (ICK) M. Labots, M. Neerincx, J. van der Mijn, G. Peters, H.M.W. Verheul et al Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam Proteomics - Hematology 84. Phosphoproteomics for personalized treatment of acute myeloid leukemia with kinase inhibitors J.J.W.M. Janssen*, C. van Alphen, J. Cloos, G.J. Schuurhuis, G.J. Ossenkoppele, H.M.W. Verheul, C.R. Jimenez* Department of Hematology and Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center Stichting VUmc CCA 85. Phosphoproteomics for personalized treatment of acute myeloid leukemia with kinase inhibitors C. van Alphen1, J. Cloos1, G. Ossenkoppele1, G.J. Schuurhuis1, H.M.W. Verheul2, C. Jimenez2*, J. Janssen1*. 1.Dept. Hematology; 2. Dept. Medical Oncology of the VU University Medical Center. *shared senior authors VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam 86. Protein Composition of exosomes yields new insights into the endosomal-exosomal pathway of B cells during infection and malignant transformation D. Koppers-Lalic1, J. Knol2, T.V. Pham2, F. Verweij1, S. Piersma2, J. Middeldorp1, C.R. Jimenez2*, M. Pegtel1* *Shared corresponding authors 1Dept. of Pathology, VUmc, 2OncoProteomics Laboratory, Dept. Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam 87. Transfer of regulatory protein networks via extracellular vesicles as a possible mechanism of AML resistance to apoptosis A. Wojtuszkiewicz1,2, F. Kessler2, S. Zweegman2, G.J. Schuurhuis2, G. Jansen3, S. Piersma4, J. Knol4, Y.G. Assaraf5, G.J.L. Kaspers1, J. Cloos1,2, C.R. Jimenez4 1Dept of Pediatric Oncology/Hematology, 2Dept. of Hematology, 3Dept. of Rheumatology, 4Dept. of Medical Oncology VU University Medical Center, The Netherlands, 5Dept. of Biology, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam Proteomics - Lung cancer 88. Novel candidate biomarkers for cisplatin response prediction and monitoring in NSCLC T.B.M. Schaaij-Visser1, N. Proost2, R. Nagel3, S.R. Piersma1, T.V. Pham1, R.H. Brakenhoff3, F.B.J.M. Thunissen4, E.F. Smit5, A. Berns2, C.R. Jimenez1 Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects -138 1OncoProteomics Laboratory, Department of Medical Oncology, 2Division of Molecular Genetics and Centre for Biomedical Genetics, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 3Department of Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, 4Department Pathology, 5Department Pulmonology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands CTMM Airforce Proteomics - Prostate cancer 89. From prostate cancer cell exosome proteomics to urine-based biomarkers I.V. Bijnsdorp1*, A.A. Geldof1, M. Lavaei2, S.R. Piersma2, R.J.A. van Moorselaar1, C.R. Jimenez2 1. Department of Urology;2. OncoProteomics Laboratory, Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam Rheumatology 90. Acceleration, synchronisation and validation of experimental spondyloarthritis in HLA-B27+huB2m++ transgenic rats L. van Duivenvoorde1, I. de Greeuw2, M. Verlaan2, R. Bergstra2, J. van der Laken3, C.F.M. Molthoff2 1Dept. of Reumatology, AMC medical center, 2Dept. of Radiology&Nuclear Medicine and 3Reumaotology, VUmc Amsterdam AMC 91. B cells in the preclinical phase of rheumatoid arthritis S. Ozturk, C.L. Verweij Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam Reumafonds 92. Cross-regulation between TNF and IFN in rheumatidc arthritis T.D. de Jong1, S. de Ridder1, J. Beliën1, P. Welsing2, J. Luime3. C. Verweij1 1Department of Pathology, 2UMCU, 3Emc CTMM Reumafonds 93. Development of Tools (and prediction rules) to time and select therapy in treatment of pre-clinical, early, and established Rheumatoid Arthritis: Creating Enhanced Remedy (TRACER) J. Lübbers1, C. Verweij 1Department Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 94. Gene signatures in autoimmunity M. Blits, M. Pegtel. C.L. Verweij Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam 95. Personalized Medicine in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis C.L. Verweij Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam 96. TRACER Protein arrays and metabolite biomarkers to predict development of RA and response to therapy (WP8) J. Wesseling, A.E. Voskuyl, P. van der Putte, C. Verweij Dept. of Pathology, Dept. of Rheumatology, Flexgen CTMM 97. Understanding the molecular basis of the differential INFB response in relapsing remitting MS S. Vosslamber, C.T.M. van der Pouw Kraan, M. Pegtel, A.E. Voskuyl, C.L. Verweij Department of 1Pathology, 2 Neurology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam MS stichting Other 98. Assessing the need for isolation in a single room of patients colonized with highly resistant microorganisms C.M.J.E. Vandenbroucke-Grauls, J.A.J.W. Kluytmans Department of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center ZonMw 99. Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae in The Netherlands: development of phenotypical and molecular assays for detection and evaluation of the prevalence, risk factors and molecular epidemiology J.A.J.W. Kluytmans, C.M.J.E. Vandenbroucke-Grauls Department of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center ZonMw 100. Crypton I: A genome-based generalized strategy to activate cryptic antibiotic biosynthesis gene clusters in Actinomycetales C.M.J.E. Vandenbroucke-Grauls, W. Bitter Department of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center (samenwerking met RUG) STW Genbiotics grant 101. Crypton II: Continuation of Crypton I A genome-based generalized strategy to activate cryptic antibiotic biosynthesis gene clusters in Actinomycetales C.M.J.E. Vandenbroucke-Grauls, W. Bitter Department of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center (samenwerking met RUG) STW Genbiotics grant (continuation of Crypton I) 102. CTMM algemeen M. van Engeland1, C.J.H. van de Velde2, G.A. Meijer2 Department of Pathology, MUMC1, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam2 CTMM 103. Diagnostic monitoring of NPC and building a second center of expertise in Indonesia Gondowiyardjo S1, L. Adham1, A.N. Kurniawan1, J.M. Middeldorp2 1Univ Indonesia, Jakarta, 2Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam KWF 104. ICT and data analysis J. Beliën, G.A. Meijer Department Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects -139 CTMM 105. Identifying the epileptogenic zone in the absence of epileptiform discharges: bias-free network analysis applied to interictal MEG recordings I. Nissen1,2, E. van Dellen1, L. Douw1, J.J. Heimans1, J.C. Baayen4, P.C. de Witta Hamer3, G. Visser5, C.J. Stam2, J.C. Reijneveld1,4 A. Hillebrand2 Departments of 1Neurology, 2Clinical Neurophysiology, 3Neurosurgery, VU University Medical Center, 4Department of Neurology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, 5Department of Clinical Neurophysiology, Stichting Epilepsie Instellingen Nederland (SEIN), Heemstede Epilepsie Fonds NEF 14-16 106. Leukoplakie, histopathological, epidemiological and clinical analysis E. Brouns, E. Bloemena Department Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center MKZ 107. Medical technology assessment C. Uyl, V. Coupé, G.A. Meijer Department Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam CTMM 108. Multiplex NPC families in Taiwan A. Hildesheim2, J.M. Middeldorp1 1Department Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, 2 NCI-NIH, USA RTI, USA 109. Pathogen Trace P. Savelkoul Department Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam EU-FP7 110. TRACER ICT S. de Ridder, J. Beliën, C. Verweij Department of Pathology and Reumatology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam 111. Validation of citrulline as a marker of small intestine absorption capacity: a pilot study J.H.C. Peters1, N.J. Wierdsma2, C.J.J. Mulder1, P.A.M. van Leeuwen3 and A.A. van Bodegraven1 1Department of Gastroenterology, Small Bowel Disease Unit, 2Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, 3Department of Experimental Surgery, VU University medical center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands Program 4 Angiogenesis 1. Exploring the role of endothelial galectins in tumor angiogenesis I. Schulkens1, A.W. Griffioen1, V.L.J.L. Thijssen1,2 Departments. of 1Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, 2Radiotherapy, VU University Medical Center KWF 2009-4358 Brain cancer 2. Cross-talk in the brain tumor micro-environment: microRNAs and microvesicles M. Smits1,2, S. van Rijn1,2 , P. van der Stoop1,2, J. Berenguer1,2, W.P. Vandertop1,2, D.P. Noske1,2, T Wurdinger1,2,3 Departments. of 1Neurosurgery, 2Neuro-oncology Research Group, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam. 3Molecular Neurogenetics Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA NWO-VIDI, Van Reekum/van Moorselaar stichting, CCA/STR, Swedish Research Council 3. Developing in vitro and in vivo models of diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG) and pre-clinical testing of novel therapies A.C.P. Sewing1,4, T. Lagerweij 4, D Biesmans 4, SEM Veldhuijzen van Zanten1, D Noske 2.4, P. Wesseling 3,4, D.G. van Vuurden1,4, T. Wurdinger, G.J.L. Kaspers1, E. Hulleman 1,4 Departments of 1Pediatric oncology, 2Neurosurgery, 3Pathology 4Neuro-oncology Research Group Cancer Center Amsterdam, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam KiKa 4. Development of novel treatment options targeting invasive malignant glioma cells P. van der Stoop, V.W. van Beusechem, T. Wurdinger, D. Noske Department of Neurosurgery and Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam VIDI grant Tom Wurdinger 5. Drug distribution and local drug delivery in diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma S.E.M. Veldhuijzen van Zanten, D.G. van Vuurden, M.H.A. Jansen, W.P. Vandertop, G.J.L. Kaspers 1Pediatric Oncology/ Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 2 Neurosurgical Center Amsterdam, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Stichting Semmy 6. Gemcitabine and PI3Kinase-Akt pathway inhibition to enhance radiotherapy in human glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) M El-Naggar, C Fedrigo, P. Sminia, GJ Peters Department Of Medical Oncology and Radiation Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 7. Growth factors as a target for the treatment of diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma J. Janzen1,2, D.G. van Vuurden1,2, G.J.L. Kaspers1, E. Hulleman1,2 Department of 1Pediatric oncology / 2Neuro-oncology Research Group Cancer Center Amsterdam, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam Stichting Semmy 8. Monitoring of treatment response to EGFRvIII-targeted treatment in patients with glioblastoma through blood profiling N. Sol1,2, T. Würdinger2, H.M.W. Verheul3, J.J. Heimans1, B. Ylstra4, P. Wesseling4, J.C. Reijneveld1,3 Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects -140 Departments of 1Neurology, 2Neurosurgery, 3Medical Oncology and 4Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, Department of 5 Neurology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam KWF Kankerbestrijding VU 2013-5751 9. Prediction of response to radiotherapy with concomitant and adjuvant Temozolomide in glioblastoma patients with serum proteomics M.E. Van Linde1, J.C. van der Mijn1, T.V. Pham1, J.C. Knol1, L.E. Wedekind3, J. Buter1, T. Wurdinger3, C.R. Jimenez1, J.C. Reijneveld2, H.M.W. Verheul1 Departments. of 1Medical Oncology, 2Neurology and 3Neurosurgery of the VU University Medical Center Amsterdam 10. Targeted therapy in pediatric brain tumors D.G. van Vuurden1,4, E. Hulleman2,4, P. van der Stoop2,4, T. Wurdinger2,4, M. Irandoust1,3, G.J.L. Kaspers1, J. Cloos1,3 Departments of 1Pediatric Oncology/ Hematology, 2Neurosurgery, 3Hematology and 4Neuro-Oncology Research Group, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam VONK 11. Treatment strategies and new diagnostic tools for malignant pontine gliomas M.H.A. Jansen1, D.G. van Vuurden1, W.P. Vandertop2, G.A.M.S. van Dongen3,4, O.S. Hoekstra4, G.J.L. Kaspers1 1Department Pediatrics, Pediatric Oncology/-Hematology, 2Department Neurosurgery, 3Department Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery and 4Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, 4Department Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Semmy Foundation 12. Unravelling diffuse pontine glioma E. Hulleman1,2, P.J. van der Spek3, G.J.L. Kaspers1 Department of 1Pediatric oncology / 2Neuro-oncology Research Group Cancer Center Amsterdam, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, 3 Bioinformatics Center ErasmusMC, Rotterdam Complete Genomics Colorectal cancer 13. A phase I study of SGI-110 combined with irinotecan followed by a randomized phase II study of SGI-110 combined with irinotecan versus regorafenib in previously treated metastatic colorectal cancer patients (CORSICA) E. Gootjes, N. Ahuja, I. Browner, D. Cosgrove, L. Diaz, A. de Jesus Acosta, R. Donehower, D. Laheru, D. Le, K. McIntyre, E. Petito, Z. Rasheed, L. Zheng, A. el-Khoueiry, H.M.W. Verheul, N. Azad Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 14. Individualized treatment of patients with advanced colorectal cancer based on miRNA expression profiling M. Neerincx, D. Poel, T. Buffart, G.A. Meijer, B. Ylstra, M. v.d. Wiel, D. Sie, H.M.W. Verheul Department of Medical Oncology VU University Medical Center Amsterdam 15. Innovations in local treatment and imaging of colorectal liver metastases K. Nielsen1, H.J. Scheffer2, M.P. van den Tol1, E.F.I. Comans2, M.R. Meijerink2, S. Meijer1 Departments of 1Surgery, 2Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Donation 16. Radiosensitization by TAS-102 in colorectal cancer M. El-Naggar1,4, J. van den Berg 2, I. Bijnsdorp3, P. Sminia2, G.J. Peters4 1Assiut University Hospital, Egypt; Departments of 2Radiation Oncology and 3 Urology 4Medical Oncology, VU UniversityMedicalCenter, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 17. Treatment optimization of cetuximab in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer based on tumor uptake of 89Zrlabeled cetuximab assessed by PET C. Menke, E. Gootjes, E. van Helden, G.A.M.S. van Dongen, O.S. Hoekstra, H.M.W. Verheul Department of Medical Oncology and Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam Gastroenterology 18. Absorptiometry in health and disease N.J. Wierdsma1, M.A.E. van Bokhorst-van der Schueren1, C.J.J. Mulder2, A.A. van Bodegraven2 1Department of Nutrition and Dietetcs and 2Department of Gastroenterology, Small Bowel Disease Unit, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 19. Immunogenetic and therapeutic aspects of autoimmune hepatitis N.M.F. van Gerven1, B.J. Verwer1, Y.S. de Boer1, C.J.J. Mulder1, E. Bloemena2, G. Kraal3, C.M.J. van Nieuwkerk1, G. Bouma1 1. Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, VU University Medical Center, 2. Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, 3. Department of Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center Head and neck cancer 20. Detection of tumour recurrence in H&N cancer patients who are treated with chemoradiotherapy: comparison of PET and MRI V.Jagesar , P. de Graaf, O.Hoekstra, R. de Bree, J.A.Castelijns Departments of Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, VUmc 21. Electrochemotherapy D.H. Heuveling, C.R. Leemans, R. de Bree Department of Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam IGEA 22. Epstein barr virus activation and cytolytic antivirual therapy in nasopharyngeal patients O. Ramayanti1, A.E. Greijer1, I.B. Tan2, J. Kurnianda3, J.M. Middeldorp1 1Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, 2Department Of Head and Neck Surgery & Medical Oncology, NKI, Amsterdam, 3Department Medicine, Gadjah Mada University KWF VU 2010-4809 23. Hypothyroidism after treatment for laryngeal cancer A.M. Lo Galbo, R. de Bree, C.R. Leemans Department Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 24. Improvement of treatment of head and neck cancer. General aspects R. de Bree1, D.A. Heuveling1, S. Hakim1, C.S. Schouten1, S. van Weert1, P. Doornaert2, K.H. Karagozoglul3, J. Buter4 , O.S. Hoekstra5, J.A. Castelijns5, C.R. Leemans1 Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects -141 Depts. of 1Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, 2Radiation Oncology, 3Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 4 Medical Oncology, 5 Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam ZonMw 25. MRI characteristics of Whartin tumours F.Alberts , R.Ljumanovic, P. de Graaf, O.Hoekstra, R. de Bree, J.A.Castelijns Departments of Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, VUmc 26. New therapy for Epstein-Barr virus driven tumours by targeting the virus itself Z. Novalic1, A.E. Greijer1, I.B. Tan2, J.P. de Boer2, J.M. Middeldorp1 1Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, 2Department Of Head and Neck Surgery & Medical Oncology, NKI, Amsterdam ZonMw 27. Salvage treatment after (chemo)radiation L. van der Putten, C.R. Leemans, R. de Bree Department of Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Hematology 28. Application of bortezomib in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia D. Niewerth1,2, J. van Meerloo1, S. Zweegman2, G.J.L. Kaspers1, G. Jansen3, J. Cloos1,2 Departments. of 1Pediatric Oncology/Hematology, 2Hematology and 3Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Stichting KIKA Hematology 29. Characterization of relapsed acute myeloid leukemia C. Bachas1,2, Z.J. Kwidama1,2, G.J. Schuurhuis2, G.J.L. Kaspers1 J. Cloos1,2. Departments. of 1Pediatric Oncology/ Hematology and 2Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam KWF KWF 2005-3666 30. Clonal evolution of acute myeloid leukemia stem cells R. Wouters1,2, C. Bachas1,2, Z.J. Kwidama1,2, E. Sonneveld3, L. Smit2, G.J. Ossenkoppele2, G.J.L. Kaspers1 G.J. Schuurhuis2, J. Cloos1,2. Departments. of 1Pediatric Oncology/ Hematology and 2Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 3Dutch Childhood Oncology Group, The Hague VONK 31. Drug resistance in childhood leukemia N.E. Franke1, J. van Meerloo1,2, D Niewerth1,2, S.E. Verbrugge3, R.X. de Menezes4, W.J. Chng6, B.A.C. Dijkmans3, Y.G. Assaraf7, G.J.L. Kaspers1, G. Jansen3, J. Cloos1,2 Depts. of 1Pediatric Oncology/Hematology, 2Hematology, 3Rheumatology and 4Epidemiology and Biostatistics , VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 4Dept. of Medicine, National University of Singapore, 7Dept of Biology, TechnionIsrael Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel Stichting Translation Research and ZonMw PV06/08 CCA 32. EUTOS project: (European Treatment and Outcome Study) N. Thielen, J.J.W.M. Janssen, G.J. Ossenkoppele Department of Hematology, VU University Medical Center 33. Identification of targeted therapies for anaplastic large cell lymphoma based on apoptosis expression profiles C.J.L.M. Meijer, G.J. Ossenkoppele, S. Cillessen Department of Pathology en Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam KWF 2010-4704 34. Improvement of diagnosis and treatment of childhood leukemia in Indonesia P.H. Widjajanto1, E. Supriyadi1, J. Cloos2,3, Y. Nency4, S. Gunawan5, S. Mostert2, M.N. Sitaresmi1, G.J.L. Kaspers2, Sutaryo1, A.J.P. Veerman2 1Department of Pediatrics, Dr Sardjito Hospital, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia; 2Departments of Pediatric Oncology/Hematology and 3Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 4Department Pediatrics, dr Kariadi Hospital, Un. Diponegoro, Semarang, 5Department of Pediatrics dr Kandou Hospital, Un Sam Ratulangi, Manado Dutch Cancer Society grant IN 2006-22 35. Improvement of diagnosis of childhood leukemia in the Yogyakarta special region in Indonesia E. Supriyadi1, A.J.P. Veerman2, Purwanto1, P.H. Widjajanto1, S. Mostert2, M.N. Sitaresmi1, Sutaryo1, J. Cloos2,3. 1Department of Pediatrics, Dr Sardjito Hospital, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia; 2Departments of Pediatric Oncology/Hematology and 3Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam KWF IN-2006-22 36. PET-CT of biodistribution of rituximab in relation to therapeutic outcome and histological response of lymphoid tissue in rheumatoid arthritis patients S.T. Bruijnen1, A.E. Voskuyl1, G. Jansen1, G.A.M.S. van Dongen2, M.C. Huisman2, O.S. Hoekstra2, A.A. Lammertsma2, P.P. Tak3, Boumans J.H.M., C.J. van der Laken1. Departments of 1Rheumatology, 2Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center, Department of Rheumatology & Immunology3, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam 37. Prediction of achievement of deep molecular responses to combination treatment with nilotinib and pegylated interferonalpha in chronic myeloid leukemia J.J.W.M. Janssen, M. Koppes, G.J. Schuurhuis, G.J. Ossenkoppele Department of Hematology, VU University Medical Center Novartis Netherlands 38. Predictive value of stem cell enumeration for the response to nilotinib in newly diagnosed CML patients N. Thielen, A. Zevenbergen, B. van Kuijk, W. Pouwels, G.J. Schuurhuis, G.J. Ossenkoppele, J.J.W.M. Janssen Department of Hematology, VU University Medical Center Novartis 39. Target identification specific for leukemic stem cells of acute myeloid leukemia H. Verhagen1, D. de Leeuw1, F. Denkers1, P. Celie2, R. Kerkhoven3, I. de Rink3, M. Terwijn1, A. Rutten1, W. Pouwels1, B. Ylstra4, R. Menezes5, G. Ossenkoppele1, G.J. Schuurhuis1 and L. Smit1 Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects -142 1Department of Hematology, 4Department of Pathology, 5Department of Biostatistics, Cancer Center Amsterdam, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.2Protein facility, 3Genomics Core Facility, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam 40. The identification of microRNAs specific for leukemic stem cells in acute myeloid leukemia D. de Leeuw1, F. Denkers1, K. A. Rutten1, W. Pouwels1, R.Kerkhoven2, I de Rink2, P. de Palma3, P. Valk4, R. Menezes5, C. Jimenez6, G.J. Schuurhuis1, G. Ossenkoppele1, L. Smit1 1Department of Hematology, 5Department of Biostatistics, 6Proteomic Facility, Cancer Center Amsterdam, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 2Genomics Core Facility, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 3Institut Suisse de RechercheExperimentalesur le Cancer ( ISREC), Lausanne, Swiss. 4Department of Hematology, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands AICR and Interna 41. The role of impaired FPGS splicing in methotrexate response in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia A.M. Wojtuszkiewicz1,2, G.J. Peters3, G. Jansen4, Y.G. Assaraf5, G.J.L. Kaspers1, J. Cloos1,2 2Depts. of 1Pediatric Oncology/Hematology, 2Hematology, 3Medical Oncology and 4Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 5Department of Biology, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel Stichting KIKA (kinderen kankervrij) 42. The role of minimal residual disease, and leukemic stem cells herein, in clinical decision making W. Zeijlemaker, G.J. Ossenkoppele, GJ. Schuurhuis Department Of Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Hematology Foundation 43. The therapeutic potential of IGF1R inhibition and IGFBP7 in the specific eradication of leukemic stem cells in acute myeloid leukemia H. Verhagen1, D. de Leeuw1, F. Denkers1, P. Celie2, R. Kerkhoven3, I. de Rink3, M. Terwijn1, A. Rutten1, W. Pouwels1, B. Ylstra4, R. Menezes5, G. Ossenkoppele1, G.J. Schuurhuis1 and L. Smit1 1Department of Hematology, 4Department of Pathology, 5Department of Biostatistics, Cancer Center Amsterdam, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.2Protein facility, 3Genomics Core Facility, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam 44. Therapeutic targeting of EVI-1 positive acute myeloid leukemia stem cells B. Venniker-Punt, H. Verhagen, D. de Leeuw, A. Rutten, P. Merle, G. Ossenkoppele, G.J. Schuurhuis, L. Smit Department of Hematology University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands St. Vu Steunfonds Hematologie 45. Treatment and survival of indolent and aggressive NHL patients; population based studies in the Netherlands D.E. Issa, M. Wondergem, O. Visser, J.M. Zijlstra, M.E.D. Chamuleau, P.C. Huijgens, S. Zweegman Department of Hematology, VU University Medical Center Immunotherapy 46. A phase I open-label clinical trial, evaluating the therapeutic vaccine hVEGF-trunc/PEP-A10 in patients with advanced solid tumors M.Q. Wentink, A.W. Griffioen, T.D. de Gruijl, P.Timmerman, J.J van der Vliet, H.M.W. Verheul Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam 47. Development of DCOne and novel AML-derived cell lines for DC-based allogeneic tumor vaccination J.M. Ruben1, N. Kerkhoff1, W. Van den Ancker1, S.J.A.M. Santegoets2, M. Koppes1, P.J.G.T.B. Wijnands3, A. Reurs3, M. Meerendonk3, J. Kaspers3, S. van Wetering3, A.J.M. van den Eertwegh2, Rik J. Scheper2,4, G.J. Ossenkoppele1, A.M. Kruisbeek3, A.A. van de Loosdrecht1, T.D. de Gruijl2 Departments of 1Hematology, 2Medical Oncology, 3DC Prime BV, and the Department of 4Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands ZonMW Translationeel Research Grant, DCPrime BV 40-41200-98-9106 48. Immune correlates of clinical response and survival in castration resistant prostate cancer patients treated with Prostate GVAX and anti-CTLA4 immunotherapy S.J.A.M. Santegoets2, A.J.M. van den Eertwegh1, A.G.M. Stam2, S.M. Lougheed1, H. Gall1, P.E.T. Scholten2, B.M.E. von Blomberg2, E. Hooijberg2, K. Jooss4, N. Sacks4, K. Hege4, I. Lowy5, R.J. Scheper2, W.R. Gerritsen1, T.D. de Gruijl1 Departments of 1Medical Oncology and 2Pathology of the VU University medical center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 3Abramson Family Cancer Research Institute, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA; 4Cell Genesys Inc.,South San Francisco, CA; 5Medarex, Bloomsbury, NJ Prostate Cancer Foundation Research Award, Dutch Cancer Society KWF-VU 2006-3697 49. Immunomodulation of the sentinel lymph node K.M. van Pul1, R. van de Ven1, B.D. Koster1, M.F.C.M. van den Hout2, B.J.R. Sluijter3, S.M. Lougheed1, S.J.A.M. Santegoets1, H.B.A.C. Stockmann4, P.A.M. van Leeuwen3, S. Meijer3, R.J. Scheper2, R.J.C.L.M. Vuylsteke4, P. van den Tol3, A.J.M. van den Eertwegh1, T.D. de Gruijl1 Departments of 1Surgical Oncology, 2Medical Oncology, and 3Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands and 4Department of Surgery, Kennemergasthuis, Haarlem, The Netherlands. Harry J. Lloyd Charitable Trust, Heelkundefonds 50. Phase I-II study of everolimus and low-dose oral cyclophosphamide in patients with metastatic renal cell cancer C.M. Huijts1, S.J.A.M. Santegoets1, A.J.M. van den Eertwegh1, L.S. Pijpers1, J.B. Haanen2, T.D. de Gruijl1, H.M.W. Verheul1, H.J. van der Vliet1 Department of 1Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam; 2 Division of Immunology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam Lung cancer 51. Activity of Novel Irreversible Inhibitors of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor in Non Small Cell Lung Cancer E. Galvani,a,b C. Carmi,c F. Vacondio,c A. Cavazzoni,a R.R. Alfieri,a E. Giovannetti,b M. Mor,c P.G. Petronini,a G.J. Peters.b a University of Parma, Department of Experimental Medicine, Italy; bVU University Medical Center, Department of Medical Oncology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; c University of Parma, Pharmaceutical Department, Italy Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects -143 AIRC (Italian Association for Cancer Research) 52. Evaluation of DTS for spine position monitoring and lung tumour position verification J. van Sörnsen de Koste, M. Dahele, L. van der Weide-Berkelaar, S. Senan, B.J. Slotman, W.F.A.R. Verbakel Department of Radiation Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Varian Medical Systems, Palo Alto, USA 53. Stereotactic ablative radiotherapy for early-stage lung cancer S. Senan, W.F.A.R. Verbakel, F.J. Lagerwaard, D.A. Palma2, C.J. Haasbeek, C.L. Ong, A.V. Louie, D. Rodrigues, N.E. Verstegen, J.P. Cuijpers, A.V. Louie2, J.T.Annema3, B.J., Slotman 1.Departments of Radiation Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 2Department of Radiation Oncology, London Regional Cancer Program, London, Ontario, Canada, and 3Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 3 Department of Pulmonology, Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Canadian Association of Radiation Oncology Elekta Research fellowship; Resident Research Career Development Award from the University of Western Ontario; Detweiler Travelling Fellowship from the Royal College of Canadian Physicians and Surgeons of Canada 54. The molecular mechanisms underlying bortezomib sensitization to rhTRAIL differ among individual Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Cells L.H.A.M. de Wilt1*, J.H. Stegehuis2*, M. Klok2,E.G.E de Vries2, G. Jansen3, S. de Jong2, G.J. Peters1, F.A.E. Kruyt2 1Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2Department of Medical Oncology, University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands, 3Department of Rheumatology, VU UniversityMedicalCenter, Amsterdam, the Netherlands 55. The novel thymidylate synthase inhibitorTrifluorothymidine (TFT) and TRAIL synergistically eradicate non-small cell lung cancer cells K. Azijli1,2, I. van Roosmalen1, J. Smit2, S. Yuvaraj1, M. Fukushima3,S. de Jong1,I.V. Bijnsdorp2,4, and G.J. Peters2, F.A.E. Kruyt1* 1. Department of Medical Oncology, University of Groningen, UniversityMedicalCenterGroningen, Groningen, the Netherlands; 2. Department of Medical Oncology, VU UniversityMedicalCenter, Amsterdam, the Netherlands; 3. Tokushima Research Center, Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Tokushima, Japan; 4. Department of Urology, VU UniversityMedicalCenter, Amsterdam, the Netherlands Oncolytic adenovirus 56. Enhancement of the oncolytic potency of conditionally replicative adenoviruses W. Dong1, K.Y. Au1, A. Gros2, J.W.G. van Ginkel1, M. Cascallo2, W.R. Gerritsen3, R. Alemany2, J.J.M. Meulenberg1, V.W. van Beusechem1,3 1ORCA Therapeutics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 2Translational Research Laboratory, IDIBELL-Institut Català d’Oncologia, Barcelona, Spain; and 3Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 57. Exploiting miRNA to enhance oncolytic adenovirus potency V.W. van Beusechem1,2, J. Hodzic1, T. Gupta1, H. Kristyanto1, A. Vermeulen3, J. Karpilow3, J.J.M. Meulenberg2 1Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 2ORCA Therapeutics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 3Thermo Fisher Scientific, Dharmacon RNAi Technologies, Lafayette, CO, USA 58. Virotherapy of glioblastoma multiforme using an infectivity-enhanced selectively replication-competent adenovirus V.W. van Beusechem1, M.L.M. Lamfers2, J.M. Amado de Azevedo1, I.H. van der Meulen-Muileman1, S. Idema3, W.R. Gerritsen1, W.P. Vandertop3, D.P. Noske3, C.M.F. Dirven2 Departments. of 1Medical Oncology and 3Neurosurgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam; 2Department Neurosurgery, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam ZonMw Translationeel Gentherapeutisch Onderzoek 43200003 Pancreatic cancer 59. Crizotinib inhibits metabolic inactivation of gemcitabine in ortothopic pancreatic tumors from primary cells with c-Met overexpression A. Avan1*, V. Caretti2,3*, N. Funel4,*, E. Galvani1, M. Maftouh1, R.J. Honeywell1, T. Lagerweij3, O. Van Tellingen5, D. Campani4, D. Fuchs6, H.M.W. Verheul1, G.J. Schuurhuis7, U. Boggi4, G.J. Peters1, T. Würdinger3,8, E. Giovannetti1,# 1Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 2Department of Neurology & Neurological Sciences, Stanford University Hospital, Stanford, California, US; 3Neuro-oncology Research Group, Departments of Neurosurgery and Pediatric Oncology/Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 4Department of Surgery, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy; 5Diagnostic Oncology Division, Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 6VisualSonics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 7Department of Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 8Molecular Neurogenetics Unit, Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital and Neuroscience Program, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, US 60. CYB5A role in pancreatic cancer prognosis and autophagy modulation E. Giovannetti1, Q. Wang7, A. Avan1, N. Funel4, E. Galvani1, T. Lagerweij2, D. Chiasserini1, J.-H. Lee7, V. Caretti2,5, A. van der Velde3, U.Boggi4, Y. Wang7, E. Vasile4, G.J. Peters1, T. Wurdinger2,6, G. Giaccone7 1Dept. Medical Oncology, 2Dept. Neurosurgery, VU University Medical Center, and 3Centre for Integrative Bioinformatics, VU University, 1081HV, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 4Dept. RicercaTraslazionale e delleNuoveTecnologie in Medicina e Chirurgia, University of Pisa, 56100 Pisa, Italy; 5Dept. Neurology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-5461, US, 6Dept. Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital and Neuroscience Program, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02129, US; 7Medical Oncology Branch, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 208921906, US 61. Molecular mechanisms involved in the synergistic interaction of the EZH2 inhibitor 3-deazaneplanocin A (DZNeP) with gemcitabine in pancreatic cancer cells A. Avan1,* F. Crea2,* E. Paolicchi2,* N. Funel3, E. Galvani1, V.E. Marquez4, R. Honeywell1, R. Danesi2, G.J. Peters1,# E. Giovannetti1 1Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 2Department of Internal Medicine, University of Pisa, Italy; 3Department of Surgery, University of Pisa, Italy; 4NIH, Frederick, MD, US CCA Foundation Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects -144 62. Phospho-Akt overexpression is prognostic and can be used to tailor the synergistic interaction of the novel Akt inhibitor perifosine with gemcitabine in pancreatic cancer Mina Maftouh1,*, Amir Avan1,3,* Abolfazl Avan1, Anne van Krieken1, Nicole van Grieken2, RajivRaktoe1, Niccola Funel4, Sara Caponi5, Ugo Boggi6, Leticia L. Leon7, B. Aicher8, Godefridus J. Peters1,# Elisa Giovannetti1 Departments of 1Medical Oncology and 2Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, De Boelelaan 1117, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 3Biochemistry of Nutrition Research Center, and Department of New Sciences and Technology, Faculty of Medicine, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran; Departments of 4Pathological Surgery, 5Oncology, and 6General Surgery and Transplants University of Pisa, via Roma 55, 56100 Pisa, Italy; 7Center for Biomedical Research of the Canary Islands, Instituto de TecnologiasBiomedicas, University of La Laguna, La Laguna, Spain, 8Æterna Zentaris GmbH, Weismuellerstrasse 50, 60314 Frankfurt am Main, Germany 63. Phosphoproteomics and the prediction of outcome and treatment of pancreatic cancer T.Y.S. Le Large, E. Giovannetti, M. Bijlsma, C. Jimenez, H.M.W. Verheul Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam 64. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: a Tale of MiR-101, MiR-21 and MiR-155 in Pancreatic Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasms Giovannetti E1, Caponi S,2 Funel N,3 Frampton AE,4 Santarpia L,6 Van der Velde A,7 L.R. Jiao,4 Falcone A,2 Kazemier G,8 Meijer GA,9 Vasile E,2 Boggi U,5 Verheul HMW,1 Peters GJ1 1Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, 2Unit Medical Oncology-2, Pisa, Italy; 3Department of Surgical Pathology, Pisa University, Pisa, Italy; 4HPB Surgical Unit, Department of Surgery, Imperial College, London, UK; 5Department of Oncology, Division of Surgery, Pisa University Pisa, Italy; 6Department of Oncology, Translational Research Unit, Hospital of Prato, Prato, Italy; 7Centre for Integrative Bioinformatics, VU University; 8Department of Surgery, VU University Medical Center; 9Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center NWO-Veni grant 65. Unraveling the role of CYB5A in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC): correlation with clinical outcome and functional characterization in the modulation of autophagy and oncogenic phenotypes E. Giovannetti,1,* Q. Wang,5,* A. Avan,1 N. Funel,4 T. Lagerweij,2 J.-H. Lee,5 V. Caretti,2 M. Masini,4 U. Boggi,4 Y. Wang,5 E. Vasile,4 H.M.W. Verheul,1 T. Wurdinger,2,4 G. Giaccone5, G.J. Peters,1 1Dept. MedicalOncology, and 2Dept. Neuro-Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 3Dipartimento di RicercaTraslazionale e delleNuoveTecnologie in Medicina e Chirurgia, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy; 4Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General HospitalandHarvardMedical School, Boston, MA, USA; 5Medical OncologyBranch, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, USA NWO - Veni grant to Elisa Giovannetti 66. A formula based on cystatin C for individual carboplatin dosing in children H.N. Blufpand1, G.J.L. Kaspers1, F.C.H. Abbink1, A.J. Wilhelm2, R.J. Honeywell3, G.J. Peters3, B. Stoffel-Wagner5, A. Bökenkamp4 Department of 1Pediatric Oncology/Hematology, 2Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy, 3Medical Oncology, 4Pediatric Nephrology all VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 5Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Pharmacology, University of Bonn - Medical Center, Bonn, Germany VUmc Research on Childhood Cancer - VONK and Fonds NutsOhra 67. A medication diary-book for childhood cancer patients in Kenya G. Olbara1, F. Njuguna1, P.M. van de Ven2, J. Skiles3 , G.J.L. Kaspers4 , S. Mostert4 1 Department of Pediatrics, Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, Eldoret, Kenya, 2 Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 3 Department of Hematology-Oncology and Academic Model Providing Access to Healthcare (AMPATH) program, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, United States of America, 4 Department of Pediatric Oncology-Hematology and Doctor 2 Doctor program, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands 68. Compliance with childhood cancer treatment in Kenya F. Njuguna1, P.M. van de Ven2, J. Skiles3 ,G.J.L. Kaspers4, S. Mostert4 1 Department of Pediatrics, Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, Eldoret, Kenya, 2 Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 3 Department of Hematology-Oncology and Academic Model Providing Access to Healthcare (AMPATH) program, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, United States of America 4 Department of Pediatric Oncology-Hematology and Doctor 2 Doctor program, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands SIOP International Fellowship 69. Elucidation and interference of resistance to temozolomide in pediatric and adult gliomas L. Hiddingh1,2,3, D.P. Noske1,3, W.P. Vandertop1, P. Wesseling4,5 G.J.L. Kaspers2, T. Wurdinger1,3,6 Departments of 1Neurosurgery and 2Pediatric oncology / 3Neuro-oncology Research Group, Cancer Center Amsterdam, Department of 4Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, Department of 5Pathology, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center, Molecular Neurogenetics Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA6 KiKa, Stichting Stophersentumoren.nl 70. In vitro drug response and efflux transporters associated with drug resistance in pediatric high grade glioma and diffuse intrinsic pontineglioma S.J. Veringa, D. Biesmans, D.G. van Vuurden M.H. Jansen, L.E. Wedekind, I. Horsman, P. Wesseling, W.P. Vandertop, D.P. Noske, G.J. Kaspers, E. Hulleman Departments of Pediatric Oncology/Hematology, Pathology and Neurosurgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 71. Parents’ and Health-Care Providers’ Perspectives on Side-Effects of Childhood Cancer Treatment in Manado, Indonesia S. Gunawan1, E.E. Wolters2, J.A.P. van Dongen2, P.M. van de Ven3, M.N. Sitaresmi4, A.J.P. Veerman2, M.F.J. Mantik1, G.J.L. Kaspers2, S. Mostert2 1Department of Pediatric Oncology-Hematology, Prof Dr RD Kandou Hospital, Manado, Indonesia, 2Department of Pediatric Oncology-Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 3 Epidemiology and Biostatistics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 4 Department of Pediatrics, Dr Sardjito Hospital, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 72. The role of epigenetics in the treatment of pediatric brain tumors Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects -145 S.E. Mir1, E. Hulleman1,2, D. Biesman1, M. Smits2, S. Pons4, T. Wurdinger2, D. Noske2, G.J.L. Kaspers1, J. Cloos1,3 Departments of 1Pediatric Oncology/ Hematology, 2Neurosurgery, and 3Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 4Department of Cell Death and Proliferation, Institute for Biomedical Research of Barcelona Mozaiek, KWF fellowship Personalized medicine 73. A randomized multicenter clinical trial for patients with multi-ORgan, Colorectal cancer metastases comparing the combination of cHEmotherapy and maximal tumor debulking versuS chemoTheRapy Alone: ORCHESTRA. E. Gootjes, D. Poel, J. Voortman, M. Neerincx, T. Buffart, E.van Meerten, P. van den Tol, J.W.A Burger, M.R. Meijerink, N. Haasbeek, J.J. Nuyttens, P. van de Ven, C.R. Jimenez, A.J. Ten Tije, L. te Velde, S. Dwarkasing, O.S. Hoekstra, G.A. Meijer, K. Biermann, D. W. Albeda, C. Verhoef, H.M.W. Verheul Department of Medical Oncology, Pathology and Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam 74. Adaptation of a human gut epithelial model in relation to the assessment of clinical pharmacokinetic parameters for selected tyrosine kinase inhibitors R.J. Honeywell, C. Fatmawati, I. Kathman, G.J. Peters Dept. of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, PO Box 7057, 1007 MB Amsterdam, The Netherlands 75. Clinical evaluation of the underlying mechanisms of targeted therapy related toxicities M. Rovithi1, H. Berkhof2, T.D. de Gruijl1, C.R. Jimenez1, M.Labots1, G.A. Meijer3, G.J. Peters1, S.Santegoets1, A.A. van Bodegraven4, N.C.T van Grieken3, C. van Montfrans5, A.J.M van den Eertwegh1, H.M.W. Verheul1 Departments of 1Medical Oncology, 2Biostatistics, 3 Pathology, 4 Gastroenterology and 5 Dermatology of the VU University Medical Center 76. Design and synthesis of Quinazolinone Tagged Acridones as Cytotoxic Agents and their EGFR Tyrosine Kinase Inhibition Studies V.V.S. Rajendra Prasad3,4, Y. Rajesh Babu 1, M. Bhagavanraju1, G. Deepak Reddy2, G.J. Peters4 1Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Gland Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Narsapur, India. 2Medicinal Chemistry Research Division, Vishnu Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Narsapur, India. 3Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Sitha Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Bachupally, Hyderabad, India. 4Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 77. Metabolism, mechanism of action and sensitivity profile of fluorocyclopentenylcytosine (RX-3117; TV-1360) G.J. Peters1, K. Smid1, L. Vecchi1, I. Kathmann1, D. Sarkisjan1, R.J. Honeywell, N. Losekoot1, O. Ohne2, A. Orbach2, E. Blaugrund2, L. Shin Jeong3, Y. Bok Lee4, C.H. Ahn4, D. Kim4. 1Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, PO Box 7057, 1007 MB Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 2Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., Innovative Global Branded Products, P.O.BOX 8077, Hatrufa St. , Poleg Industrial Zone, Netanya 42504, Israel; 3College of Pharmacy, Ewha Woman's University, Seoul, Korea, 4Rexahn Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Rockville, Maryland, USA 78. Prediction of response to kinase inhibitors based on protein phosphorylation profiles in tumor tissue from advanced renal cell cancer patients (PRESPECT) J. van der Mijn, M. Labots, G.J. Peters, A.J.M. van den Eertwegh, T.D. de Gruijl, C.R. Jimenez, T. Pham, S. Piersma, G.A. Meijer, D.L. van der Peet, M.R. Meijerink, J.Berkhof, H.M.W. Verheul Department of Medical Oncology, Surgery, Epidemiology and Biostatistics and Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam 79. Selection of the best blood compartment to measure cytidine deaminase activity to stratify for optimal gemcitabine or cytarabine treatment M. Maulandi1,2, R.J. Honeywell1, E. Giovannetti1, N. Losekoot1, M.C. Etienne-Grimaldi3, G. Milano3, C. Serdjebi2, J. Ciccolini2, G.J. Peters1, for the EORTC-Pharmacology and Molecular Mechanism Group 1Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, PO Box 7057, 1007 MB Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ² Transfer Oncology Laboratory, Aix-Marseille University, Marseille, France.³ Laboratoired'Oncopharmacologie, Centre Antoine Lacassagne, Nice, France 80. Stereotactic ablative radiotherapy for lung cancer and comparative effectivess research S. Senan, D.A. Palma2, W.F.A.R. Verbakel, F.J. Lagerwaard, C.J. Haasbeek, C.L. Ong, A.V. Louie, D. Rodrigues, N.E. Verstegen, J.P. Cuijpers, A.V. Louie2, B.J. Slotman Departments of Radiation Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam and 2Department of Radiation Oncology, London Regional Cancer Program, London, Ontario, Canada 81. The STOMACH trial: Surgical Technique: Open versus minimally invasive gastrectomy after chemotherapy J. Straatman, D.L. van der Peet, M.A. Cuesta Department of Surgery, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam 82. Towards novel anti-cancer drugs directed against G-protein coupled receptors to improve treatment of prostate, lung and brain tumors T. Wurdinger2, R. Leurs3, I de Esch3, V.W. van Beusechem1 Department of 1Medical Oncology, 2 Neurosurgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam and 3Division of Medicinal Chemistry, faculty of Science VU University Amsterdam CCA 83. Towards patient tailored cancer treatment supported by molecular imaging IMPACT: Imaging Patients for Cancer drug selecTion - Metastatic Breast Cancer (IMPACT breast) E. van Helden, C. Menke, F. Bensch, G.A.P. Hospers, J.A. Gietema, E. Boven, O. Hoekstra, M. Huisman, D. Vugts, G. van Dongen, H. Hendrikse, C. van Herpen, I. Desar, C.P. Schroder, W.T.A van der Graaf, H.M.W. Verheul, E.G.E de Vries Department of Medical Oncology and Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam 84. USP1 deubiquitinase: cellular functions, regulatory mechanisms and emerging potential as target in cancer therapy I. García-Santisteban1, G. J. Peters2, E. Giovannetti2 and J. A. Rodríguez1* 1Department of Genetics, Physical Anthropology and Animal Physiology, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Leioa, Spain. 2Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 85. Watchful waiting in patients with good and intermediate risk metastatic renal cell carcinoma; an imaging guided observational approach E. van Helden, C.Menke, H.M.W. Verheul, E.G.E. de Vries, I.M.E. Desar, W.T.A van der Graaf Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Prostate cancer Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects -146 86. A phase I/II trial of Cabazitaxel +/- Rhenium-188 HEDP in patients with metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer who progressed on or after a docetaxel containing treatment (ReCab) J. van Dodewaard-de Jong, H. Bloemendal, J. De Klerk, A. van den Eertwegh, A. ten Tije, O. Hoekstra, H.M.W. Verheul et al Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam 87. A Randomised, Phase II, Study of Repeated Rhenium-188 HEDP combined with Docetaxel versus Docetaxel alone in Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer (CRPC) Metastatic to Bone (TAXIUM II) J. van Dodewaard-de Jong, H. Bloemendal, J.M.H De Klerk, A.J.M van den Eertwegh, J. O'Sullivan, B. van Bezooijen, O. Hoekstra, H.M.W. Verheul Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Radiotherapy 88. Development of advanced planning strategies J. Tol, M. Dahele, B.J. Slotman, W.F.A.R. Verbakel Department of Radiation Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Varian Medical Systems, Palo Alto, USA 89. Diagnosis, cost-effectiveness of local therapies for early-stage non-small celllungcancer A.V. Louie, FJ.Lagerwaard, D.A. Palma2, G. Rodrigues2, M.G. Hunink3, B.J. Slotman, S. Senan. Departments of Radiation Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 2Department of Radiation Oncology, London Regional Cancer Program, London, Ontario, Canada, and 3Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, Netherlands CARO-Elekta Research Fellowship (2013), Detweiler Travelling Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (2014) 90. Distinguishing between local recurrence and fibrotic changes following SABR S. Senthi, K Huang2, DA Palma2, CJA Haasbeek, AD Ward2, S Mattonen, BJ Slotman, FJ Lagerwaard, M Dahele, S Senan Departments of Radiation Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 2Department of Radiation Oncology, London Regional Cancer Program, London, Ontario, Canada 91. Image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) S. Senan, W.F.A.R. Verbakel, M. Dahele, J.R. van Sörnsen de Koste, P. Doornaert, J.P. Cuijpers, F.J. Lagerwaard, C.L. Ong, C.J. Haasbeek, F.O.B. Spoelstra, B.J. Slotman Departments of Radiation Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 92. Innovative techniques for intracranial stereotactic radiotherapy Lagerwaard FJ, Meijer OWM, Haasbeek CJA, Vandertop WP, Baaijen JC, van den Berg R, Postma TJ, Leemans CR, Slotman BJ Departments. of Radiation Oncology, Neurosurgery, Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery and Neurology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Varian - RapidArc 93. Stereotactic ablative ratiotherapy (SABR) for oligometastases M. Dahele, C.J.A. Haasbeek, W.F.A.R. Verbakel, D.A. Palma2, B.J. Slotman, S. Senan Departments of Radiation Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 2 1Department of Radiation Oncology, London Regional Cancer Program, London, Ontario, Canada 94. Study on the interaction between angiogenesis inhibition and radiotherapy E.A. Kleibeuker1, K. Castricum1, A.W. Griffioen2, H.M.W. Verheul2, B. Slotman1, S. Senan1, V.L.J.L. Thijssen1,2 Departments. of 1Radiation Oncology, VU University Medical Center, and 2Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center (Stichting VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam Stichting VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam CCA2011-1-03 Resistance to therapy 95. Identification of genes involved in resistance of lung cancer cells to cisplatin E. Siebring-van Olst1, R.X. de Menezes2, E.F. Smit1, V.W. van Beusechem3 Departments. of 1Pulmonary Diseases, 2Epidemiology and Biostatistics, and 3Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Stichting CCA / Walter Bruckerhoff Stiftung 96. Identification of genes involved in resistance of prostate cancer cells to irradiation J. Hodzic1, B. van Triest2, A. Geldof3, R.X. de Menezes4, W.R. Gerritsen1, M. Verheij2, V.W. van Beusechem1,5 Departments of 1Medical Oncology, 3Urology, 4Epidemiology and Biostatistics and 5RNA Interference Functional Oncogenomics Laboratory, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam; 2Department of Radiotherapy, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam Stichting CCA 97. NF-κB drives acquired resistance to a novel T790M-mutant selective EGFR inhibitor E. Galvani1, J. Sun2, L.G. Leon3, R. TjinTham Sjin4,H.J. Haringsma5,A. van der Velde6, D.A.M. Heideman7, A.D. Simmons5, T.C. Hardings5, P. Giorgio Petronini8, R. Bernards9, E.F. Smit10, W. Pao2, G.J. Peters1, E. Giovannetti1,* 1Department Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, De Boelelaan 1117, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center, Nashville, TN 37232, US, 3Instituto de TecnologiasBiomedicas, Center for Biomedical Research of the Canary Islands, University of La Laguna, Spain, 4CelgeneAvilomics Research, Bedford, MA 01730, US, 5Clovis Oncology Inc., San Francisco, CA 94158, US, 6Boston University, Boston, MA, US, 7Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 8Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Parma, Parma, Italy, 9Division of Molecular Carcinogenesis,The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 10Department of Pulmonary Diseases, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 98. Phase II study of sunitinib rechallenge in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma (SURE) M. Labots, C. Huijts, K.J. Gotink, T. de Gruijl, G.J Peters, C.R. Jimenez, A.J.M. van den Eertwegh, J.J. van der Vliet, H.M.W. Verheul Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam 99. Resistance to receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors H.J. Broxterman, K.J. Gotink, M. Labots, R.R. de Haas, H. Dekker, V. van Beusechem, R.J. Honeywell, G.J. Peters, H.M.W. Verheul Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center 100. Targeted therapy of osteosarcoma Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects -147 J. Posthuma de Boer1, M. N. Helder1, V.W. van Beusechem2, G.J.L. Kaspers3,B.J. van Royen1 1 Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, VU University Medical Center, 2 Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center and 3 Department of Pediatric Oncology/Haematology, VU University Medical Center The Strategic Regeneration Network, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark; VONK and the department of Orthopaedic Surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 101. Targeting resistance to radio-chemotherapy by inhibition of the PI3Kinase-Akt signaling pathway R.S. Narayan1, L.J.A. Stalpers2, B. G. Baumert3,6, M.E. van Linde4, N.A.P. Franken2, J. van den Berg1, J. Theys3, B.J. Slotman1, T. Wurdinger5, P. Sminia1 Departments. 1Radiation Oncology, 4Medical Oncology,5Neuro-Oncology Research Group, VU University Medical Center; Department 2Radiation Oncology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam; 3Department Radiation Oncology Maastricht Universitair Medisch Centrum; 6Mediclin Robert-Janker-Clinic & University of Bonn Medical Centre, Cooperation Unit Neurooncology, Bonn, Germany KWF 2010-4874 Rheumatoid diseases 102. Assessment of disease activity of ankylosing spondylitis with [18F]Fluoride PET-CT S.T. Bruijnen1, M. John1, I.E. van der Horst1, J. Bot2, C. van Kuijk2, O.S. Hoekstra2, D. Baeten3, C.J. van der Laken1 Depts of 1Rheumatology, 2Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center, 3Dept of Rheumatology & Immunology3, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam Reumafonds 103. Imaging and targeting of macrophage folate receptor-beta in rheumatoid arthritis Chandrupatla, Durga1, K. Weijers1, Y.Y.J. Gent1, G. Jansen1, C.F.M. Molthoff2, A.D. Windhorst2, J.W. van der Heijden1, A. Voskuyl1, P.S. Low3, M. Ratnam4, Y.G. Assaraf 5, A.A. Lammertsma2, B.A.C. Dijkmans1, and C.J van der Laken1 Departments. of 1Rheumatology and 2PET-Center/Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 3Endocyte, West Lafayette, IN, USA, 4Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Medical University of Toledo, Toledo, OH. U.S.A., 5Department of Biology, The Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel Nationaal Reumafonds NRF-09-404 104. Resistance to proteasome inhibitors in cancer and reumatoid arthritis B. Dijkmans1, T.D. de Gruijl2, R.J. Scheper3, G. Jansen1 1Department Of Reumatology, 2Medical Oncology and 3Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam Other 105. Absorptiometry in ICU patients R.J.M. Strack van Schijndel1, N.J. Wierdsma2, A.A. van Bodegraven3 1Department of Intensive Care, 2Department of Nutrition and Dietetics and 3Department of Gastroenterology, Small Bowel Disease Unit VU University medical centre, Amsterdam 106. Oxaliplatin, bortezomib and epothilone-B induced neurotoxicity: characterization and protection Abolfazl Avan2,3,*, Cecilia Ceresa1,*, Elisa Giovannetti3, Albert A. Geldof4, Amir Avan3, Guido Cavaletti1, Godefridus J Peters3 1Department of Surgery and Interdisciplinary Medicine, University of Milano-Bicocca, Monza, Italy; 2Department of Neurology, School of Medicine, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran; 3Department of Medical Oncology, and 4Department of Urology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Program 5 Child 1. Accelerated aging, decreased white matter integrity, and associated neuropsychological dysfunction 25 years after pediatric lymphoid malignancies I. Schuitema1,2, S. Deprez, W. Van Hecke, M. Daams, A. Uyttebroeck, S. Sunaert, F. Barkhof, E. van Dulmen-den Broeder, H.J. van der Pal, C. van den Bos3, A.J. Veerman1, L.M. de Sonneville2 1Pediatrics Oncology/Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam; 2Department of Child and Adolescent Studies, University of Leiden, Leiden; 3Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, Amsterdam Medical Center, Amsterdam 2. Carboplatin dosing in children using estimated glomerular filtration rate: equation matters H.N. Blufpand1, G.J.L. Kaspers1, F.C.H. Abbink1, A.J. Wilhelm2, R.J. Honeywell3, G.J. Peters3, B. Stoffel-Wagner5, L.M. Buffart6, A. Bökenkamp4 Department of 1Pediatric Oncology/Hematology, 2Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy, 3Medical Oncology, 4Pediatric Nephrology and 5EMGO Institute for Health and Care Research and the department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 6Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Pharmacology, University of Bonn - Medical Center, Bonn, Germany VUmc Research on Childhood Cancer - VONK and Fonds NutsOhra 3. Clinical trials to improve childhood cancer care and survival in sub-Saharan Africa T. Israëls, J. Kambugu, F. Kouya, N.K. El-Mallawany, P.B. Hesseling, G.J. Kaspers T. Eden, L. Renner, E.M. Molyneux Department of Pediatric Oncology-Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 3 Department of Pediatrics, Dr Sardjito Hospital, GadjahMada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 4 Department of Pediatric Oncology-Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands 4. Compliance with childhood cancer treatment in Yogyakarta, Indonesia D. Susilawati1, M.N. Sitaresmi2, S. Mostert3, E. Supriyadi4, I.L. Gamayanti1, P.H. Widjajanto4, G.J.L. Kaspers3 1 Psychology, Dr Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2 Social Pediatrics, Dr Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 3Oncology-Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 4 Oncology-Hematology, Dr Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 5. Fertility Impairment in female childhood cancer survivors. Workpackage 3 in PanCareLIFE: PanCare studies in fertility and ototoxicity to improve quality of life after cancer during childhood, adolescence and young adulthood Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects -148 M. van Dijk1, M.H. van den Berg1, C.B. Lambalk2, MA Veening1, L.C.M. Kremer3, M.M. van den Heuvel-Eibrink4, F.E. van Leeuwen5 G.J.L. Kaspers1, E. van Dulmen-den Broeder1 on behalf of the DCOG LATER Study Group Departments. of 1Pediatric Oncology/Hematology and 2Obstetrics & Gynaecology, VU University Medical Center, 3Emma Children’s Hospital AMC Amsterdam, 4ErasmusMC/Sophia Childrens Hospital, Rotterdam, 5 Epidemiology ,Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam EU FP7 Health 2013 (602030) 6. Late effects of illness and treatment and quality of life in pediatric oncology patients E. van Dulmen-den Broeder1, M.H. van den Berg1, M.A. Veening1, Kooter AJ2, G.J.L. Kaspers1 1Pediatric Oncology/Hematology, 2Internal Medicine, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam VONK 7. Optimizing survivor participation rate in late effects studies. An evaluation of response rates, questionnaire mode preferences and satisfaction of Dutch childhood cancer survivors invited for the DCOG LATER study (the DCOG LATERMIK EPI study) E. Kilsdonk2, M.H. van den Berg1, M. Jaspers2, FE. Van Leeuwen3, E.van Dulmen-den Broeder1 on behalf of the DCOGLATER Study Group 2Emma Children’s Hospital AMC Amsterdam, 1VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 3Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam SKION LATER/ KiKa 8. Reproductive function, ovarian reserve, and risk of premature menopause in female childhood cancer survivors: a nationwide study A. Overbeek1, M.H. van den Berg1, C.B. Lambalk2, G.J.L. Kaspers1, F.E. van Leeuwen3, E. van Dulmen-den Broeder1 Departments. of 1Pediatric Oncology/Hematology and 2Obstetrics & Gynaecology, VU University Medical Center, 3Epidemiology, Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam KWF / Kika Foundation 2006-3622 9. SLAAP studie: Sleep in children with Acute leukemia and Additional cost to the parents: a study into the effect on quality of life R.R.L. van Litsenburg1, M.S. Gordijn2, M.A. Grootenhuis3, G.J.L. Kaspers1 Department of 1 Pediatric Oncology-hematology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, 2 Pediatrics, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, 3 Psychosocial department, Emma Children’s Hospital AMC Amsterdam 10. Sleep, fatigue and quality of life in survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia M.S. Gordijn1, R.R.L. van Litsenburg1, RJ.B.J. Gemke1, J. Huisman2, M.B. Bierings3, P.M. Hoogerbrugge5, G.J.L. Kaspers1 Departments. of 1Pediatrics and Pediatric Oncology/Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 2 Medical Psychology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam / Pediatric Psychology & Social Work, University Medical Center Utrecht, 3Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital, University Medical Center Utrecht, 4Pediatric Hemato-Oncology, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center KWF VU 2010-4859 11. Structured home-visit and follow-up program for childhood cancer patients in Yogyakarta, Indonesia S. Gunawan,MD2, PM van de Ven,MSc,PhD3 , MN Sitaresmi,MD,PhD4 , M Mantik,MD2, GJL Kaspers,MD,PhD1 ,S Mostert,MD,PhD1 1 Department of Pediatric Oncology-Hematology, Prof Dr RD Kandou Hospital, Manado, Indonesia, 2 Epidemiology and Biostatistics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 3 Department of Pediatrics, Dr Sardjito Hospital, GadjahMada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 4 Department of Pediatric Oncology-Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands SMALL Foundation Exercise 12. A combined physical exercise and psychosocial training program to improve physical fitness in children with cancer K.I. Braam1, E.M. van Dijk2, E. van Dulmen-den Broeder1, M.A. Veening1, M. Bierings3, J. van der Net3, J.H.M. Merks4, M.A. Grootenhuis4 G. Sinnema3, M. Chinapaw5, M.M. van den Heuvel-Eibrink6, I. Streng6, T. Takken3, J. Huisman2, G.J.L. Kaspers1 1Pediatric Oncology/ Hematology, VU University Medical Center, and 2Department of medical Psychology VU university medical center; 3Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital, University Medical Center Utrecht; 4Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam; 5EMGO institute, VU University Medical Center, 6Erasmus MC/Sophia Childrens Hospital, Rotterdam Alpe d’HuZes/KWF 2009-4305 13. Development of a new questionnaire to measure instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) in patients with primary brain tumors L. Dirven1, S.A.M. Sikkes2, J.C. Reijneveld1,3, N.K. Aaronson4, B.M.J. Uitdehaag1, M.J.B. Taphoorn1,5 1 Department of Neurology VU University Medical Center, 2 Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, 3 Department of Neurology, Amsterdam Medical Center, 4 Division of Psychosocial Research and Epidimiology, Netherlands Cancer Institute, 5 Department of Neurology, Medical Center Haaglanden DEVON 14. Exercising in head and neck cancer. Netherlands Quality of Life and Biomedical Cohort Studies in Head and Neck Cancer (NET-QUBIC_HNC) A van Nieuwenhuizen1, C.R. Leemans1, L. Buffart2,I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw1 Department of 1Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, 2Epidemiology and Biostatistics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam KWF, Alpe- d'Huzes 15. How does exercise reduce fatique in patients with cancer? A pilotstudy examining the role of the muscle (METRIC) L.M. Buffart, E.Geleijn, R.Huijsmans, H.M.W. Verheul, T.E. Buffart, A.M. May, T.M. Altenburg, C.J. de Ruiter, B.M.J. Uitdehaag Departments of Epidemiology & Biostatistics and Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam Gastrointestinal and nutritional quality of life aspects 16. Clinical evaluation of the efficacy of methylnaltrexone in resolving constipation induced by different opioid subtypes combined with laboratory analysis of immunomodulatory and antiangiogenic effects of methylnaltrexone (RILAX) E.C.W. Neefjes1, J.J. van der Vliet1, M.J.D.L. van der Vorst1, W.W.A. Zuurmond2, H.M.W. Verheul1 Departments. of 1Medical Oncology and 2Anesthesiology of the VU University Medical Center Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects -149 Fonds NutsOhra 1201-038 17. Metoclopramide, Dexamethasone or Aloxi for the prevention of delayed chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting in moderately emetogenic non-AC-based chemotherapy (MEDEA) M.J.D.L. van der Vorst1, J. Dekker2, J. Berkhof3, H.M.W. Verheul1 Departments. of 1Medical Oncology, 2 Psychiatry/Rehabilitation Medicine, 3Epidemiology and Biostatistics, VU University Medical Center 18. Prevalence and biomarkers of pre-cachexia and cachexia in advanced cancer patients scheduled for treatment with chemotherapy S. Blauwhoff-Buskermolen, D.L. van der Peet, J.A.E. Langius, E.F. Smit, M.J.D.L van der Vorst, L.C.W. Neefjes, C.R. Jimenez, M.E. von Blomberg, H.J. Bontkes, M. Diamant, P.A.M. van Leeuwen, H.M.W. Verheul, M. A.E van Bokhorst- de van der Schueren Departments of Nutrition and Dietetics, Surgery, Pathology, Pulmonology and Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam VUMC: VU University Medical Center Nuts Ohra Zorgsubsidies 19. The effect of individualized NUTritional counselling on muscle mass and treatment outcome in patients with metastatic COLOrectal cancer undergoing chemotherapy (COLONUT) A. van der Werf, M.J.D.L van der Vorst, K.S. Versteeg, L.C.W. Neefjes, S. Blauwhogg-Buskermolen, J.Berkhof, H.M.W. Verheul, J.A.E Langius, M.A.E de van der Schueren. Department of Nutricion and dietics, Epidemiology & Biostatistics and Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam Patient reported outcome 20. Complications, functional, and cosmetic results in patients treated for retinoblastoma in the Netherlands D.L. Mourits, D.T. Hartong, M. Bosscha, J.S. Remmers, F. Bak, H.S. Tan, A.C. Moll Department of Ophthalmology, VU University Medical Center ODAS 21. Health related quality of life in head and neck cancer patients: survival, response shift, and care I.M. Oskam1, I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw1, R. de Bree1, P. Doornaert2, B. Witte3, J.A. Langendijk4, N.K. Aaronson5, C.R. Leemans1 Deparments 1. Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, VUmc, 2. Radiotherapy, VUmc, 3. Epidemiology & Biostatistics, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, 4. Radiotherapy, UMCG, 4. Division of Psychosocial Research and Epidemiology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute VUmc, Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery 22. OncoKompas 2.0: Development and pilot testing of an e-health self-management platform to optimise supportive care in cancer patients C.F. van Uden-Kraan1,2, S. Lubberding1, H. Melissant2, C.R. Leemans1, P. Cuijpers2, I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw1,2 1. Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, VUmc, 2. Clinical Psychology, VU University Dutch Cancer Society (KWF), Pink Ribbon, SAG Foundation, NDDO Foundation 23. OncoQuest: touch screen computer based screening of health related quality of life and distress I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw1, R. de Bree1, A. Houffelaar1, C.F. van Uden-Kraan1, P. Doornaert2, C.R. Leemans1 1. Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, VUmc, 2. Radiotherapy, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Fonds NutsOhra, Dept Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery 24. Participation in decision-making to improve quality of life of cancer patients and their proxies: implementation of advance care planning L. Dirven1, H.R.W. Pasman2, J.C. Reijneveld1,4, B. Philippsen-Onwuteaka2, O. Visser3, M.J.B. Taphoorn1,5 Departments of 1Neurology, 2EMGO+, 3 Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 4Department of Neurology, Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam,5Department of Neurology, Medical Centre ‘Haaglanden’, Den Haag DEVON 25. Patient Reported Outcomes in the CAstration-resistant Prostate cancer RegIstry: PRO-CAPRI H.M. Westgeest, C.A. Uyl-de Groot, A.J.M van den Eertwegh, H.M.W. Verheul, C.H. Smorenburg, M.P. Hendriks, H.P. van den Berg, M.Geenen, W.R. Gerritsen Department of Medical Oncology and Epidemiology & Biostatistics, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam 26. Patient reported speech and swallowing outcome in head and neck cancer R.N.P.M. Rinkel1, I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw1, N.K Aaronson2, C.R. Leemans1 1. Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Vumc, 2. Psychosocial research, The Netherlands Cancer Institute VUmc, Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery 27. Shared decision making in early-stage lung cancer W. Hopmans, D.R.M. Timmermans, O.C. Damman, L. Zwaan, C.J.A. Haasbeek, K. Hartemink, E.F. Smit, B.J. Slotman, S. Senan Departments. of Radiation Oncology, Public and Occupational Health and the EMGO+ Institute for Health and Care Research, Surgical Oncology, Pulmonology, VU University Medical Center Psychosocial aspects 28. Cost effectiveness of psychological intervention via the internet in head and neck cancer patients A.M.H. Krebber1, F. Smit2, P. Cuijpers2, A. van Straten2, C.F. van Uden-Kraan1,2, A.T.F. Beekman3, C.R. Leemans1, I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw1,2 1. Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, VUmc, 2. Clinical Psychology, VU University, Faculty of Psychology and Education, 3. Psychiatry, VUmc Fonds NutsOhra and ZonMW 80-82305-98-09001 29. Distress and quality of life of patients treated with autologous stem cell transplantation following high-dose chemotherapy: Outcome of stepped care A. Braamse1, B. van Meijel2, O. Visser3, P.C. Huijgens3, A. Boenink1, P. Cuijpers4, P. van Oppen1 , A.T.F. Beekman1, J. Dekker1 1 Department of Psychiatry VU University Medical Center, 2 Research Group Mental Health Nursing, Inholland University, 3 Department of Hematology VU University VU University Medical Center and Inholland University Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects -150 30. Early recognition and optimal treatment of delirium in patients with advanced cancer E. Neefjes, M.J.D.L van der Vorst, H. A. Beeker, A.T.F Beekman, J.Berkhof, W.W.A Zuurmond, H.M.W. Verheul Departments. of 1Medical Oncology, 2Psychiatry and 3Biostatistics of the VU University Medical Center ZonMw 1151.0011 31. Help-seeking behavior after autologous stem cell transplantation A.M.J. Braamse1, O.Visser2, B. van Meijel3, P.C. Huijgens2, A.T.F. Beekman1, J.Dekker1,4 Departments of 1Psychiatry, 2 Hematology, 4 Rehabilitation Medicine, VU University Medical Center, 3 Inholland University of Applied Sciences, Amsterdam VU University Medical Center and Inholland University of Applied Sciences 32. Internet-based treatment of low-grade glioma patients with depression and fatigue; randomized controlled trial F. Boele1, M. Klein1, J.C. Reijneveld2,3, I. Verdonck4,5, J.J. Heimans2, P. Cuijpers5, Departments of 1Medical Psychology, 2Neurology, VU University Medical Center, 3Neurology, Academic Medical Center, 4Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, 5Clinical Psychology, VU University, Amsterdam KWF (Alpe d'Huzes) 4615-4804 33. Screening and treatment of psychological distress in colorectal cancer with metastasized disease (TES) C. Schuurhuizen, C. Smorenburg, A. Beeker, C.J van Groeningen, R. Rietbroek, J. Brakenhoff, S.M. van den Heiligenberg, I. Oving, A. van Bochove, H.J. Bloemendal, M. Los, H.P. van den Berg, A.N.M. Wymenga, J. Douma, C.Tromp, V. Lustig, E.Batman, J. Dekker, H.M.W. Verheul. Department of Medical Oncology, Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery and Medical Psychology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam Alpe d’Huzes en KWF Kankerbestrijding 34. Stepped care to improve symptoms of anxiety and depression in cancer patients A.M.H. Krebber1, F. Smit2, P. Cuijpers2, A. van Straten2, A.T.F. Beekman3, A. Becker4, EF Smit4, C.R. Leemans1, I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw1,2 1. Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, VUmc, 2. Clinical Psychology, VU University, Faculty of Psychology and Education, 3. Psychiatry, VUmc, 4. Pulmonary Disease, VUmc ZonMW 600-82600-98-8043/300 35. Structured life review using autobiographical retrieval practice in depressed palliative head and neck cancer patients G. Kleijn1, R. de Bree2, C.R. Leemans2, A.Becker3, E.F. Smit3, C. Eeltink4, D. Rietveld5, P. Doornaert5, M. van der Vorst6, M. van den Brekel7, B. Steunenberg8, E.T. Bohlmeijer9, V. Willemsen10, P. Cuijpers1, I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw1,2 1. Clinical Psychology, VU University, 2. Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, VUmc, 3. Pulmonary Disease, VUmc, 4. Hematology, VUmc, 5. Radiotherapy, VUmc, 6. Medical Oncology, VUmc, 7. Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Netherlands Cancer Institute, 8. Julius Center, UMCU, 9. Mental Health, University Twente, 10. Ingeborg Douwes Center, Amsterdam ZonMw PZ 1151.0003 36. The development, implementation and evaluation of the meaning-centered group psychotherapy 'Living Meaningfully with Cancer' in the Netherlands N. van der Spek1, K. Holtmaat1, C.F. van Uden-Kraan1, R. Tollenaar2, P. Cuijpers1, B Breitbart3, I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw1,4 1. Clinical Psychology, VU University, 2. Surgery, LUMC, 3. Psychiatry, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, 4. Dept Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center Duch Cancer Society / Alpe d’HuZes Foundation Voice, speech, and swallowing in head and neck cancer 37. Efficacy of voice therapy in patients with voice problems after treatment for early glottic cancer C.D.L. van Gogh1, I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw1, R.N. Rinkel1, J.A. Langendijk2, P. Doornaert3, H.F. Mahieu1 1Department Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, 2Department Radiotherapy, University Medical Center Groningen, 3Department Radiotherapy, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam KWF Dutch Cancer Society RUG2008-3983, Fonds NutsOhra 080T-043, Eureka 2614 GGN371, VAZ/CVZ Doelmatigheid 00143 00143 38. LARINX: a web-based self-help programme for laryngectomized patients during and after treatment I.C. Cnossen1, C.F. van Uden-Kraan1, S.E. Eerenstein1, R. de Bree1, Leemans1, Verdonck-de Leeuw1 1. Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, VUmc. Michel Keijzer Fonds / the Netherlands Society of Laryngectomees 39. Objective speech assessment in head and neck cancer: acoustic-phonetic and feature analyses by a neural network M.J. de Bruijn1, L.F.M. ten Bosch2, J.A. Langendijk3, C.R. Leemans1, I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw1 1. Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, VUmc; 2. Centre for Language and Speech Technology, Linguistics, Radboud University Nijmegen; 3. Radiotherapy, University Medical Center Groningen VU University Medical Center and Dutch Cancer Society 2008-3983 40. Prevention of speech, swallowing, and shoulder impairment after treatment for head and neck cancer I.C. Cnossen1, I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw1, R. de Bree1, R.N.P.M. Rinkel1, Y.J. Aalders1, C.J.T. de Goede2, P. Doornaert3, D.H.F. Rietveld3, J. Buter4, J.A. Langendijk5, C.R. Leemans1 1. Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, VUmc; 2. Rehabilitation Medicine, VUmc; 3. Radiotherapy, VUmc; 4. Medical Oncology, VUmc; 5. Radiotherapy, University Medical Center Groningen Fonds NutsOhra and Dutch Cancer Society (KWF Kankerbestrijding) 080T-043 Other 41. Castration-resistant Prostate cancer RegIstry (CAPRI): an observational study in the Netherlands H. Westgeest, WR. Gerritsen, C.A. Uyl-de Groot , R. de Wit, J van Moorselaar, H.M.W. Verheul Department of Medical Oncology, Epidemiology & Biostatistics and Urology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam 42. Cost evaluation of supportive care in head and neck cancer. Netherlands Quality of Life and Biomedical Cohort Studies in Head and Neck Cancer (NET-QUBIC_HNC) F. Jansen1, C.R. Leemans1, C. Coupé2, I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw1 Department of 1Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery 2Epidemiology and Biostatistics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam KWF, Alpe- d'Huzes 43. De patient centraal bij de behandelkeuze voor prostaatkanker Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects -151 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. H. Al-Itejawi, A.N. Vis, C.F. van Uden, I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw Department of Urology and Otolaryngology/Head& Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Health-related quality of life in high-grade glioma patients and their partners in the end-of-life phase E.M. Sizoo1, J.J. Heimans1, M. Klein2, T.J. Postma1, L. Dirven1, J.A.F. Koekkoek1, R. Grant6, W. Grisold7, C. Marosi 8,G. Stockhammer9, H.R.W. Pasman3, L. Deliens3 J.C. Reijneveld1,4, M.J.B. Taphoorn1,5 Departments of 1Neurology, 2Medical Psychology, and 3EMGO+, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 4Department of Neurology, Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam, 5Department of Neurology, Medical Centre ‘Haaglanden’, Den Haag, 6Department of Neurology, Western General Hospital, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 7Ludwig Bolzman Institute for Neuro-Oncology, Kaiser Franz Josef Hospital, Vienna, 8Department of Internal Medicine, Medical Univeristy, Vienna, and 9Department of Neurology, Neuro-Oncology Group, Medical University of Innsbruck, Austria Grant: Jacobus Stichting DEVON Netherlands Quality of Life and Biomedical Cohort Studies in Head and Neck Cancer (NET-QUBIC) I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw1,2, A.J. van Nieuwenhuizen1, L. Korsten1, R.H. Brakenhoff1, J. Smit2, L.M. Buffart3, S. Kleiterp1, R. de Bree1, J.A. Langendijk4, R. Takes5, Chr. Terhaard6, C.R. Leemans1 1. Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, VUmc, 2. Clinical Psychology, VU, 3. Epidemiology and Biostatistics, VUmc, 4. Radiotherapy, UMCG, 5. Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, UMC Radboud, 6. Radiotherapy, UMCU Dutch Cancer Society / Alpe d’HuZes Foundation Optimalization of systemic treatment strategies in elderly patients with advanced solid malignancies K.S.Versteeg, I.R.H.M. Konings, A.B. Maier, A.A. van de Loosdrecht,G.J. Peters, H.M.W. Verheul Department Of Medical Oncology and Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Quality of life in patients treated with radiotherapy for head and neck cancers P. Doornaert, M.R. Vergeer, C.R. Leemans, B.J. Slotman Department of Radiation Oncology, Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Seizures in glioma patients J.A.F. Koekkoek1, L. Dirven1, J.J. Heimans1, T.J. Postma1, M. Vos2, J.C. Reijneveld1,3, M.J.B. Taphoorn1,2 1 Department of Neurology, VU University Medical Center, 2 Department of Neurology, Medical Center Haaglanden,3 Department of Neurology, Amsterdam Medical Center Jacobus Stichting, ZOLEON, Chanrone Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects -152 Appendix 8. International collaboration Type of collaboration* 1: Research 2: Multicenter studies 3: Research network 4: Expert/consult/advisor Academic Associate Collaborating institute External collaborator(s) Ang, CW Emory University, Atlanta, USA PF Teunis 3 Appelmelk, BJ School of Biosciences, Birmingham, UK GS Besra 1 IPBS, Toulouse, France G Puzo 1 IBMC, Porto, Portugal R Appelberg 3 Section for Stem Cell Transplantation and Immunotherapy, ChristianAlbrechts-University and University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel, Germany T Valerius 1 Université de Limoges, Limoges, France M.Cogne 1 Molecular Cellbiology and Immunology, Amsterdam M.Van Egmond 1 Haematology, Amsterdam A. van de Loosdrecht 1 SANQUIN, Amsterdam G.Vidarsson 1 University of Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany F.Nimmerjahn 4 Department of Dermatology. University Medical Centre, Freiburg, Germany C.Sitaru 1 Beelen RHJ Consortium EuTRiPD, 10 full and 3 associate partners, All over europe See Marie Curie ITN 287813 3 Beliën, JAM CTMM-TraIT, federated organisation Public private partnership: all UMCs, NKI, Maastor clinic; SMEs like Philips, Genalice, Cordys, CSC, Vancis, Roche, Keosys, OpenClinica; charities KWF, NHS; institutes like PSI, NBIC, ICIN,SURFsara; organisations/projects like BBMRI, ELIXIR, EATRIS, BioMedBridges 3 Bitter, W King Abdallah University, Kaust, Saoudi Arabia Arnab Pain 1 Institut Pasteur, Paris, France Roland Brosch 1 Bakema, JE Type of collaboration* University of Kentucky, Kentucky, United Konstantin Korotkov States of America 1 EMBL, Hamburg, Germany 1 Annabel Parret Blauwhoff-Bustermolen, S University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada Vickie Baracos, Nina Esfandiari 4 Bleeker, MCG VUMC, Amsterdam, Netherlands 1 Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – International collaboration - 156 Associate Bloemena, E Blufpand, H Boellaard, R Boers, M Bontkes, H Collaborating institute External collaborator(s) Type of collaboration* AMC, Amsterdam CGOA (G. Kenter, M. Buist) 1 Kuopio University, Kuopio, Finland Kuullaa, Aisikanen, Pekka 1 Erasmus MC, Rotterdam RJ Baatenburg de Jong 1 MUMC, Maastricht P Lambin 1 Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, I. Ganly New York, USA 1 Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Kopenhagen, Denmark G. Stenman 1 Universidade de Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain M. Hermsen 1 Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK Ph. Sloan 1 King's college, London, UK EW Odell 1 Skåne University Hospital, Lund, Sweden IFCC SD Working group for Standardisation of Cystatin C, Anders Grubb (PI) 3 University of Bonn - Medical Center, Bonn, Germany Birgit Stoffel-Wagner 1 Nuclear Medicine, University Hospital Cologne, Cologne, Germany dr Carsten Kobe 1 CTMM Airforce, Netherlands see website 3 CTMM Mammoth, Netherlands see website 3 CTMM TRAIT, Netherlands see website 3 InMIND, International (FP7) see website 3 Nuclear Medicine, University Hospital Dresden, Dresden, Germany Bernhard Sattler 2 Nuclear Medicine Univ. Vienna, Vienna, Austria Thomas Beyer 2 Siemens, Erlangen, Germany Harald Quick 2 WMIC, Manchester, UK Rainer Hinz 1 Turku PET Ctr, Turku, Finland Mika Teras 1 University of Ottawa, Ottawa, USA Prof P. Tugwell, Prof G. Wells 1 University of Brisbane, Brisbane, Australia Prof P. Brooks 1 University of Stanford, Stanford, USA Prof V. Strand 1 University of Bristol, Bristol, UK Prof. J. Kirwan, Prof. J. Blazeby 1 University of Edmonton, Edmonton, USA Prof, W. Maksymovich 1 University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria Prof. J. Smolen 1 University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK Prof. P. Wilkinson 1 University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Dr. R. Christensen 1 University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain Prof. A. Lanas 1 LUMC, Leiden, Netherlands Frits Koning 1 Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – International collaboration - 157 Associate Collaborating institute External collaborator(s) MUMC, Maastricht, Netherlands Anita Vreugdenhil 1 Boven, E VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Dutch Breast Cancer Research Group (Borstkanker Onderzoek Groep; BOOG). D.T. Kruger, S. Linn, S. Sleijfer, C. Jimenez, E. Boven (PI). 3 Braakhuis, BJM Greater Poland Cancer Center, Poznan, Poland Dr P. Golusinski 1 University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands Dr F. Leusink, Dr R. Koole 1 ErasmusMC, Rotterdam, Netherlands Prof RJ Baatenburg de Jong 1 UMCU, Utrecht, Netherlands Prof PJ van Diest 1 University of Parma, Parma, Italy T Poli, KP7 ORAMOD 3 University of Dusseldorf, Dusseldorf, Germany K Scheckenbach, KP7 ORAMOD 3 NKI-AvL, Amsterdam, Netherlands R Bernards 1 NKI-AvL, Amsterdam, Netherlands H te Riele 1 Sanquin Research, Amsterdam, Netherlands Dr. D. Hamann; Dr. D. Wouters; Prof.dr. T. Kuijpers; Dr. S. Zeerleder 3 Ziekenhuis Groep Twente, Almelo, Netherlands Dutch SLE Registry working party. Dr. R. Fritsch-Stork, Dr. M. Bijl, Prof.dr. H. Bootsma, Dr. H. Bernelot Moens 3 Maastricht University Medical Center, Maastricht, Netherlands Prof.dr. J.W. Cohen Tervaert 3 University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands Prof.dr. T.R.D.J. Radstake 3 Utrecht Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Utrecht, Netherlands Dr. F. de Vries, Dr. A. Lalmohamed, Dr. T.P. van Staa, Prof.dr. C. Cooper, Dr. N.C. Harvey 3 Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, Netherlands Dr. S. Kamphuis 2 MUMC, Maastricht, The Netherlands Prof. dr. M van Engeland, Dr. V Melotte, Afdeling Pathologie; Dr. S Sanduleanu, Prof. dr. AA Masclee, Afdeling Maag-DarmLever ziekten 1 AMC, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Dr. E Dekker, Afdeling MaagDarm-Lever ziekten; Dr. JP Medema, Center for Experimental Molecular Medicine; Prof. dr. CJ Punt, Afdeling Medische Oncologie 3 Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands prof.dr. E Kuipers, Afdeling Maag-Darm-Lever ziekten; Dr. I. Lansdorp-Vogelaar, Prof. dr. M van Ballegooijen, Afdeling volksgezondheid , Prof. Dr. FJ van Kemenad, Afdeling Pathologie 3 UMC Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The prof.dr. ID Nagtegaal, Afdeling 3 Brakenhoff, RH Bultink, IEM Carvalho, B Type of collaboration* Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – International collaboration - 158 Associate Chamuleau, M Cloos, J de Boer, Y Collaborating institute External collaborator(s) Type of collaboration* Netherlands Pathologie LUMC, Leiden, The Netherlands Dr. PJ Kuppen, Prof. dr. CJH van de Velde, Afdeling Heelkunde ; Dr. T van Wesel, Dr. H Morreau, Afdeling Pathologie 3 Leeds Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK Dr. HI Grabsch ; Prof. dr. P Quirke 3 Institute for Pathology and Molecular Immunology (IPATIMUP), Porto, Portugal Dr. C Oliveira, Prof. dr. R Seruca, Prof. dr. F Carneiro 1 University of Ghent, Ghent, Belgium prof. dr. W van Criekinge, Afdeling Mathematical modeling 3 The Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins Baltimore, Maryland, US Prof. Dr. JG Herman 3 UMCG, Groningen, The Netherlands P. Kluin 3 HOVON, Rotterdam, The Netherlands oa G. van Imhoff, P. Lugtenburg, 2 Lymmcare, Amsterdam, The Netherlands R. van Oers, A. Kater 1 AML-BFM Study Group, Pediatric Oncology and Hematology, Medical School Hannover, Hannover, Germany D. Reinhardt 3 The Fred Wyszkowski Cancer Research Lab, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel Y.G. Assaraf 1 Ontario Cancer Institute, Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto, Canada A. Schimmer 1 Texas Children’s Cancer Center, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, USA T. Horton 3 Center for Human Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, KU, Center for the Biology of Disease, VIB, Leuven, Belgium J. Cools 1 Dutch Autoimmune Hepatitis Study group, Utrecht, Netherlands Dutch Autoimmune Hepatitis Study group. Bart van Hoek, Karel J. van Erpecum, Ulrich Beuers, Henk R. van Buuren, Joost P.H. Drenth, Jannie W. den Ouden, Robert C. Verdonk, Ger H. Koek, Johannes T. Brouwer, Maureen M.J. Guichelaar, Jan M. Vrolijk 3 University of Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands Department of genetics. Cisca Wijmenga, Lude Franke, Vinod Kumar, Alexandra Zhernakova 1 University Medicine Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany SHIP study (study of health in Pomerania). Markus M. Lerch, Matthias Nauck, Henry Völzke, Georg Homuth 1 University Hospital Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany Department of Internal Medicine, Neurology and Dermatology, Medical Clinic of Gastroenterology and Rheumatology, Section of Hepatology (Janett Fischer, Thomas Berg) 2 Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – International collaboration - 159 Associate de Bree, R de Gruijl, TD Collaborating institute External collaborator(s) Type of collaboration* University Medical Center HamburgEppendorf, Hamburg, Germany Department of Medicine, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany (Christoph Schramm, Ansgar W. Lohse, Christina Weiler-Normann) 1 Guy’s Hospital, UK, London SENT prof.dr. Mark McGurk (p.i.) 3 IRCCS S. Matteo Foundation, University of Pavia, Italy, Pavia EURECA prof.dr M. Benazzo (p.i.) 3 Centers of the Dutch Head and Neck Society, University centers, Netherlands NWHHT dr. R. Takes (chair research steering group) 3 Lund University, Lund, Sweden Dr Anne Sofie Albrekt, Dr Malin Lindstedt (PI) 1 Washington University, St Louis MO, USA Dr David Curiel 1 Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer center, New York City NY, USA Dr Jedd Wolchock 1 Mt Sinai Hospital, New York City NY, USA Dr Sacha Gnjatic 1 Abramson Family Cancer Research Institute, University of Philadelphia Philadelphia PA, USA Dr Daniel Powell jr, Dr Carl June 1 University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham AL, USA Dr Qiana Matthews 1 Earle A Chiles Research Institute, Portland OR, USA Dr Bernard Fox, Dr Walter Urba 1 Glycostem Therapeutics BV, Den Bosch, NL FP7-ITN no. 317013, Dr Jan Spanholtz, Dr Dirk Groenewegen (PI) 1 Leiden UMC, Leiden, NL Prof dr Ferry Ossendorp 1 Radboud UMC, Nijmegen, NL Dr Hans Koenen 1 Leiden UMC, Leiden, NL Prof dr Sjoerd van den Burg 1 de Rie, MA Univ Manchester, Manchester, UK Griffiths C 3 de Winter JP Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barceloma, Spain J. Surralles University of Wuerzburg, Wuezburg, Germany D. Schindler Dekker, J Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, USA Karen Syrjala 1 den Haan, JMM University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom Dr. L. Martinez-Pomares 1 University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany Dr. A. Limmer 1 University of Dundee, Dundee, United Kingdom Dr. P. R. Crocker 1 Robert Koch Institure, Berlin, Germany Dr. Kroczek 1 1Edinburgh University, 2Medical University Vienna, 3University of Innsbruck, 4Kaiser Franz Jozef Hospital, 5Institute Regina Elena EOL care and QOL in glioma patients; Prof. dr. R. Grant, Prof. dr. C. Marosi, Prof. dr. G. 3 Dirven, L Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – International collaboration - 160 Associate Dorsman, JC Collaborating institute External collaborator(s) Type of collaboration* 1Edinburgh, 2Vienna, 3Innsbruck, 4Innsbruck, 5Rome 1United Kingdom 2,3,4Austria, 5Italy Stockhammer, Prof. dr. Grisold, Prof. dr. A. Pace Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, Netherlands HRQoL in the BELOB study; Prof. dr. M. van den Bent 1 Medical Center Haaglanden, The Hague, Netherlands HRQoL, well-being and cognition in brain tumor patients; E. Habets, MSc, H. Zwinkels, RN, MA ANP 1 European Organisation of Research and Treatment of Cancer, Brussels, Belgium Review proxy measurements in HRQoL in cancer, Joint modelling in HRQoL; Dr. A. Bottomley, D.E. Ediebah, MSc, Dr. F. Martinelli 1 EORTC Quality of Life Group, Brussels, Belgium Developement cancer survivorship, questionnaire: PIs: Dr. L. van de Poll-Franse and Prof. dr. N.K. Aaronson 3 Medical Center Haaglanden, The Hague, Netherlands Epilepsy in glioma patients during the course of disease and in the EOL; Prof. dr. M.J.B. , Taphoorn, J.A.F. Koekkoek, MD, Dr. M. Vos 1 University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada B. Gallie Universitätsklinikum Essen, Essen, Germany D. Lohmann University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada The Saban Research Institute, Los Angeles, USA Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, USA Institut für Humangenetik, Universitätsklinikum Essen, Essen, Duitsland Douw, L Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging / MGH, Boston, MA, USA Steven Stufflebeam 2 Eeltink, C EBMT, Barcelona, European CQWP: Complications and Quality of Life Working Party: Corien Eeltink PI 2 Fijneman, RJA University of Minnesota, Duluth, MN & Minneapolis, MN, USA Robert T. Cormier, Tim Starr 1 Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden Fredrik Ponten 1 Kennemer Gasthuis, Haarlem, Nederland Hein Stockmann, Herman Bril 1 UMCU, Utrecht, Nederland Onno Kranenburg 1 Erasmus MC, Service XS, Rotterdam, Leiden, Nederland CTMM NGS-ProToCol (Center for Translational Molecular Medicine - Next Generation Sequencing: from Prostate to Colorectal Cancer) Guido Jenster, Wilbert van Workum 3 Philips, AMC, Eindhoven, Amsterdam, Nederland CTMM DeCoDe (Center for Translational Molecular Medicine - Decrease Colorectal cancer 3 Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – International collaboration - 161 Associate Collaborating institute External collaborator(s) Type of collaboration* Death - Work Package 2) Rolf Lamerichs, Hans Hofstraat, Jaap Stoker Gibbs, S Laboratory of Toxicology, DiSFeB, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy Prof. E. Corsini 3 Giovannetti, E Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA Prof. Giuseppe Giaccone 1 Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center, Nashville, TN, USA Prof. William Pao 1 Technion Institute, Haifa, Israel Prof. Yehuda Assaraf 1 Imperial College, London, UK Dr. Adam Frampton 1 Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden Prof. Matthias Lohr 1 Marburg University, Marburg, Germany Dr. Karl Quint 1 Aix-Marseille Univesite', Marseille, France Dr. Joseph Ciccolini 1 Universidad de La Laguna, La Laguna, Spain FP7 grant. Dr. Leticia Leon, DrJ Padron 3 University of Pisa - Dept. Surgery, Oncology and Pathology, Pisa, Italy PRIN-MIUR, and ITT grant. Prof. Ugo Boggi, Prof. Daniela Campani, Dr. Enrico Vasile, Dr. Niccola Funel 2 University of Pisa - Dept. Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pisa, Italy EORTC-PAMM grant. Prof. Filippo Minutolo 3 Livorno Civic Hospital, Livorno, Italy Dr. Federico Cappuzzo, Dr. Carmelo Tibaldi 1 Parma Civic Hospital, Parma, Italy Prof. Andrea Ardizzoni, Dr. Marcello Tiseo 1 University of Parma, Parma, Italy Prof. Piergiorgio Petronini, Dr,. Roberta Alfieri 1 European Institute of Oncology, Milano, Italy Dr. De Pas Tommaso, Dr. Francesca Toffalorio 1 European Institute of Oncology, Milano, Italy Dr. Fedro Peccatori 1 San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milano, Italy Dr. Michele Reni 1 Cancer Center Humanitas, Milano, Italy Prof. Armando Santoro, Dr. Paolo Zucali 1 Carrara Civic Hospital, Carrara, Italy Dr. Paola Pacetti, Dr. Maurizio Cantore 1 Regina Elena Hospital, Roma, Italy Dr. Michele Milella 1 University of Roma – Sapienza, Roma, Italy Dr. Giovanni Codacci-Pisanelli 1 NKI, Amsterdam, Netherlands Dr. Rene' Bernards 1 University of Twente, Twente, Netherlands Dr. Lorenzo Moroni 1 Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam, Dr. Henri Braat, Prof. M. 1 Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – International collaboration - 162 Associate Gordijn, MS Grunberg, K Heideman, DAM Collaborating institute External collaborator(s) Type of collaboration* Netherlands Peppelenbosch Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital, Utrecht, the Netherlands Dr. M. B. Bierings 3 Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands Dr. C. van den Bos 3 GSK, Zeist, The Netherlands H. Tamminga 2 IMTA, Rotterdam, The Netherlands C. Uyl 2 Dpt Epidemiology&Biostatistics, Vumc, The Netherlands V. Coupe 2 Abbott, Des Plains, IL, USA K. Naik 2 UMCU, Utrecht, The Netherlands S. Willems 3 UMCN, Nijmegen, The Netherlands I. Nagtegaal 3 PALGA, Houten, The Netherlands L. Overbeek 3 IARC, Lyon, France Vaccarella S, De Vuyst H, Plummer M, Franceschi S, Chen AA, Gheit T, Tommasino M, Clifford GM 3 Dept Translational Genomics, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany R. Thomas 3 NKI, Amsterdam, Netherlands R. Bernards, S. Horenblas, P. Nederlof 1 Dept Otolaryngology, IUOPA, Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias Oviedo, Spain M. Hermsen 1 MUMC, Maastricht, The Netherlands A. Dingemans, EJ Speel 1 UMCG, Groningen, The Netherlands E. Schuuring, B. Wisman, H. Groen, A. vd Zee 1 RadboudUMC, Nijmegen, The Netherlands H. van Krieken, L. Massuger, H Bulten, W Melchers, R Bekkers 1 IARC, Lyon, France Vaccarella S, De Vuyst H, Plummer M, Franceschi S, Chen AA, Gheit T, Tommasino M, Clifford GM 3 Dept Translational Genomics, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany R. Thomas 3 NKI, Amsterdam, Netherlands R. Bernards, S. Horenblas, P. Nederlof 1 Dept Otolaryngology, IUOPA, Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias Oviedo, Spain M. Hermsen 1 MUMC, Maastricht, The Netherlands A. Dingemans, EJ Speel 1 UMCG, Groningen, The Netherlands E. Schuuring, B. Wisman, H. Groen, A. vd Zee 1 RadboudUMC, , Nijmegen, The Netherlands H. van Krieken, L. Massuger, H Bulten, W Melchers, R Bekkers 1 Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – International collaboration - 163 Associate Collaborating institute External collaborator(s) Hoekstra, OS MSKCC, NY, USA M Morris (PI, project with Royal Marsden, Monash) 2 Univ of Columbia, NY, USA L Schwartz 3 Univ of Antwerp, Antwerpen, Belgium S Stroobants (PI clinical work IMI Quic-Concept) 2 Radboud, Nijmegen, NL W Oyen, W de Graaf 3 UMCG, Groningen, NL EGE de Vries 3 AMC, Amsterdam, NL C Lavini 1 NCI, NY, USA RECIST group 3 UMCU, Utrecht, NL R Nievelstein, W Mali 2 CTMM Airforce, Netherlands see website 3 CTMM Mammoth, Netherlands see website 3 Stanford Institute for stem cell biology and regenerative Medicine Stanford (CA), USA Michelle Monje 1 Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU), Portland (OR), USA Cure starts now DIPG consortium. Charles Keller, XiaoNan Li, Jacques Grill, Eric Raabe, Oren Becher, Michelle Monje, Paul Spellman (PI's) 3 German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Duitsland Marcel Kool 1 BRIC, Copenhagen, Denmark Anders Lund 1 The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR), London, UK European DIPG Network Molecular Biology division. Chris Jones, Marta Alonso, Angel Montero-Carcaboso, Pascal Johann 3 UMCG, Groningen, The Netherlands Sabine Plasschaert 1 Centro Medico nacional siglo XXI, Mexico-city, Mexico Enrique Lopez 1 ErasmusMC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Peter van der Spek 1 Baylor College of Medicine, Houston (TX), USA Xiao-Nan Li 1 UMC Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands ESJM de Bont 2 UMC Nijmegen, Nijmegen, Netherlands CG Gidding 2 Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, UK D Hargrave 2 UCLH, London, UK J Bomanji 2 Gottingen University Hospital, Gottingen, Germany C Kramm 1 University of Wurzburg, Wurzburg, Germany M Warmuth-Metz 1 Netherlands Cancer Institute, Prof. Dr. JJ Neefjes 3 Huisman, M Hulleman, E Jansen, MHA Janssen, JJWM Type of collaboration* Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – International collaboration - 164 Associate Collaborating institute External collaborator(s) Type of collaboration* Amsterdam, NL Jimenez, CR Kaspers, GJL Dept of Hematology, Helsinki, Finland Dr S. Mustjoki; Prof. Dr K. Porkka 1 Dept of Hematology, Lund, Sweden Dr. J. Richter 1 Dept of Hematology, Trondheim, Norway Dr. H. Hjorth-Hansen 2 Dept of Hematology, Nijmegen, NL Dr. A. Schattenberg 2 Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Dr. Jos Jonkers 1 Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Prof. Dr. Anton Berns 1 Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Dr. Olaf van Tellingen 1 AMC, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Prof. Dr. Jan Paul Medema 1 UMCU, Utrecht, The Netherlands Dr. Onno Kranenburg 1 VU, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Dr. Bert de Boer 1 RIVM, Bilthoven, The Netherlands Dr. Wendy Rodenburg 1 VanderBilt University Medical School, Nashville, USA Dr. Robbert Slebos 1 VUmc coordinator Guus van Dongen, Amsterdam, The Netherlands CTMM Airforce consortium members 3 VUmc coordinator Gerrit Meijer, Amsterdam, The Netherlands CTMM DeCoDe consortium members 3 VUmc coordinator Gerrit Meijer, Amsterdam, The Netherlands CTMM TraIT consortium members 3 UMCU-NKI-ErasmusMC, The Netherlands Center for Personalized Cancer Treatment 3 Stichting kinderoncologie Nederland (SKION), Den Haag, Nederland Dr. E. Sonneveld Dr. V. de Haas 1 Erasmus MC - Sophia kinderziekenhuis, Rotterdam, Nederland Dr.C.M. Zwaan Dr. M van den Heuven-Eibrink Dr. M.L. den Boer Dr. Prof. dr. R. Pieters 1 EKZ – AMC, Amsterdam, Nederland Prof. dr. H.N. Caron Dr. A.Y.N. Schouten-van Meeteren Prof. dr. M. Grootenhuis 1 UMCG / Beatrix Kinderkliniek, Groningen, Nederland Prof. dr. E.S.J.M. de Bont 1 Sanquin, Amsterdam, Nederland Dr. T. van den Berg 1 UMCU / WKZ, Utrecht, Nederland Dr. M. Bierings Drs. A.B. Versluijs 1 INKL-werkgroep kindertumoren Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Nederland M. jansen - Landheer 1 The Childeren’s Hospital, Westmead, Sydney, Australië L. Dalla‐Pozza & R. Howman‐Giles 3 Center for Human Genetics, Faculty of J. Cools 3 Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – International collaboration - 165 Associate Collaborating institute External collaborator(s) Type of collaboration* Medicine, KU Leuven, België Princess Margaret Hospital, Ontario Cancer Institute, Toronto, ON, Canada A.D. Schimmer 3 Hospital Skejby, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denemarken H. Hasle 3 AML‐BFM Group, Hannover, Duitsland U. Creutzig & D. Reinhardt 3 German COALL Group, Hamburg, Duitsland G. Escherich & G. Janka‐Schaub 3 German BFM‐relapse ALL Study Group, Berlijn, Duitsland Prof. G. Henze & Dr. A. Stackelberg 3 Bonn University Medical Center, Bonn, Duitsland B. Stoffel‐Wagner 3 I‐BFM‐SG, London UK, Hannover, Duitsland D. Webb & M. Zimmerman 3 European DIPG network, Europa, div. 3 UK – CCLG, Birmingham + Glasgow, Groot Brittannië P. Kearns & Dr. B. Gibson 3 University of Sumatera Utara, Medan , Indonesië Prof. Bidasara Lubis 3 Universitas Diponegoro,dept of pediatrics, Semarang, Indonesië Prof. Ag. Soemantri 3 Universitas Diponegoro,center for biomedical research, Semarang, Indonesië Prof. Sultana M.H. Faradz 3 Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Djakarta, Indonesië Emelyana Pane 3 Sam Ratulangi University, Dept of Pediatrics, Manado, Indonesië Prof. Max F.J. Mantik & Dr S. Gunawan 3 Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogjakarta, Indonesië Prof. Sutaryo & E. Supriyadi & M.N. Sitaresmi & P.H. Widjajanto 3 Institute of Technology University, Haifa, Y.G. Assaraf, Technion‐Israel Israël 3 AIEOP, Rome & Bologna, Italië A. Tésti & Prof. A. Pession 3 MTRH, Eldoret, Kenia F. Njuguna 3 University of Malawi, Blantyre, Malawi E. Molyneux 3 National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore WJ Chng 3 National University Hospital Singapore, Singapore, Singapore Prof. Allen Eng‐Yuh Yeoh 3 Harvard Medical School, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Verenigde Staten B.A. Tannous 3 Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, Washington, Verenigde Staten S. Meshinchi 3 Baylor College of Medicine/Texas Children's Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, Verenigde Staten T. Horton 3 Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – International collaboration - 166 Associate Collaborating institute External collaborator(s) Scripps Institution of Oceanography & Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of California, San Diego, California, Verenigde Staten B.S. Moore 3 St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, Tennesee, Verenigde Staten R.R. Ribeiro & B. Razzouk 3 Indiana University, Ampath Oncology Institute, Indianapolis, Indiana, Verenigde Staten J. Skiles, T. Vik, P. Loehrer 3 Kenter, GG Centre Curie, Paris, France RAID EU project in 7 EU countries 3 Kerkhoff, N Kings College Hospital, London, United Kingdom Prof. G. Mufti and Dr. S. Kordasti 1 Lund University, Lund, Sweden Dr. M. Lindstedt 1 Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Münster, Germany INMiND (Imaging of Neurodegeneration in Neurodegenerative Diseases) involving 21 academic institutions and 6 SMEs from 13 countries 1 Center for Integrated Oncology Köln/Bonn, Köln, Germany Prof. dr. J. Wolf 1 Divisie farmacologie, Leiden, Netherlands Dr. E.C. De Lange 1 Stichting Epilepsie Instellingen Nederland, Heemstede, Netherlands Dr. R.A. Voskuyl 1 Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden Dr. M. Lubberink, dr. S. Syvänen 1 Ludwig-Maximilians Universität, München, Germany Prof. dr. H. Potschka 1 UCL Institute of Neurology, London, UK Prof. dr. M. Koepp 1 Israel Institute for Biological Research, Ness-Ziona, Israel Prof. dr. A. Fisher 1 Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden Dr. A. Varrone, Prof. dr. C. Halldin 1 AMC, Amsterdam, Netherlands Prof. dr. D. Denys 1 UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands Prof. dr. R.S. Kahn 1 Department of Radiation Oncology, University Medical Center Groningen Groningen, The Netherlands J.A. Langendijk 1 Laboratories of Experimental Surgery, Brussels Free University Brussel, Belgium M. Hacquebard 1 Department of Clinical Medicine – Sapienza, University of Rome Rome, Italy M. Muscaritoli 1 Centre for Dietetics Research, School of Human Movement Studies, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia J.D. Bauer, E.A. Isenring 1 Lammertsma, AA Langius, JAE Mebius, R Instituto de Medicina Molecular, Type of collaboration* 1 Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – International collaboration - 167 Associate Collaborating institute External collaborator(s) Type of collaboration* Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal Meijer, CJLM Babraham Institute, Cambridge, UK 1 UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands 1 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories, Cold Spring Harbor, USA 1 NYU, New York, USA 1 Monash University, Clayton , Australia 1 Hubrecht Laboratories, Utrecht, Netherlands 1 Città della salute e della scienza di Torino (AOT), Turin, Italy Unit for cervical cancer evaluation: Guglielmo Ronco 3 Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden Joakim Dillner, Miriam Elfström 3 Queen Mary & Westfield College (QMUL), University of London London, UK, Jack Cuzick, Attila Lorincz, Louise Cadman 3 Virus, Lifestyle and Genes, Danish Cancer Society Research Center Copenhagen , Denmark Christian Munk 3 University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland Matti Lehninen, Pekka Nieminen, Vänskä Simopekka 3 LUMC, Leiden, Netherlands Sjoerd van den Burg, Dept Clinical Oncology 1 UMC Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands Ate van der Zee, Bea Wisman, Dept Gynaecology 1 UMC St. Radboud, Nijmegen, Netherlands Willem Melchers, Ruud Bekkers, Leon Massuger, Dept. Gynaecology & Medical Microbiology 3 UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands Rene Verheijen, Dept. Gynaecology 3 Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, Netherlands Folkert van Kemenade, Dept. Pathology 3 Curacao Bob Pinedo 3 Univerza V Ljubljani, Ljubbljiana, Slovenia Mario Poljack 3 Denmark Prof. Kraeftens 3 AMC, Amsterdam, Netherlands Henri de Vries, Jan Prins, Depts. Dermatology, Infectious Diseases 1 University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, USA B.D. Athey Data Science Institute, Imperial College, London , UK Y. Guo University of Minnesota, Duluth, MN & Minneapolis, MN, USA Robert T. Cormier, Tim Starr 1 Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden Fredrik Ponten 1 Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – International collaboration - 168 Associate Middeldorp, JM Collaborating institute External collaborator(s) Type of collaboration* Kennemer Gasthuis, Haarlem, Nederland Hein Stockmann, Herman Bril 1 UMCU, Utrecht, Nederland Onno Kranenburg 1 Erasmus MC, Service XS, Rotterdam, Leiden, Nederland CTMM NGS-ProToCol (Center for Translational Molecular Medicine - Next Generation Sequencing: from Prostate to Colorectal Cancer) Guido Jenster, Wilbert van Workum 3 Philips, AMC, Eindhoven, Amsterdam, Nederland CTMM DeCoDe (Center for Translational Molecular Medicine - Decrease Colorectal cancer Death - Work Package 2) Rolf Lamerichs, Hans Hofstraat, Jaap Stoker 3 CTMM-TraIT, federated organisation, NL Public private partnership: all UMCs, NKI, Maastor clinic; SMEs like Philips, Genalice, Cordys, CSC, Vancis, Roche, Keosys, OpenClinica; charities KWF, NHS; institutes like PSI, NBIC, ICIN,SURFsara; organisations/projects like BBMRI, ELIXIR, EATRIS, BioMedBridges 3 Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins Baltimore, USA J.G. Herman, S. Bayling 1 LIMM, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK P. Quirke, H. Grabsch 1 Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, USA D. Sidransky, V. Velculescu 1 Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute Bethesda, USA G. Giaccone 1 IPATIMUP, Porto, Portugal C. Oliveira 1 KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium S. Tejpar 1 The EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute, Hinxton, UK BioMedBridges: Janet Thornton, Niklas Blomberg, Christian Ohman 3 Netherlands Cancer Institute, Dept. Head & Neck Surgery, Amsterdam, Netherlands Prof.dr. I.B.Tan, Dr. J.P de Boer, dr. A.Huitema, dr. S.Stoker 3 Netherlands Cancer Institute, Dept. Tumor Cell Biology, Amsterdam, Netherlands prof.dr. J.J.Neefjes 1 University Medical Center, Dept. Experimental Virology, Utrecht, Netherlands prof.dr. E. Wiertz, dr. M.Ressing 1 Tuft's University, Dept. Pathology, Boston, USA prof.dr. D.Thorley-Lawson 1 University of London, Imperial College, Dept. medicine, London, UK prof.dr. M.Allday, dr. E.Paschos, dr. R.White 1 University of Birmingham, Dept. Cancer Studies, Birmingham, UK prof.dr. A.Rickinson, prof.dr. M.Rowe, dr. P.Murray, dr. N.Blake, dr. A.Hislop 1 Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – International collaboration - 169 Associate Collaborating institute External collaborator(s) Type of collaboration* University of Hong Kong, Dept. Anatomy and Pediatrics, Hong Kong, China prof.dr. S.W.Tsao, prof.dr. A.K.Chiang 1 Seoul national University, Dept Pathology, Seoul, Korea prof.dr. M.S.Chang 1 University of Wisconsin, Dept. Oncology, prof.dr. S.Kenney Madison, USA 1 National Cancer Institute, Rockville, USA prof.dr. A.Hildesheim, dr. C.Chang, dr. K.Yu 3 Karolinska Institute, Dept. Microbiology and Tumor Biology, Stockholm, Sweden prof.dr. I.Ernberg, dr. LF Hu 3 Karolinska Institute, Dept. Microbiology and Tumor Biology, Stockholm Sweden prof.dr. M.Masucci 1 Gadjah Mada University, Dept Medicine, Yogyakarta, Indonesia prof.dr. S.M.Haryana, dr. S.Hutajulu, dr. J.Fachiroh, dr. J.Kurnianda 3 Universitas Indonesia, Dept. Head & Neck Surgery, Jakarta, Indonesia prof.dr. B.Hermani, prof.dr. S.Gondhowiyardjo, dr. L.Rachmani, dr. A.Roezin, prof.dr. AN Kurniawan 1 University of Ottawa, Dept. Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Ottawa, Canada dr. J.M.Woulfe, dr. DA.Gray 1 University of Toronto, Dept. Molecular Genetics, Toronto, Canada Prof.dr. L.Frappier 1 Makarere University, Dept. Medical Sciences, Kampala, Uganda dr. J.Orem, Prof.dr. E.Weiderpass 3 State University New York, Syracuse, USA prof.dr. M.Rochford, dr. E.Piriou 3 Moll, A Universitätsklinikum Essen, Essen, Germany Petra Temming 4 Mooi, WJ University of Chicago, Chicago, USA Prof T.S. Krausz 4 University of London, London, GB Dr E. Calonje 4 University of Leiden, Leiden, NL prof W. Bergman 1 Reumatology, VUmc, Amsterdam, Netherlands Dr. Irene van der Horst 3 Gastroenterology, VUmc, Amsterdam, Netherlands Dr. A. van Bodegraven 3 Gynaecology, UMCG, Groningen, Netherlands Prof.dr. J. Land 3 Gynaecology, UMCG, Maastricht, Netherlands Dr. J den hartog, Prof. H Evers 3 GGD Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands Dr. S Bruisten, Dr. M. van der Loeff 3 GGDZL, Heerlen, Netherlands Prof.dr. C. Hoebe, Dr. N. Dukers 3 RIVM, Bilthoven, Ntherlnads Dr. M. van der Sande 1 AMC, Amsterdam, Netherlands Prof.dr. H. de Vries 3 Morré, SA Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – International collaboration - 170 Associate Collaborating institute External collaborator(s) Wuhan Hospital, Wuhan, China Prof. B. Xia 1 California Universities, LA, SF, Merced, CA, USA Prof.dr. D. Dean. Prof.dr. D Ojccius, Dr. L de la Maza 3 ICTI Consortium, NL, EU, USA, EU, USA 20 partners 3 Chlamydia Lab RIVM, Amsterdam, Netherlands 8 partners 2 CDC, Atlanta, USA Prof.dr. J. Iegitseme 1 University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland Prof.dr. J. Paavonen 3 Kastelli Centre, Oulu, Finland Dr. H-J. Surcel 3 EpiGenChlamydia, NL, EU, USA, EU, USA 20 partners 3 Neefjes, ECW Academisch hospice Demeter, de Bilt, Netherlands Saskia Teunissen 2 Ossenkoppele, GJ University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany Prof dr Dohner 2 Erasmus Mc, Rotterdam, Netherlands prof dr B.Lowenberg 1 Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Institute, Seattle, USA Dr E Estey 2 Pegtel, M Peters, GJ Type of collaboration* European leukemia net, Mannheim, Germany 3 HOVON, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 2 Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, Netherlands Sjaak Neefjes 1 Hubrecht Laboratory, Utrecht, Netherlands Jacco v Rheenen, Anoek Zomer 1 University of Granada, Granada, Spain Michael Hackenberg 1 Harvard University, Boston, USA Xandra Breakefield 1 University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands Rienk Nieuwland 1 Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands Ramon Schiffelers 1 VU University, Amsterdam, Netherlands Matthijs Verhage, Ruud Toonen 1 Tufts University, Boston, Netherlands David Thorley-Lawson 1 University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands Ineke ten Berge 1 Univeristy of Bologna, Bologna, Italy COST (European Stem Cell Network) 1 NKI, Amsterdam, Netherlands Prof. Dr. René Bernards 1 University of Twente, Twente, Netherlands Dr. Lorenzo Moroni 1 Rega Institute, Leuven, Belgium Prof. dr. J. Balzarini 1 EORTC Tranlational research Division, Brussels, Belgium Dr. J. Hall 1 Max-Delbrück-Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin-Buch, Germany Dr. I. Fichtner 1 University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy Prof. Dr. R. Danesi 1 Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – International collaboration - 171 Associate Collaborating institute External collaborator(s) Type of collaboration* University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy Dr. N. Funel 1 National Cancer Institute, Bari, Italy Prof. dr. A. Paradiso 1 University of Pisa - Dept. Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pisa, Italy EORTC-PAMM grant. Prof. Filippo Minutolo 3 Parma Civic Hospital, Parma, Italy Prof. Andrea Ardizzoni, Dr. Marcello Tiseo 1 University of Parma, Parma, Italy Prof. Piergiorgio Petronini, Dr. Roberta Alfieri 1 European Institute of Oncology, Milano, Italy Dr. Fedro Peccatori 1 Cancer Center Humanitas, Milano, Italy Prof. Armando Santoro, Dr. Paolo Zucali 1 University of Roma – Sapienza, Roma, Italy Dr. Giovanni Codacci-Pisanelli 1 Aix-Marseille Univesite', Marseille, France Dr. Joseph Ciccolini 1 University of Barcelona, Institute of Biomedicine and Oncology Programme, Barcelona, Spain Prof. Dr. Marcal Pastor-Anglada, PhD 1 Universidad de La Laguna, La Laguna, Spain FP7 grant. Dr. Leticia Leon, Dr. J Padron 3 University of Bradford, Bradford, United Kingdom R. Phillips, PhD 1 Agricultural University, Uppsala, Sweden Prof. dr. S. Eriksson 1 Center for Drug Design and Discovery, SVERI’s College of Pharmacy, Pandharpur, India Prof. Dr. Y. Mayur 1 Technion Institute, Haifa, Israel Prof. Yehuda Assaraf 1 Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute, Detroit, USA Larry H. Matherly, PhD 1 Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA Prof. Giuseppe Giaccone 1 Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center, Nashville, TN, USA Prof. William Pao 1 NCI, Bethesda, MD, USA Dr. G. Giaconne & Victor Marquez, Ph.D. 1 Postma, TJ universita Bicocca, Milan, Italy prof dr Cavaletti 3 Reijneveld, JC European Association of NeuroOncology Member, USA Chang, S.M., Costello J. 1 Hospital Salpetrière, Paris, France Idbaih, A., Hoang-Xuan K., 1 University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK Grant, R., Rooney, A.G., 1 Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria Marosi, C., Preusser, M., 1 Medical University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck Austria Stockhammer, G. 1 Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – International collaboration - 172 Associate Collaborating institute External collaborator(s) Rozendaal, L AMC, Amsterdam, Netherlands JJMCH de la Rosette MD PhD 1 EMC, Rotterdam, Netherlands FJ van Kemenade MD PhD 1 AML-MRD working party, Rotterdam, Nijmegen, Enschede, Leuven, Netherlands, Belgium Vincent van der Velden, Rik Brooimans, Frank Preijers, Jennita Slomp, Nancy Boeckx Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, Netherlands Peter Valk, Bob Löwenberg, Mojca Jongen 1 HOVON/SAKK Consortium, sGravendijkwal, 230 3015 CE Rotterdam Netherlands Principle collaborators of >40 centers in 7 different countries 2 Utrecht University Medical Center, Utrecht, Netherlands Anton Martens, Richard Groen 1 Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands dr. N.A.P. Franken, dr. L.J.A. Stalpers 1 Maastricht University / Maastricht, university Medical Center, Maastricht, The Netherlands Dr. J. Theys, Prof. dr. B.G. Baumert, Ing. K. Paesmans 1 University of California, San Francisco, USA Prof. dr. D. Haas-Kogan 1 Technical University, Delft, The Netherlands Dr. A. Denkova, Prof. dr. B. Wolterbeek 1 Clinical Cooperation Unit Neurooncology, MediClin Robert Janker Klinik & University of Bonn Med Center, Bonn, Germany Prof. dr. B.G. Baumert 1 Institute of Biochemistry, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil dr. C.A. Fedrigo 1 Department Clinical Oncology, Assuit University Hospital, Assuit, Egypt dr. M. Elnaggar 1 Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria Dr. V. Strenger 4 Department of Radiation Oncology & Research Unit, Dr. Negrin University Hospital, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain Dr. B. Clavo 4 Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Dr. C.Vens, dr. O. van Tellingen 3 Schuurhuis, GJ Sminia, S Smit, L Type of collaboration* Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Center, Prof. dr. A. Chalmers Glasgow, UK 3 :eeds Institute of Molecular Medicine, section oncology and clinical research. University of Leeds, Leeds , UK Prof. dr. S. Short 3 Oncomatrix Research Laboratory, Department of Biomedicine, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway Prof. dr. R.J. Bjerkvig, dr. P Enger 3 Leiden University Medical Center Leiden, The Netherlands dr. J. Wondergem 3 University Medical Center Groningen Groningen, The Netherlands Prof. dr. R.P. Coppes 3 Netherlands Cancer Institute Amsterdam, The Netherlands Prof. R. Bernards/Dr. R. Beijersbergen 1 Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – International collaboration - 173 Associate Snijders, PJF Steenbergen, R Collaborating institute External collaborator(s) Type of collaboration* Netherlands Cancer Institute Amsterdam, The Netherlands Dr. R. Kerkhoven 1 Netherlands Cancer Institute Amsterdam, The Netherlands Dr. P. Celie 1 UMCU, Utrecht, The Netherlands Dr. M. Maurice 1 UMCU, Utrecht, The Netherlands Prof. A. Martens 1 Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam The Netherlands Dr. B. Blom 1 Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Prof. P. Valk 1 Institut Suisse de Recherche Experimentale sur le Cancer ( ISREC), Lausanne, Zwitserland Prof. M. de Palma 1 Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Prof. J. Neefjes 1 Città della salute e della scienza di Torino (AOT), Turin, Italy Unit for cervical cancer evaluation: Guglielmo Ronco 3 Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden Joakim Dillner 3 Queen Mary & Westfield College (QMUL), University of London, London, UK Jack Cuzick, Attila Lorincz 3 University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland Matti Lehninen, Pekka Nieminen 3 DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany Frank Rösl, Michael Pawlita 1 LUMC, Leiden, Netherlands Sjoerd van den Burg, Dept Clinical Oncology 1 UMC Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands Ate van der Zee, Bea Wisman, Dept Gynaecology 1 UMC St. Radboud, Nijmegen, Netherlands Willem Melchers, Ruud Bekkers, Leon Massuger, Dept. Gynaecology & Medical Microbiology 3 UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands Rene Verheijen, Dept. Gynaecology 3 Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, Netherlands Folkert van Kemenade, Dept. Pathology 3 University of Alabama et Birmingham Birmingham, USA Tom Broker, Louise Chow 1 University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany Roman Thomas 3 AMC, Amsterdam, Netherlands Henri de Vries, Jan Prins, Depts. Dermatology, Infectious Diseases 1 The Norwegian Radium Hospital, Oslo, Norway H Lyng 1 Institute of Bioengineering , Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland B. Deplancke 1 Laboratory for Bioinformatics and W van Criekinge 1 Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – International collaboration - 174 Associate Collaborating institute External collaborator(s) Type of collaboration* Computational Genomics, Gent, Belgium Taphoorn, MJB te Riele, H Unger, W Dept. Tumorvirology, DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany F. Rösl 1 Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular , Genetics, UAB, Birmingham, USA T.R. Broker, L.T. Chow 1 Dept. Clinical Oncology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands SH vd Brug 1 Dept. Gynaecological Oncology, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands A vd Zee, GB Wisman 1 Division of Gene Regulation, Dutch Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, Netherlands R Agami 1 1Edinburgh University, 2Medical University Vienna, 3University of Innsbruck, 4Kaiser Franz Jozef Hospital, 5Institute Regina Elena, 1Edinburgh, 2Vienna, 3Innsbruck, 4Innsbruck, 5Rome, 1United Kingdom 2,3,4Austria 5Italy EOL care and QOL in glioma patients; Prof. dr. R. Grant, Prof. dr. C. Marosi, Prof. dr. G. Stockhammer, Prof. dr. Grisold, Prof. dr. A. Pace 3 Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, Netherlands HRQoL in the BELOB study; Prof. dr. M. van den Bent 1 Medical Center Haaglanden, The Hague, Netherlands HRQoL, well-being and cognition in brain tumor patients; E. Habets, MSc, H. Zwinkels, RN, MA ANP 1 European Organisation of Research and, Treatment of Cancer, Brussels, Belgium Review proxy measurements in HRQoL in cancer, Joint modelling in HRQoL; Dr. A. Bottomley, D.E. Ediebah, MSc, Dr. F. Martinelli 1 EORTC Quality of Life Group, Brussels, Belgium Developement cancer survivorship questionnaire: PIs: Dr. L. van de Poll-Franse and Prof. dr. N.K. Aaronson 3 Medical Center Haaglanden, The Hague, Netherlands Epilepsy in glioma patients during the course of disease and in the EOL; Prof. dr. M.J.B. Taphoorn, J.A.F. Koekkoek, MD, Dr. M. Vos 1 University of Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany A. Borkhardt University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada C.E. Pearson 1 UMCG, Groningen, Netherlands Martijn Nawijn 1 EMC, Rotterdam, Netherlands Bart Jacobs, Ruth Huizinga 1 VUmc, Amsterdam, Netherlands Elga de Vries 1 VUmc, Amsterdam, Netherlands Tanja de Gruijl 1 VUmc, Amsterdam, Netherlands Jantine Bakema 1 Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, Los Angeles, USA Joe Church 1 Twincore Institute, Hannover, Germany Tim Sparwasser, Luciana Berod, 1 Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – International collaboration - 175 Associate Collaborating institute External collaborator(s) Type of collaboration* Christian Mayer van Beusechem, VW van de Sar, AM van de Wiel, M van den Elsen, PJ van der Laken, J Van der Waal, I Dept. Neurosurgery, ErasmusMC, Rotterdam, Netherlands Clemens Dirven, Martine Lamfers 2 Institut Catala d'Oncologia, Barcelona, Spain Ramon Alemany 1 UniversitatsSpital Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland Rolf Stahel, Emanuela FelleyBosco 1 Dept. Radiotherapy, NKI, Amsterdam, Netherlands Marcel Verheij, Baukelien van Triest 1 UMCN St. Radboud, Nijmegen, Netherlands Winald Gerritsen, Jelle Barentsz 1 University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland Mataleena Parikka PhD 1 Global Health Institute, Ecole Polytechnique Fédärale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland 1 Stewart T Cole University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United PreDiCT-TB (IMI= Innovative Kingdom Medicine Initiative Europe) consortium. Gerry Davies, Stewart R. Cole, Stefan Kaufmann, John McKinney, Stephen Gillispie 3 University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom Del Besra 1 University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland Mark Robinson 1 NTNU, Trondheim, Norway Andrea Riebler 1 Imperial College, London, UK Gerry Thomas 3 Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands Martine Jager (Ophthalmology) 1 Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands Peter Kuppen (Churgery) 1 Texas A&M Health Science Center, College Station, USA Koichi Kobayashi 1 Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands Sylvere van der Maarel (Human Genetics) 1 Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands Hermelijn Smits (Parasitology) 1 Charité, Berlin, Germany Gunther Schonrich 1 PI: UMCU, rheumatology, Utrecht, Netherlands CTMM TRACER: National collaboration of 6 universities and LE/SMEs 1 PI: ETH, Zurich, Switserland FP7 project PRIAT; collaboration of 7 european partners 1 Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Leiden, The Netherlands 1 Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 1 Department of Dermatology, Sint Antonius , Ziekenhuis, Nieuwengein, 1 Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – International collaboration - 176 Associate Collaborating institute External collaborator(s) Type of collaboration* Netherlands van Die, I van Dulmen-den Broeder, E Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands 1 Department of ENT, Dental Ophthalmological, and Cervicofacial Sciences, University of Parma, Unit of Oral Pathology and Medicine, section of Odontostomatology, Parma, Italy 1 Department of Oral Surgery, University of Porto Porto, Portugal 1 Department of Oral Medicine, Carolina Medical Center, Carolina, USA 1 Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, VUmc, Amsterdam, Netherlands 1 Department of Clinical Genetics, VUmc Amsterdam, Netherlands 1 Department of Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, VUmc, Amsterdam, Netherlands 1 Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Groningen and University Medical Center Groningen Groningen, Netherlands 1 Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, UMC Groningen, Netherlands 1 Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery UMC Utrecht, Netherlands 1 Section for Parasitology, University of Copenhagen Copenhagen, Denmark Helene Kringel 1 Dept. Biochemistry, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, USA Richard D. Cummings 1 Dept. of Medical Microbiology, UMC Utrecht Utrecht, The Netherlands Harm Snippe 1 Laboratory of GlycoNanotechnologyCIC biomaGUNE San Sebastián, Spain Soledad Penadés 1 Dept. Infectious Diseases & Immunology, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands Lonneke Vervelde 1 Nederlands Kanker Instituut (NKI), Amsterdam, Nederland Prof. Dr. F.E. van Leeuwen 1 NNF, Voorburg, Nederland Dr. C. Hilders 1 Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Edinburg, Scotland Prof. Dr. W.H. Wallace 1 EKZ‐AMC, Amsterdam, Nederland Dr. L.C.M. Kremer 1 Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – International collaboration - 177 Associate van Egmond, M van Furth, AM van Grieken, NCT van Hoogstraten, I Collaborating institute External collaborator(s) Type of collaboration* UMCU/WKZ, Utrecht, Nederland Drs. A.B. Versluijs 1 ErasmusMC/SKZ, Rotterdam, Nederland Dr. M.M. van den Heuvel-Eibrink 1 UMCN, Nijmegen, Nederland Dr. J.J. Loonen 1 LUMC, Leiden, Nederland Dr. D. Bresters 1 UMCG, Groningen, Nederland Dr. W. Tissing 1 Mainz University Medical Center, Mainz, Duitsland PanCareLIFE consortium (PanCareLIFE project: EU-funded) Dr. P. Kaatsch, Dr. J. Byrne, Dr. M.M. van den Heuvel, Dr. L.C.M. Kremer, Prof. T. Langer. Dr. G. Calaminus, C. Clissman 3 St. Judes, Memphis, USA Dr. L. Robison 3 University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada Prof.dr. Paul Kubes 1 Inserm U699-Bichat Medical School, Paris, France Prof.dr. Renato Monteiro 1 University of Limoges, Limoges, France Prof.dr. Michel Cogné 1 Tygerberg Hospital, Stellenbosch University Cape Town, South Africa R.van Toorn, J Schoeman, G. Walzl 1 Rijnland Ziekenhuis, Leiderdorp M.E. Weijerman 1 Elisabeth Ziekenhuis, Tilburg S. de Crom, CH. Obihara 1 Universiteit Maastricht, Maastricht S.A.Morré 1 ANOVA institute, Mopani District, South Africa R. Peters 1 ESMID study group, Bern, Switserland S. Leib 1 Universiteit Maastricht, Maastricht P.Savelkoul 1 Centre for Human Metabolomics, Potchefstroom, South Africa S. Mason, R. Solomons, J. Schoeman, R. Wevers. C. Reinecke 1 Kilamanjaro Christian Medical Center, Moshi, Tanzania T. Msoka, J. Bartlett 1 Tijgerberg Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa S. van Elsland P. Springer, J. Schoemans 1 University of Michigan Medical school, Ann Arbor, MI, USA M. El-Kebir, D. Kirschner 1 IPATIMUP, Porto, Portugal Fatima Carneiro, Carla Oliveira, Joanna Carvalho 1 Karolinkska universiteit, Stockholm, Zweden Pehr Lind 2 Århus Universitetshospital, Aarhus, Denmark Marianne Nordsmark 2 Leeds Institute of Molecular Medicine, Leeds, United Kingdom Phil Quirke, Heike Grabsch 1 ACTA, Amsterdam, Netherlands Cees Kleverlaan 1 Faculty of Dentistry, Djember, Indonesia Dessy Rachmawati 1 Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – International collaboration - 178 Associate Collaborating institute External collaborator(s) van Kooyk, Y University of Milan, Milan, Italy Anna Bernardi 1 University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland Kim Pettersson 1 Oxford University, Oxford, England Ben Davis 1 CSCIC, Sevilla, Spain Javier Rojo 1 van Litsenburg, RRL Childhood Oncology Group, Philadelphia, USA Richard Aplenc 2 van Montfrans, C Slotervaartziekenhuis, Amsterdam, Nederland drs. J. Serrarens 2 Centrum Oosterwal, Alkmaar, Nederland drs. M.C. Mooij 2 Flevoziekenhuis, Almere, Nederland drs. W. Roest 2 Sint Franciscus Gasthuis, Rotterdam, Nederland dr. M. Loots 2 Isala, Zwolle, Nederland H. Lam, drs. G. Kuiters 2 Ziekenhuisgroep Twente, Hengelo, Nederland drs. C. Hebeda 2 Institute for Health Services Research in Dermatology and Nursing; UMC Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany Prof. Dr. med. Matthias Augustin 4 Westfriesgasthuis, Hoorn, Nederland S. Beukers 2 van Schaardenburg, D University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK Karim Raza 2 van Sörnsen de Koste, JR London Regional Cancer Program, Ontario, Canada Dr D Palma 1 University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Canada Prof W. D'Souza 1 Varian Medical Systems, Palo Alto, USA H. Mostafavi 1 Velocity Medical Solutions, Atlanta, USA Prof T. Fox 1 University of the West of England, Bristol, UK S hawlett, J Kirwan, C Flurey 1 Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria J Smolen, T Stamm, M. Sadlanova 1 Centre for Translational Inflammation Research, Birmingham, UK K Raza, R Stack 1 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgie P Verschueren 1 Pasteur Insitute, Paris, France prof.dr. C. Leclerc, dr. S. Bay 1 University of Leicester, Leicester, UK prof.dr. C. Pritchard 1 Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, USA prof.dr. R. Cummings 1 University of Georgia, Athens, USA dr. D. Live 1 Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Cleveland, USA dr. B. Cobb 1 Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) and University College London Hospital (UCLH), London, United Kingdom Darren Hargrave 2 van Tuyl, L Van Vliet, SJ Veldhuijzen van Zanten, S Type of collaboration* Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – International collaboration - 179 Associate Verdonck-de Leeuw, IM Collaborating institute External collaborator(s) Type of collaboration* Palliative care in DIPG, Vumc, Netherlands European DIPG network 1 Steroids in DIPG, Vumc, Netherlands European DIPG network 1 Development of European DIPG registry, Vumc, Netherlands European DIPG network 1 European DIPG network, Vumc, Netherlands European DIPG network 3 Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) and University College London Hospital (UCLH ), London, United Kingdom Darren Hargrave 2 Palliative care in DIPG, Vumc, Netherlands European DIPG network 1 Steroids in DIPG, Vumc, Netherlands European DIPG network 1 Development of European DIPG registry, Vumc Netherlands European DIPG network 1 European DIPG network, Vumc, Netherlands European DIPG network 3 Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway, Oslo, Norway EORTC Quality of Life Group, Oral Health Module Development Group. Hjermstad MJ, Bergenmar M, Fisher SE, Montel S, Nicolatou-Galitis O, RaberDurlacher J, Singer S, Verdonckde Leeuw IM, Weis J, Yarom N, Herlofson BB 3 University of Mainz, Mainz, Germany EORTC Quality of Life Group, Head and Neck Cancer Module Update Group. Singer S, Arraras JI, Baumann I, Boehm A, Chie WC, Galalae R, Langendijk JA, Guntinas-Lichius O, Hammerlid E, Pinto M, Nicolatou-Galitis O, Schmalz C, Sen M, Sherman AC, Spiegel K, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, Yarom N, Zotti P, Hofmeister D 3 Bispebjerg Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark EORTC Quality of Life Group, Computerized Adaptive Testing Group. Petersen MA, Aaronson NK, Arraras JI, Chie WC, Conroy T, Costantini A, Giesinger JM, Holzner B, King MT, Singer S, Velikova G, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, Young T, Groenvold M. 3 Innsbruck Medical University, Innsbruck, Austria EORTC Quality of Life Group, electronic patient reported outcome assessment. Holzner B, Giesinger J, Groenvold M, Petersen MA, Aaronson NK, Velikova G, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM 3 Twente University, Enschede, Netherlands KWF project. Bohlmeijer ET, Drossaert S 1 University Medical Center Leiden, Leiden, Netherlands VerderZonderStembanden. Van de Velden LA, Langeveld T, 2 Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – International collaboration - 180 Associate Verweij, CL Collaborating institute External collaborator(s) Type of collaboration* University Medical Center Maastricht, Maastricht, Netherlands VerderZonderStembanden. Van de Velden LA, Langeveld T, 2 University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands NET-QUBIC (Netherlands Quality of Life and Biomedical Cohort Studies). Langendijk JA, Takes R, Terhaard C, 1 Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, Netherlands NET-QUBIC (Netherlands Quality of Life and Biomedical Cohort Studies). Langendijk JA, Takes R, Terhaard C, 1 University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands NET-QUBIC (Netherlands Quality of Life and Biomedical Cohort Studies). Langendijk JA, Takes R, Terhaard C, 1 VU University, Erasmus MC, Padjadjaran University Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Sumedang, Netherlands, Indonesia KWF project. Passchier J, de Klerk, C, Sadarjoen SS 1 Tilburg University, Tilburg, Netherlands CZ project Shared Decision making in prostate cancer. De Vries M, van Tol-Geerdink J, van Uden-Kraan CF. 1 Vanderbilt, University School of Medicine, Nashville, USA Prof. Dr. Thomas Aune 1 University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada Prof. Hani El-Gabalawy, PhD 1 University of Leeds, Leeds, Great Britain Prof. Paul Emery, PhD, MD., Dr. Frederique Pongel, PhD 1 Hospitaux Universiaires Paris-Sud Universite Paris-Sud INSERM U1012, Paris, France Prof. Xavier Mariette, PhD, MD 1 University Hospital Umea, Umea, Sweden Prof. Dr. Solbritt RantapaaDahlvist 1 Stanford University, California, USA Prof. Dr. William Robinson 1 Vis, AN AMC, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Waisfisz, Q and MeijersHeijboer, H the Consortium of Investigators of Modifiers of BRCA1/2 (CIMBA), multiple broad international collaboration the Breast Cancer Association Consortium (BCAC), Multiple broad international collaboration Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, Netherlands Martin vd Bent, Pim French, Johan M. Kros, EORTC Brain Tumor Group 2 Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands Eleonora Aronica 3 Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands Theo Hulsebos 1 UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands Paul van Diest 1 MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA Ken Aldape 1 Heidelberg Univ. Hospital, Heidelberg, Andreas von Deimling 1 Wesseling, P 3 Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – International collaboration - 181 Associate Collaborating institute External collaborator(s) Type of collaboration* Germany Harvard Univ./Mass. Gen. Hosp., Boston, Bakkhous Tannous MA, USA 3 Munster Univ. Hosp., Munster, Germany Martin Hasselblatt 1 Munchen Univ. Hosp., Munchen, Germany Jorg Tonn & EORTC Brain Tumor Group 3 Heidelberg Univ. Hospital, Heidelberg, Germany Christel Herold-Mendes 3 University of St Andrews, St Andrews, Scotland Prof. Dr. David O'Hagan 1 ARRONAX, Nantes, France dr J Barbet, dr C. Bourdeau 4 IAEA/IFIN-HH, ,Bucharest, Rumania dr D Nicolae 4 Oxford University, Oxford, UK Prof. Dr. Veronique Gouverneur 3 Wondergem, MJ City of Hope, Los Angeles, USA A. Krishnan 2 Yaqub, M K0816 WP3AirforceNG, NL 1 WP3 IMI Klinisch, NL 1 WP4 Data analyse metholog. IMI, NL 1 Windhorst, AD Ylstra, B Zijlstra, JM UMCN, Nijmegen, NL Prof. dr H van Krieken, Prof. dr. I Nagtegaal 3 NKI, Amsterdam, NL Prof. dr. S Linn, dr. R Kerkhof, dr. P Nederlof 3 AMC, Amsterdam, NL Prof. dr. C. Punt 2 AMC, Amsterdam, NL Prof. dr. R Versteeg, dr. J. Molenaar 1 AMC, Amsterdam, NL Prof. dr. F Baas, prof. Dr. E Aronica 1 University of Paris, Paris, Fr Prof. dr. A Idbaih 1 UCSF, San Francisco, USA Profs. Dr D. Pinkel. D. Albertson, H. Bengstton, A. Olshen 1 UCSF, San Francisco, USA Prof. Dr. J Costello 1 Maastricht University, Maastricht, NL Prof. Dr. E.J Speel, Prof. Dr. M. Van Engeland 4 CNIO, Madrid, ES Prof. dr. P Real 1 University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK Prof. dr. N. Gilbert 1 University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK Prof. dr. C. Caldas, Prof. dr. J Brenton 1 University of Minho, Braga, PT Prof. Dr. P Maciel 1 Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Dublin, Ireland Dr. A Byrne 3 Henri Mondor University Hospital, Créteil, 94010, France Michel Meignan, Corinne Haioun, Andrea Gallamini, 3 St Thomas University, London, United Kingdom Sally Barrington, George Mikhaeel 3 Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – International collaboration - 182 Associate Collaborating institute External collaborator(s) University Hospital of Cologne, Germany Andreas Engert, Peter Borchmann 3 HOVON Myeloma Working Group, Rotterdam, Utrecht, Netherlands Prof. dr. Pieter Sonneveld, Prof. dr. Henk Lokhorst 2 HOVON Myeloma Working Group, Rotterdam, Utrecht, Netherlands Prof. dr. Pieter Sonneveld, Prof. dr. Henk Lokhorst 1 European Myeloma Network, Turino, Europe See publications for whole list, in particular Prof. dr. Antonio Palumbo, prof. dr. Meletious Dimopoulos, prof. dr. Jesus San Miguel 2 Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, USA Prof. dr. Ruben Mesa 2 Associate Collaborating institute External collaborator(s)* Ang, CW Statens Serum Instit, Copenhagen, Denmark J Simonsen 3 Narodow Instytut Higieny, Warszawa, Poland M. Sadkowska-Todys 3 Institut de Veille Sanitaire, Saint-Maurice cedex, France H. de Valk 3 National public health institute, Helsinki, Finland M. Kuusi 3 Beelen RHJ Zytoprotec, Vienna, Austria advisory board Bleeker, MCG AvL/NKI, Amsterdam CGOA (G. Kenter, M. van Beurden) 1 Boellaard, R Maastro, Maastricht, Netherlands P. Lambin 3 IMI QuickConcept, International (IMI) see website 3 Philips Healthcare, Cleveland, Eindhoven, USA & Netherlands Ling Shao, Piots Maniaswski 1 Philips Healthcare, Aachen, Germany Volkmar Schulz 1 Roche, Zurich, Swiss Gudrun Zahlman 1 Bontkes, H CHDR, Leiden, Netherlands Geert Jan Groeneveld 1 Brakenhoff, RH InteRNA Technologies BV, Utrecht, Netherlands Dr R Schaapveld, KP7 MiRacle 3 Quiet Therapeutics, Tel Aviv, Israel R Lahav, KP7 MiRacle 3 Carvalho, B Exact Sciences, Madison, Wisconsin, US Dr. Barry Berger, Dr. Graham P. Lidgard 3 Cloos, J Onyx Pharmaceuticals, South San Francisco, USA C.J. Kirk 1 Discovery, Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. , Cambridge, USA L. Dick 1 Zweegman, S Type of collaboration* Non academic Type of collaboration* Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – International collaboration - 183 Associate Collaborating institute External collaborator(s)* N8Medical, Columbus, Ohio, USA C. Genberg 1 Pfizer, San Diego CA, USA Dr Karin Jooss 1 Cell Genesys Inc, S San Francisco CA, USA Dr Kristen Hege, Dr Natalie Sacks, Dr Karin Jooss, Dr Thomas Harding 1 DCPrime BV, Leiden, NL Dr Sandra van Wetering, Prof dr Ada Kruisbeek 1 NIBR, Basel, Switzerland Patel et al. 3 Lilly, London, UK Brail L 4 Fijneman, RJA Erasmus MC, The Hyve, Genalice, Philips, Rotterdam, Utrecht, Harderwijk, Eindhoven, Nederland CTMM TraIT (Center for Translational Molecular Medicine - Translational research IT - Work Package 4) Guido Jenster, Kees van Bochove, Henk Obbink, Wim van der Linden 3 Gibbs, S CellSystems GmbH, Troisdorf, Germany Dr Horst Fuchs 3 MB Research Labs,; Spinnerstown, PA, USA George DeGeorge 3 MatTek Corporation, Ashland, MA, USA Patrick Hayden 3 3Rs Management and Consultancy, Bagsvaerd, Denmark Erwin Roggen 3 A-Skin, Amsterdam, Netherland prof RJ Schepper 1 Hoekstra, OS Philips Healthcare, Cleveland, USA P Maniawski 1 Huisman, M Philips Healthcare, PECT-CT exhibits (3), Cleveland, USA Antonis Kalemis 1 Hulleman, E to BBB, Leiden, The Netherlands Pieter Gaillard 1 Janssen, JJWM Dept of Hematology, Dordrecht, NL Dr. P. Westerweel 2 Dept of Hematology, Delft, NL Dr. E. Posthuma 2 Dept of Hematology, Enschede, NL Dr. W. Smit 2 Dept of Hematology, Zwolle, NL Dr. M. van Marwijk Kooij 2 Dept of Hematology, Den Haag, NL Drs. P. Ypma 2 Shire-Movetis NV, Turnhout, Belgium Dr. J.A.J. Schuurkes 1 Center for Human Drug Research, Leiden, Netherlands Prof. dr. A. Cohen 1 Bayer HealthCare AG, Berlin, Germany Dr. A. Hoffmann 1 Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital, Brisbane, Australia T. Brown T 1 Department of Nutrition and Dietetic Services, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, Australia Davidson WL 1 Centre International de recherche sur le cancer (IARC), Lyon, France Silvia Franceschi, Gary Clifford, Hugo de Vuyst, Massimo Tomassino, Iaccopo Bausano 3 Institut Catala d'Oncologia (ICO), Barcelona, Spain Cancer Epidemiology Research Program (CERP): Xavier Bosch, 3 de Gruijl, TD de Rie, MA Lammertsma, AA Langius, JAE Meijer, CJLM Type of collaboration* Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – International collaboration - 184 Associate Collaborating institute External collaborator(s)* Type of collaboration* Silvia de SanJose, Xavier Castellsague Scientific Institute of Public Health, Brussels, Belgium Marc Arbyn 3 CHU Reims, Laboratoire Pol Bouin, Reims, France Christine Clavell, Véronique Dalstein 3 Department of OBGYN &, Wolfsburg, Germany Ulli Petry 3 DDL, Rijswijk, Netherlands, Wim Quint 3 GGD Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands Maarten Schim van het Loef 1 Meijer, GA TranSMART M. Braxenthaler Moll, A NKI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Flora E. van Leeuwen 1 Neefjes, ECW Amstelland Ziekenhuis, Amstelveen, Netherlands Cees v Groeningen 2 Hospice Bardo, Hoofddorp, Netherlands Manon Boddaert 2 Hospice Kuria, Amsterdam, Netherlands Wouter Zuurmond 2 Medisch Centrum Alkmaar, Alkmaar, Netherlands Suzan Vrijaldenhoven 2 Medisch Spectrum Twente, Enschede, Netherlands Machtold Wymenga 2 Spaarneziekenhuis, Hoofddorp, Netherlands Aart Beeker 2 Tergooi Ziekenhuizen, Hilversum, Netherlands Pieter vd Berg 2 Noordhuis, P Peters, GJ ImmunoGen, Waltham, United States 1 Amgen, United States 1 Eli Lilly &CO, European Head Quarters, Germany Dr. A. Hanauske 1 Pharmamar, Madrid, Spain Dr. C.M. Galmarini 1 Clavis Pharma, Oslo, Norway Dr. M. Sandvold 1 Reijneveld, JC EORTC Quality of Life Group, Active member, Belgium Bottomley, A., Coens C., 1 Sminia, S EBG MedAustron Particle Therapy Center Wiener Neustadt, Austria Prof. dr. R. Mayer 4 Snijders, PJF Centre International de recherche sur le cancer (IARC), Lyon, France Silvia Franceschi, Gary Clifford, Hugo de Vuyst, Massimo Tomassino 3 Institut Catala d'Oncologia (ICO) Barcelona, Spain Cancer Epidemiology Research Program (CERP): Xavier Bosch, Silvia de SanJose, Xavier Castellsague 3 Scientific Institute of Public Health, Brussels, Belgium Marc Arbyn 3 Crucell, Leiden, Netherlands Gert Scheper 1 Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – International collaboration - 185 Associate Collaborating institute External collaborator(s)* Type of collaboration* DDL, Rijswijk, Netherlands Wim Quint 3 GGD Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands Maarten Schim van het Loef 1 Steenbergen, R Crucell, Leiden, Netherlands G Scheper 1 van Grieken, NCT Avl / NKI, Amsterdam, the Netherlands Annemieke Cats, Marcel Verheij, Edwin Jansen, Henk Boot, Johanna van Sandick 2 van Kooyk, Y TWINCORE, Hannover, Germany Tim Sparwasser 1 van Schaardenburg, D NIVEL, Utrecht, NL M Nielen, J Ursum, F Schellevis 1 Verbakel, WFAR Varian Medical Systems, Helsinki, Finland Knowledge Based Planning Council. Duk University: Jacky Wu, Washington State University: Sasha Mutic, IOSI Bellinzona: Luca Cozi 4 Yaqub, M Philips Healthcare, clinical exhibits, Cleveland, USA Antonis Kalemis 1 Philips Healthcare, Exhibit PETMR physics VU-01, Cleveland, USA Ling Shao, Hans Hofstraat and Volkmar Schulz 1 Ylstra, B Cergentis, Utrecht, NL Dr. M van Min 1 Zijlstra, JM NIVEL, Utrecht, Netherlands Sandra van Dulmen 4 Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – International collaboration - 186 Appendix 9. Scientific Research Committee CWO: Clinical protocols Indiener Titel Adank MA Hereditary breast cancer and the clinical significance of variants in the BRCA1 an BRCA2 genes Ankersmit M Sentinel lymph node identification in colon cancer using a radioactive and fluorescent tracer; a feasibility study Blauwhoff-Buskermolen S The effect of individualized NUTritional counselling on muscle mass and treatment outcome in patients with metastatic COLOrectal cancer undergoing chemotherapy: the COLONUT study Boven E PI3K pathway analysis in tumor tissue and circulating DNA to obtain further insight in the efficacy of everolimus when combined with exemestane Boven E A randomized phase II trial of pertuzumab in combination with trastuzumab with or without chemotherapy, both followed by T-DM1 in case of progression, in patients with HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer Bruynzeel AME A Randomized Trial of Dose Escalation in definitive Chemoradiotherapy for patients with Oesophageal cancer - ART DECO study' Bruynzeel AME Randomized Multicentre Phase III study of short course radiation therapy followed by prolonged pre-operative chemotherapy and surgery in primary high risk rectal cancer compared to standard chemoradiotherapy and surgery and optional adjuvant chemotherapy Buffart L How many exercise reduce fatigue in patients with cancer? A pilot study examining the role of muscular, immune and endorcrine systems Chamuleau M A phase Ib study evaluating the safety, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and clinical activitiy of GS-9820 monotherapy and combination therapy in subjects with lymphoid malignancies (GS-US-315-0102) Chamuleau MED HOVON 121 CLLM1/GCLLSG studie A phase 3, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group study of the efficacy and safety of lenalidomide (Revlimid®) as maintenance therapy for high-risk patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia following first-line therapy de Bree R PREDICTION study: The predective value of PET-CT and PET-DW-MRI early during chemoradiotherapy for locoregional control of advanced stage head and neck cancer' de Meij TG The HIPI study: hypnotherapy for adolescents and adults with inflammatory bowel disease and symptoms compatible with irritable bowel syndrome; a multi-center randomized controlled trial de Witt Hamer PC Accurate delineation of glioma infiltration by advanced PET/MR neuro-imaging Dirven L Development of a new questionnaire to measure instrumental activities of daily living (I-ADL) in patients with primary brain tumors Forouzanfar T Endoscopic treatment of salivary glands affected by Sjögren Syndrome; A randomized controlled pilot study Haarman EG Hypertonic saline in primary ciliary dyskinesia: a pilot study' Hoekstra OS A study on the pharmacokinetics of [18F]-fluordihydrotestosterone in patients with metastasized castrate resistant prostate cancer Janssen JJWM Protocol CAMN107I2201 (ENEST Freedom): A single-arm, multicenter, nilotinib treatment-free remission study in patients with BCR-ABL1 Positive Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia in chronic phase who have achieved durable minimal residual disease (MRD) status on first line nilotinib treatment Janssen JJWM CAMN107A2408: A phase II, single arm, open label study of treatment-free remission after achieving sustained MR4.5 on nilotinib Kaspers GJL 30-day, open-label, active-controlled, randomized study of the safety, efficacy Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Scientific Research Committee - 187 Indiener Titel and the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of oral rivaroxaban in children with various manifestations of venous thrombosis Koekkoek JAF Withdrawal of antiepileptic drugs in low grade and anaplastic glioma patients after long-term seizure freedom Menke CW 89Zr-MMOT0530A PET imaging in patients with unresectable pancreatic of platinum-resistant ovarian cancer before treatment with DMOT4039A Nielsen K Pilot study: The use of PET-MRI in the follow-up of RFA and MWA treated colorectal liver metastases' Oostlander A Studying lymph nodes in Rheumatoid Arthritis: B cell trafficking' Ossenkoppele GJ A phase II multi-center, open label, randomized study to assess safety and efficacy of two different schedules of oral LDE225 in adult patients with relapsed/refactory or untreated elderly patients with acute leukemia Ossenkoppele GJ Protocol B1871040: An Open-label Bosutinib Treatment Extension Study for Subjects with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) Who Have Previously Participated in Bosutinib Studies B1871006 or B1871008 Ossenkoppele GJ A phase I, multicenter, open-label study of oral LGH447 in patients with acute myeloid leukemia or high risk myelodysplastic syndrome Ossenkoppele GJ CABL0012101 protocol: a phase I, multicenter, open-label study of oral ABL001 in patient with chronic myelogenous leukemia of Philadelphia Chromosomepositive acute lymphoblastic leukemia Platek EE A phase 3, multicenter, randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled study to assess the efficacy and safety of Tocilizumab in subjects with Giant Cell Arteritis Rasch L Treat-to-target strategy for early RA patients in usual clinical practice: The COBRA Cohort Study Scheffer HJ Pilot study: Non-thermalablation using Irreversible Electroporation (IRE) to treat locally advanced pancreatic carcinoma - a phase I clinical trial' Smit EF A multicenter, open-label, randomized phase II study to evaluate the efficacy of AUY922 vs pemetrexed or docetaxel in NSCLC patients with EGFR mutations who have progressed on prior EGFR TKI' Smit EF A phase II study of the selective BRAF kinase inhibitor GSK2118436 in subjects with advanced non-small cell lung cancer and BRAF mutations' Smit EF A Single-Arm, Multicenter, Open-Label, Phase 2 Study of Gemcitabine-Cisplatin Chemotherapy Plus Necitumumab (IMC-11F8) in the First-Line Treatment of Patients With Stage IV Squamous Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Smit EF A Phase II, multicenter, single-arm study of oral LDK378 in adult patients with ALK-activated non-small cell lung cancer previously treated with chemotherapy and crizotinib Smit EF A Randomized open label Phase 2 study evaluating LY2875358 plus Erlotinib and LY2875358 monotherapy in MET diagnostic possitive NSCLC patients with aquired resistance to Erlotinib Smit EF A Phase III multicenter, randomized study of oral LDK378 versus standard chemotherapy in previously untreated adult patients with ALK rearranged (ALKpossitive), stage IIIB or IV, non-squamous non-small cell lung cancer (2301) Smit EF A phase III Double-Blind, Randomised, Placebo-Controlled Study to Assess the Efficacy and Safety of Selumetinib (AZD6244, ARRY-142886) (Hyd-Sulfate) in Combination with Docetaxel, in Patients receiving second line treatment for KRAS Mutation-Possitive Locally Advanced or Metastatic Non Small Cell Lung Cancer (Stage IIIB-IV) (D1532C00079) Smit EF Determination of peripheral immune cell activity during treatment with either surgery or radiotherapy in patients with early stage non-small cell lung cancer Smit EF A phase III multicenter, randomized, open-label study of oral LDK378 versus standard chemotherapy in adult patients with ALK rearranged (ALK-possitive), advanced non small cell lung cancer who have been treated previously with chemotherapy (platinum doublet) and crizotinib (CLDK 2303)Determination of Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Scientific Research Committee - 188 Indiener Titel peripheral immune cell activity during treatment with either surgery or radiotherapy in patients with early stage non-small cell lung cancer Thunnissen E Non Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) ALK IHC positive study Uyl- de Groot CA Patient Reported Outcomes in the Castration-resistant Prostate cancer RegIstry: PRO-CAPRI van Bodegraven AA A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel, Dose-Ranging Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of PF-00547659 in Patients with Moderate to Severe Ulcerative Colitis (TURANDOT) van Bodegraven AA A Multicenter Open-Label Extension Study To Assess Long-Term Safety of PF00547659 in Subjects With Ulcerative Colitis (TURANDOT II) van Bodegraven AA A 52 week Randomised, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study to Investigate the Efficacy and Safety of GSK1605786A in the Maintenance of Remission in Subjects with Crohn's Disease (CCX114157 studie) van Bodegraven AA A Randomised, Double-blind, Active Treatment Study to Induce Clinical Response and/or Remission with GSK1605786A in Subjects with Moderately-toSeverely Active Crohn's Disease (CCX114643 studie) van Bodegraven AA An Open-Label Extension Study of CP-690,550 as Maintenance Therapy In Patients With Crohn''s Disease van Dam EWCM Differentiated thyroid carcinoma in children: Late effects of treatment and pathophysiological background in the Netherlands (ABR NL40572.042.12) van den Eertwegh AJM Randomized, phase II study of MK-3475 versus chemotherapy in patients with advanced melanoma' van den Eertwegh AJM A phase 1 Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability and Efficacy of MK-8353 Combination Therapies in Subjects With Advanced Solid Tumors' van den Eertwegh AJM A phase III, randomise, open-label study comparing the combination of the BRAF inhibitor, GSK2118436 and the MEK inhibitor, GSK1120212 to the BRAF inhibitor vemurafenib in subjects with advanced (stage IIIc) or metastatic (stage IV) BRAF V600E/K mutation positive melanoma' van den Eertwegh AJM COMBI-AD: A phase III randomized double blind study of dabrafenib (GSK2118436) in COMBInation with trametinib (GSK1120212) versus two placebos in the Ajjuvant treatment of high-risk BRAF V600 mutation-positive melanoma after surgical resection (BRF115532 van den Eertwegh AJM Radium-223 Chloride (A;pharadin) in Castration-Resistant (Hormone-Refractory) Prostate Cancer Patients with Bone Metastasis' van den Eertwegh AJM COLUMBUS - Combined LGX818 Used with MEK162 in BRAF mutant Unresectable Skin cancer van Goudoever JB NOPHO-DBH AML 2012 Protocol, Research study for treatment of children and adolescents with acute myeloid leukemia 0 - 18 years van Goudoever JB Intergroup trial for children or adolescents with B-cell NHL or B-AL: evaluation of Rituximab efficacy and safety in high risk patients Abbreviated name: Inter-B-NHL ritux 2010 van Linde ME A double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized, phase IIIb trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of standard of care (SOC) +/-continuous bevacizumab treatment following progression of disease (PD) in patients with glioblastoma (GBM) after first (1st)-line treatment with radiotherapy, temozolomide and bevacizumab' van Linde ME EORTC protocol 26101: phase III trial exploring the combination of bevacizumab and lomustine in patient with first recurrence of a glioblastoma van Montfrans C A Randomized, double-blinded, regimen-controlled, phase II, multicenter study to assess the efficacy and safety of two different vismodegib regimens in patients with multiple basal cell carcinomas van Moorselaar RJA 212082PCR3011: A randomised, Double-blind, comparitive study of (abiraterone Acetate) Plus Low-dose Prednisone Plus Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT) Versus ADT Alone in Newly Diagnosed Subjects With High Risk, Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Scientific Research Committee - 189 Indiener Titel Metastatic Hormone-naive Prostate Cancer (mHNPC)' van Moorselaar RJA A prospective, randomized study about the effect on overall survival of hormonal therapy versus hormonal therapy combined with external radiation therapy in patients with M+ prostate cancer' van Nieuwkerk CMJ A Phase III, Randomised, Partially Double-Blind and Placebo-Controlled Study of BI 207127 in Combination with Faldaprevir and Ribavirin in Treatment-Naïve Patients with Chronic Genotype 1 HCV Infection' Veening MA Double blind randomized intervention study aiming at reducing dexamethasone related side effects in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). (Dexadagen studie) Verdonck IM Netherlands Quality of Life and Biomedical Cohort Studies In Cancer_Head and Neck Cancer (NET-QUBIC_HNC) Verheul HMW The role of surgery of the primary tumour with few or -absent symptoms in patients with synchoronous unresectable metastases of colon cancer, a randomized phase III study' Verheul HMW Image guided treatment optimalization with cetuximab for patients with metastatic colorectal cancer: IMPACT-CRC Verheul HMW Pilot study on the determination of tumor concentrations of protein kinase inhibitors in patients with newly diagnosed high-grade glioma Verheul HMW A phase I open-label clinical trial, evaluating the therapeutic vaccine hVEGFtrunc/PEP-A10 in patients with advanced solid tumors Verheul HMW Pilot study to determine the effect of fractioned radiotherapy on expression of pro-angiogenic factors in oesophagus carcinoma Verheul HMW A Two-part, Randomised, Open-label, Multicentre, Phase I Study to Determine the Effect of Food on the Pharmacokinetics of Olaparib Following Single 400 mg Doses of the Capsule Formation in Patients with Advanced Solid Tumours Verheul HMW A phase I study of SGI-110 combined with irinotecan followed by a randomized phase II study of SGI-110 combined with irinotecan versus regorafenib in previously treated metastatic colorectal cancer patients Verheul HMW A Non-randomised, Open-label, Wequentail, Three-part, Phase I Study to Assess the Effect of Itraconazole (a CYP3A4) Inhibitor) on the Pharmacokinetics of Olaparib Following Oral Dosing of a Tablet Formulation, and to Provide Data on the Effect of Olaparib on QT Interval Following Oral Dosing of a Tablet Formulation to Patients with Advanced Solid Tumours Verheul HMW An open-label, multi-center, dose-escalation Phase I study with an expansion phase, to evaluate safety, pharmacokinetics and therapeutic activity of RO6895882, an immunocytokine, consisting of a variant of Interleukin-2 (IL-2v) targeting carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), administered intravenously, in patients with advanced and/or metastatic solid tumors Verheul HMW A multi-institutional open label, trial evaluating the efficacy of Gemcitabine and Docetaxel in patients with relapsed or refractory metastatic colorectal adenocarcinoma with methylated CHFR and/or microsatellite instability phenotype Verheul HMW An International, Randomized, Double-Blind, Controlled Study of Rindopepimut/GM-CSF with Adjuvant Temozolomide in Patients with Newly Diagnosed, Surgically Resected, EGFRvIII-Positive Glioblastoma (The ACT IV Study) Verheul HMW An Open-label, Non-randomised, Multicentre, Comparative, Phase I study of the Pharmacokinetics, Safety and Tolerability of Olaparib following a single oral 300 mg dose to patients with Advanced Solid Tumours and Normal Renal Function or Renal Impairment Verheul HMW An Open-label, Non-randomised, Multicentre, Comparative, Phase I study to determine the Pharmacokinetics, Safety and Tolerability of laparib following a single oral 300 mg dose to patients with Advanced Solid Tumours and Normal Hepatic Function or Mild or Moderate Hepatic Impairment Verheul HMW A non-randomised, open-label, sequential, multicentre, two part, phase I study Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Scientific Research Committee - 190 Indiener Titel to assess the effect of rifampicin, a cyp inducer, on the pharmacokinetics of olaparib following oral dosing of a tablet formulation in patients with advanced solid tumours Versteeg KS Optimalization of systemic treatment strategies in elderly patients with advanced solid malignancies' Visser OJ Physical exercise to improve fitness and combat fatigue in patients with Multiple Myeloma or (non-) Hodgkin's Lymphoma after high dose chemotherapy and autologous stem cell transplantation Visser OJ R-FACT study: Risk factors for alloimmunization after erythrocyte transfusion: a transfusion case control study Visser OJ A Randomized Phase 3 Study of BEAM vs. 90-Yttrium Ibritumomab Tiuxetan (Zevalin®/BEAM in Patients Requiring Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (ASCT) for Relapsed Diffuse Large B-cell Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (DLBCL) Wilhelm AJ TRough vs AUC Monitoring of cyclosporine: A randomized comparison of adverse drug reactions in allogeneic stem cell recipients (TRAM-study) Zijlstra JM MITRAL study: Advanced PET and MRI techniques for improved therapy response assessment in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma Zijlstra JM SPI-ZEV-11-301 (HOVON 120): A Phase 3, Open-label, Multicenter, Randomized Study of Sequential Zevalin (ibritumomab tiuxetan) versus Oberservation in Patients at Least 60 years of Age with Newly Diagnosed Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma in PET-negative Complete Remission After R-CHOP or R-CHOP-like Therapy Zweegman S A Phase 3, Randomized, Double-Blind, Multicenter Study Comparing Oral MLN9708 Plus Lenalidomide and Dexamethasone Versus Placebo Plus Lenalidomide and Dexamethasone in Adult Patients With Relapsed and/or Refractory Multiple Myeloma Zweegman S Daratumumab (HuMax-CD38) safety study in multiple myeloma - Open label, dose-escalation followed by open-label, single-arm study Zweegman S A Phase Ib/II, open-label, multi-center, dose-finding study to assess the safety and efficacy of the oral combination of LDE225 and INC424 (Ruxolitinib) in patients with myelofibrosis Zweegman S HOVON 123 MM: Feasibility and Effecacy of dose adjusted Melphalan Prednisone - Bortezomib (MPV) in elderly patients > 75 years of age with newly diagnosed Multiple Myeloma; a non-randomised phase II study Zweegman S A Multicenter, Single-arm, Open-label Study with Pomalidomide in Combination with Low Dose Dexamethasone in Subjects with Refractory or Relapsed and Refractory Multiple Myeloma CWO Research project / grant proposals Grant Principal investigator Title CCA Appelmelk B A tale of TRAIL CCA Bakema J The more the merrier: Combining the strengths of IgG monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and FcaRI targeting to improve anti-CD20 therapy of B cell malignancies. CCA Bontkes H Peripheral blood leucocyte flowscore as biomarker for prediction of prognosis and treatment outcome of late stage colorectal cancer CCA Bosch L Decoy Receptor 1 (DCR1), apoptosis and drug response CCA Braakhuis B Intra-tumor genetic heterogeneity as a determinant of failure after chemoradiation for head and neck squamous cell Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Scientific Research Committee - 191 Grant Principal investigator Title carcinoma CCA Brakenhoff R Biochemical development and analysis of novel WEE1 kinase inhibitors for the treatment of head and neck cancer and brain tumors CCA Carvalho B Colorectal adenoma to carcinoma progression; the role of AURKA and TPX2 CCA Castelijns J The predictive value of PET-MRI (especially with optimalization of perfusion MRI) during the early phase of primary chemoradiotherapy in advanced stages of head and neck cancer for tumor recurrence CCA Cillessen S Expression of Noxa as prediction marker for development of Enteropathy associated T-cell lymphoma. CCA Cloos J Splicing alterations as novel mechanism of drug resistance CCA Coupe V A colorectal cancer model including molecular features: prediction of health benefits and economic outcomes of new generation screening tests and assessment of a molecular-based intermediate endpoint CCA de Boer N Sniffing cancer: the detection of adenoma and carcinoma of the colon by volatile organic compounds analysis CCA de Gruijl T Therapeutic interference in the immunosuppressed tumor microenvironment: development of a fully human and immunecompetent melanoma-in-skin equivalent model CCA de Langen J Endoscopic Optical Frequency Domain Imaging in Lung Cancer CCA de Vries E / Peerdeman S Peritumoral edema in patients with meningioma. What causes the BBB to leak? CCA de Winter J FANCM-deficiency in sporadic tumors: novel opportunities for cancer therapy? CCA de Wit M Identification and validation of colorectal cancer protein biomarkers for disease monitoring and treatment response prediction in blood CCA den Haan J Vaccination strategies to activate all effector arms of the adaptive immune system for the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer. CCA Dorsman J A novel approach to antioxidant cancer research CCA Fijneman R The role of RUNX1 in cancer (stem) cell biology CCA Garcia Vallejo J Turning tumor glycans into anti-cancer vaccines CCA Greijer A Explore lethal induction of Epstein Barr virus as new targeted therapy for patients with gastric carcinoma CCA Griffioen A Design of an effective anti-angiogenic combination therapy for renal cell cancer using a stochastic algorithm CCA Gul N Colorectal cancer surgery: a Trojan horse for liver metastasis development? CCA Hendrikse H [18F]afatinib PET in NSCLC to identify who will benefit from afatinib CCA Jimenez C Targeted mass spectrometry-based kinome activity assay to enable personalized medicine CCA Koppers-Lalic D Decoding the exosome message: a next-generation sequencing and tailored bioinformatics for non-coding RNA biomarkers CCA Kwakman R / Meijer G Tailoring intra-peritoneal cytostatic treatment during HIPEC CCA Langius J Feasibility of a combined nutritional and home-based physical exercise program during chemo(radio)therapy in patients with Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Scientific Research Committee - 192 Grant Principal investigator Title non-small cell lung cancer CCA Noordhuis P Identification and characterization of the ligand for the novel Ctype Lectin-Like receptor CLEC12A and impact for targeted therapy of Acute Myeloid Leukemia CCA Peerdeman S / Hulleman E Characterization of pediatric meningiomas; a first step to a stratified treatment approach CCA Pegtel M Tumor Microvesicles for non-invasive remission monitoring CCA Pham T Software pipeline for external validation of CCA OMICs datasets CCA Smit E New strategies for treatment of EGFR-TKI resistant NSCLC: unravelling the role of TGF-b signalling from bench to the bedside CCA Smit L Development of a molecular diagnostic platform for detection of clinically significant gene mutations and translocations in leukemia by targeted next generation sequencing CCA Snellenberg S PRDM14, a novel apoptosis modulator in cervical cancer CCA van Beusechem V Development of novel cancer drugs directed against G-protein coupled receptors to improve treatment of prostate, lung and brain tumors CCA van Dellen E Staging brain tumors: a complex networks perspective CCA van der Vliet J Targeting of CD1d in multiple myeloma CCA Versteeg K Development of a new diagnostic test to predict for systemic treatment toxicities in elderly patients with advanced solid malignancies CCA Vis A Linking cholesterol and testosterone metabolism to PCa oncogenesis and disease progression CCA Wurdinger T Sensitization of glioblastoma to TMZ by clinically available ySecretase inhibitors (GSIs) CCA Wurdinger T Platelet-based RNA diagnostics for monitoring targeted therapy of NSCLC and melanoma ERC Snijders PJF MASS-CARE: molecular self screening for cervical cancer prevention KWF Ankersmit M Immunophotodetection in colorectal cancer using an Anti-CEA MAb-IRDye800CW tracer KWF Bijnsdorp IV Development of a novel diagnostic test for non-invasive follow up on bladder cancer KWF Braakhuis BJM Expression signature in peripheral blood cells for molecular diagnosis of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma KWF Brakenhoff RH Identification of druggable radiosensitizing genes by functional genetic screens in HPV-positive head and neck cancer cell lines KWF Brakenhoff RH Disrupted FA pathway of genomic maintenance as a marker for chemoradiotherapy in head and neck cancer KWF Carvalho B Signaling pathways involved in colorectal adenoma-to-carcinoma progression KWF de Winter JP FANCM-deficiency in sporadic tumors: novel opportunities for cancer therapy? KWF de Witt Hamer PC Phase 0 clinical studies in the drug development pipeline for glioblastoma: WEE1 kinase inhibition using oral MK1775 KWF Douw L Multi-scale brain networks in glioma: bridging the gap between molecular markers and clinical status Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Scientific Research Committee - 193 Grant Principal investigator Title KWF Eersels JLH Radioiodinated α-vinyl amino acids as Theranostic Agents for glioma KWF Giovannetti E Clinical outcome prediction in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients treated with novel irreversible epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI) KWF Griffioen AW Delineation of the embryonic transcriptome to identify novel targets in the tumor endothelium; design of an angiostatic vaccine for the treatment of cancer KWF Heideman DAM The use of oncogenic sequence alterations for early detection of lung cancer KWF Hulleman E Convection Enhanced Delivery for Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG): conventional drugs for novel treatment KWF Jimenez CR Discovery and clinical validation of novel protein biomarkers for response prediction to cisplatin-based treatment regimens in non-small cell lung cancer KWF Koning JJ The role of bone marrow stromal cells as the driving force of disturbed differentiation of dendritic cell subsets in MDS KWF Le Large M MicroRNAs as novel diagnostic and prognostic factors in pancreatic cancer KWF Moll AC Second primary malignancies in hereditary retinoblastoma patients. Who gets it and what type? KWF Pegtel DM Urine microvesicle-diagnostics to identify prostate cancer KWF Scheffer HJ COLDFIRE-2: Colorectal liver metastatic disease and efficacy of irreversible electroporation KWF Schuurhuis GJ Identification of therapy surviving leukemia initiating cells in acute myeloid leukemia KWF Slee-Valentijn M Multicenter randomized controlled trial of a geriatric liaison intervention in oncology versus usual care in older patients with advanced colorectal cancer (CRC) KWF Smit L Elucidating the TGFb signalling pathway as a therapeutic target for the worst prognostic acute myeloid leukemia subtype, EVI-1 positive AML KWF Smit L Therapeutic targeting of drug resistant acute myeloid leukemia stem cells KWF Snellenberg S Methylation-mediated silencing of PRDM14 contributes to apoptosis evasion in HPV-induced transformation and represents a promising disease marker for cervical cancer KWF Steenbergen RDM HPV-type dependent capacities and mechanisms of transformation KWF Steenbergen RDM Development of a methylation marker panel for the detection of progressive, highgrade anal intraepithelial neoplasia and anal cancer in HIV+ men KWF Straatman JE STOMACH trial: Surgical Technique; Open versus Minimally invasive gastrectomy After Chemotherapy KWF van Beusechem VW Mechanism of resistance to receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors: possible starting-points for personalized cancer therapy KWF van der Vliet JJ Exploiting Vγ9Vδ2-T cells for the treatment of HER2overexpressing gastroesophageal Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Scientific Research Committee - 194 Grant Principal investigator Title cancer KWF van der Vliet JJ Exploiting Vγ9Vδ2-T cells for the treatment of HER2overexpressing gastroesophageal cancer KWF van Die IM / Giovannetti E Targeting Galectin 4 as a novel molecular target for prognostic and therapeutic purposes in pancreatic cancer KWF van Egmond M Combining IgG and IgA mAbs therapy to overcome the immunosuppressive environment that hampers effective anticancer treatment KWF van Grieken NCT Predictive biomarkers for response to chemotherapy in gastric and gastroesophageal adenocarcinomas KWF van Grieken NCT Biological heterogeneity and treatment options in gastrooesophageal and gastric adenocarcinomas KWF van Kooyk Y Improving therapeutic cancer vaccines using a novel glycanpeptide-based approach KWF van Vliet SJ Cracking carbohydrate cues in colorectal and lung cancer KWF Vis A Linking cholesterol and testosterone metabolism to prostate cancer oncogenesis and disease progression KWF Wilting SM Construction of a discriminatory miRNA marker panel for triage in hrHPV-based cervical cancer screening KWF Alpe d'HuZes Verdonck- de Leeuw IM ICT4CANCER, facilitating personalized access to supportive care in cancer survivors KWF Bas Mulder Ankersmit M Intraoperative sentinel lymph node identification in early colorectal cancer using a multimodal tracer KWF Bas Mulder Hopmans W Sharing is caring: Bridging the gap between information provision and decision involvement KWF Fellowship de Vries SDJ Molecular profliling of high risk precursor lesions in colorectal interval carcinomas KWF Fellowship de Wit M Protein Biomarker Development for Detection of Colorectal Cancer KWF Fellowship Voortman J Let the tumor speak: next generation microRNA sequencing in laryngeal and hypopharyngeal cancer patients who are treated with chemoradiation NWO Middelgroot Garcia Vallejo JJ Tissue imaging proteomics NWO Middelgroot Peters GJ “The application of metabolic profiling during pharmacokinetic monitoring to unravel chemotherapeutic resistance with the application of liquid chromatography ion trap mass spectrometry” NWO VENI Huijbers EJM In vivo gene profiling of macrophage phenotypes to identify novel targets in tumor-associated macrophages NWO VENI Smit MA A genomic approach to identify novel therapy targets eliminating therapy resistant chronic myeloid leukemia cells NWO VENI Voortman J Let the tumor speak: clinical outcome prediction in larynx and hypopharyngeal carcinoma by microRNA profiling NWO VIDI Giovannetti E Innovative tools for genetic characterization and therapeutic discovery in pancreas cancer NWO VIDI van Vliet SJ Cracking carbohydrate cues in colorectal cancer Reumafonds Middeldorp JM Epstein-Barr virus small RNA in exosomes as inflammatory trigger in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus STW van Beijnum JR miRNA-based strategies for angiostatic tumor therapy Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Scientific Research Committee - 195 Grant Principal investigator Title VUmc CCA PhD position Bitter W Protein secretion systems of M. tuberculosis as novel target for drug development' VUmc CCA PhD position Boven E PI3K pathaway analysis in tumor tissue and circulating DNA to abtain further insight in the efficacy of everolimus in combination with exestane in postmenopausal patients with hormone receptor-positve advanced metastatic breast cancer, who have progressed on anastrozole or letrozole' VUmc CCA PhD position Cremers EMP Emerging role of Flow Cytometry in the diagnosis of cytopenias of undetermined origin (ICUS) and Myelodysplastics Syndromes VUmc CCA PhD position de Jong D Towards personalized treatment of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma; an implementation study VUmc CCA PhD position Hulleman E Testing novel treatment modalities for diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG) in in vivo animal models VUmc CCA PhD position Jansen G Novel experimental therapeutics for macrophage targeting n arthritis and beyond VUmc CCA PhD position Kaspers GJL Sleep, sleep problems and monetary costs to the family of children with acute leukemia; the effect on quality of life and parental functioning VUmc CCA PhD position van der Vliet JJ Targeting of CD1d in multiple myeloma VUmc CCA PhD position van Helden EJ Image guided treatment optimalization with cetuximab for patients with metastatic colorectal cancer: IMPACT - CRC VUmc CCA PhD position Ylstra B Identification of clinically relevant genetic aberrations in pediatric glioneuronal tumors (GNTs) CWO-DEC: Animal related protocols Applicant Title Akershoek J Effect(en) van AT1 blokkers en statines op littekenvorming als gevolg van partial en full thickness brandwonden Akershoek JJ Vergelijking tussen lokale en systemische toediening van een ACE-remmer bij genezing van halfdiepe brandwonden bij de rat. Aleyd E Ontwikkeling van humane IgA monoklonale antilichamen tegen type II collageen in muizen Aleyd E De rol van interacties van humaan immunoglobulin A (IgA) monoklonale antilichamen gericht tegen bovine type II collageen met de IgA Fc receptor (FcαRI) op neutrofielen in de chronische ontstekingsziekte reumatoïde artritis Avan A Study of the role of mesenchymal stem cells conditioned with osteosarcoma exosomes in the development of osteosarcoma metastases Baptista A Lymph node stromal cell-mediated tolerance. Bijnsdorp I Speelt CP110 een rol in prostaatkanker metastasering? Braakhuis B Ontwikkeling van een realistisch in vivo model ter verbetering van de behandeling van hoofd-halstumoren (mei 2013) KNO-13-xx Braakhuis BJM In stand houden tumorlijnen in immuun-deficiënte muizen ter verbetering van therapie en diagnostiek van hoofd- halskanker Braakhuis BJM Tumorselectieve therapie van hoofd-halskanker met microRNAs in combinatie met chemoradiatie Braster R Geeft een IgG1 met een lagere fucosylering een betere antilichaamtherapie tegen ontwikkeling van long en peritoneaal carcinoma metastases in muizen den Haan J Interactie van siglec-1+ macrofagen met CD8+ DCs: Identificatie van de XCL1 Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Scientific Research Committee - 196 producerende cel den Haan J Interactie van siglec-1+ macrofagen met CD8+ dendritische cellen: Spelen NK cellen hierbij een belangrijke rol? den Haan J Practicum FACS and CFSE Proliferatie Assay (september 2013 en 2014) den Haan J Wat beinvloedt de transfer van antigenen tussen siglec-1+ macrofagen en CD8+ dendritische cellen? den Haan J Zijn gesialyleerde moleculen op dendritische cellen noodzakelijk voor interactive met Siglec-1 positieve macrofagen en T cel activatie? den Haan J Productie van antilichamen tegen gemodificeerde peptides door middel van targeting naar siglec-1+ macrofagen Foster T The role of the peritoneal membrane in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis Geldof A De rol van Gpr27 in stralingsgevoeligheid PC-3 prostaattumoren Glim J Het effect van M1 en M2 macrofagen op de wondgenezing Greijer A Cytolytische virusactivatie-therapie voor behandeling van Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) gerelateerde maagcarcinoma Grewal S Effecten van lipopolysacharide (LPS) in de uitgroei van chirurgie geïnduceerde levermetastasen Griffioen A Genomic screening of the Embryo for Novel targets in the tumor Endothelium Gül N Rol van zuurstof- en stikstofradicalen bij de opname en afbraak van tumorcellen door de levermacrofagen Hiddingh L Combinatie van temozolomide (TMZ) en gamma secretase inhibitors voor de behandeling van hoog- gradig gliomen Ilarregui JM Development of EAE in Gal1/ MGL KO mice Keuning E Role of different phosphate binders on absorption of vitamin K and metabolism of matrix γ-carboxy-glutamaat (Gla) proteïne (MGP) Koning J Differentiatie van mesenchymale voorlopers in folliculaire stromale cellen in ontwikkelende Lagerweij T Gebruik van radio-sensitiserende therapeutica bij gefractioneerde bestralingsprotocollen voor de behandeling van hersentumoren Lagerweij T Selectie van primaire cellijnen voor 2 vormen van kinderhersentumoren (medulloblastoom en ependymoom) Lagerweij T Study the Role of Glioblastoma Derived Extracellular Vesicles and their Distribution Legler J Het maken van transgene vislijnen om de functie van genen bestuderen die een rol spelen bij de vorming van vetcellen Legler J Linking circadian rhythm and lipid metabolism: establishing the effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on circadian rhythms in zebrafish Mebius R Genereren genetisch gemodificeerde muis ter bestudering van de rol van retinol zuur op het mucosale immuunsysteem Sewing ACP Pre-klinische behandeling van Diffuus Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG) met doxorubicine Smit L De in vivo effectiviteit van toediening van IGFBP7 of het remmen van IGF1R aktiviteit in eliminatie van acute myeloide leukemie (stam) cellen. Unger W Nieuwe vaccine formuleringen voor inductie van tumor-specifieke T cellen Unger W Modificatie van antigenen met siaalzuur glycanen voor remming van autoreactieve immune reacties van der Stoop P Uitschakelen van COPB2 sensitizeert invasieve glioblastomacellen voor radiotherapie van Dongen G Experimentele diagnostiek en therapie van kanker van Dongen G Evaluation of the pharmacokinetic profile of antibody-tracer conjugates based on the Lx-linker system (Lx) van Dongen G Tumor targeting performance of the 89 Zr-labeled humanized anti-HER3 antibody Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Scientific Research Committee - 197 GSK2849330 Veninga H Het effect van targeten van peptides naar verschillende types dendritische cellen en macrofagen Veninga H De rol van macrofagen in de marginale zone in het aanzetten en onderhouden van immuunresponsen Windhorst B PET-imaging en biodistributie studie met 11C gelabeld MLN8237, een Aurora Kinase A remmer. Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Scientific Research Committee - 198 Appendix 10. Evening Lectures January 15, 2013 Highlights program 1 & 2 Host: Tanja de Gruijl Remco Nagel: Identification of novel drug targets for lung and head-neck cancer by functional genetic screens Annelies Turksma: IL-21 in Dendritic Cell or T cell based immunotherapy of cancer March 19, 2013 Highlights program 1 & 5 Host: Johan de Winter Viola Verhoef: Comparison of two triage algorithms for women with HPV positive self-samples: direct molecular methylation marker testing versus cytology via a physician-taken smear Martin Klein: Quality of life and neurocognitive functioning in patients with primary brain tumors April 16th, 2013 Highlights program 2 & 3 Host: Guus van Dongen Wendy Unger: Tolerance induction by sialic acids: friend or foe? Astrid van der Veldt: Measuring drug delivery in tumours using PET and radiolabelled drugs. The case of bevacizumab and [11C]docetaxel: refutation of a traditional concept. May 21, 2013 Highlights program 4 & 5 Host: Remco de Bree Gwen Griffioen: Synchronous early stage lung tumors: Clinical outcomes following stereotactic ablative radiotherapy. Debate between Irma Verdonck and Joost Dekker chaired by Frank Snoek (EMGO+): To screen or not to screen for distress. September 17, 2013 Highlights program 2 & 4 Host: Frits Peters Susanna Commandeur: Facing the phases of Mycobacterium tuberculosis: hunting for better TB vaccines. Wilko Verbakel: Digital tomosynthesis: Achieving sub-millimeter accuracy in patient positioning during radiotherapy October 15, 2013 Highlights program 5 & 3 Host: Gertjan Kaspers Corien Eeltink: Sexual life beyond cancer Tom Wurdinger: Non-invasive blood-based cancer diagnostics November 19, 2013 Highlights program 4 & 1 Host: Ruud Brakenhoff Martijn Meijerink: The NanoKnife using irreversible electroporation as a new technique to destroy tumors Ruud Brakenhoff: HPV as prognostic risk factor in head and neck cancer December 17, 2013 Highlights program 5 & 2 Host: Irma Verdonck – de Leeuw Femke Jansen: Quality of life in patients with a colostomy, ileostomy or urostomy Nuray Gül: Macrophages eliminate circulating tumor cells after monoclonal antibody therapy Appendix Annual Report 2013 VUmc CCA – Evening Lectures - 199
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