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VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam /
VUmc Institute for Cancer & Immunology
Annual Report 2011
VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam / VUmc Institute for Cancer & Immunology (CCA/V-ICI)
VU University Medical Center
PK 7 Z 182
De Boelelaan 1117
1081 HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands
website :
(31)20 4443113
List of contents
Organization of CCA/V-ICI
Scientific input
Newly started PhD projects
Scientific output
Indicators of esteem
Societal impact
Ongoing projects
International collaboration
Scientific Research Committee
Evening lectures
Appendix 1: Organization of CCA/V-ICI
Appendix 1: Organization of CCA/V-ICI
Management Board
Management Board (MB) members:
- P.C. Huijgens, oncology research, director of CCA/V-ICI
- G. Kraal, immunology research, deputy director of CCA/V-ICI
- H.J. Bonjer, regionalisation, member from October 1
- W.R. Gerritsen, program director CCA till October 1
- G.C.P.M. Hoskens, manager finances division I
- C.R. Leemans, education, chairman of internal advisory board
- G.A. Meijer, infrastructure, member from October 1
- B.J. Slotman, regionalisation, member from August 22
- H.M.W.Verheul, patient care/fundraising, member
Supportive staff
- J. van Diemen (board assistant)
- Y.M. Duiker (board assistant)
- E. van Kessel (project manager)
- M.A.J. Koelink (senior secretary)
- G.K. Kuipers (senior board assistant)
- H. Loeffen (communication advisor)
- E.M. Ruhé-Hoogervorst (senior board assistant)
- E. Takkenberg (fundraiser)
- J. Zweers (project controller)
Executive Board
The Executive Board (EB) of CCA/V-ICI consists of the program leaders. The EB meets every 2
months together with the MB, chaired by one of the MB directors. The EB advises the MB about:
- research projects
- long-term policy with respect to personnel and materials
Appendix 1: Organization of CCA/V-ICI
first money stream graduate students
allocation of equipment for research of > € 12.000
patient care projects
clinical and translational research
fundraising for cancer research, care and education
early diagnostics
all matters concerning CCA/V-ICI whether on request or not.
The complete EB convenes regularly to discuss the long term policy of CCA/V-ICI.
Executive Board members:
Program 1: Oncogenesis:
- R.H. Brakenhoff
- P.J.F. Snijders
- J. de Winter
Program 2: Immunopathogenesis:
- R.H.J. Beelen
- T.D. de Gruijl
- E. Hooijberg
- Y. van Kooyk
- R. Mebius
Program 3: Disease profiling:
- G.A.M.S. van Dongen
- O.S. Hoekstra
- C. Jimenez
- C.L. Verweij
- T. Würdinger
Program 4: Therapy:
- R. de Bree
- J. Janssen
- G.J. Peters
- S. Senan
- H. van der Vliet
Program 5: Quality of Life
- J. Dekker
- G.J.L. Kaspers
- B.D. Onwuteaka-Philipsen
- I.M. Verdonck
- O. Visser
Internal Advisory Board
The members of the internal advisory board consist of 5 to 10 heads of departments involved in
cancer and immunology within the VUMC. The chairman is member of the MB. The board meets
twice a year.
Internal Advisory Board members:
- C.R. Leemans (Chair)
- M.A. Blankenstein
- J. Bonjer
- C.D. Dijkstra
- J.J. Heimans
- O.S. Hoekstra
- G.C.P.M. Hoskens
- P.C. Huijgens
- G.G. Kenter
Appendix 1: Organization of CCA/V-ICI
G. Kraal
G.A. Meijer
H. Meijers-Heijboer
C.J.J. Mulder
E.F. Smit
H.M.W. Verheul
A. Voskuyl
Scientific Research Committee (CWO)
The CWO is divided into a section that advises merely animal related protocols and a section that
advises patient related protocols and other project proposals.
The CWO advises about the research policy and about the feasibility of new research projects upon
request of the MB. The CWO advises the MB specifically about the quality and the feasibility of all
research proposals that need permission of the ethical committees for patient related or animal
related research before they can be realized.
Research proposals made on behalf of (inter)nationally recognized joint ventures (EORTC, HOVON,
SIOP, SKION) and multi-center studies in which the VUMC is not the main judging committee, are
judged only marginally on local feasibility.
The CWO also advises on other research proposals for which judgment by the CWO is desired. The
CWO gives asked and unasked advice to the MB about the quality of research within CCA/V-ICI. The
CWO section for patient related protocols meets twice a month, the CWO section for animal related
protocols meets once a month.
The VUMC Management Regulations stipulate that the CCA/V-ICI CWO section for patients related
protocols is composed of 5 to 9 members. In view of the institute’s size and in order to have
sufficient expertise in the different research fields, the CWO has been extended to a maximum of
15 members.
Scientific Research Committee (CWO) members - Section for patient related protocols:
- A.A. van der Loosdrecht (chair)
- A.A. van Bodegraven
- B.J.M. Braakhuis
- A.J.M. van den Eertwegh
- M. van Egmond
- T.D. de Gruijl
- N.H. Hendrikse
- M. Klein (advisor)
- G.K. Kuipers (secretary)
- F.B.J.M. Thunnissen
- A.E. Voskuyl (till May 1)
- Q. Waisfisz
Scientific Research Committee (CWO) members - Section for animal related protocols:
- R. Scheper (chair)
- B.J. Appelmelk
- V. van Beusechem
- G. Kraal
- G.K. Kuipers (secretary)
Committee for Education & Training
This committee supervises and advices about all training and education activities within CCA/V-ICI.
The graduate training is organized within the Oncology Graduate School Amsterdam (OOA) and the
Leiden Amsterdam Institute for Immunology (ALIFI).
More in detail, by means of subgroups, this committee organizes and advises about training in the
framework of the:
- oncology profile
Appendix 1: Organization of CCA/V-ICI
immunology profile
masters education in oncology
masters education in immunology
graduate students education
postgraduate education
SMBWO (Foundation for the Training of Biomedical Scientists)
NVVI (Dutch Society for Immunology)
all other types of education within CCA/V-ICI.
Each of these subgroups is composed of the main teachers within the education involved. The
committee gives asked and unasked advice about the quality and quality maintenance of education
within CCA/V-ICI. The committee meets at least six times a year.
Members of the Committee for Education & Training:
- C.R Leemans (chair)
- R.H.J. Beelen
- M.M. van Duist
- G.A. Meijer
- E.M. Ruhé-Hoogervorst (secretary)
Oncology profile committee members:
- B.J.M. Braakhuis
- E. Boven
- A.A. van de Loosdrecht
- N.C.T. van Grieken
- F.B.J.M Thunnissen
- E.M. Ruhé-Hoogervorst (profile coordinator)
Immunology and Infection committee members:
- B.J. Appelmelk
- I.E.M. Bultink
- I. van Hoogstraten
- H.J. Bontkes
- M.B.E. von Blomberg
- G.K. Kuipers (profile coordinator)
Directorate OOA (Oncology Graduate School Amsterdam)
- G.A. Meijer, chairman (VUmc) till September
- A.W. Griffioen from September
- J.P. Medema (AMC) till September 26
- E.M. Ruhé-Hoogervorst, secretary (VUmc)
- T. Sixma (NKI)
- M. Spaargaren (AMC) from September 26
ALIFI PhD committee (Amsterdam Leiden Institute For Immunology)
- R.A.W. van Lier (AMC)
- R.E. Mebius (VUmc-CCA/V-ICI)
- H. Schuitemaker (Sanquin)
Funding by Stichting VUmc CCA
The Stichting VUmc CCA supports VUmc and CCA/V-ICI in their cancer research and care for patients
with cancer.
Appendix 2: Scientific input
Appendix 2. Scientific input
Program 1: Oncogenesis
Full professor
Oudejans CBM
Clinical Chemistry
Joenje H
Clinical Genetics
Meijers-Heijboer HE
Clinical Genetics
te Riele H
Clinical Genetics
Kenter GG
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Bloemena E
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Pathology
van der Waal I
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Pathology
Brakenhoff RH
Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
Leemans CR
Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
Meijer CJLM
Meijer GA
Middeldorp JM
Mooi WJ
Peeper DS
Snijders PJF
Associated professor
Berkhof J
Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics
van de Wiel MA
Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics
de Winter JP
Clinical Genetics
Jimenez CR
Medical Oncology
Braakhuis BJM
Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
Steenbergen RDM
van Egmond M
Kuik DJ
Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Dorsman JC
Clinical Genetics
Menko FH
Clinical Genetics
van Hest LP
Clinical Genetics
Waisfisz Q
Clinical Genetics
Hertog D
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Pathology
Karagozoglu KH
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Pathology
Schulten EAJM
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Pathology
Bleeker MCG
Carvalho B
Cillessen SAGM
Rozendaal L
Thunnissen FBJM
Assistant professor
van Hattum AH
van Kemenade F
Gille JJP
Clinical Genetics
de Wit M
Medical Oncology
Bremmer JF
Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
Other tenured staff
Cillessen SAGM
Heideman DAM
Hesselink AT
Hubers J
Appendix 2: Scientific input
Pegtel M
Rekers N
van Boerdonk R
Krekel NMA
Total tenured staff
Non tenured staff
Agarwal S
Clinical Genetics
Ameziane N
Clinical Genetics
de Lange J
Clinical Genetics
Oudgenoeg G
Medical Oncology
Pham TV
Medical Oncology
Schaaij-Visser BM
Medical Oncology
van Beynum JR
Medical Oncology
Vermeulen C
Medical Oncology
Ferns D
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Jordanova ES
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Nagel R
Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
Smeets SJ
Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
Bosch LJW
Lalic D
Wilting SM
Adank M
Clinical Genetics
Bakker JL
Clinical Genetics
Corbin M
Clinical Genetics
Dommering CJ
Clinical Genetics
Faramarz A
Clinical Genetics
Haitjema A
Clinical Genetics
Kooi EI
Clinical Genetics
Massink M
Clinical Genetics
Mol BM
Clinical Genetics
PhD students
Roohollahi K
Clinical Genetics
Stoepker C
Clinical Genetics
de Leeuw DC
Gotink KJ
Medical Oncology
Heusschen R
Medical Oncology
Neerincx M
Medical Oncology
Paulis YWJ
Medical Oncology
Dekker H
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Pathology
Dekker H
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Pathology
Matse JH
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Pathology
Ramawadh RS
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Pathology
Graveland APJ
Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
Martens-de Kemp SR
Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
Rietbergen MM
Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
van der Plas M
Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
Bierkens M
de Strooper LMA
Henken FE
Hiemstra AC
Mollers M
Appendix 2: Scientific input
Novalic Z
Ramayanti O
Scherpenisse M
Schütze DM
Snellenberg S
van den Broek E
Verweij FJ
Haloua JP
Total non tenured staff
Total research staff
Program 2: Immunopathogenesis
Full professor
Starink TM
Mulder CJJ
Bitter W
Medical Microbiology and Infection Control
Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE
Medical Microbiology and Infection Control
Beelen RHJ
Molecular Celbiology and Immunology
Dijkstra CD
Molecular Celbiology and Immunology
Kraal G
Molecular Celbiology and Immunology
Mebius RE
Molecular Celbiology and Immunology
van Kooyk Y
Molecular Celbiology and Immunology
Scheper RJ
van den Elsen PJ
Verweij CL
Dijkmans BAC
Gibbs S
Gibbs S
Stoof TJ
Appelmelk BJ
Medical Microbiology and Infection Control
van Die IM
Molecular Celbiology and Immunology
von Blomberg BME
de Boer EM
Franken SM
Kirtschig G
Rustemeyer T
van Montfrans C
Associated professor
Assistant professor
Felt-Bersma RJF
van Bodegraven AA
van Nieuwkerk CMJ
Ang W
Medical Microbiology and Infection Control
van der Sar AM
Medical Microbiology and Infection Control
van den Eertwegh AJM
Medical Oncology
den Haan JMM
Molecular Celbiology and Immunology
Douma CE
Farhat K
Nurmohamed SA
Appendix 2: Scientific input
Rüger JW
Mulder MF
van der Plas RN
Hooijberg E
Morré SA
van den Tol MP
Menckeberg C
Molecular Celbiology and Immunology
van Vliet SJ
Molecular Celbiology and Immunology
Crusius JBA
Gross S
Ouburg S
Other tenured staff
Scheffer GL
van Hoogstraten IMW
Total tenured staff
Non tenured staff
Reijnders CMA
Reinders J
Abdallah AM
Medical Microbiology and Infection Control
Bestebroer J
Medical Microbiology and Infection Control
Geurtsen J
Medical Microbiology and Infection Control
Houben E
Medical Microbiology and Infection Control
Houben E
Medical Microbiology and Infection Control
Ambrosini M
Molecular Celbiology and Immunology
Bakema JE
Molecular Celbiology and Immunology
Garcia-Vallejo JJ
Molecular Celbiology and Immunology
Ilarregui JM
Molecular Celbiology and Immunology
Koning JJ
Molecular Celbiology and Immunology
Koning N
Molecular Celbiology and Immunology
Kuijk LM
Molecular Celbiology and Immunology
Lenos KJ
Molecular Celbiology and Immunology
Molenaar R
Molecular Celbiology and Immunology
Papadopoulos P
Molecular Celbiology and Immunology
Tefsen B
Molecular Celbiology and Immunology
Unger WWJ
Molecular Celbiology and Immunology
van Beelen AJ
Molecular Celbiology and Immunology
van de Pavert SA
Molecular Celbiology and Immunology
Veninga H
Molecular Celbiology and Immunology
Vos JB
Molecular Celbiology and Immunology
Broers CJM
van der Kuip M
Bontkes HJ
Gelderman KA
Greijer AE
PhD students
Kosten IJ
Limandjaja GC
van den Broek L
Vink L
Lam TJ
Ates LS
Medical Microbiology and Infection Control
Appendix 2: Scientific input
Daleke M
Medical Microbiology and Infection Control
Stoop EJM
Medical Microbiology and Infection Control
van de Weerd R
Medical Microbiology and Infection Control
van der Woude AD
Medical Microbiology and Infection Control
Weerdenburg EM
Medical Microbiology and Infection Control
Lam SW
Medical Oncology
Beijer MR
Molecular Celbiology and Immunology
Bloem K
Molecular Celbiology and Immunology
Bogels M
Molecular Celbiology and Immunology
Braster R
Molecular Celbiology and Immunology
da Silva Aresta Belo van Wijk AI
Molecular Celbiology and Immunology
Fehres CM
Molecular Celbiology and Immunology
Galama SM
Molecular Celbiology and Immunology
Goverse G
Molecular Celbiology and Immunology
Grewal SK
Molecular Celbiology and Immunology
Gul N
Molecular Celbiology and Immunology
Hiemstra IH
Molecular Celbiology and Immunology
Klaver EJ
Molecular Celbiology and Immunology
Ouwehand I
Molecular Celbiology and Immunology
Perdicchio M
Molecular Celbiology and Immunology
Stavenuiter AWD
Molecular Celbiology and Immunology
van der Steen LPE
Molecular Celbiology and Immunology
van Hout MWM
Molecular Celbiology and Immunology
Walraven M
Molecular Celbiology and Immunology
Yildirim C
Molecular Celbiology and Immunology
Mason S
Msoka T
Solomons R
van Dungen F
van Elsland S
de Jong T
Hoebe EK
Lubbers J
Turksma A
Nielsen K
Total non tenured staff
Total research staff
Program 3: Disease profiling
Full professor
Blankenstein MA
Clinical Chemistry
Mulder CJJ
Peña AS
Huijgens PC
Kluytmans J
Medical Microbiology and Infection Control
Savelkoul PHM
Medical Microbiology and Infection Control
Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE
Medical Microbiology and Infection Control
Dijkstra CD
Molecular Celbiology and Immunology
Heimans JJ
Appendix 2: Scientific input
Taphoorn MJB
Comans EFI
Nuclear Medicine and PET Research
Hoekstra OS
Nuclear Medicine and PET Research
Lammertsma AA
Nuclear Medicine and PET Research
de Bree R
Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
Leemans CR
Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
van Dongen GAMS
Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
Bloemena E
Meijer CJLM
Meijer GA
Snijders PJF
Verweij CL
Wesseling P
Postmus PE
Smit EF
Castelijns JA
Dijkmans BAC
Lems WF
Meijer S
Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Boellaard R
Nuclear Medicine and PET Research
Herscheid JDM
Nuclear Medicine and PET Research
Molthoff CFM
Nuclear Medicine and PET Research
Windhorst AD
Nuclear Medicine and PET Research
Ylstra B
van der Horst-Bruinsma IE
Kuik DJ
Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Baalbergen JM
Hekker TAM
Medical Microbiology and Infection Control
Ossenkopp YJ
Medical Microbiology and Infection Control
Smit AM
Medical Microbiology and Infection Control
van der Pouw-Kraan CTM
Molecular Celbiology and Immunology
le Poole CY
Postma TJ
Reijneveld JC
Raijmakers PG
Nuclear Medicine and PET Research
van Schie A
Nuclear Medicine and PET Research
Visser GWM
Nuclear Medicine and PET Research
Beliën JAM
Carvalho B
Fijneman RJA
Morré SA
van Grieken NCT
Bahce I
Becker A
Associated professor
van de Wiel MA
Assistant professor
Daniels JMA
Hashemi SMS
Sutedja TG
Bultink IEM
Appendix 2: Scientific input
van der Laken CJ
van Schaardenburg D
Voskuyl AE
te Velde EA
Kaiser AM
Medical Microbiology and Infection Control
Pettersson Fernholm AM
Medical Microbiology and Infection Control
Reuland EA
Medical Microbiology and Infection Control
van de Laar TJW
Medical Microbiology and Infection Control
Huisman MC
Nuclear Medicine and PET Research
Yaqub MM
Nuclear Medicine and PET Research
Carvalho B
Other tenured staff
Crusius JBA
de Ridder A
Fijneman RJA
Scheffer GL
Hendrikse NH
Total tenured staff
Non tenured staff
Douw L
Verwer E
Nuclear Medicine and PET Research
Poot AJ
Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
Vugts D
Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
Bosch LJW
Díaz-López R
van der Velde AG
Voorham QJM
Vink A
Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Wubulikasimu A
Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Wubulikasimu A
Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Bakker SF
Ben Larbi I
de Baaij LR
Radersma M
Seinen ML
Terhaar sive Droste JS
van de Water JMW
van Turenhout ST
van Wanrooij RLJ
van Weyenberg SJB
Budding A
Medical Microbiology and Infection Control
PhD students
Rood IGH
Medical Microbiology and Infection Control
van Cleef BAGL
Medical Microbiology and Infection Control
de Groot M
Koekkoek J
Sizoo E
van Dellen E
Cheebsumon P
Nuclear Medicine and PET Research
Appendix 2: Scientific input
Frings V
Nuclear Medicine and PET Research
Hoyng LL
Nuclear Medicine and PET Research
Makris N
Nuclear Medicine and PET Research
Oprea D
Nuclear Medicine and PET Research
Rizvi SN
Nuclear Medicine and PET Research
Flach GB
Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
Hakim S
Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
Heuveling D
Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
Nissen IA
Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
van der Putten L
Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
Vosjan MJWD
Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
Blits M
de Groen FLM
Haan JC
Krijgsman O
Scheinin AI
Timmer LM
van den Broek E
van Thuijl HF
Voorham QJM
Vosslamber S
de Langen AJ
Kuiper JL
Mellema WW
Paff T
Schook R
Siebring-van Olst E
Rodjan F
de Cuba E
van der Pas MHGM
Total non tenured staff
Total research staff
Program 4: Innovative therapy
Full professor
Zuurmond WWA
Boers M
Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Mulder CJJ
Huijgens PC
Ossenkoppele GJ
Boven E
Medical Oncology
Gerritsen WR
Medical Oncology
Griffioen AW
Medical Oncology
Peters GJ
Medical Oncology
Verheul H
Medical Oncology
Heimans JJ
Taphoorn MJB
Vandertop WP
Appendix 2: Scientific input
van der Waal I
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Pathology
de Bree R
Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
Leemans CR
Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
Kaspers GJL
van Furth AM
Scheper RJ
van der Waal I
Senan S
Radiation Oncology
Slotman BJ
Radiation Oncology
Dijkmans BAC
Lems WF
Cuesta MA
van Moorselaar RJA
Associated staff
Perez RSGM
Schuurhuis GJ
van Agtmael MA
Internal Medicine
de Gruijl TD
Medical Oncology
van Beusechem VW
Medical Oncology
Wurdinger T
Assistant professor
Coupe VMH
Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Kuik DJ
Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Xavier de Menezes R
Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Chamuleau MED
Cloos J
Dräger AM
Issa DE
Janssen JJWM
Thielen N
van de Loosdrecht AA
Visser O
Zweegman S
Broxterman HJ
Medical Oncology
Buter J
Medical Oncology
Dressel AJN
Medical Oncology
Konings IRHM
Medical Oncology
van den Eertwegh AJM
Medical Oncology
van der Houven van Oordt CW
Medical Oncology
van der Vliet JJ
Medical Oncology
van der Vorst MJDL
Medical Oncology
van Linde ME
Medical Oncology
Postma TJ
Reijneveld JC
Baayen JC
de Witt Hamer PC
Feller RE
Noske DP
Peerdeman SM
Moll AC
Eerenstein SEJ
Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
Appendix 2: Scientific input
van Weert S
Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
Oeij NA
Dahele MR
Radiation Oncology
Doornaert P
Radiation Oncology
Haasbeek CJ
Radiation Oncology
Lafleur MVM
Radiation Oncology
Lagerwaard FJ
Radiation Oncology
Sminia P
Radiation Oncology
Bultink IEM
van Schaardenburg D
Voskuyl AE
Geldof AA
Vis A
Bogaards JA
Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Bongers ML
Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics
van Oostveen JW
Dong W
Medical Oncology
Other tenured staff
Labots M
Medical Oncology
Meulenberg JJ
Medical Oncology
Piersma SR
Medical Oncology
Rovithi MN
Medical Oncology
van Dijk J
Medical Psychology
Froklage F
Berenguer de Felipe J
Langius JAE
Nutricion and dietics
Wierdsma NJ
Nutricion and dietics
Abbink F
Thijssen VLJL
Radiation Oncology
van Sörnsen de Koste JR
Radiation Oncology
Jansen G
ter Wee MM
van Dam DA
Total tenured staff
Non tenured staff
Demirel E
Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Noordhuis P
Smit L
Giovannetti E
Medical Oncology
Honeywell R
Medical Oncology
Douw L
van der Stoop PM
Hulleman E
Mahdavian Delawary B
Plastic, reconstructive and handsurgery
van Tuyl L
Bijnsdorp IV
Jacobs JJL
Chaturvedi N
Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Taghipour Bazargani Y
Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics
de Boer YS
PhD students
Appendix 2: Scientific input
van Gerven NMF
Alhan C
Bachas C
de Leeuw DC
Irandoust M
Niewerth D
Regelink JC
Ruben JM
van den Ancker W
van Luijn M
Verhagen HJMP
Wojtuszkiewicz A
Wondergem MJ
Wouters FR
Zeijlemaker W
Zeijlemaker W
Avan A
Medical Oncology
Azijli K
Medical Oncology
de Bruin R
Medical Oncology
El-Naggar M
Medical Oncology
Galvani E
Medical Oncology
Hodzic J
Medical Oncology
Huijts L
Medical Oncology
Huijts L
Medical Oncology
Kuipers-de Wilt LHAM
Medical Oncology
Neefjes ECW
Medical Oncology
Schneiders FL
Medical Oncology
Schulkens I
Medical Oncology
van der Mijn JC
Medical Oncology
van der Wijk LJ
Medical Oncology
Warmoes M
Medical Oncology
de Groot M
Koekkoek J
Sizoo E
van Dellen E
Caretti V
Hiddingh L
Smits M
van Rijn S
Posthuma de Boer J
Cohen R
Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
Slobbe P
Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
Vosjan MJWD
Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
Blufpand HN
Franke N
Jansen MHA
Kors WA
Mir SE
van Vuurden DG
van Well G
Wilhelm AJ
Appendix 2: Scientific input
Narayan RS
Radiation Oncology
Ong CL
Radiation Oncology
Phernambucq E
Radiation Oncology
Bruijnen STG
den Uyl D
Gent YYJ
Raterman HG
Verbrugge CSE
Weijers K
Ankersmit M
Total non tenured staff
Total research staff
Program 5: Quality of life
Full professor
Heimans JJ
Taphoorn MJB
Festen JM
Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
Leemans CR
Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
Verdonck-de Leeuw IM
Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
Kaspers GJL
Veerman AJP
Dekker J
Rehabilitation Medicine
Reijneveld JC
Rinkel RNPM
Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
van Dijk EM
Medical Psychology
van Uden-Kraan CF
Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
Veening MA
Scholte-Voshaar M
Assistant professor
Other tenured staff
Total tenured staff
Non tenured staff
Mostert SM
van der Berg MH
van Dulmen-den Broeder E
Medical Psychology
PhD students
Boele F
Sizoo E
Buskermolen S
Nutricion and dietics
Cnossen IC
Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
de Bruijn M
Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
Krebber AMH
Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
Lubberding S
Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
van Gogh CDL
Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
van Nieuwenhuizen AJ
Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
Braam KI
Gordijn MS
Overbeek A
Appendix 2: Scientific input
van Litsenburg R
Total non terured staff
Total research staff
Appendix 2: Scientific input
Appendix 3: Newly started PhD projects
Appendix 3: Newly started PhD projects
PhD student
Project leader
Ankersmit M
Meijerink WJHJ
Photoimmunodetection of colorectal cancer
Ates LS
Bitter W
Medical Microbiology
and Infection Control
Live mycobacterium bovis BCG bacteria as a
platform for the induction of enhanced tumorantigen-specific immunity
Braster R
Beelen RHJ
Molecular Celbiology
and Immunology
Identification of tumor-derived proteins that
modulate macrophage effector functions
Buskermolen S
Verheul H
Nutricion and dietics
Prevalence and biomarkers of pre-cachexia and
cachexia in advanced cancer patients
scheduled for treatment with chemotherapy
Gordijn MS
Kaspers GJL
Glucocorticoid induced HPA axis suppression in
childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and
Grewal S
Beelen RHJ
Molecular Celbiology
and Immunology
Colorectal cancer surgery: a Trojan horse for
liver metastases?
Heuveling DH
de Bree R
and Neck Surgery
Hiemstra AC
Meijer GA
Development of an improved molecular test for
population-wide colorectal cancer screening
Hoyng LL
Boellaard R
Nuclear Medicine &
PET research
Quantitative imaging in cancer: connecting
cellular processes with therapy: Data and
Image Analysis (WP4)
Huijts L
Verheul H
Medical Oncology
Phase I-II study of everolimus and low-dose oral
cyclophosphamide in patients with metastatic
Kooi EI
te Riele H
Clinical Genetics
Genomics to improve diagnostics and care of
retinoblastoma patients
Lubbers J
Verweij CL
Genomic biomarkers to predict development of
RA (VERA, ERA) and therapy responsiveness
Mellema WW
Smit EF
Nieuwe behandelingsmogelijkheden bij
longkankerpatienten met een K-RAS mutatie
Narayan RS
Slotman BJ
Radiation Oncology
Targeting resistance to radio-chemotherapy by
inhibition of the PI3Kinase-Akt signaling
Neefjes ECW
Verheul HMW
Medical Oncology
Early recognition and optimal treatment of
delirium in patients with advanced cancer
Neerincx M
Verheul HM
Medical Oncology
Individualized treatment of patients with
advanced colorectal cancer based on miRNA
expression profiling
Ramayanti O
Middeldorp JM
Epstein barr virus activation and cytolytic
antivirual therapy in nasopharyngeal patients
Scheinin AI
Meijer GA
Data mining DNA copy number changes in
Slobbe P
van Dongen GAMS
and Neck Surgery
The development of radiolabeled tyrosine
kinase inhibitors for PET imaging
van den Broek E
Meijer GA
Structural chromosomal rearrangements in
colorectal cancer
Verhagen H
Smit L
The identification of biomarkers/drugtargets
specific for leukemic stem cells of Acute
Myeloid Leukemia
Appendix 3: Newly started PhD projects
Walraven M
Verheul H
Medical Oncology
Toxicity of angiogenesis inhibitors
Zeijlemaker W
Ossenkoppele GJ
The role of minimal residual disease, and
leukemic stem cells herein, in clinical decision
Appendix 4: Scientific output
Appendix 4: Scientific output
(x /y):
After publications, x: quartile score (1-5), y: Impact Factor of journal
Quartile score: SCI journal from lowest quarter, publications in peer-reviewed journals without an Impact Factor
Quartile score: SCI journal from the second quarter (>25th and < 50th percentile)
Quartile score: SCI journal from the third quarter (>50th and < 75th percentile)
Quartile score: SCI journal belonging to the highest quarter 75th-90th percentile
Quartile score: SCI journal belonging to > 90th percentile
(Cat.A): Dissertations prepared and defended at VUmc
(Cat.B): Dissertations prepared elsewhere and defended at VUmc
(Cat.C): Dissertations prepared at VUmc and defended elsewhere
(Cat.D): Dissertations prepared and defended elsewhere
Program 1: Oncogenesis
Scientific papers refereed
Adank MA, Jonker MA, Kluijt I, van Mil SE, Oldenburg RA, Mooi WJ, Hogervorst FBL, van den Ouweland AMW, Gille JJP,
Schmidt MK, van der Vaart AW, Meijers-Heijboer EJ, Waisfisz Q. CHEK2*1100delC homozygosity is associated with a high
breast cancer risk in women. J Med Chem 2011; 48: 860-863 (5 / 5.207)
Alibegashvili T, Clifford GM, Vaccarella S, Baidoshvili A, Gogiashvili L, Tsagareli Z, Kureli I, Snijders PJF, Heideman DAM,
van Kemenade FJ, Meijer CJLM, Kordzaia D, Franceschi S. Human papillomavirus infection in women with and without
cervical cancer in Tbilisi, Georgia. Cancer Epidem Biomar 2011; 35: 465-470 (5 / 4.190)
Antoniou AC, Kartsonaki C, Sinilnikova OM, Soucy P, McGuffog L, Healey S, Lee A, Peterlongo P, Manoukian S, Peissel B,
Zaffaroni D, Cattaneo E, Barile M, Pensotti V, Pasini B, Dolcetti R, Giannini G, Putignano AL, Varesco L, Radice P, Mai
PL, Greene MH, Andrulis IL, Glendon G, Ozcelik H, Thomassen M, Gerdes AM, Kruse TA, Jensen UB, Cruger DG, Caligo
MA, Laitman Y, Milgrom R, Kaufman B, Paluch-Shimon S, Friedman E, Loman N, Harbst K, Lindblom A, Arver B,
Ehrencrona H, Melin B, Nathanson KL, Domchek SM, Rebbeck T, Jakubowska A, Lubinski J, Gronwald J, Huzarski T,
Byrski T, Cybulski C, Gorski B, Osorio A, Cajal TRY, Fostira F, Andres R, Benitez J, Hamann U, Hogervorst FB, Rookus MA,
Hooning MJ, Nelen MR, van der Luijt RB, van Os TAM, van Asperen CJ, Devilee P, Meijers-Heijboer EJ, Garcia EBG, Peock
S, Cook M, Frost D, Platte R, Leyland J, Evans DG, Lalloo F, Eeles R, Izatt L, Adlard J, Davidson R, Eccles D, Ong KR,
Cook J, Douglas F, Paterson J, Kennedy MJ, Miedzybrodzka Z, Godwin A, Stoppa-Lyonnet D, Buecher B, Belotti M, Tirapo
C, Mazoyer S, Barjhoux L, Lasset C, Leroux D, Faivre L, Bronner M, Prieur F, Nogues C, Chenevix-Trench G. Common
alleles at 6q25.1 and 1p11.2 are associated with breast cancer risk for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers. Hum Mol
Genet 2011; 20: 3304-3321 (5 / 8.058)
Becker A, Crombag L, Heideman DAM, Thunnissen FBJM, van Wijk AW, Postmus PE, Smit EF. Retreatment with erlotinib:
Regain of TKI sensitivity following a drug holiday for patients with NSCLC who initially responded to EGFR-TKI
treatment. Eur J Cancer 2011; 47: 2603-2606 (4 / 4.944)
Bogaards JA, Berkhof J. Assessment of herd immunity from human papillomavirus vaccination. Lancet Infect Dis 2011;
11: 896 (5 / 16.144)
Bogaards JA, Coupe VMH, Meijer CJLM, Berkhof J. The clinical benefit and cost-effectiveness of human papillomavirus
vaccination for adult women in the Netherlands. Vaccine 2011; 29: 8929-8936 (4 / 3.572)
Bogaards JA, Coupe VMH, Xiridou M, Meijer CJLM, Wallinga J, Berkhof J. Long-term Impact of Human Papillomavirus
Vaccination on Infection Rates, Cervical Abnormalities, and Cancer Incidence. Epidemiology 2011; 22: 505-515 (5 /
Bogaards JA, Krezschmar M, Xiridou M, Meijer CJLM, Berkhof J, Wallinga J. Sex-specific immunization for sexually
transmitted infections such as human papillomavirus: insights from mathematical models. PLOS Med 2011; 8(12):
e1001147 (5 / 15.617)
Bosch LJW, Carvalho B, Fijneman RJA, Jimenez CR, Pinedo HM, van Engeland M, Meijer GA. Molecular Tests for
Colorectal Cancer Screening. Clin Colorectal Cancer 2011; 10: 8-23 (3 / 2.632)
Casabonne D, Reina O, Benavente Y, Becker N, Maynadi├® M, Foretov├í L, Cocco P, Gonz├ílez-Neira A, Nieters A,
Boffetta P, Middeldorp JM, de Sanjose S. Single nucleotide polymorphisms of matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP9) and
tumor protein 73 (TP73) interact with Epstein-Barr virus in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: results from the European
case-control study EpiLymph. Haematol-Hematol J 2011; 96: 323-327 (4 / 6.532)
Castella M, Pujol R, Callen E, Trujillo JP, Casado JA, Gille JJP, Lach FP, Auerbach AD, Schindler D, Benitez J, Porto B,
Ferro T, Munoz A, Sevilla J, Madero L, Cela E, Belendez C, de Heredia CD, Olive T, de Toledo JS, Badell I, Torrent M,
Estella J, Dasi A, Rodriguez-Villa A, Gomez P, Barbot J, Tapia M, Molines A, Figuera A, Bueren JA, Surralles J. Origin,
functional role, and clinical impact of Fanconi anemia FANCA mutations. Blood 2011; 117: 3759-3769 (5 / 10.558)
Castellsague X, Diaz M, Vaccarella S, de Sanjose S, Munoz N, Herrero R, Franceschi S, Meijer CJLM, Bosch FX.
Intrauterine device use, cervical infection with human papillomavirus, and risk of cervical cancer: a pooled analysis of
26 epidemiological studies. Lancet Oncol 2011; 12: 1023-1031 (5 / 17.764)
Castellsague X, Diaz M, Vaccarella S, de SanjoseS., ., unoz N, Herrero R, Franceschi S, Meijer CJLM, Bosch FX.
Intrauterine device and cervical cancer: we need more evidence - Authors' reply. Lancet Oncol 2011; 12: 1186-1187 (5 /
Ceccaldi R, Briot D, Larghero J, Vasquez N, d'Enghien CD, Chamousset D, Noguera ME, Waisfisz Q, Hermine O, Pondarre
C, Leblanc T, Gluckman E, Joenje H, Stoppa-Lyonnet D, Socie G, Soulier J. Spontaneous abrogation of the G(2) DNA
damage checkpoint has clinical benefits but promotes leukemogenesis in Fanconi anemia patients. J Clin Invest 2011;
121: 184-194 (5 / 14.152)
Cox DG, Simard J, Sinnett D, Hamdi Y, Soucy P, Ouimet M, Barjhoux L, Verny-Pierre C, McGuffog L, Healey S, Szabo C,
Greene MH, Mai PL, Andrulis IL, Thomassen M, Gerdes AM, Caligo MA, Friedman E, Laitman Y, Kaufman B, Paluch SS,
Borg A, Karlsson P, Askmalm MS, Bustinza GB, Nathanson KL, Domchek SM, Rebbeck TR, Benitez J, Hamann U, Rookus
Appendix 4: Scientific output
MA, van den Ouweland AMW, Ausems MGEM, Aalfs CM, van Asperen CJ, Devilee P, Gille JJP, Peock S, Frost D, Evans DG,
Eeles R, Izatt L, Adlard J, Paterson J, Eason J, Godwin AK, Remon MA, Moncoutier V, Gauthier-Villars M, Lasset C,
Giraud S, Hardouin A, Berthet P, Sobol H, Eisinger F, de Paillerets BB, Caron O, Delnatte C, Goldgar D, Miron A, Ozcelik
H, Buys S, Southey MC, Terry MB, Singer CF, Dressler AC, Tea MK, Hansen TVO, Johannsson O, Piedmonte M, Rodriguez
GC, Basil JB, Blank S, Toland AE, Montagna M, Isaacs C, Blanco I, Gayther SA, Moysich KB, Schmutzler RK,
Wappenschmidt B, Engel C, Meindl A, Ditsch N, Arnold N, Niederacher D, Sutter C, Gadzicki D, Fiebig B, Caldes T,
Laframboise R, Nevanlinna H, Chen XQ, Beesley J, Spurdle AB, Neuhausen SL, Ding YC, Couch FJ, Wang XS. Common
variants of the BRCA1 wild-type allele modify the risk of breast cancer in BRCA1 mutation carriers. Hum Mol Genet 2011;
20: 4732-4747 (5 / 8.058)
Curvers WL, van Vilsteren FG, Baak LC, B├Âhmer C, Mallant-Hent RC, Naber AH, van Oijen A, Ponsioen CY, Scholten P,
Schenk E, Schoon E, Seldenrijk CA, Meijer GA, ten Kate FJ, Bergman JJ. Endoscopic trimodal imaging versus standard
video endoscopy for detection of early Barrett's neoplasia: a multicenter, randomized, crossover study in general
practice. Gastrointest Endosc 2011; 73: 195-203 (5 / 5.608)
de Bie RP, Schmeink CE, Bakkers JMJE, Snijders PJF, Quint WGV, Massuger LFAG, Bekkers R, Melchers WJG. The
Indicating FTA Elute Cartridge: A Solid Sample Carrier to Detect High-Risk HPV and High-Grade Cervical Lesions. J Mol
Diagn 2011; 13: 371-376 (4 / 4.219)
de Kok IMCM, van der Aa MA, van Ballegooijen M, Siesling S, Karim-Kos HE, van Kemenade FJ, Coebergh JWW. Trends in
cervical cancer in the Netherlands until 2007: Has the bottom been reached?. Int J Cancer 2011; 128: 2174-2181 (4 /
Dingemans AMC, de Langen AJ, van den Boogaart V, Marcus JT, Backes WH, Scholtens HTGM, van Tinteren H, Hoekstra
OS, Pruim J, Brans B, Thunnissen FB, Smit EF, Groen HJM. First-line erlotinib and bevacizumab in patients with locally
advanced and/or metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer: a phase II study including molecular imaging. Ann Oncol 2011;
22: 559-566 (4 / 6.452)
Farazi TA, Horlings HM, Hoeve JJ, Mihailovic A, Halfwerk H, Morozov P, Brown M, Hafner M, Reyal F, van Kouwenhove M,
Kreike B, Sie DLS, Hovestadt V, Wessels LF, van de Vijver MJ, Tuschl T. MicroRNA Sequence and Expression Analysis in
Breast Tumors by Deep Sequencing. Cancer Res 2011; 71: 4443-4453 (5 / 8.234)
Goh XY, Rees JR, Paterson AL, Chin SF, Marioni JC, Save V, O'Donovan M, Eijk PP, Alderson D, Ylstra B, Caldas C,
Fitzgerald RC. Integrative analysis of array-comparative genomic hybridisation and matched gene expression profiling
data reveals novel genes with prognostic significance in oesophageal adenocarcinoma. Gut 2011; 60: 1317-1326 (5 /
Gok M, Rozendaal L, Berkhof J, Visser O, Meijer CJLM, van Kemenade FJ. Cytology history preceding cervical cancer
diagnosis: a regional analysis of 286 cases. Brit J Cancer 2011; 104: 685-692 (4 / 4.831)
Hammouda D, Clifford GM, Pallardy S, Ayyach G, Chekiri A, Boudrich A, Snijders PJF, van Kemenade FJ, Meijer CJLM,
Bouhadef A, Zitouni Z, Habib D, Ikezaren N, Franceschi S. Human papillomavirus infection in a population-based sample
of women in Algiers, Algeria. Int J Cancer 2011; 128: 2224-2229 (4 / 4.926)
Heideman DAM, Hesselink AT, Berkhof J, van Kemenade FJ, Melchers WJG, Daalmeijer NF, Verkuijten M, Meijer CJLM,
Snijders PJF. Clinical Validation of the cobas 4800 HPV Test for Cervical Screening Purposes. J Clin Microbiol 2011; 49:
3983-3985 (4 / 4.220)
Henken FE, Banerjee NS, Snijders PJF, Meijer CJLM, De-Castro Arce J, Rosl F, Broker TR, Chow LT, Steenbergen RDM.
PIK3CA-mediated PI3-kinase signalling is essential for HPV-induced transformation in vitro. Mol Cancer 2011; 10: art.nr.
71 (3 / 3.779)
Hesselink AT, Heideman DAM, Steenbergen RDM, Coupe VMH, Overmeer RM, Rijkaart DC, Berkhof J, Meijer CJLM,
Snijders PJF. Combined Promoter Methylation Analysis of CADM1 and MAL: An Objective Triage Tool for High-Risk Human
Papillomavirus DNA-Positive Women. Clin Cancer Res 2011; 17: 2459-2465 (5 / 7.338)
Houweling AC, Gijezen LM, Jonker MA, van Doorn MBA, Oldenburg RA, van Spaendonck-Zwarts KY, Leter EM, van Os
TAM, van Grieken NCT, Jaspars EH, de Jong MM, Bongers EMHF, Johannesma PC, Postmus PE, van Moorselaar RJA, van
Waesberghe JHTM, Starink TM, van Steensel MAM, Gille JJP, Menko FH. Renal cancer and pneumothorax risk in BirtHogg-Dube syndrome; an analysis of 115 FLCN mutation carriers from 35 BHD families. Brit J Cancer 2011; 105: 19121919 (4 / 4.831)
Hutajulu SH, Indrasari SR, Indrawati LPL, Hariadi A, Duin S, Haryana SM, Steenbergen RDM, Greijer AE, Middeldorp JM.
Epigenetic markers for early detection of nasopharyngeal carcinoma in a high risk population. Mol Cancer 2011; 10:
art.nr. 48 (3 / 3.779)
Im KM, Kirchhoff T, Wang XS, Green T, Chow CY, Vijai J, Korn J, Gaudet MM, Fredericksen Z, Pankratz VS, Guiducci C,
Crenshaw A, McGuffog L, Kartsonaki C, Morrison J, Healey S, Sinilnikova OM, Mai PL, Greene MH, Piedmonte M,
Rubinstein WS, Hogervorst FB, Rookus MA, Collee JM, Hoogerbrugge N, van Asperen CJ, Meijers-Heijboer EJ, van
Roozendaal CE, Caldes T, Perez-Segura P, Jakubowska A, Lubinski J, Huzarski T, Blecharz P, Nevanlinna H, Aittomaki K,
Lazaro C, Blanco I, Barkardottir RB, Montagna M, D'Andrea E, Devilee P, Olopade OI, Neuhausen SL, Peissel B, Bonanni B,
Peterlongo P, Singer CF, Rennert G, Lejbkowicz F, Andrulis IL, Glendon G, Ozcelik H, Toland AE, Caligo MA, Beattie MS,
Chan S, Domchek SM, Nathanson KL, Rebbeck TR, Phelan C, Narod S, John EM, Hopper JL, Buys SS, Daly MB, Southey MC,
Terry MB, Tung N, Hansen TVO, Osorio A, Benitez J, Duran M, Weitzel JN, Garber J, Hamann U, Peock S, Cook M, Oliver
CT, Frost D, Platte R, Evans DG, Eeles R, Izatt L, Paterson J, Brewer C, Hodgson S, Morrison PJ, Porteous M, Walker L,
Rogers MT, Side LE, Godwin AK, Schmutzler RK, Wappenschmidt B, Laitman Y, Meindl A, Deissler H, Varon-Mateeva R.
Haplotype structure in Ashkenazi Jewish BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers. Hum Genet 2011; 130: 685-699 (4 / 5.047)
Joenje H. METABOLISM Alcohol, DNA and disease. Nature 2011; 475: 45-46 (5 / 36.101)
Johannesma PC, van der Klift HM, van Grieken NCT, Troost D, te Riele H, Jacobs MAJM, Postma TJ, Heideman DAM, Tops
CMJ, Wijnen JT, Menko FH. Childhood brain tumours due to germline bi-allelic mismatch repair gene mutations. Clin
Genet 2011; 80: 243-255 (3 / 2.942)
Kallio MA, Tuimala JT, Hupponen T, Klemela P, Gentile M, Scheinin AI, Koski M, Korpelainen EI, Käki J. Chipster: userfriendly analysis software for microarray and other high-throughput data. BMC Genomics 2011; 12: 507 (4 / 4.206)
Kempers MJE, Kuiper RP, Ockeloen CW, Chappuis PO, Hutter P, Rahner N, Schackert HK, Steinke V, Holinski-Feder E,
Morak M, Kloor M, Buttner R, Verwiel ETP, van Krieken JH, Nagtegaal ID, Goossens M, van der Post RS, Niessen RC,
Sijmons RH, Kluijt I, Hogervorst FBL, Leter EM, Gille JJP, Aalfs CM, Redeker EJW, Hes FJ, Tops CMJ, van Nesselrooij
BPM, van Gijn ME, Garcia EBG, Eccles DM, Bunyan DJ, Syngal S, Stoffel EM, Culver JO, Palomares MR, Graham T, Velsher
L, Papp J, Olah E, Chan TL, Leung SY, van Kessel AG, Kiemeney LALM, Hoogerbrugge N, Ligtenberg MJL. Risk of
Appendix 4: Scientific output
colorectal and endometrial cancers in EPCAM deletion-positive Lynch syndrome: a cohort study. Lancet Oncol 2011; 12:
49-55 (5 / 17.764)
Khalid-de Bakker CA, Jonkers DMAE, Sanduleanu S, de Bruine AP, Meijer GA, Janssen JBMJ, van Engeland M,
Stockbrugger RW, Masclee AAM. Test performance of immunological fecal occult blood testing and sigmoidoscopy
compared with primary colonoscopy screening for colorectal advanced adenomas. Cancer Prev Res 2011; 4: 1563-1571 (4
/ 4.978)
Kocken M, Baalbergen A, Snijders PJF, Bulten J, Quint WGV, Smedts W, Meijer CJLM, Helmerhorst TJM. High-risk human
papillomavirus seems not involved in DES-related and of limited importance in nonDES related clear-cell carcinoma of
the cervix. Gynecol Oncol 2011; 122: 297-302 (5 / 3.760)
Kocken M, Helmerhorst TJM, Berkhof J, Louwers JA, Nobbenhuis MAE, Bais AG, Hogewoning CJ, Zaal A, Verheijen RH,
Snijders PJF, Meijer CJLM. Risk of recurrent high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia after successful treatment: a
long-term multi-cohort study. Lancet Oncol 2011; 12: 441-450 (5 / 17.764)
Koudijs MJ, Klijn C, van der Weyden L, Kool L, Hoeve JJ, Sie DLS, Prasetyanti PR, Schut E, Kas S, Whipp T, Cuppen E,
Wessels L, Adams DJ, Jonkers J. High-throughput semiquantitative analysis of insertional mutations in heterogeneous
tumors. Genome Res 2011; 21: 2181-2189 (5 / 13.588)
Kuiper RP, Vissers LELM, Venkatachalam R, Bodmer D, Hoenselaar E, Goossens M, Haufe A, Kamping E, Niessen RC,
Hogervorst FBL, Gille JJP, Redeker B, Tops CMJ, van Gijn ME, van den Ouweland AMW, Rahner N, Steinke V, Kahl P,
Holinski-Feder E, Morak M, Kloor M, Stemmler S, Betz B, Hutter P, Bunyan DJ, Syngal S, Culver JO, Graham T, Chan TL,
Nagtegaal ID, van Krieken JHJM, Schackert HK, Hoogerbrugge N, van Kessel AG, Ligtenberg MJL. Recurrence and
Variability of Germline EPCAM Deletions in Lynch Syndrome. Hum Mutat 2011; 32: 407-414 (4 / 5.956)
Leemans CR, Braakhuis BJM, Brakenhoff RH. The molecular biology of head and neck cancer. Nat Rev Cancer 2011; 11:
9-22 (5 / 37.178)
Leemans CR, Braakhuis BJM, Brakenhoff RH. Response to correspondence on the molecular biology of head and neck
cancer. Nat Rev Cancer 2011; 11 (5): (5 / 37.178)
Li N, Franceschi S, Howell-Jones R, Snijders PJF, Clifford GM. Human papillomavirus type distribution in 30,848 invasive
cervical cancers worldwide: Variation by geographical region, histological type and year of publication. Int J Cancer
2011; 128: 927-935 (4 / 4.926)
Liu Y, Wang T, Yang J, Jiagbogu N, Heideman DAM, Canfield AE, Alexander MY. HGF/c-Met signalling promotes Notch3
activation and human vascular smooth muscle cell osteogenic differentiation in vitro. Atherosclerosis 2011; 219: 440-447
(4 / 4.086)
Lopez-Hernandez T, Sirisi S, Capdevila-Nortes X, Montolio M, Fernandez-Duenas V, Scheper GC, van der Knaap MS,
Casquero P, Ciruela F, Ferrer I, Nunes V, Estevez R. Molecular mechanisms of MLC1 and GLIALCAM mutations in
megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts. Hum Mol Genet 2011; 20: 3266-3277 (5 / 8.058)
Louie KS, Castellsague X, de Sanjose S, Herrero R, Meijer CJLM, Shah KV, Munoz N, Bosch FX. Smoking and Passive
Smoking in Cervical Cancer Risk: Pooled Analysis of Couples from the IARC Multicentric CaseÔÇôControl Studies. Cancer
Epidem Biomar 2011; 20: 1379-1390 (5 / 4.190)
Lu J, Murakami M, Verma SC, Cai Q, Haldar S, Kaul R, Wasik MA, Middeldorp JM, Robertson ES. Epstein-Barr Virus
nuclear antigen 1 (EBNA1) confers resistance to apoptosis in EBV-positive B-lymphoma cells through up-regulation of
survivin. Virology 2011; 410: 64-75 (3 / 3.305)
Magnusson K, de Wit M, Brennan DJ, Johnson LB, Mcgee SF, Lundberg E, Naicker K, Klinger R, Kampf C, Asplund A,
Wester K, Gry M, Bjartell A, Gallagher WM, Rexhepaj E, Kilpinen S, Kallioniemi OP, Belt E, Goos J, Meijer GA, Birgisson
H, Glimelius B, Borrebaeck CAK, Navani S, Uhlen M, O'Connor DP, Jirstrom K, Ponten F. SATB2 in Combination With
Cytokeratin 20 Identifies Over 95% of all Colorectal Carcinomas. Am J Surg Pathol 2011; 35: 937-948 (5 / 4.106)
Martrat G, Maxwell CA, Tominaga E, Porta-de-la-Riva M, Bonifaci N, Gomez-Baldo L, Bogliolo M, Lazaro C, Blanco I,
Brunet J, Aguilar H, Fernandez-Rodriguez J, Seal S, Renwick A, Rahman N, Kuhl J, Neveling K, Schindler D, Ramirez MJ,
Castella M, Hernandez G, Easton DF, Peock S, Cook M, Oliver CT, Frost D, Platte R, Evans DG, Lalloo F, Eeles R, Izatt L,
Chu C, Davidson R, Ong KR, Cook J, Douglas F, Hodgson S, Brewer C, Morrison PJ, Porteous M, Peterlongo P, Manoukian
S, Peissel B, Zaffaroni D, Roversi G, Barile M, Viel A, Pasini B, Ottini L, Putignano AL, Savarese A, Bernard L, Radice P,
Healey S, Spurdle A, Chen XQ, Beesley J, Rookus MA, Verhoef S, Tilanus-Linthorst MA, Vreeswijk MP, van Asperen CJ,
Bodmer D, Ausems MGEM, Os TA, Blok MJ, Meijers-Heijboer EJ, Hogervorst FBL, Goldgar DE, Buys S, John EM, Miron A,
Southey M, Daly MB, Harbst K, Borg A, Rantala J, Barbany-Bustinza G, Ehrencrona H, Stenmark-Askmalm M, Kaufman B,
Laitman Y, Milgrom R, Friedman E, Domchek SM, Nathanson KL, Rebbeck TR, Oskar T, Couch FJ, Wang XS, Fredericksen
Z, Cuadras D, Moreno V, Pientka FK, Depping R, Caldes T, Osorio A, Benitez J, Bueren J, Pujana MA. Exploring the link
between MORF4L1 and risk of breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res 2011; 13(2): art.nr. R40 (4 / 5.785)
Meijer CJLM, Berkhof J, Snijders PJF. A new approach to cervical screening. Lancet Oncol 2011; 12: 612-613 (5 / 17.764)
Meijer GA. A protein shot for biomedical research. J Intern Med 2011; 270: 450-451 (5 / 5.956)
Middeldorp JM, Pegtel DM. A human tumor virus extends its reach. Future Virol 2011; 6: 413-415 (1 / 1.200)
Nilsson RJA, Balaj L, Hulleman E, van Rijn S, Pegtel DM, Walraven M, Widmark A, Gerritsen WR, Verheul HMW,
Vandertop WP, Noske DP, Skog J, Wurdinger T. Blood platelets contain tumor-derived RNA biomarkers. Blood 2011; 118:
3680-3683 (5 / 10.558)
Oort FA, van Turenhout ST, Coupé VMH, van der Hulst RWM, Wesdorp EIC, Terhaar sive Droste JS, Ben Larbi I, Kanis SL,
Van Hengel E, Bouman AA, Meijer GA, Mulder CJJ. Double sampling of a faecal immunochemical test is not superior to
single sampling for detection of colorectal neoplasia: a colonoscopy controlled prospective cohort study. BMC Cancer
2011; 11: art.nr. 434 (3 / 3.153)
Osorio A, Milne RL, Alonso R, Pita G, Peterlongo P, Teule A, Nathanson KL, Domchek SM, Rebbeck T, Lasa A,
Konstantopoulou I, Hogervorst FB, Verhoef S, van Dooren MF, Jager A, Ausems MGEM, Aalfs CM, van Asperen CJ, van
Vreeswijk M, Waisfisz Q, van Roozendaal CE, Ligtenberg MJ, Easton DF, Peock S, Cook M, Oliver CT, Frost D, Curzon B,
Evans DG, Lalloo F, Eeles R, Izatt L, Davidson R, Adlard J, Eccles D, Ong KR, Douglas F, Downing S, Brewer C, Walker L,
Nevanlinna H, Aittomaki K, Couch FJ, Fredericksen Z, Lindor NM, Godwin A, Isaacs C, Caligo MA, Loman N, Jernstrom H,
Barbany-Bustinza G, Liljegren A, Ehrencrona H, Stenmark-Askmalm M, Feliubadalo L, Manoukian S, Peissel B, Zaffaroni
D, Bonanni B, Fortuzzi S, Johannsson OT, Chenevix-Trench G, Chen XC, Beesley J, Spurdle AB, Sinilnikova OM, Healey S,
McGuffog L, Antoniou AC, Brunet J, Radice P, Benitez J. Evaluation of the XRCC1 gene as a phenotypic modifier in
BRCA1/2 mutation carriers. Results from the consortium of investigators of modifiers of BRCA1/BRCA2. Brit J Cancer
2011; 104: 1356-1361 (4 / 4.831)
Appendix 4: Scientific output
54. Overbeek MJ, Boonstra A, Voskuyl AE, Vonk MC, Vonk Noordegraaf A, van Berkel MPA, Mooi WJ, Dijkmans BAC, Hondema
LS, Smit EF, Grunberg K. Platelet- derived growth factor receptor-beta and epidermal growth factor receptor in
pulmonary vasculature of systemic sclerosis-associated pulmonary arterial hypertension versus idiopathic pulmonary
arterial hypertension and pulmonary veno-occlusive disease: a case-control study. Arthritis Res Ther 2011; 13(2): R61 (3
/ 4.357)
55. Overmeer RM, Louwers JA, Meijer CJLM, van Kemenade FJ, Hesselink AT, Daalmeijer NF, Wilting SM, Heideman DAM,
Verheijen RH, Zaal A, van Baal WM, Berkhof J, Snijders PJF, Steenbergen RDM. Combined CADM1 and MAL promoter
methylation analysis to detect (pre-)malignant cervical lesions in high-risk HPV-positive women. Int J Cancer 2011; 129:
2218-2225 (4 / 4.926)
56. Ovestad IT, Vennestrom U, Andersen L, Gudlaugsson E, Munk AC, Malpica A, Feng WW, Voorhorst FJ, Janssen EAM, Baak
JPA. Comparison of different commercial methods for HPV detection in follow-up cytology after ASCUS/LSIL, prediction
of CIN2-3 in follow up biopsies and spontaneous regression of CIN2-3. Gynecol Oncol 2011; 123: 278-283 (5 / 3.760)
57. Pegtel DM, Garde MD, Middeldorp JM. Viral miRNAs exploiting the endosomal-exosomal pathway for intercellular crosstalk and immune evasion. BBA-Gene Regulatory Mechanisms 2011; 1809: 715-721 (3 / 4.000)
58. Poell JB, van Haastert RJ, Cerisoli F, Bolijn AS, Timmer LM, Diosdado Calvo MB, Meijer GA, van Puijenbroek AA,
Berezikov E, Schaapveld RQ, Cuppen E. Functional microRNA screening using a comprehensive lentiviral human
microRNA expression library. BMC Genomics 2011; 12: art.nr. 546 (4 / 4.206)
59. Preston RS, Philp A, Claessens T, Gijezen L, Dydensborg AB, Dunlop EA, Harper KT, Brinkhuizen T, Menko FH, Davies DM,
Land SC, Pause A, Baar K, van Steensel MAM, Tee AR. Absence of the Birt-Hogg-Dube gene product is associated with
increased hypoxia-inducible factor transcriptional activity and a loss of metabolic flexibility. Oncogene 2011; 30: 11591173 (5 / 7.414)
60. Qiu J, Cosmopoulos K, Pegtel DM, Hopmans E, Middeldorp JM, Shapiro M, Thorley-Lawson DA. A novel persistence
associated EBV miRNA expression profile is disrupted in neoplasia. PLoS Pathog 2011; 7(8): art.nr. e1002193 (5 / 9.079)
61. Quan L, Stassen AP, Ruivenkamp CA, van Wezel T, Fijneman RJA, Hutson A, Kakarlapudi N, Hart AA, Demant P. Most
lung and colon cancer susceptibility genes are pair-wise linked in mice, humans and rats. PLoS ONE 2011; 6 (2): e14727
(4 / 4.411)
62. Quint KD, Geraets DT, van den Munckhof HAM, de Koning MNC, Smelov V, Melchers WJG, de vries HJC, Morre SA, Meijer
CJLM, van Alewijk DCJG, van Doorn LJ, Quint WGV. Evaluation of a Novel Chlamydia trachomatis Microsphere Suspension
Assay for Detection and Genotyping of the Different Serovars in Clinical Samples. J Mol Diagn 2011; 13: 152-159 (4 /
63. Ramus SJ, Kartsonaki C, Gayther SA, Pharoah PDP, Sinilnikova OM, Beesley J, Chen XQ, McGuffog L, Healey S, Couch FJ,
Wang XS, Fredericksen Z, Peterlongo P, Manoukian S, Peissel B, Zaffaroni D, Roversi G, Barile M, Viel A, Allavena A,
Ottini L, Papi L, Gismondi V, Capra F, Radice P, Greene MH, Mai PL, Andrulis IL, Glendon G, Ozcelik H, Thomassen M,
Gerdes AM, Kruse TA, Cruger D, Jensen UB, Caligo MA, Olsson H, Kristoffersson U, Lindblom A, Arver B, Karlsson P,
Askmalm MS, Borg A, Neuhausen SL, Ding YC, Nathanson KL, Domchek SM, Jakubowska A, Lubinski J, Huzarski T, Byrski
T, Gronwald J, Gorski B, Cybulski C, Debniak T, Osorio A, Duran M, Tejada MI, Benitez J, Hamann U, Rookus MA, Verhoef
S, Tilanus-Linthorst MA, Vreeswijk MP, Bodmer D, Ausems MGEM, Os TA, van Asperen CJ, Blok MJ, Meijers-Heijboer EJ,
Peock S, Cook M, Oliver C, Frost D, Dunning AM, Evans DG, Eeles R, Pichert G, Cole T, Hodgson S, Brewer C, Morrison PJ,
Porteous M, Kennedy MJ, Rogers MT, Side LE, Donaldson A, Gregory H, Godwin A, Stoppa-Lyonnet D, Moncoutier V,
Castera L, Mazoyer S, Barjhoux L, Bonadona V, Leroux D, Faivre L, Lidereau R, Nogues C. Genetic Variation at 9p22.2
and Ovarian Cancer Risk for BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutation Carriers. J Natl Cancer 2011; 103: 105-116 (5 / 14.697)
64. Sikkema M, Looman CW, Steyerberg EW, Kerkhof M, Kastelein F, van Dekken H, van Vuuren AJ, Bode WA, van der Valk
H, Ouwendijk RJ, Giard R, Lesterhuis W, Heinhuis R, Knol EC, Meijer GA, Borg FT, Arends JW, Kolkman JJ, Baarlen J, de
Vries RA, Mulder AH, van Tilburg AJ, Offerhaus GJ, ten Kate FJ, Kusters JG, Siersema PD. Predictors for Neoplastic
Progression in Patients With Barrett's Esophagus: A Prospective Cohort Study. Am J Gastroenterol 2011; 106: 1231-1238
(5 / 6.882)
65. Smeets SJ, Harjes U, van Wieringen WN, Meijer GA, Sie DLS, Ylstra B. To DNA or not to DNA? That Is the Question, When
It Comes to Molecular Subtyping for the Clinic!. Clin Cancer Res 2011; 17: 4959-4964 (5 / 7.338)
66. Smeets SJ, van der Plas M, Visser BM, van Veen EAM, van Meerloo J, Braakhuis BJM, Steenbergen RDM, Brakenhoff RH.
Immortalization of oral keratinocytes by functional inactivation of the p53 and pRb pathways. Int J Cancer 2011; 128:
1596-1605 (4 / 4.926)
67. Smelov V, van Moorselaar RJA, Startsev V, Smelova N, Grigorovich E, Meijer CJLM, Morre SA. No high-risk human
papillomavirus infection in prostate cancer tissues. Scand J Infect Dis 2011; 43: 399-400 (1 / 1.562)
68. Smit DL, Mensenkamp AR, Badeloe S, Breuning MH, Simon MEH, van Spaendonck KY, Aalfs CM, Post JG, Shanley S,
Krapels IPC, Hoefsloot LH, van Moorselaar RJA, Starink TM, Bayley JP, Frank J, van Steensel MAM, Menko FH. Hereditary
leiomyomatosis and renal cell cancer in families referred for fumarate hydratase germline mutation analysis. Clin Genet
2011; 79: 49-59 (3 / 2.942)
69. Song J, Mooi WJ, Petronic-Rosic V, Shea CR, Stricker T, Krausz T. Nevus Versus Melanoma: to FISH, or Not to FISH. Adv
Anat Pathol 2011; 18: 229-234 (4 / 3.087)
70. Spurdle AB, Marquart L, McGuffog L, Healey S, Sinilnikova O, Wan F, Chen XQ, Beesley J, Singer CF, Dressler AC,
Gschwantler-Kaulich D, Blum JL, Tung N, Weitzel J, Lynch H, Garber J, Easton DF, Peock S, Cook M, Oliver CT, Frost D,
Conroy D, Evans DG, Lalloo F, Eeles R, Izatt L, Davidson R, Chu C, Eccles D, Selkirk CG, Daly M, Isaacs C, Stoppa-Lyonnet
D, Sinilnikova OM, Buecher B, Belotti M, Mazoyer S, Barjhoux L, Verny-Pierre C, Lasset C, Dreyfus H, Pujol P, CollongeRame MA, Rookus MA, Verhoef S, Kriege M, Hoogerbrugge N, Ausems MGEM, Os TA, van Wijnen J, Devilee P, MeijersHeijboer EJ, Blok MJ, Heikkinen T, Nevanlinna H, Jakubowska A, Lubinski J, Huzarski T, Byrski T, Durocher F, Couch FJ,
Lindor NM, Wang XS, Thomassen M, Domchek S, Nathanson K, Caligo MA, Jernstrom H, Liljegren A, Ehrencrona H, For
PK, Ganz PA, Olopade OI, Tomlinson G, Neuhausen S, Antoniou AC, Chenevix-Trench G, Rebbeck TR. Common Genetic
Variation at BARD1 Is Not Associated with Breast Cancer Risk in BRCA1 or BRCA2 Mutation Carriers. Cancer Epidem
Biomar 2011; 20: 1032-1038 (5 / 4.190)
71. Stoepker C, Hain K, Schuster B, Hilhorst-Hofstee Y, Rooimans MA, Steltenpool J, Oostra AB, Eirich K, Korthof ET,
Nieuwint AWM, Jaspers NGJ, Bettecken T, Joenje H, Schindler D, Rouse J, de Winter JP. SLX4, a coordinator of
structure-specific endonucleases, is mutated in a new Fanconi anemia subtype. Nat Genet 2011; 43: 138-141 (5 /
Appendix 4: Scientific output
72. Swarts DR, Claessen SM, Jonkers YM, van Suylen RJ, Dingemans AMC, de Herder WW, de Krijger RR, Smit EF, Thunnissen
FBJM, Seldenrijk CA, Vink A, Perren A, Ramaekers FCS, Speel EJM. Deletions of 11q22.3-q25 Are Associated with
Atypical Lung Carcinoids and Poor Clinical Outcome. Am J Pathol 2011; 179: 1129-1137 (5 / 5.224)
73. Terhaar sive Droste JS, Oort FA, van der Hulst RWM, Van Heukelem HA, Loffeld RJ, van Turenhout ST, Ben Larbi I, Kanis
SL, Neerincx M, Rakers M, Coupe VMH, Bouman AA, Meijer GA, Mulder CJJ. Higher Fecal Immunochemical Test Cutoff
Levels: Lower Positivity Rates but Still Acceptable Detection Rates for Early-Stage Colorectal Cancers. Cancer Epidem
Biomar 2011; 20: 272-280 (5 / 4.190)
74. Terhaar sive Droste JS, Oort FA, van Turenhout ST, Meijer GA, Mulder CJJ. FIT Performance in Early-Stage Colorectal
Cancer-Response. Cancer Epidem Biomar 2011; 20: 1563 (5 / 4.190)
75. Tibaldi C, Giovannetti E, Vasile E, Boldrini L, Gallegos-Ruiz MI, Bernardini I, Incensati R, Danesi R, Cappuzzo F, Peters
GJ, Fontanini G. Inherited Germline T790M Mutation and Somatic Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Mutations in Nonsmall Cell Lung Cancer Patients. J Thorac Oncol 2011; 6: 395-396 (4 / 4.04)
76. Travis WD, Brambilla E, Noguchi M, Nicholson AG, Geisinger KR, Yatabe Y, Beer DG, Powell CA, Riely GJ, van Schil PE,
Garg K, Austin JHM, Asamura H, Rusch VW, Hirsch FR, Scagliotti G, Mitsudomi T, Huber RM, Ishikawa Y, Jett J, SanchezCespedes M, Sculier JP, Takahashi T, Tsuboi M, Vansteenkiste J, Wistuba I, Yang PC, Aberle D, Brambilla C, Flieder D,
Franklin W, Gazdar A, Gould M, Hasleton P, Henderson D, Johnson B, Johnson D, Kerr K, Kuriyama K, Lee JS, Miller VA,
Petersen I, Roggli V, Rosell R, Saijo N, Thunnissen FBJM, Tsao M, Yankelewitz D. International Association for the Study
of Lung Cancer/American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society International Multidisciplinary Classification of
Lung Adenocarcinoma. J Thorac Oncol 2011; 6(2): 244-285 (4 / 4.04)
77. Uiterwaal MT, Mooi WJ, van Weyenberg SJB. Metastatic melanoma of the ampulla of Vater. Digest Liver Dis 2011; 43(4):
e8 (3 / 2.805)
78. Vaccarella S, Clifford GM, Howell-Jones R, Snijders PJF, Franceschi S. Author's reply to: Multiple human papillomavirus
genotype infections in cervical cancer progression in the study to understand cervical cancer early endpoints and
determinants. Int J Cancer 2011; 129: 1283-1285 (4 / 4.926)
79. van Boerdonk RAA, Sutedja TG, Snijders PJF, Reinen E, Wilting SM, van de Wiel M, Thunnissen FBJM, Duin S, Kooi C,
Ylstra B, Meijer CJLM, Meijer GA, Grunberg K, Daniels JMA, Postmus PE, Smit EF, Heideman DAM. DNA Copy Number
Alterations in Endobronchial Squamous Metaplastic Lesions Predict Lung Cancer. Am J Resp Crit Care 2011; 184: 948-956
(5 / 10.191)
80. van de Wiel MA, Picard F, van Wieringen WN, Ylstra B. Preprocessing and downstream analysis of microarray DNA copy
number profiles. Brief Bioinform 2011; 12: 10-21 (5 / 9.283)
81. van den Berg RM, Snijders PJF, Grunberg K, Kooi C, Spreeuwenberg MD, Meijer CJLM, Postmus PE, Smit EF, Steenbergen
RDM. Comprehensive CADM1 promoter methylation analysis in NSCLC and normal lung specimens. Lung Cancer 2011; 72:
316-321 (4 / 3.356)
82. van den Ouweland AMW, Elfferich P, Lamping R, de Graaf R, van Veghel-Plandsoen MM, Franken SM, Houweling AC.
Identification of a large rearrangement in CYLD as a cause of familial cylindromatosis. Fam Cancer 2011; 10: 127-132 (2
/ 2.139)
83. van der Meide WF, Snellenberg S, Meijer CJLM, Baalbergen A, Helmerhorst TJM, Sluis WB, Snijders PJF, Steenbergen
RDM. Promoter methylation analysis of WNT/kappa-catenin signaling pathway regulators to detect adenocarcinoma or
its precursor lesion of the cervix. Gynecol Oncol 2011; 123: 116-122 (5 / 3.760)
84. van der Vrugt HJ, Koomen M, Bakker S, Berns MAD, Cheng NC, van der Valk MA, de Vries Y, Rooimans MA, Oostra AB,
Hoatlin ME, te Riele HPJ, Joenje H, Arwert F. Evidence for complete epistasis of null mutations in murine Fanconi
anemia genes Fanca and Fancg. DNA Repair 2011; 10: 1252-1261 (5 / 4.293)
85. van der Waal I, de Bree R, Brakenhoff R, Coebegh JW. Early diagnosis in primary oral cancer: is it possible?. Med Oral
Patol Oral 2011; 16: e300-e305 (2 / 1.071)
86. van Engeland M, Derks S, Smits KM, Meijer GA, Herman JG. Colorectal Cancer Epigenetics: Complex Simplicity. J Clin
Oncol 2011; 29: 1382-1391 (5 / 18.97)
87. van Weyenberg SJB, Hoentjen F, Thunnissen FBJM, Mulder CJJ. Pseudomelanosis Coli and Adenomatous Polyps. J
Gastrointest Liver Dis 2011; 20: 233 (2 / 1.434)
88. Verweij FJ, van Eijndhoven MA, Hopmans ES, Vendrig T, Wurdinger T, Cahir-McFarland E, Kieff E, Geerts D, Kant R,
Neefjes JJ, Middeldorp JM, Pegtel DM. LMP1 association with CD63 in endosomes and secretion via exosomes limits
constitutive NF-kappa activation. EMBO J 2011; 30: 2115-2129 (5 / 10.124)
89. Vink I, van Kemenade FJ, Meijer CJLM, Casparie MK, Meijer GA, Boomsma DI. Cervix smear abnormalities: linking
pathology data in female twins, their mothers and sisters. Eur J Hum Genet 2011; 19: 108-111 (4 / 4.380)
90. von der Thusen JH, van de Wetering MD, Westermann AM, Heideman DA, Thunnissen FBJM. Bronchioloalveolar
Adenocarcinoma and Pulmonary Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis in a Patient With MUTYH-Associated Polyposis. J Clin
Oncol 2011; 29: e188-e190 (5 / 18.97)
91. Westeinde SC, Koning HJ, Thunnissen FBJM, Oudkerk M, Groen HJ, Lammers JW, Weenink C, Vernhout R, Nackaerts K,
Mali W, van Klaveren RJ. The Role of the (18)F-Fluorodeoxyglucose-Positron Emission Tomography Scan in the
Nederlands Leuvens Longkanker Screenings Onderzoek Lung Cancer Screening Trial. J Thorac Oncol 2011; 6: 1704-1712
(4 / 4.04)
92. Zucali PA, Giovannetti E, Destro A, Mencoboni M, Ceresoli GL, Gianoncelli L, Lorenzi F, De Vicenzo F, Simonelli M,
Perrino M, Bruzzone A, Thunnissen FBJM, Tunesi G, Giordano L, Roncalli M, Peters GJ, Santoro A. Thymidylate Synthase
and Excision Repair Cross-Complementing Group-1 as Predictors of Responsiveness in Mesothelioma Patients Treated
with Pemetrexed/Carboplatin. Clin Cancer Res 2011; 17: 2581-2590 (5 / 7.338)
Scientific papers non-refereed
Ferreccio C, van de Wyngard V, Olcay F, Dominguez MA, Puschel K, Franceschi S, Snijders PJF. High-risk HPV infection
after five years in a population-based cohort of Chilean women. Infectious Agents and Cancer 2011; 6(1): 21.
Louwers JA, Zaal A, Kocken M, ter Harmsel WA, Graziosi GC, Spruijt JWM, Berkhof J, Balas C, Papagiannakis E, Snijders
PJF, Meijer CJLM, van Kemenade FJ, Verheijen RHM. Dynamic spectral imaging colposcopy: higher sensitivity for
detection of premalignant cervical lesions. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 2011; 118: 309-318.
van der Rhee JI, De Snoo FA, Vasen HFA, Mooi WJ, Putter H, Gruis NA, Kukutsch NA, Bergman W. Effectiveness and
causes for failure of surveillance of CDKN2A-mutated melanoma families. J Am Acad Dermatol 2011; 65: 289-296.
Appendix 4: Scientific output
Young GP, Bosch LJW. Fecal Tests: From Blood to Molecular Markers. Curr Colorectal Cancer Rep 2011; 7: 62-70.
Scientific publications (books, book chapters, proceedings)
Bleeker MCG, Heideman DAM, Snijders PJF, Horenblas S, Meijer CJLM. Epidemiology of penile cancer and its precursor
lesions; in Muneer A, Arya M, Horenblas S, (eds): Textbook of penile cancer. Springer. 2011.
Heideman DAM, Bleeker MCG, Ahmed HU, Horenblas S, Snijders PJF, Meijer CJLM. Molecular biology of penile cancer;
in Muneer A, Arya M, Horenblas S, (eds): Textbook of penile cancer. Springer. 2011.
Professional publications
Maas M, Mooi WJ. Modern onderwijs in histopathologie en radiologie. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2011; 155.
van Kemenade FJ, Beerman H. Computerondersteunde cervixscreening. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2011; 155 (18): A2998.
Bakker ST. Fancm, the mouse that roared. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 12/21/2011. (Co-)promotores: HPJ te Riele,
JP de Winter (cat A)
Bremmer JF. Molecular diagnosis of oral premalignant disorders. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 12/19/2011. (Co)promotores: I van der Waal, RH Brakenhoff, CR Leemans, BJM Braakhuis (cat A)
Henken FE. Essential molecular mechanism contributing to HPV-mediated transformation. Vrije Universiteit
Amsterdam, 9/14/2011. (Co-)promotores: PJF Snijders, CJLM Meijer, RDM Steenbergen (cat A)
Overmeer RM. Altered DNA methylation during HPV-induced cervical carcinogenesis: basic aspects and diagnostic
implications. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2/4/2011. (Co-)promotores: PJF Snijders, CJLM Meijer, RDM Steenbergen,
(cat A)
Pirog EC. Molecular markers and HPV in the diagnosis of lower genital tract lesions. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam,
5/23/2011. (Co-)promotores: CJLM Meijer, WGV Quint (cat B)
Smit MA. Dissecting pathways contributing to oncogenic transformation by the tyrosine kinase receptor TrkB. Vrije
Universiteit Amsterdam, 2/24/2011. (Co-)promotores: DS Peeper (cat B)
Terhaar Sive Droste JS. Opportunities and pitfalls in colorectal cancer screening. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam,
7/6/2011. (Co-)promotores: CJJ Mulder, GA Meijer (cat A)
Vredeveld LCW. Oncogene-induced senescence: from in vitro tool to tumor-suppressive mechanism. Vrije Universiteit
Amsterdam, 6/1/2011. (Co-)promotores: DS Peeper (cat B)
van den Berg RM. Studies on chemoprevention, early detection and prognosis of lung cancer. Vrije Universiteit
Amsterdam, 5/27/2011. (Co-)promotores: EF Smit, PJF Snijders, TG Sutedja, DAM Heideman (cat A)
Program 2: Immunopathogenesis
Scientific papers refereed
Abdallah AM, Bestebroer J, Savage NDL, de Punder K, van Zon M, Wilson L, Korbee CJ, van der Sar AM, Ottenhoff
THM, van der Wel NN, Bitter W, Peters PJ. Mycobacterial Secretion Systems ESX-1 and ESX-5 Play Distinct Roles in
Host Cell Death and Inflammasome Activation. J Immunol 2011; 187: 4744-4753 (4 / 5.745)
Abdul-Careem MF, Mian MF, Gillgrass AE, Chenoweth MJ, Barra NG, Chan T, Al-Garawi AA, Chew MV, Yue G, van
Rooijen N, Xing Z, Ashkar AA. FimH, a TLR4 ligand, induces innate antiviral responses in the lung leading to protection
against lethal influenza infection in mice. Antiviral Res 2011; 92: 346-355 (4 / 4.439)
Agarwal S, van de Loosdrecht AA, Alhan C, Ossenkoppele GJ, Westers TM, Bontkes HJ. Role of immune responses in
the pathogenesis of low-risk MDS and high-risk MDS: implications for immunotherapy. Brit J Dermatol 2011; 153: 568581 (5 / 4.351)
Alexander KA, Chang MK, Maylin ER, Kohler T, Muller R, Wu AC, van Rooijen N, Sweet MJ, Hume DA, Raggatt LJ,
Pettit AR. Osteal Macrophages Promote In Vivo Intramembranous Bone Healing in a Mouse Tibial Injury Model. J Bone
Miner Res 2011; 26: 1517-1532 (5 / 7.056)
Ammerlaan HSM, Kluijtmans JAJW, Berkhout H, Buiting A, de Brauwer EIGB, van den Broek PJ, van Gelderen P,
Leenders SCAP, Ott A, Richter C, Spanjaard L, Spijkerman IJB, van Tiel FH, Voorn GP, Wulf MWH, van Zeijl J,
Troelstra A, Bonten MJM. Eradication of carriage with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: determinants of
treatment failure. J Antimicrob Chemoth 2011; 66: 2418-2424 (4 / 4.659)
Ammerlaan HSM, Kluijtmans JAJW, Berkhout H, Buiting A, de Brauwer EIGB, van den Broek PJ, van Gelderen P,
Leenders SCAP, Ott A, Richter C, Spanjaard L, Spijkerman IJB, van Tiel FH, Voorn GP, Wulf MWH, van Zeijl J,
Troelstra A, Bonten MJM. Eradication of carriage with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: effectiveness of a
national guideline. J Antimicrob Chemoth 2011; 66: 2409-2417 (4 / 4.659)
Andremont A, Bonten M, Kluijtmans JAJW, Carmeli Y, Cars O, Harbarth S. Fighting bacterial resistance at the root:
need for adapted EMEA guidelines. Lancet Infect Dis 2011; 11: 6-8 (5 / 16.144)
Andriesse GI, Elberts S, Vrolijk A, Verhulst C, Kluijtmans JAJW. Evaluation of a fourth-generation latex agglutination
test for the identification of Staphylococcus aureus. Eur J Clin Microbiol 2011; 30: 259-264 (3 / 2.631)
Ang CW. Author reply to comment by Brandenburg et al. on: Large differences between test strategies for the
detection of anti-Borrelia antibodies are revealed by comparing eight ELISAs and five immunoblots. Eur J Clin
Microbiol 2011; 30: 1035-1037 (3 / 2.631)
Ang CW, Notermans DW, Hommes M, Simoons-Smit AM, Herremans T. Large differences between test strategies for
the detection of anti-Borrelia antibodies are revealed by comparing eight ELISAs and five immunoblots. Eur J Clin
Microbiol 2011; 30: 1027-1032 (3 / 2.631)
Appendix 4: Scientific output
Ang CW, Teunis PFM, Herbrink P, de Keijser J, van Duynhoven YHTP, Visser CE, van Pelt W. Seroepidemiological
studies indicate frequent and repeated exposure to Campylobacter spp. during childhood. Epidemiol Infect 2011; 139:
1361-1368 (3 / 2.257)
Aranzamendi C, Tefsen B, Jansen M, Chiumiento L, Bruschi F, Kortbeek T, Smith DF, Cummings RD, Pinelli E, van Die
IM. Glycan microarray profiling of parasite infection sera identifies the LDNF glycan as a potential antigen for
serodiagnosis of trichinellosis. Exp Parasitol 2011; 129: 221-226 (3 / 1.869)
Arias K, Chu DK, Flader K, Botelho F, Walker T, Arias N, Humbles AA, Coyle AJ, Oettgen HC, Chang HD, van Rooijen N,
Waserman S, Jordana M. Distinct immune effector pathways contribute to the full expression of peanut-induced
anaphylactic reactions in mice. J Allergy Clin Immun 2011; 127: 1552-1561 (5 / 9.273)
Aronson DC, Slaar A, Heinen RC, de Kraker J, Heij HA. Long-Term Outcome of Bilateral Wilms Tumors (BWT). Pediatr
Blood Cancer 2011; 56: 1110-1113 (3 / 1.948)
Arroba AI, varez-Lindo N, van Rooijen N, de la Rosa EJ. Microglia-Mediated IGF-I Neuroprotection in the rd10 Mouse
Model of Retinitis Pigmentosa. Invest Ophth Vis Sci 2011; 52: 9124-9130 (5 / 3.466)
Atai NA, Bansal M, Lo C, Bosman J, Tigchelaar W, Bosch KS, Jonker A, de Witt Hamer PC, Troost D, McCulloch CA,
Everts V, van Noorden CJF, Sodek J. Osteopontin is up-regulated and associated with neutrophil and macrophage
infiltration in glioblastoma. Immunology 2011; 132: 39-48 (3 / 3.302)
Bakema JE, Ganzevles SH, Fluitsma DM, Schilham MW, Beelen RHJ, Valerius T, Lohse S, Glennie MJ, Medema JP, van
Egmond M. Targeting Fc alpha RI on Polymorphonuclear Cells Induces Tumor Cell Killing through Autophagy. J
Immunol 2011; 187: 726-732 (4 / 5.745)
Bakema JE, van Egmond M. Immunoglobulin A: A next generation of therapeutic antibodies?. MABS 2011; 3: 352-361 (4
/ 1.982)
Bakema JE, van Egmond M. The human immunoglobulin A Fc receptor Fc alpha RI: a multifaceted regulator of
mucosal immunity. Mucosal Immunology 2011; 4: 612-624 (4 / 6.817)
Balu S, Reljic R, Lewis MJ, Pleass RJ, McIntosh R, Van Kooten C, van Egmond M, Challacombe S, Woof JM, Ivanyi J. A
Novel Human IgA Monoclonal Antibody Protects against Tuberculosis. J Immunol 2011; 186: 3113-3119 (4 / 5.745)
Bax CJ, Quint KD, peters RP, Ouburg S, Oostvogel PM, Mutsaers JA, Dorr PJ, Schmidt S, Jansen C, Leeuwen AP, Quint
WG, Trimbos JB, Meijer CJLM, Morre SA. Analyses of multiple-site and concurrent Chlamydia trachomatis serovar
infections, and serovar tissue tropism for urogenital versus rectal specimens in male and female patients. Sex Transm
Infect 2011; 87: 503-507 (3 / 3.029)
Bax M, Kuijf ML, Heikema AP, van Rijs W, Bruijns SCM, Garcia Vallejo JJ, Crocker PR, Jacobs BC, van Vliet SJ, van
Kooijk Y. Campylobacter jejuni Lipooligosaccharides Modulate Dendritic Cell-Mediated T Cell Polarization in a Sialic
Acid Linkage-Dependent Manner. Infect Immun 2011; 79: 2681-2689 (4 / 4.098)
Benseler V, Warren A, Vo M, Holz LE, Tay SS, Le Couteur DG, Breen E, Allison AC, van Rooijen N, McGuffog C, Schlitt
HJ, Bowen DG, McCaughan GW, Bertolino P. Hepatocyte entry leads to degradation of autoreactive CD8 T cells. P Natl
Acad Sci USA 2011; 108: 16735-16740 (5 / 9.771)
Bhatia S, Fei MJ, Yarlagadda M, Qi ZB, Akira S, Saijo S, Iwakura Y, van Rooijen N, Gibson GA, St Croix CM, Ray A, Ray
P. Rapid Host Defense against Aspergillus fumigatus Involves Alveolar Macrophages with a Predominance of
Alternatively Activated Phenotype. PLoS ONE 2011; 6(1): art.nr. e15943 (4 / 4.411)
Bolscher JGM, Oudhoff MJ, Nazmi K, Antos JM, Guimaraes CP, Spooner E, Haney EF, Garcia Vallejo JJ, Vogel HJ, Hof
W, Ploegh HL, Veerman ECI. Sortase A as a tool for high-yield histatin cyclization. FASEB J 2011; 25: 2650-2658 (5 /
Bongaerts M, van de Bovenkamp JH, Morre SA, Manders ME, Heddema ER. Evaluation of the Siemens VERSANT «
CT/GC DNA 1.0 Assay (kPCR) for detection of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae. J Microbiol Meth
2011; 87: 139-142 (2 / 2.018)
Boomsma MF, Garssen B, Beelen RHJ. Surgery-Induced Immunomodulation and the Importance of the Perioperative
Period. J Surg Oncol 2011; 103: 196 (4 / 2.428)
Bordes P, Cirinesi AM, Ummels R, Sala A, Sakr S, Bitter W, Genevaux P. SecB-like chaperone controls a toxin-antitoxin
stress-responsive system in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. P Natl Acad Sci USA 2011; 108: 8438-8443 (5 / 9.771)
Cascioferro A, Daleke MH, Ventura M, Dona V, Delogu G, Palu G, Bitter W, Manganelli R. Functional Dissection of the
PE Domain Responsible for Translocation of PE_PGRS33 across the Mycobacterial Cell Wall. PLoS ONE 2011; 6(11):
e27713 (4 / 4.411)
Chamberlain CS, Leiferman EM, Frisch KE, Wang SJ, Yang XP, van Rooijen N, Baer GS, Brickson SL, Vanderby R. The
influence of macrophage depletion on ligament healing. Connect Tissue Res 2011; 52: 203-211 (3 / 2.093)
Chang YJ, Kim HY, Albacker LA, Lee HH, Baumgarth N, Akira S, Savage PB, Endo S, Yamamura T, Maaskant J, Kitano
N, Singh A, Bhatt A, Besra GS, van den Elzen P, Appelmelk BJ, Franck RW, Chen GW, DeKruyff RH, Shimamura M,
Illarionov P, Umetsu DT. Influenza infection in suckling mice expands an NKT cell subset that protects against airway
hyperreactivity. J Clin Invest 2011; 121: 57-69 (5 / 14.152)
Chao J, Donham P, van Rooijen N, Wood JG, Gonzalez NC. Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 Released from
Alveolar Macrophages Mediates the Systemic Inflammation of Acute Alveolar Hypoxia. Am J Resp Cell Mol 2011; 45:
53-61 (4 / 4.426)
Characiejus D, Jacobs JJL, Pasukoniene V, Kazlauskaite N, Danileviciute V, Mauricas M, den Otter W. Prediction of
Response in Cancer Immunotherapy. Anticancer Res 2011; 31: 639-647 (2 / 1.656)
Characiejus D, Pasukoniene V, Jacobs JJL, Eidukevicius R, Jankevicius F, Dobrovolskien N, Mauricas M, van Moorselaar
RJA, den Otter W. Prognostic Significance of Peripheral Blood CD8(high)CD57+Lymphocytes in Bladder Carcinoma
Patients After Intravesical IL-2. Anticancer Res 2011; 31: 699-703 (2 / 1.656)
Cheng CW, Duwaerts CC, van Rooijen N, Wintermeyer P, Mott S, Gregory SH. NK cells suppress experimental
cholestatic liver injury by an interleukin-6-mediated, Kupffer cell-dependent mechanism. J Hepatol 2011; 54: 746-752
(5 / 9.334)
Chow A, Lucas D, Hidalgo A, Mendez-Ferrer S, Hashimoto D, Scheiermann C, Battista M, Leboeuf M, Prophete C, van
Rooijen N, Tanaka M, Merad M, Frenette PS. Bone marrow CD169(+) macrophages promote the retention of
hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells in the mesenchymal stem cell niche. J Exp Med 2011; 208: 261-271 (5 /
Christerson L, de Vries HJ, Klint M, Herrmann B, Morre SA. Multilocus Sequence Typing of Urogenital Chlamydia
trachomatis From Patients With Different Degrees of Clinical Symptoms. Sex Transm Dis 2011; 38: 490-494 (3 / 3.268)
Appendix 4: Scientific output
Cobb BA, Rabinovich GA, van Kooijk Y. State of the union: glycobiology and immunology in the Canadian Rockies.
Glycobiology 2011; 21: 545-546 (3 / 3.791)
Cook PC, Aynsley SA, Turner JD, Jenkins GR, van Rooijen N, Leeto M, Brombacher F, Mountford AP. Multiple Helminth
Infection of the Skin Causes Lymphocyte Hypo-Responsiveness Mediated by Th2 Conditioning of Dermal Myeloid Cells.
PLoS Pathog 2011; 7 (3): e1001323 (5 / 9.079)
Cornet AD, Hofstra JJ, Vlaar AP, van den Boogaard FE, Roelofs JJ, van der Poll T, Levi M, Groeneveld ABJ, Schultz MJ.
Nebulized Anticoagulants Limit Coagulopathy But Not Inflammation in Pseudomonas Aeruginosa-Induced Pneumonia in
Rats. Shock 2011; 36: 417-423 (4 / 3.203)
Daleke MH, Cascioferro A, de Punder K, Ummels R, Abdallah AM, Wel N, Peters PJ, Luirink S, Manganelli R, Bitter W.
Conserved Pro-Glu (PE) and Pro-Pro-Glu (PPE) Protein Domains Target LipY Lipases of Pathogenic Mycobacteria to the
Cell Surface via the ESX-5 Pathway. J Biol Chem 2011; 286: 19024-19034 (4 / 5.328)
de Greef JC, Wang J, Balog J, den Dunnen JT, Frants RR, Straasheijm KR, Aytekin C, van der Burg M, Duprez L,
Ferster A, Gennery AR, Gimelli G, Reisli I, Schuetz C, Schulz A, Smeets DF, Sznajer Y, Wijmenga C, van Eggermond
MC, Ostaijen-ten Dam MM, Lankester AC, van Tol MJ, van den Elsen PJ, Weemaes CM, van der Maarel SM. Mutations in
Z8T824 Are Associated with Immunodeficiency, Centromeric Instability, and Facial Anomalies Syndrome Type 2. Am J
Hum Genet 2011; 88: 796-804 (5 / 1.168)
De Koker S, Lambrecht BN, Willart MA, van Kooijk Y, Grooten J, Vervaet C, Remon JP, De Geest BG. Designing
polymeric particles for antigen delivery. Chem Soc Rev 2011; 40: 320-339 (5 / 26.583)
Delgado J, Canals C, Attal M, Thomson K, Campos A, Martino R, Littlewood T, Jackson G, Milpied N, Boogaerts M,
Hunter A, Janssen JJWM, Montoto S, Sureda A. The role of in vivo T-cell depletion on reduced-intensity conditioning
allogeneic stem cell transplantation from HLA-identical siblings in patients with follicular lymphoma. Leukemia 2011;
25: 551-555 (5 / 8.966)
Diaz-Gallo LM, Espino-Paisan L, Fransen K, Gomez-Garcia M, van Sommeren S, Cardena C, Rodrigo L, Mendoza JL,
Taxonera C, Nieto A, Alcain G, Cueto I, Lopez-Nevot MA, Bottini N, Barclay ML, Crusius JBA, van Bodegraven AA,
Wijmenga C, Ponsioen CY, Gearry RB, Roberts RL, Weersma RK, Urcelay E, Merriman TR, Alizadeh BZ, Martin J.
Differential association of two PTPN22 coding variants with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Inflamm Bowel Dis
2011; 17: 2287-2294 (4 / 4.613)
Dorr AD, Wilson MR, Wakabayashi K, Waite AC, Patel BV, van Rooijen N, O'Dea KP, Takata M. Sources of alveolar
soluble TNF receptors during acute lung injury of different etiologies. J Appl Physiol 2011; 111: 177-184 (5 / 4.232)
dos Santos GG, Spiekstra SW, Sampat-Sardjoepersad S, Reinders J, Scheper RJ, Gibbs S. A potential in vitro epidermal
equivalent assay to determine sensitizer potency. Toxicol in Vitro 2011; 25: 347-357 (3 / 2.546)
El Bakkouri K, Descamps F, De Filette M, Smet A, Festjens E, Birkett A, van Rooijen N, Verbeek S, Fiers W, Saelens X.
Universal Vaccine Based on Ectodomain of Matrix Protein 2 of Influenza A: Fc Receptors and Alveolar Macrophages
Mediate Protection. J Immunol 2011; 186: 1022-1031 (4 / 5.745)
Esplugues E, Huber S, Gagliani N, Hauser AE, Town T, Wan YSY, O'Connor W, Rongvaux A, van Rooijen N, Haberman
AM, Iwakura Y, Kuchroo VK, Kolls JK, Bluestone JA, Herold KC, Flavell RA. Control of T(H)17 cells occurs in the small
intestine. Nature 2011; 475: 514-518 (5 / 36.101)
Feng B, Jiao P, Nie Y, Kim T, Jun D, van Rooijen N, Yang Z, Xu H. Clodronate liposomes improve metabolic profile and
reduce visceral adipose macrophage content in diet-induced obese mice. PLoS ONE 2011; 6(9): e24358 (4 / 4.411)
Fischer MA, Davies ML, Reider IE, Heipertz EL, Epler MR, Sei JJ, Ingersoll MA, van Rooijen N, Randolph GJ, Norbury
CC. CD11b(+), Ly6G(+) Cells Produce Type I Interferon and Exhibit Tissue Protective Properties Following Peripheral
Virus Infection. PLoS Pathog 2011; 7(11): e1002374 (5 / 9.079)
Flores-Langarica A, Marshall JL, Bobat S, Mohr E, Hitchcock J, Ross EA, Coughlan RE, Khan M, van Rooijen N,
Henderson IR, MacLennan IC, Cunningham AF. T-zone localized monocyte-derived dendritic cells promote Th1 priming
to Salmonella. Eur J Immunol 2011; 41: 2654-2665 (4 / 4.942)
Fontaine T, Delangle A, Simenel C, Coddeville B, van Vliet SJ, van Kooijk Y, Bozza S, Moretti S, Schwarz F, Trichot C,
Aebi M, Delepierre M, Elbim C, Romani L, Latge JP. Galactosaminogalactan, a New Immunosuppressive Polysaccharide
of Aspergillus fumigatus. PLoS Pathog 2011; 7(11): e1002372 (5 / 9.079)
Gibbons MA, MacKinnon AC, Ramachandran P, Dhaliwal K, Duffin R, Phythian-Adams AT, van Rooijen N, Haslett C,
Howie SE, Simpson A, Hirani N, Gauldie J, Iredale JP, Sethi T, Forbes SJ. Ly6C(hi) Monocytes Direct Alternatively
Activated Profibrotic Macrophage Regulation of Lung Fibrosis. Am J Resp Crit Care 2011; 184: 569-581 (5 / 10.191)
Gommet C, Billecocq A, Jouvion G, Hasan M, Zaverucha do Valle T, Guillemot L, Blanchet C, van Rooijen N,
Montagutelli X, Bouloy M, Panthier JJ. Tissue tropism and target cells of NSs-deleted rift valley fever virus in live
immunodeficient mice. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2011; 5(12): e1421 (5 / 4.752)
Gul N, Bogels M, Grewal S, van der Meer AJ, Rojas LB, Fluitsma DM, van den Tol MP, Hoeben KA, van Marle J, de Vries
HE, Beelen RHJ, van Egmond M. Surgery-induced reactive oxygen species enhance colon carcinoma cell binding by
disrupting the liver endothelial cell lining. Gut 2011; 60: 1076-1086 (5 / 10.614)
Hangalapura BN, Oosterhoff D, de Groot J, Boon L, Tuting T, van den Eertwegh AJM, Gerritsen WR, van Beusechem
VW, Pereboev A, Curiel DT, Scheper RJ, de Gruijl TD. Potent anti-tumor immunity generated by a CD40-targeted
adenoviral vaccine. Cancer Res 2011; 71: 5827-5837 (5 / 8.234)
Hangalapura BN, Oosterhoff D, Gupta T, de Groot J, Wijnands PGJT, van Beusechem VW, de Haan J, Tuting T, van
den Eertwegh AJM, Curiel DT, Scheper RJ, de Gruijl TD. Delivery route, MyD88 signaling and cross-priming events
determine the anti-tumor efficacy of an adenovirus based melanoma vaccine. Vaccine 2011; 29: 2313-2321 (4 / 3.572)
Hardwick RN, Fisher CD, Canet MJ, Scheffer GL, Cherrington NJ. Variations in ATP-Binding Cassette Transporter
Regulation during the Progression of Human Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Drug Metab Dispos 2011; 39: 2395-2402
(4 / 3.716)
Hart MH, de Vrieze H, Wouters D, Wolbink GJ, Killestein J, Groot ER, Aarden LA, Rispens T. Differential effect of drug
interference in immunogenicity assays. J Immunol Methods 2011; 372: 196-203 (2 / 2.34)
Hermans MHA, Huijsmans CJJ, Schellekens JJA, Savelkoul PHM, Wever PC. Coxiella burnetii DNA in goat milk after
vaccination with Coxevac (R). Vaccine 2011; 29: 2653-2656 (4 / 3.572)
Hoebe EK, Hutajulu SH, van Beek J, Stevens SJC, Paramita DK, Greijer AE, Middeldorp JM. Purified hexameric
Epstein-Barr virus-encoded BARF1 protein for measuring anti-BARF1 antibody responses in nasopharyngeal carcinoma
patients. Clin Vaccine Immunol 2011; 18: 298-304 (3 / 2.471)
Appendix 4: Scientific output
Hoefnagel MHN, Vermeulen JP, Scheper RJ, Vandebriel RJ. Response of MUTZ-3 dendritic cells to the different
components of the Haemophilus influenzae type B conjugate vaccine: Towards an in vitro assay for vaccine
immunogenicity. Vaccine 2011; 29: 5114-5121 (4 / 3.572)
Hogen Esch CE, Wolters VM, Gerritsen SA, Putter H, von Blomberg BME, van Hoogstraten IMW, Houwen RHJ, van der
Lely N, Mearin ML. Specific Celiac Disease Antibodies in Children on a Gluten-Free Diet. Pediatrics 2011; 128: 547-552
(5 / 5.391)
Holt A, Mitra S, van der Sar AM, Alnabulsi A, Secombes CJ, Bird S. Discovery of zebrafish (Danio rerio) interleukin-23
alpha (IL-23 alpha) chain, a subunit important for the formation of IL-23, a cytokine involved in the development of
Th17 cells and inflammation. Mol Immunol 2011; 48: 981-991 (3 / 2.916)
Honke N, Shaabani N, Cadeddu G, Sorg UR, Zhang DE, Trilling M, Klingel K, Sauter M, Kandolf R, Gailus N, van Rooijen
N, Burkart C, Baldus SE, Grusdat M, Lohning M, Hengel H, Pfeffer K, Tanaka M, Haussinger D, Recher M, Lang PA, Lang
KS. Enforced viral replication activates adaptive immunity and is essential for the control of a cytopathic virus. Nat
Immunol 2011; 13: 51-57 (5 / 25.668)
Hu Z, van Rooijen N, Yang YG. Macrophages prevent human red blood cell reconstitution in immunodeficient mice.
Blood 2011; 118: 5938-5946 (5 / 10.558)
Huijsmans CJ, Poodt J, Savelkoul PHM, Hermans MH. Sensitive Detection and Quantification of the JAK2V617F Allele
by Real-Time PCR Blocking Wild-Type Amplification by Using a Peptide Nucleic Acid Oligonucleotide. J Mol Diagn
2011; 13(5): 558-564 (4 / 4.219)
Huijsmans CJJ, Schellekens JJA, Wever PC, Toman R, Savelkoul PHM, Janse I, Hermans MHA. Single-NucleotidePolymorphism Genotyping of Coxiella burnetii during a Q Fever Outbreak in The Netherlands. Appl Envirol Microb
2011; 77: 2051-2057 (4 / 3.778)
Hylton DJ, Hoffman SM, van Rooijen N, Tomlinson S, Fleming SD. Macrophage-Produced Il-12P70 Mediates
Hemorrhage-Induced Damage in A Complement-Dependent Manner. Shock 2011; 35: 134-140 (4 / 3.203)
Jager MM, Murk JL, Pique RD, Hekker TAM, Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE. Five-minute Giemsa stain for rapid detection
of malaria parasites in blood smears. Tropical doctor 2011; 41: 33-35 (1 / 0.521)
Jager MM, Weers-Pothoff G, Hermans MHA, Meekelenkamp JCE, Schellekens JJA, Renders NHM, Leenders ACAP,
Schneeberger PM, Wever PC. Evaluation of a Diagnostic Algorithm for Acute Q Fever in an Outbreak Setting. Clin
Vaccine Immunol 2011; 18: 963-968 (3 / 2.471)
Jenkins SJ, Ruckerl D, Cook PC, Jones LH, Finkelman FD, van Rooijen N, MacDonald AS, Allen JE. Local Macrophage
Proliferation, Rather than Recruitment from the Blood, Is a Signature of T(H)2 Inflammation. Science 2011; 332: 12841288 (5 / 31.364)
Johnson EE, Buhtoiarov IN, Baldeshwiler MJ, Felder MAR, van Rooijen N, Sondel PM, Rakhmilevich AL. Enhanced Tcell-independent Antitumor Effect of Cyclophosphamide Combined With Anti-CD40 mAb and CpG in Mice. J
Immunother 2011; 34: 76-84 (4 / 3.593)
Jonsson F, Mancardi DA, Kita Y, Karasuyama H, Iannascoli B, van Rooijen N, Shimizu T, Daeron M, Bruhns P. Mouse
and human neutrophils induce anaphylaxis. J Clin Invest 2011; 121: 1484-1496 (5 / 14.152)
Joshi MD, Unger WWJ, van Beelen AJ, Bruijns SCM, Litjens M, van Bloois L, Kalay H, van Kooijk Y, Storm G. DC-SIGN
mediated antigen-targeting using glycan-modified liposomes: Formulation considerations. Int J Pharmaceut 2011; 416:
426-432 (4 / 3.607)
Kataoka K, Nishiguchi KM, Kaneko H, van Rooijen N, Kachi S, Terasaki H. The Roles of Vitreal Macrophages and
Circulating Leukocytes in Retinal Neovascularization. Invest Ophth Vis Sci 2011; 52: 1431-1438 (5 / 3.466)
Kinloch RD, Lee CM, van Rooijen N, Morgan ET. Selective role for tumor necrosis factor-alpha, but not interleukin-1 or
Kupffer cells, in down-regulation of CYP3A1 1and CYP3A25 in livers of mice infected with a noninvasive intestinal
pathogen. Biochem Pharmacol 2011; 82: 312-321 (5 / 4.889)
Klaassen ILM, de Haas V, van Wijk JAE, Kaspers GJL, Bijlsma M, Bokenkamp A. Pyuria Is Absent During Urinary Tract
Infections in Neutropenic Patients. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2011; 56: 868-870 (3 / 1.948)
Knetsch CW, Hensgens MPM, Harmanus C, van der Bijl MW, Savelkoul PHM, Kuijper EJ, Corver J, van Leeuwen HC.
Genetic markers for Clostridium difficile lineages linked to hypervirulence. Microbiology-sgm 2011; 157: 3113-3123 (3
/ 2.957)
Kohler J, Breitbach K, Renner C, Heitsch AK, Bast A, van Rooijen N, Vogelgesang S, Steinmetz I. NADPH-oxidase but
not inducible nitric oxide synthase contributes to resistance in a murine Staphylococcus aureus Newman pneumonia
model. Microbes Infect 2011; 13: 914-922 (3 / 2.726)
Koneru R, Kobiler D, Lehrer S, Li JD, van Rooijen N, Banerjee D, Glod J. Macrophages play a key role in early blood
brain barrier reformation after hypothermic brain injury. Neurosci Lett 2011; 501: 148-151 (2 / 2.055)
Kooy-Winkelaar Y, van Lummel M, Moustakas AK, Schweizer J, Mearin ML, Mulder CJJ, Roep BO, Drijfhout JW,
Papadopoulos GK, van Bergen J, Koning F. Gluten-Specific T Cells Cross-React between HLA-DQ8 and the HLA-DQ2
alpha/DQ8 beta Transdimer. J Immunol 2011; 187: 5123-5129 (4 / 5.745)
Kraaij MD, van der Kooij SW, Reinders ME, Koekkoek K, Rabelink JK, Van Kooten C, Gelderman KA. Dexamethasone
increases ROS production and T cell suppressive capacity by anti-inflammatory macrophages. Mol Immunol 2011; 49:
549-557 (3 / 2.916)
Kuipers JE, Coenen EA, Balgobind BV, Stary J, Baruchel A, de Haas V, De Bont ESJM, Reinhardt D, Kaspers GJL, Cloos
J, nen-van Oorschot AA, den Boer ML, Marschalek R, Meyer C, Pieters R, Zwaan CM, Heuvel-Eibrink M. High IGSF4
expression in pediatric M5 acute myeloid leukemia with t(9;11)(p22;q23). Blood 2011; 117: 928-935 (5 / 10.558)
Kurotaki D, Kon S, Bae K, Ito K, Matsui Y, Nakayama Y, Kanayama M, Kimura C, Narita Y, Nishimura T, Iwabuchi K,
Mack M, van Rooijen N, Sakaguchi S, Uede T, Morimoto J. CSF-1-Dependent Red Pulp Macrophages Regulate CD4 T
Cell Responses. J Immunol 2011; 186: 2229-2237 (4 / 5.745)
Kwakman PH, Krijgsveld J, Boer L, Nguyen LT, Boszhard L, Vreede J, Dekker HL, Speijer D, Drijfhout JW, te Velde AA,
Crielaard W, Vogel HJ, Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE, Zaat SA. Native Thrombocidin-1 and Unfolded Thrombocidin-1
Exert Antimicrobial Activity via Distinct Structural Elements. J Biol Chem 2011; 286(50): 43506-43514 (4 / 5.328)
Kwakman PHS, Boer L, Ruyter-Spira CP, Creemers-Molenaar T, Helsper JPFG, Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE, Zaat SAJ,
Velde AAT. Medical-grade honey enriched with antimicrobial peptides has enhanced activity against antibioticresistant pathogens. Eur J Clin Microbiol 2011; 30: 251-257 (3 / 2.631)
Kwakman PHS, Velde AAT, Boer L, Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE, Zaat SAJ. Two Major Medicinal Honeys Have Different
Mechanisms of Bactericidal Activity. PLoS ONE 2011; 6(3): art.nr. e17709 (4 / 4.411)
Appendix 4: Scientific output
Lanthier N, Molendi-Coste O, Cani PD, van Rooijen N, Horsmans Y, Leclercq IA. Kupffer cell depletion prevents but
has no therapeutic effect on metabolic and inflammatory changes induced by a high-fat diet. FASEB J 2011; 25: 43014311 (5 / 6..515)
Lassmann H, Niedobitek G, Aloisi G, Middeldorp JM. Epstein-Barr virus in the multiple sclerosis brain: a controversial
issue report on a focused workshop held in the Centre for Brain Research of the Medical University of Vienna, Austria.
Brain 2011; 134: 2772-2786 (5 / 9.230)
Lee SI, Rosen S, Weinstein P, van Rooijen N, Noble-Haeusslein LJ. Prevention of Both Neutrophil and Monocyte
Recruitment Promotes Recovery after Spinal Cord Injury. J Neurotrauma 2011; 28: 1893-1907 (4 / 3.426)
Legrand N, Huntington ND, Nagasawa M, Bakker AQ, Schotte R, Strick-Marchand H, de Geus SJ, Pouw SM, Bohne M,
Voordouw A, Weijer K, Di Santo JP, Spits H. Functional CD47/signal regulatory protein alpha (SIRP alpha) interaction
is required for optimal human T- and natural killer- (NK) cell homeostasis in vivo. P Natl Acad Sci USA 2011; 108:
13224-13229 (5 / 9.771)
Lindenberg JJ, Fehres CM, van Cruijsen H, Oosterhoff D, de Gruijl TD. Cross-talk between tumor and myeloid cells:
how to tip the balance in favor of antitumor immunity. Immunotherapy 2011; 3: 77-96 (1 / 0.542)
Looijer-van Langen M, Hotte N, Dieleman LA, Albert E, Mulder CJJ, Madsen KL. Estrogen receptor-beta signaling
modulates epithelial barrier function. Am J Physiol-Gastr L 2011; 300: G621-G626 (4 / 3.522)
Mahdavian Delavary B, van der Veer WM, van Egmond M, Niessen FB, Beelen RHJ. Macrophages in skin injury and
repair. Immunobiology 2011; 216: 753-762 (4 / 4.114)
Mancardi DA, Jonsson F, Iannascoli B, Khun H, van Rooijen N, Huerre M, Daeron M, Bruhns P. Cutting Edge: The
Murine High-Affinity IgG Receptor Fc gamma RIV Is Sufficient for Autoantibody-Induced Arthritis. J Immunol 2011;
186: 1899-1903 (4 / 5.745)
McGaha TL, Chen Y, Ravishankar B, van Rooijen N, Karlsson MCI. Marginal zone macrophages suppress innate and
adaptive immunity to apoptotic cells in the spleen. Blood 2011; 117: 5403-5412 (5 / 10.558)
Meijer A, Jonges M, Abbink FCH, Ang CW, van Beek J, Beersma M, Bloembergen P, Boucher C, Claas E, Donker G, van
Gageldonk-Lafeber R, Isken L, de Jong A, Kroes A, Leenders S, van der Lubben M, Mascini E, Niesters B, Oosterheert
JJ, Osterhaus A, Riesmeijer R, Riezebos-Brilman A, Schutten M, Sebens F, Stelma F, Swaan C, Timen A, van der Veen
A, de Vries E, Wierik MT, Koopmans M. Oseltamivir-resistant pandemic A(H1N1) 2009 influenza viruses detected
through enhanced surveillance in the Netherlands, 2009-2010. Antiviral Res 2011; 92: 81-89 (4 / 4.439)
Mishra AK, Driessen NN, Appelmelk BJ, Besra GS. Lipoarabinomannan and related glycoconjugates: structure,
biogenesis and role in Mycobacterium tuberculosis physiology and host-pathogen interaction. Fems Microbiology
Reviews 2011; 35: 1126-1157 (5 / 11.796)
Mishra AK, Krumbach K, Rittmann D, Appelmelk BJ, Pathak V, Pathak AK, Nigou J, Geurtsen JJG, Eggeling L, Besra GS.
Lipoarabinomannan biosynthesis in Corynebacterineae: the interplay of two alpha(1 -> 2)-mannopyranosyltransferases
MptC and MptD in mannan branching. Mol Microbiol 2011; 80: 1241-1259 (3 / 2.916)
Miyairi I, Laxton JD, Wang XF, Obert CA, Tatireddigari VRRA, van Rooijen N, Hatch TP, Byrne GI. Chlamydia psittaci
Genetic Variants Differ in Virulence by Modulation of Host Immunity. J Infect Dis 2011; 204: 654-663 (5 / 6.288)
Moldobaeva A, van Rooijen N, Wagner EM. Effects of Ischemia on Lung Macrophages. PLoS ONE 2011; 6 (11): art.nr.
e26716 (4 / 4.411)
Molenaar R, Knippenberg M, Goverse G, Olivier BJ, de Vos AF, O'Toole T, Mebius RE. Expression of Retinaldehyde
Dehydrogenase Enzymes in Mucosal Dendritic Cells and Gut-Draining Lymph Node Stromal Cells Is Controlled by
Dietary Vitamin A. J Immunol 2011; 186: 1934-1942 (4 / 5.745)
Mott KR, Gate D, Zandian M, Allen SJ, Rajasagi NK, van Rooijen N, Chen S, Arditi M, Rouse BT, Flavell RA, Town T,
Ghiasi H. Macrophage IL-12p70 Signaling Prevents HSV-1-Induced CNS Autoimmunity Triggered by Autoaggressive
CD4(+) Tregs. Invest Ophth Vis Sci 2011; 52: 2321-2333 (5 / 3.466)
Mourao-Sa D, Robinson MJ, Zelenay S, Sancho D, Chakravarty P, Larsen R, Plantinga M, van Rooijen N, Soares MP,
Lambrecht B, Reis e Sousa. CLEC-2 signaling via Syk in myeloid cells can regulate inflammatory responses. Eur J
Immunol 2011; 41: 3040-3053 (4 / 4.942)
Murphy EA, Davis J, McClellan JL, Carmichael MD, van Rooijen N, Gangemi J. Susceptibility to Infection and
Inflammatory Response Following Influenza Virus (H1N1, A/PR/8/34) Challenge: Role of Macrophages. J Interferon
Cytokine Res 2011; 31: 501-508 (2 / 2.576)
Murray LA, Chen QS, Kramer MS, Hesson DP, Argentieri RL, Peng XY, Gulati M, Homer RJ, Russell T, van Rooijen N,
Elias JA, Hogaboam CM, Herzog EL. TGF-beta driven lung fibrosis is macrophage dependent and blocked by Serum
amyloid P. Int J Biochem Cell B 2011; 43: 154-162 (4 / 4.956)
Narasaraju T, Yang E, Samy RP, Ng HH, Poh WP, Liew AA, Phoon MC, van Rooijen N, Chow VT. Excessive Neutrophils
and Neutrophil Extracellular Traps Contribute to Acute Lung Injury of Influenza Pneumonitis. Am J Pathol 2011; 179:
199-210 (5 / 5.224)
Nijmeijer RM, Gadaleta RM, van Mil SW, van Bodegraven AA, Crusius JBA, Dijkstra G, Hommes DW, de Jong DJ,
Stokkers PC, Verspaget HW, Weersma RK, van der Woude CJ, Stapelbroek JM, Schipper ME, Wijmenga C, Erpecum KJ,
Oldenburg B. Farnesoid X receptor (FXR) activation and FXR genetic variation in inflammatory bowel disease. PLoS
ONE 2011; 6: art.nr. e23745 (4 / 4.411)
Oshima H, Hioki K, Popivanova BK, Oguma K, van Rooijen N, Ishikawa TO, Oshima M. Prostaglandin E(2) 2 Signaling
and Bacterial Infection Recruit Tumor-Promoting Macrophages to Mouse Gastric Tumors. Gastroenterology 2011; 140:
596-607 (5 / 12.032)
Ouwehand K, Oosterhoff D, Breetveld M, Scheper RJ, de Gruijl TD, Gibbs S. Irritant-induced migration of Langerhans
cells coincides with an IL-10-dependent switch to a macrophage-like phenotype. J Invest Dermatol 2011; 131: 418-425
(5 / 6.27)
Ouwehand K, Spiekstra SW, Waaijman T, Scheper RJ, de Gruijl TD, Gibbs S. Technical Advance: Langerhans cells
derived from a human cell line in a full-thickness skin equivalent undergo allergen-induced maturation and migration.
J Leukocyte Biol 2011; 90: 1027-1033 (4 / 4.626)
Overdevest ITMA, Willemsen I, Elberts S, Verhulst C, Kluijtmans JAJW. Laboratory Detection of Extended-SpectrumBeta-Lactamase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae: Evaluation of Two Screening Agar Plates and Two Confirmation
Techniques. J Clin Microbiol 2011; 49: 519-522 (4 / 4.220)
Overdevest ITMA, Willemsen I, Elberts S, Verhulst C, Rijnsburger M, Savelkoul PHM, Kluijtmans JAJW. Evaluation of
the DiversiLab Typing Method in a Multicenter Study Assessing Horizontal Spread of Highly Resistant Gram-Negative
Rods. J Clin Microbiol 2011; 49: 3551-3554 (4 / 4.220)
Appendix 4: Scientific output
Paramita DK, Fatmawati C, Juwana H, van Schaijk FG, Fachiroh J, Haryana SM, Middeldorp JM. Humoral immune
responses to Epstein-Barr virus encoded tumor associated proteins and their putative extracellular domains in
nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients and regional controls. J Med Virol 2011; 83: 665-678 (3 / 2.895)
Peters RPH, Nijsten N, Mutsaers J, Jansen CL, Morre SA, van Leeuwen AP. Screening of Oropharynx and Anorectum
Increases Prevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae Infection in Female STD Clinic Visitors. Sex
Transm Dis 2011; 38: 783-787 (3 / 3.268)
Peters RPH, Verweij SP, Nijsten N, Ouburg S, Mutsaers JE, Jansen CL, Leeuwen AP, Morre SA. Evaluation of sexual
history-based screening of anatomic sites for Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae infection in men
having sex with men in routine practice. BMC Infect Dis 2011; 11: art.nr 203 (3 / 2.825)
Pizolla A, Gelderman KA, Hultqvist M, Vestberg M, Gustafsson K, Mattson R, Holmdahl R. CD68-expressing cells can
prime T cells and initiate autoimmune arthritis in the absence of reactive oxygen species. Eur J Immunol 2011; 41:
403-412 (4 / 4.942)
Porcelijn L, Abbink FCH, Terraneo L, Hoogen LOV, Huiskes E, de Haas M. Neonatal alloimmune neutropenia due to
immunoglobulin G antibodies against human neutrophil antigen-5a. Transfusion 2011; 51: 574-577 (3 / 3.3)
Potteaux S, Gautier EL, Hutchison SB, van Rooijen N, Rader DJ, Thomas MJ, Sorci-Thomas MG, Randolph GJ.
Suppressed monocyte recruitment drives macrophage removal from atherosclerotic plaques of Apoe(-/-) mice during
disease regression. J Clin Invest 2011; 121: 2025-2036 (5 / 14.152)
Quattrocchi V, Langellotti C, Pappalardo JS, Olivera V, Di Giacomo S, van Rooijen N, Mongini C, Waldner C, Zamorano
PI. Role of macrophages in early protective immune responses induced by two vaccines against foot and mouth
disease. Antiviral Res 2011; 92: 262-270 (4 / 4.439)
Quint KD, Bom RJM, Quint WGV, Bruisten SM, van der Loeff MF, Morre SA, de Vries HJ. Anal infections with
concomitant Chlamydia trachomatis genotypes among men who have sex with men in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
BMC Infect Dis 2011; 11: art.nr. 63 (3 / 2.825)
Rees B, Spiekstra S, Carfi M, Ouwehand K, Williams C, Corsini E, McLeod J, Gibbs S. Inter-laboratory study of the in
vitro dendritic cell migration assay for identification of contact allergens. Toxicol in Vitro 2011; 25: 2124-2134 (3 /
Rispens T, van Leeuwen A, Vennegoor A, Killestein J, Aalberse RC, Wolbink GJ, Aarden LA. Measurement of serum
levels of natalizumab, an immunoglobulin G4 therapeutic monoclonal antibody. Anal Biochem 2011; 411: 271-276 (4 /
Roberts RL, Hollis-Moffatt JE, G├│mez-Garcia M, Fransen K, Ponsioen CY, Crusius JBA, Wijmenga C, Martin J,
Weersma RK, Merriman TR, Barclay ML, Gearry RB, Alizadeh BZ. Association of the protein-tyrosine phosphatase
nonreceptor type substrate 1 (PTPNS1) gene with inflammatory bowel disease. Inflamm Bowel Dis 2011; 17: E19-E21
(4 / 4.613)
Rood IGH, de Korte D, Ramirez-Arcos S, Savelkoul PHM, Pettersson A. Distribution, origin and contamination risk of
coagulase-negative staphylococci from platelet concentrates. J Med Microbiol 2011; 60: 592-599 (2 / 2.38)
Roozendaal R, Mebius RE. Stromal Cell-Immune Cell Interactions. Annu Rev Immunol 2011; 29: 23-43 (5 / 49.271)
Rouwkema J, Gibbs S, Lutolf MP, Martin I, Vunjak-Novakovic G, Malda J. In vitro platforms for tissue engineering:
implications for basic research and clinical translation. J Tissue Eng Regen M 2011; 5: E164-E167 (5 / 3.534)
Rozemeijer W, Jiya TU, Rijnsburger ER, Heddema ER, Savelkoul PHM, Ang CW. Abiotrophia defectiva infection of a
total hip arthroplasty diagnosed by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Diagn Micr Infec Dis 2011; 70: 142-144 (3 / 2.426)
Ruettger A, Feige J, Slickers P, Schubert E, Morre SA, Pannekoek Y, Herrmann B, de Vries HJ, Ehricht R, Sachse K.
Genotyping of Chlamydia trachomatis strains from culture and clinical samples using an ompA-based DNA microarray
assay. Mol Cell Probe 2011; 25: 19-27 (2 / 1.869)
Ruger W, van Ittersum FJ, Comazzetto LF, Hoeks SE, ter Wee PM. Similar Peritonitis Outcome in Capd and Apd
Patients with Dialysis Modality Continuation During Peritonitis. Periton Dialysis Int 2011; 31: 39-47 (2 / 1.477)
Saeland E, van Kooijk Y. Highly glycosylated tumour antigens: interactions with the immune system. Biochem Soc T
2011; 39: 388-392 (3 / 3.989)
Sakoda Y, Anand S, Zhao YM, Park JJ, Liu Y, Kuramasu A, van Rooijen N, Chen L, Strome SE, Hancock WW, Tamada K.
Herpesvirus entry mediator regulates hypoxia-inducible factor-1 alpha and erythropoiesis in mice. J Clin Invest 2011;
121: 4810-4819 (5 / 14.152)
Salomonsson E, Thijssen VL, Griffioen AW, Nilsson UJ, Leffler H. The Anti-angiogenic Peptide Anginex Greatly
Enhances Galectin-1 Binding Affinity for Glycoproteins. J Biol Chem 2011; 286: 13801-13804 (4 / 5.328)
Samsom JN, van Ham SM, Toes REM, Bos NA, Damoiseaux J, van Baarle D, van de Loosdrecht AA, Nolte MA. Guiding
the action of the immune system: Interactions between the immune system and non-immune tissues NVVI-Dutch
society for Immunology Course, Lunteren, March 31st-April 1st, 2010. Immunol Lett 2011; 138: 1-3 (2 / 2.511)
Sanders MS, van Well GT, Ouburg S, Lundberg JG, van Furth AM, Morre SA. Single nucleotide polymorphisms in TLR9
are highly associated with susceptibility to bacterial meningitis in children. Clin Infect Dis 2011; 52: 475-480 (5 /
Sanders MS, van Well GTJ, Ouburg S, Morre SA, van Furth AM. Genetic variation of innate immune response genes in
invasive pneumacoccal and meningococcal disease applied to the pathogenesis of menigitis. Genes and Immunity
2011; 12(5): 321-334 (4 / 4.367)
Santiago-Raber ML, Baudino L, Alvarez M, van Rooijen N, Nimmerjahn F, Izui S. TLR7/9-mediated monocytosis and
maturation of Gr-1(hi) inflammatory monocytes towards Gr-1(lo) resting monocytes implicated in murine lupus. J
Autoimmun 2011; 37: 171-179 (5 / 8.136)
Sarkar D, Sidhu M, Singh A, Chen JM, Lammas DA, van der Sar AM, Besra GS, Bhatt A. Identification of a
Glycosyltransferase from Mycobacterium marinum Involved in Addition of a Caryophyllose Moiety in
Lipooligosaccharides. J Bacteriol 2011; 193: 2336-2340 (4 / 3.726)
Schliehe C, Redaelli C, Engelhardt S, Fehlings M, Mueller M, van Rooijen N, Thiry M, Hildner K, Weller H, Groettrup M.
CD8(-) Dendritic Cells and Macrophages Cross-Present Poly( D,L-lactate-co-glycolate) Acid Microsphere-Encapsulated
Antigen In Vivo. J Immunol 2011; 187: 2112-2121 (4 / 5.745)
Schneiders FL, Scheper RJ, von Blomberg BME, Woltman AM, Janssen HLA, van den Eertwegh AJM, Verheul HMW, de
Gruijl TD, van der Vliet JJ. Clinical experience with a-galactosylceramide (KRN7000) in patients with advanced cancer
and chronic hepatitis B/C infection. Clin Immunol 2011; 140: 130-141 (3 / 3.932)
Appendix 4: Scientific output
Scholten KBJ, Turksma AW, Ruizendaal JJ, van den Hende M, van der Burg SH, Heemskerk MHM, Meijer CJLM,
Hooijberg E. Generating HPV specific T helper cells for the treatment of HPV induced malignancies using TCR gene
transfer. J Transl Med 2011; 5: 147 (3 / 3.508)
Schwandt T, Schumak B, Gielen GH, Jungerkes F, Schmidbauer P, Klocke K, Staratschek-Jox A, van RN, Kraal G,
Ludwig-Portugall I, Franken L, Wehner S, Kalff JC, Weber O, Kirschning C, Coch C, Kalinke U, Wenzel J, Kurts C,
Zawatzky R, Holzmann B, Layland L, Schultze JL, Burgdorf S, den Haan JMM, Knolle PA, Limmer A. Expression of type
I interferon by splenic macrophages suppresses adaptive immunity during sepsis. EMBO J 2011; 31: 201-213 (5 /
Shi JG, McIntosh RS, Dehal PK, van Egmond M, van de Winkel J, Draper SJ, Forbes EK, Corran PH, Holder AA, Woof JM,
Pleass RJ. The generation and evaluation of recombinant human IgA specific for Plasmodium falciparum merozoite
surface protein 1-19 (PfMSP1(19)). BMC Biotechnology 2011; 11: art.nr. 77 (4 / 3.028)
Shi YY, Wang YS, Zhang ZX, Cai Y, Zhou J, Hou HY, van Rooijen N. Monocyte/macrophages promote vasculogenesis in
choroidal neovascularization in mice by stimulating SDF-1 expression in RPE cells. Graef Arch Clin Exp 2011; 249:
1667-1679 (3 / 2.158)
Singh SK, Ouwehand I, Litjens M, Kalay H, Burgdorf S, Saeland E, Kurts C, Unger WWJ, van Kooijk Y. Design of neoglycoconjugates that target the mannose receptor and enhance TLR-independent cross-presentation and Th1
polarization. Eur J Immunol 2011; 41: 916-925 (4 / 4.942)
Singh SK, Ouwehand I, Litjens M, Kalay H, Saeland E, van Kooijk Y. Tumour-associated glycan modifications of antigen
enhance MGL2 dependent uptake and MHC class I restricted CD8 T cell responses. Int J Cancer 2011; 128: 1371-1383
(4 / 4.926)
Sitia G, Iannacone M, Aiolfi R, Isogawa M, van Rooijen N, Scozzesi C, Bianchi ME, von Andrian UH, Chisari FV, Guidotti
LG. Kupffer Cells Hasten Resolution of Liver Immunopathology in Mouse Models of Viral Hepatitis. PLoS Pathog 2011;
7(6): e1002061 (5 / 9.079)
Smirnova T, Adomako A, Locker J, van Rooijen N, Prystowsky MB, Segall JE. In Vivo Invasion of Head and Neck
Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cells Does Not Require Macrophages. Am J Pathol 2011; 178: 2857-2865 (5 / 5.224)
Soderquest K, Powell N, Luci C, van Rooijen N, Hidalgo A, Geissmann F, Walzer T, Lord GM, Martin-Fontecha A.
Monocytes control natural killer cell differentiation to effector phenotypes. Blood 2011; 117: 4511-4518 (5 / 10.558)
Song JM, van Rooijen N, Bozja J, Compans RW, Kang SM. Vaccination inducing broad and improved cross protection
against multiple subtypes of influenza A virus. P Natl Acad Sci USA 2011; 108: 757-761 (5 / 9.771)
Song JM, Wang BZ, Park KM, van Rooijen N, Quan FS, Kim MC, Jin HT, Pekosz A, Compans RW, Kang SM. Influenza
Virus-Like Particles Containing M2 Induce Broadly Cross Protective Immunity. PLoS ONE 2011; 6 (1): e14538 (4 / 4.411)
Stoop EJM, Schipper T, Huber SKR, Nezhinsky AE, Verbeek FJ, Gurcha SS, Besra GS, Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE,
Bitter W, van der Sar AM. Zebrafish embryo screen for mycobacterial genes involved in the initiation of granuloma
formation reveals a newly identified ESX-1 component. Dis Model Mech 2011; 4: 526-536 (4 / 4.584)
Strait RT, Hicks W, Barasa N, Mahler A, Khodoun M, Kohl J, Stringer K, Witte D, van Rooijen N, Susskind BM,
Finkelman FD. MHC class I-specific antibody binding to nonhematopoietic cells drives complement activation to
induce transfusion-related acute lung injury in mice. J Exp Med 2011; 208: 2525-2544 (5 / 14.776)
Stuart JC, Diederen B, Naiemi N, Fluit A, Arents N, Thijsen S, Vlaminckx B, Mouton JW, Leverstein-Van Hall M. Method
for Phenotypic Detection of Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamases in Enterobacter Species in the Routine Clinical
Setting. J Clin Microbiol 2011; 49: 2711-2713 (4 / 4.220)
't Hoen PAC, Hirsch M, de Meijer EJ, Menezes RX, van Ommen GB, den Dunnen JT. mRNA degradation controls
differentiation state-dependent differences in transcript and splice variant abundance. Nucleic Acids Res 2011; 39:
556-566 (5 / 7.836)
Tjon JML, Kooy-Winkelaar YMC, Tack GJ, Mommaas AM, Schreurs MWJ, Schilham MW, Mulder CJJ, van Bergen J,
Koning F. DNAM-1 Mediates Epithelial Cell-Specific Cytotoxicity of Aberrant Intraepithelial Lymphocyte Lines from
Refractory Celiac Disease Type II Patients. J Immunol 2011; 186: 6304-6312 (4 / 5.745)
Unger WWJ, van Kooijk Y. 'Dressed for success' C-type lectin receptors for the delivery of glyco-vaccines to dendritic
cells. Curr Opin Immunol 2011; 23: 131-137 (5 / 10.141)
van Cleef BAGL, Graveland H, Haenen APJ, Van De Giessen AW, Heederik D, Wagenaar JA, Kluijtmans JAJW.
Persistence of Livestock-Associated Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Field Workers after Short-Term
Occupational Exposure to Pigs and Veal Calves. J Clin Microbiol 2011; 49: 1030-1033 (4 / 4.220)
van Cleef BAGL, Monnet DL, Voss A, Krziwanek K, Allerberger F, Struelens M, Zemlickova H, Skov RL, Vuopio-Varkila J,
Cuny C, Friedrich AW, Spiliopoulou I, Paszti J, Hardardottir H, Rossney A, Pan A, Pantosti A, Borg M, Grundmann H,
Mueller-Premru M, Olsson-Liljequist B, Widmer A, Harbarth S, Schweiger A, Unal S, Kluijtmans JAJW. Livestockassociated Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Humans, Europe. Emerg Infect Dis 2011; 17: 502-505 (5 /
van Cruijsen H, Oosterhoff D, Lindenberg JJ, Lougheed SM, Fehres CM, Weijers K, van Boerdonk RAA, Giaccone G,
Scheper RJ, Hoekman K, de Gruijl TD. Glioblastoma-induced inhibition of Langerhans cell differentiation from
CD34(+) precursors is mediated by IL-6 but unaffected by JAK2/STAT3 inhibition. Immunotherapy 2011; 3: 1051-1061
(1 / 0.542)
van de Laar TJW, Paxton WA, Zorgdrager F, Cornelissen M, de vries HJC. Sexual Transmission of Hepatitis C Virus in
Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Negative Men Who Have Sex With Men: A Series of Case Reports. Sex Transm Dis 2011;
38: 102-104 (3 / 3.268)
van de Ven R, van den Hout MFCM, Lindenberg JJ, Sluijter BJR, van Leeuwen PAM, Lougheed SM, Meijer S, van den
Tol MP, Scheper RJ, de Gruijl TD. Characterization of four conventional dendritic cell subsets in human skin-draining
lymph nodes in relation to T-cell activation. Blood 2011; 118: 2502-2510 (5 / 10.558)
van de Ven R, Verbrugge CSE, Reurs AW, Bontkes HJ, Hooijberg E, Jansen G, Scheper RJ, Scheffer GL, de Gruijl TD.
High susceptibility of c-KIT(+)CD34 (+) precursors to prolonged doxorubicin exposure interferes with Langerhans cell
differentiation in a human cell line model. Cancer Immunol Immun 2011; 60: 943-951 (4 / 4.293)
van den Ancker W, van Luijn MM, Ruben JM, Westers TM, Bontkes HJ, Ossenkoppele GJ, de Gruijl TD, van de
Loosdrecht AA. Targeting Toll-like receptor 7/8 enhances uptake of apoptotic leukemic cells by monocyte-derived
dendritic cells but interferes with subsequent cytokine-induced maturation. Cancer Immunol Immun 2011; 60: 37-47
(4 / 4.293)
Appendix 4: Scientific output
van den Berg CHBS, Grady BPX, Schinkel J, van de Laar TJW, Molenkamp R, van Houdt R, Coutinho RA, van Baarle D,
Prins M. Female Sex and IL28B, a Synergism for Spontaneous Viral Clearance in Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Seroconverters
from a Community-Based Cohort. PLoS ONE 2011; 6(11): art.nr. e27555 (4 / 4.411)
van den Berg LM, de Jong MAWP, de Witte LD, Ulrich M, Geijtenbeek TBH. Burn injury suppresses human dermal
dendritic cell and Langerhans cell function. Cell Immunol 2011; 268: 29-36 (2 / 2.575)
van den Elsen PJ, McCluskey J. Bringing antigens to attention: a conspiracy of genes, proteins and cells. Curr Opin
Immunol 2011; 23: 78-80 (5 / 10.141)
van den Elsen PJ, van Eggermond MC, Wierda RJ. Epigenetic control in immune function. Adv Exp Med Biol 2011; 711:
36-49 (3 / 1.379)
van der Leeden M, Fiedler K, Jonkman A, Dahmen R, Roorda LD, van Schaardenburg D, Dekker J. Factors predicting
the outcome of customised foot orthoses in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a prospective cohort study. J Foot
Ankle Res 2011; 4: 8 (1 / 0)
van der Linden JWM, Snelders E, Kampinga GA, Rijnders BJA, Mattsson E, Ossenkopp YJ, Kuijper EJ, van Tiel FH,
Melchers WJG, Verweij PE. Clinical Implications of Azole Resistance in Aspergillus fumigatus, the Netherlands, 20072009. Emerg Infect Dis 2011; 17: 1846-1854 (5 / 6.859)
van der Veer WM, Niessen FB, Ferreira JA, Zwiers PJ, de Jong EH, Middelkoop E, Molema G. Time course of the
angiogenic response during normotrophic and hypertrophic scar formation in humans. Wound Repair Regen 2011; 19:
292-301 (5 / 3.443)
van der Vlist M, de Witte L, de Vries RD, Litjens M, de Jong MAWP, Fluitsma D, de Swart RL, Geijtenbeek TBH. Human
Langerhans cells capture measles virus through Langerin and present viral antigens to CD4(+) T cells but are incapable
of cross-presentation. Eur J Immunol 2011; 41: 2619-2631 (4 / 4.942)
van der Wal J, van Heerde M, Markhorst DG, Kneyber MCJ. Transfusion of leukocyte-depleted red blood cells is not a
risk factor for nosocomial infections in critically ill children. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2011; 12: 519-524 (4 / 2.672)
van der Zwan LP, Scheffer PG, Dekker JM, Stehouwer CDA, Heine RJ, Teerlink T. Systemic inflammation is linked to
low arginine and high ADMA plasma levels resulting in an unfavourable NOS substrate-to-inhibitor ratio: the Hoorn
Study. Clin Sci 2011; 121: 71-78 (4 / 4.613)
van Eggermond MCJA, Boom DR, van Schooten E, Marquez VE, Wierda RJ, Holling TM, van den Elsen PJ. Epigenetic
regulation of CIITA expression in human T-cells. Biochem Pharmacol 2011; 82: 1430-1437 (5 / 4.889)
van Geenen EJM, Smits MM, Schreuder TC, van der Peet DL, Bloemena E, Mulder CJ. Smoking is related to pancreatic
fibrosis in humans. Am J Gastroenterol 2011; 106: 1161-1166 (5 / 6.882)
Van Hul N, Lanthier N, Suner RE, Quinones JA, van Rooijen N, Leclercq I. Kupffer Cells Influence Parenchymal Invasion
and Phenotypic Orientation, but Not the Proliferation, of Liver Progenitor Cells in a Murine Model of Liver Injury. Am
J Pathol 2011; 179: 1839-1850 (5 / 5.224)
Van Kooten C, Lombardi G, Gelderman KA, Sagoo P, Buckland M, Lechler R, Cuturi MC. Dendritic cells as a tool to
induce transplantation tolerance: obstacles and opportunities. Transplantation 2011; 91: 2-7 (5 / 3.676)
van Luijn MM, van den Ancker W, Chamuleau MED, Zevenbergen A, Westers TM, Ossenkoppele GJ, van Ham SM, van
de Loosdrecht AA. Absence of Class II-Associated Invariant Chain Peptide on Leukemic Blasts of Patients Promotes
Activation of Autologous Leukemia-Reactive CD4(+) T Cells. Cancer Res 2011; 71: 2507-2517 (5 / 8.234)
van Zwol A, Witteveen R, Markhorst DG, Geukers VGM. Clinical Features of a Dutch Cohort of Critically Ill Children
Due to the 2009 New Influenza A H1N1 Pandemic. Clin Pediatr 2011; 50: 69-72 (1 / 0.896)
Veen VC, Boekema B, Ulrich M, Middelkoop E. New dermal substitutes. Wound Repair Regen 2011; 19: S59-S65 (5 /
Veenhof AAFA, Sietses C, von Blomberg BME, van Hoogstraten IMW, van der Pas MHGM, Meijerink WJHJ, van der Peet
DL, van den Tol MP, Bonjer HJ, Cuesta MA. The surgical stress response and postoperative immune function after
laparoscopic or conventional total mesorectal excision in rectal cancer: a randomized trial. Int J Colorectal Dis 2011;
26: 53-59 (4 / 2.645)
Veninga H, Hoek RM, de Vos AF, de Bruin AM, An FQ, van der Poll T, van Lier RAW, Medof ME, Hamann J. A Novel Role
for CD55 in Granulocyte Homeostasis and Anti-Bacterial Host Defense. PLoS ONE 2011; 6 (10): art.nr. e24431 (4 /
Verkade E, Ferket M, Kluijtmans JAJ. Clinical evaluation of Oxoid Brilliance MRSA Agar in comparison with bioMerieux
MRSA ID medium for detection of livestock-associated meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. J Med Microbiol
2011; 60: 905-908 (2 / 2.38)
Verkade E, Verhulst C, van Cleef B, Kluytmans JAJW. Clinical evaluation of Bio-Rad MRSASelect (TM) medium for the
detection of livestock-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Eur J Clin Microbiol 2011; 30: 109-112
(3 / 2.631)
Versteilen AMG, Blaauw N, Di Maggio F, Groeneveld ABJ, Sipkema P, Musters RJP, Tangelder GJ. Rho-Kinase Inhibition
Reduces Early Microvascular Leukocyte Accumulation in the Rat Kidney following Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury: Roles
of Nitric Oxide and Blood Flow. Nephron Exp Nephrol 2011; 118: E79-E86 (3 / 2.743)
Verweij SPW, Catsburg A, Ouburg S, Lombardi A, Heijmans R, Dutlay F, Frei R, Morre SA. Lymphogranuloma venereum
variant L2b-specific polymerase chain reaction: insertion used to close an epidemiological gap. Clin Microbiol Infec
2011; 17: 1727-1730 (4 / 4.784)
Vroling AB, Konijn T, Samsom JN, Kraal G. The production of secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor by dendritic cells.
Mol Immunol 2011; 48: 630-636 (3 / 2.916)
Wassenberg MWM, Bootsma MCJ, Troelstra A, Kluijtmans JAJW, Bonten MJM. Transmissibility of livestock-associated
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (ST398) in Dutch hospitals. Clin Microbiol Infec 2011; 17: 316-319 (4 /
Weijers EM, van den Broek LJ, Waaijman T, van Hinsbergh VWM, Gibbs S, Koolwijk P. The Influence of Hypoxia and
Fibrinogen Variants on the Expansion and Differentiation of Adipose Tissue-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Tissue
Engineering Part A 2011; 17: 2675-2685 (4 / 4.636)
Weisser SB, Brugger HK, Voglmaier NS, McLarren KW, van Rooijen N, Sly LM. SHIP-deficient, alternatively activated
macrophages protect mice during DSS-induced colitis. J Leukocyte Biol 2011; 90: 483-492 (4 / 4.626)
Westers TM, van den Ancker W, Bontkes HJ, Janssen JJ, van de Loosdrecht AA, Ossenkoppele GJ. Chronic myeloid
leukemia lysate-loaded dendritic cells induce T-cell responses towards leukemia progenitor cells. Immunotherapy
2011; 3: 569-576 (1 / 0.542)
Appendix 4: Scientific output
Westwell-Roper C, Dai DL, Soukhatcheva G, Potter KJ, van Rooijen N, Ehses JA, Verchere CB. IL-1 Blockade
Attenuates Islet Amyloid Polypeptide-Induced Proinflammatory Cytokine Release and Pancreatic Islet Graft
Dysfunction. J Immunol 2011; 187: 2755-2765 (4 / 5.745)
Willemsen I, Elberts S, Verhulst C, Rijnsburger M, Filius M, Savelkoul PHM, Kluijtmans JAJW, Lommerse E, Spanjaard
L, Vlaminckx B, Vos A, Wulf M, Vos M, Wintermans R, Andriesse G, van Zeijl J, van der Vorm E, Buiting A, Sturm P,
Blok H, Troelstra A, Kaiser A, Vandenbroucke-Grauls C. Highly Resistant Gram-Negative Microorganisms: Incidence
Density and Occurrence of Nosocomial Transmission (TRIANGLe Study). Infect Cont Hosp Ep 2011; 32: 333-341 (5 /
Willemsen I, Overdevest I, Naiemi N, Rijnsburger M, Savelkoul PHM, Vandenbroucke-Grauls C, Kluijtmans JAJW. New
Diagnostic Microarray (Check-KPC ESBL) for Detection and Identification of Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamases in
Highly Resistant Enterobacteriaceae. J Clin Microbiol 2011; 49: 2985-2987 (4 / 4.220)
Worthington ZEV, van Rooijen N, Carbonetti NH. Enhancement of Bordetella parapertussis infection by Bordetella
pertussis in mixed infection of the respiratory tract. FEMS Immunol Med Mic 2011; 63: 119-128 (3 / 2.494)
Yu Z, Laven M, Klepsch M, de Gier JW, Bitter W, van Ulsen JP, Luirink S. Role for Escherichia coli YidD in Membrane
Protein Insertion. J Bacteriol 2011; 193: 5242-5251 (4 / 3.726)
Zhao L, Rose KM, Elliott R, van Rooijen N, Weiss SR. Cell-Type-Specific Type I Interferon Antagonism Influences Organ
Tropism of Murine Coronavirus. J Virol 2011; 85: 10058-10068 (4 / 5.189)
Zhao XW, van der Beek EM, Schornagel K, Van der Maaden H, Van Houdt M, Otten MA, Finetti P, van Egmond M,
Matozaki T, Kraal G, Birnbaum D, van Elsas A, Kuijpers TW, Bertucci F, van den Berg TK. CD47-signal regulatory
protein-alpha (SIRP alpha) interactions form a barrier for antibody-mediated tumor cell destruction. P Natl Acad Sci
USA 2011; 108: 18342-18347 (5 / 9.771)
Zwiers A, Fuss IJ, Seegers D, Konijn T, Garcia Vallejo JJ, Samsom JN, Strober W, Kraal G, Bouma G. A Polymorphism
in the Coding Region of Il12b Promotes IL-12p70 and IL-23 Heterodimer Formation. J Immunol 2011; 186: 3572-3580 (4
/ 5.745)
Scientific papers non-refereed
Schneiders FL, de Bruin R, Exley MA, van der Vliet JJ. Nuancing the proposed role of NKT cells in aging. Virulence
2011; 2: 170.
van den Elsen PJ. Expression regulation of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and class II encoding genes.
Frontiers in Immunology 2011; 2: .
Van Kooten C, Gelderman KA. In Vitro-Generated DC with Tolerogenic Functions: Perspectives for In Vivo Cellular
Therapy. Methods Mol Biol 2011; 677: 149-159.
Scientific publications (books, book chapters, proceedings)
Appelmelk BJ, Driessen NN, Geurtsen JJG, Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE. Interaction of surface glycans of
Mycobacterium tuberculosis with DC-SIGN; in Brooks SA, Rudd PM, Appelmelk BJ, (eds): Glycosylation in diverse cell
systems. London, Society of Experimental Biology. 2011.
Corsini E, Aeby P, Python F, Nelissen I, Knaer T, Gibbs S, Galvao dos Santos G, Lindstedt M, Borrebaeck C, Roggen E..
The use of myeloid cell lines for the identification of allergens; in Roggen EL, Weltzien HU, Hermans H, (eds):
Progress Towards Novel Testing Strategies for in Vitro assessment of Allergens. 2011.
Gibbs S, Ouwehand K. Progress on the development of human in vitro assays for assessment of the sensitizing
potential of a compound: Breaking down the in vivo events, In: Contact Dermatitis. Young Suck Ro (eds). 2011.
Gibbs S, Thierse HJ, Corsini E. Multifunctional role of keratinocyte in sensitization; in Roggen EL, Weltzien HU,
Hermans H, (eds): Progress towards novel testing strategies for in vitro assessment of alergens. ISBN: 978-81-7895519-3. 2011.
Nelissen I, Lambrechts N, Aeby P, Python F, Gibbs S, Reinders J, McLeod J, Williams E. Primary dendritic cells as
sentinels of chemical-induced sensitization; in Roggen EL, Weltzien HU, Hermans H, (eds): Progress towards novel
testing strategies for in vitro assessment of allergens. Chapter 7. 2011.
Ouwehand K, Teissier S, Gibbs S, McLeod J, Roggen EL. The impact of sensitizing compounds on the interactions
between epithelial cells and dendritic cells; in Roggen EL, Weltzien HU, Hermans H, (eds): Progress Towards novel
testing strategies for in vitro assessment of allergens. Chapter 4. 2011.
Rustemeyer T. Immunological mechanisms in allergic contact dermatitis; in Lachapelle JM, (ed): Practical guide in
patch testing. Berlin Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag. 2011.
Driessen NN. Sugar caps of mycobacteria: virulence factors or decorative elements?. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam,
11/22/2011. (Co-)promotores: CMJE Vandenbroucke-Grauls, BJ Appelmelk (cat A)
Karimi O. Immunogenetics of infection and inflammation of the urogenital and gastrointestinal tracts and probiotics.
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 12/21/2011. (Co-)promotores: AS Peña, SA Morré, JBA Crusius (cat A)
Meenken C. Ocular Involvement in HIV infection and AIDS. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 5/10/2011. (Co-)promotores:
PJ Ringens, SA Danner, G van den Horn(cat A)
Ouwehand K. The Skin Immune System: "The resourceful army of Langerhans cells". Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam,
1/4/2011. (Co-)promotores: RJ Scheper, S Gibbs, TD de Gruijl(cat A)
Quint KD. Urogenital and anal chlamydia trachomatis infections: a study into diagnostics, geno-epidemiology and the
association with cervical dysplasia. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 5/26/2011. (Co-)promotores: CJLM Meijer, HJC de
Vries, SA Morré(cat B)
Sluijter BJR. Cutaneous melanoma; Predictors of patient survival and the potential of priming of the sentinel lymph
node. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 5/27/2011. (Co-)promotores: RJ Scheper, PAM van Leeuwen, TD de Gruijl, MP
van der Tol (cat A)
Appendix 4: Scientific output
van der Veer WM. Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms in Hypertrophic Scar Formation: Potential Targets for Therapy.
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 12/1/2011. (Co-)promotores: E Middelkoop, G Molema, FB Niessen(cat A)
van Gageldonk AB. Enhancing surveillance for control of respiratory infections in the Netherlands. Vrije Universiteit
Amsterdam, 11/24/2011. (Co-)promotores: FG Schellevis, van der Sande MAB(cat B)
Program 3: Disease profiling
Scientific papers refereed
Aarntzen EHJG, Srinivas M, de Wilt JHW, Jacobs JFM, Lesterhuis WJ, Windhorst AD, Troost EG, Bonenkamp HJ, van
Rossum MM, Blokx WAM, Mus RD, Boerman OC, Punt CJA, Figdor CG, Oyen WJG, de Vries IJM. Early identification of
antigen-specific immune responses in vivo by [(18)F]-labeled 3 '-fluoro-3 '-deoxy-thymidine ([(18)F]FLT) PET imaging.
P Natl Acad Sci USA 2011; 108: 18396-18399 (5 / 9.771)
Balgobind BV, Heuvel-Eibrink M, de Menezes RX, Reinhardt D, Hollink IHIM, Arentsen-Peters STCJ, van Wering ER,
Kaspers GJL, Cloos J, De Bont ESJM, Cayuela JM, Baruchel A, Meyer C, Marschalek R, Trka J, Stary J, Beverloo BH,
Pieters R, Zwaan CM, den Boer ML. Evaluation of gene expression signatures predictive of cytogenetic and molecular
subtypes of pediatric acute myeloid leukemia. Haematol-Hematol J 2011; 96: 221-230 (4 / 6.532)
Balgobind BV, Hollink IHIM, Arentsen-Peters STCJ, Zimmermann M, Harbott J, Beverloo HB, von Bergh ARM, Cloos J,
Kaspers GJL, de Haas V, Zemanova Z, Stary J, Cayuela JM, Baruchel A, Creutzig U, Reinhardt D, Pieters R, Zwaan CM,
Heuvel-Eibrink M. Integrative analysis of type-I and type-II aberrations underscores the genetic heterogeneity of
pediatric acute myeloid leukemia. Haematol-Hematol J 2011; 96: 1478-1487 (4 / 6.532)
Belt EJTH, Fijneman RJA, van den Berg EG, Bril H, van Diemen PM, Tijssen M, van Essen HFB, de Klerk ESM, Belien
JAM, Stockmann HBAC, Meijer S, Meijer GA. Loss of lamin A/C expression in stage II and III colon cancer is associated
with disease recurrence. Eur J Cancer 2011; 47: 1837-1845 (4 / 4.944)
Bleijerveld OB, Brakenhoff RH, Schaaij-Visser TBM, Damen JMA, Altelaar AFM, Heck AJR, Leemans CR, Slijper M.
Protein signatures associated with tumor cell dissemination in head and neck cancer. J Proteomics 2011; 74: 558-566
(4 / 5.074)
Boellaard R. Need for Standardization of 18F-FDG PET/CT for Treatment Response Assessments. J Nucl Med 2011; 52:
93S-100S (5 / 7.022)
Bremmer JF, Brakenhoff RH, Broeckaert MAM, Belien JAM, Leemans CR, Bloemena E, van der Waal I, Braakhuis BJM.
Prognostic value of DNA ploidy status in patients with oral leukoplakia. Oral Oncol 2011; 47: 956-960 (5 / 2.871)
Brosens RPM, Belt EJTH, Haan JC, Buffart TE, Carvalho B, Grabsch H, Quirke P, Cuesta MA, Engel AF, Ylstra B, Meijer
GA. Deletion of chromosome 4q predicts outcome in Stage II colon cancer patients. Cell Oncol 2011; 34: 215-223 (4 /
Buckler AJ, Boellaard R. Standardization of Quantitative Imaging: The Time Is Right, and (18)F-FDG PET/CT Is a Good
Place to Start. J Nucl Med 2011; 52: 171-172 (5 / 7.022)
Buffart TE, Louw M, van Grieken NCT, Tijssen M, Carvalho B, Ylstra B, Grabsch H, Mulder CJJ, van de Velde CJH, van
der Merwe SW, Meijer GA. Gastric cancers of Western European and African patients show different patterns of
genomic instability. BMC Medical Genomics 2011; 4: art.nr. 7 (3 / 3.766)
Caretti V, Zondervan I, Meijer DH, Idema S, Vos W, Hamans B, Bugiani M, Hulleman E, Wesseling P, Vandertop WP,
Noske DP, Kaspers GJ, Molthoff CFM, Wurdinger T. Monitoring of tumor growth and post-irradiation recurrence in a
diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma mouse model. Brain Pathol 2011; 21: 441-451 (5 / 4.741)
Castelijns JA. PET-MRI in the head and neck area: challenges and new directions. Eur Radiol 2011; 21: 2425-2426 (4 /
Cheebsumon P, van Velden FHP, Yaqub MM, Frings V, de Langen AJ, Hoekstra OS, Lammertsma AA, Boellaard R.
Effects of Image Characteristics on Performance of Tumor Delineation Methods: A Test-Retest Assessment. J Nucl Med
2011; 52: 1550-1558 (5 / 7.022)
Cheebsumon P, van Velden FHP, Yaqub MM, Hoekstra CJ, Velasquez LM, Hayes W, Hoekstra OS, Lammertsma AA,
Boellaard R. Measurement of metabolic tumor volume: static versus dynamic FDG scans. EJNMMI 2011; 1: 35 (5 /
Cheebsumon P, Yaqub MM, van Velden FHP, Hoekstra OS, Lammertsma AA, Boellaard R. Impact of [(18)F]FDG PET
imaging parameters on automatic tumour delineation: need for improved tumour delineation methodology. Eur J Nucl
Med Mol I 2011; 38: 2136-2144 (5 / 5.036)
Coenen EA, Raimondi SC, Harbott J, Zimmermann M, Alonzo TA, Auvrignon A, Beverloo HB, Chang M, Creutzig U,
Dworzak MN, Forestier E, Gibson B, Hasle H, Harrison CJ, Heerema NA, Kaspers GJL, Leszl A, Litvinko N, Lo Nigro L,
Morimoto A, Perot C, Reinhardt D, Rubnitz JE, Smith FO, Stary J, Stasevich I, Strehl S, Taga T, Tomizawa D, Webb D,
Zemanova Z, Pieters R, Zwaan CM, Heuvel-Eibrink M. Prognostic significance of additional cytogenetic aberrations in
733 de novo pediatric 11q23/MLL-rearranged AML patients: results of an international study. Blood 2011; 117: 71027111 (5 / 10.558)
Coppus SPFJ, Land JA, Opmeer BC, Steures P, Eijkemans MJC, Hompes PGA, Bossuyt PMM, van der Veen F, Mol BWJ,
van der Steeg JW. Chlamydia trachomatis IgG seropositivity is associated with lower natural conception rates in
ovulatory subfertile women without visible tubal pathology. Hum Reprod 2011; 26: 3061-3067 (5 / 4.357)
Corthals SL, Sun SM, Kuiper R, de Knegt Y, Broyl A, van der Holt B, Beverloo HB, Peeters JK, el Jarari L, Lokhorst HM,
Zweegman S, Jongen-Lavrencic M, Sonneveld P. MicroRNA signatures characterize multiple myeloma patients.
Leukemia 2011; 25: 1784-1789 (5 / 8.966)
Costa AF, Altemani A, Vekony H, Bloemena E, Fresno F, Suarez C, Llorente JL, Hermsen M. Genetic profile of adenoid
cystic carcinomas (ACC) with high-grade transformation versus solid type. Cell Oncol 2011; 34: 369-379 (4 / 3.175)
de Boer TE, Birlutiu A, Bochdanovits Z, Timmermans MJTN, Dijkstra TMH, van Straalen NM, Ylstra B, Roelofs D.
Transcriptional plasticity of a soil arthropod across different ecological conditions. Mol Ecol 2011; 20: 1144-1154 (5 /
de Groot M, Aronica E, Heimans JJ, Reijneveld JC. Synaptic vesicle protein 2A predicts response to levetiracetam in
patients with glioma. Neurology 2011; 77: 532-539 (5 / 8.017)
Appendix 4: Scientific output
de Jonge HJM, Valk PJM, De Bont ESJM, Schuringa JJ, Ossenkoppele GJ, Vellenga E, Huls G. Prognostic impact of
white blood cell count in intermediate risk acute myeloid leukemia: relevance of mutated NPM1 and FLT3-ITD.
Haematol-Hematol J 2011; 96: 1310-1317 (4 / 6.532)
de Langen AJ, van den Boogaart V, Lubberink JM, Backes WH, Marcus JT, van Tinteren H, Pruim J, Brans B, Leffers P,
Dingemans AMC, Smit EF, Groen HJM, Hoekstra OS. Monitoring Response to Antiangiogenic Therapy in Non-Small Cell
Lung Cancer Using Imaging Markers Derived from PET and Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI. J Nucl Med 2011; 52: 48-55
(5 / 7.022)
Deliolanis NC, Wurdinger T, Pike L, Tannous BA, Breakefield XO, Weissleder R, Ntziachristos V. In vivo tomographic
imaging of red-shifted fluorescent proteins. Biomed Opt Express 2011; 16: 887-900 (1 / 0)
Dijkgraaf I, Yim CB, Franssen GM, Schuit RC, Luurtsema G, Liu SA, Oyen WJG, Boerman OC. PET imaging of
alpha(v)beta(3) integrin expression in tumours with (68)Ga-labelled mono-, di- and tetrameric RGD peptides. Eur J
Nucl Med Mol I 2011; 38: 128-137 (5 / 5.036)
Dikken JL, Sandick JW, Swellengrebel HA, Lind PA, Putter H, Jansen EPM, Boot H, van Grieken NCT, van de Velde CJ,
Verheij M, Cats A. Neo-adjuvant chemotherapy followed by surgery and chemotherapy or by surgery and
chemoradiotherapy for patients with resectable gastric cancer (CRITICS). BMC Cancer 2011; 11: 329 (3 / 3.153)
Dirven L, Guler-Yuksel M, de Beus WM, Ronday HK, Speyer I, Huizinga TWJ, Dijkmans BAC, Allaart CF, Lems WF.
Changes in hand bone mineral density and the association with the level of disease activity in patients with
rheumatoid arthritis: Bone mineral density measurements in a multicenter randomized clinical trial. Arthritis Care
Res 2011; 63: 1691-1699 (4 / 4.749)
du Pre MF, van Berkel LA, Raki M, van Leeuwen MA, de Ruiter LF, Broere F, ter Borg MND, Lund FE, Escher JC, Lundin
KEA, Sollid LM, Kraal G, Nieuwenhuis EES, Samsom JN. CD62L(neg)CD38(+) Expression on Circulating CD4(+) T Cells
Identifies Mucosally Differentiated Cells in Protein Fed Mice and in Human Celiac Disease Patients and Controls. Am J
Gastroenterol 2011; 106: 1147-1159 (5 / 6.882)
Dubois LJ, Lieuwes NG, Janssen MHM, Peeters WJM, Windhorst AD, Walsh JC, Kolb HC, Ollers MC, Bussink J, van
Dongen GAMS, van der Kogel A, Lambin P. Preclinical evaluation and validation of [(18)F]HX4, a promising hypoxia
marker for PET imaging. P Natl Acad Sci USA 2011; 108: 14620-14625 (5 / 9.771)
Duffy MJ, van Rossum LGM, van Turenhout ST, Malminiemi O, Sturgeon C, Lamerz R, Nicolini A, Haglund C, Holubec L,
Fraser CG, Halloran SP. Use of faecal markers in screening for colorectal neoplasia: a European group on tumor
markers position paper. Int J Cancer 2011; 128: 3-11 (4 / 4.926)
Egelmeer AGTM, Velazquez ER, de Jong JMA, Oberije C, Geussens Y, Nuyts S, Kremer B, Rietveld D, Leemans CR, de
Jong MC, Rasch C, Hoebers F, Homer J, Slevin N, West C, Lambin P. Development and validation of a nomogram for
prediction of survival and local control in laryngeal carcinoma patients treated with radiotherapy alone: A cohort
study based on 994 patients. Radiother Oncol 2011; 100: 108-115 (5 / 4.337)
Einarsdottir E, Bevova MR, Zhernakova A, Monsuur A, Koskinen LLE, van't Slot R, Mulder CJJ, Mearin ML, KorponaySzabo IR, Kaukinen K, Kurppa K, Kere J, Maki M, Wijmenga C, Saavalainen P. Multiple independent variants in 6q21-22
associated with susceptibility to celiac disease in the Dutch, Finnish and Hungarian populations. Eur J Hum Genet
2011; 19: 682-686 (4 / 4.380)
Elzinga EH, van der Laken J, Comans EFI, Boellaard R, Hoekstra OS, Dijkmans BAC, Lammertsma AA, Voskuyl AE.
(18)F-FDG PET as a Tool to Predict the Clinical Outcome of Infliximab Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis: An
Explorative Study. J Nucl Med 2011; 52: 77-80 (5 / 7.022)
Epping MT, Meijer LAT, Krijgsman O, Bos JL, Pandolfi PP, Bernards R. TSPYL5 suppresses p53 levels and function by
physical interaction with USP7. Nat Cell Biol 2011; 13: 102-108 (5 / 19.407)
Funel N, Giovannetti E, Pollina LE, Del Chiaro M, Mosca F, Boggi U, Campani D. Critical role of laser microdissection
for genetic, epigenetic and proteomic analyses in pancreatic cancer. Expert Rev Mol Diagn 2011; 11: 695-701 (5 /
Gast MC, Zapatka M, van Tinteren H, Bontenbal M, Span PN, Tjan-Heijnen VC, Knol JC, Jimenez CR, Schellens JH,
Beijnen JH. Postoperative serum proteomic profiles may predict recurrence-free survival in high-risk primary breast
cancer. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 2011; 137(12): 1773-1783 (2 / 2.485)
Godzinski J, van Tinteren H, de Kraker J, Graf N, Bergeron C, Heij HA, von Schweinitz D, Fuchs J, Cecchetto G, Audry
G, Gauthier F, Sandstedt B. Nephroblastoma: Does the Decrease in Tumor Volume Under Preoperative Chemotherapy
Predict the Lymph Nodes Status at Surgery?. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2011; 57: 1266-1269 (3 / 1.948)
Gorlova O, Martin JE, Rueda B, Koeleman BPC, Ying J, Teruel M, az-Gallo LM, Broen JC, Vonk MC, Simeon CP,
Alizadeh BZ, Coenen MJH, Voskuyl AE, Schuerwegh AJ, van Riel PLCM, Vanthuyne M, van't Slot R, Italiaander A,
Ophoff RA, Hunzelmann N, Fonollosa V, Ortego-Centeno N, Gonzalez-Gay MA, Garcia-Hernandez FJ, GonzalezEscribano MF, Airo P, van Laar J, Worthington J, Hesselstrand R, Smith V, de Keyser F, Houssiau F, Chee MM, Madhok
R, Shiels PG, Westhovens R, Kreuter A, de Baere E, Witte T, Padyukov L, Nordin A, Scorza R, Lunardi C, Lie BA,
Hoffmann-Vold AM, Palm O, de la Pena PG, Carreira P, Varga J, Hinchcliff M, Lee AT, Gourh P, Amos CI, Wigley FM,
Hummers LK, Hummers J, Nelson JL, Riemekasten G, Herrick A, Beretta L, Fonseca C, Denton CP, Gregersen PK,
Agarwal S, Assassi S, Tan FK, Arnett FC, Radstake TRDJ, Mayes MD, Martin J. Identification of Novel Genetic Markers
Associated with Clinical Phenotypes of Systemic Sclerosis through a Genome-Wide Association Strategy. PLoS Genet
2011; 7(7): e1002178 (5 / 9.543)
Graveland AP, Golusinski PJ, Buijze M, Douma R, Sons N, Kuik DJ, Bloemena E, Leemans CR, Brakenhoff RH, Braakhuis
BJM. Loss of heterozygosity at 9p and p53 immunopositivity in surgical margins predict local relapse in head and neck
squamous cell carcinoma. Int J Cancer 2011; 128: 1852-1859 (4 / 4.926)
Hanna GG, van Sornsen de Koste JR, Carson KJ, O'Sullivan JM, Hounsell AR, Senan S. Conventional 3D staging PET/CT
in CT simulation for lung cancer: impact of rigid and deformable target volume alignments for radiotherapy treatment
planning. Brit J Radiol 2011; 84: 919-929 (3 / 2.062)
Hensen EF, Bayley JP. Recent advances in the genetics of SDH-related paraganglioma and pheochromocytoma. Fam
Cancer 2011; 10: 355-363 (2 / 2.139)
Hensen EF, Siemers MD, Jansen JC, Corssmit EPM, Romijn JA, Tops CMJ, van der Mey AGL, Devilee P, Cornelisse CJ,
Bayley JP, Vriends AHJT. Mutations in SDHD are the major determinants of the clinical characteristics of Dutch head
and neck paraganglioma patients. Clin Endocrinol 2011; 75: 650-655 (3 / 3.323)
Heuveling DA, de Bree R, van Dongen GAMS. The potential role of non-FDG-PET in the management of head and neck
cancer. Oral Oncol 2011; 47: 2-7 (5 / 2.871)
Appendix 4: Scientific output
Heuveling DA, Visser GWM, des Baclayon M, Roos WH, Wuite GJL, Hoekstra OS, Leemans CR, de Bree R, van Dongen
GAMS. (89)Zr-Nanocolloidal Albumin-Based PET/CT Lymphoscintigraphy for Sentinel Node Detection in Head and Neck
Cancer: Preclinical Results. J Nucl Med 2011; 52: 1580-1584 (5 / 7.022)
Hollink IHIM, Heuvel-Eibrink M, Arentsen-Peters STCJ, Pratcorona M, Abbas S, Kuipers JE, van Galen JF, Beverloo HB,
Sonneveld E, Kaspers GJL, Trka J, Baruchel A, Zimmermann M, Creutzig U, Reinhardt D, Pieters R, Valk PJM, Zwaan
CM. NUP98/NSD1 characterizes a novel poor prognostic group in acute myeloid leukemia with a distinct HOX gene
expression pattern. Blood 2011; 118: 3645-3656 (5 / 10.558)
Hollink IHIM, Heuvel-Eibrink M, Arentsen-Peters STCJ, Zimmermann M, Peeters JK, Valk PJM, Balgobind BV, Sonneveld
E, Kaspers GJL, De Bont ESJM, Trka J, Baruchel A, Creutzig U, Pieters R, Reinhardt D, Zwaan CM. Characterization of
CEBPA mutations and promoter hypermethylation in pediatric acute myeloid leukemia. Haematol-Hematol J 2011; 96:
384-392 (4 / 6.532)
Klerkx WM, Geldof AA, Heintz AP, van Diest PJ, Visser F, Mali WP, Veldhuis WB. Longitudinal 3.0T MRI Analysis of
Changes in Lymph Node Volume and Apparent Diffusion Coefficient in an Experimental Animal Model of Metastatic
and Hyperplastic Lymph Nodes. J Magn Reson Imaging 2011; 33: 1151-1159 (3 / 2.747)
Knegjens JL, Hauptmann M, Pameijer FA, Balm AJ, Hoebers FJ, de Bois JA, Kaanders JH, van Herpen CM, Verhoef CG,
Wijers OB, Wiggenraad RG, Buter J, Rasch CR. Tumor Volume As Prognostic Factor in Chemoradiation for Advanced
Head and Neck Cancer. Head Neck-J Sci Spec 2011; 33: 375-382 (4 / 2.182)
Lende TH, Janssen EAM, Gudlaugsson E, Voorhorst FJ, Smaaland R, van Diest PJ, Soiland H, Baak JPA. In Patients
Younger Than Age 55 Years With Lymph Node-Negative Breast Cancer, Proliferation by Mitotic Activity Index Is
Prognostically Superior to Adjuvant!. J Clin Oncol 2011; 29: 852-858 (5 / 18.97)
Lindenbergh-van der Plas M, Brakenhoff RH, Kuik D, Buijze M, Bloemena E, Snijders P, Leemans CR, Braakhuis BJM.
Prognostic significance of truncating TP53 mutations in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Clin Cancer Res
2011; 17: 3733-3741 (5 / 7.338)
Lubberink JM, Herzog H. Quantitative imaging of (124)I and (86)Y with PET. Eur J Nucl Med Mol I 2011; 38: 10-18 (5 /
Mendes RA, Carvalho JFC, van der Waal I. Potential relevance of cyclooxygenase-2 expression in keratocystic
odontogenic tumours - an immunohistochemical study. J Oral Pathol Med 2011; 40: 497-503 (3 / 2.075)
Mendes RA, Carvalho JFC, van der Waal I. A comparative immunohistochemical analysis of COX-2, p53, and Ki-67
expression in keratocystic odontogenic tumors. Oral Surg Oral Med O 2011; 111: 333-339 (3 / 1.417)
Miossec P, Verweij CL, Klareskog L, Pitzalis C, Barton A, Lekkerkerker F, Reiter S, Laslop A, Breedveld F, Abadie E,
Flamion B, Dere W, Mpofu S, Goel N, Ethgen D, Mitlak B, OrmarsdAttir S, Rao R, Tsouderos Y, Reginster JY.
Biomarkers and personalised medicine in rheumatoid arthritis: a proposal for interactions between academia, industry
and regulatory bodies. Ann Rheum Dis 2011; 70: 1713-1718 (5 / 9.082)
Moorhouse MJ, Sharma HS. Recent Advances in i-Gene Tools and Analysis: Microarrays, Next Generation Sequencing
and Mass Spectrometry. Indian J Biochem Bio 2011; 48: 215-225 (1 / 0.824)
Mourik JEM, Lubberink JM, Lammertsma AA, Boellaard R. Image Derived Input Functions: Effects of Motion on Tracer
Kinetic Analyses. Mol Imaging Biol 2011; 13: 25-31 (4 / 3.139)
Nielsen HJ, Brunner N, Jorgensen LN, Olsen J, Rahr HB, Thygesen K, Hoyer U, Laurberg S, Stieber P, Blankenstein MA,
Davis G, Dowell BL, Christensen IJ. Plasma TIMP-1 and CEA in detection of primary colorectal cancer: a prospective,
population based study of 4509 high-risk individuals. Scand J Gastroentero 2011; 46: 60-69 (2 / 1.966)
Niers JM, Chen JW, Weissleder R, Tannous BA. Enhanced in Vivo Imaging of Metabolically Biotinylated Cell Surface
Reporters. Anal Chem 2011; 83: 994-999 (5 / 5.874)
Niers JM, Kerami M, Pike L, Lewandrowski G, Tannous BA. Multimodal In Vivo Imaging and Blood Monitoring of
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Apoptosis. Mol Ther 2011; 19: 1090-1096 (5 / 7.149)
Nijhuis RHT, van Zwet AA, Savelkoul PHM, Roovers EA, Bosboom RW, Postma B, van Griethuysen AJ. Distribution of
extended-spectrum beta-lactamase genes using a commercial DNA micro-array system. J Hosp Infect 2011; 79: 349353 (3 / 3.078)
Obulkasim A, Meijer GA, van de Wiel MA. Stepwise classification of cancer samples using clinical and molecular data.
BMC Bioinformatics 2011; 12: art.nr. 422 (4 / 3.028)
Omloo JMT, van Heijl M, Hoekstra OS, Henegouwen MIV, van Lanschot JJB, Sloof GW. FDG-PET Parameters as
Prognostic Factor in Esophageal Cancer Patients: A Review. Ann Surg Oncol 2011; 18: 3338-3352 (5 / 4.182)
Rood IGH, Pettersson A, Savelkoul PHM, de Korte D. Performance and suitability of polymerase chain reaction for
early detection of bacteria in platelet concentrates. Transfusion 2011; 51: 2006-2011 (3 / 3.3)
Senft A, de Bree R, Golding RP, Comans EFI, van Waesberghe JHTM, Kuik DJ, Hoekstra OS, Leemans CR. Interobserver
Variability in Chest CT and Whole Body FDG-PET Screening for Distant Metastases in Head and Neck Cancer Patients.
Mol Imaging Biol 2011; 13: 385-390 (4 / 3.139)
Stamp LK, Khanna PP, Dalbeth N, Boers M, Maksymowych WP, Schumacher HR, Becker MA, MacDonald PA, Edwards
NL, Singh JA, Simon LS, McQueen FM, Neogi T, Gaffo AL, Strand V, Taylor WJ. Serum Urate in Chronic Gout - Will It Be
the First Validated Soluble Biomarker in Rheumatology?. J Rheumatol 2011; 38: 1462-1466 (3 / 3.551)
Szperl AM, Ricano-Ponce I, Li JK, Deelen P, Kanterakis A, Plagnol V, Dijk F, Westra HJ, Trynka G, Mulder CJJ, Swertz
M, Wijmenga C, Zheng HC. Exome sequencing in a family segregating for celiac disease. Clin Genet 2011; 80: 138-147
(3 / 2.942)
Teunissen CE, Koel-Simmelink MJA, Pham TV, Knol JC, Khalil M, Trentini A, Killestein J, Nielsen J, Vrenken H,
Popescu V, Dijkstra CD, Jimenez CR. Identification of biomarkers for diagnosis and progression of MS by MALDI-TOF
mass spectrometry. Mult Scler 2011; 17: 838-850 (4 / 4.23)
Trynka G, Hunt KA, Bockett NA, Romanos J, Mistry V, Szperl A, Bakker SF, Bardella MT, Bhaw-Rosun L, Castillejo G,
de la Concha EG, de Almeida RC, Dias KRM, van Diemen CC, Dubois PCA, Duerr RH, Edkins S, Franke L, Fransen K,
Gutierrez J, Heap GAR, Hrdlickova B, Hunt S, Izurieta LP, Izzo V, Joosten LAB, Langford C, Mazzilli MC, Mein CA,
Midah V, Mitrovic M, Mora B, Morelli M, Nutland S, Nunez C, Onengut-Gumuscu S, Pearce K, Platteel M, Polanco I,
Potter S, Ribes-Koninckx C, Ricano-Ponce I, Rich SS, Rybak A, Santiago JL, Senapati S, Sood A, Szajewska H, Troncone
R, Varade J, Wallace C, Wolters VM, Zhernakova A, Thelma BK, Cukrowska B, Urcelay E, Bilbao JR, Mearin ML,
Barisani D, Barrett JC, Plagnol V, Deloukas P, Wijmenga C, van Heel DA. Dense genotyping identifies and localizes
multiple common and rare variant association signals in celiac disease. Nat Genet 2011; 43: 1193-1U45 (5 / 36.377)
Appendix 4: Scientific output
van der Pas MHGM, Meijer S, Hoekstra OS, Riphagen I, de Vet HCW, Knol DL, van Grieken NCT, Meijerink WJHJ.
Sentinel-lymph-node procedure in colon and rectal cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Oncol
2011; 12: 540-550 (5 / 17.764)
van der Ploeg APT, van Akkooi ACJ, Rutkowski P, Nowecki ZI, Michej W, Mitra A, Newton-Bishop JA, Cook M, van der
Ploeg IMC, Nieweg OE, van den Hout MFCM, van Leeuwen PAM, Voit CA, Cataldo F, Testori A, Robert C, Hoekstra HJ,
Verhoef C, Spatz A, Eggermont AMM. Prognosis in Patients With Sentinel Node-Positive Melanoma Is Accurately
Defined by the Combined Rotterdam Tumor Load and Dewar Topography Criteria. J Clin Oncol 2011; 29: 2206-2214 (5
/ 18.97)
van der Veldt AAM, Eechoute K, Gelderblom H, Gietema J, Guchelaar HJ, van Erp NP, van den Eertwegh AJM, Haanen
JB, Mathijssen RHJ, Wessels JAM. Genetic Polymorphisms Associated with a Prolonged Progression-Free Survival in
Patients with Metastatic Renal Cell Cancer Treated with Sunitinib. Clin Cancer Res 2011; 17: 620-629 (5 / 7.338)
van der Veldt AAM, Lubberink JM, Greuter HN, Comans EFI, Herder GJM, Yaqub MM, Schuit RC, van Lingen A, Rizvi
SNF, Mooijer MPJ, Rijnders AY, Windhorst AD, Smit EF, Hendrikse NH, Lammertsma AA. Absolute Quantification of
[(11)C]docetaxel Kinetics in Lung Cancer Patients Using Positron Emission Tomography. Clin Cancer Res 2011; 17:
4814-4824 (5 / 7.338)
van der Veldt AAM, Lubberink JM, Lammertsma AA, Smit EF. Comment on Cho et al.: Usefulness of FDG PET/CT in
determining benign from malignant endobronchial obstruction. Eur Radiol 2011; 21: 2148-2149 (4 / 3.594)
van Heijl M, Omloo JM, Henegouwen MIV, Hoekstra OS, Boellaard R, Bossuyt PM, Busch OR, Tilanus HW, Hulshof MC,
van der Gaast A, Nieuwenhuijzen GA, Bonenkamp HJ, Plukker JT, Cuesta MA, ten Kate FJ, Pruim J, van Dekken H,
Bergman JJ, Sloof GW, van Lanschot JJ. Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography for Evaluating Early
Response During Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy in Patients With Potentially Curable Esophageal Cancer. Ann Surg
2011; 253: 56-63 (5 / 7.474)
Van Houdt W, Emmink B, Pham TV, Piersma S, Verheem A, de Vries R de, Fratantoni S, Pronk A, Clevers H, Rinkes BI,
Jimenez CR, Kranenburg O. Comparative Proteomics of Colon Cancer Stem Cells and Differentiated Tumor Cells
Identifies BIRC6 as a Potential Therapeutic Target. Mol Cell Prot 2011; 10(12): (5 / 8.354)
van Velden FHP, Cheebsumon P, Yaqub MM, Smit EF, Hoekstra OS, Lammertsma AA, Boellaard R. Evaluation of a
cumulative SUV-volume histogram method for parameterizing heterogeneous intratumoural FDG uptake in non-small
cell lung cancer PET studies. Eur J Nucl Med Mol I 2011; 38: 1636-1647 (5 / 5.036)
van Wieringen WN, van der Vaart AW. Statistical analysis of the cancer cell's molecular entropy using high-throughput
data. Bioinformatics 2011; 27: 556-563 (5 / 4.877)
Vosjan MJWD, Perk LR, Roovers RC, Visser GWM, Stigter-van Walsum M, Henegouwen PMPV, van Dongen GAMS. Facile
labelling of an anti-epidermal growth factor receptor Nanobody with (68)Ga via a novel bifunctional desferal chelate
for immuno-PET. Eur J Nucl Med Mol I 2011; 38: 753-763 (5 / 5.036)
Vosslamber S, Raterman HG, Pouw Kraan T, Schreurs MWJ, von Blomberg BM, Nurmohamed MT, Lems WF, Dijkmans
BA, Voskuyl AE, Verweij CL. Pharmacological induction of interferon type I activity following treatment with
rituximab determines clinical response in rheumatoid arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis 2011; 70: 1153-1159 (5 / 9.082)
Vosslamber S, van der Voort LF, van den Elskamp IJ, Heijmans R, Aubin C, Uitdehaag BMJ, Crusius JBA, Pouwkraan
TCTM, Comabella M, Montalban X, Hafler DA, Jager PL, Killestein J, Polman CH, Verweij CL. Interferon regulatory
factor 5 gene variants and pharmacological and clinical outcome of Interferon beta therapy in multiple sclerosis.
Genes Immun 2011; 12: 466-472 (4 / 4.367)
Vugts DJ, Vervoort A, Stigter-van Walsum M, Visser GWM, Robillard MS, Versteegen RM, Vulders RCM, Herscheid JDM,
van Dongen GAMS. Synthesis of Phosphine and Antibody-Azide Probes for in Vivo Staudinger Ligation in a Pretargeted
Imaging and Therapy Approach. Bioconjugate Chem 2011; 22: 2072-2081 (4 / 5.002)
Waanders E, van der Velden VHJ, van der Schoot CE, van Leeuwen FN, van Reijmersdal SV, de Haas V, Veerman AJP,
van Kessel AG, Hoogerbrugge PM, Kuiper RP, van Dongen JJM. Integrated use of minimal residual disease classification
and IKZF1 alteration status accurately predicts 79% of relapses in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Leukemia
2011; 25: 254-258 (5 / 8.966)
Wentink MQ, Rakers M, Stupart DA, Algar U, Ramesar RS, Goldberg PA. Incidence and histological features of
colorectal cancer in the Northern Cape province, South Africa. S Afr J Surg 2011; 48: 109-113 (1 / 0.233)
Zander T, Scheffler M, Nogova L, Kobe C, Engel-Riedel W, Hellmich M, Papachristou I, Toepelt K, Draube A, Heukamp
L, Buettner R, Ko YD, Ullrich RT, Smit EF, Boellaard R, Lammertsma AA, Hallek M, Jacobs AH, Schlesinger A, Schulte
K, Querings S, Stoelben E, Neumaier B, Thomas RK, Dietlein M, Wolf J. Early Prediction of Nonprogression in Advanced
Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Treated With Erlotinib By Using [(18)F]Fluorodeoxyglucose and [(18)F]Fluorothymidine
Positron Emission Tomography. J Clin Oncol 2011; 29: 1701-1708 (5 / 18.97)
Scientific papers non-refereed
Boellaard R. Methodological aspects of multicenter studies with quantitative PET. Methods Mol Biol 2011; 727: 335349.
Cohen R, Stammes MA, de Roos IHC, Stigter-van Walsum M, Visser GWM, van Dongen GAMS. Inert coupling of
IRDye800CW to monoclonal antibodies for clinical optical imaging of tumor targets. EJNMMI research 2011; 1: 31.
Knol JC, Jimenez CR. MALDI-TOF serum profiling using semiautomated serum peptide capture with magnetic reversed
phase (C18) beads. Methods Mol Biol 2011; 790: 3-16.
Peña AS. Short- and long-term complications after restorative proctocolectomy with ileal pouch-anal anastomosis.
Annals of Gastroenterology 2011;24:161-163.
Smits M, Nilsson RJA, Mir SE, van der Stoop PM, Hulleman E, Niers JM, Verselewel de Witt Hamer PC, Marquez VE,
Cloos J, Krichevsky AM, Noske DP, Tannous BA, Wurdinger T. miR-101 is down-regulated in glioblastoma resulting in
EZH2-induced proliferation, migration, and angiogenesis. Oncotarget 2011; 1: 710-721.
Snaebjornsson P, Vos CG, Hartemink KJ, Lely RJ, Samii SM, Grunberg K, Paul MA. Fatal hemothorax caused by
pseudomesotheliomatous carcinoma of the lung. Pathol Res Internat 2011; 2011: 836054.
Verweij CL, Vosslamber S. New insight in the mechanism of action of rituximab: the interferon signature towards
personalized medicine. Discov Med 2011; 12: 229-236.
Verweij CL, Vosslamber S. Combining DNA-microarray data in systemic lupus erythematosus. Genome Medicine 2011;
3: 30.
Appendix 4: Scientific output
Wesseling P, Kros JM, Jeuken JWM. The pathological diagnosis of diffuse gliomas: Towards a smart synthesis of
microscopic and molecular information in a multidisciplinary context. Diagnostic Histopathology 2011; 17: 486-494.
Scientific publications (books, book chapters, proceedings)
Karimi O and Peña AS. Probiotics in Clinical Practice as Therapeutics against Enteric Disorders. Chapter 15. In: Book
"Probiotic Bacteria and Enteric Infections. Cytoprotection by probiotics". JJ Malago, JFJG Koninkx and R MarinsekLogar Editors. Publisher Springer-Science + Business Media B.V. 2011; 355-373.
Professional publications
Carp L, van den Wijngaard C, Van Laer C, van den Wijngaart T, de Bree R, Hoekstra OS, Martens M, Spaepen KSS.
Evaluatie van cervical lymfeklieren met PET-scan: ECLYPS. Ned Tijdschr Oncol 2011; 121: 184-194.
van Dongen GAMS. Radioactieve labeling van monoklonale antilichamen en de mogelijkheden van nucleaire
beeldvorming. Angiogenese Journaal 2011; 1: 13-15.
Belt EJT. Prognostic Tumor Profiling in Colorectal Cancer. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 12/9/2011. (Co-)promotores:
GA Meijer, HBAC Stockmann, H. Bril, JAM Beliën (cat A)
Brosens RPM. Tumor and patient profiling to predict clinical outcome in patients with colorectal cancer. Vrije
Universiteit Amsterdam, 5/27/2011. (Co-)promotores: GA Meijer, MA Cuesta, AF Engel, B Ylstra (cat A)
Mauritz R. Determinants of antifolate and 5-fluorouracil efficacy. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2/10/2011. (Co)promotores: GJ Peters, HM Pinedo, G Jansen (cat A)
Moshaver B. Identification and characterization of acute myeloid leukemia stem cells. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam,
1/19/2011. (Co-)promotores: GJ Ossenkoppele, GJ Schuurhuis, S Zweegman(cat B)
Niers JM. Novel biosensors for preclinical brain tumor analysis. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 10/5/2011. (Co)promotores: WP Vandertop, T Würdinger, T Tanous, BA Noske (cat B)
Rood IGH. Detection and origin of bacteria in platelet concentrates. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 4/7/2011. (Co)promotores: PHM Savelkoul, D de Korte, AM Pettersson(cat A)
Ursum J. Early arthritis: serology and sequelae. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 3/25/2011. (Co-)promotores: BAC
Dijmans, D van Schaardenburg (cat B)
Program 4: Innovative therapy
Scientific papers refereed
Adank MA, van Mil SE, Gille JJP, Waisfisz Q, Meijers-Heijboer EJ. PALB2 analysis in BRCA2-like families. Breast Cancer
Res Tr 2011; 127: 357-362 (4 / 4.859)
Ankersmit M, van der Pas MHGM, van Dam DA, Meijerink WJHJ. Near infrared fluorescence lymphatic laparoscopy of
the colon and mesocolon. Colorectal Dis 2011; 13: 70-73 (3 / 2.728)
Atai NA, Renkema-Mills NA, Bosman J, Schmidt N, Rijkeboer D, Tigchelaar W, Bosch KS, Troost D, Jonker A, Bleeker
FE, Miletic H, Bjerkvig R, de Witt Hamer PC, van Noorden CJF. Differential Activity of NADPH-Producing
Dehydrogenases Renders Rodents Unsuitable Models to Study IDH1(R132) Mutation Effects in Human Glioblastoma. J
Histochem Cytochem 2011; 59: 489-503 (2 / 2.381)
Baars JE, Kuipers EJ, Dijkstra G, Hommes DW, Jong DJ, Stokkers PCF, Oldenburg B, Pierik M, Wahab PJ, van
Bodegraven AA, van der Woude CJ. Malignant transformation of perianal and enterocutaneous fistulas is rare: results
of 17 years of follow-up from The Netherlands. Scand J Gastroentero 2011; 46: 319-325 (2 / 1.966)
Badr CE, Niers JM, Morse D, Koelen JA, Vandertop P, Noske DP, Wurdinger T, Zalloua PA, Tannous BA. Suicidal gene
therapy in an NF-kappa B-controlled tumor environment as monitored by a secreted blood reporter. Gene Ther 2011;
18: 445-451 (4 / 4.538)
Badr CE, Wurdinger T, Nilsson J, Niers JM, Whalen M, Degterev A, Tannous BA. Lanatoside C sensitizes glioblastoma
cells to tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand and induces an alternative cell death pathway. Neurooncology 2011; 13: 1213-1224 (5 / 5.483)
Badr CE, Wurdinger T, Tannous BA. Functional Drug Screening Assay Reveals Potential Glioma Therapeutics. Assay
Drug Dev Techn 2011; 9: 281-289 (3 / 2.700)
Bakema JE, van EM, Brooks P, Boers M, Simon LS, Strand V, Tugwell P, Idzerda L, Chi CC, Kirtschig G, Baldo M,
Brackenbury F, Lewis F, Wojnarowska F, Cobb BA, Rabinovich GA, van KY. Immunoglobulin A: A next generation of
therapeutic antibodies? T 10--International Consensus Conference on Outcome Measures in Rheumatology Clinical
Trials l interventions for genital lichen sclerosus of the union: glycobiology and immunology in the Canadian Rockies.
MABS 2011; 3: 352-361 (4 / 1.982)
Bakker OJ, van Santvoort HC, van Brunschot S, Ali UA, Besselink MG, Boermeester MA, Bollen TL, Bosscha K, Brink MA,
Dejong CH, van Geenen EM, van Goor H, Heisterkamp J, Houdijk AP, Jansen JM, Karsten TM, Manusama ER,
Nieuwenhuijs VB, van Ramshorst B, Schaapherder AF, van der Schelling GP, Spanier MBM, Tan A, Vecht J, Weusten BL,
Witteman BJ, Akkermans LM, Gooszen HG. Pancreatitis, very early compared with normal start of enteral feeding
(PYTHON trial): design and rationale of a randomised controlled multicenter trial. Trials 2011; 12: art.nr. 73 (3 /
Bartelds GM, Krieckaert CLM, Nurmohamed MT, van Schouwenburg PA, Lems WF, Twisk JW, Dijkmans BAC, Aarden L,
Wolbink GJ. Development of antidrug antibodies against adalimumab and association with disease activity and
treatment failure during long-term follow-up. JAMA-J Am Med Assoc 2011; 305: 1460-1468 (5 / 30.011)
Appendix 4: Scientific output
Barth RE, Vogely HC, Hoepelman AIM, Peters EJG. 'To bead or not to bead?' Treatment of osteomyelitis and prosthetic
joint-associated infections with gentamicin bead chains. Int J Antimicrob Ag 2011; 38: 371-375 (4 / 3.787)
Baven-Pronk AMC, Coenraad MJ, van Buuren HR, de Man RA, Erpecum KJ, Lamers MMH, Drenth JPH, van Berg AP,
Beuers UH, den Ouden J, Koek GH, van Nieuwkerk CMJ, Bouma G, Brouwer JT, van Hoek B. The role of
mycophenolate mofetil in the management of autoimmune hepatitis and overlap syndromes. Aliment Pharm Ther
2011; 34: 335-343 (4 / 3.861)
Baven-Pronk AMC, Coenraad MJ, van Buuren HR, de Man RA, Erpecum KJ, Lamers MMH, Drenth JPH, van Berg AP,
Beuers UH, den Ouden J, Koek GH, van Nieuwkerk CMJ, Bouma G, Brouwer JT, van Hoek B. Mycophenolate mofetil for
patients with autoimmune hepatitis and overlap syndromes: authors' reply. Aliment Pharm Ther 2011; 34: 684-685 (4
/ 3.861)
Becker R, van Dongen GAMS. EATRIS, a Vision for Translational Research in Europe. J Cardiovasc Transl 2011; 4: 231237 (1 / 0,495)
Belhawi SMK, Hoefnagels FWA, Baayen JC, Aliaga ES, Reijneveld JC, Heimans JJ, Barkhof F, Vandertop WP, Hamer
PCD. Early postoperative MRI overestimates residual tumour after resection of gliomas with no or minimal
enhancement. Eur Radiol 2011; 21: 1526-1534 (4 / 3.594)
Bergman AM, Adema AD, Balzarini J, Bruheim S, Fichtner I, Noordhuis P, Fodstad O, Myhren F, Sandvold ML, Hendriks
HR, Peters GJ. Antiproliferative activity, mechanism of action and oral antitumor activity of CP-4126, a fatty acid
derivative of gemcitabine, in in vitro and in vivo tumor models. Invest New Drug 2011; 29: 456-466 (3 / 3.007)
Biere SSAY, Maas KW, Cuesta MA, van der Peet DL. Cervical or Thoracic Anastomosis after Esophagectomy for Cancer:
A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Digest Surg 2011; 28: 29-35 (2 / 1.266)
Bierman WFW, van Vonderen MGA, Veldkamp AI, Burger DM, Danner SA, Reiss P, van Agtmael MA. The
lopinavir/ritonavir-associated rise in lipids is not related to lopinavir or ritonavir plasma concentration. Antiviral Ther
2011; 16: 647-655 (4 / 3.774)
Bijnsdorp IV, Capriotti F, Kruyt FAE, Losekoot N, Fukushima M, Griffioen AW, Thijssen VL, Peters GJ. Thymidine
phosphorylase in cancer cells stimulates human endothelial cell migration and invasion by the secretion of angiogenic
factors. Brit J Cancer 2011; 104: 1185-1192 (4 / 4.831)
Bijnsdorp IV, Peters GJ. Deoxyribose protects against rapamycin-induced cytotoxicity in colorectal cancer cells in
vitro. Nucleos Nucleot Nucl 2011; 30: 1197-1202 (1 / 1.132)
Bijnsdorp IV, Schwendener RA, Schott H, Fichtner I, Smid K, Laan AC, Schott S, Losekoot N, Honeywell RJ, Peters GJ.
Cellular pharmacology of multi- and duplex drugsconsisting of ethynylcytidine and 5-fluoro-2 '-deoxyuridine. Invest
New Drug 2011; 29: 248-257 (3 / 3.007)
Bliss JM, Coombes G, Darlison L, Edwards J, Entwisle J, Kilburn LS, Landau D, Lang-Lazdunski L, O'Brien M, O'Byrne K,
Peto J, Senan S, Snee M, Spicer J, Tan C, Thomas G, Treasure T, Waller D. The MARS feasibility trial: conclusions not
supported by data reply. Lancet Oncol 2011; 12: 1094-1095 (5 / 17.764)
Blufpand HN, Tromp J, Abbink FCH, Stoffel-Wagner B, Bouman AA, Meeteren AYN, van Wijk JAE, Kaspers GJL,
Bokenkamp A. Cystatin C More Accurately Detects Mildly Impaired Renal Function Than Creatinine in Children
Receiving Treatment for Malignancy. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2011; 57: 262-267 (3 / 1.948)
Bode LGM, Wertheim HFL, Kluijtmans JAJW, Bogaers-Hofman D, Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE, Roosendaal R, Troelstra
A, Box ATA, Voss A, van Belkum A, Verbrugh HA, Vos MC. Sustained low prevalence of meticillin-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus upon admission to hospital in The Netherlands. J Hosp Infect 2011; 79: 198-201 (3 / 3.078)
Bodner L, Manor E, Shear M, van der Waal I. Primary intraosseous squamous cell carcinoma arising in an odontogenic
cyst - a clinicopathologic analysis of 116 reported cases. J Oral Pathol Med 2011; 40: 733-738 (3 / 2.075)
Boers M. RAID: a valid tool to quantify the impact of rheumatoid arthritis. But what impact will it have on the core
set for trials?. Ann Rheum Dis 2011; 70: 884-885 (5 / 9.082)
Boers M. Syk Kinase Inhibitors for Rheumatoid Arthritis: Trials and Tribulations. Arth Rheum/Ar C Res 2011; 63: 329330 (5 / 8.435)
Boers M. The COBRA trial 20 years later. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2011; 29: S46-S51 (2 / 2.358)
Bongers EM, Haasbeek CJA, Lagerwaard FJ, Slotman BJ, Senan S. Incidence and Risk Factors for Chest Wall Toxicity
After Risk-Adapted Stereotactic Radiotherapy for Early-Stage Lung Cancer. J Thorac Oncol 2011; 6: 2052-2057 (4 /
Bossini-Castillo L, Broen JCA, Simeon CP, Beretta L, Vonk MC, Ortego-Centeno N, Espinosa G, Carreira P, Camps MT,
Navarrete N, Gonzalez-Escribano MF, Vicente-Rabaneda E, Rodriguez L, Tolosa C, Roman-Ivorra JA, Gomez-Gracia I,
Garcia-Hernandez FJ, Castellvi I, Gallego M, Fernandez-Nebro A, Garcia-Portales R, Egurbide MV, Fonollosa V, de la
Pena PG, Pros A, Gonzalez-Gay MA, Hesselstrand R, Riemekasten G, Witte T, Coenen MJH, Koeleman BP, Houssiau F,
Smith V, de Keyser F, Westhovens R, De Langhe E, Voskuyl AE, Schuerwegh AJ, Chee MM, Madhok R, Shiels P, Fonseca
C, Denton C, Claes K, Padykov L, Nordin A, Palm O, Lie BA, Airo P, Scorza R, van Laar JM, Hunzelmann N, Kreuter A,
Herrick A, Worthington J, Radstake TRDJ, Martin J, Rueda B. A replication study confirms the association of TNFSF4
(OX40L) polymorphisms with systemic sclerosis in a large European cohort. Ann Rheum Dis 2011; 70: 638-641 (5 /
Bossini-Castillo L, Simeon CP, Beretta L, Vonk MC, Callejas-Rubio JL, Espinosa G, Carreira P, Camps MT, RodriguezRodriguez L, Rodriguez-Carballeira M, Garcia-Hernandez FJ, Lopez-Longo FJ, Hernandez-Hernandez V, Saez-Comet L,
Egurbide MV, Hesselstrand R, Nordin A, Hoffmann-Vold AM, Vanthuyne M, Smith V, De Langhe E, Kreuter A,
Riemekasten G, Witte T, Hunzelmann N, Voskuyl AE, Schuerwegh AJ, Lunardi C, Airo P, Scorza R, Shiels P, van Laar
JAM, Fonseca C, Denton C, Herrick A, Worthington J, Koeleman BP, Rueda B, Radstake TRDJ, Martin J. Confirmation
of association of the macrophage migration inhibitory factor gene with systemic sclerosis in a large European
population. Rheumatology 2011; 50: 1976-1981 (3 / 4.171)
Brakenhoff RH. Another NOTCH for Cancer. Science 2011; 333: 1102-1103 (5 / 31.364)
Bralten LBC, Kloosterhof NK, Balvers R, Sacchetti A, Lapre L, Lamfers M, Leenstra S, de Jonge H, Kros JM, Jansen
EEW, Struijs EA, Jakobs CAJM, Salomons GS, Diks SH, Peppelenbosch M, Kremer A, Hoogenraad CC, Smitt PAES,
French PJ. IDH1 R132H Decreases Proliferation of Glioma Cell Lines In Vitro and In Vivo. Ann Neurol 2011; 69: 455-463
(5 / 10.746)
Britsemmer K, Ursum J, Gerritsen M, van Tuyl L, van Schaardenburg D. Validation of the 2010 ACR/EULAR
classification criteria for rheumatoid arthritis: slight improvement over the 1987 ACR criteria. Ann Rheum Dis 2011;
70: 1468-1470 (5 / 9.082)
Appendix 4: Scientific output
Brokx HAP, Sutedja GT. Cutting Edge without Cutting Corners: Bronchoscopic Treatment for Bronchial Carcinoids.
Respiration 2011; 81: 285-286 (3 / 2.543)
Brooks P, Boers M, Simon LS, Strand V, Tugwell P, Idzerda L, Chi CC, Kirtschig G, Baldo M, Brackenbury F, Lewis F,
Wojnarowska F, Cobb BA, Rabinovich GA, van KY. OMERACT 10--International Consensus Conference on Outcome
Measures in Rheumatology Clinical Trials l interventions for genital lichen sclerosus of the union: glycobiology and
immunology in the Canadian Rockies. J Rheumatol 2011; 38: 1450-1451 (3 / 3.551)
Buis DR, Mandl ES. Roald Dahl's contribution to neurosurgery: the Wade-Dahl-Till shunt. ACTA Neurochir 2011; 153:
429-430 (3 / 1.329)
Buis DR, van den Berg R, Lagerwaard FJ, Vandertop WP. Brain arteriovenous malformations: from diagnosis to
treatment. J Neurosurg Sci 2011; 55: 39-56 (1 / 0,64)
Carmona FD, Simeon CP, Beretta L, Carreira P, Vonk MC, Rios-Fernandez R, Espinosa G, Navarrete N, VicenteRabaneda E, Rodriguez-Rodriguez L, Tolosa C, Garcia-Hernandez FJ, Castellvi I, Egurbide MV, Fonollosa V, GonzalezGay MA, Rodriguez-Carballeira M, Saez-Comet L, Hesselstrand R, Riemekasten G, Witte T, Voskuyl AE, Schuerwegh AJ,
Madhok R, Shiels P, Fonseca C, Denton C, Nordin A, Palm O, Hoffmann-Vold AM, Airo P, Scorza R, Lunardi C, van Laar
JM, Hunzelmann N, Kreuter A, Herrick A, Worthington J, Koeleman BPC, Radstake TRDJ, Martin J. Association of a
non-synonymous functional variant of the ITGAM gene with systemic sclerosis. Ann Rheum Dis 2011; 70: 2050-2052 (5
/ 9.082)
Chamuleau MED, Ossenkoppele GJ, van Rhenen A, van Dreunen L, Jirka SMG, Zevenbergen A, Schuurhuis GJ, van de
Loosdrecht AA. High TRAIL-R3 expression on leukemic blasts is associated with poor outcome and induces apoptosisresistance which can be overcome by targeting TRAIL-R2. Leukemia Res 2011; 35: 741-749 (3 / 2.555)
Chantada G, Leal-Leal C, Brisse H, de Graaf P, Sitorus RS, Qaddoumi I, de Antoneli CB, Tacyildiz N, Fineman SL,
Lumbroso L, Doz F. Is it pre-enucleation chemotherapy or delayed enucleation of severely involved eyes with
intraocular retinoblastoma that risks extraocular dissemination and death?. J Clin Oncol 2011; 29: 3333-3334 (5 /
Cheebsumon P, Velasquez LM, Hoekstra CJ, Hayes W, Kloet RW, Hoetjes NJ, Smit EF, Hoekstra OS, Lammertsma AA,
Boellaard R. Measuring response to therapy using FDG PET: semi-quantitative and full kinetic analysis. Eur J Nucl Med
Mol I 2011; 38: 832-842 (5 / 5.036)
Chi CC, Kirtschig G, Aberer W, Gabbud JP, Lipozencic J, Karpati S, Haustein UF, Zuberbier T, Wojnarowska F.
Evidence-based (S3) guideline on topical corticosteroids in pregnancy. Brit J Dermatol 2011; 165: 943-952 (5 / 4.351)
Chi CC, Kirtschig G, Baldo M, Brackenbury F, Lewis F, Wojnarowska F. Topical interventions for genital lichen
sclerosus. Cochrane DB Syst Rev 2011; 12: CD008240 (5 / 6.186)
Chi CC, Kirtschig G, Wojnarowska FT. Systematic review of topical interventions for genital lichen sclerosus. Brit J
Dermatol 2011; 165: 39-40 (5 / 4.351)
Cornet AD, vogel JJ, Karagozoglu KH, Thijs A. Cervical lump? The clue is in the hotspot. Lancet 2011; 378: 1438 (5 /
Coskun HH, Ferlito A, Medina JE, Robbins KT, Rodrigo JP, Strojan P, Suarez C, Takes RP, Woolgar JA, Shaha AR, de
Bree R, Rinaldo A, Silver CE. Retropharyngeal Lymph Node Metastases in Head and Neck Malignancies. Head Neck-J
Sci Spec 2011; 33: 1520-1529 (4 / 2.182)
Cutler JA, Wells DA, van de Loosdrecht AA, de Baca ME, Kalnoski MH, Zehentner BK, Eidenschink L, Ghirardelli KM,
Biggerstaff JS, Loken MR. Phenotypic Abnormalities Strongly Reflect Genotype in Patients with Unexplained
Cytopenias. Cytom Part B-Clin CY 2011; 80B: 150-157 (3 / 1.960)
da Silva SD, Ferlito A, Takes RP, Brakenhoff RH, Valentin MD, Woolgar JA, Bradford CR, Rodrigo JP, Rinaldo A, Hier
MP, Kowalski LP. Advances and applications of oral cancer basic research. Oral Oncol 2011; 47: 783-791 (5 / 2.871)
Dahele MR, Fehlings MG, Sahgal A. Stereotactic Radiotherapy: An Emerging Treatment for Spinal Metastases. Can J
Neurol Sci 2011; 38: 247-250 (2 / 1.179)
Dahele MR, Palma DA, Lagerwaard FJ, Slotman BJ, Senan S. Radiological Changes After Stereotactic Radiotherapy for
Stage I Lung Cancer. J Thorac Oncol 2011; 6: 1221-1228 (4 / 4.04)
Dahele MR, Zindler JD, Sanchez E, Verbakel WFAR, Kuijer JPA, Slotman BJ, Senan S. Imaging for Stereotactic Spine
Radiotherapy: Clinical Considerations. Int J Radiat Oncol 2011; 81: 321-330 (5 / 4.503)
de Betue CT, van Waardenburg DA, Deutz NE, van Eijk HM, van Goudoever JB, Luiking YC, Zimmermann LJ, Joosten
KF. Increased protein-energy intake promotes anabolism in critically ill infants with viral bronchiolitis: a double-blind
randomised controlled trial. Arch Dis Child 2011; 96: 817-822 (4 / 2.616)
de Bie CI, Hummel TZ, Kinderman A, Kokke FTM, Damen GM, Kneepkens CMF, van Rheenen PF, Schweizer JJ,
Hoekstra JH, Norbruis OF, Tjon AT, Vreugdenhil AC, Deckers-Kocken JM, Gijsbers CFM, Escher JC, de Ridder L. The
duration of effect of infliximab maintenance treatment in paediatric Crohn's disease is limited. Aliment Pharm Ther
2011; 33: 243-250 (4 / 3.861)
de Boer KHN, Kuyvenhoven JP. Eruptive Benign Melanocytic Naevi During Immunosuppressive Therapy in a Crohn's
Disease Patient. Inflamm Bowel Dis 2011; 17: E26 (4 / 4.613)
de Bree R, Leemans CR, Silver CE, Robbins KT, Rodrigo JP, Rinaldo A, Takes RP, Shaha AR, Medina JE, Suarez C,
Ferlito A. Paratracheal Lymph Node Dissection in Cancer of the Larynx, Hypopharynx, and Cervical Esophagus: the
Need for Guidelines. Head Neck-J Sci Spec 2011; 33: 912-916 (4 / 2.182)
de Korte N, Klarenbeek BR, Kuyvenhoven JP, Roumen RMH, Cuesta MA, Stockmann HBAC. Management of
diverticulitis: results of a survey among gastroenterologists and surgeons. Colorectal Dis 2011; 13: E411-E417 (3 /
de Leest HTJI, Steen KSS, Lems WF, van de Laar MAFJ, Huisman AM, Kadir SW, Houben HHML, Kostense PJ, Kuipers
EJ, Dijkmans BAC, Debets-Ossenkopp YJ. Efficacy of serology driven "test and treat strategy" for eradication of H.
pylori in patients with rheumatic disease in the Netherlands. Eur J Clin Microbiol 2011; 30: 903-908 (3 / 2.631)
de Leeuw DC, van den Ancker W, Westers TM, Loonen AH, Bhola SL, Ossenkoppele GJ, van de Loosdrecht AA.
Challenging diagnosis in a patient with clear lymphoid immunohistochemical features and myeloid morphology: Mixed
phenotype acute leukemia with erythrophagocytosis. Leukemia Res 2011; 35: 693-696 (3 / 2.555)
De Smet AMGA, Kluijtmans JAJW, Blok HEM, Mascini EM, Benus RFJ, Bernards AT, Kuijper EJ, Leverstein-van Hall MA,
Jansz AR, de Jongh BM, van Asselt GJ, Frenay IHME, Thijsen SFT, Conijn SNM, Kaan JA, Arends JP, Sturm PDJ,
Bootsma MCJ, Bonten MJM. Selective digestive tract decontamination and selective oropharyngeal decontamination
and antibiotic resistance in patients in intensive-care units: an open-label, clustered group-randomised, crossover
study. Lancet Infect Dis 2011; 11: 372-380 (5 / 16.144)
Appendix 4: Scientific output
de Wee EM, Knol HM, Mauser-Bunschoten EP, van der Bom JG, Eikenboom JCJ, Fijnvandraat K, de Goede-Bolder A,
Laros-van Gorkom B, Ypma PF, Zweegman S, Meijer K, Leebeek FWG. Gynaecological and obstetric bleeding in
moderate and severe von Willebrand disease. Thromb Haemostasis 2011; 106: 885-892 (4 / 4.701)
de Wit MPT, Berlo SE, Aanerud GJ, Aletaha D, Bijlsma JW, Croucher L, Da Silva JAP, Glusing B, Gossec L, Hewlett S,
Jongkees M, Magnusson D, Scholte-Voshaar M, Richards P, Ziegler C, Abma TA. European League Against Rheumatism
recommendations for the inclusion of patient representatives in scientific projects. Ann Rheum Dis 2011; 70: 722-726
(5 / 9.082)
de Wit MPT, Smolen JS, Gossec L, van der Heijde DMFM. Treating rheumatoid arthritis to target: the patient version
of the international recommendations. Ann Rheum Dis 2011; 70: 891-895 (5 / 9.082)
den Uyl D, Bultink IEM, Lems WF. Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2011; 29: S93-S98 (2 /
Dimopoulos MA, Palumbo A, Attal M, Beksac M, Davies FE, Delforge M, Einsele H, Hajek R, Harousseau JL, Da Costa
FL, Ludwig H, Mellqvist UH, Morgan GJ, San-Miguel JF, Zweegman S, Sonneveld P. Optimizing the use of lenalidomide
in relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma: consensus statement. Leukemia 2011; 25: 749-760 (5 / 8.966)
Direskeneli H, Aydin SZ, Kermani TA, Matteson EL, Boers M, Herlyn K, Luqmani RA, Neogi T, Seo P, Suppiah R,
Tomasson G, Merkel PA. Development of Outcome Measures for Large-vessel Vasculitis for Use in Clinical Trials:
Opportunities, Challenges, and Research Agenda. J Rheumatol 2011; 38: 1471-1479 (3 / 3.551)
Doornaert P, Verbakel WFAR, Rietveld DHF, Slotman BJ, Senan S. Sparing the contralateral submandibular gland
without compromising PTV coverage by using volumetric modulated arc therapy. Radiation Oncology 2011; 6: 74 (3 /
Doornaert PAH, Verbakel WFAR, Bieker M, Slotman BJ, Senan S. Rapidarc Planning and Delivery in Patients with
Locally Advanced Head-And-Neck Cancer Undergoing Chemoradiotherapy. Int J Radiat Oncol 2011; 79: 429-435 (5 /
Ebrahimi M, Nylander K, van der Waal I. Oral lichen planus and the p53 family: what do we know?. J Oral Pathol Med
2011; 40: 281-285 (3 / 2.075)
Eekman DA, Vis M, Bultink IEM, Kuik DJ, Voskuyl AE, Dijkmans BAC, Lems WF. Stable bone mineral density in lumbar
spine and hip in contrast to bone loss in the hands during long-term treatment with infliximab in patients with
rheumatoid arthritiss. Ann Rheum Dis 2011; 70: 389-390 (5 / 9.082)
Emmink BL, Van Houdt WJ, Vries RG, Hoogwater FJH, Govaert KM, Verheem A, Nijkamp MW, Steller EJA, Jimenez CR,
Clevers H, Rinkes IHMB, Kranenburg O. Differentiated Human Colorectal Cancer Cells Protect Tumor-Initiating Cells
From Irinotecan. Gastroenterology 2011; 141: 269-278 (5 / 12.032)
Escherich G, Troger A, Gobel U, Graubner U, Pekrun A, Jorch N, Kaspers GJL, Zimmermann M, Stadt UZ, Kazemier K,
Pieters R, den Boer ML, Horstmann M, Janka GE. The long-term impact of in vitro drug sensitivity on risk stratification
and treatment outcome in acute lymphoblastic leukemia of childhood (CoALL 06-97). Haematol-Hematol J 2011; 96:
854-862 (4 / 6.532)
Escorpizo R, Boers M, Stucki G, Boonen A. Examining the Similarities and Differences of OMERACT Core Sets Using the
ICF: First Step Towards an Improved Domain Specification and Development of an Item Pool to Measure Functioning
and Health. J Rheumatol 2011; 38: 1739-1744 (3 / 3.551)
Felson D, Smolen JS, Boers M. A suggestion and the larger perspective on the American College of
Rheumatology/European League Against Rheumatism remission definitions: comment on the article by Felson et al
Reply. Arth Rheum/Ar C Res 2011; 63: 3644 (5 / 8.435)
Felson DT, Smolen JS, Wells G, Zhang B, van Tuyl HD, Funovits J, Aletaha D, Allaart CF, Bathon J, Bombardieri S,
Brooks P, Brown A, Matucci-Cerinic M, Choi H, Combe B, de Wit M, Dougados M, Emery P, Furst D, Gomez-Reino J,
Hawker G, Keystone E, Khanna D, Kirwan J, Kvien TK, Landewe R, Listing J, Michaud K, Martin-Mola E, Montie P,
Pincus T, Richards P, Siegel JN, Simon LS, Sokka T, Strand V, Tugwell P, Tyndall A, van der Heijde D, Verstappen S,
White B, Wolfe F, Zink A, Boers M. American College of Rheumatology/European League Against Rheumatism
Provisional Definition of Remission in Rheumatoid Arthritis for Clinical Trials. Arth Rheum/Ar C Res 2011; 63: 573-586
(5 / 8.435)
Ferlito A, Robbins KT, Shah JP, Medina JE, Silver CE, Al-Tamimi S, Fagan JJ, Paleri V, Takes RP, Bradford CR, Devaney
KO, Stoeckli SJ, Weber RS, Bradley PJ, Suarez C, Leemans CR, Coskun HH, Pitman KT, Shaha AR, de Bree R, Hartl DM,
Haigentz M, Rodrigo JP, Hamoir M, Khafif A, Langendijk JA, Owen RP, Sanabria A, Strojan P, Poorten VV, Werner JA,
Bien S, Woolgar JA, Zbaren P, Betka J, Folz BJ, Genden EM, Talmi YP, Strome M, Botas JHG, Olofsson J, Kowalski LP,
Holmes JD, Hisa Y, Rinaldo A. Proposal for A Rational Classification of Neck Dissections. Head Neck-J Sci Spec 2011;
33: 445-450 (4 / 2.182)
Fiedler W, Giaccone G, Lasch P, van der Horst I, Brega N, Courtney R, Abbattista A, Shalinsky DR, Bokemeyer C,
Boven E. Phase I trial of SU14813 in patients with advanced solid malignancies. Ann Oncol 2011; 22: 195-201 (4 /
Franken S, Genders R, de Gruijl F, Rustemeyer T, Pavel S. Our experience with a new home ultraviolet-hardening
device in patients with polymorphic light eruption. Brit J Dermatol 2011; 165: 130 (5 / 4.351)
Froklage EAM, Reijneveld JC, Heimans JJ. Central neurotoxicity in cancer chemotherapy: parmacogenetic insights.
Pharmacogenomics 2011; 12: 379-395 (4 / 3.876)
Funel N, Morelli M, Giovannetti E, del Chiaro M, Pollina LE, Mosca F, Boggi U, Cavazzana A, Campani D. Loss of
Heterozygosity Status of D9S105 Marker Is Associated with Downregulation of Kruppel-Like Factor 4 Expression in
Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma and Pancreatic Intraepithelial Lesions. Pancreatology 2011; 11(1): 30-42 (2 /
Funel N, Vasile E, Del Chiaro M, Boggi U, Falcone A, Campani D, Scarpa A, Giovannetti E. Correlation of basal EGFR
expression with pancreatic cancer grading but not with clinical outcome after gemcitabine-based treatment. Ann
Oncol 2011; 22: 482-484 (4 / 6.452)
Gabriely G, Yi M, Narayan RS, Niers JM, Wurdinger T, Imitola J, Ligon KL, Kesari S, Esau C, Stephens RM, Tannous BA,
Krichevsky AM. Human Glioma Growth Is Controlled by MicroRNA-10b. Cancer Res 2011; 71: 3563-3572 (5 / 8.234)
Galvani E, Peters GJ, Giovannetti E. Thymidylate synthase inhibitors for non-small cell lung cancer. Expert Opin Inv
Drug 2011; 20: 1343-1356 (4 / 4.337)
Garrett CR, Siu LL, El-Khoueiry A, Buter J, Rocha-Lima CM, Marshall J, LoRusso P, Major P, Chemidlin J, Mokliatchouk
O, Velasquez L, Hayes W, Feltquate D, Syed S, Ford S, Kollia G, Galbraith S, Nuyten DSA. Phase I dose-escalation
study to determine the safety, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of brivanib alaninate in combination with
Appendix 4: Scientific output
full-dose cetuximab in patients with advanced gastrointestinal malignancies who have failed prior therapy. Brit J
Cancer 2011; 105: 44-52 (4 / 4.831)
Gianella A, Jarzyna PA, Mani V, Ramachandran S, Calcagno C, Tang J, Kann B, Dijk WJR, Thijssen VL, Griffioen AW,
Storm G, Fayad ZA, Mulder WJM. Multifunctional Nanoemulsion Platform for Imaging Guided Therapy Evaluated in
Experimental Cancer. ACS Nano 2011; 5: 4422-4433 (5 / 9.885)
Giovannetti E, Erdem L, Olcay E, Leon LG, Peters GJ. Influence of polymorphisms on EGFR targeted therapy in nonsmall-cell lung cancer. Front Biosci 2011; 16: 116-130 (3 / 4.048)
Giovannetti E, Pacetti P, Reni M, Leon LG, Mambrini A, Vasile E, Ghidini M, Funel N, Lucchesi M, Cereda S, Peters GJ,
Cantore M. Association between DNA-repair polymorphisms and survival in pancreatic cancer patients treated with
combination chemotherapy. Pharmacogenomics 2011; 12: 1641-1652 (4 / 3.876)
Giovannetti E, Zucali PA, Assaraf YG, Leon LG, Smid K, Alecci C, Giancola F, Destro A, Gianoncelli L, Lorenzi E,
Roncalli M, Santoro A, Peters GJ. Preclinical emergence of vandetanib as a potent antitumour agent in mesothelioma:
molecular mechanisms underlying its synergistic interaction with pemetrexed and carboplatin. Brit J Cancer 2011;
105: 1542-1553 (4 / 4.831)
Gossec L, Paternotte S, Aanerud GJ, Balanescu A, Boumpas DT, Carmona L, de Wit M, Dijkmans BAC, Dougados M,
Englbrecht M, Gogus F, Heiberg T, Hernandez C, Kirwan JR, Mola EM, Cerinic MM, Otsa K, Schett G, Scholte-Voshaar
M, Sokka T, Krause G, Wells GA, Kvien TK. Finalisation and validation of the rheumatoid arthritis impact of disease
score, a patient-derived composite measure of impact of rheumatoid arthritis: a EULAR initiative. Ann Rheum Dis
2011; 70: 935-942 (5 / 9.082)
Gotink KJ, Broxterman HJ, Labots M, de Haas RR, Dekker H, Honeywell RJ, Rudek MA, Beerepoot LV, Musters RJP,
Jansen G, Griffioen AW, Assaraf YG, Pili R, Peters GJ, Verheul HMW. Lysosomal sequestration of sunitinib: a novel
mechanism of drug resistance. Clin Cancer Res 2011; 17: 7337-7346 (5 / 7.338)
Granchi C, Roy S, De Simone A, Salvetti I, Tuccinardi T, Martinelli A, Macchia M, Lanza M, Betti L, Giannaccini G,
Lucacchini A, Giovannetti E, Sciarrillo R, Peters GJ, Minutolo F. N-Hydroxyindole-based inhibitors of lactate
dehydrogenase against cancer cell proliferation. Eur J Med Chem 2011; 46: 5398-5407 (4 / 3.193)
Granchi C, Roy S, Giacomelli C, Macchia M, Tuccinardi T, Martinelli A, Lanza M, Betti L, Giannaccini G, Lucacchini A,
Funel N, Leon LG, Giovannetti E, Peters GJ, Palchaudhuri R, Calvaresi EC, Hergenrother PJ, Minutolo F. Discovery of
N-Hydroxyindole-Based Inhibitors of Human Lactate Dehydrogenase Isoform A (LDH-A) as Starvation Agents against
Cancer Cells. J Med Chem 2011; 54: 1599-1612 (5 / 5.207)
Gultekin M, Dursun P, Vranes B, Laky R, Bossart M, Grabowski JP, Piek JMJ, Manchanda R, Grimm C, Dallaku K,
Babloyan S, Moisei A, Van Gorp T, Cadron I, Markov P, Micevska A, Halaska M, Steffensen KD, Gristsenko L, Nissi R,
Lambaudie E, Tsitsishvili Z, Haidopoulos D, Tsolakidis D, Novak Z, Peiretti M, Dunenova G, Macuks R, Hetland TE,
Michelsen TM, Martins FC, chimas-Cadariu P, Ulrikh EA, Uharcek P, Malic S, Ognjenovic D, Zapardiel I, Johann S,
Sukhin VS. Gynecologic Oncology Training Systems in Europe A Report From the European Network of Young
Gynaecological Oncologists. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2011; 21: 1500-1506 (2 / 1.558)
Haasbeek CJA, Lagerwaard FJ, Slotman BJ, Senan S. Outcomes of Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy for Centrally
Located Early-Stage Lung Cancer. J Thorac Oncol 2011; 6: 2036-2043 (4 / 4.04)
Hamer PCD, Mir SE, Noske DP, van Noorden CJF, Wurdinger T. WEE1 Kinase Targeting Combined with DNA-Damaging
Cancer Therapy Catalyzes Mitotic Catastrophe. Clin Cancer Res 2011; 17: 4200-4207 (5 / 7.338)
Haraoui B, Smolen JS, Aletaha D, Breedveld FC, Burmester G, Codreanu C, Da Silva JP, de Wit M, Dougados M, Durez
P, Emery P, Fonseca JE, Gibofsky A, Gomez-Reino J, Graninger W, Hamuryudan V, Pena MJJ, Kalden J, Kvien TK,
Laurindo I, Martin-Mola E, Montecucco C, Moreno PS, Pavelka K, Poor G, Cardiel MH, Stanislawska-Biernat E, Takeuchi
T, van der Heijde D. Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis to Target: multinational recommendations assessment
questionnaire. Ann Rheum Dis 2011; 70: 1999-2002 (5 / 9.082)
Hasford J, Baccarani M, Hoffmann V, Guilhot J, Saussele S, Rosti G, Guilhot F, Porkka K, Ossenkoppele GJ, Lindoerfer
D, Simonsson B, Pfirrmann M, Hehlmann R. Predicting complete cytogenetic response and subsequent progression-free
survival in 2060 patients with CML on imatinib treatment: the EUTOS score. Blood 2011; 118: 686-692 (5 / 10.558)
Hashimoto D, Chow A, Greter M, Saenger Y, Kwan WH, Leboeuf M, Ginhoux F, Ochando JC, Kunisaki Y, van Rooijen N,
Liu C, Teshima T, Heeger PS, Stanley ER, Frenette PS, Merad M. Pretransplant CSF-1 therapy expands recipient
macrophages and ameliorates GVHD after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation. J Exp Med 2011; 208: 10691082 (5 / 14.776)
Haverkort ME, van der Spek BW, Lips PTAM, Slieker WA, ter Heine R, Huitema AD, Bronsveld W. Tenofovir-induced
Fanconi syndrome and osteomalacia in two HIV-infected patients: Role of intracellular tenofovir diphosphate levels
and review of the literature. Scand J Infect Dis 2011; 43: 821-826 (1 / 1.562)
Hehlmann R, Grimwade D, Simonsson B, Apperley J, Baccarani M, Barbui T, Barosi G, Bassan R, Bene MC, Berger U,
Buchner T, Burnett A, Cross NCP, de Witte TJM, Dohner H, Dombret H, Einsele H, Engelich G, Foa R, Fonatsch C,
Gokbuget N, Gluckman E, Gratwohl A, Guilhot F, Haferlach C, Haferlach T, Hallek M, Hasford J, Hochhaus A, Hoelzer
D, Kiladjian JJ, Labar B, Ljungman P, Mansmann U, Niederwieser D, Ossenkoppele GJ, Ribera JM, Rieder H, Serve H,
Schrotz-King P, Sanz MA, Saussele S. The European LeukemiaNet: achievements and perspectives. Haematol-Hematol
J 2011; 96: 156-162 (4 / 6.532)
Heldmann F, Brandt J, Horst-Bruinsma I, Landewe R, Sieper J, Burmester GR, Bosch F, de Vlam K, Geusens P, Gaston
H, Schewe S, Appelboom T, Emery P, Dougados M, Leirisalo-Repo M, Breban M, Listing J, von Braun J. The European
Ankylosing Spondylitis Infliximab Cohort (EASIC): a European multicentre study of long-term outcomes in patients with
ankylosing spondylitis treated with infliximab. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2011; 29: 672-680 (2 / 2.358)
Hertog D, Schulten EAJM, Leemans CR, Winters HAH, van der Waal I. Management of recurrent ameloblastoma of the
jaws; a 40-year single institution experience. Oral Oncol 2011; 47: 103-107 (5 / 2.871)
Hetem DJ, de Ruiter SC, Duiting AG, Kluijtmans JAJW, Thijsen SF, Vlaminckx BJ, Wintermans RG, Bonten MJ,
Ekkelenkamp MB. Preventing Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia and sepsis in patients with Staphylococcus aureus
colonization of intravascular catheters: a retrospective multicenter study and meta-analysis. Medicine 2011; 90: 284288 (4 / 4.256)
Hewitt S, Weidanz F, Westgeest HM, Ruza I, Ciferska H, Pasquet F, Salomaki S, Olsen E. European School of Internal
Medicine (ESIM) in Brighton Experiences and reflections. Eur J Intern Med 2011; 22: 238-240 (3 / 1.657)
Hinnen KA, Roeloffzen EMA, Battermann JJ, van Moorselaar RJA, van Roermund JGH, van Vulpen M. Survival after
prostate brachytherapy in patients aged 60 years and younger. BJU Int 2011; 107: 1906-1911 (4 / 3.190)
Appendix 4: Scientific output
Hodzic J, Giovannetti E, Calvo BD, Adema AD, Peters GJ. Regulation of Deoxycytidine Kinase Expression and
Sensitivity to Gemcitabine by Micro-RNA 330 and Promoter Methylation in Cancer Cells. Nucleos Nucleot Nucl 2011;
30: 1214-1222 (1 / 1.132)
Hoes JN, van der Goes MC, van Raalte DH, van der Zijl NJ, den Uyl D, Lems WF, Lafeber FPGJ, Jacobs JWG, Welsing
PMJ, Diamant M, Bijlsma JWJ. Glucose tolerance, insulin sensitivity and beta-cell function in patients with
rheumatoid arthritis treated with or without low-to-medium dose glucocorticoids. Ann Rheum Dis 2011; 70: 1887-1894
(5 / 9.082)
Honeywell RJ, Giovannetti E, Peters GJ. Determination of the Phosphorylated Metabolites of Gemcitabine and of
Difluorodeoxyuridine by Lcmsms. Nucleos Nucleot Nucl 2011; 30: 1203-1213 (1 / 1.132)
Horst-Bruinsma I. Inclusion Criteria Based on DAS28 Score: Strength of Improvement Is Less Dependent on Baseline
Disease Activity Than Expected. J Rheumatol 2011; 38: 1820 (3 / 3.551)
Hosoya T, Ohno I, Ichida K, Peters GJ. Gout and Hyperuricemia in Japan: Perspectives for International Research on
Purines and Pyrimidines in Man. Nucleos Nucleot Nucl 2011; 30: 1001-1010 (1 / 1.132)
Huijts CM, Santegoets SJAM, van den Eertwegh AJM, Pijpers LS, Haanen JB, de Gruijl TD, Verheul HMW, van der Vliet
JJ. Phase I-II study of everolimus and low-dose oral cyclophosphamide in patients with metastatic renal cell cancer.
BMC Cancer 2011; 11(1): 505 (3 / 3.153)
Hurkmans CW, van Lieshout M, Schuring D, van Heumen MJT, Cuijpers JP, Lagerwaard FJ, Widder J, van der Heide
UA, Senan S. Quality Assurance of 4D-Ct Scan Techniques in Multicenter Phase Iii Trial of Surgery Versus Stereotactic
Radiotherapy (Radiosurgery Or Surgery for Operable Early Stage (Stage 1A) Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer [Rosel] Study).
Int J Radiat Oncol 2011; 80: 918-927 (5 / 4.503)
Iannotti CA, Clark M, Horn KP, van Rooijen N, Silver J, Steinmetz MP. A combination immunomodulatory treatment
promotes neuroprotection and locomotor recovery after contusion SCI. Exp Neurol 2011; 230: 3-15 (4 / 4.436)
Idema S, Caretti V, Lamfers LM, van Beusechem VW, Noske DP, Vandertop WP, Dirven CMF. Anatomical Differences
Determine Distribution of Adenovirus after Convection-Enhanced Delivery to the Rat Brain. PLoS ONE 2011; 6 (10):
e24396 (4 / 4.411)
Illei GG, Cervera R, Burt RK, Doria A, Hiepe F, Jayne D, Pavletic S, Martin T, Marmont A, Saccardi R, Voskuyl AE,
Farge D. Current state and future directions of autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in systemic lupus
erythematosus. Ann Rheum Dis 2011; 70: 2071-2074 (5 / 9.082)
Jacobs H, Bast A, Peters GJ, van der Vijgh WJF, Haenen GRMM. The semisynthetic flavonoid monoHER sensitises
human soft tissue sarcoma cells to doxorubicin-induced apoptosis via inhibition of nuclear factor-kappa B. Brit J
Cancer 2011; 104: 437-440 (4 / 4.831)
Jamnitski A, Bartelds GM, Nurmohamed MT, van Schouwenburg PA, van Schaardenburg D, Stapel SO, Dijkmans BAC,
Aarden L, Wolbink GJ. The presence or absence of antibodies to infliximab or adalimumab determines the outcome of
switching to etanercept. Ann Rheum Dis 2011; 70: 284-288 (5 / 9.082)
Jamnitski A, Visman IM, Peters MJL, Boers M, Dijkmans BAC, Nurmohamed MT. Prevalence of cardiovascular diseases
in psoriatic arthritis resembles that of rheumatoid arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis 2011; 70: 875-876 (5 / 9.082)
Jellema AP, van Tulder MW, van der Horst HE, Florie J, Mulder CJJ, van der Windt DAWM. Inflammatory bowel
disease: a systematic review on the value of diagnostic testing in primary care. Colorectal Dis 2011; 13: 239-254 (3 /
Jharap B, de Boer NK, Vos RM, Smid K, Zwiers A, Peters GJ, Mulder CJJ, Wilhelm AJ, van Bodegraven AA.
Biotransformation of 6-thioguanine in inflammatory bowel disease patients: a comparison of oral and intravenous
administration of 6-thioguanine. Brit J Pharmacol 2011; 163: 722-731 (5 / 4.925)
Kahraman D, Scheffler M, Zander T, Nogova L, Lammertsma AA, Boellaard R, Neumaier B, Ullrich RT, Holstein A,
Dietlein M, Wolf J, Kobe C. Quantitative Analysis of Response to Treatment with Erlotinib in Advanced Non-Small Cell
Lung Cancer Using (18)F-FDG and 3 '-Deoxy-3 '-(18)F-Fluorothymidine PET. J Nucl Med 2011; 52: 1871-1877 (5 / 7.022)
Kerkhof EM, Raaymakers BW, van Vulpen M, Zonnenberg BA, Bosch JLHR, van Moorselaar RJA, Lagendijk JJW. A new
concept for non-invasive renal tumour ablation using real-time MRI-guided radiation therapy. BJU Int 2011; 107: 63-68
(4 / 3.190)
Kerklaan JP, Nijeholt GJLA, Wiggenraad RGJ, Berghuis B, Postma TJ, Taphoorn MJB. SMART syndrome: a late
reversible complication after radiation therapy for brain tumours. J Neurol 2011; 258: 1098-1104 (4 / 3.853)
Klarenbeek BR, Bergamaschi R, Veenhof AAFA, van der Peet DL, van den Broek WT, de Klerk ESM, Bemelman WA,
Heres P, Lacy AM, Cuesta MA. Laparoscopic versus open sigmoid resection for diverticular disease: follow-up
assessment of the randomized control Sigma trial. Surg Endosc 2011; 25: 1121-1126 (5 / 3.436)
Klarenbeek BR, Coupe VMH, van der Peet DL, Cuesta MA. The cost effectiveness of elective laparoscopic sigmoid
resection for symptomatic diverticular disease: financial outcome of the randomized control Sigma trial. Surg Endosc
2011; 25: 776-783 (5 / 3.436)
Klarenbeek NB, Guler-Yuksel M, van der Heijde DMFM, Kerstens PJSM, Mallee C, Westedt ML, Huizinga TWJ, Dijkmans
BAC, Allaart CF. A comparison between the simplified erosion and narrowing score and the Sharp-van der Heijde
score: post hoc analysis from the BeSt study. Ann Rheum Dis 2011; 70: 714-716 (5 / 9.082)
Klarenbeek NB, Guler-Yuksel M, van der Kooij SM, Han KH, Ronday HK, Kerstens PJSM, Seys PEH, Huizinga TWJ,
Dijkmans BAC, Allaart CF. The impact of four dynamic, goal-steered treatment strategies on the 5-year outcomes of
rheumatoid arthritis patients in the BeSt study. Ann Rheum Dis 2011; 70: 1039-1046 (5 / 9.082)
Klarenbeek NB, Koevoets R, van der Heijde DMFM, Gerards AH, ten Wolde S, Kerstens PJSM, Huizinga TWJ, Dijkmans
BAC, Allaart CF. Association with joint damage and physical functioning of nine composite indices and the 2011
ACR/EULAR remission criteria in rheumatoid arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis 2011; 70: 1815-1821 (5 / 9.082)
Klarenbeek NB, van der Kooij SM, Guler-Yuksel M, Groenendael JHLM, Han KH, Kerstens PJSM, Huizinga TWJ,
Dijkmans BAC, Allaart CF. Discontinuing treatment in patients with rheumatoid arthritis in sustained clinical
remission: exploratory analyses from the BeSt study. Ann Rheum Dis 2011; 70: 315-319 (5 / 9.082)
Kluijtmans JAJW, Harbarth S. Control of MRSA in intensive care units. Brit Med J 2011; 343: art.nr. d5885 (5 / 13.471)
Kneppers E, van der Holt B, Kersten MJ, Zweegman S, Meijer E, Huls G, Cornelissen JJ, Janssen JJWM, Huisman C,
Cornelisse PB, Bruijnen CP, Emmelot M, Sonneveld P, Lokhorst HM, Mutis T, Minnema MC. Lenalidomide maintenance
after nonmyeloablative allogeneic stem cell transplantation in multiple myeloma is not feasible: results of the HOVON
76 Trial. Blood 2011; 118: 2413-2419 (5 / 10.558)
Appendix 4: Scientific output
Koevoets R, Klarenbeek NB, Guler-Yuksel M, van Oosterhout M, van Krugten MV, Kerstens PJSM, Huizinga TWJ,
Dijkmans BAC, van der Heijde DMFM, Allaart CF. Simplified versions of the original disease activity score: validation in
the BeSt trial. Ann Rheum Dis 2011; 70: 1471-1474 (5 / 9.082)
Kong FM, Ritter T, Quint DJ, Senan S, Gaspar LE, Komaki RU, Hurkmans CW, Timmerman R, Bezjak A, Bradley JD,
Movsas B, Marsh L, Okunieff P, Choy H, Curran WJ. Consideration of Dose Limits for Organs at Risk of Thoracic
Radiotherapy: Atlas for Lung, Proximal Bronchial Tree, Esophagus, Spinal Cord, Ribs, and Brachial Plexus. Int J Radiat
Oncol 2011; 81: 1442-1457 (5 / 4.503)
Konings IRHM, Sleijfer S, Mathijssen RH, de Bruijn P, Ghobadi Moghaddam-Helmantel IM, van Dam LM, Wiemer EA,
Verweij J, Loos WJ. Increasing tumoral 5-fluorouracil concentrations during a 5-day continuous infusion: a
microdialysis study. Cancer Chemoth Pharm 2011; 67: 1055-1062 (3 / 2.759)
Kreeft AM, Tan IB, Leemans CR, Balm AJM. The surgical dilemma in advanced oral and oropharyngeal cancer: how we
do it. Clin Otolaryngol 2011; 36: 260-266 (3 / 1.561)
Krekel N, Zonderhuis B, Muller S, Bril H, van Slooten HJ, de Klerk ED, van den Tol P, Meijer S. Excessive Resections in
Breast-Conserving Surgery A Retrospective Multicentre Study. Breast J 2011; 17: 602-609 (2 / 1.425)
Krekel NMA, Cardozo AMFL, Muller S, Bergers E, Meijer S, van den Tol MP. Optimising surgical accuracy in palpable
breast cancer with intra-operative breast ultrasound - Feasibility and surgeons' learning curve. EJSO-Eur J Surg Onc
2011; 37: 1044-1050 (4 / 2.772)
Krekel NMA, Zonderhuis BM, Stockmann HBAC, Schreurs WH, Veen H, de Klerk ESM, Meijer S, van den Tol MP. A
comparison of three methods for nonpalpable breast cancer excision. EJSO-Eur J Surg Onc 2011; 37: 109-115 (4 /
Krieckaert CLM, Lems WF. Are we ready for therapeutic drug monitoring of biologic therapeutics?. Arthritis Res Ther
2011; 13 (4): art.nr. 120 (3 / 4.357)
Kruse A, Slangen B, Dunselman GA, Pirens T, Bakers FCH, Baak JPA, Van de Vijver K. Neoplastic transformation of
endocervicosis into an extraovarian mucinous cystadenocarcinoma. Hum Pathol 2011; 42: 743-748 (3 / 2.998)
Ksiadzyna D, Pena AS. Abdominal splenosis. Rev Esp Enferm Dig 2011; 103: 421-426 (1 / 1.13)
Kverka M, Rossmann P, Tlaskalova-Hogenova H, Klimesova K, Jharap B, de Boer KHN, Vos RM, van Bodegraven AA,
Lukas M, Mulder CJJ. Safety and efficacy of the immunosuppressive agent 6-tioguanine in murine model of acute and
chronic colitis. BMC Gastroenterol 2011; 11: art.nr. 47 (3 / 2.468)
Lackner M, De Man FH, Eygendaal D, Wintermans RGF, Kluijtmans JAJW, Klaassen CH, Meis JF. Severe prosthetic joint
infection in an immunocompetent male patient due to a therapy refractory Pseudallescheria apiosperma. Mycoses
2011; 54: 22-27 (3 / 1.667)
Langenberg MH, Witteveen PO, Roodhart J, Lolkema MP, Verheul HMW, Mergui-Roelvink M, Brendel E, Kratzschmar J,
Loembe B, Nol-Boekel A, Christensen O, Schellens JH, Voest EE. Phase I evaluation of telatinib, a VEGF receptor
tyrosine kinase inhibitor, in combination with bevacizumab in subjects with advanced solid tumors. Ann Oncol 2011;
22: 2508-2515 (4 / 6.452)
Lee J, Voortman J, Dingemans AM, Voeller DM, Pham T, Wang Y, Giaccone G. MicroRNA Expression and Clinical
Outcome of Small Cell Lung Cancer. PLoS ONE 2011; 6(6): art.nr. e21300 (4 / 4.411)
Lemos C, Giovannetti E, Zucali PA, Assaraf YG, Scheffer GL, van der Straaten T, D'Incecco A, Falcone A, Guchelaar
HJ, Danesi R, Santoro A, Giaccone G, Tibaldi C, Peters GJ. Impact of ABCG2 polymorphisms on the clinical outcome
and toxicity of gefitinib in non-small-cell lung cancer patients. Pharmacogenomics 2011; 12: 159-170 (4 / 3.876)
Leon LG, Giovannetti E, Alecci C, Giancola F, Funel N, Zucali P, Peters GJ, Padron JM. Antiproliferative Effects of
Novel Aliphatic Acetogenin Analogs Against Aggressive Solid Tumor Cell Lines. In vivo 2011; 25: 203-207 (2 / 1.159)
Leon LG, Giovannetti E, Smid K, Van Houte BPP, Hanauske AR, Giaccone G, Peters GJ. DNA Copy Number Profiles
Correlate with Outcome in Colorectal Cancer Patients Treated with Fluoropyrimidine/Antifolate-based Regimens.
Current Drug Metabolism 2011; 12: 956-965 (4 / 3.896)
Lind JSW, Lagerwaard FJ, Smit EF, Postmus PE, Slotman BJ, Senan S. Time for Reappraisal of Extracranial Treatment
Options? Synchronous Brain Metastases From Nonsmall Cell Lung Cancer. Cancer 2011; 117: 597-605 (4 / 5.131)
Lohmann D, Gallie B, Dommering CJ, Gauthier-Villars M. Clinical utility gene card for: Retinoblastoma. Eur J Hum
Genet 2011; 19 (3): (4 / 4.380)
Louie AV, Rodrigues G, Hannouf M, Lagerwaard F, Palma D, Zaric GS, Haasbeek C, Senan S. Withholding stereotactic
radiotherapy in elderly patients with stage I non-small cell lung cancer and co-existing COPD is not justified:
Outcomes of a markov model analysis. Radiother Oncol 2011; 99: 161-165 (5 / 4.337)
Lowenberg B, Muus P, Ossenkoppele GJ, Rousselot P, Cahn JY, Ifrah N, Martinelli G, Amadori S, Berman E, Sonneveld
P, Jongen-Lavrencic M, Rigaudeau S, Stockman P, Goudie A, Faderl S, Jabbour E, Kantarjian H. Phase 1/2 study to
assess the safety, efficacy, and pharmacokinetics of barasertib (AZD1152) in patients with advanced acute myeloid
leukemia. Blood 2011; 118: 6030-6036 (5 / 10.558)
Lowenberg B, Pabst T, Vellenga E, van Putten W, Schouten HC, Graux C, Ferrant A, Sonneveld P, Biemond BJ,
Gratwohl A, de Greef GE, Verdonck LF, Schaafsma MR, Gregor M, Theobald M, Schanz 2U, Maertens J, Ossenkoppele
GJ. Cytarabine Dose for Acute Myeloid Leukemia. New Engl J Med 2011; 364: 1027-1036 (5 / 53.484)
Luchinger AB, Mijatovic V, Rustemeyer T, Hompes PGA. Anaphylactic Reaction to Different Gonadotropin-Releasing
Hormone Agonists for the Treatment of Endometriosis. Am J Med Sci 2011; 341: 240-242 (1 / 1.257)
Manders P, Pijpe A, Hooning MJ, Kluijt I, Vasen HFA, Hoogerbrugge N, van Asperen CJ, Meijers-Heijboer EJ, Ausems
MGEM, van Os TAM, Gomez-Garcia EB, Brohet RM, van Leeuwen FE, Rookus MA. Body weight and risk of breast cancer
in BRCA1/2 mutation carriers. Breast Cancer Res Tr 2011; 126: 193-202 (4 / 4.859)
Markovic DS, Vinnakota K, van Rooijen N, Kiwit J, Synowitz M, Glass R, Kettenmann H. Minocycline reduces glioma
expansion and invasion by attenuating microglial MT1-MMP expression. Brain Behav Immun 2011; 25: 624-628 (3 /
Martinez-Ramos D, Miralles-Tena JM, Cuesta MA, Escrig-Sos J, van der Peet D, Hoashi JS, Salvador-Sanchis JL.
Laparoscopy versus open surgery for advanced and resectable gastric cancer: a meta-analysis. Rev Esp Enferm Dig
2011; 103: 133-141 (1 / 1.13)
Maxwell CA, Benitez J, Gomez-Baldo L, Osorio A, Bonifaci N, Fernandez-Ramires R, Costes SV, Guino E, Chen H, Evans
GJR, Mohan P, Catala I, Petit A, Aguilar H, Villanueva A, Aytes A, Serra-Musach J, Rennert G, Lejbkowicz F,
Peterlongo P, Manoukian S, Peissel B, Ripamonti CB, Bonanni B, Viel A, Allavena A, Bernard L, Radice P, Friedman E,
Kaufman B, Laitman Y, Dubrovsky M, Milgrom R, Jakubowska A, Cybulski C, Gorski B, Jaworska K, Durda K, Sukiennicki
G, Lubinski J, Shugart YY, Domchek SM, Letrero R, Weber BL, Hogervorst FBL, Rookus MA, Collee JM, Devilee P,
Appendix 4: Scientific output
Ligtenberg MJ, van der Luijt RB, Aalfs CM, Waisfisz Q, van Wijnen J, van Roozendaal CEP, Easton DF, Peock S, Cook M,
Oliver C, Frost D, Harrington P, Evans DG, Lalloo F, Eeles R, Izatt L, Chu C, Eccles D, Douglas F, Brewer C, Nevanlinna
H, Heikkinen T, Couch FJ, Lindor NM, Wang XS, Godwin AK, Caligo MA, Lombardi G, Loman N, Karlsson P, Ehrencrona
H, von Wachenfeldt A, Barkardottir RB, Hamann U, Rashid MU, Lasa A, Caldes T, Andres R, Schmitt M, Assmann V,
Stevens K, Offit K, Curado J, Tilgner H, Guigo R, Aiza G, Brunet J, Castellsague J, Martrat G, Urruticoechea A, Blanco
I. Interplay between BRCA1 and RHAMM Regulates Epithelial Apicobasal Polarization and May Influence Risk of Breast
Cancer. PLOS Biol 2011; 9 (11): art.nr. e1001199 (5 / 12.469)
Medina JE, Ferlito A, Robbins KT, Silver CE, Rodrigo JP, de Bree R, Rinaldo A, Elsheikh MN, Weber RS, Werner JA.
Central Compartment Dissection in Laryngeal Cancer. Head Neck-J Sci Spec 2011; 33: 746-752 (4 / 2.182)
Meij B, van Bokhorst-de van der Schueren, Langius JAE, Brouwer IA, van Leeuwen PAM. n-3 PUFAs in cancer, surgery,
and critical care: a systematic review on clinical effects, incorporation, and washout of oral or enteral compared with
parenteral supplementation. Am J Clin Nutr 2011; 94: 1248-1265 (5 / 6.606)
Meijer GA. A new spring for Cellular Oncology. Cell Oncol 2011; 34: 1-2 (4 / 3.175)
Meijerink MR, van den Tol P, van Tilborg AAJM, van Waesberghe JHTM, Meijer S, van Kuijk C. Radiofrequency ablation
of large size liver tumours using novel plan-parallel expandable bipolar electrodes: Initial clinical experience. Eur J
Radiol 2011; 77: 167-171 (3 / 2.941)
Mellema WW, Smit EF, Dingemans AMC. Low molecular weight heparins in the treatment of lung cancer. Expert Opin
Inv Drug 2011; 20: 1517-1522 (4 / 4.337)
Menko FH. LKB1/ STK11, Peutz-Jeghers syndrome and cancer. Introduction. Fam Cancer 2011; 10: 413-414 (2 / 2.139)
Merkel PA, Aydin SZ, Boers M, Direskeneli H, Herlyn K, Seo P, Suppiah R, Tomasson G, Luqmani RA. The OMERACT
Core Set of Outcome Measures for Use in Clinical Trials of ANCA-associated Vasculitis. J Rheumatol 2011; 38: 14801486 (3 / 3.551)
Minnema MC, van Dorp S, De Donk NWCJ, Schouten F, Kersten MJ, Coenen JLLM, Schouten H, Zweegman S, Schaafsma
R, Lokhorst HM. Prognostic factors and outcome in relapsed multiple myeloma after nonmyeloablative allo-SCT: a
single center experience. Bone Marrow Transpl 2011; 46: 244-249 (4 / 3.660)
Mokhtari K, Ducray F, Kros JM, Gorlia T, Idbaih A, Taphoorn M, Wesseling P, Hoang-Xuan K, Van den Bent M, Sanson
M. Alpha-Internexin Expression Predicts Outcome in Anaplastic Oligodendroglial Tumors and May Positively Impact the
Efficacy of Chemotherapy. Cancer 2011; 117: 3014-3026 (4 / 5.131)
Mostert S, Arora RS, Arreola M, Bagai P, Friedrich P, Gupta S, Kaur G, Koodiyedath B, Kulkarni K, Lam CG, LunaFineman S, Pizer B, Rivas S, Rossell N, Sitaresmi MN, Tsimicalis A, Weaver M, Ribeiro RC. Abandonment of treatment
for childhood cancer: position statement of a SIOP PODC Working Group. Lancet Oncol 2011; 12: 719-720 (5 / 17.764)
Mubarak A, Oudshoorn JH, Kneepkens CMF, Butler JC, Schreurs MWJ, Mulder CJJ, Houwen RHJ. A Child With
Refractory Coeliac Disease. J Pediatr Gastr Nutr 2011; 53: 216-218 (3 / 2.18)
Muirhead R, van der Weide L, van Sornsen de Koste JR, Cover KS. Use of megavoltage cine-images for studying intrathoracic motion during radiotherapy for locally advanced lung cancer. Radiother Oncol 2011; 99: 155-160 (5 / 4.337)
Mulder CJJ, Peeters M, Cats A, Dahele AVM, Terhaar sive Droste JS. Digestive oncologist in the gastroenterology
training curriculum. World J Gastroenterol 2011; 17: 1109-1115 (3 / 2.24)
Muris J, Feilzer AJ, Rustemeyer T, Kleverlaan CJ. Palladium allergy prevalence is underestimated because of an
inadequate test allergen. Contact Dermatitis 2011; 65: 62 (4 / 3.672)
Norouzinia M, Rostami K, Amini M, Lahmi F, Roshani M, Zojaji H, Nejad MR, Mulder CJJ, Zali MR. Coeliac disease;
Prevalence and Outcome in Pregnancy. Healthmed 2011; 5(6): 1537-1541 (1 / 0.331)
Nowak-Sliwinska P, van Beijnum JR, Casini A, Nazarov AA, Wagnieres G, van den Bergh H, Dyson PJ, Griffioen AW.
Organometallic Ruthenium(II) Arene Compounds with Antiangiogenic Activity. J Med Chem 2011; 54: 3895-3902 (5 /
Ong CL, Cuijpers JP, Senan S, Slotman BJ, Verbakel WFAR. Impact of the calculation resolution of AAA for small fields
and RapidArc treatment plans. Med Phys 2011; 38: 4471-4479 (4 / 3.07)
Ong CL, Verbakel WFAR, Cuijpers JP, Slotman BJ, Senan S. Dosimetric Impact of Interplay Effect on Rapidarc Lung
Stereotactic Treatment Delivery. Int J Radiat Oncol 2011; 79: 305-311 (5 / 4.503)
Oosterling S, Stockmann H, van der Bij G, Belt E, van Egmond M. Underlying Mechanisms of Anastomotic Leakage and
Systemic Recurrences in Colorectal Cancer. J Gastrointestinal Surg 2011; 15: 1904-1905 (4 / 2.733)
Oostlander AE, Bravenboer N, Sohl E, Holzmann PJ, van der Woude CJ, Dijkstra G, Stokkers PCF, Oldenburg B,
Netelenbos JC, Hommes DW, van Bodegraven AA, Lips PTAM. Histomorphometric Analysis Reveals Reduced Bone Mass
and Bone Formation in Patients With Quiescent Crohn's Disease. Gastroenterology 2011; 140: 116-123 (5 / 12.032)
Oprea D, Sorgdrager BJ, Jukema J, Scherptong RW, Ringers J, Coenraad MJ, van Hoek B, Stokkel MP. Clinical Value of
Myocardial Perfusion Scintigraphy as a Screening Tool in Liver Transplant Candidates. Liver Transpl 2011; 17: 261-269
(4 / 3.068)
Ossenkoppele GJ, van de Loosdrecht AA, Schuurhuis GJ. Review of the relevance of aberrant antigen expression by
flow cytometry in myeloid neoplasms. Brit J Dermatol 2011; 153: 421-436 (5 / 4.351)
Otten MH, Prince FHM, Twilt M, ten Cate R, Armbrust W, Hoppenreijs EPAH, Koopman-Keemink Y, Wulffraat NM,
Gorter SL, Dolman KM, Swart JF, ten Berg JM, van Rossum MA, van Suijlekom-Smit LWA. Tumor Necrosis Factorblocking Agents for Children with Enthesitis-related Arthritis - Data from the Dutch Arthritis and Biologicals in
Children Register, 1999-2010. J Rheumatol 2011; 38: 2258-2263 (3 / 3.551)
Overdevest I, Willemsen I, Rijnsburger M, Eustace A, Xu L, Hawkey P, van Heck M, Savelkoul PHM, VandenbrouckeGrauls CMJE, van der Zwaluw K, Huijsdens X, Kluijtmans JAJW. Extended-Spectrum beta-Lactamase Genes of
Escherichia coli in Chicken Meat and Humans, the Netherlands. Emerg Infect Dis 2011; 17: 1216-1222 (5 / 6.859)
Palma DA, Senan S. Stereotactic radiation therapy: changing treatment paradigms for stage I nonsmall cell lung
cancer. Curr Opin Immunol 2011; 23: 133-139 (5 / 10.141)
Palma DA, Senan S, Haasbeek CJA, Verbakel WFAR, Vincent AD, Lagerwaard FJ. Radiological and Clinical Pneumonitis
After Stereotactic Lung Radiotherapy: A Matched Analysis of Three-Dimensional Conformal and Volumetric-Modulated
Arc Therapy Techniques. Int J Radiat Oncol 2011; 80: 506-513 (5 / 4.503)
Palma DA, van Sornsen de Koste JR, Verbakel WFAR, Senan S. A new approach to quantifying lung damage after
stereotactic body radiation therapy. ACTA Oncol 2011; 50: 509-517 (2 / 2.274)
Palma DA, van Sornsen de Koste JR, Verbakel WFAR, Vincent AD, Senan S. Lung Density Changes After Stereotactic
Radiotherapy: A Quantitative Analysis in 50 Patients. Int J Radiat Oncol 2011; 81: 974-978 (5 / 4.503)
Appendix 4: Scientific output
Palma DA, Visser O, Lagerwaard FJ, Belderbos J, Slotman BJ, Senan S. Treatment of stage I NSCLC in elderly patients:
A population-based matched-pair comparison of stereotactic radiotherapy versus surgery. Radiother Oncol 2011; 101:
240-244 (5 / 4.337)
Palumbo A, Bringhen S, Ludwig H, Dimopoulos MA, Blade J, Mateos MV, Rosinol L, Boccadoro M, Cavo M, Lokhorst H,
Zweegman S, Terpos E, Davies F, Driessen C, Gimsing P, Gramatzki M, Hajek R, Johnsen HE, Da Costa FL, Sezer O,
Spencer A, Beksac M, Morgan G, Einsele H, Miguel JFS, Sonneveld P. Personalized therapy in multiple myeloma
according to patient age and vulnerability: a report of the European Myeloma Network (EMN). Blood 2011; 118: 45194529 (5 / 10.558)
Pardali E, van der Schaft DWJ, Wiercinska E, Gorter A, Hogendoorn PCW, Griffioen AW, ten Dijke P. Critical role of
endoglin in tumor cell plasticity of Ewing sarcoma and melanoma. Oncogene 2011; 30: 334-345 (5 / 7.414)
Passweg JR, Giagounidis AAN, Simcock M, Aul C, Dobbelstein C, Stadler M, Ossenkoppele GJ, Hofmann WK, Schilling K,
Tichelli A, Ganser A. Immunosuppressive Therapy for Patients With Myelodysplastic Syndrome: A Prospective
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Care-SAKK 33/99. J Clin Oncol 2011; 29: 303-309 (5 / 18.97)
Peters GJ, Adema AD, Bijnsdorp IV, Sandvold ML. Lipophilic Prodrugs and Formulations of Conventional (Deoxy)
Nucleoside and Fluoropyrimidine Analogs in Cancer. Nucleos Nucleot Nucl 2011; 30: 1168-1180 (1 / 1.132)
Petzold AFS, Kappos L, Filippi M, Hintzen R. Comments on "Evidence for Acute Neurotoxicity After Chemotherapy"
Reply. Ann Neurol 2011; 69: 1064-1065 (5 / 10.746)
Phernambucq ECJ, Palma DA, Vincent AD, Smit EF, Senan S. Time and dose-related changes in radiological lung
density after concurrent chemoradiotherapy for lung cancer. Lung Cancer 2011; 74: 451-456 (4 / 3.356)
Phernambucq ECJ, Spoelstra FOB, Verbakel WFAR, Postmus PE, Melissant CF, van den Brink KIM, Frings V, van de Ven
PM, Smit EF, Senan S. Outcomes of concurrent chemoradiotherapy in patients with stage III non-small-cell lung cancer
and significant comorbidity. Ann Oncol 2011; 22: 132-138 (4 / 6.452)
Pijpe A, Mulder RL, Manders P, van Leeuwen FE, Rookus MA. Validation study suggested no differential
misclassification of self-reported mammography history in BRCA1/2 mutation carriers. J Clin Epidemiol 2011; 64:
1434-1443 (5 / 3.753)
Porcelli L, Assaraf YG, Azzariti A, Paradiso A, Jansen G, Peters GJ. The impact of folate status on the efficacy of
colorectal cancer treatment. Curr Drug Metab 2011; 12: 975-984 (4 / 3.896)
Posthuma de Boer J, Witlox MA, Kaspers GJL, van Royen BJ. Molecular alterations as target for therapy in metastatic
osteosarcoma: a review of literature. Clin Exp Metastas 2011; 28: 493-503 (3 / 4.113)
Posthuma de Boer J, Wurdinger T, Graat HCA, van Beusechem VW, Helder MN, van Royen BJ, Kaspers GJL. WEE1
inhibition sensitizes osteosarcoma to radiotherapy. BMC Cancer 2011; 11: art.nr. 156 (3 / 3.153)
Prasad VVSR, Peters GJ, Lemos C, Kathmann I, Mayur YC. Cytotoxicity studies of some novel fluoro acridone
derivatives against sensitive and resistant cancer cell lines and their mechanistic studies. Eur J Pharm Sci 2011; 43:
217-224 (3 / 3.291)
Prigione A, Lichtner B, Kuhl H, Struijs EA, Wamelink M, Lehrach H, Ralser M, Timmermann B, Adjaye J. Human
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Rahier JF, Papay P, Salleron J, Sebastian S, Marzo M, Peyrin-Biroulet L, Garcia-Sanchez V, Fries W, van Asseldonk DP,
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Yazdanpanah Y, Chaparro M. H1N1 vaccines in a large observational cohort of patients with inflammatory bowel
disease treated with immunomodulators and biological therapy. Gut 2011; 60: 456-462 (5 / 10.614)
Ramos P, Guy E, Chen N, Proenca CC, Gardenghi S, Casu C, Follenzi A, van Rooijen N, Grady RW, de Sousa M, Rivella
S. Enhanced erythropoiesis in Hfe-KO mice indicates a role for Hfe in the modulation of erythroid iron homeostasis.
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Raterman HG, Jamnitski A, Lems WF, Voskuyl AE, Dijkmans BAC, Bos WH, Simsek S, Lips PTAM, van de Stadt RJ,
Koning MHMT, Nurmohamed MT. Improvement of Thyroid Function in Hypothyroid Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
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Rath JJG, Koppen H, Treurniet FEE, Comans EFI, Wirtz PW. Reversible posterior leucoencephalopathy syndrome
mimicking low-grade glioma: Differentiation by positron emission tomography. Clin Neurol Neurosur 2011; 113: 785787 (3 / 1.636)
Regelink JC, van Roessel HM, van Galen KPM, Ossenkoppele GJ, Huijgens PC, Zweegman S. Impact of the Conditioning
Regimen in Patients With Multiple Myeloma Who Undergo Autologous Transplantation Reply. J Clin Oncol 2011; 29:
E450 (5 / 18.97)
Reijneveld JC, Douw L. Brain Hodotopy: From Esoteric Concept to Practical Surgical Applications COMMENT.
Neurosurgery 2011; 68: 1723 (5 / 3.298)
Rekers NH, Sminia P, Peters GJ. Towards Tailored Therapy of Glioblastoma Multiforme. J Chemother 2011; 23: 187199 (1 / 1.145)
Rice D, Rusch V, Pass H, Asamura H, Nakano T, Edwards J, Giroux DJ, Hasegawa S, Kernstine KH, Waller D, RamiPorta R, Postmus PE. Recommendations for Uniform Definitions of Surgical Techniques for Malignant Pleural
Mesothelioma A Consensus Report of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer International Staging
Committee and the International Mesothelioma Interest Group. J Thorac Oncol 2011; 6: 1304-1312 (4 / 4.04)
Rijneveld AW, van der Holt B, Daenen SMGJ, Biemond BJ, de Weerdt O, Muus P, Maertens J, Mattijssen V, Demuynck
H, Legdeur MCJC, Wijermans PW, Wittebol S, Spoelstra FM, Dekker AW, Ossenkoppele GJ, Willemze R, Cornelissen JJ.
Intensified chemotherapy inspired by a pediatric regimen combined with allogeneic transplantation in adult patients
with acute lymphoblastic leukemia up to the age of 40. Leukemia 2011; 25: 1697-1703 (5 / 8.966)
Robbins KT, Ferlito A, Silver CE, Takes RP, Strojan P, Snyderman CH, de Bree R, Haigentz M, Langendijk JA, Rinaldo
A, Shaha AR, Hanna EY, Werner JA, Suarez C. Contemporary Management of Sinonasal Cancer. Head Neck-J Sci Spec
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Rodjan F, de Bree R, Weijs J, Knol DL, Leemans CR, Castelijns JA. Refinement of selection criteria to perform
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cN0 necks. Oral Oncol 2011; 47: 391-394 (5 / 2.871)
Roovers RC, Vosjan MJWD, Laeremans T, el Khoulati R, de Bruin RCG, Ferguson KM, Verkleij AJ, van Dongen GAMS,
Henegouwen PMPV. A biparatopic anti-EGFR nanobody efficiently inhibits solid tumour growth. Int J Cancer 2011;
129: 2013-2024 (4 / 4.926)
Appendix 4: Scientific output
Rosskopf K, Ragg SJ, Worel N, Gromme M, Preijers FWMB, Braakman E, Schuurhuis GJ, van Riet I, Wendel S, FontaoWendel R, Lazar A, Goldman M, Halpenny M, Giulivi A, Letcher B, McGann L, Korhonen M, Arvola A, Humpe A, BuwittBeckmann U, Wiesneth M, Schauwecker P, Schrezenmeier H, Bonig H, Henschler R, Seifried E, Accorsi P, Bonfini T,
Takanashi M, van Beckhoven JM, Brand A, Gounder D, Wong A, Dooccey R, Forrest E, Galea G, Smythe J, Pawson R,
Reems JA, Oh J, Reesink HW, Panzer S. Quality controls of cryopreserved haematopoietic progenitor cells (peripheral
blood, cord blood, bone marrow). Vox Sang 2011; 101: 255-275 (3 / 3.292)
Sabrkhany S, Griffioen AW, Egbrink MGAO. The role of blood platelets in tumor angiogenesis. BBA-Rev Cancer 2011;
1815: 189-196 (5 / 9.886)
Saeed P, van Furth WR, Tanck M, Kooremans F, Freling N, Streekstra GI, Regensburg NI, van der Sprenkel JWB,
Peerdeman SM, van Overbeeke JJ, Mourits MP. Natural history of spheno-orbital meningiomas. ACTA Neurochir 2011;
153: 395-402 (3 / 1.329)
Saydam O, Senol O, Wurdinger T, Mizrak A, Ozdener GB, Stemmer-Rachamimov AO, Yi M, Stephens RM, Krichevsky
AM, Saydam N, Brenner GJ, Breakefield XO. miRNA-7 Attenuation in Schwannoma Tumors Stimulates Growth by
Upregulating Three Oncogenic Signaling Pathways. Cancer Res 2011; 71: 852-861 (5 / 8.234)
Schiphof D, de Klerk BM, Kerkhof HJM, Hofman A, Koes BW, Boers M, Bierma-Zeinstra SMA. Impact of different
descriptions of the Kellgren and Lawrence classification criteria on the diagnosis of knee osteoarthritis. Ann Rheum
Dis 2011; 70: 1422-1427 (5 / 9.082)
Schneiders FL, van den Berg HP, Peters GJ, Verheul HMW, van der Vliet JJ. Severe toxicity of capecitabine following
uncomplicated treatment with 5-fluorouracil/leucovorin. Med Oncol 2011; 28: 1136-1139 (2 / 2.21)
Schoffski P, Dumez H, Ruijter R, Miguel-Lillo B, Soto-Matos A, Alfaro V, Giaccone G. Spisulosine (ES-285) given as a
weekly three-hour intravenous infusion: results of a phase I dose-escalating study in patients with advanced solid
malignancies. Cancer Chemoth Pharm 2011; 68: 1397-1403 (3 / 2.759)
Scholin J, Buunen M, Hop W, Bonjer HJ, Anderberg B, Cuesta MA, Delgado S, Ibarzabal A, Ivarsson ML, Janson M, Lacy
A, Lange J, Pahlman L, Skullman S, Haglind E. Bowel obstruction after laparoscopic and open colon resection for
cancer: Results of 5 years of follow-up in a randomized trial. Surg Endosc 2011; 25: 3755-3760 (5 / 3.436)
Seinen ML, de Boer KHN, Smid K, van Asseldonk DP, Bouma G, van Bodegraven AA, Peters GJ. Allopurinol Enhances
the Activity of Hypoxanthine-Guanine Phosphoribosyltransferase in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients During LowDose Thiopurine Therapy: Preliminary Data of An Ongoing Series. Nucleos Nucleot Nucl 2011; 30: 1085-1090 (1 /
Senan S, Cardenal F, Vansteenkiste J, Stigt J, Akyol F, de Neve W, Bakker J, Dupont JM, Scagliotti GV, Ricardi U, van
Meerbeeck JP. A randomized phase II study comparing induction or consolidation chemotherapy with cisplatindocetaxel, plus radical concurrent chemoradiotherapy with cisplatin-docetaxel, in patients with unresectable locally
advanced non-small-cell lung cancer. Ann Oncol 2011; 22: 553-558 (4 / 6.452)
Senan S, Palma D. Stereotactic Lung Radiotherapy: Do We Need Fiducial Markers?. Ann Thorac Surg 2011; 91: 335-336
(5 / 3.558)
Senan S, Palma DA, Lagerwaard FJ. Stereotactic ablative radiotherapy for stage I NSCLC: Recent advances and
controversies. J Thorac Dis 2011; 3(3): 189-196 (1 / 0)
Shapira A, Livney YD, Broxterman HJ, Assaraf YG. Nanomedicine for targeted cancer therapy: Towards the
overcoming of drug resistance. Drug Resist Update 2011; 14: 150-163 (5 / 12.312)
Siegel R, Cuesta MA, Targarona E, Bader FG, Morino M, Corcelles R, Lacy AM, Pahlman L, Haglind E, Bujko K, Bruch
HP, Heiss MM, Eikermann M, Neugebauer EAM. Laparoscopic extraperitoneal rectal cancer surgery: the clinical
practice guidelines of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery (EAES). Surg Endosc 2011; 25: 2423-2440 (5 /
Skipworth RJ, Stene GB, Dahele MR, Hendry PO, Small AC, Blum D, Kaasa S, Trottenberg P, Radbruch L, Strasser F,
Preston T, Fearon KC, Helbostad JL. Patient-focused endpoints in advanced cancer: Criterion-based validation of
accelerometer-based activity monitoring. Clin Nutr 2011; 30: 812-821 (4 / 3.410)
Skvortsov S, Jimenez CR, Knol JC, Eichberger P, Schiestl B, Debbage P, Skvortsova I, Lukas P. Radioresistant head and
neck squamous cell carcinoma cells: Intracellular signaling, putative biomarkers for tumor recurrences and possible
therapeutic targets. Radiother Oncol 2011; 101: 177-182 (5 / 4.337)
Slotman BJ, Senan S. Radiotherapy in Small-Cell Lung Cancer: Lessons Learned and Future Directions. Int J Radiat
Oncol 2011; 79: 998-1003 (5 / 4.503)
Smith SL, Palma DA, Parhar T, Alexander CS, Wai ES. Inoperable early stage non-small cell lung cancer: Comorbidity,
patterns of care and survival. Lung Cancer 2011; 72: 39-44 (4 / 3.356)
Smits M, Mir SE, Nilsson RJA, van der Stoop PM, Niers JM, Marquez VE, Cloos J, Breakefield XO, Krichevsky AM, Noske
DP, Tannous BA, Wurdinger T. Down-Regulation of miR-101 in Endothelial Cells Promotes Blood Vessel Formation
through Reduced Repression of EZH2. PLoS ONE 2011; 6(1): e16282 (4 / 4.411)
Smits MM, van Geenen EJM. The clinical significance of pancreatic steatosis. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol 2011; 8:
169-177 (4 / 4.558)
Smolen JS, Boers M, Abadie EC, Breedveld FC, Emery P, Bardin T, Goel N, Ethgen DJ, Avouac BP, Dere WH, Durez P,
Matucci-Cerinic M, Flamion B, Laslop A, Lekkerkerker FJ, Miossec P, Mitlak BH, Ormarsdottir S, Paolozzi L, Rao R,
Reiter S, Tsouderos Y, Reginster JY. Recommendations for an update of 2003 European regulatory requirements for
registration of drugs to be used in the treatment of RA. Curr Med Res Opin 2011; 27: 315-325 (4 / 2.609)
Smolen JS, Boers M, Abadie EC, Breedveld FC, Emery P, Bardin T, Goel N, Ethgen DJ, Avouac BP, Durez P, Flamion B,
Laslop A, Miossec P, Reiter S, Reginster JY. Updating the 2003 European regulatory requirements for registering
disease-modifying drugs to be used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatology 2011; 50: 1732-1736 (3 /
Snoeren N, Huiskens J, Rijken AM, van Hillegersberg R, van Erkel AR, Slooter GD, Klaase JM, van den Tol PM, Ten Kate
FJW, Jansen MC, van Gulik TM. Viable Tumor Tissue Adherent to Needle Applicators after Local Ablation: A Risk
Factor for Local Tumor Progression. Ann Surg Oncol 2011; 18: 3702-3710 (5 / 4.182)
Soliman H, Cheung P, Yeung L, Poon I, Balogh J, Barbera L, Spayne J, Danjoux C, Dahele MR, Ung Y. Accelerated
Hypofractionated Radiotherapy for Early-Stage Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer: Long-Term Results. Int J Radiat Oncol
2011; 79: 459-465 (5 / 4.503)
Stahel R, Thatcher N, Fruh M, Le Pechoux C, Postmus PE, Sorensen JB, Felip E. 1st ESMO Consensus Conference in
lung cancer; Lugano 2010: Small-cell lung cancer. Ann Oncol 2011; 22: 1973-1980 (4 / 6.452)
Appendix 4: Scientific output
Stavenuiter AWD, Schilte MN, ter Wee PM, Beelen RHJ. Angiogenesis in Peritoneal Dialysis. Kidney Blood Press R 2011;
34: 245-252 (2 / 1.5)
Suijkerbuijk AWM, Van Den Broek IVF, Brouwer HJ, Vanrolleghem AM, Joosten JHK, Verheij RA, van der Sande MAB,
Kretzschmar MEE. Usefulness of primary care electronic networks to assess the incidence of chlamydia, diagnosed by
general practitioners. BMC Fam Pract 2011; 12: 72 (3 / 1.467)
Supriyadi E, Widjajanto PH, Purwanto I, Cloos J, Veerman AJP, Sutaryo S. Incidence of Childhood Leukemia in
Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 1998-2009. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2011; 57: 588-593 (3 / 1.948)
Szojda MM, Mijatovic V, Bersma RJF, Hompes PGA. Irritable bowel syndrome and chronic constipation in patients with
endometriosis. Colorectal Dis 2011; 13: 67-71 (3 / 2.728)
Taal W, Dubbink HJ, Zonnenberg CBL, Zonnenberg BA, Postma TJ, Gijtenbeek JMM, Boogerd W, Groenendijk FH, Kros
JM, Kouwenhoven MCM, van Marion R, van Heuvel I, van der Holt B, Bromberg JEC, Smitt PAES, Dinjens WNM, van den
Bent MJ. First-line temozolomide chemotherapy in progressive low-grade astrocytomas after radiotherapy: molecular
characteristics in relation to response. Neuro-oncology 2011; 13: 235-241 (5 / 5.483)
Tack GJ, Verbeek WHM, Al-toma A, Kuik DJ, Schreurs MWJ, Visser O, Mulder CJJ. Evaluation of Cladribine treatment
in refractory celiac disease type 11. World J Gastroenterol 2011; 17: 506-513 (3 / 2.24)
Tack GJ, Wondergem MJ, Al-toma A, Verbeek WHM, Schmittel A, Machado MV, Perri F, Ossenkoppele GJ, Huijgens PC,
Schreurs MWJ, Mulder CJJ, Visser O. Auto-SCT in refractory celiac disease type II patients unresponsive to cladribine
therapy. Bone Marrow Transpl 2011; 46: 840-846 (4 / 3.660)
Thunnissen FBJM, Bov├®e JVMG, Bruinsma H, van den Brule AJC, Dinjens W, Heideman DAM, Meulemans E, Nederlof
PM, van Noesel C, Prinsen CFM, Scheidel-Jacobse K, van de Ven PM, de Weger R, Schuuring E, Ligtenberg MJL. EGFR
and KRAS quality assurance schemes in pathology: generating normative data for molecular predictive marker analysis
in targeted therapy. J Clin Pathol 2011; 64: 884-892 (3 / 2.475)
Timmers L, Boons CCLM, Mangnus D, Moes DJAR, Swart EL, Boven E, Smit EF, Hugtenburg JG. The use of erlotinib in
daily practice: a study on adherence and patients' experiences. BMC Cancer 2011; 11: art.nr. 284 (3 / 3.153)
Treasure T, Lang-Lazdunski L, Waller D, Bliss JM, Tan C, Entwisle J, Snee M, O'Brien M, Thomas G, Senan S, O'Byrne K,
Kilburn LS, Spicer J, Landau D, Edwards J, Coombes G, Darlison L, Peto J. Extra-pleural pneumonectomy versus no
extra-pleural pneumonectomy for patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma: clinical outcomes of the
Mesothelioma and Radical Surgery (MARS) randomised feasibility study. Lancet Oncol 2011; 12: 763-772 (5 / 17.764)
Treasure T, Senan S. The Need for Randomized Trials in Mesothelioma: Let's Walk the Talk. Oncologist 2011; 16: 261263 (4 / 5.826)
Ursum J, Horsten NC, Hoeksma AF, Dijkmans BAC, Knol DL, van Schaardenburg D, Dekker J, Roorda LD. Predictors of
Stenosing Tenosynovitis in the Hand and Hand-Related Activity Limitations in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis. Arch
Phys Med Rehab 2011; 92: 96-100 (5 / 2.254)
Vallieres E, Van Houtte P, Travis WD, Rami-Porta R, Goldstraw P, Postmus P. Carcinoma In Situ at the Bronchial
Resection Margin A Review. J Thorac Oncol 2011; 6: 1617-1623 (4 / 4.04)
van Asseldonk DP, de Boer KHN, van Bodegraven AA. Thiopurine metabolite measurement - not for everyone. Aliment
Pharm Ther 2011; 34: 1038-1039 (4 / 3.861)
van Asseldonk DP, Jharap B, Kuik DJ, de Boer KHN, Westerveld BD, Russel MGVM, Kubben FJGM, van Bodegraven AA,
Mulder CJJ. Prolonged thioguanine therapy is well tolerated and safe in the treatment of ulcerative colitis. Digest
Liver Dis 2011; 43: 110-115 (3 / 2.805)
van Asseldonk DP, Sanderson J, de Boer NK, Sparrow MP, Lemann M, Ansari A, Almer SH, Florin THJ, Gearry RB,
Mulder CJJ, Mantzaris G, van Bodegraven AA. Difficulties and possibilities with thiopurine therapy in inflammatory
bowel disease-Proceedings of the first Thiopurine Task Force meeting. Digest Liver Dis 2011; 43: 270-276 (3 / 2.805)
van Bussel BCT, Henry RM, Schalkwijk CG, Ferreira I, Feskens EJM, Streppel MT, Smulders YM, Twisk JWR, Stehouwer
CDA. Fish Consumption in Healthy Adults Is Associated with Decreased Circulating Biomarkers of Endothelial
Dysfunction and Inflammation during a 6-Year Follow-Up. J Nutr 2011; 141: 1719-1725 (4 / 4.295)
van de Loosdrecht AA, Westers TM. Flow cytometry in myelodysplastic syndromes: Ready for translation into clinical
practice. Leukemia Res 2011; 35: 850-852 (3 / 2.555)
van de Sande MGH, de Hair MJH, van der Leij C, Klarenbeek PL, Bos WH, Smith MD, Maas M, de Vries N, van
Schaardenburg D, Dijkmans BAC, Gerlag DM, Tak PP. Different stages of rheumatoid arthritis: features of the
synovium in the preclinical phase. Ann Rheum Dis 2011; 70: 772-777 (5 / 9.082)
van de Stadt LA, Koning MHMT, van de Stadt RJ, Wolbink G, Dijkmans BAC, Hamann D, van Schaardenburg D.
Development of the Anti-Citrullinated Protein Antibody Repertoire Prior to the Onset of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Arth
Rheum/Ar C Res 2011; 63: 3226-3233 (5 / 8.435)
van de Stadt LA, van der Horst AR, Koning MHMT, Bos WH, Wolbink GJ, van de Stadt RJ, Pruijn GJM, Dijkmans BAC,
van Schaardenburg D, Hamann D. The extent of the anti-citrullinated protein antibody repertoire is associated with
arthritis development in patients with seropositive arthralgia. Ann Rheum Dis 2011; 70: 128-133 (5 / 9.082)
van den Bent MJ, Gravendeel LA, Gorlia T, Kros JM, Lapre L, Wesseling P, Teepen JL, Idbaih A, Sanson M, Smitt PAES,
French PJ. A Hypermethylated Phenotype Is a Better Predictor of Survival than MGMT Methylation in Anaplastic
Oligodendroglial Brain Tumors: A Report from EORTC Study 26951. Clin Cancer Res 2011; 17: 7148-7155 (5 / 7.338)
van den Bent MJ, Wefel JS, Schiff D, Taphoorn MJB, Jaeckle K, Junck L, Armstrong T, Choucair A, Waldman AD, Gorlia
T, Chamberlain M, Baumert BG, Vogelbaum MA, Macdonald DR, Reardon DA, Wen PY, Chang SM, Jacobs AH. Response
assessment in neuro-oncology (a report of the RANO group): assessment of outcome in trials of diffuse low-grade
gliomas. Lancet Oncol 2011; 12: 583-593 (5 / 17.764)
van den Berg H, de Groot-Kruseman HA, De Bont ESJM, Meeteren AYN, Hoogerbrugge PM. Outcome After First Relapse
in Children With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: A Report Based on the Dutch Childhood Oncology Group (DCOG)
Relapse ALL 98 Protocol. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2011; 57: 210-216 (3 / 1.948)
van den Boezem P, Kruyt P, Stommel M, Morales R, Cuesta MA, Sietses C. Transanal Single-Port Surgery for the
Resection of Large Polyps. Digest Surg 2011; 28(5-6): 412-416 (2 / 1.266)
van den Broek M, Huizinga TWJ, Dijkmans BAC, Allaart CF. Drug-free remission: is it already possible?. Curr Opin
Rheumatol 2011; 23: 266-272 (4 / 4.497)
van den Broek M, Klarenbeek NB, Dirven L, van Schaardenburg D, Hulsmans HMJ, Kerstens PJSM, Huizinga TWJ,
Dijkmans BAC, Allaart CF. Discontinuation of infliximab and potential predictors of persistent low disease activity in
patients with early rheumatoid arthritis and disease activity score-steered therapy: subanalysis of the BeSt study. Ann
Rheum Dis 2011; 70: 1389-1394 (5 / 9.082)
Appendix 4: Scientific output
van den Heijkant S, Hoorweg-Nijman G, Huisman J, Drent ML, van der Pal H, Kaspers GJL, de Waal H. Effects of
Growth Hormone Therapy on Bone Mass, Metabolic Balance, and Well-Being in Young Adult Survivors of Childhood
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. J Pediat Hematol Onc 2011; 33: e231-e238 (2 / 0.998)
van den Munckhof P, Germans MR, Schouten-van Meeteren AYN, Oldenburger F, Troost D, Vandertop WP. Recurring
Intracranial Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor: Case Report and Systematic Review of the Literature.
Neurosurgery 2011; 9: E1152-E1158 (5 / 3.298)
van der Bol JM, Loos WJ, de Jong FA, van Meerten E, Konings IRHM, Lam MH, de Bruijn P, Wiemer EA, Verweij J,
Mathijssen RHJ. Effect of omeprazole on the pharmacokinetics and toxicities of irinotecan in cancer patients: A
prospective cross-over drug-drug interaction study. Eur J Cancer 2011; 47: 831-838 (4 / 4.944)
van der Helm LH, Alhan C, Wijermans PW, Kooy MV, Schaafsma R, Biemond BJ, Beeker A, Hoogendoorn M, van Rees
BP, de Weerdt O, Wegman J, Libourel WJ, Luykx-de Bakker SA, Minnema MC, Brouwer RE, Boer FCD, Eefting M, Jie
KSG, van de Loosdrecht AA, Koedam J, Veeger NJGM, Vellenga E, Huls G. Platelet doubling after the first azacitidine
cycle is a promising predictor for response in myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia
(CMML) and acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) patients in the Dutch azacitidine compassionate named patient
programme. Brit J Dermatol 2011; 155: 599-606 (5 / 4.351)
van der Meer EWC, Boot CRL, Jungbauer FHW, van der Klink JJL, Rustemeyer T, Coenraads PJ, van der Gulden JW,
Anema JR. Hands4U: A multifaceted strategy to implement guideline-based recommendations to prevent hand
eczema in health care workers: design of a randomised controlled trial and (cost) effectiveness evaluation. BMC
Public Health 2011; 11: art.nr. 669 (4 / 2.364)
van der Meij BS, Phernambucq ECJ, Fieten GM, Smit EF, Paul MA, van Leeuwen PAM, Oosterhuis JWA. Nutrition During
Trimodality Treatment in Stage III Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Not Only Important for Underweight Patients. J Thorac
Oncol 2011; 6: 1563-1568 (4 / 4.04)
van der Pas MHGM, Meijer S, Meijerink WJHJ. SLN mapping in colorectal cancer Reply. Lancet Oncol 2011; 12: 990991 (5 / 17.764)
van der Pas MHGM, Velde EAT, Bonjer MACH. Favorable outcomes with laparoscopic surgery for rectal cancer. Surg
Endosc 2011; 25: 2060-2061 (5 / 3.436)
van der Ploeg M, Kums AC, Aben KK, van Lin EN, Smits G, Vergunst H, Viddeleer AC, Geboers AD, van Berkel H, Boven
E, Kiemeney LALM, Witjes F. Prognostic Factors for Survival in Patients With Recurrence of Muscle Invasive Bladder
Cancer After Treatment With Curative Intent. Clin Genitourin Canc 2011; 9: 14-21 (2 / 1.638)
van der Putten L, de Bree R, Kuik DJ, Doornaert P, Eerenstein SEJ, Leemans CR. Paratracheal lymph node dissection
during laryngectomy after previous (chemo)radiotherapy: a retrospective analysis of complications and
histopathological results. Clin Otolaryngol 2011; 36: 37-44 (3 / 1.561)
van der Putten L, de Bree R, Kuik DJ, Rietveld DHF, Buter J, Eerenstein SEJ, Leemans CR. Salvage laryngectomy:
Oncological and functional outcome. Oral Oncol 2011; 47: 296-301 (5 / 2.871)
van der Veldt AAM, Kleijn SA. Advances in Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor Treatment. New Engl J Med 2011; 364:
1873 (5 / 53.484)
van der Wal MBA, van Zuijlen PPM, van de Ven PM, Middelkoop E. Reply: Topical Silicone Gel versus Placebo in
Promoting the Maturation of Burn Scars: A Randomized Controlled Trial-The Pivotal Role of Statistics. Plast Reconstr
Surg 2011; 128: 607 (4 / 2.635)
van der Weijden MAC, van Denderen JC, Lems WF, Heijmans MW, Dijkmans BAC, Horst-Bruinsma IE. Low bone mineral
density is related to male gender and decreased functional capacity in early spondylarthropathies. Clin Rheumatol
2011; 30: 497-503 (2 / 1.687)
Van Diermen DE, Bruers JJ, Hoogstraten J, Bovenlander M, Van den Bosch A, van der Waal I. Treating dental patients
who use oral antithrombotic medication: a survey of dentists in the Netherlands. J Am Dent Assoc 2011; 142: 13761382 (4 / 2.195)
van Egmond ME, Vermeulen RJ, Peeters-Scholte CMPC, ugoustides-Savvopoulou P, Abbink F, Boelens JJ, van der
Knaap MS. Familial Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis in a Pediatric Patient Diagnosed by Brain Magnetic
Resonance Imaging. Neuropediatrics 2011; 42: 191-193 (2 / 0.975)
van Eijk IC, Serne EH, Dijkmans BAC, Smulders YM, Nurmohamed MT. Microvascular function is preserved in newly
diagnosed rheumatoid arthritis and low systemic inflammatory activity. Clin Rheumatol 2011; 30: 1113-1118 (2 /
van Galen KPM, Zweegman S, Ossenkoppele GJ. Pancreatic pseudocyst in an adult patient after treatment with
pegylated asparaginase. Brit J Dermatol 2011; 152: 676 (5 / 4.351)
van Kampen RJW, Canals C, Schouten HC, Nagler A, Thomson KJ, Vernant JP, Buzyn A, Boogaerts MA, Luan JJ, Maury
S, Milpied NJ, Jouet JP, Ossenkoppele GJ, Sureda A. Allogeneic Stem-Cell Transplantation As Salvage Therapy for
Patients With Diffuse Large B-Cell Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Relapsing After an Autologous Stem-Cell Transplantation:
An Analysis of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation Registry. J Clin Oncol 2011; 29: 1342-1348 (5
/ 18.97)
van Laren M, van Walree N, Kluijtmans JAJW. Multiple lung abscesses secondary to a uterine empyema caused by an
intrauterine device. Infection 2011; 39: 385-387 (2 / 2.244)
van Leeuwaarde RS, Vrede MA, Henar F, Does R, Issa P, Burke E, Visser O, Rijmen FPJ, Westermann AM. A nationwide
analysis of incidence and outcome of breast cancer in the country of Surinam, during 1994-2003. Breast Cancer Res Tr
2011; 128: 873-881 (4 / 4.859)
van Leeuwen RWF, Swart EL, Boven E, Boom FA, Schuitenmaker MG, Hugtenburg JG. Potential drug interactions in
cancer therapy: a prevalence study using an advanced screening method. Ann Oncol 2011; 22: 2334-2341 (4 / 6.452)
van Luijn MM, Westers TM, Chamuleau MED, van der Ham SM, Ossenkoppele GJ, van de Loosdrecht AA. Class IIAssociated Invariant Chain Peptide Expression Represents a Novel Parameter for Flow Cytometric Detection of Acute
Promyelocytic Leukemia. Am J Pathol 2011; 179: 2157-2161 (5 / 5.224)
van Nieuwpoort IC, van Bunderen CC, Arwert LI, Franken AAM, Koppeschaar HPF, van der Lelij AJ, Twisk JW, Boers M,
Drent ML. Dutch national registry of GH Treatment in adults: patient characteristics and diagnostic test procedures.
Eur J Endocrinol 2011; 164: 491-497 (3 / 3.482)
van Nifterik KA, Berg J, Slotman BJ, van Rijn J. Anti-tumour effects by a trimodal combination of temozolomide,
meloxicam and X-rays in cultures of human glioma cells. Int J Radiat Biol 2011; 87: 192-201 (5 / 1.861)
Appendix 4: Scientific output
van Rhoon GC, Aleman A, Kelfkens G, Kromhout H, van Leeuwen FE, Savelkoul HFJ, Wadman WJ, Van de Weerdt
RDHJ, Zwamborn APM, Van Rongen E. Health Council of the Netherlands: No need to change from SAR to timetemperature relation in electromagnetic fields exposure limits. Int J Hyperther 2011; 27: 399-404 (3 / 2.929)
van Santvoort HC, Bakker OJ, Bollen TL, Besselink MG, Ali UA, Schrijver AM, Boermeester MA, van Goor H, Dejong CH,
van Eijck CH, van Ramshorst B, Schaapherder AF, van der Harst E, Hofker S, Nieuwenhuijs VB, Brink MA, Kruyt PM,
Manusama ER, van der Schelling GP, Karsten T, Hesselink EJ, van Laarhoven CJ, Rosman C, Bosscha K, de Wit RJ,
Houdijk AP, Cuesta MA, Wahab PJ, Gooszen HG. A Conservative and Minimally Invasive Approach to Necrotizing
Pancreatitis Improves Outcome. Gastroenterology 2011; 141: 1254-1263 (5 / 12.032)
van Schaardenburg D, Nielen MM, Lems WF, Twisk JWR, Resink HW, van de Stadt RJ. Bone metabolism is altered in
preclinical rheumatoid arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis 2011; 70: 1173-1174 (5 / 9.082)
van Schaik FDM, Ten Kate FJW, Offerhaus GJA, Schipper MEI, Vleggaar FP, van der Woude CJ, Stokkers PCF, Jong DJ,
Hommes DW, van Bodegraven AA, Siersema PD, Oldenburg B. Misclassification of Dysplasia in Patients with
Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Consequences for Progression Rates to Advanced Neoplasia. Inflamm Bowel Dis 2011; 17:
1108-1116 (4 / 4.613)
van Sijl AM, Peters MJL, Knol DL, de Vet HCW, Gonzalez-Gay MA, Smulders YM, Dijkmans BAC, Nurmohamed MT.
Carotid intima media thickness in rheumatoid arthritis as compared to control subjects: a meta-analysis. Semin
Arthritis Rheu 2011; 40: 389-397 (4 / 4.744)
van Sijl AM, Peters MJL, Knol DL, de Vet HCW, Sattar N, Dijkmans BAC, Smulders YM, Nurmohamed MT. The effect of
TNF-alpha blocking therapy on lipid levels in rheumatoid arthritis: a meta-analysis. Semin Arthritis Rheu 2011; 41:
393-400 (4 / 4.744)
van Tilborg AAJM, Meijerink MR, Sietses C, van Waesberghe JHTM, Mackintosh MO, Meijer S, van Kuijk C, van den Tol
MP. Long-term results of radiofrequency ablation for unresectable colorectal liver metastases: a potentially curative
intervention. Brit J Radiol 2011; 84: 556-565 (3 / 2.062)
Van Vuurden DG, Hulleman E, Meijer OL, Wedekind LE, Kool M, Witt H, Vandertop PW, Würdinger T, Noske DP,
Kaspers GJL, Cloos J. PARP inhibition sensitizes childhood high grade glioma, medulloblastoma and ependymoma to
radiation. Oncotarget 2011; 2(12): 984-996 (1 / 0.176)
van Werven JR, Schreuder TCMA, Aarts EO, Nederveen AJ, Meijer JWR, Berends FJ, Janssen IMC, Mulder CJJ, Jansen
PLM, Stoker J. Hepatic Steatosis in Morbidly Obese Patients Undergoing Gastric Bypass Surgery: Assessment With
Open-System (1)H-MR Spectroscopy. Am J Roentgenol 2011; 196: W736-W742 (3 / 2.797)
van Weyenberg SJB. Patient identification data on medical images. Eur J Radiol 2011; 79: 337 (3 / 2.941)
van Weyenberg SJB, de Leest HTJI, Mulder CJJ. Description of a novel grading system to assess the quality of bowel
preparation in video capsule endoscopy. Endoscopy 2011; 43: 406-411 (5 / 6.096)
van Weyenberg SJB, Meijerink MR, Jacobs MAJM, van Kuijk C, Mulder CJJ, van Waesberghe JHTM. MR Enteroclysis in
Refractory Celiac Disease: Proposal and Validation of a Severity Scoring System. Radiology 2011; 259: 151-161 (5 /
van Zwol A, Moll HA, Fetter WPF, van Elburg RM. Glutamine-enriched enteral nutrition in very low birthweight infants
and allergic and infectious diseases at 6 years of age. Paediatr Perinat EP 2011; 25: 60-66 (3 / 1.928)
Vastesaeger N, van der Heijde D, Inman RD, Wang YX, Deodhar A, Hsu B, Rahman MU, Dijkmans BAC, Geusens P,
Vander Cruyssen B, Collantes E, Sieper J, von Braun J. Predicting the outcome of ankylosing spondylitis therapy. Ann
Rheum Dis 2011; 70: 973-981 (5 / 9.082)
Vellenga E, van Putten W, Ossenkoppele GJ, Verdonck LF, Theobald M, Cornelissen JJ, Huijgens PC, Maertens J,
Gratwohl A, Schaafsma R, Schanz U, Graux C, Schouten HC, Ferrant A, Bargetzi M, Fey MF, Lowenberg B. Autologous
peripheral blood stem cell transplantation for acute myeloid leukemia. Blood 2011; 118: 6037-6042 (5 / 10.558)
Vergeer MR, Doornaert PAH, de Bree R, Leemans CR, Slotman BJ, Langendijk JA. Postoperative elective nodal
irradiation for squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck: outcome and prognostic factors for regional
recurrence. Ann Oncol 2011; 22: 2489-2494 (4 / 6.452)
Verhaegen PDHM, van der Wal MBA, Bloemen MCT, Dokter J, Melis P, Middelkoop E, van Zuijlen PPM. Sustainable
effect of skin stretching for burn scar excision: Long-term results of a multicenter randomized controlled trial. Burns
2011; 37: 1222-1228 (3 / 1.718)
Verhaegen PDHM, van der Wal MBA, Middelkoop E, van Zuijlen PPM. Objective Scar Assessment Tools: A Clinimetric
Appraisal. Plast Reconstr Surg 2011; 127: 1561-1570 (4 / 2.635)
Verhaegen PDHM, van Trier AJM, Jongen SJM, Vlig M, Nieuwenhuis MK, Middelkoop E, van Zuijlen PPM. Efficacy of
Skin Stretching for Burn Scar Excision: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial. Plast Reconstr Surg 2011; 127:
1958-1966 (4 / 2.635)
Verhoef C, de Wilt JH, Burger JW, Verheul HM, Koopman M.. Surgery of the primary in stage IV colorectal cancer with
unresectable metastases. Eur J Cancer 2011; 47(suppl 3): 61-55 (4 / 4.944)
Verstegen NE, Lagerwaard FJ, Haasbeek CJA, Slotman BJ, Senan S. Outcomes of stereotactic ablative radiotherapy
following a clinical diagnosis of stage I NSCLC: Comparison with a contemporaneous cohort with pathologically proven
disease. Radiother Oncol 2011; 101: 250-254 (5 / 4.337)
Verweij CL. Anti-TNF therapy in RA-towards personalized medicine?. Nat Rev Rheumatol 2011; 7: 136-138 (4 / 6.448)
Vis M, Haavardsholm EA, Boyesen P, Haugeberg G, Uhlig T, Hoff M, Woolf AD, Dijkmans BAC, Lems WF, Kvien TK. High
incidence of vertebral and non-vertebral fractures in the OSTRA cohort study: a 5-year follow-up study in
postmenopausal women with rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoporosis Int 2011; 22: 2413-2419 (4 / 4.859)
Visman IM, Bartelds GM, Ouwerkerk W, Ravelli ACJ, Peelen LM, Dijkmans BAC, Boers M, Nurmohamed MT. Effect of
the Application of Trial Inclusion Criteria on the Efficacy of Adalimumab Therapy in a Rheumatoid Arthritis Cohort. J
Rheumatol 2011; 38: 1884-1890 (3 / 3.551)
Vlug MS, Wind J, Hollmann MW, Ubbink DT, Cense HA, Engel AF, Gerhards MF, van Wagensveld BA, van der Zaag ES,
van Geloven AAW, Sprangers MAG, Cuesta MA, Bemelman WA. Laparoscopy in Combination with Fast Track Multimodal
Management is the Best Perioperative Strategy in Patients Undergoing Colonic Surgery A Randomized Clinical Trial
(LAFA-study). Ann Surg 2011; 254: 868-875 (5 / 7.474)
von Braun J, Horst-Bruinsma I, Huang F, Burgos-Vargas R, Vlahos B, Koenig AS, Freundlich B. Clinical Efficacy and
Safety of Etanercept Versus Sulfasalazine in Patients With Ankylosing Spondylitis A Randomized, Double-Blind Trial.
Arth Rheum/Ar C Res 2011; 63: 1543-1551 (5 / 8.435)
von Braun J, van den Berg R, Baraliakos X, Boehm H, Burgos-Vargas R, Collantes-Estevez E, Dagfinrud H, Dijkmans
BAC, Dougados M, Emery P, Geher P, Hammoudeh M, Inman RD, Jongkees M, Khan MA, Kiltz U, Kvien TK, Leirisalo-
Appendix 4: Scientific output
Repo M, Maksymowych WP, Olivieri I, Pavelka K, Sieper J, Stanislawska-Biernat E, Wendling D, Ozgocmen S, van
Drogen C, van Royen BJ, van der Heijde D. 2010 update of the ASAS/EULAR recommendations for the management of
ankylosing spondylitis. Ann Rheum Dis 2011; 70: 896-904 (5 / 9.082)
Vos ACW, Bakkal N, Minnee RC, Casparie MK, Jong DJ, Dijkstra G, Stokkers P, van Bodegraven AA, Pierik M, van der
Woude CJ, Oldenburg B, Hommes DW. Risk of Malignant Lymphoma in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: A
Dutch Nationwide Study. Inflamm Bowel Dis 2011; 17: 1837-1845 (4 / 4.613)
Walraven M, Witteveen PO, Lolkema MPJ, van Hillegersberg R, Voest EE, Verheul HMW. Antiangiogenic tyrosine kinase
inhibition related gastrointestinal perforations: a case report and literature review. Angiogenesis 2011; 14: 135-141 (5
/ 6.188)
Wattjes MP, van Oosten BW, de Graaf WL, Seewann AM, Bot JCJ, van den Berg R, Uitdehaag BMJ, Polman CH, Barkhof
F. No association of abnormal cranial venous drainage with multiple sclerosis: a magnetic resonance venography and
flow-quantification study. J Neurol Neurosur PS 2011; 82: 429-435 (5 / 4.791)
Weijers M, Leemans CR, Aartman IH, Karagozoglu KH, van der Waal I. Oral cancer trends in a single head-and-neck
cancer center in the Netherlands; decline in T-stage at the time of admission. Med Oral Patol Oral y cirugia bucal
2011; 16: e914-e918 (2 / 1.071)
Welsh P, Peters MJL, McInnes IB, Lems WF, Lips PTAM, McKellar G, Knox S, Wallace AM, Dijkmans BAC, Nurmohamed
MT, Sattar N. Vitamin D deficiency is common in patients with RA and linked to disease activity, but circulating levels
are unaffected by TNF alpha blockade: results from a prospective cohort study. Ann Rheum Dis 2011; 70: 1165-1167 (5
/ 9.082)
Welsh P, Peters MJL, Sattar N. Is Vitamin D in Rheumatoid Arthritis a Magic Bullet or a Mirage? The Need to Improve
the Evidence Base Prior to Calls for Supplementation. Arth Rheum/Ar C Res 2011; 63: 1763-1769 (5 / 8.435)
Wieten E, Linden-Schrever B, Sonneveld E, Veerman AJP, Pieters R. CD73 (5 '-nucleotidase) expression has no
prognostic value in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Leukemia 2011; 25: 1374-1376 (5 / 8.966)
Wiggenraad R, Verbeek-de Kanter A, Kal HB, Taphoorn M, Vissers T, Struikmans H. Dose-effect relation in stereotactic
radiotherapy for brain metastases. A systematic review. Radiother Oncol 2011; 98: 292-297 (5 / 4.337)
Wildeman MA, Zandbergen J, Vincent AD, Herdini C, Middeldorp JM, Fles R, Dalesio O, van der Donk E, Tan IB. Can an
online clinical data management service help in improving data collection and data quality in a developing country
setting?. Trials 2011; 12: art.nr. 190 (3 / 2.08)
Willemse RB, Pouwels PJW, Barkhof F, Vandertop WP. Localisation of the central sulcus region in glioma patients with
three-dimensional fluid-attenuated inversion recovery and volume rendering: comparison with functional and
conventional magnetic resonance. Brit J Neurosurg 2011; 25: 210-217 (2 / 0.966)
Winkel MLT, Pieters R, Hop WCJ, de Groot-Kruseman HA, Lequin MH, van der Sluis IM, Bokkerink JPM, Leeuw JA, de
Bruin MCA, Egeler RM, Veerman AJP, Heuvel-Eibrink M. Prospective Study on Incidence, Risk Factors, and Long-Term
Outcome of Osteonecrosis in Pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. J Clin Oncol 2011; 29: 4143-4150 (5 / 18.97)
Wondergem MJ, Ossenkoppele GJ. Genotyping by morphology .. Blood 2011; 117: 2566 (5 / 10.558)
Woodburn J, Vlieland TPMV, van der Leeden M, Steultjens MPM. Rasch analysis of Dutch-translated version of the Foot
Impact Scale for rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatology 2011; 50: 1315-1319 (3 / 4.171)
Zepp F, Heininger U, Mertsola J, Bernatowska E, Guiso N, Roord JJ, Tozzi AE, Van Damme P. Rationale for pertussis
booster vaccination throughout life in Europe. Lancet Infect Dis 2011; 11: 557-570 (5 / 16.144)
Scientific papers non-refereed
Baart JA, Bretschneider JH, de Visscher JGAM, van der Waal I. Diseases of the maxillary sinus: an overview for the
dentists. Minerva stomatologica 2011; 60: 243-250.
Bastiaannet E, Hoekstra HJ, Hoekstra OS. Melanoma. Methods Mol Biol 2011; 727: 123-139.
Biere SSAY, Maas KW, Bonavina L, Garcia JR, Henegouwen MIV, Rosman C, Sosef MN, de Klerk ESM, Bonjer HJ, Cuesta
MA, van der Peet DL. Traditional invasive vs. minimally invasive esophagectomy: a multi-center, randomized trial
(TIME-trial). BMC Surgery 2011; 11: art.nr. 2.
Bijnsdorp IV, Giovannetti E, Peters GJ. Analysis of drug interactions. Methods Mol Biol 2011; 731: 421-434.
Broekman F, Giovannetti E, Peters GJ. Tyrosine kinase inhibitors: Multi-targeted or single-targeted?. World Journal of
Clinical Oncology 2011; 2: 80-93.
Dahele MR, Senan S. The role of stereotactic ablative radiotherapy for early-stage and oligometastatic non-small cell
lung cancer: evidence for changing paradigms. Cancer research and treatment 2011; 43: 75-82.
Daniels JM, de Oliveira HG, Sutedja GT. Early detection and treatment of squamous cell lung cancer. Pulmao RJ 2011;
20: 19-24.
den Uyl D, Bultink IEM, Lems WF. Advances in Glucocorticoid-induced Osteoporosis. Current Rheumatology Reports
2011; 13: 233-240.
Graeber CP, Gobin YP, Marr BP, Dunkel IJ, Brodie SE, Bornfeld N, Char DH, Folberg R, Imhof SM, Lin AY, Berry JL, Al
Mesker S, Moll AC, Abramson DH. Histopathologic findings of eyes enucleated after treatment with chemosurgery for
retinoblastoma. Open journal of ophthalmology 2011; 18: 1-5.
Hall JA, Daidone MG, Peters GJ, Harbeck N, Lacombe D, Sleijfer S. Integrating Collection of Biospecimens in Clinical
Trials: The Approach of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer. Biopreservation and
biobanking 2011; 9: 181-186.
Karagozoglu KH, van Hagen JM, Baart JA, van der Waal I. Genetic screening for nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome
in patients with a solitary keratocystic odontogenic tumour is not useful. Minerva stomatologica 2011; 60: 1-4.
Krekel NMA, Zonderhuis BM, Schreurs HWH, Cardozo AMFL, Rijna H, van der Veen H, Muller S, Poortman P, Widt L, de
Roos WK, Bosch AM, Taets van amerongen AHM, Bergers E, van der Linden MHM, de Klerk ESM, Winters HAH, Meijer S,
van den Tol MP. Ultrasound-guided breast-sparing surgery to improve cosmetic outcomes and quality of life. A
prospective multicentre randomised controlled clinical trial comparing ultrasound-guided surgery to traditional
palpation-guided surgery (COBALT trial). BMC Surgery 2011; 11: art.nr. 8.
Lam TJ, Mulder CJJ, Bersma RJF. Differences in taste between three polyethylene glycol preparations: a randomized
double-blind study. Patient Pref Adh 2011; 2011: 423-426.
Peters JHC, Beishuizen A, Keur MB, Dobrowolski L, Wierdsma NJ, van Bodegraven AA. Assessment of small bowel
function in critical illness: potential role of citrulline metabolism. J Intensive Care Med 2011; 26: 105-110.
Appendix 4: Scientific output
Roukema BY, van Loon MC, Smits C, Smit CFGM, Goverts ST, Merkus P, Hensen EF. Cochlear implantation after
bacterial meningitis in infants younger than 9 months. International journal of otolaryngology 2011; : .
Stavenuiter AWD, Farhat K, Schilte MN, ter Wee PM, Beelen RHJ. Bioincompatible impact of different peritoneal
dialysis fluid components and therapeutic interventions as tested in a rat peritoneal dialysis model. Int J Nephrol
2011; : 742196.
Thielen N, Ossenkoppele GJ, Schuurhuis GJ, Janssen JJWM. New insights into the pathogenesis of chronic myeloid
leukaemia: towards a path to cure. The Netherlands journal of medicine 2011; 69: 430-440.
van der Waal I, Scully C. Oral cancer: comprehending the condition, causes, controversies, control and consequences.
4. Potentially malignant disorders of the oral and oropharyngeal mucosa. Dental Update 2011; 38: 138-140.
van der Waal I, Scully C. Oral cancer: comprehending the condition, causes, controversies, control and consequences.
6. Co-morbidities. Dental Update 2011; 38: 283-284.
van Meerloo J, Kaspers GJL, Cloos J. Cell sensitivity assays: the MTT assay. Methods Mol Biol 2011; 731: 237-245.
Vos CG, Hoksbergen AWJ. Fatal retroperitoneal bleeding caused by metastasis of a sigmoid carcinoma. Case reports in
medicine 2011; 2011: 373047.
Scientific publications (books, book chapters, proceedings)
Alhan C, Westers TM, Ossenkoppele GJ, van de Loosdrecht AA. Flow cytometry in myelodysplastic dyndromes; in
Varkonoyi J, (ed): The Myelodysplastic Syndromes. Springer. 2011; : 121-143.
Boeke AJP, van der Waal I. Mondklachten. In: Diagnostiek van alledaagse klachten. Bouwstenen voor rationeel
probleemoplossen. De Jong TOH, de Vries H, Grundmeijer HGLM, (eds). Houten, Bohn, Stafleu, Van Loghum Springer
Media. 2011; : 171-181.
de Bree R, Langendijk JA, Leemans CR. Multidisplinary treatment of the neck; in Bernier J, (ed): Head and neck
cancer-multimodality management. Hamburg, Spinger Science.. 2011; : 497-512.
Dirven CM, van den Bent MJ, Stalpers LJA, Wesseling P. Tumoren van het zenuwstelsel; in van de Velde CJH, van der
Graaf WTA, van Krieken JHJM, Marijnen CAM, Vermorken JB, (eds): Oncologie. Houten, Bohn Stafleu van Loghum.
2011; : 28.
Gibson B, Perentesis J, Alonzo TA, Kaspers GJL. Treatment of acute myeloid leukemia; in Reaman GH, Smits FO,
(eds): Childhood leukemia. A practical handbook. Berlin, Springer-Verlag. 2011; : 121-169.
Guntinas-Lichius O, Leemans CR, Nicolai P. Recurrent salivary tumours; in Bradley PJ, Guntinas-Lichius O, (eds):
Diseases of the salivary glands. Thieme Verlag. 2011; : 233-244.
Jackman AL, Jansen G, Ng M. Folate receptor targeted thymidylate sythase inhibitors; in Jackman AL, Leamon CP,
(eds): Targeted drug strategies for cancer and inflammation. New York, Springer Science. 2011; : 93-118.
Kirtschig G, Wojnarowska F. Linear IgA associated Bullous Disease in Children; in Irvine AD, Hoeger PH, Yan A, (eds):
Harper's textbook of peadiatric dermatology, chapter 89.. 2011; : .
Ossenkoppele GJ, Janssen JJWM. CML in Focus. Alphen aan den Rijn, van Zuden Communications. ISBN: 978-90-8523222-3. 2011; : .
Ossenkoppele GJ, van de Loosdrecht AA. Leukemie bij ouderen; Handboek Kanker bij ouderen. de Tijdstroom. 2011;
: 283-291.
Overbeek A, van den Berg MH, van Leeuwen FE, Kaspers GJL, Kremer LCM, Lambalk CB, van D. Chemotherapy-related
late adverse effects on ovarian function in female survivors of childhood cancer and cancer in the reproductive age.
Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2011; 6: artnr CD009127.
Picardo SEC, Allard RHB, van Merkesteyn JP. Bisfosfonaat necrose van de kaak: oorzaak en therapie; Het
Tandheelkundig Jaar 2011. 2011; : 54-62.
Ravindranath Y, Masera G, Ribeiro R, Veerman AJP, Wagner HP. Improved outcome for children with acute leukemia:
How to address global disparities in childhood leukemia. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. 2011; : .
Scheiders FL, van den Eertwegh AJM, Bontkes HJ, von Blomberg BME, Scheper RJ, van der Vliet JJ. KRN7000 clinical
trials in cancer patients; Natural killer T cells: Setting the balance in the regulation of tumor immunity. Springer
Verlag. 2011; : .
Schneiders FL, Scheper RJ, Bontkes HJ, von Blomberg BME, van den Eertwegh AJM, de Gruijl TD, van der Vliet JJ.
Clinical trials with a-Galactosylceramide (KRN7000) in advanced cancer; in Terabe M, Berzofsky JA, (eds): Natural
killer T cells: Balancing the regulation of tumor immunity, Cancer drug discovery and development. Springer Science
+ Business Media. 2011; : .
Swart EL, van der Waal RIF, van Dorn MBA, Kirtschig G. Systemische medicaie in de dermatologie; Praktische
handleiding van een verantwoorde toepassing van anti-inflammatoire middelen. Houten, Prelum. 2011; : .
van Bodegraven AA, van Weyenberg SJB, Wierdsma NJ, De Wit NJ, Brouwers JRBJ. Gastroenterology; in van
Everdingen JJJ, Glerum J, Wiersma T, (eds): Diagnose en Therapie. Houten, BohnStafleu VanLoghum, chapter 12.
2011; : .
van der Waal I. Mond- en kaakziekten. Een atlas voor de dagelijkse praktijk. Houten, Bohn, Stafleu, van Loghum.
Springer Media. 2011; 2: 1-313.
van der Waal I. Cysten en tumoren in het hoofdhals-gebied; in de Baat C, (ed): Compendium mondzorg. Houten,
Prelum Uitgevers. 2011; : 439-460.
van Moorselaar RJA, Hulshof MCCM, Leenders GJLH, Van Herpen C, van Poppel H. Tumoren van de urinewegen; in van
de Velde CJH, van der Graaf WTA, van Krieken JH, Marijen CAM, Vermorken JB, (eds): Leerboek Oncologie. 2011; :
Professional publications
Boven E. Bevacizumab in the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer: case reports. Anti-Cancer Drug 2011; 2: S1S23.
Boven E. Nieuwe, gerichte behandelingen voor de patient met kanker. Huisarts Wet 2011; 54: 266-271.
Boven E. Cetuximab of panitumumab voor gemetastaseerd colorectaalcarcinoom?. Ned Tijdschr Oncol 2011; 8: 27-33.
de Bree R. Vroeg opsporen larynxcarcinoom: mogelijkheden beperkt. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2011; 155: A3045.
Appendix 4: Scientific output
de Bree R, Hoekstra OS, Castelijns JA, Leemans CR. Recente ontwikkelingen bij de diagnostiek van hoofd-halskamer
in de klinische praktijk. Ned Tijdschr Oncol 2011; 8: 98-106.
de Gruijl TD. Dendritische celtherapieen tegen kanker: van autoloog naar alogeen naar in-vivo targeting. Tijdschrift
voor Bloedtransfusie 2011; 4: 111-112.
de Rooij J. Diagnostiek en behandeling van chronische urticaria. NTVa 2011; 11: 131-137.
Dekker J, Peter W, van der Leeden M, Lems WF. Over artrose. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2011; 155: 30-31.
Dijkmans BAC. Van spalk tot slimme spuit. Het veranderend perspectief van de reumatologie. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd
2011; 155 (30-31): A3470.
Gordijn MS, Gemke RJBJ, Kaspers GJL, Walenkamp MJE. Bijnierschorsinsufficientie door glucocoritcoidgebruik in de
oncologie op kinderleeftijd. Tijdschr Kindergeneeskd 2011; 79: 87-91.
Karagozoglu KH, Castelijns JA, Bloemena E, de Bree R, van der Waal I. Een vergrote lymfeklier in de hals:wat te
doen?. Ned Tijdschr Tandheelkd 2011; 118: 267-271.
Krekel NMA, van den Tol MP. Zeer positieve resultaten van borstsparende echo. Tracer 2011; 8: .
Lems WF, Bijlsma JWJH. Tijdige behandeling reumatoide artritis is zinvol. Doordring patienten en artsen van belang
snelle verwijzing. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2011; 155: .
Lems WF, Kuipers EJ. Preventie van NSAID-gastropathie: het verschil tussen coxibs en PPI. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd
2011; 45: .
Meijer E, Janssen JJWM, Huisman C, Petersen EJ, Coenen JL, von dem Borne PA. Complicatieregistratie na
hematopoëtische stamceltransplantaties. Ned T Hematologie 2011; 8: 7-1.
Meijer E, Janssen JJWM, Huls G. HOVON 96: preventie en behandeling van ernstige graft-versus-hostziekte na
allogene stamceltransplantatie, toegepast als consoliderende immuuntherapie bij patiënten met maligne
hematologische ziekten - een prospectieve gerandomiseerde fase III-studie. Ned T Hematologie 2011; 8: 80-85.
Mostert S. Voortijdig verlaten van de behandeling van kinderkanker. Oncologie Up-to-date 2011; 2: 14.
Nolte JW, van der Waal I. Verrassende witte laesies. Ned Tijdschr Tandheelkd 2011; 118: 417-419.
Ossenkoppele GJ, Janssen JJWM, Posthuma EFM, Falkenburg JHF, Biemond BJ, Bos GMJ, Petersen EJ, Schattenberg
AVMB, Smit WM, Verhoef GEG, Vellenga E, Cornelissen JJ. Aanbevelingen voor de behandeling van chronische
myeloide leukemie namens de HOVON Leukemie Werkgroep. Ned T Hematologie 2011; 8: 237-247.
Rustemeyer T. Kruisreactiviteit bij corticosteroiden: nieuwe klinische en moleculaire indelingen. NTVa 2011; 11: 143144.
Stapel SN, Zweegman S. Een immuungecompromitteerde man met koorts. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2011; 155 (18):
Thunnissen FB, Smit EF, Nederlof PM, Dingemans AMC. EGFR-mutatie bij niet-kleincellig longcarcinoom. Behandeling
met tyrosinekinaseremmers mogelijk. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2011; 155: A2554.
van de Laar TJW. Acute hepatitis C bij HIVpositieve mannen die seks hebben met mannen: epidemiologie, diagnose
en behandeling. Tijdschrift voor infectieziekten 2011; 6: 42-50.
van der Waal I. Lichen sclerosus. Ned Tandartsenbl 2011; 66: 21.
van der Waal I. Gaarne focusvrij maken. Ned Tandartsenbl 2011; 66: 33.
van der Waal I. Een zwelling van de mondhoek. Ned Tandartsenbl 2011; 66: 35.
van der Waal I. Een ruwe plek. Ned Tandartsenbl 2011; 66: 19.
van der Waal I. Multifocale epitheliale hyperplasie. Ned Tandartsenbl 2011; 66: 27.
van der Waal I. Witte wangen. Ned Tandartsenbl 2011; 66: 41.
van der Waal I. Zwelling van het tuber maxillare. Ned Tandartsenbl 2011; 66: 31.
van der Waal I. De mond als spiegel van de algemene gezondheid. Quality Practice Nascholingstijdschrift voor
mondhygiënisten 2011; 3: 8-17.
van der Waal I. Enkele goedaardige aandoeningen van mond en tong. Quality Practice Nascholingstijdschrift voor
mondhygiënisten 2011; 3: 31-39.
van der Waal I. Premaligne afwijkingen van het mondslijmvlies. Quality Practice Nascholingstijdschrift voor
mondhygiënisten 2011; 3: 18-23.
van der Waal I. Pigmentaties. Tandartspraktijk 2011; 32: 21-34.
van der Waal I. Lichen planus en lichenoide laesies. Tandartspraktijk 2011; 32: 38-40.
van der Waal I. Een gezwollen lip. Tandartspraktijk 2011; 32: 46-47.
van der Waal I. Vaatafwijkingen in en rond de mond. Tandartspraktijk 2011; 32: 27-30.
van der Waal I. Aften. Tandartspraktijk 2011; 32: 28-30.
van der Waal I. Rode mondslijmvliesafwijkingen. Tandartspraktijk 2011; 32: 40-42.
van der Waal I. Mondbranden en andere onbegrepen klachten. Tandartspraktijk 2011; 32: 29-33.
van der Waal I. Tandvleeszwellinkjes met consequenties. Tandartspraktijk 2011; 32: 30-31.
van der Waal I. Mondkanker; een overzicht. Tandartspraktijk 2011; 32: 24-26.
van der Waal I. Vlekken op de tong. Lingua geographica. Tandartspraktijk 2011; 32: 32-33.
van der Waal I. Leukoplakie. Tandartspraktijk 2011; 32: 26-28.
Welsing PM, Bijl M, van Bodegraven AA, Lems WF, Prens E, Bijlsma JWJ. Kosten-effectiviteit van biologicals. Ned
Tijdschr Geneeskd 2011; 155: .
Popular publications
Assaraf YG, Jansen G. Grenzeloos onderzoek brengt oplossing nabij. Interview V-ICI visiting professor YG Assaraf
(Haifa, Isreal). Rondom Reuma 2011; 2: 18-21.
Gibbs S. Kunsthuid voor allergieonderzoek (promovendus Krista Ouwehand). De Telegraaf 2011.
Gibbs S. Allergieonderzoek straks niet meer op proefdieren (promovendus Krista Ouwehand). Metro 2011.
Gibbs S. Mens & lichaam: de beste pleister op de wond? Die wordt gemaakt van je eigen huidcellen. Quest 2011.
Krekel NMA, van den Tol MP. Trial: onderzoek naar echogeleid opereren. BVN 2011; 2: 24-25.
Krekel NMA, van den Tol MP. Echogeleid opereren loont. De Telegraaf - Bijlage Aandacht voor kanker 2011; 2: 8-9.
Krekel NMA, van den Tol MP. Onderzoek in de geest van Marian - Kennis en kunde ingezet voor echogeleide chirurgie.
Eigen-wijs 2011; 1: 8.
Appendix 4: Scientific output
Krekel NMA, van den Tol MP. Mark Osinga schenkt echo-apparaat. En meer!. VUmc Cancer Center Nieuwsbrief 2011;
17: 12-13.
Rustemeyer T. Zonneallergie; 25 maart. De Telegraaf 2011.
Rustemeyer T. Ziekenhuizen zien explosie aan hooikoortsklachten; 28 april. De Volkskrant 2011.
Rustemeyer T. Zonneallergie en behandeling; 23 mei. RTL nieuws 2011.
Rustemeyer T. Effectieve thuisbehandeling tegen zonneallergie ontwikkeld, 25 mei. Trouw 2011.
van den Tol MP. Het wapen van Amsterdam. Pink 2011.
van den Tol MP. Echogeleid opereren borstkankerpatiënten. Zin magazine 2011 .
van der Waal I. Focale melanose van het palatum. Mondhygienisten Vademecum 2011; 9.
Bartelds GM. Clinical implications of immunogenicity. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 5/18/2011. (Co-)promotores: BAC
Dijkmans, LA Aarden, MT Nurmohamed, GJ Wilbink (cat B)
Biere SSAY. Evidence Based Minimally Invasive Surgery for Esophageal Cancer. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam,
9/21/2011. (Co-)promotores: MA Cuesta, DL van der Peet (cat A)
Eijk IC. Modulation of cardiovascular risk factors and inflammation in rheumatic diseases. Vrije Universiteit
Amsterdam, 4/21/2011. (Co-)promotores: BAC Dijkmans, YM Smulders, MT Nurmohamed, MT Schaardenburg (cat A)
Graafland NM. Contemporary management of penile sqamous cell carcinoma. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam,
1/7/2011. (Co-)promotores: S Horenblas (cat B)
Güler-Yüksel M. Inflammatory localized and generalized bone-loss in recent-onset rheumatoid arthritis. Vrije
Universiteit Amsterdam, 1/12/2011. (Co-)promotores: WF Lems, TWJ Huizinga, BAC Dijkmans (cat A)
Idema S. Improving Oncolytic Viral Therapy for Glioma. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 6/10/2011. (Co-)promotores:
WP Vandertop, CMF Dirven, MLM Lamfers, VW van Beusechem (cat A)
Mendes RA. The keratocystic odontogenic tumor. Clinical behaviour and role of COX-2 in the biological pathways.
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 4/29/2011. (Co-)promotores: I van der Waal, JFC Carvalho(cat A)
Palma DA. Stereotactic radiation therapy for stage I non-small cell lung cancer: outcomes in patients and populations.
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 7/1/2011. (Co-)promotores: S Senan, BJ Slotman(cat A)
van Dijk FS. Osteogenesis Imperfecta: Clinical and Genetic Heterogeneity. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 12/16/2011.
(Co-)promotores: EJ Meijers-Heijboer, G Pals(cat A)
van Nifterik KA. In vitro studies on radiation and temozolomide in human glioma. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam,
11/16/2011. (Co-)promotores: BJ Slotman, P Sminia, LJA Stalpers, LJA Lafleur (cat A)
Vis M. Rheumatoid arthritis: Biologicals and Bone. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 4/5/2011. (Co-)promotores: WF
Lems, BAC Dijkmans, AE Voskuyl, GJ Wolbink (cat A)
Vroling L. Circulating endothelial and progenitor cells during anti-angiogenic treatment in cancer patients. Vrije
Universiteit Amsterdam, 1/27/2011. (Co-)promotores: VWM van Hinsbergh, HMW Verheul, HJ Broxterman(cat A)
Program 5: Quality of life
Scientific papers refereed
Aaronson NK, Taphoorn MJB, Heimans JJ, Postma TJ, Gundy C, Beute GN, Slotman BJ, Klein M. Compromised HealthRelated Quality of Life in Patients With Low-Grade Glioma. J Clin Oncol 2011; 29: 4430-4435. (5 / 18.97).
Aerts PDM, de Vries J, van der Steeg AFW, Roukema JA. The relationship between morbidity after axillary surgery and
long-term quality of life in breast cancer patients: The role of anxiety. EJSO-Eur J Surg Onc 2011; 37: 344-349. (4 /
Andersson E, Ljotsson B, Smit F, Paxling B, Hedman E, Lindefors N, Andersson G, Ruck C. Cost-effectiveness of
internet-based cognitive behavior therapy for irritable bowel syndrome: results from a randomized controlled trial.
BMC Public Health 2011; 11: art.nr. 215. (4 / 2.364).
Biesma B, Wymenga ANM, Vincent AD, Dalesio O, Smit HJM, Stigt JA, Smit EF, van Felius CL, van Putten JWG, Slaets
JPJ, Groen HJM. Quality of life, geriatric assessment and survival in elderly patients with non-small-cell lung cancer
treated with carboplatin-gemcitabine or carboplatin-paclitaxel: NVALT-3 a phase III study. Ann Oncol 2011; 22: 15201527. (4 / 6.452).
Breteler JK, Oudhoff JP, Munster JM, Aarnoudse JG, van Steenbergen JE, Beaujean DJMA. Risks, trust and knowledge:
determinants of pregnant women's decisions regarding participation in a future Q fever screening and treatment
program during a large epidemic in The Netherlands. Prenatal Diag 2011; 31: 814-820. (3 / 2.152).
de Bruijn MJ, ten Bosch L, Kuik DJ, Langendijk JA, Leemans CR, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM. Artificial neural network
analysis to assess hypernasality in patients treated for oral or oropharyngeal cancer. Logop Phoniatr Voco 2011; 36:
168-174. (2 / 0.83).
de Ruiter MB, Reneman L, Boogerd W, Veltman DJ, van Dam FSAM, Nederveen AJ, Boven E, Schagen SB. Cerebral
Hyporesponsiveness and Cognitive Impairment 10 Years After Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer. Hum Brain Mapp 2011;
32: 1206-1219. (5 / 5.107).
de Vos J, Jansen AM, Menko FH, van Asperen CJ, Stiggelbout AM, Tibben A. Family communication matters: The
impact of telling relatives about unclassified variants and uninformative DNA-test results. Genet Med 2011; 13: 333341. (4 / 5.280).
de Vos J, Menko FH, Jansen AM, van Asperen CJ, Stiggelbout AM, Tibben A. A whisper-game perspective on the family
communication of DNA-test results: a retrospective study on the communication process of BRCA1/2-test results
between proband and relatives. Fam Cancer 2011; 10: 87-96. (2 / 2.139).
de Vos J, Oosterwijk JC, Gomez-Garcia E, Menko FH, Jansen AM, Stoel RD, van Asperen CJ, Tibben A, Stiggelbout AM.
Perceiving cancer-risks and heredity-likelihood in genetic-counseling: how counselees recall and interpret BRCA1/2test results. Clin Genet 2011; 79: 207-218. (3 / 2.942).
Appendix 4: Scientific output
de Vos J, Stiggelbout AM, Oosterwijk J, Gomez-Garcia E, Menko FH, Collee JM, van Asperen CJ, Tibben A. A
counselee-oriented perspective on risk communication in genetic counseling: Explaining the inaccuracy of the
counselees' risk perception shortly after BRCA1/2 test result disclosure. Genet Med 2011; 13: 800-811. (4 / 5.280).
den Hoedt CH, Mazairac AHA, van den Dorpel MA, Grooteman MPC, Blankestijn PJ. Effect of Hemodiafiltration on
Mortality, Inflammation and Quality of Life. Contrib Nephrol 2011; 168: 39-52. (2 / 1.274).
Engelen V, Koopman HM, Detmar SB, Raat H, de Wetering MDV, Brons P, Anninga JK, Abbink FCH, Grootenhuis MA.
Health-Related Quality of Life After Completion of Successful Treatment for Childhood Cancer. Pediatr Blood Cancer
2011; 56: 646-653. (3 / 1.948).
Gaultney JG, Sanhueza E, Janssen JJWM, Redekop WK, Uyl-de Groot CA. Application of cost-effectiveness analysis to
demonstrate the potential value of companion diagnostics in chronic myeloid leukemia. Pharmacogenomics 2011; 12:
411-421. (4 / 3.876).
Gehring K, Aaronson NK, Taphoorn MJB, Sitskoorn MM. A description of a cognitive rehabilitation programme
evaluated in brain tumour patients with mild to moderate cognitive deficits. Clin Rehabil 2011; 25: 675-692. (4 /
Gordijn MS, Cremers EMP, Kaspers GJL, Gemke RJBJ. Fatigue in children: reliability and validity of the Dutch
PedsQL(TM) Multidimensional Fatigue Scale. Qual Life Res 2011; 20: 1103-1108. (3 / 1.958).
Hagedoorn M, Dagan M, Puterman E, Hoff C, Meijerink WJHJ, DeLongis A, Sanderman R. Relationship satisfaction in
couples confronted with colorectal cancer: the interplay of past and current spousal support. J Behav Med 2011; 34:
288-297. (4 / 3.232).
Harms K, Post WJ, van de Laan KT, van den Hoogen FJA, Eerenstein SEJ, van Laan BFAM. A prospective randomized
multicenter clinical trial of the Provox2 and Groningen Ultra Low Resistance voice prostheses in the rehabilitation of
post-laryngectomy patients: A lifetime and preference study. Oral Oncol 2011; 47: 895-899. (5 / 2.871).
Henneman L, Timmermans DRM, Bouwman CM, Cornel MC, Meijers-Heijboer EJ. 'A low risk is still a risk': Exploring
women's attitudes towards genetic testing for breast cancer susceptibility in order to target disease prevention.
Public Health Genomics 2011; 14: 238-247. (4 / 3.049).
Hopman CE, Riphagen-Dalhuisen J, Looijmans-van Akker I, Frijstein G, Geest-Blankert A, De Jager HJ, Bos AA, Smeets
E, De Vries MJT, Gallee PMM, Lenderink AF, Hak E. Determination of factors required to increase uptake of influenza
vaccination among hospital-based healthcare workers. J Hosp Infect 2011; 77: 327-331. (3 / 3.078).
Lammens CRM, Aaronson NK, Hes FJ, Links TP, Zonnenberg BA, Lenders JWM, Majoor-Krakauer D, van Os TAM,
Gomez-Garcia EB, de Herder W, van der Luijt RB, van den Ouweland AMW, van Hest LP, Verhoef S, Bleiker EMA.
Compliance with periodic surveillance for Von-Hippel-Lindau disease. Genet Med 2011; 13: 519-527. (4 / 5.280).
Lammens CRM, Bleiker EMA, Verhoef S, Ausems MGEM, Majoor-Krakauer D, Sijmons RH, Hes FJ, Gomez-Garcia EB, van
Os TAM, Spruijt L, van der Luijt RB, van den Ouweland AMW, Ruijs MWG, Gundy C, Nagtegaal T, Aaronson NK. Distress
in partners of individuals diagnosed with or at high risk of developing tumors due to rare hereditary cancer
syndromes. Psycho-Oncol 2011; 20: 631-638. (4 / 2.874).
Le Pechoux C, Laplanche A, Faivre-Finn C, Ciuleanu T, Wanders R, Lerouge D, Keus R, Hatton M, Videtic GM, Senan S,
Wolfson A, Jones R, Arriagada R, Quoix E, Dunant A. Clinical neurological outcome and quality of life among patients
with limited small-cell cancer treated with two different doses of prophylactic cranial irradiation in the intergroup
phase III trial (PCI99-01, EORTC 22003-08004, RTOG 0212 and IFCT 99-01). Ann Oncol 2011; 22: 1154-1163. (4 /
Liu RDK, Buffart LM, Kersten MJ, Spiering M, Brug J, van Mechelen W, Chin AP. Psychometric properties of two
physical activity questionnaires, the AQuAA and the PASE, in cancer patients. BMC Med Res Methodol 2011; 11: 30. (3
/ 2.153).
Maringwa J, Quinten C, King M, Ringash J, Osoba D, Coens C, Martinelli F, Reeve B, Gotay C, Greimel E, Flechtner H,
Cleeland C, Koch J, Weis J, Van den Bent M, Stupp R, Taphoorn M, Bottomley A. Minimal clinically meaningful
differences for the EORTC QLQ-C30 and EORTC QLQ-BN20 scales in brain cancer patients. Ann Oncol 2011; 22: 21072112. (4 / 6.452).
Maringwa JT, Quinten C, King M, Ringash J, Osoba D, Coens C, Martinelli F, Vercauteren J, Cleeland CS, Flechtner H,
Gotay C, Greimel E, Taphoorn MJ, Reeve BB, Koch J, Weis J, Smit EF, van Meerbeeck JP, Bottomley A. Minimal
important differences for interpreting health-related quality of life scores from the EORTC QLQ-C30 in lung cancer
patients participating in randomized controlled trials. Support Care Cancer 2011; 19: 1753-1760. (4 / 2.058).
Maurice-Stam H, van den Broek A, Kolk AMM, Vrijmoet-Wiersma JMJ, Meijer-van den Bergh E, van Dijk EM, Phipps S,
Grootenhuis MA. Measuring perceived benefit and disease-related burden in young cancer survivors: validation of the
Benefit and Burden Scale for Children (BBSC) in the Netherlands. Support Care Cancer 2011; 19: 1249-1253. (4 /
Meesters J, de Boer I, van den Berg M, Fiocco M, Vlieland TV. Unmet information needs about the delivery of
rheumatology health care services: A survey among patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Patient Educ Couns 2011; 85:
299-303. (5 / 2.237).
Meeussen K, van den Block L, Echteld MA, Boffin N, Bilsen J, van Casteren V, Fatiregun EAB, Donker G, OnwuteakaPhilipsen BD, Deliens L. End-of-Life Care and Circumstances of Death in Patients Dying As a Result of Cancer in
Belgium and the Netherlands: A Retrospective Comparative Study. J Clin Oncol 2011; 29: 4327-4334. (5 / 18.97).
Pardon K, Deschepper R, Stichele RV, Bernheim J, Mortier F, Schallier D, Germonpre P, Galdermans D, Van
Kerckhoven W, Deliens L. Are patients' preferences for information and participation in medical decision-making
being met? Interview study with lung cancer patients. Palliative Med 2011; 25: 62-70. (4 / 2.515).
Poll-Franse L, Mols F, Gundy C, Creutzberg CL, Nout RA, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, Taphoorn MJ, Aaronson NK.
Normative data for the EORTC QLQ-C30 and EORTC-sexuality items in the general Dutch population. Eur J Cancer
2011; 47: 667-675. (4 / 4.944).
Quinten C, Maringwa J, Gotay CC, Martinelli F, Coens C, Reeve BB, Flechtner H, Greimel E, King M, Osoba D, Cleeland
C, Ringash J, Koch J, Taphoorn MJB, Weis J, Bottomley A. Patient Self-Reports of Symptoms and Clinician Ratings as
Predictors of Overall Cancer Survival. J Natl Cancer Inst 2011; 103(24): 1851-1858. (5 / 14.697).
Roelen CAM, Koopmans PC, Schellart AJM, van der Beek AJ. Resuming Work After Cancer: A Prospective Study of
Occupational Register Data. J Occup Rehabil 2011; 21: 431-440. (5 / 1.805).
Ruijs CDM, Goedhart J, Kerkhof AJFM, van der Wal G, Onwuteaka-Philipsen BD. Recruiting end-of-life cancer patients
in the Netherlands for a study on suffering and euthanasia requests. Fam Pract 2011; 28: 689-695. (3 / 1.709).
Appendix 4: Scientific output
Ruijs CDM, Kerkhof AJFM, van der Wal G, Onwuteaka-Philipsen BD. Depression and explicit requests for euthanasia in
end-of-life cancer patients in primary care in the Netherlands: a longitudinal, prospective study. Fam Pract 2011; 28:
393-399. (3 / 1.709).
Schouffoer AA, Ninaber MK, van de Voorde L, van der Giesen FJ, de Jong Z, Stolk J, Voskuyl AE, Scherptong RWC, van
Laar JM, Schuerwegh AJM, Huizinga TWJ, Vlieland TPMV. Randomized Comparison of a Multidisciplinary Team Care
Program With Usual Care in Patients With Systemic Sclerosis. Arthritis Care Res 2011; 63: 909-917. (4 / 4.749).
Sismondi P, Kimmig R, Kubista E, Biglia N, Egberts J, Mulder R, Planellas J, Moggio G, Mol-Arts M, Kenemans P. Effects
of tibolone on climacteric symptoms and quality of life in breast cancer patients-Data from LIBERATE trial. Maturitas
2011; 70: 365-372. (4 / 2.286).
Strand V, Boers M, Idzerda L, Kirwan JR, Kvien TK, Tugwell PS, Dougados M. It's Good to Feel Better But It's Better To
Feel Good and Even Better to Feel Good as Soon as Possible for as Long as Possible. Response Criteria and the
Importance of Change at OMERACT 10. J Rheumatol 2011; 38: 1720-1727. (3 / 3.551).
Tugwell PS, Petersson IF, Boers M, Gossec L, Kirwan JR, Rader T, Sanderson TC, van de Laar MA, Ueffing E, Witter JP.
Domains Selection for Patient-Reported Outcomes: Current Activities and Options for Future Methods. J Rheumatol
2011; 38: 1702-1710. (3 / 3.551).
Urbanus AT, van de Laar TJW, van Hoek A, Zuure FR, Speksnijder AGCL, Baaten GGG, Heijman T, Vriend HJ, Op de
Coul ELM, Coutinho RA, Prins M. Hepatitis C in the general population of various ethnic origins living in the
Netherlands: Should non-Western migrants be screened?. J Hepatol 2011; 55: 1207-1214. (5 / 9.334).
van den Berg MH, Overbeek A, van der Pal HJH, Versluys AB, Bresters D, van Leeuwen FE, Lambalk CB, Kaspers GJL,
van D. Using web-based and paper-based questionnaires for collecting data on fertility issues among female childhood
cancer survivors: differences in response characteristics. J Med Internet Res 2011; 13(3): art.nr. e76. (5 / 4.663).
van der Kooi E, Klarenbeek NB, Guler-Yuksel M, Kerstens PJSM, van der Lubbe PAHM, Westedt ML, ten Wolde S,
Huizinga TWJ, Dijkmans BAC, Allaart CF. A decrease in disease activity score (DAS) level is associated with a decrease
in health assessment questionnaire (HAQ) score, independent of follow-up duration, during 5 years of tightly
controlled treatment: results from the BeSt study. Ann Rheum Dis 2011; 70: 168-171. (5 / 9.082).
van der Steeg AFW, de Vries J, Roukema JA. Effect of Surgery on Quality of Life with Operable Breast Cancer in
Limited Resource Environments: Reply. World J Surg 2011; 35: 457. (4 / 2.693).
van der Weerd W, Timmermans DRM, Beaujean DJMA, Oudhoff J, van Steenbergen JE. Monitoring the level of
government trust, risk perception and intention of the general public to adopt protective measures during the
influenza A (H1N1) pandemic in the Netherlands. BMC Public Health 2011; 11: art.nr. 575. (4 / 2.364).
Van Esch L, Roukema JA, van der Steeg AFW, de Vries J. Trait anxiety predicts disease-specific health status in earlystage breast cancer patients. Qual Life Res 2011; 20: 865-873. (3 / 1.958).
van Gils RF, Boot CRL, van Gils PF, Bruynzeel DP, Coenraads PJ, van Mechelen W, Riphagen I, Anema JR. Effectiveness
of prevention programmes for hand dermatitis: a systematic review of the literature. Contact Dermatitis 2011; 64:
63-72. (4 / 3.672).
van Litsenburg RRL, Huisman J, Hoogerbrugge PM, Egeler RM, Kaspers GJL, Gemke RJBJ. Impaired sleep affects
quality of life in children during maintenance treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukemia: an exploratory study.
Health Qual Life Outcomes 2011; 9: art.nr. 25. (3 / 1.860).
van Litsenburg RRL, Uyl-de Groot CA, Raat H, Kaspers GJL, Gemke RJBJ. Cost-Effectiveness of Treatment of
Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia With Chemotherapy Only: The Influence of New Medication and Diagnostic
Technology. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2011; 57: 1005-1010. (3 / 1.948).
van Tuyl LHD, Smolen JS, Wells GA, Scholte-Voshaar M, Hoogland W, Boers M. Patient Perspective on Remission in
Rheumatoid Arthritis. J Rheumatol 2011; 38: 1735-1738. (3 / 3.551).
Verelst SGR, Termorshuizen F, Uyl-de Groot CA, Schaafsma MR, Ammerlaan AHM, Wittebol S, Sinnige HAM, Zweegman
S, Kooy MV, van der Griend R, Lokhorst HM, Sonneveld P, Wijermans PW. Effect of thalidomide with melphalan and
prednisone on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in elderly patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma: a
prospective analysis in a randomized trial. Ann Hematol 2011; 90: 1427-1439. (2 / 2.688).
Vermeulen E, Schmidt MK, Cornel MC, Knoppers BM, van Leeuwen FE, Aaronson NK. Connective tissue: Cancer
patients' attitudes towards medical research using excised (tumour) tissue. BioSocieties 2011; 6: 466-486. (4 / 1.907).
Waagemans ML, van Nieuwenhuizen D, Dijkstra M, Wumkes M, Dirven CMF, Leenstra S, Reijneveld JC, Klein M,
Stalpers LJA. Long-term Impact of Cognitive Deficits and Epilepsy on Quality of Life in Patients With Low-Grade
Meningiomas. Neurosurgery 2011; 69: 72-78. (5 / 3.298).
Wassenberg MWM, Kluijtmans JAJW, Bosboom RW, Buiting AGM, van Elzakker EPM, Melchers WJG, Thijsen SFT,
Troelstra A, Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE, Visser CE, Voss A, Wolffs PFG, Wulf MWH, van Zwet AA, de Wit GA, Bonten
MJM. Rapid diagnostic testing of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus carriage at different anatomical sites:
costs and benefits of less extensive screening regimens. Clin Microbiol Infec 2011; 17: 1704-1710. (4 / 4.784).
Wiering B, Oyen WJG, Adang EMM, van der Sijp JRM, Roumen RM, de Jong KP, Ruers TJM, Krabbe PFM. Long-term
global quality of life in patients treated for colorectal liver metastases. Brit J Surg 2011; 98: 565-571. (5 / 4.444).
Scientific papers non-refereed
de Vries MC, Houtlosser M, Wit JM, Engberts DP, Bresters D, Kaspers GJL, van Leeuwen E. Ethical issues at the
interface of clinical care and research practice in pediatric oncology: a narrative review of parents' and physicians'
experiences. BMC Medical Ethics 2011; 12: 18.
Gehring K, Aaronson NK, Gundy C, Taphoorn MJB, Sitskoorn MM. Predictors of Neuropsychological Improvement
Following Cognitive Rehabilitation in Patients with Gliomas. J Int Neuropsych Soc 2011; 17: 256-266.
Martinelli F, Quinten C, Maringwa JT, Coens C, Vercauteren J, Cleeland CS, Flechtner H, Gotay C, Greimel E, King M,
Mendoza T, Osoba D, Reeve BB, Ringash J, Koch J, Shi QL, Taphoorn MJ, Weis J, Bottomley A. Examining the
relationships among health-related quality-of-life indicators in cancer patients participating in clinical trials: a pooled
study of baseline EORTC QLQ-C30 data. Expert review of pharmacoeconomics & outcomes research 2011; 11: 587-599.
van Tuyl HD, Scholte-Voshaar M. Patientenparticipatie in wetenschappelijk onderzoek. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2011;
30-31: A3501.
Vissers KCP, Besse K, Wagemans M, Zuurmond WWA, Giezeman MM, Lataster A, Mekhail N, Burton AW, van Kleef M,
Huygen F. Pain in Patients with Cancer. Pain Practice 2011; 11: 453-475.
Appendix 4: Scientific output
Professional publications
Geleijn E, Smeets C, Vrijman M, Kron D, Boven E, Stuiver M. Cytofys, behoud van kracht en uithoudingsvermogen
tijdens chemotherapie. Ned Tijdschr Oncol 2011; 8: 80-86.
van der Linden HM, Giesbers J, van Zuureen FJ, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, Kleverlaan N. Kinderen met een ouder met
kanker: lotgenotencontact via internet. Tijdschrift Psychosociale Oncologie 2011; 19: 20-21.
van Dijk-Lokkart A, Braam KI. Quality of Life in Motion: een gecombineerd fysiek en psychosociaal
trainingsprogramma voor kinderen met kanker. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Behavioral Medicine 2011; 23: 18-21.
Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, de Haes H. Organisatie van psychosociale zorg bij patienten met kanker. Kanker Breed 2011;
1: 6-10.
Popular publications
Mostert S. Indonesie: voorlichtingsprogramma werpt vruchten af. Attent 2011; 1: 23.
Knols RHW. Physical exercise in patients with haematological malignancies. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 5/16/2011.
(Co-)promotores: NK Aaronson, D Ueberhart, E de Bruin (cat B)
Hoopman R. Quality of life assessment in Turkish and Moroccan cancer patients in the Netherlands. Vrije Universiteit
Amsterdam, 1/28/2011. (Co-)promotores: NK Aaronson, CB Terwee (cat B)
Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem
Appendix 5. Indicators of esteem
In this appendix an overview is given of the memberships of editorial boards, (inter)national functions, lectures given and obtained
awards. In addition, newly obtained grants are listed to show the recruitment capacity of CCA/V-ICI, and news items are shown.
Memberships of editorial boards
Ang CM
• Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Medische Microbiologie
Appelmelk BJ
• Innate Immunity
Bitter W
• Microbiology SGM
• MicrobiologyOpen
Boers M
Braakhuis BJM
• The Open Pathology Journal
Brakenhoff RH
Broxterman HJ
• Drug Resistance Updates
Castelijns JA
• European Radiology
• American Journal of Neuroradiology
De Bree R
• European Archives of Otorhinolaryngology
• The Open Otorhinolaryngology Journal
• Oral Oncology
• Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Oncologie
De Winter JP
• The Open Genomics Journal
Dekker J
• International Journal of Behavioural Medicine
Hensen EF
• WikiNO website, Online database voor evidence-based KNO geneeskunde, Onder auspiciën van de
Nederlandse vereniging voor keel-, neus-, en oorheelkunde
Hoekstra OS
• The Oncologist
Jansen G
• The Open Arthritis Journal
Jimenez CR
• Journal of Proteomics
• Molecular and Cellular Proteomics
• Proteomics
Joenje H
Kaspers GJL
• Journal of Oncology and Expert Reviews of Anticancer Therapy
Kluytmans JAJW
• Journal of Infectious Diseases
• Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control
Lammertsma AA
Arthritis and Rheumatism
Letter to the Editor in Rheumatology
Journal for Clinical Epidemiology
Annals of Rheumatic Diseases
Journal of Rheumatology
International Head and Neck Scientific group
Clinical Cancer Research
Current Cancer Therapy Reviews
Oral Oncology
Cellular Oncology
Familial Cancer
The Open Genomics Journal
Molecular Imaging and Biology
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine
Current Medical Imaging Reviews
BMC Medical Physics
Medical Physics
The International Journal of Molecular Imaging
Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem
Leemans CR
Menko FH
• Familial Cancer
Ossenkoppele GJ
• Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Hematologie
Peters GJ
Rustemeyer T
• Contact Dermatitis
• Dermatologie in Beruf und Umwelt
• Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Allergologie
Savelkoul PHM
• Clinical Microbiology and Infection
Schuurhuis GJ
• Open Hematology Journal
• International Scholarly Research Network Hematology
Senan S
• Radiation Oncology
• The Oncologist
• Journal of Thoracic Disease
Slotman BJ
• Journal of Radiosurgery and Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy
• J Radiotion Oncology
Stoof TJ
• Allergie Actueel
• Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Dermatologie en Venereologie
Taphoorn MJB
• Expert Review Pharmacoeconomics Outcomes
• Neuro-Oncology
Van Beusechem VW
• Human Gene Therapy
• Genetics Research International
Van Bodegraven A
• Journal of Crohns’ and Colitis
Van de Vliet H
• ISRN Immunology
Van der Waal I
Hoofd-hals Journaal (Head and Neck Journal of the NWHHT)
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Keel-Neus-Oorheelkunde (Netherlands Journal of Otorhinolaryngology)
European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology Head and Neck
Oral Oncology
Head & Neck
Oral Diseases
Surgical Oncology
Italian Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery
Acta Otorrinolaringología Española
Acta Otorhinolaryngoiatrica Italica
Head and Neck Cancer Section of Frontiers in Oncology (Associate Editor)
European Journal of Cancer
Annals of Oncology
Journal of Chemotherapy
Clinical Colorectal Cancer
Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology
International Journal of Oncology
Cancer Therapy
Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Journal of Epithelial Biology and Pharmacology
Gastrointestinal Cancer Reviews
Chemotherapy Research and Practice
World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology
World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Journal of Chinese Clinical Medicine
Chinese Journal of Clinicians
World Journal of Pharmacology
Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids
World Journal of Clinical Oncology
American Journal of Cancer research
The Open Lung Cancer Journal
Journal of Cancer Research and Treatment
ACTA Stomatologica Croatica
European Journal of Cancer
Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry
Medicina Oral
Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Oral Health & Preventive Dentistry
Oral Oncology
Revista de Odontologia da Universidade de São Paolo (Journal of Dentistry, University of São Paolo)
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde
Journal of Stomatological Investigation
Minerva Stomatologica
Van Moorselaar RJA
• Prostaat. Nl
Van Schaardenburg D
• Arthritis & Rheumatism
Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE
• Farmacotherapeutisch Kompas
Verdonck-de Leeuw IM
• World Journal of Clinical Oncology
• Voice-, Speech and Language Pathology
Verheul H
• The Oncologist
• Current Angiogenesis
• Angiogenese Journaal
Voskuyl AE
• Clinical Rheumatology
Windhorst AD
• Journal of Labelled Compounds & Radiopharmaceuticals
• Current Radiopharmaceuticals
Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem
(Inter)national functions
Abbink FCH
• DCOG protocol Committee CML
• DCOG committee supportive care
Ang CW
• Committee on sharing of knowledge Dutch Society for
Medical Microbiology
Appelmelk BJ
• Microbiology, The International endotoxin and innate
immunity society
Bitter W
• Wetenschapscommissie Nederlandse vereniging voor
Medische Microbiologie (NvMM)
Boellaard R
• Physics committee European Association of Nuclear
Medicine (EANM)
• Scientific advisory board European Association of Nuclear
Medicine Research Ltd (EARL)
• Imaging workgroup European Organisation of Research
and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC)
• Imaging group Netherlands Hematology (HOVON)
• Scientific committee MIRO 2012 (joint ESTRO/EANM
• Educational committee “Medical Imaging” responsible for
organising the educational program for clinical physicists
Radiology and/or Nuclear Medicine (2009-present), Dutch
Society of Clinical Physics
• Quantitative Imaging Biomarkers Alliance (QIBA) 2008present, Radiological Society of Northern America
• PET/CT committee and member of the SUV and ROI
subcommittees, Radiological Society of Northern America
• Quantitative Imaging Biomarkers Alliance (QIBA) 2008present. Member of the UPICT writing committee,
Radiological Society of Northern America (RSNA)
Braakhuis BJM
• Research Commitee International Academy of Oral
Bretschneider J
• Apple Distinguished Educator
• iTunes U VUmc
Castelijns JA
• Head and
De Bree R
• Steering committee Research Nederlandse Werkgroep
Hoofd-halstumoren (NWHHT)
De Gruijl TD
• Grant Review committee, Melanoma Research Alliance
• Nederlandse Werkgroep Tumor Immunologie
Associate Professor
• Physiotherapy – Psychological aspects of rehabilitation,
Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences, University of
Jyväskylä, Finland
President Elect and member
• Governing Council International Society of Behavioral
Board member
• Netherlands Behavioral Medicine Federation
Dekker J
Concilium Radiologicum
Radiological Society of Northern America
American Society of Neuroradiology
American Society of Head and Neck Radiology
Executive Com. European Society of Head and Neck
• European Society of Neuroradiology
• Neuro Section, NVvR (Dutch Society of Radiology)
Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem
• Committee on Medical Technology Assessment, Health
Council of the Netherlands (Gezondheidsraad)
• International Advisory Board, Behaviour Change
Technique Taxonomy Project
Program committee
• Nederlandse vereniging voor Experimentele Dermatologie
• Dutch Program for Tissue Engineering Consortium
Contact person VUmc
• Topsector Life Sciences and Health - Roadmap
Regenerative Medicine
Work Package Leader
• EU integrated FP6 project: Sens-it-iv
Heimans JJ
• European Federation of Neurological Societies (EFNS)
neuro-oncology group
• European Association for Neuro-Oncology (EANO)
• Dutch Neuro-Oncology Group (LWNO)
• Society for Neuro-Oncology (SNO)
• National Health Council The Netherlands
Hoekstra OS
Issa D
• NIV (Nederlandse internisten vereeniging)
• NVVH (Nederlandse vereniging voor hematologie)
• EHA (European Hematology association)
Janssen, JJWM
Jimenez CR
• Netherlands Proteomics Platform
General Council Member
• European Proteomics Association (EuPA)
• Colon proteomics team International Cancer Biomarker
• Proteomics werkgroep, Ned. Ver. Klin. Chemie
• EU kp7 project MEFOPA
Joenje H
• Scientific Advisory Board Fanconi Anemia Research Fund,
Inc., Eugene, Oregon, USA.
Kaspers GJL
Gibbs S
Exec Committee EORTC imaging group EORTC
SNM PET Center of Excellence board Soc Nucl Medicine
Imaging group Netherlands Hematology (HOVON)
Quantitative Imaging Biomarkers Alliance (QIBA) 2008present Radiological Society of Northern America (RSNA).
• UK PET Research Steering Committee
• CBO richtlijn commissie NSCLC
American Society of Hematology
HOVON Stem cell Transplantation Working Party
Dutch Society of Hematology
European Blood and Marrow Transplantation group (EBMT)
Nederlandse Internisten Vereniging (Dutch Internist
• European Hematology Association
EU kp7 project AngioTOX
WP1 CTMM-Airforce consortium
WPB CTMM-DeCoDe consortium
Human Proteome Organisation
American Society for Mass Spectrometry
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Dutch Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Dutch Society for Mass spectrometry
VUmc Onderzoek Naar Kinderkanker (VONK)
Disease Committee Myeloid Malignancies, DCOG
Protocol committees Relapsed AML 1999/2001 and
2010/01 and pediatric APL, DCOG
Working Group “shared care”, DCOG
Stichting VUmc Kinderstad”, 2011 onwards
AML Relapse Working Group, International BFM Study
Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem
Program co-leader
• “Quality of Life” of CCA/V-ICI, VU University Medical
Center, Amsterdam
• IKNL – Werkgroep Kindertumoren Amsterdam
• Supervisory Board SKION = Dutch Childhood Oncology
Group (DCOG)
• Protocol committee ALL-10 and AML2007 (DB-AML01),
• Scientific Committee, DCOG
International coordinator
• I-BFM-SG Phase III studies “Relapsed AML 2001/01” and
“Relapsed AML 2010/01”
• Phase III study on Pediatric APL (ICC APL 01)
Principal investigator
• I-BFM-SG and ITCC study 021 “Bortezomib in childhood
relapsed and
• refractory ALL”
Invited member
• Scientific Committee “Lymphoid Neoplasia” of the
American Society of Hematology, 2008-2012 (2010 vicechairman, 2011 chairman)
European co-ordinator
• International trial on bullous pemphigoid; HTA grant UK
Scientific Expert
• Medische adviesraad lichen planus vereniging
Klein M
• Society for Neuro-Oncology (SNO)
• writing committee, Brain Tumour Group EORTC
• steering committee Primary Central Nervous System
Lymphoma Collaborative Group
• Clinical Trials Awards & Advisory Committee on study
“Temozolomide as adjuvant treatment in anaplastic
astrocytoma”, Cancer Research United Kingdom
• Clinical Trials Awards & Advisory Committee, French
National Cancer Institute
• Nederlandse Vereniging voor Neuropsychologie
• Nederlands-Belgische Vereniging voor Experimentele en
Klinische Neurowetenschappen
• Landelijke Werkgroep Neuropsychologie bij Epilepsie
• Landelijke Werkgroep Functionele Neurochirurgie
Kluytmans JAJW
Kirtschig G
Bestuur Werkgroep Infectiepreventie
Foundation Werkgroep Infectiepreventie (WIP)
Infectiecommissie Amphia Ziekenhuis, Breda
SWAB commissie eradicatie van dragerschap met MRSA
NVMM commissie laboratorium detectie van MRSA en van
• Faculty: European course on hospital epidemiology and
infection control
UK Dermatology Clinical Trials Network
EADV / EDF task force
Werkgroep lichen sclerosus en lichen planus
Nederlandse Vereniging voor Vulva Pathologie
Editorial Advisory Board of IJDVL
Amphia Academy Infectious Disease Foundation
Infectiecommissie Verpleeghuis Elisabeth, Breda
Raad van Qualiteit, Amphia Ziekenhuis, Breda
Commissie wetenschap bevordering Amphia Ziekenhuis,
Adviescommissie PREZIES
Concilium Microbiologicum Medische Microbiologie
Gezondheidsraad gebruik van antibiotica in de
Organisatie Boerhaave nascholing infectieziekten
Publications Committee van de SHEA
Scientific Advisory Committee van ESCMID
Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem
European Advisory Board 3M
International Advisory Board Pfizer
European expert group on MRSA van het ECDC
• ASM conference Emerging Technologies of Medical
Importance for the Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases and
the Detection of Pathogenic Microbes
• Landelijke Werkgroep Hemoglobinopathie Behandelaren
• Werkgroep Benigne Hematologie van de sectie
kinderoncologie-hematologie van de NVK
• Adviescommissie Neonatale Screening (ANS SIKK) NVK
• Werkgroep Sikkelcelanemie-Netwerk Kindergeneeskunde
regio Amsterdam
• Protocol Commissie Aplastische Anemie van de
ziektecommissie beenmergfalen DCOG
• IKA stamcelwerkgroep
• Landelijke pediatrische werkgroep trombose en stroke
• Protocol Commissie Retinoblastoom van de
ziektecommissie CZS DCOG (Dutch Childhood Oncology
Lammertsma AA
Leemans CR
• Dutch Head and Neck Oncology Cooperative Group
• Netherlands Society for Otorhinolaryngology and CervicoFacial Surgery
Kors WA
Advisory Board, Tijdschrift voor Nucleaire Geneeskunde
IFAC BIOMED Technical Committee, IFAC BIOMED
Scientific program committee, Brain 2011
Scientific steering committee, EMIM 2011
Management committee, PET-MRI FP7 COST action
Healthcare PET/CT Focus Group Europe, Philips
Steering committee Dutch Imaging Hub, Roche
Netherlands Society of Oncology
Concilium Oto-rhino-laryngologicum in the Netherlands
American Head and Neck Society
American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck
British Association of Head and Neck Oncologists
European Rhinological Society
Collegium Oto-rhino-laryngologicum Amicitiae Sacrum
European Salivary Gland Society (ESGS)
Spanish Society of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck
Surgery (Sociedad Española de Otorrinolaringología y
Pathología Cérvico-Facial; SEORL-PCF)
• Subcommittee Surgery Head and Neck Cancer
Cooperative Group of the European Organization for
Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC)
• Working Party Head and Neck Surgery of the Netherlands
Society for Otorhinolaryngology and Cervico-Facial
Founding Fellow
• International Academy of Oral Oncology
Lems W
Organizer and Chairman
• ASBMR Working Group on Rheumatic Diseases, ASBMR,
19th of September, San Diego
Molthoff CFM
• HRRT (animal) PET scanner
• Dutch working group on “Advanced Drug Delivery/Drug
• The Netherlands Society of Immunology
• The Netherlands Institute of Biology
• SIOP PODC Abandonment of Treatment Working Group
Mostert S
Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem
Ossenkoppele GJ
• Leukemia WP European Leukemia Net
• European Leukemia Net
• Scientific Board KWF
• Dutch Society of Hematology
• EHA Educational Committee (Hnet)
• European Organization for Research and treatment of
• EORTC General Assembly
• EORTC-Translational Research Advisory Committee
• American Association for Cancer Research
• Scientific committee Winter EORTC-PAMMmeeting,
Toulouse, France
• Scientific committee Puridine and Pyrimidine Metabolism
in Man, Tokyo, Japan
• International Society on Nucleosides, Nucleotides and
Nucleic Acids (IS3NA)
• EORTC Pharmacology and Molecular Mechanisms Group
• EORTC Drug Discovery Committee NCI compounds task
• Purine and Pyrimidine Society (PPS)
Pham TV
Piersma SR
Pieters-van den Bos IC
• ESR (European Society of Radiology)
• NVvR (Dutch Society of Radiology)
• Section of Abdominal Imaging, NVvR (Dutch Society of
• KNMG (Royal Netherlands Medical Association)
• RNSA (Radiological Society of Northern America)
Postma TJ
• European Federation of Neurological Societies (EFNS)
neuro-oncology group
• European Association for Neuro-Oncology (EANO)
• Dutch Neuro-Oncology Group (LWNO)
• Society for Neuro-Oncology (SNO)
• Steering committee, Ci-Perinoms study (European
collaboration project on the assessment of
chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy
Reijneveld JC
• European Association for Neuro-Oncology (EANO)
• Society for Neuro-Oncology (SNO)
• steering committee member, Brain Tumour Group EORTC
• Dutch Neuro-Oncology Group (LWNO)
Board Member
• European Environmental and Contact Dermatitis Research
Group (EECDRG)
• Bestuur en Raad van Toezicht van de Stichting Nationaal
• Bij- en Nascholingscommissie van de Nederlandse
Vereniging voor Dermatologie en Venereologie
• Nederlandse Vereniging voor Allergologie
• European Prevention of Occupational Skin Diseases
Peters GJ
Rustemeyer T
The International Society for Computational Biology
The International Association for Pattern Recognition
Human Proteome Organisation
Dutch Society for Pattern Recognition and Image
• Netherlands Proteomics Platform
American Society for Mass Spectrometry
Netherlands Proteomics Platform
Dutch Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Dutch Society for Mass spectrometry
Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem
• Stichting Milieu- en Arbeidsdermatologie
Savelkoul PHM
Schuurhuis GJ
Senan S
Slotman BJ
• Domeingroep Allergologie en Contactdermatosen van de
Nederlandse vereniging voor Dermatologie en
• European Surveillance System on Contact Allergens
• Richtlijn “Lichen sclerosus” van de Nederlandse
vereniging voor Dermatologie en Venereologie en
Nederlandse Vereiniging voor Allergologie
• Werkgroep Allergische Beroepsziekten Amsterdam &
• Werkgroep Beroepsgebonden Huid- en Longklachten van
het VUmc, AMC, OLVG
Scientific Expert
• EU commission group on “Risk assessment of consumer
• Ministerie voor Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport (VWS),
• Voedsel en Waren Autoriteit (VWA),
• Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM)
• EU integrated FP6 project: Sens-it-iv
• Richtlijn “Contacteczeem” van de Nederlandse
vereniging voor Dermatologie en Venereologie en
Nederlandse Vereiniging voor Allergologie
• PMS cosmetica - Nederlandse Vereniging voor
Dermatologie en Venereologie
• CESES program van het Ministerie voor Volksgezondheid,
Welzijn en Sport (VWS), Voedsel en Waren Autoriteit
(VWA) en Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu
• Scientific Affairs Subcommittee (SAS), European
Study Group on Molecular Diagnostics (ESCMID)
• Commissie Nascholing, Dutch Society of Microbiology
• Commissie Wetenschap van de Nederlandse Vereniging
voor Microbiologie, Dutch Society of Microbiology (NvvM)
• ESCMID European Study Group on Epidemiological Markers
• Concilium opleiding Medisch Microbiologisch
Onderzoeker MMO
• Concilium opleiding MMM, NVMM, Dutch Society of
Medical Microbiology (NVMM)
• Nederlandse Werkgroep Klinische Virologie, Dutch
Society of Medical Microbiology (NVMM)
• Werkgroep Moleculaire Diagnostiek Infectieziekten
Dutch Society of Medical Microbiology (NVMM)
• Vereniging voor Moleculair Diagnostici in de
• The international working party flowcytometric
assessment of minimal residual disease in acute myeloid
• European LeukemiaNet
• Faculty member for Chest Tumors, European Society for
Medical Oncology
• Foundation Council European Thoracic Oncology Platform
• Honorary member, Belgische Vereniging voor
Radiotherapie en Oncologie
• International Advisory Panel, Cancer Research UK Clinical
Trials Awards and Advisory Committee
• CT Screening Task Force, International Association for the
Study of Lung Cancer,
Board of key opinion leaders
• Italian Association of Thoracic Oncology
• Accreditation committee, American Radium Society
Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem
• ISRS Congfress Meeting & Scientific Committee Toronto
Sminia P
Starink TM
Stoof TJ
Taphoorn MJB
Program Director
• Novalis Circle Meetings
• Dutch Society for Radiobiology (NVRB) & Board Member
Dutch Commission on Radiation Dosimetry (NCS)
Board member
• Dutch Commission on Radiation Dosimetry (NCS)
Scientific Committee
• The International Congress of Radiation Research (ICRR),
Warsaw, Poland, August 28 – September 1, 2011
Organizing Committee
• International meeting of the Dutch Society for
Radiobiology (NVRB), Noordwijkerhout, April 19-20, 2012
Board Member
• International Society of Dermatopathology
• Nederlandse Werkgroep voor Dermatopathologie
• Concilium Dermatologicum et Venereologicum
• Medische Specialisten Registratie Commissie
• Werkgroep Vulvapathologie van de Stichting Onderwijs
Oncologische Gynaecologie
• Nederlandse Vereniging voor Vulva Pathologie
• Nederlandse Werkgroep voor Dermatopathologie
• Medical advisory board PVN
Medical advisor
• Psoriasis Vereniging Nederland (PVN)
van Montfrans C
Van Beusechem VW
Van der Horst-Bruinsma IE
Van der Laken J
Dutch Neuro-Oncology Group (LWNO)
Society for Neuro-Oncology (SNO)
European Association of Neuro-Oncology (EANO)
European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO)
educational committee for Neuro-Oncology of the
European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO)
International Society for Quality of Life Research
EORTC Brain Tumour Group
EORTC Quality of Life Group
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)
American Neurological Association (ANA)
• Netherlands Society for Neurology
Board member
• Dutch Society of Dermatology and Venereology
• European society of Dermatology and venereology
• Netherlands Society of Gene and Cell Therapy
• Expert group on Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products,
Medicine Evaluation Board (CBG)
• Commissie “Rode Loper” VUmc, coördinatiegroep
• Werkgroep “Beweegdag Reumapatiënten Amsterdam
• Landelijke werkgroep Patient Partners
• Bestuur Netherlands Rheumatoid Arthritis Surgical Society
• Dagelijks Bestuur Stafconvent VUmc
Committee member
• National working group REUS (Rheumatology Ultrasound)
Commissie wetenschappelijke stages VICI
NIAZ accreditatiecommissie
HASVU: overleg huisartsen-medisch specialisten
Werkgroep patiëntenzorg samenwerking VU-JBI
• Bestuur GENetica Research (GENRA) Amsterdam
• Stuurgroep ziekenhuisverplaatste zorg VUmc
Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem
• Selected as one of 40 European Rheumatologists for the
European Leadership Series. This is a three year
programme for talented young rheumatologists with
promising research lines to form a european network and
to further develop leadership qualities. First meeting was
held in Amsterdam, 9-10 december 2011
Van der Sar AM
Scientific Advisory Board
• Vertebrate Antibodies, UK
Van der Vliet JJ
• Organizing committee annual Lunteren educational
symposium dutch immunology association (NVVI)
Van der Waal I
Board member
• Centraal College van de Nederlandse Maatschappij tot
bevordering der Tandheelkunde
• Consilium Chirurgicum Oris
• UICC Telepathology Consultation Center for odontogenic
tissue of the International Union Against Cancer (UICC)
Register of External
Evaluation Experts
• Hellenic Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education
(HQAA), Athene, Griekenland
Chairman Certificate
• European Association of Oral Medicine
Board member
• DCOG LATER-Research Steering Committee
M ember
• DCOG-LATER taskforce
• European Society of Pediatric Infectious Diseases
• Infectious Diseases Society of America
• Merck Sharp & Dome Faculty club
• “Nederlandse Meningitis Stichting”
Board member
• BMC Infectious Diseases
• “Purple Pages” Pediatric Infectious Diseases Journal
Board member
• European School of Urology (ESU)
• National working party on Urological Cancers
• Dutch Urological Oncological Study Group (DUOS)
• Multimedia Officie, European Association of Urology
• Urology committee, Comprehensive Cancer Center
• Werkgroep Oncologische Urologie, Nederlandse
Vereniging voor Urologie
• Werkgroep Prostaatcarcinoom, Zichtbare Zorg
Member, treasurer
• Ver. MODHEM (Dutch Network For Molecular Diagnostics
For Hematological Malignancies)
• Ned. Ver. Voor Gentherapie
• First international workshop on preclinical RA, Reade,
Amsterdam 26.1.2011; second workshop was held prior to
ACR Annual Meeting, November 2011 Chicago
• EULAR committee for the study of the earliest stages of
• European DIPG network
• DCOG protocol committee Medulloblastoom
Van Dulmen-den Broeder E
Van Furth AM
Van Moorselaar RJA
Van Oostveen JW
Van Schaardenburg D
Van Vuurden DG
Video Committee European Association of Urology
Medical Innovation Board TNO
Scientific committee Dutch Urological Association
Dutch Urological Oncological Guidelines Committee on
bladder instillations, Dutch Urological Association
• Subgroup Minimal Invasive Oncology SWEN (working Party
Endourology), Dutch Urological Association
Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem
• DCOG protocol committee Hooggradig glioom
• DCOG committee onderzoek nieuwe geneesmiddelen
Van Waesberghe JH
• NVvR (Dutch Society of Radiology)
• Abdominal Section, NVvR (Dutch Society of Radiology)
• ESGAR (European Society for Gastrointestinal and
Abdominal Radiology)
Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE
• Adviescommissie Centrum Infectieziektenbestrijding van
het RIVM
• Bestuur Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde
• Registratiecommissie ISIS, Centrum
Infectieziektenbestrijding van het RIVM.
• Programmacommissie Infectieziektenbestrijding van
• Programmacommissie Antimicrobiële Resistentie van
• NWO, TOP Commissie
• Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Stichting
• Commissie Wetenschap Sint Lucas Andreas Ziekenhuis
• Jury of the Innovation Academy Award of the
International Conference on Prevention and Infection
Control (ICPIC)
• Alliance Francophone Contre le dévelopement des
Bactéries Multi-Résistantes aux Antibiotiques (AC de
Board member
• Nederlandse Vereniging voor Medische Microbiologie
• European Comission, FP7-HEALTH-2011-single-stage
Veening MA
Veerman AJP
Visiting professor
• Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
• External Advisory Board VIVA Foundation, Singapore
• Commissie Ontwikkelings samenwerking KWF
• Adviesraad International Course Health Development (VU
en Kon. Instituut voor de Tropen)
• Advies commissie Centrum Internationale Samenwerking
• Stichting Ontwikkelings Samenwerking Vumc
• DCOG protocol Committee ALL-9
Board member
• Estella Fonds
Verbeke JIML
• NVvR (Dutch Society of Radiology) met lidmaatschap
sectie kinderradiologie
• KBVR (Koninklijke Belgische Vereniging Radiologie)
• ESPR (European Society of Paediatric Radiology)
Verheul H
• Cie-BOM
• TAT congres
Visser O
• Lid Nederlandse Vereniging voor Hematologie
• Lid European Haematology Associateion
• Lid American Society of Hematology
Voskuyl AE
• Dutch working party of systemic sclerosis
• Stichting Registratie Systeemziekten Nederland
• Trial Steering Committee: ZIPP (zoledronate in prevetion
of Paget) trial. P.I. S Ralston, Edinburgh, UK
• CBO Dutch consensus on the diagnosis of small vessel
Adviescommissie Neonatale Screening (ANS SIKK) NVK
Landelijke Werkgroep Hemoglobinopathie Behandelaren
Landelijke pediatrische werkgroep trombose en stroke
DCOG protocol Committee ALL-11
DCOG committee LATER
Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem
• OMERACT Executive Committee. (see www.omeract.org)
• EULAR Committee on conduct and reporting of long-term
extension studies in rheumatology
• EULAR Committee on disease activity measurement in
rheumatoid arthritis.
• EULAR Committee on monitoring of glucocorticoid
therapy in rheumatoid arthritis
• OMERACT Task Force on imaging in rheumatoid arthritis
• ASAS, international consensus group on guidelines for
outcome measures in ankylosing spondylitis
• COMET Steering Group. International initiative to create
measurement core sets for trials across diseases
• Society of Radiopharmceutical Sciences
Board member
• Nederlandse Vereniging Nucleaire Geneeskunde
• Nederlandse Klinische Radiochemici Vereniging
• EANM radiopharmaceutical legislation working group
• EANM comittee PET in Drug Development
• Advisory board, EANM Radiopharmacy course
• Commissie patienteninformatie (Nederlandse Vereniging
voor Dermatologie en Venerologie
Clinical Assessor Dermatology
• Dutch medicines evaluation board CBG-MEB and EMEA
Wondergem MJ
Wurdinger T
LSH (Ambassador (http://www.lifescienceshealth.com)
Scientific consultant Thomson Reuters
Advisory board Genomic Enterprise
Advisory board of Stichting Liefde in de stad
Cultural science group Great Apes
RNAi Global Initiative
Board member
• Stichting Tractor
Research Fellow
• Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School
• HOVON Imaging Werkgroep
• Dutch Local Liaison Physician of the Severe Neutropenia
International Registry
• HOVON Multiple Myeloma Working group
• Organizing committee of the Dutch Hematology Conference
• Werkgroep Niet-Oncologische Hematologie van de
Nederlandse Vereniging voor
• Hematologie, voorzitter subcommissie
myeloproliferatieve aandoeningen
• Commissie Klinische Studies, Koningin Wilhelmina Fonds
• European Multiple Network biobanking committee
• werkgroep Zorgpaden, zwaartepunt Kanker
• selectiecommissie Klinische Fellowships KWF
• Hematology Working Group, Cancer Center Amsterdam
• Thema Zorgprocessen, programma GPS
Executive Board member
• European Myeloma Net Trialist Group
Windhorst AD
Wintzen M
Zijlstra JM
Zweegman S
Nederlandsche Internisten Vereeniging (NIV)
Nederlandse Vereniging voor Hematologie (NVvH)
European Haematology Association (EHA)
Steering Committee German Hodgkin Study Group
Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem
Ameziane N
Novel comprehensive mutation screening
approach for FA by multiplexed targeted
next-generation sequencing
23rd Annual Fanconi Anemia Research Fund
Scientific Symposium, October 20-23,
Barcelona, Spain
Appelmelk BJ
I want to get in: Pathogenic mycobacteria
express a multitude of DC-SIGN ligands
Dept. Microbiology Nottingham, UK, 15 maart
2011, Nottingham, UK
Ligands galore! Pathogenic mycobacteria
express many DC-SIGN
Seminar, Department for Molecular
Biomedical Research, Universiteit Gent,
Belgie, 5 mei 2011, Gent, Belgie
Cap stories and PGL rBCG:lipids
Meeting NEWTBVAC WP3 Institut Pasteur
Paris, 13 september, Parijs
The Mystery of the Multiple Mannose
Moieties of pathogenic Mycobacteria
Glycobiology Japan - Netherlands Joint
Seminar 2011, Nagoya, Japan
Poster presentation: “TRAIL-induced kinases
activation in Non small cell lung cancer
AACR annual meeting 2011, Orlando, The
United States
Poster presentation: “ Molecular mechanism
of TRAIL-induced migration and invasion in
resistant NSCLC cells”
TI Pharma Spring meeting, Utrecht, the
Netherlands. (award: best poster)
Poster presentation: “TRAIL-induced kinases
activation in Non small cell lung cancer
WCLC 2011, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Low connexin-26 predicts the development
of metastasis after radical prostatectomy
102nd AACR Conference, 2-6 april 2011,
Orlando, USA
MicroRNAs to identify high-risk prostate
EORTC-EGAM, 1-4 march 2011, Brussels,
Bitter W
ESX-5, one of the type VII secretion systems
Eigth International Conference on the
Pathogenesis of Mycobacterial Infections, 30
June-3 July, Saltsjöbaden, Sweden
Boellaard R
PET image reconstruction methods
Brain & BrainPET meeting, 2011, Barcelona,
Qantitative FDG PET/CT imaging in oncology
Annual meeting of the Austrian Society of
Clinical Physics, 2011, Bregenz, Austria
Standardisation of FDG PET/CT imaging for
quantitative tracer uptake and automated
metabolic volume assessments
Belgium Hospital Physicists Association
meeting, 2011, Charleroi, Belgium
PET/CT in the practice of oncology
RMS 14th Annual PET/CT meeting, 14-15
March 2011, London, UK
How to evaluate a novel tracer
Annual Turku PET Symposium, 2011, Turku,
FDG PET/CT standardisation efforts in
NCRI meeting, 2011, London, UK
The first results of / experiences with the
2011, Brussels, Belgium
Why high resolution in PET –
EANM conference, 2011, Birmingham, UK
Mixed treatment comparison of biologics in
Roche Morocco Scientific Meetings in
Casablanca and Rabat
New RA remission criteria.
UCB Scandinavian Scientific Meeting,
Stockholm, Sweden
OMERACT, how does it work?
2nd HOME meeting on outcome measurement
in atopic dermatitis, Amsterdam
New remission criteria /
90 minute workshop on scientific graphs
EULAR, annual meeting London, UK
Experimental study designs /
Design of RCT’s in RA.
Annual meeting of the Turkish Society for
Rheumatology Antalya, Turkey
Azijli K
Bijnsdorp IV
Boers M
Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem
A conceptual framework for outcome
Bristol, UK, COMET 2 meeting
A conceptual framework for outcome
Leicester, UK CTU rounds
120 minute workshop on scientfic graphs
ACR, annual meeting Chicago
The history of treatment of RA
December Scientific Meeting Piestany,
Bongers E
Chest wall toxicity following risk-adapted
stereotactic radiotherapy for early stage
lung cancer
WCLC Amsterdam July 2011
Braakhuis B
HPV in head and neck squamous cell
carcinomas: an update
Polish Society of Otorhinolaryngology.
Warsaw, September 23, 20
Braamse A
Which factors predict health-related quality
of life in patients treated with HSCT for
hematological malignancies?
13th World Congress of the International
Psycho-Oncology Society (IPOS), 17 - 19
October, 2011, Antalya, Turkey
Brakenhoff RH
PAOK NVMKA, January 21st, Nunspeet
Update in oral cancer: research, diagnosis
and treatment
June 30th, July 1st, Parma- Italy
The molecular biology of head and neck
ESTRO Anniversary Congress
ExCel, May 6-12th, London
The molecular biology of head and neck
Dusseldorfer Fanconi anemia symposium, May
26th Dusseldorf
The molecular biology of head and neck
Annual Meeting CTMM, September 29th,
The molecular biology of head and neck
4th European Head and Neck Cancer Course,
October 5-7th, Amsterdam
The molecular biology of head and neck
NAMOBICA, New Approaches to Molecular
Biology of Cancer, October 18th, Oviedo Spain
Broers CJM and van Furth
Influenza A virus bij kinderen met syndroom
van Down
Down symposium, dec 2011, VU, Amsterdam
Cloos J
Leukemic stem cell identification in AML
2nd Open Scientific AML-BFM Research
Symposium, 10-11 September 2011,
Hannover, Germany
de Bree R
Management of Oral Cancer
European Meeting on Oral Disease: diagnosis
and management. 11 mei 2011, Amsterdam
de Gruijl T
Lymphoid and myeloid biomarkers for
clinical outcome of ipilimumab and Prostate
GVAX treatment
Annual Meeting of the Society for the
Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC), 4-6
November 2011, Washington DC
De Winter JP
Replication coupled genome maintenance
Research visit UMCG (host Frank Kruyt), 1103-2011, Groningen
Idenfication of novel players in the Fanconi
anemia/BRCA pathway
Conference “Responses to DNA damage from
molecular mechanism to Human disease”, 0404-2011, Egmond aan Zee
Warsaw Breakage Syndrome, a novel
cohesinopathy associated with mutations in
the XPD helicase family member DDX11
Third informal meeting, ”Cohesin biology and
the cohesinopathies”, 22-05-2011,
Il Ciocco, Italy.
Unraveling the Fanconi Anemia/BRCA
First Düsseldorfer Fanconi-Anamie
symposium, 26-05-2011, Dusseldorf, Germany
Sister chromatid cohesion and human
8th European Cytogenetics Conference, 04-072011, Porto, Portugal
Sister chromatid cohesion and genome
41st Annual meeting European Environmental
Mutagen Society, 06-07-2011, Barcelona,
Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem
Dorsman JC
A next-generation sequencing prioritization
tool tailored for uncovering novel FA genes
23rd Annual Fanconi Anemia Research Fund
Scientific Symposium, October 20-23,
Barcelona, Spain
Gibbs S
Epidermal An in vitro Equivalent Assay to
determine sensitizer potency.
Workshop Nature BV Paris, 8 december 2011,
Paris, France
The Sens-it-iv tool box of in vitro assays
Workshop Sao Paulo University, Brazil, 18
October, 2011, Sao Paula, Brazil
The Sens-it-iv tool box of in vitro assays
Lecture Natura BV Brazil, 21 October 2011,
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Dendritic Cell Migration assay to detect
Sens-it-iv end symposium for Stakeholders,
23-24 November 2011, Brussels, Belgium
Epidermal Equivalent potency assay
Sens-it-iv end symposium for Stakeholders,
23-24 November 2011, Brussels, Belgium
Full Thickness Skin Equivalent with
Integrated Langerhans Cells
Sens-it-iv end symposium for Stakeholders,
23-24 November 2011, Brussels, Belgium
Epidermal An in vitro Equivalent Assay to
determine sensitizer potency
Workshop: BASF, Germany, 10 February,
2011, Berlin, Germany
Tissue engineered skin for pressure ulcer
treatment and repair name
EPUAP congress, 1 September 2011, Oporto,
Retrospective analysis of patients with
(arterio-)venous, post-traumatic or pressure
ulcers treated with autologous skin
ETRS congress, 5-7 September 2011,
Simple wound exudate collection method
identifies bioactive cytokines and
chemokines in (arterio-) venous ulcers
ETRS congress, 5-7 September 2011,
MUTZ-LC migration assay for assessing
results from a ring study
ERGECD congress, 9-11 September 2011,
Gottenberg, NL
Langerhans Cells derived from a human cell
line in a full-thickness skin-equivalent
undergo allergen-induced
maturation and migration
Aegean Conferences 4th Tissue Engineering,
31 May – 5 June 2011, Crete, Greece
Development and validation of a human,
full-thickness tissue-engineered
hypertrophic scar model
Aegean Conferences 4th Tissue Engineering,
31 May – 5 June 2011, Crete, Greece
Gordijn MS
Sleep, fatigue and quality of life after
treatment for childhood acute
lymphoblastic leukemia
SIOP (International Society of Paediatric
Oncology) congress 2011, 26-30 October
2011, Auckland, New Zealand
Haasbeek CJA
SABR for Stage 1 NSCLC
Patient Selection, Fractionation Schemes (3
July 2011)
Late Outcomes of Stereotactic Ablative
Radiotherapy (SABR) for Centrally Located
Stage I Lung Cancer
(5 July 2011)
Improvements in survival of elderly patients
with stage I NSCLC in the Netherlands
between 2003-2009
Presidential Symposium (6 July 2011)
World conference on lung cancer (WCLC)
Amsterdam juli 2011
Hensen EF
Improvements in Survival of Elderly Patients
with Stage I NSCLC in the Netherlands
between 2003-2009
ASTRO, Miami, 5 October 2011
Cochlear implantation in very young
10th European Symposium on pediatric
cochlear implantation. Athene, Griekenland,
12-15 mei 2011
Paragangliomen en erfelijkheid
8e Patientendag Nederlandse vereniging voor
patiënten met paragangliomen (NVPG)
VU academisch medisch centrum,
Amsterdam, 29 oktober 2011
Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem
Hoekstra OS
Jansen G
Cochleaire implantatie na meningitis
Symposium gehoorverlies na meningitis:
diagnostiek, preventie en behandeling.
Amsterdam, 12 oktober 2011
Observer variation: whose achilles’ heel is it
Langendorff Radiotherapy meeting,
2011, Freiburg, Germany
Finetuning of FDG PET-CT in non small cell
lung cancer
International lung cancer meeting, 2011,
Turin, Italy.
PET-MRI: a new kid on the block
World Congress of Lung Cancer, 2011,
Amsterdam, NL
Peptide epoxyketone-based proteasome
inhibitors are substrates for P-
EORTC-Pharmacology and Molecular
g Mechanism meeting, February 2-5, 2011,
Gdansk-Sopot, Poland
Biochemistry and physiology of transport
and polyglutamylation of folates
Role of levoleucovorin vs folic acid in
potentiation of 5-FU October 25, 2011, New
York, USA
Molecular mechanisms of resistance to an
aminopeptidase inhibitor prodrug
November 20, 2011, The Technion, IsraelInstitute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
Janssen JJWM
A new flow cytometric approach to
discriminate malignant from normal stem
cells in CML.
ESH/iCML, 23-25/9/2011, Estoril
Jimenez CR
Label-free mass spectrometry-based
proteomics for biomarker discovery and
validation in tissues and biofluids
11 feb. 2011. SEPROT 2011, Segovia
CSF proteomics reveals pathogenesis and
novel candidate biomarkers for mild
cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s
30 mei 2011. EndoNeuroPsycho meeting, ENP
2011. Lunteren
Developmental Models and Data Integration,
Dublin. "Label-free mass spectrometrybased proteomics for biomarker discovery in
murine and human cancer
20 juni 2011, Cancer Proteomics 2011:
Systems Biology
Progress in CSF biomarker discovery for mild
cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s
Disease by label-free quantitative
20 juli 2011. AAICAD 2011, Paris
Label-free mass spectrometry-based
proteomics for biomarker discovery and
validation in tissues and biofluids
25 sept. 2011. Multidisciplinary European
Cancer Congress, Stockholm
Protein biomarkers for cisplatin treatment
response prediction in non-small cell lung
29 sept. 2011. Annual CTMM meeting Utrecht
Label-free mass spectrometry-based
proteomics for biomarker discovery in
murine and human cancer
10 okt. 2011. Freiburg
Joenje H
DNA instabiliteit: de voors en tegens
Symposium in honor of the retirement of
prof.dr. Hans Joenje, 16 March 2011, VU
main building, Amsterdam
Kaspers GJL
Second Workshop on Pediatric Oncology, 11
January 2011, Eldoret, Kenya
Wilms tumors
Second Workshop on Pediatric Oncology, 11
January 2011, Eldoret, Kenya
Acute Oncology
Second Workshop on Pediatric Oncology, 11
January 2011, Eldoret, Kenya
Use of treatment protocols
Second Workshop on Pediatric Oncology, 12
January 2011, Eldoret, Kenya
Febrile neutropenia
Second Workshop on Pediatric Oncology, 12
January 2011, Eldoret, Kenya
Pitfalls in pediatric oncology
Second Workshop on Pediatric Oncology, 12
January 2011, Eldoret, Kenya
Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem
Kirtschig G
Kluytmans JAJW
Bortezomib in pediatric relapsed ALL
Annual meeting I/BFM/SG Committee on
Refractory Disease, 12 February 2011,
Birmingham, UK
view from the I-BFM tials experience for
relapsed AML
Acute Myeloid Leukemia: pathways, targets
and drug development, A collaborative
workshop between ITCC, I-BFM, KCK, ENCCA,
15 April 2011, Paris, France
DCOG view on clinical application of AMLMRD in the future
AML-MRD meeting of the I-BFM-SG/AML
committee, 5 May 2011, Gdansk, Poland
Update on ICC APL Study 01
Annual meeting of the International BFM
Study Group, 6 May 2011, Gdansk, Poland
Update on Relapsed AML 2010/01
Annual meeting of the International BFM
Study Group, 6 May 2011, Gdansk, Poland
ITCC021: bortezomib ın relapsed ALL; IBFM-SG experıences
Annual meeting of the International BFM
Study Group, 6 May 2011, Gdansk, Poland
A common treatment backbone: European
Pediatric AML protocol
Annual meeting of the International BFM
Study Group, 7 May 2011, Gdansk, Poland
Pediatric AML: Relapse treatment and new
treatment options
3rd International Congress on Leukemia,
Lymphoma & Myeloma, 14 May 2011,
Istanbul, Turkye
International collaboration towards
improved treatment of pediatric AML
6th Prof. Rina Zaizov Memorial Symposium,
28 June 2011, Petah-Tikva, Israel
Pediatric AML: an introduction
Indonesian Workshop on pediatric leukemia,
30 September 2011, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Pediatric AML protocol in Indonesia
Indonesian Workshop on pediatric leukemia,
1 October 2011, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Pediatric APL
Annual SIOP meeting, 28 & 29 October 2011,
Auckland, New Zealand
Chairman sessions of the scientific
committee on Lymphoid Neoplasia:(Dys-)
Regulation of cell metabolism in lymphoid
Annual Meeting of the American Society of
Hematology, 10 & 11 December 2011, San
Diego, USA
Erkrankungen der Mund- und
46. Tagung der Deutsche Dermatologische
Gesellschaf, 31st March, 2011, Dresden,
Systemische und lokale Behandlung in der
46. Tagung der Deutsche Dermatologische
Gesellschaft, 31st March, 2011, Dresden,
Overview of Livestock Associated MRSA and
Some Speculations, About the Future
12th Annual NARSA Investigators Meeting, 7 8 maart 2011, Reston, Virginia,USA
Cost-Effectiveness for Use of Molecular
Detection in Disease Diagnostics
2nd ASMET – The ASM Emerging Technologies
Conference, 8 - 11 maart 2011, San Juan,
Puerto Rico
Decolonization strategies – Nosocomial
31st International Symposium on Intensive
Care and Emergency Medicine, 22 - 25 maart
Fungal infections – Standard presentation
31st International Symposium on Intensive
Care and Emergency Medicine, 22-25 maart
2011, Brussel
The role of the community – Problematic
31st International Symposium on Intensive
Care and Emergency Medicine, 22 – 25 maart
2011, Brussel
ESBL and other problematic Gram-negative
organisms – Problematic organisms
31st International Symposium on Intensive
Care and Emergency Medicine, 22 – 25 maart
2011, Brussel
SDD in 2011 – Pro-con debate
31st International Symposium on Intensive
Care and Emergency Medicine, 22 – 25 maart
2011, Brussel
Continuous vs intermittent – Antimicrobial
31st International Symposium on Intensive
Care and Emergency Medicine, 22 – 25 maart
2011, Brussel
Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem
Health hazards of antibiotic resistance in
food and the environment
3rd Edition World HAI Forum Control of
Antimicrobial Resistance, 27 – 29 juni 2011,
Les Pensières
Increase of ESBL in animals and humans:
you are what you eat
International Conference on Prevention &
Infection Control, 29 juni – 2 juli 2011,
Modifiable risk factors for surgical site
International Conference on Prevention &
Infection Control, 29 juni – 2 juli 2011,
MTE: Peri-operative Staphylococcus aureus
screen and decolonization: who, what,
when, where and how?
International Conference on Prevention &
Infection Control, 29 juni – 2 juli 2011,
Interactive lecture Surgical site infections
ESCMID-SHEA Training Course in Hospital
Epidemiology, 3 – 6 september 2011, Brunnen
Antimicrobial Use
ESCMID-SHEA Training Course in Hospital
Epidemiology, 3 – 6 september 2011,
ESCMID-SHEA Training Course in Hospital
Epidemiology, 3 – 6 september 2011,
Mission and strategy planning in infection
ESCMID-SHEA Training Course in Hospital
Epidemiology, 3 – 6 september 2011,
Moderator Surgical Site Infections
51st ICAAC, 17–20 september 2011, Chicago
ESBL: current epidemiological aspects and
pitfalls for detection
MRSA und ESBL Workshop, 27 september
2011, Wenen
MRSA: current epidemiological aspects and
pitfalls for detection
MRSA und ESBL Workshop, 27 september
2011, Wenen
Koken PW
Transition to 3D MR-only gynaecological
brachytherapy: first VUmc experiences
Varian Users Meeting, Berlijn (D), (19-22
oktober 2011)
Lagerwaard FJ
Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy (SABR)
for pathologically confirmed stage I NSCLC.
ASTRO Oct 2011, Miami.
Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy (SABR):
The new standard for high-risk Stage I
NSCLC patients?
ESTRO 2011, London
Initial experience with HybridArc™
radiosurgery planning for intracranial
ISRS 2011, Paris
Clinical outcomes of stereotactic ablative
radiotherapy for Stage I non-small cell lung
ISRS 2011, Paris
A Pooled Analysis of Arc-based ImageGuided Simultaneous In-Field Boost
Radiation Therapy For Oligometastatic Brain
ISRS 2011, Paris
The radiosurgery programme at VUmc.
ISRS 2011, Paris. Varian symposium
Synchronous brain metastases from NSCLC:
Time for a reappraisal of systemic
WCLC 2011, Amsterdam
Stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR) in
potentially operable Stage I non-small cell
lung cancer patients
WCLC 2011, Amsterdam
HybridArc™ for intracranial tumors: an
initial review.
BrainLAB users meeting, Munchen
Lung stereotactic ablative radiotherapy
(SABR): Evolution at VUmc 1993-2011.
Varian users meeting, Berlin
Perspectives in Radiotherapy for high grade
NVRO, Utrecht, 2011
Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem
Langius JAE
Leemans CR
Stereotactic body radiotherapy as an
alternative to surgery in patients with stage
ASCO 2011, Chicago
Is irradiation of potential cancer stem cell
niches in the subventricular zones
EORTC-EANO Mar 2011, Bucharest
The predictive value of the extent of
surgical resection in newly diagnosed
glioblastoma multiforme (GBM)
EORTC-EANO Mar 2011, Bucharest
Interval progression between surgery and
adjuvant treatment can mimic (pseudo)progression of glioblastoma multiforme
EORTC-EANO Mar 2011, Bucharest
Whole Brain RadioTherapy with or without
synchronous integrated boost in patients
with 2 to 5 brain metastases: a Phase III
Study of the EORTC ROG and BTG. MRI side
study. EORTC trial 22111-26111.
EORTC Imaging Group, Sept 2011, Freiburg
Stereotactic radiosurgery for pulmonary
European Multidisciplinary Conference in
Thoracic Oncology (EMCTO), Feb 2011,
Resting energy expenditure in head and
neck cancer patients before and during
2nd International Conference on Cancer
Nutrition Therapy, March 29-30, 2011,
Edinburgh, Scotland
The association between weight loss and
survival in head and neck cancer patients
receiving radiotherapy
33rd ESPEN congress of clinical nutrition and
metabolism, September 3-6, 2011,
Gothenburg, Sweden
Experiences with criteria for determination
of precachexia and cachexia in cancer
33rd ESPEN congress of clinical nutrition and
metabolism, September 3-6, 2011,
Gothenburg, Sweden
De voedingstoestand van patiënten met
Symposium kopzorgen en halszaken, March
25, 2011, Amsterdam
Multidisciplinary discussion of a locally
advanced and 1st line recurrent/metastatic
SCCHN patient case
Satellite Symposium Integrated treatment
decisions in squamous cell carcinoma of the
head and neck at the 3rd ICHNO, February
25, 2011, Barcelona, Spain
Surgical Salvage for Head and Neck Tumors
after Chemoradiation Failure
3rd International conference on Innovative
Approaches in Head and Neck Oncology
(ICHNO). February 24-26, 2011, Barcelona,
Salvage Surgery for Head and Neck Tumors
after Primary Organ-preservation Treatment
6th Leipzig International Course in Head and
Neck Surgery and Oncology Larynx and
Hypopharynx, March 9-12, 2011, Leipzig,
Management of Oral Cancer
Annual Meeting Danish Society for Head and
Neck Oncology, March 25, 2011, Copenhagen,
Management of Recurrent Salivary
Pleomorphic Adenoma
Turkish Ear Nose Head and Neck Surgery
Foundation – 9th National Academy Meeting,
April14-17, 2011, Dalaman, Turkey
HPV in Head and Neck Cancer
Turkish Ear Nose Head and Neck Surgery
Foundation - 9th National Academy Meeting,
April14-17, 2011,
Dalaman, Turkey
Surgical Salvage for Head and Neck Tumors
after Chemoradiation Failure
Turkish Ear Nose Head and Neck Surgery
Foundation – 9th National Academy Meeting,
April14-17, 2011,
Dalaman, Turkey
Treatment of Salivary Gland Tumors.
European Meeting on Oral Diseases
Diagnosis and Management, May 11-13, 2011,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Current Management of of Advanced
Laryngeal Cancer
1st Congress of the Confederation of the
European ORL-HNS/26th Congreso Nacional de
la SEORL, July 2-6, 2011, Barcelona, Spain
Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem
Does Organ Preservation Exist for
Oropharyngeal Carcinoma?
1st Congress of the Confederation of the
European ORL-HNS/26th Congreso Nacional de
la SEORL, July 2-6, 2011, Barcelona, Spain
Human Papillomavirus and Head and Neck
1st Congress of the Confederation of the
European ORL-HNS/26th Congreso Nacional de
la SEORL, July 2-6, 2011, Barcelona, Spain
Surgical Salvage for Head and Neck Cancers
after Chemoradiation Failure
Annual Meeting Collegium Oto-RhinoLaryngologicum Amicitiae Sacrum, September
5-7, 2011, Bruges, Belgium
Management of oral cancer
European Head and Neck Course, October 57, 2011,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Parapharyngeal tumours
European Head and Neck Course, October 57, 2011, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
The Role of the Surgeon in the Era of
Changing Patterns of Epidemiology and
118ème Congrès de la Société Française
d’Oto-Rhino-Laryngologie et de Chirurgie de
la Face et du Cou, October 15-17, 2011,
Paris, France
Functional Unresectability’ in Advanced
Head and Neck Cancer
3rd trends in Head and Neck Oncology,
November 3-5, 2011, Rome, Italy
Eular: Osteoporosis prevention after initial
London 27th of May, 2011
Dutch CBO Guideline
Belgian Congress of Rheumatology:.
(Antwerpen, 28th of September 2011)
Eular postgraduate Course, 1 october, Dublin
Osteoporosis in Rheumatic Diseases
OsteoRheumatology “International Meeting
on Bone Involvement in Arthitis””:. 14th of
October 2011 San Margherita, Italy
Lecture on the Dutch Osteoporosis
Symposium: the clinical approach to
postmenopausal women with a history of
fracture.. Brussels, 16th of December 2011
Lecture on: Treatment of Glucocorticoid
Induced Osteoporosis
Symposium “The Severely Osteoporotic
Patient Anabolic Treatment and Diagnosis” ,
sponsored by Eli Lilly., Brussels 8th of October
Clinical Profile of Bone Forming Agents in
the Treatment of Glucocorticoid-induced
Osteoporosis (GIOP)
Symposium, , sponsored by Eli Lilly, satellite
of EULAR. Management of GIOP. 25th of May
Meyer OWM
Single- and Hypofractionated Radiosurgery
for Acoustic Neurinomas
3rd European Novalis Radiosurgery
Symposium. November 4th 2011, Freiburg,
Mostert S
Epidemiology and treatment outcome of
childhood cancer in Western Kenya
Course of Pediatric Oncology, 11 January
2011, Eldoret, Kenya
Compliance with childhood leukemia
treatment in Indonesia
Meeting: Course of Pedatric Oncology, 12
January 2011, Eldoret, Kenya
Workshop on Compliance
Course of Pediatric Oncology, 12 January
2011, Eldoret, Kenya
Abandonment of childhood cancer
treatment in Indonesia and Kenya
SIOP congress, 27 October 2011, Auckland,
New Zealand
Lems W
Ossenkoppele GJ
AML in the elderly
Cancer in the elderly, Rome februari 2011
AML in the elderly
EHA June 2011 Londen
Sensitizing AML stem cells
Finnish Society of Hematology, februari 2011
Intensive treatment in elderly AML or not
Frontiers meeting Berlin oct 24,25
Minimal residual disease in AML
ESH meeting Estoril Portugal oct 2011
Treatment of AML
Swedish Society of Hematology nov 2011
Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem
AML stemcells
Scientific meeting Karolinska Institute
Practice, Attitude and Knowledge regarding
fertility preservation techniques in the
Netherlands (the PAK-study): reports of the
pilot study
ESLCCC, 28-29 September 2011, Amsterdam
Specialist’s view
Fertiliteitspreservatie.nl, 15 december 2011,
Introduction to the Lloyd Kelland Lecture by
Stephen Neidle
32nd EORTC PAMM meeting, February 3 2011,
Sopot-Gdansk – Poland
New avenues for antimetabolites: will drug
delivery improve their efficacy?
February 18, 2011, Nippon-Kayaku, Tokyo,
Background of antimetabolite action and
development in cancer
14th International Symposium on Purine and
Pyrimidine Metabolism in Man, February 20,
2011, Tokyo, Japan
Drug delivery as a successful approach to
improve the efficacy of antimetabolites
14th International Symposium on Purine and
Pyrimidine Metabolism in Man, February 20,
2011, Tokyo, Japan
A reflection on well-known Purine and
Pyrimidine scientists
14th International Symposium on Purine and
Pyrimidine Metabolism in Man, February 20,
2011, Tokyo, Japan
Pharmacogenetics in gastrointestinal tumors
EORTC Joint Translational Research Division
meeting, EGAM, March 2, 2011, Brussels,
Protein Kinase C-beta (PKC-beta) as a target
and modulator for novel cancer therapies
Kobe University Exchange symposium, March
4, 2011, Brussels, Belgium
Resistance to antimetabolites: Mechanisms
and modulation
Aeterna Zentaris, June 14, 2011, Frankfurt,
Targeted modulation of signaling pathways
as basis for novel combinations
Aeterna Zentaris, June 14, 2011, Frankfurt,
Prodrugs in anticancer treatment: an
opportunity for new modulation strategies
EACR – Anticancer agents research congress,
October 13, 2011, Antalya, Turkey
Fusilev: Interaction with 5FU, antifolates
and other drugs
Spectrum Pharmaceuticals Educational
meeting, October 24, 2011, New York, NY,
Phernambucq E
‘Quantifying pulmonary function changes
after stereotactic ablative radiotherapy
(SABR) for stage I non-small-cell lung cancer
WCLC Amsterdam July 2011
Piersma SR
Collagen prolyl 3-hydroxylation in
Osteogenesis Imperfecta: a rare
modification in a rare disease
28 okt. 2011. Fall meeting Netherlands
Proteomics Platform, Leiden
Rustemeyer T
Contact allergy: immunological reactions in
Swedish Immunology Meeting, 21 January
2011, Gothenburg, Sweden
Immunological reactins to terpens
Swedish Immunology Meeting, 21 January
2011, Gothenburg, Sweden
Contact dermatitis to co-polymers
EECDRG, 2-4 April 2011, London, Great
Trends and new allergens in Europe
EECDRG, 2-4 April 2011, London, Great
European multi centre study on palladium
EECDRG, 2-4 April 2011, London, Great
Contact allergy: immunological mechanisms
World Congres of Dermatology, 24-29 May
2011, Seoul, South Korea
Contact allergy to PPD
PPD consortium, August 12, 2011, Trier,
Contact dermatitis to metal implants
EECDRG, 16-18 September 2011, Leuven,
Contact allergy in Europe
EECDRG, 16-18 September 2011, Leuven,
Overbeek A
Peters GJ
Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem
European multi centre study on palladium
and titanium
EECDRG, 16-18 September 2011, Leuven,
Photodermatitis: mechanisms and clinical
EADV, 19-24 September 2011, Lissabon,
Contact allergy is more than eczema
EADV, 19-24 September 2011, Lissabon,
In vitro detection of contact allergens: a
novel approach
Gothenburg University Celebrations, 9
December 2011, Gothenburg, Sweden
Contact allergy: a risk factor of
autoimmune diseases?
Gothenburg University Celebrations, 9
December 2011, Gothenburg, Sweden
Sanders M and van Furth AM
Genetic variation of innate immune
response genes in invasive pneumococcal
and meningococcal disease
Toll 2011, May 2011, Riva del Garda, Italy
Savelkoul JAJW
New developments in molecular detection
of gutflora and the presence of parasites
Congress in honour of 50 years the
Netherlands Society for Parasitology,
24/25/26 January, Utrecht
Analysis of Multi-Bacterial Specimen by
ASM Conference on Regulating with RNA in
Bacteria, 4/5/6 March, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Schuurhuis GJ
Flow cytometric detection of MRD-the
HOVON/SAKK experience
23rd European Leukemianet MRD Workpackage
meeting, (invited), 1-2-2011, Mannheim
Schuurhuis GJ
Novel Markers for LSC in
immunophenotypically and functionally
defined Progenitor Subsets (invited)
Year 2011 working conference on cancer
stem cells (invited), Sept 3rd 2011, Vienna
Senan S
How image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) is
changing oncology practice: Lung tumors
and oligometastatic disease
University of Bern/Inselspital, Bern, 25th
February 2011
Lugano Consensus on early and locally
advanced disease
2nd European Multidisciplinary Conference in
Thoracic Oncology. Lugano, Switzerland,
February 24-26, 2011
Treatment of early-stage lung tumors &
oligometastatic disease: Impact of RapidArc
Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Parma,
Parma, Italia. April 6, 2011
Stereotactic radiotherapy for lung cancer:
strategies to influence referring physicians
BVRO-ABRO meeting, Liége May 27-28 2011
Controversies in stereotactic radiotherapy
for lung tumors
BVRO-ABRO meeting, Liége May 27-28th 2011
Treatment of lung cancer in stages I and II
Role of Radiotherapy. New Borders in Lung
Cancer Course, Clínica Alemana, SantiagoChile, 18-19th August 2011
Treatment of lung cancer in stages III and IV
Role of Radiotherapy. New Borders in Lung
Cancer Course, Clínica Alemana, SantiagoChile, 18-19th August 2011
PRO-CON debate on Preoperative chemoradiation for stage III lung cancer. New
Borders in Lung Cancer Course
Clínica Alemana, Santiago-Chile, 18-19th
August 2011
Stereotactic body radiotherapy for earlystage NSCLC
New Borders in Lung Cancer Course, Clínica
Alemana, Santiago-Chile, 18-19th August 2011
Translating Research in Imaging into Clinical
Practice for Stereotactic Ablative
CARO Annual Scientific Meeting, Winnipeg,
Canada, September 14-17, 2011
Lung Stereotactic radiotherapy. Utilizing
RapidArc on the TrueBeam System
Varian symposium at CARO Annual Scientific
Meeting, Winnipeg, Canada, September 1417, 2011
Advances in Lung Cancer Management
2011 Advances in Technology Clinical Forum,
Miami, Florida, 1 October 2011
Curative XRT for early stage lung cancer
11th Meeting of the International Society of
Geriatric Oncology (SIOG) on 4-5 November
2011 in Paris, France
Modern radiotherapy techniques and
progress in non-small cell lung cancer
2011 NCRI Cancer Conference, Liverpool, UK,
6-9 November 2011
Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem
Advances in chemoradiation for non-small
cell lung cancer
Meeting on ‘Advances in the Diagnosis and
Treatment of Lung Cancer: A Journey
Towards Personalisation of Therapy’. Royal
Marsden Hospital, London 24 November 2011
SABR of surgery for operable stage I NSCLC.
The ROSEL–trial. RTOG
San Diego, USA, 14-1-2011
Radiotherapy in ES-SCLC. RTOG
San Diego, USA, 15-1-2011.
SBRT for lung tumors: Lessons learned and
future directions
Cleveland Clinic 4th International symposium
on stereotactic body radiation therapy and
stereotactic radiosurgery. Orlando, USA, 272-2011
Whole brain radiotherapy with simultaneous
integrated boost for multiple brain
American Radium Society, Palm Beach, USA,
Role of SBRT in non-small cell lung cancer
ESTRO, London, UK, 8-5-2011
Treatment of multiple brain metastases
using RapidArc
Int. Soc. Radiosurgery, Paris, France, 9-52011
Eight years of experience in SBRT at VU
University medical center
ESTRO Var Symposium, London, UK, 10-52011
High-tech radiation therapy: Where are the
Joint ESTRO-ASTRO Symposium, London, UK,
Role of Radiotherapy in ES-SCLC
World Lung Cancer Conference, Amsterdam,
The Netherlands, 7-7-2011
Innovations in radiation oncology
Conference on New Technologies in
Radiotherapy. Philadelphia, USA, 21-7-2011.
Oncoville, Curitiba, Brazil, 31-8-2011
Hippocampus sparing WBRT
Oncoville Meeting, Curitiba, Brazil, 1-9-2011
IMRT and concommittant boost for brain
Oncoville meeting, Curitiba, 1-9-2011
Breakthroughs in the treatment of tumors of
the central nervous system
Oncoville meeting, Curitiba, 2-9-2011
Brasilia, 19-10-2011
New Techniques in Radiotherapy: IGRT en
stereotactic radiotherapy
Symposia Annual Nucleo de Oncologia
Toracia, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 25-10, 2011.
SBRT for oligometastases. III Radiation
Therapy Symposium: IMRT, IGRT and
Hosp Israelita Albert Einstein, Sao Paulo,
Brazil, 9-12-2011
RapidArc for combined stereotactic
treatment and whole brain radiotherapy for
patients with multiple metastases
III Radiation Therapy Symposium: IMRT, IGRT
and RapidArc, Hosp Israelita Albert Einstein,
Sao Paulo, Brazil, 10-12-2011
The Role of Oxygen in Radiotherapy
Particle Training Network for European
Radiotherapy (PARTNER meeting), Wiener
Neustadt, Austria, February 20-24, 2011
Role of the Radiobiologist in Clinical daily
Particle Training Network for European
Radiotherapy (PARTNER meeting), Wiener
Neustadt, Austria, February 20-24, 2011
Brain Re-irradiation in Conventional and Ion
Beam Therapy
“Innovative Approaches in Cancer Diagnostics
and Treatment”, Scientific meeting of the
RegIonal Ion Therapy Austrian – Hungarian
Cooperation, Wiener Neustadt September 1516, 2011
Stoepker C
Genetic instability in sporadic head and
neck squamous cell carcinoma cell lines
DNA repair group, 09-09-2011, Leiden
Taphoorn MJB
Quality of life in brain tumour patients
Verona Neurosurgical Symposia, January 28,
2011, Verona, Italy
End of life care in glioma patients: what are
the issues?
EORTC-EANO annual meeting, March 26,
2011, Bucharest, Romania
Slotman BJ
Sminia P
Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem
Central nervous system toxicity of cancer
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)
Annual Meeting, April 10, 2011, Honolulu,
Does it make sense to assess health-related
quality of life in brain cancer?
European Organization for Research and
Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) conference on
Quality of Life, September 8, 2011, Brussels,
Health-related Quality of Life in brain
tumour patients
National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI)
Annual Conference, November 7, 2011,
Liverpool, United Kingdom
van Beusechem VW
Identification of miRNAs that modulate
adenovirus replication in cancer cells
6th International Conference on Oncolytic
Viruses as Cancer Therapeutics, March 16-19,
2011, Las Vegas, NV, USA
Van Bodegraven A
On navel gazing and storming heaven:
building clinical IBD networks
Oral presentation at SOIBD. Nov 2011
Stockholm, Sweden
Real-life experience with Adalimumab in
Crohn’s patients in The Netherlands
UEGW, Stockholm, Sweden. October 2011
IS-PRO: fully automated analysis of the
human intestinal microbiota
UEGW, Stockholm, Sweden. October 2011
Wenn to consult a dietician
Postgraduate Course Nurses Network IBD Care
(NNIC), Utrecht, The Netherlands, Sept 2011.
Guidelines and financing “Expensive Drugs”
Invitational Conference Diagnosis and
treatment guidelines; recent developments
and future prospects. The Hague, Jun 2011
Different Risk Factors for Colitis Associated
Colorectal Cancer in Ulcerative Colitis and
Crohn's Disease
Randomized Placebo-controlled Trial of
Risedronate in Patients with Crohn’s Disease
and Osteopenia: the Crohn and Bone study
ECCO Congress, Dublin, Ireland, February
Tolerability and safety of conventional
thiopurines concomitantly with allopurinol
in IBD-patients with a skewed thiopurine
ECCO Congress, Dublin, Ireland, February
Prescribing thiopurines for IBD treatment in
the era of biologics is like flogging a dead
Clinicopharmacological Meeting Linköping
University, March 2011, Linköping, Sweden
Risk factors for advanced neoplasia of the
rectal stump in IBD patients
Van der Horst-Bruinsma IE
Characteristics and feasibility of the
citrulline generation test to assess intestinal
mass in ICU patients
ASPEN, Vancouver, Canada, January 2011
6-Thioguanine, an alternative therapy for
refractory coeliac disease type I
UEGW, Barcelona, Spain. October 2010
Evaluating small bowel function in patients
with Multi Organ Dysfunction Syndrome
using a Citrulline Generation Test
ESICM, Barcelona, Spain, October 2010 and
orally at NESPEN/Nederlandse Vereniging voor
Gastro-enterologie en Hepatologie, Veldhoven,
March 20
Effectiveness and tolerability of
maintenance methotrexate therapy in
Crohn's disease patients; analysis of a
referral hospital-based 10-years intercept
Nederlandse Vereniging voor Gastroenterologie en Hepatologie, Veldhoven, March
2011 and UEGW, Stockholm, Sweden. October
3 lectures on Uveitis in Spondylarthopathy
ASAS international Educational Courses, 20
January 2011 Brussels, 16 March, Brussels, 8
June, Munich
Lecture in genetics in AS
IGAS meeting, Shanghai, China, 11-14 March
Spondyloarthritis; lectures on genetics in
Spondylarthropathy and Extra-articula
manifestations in SpA
Charite Hospital, Berlin, 1 April, chair and
speaker workshop Diagnosis and Treatment
of (axial)
Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem
Lecture on Extra-articular manifestations in
EULAR, Londen, 26 May
Systems biology of cerebral granuloma
formation caused by mycobacterium
ESPID, June 2011, The Hague, The
Systems biology of cerebral granuloma
formation caused by mycobacterium
TB Keystone Symposium, Feb 2011,
Vancouver, Canada
PET imaging in rheumatology
The national meeting of rheumatology
(Najaarsdagen Reumatologie), september
The status of MRI imaging in rheumatology
Sectra, 9 juni 2011
Van der Meij BS
Nutritional support in Graft-vs-Host disease
of the digestive tract
Annual meeting of Croatian Society of
Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, May 21
2011, Opatija, Croatia
Van der Sar AM
The zebrafish embryo early granuloma
infection model: A promising tool for
antitubercular compound screens in vivo
Zebrafish Disease Models 4, Blood, Immunity,
Cancer and Endothelial workshop, July 9-11,
2011, Edinburgh, UK
The zebrafish embryo early granuloma
infection model: A promising tool for
antitubercular compound screens in vivo
Minisymposium: Non mammalian model
organisms, September 5-6, 2011, Tampere,
European Meeting on Oral Diseases. Diagnosis
and Management, 11-13 May 2011,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
"Oral lichen planus with emphasis on
diagnosis and management" and "Oral
manifestations of systemic diseases"
Annual Meeting Swedish Society of
Pathology and Swedish Society of Clinical
Cytology, 18-20 May 2011, Umeå, Sweden
Advances in the diagnosis and treatment of
oral potentially malignant disorders
International Meeting of the Italian
Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
"Update in oral cancer: research,
diagnosis and treatment", 30 June-1 July
2011, Parma, Italy
Clinicopathologic Case presentation
40th Annual Meeting of the SFOPOM
(Scandinavian Fellowship for Oral
Pathology and Oral Medicine), 24-26
August 2011, Turku, Finland
Diseases of the mouth; diagnosis and
XIV Congreso Internacional Odontológico
Uruguayo, 17-21 October 2011,
Montevideo, Uruguay
"Potentially malignant disorders; diagnosis
and management", "Lichen planus and
lichenoid lesions; diagnosis and
management", "Oral squamous cell
carcinoma; actual concepts in the diagnosis
and management" and "Unusual squamous
cell carcinomas of the oral mucosa and
some pitfalls"
A two-day international symposium on
"Early diagnosis of oral cancer" at the
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana
Unidad de Xochimilco (UAMUX), 24 + 25
November 2011, Mexico City, Mexico
Tuberculous meningitis home treatment
Servant Leadership Symposium, may 2011,
VU, Amsterdam
Desmond Tutu Chair story
Ethiopic Deledation Symposium, June 2011,
VU, Amsterdam
Meningitis en de gevolgen voor het jonge
KNO symposium, okt 2011, VU, Amsterdam
External validation of a model predicting
hearing loss after childhood bacterial
ESPID, June 2011, The Hague, The
Behavioral functioning of childhood
bacterial meningitis survivors in the
ESPID, June 2011, The Hague, The
Cost-effectiveness of chemotherapeutic
treatment of childhood acute
lymphoblastic leukemia: the influence of
new medication and diagnostic technology
International society of paediatric oncology
(SIOP 2011), 28-10-2011, Auckland, New
van der Kuip M and van
Furth AM
Van der Laken J
Van der Waal I
van Furth AM
van Litsenburg RRL
Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem
Van Montfrans C
Application of a novel autologous fullthickness skin substitute in hard to heal
chronic ulcers
EADV, 19-24 September 2011, Lissabon,
van Moorselaar RJA
Hot News from 2010 Congresses, Prostate
The 4th World Congress on Controversies in
Urology (CURy), 29 januari 2011, Paris,
Cabazitaxel in real life practice. The Dutch
European Expert Board Meeting, 2 juli 2011,
St Petersburg, Rusland
Tour d’Europe: update
European Expert Board Meeting, 2 juli 2011,
St Petersburg, Rusland
Testis cancer: Diagnosis and treatment of
stage I disease
The European Urology Residents Education
Programme (EUREP), 9th EUREP Course, 2-7
September 2011, Prague, Czech Republic
Management of locally advanced and
metastatic disease
The European Urology Residents Education
Programme (EUREP), 9th EUREP Course, 2-7
September 2011, Prague, Czech Republic
Urothelial cancer: Highlights and discussion
Oncoforum summary meeting, 27 November
2011, Amsterdam, NL
Van Schaardenburg D
Predicting rheumatoid arthritis in patients
with seropositive arthralgia
EULAR, May 2011, London
van Well GThJ and van
Furth AM
Host genetic polymorphisms in TLR9 are
associated with the susceptibility and
severity to meningococcal disease
ESPID, June 2011, The Hague, The
Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE
Typing of micro-organismen with TypeNed
WOGIZ in combination with the COM, March
2011, RIVM, Bilthoven
Multi-resistant pathogenes in the hospital
Pulmonologist week ‘Infections and
Tuberculoses’, April 2011, Papendal, Arnhem
Resistance against antibiotics
Delft, Studium Generale, May 2011, Delft
Care for health care acquired infections
Farewell commission prof.dr. P.J. van den
Broek, May 2011, LUmc, Leiden
Facing emerging outbreaks due to MDRpathogens in healthcare
International Conference on Prevention and
Infection Control (ICPIC), July 2011, Geneve,
Antimicrobial resistance
Fundashion Mariadal, September 2011,
Prevention and control of antimicrobial
Boerhaavecursus, October 2011, Leiden
Antimicrobial resistance
Faculty of Medicine, University of Angers,
October 2011, Angers, France
Resistance in gram negative
microorganismen, in particular ESBL en NDM
Resistente bacteriën op de kinderafdeling:
mediahype of reality show? Nederlandse
Vereniging voor Kindergeneeskunde,
November 2011, Veldhoven
Antimicrobial resistance
Dag Interne Geneeskunde, Flendrig Lecture,
November 2011, AZM, Maastricht
Antimicrobial resistance
Science café , November 2011, Nijmegen
IC Congres, December 2011, Lunteren
Living with cancer, selfmanagement and ehealth
Symposium Gezondheid op Maat. TNO,
Utrecht, December 1, 2011
Stepped care, selfmanagement, and ehealth in supportive care in cancer, from
hype to trend
Symposium Hospital Psychiatrists, Domus
Medica, Utrecht, November 25, 2011.
Living with cancer and integrated care
Muon symposium. Ede, September 29,
Supportive cancer care, self-management,
and e-health
Study Group Rehabilitation and
Survivorship. MASCC meeting, Athens,
June 24, 2011
Verdonck-de Leeuw IM
Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem
Leven met kanker
Verdonck-de Leeuw IM. VU Alumni dag.
Amsterdam, May 28, 2011
Living with cancer: innovative care
programs and e-health
Masterclass E-health. Vrije Universiteit,
Amsterdam, February 4, 2011.
Living with cancer
World Cancer Day, Book presentation
Peter Kapitein, AMC, Amsterdam,
February 4, 2011
Leven met kanker: van kennis naar kunde
Regietafel ICT. Jaarbeurs Utrecht,
January 24, 2011
Prevalence of depression in cancer patients
during or after treatment: a meta-analysis
IPOS 13th World Congress of PsychoOncology and Psychosocial Academy,
Antalya, Turkey, October 16-20, 2011
OncoCompass: developing an e-health
management platform to facilitate and
innovate supportive cancer care
Supportive Cancer Care Symposium
MASCC/ISOO 2011, Athens, Griekenland,
June 23-25, 2011.
Prevalence of depression in cancer patients:
a meta-analysis
APOS 8th Annual Conference, Anaheim,
USA, February 19, 2011
A stepped care strategy targeting anxiety
and depression in cancer patients
APOS 8th Annual Conference, Anaheim,
USA, February 19, 2011
Quality of life as predictor of survival: a
prospective study on patients treated with
combined surgery and radiotherapy for
advanced oral and oropharyngeal cancer
APOS 8th Annual Conference, Anaheim,
February 19, 2011
Gezond verder met het OncoKompas
Laptoppresenatie op symposium E-mental
health voor somatische aandoeningen,
Nijmegen, April 20, 2011
Objectivering van spraakkwaliteit bij
patiënten behandeld voor hoofd-halskanker
Kopzorgen & Halszaken Congress.
Olympic Stadium, Amsterdam, The
Netherlands, March 25, 2011
A stepped care strategy targeting anxiety
and depression in cancer patients
Kopzorgen & Halszaken Congress.
Olympic Stadium, Amsterdam, The
Netherlands, March 25, 2011
Head Matters: a guided self-help program
Kopzorgen & Halszaken Congress.
Olympic Stadium, Amsterdam, The
Netherlands, March 25, 2011
Gezond verder met het OncoKompas
Workshop op congres “Effectiviteit van
interventies”, Nederlandse Vereniging
voor Psychosociale Oncologie, Utrecht,
March 18, 2011
Prevalence of depression in cancer patients
during or after treatment: a meta-analysis
18th NVPO Congress “Effectiveness of
interventions”. Hogeschool Domstad,
Utrecht, The Netherlands, March 18,
Verheul H
Medical Grand Rounds “Mechanisms of
resistance to receptor tyrosine kinase
Rosswell Park Cancer Institute, USA (invited
lecture) March 31, 2011
Visser D and van Furth AM
Is the incidence of tuberculous meningitis
sunlight dependent ?
ESPID, May 2011, The Hague, The
Is the incidence of tuberculous meningitis
sunlight dependent ?
TB Keystone Symposium, Feb 2011,
Vancouver, Canada
ICU malabsorption syndrome
characteristics: fecal energy and
macronutrient losses / Diagnostic accuracy
of faecal weight to identify clinical
significant malabsorption in critically ill
ASPEN, 31 jan 2011, Vancouver, Canada
Assessment of small bowel function in
critically ill MODS patients using the
citrulline generation test
NVGE, 18 march 2011, Veldhoven, The
Malabsorption on ICU
Verpleegkundig symposium Amsterdam, 4 and
7 feb 2011, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Wierdsma N
Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem
Windhorst AD
Zweegman S
Malabsorption on ICU
Dietisten dagen 2011, 8 april 2011,
Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands
New PET radiopharmaceuticals in Oncology
SSPT-USGEB, January 27-28, 2011, Zurich,
Rational design of new tracers
XII Turku PET Symposium, May 28-31, Turku,
Preclinical evaluation of new PET tracers
EANM, October 15-19, 2011, Birmingham,
New PET radiopharmaceuticals in onclogy
EANM, October 15-19, 2011, Birmingham,
New Tyrosine Kinase inhibitor PET
Seminar November 21, 2011, University of
Helsinki, Finland
Radiopharmaceutical chemistry’
CHAINS2011, November 28, 2011, Maarssen ,
The Netherlands
Revlimid in relapsed refractory Myeloma
Czech Myeloma Group meeting, Slowakia, 151-11
EMNTG; HOVON NMSG what are the current
asked questions?
13th International Myeloma Workingshop
2011, Paris, France, 5-5-2011
The added value of cooperation in Myeloma
Trials in Europe
European Hematology Association London,
England, 9-6-2011
Translating the clinical heterogeneity of
elderly patients into tailored treatment
approaches: tools and therapeutic
6th European Multiple Myeloma Academy,
Madrid, Spain, 8-10-11
Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem
Place and date
De Wilt L
AACR 2011 Aflac Travel Award: $1500
April 4th 2011
De Winter JP
Discovery award for the identification of
FANCP (FA Research Fund)
Barcelona, Spain, October 22, 2011
Fedrigo CA
Award from the International Congress of
Radiation Research Organization
Warsaw, Poland, August 28 – September
1, 2011
Janssen JJWM
Proefschrift van het jaar (Thesis of the year)
Papendal-Arnhem, 27/1/11
Joenje H
lifetime achievement award (FA Research
Barcelona, Spain, October 22, 2011
Langius JAE
Biochemical Society Award
2nd International Conference on Cancer
Nutrition Therapy, Edinburgh, Scotland,
March 29-30, 2011
NVO-ESPEN travel grant
NVO meeting, Utrecht, March 15 2011
Pham TV
Poster price: Proteomics of mouse BRCA1deficient mammary tumors identifies DNA
repair proteins with diagnostic and
prognostic value in human breast cancer
Conference: Systems Biology,
Developmental Models and Data
Integration. Dublin. 20-23 juni 2011
Van der Kuip M
ESPID/Wyeth Fellowship Award 2010-2012
Nice, France, May 4-8
Research Masterclass 2
price best Dutch
May 2011, The Hague
TULIPS post doc curriculum 2012-13
Utrecht, The Netherlands
Van der Waal I
International Prize of the Spanish Oral
Surgery Society
Official Ceremony of the Sociedad
Espaňola de Cirugía Bucal, Madrid,
Spanje, 16 December 2011
Van Turenhout S
poster of distinction
Digestive Disease Week 2011 Chicago
Vandenbroucke-Grauls CJME
Golden Donders-award received because of
her great efforts and results as chairman of
the board of the NTvG
NTvG, Amsterdam
Veerman AJP
Mas Hidayat, price for ‘’Golden Leadership’’
from the Indonesian Pediatric Association for
20 years of excellent service to sick children
in Indonesia and elsewhere
Manado, Indonesia june 2011/
Yogyakarta september 2011
Veringa S
Studenten Onderzoeks Prijs 2011
6 december 2011
Wojtuszkiewicz A
René Vogels stipendium
11 oktober 2011
Yaqub M
NVNG Woldring price for best thesis in
nuclear medicine
ISALA Klinieken, Locatie Sophia, Zwolle,
26 November 2010
Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem
Grants obtained in 2011
Project leader(s)
Title project
Funding / budget
Bitter W and Vandenbroucke-Grauls
A genome-based generalized strategy to
activate cryptic antibiotic biosynthesis gene
clusters in Actinomycetales
CRYPTON II, STW, technician, 82.000
Boellaard R
IMI (EU), PhD Student: Like Hoyng,
250.000 euro
Bohlmeijer E, Verdonck-de Leeuw
IM, Drosschaert S
Psychological distress in partners of cancer
patients: efficacy of an online self help
KWF Dutch Cancer Society, 252.100
Brakenhoff RH
Sister chromatid cohesion as a novel
foothold for cancer therapy
NKB VU 2011-4983 (1 postdoc),
327.000 euro
Brakenhoff RH
MicroRNAs in Head and Neck Cancer
InteRNA (1 postdoc), 100.000 euro
Bultink IEM and Voskuyl AE
Biomarkers in Systemic Lupus
Educational grant, PhD student: J.
Jacobs, 1.500 euro
Cloos J, Assaraf YG, Jansen G
Unravelling the role of FPGS splicing in MTX
Rene Vogels Stichting fellowship, PhD
student: Anna Wojtuszkiewicz, 2.700
De Bree R
Response evaluation after chemoradiation
in advanced oropharyngeal cancer using
ZonMw 80-82305-97-12010, 125.000
de Winter JP, van Beusechem VW
and Brakenhoff RH
Sister chromatid cohesion as a novel
foothold for cancer therapy
KWF VU2011-4983, Postdoc: Job de
Lange, 327.000 euro
de Winter JP, van Beusechem VW,
Brakenhoff RH
Sister chromatid cohesion as a novel
foothold for cancer therapy
Dutch Cancer Society NKB 2011-4983,
327.000 euro (1 postdoc)
Dekker J, Verheul HMW
Screening and treatment of psychological
distress in colorectal cancer with
metastasized disease: the TES-trial
Alpe d’Huzes/KWF, 521.000 euro
research grant (VU 2011-5279)
Den Otter W
IL-2 therapy of bladder carcinoma
Innovatiefonds, ca 50.000 Euro
Dorsman JC, de Winter JP, Joenje
Identification of pathway(s) compensating
for FA pathway defects
FARF pilot study, $ 117.500
Dorsman JC, Te Riele H, Cloos J,
Mol A
Genomics to improve diagnostics and care
of retinoblastoma patients
KIKA, PhD student: Irsan Kooi,
560.000 euro
Gibbs S, Niessen F, Scheper RJ (CEO
AgentschapNL IS (start 2011), PhD
student: Grace Limandjaja, 750.000
Gibbs S, Scheper RJ (CEO A-Skin),
van Hinsberg V
FES, 760.000 euro
Hoekstra OS
Meta-analysis of FDG PET in response
RSNA QIBA, PhD student: S.N. Rizvi,
75.000 euro
Hoekstra OS
Validation of PERCIST methodology in
pulmonary oncology and FDG PET
RSNA QIBA, PhD student: S.N. Rizvi,
USD 50.000
Hoekstra OS
IMI(EU), PhD student: V. Frings,
250.000 euro
Huijgens PC, Sonneveld P,
Zweegman S
Imaging side study of the study
“Randomized phase III trial in elderly
patients with previously untreated
symptomatic Multiple Myeloma comparing
MP-Thalidomide (MP-Thal) followed by
thalidomide maintenance versus MPLenalidomide (MP-Len) followed by
maintenance with lenalidomide”
Celgene, 50.000 euro
Huijgens PC, Sonneveld P,
Zweegman S
Extension of the study: “Randomized phase
III trial in elderly patients with previously
untreated symptomatic Multiple Myeloma
comparing MP-Thalidomide (MP-Thal)
followed by thalidomide maintenance
versus MP-Lenalidomide (MP-Len) followed
by maintenance with lenalidomide”
Celgene, 985.000 euro
Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem
Project leader(s)
Title project
Funding / budget
Hulleman E, Kaspers GJL
Towards novel therapeutics for the
treatment of diffuse intrinsic pontine
glioma (DIPG)
EDLI Foundation, 50.000 euro
Hulleman E, Kaspers GJL
Unravelling diffuse pontine glioma (DIPG)
Complete Genomics Sequencing
Grant, 8 samples ~ $ 80.000
Hulleman E, Kaspers GJL
Development of in vitro and in vivo mouse
models for diffuse pontine glioma (DIPG)
KiKa grant (project 69), 8 samples ~
269.500 euro
Hulleman E, Wurdinger T
Development of preclinical DIPG imaging
KiKa, 250.000 euro (1 PhD student)
Kaspers GJL
Abandonment of childhood cancer
treatment in Kenya: an analysis of causes
and consequences
SIOP International Fellowship
Funding, Postdoc: S. Mostert, 4.000
Kaspers GJL
Compliance with childhood cancer
treatment in Kenya
Stichting Ontwikkelingssamenwerking
VUmc, Postdoc: S. Mostert, 5.000
Kaspers GJL
Compliance with childhood cancer
treatment in Kenya
Lutherse Kerk te Woerden, PhD
student: M.S. Gordijn, 1.700 euro
Kaspers GJL
Compliance with childhood leukemia
treatment in Indonesia
Noord/Zuid Programma, Postdoc± S.
Mostert, 40.400 euro
Kaspers GJL
Compliance with childhood leukemia
treatment in Indonesia
Stichting Medicines for Acute
Lymphoblastic Leukemia (SMALL),
Postdoc: S. Mostert, 10.000 euro
Lammertsma AA
FLT-PET imaging to support dose-finding for
the CD-44 program - pre-clinical
qualification in xenograft, part 2
F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, adaptive
study design, budget depending on
actual number of studies performed
Lammertsma AA
Effects of single dose RO5429083 and A2V
treatment on tumor uptake of 11C-docetaxel
in preclinical models
F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, adaptive
study design, budget depending on
actual number of studies performed
Langius JAE, Doornaert P, Leemans
Predictive factors for severe weight loss in
head and neck cancer patients undergoing
radiotherapy and the independent effect of
weight loss on quality of life and survival: a
practical guideline for early identification
and treatment
Cancer Center Amsterdam
Foundation, 100.000 euro
Meuleman EJH
Ontwikkeling van een E-Health Lifestyle
programma voor mannen met de
urogenitale verouderingsklachten LUTS en
Abbott, 95.000 euro
Peters GJ
Mechanism of action of RX3117
Rexahn, NWP
Poot A, van Dongen GAMS,
Windhorst AD
Development of new TKI PET
CCA, PhD student: P. Slobbe, 240.000
Rustemeyer T
Low dosis UVB therapy in psoriasis patients
3rd party sponsored, PhD student:
Sylvie Franken, 45.000 euro
Rustemeyer T
Consumers safety CESES
RIVM/VWS, 50.000 euro
Rustemeyer T, Kezic S
Zilver nanoparticles
3rd party sponsored, 30.000 euro
Rustemeyer T, Kezic S
Skin protection
3rd party sponsored, 20.000 euro
Schuurhuis GJ, Ossenkoppele GJ
Minimal residual Disease in AML
HOVON (industrial), 150.000 euro,
PhD student (in part): Wendelien
Smit L, Schuurhuis GJ,
Ossenkoppele GJ, Huijgens P
Het ontwikkelen van een therapie gericht
tegen het uitroeien van de cellen die
leukemie veroorzaken, de leukemische
Stichting Leukemia, 10.000 euro
Smit L, Schuurhuis GJ,
Ossenkoppele GJ, Ylstra B, Menezes
Target identification specific for leukemic
stem cells of Acute Myeloid Leukemia
CCA/V-ICI 2011, 275.000 euro, PhD
student Han Verhagen
Taphoorn MJB, Heimans JJ,
Reijneveld JC
Quality of Life and the End of Life phase in
glioma patients
Clinical research/postdoc, Stichting
Devon Den Haag, 1.0 fte senior
researcher (4 years)
Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem
Project leader(s)
Title project
Funding / budget
Taphoorn MJB, Klein M
The impact of tumour treatment on
cognitive functions in brain tumour patients
Clinical research/ neuropsychology,
Jacobus Stichting Den Haag, 0.4 fte
neuropsychologist (3 years), PhD
student: E. Habets, MSc
van Bergen en Henegouwen P,
Wurdinger T
Development of EGFRvIII targeted
Stophersentumoren.nl2011, 100.000
euro (1 technician)
van Bokhorst- van der Schueren
MAE, Verheul HMW, Langius JAE
Does nutritional intervention of patients
with precachexia undergoing chemotherapy
improve nutritional status, quality of life
and treatment outcome?
Dutch Cancer Society, grant VU 20115262, PhD student: S. Buskermolen,
510.600 euro
Van der Vliet H
Promoting antitumor immunity by specific
tumor targeting of iNKT cells
ZonMW, 160.000 euro
Van der Vliet H
Specific tumor targeting of iNKT cells and
Vy9Vo2 T cells using nanobody technology
Dutch Cancer Society, VU2010-4728,
Van der Vliet H, Verheul HMW
Phase 1-2 study of everolimus and low-dose
oral cyclophosphamide in patients with
metastatic renal cell cancer
KWF clinical trial grant, 184.000 euro
Van der Vliet H, Verheul HMW
Preclinical BEZ235NCZVUMC01
Novartis, €20.800,-
van den Berg M, van Dulmen-den
Broeder E, ter Kuile M, Hilders C
Practice, Attitude and Knowledge regarding
fertility preservation techniques in the
Netherlands (the PAK-study)
KiKa (Projectnummer 78) and DSW,
PhD student: Annelies Overbeek
(VUmc) / Leoni Louwé (LUMC), 34.431
euro (KiKa) + 25.000 euro (DSW)
van der Horst-Bruinsma IE
Fund raising for the organisation of the
Reumabeweegdag 2011 Amsterdam
40.000 euro
Van Furth AM
Tuberculous meningitis home treatment
UBS Optimum Fund, 118.000 euro
Van Furth AM
Tuberculous meningitis home treatment
Lions Noordwijk, 60.000 euro
Van Furth AM
Tuberculous meningitis home treatment
Mr Willem Backhuys Roozeboom
Stichting, 25.000 euro
Van Furth AM
Neonatal Infections
Nuts Ohra, 225.000 euro
van Furth AM, Reinceke C
Metabolomics study of tuberculous
meningitis in children
Desmond Tutu Program, VU,
Amsterdam, PhD student: Shayne
Mason. 90.000 euro
van Furth AM, Schoeman J
Improving early diagnosis of tuberculous
Desmond Tutu Program, VU,
Amsterdam. PhD student: Regan
Solomons. 90.000 euro
Van Moorselaar RJA
Intraprostatic androgen assessment as a
diagnostic (and prognostic) tool
Astellas, PhD student: vd Sluis,
100.000 euro
Van Moorselaar RJA
Immediate vs later intravesical Mitomycin C
instillation for nin-muscle invasive bladder
cancer. A multicenter open-label
randomised phase III study
Nycomed/Kyowa, 66.000 euro
van Tellingen O, Wurdinger T
Promising drug combinations in the
treatment of high-grade glioma
Stophersentumoren.nl2011, 150.000
euro (1 technician)
Van Tuyl L
Patient perspecitve in RA remission
EULAR, 80.000 euro
Van Tuyl L
The patient perspective on Rheumatoid
EULAR research grant, 74.000 eur
Verdonck-de Leeuw IM
Living with cancer: innovative care
programs and e-health
KWF Dutch Cancer Society / Alpe
d’HuZes (2011-2013) (postdoc: C.F.
van Uden-Kraan), 196.000 euro
Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, Eerenstein
S, Leemans CR, de Bree R
LARiNX: a web-based self-help programme
for laryngectomized patients during and
after treatment
Michel Keijzer Foundation, PhD
student: Ingrid Cnossen, 199.600 euro
Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, Ganzevoort
R, Delver J
Spiritual Autobiographic writing for cancer
Addessium Foundation / RCOAK, PhD
student: Lenneke Post, 175.500 euro
Verheul, H.M.W.
Diagnotic tools to predict whether a patient
will develop toxicity to cetuximab
Merck Serono, 50.000euro
Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem
Project leader(s)
Title project
Funding / budget
Verheul HMW
OPL mass spectrometer
Stg Moller Foundation, 200.000 euro
Verheul HMW / Jimenez C
OPL mass spectrometer
Rabobank, 300.000 euro
Verheul HMW / Jimenez C
Histopathologic and Mechanistic Assessment
of Angiogenesis Inhibitor Related Toxicities
7th Framework programme of the EU,
310.000 euro
Vis A
Beslishulp voor mannen bij de keuze van
een behandeling voor lokaal beperkt
Ipsen, ca 30.000 euro
Vos J, Tollenaar R (LUMC),
Verdonck-de Leeuw IM
The development, implementation and
evaluation of the meaning-centered group
psychotherapy 'Living Meaningfully with
Cancer' in the Netherlands
KWF Dutch Cancer Society, PhD
student: Nadia van der Spek, 596.500
Voskuyl AE
Development and manitenance of a longterm national patient outcomes registry for
systemic lupus erythmatosus in the
Netherlands- The PORSLEN registry
GlaxoSmithKline, 592.000 euro
Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem
Meeting organization
Project leader(s)
Place / date
Bitter W
NvMM/NvvM voorjaarsvergadering
19-21 April, Papendal, Nederland
Boellaard R
MIRO 212
March 2012, Vienna
Brakenhoff RH
Course Oncogenesis, Research Master
De Bree R, Leemans CR, Eerenstein
4th European Head & Neck Course
Amsterdam, 5-7 oktober 2011
de Winter JP, Dorsman JC, Waisfisz
Q, Oostra AO and Akse D
Symposium in honour of the retirement of
Prof. dr. H. Joenje: “DNA instability, cancer
and aging”
Amsterdam, 16 March, 2011
Dekker J
Member of the program committee of the
12th International Congress of Behavioral
August 2012, Budapest, Hungary
Gibbs S
5-7 October 2011, Amsterdam, Nederland
Sens-it-iv end symposium for Stakeholders
23-25 November 2011, Brussels, Belgium
Hensen EF
Hulleman E, Jansen M, van Vuurden
Jimenez CR
2 Symposium slechthorendheid bij het
jonge kind. Gehoorverlies na meningitis:
diagnostiek, preventie en behandeling
NEMO Amsterdam, 12 oktober 2011
8e Patientendag Nederlandse vereniging voor
patiënten met paragangliomen (NVPG)
VU academisch medisch centrum,
Amsterdam, 29 oktober 2011
DIPG meeting Amsterdam
14-15 January 2011, Amsterdam
Cancer Proteomics 2011: Systems Biology,
Developmental Models and Data Integration
Dublin. 20-23 juni 2011
ENP 2011, CSF proteomics
Lunteren, 30 mei 2011
Co-organisor, Fall meeting Netherlands
Proteomics Platform
Oct 28, 2011, Leiden
Second Workshop on Pediatric Oncology
11-12 January 2011, Eldoret, Kenya
Workshop on Pediatric Leukemia
30 September and 1 October 2011,
Ygyakarta, Indonesia
Annual meetıng of the American Society of
Hematology (scientific committee on
Lymphoid Neoplasia)
December 2011, San Diego, USA
Kluytmans JAJW
2nd ASMET – The ASM Emerging Technologies
8 – 11 maart 2011, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Peters GJ
EACR-meeting on Drug Development
October 2011, Antalya, Turkey
EORTC-PAMM Winter meeting
Sopot, Poland,
18 – 19 March 2011, Papendaal, The
Themadag Dermatologie
18 September 2011, Utrecht, The
PMS Cosmetica
21 April 2011, Amersfoort, The Netherlands
Contiunuum Dermatologica
08 December 2011, UItrecht, The
Kaspers GJL
Rustemeyer T
Savelkoul PHM
Cursus Typeren
24/25/26 January, Utrecht
Sminia P
Member of the Organizing Committee of the
International meeting of the Dutch Society
for Radiobiology (NVRB)
Noordwijkerhout, April 19-20, 2012
van der Horst-Bruinsma IE
Diagnosis and Treatment of (axial)
Charite Hospital, 1 April, 2011 (Berlin)
van der Horst-Bruinsma IE
Wetenschappelijke congressen Ned Ver
voor Reumachirurgie (NERASS ) :
Lustrumcongres: samen sterk voor arthritis
9 sept, Scheveningen
Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem
en artrose
van der Laken J
regional MRI education for rheumatologists
Van der Waal I
European Meeting on Oral Diseases.
Diagnosis and Management
11-13 May 2011, Amsterdam, The
Verdonck-de Leeuw IM
Existential issues in cancer: who cares?
19-1-2011, Amsterdam
Verdonck-de Leeuw IM
Kopzorgen en halszaken (innovative
supportive care in head and neck cancer)
25-3-2011, Amsterdam
Voskuyl AE
Najaarsdagen reumatologie NVR
September 2011, Papendal
Windhorst AD
International Symposium on
Radiopharmaceutical Sciences
August 28 – September 2, 2011, Amsterdam,
The Netherlands
Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem
C.R. Jimenez:
• 19 feb. 2011. Diario Medico. ‘Ahora es el turno de las proteinas’
• 9 sept. 2011. Tracer. Eiwitten verraden darmkanker
• 15 sept. 2011. Ad Valvas. Eiwitten en darmkanker
• 25 sept. 2011, OncoPost, the daily journal of The 2011 Multidisciplinary European Cancer Congress.
The language of proteins: understanding proteins today can change cancer therapy tomorrow
S. Gibbs:
• promovendus Krista Ouwehand Kunsthuid voor alergieonderzoek. Telegraph 11 January 2011
• promovendus Krista Ouwehand Allergieonderzoek straks niet meer op proefdieren. Metro 4 January
T. Rustemeyer
• Effectieve thuisbehandeling tegen zonneallergie ontwikkeld. Volkskrant − 23/05/11
• Zonneallergie. Telegraaf 25-03-2011
• Effectieve thuisbehandeling tegen zonneallergie ontwikkeld. Trouw 25-05-2011
• Zonneallergie en behandeling. RTL nieuws 23-05-2011
• Ziekenhuizen zien explosie aan hooikoortsklachten. Volkskrant 28-04-2011
I.E. van der Horst-Bruinsma
• bijlage Telegraaf (sept 2011): Botten en gewrichten: samenwerking reumatoloog en orhopedisch
• bijlage NRC-handelsblad (dec 2011): Botten en gewrichten: invloed van extra-articulaire manifestaties
op de ziekte van Bechterew
Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem
Appendix 6: Societal impact
Appendix 6: Societal Impact
Social-cultural relevance
Professional publications and products
Jimenez CR
Lekenpublicatie ‘Eiwitten op darmcellen markeren gevaarlijke voorstadia
darmkanker’ Oncologie Up-to-date | 2011 • vol 2 • nummer 6
Lekenpublicatie: Oncoproteomics: systeembiologie, ontwikkelingsmodellen en
data-integratie. Oncologie Up-to-date | 2011 • vol 2 • nummer 5
Peters GJ, Ichida K
Guest Editors of Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids , a special issue
on PP11, the 14th International Purine and Pyrimidine Symposium (Vol 30;
issue 12, pp. 999-1340, 2011)
Memberships of an advice council in the public field
Bultink IEM
Membership of the medical advice council of the “Nationale vereniging voor
lupus, sclerodermie en MCTD patiënten (NVLE)”
Membership of the steering committee of the Dutch network for “Patient
research partners in Rheumatology”.
Medical advisor of the local patient department of the Dutch Arthritis
Foundation (“Reuma patiëntenvereniging Amstelland en omstreken”)
Dekker J
Member of Committee Social Oncology, Dutch Cancer Society- KWF
Kaspers GJL
Participation in Doctor2Doctor, a collaboration between VU University
Medical Center and KLM Aircares on the one hand, and Moi Teaching &
Referral Hospital, Eldoret, Kenya on the
other hand
Peters GJ
Member of the scientific advisory board, “Cancéropôle Lyon-Auvergne-RhôneAlpes”, Lyon, France
Member review committee for TCRF and ACS grants, UICC, Geneva,
Translational Research Committee, Institut National du Cancer, Paris, France
Equipment of excellence, Agence National de la Recherche, Paris, France
Rustemeyer T
EU commission on Consumers´ HealthVWS en VWA
Arbo Expert Groep NederlandVWS
Cosmetica en consumentenveiligheidVWS, RIVM
Slotman B
Member commission Radiotherapie Gezondheidsraad
Chairman Taskforce Radiotherapie
Member CvB, Nederlandse Vereniging Radiotherapie en Oncologie
Van Beusechem VW
Member, user committee ZonMw Translational Gene Therapeutic Research
project on “oncolytic adenovirus therapy as a neoadjuvant treatment for
localized prostate cancer” at Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The
Member, user committee Technology Foundation STW project on “Directed
evolution of artificial viruses” at University of Utrecht, Utrecht, The
Voskuyl AE
Het Reumafonds : advisory board/ scientific committee
NVLE (patient league) : president Medisch Advies Raad
Indications in a directive, protocol or policy note
Kirtschig G
Richtlijnencommissien `Lichen sclerosus en Lichen planus` (member on
behalf of the NVDV)
Appendix 6: Societal impact
Evidence-based (S3) guideline on topical corticosteroids in pregnancy on
behalf of the EDF (European Dermatology Forum) (Br J Dermatol. 2011
Nov;165(5):943-52. Epub 2011 Sep 29. Chi CC, Kirtschig G, Aberer W et al.)
Guideline Committee for the management of bullous pemphigoid on behalf of
the British Association of Dermatologists
Guideline Committee on vulval Lichen Planus on behalf of the BSSVD (British
Society for the Study of Vulval Disease)
Rustemeijer T
Richtlijnencommissien `Lichen sclerosus` (member on behalf of the NVDV and
the NVVA)
Richtlijnencommissie `Contacteczeem` (chairperson on behalf of the NVDV
and the NVVA)
Richtlijnencommissie `Koemelkallergie` (member on behalf of the NVVA)
Media attention
De Wilt L
Interviewed by oncologie TV at the WCLC 2011, RAI, Amsterdam
Dept. MMI
Labyrint: Antibiotica en resistentie, 02-02-2011
Teleac Helder: Antibioticaresistentie bij mensen door het eten van kip, 23-022011
NOS Journaal: Ook resistente bacteriën gevonden in groente, 18-04-2011
WRD: Markt Gemüse: Resistente Bakterien, 16-05-2011
WNL: Uitgesproken NL: Boer gebruikt probiotica om ziekten bij dieren te
voorkomen, 08-06-2011
TROS: Tros Radar: Antibiotica in de veehouderij , 05-09-2011
Gibbs S
Mens & Lichaam: De beste pleister op de wond? Die wordt gemaakt van je
eigen huidcellen. Quest – DPTE. Tekst: Berry Overvelde. (2011)
Verdonck-de Leeuw IM
Interview Daphne Bunskoek met Irma Verdonck over leven met kanker. TVuitzending Gesprek op 2. 30 oktober 2011
5 vragen over het nieuwe OncoKompas. Interview tijdschrift Pink Ribbon,
oktober 2011, pagina 10
Erkenning van en aandacht voor leven met kanker. Interview Tijdschrift
Medische Oncologie 2011,14,5:36-38
OncoKompas, geïntegreerde zorgcoördinatie door eHealth. VUmc Nieuwsbrief
voor verwijzers, themanummer soma-psyche, juni 2011
De kunst van het leven. Interview Tijdschrift “Leven het leven” VUmc / CCA
Tijdgeesten - Radio-uitzending Wereld Omroep, 29 mei 2011
Koffietijd. TV uitzending RTL4, 15 februari 2011
Würdinger T
Blood publication media attention: Most Dutch newspapers, and NOS (TV), RTL
Nieuws (TV)
Perceptible impact on public informing and/or authoritative websites
Gibbs S
Sminia P
Member of the “Denktank” of the Stichting Hersentumor.nl, impact on public
informing website (www.hersentumor.nl)
Appendix 6: Societal impact
Van der Horst-Bruinsma IE
Organisation of Reumabeweegdag Amsterdam, 29th October, Sporthallen
Zuid , 400 participants
2011 Adviseur Reumapatientenbond mbt ontwikkeling Kwaliteitscriteria voor
de Reumazorg
Nascholing huisartsen, 28 nov Amsterdam
Nationale projectleider Patient Partners, waarbij getrainde reumapatiënten
onderwijs geven aan artsen en studenten mbt reumatoïde artritis
Medical advisor patiëntenorganisatie “Stichting Bechtrew in Beweging”
2011 ALV Reumafonds
Referent ZONMW en Reumafonds
Verdonck-de Leeuw IM
Release public website www.samenlevenmetkanker.nl
Release public website www.oncokompas.nl
Perceptible impact on public opinion and/or political decision-making
Rustemeyer T
EU commission on Consumers´ Health (scientific expert), VWS, RIFM en VWA
(scientific expert)
Technical or economic impact
Memberships of an advice council in the commercial field
Peters GJ
member of the scientific advisory board, Heidelberg Pharma GmbH,
Ladenburg, Germany
member of the scientific advisory board, Kucera Pharmaceuticals, WinstonSalem, NC, USA
member of the scientific advisory board, Clavis Pharma, Stockholm, Norway
member of the scientific advisory committee, Clovis Oncology, San Francisco,
member of the scientific advisory committee, Spectrum Pharmaceuticals,
Irvine, CA, USA
Van Beusechem VW
Chief Scientific Officer, ORCA Therapeutics BV
Voskuyl AE
Roche, Actelion, BMS
Patent applications
Brakenhoff RH
One patent application with InteRNA, “Het verschil” Cancer Centrum
Gibbs S
Patent: Title “bioengineered skin regeneration”, Priority: January, 16 2004,
PCT/NL2004/00039, tender date: January 14, 2005. Renewed application nr:
PCT/NL2005/000026. Tender date changed claims: March 7, 2008.
International publication number: WO 2005/068614 A2, date: July 28, 2005.
Patent registration P26915, filed 2005. publication: 11 October 2006,
European publication number: 1709160. Text Patent application: A method
for in vitro growing of an autologous dermal tissue sub-stitute of a subject,
said dermal tissue substitute being populated with fibroblasts and keratinocyts. Patent is related to constructing method of skin substitute and the
application of the connective tissue substitute for treating wounds. The PCT
application consists of 24 claims. On the basis of the written opinion of the
European patentability of the Tiscover®-claims the application has been
changed slightly. After rewriting some of the claims the opinion was: All
claims are novel, innovative and applicable. Renewed claims were filed on
February 28, 2006. The opinion is that all claims are found novel, innovative
and applicable. Examiner makes small remarks on patentability of skin
substitute with national patent offices. The patent has been filed in EU, USA,
Canada, Australia and Japan in 2011.
Appendix 6: Societal impact
Jimenez CR
Protein biomarkers for detection of colorectal cancer (CRC). Inventors: L.J.W.
Bosch, M. de Wit, B. Carvalho, R.J.A. Fijneman, G.A. Meijer, C.R. Jimenez,
S.R. Piersma, T. .V. Pham, G. Oudgenoeg
Protein markers and BRCAness signature for identification of patients with
homology repair deficiencies and stratification for DNA damaging therapy.
Inventors: C.R. Jimenez, M.O. Warmoes, T.V.Pham, S. Rottenberg (NKI), J.
Jonkers (NKI)
Schuurhuis GJ
Stem cell kit for acute myeloid leukemia
Van Beusechem VW
6 active patent families in 2011
2 European patents granted in 2011
1 US patent issued in 2011
Würdinger T
Holder of 3 Thrombocyte RNA analysis provisional patents and patent licenses
Spin off” start-ups
Gibbs S
CSO of A-Skin BV (see www.A-skin.nl)
CSO of Mucosa BV (see www.mucosa.nl)
Appendix 7: Ongoing projects
Appendix 7: Ongoing projects
Program 1
Characterization of DNA stability genes and other cancer predisposition genes
1. Characterization of DNA stability genes and other cancer predisposition genes
M. Adank, S. Agarwal, N. Ameziane, S.T. Bakker, J.L. Bakker, J.A. Balk, M. Corbin, A. Faramarz, M., A. Haitjema, E.I.
Kooi, J. de Lange, Massink, S. van Mil, B. Mol, A.B. Oostra, D. Rockx, K. Roohollahi, M.A. Rooimans, C. Stoepker, C.J.
Dommering, J.J.P. Gille, F.H. Menko, Q. Waisfisz, J.C. Dorsman, H. Joenje, H. Meijers-Heijboer, J.P. de Winter
Dept. of Clinical Genetics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Dutch Cancer Society (NKI 2006-3589, VU2011-4983, VU2010-4767); FARF; KIKA; NWO (ALW 817.02.018, TOP-GO
854.10.013); CCA/V-ICI, Avanti/STR, EC
2. Fanconi anemia: a genomics approach
A. Haitjema, D.A. Rockx, B. Brand, N. Ameziane, J.P. de Winter, H. Joenje, J.C. Dorsman
Department of Clinical Genetics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Fanconi Anemia Research Fund, Eugene, Oregon, USA
3. Genomic profiles for inherited breast cancer
M. Massink, J.P. de Winter, Q. Waisfisz, H. Meijers-Heijboer
Department of Clinical Genetics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
NWO VIDI Meijers-Heijboer
4. Genomics to improve diagnostics and care of retinoblastoma patients
Kooi EI1, Dorsman JC1, Cloos J2, Moll A3, te Riele H4
Dept. Of 1Clinical Genetics, 2Pediatric Oncology/Hematology, 3Ophthalmology, VU University Medical Center, 4Dept.
Molecular Biology, NKI, Amsterdam
5. Human genes essential for the defence against oxygen toxicity
M. Corbin, D.A. Rockx, A.B. Oostra, A. Avan, K. Roohollahi, H. van Beek, H. Joenje, J.C. Dorsman
Department of Clinical Genetics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
NWO Mozaïek and Fanconi Anemia Research Fund, Eugene, Oregon, USA
6. Identification of novel players in the Fanconi anemia pathway
N. Ameziane1, J.C. Dorsman1, J.T. den Dunnen2, J.P. de Winter1
1Department of Clinical Genetics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 2Department Human and Clinical Genetics,
LUMC Leiden
KWF VU2010-4767
7. Identification of pathway(s) compensating for Fanconi anemia gene defects
A. Haitjema, D.A. Rockx, B. Brand, N. Ameziane, J.P. de Winter, H. Joenje, J.C. Dorsman
Department of Clinical Genetics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Fanconi Anemia Research Fund, Eugene, Oregon, USA
8. Regulation of replication-coupled DNA maintenance
S. Agarwal, J.P. de Winter
Dept. of Clinical Genetics, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam
ALW 817.02.018
9. Significance of the Fanconi anemia caretaker pathway in development and treatment of cancer
S.T. Bakker1, M.A. Rooimans2, , A.B. Oostra2, H. Joenje2, J.P. de Winter2, H. te Riele1
1Molecular Biology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, 2Department of Clinical Genetics VU University
Medical Center
KWF NKI 2006-3589
10. Sister chromatid cohesion as a novel foothold for cancer therapy
J. de Lange1, RH Brakenhoff2, VW Van Beusechem3, J de Winter1
Department of Clinical genetics and 2Department of Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, 3Medical Oncology, VU
University Medical Center
NKB VU 2011-4983
11. Sister chromatid cohesion: lessons from yeast, mice and men
A. Faramarz1, H. van Attikum2, H.te Riele3, J.P. de Winter1
1Department of Clinical Genetics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 2Department Toxicogenetics, LUMC
Leiden, 3Molecular Biology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam
NWO TOP-GO 854.10.013
12. The Fanconi anemial/BRCA pathway in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas
C. Stoepker1, N. Ameziane1, P. van de Lelij1, J.A. Balk1, A.B. Oostra1, M.A. Rooimans1, J. Steltenpool1, S. Martens-de
Kemp2, R.H. Brakenhoff2, H. Joenje1, J.P. de Winter1
1Department of Clinical genetics and 2Department of Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center
13. The molecular carcinogenesis of retinoblastoma
B.M. Mol1, E.I. Kooi1, A.C. Moll2, D.A.P. Rockx1, W.A Kors3, M.I. Bosscha2, C. Dommering1, H. Joenje1, H. te Riele5, J.
Cloos3,4, J.C. Dorsman1
Department of 1Clinical Genetics, 2Ophthalmology, 3Pediatric Oncology/Hematology, 4Hematology VU University
Medical Center, Amsterdam and 5Molecular Biology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam
CCA/V-ICI Stichting Avantie STR (round 2008)
14. Towards targeted treatment of (familial) breast cancer
J. Bakker1, S. van Mil1, A.B. Oostra1, H. Verheul2, H. Meijers-Heijboer1, J.P. de Winter1, Q. Waisfisz1
Department of Clinical Genetics, Division Oncogenetics, and 2Department of Medical Oncology, VUmc
Colorectal cancer
15. Clinical and biological relevance of focal deletions in colorectal cancer
Appendix 7: Ongoing projects
O. Krijgsman1, G.A. Meijer1, B. Carvalho1, R.D. Steenbergen1, B. Ylstra1
Dept. of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Stichting Avanti STR
16. Data mining DNA copy number changes in cancer
A.I. Scheinin, B. Ylstra, S. Knuutila, G.A. Meijer
Dept. Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
17. Datamanagement voor moleculaire vroegdiagnostiek en therapieselectie bij darmkanker
J. Beliën, G.A. Meijer
Dept. Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Stichting Avanti STR
18. Development of an improved molecular test for population-wide colorectal cancer screening
A.C. Hiemstra, B. Carvalho, R.J.A. Fijneman, C.R. Jimenez, C.J. Mulder, G.A. Meijer
Dept. of Pathology, Medical Oncology and Gastroenterology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Vrienden van het CCA
19. Development of screening tests for early detection of CRC
L. Bosch1, B. Carvalho1, M. van der Wiel1, V. Coupé1, M. van Engeland4 Y. van der Burgt5, W. van Criekinge6, C.R.
Jimenez2, R. Fijneman1, C.J. Mulder3, G.A. Meijer1
1Dept. Of Pathology, 2Dept. Medical Oncology (OncoProteomics Laboratory), 3Dept. Gastroenterology, VU University
Medical Center, 4MUMC, 5LUMC, MdXHEalth, 6Univ Gent
20. Early detection of colorectal cancer by faeces derived microRNA testing
L. Timmer1, B. Diosdado1, E. Cuppen2, G.A. Meijer1
Dept. Of Pathology1, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, Hubrecht Laboratorium Utrecht2
KWF VU 2009-4276
21. Early detection of colorectal cancer by faeces derived microRNA testing
G.A. Meijer, B. Diosdado, R.Q.J. Schaapveld
Dept. Of 1Pathology, VU University Medical Center, 2InteRNA Technologies BV
22. Improving FOBT based colorectal cancer screening by faeces DNA testing
G.A. Meijer1, M. van Engeland2
Dept. Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam1, MUMC Maastricht2
23. Structural chromosomal rearrangements in colorectal cancer
E. van den Broek, R.J.A. Fijneman, G.A. Meijer
Dept. Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Detection and treatment of oral preneoplasia
24. Diagnosis and therapy of genetically altered mucosal lesions in the oral cavity and oropharynx
A.P. Graveland1, A. Brink1,2, E. Bloemena3, B.J.M. Braakhuis1, C.R. Leemans1, I. van der Waal2, R.H. Brakenhoff1
Depts of 1Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, 2Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and 3Pathology, VU University Medical
FARF, Avanti STR Foundation
25. Fanconi anemia: course of disease in the Dutch patient cohort and early recognition of cancer
S. Smetsers1,3, Brakenhoff RH1, H. Joenje1, J.C. Dorsman1, C.M. Zwaan2, M. Bierings3
3University Medical Centre Utrecht, Erasmus MC/2Sophia Children’s Hospital Rotterdam; 1Department of Clinical
Genetics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
26. EBV non-coding RNAs hijack components of the miRNA machinery promoting viral oncogenesis
D. Koppers-Lalic, J.M. Middeldorp, G. Scheffer, R.J. Scheper, C.R. Jimenez, D.M. Pegtel
Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center
AICR 11-0157
27. Role of the soluble viral BARF1 oncoprotein in Epstein-Barr virus-driven carcinogenesis and its functional inhibition
by antibodies
A.E. Greijer, J.M. Middeldorp
Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center
KWF 2007-3776
28. Screening for early stage NPC in high risk regions in Yogyuakarta
S.H. Hutajulu2, S.M. Haryana, J.M. Middeldorp1
Dept. Of 1Pathology, VU University Medical Center, 2UGM, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
EBV oncogenesis
29. Physiological role of EBV-LMP1 in MHC-II+exosomes for tumor immune escape across the immunological synaps:
Implications for prognosis and immunotherapy
F. Verweij, E. Hooijberg, J.J.C. Neefjes, J.M. Middeldorp, D.M. Pegtel
Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center
KWF 2007-3775
Head and neck cancer predisposition
30. Genetic characterization of HNSCC of young adults
B.J.M. Braakhuis1, R.H. Brakenhoff1
1Sect. Tumor Biol, Dept. Otolaryngol/Head-Neck Surg
Intramural support
31. High sensitivity to DNA damage in the aetiology of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma in young adults and
individuals not exposed to tobacco smoke and excessive alcohol (SenseDNA)
B.J.M. Braakhuis1, H. Joenje2, A. Nieuwint2, P. Graveland1, G. Flach1, R.H. Brakenhoff1
Appendix 7: Ongoing projects
1Section Tumor Biol, Dept. of Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surg, 2Dept of Clin Gen, VU University Medical Center,
Amster¬dam, and 4Dept. Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry, University Utrecht
Intramural support
Head and neck carcinogenesis and cancer genes
32. Clinical significance of human papillomavirus infection in oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma
M. Rietbergen, C.R. Leemans, P.J.F. Snijders, B.J.M. Braakhuis, E. Bloemena, R.H. Brakenhoff
1Dept Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery and dept. of Pathology, VU University Medical Center
KWF grant VU 2009-4531
33. Functional characterization of TP53 mutations in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, and association with
clinical outcome
Technician, R.H. Brakenhoff, C.R. Leemans, M. Buize, B.J.M. Braakhuis
Dept Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
34. Identification of oncogenic microRNAs and cancer genes involved in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma by a
functional genomics approach
M. van der Plas, B.J.M. Braakhuis, C.R. Leemans, R.H. Brakenhoff
Section Tumor Biology, Dept. of Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
CCA/V-ICI, Avanti STR Roundation, InteRNA 2009-4531
HPV-induced tumors
35. Clinical evaluation of methyulation markers for risk assessment of high-risk HPV-positive women for cervical cancer
and its high grade precursors
L. de Strooper, C.J.L.M. Meijer, P.J.F. Snijders, D.A.M. Heideman
Dept. Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam
KWF 2009-4522
36. Comprehensive analysis of the long-term oncogenic capacity and in vitro transforming property of the 15 high-risk
human papillomavirus types
D.M. Schütze, R. van Baars, J. van der Marel, P.J.F. Snijders, R.D.M. Steenbergen, W. Quint, C.J.L.M. Meijer
Dept. of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
37. Comprehensive molecular characterisation of a longitudinal in vitro model of high-risk HPV-mediated
V. Miok1, S.M. Wilting1, R.D.M. Steenbergen1, W.N. van Wieringen2, P.J.F. Snijders1
Dept. Pathology1 and Epidemiology & Biostatistics2, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam
St. VUmc CCA
38. Defining the essential molecular pathways involved in cervical carcinogenesis
F.E. Henken, P.J.F. Snijders, D.A.M. Heideman, C.J.L.M. Meijer, R.D.M. Steenbergen
Dept. of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
39. Genetic profiling of CIN 3 lesions diagnosed in the subsequent screening round following screening by HPV testing
and cytology
M. Bierkens, R.D.M. Steenbergen, D.A.M. Heideman, C.J.L.M. Meijer, P.J.F. Snijders
Dept. of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
40. Health-economic modelling of prevention strategies for HPV-related diseases in European countries
H. Berkhof, C.J.L.M. Meijer
Dept. of Pathology and Biostatistiek&Epidemiologie, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
41. HPV vaccination
M. Mollers, M. Scherpenisse, C.J.L.M. Meijer
Dept. Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
42. Identification and clinical validation of methylation markers for cervical adenocarcinomas and their precursor
S. Snellenberg, C.J.L.M. Meijer, P.J.F. Snijders, R.D.M. Steenbergen
Dept. of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
KWF 2007-3771
HPV-induced tumors
43. Identification of miRNAs and other ncRNAs as biomarkers for cervical cancer and assessment of their potential
functional relevance in HPV-mediated transformation
S.Wilting , P.J.F. Snijders, R.D.M. Steenbergen
Dept. of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Stichting Avanti STR
44. Improving detection-efficiency of CIN3+ in non responder-women that test positive for hrHPV in a self-collected
sample: design of PROTHECT 3 trial
F. van Kemenade1, D.A.M. Heideman1, P.J.F. Snijders1, M. van Baal2, L. Masuger3, R. Bekkers3, W. Melchers4, R. Hol5
Dept. Of Pathology1 and Gynaecology2, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, Dept. Gynaecology, UMCN3, Mol.
Diagnostics, UMCN4, Delphi Biosciences5
St. Bevolkingsonderzoek midden-west
45. Profiling of aberrant microRNA methylation events that are functionally relevant during cervical carcinogenesis
S.M. Wilting, R.D.M. Steenbergen, P.J.F. Snijders
Dept. Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center
KWF 2010-4668
46. Self screen: biomarker-based companion diagnostic of HPV positive woman to detect cervical cancer
D.A.M. Heideman, P.J.F. Snijders, R.D.M. Steenbergen, C.J.L.M. Meijer
Department of Pathology, VU University Hospital Amsterdam
Appendix 7: Ongoing projects
47. Simplified monitoring post-treatment CIN 2/3 women by molecular testing for hrHPV and methylation markers
M. Uijterwaal1, C.J.L.M. Meijer1, Th.J.M Helmerhorst2, R.D.M. Steenbergen1
1VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 2Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam
KWF 2009-4413
48. Stratifying high-risk HPV positive women for risk of CIN 3 and cervical carcinoma by HPV transcript analysis
D. Rijkaart, R.H.M. Verheijen, C.J.L.M. Meijer, P.J.F. Snijders
Dept. of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
KWF VU 2006-3570
Lung cancer
49. Evaluation of molecular sputum test diagnostic for lung cancer
A.J. Hubers, D.A.M. Heideman, E.F. Smit, F.B.J.M. Thunnissen
Dept. of Pathology1 and Pulmonology2, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
KWF VU 2008-4220
50. Genomic profiling for risk assessment of preneoplastic endobronchial lesions
R. van Boerdonk1, P.J.F. Snijders1, E.F. Smit2, D.A.M. Heideman1
Dept. of 1Pathology and 2Pulmonary Diseases, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
KWF VU 2007 3898
Molecular diagnosis and genomics-based staging and personalized therapy of head and neck cancer
51. Determinants of chemotherapy sensitivity
S.R. de Kemp1, C.R. Nagel1, B.J.M. Braakhuis1, A. Brink1, C.R. Leemans1, V.W. van Beusechem2, J.P. de Winter3, R.H.
1Section Tumor Biology, Dept. of Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, 2Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center,
CCA/V-ICI grant
52. Determinants of radio and EGFR-mediated therapy sensitivity
C.R. Nagel, C.R. Leemans, B.J.M.Braakhuis, R.H. Brakenhoff
Department of Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center
53. Improving molecular staging of surgically treated head and neck cancer patients: towards rationalized adjuvant
A.P. Graveland1, M. de Maaker1, E. Bloemena2, B.J.M. Braakhuis1, C.R. Leemans1, R.H. Brakenhoff1
Depts. 1Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery and 2Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 3Dept.
Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry, University Utrecht
NKB/KWF 2005-3285
54. Molecular diagnosis of lymph node metastasis in primary head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
S.J. Smeets, C.R. Leemans, B. Ylstra, R.H. Brakenhoff, B.J.M. Braakhuis
Dept. Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
NKB/KWF 2006-3694
Other projects:
55. EBV-RNA biomarkers in the serum of systemic lupus erythematosus
M. van Eijndhoven, A.E. Voskuyl, I.E.M. Bultink, B.M.E. van Blomberg, J.M. Middeldorp and D.M. Pegtel
Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center
56. Enucleation for retinoblastoma - results from 20 years
D.T. Hartong, C.M.F. de Gouyon, M. Bosscha, J.S. Remmers, F. Bak, A.C. Moll
Dept. of Ophthalmology, VU University Medical Center
57. Identification of novel oncogenes/oncomirs located at 13q involved in the progression of colorectal adenoma to
F.L.M. de Groen, R.D.M. Steenbergen, G.A. Meijer, B. Carvalho
Dept. Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
58. Schadelastreductie baarmoederhalskanker door vernieuwend beleid ten aanzien van niet-deelnemers BVOBMHKBHMK
F. van Kemenade1, D.A.M. Heideman1, P.J.F. Snijders1, M. van Baal2, L. Masuger3, R. Bekkers3, W. Melchers4, R. Hol5
Dept. Of Pathology1 and Gynaecology2, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, Dept. Gynaecology, UMCN3, Mol.
Diagnostics, UMCN4, Delphi Biosciences5
Achmea Gezondheidszorg
59. Tailoring of (immune-)therapy in R-CHOP refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) patients
N. Rekers1, S.A.G.M. Cillessen1, G.J. Ossenkoppele2, J.C. Kluin-Nelemans3, C.J.L.M. Meijer1
Depts. of 1Pathology, 2Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam. 3Dept of Hematology, UMCG
KWF 2007-3858
60. Towards improved melanoma treatment: gene identification, in vivo modeling and drug target discovery
D. Peeper, W.J. Mooi
Dept. Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Program 2
In situ targeting and modulation of dendritic cells for tumor
1. In situ targeting and modulation of dendritic cells for immunotherapy: reversal of suppression
D. Oosterhoff1, J.J. Lindenberg1, R. van de Ven1, H. van Cruijsen1, S.M. Lougheed1, V.W. van Beusechem1, P. van den
Tol3, D.T. Curiel4, W.R. Gerritsen1, A.J.M. van den Eertwegh1, R.J. Scheper2, T.D. de Gruijl1
Depts. of 1Medical Oncology, 2Pathology, and 3Surgical Oncology,VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam and Division
of Human Gene Therapy, UAB, Birmingham, Alabama
Appendix 7: Ongoing projects
NWO VIDI 917.56.321
Mycobacterial host-pathogen interaction
2. Contribution of molecular epidemiology and host-pathogen genomics to understand Chlamydia trachomatis and
Bacterial meningitis
S.A. Morré1, EpiGenChlamydia Consortium2
1. Laboratory of Immunogenetics, Department of Pathology, 2. EpiGenChlamyda Consortium,
(www.EpiGenChlamydia.eu): 20 European, African and US Universities and Institutes, 3. EU FP6 funded (Contract N°:
3. Immune modulation by ESX-5 secreted proteins of mycobacteria
E.M. Weerdenburg, W. Bitter, B.J. Appelmelk
Dept. of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
4. Immunogenetic, pharmacological and neurodevelopmental aspects of nosocomial sepsis and meningitis in preterm
AGA and SGA infants
F. van den Dungen1 , S.A. Morré2, P. Savelkoul3, M. M. van Weissenbruch1, A.M. van Furth4
1Dept of Neonatology, VUmc, Amsterdam 2Dept. of Immunogenetica, VUmc, Amsterdam; 3Dept of Medical
Microbiology, VUmc, Amsterdam, 4Dept of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Immunology, and Rheumatology, VUmc,
5. Immunogenetics and environmental factors in infectious diseases
S Ouburg1, RA Coutinho2, Y Pannekoek3, J Lyons4, Stephan Verweij (PhD student LI), Marieke Sanders (PhD student LI
and Pediatrics), Gijs van Well (PhD student LI and Pediatrics), Vitaly Smelov (PhD student LI)J Land 5, C Bruggeman6, C.
Hoebe6 A. Catsburg8, PH Savelkoul8, CMJEVandenbroucke-Grauls8, M van Agtmael9, M. Van Furth 10JBA Crusius1, AS
Peña1, SA Morré1,
1Lab Immunogen, 2GG&GD Amsterdam, 3AMC Med Microbiol, 4City of Hope Nat Med Center, Dept. Infect
Dis, Duarte, CA, USA, 5AZM, Dept. Gynecol, 6AZM, Dept Med Microbiol, 7Dept. Basic Dental Sci, 8Med
Microbiol Infect Prev, 9Int Med, 10 Pediatrics, VUmc, NL
6. Live mycobacterium bovis BCG bacteria as a platform for the induction of enhanced tumor-antigen-specific
L.S. Ates, B. Appelmelk, J. Geurtsen, W. Bitter
Dept. of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
7. Mycobacterial factors involved in granuloma formation
Esther Stoop, Gunny van den Brink- van Stempvoort, Theo Verboom, Wilbert Bitter, Christina Vanderbroucke-Grauls,
Astrid van der Sar
Dept. of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Smart Mix
8. Mysteries beyond the mycomembrane:biogenesis of the mycobacterial capsule and its role in the host-pathogen
R. van de Weert, B. Appelmelk, C. Vandenbroucke-Grauls, J.J.G. Geurtsen
Dept. of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
9. Targeting of proteins to the mycobacterial type VII secretion system ESX-5
M.H. Daleke, W. Bitter
Dept. of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
10. Unraveling a novel bacterial protein transport system: characterization of mycobacterial secretion system ESX-5
E.N.G. Houben, W. Bitter
Dept. of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Type 1 diabetes and coeliac disease
11. HLA-DQ genotype distribution in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus patients with concomitant Celiac Disease
S.F. Bakker1, M.E. Tushuizen1, J.B.A. Crusius 2, S Simsek3 , C.J.J. Mulder1, B.M.E. von Blomberg4
1 Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, VU University Medical Center, The Netherlands, 2 Laboratory of
Immunogenetics, Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 3 Department
of Internal Medicine, Medical Center Alkmaar, The Netherlands, 4 Department of Medical Immunology, VU University
Medical Center, The Netherlands
Coeliac Disease Consortium
12. Type 1 diabetes and celiac disease in adults: Glycemic control and diabetic complications
S.F. Bakker1, M.E. Tushuizen1, B.M.E. von Blomberg2, C.J. Mulder1, S. Simsek3,4
1. Departments of Gastroenterology and Hepatology; 2. Medical Immunology; 3. Internal Medicine, VU University
Medical Center, Amsterdam 4. Department of Internal Medicine, Medical Center Alkmaar, Alkmaar, The Netherlands
Coeliac Disease Consortium
Other projects
13. A prediction model for the development of rheumatoid arthritis in anti-CCP and/or IgM rheumatoid factor positive
arthralgia patients
D. van Schaardenburg1,2, L. v.d. Stadt2, W.H. Bos1, C.L. Verweij1, D. Hamann4, M. Boers5, B.A.C. Dijkmans1,2
1 Jan van Breemen Research Institute / Reade, 2 Dept. of rheumatology, VUMC, Sanquin Research4 and clinical
epidemiology5, VUMC
Reumafonds DAA 0801034
14. Biomarkers in systemic lupus erythematosus
J. Jacobs, L-A. Korswagen, I.E.M. Bultink, B.A.C. Dijkmans, A.E. Voskuyl
Department of Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center
15. Biomarkers in Systemic sclerosis
A.E. Voskuyl
Dept. Of Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam
16. Ceramic microneedle arrays for skin vaccination
Appendix 7: Ongoing projects
R.J. Scheper, R. Luttge, T.D. de Gruijl
Dept. Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Technical University Tweente seeding grant
COBRA-light study, an open, randomised clinical trial comparing a modified COBRA therapy with the COBRA therapy
in early rheumatoid arthritis
D. den Uyl1, M. ter Wee, M1. Boers1, B.A.C. Dijkmans1, P.J. Kerstens2,3, M.T. Nurmohamed1,2, DJ van
Schaardenburg2, A.E. Voskuyl1, W.F. Lems1,2
¹VU University Medical Center, ²Reade/Jan van Breemen Research Institute, Amsterdam 3West Fries Gasthuis, Hoorn,
The Netherlands
T1-106 of the Dutch Top Institute Pharma
Colorectal cancer surgery: a Trojan horse for liver metastases?
S.K. Grewal, M. van Egmond, R.H.J. Beelen
Dept. Mol. Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center
NWO Mozaiek
Complicated celiac disease: pathogenesis, survival and treatment
R.L.J. van Wanrooij, G. Bouma, B.M.E. von Blomberg, C.J.J. Mulder
Dept. Of Gastroenterology, VU University Medical Center
Celiac disease consortium
Cross-talk between MGL and galectin-1 in the regulation of tolerogenic responses in multiple sclerosis
J.M. Ilarregui, G.A.Rabinovich1 and Y. van Kooyk
Depts of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 1IBYME;CONICET,
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Dutch Foundation MS Research
Defective IL-1A expression related to MAP3K4 levels in patients with Crohn’s Disease
C.T.M. van der Pouw Kraan1, J.M. Baggen1, A.J.G. Horrevoets1, A. Zwiers1, D. Geerts3, G. Kraal1, G Bouma2
Dept. of Molecular Cell Biology & Immunology, and 2Dept. of Gastroenterology, VUmc, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
3Department of Human Genetics, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
GastroStart (MLDS)
Dendritic cell targeting using nanovesicles to improve anti-cancer therapy
W.W.J. Unger, M. Litjens, M. Verstege, Y. van Kooyk
Depts of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Dendritic cell-targeted in vivo tumor vaccination: towards optimised prime-boost protocols
B.N. Hangalapura1, D. Oosterhoff1, R. van de Ven1, J. van Moorselaar2, E. Hooijberg3, V.W. van Beusechem1, W.R.
Gerritsen1, A.J.M. van den Eertwegh1, R.J. Scheper3, Y. van Kooyk4, T.D. de Gruijl1
Depts. of 1Medical Oncology, 2Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology, 3Urology, and 4Pathology, VU University Medical
Center, Amsterdam
KWF-VU / Stichting Avanti/STR 2005-3284
Determination of the contribution of neuronal vs. mesenchymal expression of Raldh2 to lymph node development
S.A. van de Pavert, T. Konijn, R.E. Mebius
Dept. Mol. Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center
NWO 854.10.005
Development of a dermal substitute from human donor skin
C.D. Richters1,2, N.J. Paauw1, R.H.J. Beelen, M.M. Ulrich3
1Dept. of Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, 2Euro Skin Bank, Beverwijk,
3Vereniging van Samenwerkende Brandwondencentra Nederland, Beverwijk
Dutch Burn Foundation
Development of monoclonal antibodies to multidrug transporter proteins
R.J. Scheper, G. Scheffer
Dept. Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Diagnosis and prognosis in early arthritis
D. van Schaardenburg1,2, J. Ursum1, K. Britsemmer1, B.A.C. Dijkmans1,2
1. Jan van Breemen Research Institute / Reade, 2. Dept. of rheumatology, VUMC. Funding: Jan van Breemen Research
Jan van Breemen Research Institute
EBV-MicroRNA containing exosomes: Trojan vesicles carrying hostile message
D.M. Pegtel, D.A. Thorley-Lawson, J.M. Middeldorp
Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center and Tufts University, Boston, USA
NWO-Veni, ZonMW2008 OZ05PAT110038
Effect evaluation of home treatment program TBM, Cape Town, South Africa
S. van Elsland1; P. Springer2; J. Schoeman2; A.M. van Furth1
Depts. of 1Pediatric Infectiology, Immunology and Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The
Netherlands; 2 Tijgerberg Hospital, Cape Town, SA
Enteroviral infections in children
S. de Crom 1, Dr. Ch. Obihara 1, M. Peeters 2, S.A. Morré 3 , A. M. van Furth 4
1Dept. of Pediatrics, St. Elisabeth Ziekenhuis, Tilburg; 2 Dept. of Medical Microbiology , St. Elisabeth Ziekenhuis,
Tilburg; 3Dept. of Immunogenetica, VUmc, Amsterdam; 4Dept of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Immunology, and
Rheumatology, VUmc, Amsterdam
European training and research in peritoneal dialyses
E. Ferrantelli1, P.M. ter Wee2, R.H.J. Beelen1
Dept. Of 1Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology and 2Nefrology, VU Universtiy Medical Center, Amsterdam
Marie Curie ITN, FP7
European training and research in peritoneal dialyses
T.L. Foster1, P.M. ter Wee2, R.H.J. Beelen1
Appendix 7: Ongoing projects
Dept. Of 1Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology and 2Nefrology, VU Universtiy Medical Center, Amsterdam
Marie Curie ITN, FP7
Evaluation of a new anti inflammatory treatments to improve healing of burns
M. Vlig, C.D. Richters12, N.J. Paauw1, E. Middelkoop2, R.W. Kreis2, R.H.J. Beelen1, M. Ulrich2
1Dept. of Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, 2Vereniging van Samenwerkende
Brandwondencentra Nederland, Beverwijk
Dutch Burn Foundation
Exploration of novel therapeutic options for refactory CD (RCD) and EATL
S. Cillessen, M. von Blomberg, H.J. Bontkes, G. Bouma, C. Mulder
Dept. Of Pathology and Gastroenterology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Celiac Disease Consortium (CDC/NGI)
Galactofuranose containing glycoconjugates in the cell wall of Aspergillus: aspects of their biosynthesis and
immunological function
B. Tefsen1, J.H. Park2, A. Ram2, I. van Die1
1Department of Molecular Cell Biology & Immunology, VUmc, Amsterdam and 2Institute of Biology, Leiden University,
Generation of tolerogenic dendritic cells
P. Papadopoulos, G. Kraal
Depts of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Genetic profiling in bacterial meningitis
M. Sanders1, S. Ouburg1 , S.A. Morré1 , A.M. van Furth2
1Dept. of Immunogenetica, VUmc, Amsterdam; 2Dept of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Immunology, and Rheumatology,
VUmc, Amsterdam
Glycan specificity of C-type lectins
K. Bloem, S. van Vliet, N. Koning, Y. van Kooyk
Depts of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Glycosylation changes in colon carcinoma
E. Saeland, G. Meijer*, Y. van Kooyk
Depts of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology and Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Glycosylation controls immune homeostasis
J. J. Garcia-Vallejo, H. Kalay, I. Vuist, B. ‘t Hart2, Y. van Kooyk
Depts of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 2Immunobiology,
Biomedical Primate Research Center, Rijswijk
Glycosylation of the Prostate Antigen PSA as predictive marker for prostate cancer
M. van den Berk, E. Saeland, Y. van Kooyk
Depts of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Helminth glycoproteins: a new therapeutic option to prevent or ameliorate MS?
L.M. Kuijk, G. Kooij, E.J. Klaver, H.E. de Vries, C.D. Dijkstra, I. van Die
Department of Molecular Cell Biology & Immunology, VUmc, Amsterdam
the Dutch Foundation MS Research
Identification of differentialy glycosylated glycoproteins in human milk and their effects on DCs
N. Koning, E. Saeland, K. Bloem, S.J. van Vliet, Y. van Kooyk
Depts of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Identification of tumor-derived proteins that modulate macrophage effector functions
R. Braster, M. van Egmond, R.H.J. Beelen
Dept. Mol. Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center
Immune modulating properties of mycobacterial protein secretion system ESX-5
J. Bestebroer, W. Bitter
Dept. of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
NovSecTB/EU Framework 7
Immunoglobulin A and neutrophil immunoglobulin A Fc receptor (Fc-alpha-RI) in mucosal infections
M.W.M. van Hout1, L. van der Steen1, J.E. Bakema1,2, M. van Egmond1,2
Depts. of 1Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology, and 2Surgery, VU University Medical Center
Immunoglobulin A Fc receptor (Fc-alpha-RI)-induced inflammatory diseases
L. van der Steen1, M.W.M. van Hout1, R. Korthouwer1, S. Pouw1, J.E. Bakema1, M. van Egmond1,2
Depts. of 1Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology, and 2Surgery, VU University Medical Center
NWO, Agentschap NL, MaagLeverDarmStichting
Importance of glycosylation on the function of dendritic cells
M. Bax, J.J. García Vallejo, Y. van Kooyk
Depts of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
CCA/V-ICI and Bridging grant from the Consortium for Functional Glycomics
Improving early diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis in children
R. Solomons1, J. Schoeman1, A.M. van Furth2
Depts. of 1 Tijgerberg Hospital, Cape Town, SA; 2Pediatric Infectiology, Immunology and Rheumatology, VU University
Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Inflammatory host defense in children with Down syndrome
Appendix 7: Ongoing projects
C.J.M. Broers1, M.E.Wijerman1,2 ; R.J.B.J. Gemke1 , A.M. van Furth3,4
1Dept. of Pediatrics, VU medical center, 2Dept. of Pediatrics, Diaconesseziekenhuis, Leiden; 3 Dept. of Pediatric
Infectious Diseases-Immunology and Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam; 4Laboratory of
Experimental Internal Medicine, Academical Medical Center, Amsterdam
iNKT and Vγ9Vδ2-T cell based immunotherapies for solid tumors
F.L. Schneiders1, R.C. de Bruijn1, R.J. Scheper2, H.J. Bontkes2, B.M.E. von Blomberg-van der Flier2, A.J.M. van den
Eertwegh1, G.A.M.S. van Dongen3, R.C. Roovers4, H.M. Verheul1, T.D. de Gruijl,1 H.J. van der Vliet1
Departments of 1Medical Oncology, 2Pathology, and 3Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, VU University Medical
Center, Amsterdam and 4 Department of Pharmaceutics, Utrecht Institute for Pharmaceutical Sciences, Utrecht
University, Utrecht
ZonMw Clinical Fellowship, KWF Clinical Cancer Research Fellowship
Innate immunity in bacterial meningitis
G.Th.J. van Well1,2 ,D. Visser1, T. van der Poll3, J.J. Roord1, A.M. van Furth1,3
1 Dept. of Pediatric Infectious Diseases-Immunology and Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center, 2 Dept. of
Pediatrics, Maastricht University Medical Center; and 2Laboratory of Experimental Internal Medicine, Academical
Medical Center, Amsterdam
Interactions between siglec-1+ macrophages and dendritic cells: opportunities for anti-melanoma immunotherapy
H.. Veninga, E. Borg, G. Kraal, T.D. de Gruijl, Y. van Kooyk, J.M.M. den Haan
Depts of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology and Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
KWF VU2009-4504
Large scale generation and analysis of glycovariants of Derp1 that down modulate the immune response in allergic
J.J. Garcia Vallejo1, J.M. Ilarregui1, H. Kalay1, I. Heijink2, Y. van Kooyk1
Depts. of 1Molecular Cell Biology & Immunology, VU University Medical Center, and 2Laboratory of Allergology and
Pulmonary Diseases, Department of Pathology and Medical Biology, University Medical Center Groningen, , Groningen
Astma Fonds
Liposomes as modulators of macrophage function
N. Paauw, J. Baggen, N. van Rooijen
Depts of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Lymphoid stroma in control of immunity
A. Baptista and R.E. Mebius
Dept. of Department of Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
GABBA PhD Program (University of Porto, Portugal)
Macrophages and tumour development
R. Braster1, M. Bögels1,2, R.H.J. Beelen2, M. van Egmond1,2
Depts. of 1Surgery and, 2Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center
Eerste geldstroom via MCBI
Macrophages as effector cells for monoclonal antibody therapy of cancer
M. Bögels1,2, N. Gül2, R.H.J. Beelen2, J. Bonjer1, M. van Egmond1,2
Depts. of 1Surgery and, 2Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center
Mechanisms of mesenchymal cell differentiation towards stromal lymph node cells
J.J. Koning, G. Goverse, T. Konijn, R.E. Mebius
Dept. Mol. Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center
NWO VICI grant 918.56.612
Metabolomics Study of Tuberculous Meningitis in Children
S. Mason1, R.Solomons2, J.Schoeman2,R.Wevers3, C.Reinecke1, A.M. van Furth4
Depts. of 1Centre for Human Metabolomics, Potchefstroom, SA; 2 Tijgerberg Hospital, Cape Town, SA; 3 Clinical
Chemistry, UMC, Nijmegen; 4Pediatric Infectiology, Immunology and Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
MOG glycosylation and the induction of anti-inflammatory responses in Multiple Sclerosis
I. Vuist, J.J. Garcia-Vallejo, B. ‘t Hart1, Y. van Kooyk
Depts of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 1Dept. Immunobiology,
BPRC, Rijswijk
Dutch Foundation MS Research
Nerve regeneration in porcine wound models
C.S. van den Brand 1,2, L. van der Steen1, N.J. Paauw1, R.H.J. Beelen1, M.M.W. Ulrich2, E. Middelkoop2, C.D.
1Dept. of Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, 2Vereniging van Samenwerkende
Brandwondencentra Nederland, Beverwijk, 3Euro Skin Bank, Beverwijk
Dutch Burn Foundation
Preclinical rheumatoid arthritis
M.M.J. Nielen1, W.H. Bos1, L.A van de Stadt1, R.J. van de Stadt1, I.E. van der Horst-Bruinsma2, J. W.R. Twisk3, H.W.
Reesink4, B.A.C. Dijkmans1, 2 D. van Schaardenburg1, 2
1 Jan van Breemen Research Institute / Reade, 2 Dept. of rheumatology, medical statistics3, VUMC, Sanquin Blood
Predicting T-cell lymphoma development in refractory celiac disease patients by profiling of apoptosis pathways in
intestinal T-lymphocytes
J.M.W. van de Water1, L.R. de Baaij1, N.J.Hijmering2, W. Vos2, O.J. Visser3, J.J. Oudejans2,4, B.M.E. von Blomberg2,
M.W.J. Schreurs2, C.J.L.M. Meijer2, C.J.J. Mulder1, S.A.G.M. Cillessen2
Depts. of 1Gastro-enterology and Hepatology,2Clinical Pathology, 3Hematology, VU University Medical Center,
Amsterdam. 4Dept of Pathology, Diakonessenhuis, Utrecht
Prognostic and diagnostic marker analysis in (refractory) celiac disease
Appendix 7: Ongoing projects
S. Gross, B. M.E. von Blomberg, H.J. Bontkes, I.M.W. van Hoogstraten, K.A.G. Gelderman, G. Bouma, S. Cillessen, C.J.
Mulder, F. Koning
Dept. Of Pathology and Gastroenterology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, LU University Medical Center
Celiac Disease Consortium (NGI)
Protection against inflammatory bowel diseases by glycan antigens
E.J. Klaver1, L.M. Kuijk1, G. Kraal1, G. Bouma2, I. van Die1
1Department of Molecular Cell Biology & Immunology, VUmc, Amsterdam; 2Dept. Gastroenterology, VU University
Medical Center, Amsterdam
the Broad Medical Research Program of the Broad Foundation (USA)
Regulation of expression of retinaldehyde dehydrogenase enzymes in musocal dendritic cells
R. Molenaar, G. Goverse, R.E. Mebius
Dept. Mol. Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center
NWO VICI 918.56.612
Regulation of immune reactivity in inflammatory bowel disease
A. Zwiers, M. Bajek, G. Bouma*, G. Kraal
Depts of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, and Gastroenterology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Retinoic acid mediates macrophage differentiation towards a separate lineage
G. Goverse, T. Konijn, R.E. Mebius
Dept. Mol. Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center
Role of epithelial barrier disruption in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
I. Hiemstra, G. Bouma, J.M.M. den Haan, G. Kraal
Depts of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology and Gastroenterology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Role of fibroblasts and subpopulations macrophages and other cell types in wound healing
J.E. Glim, M. van Walraven, B. Mahdavian, W. van der Veer, L. Butzelaar, N.J. Paauw1, M. Gouverneur, F.J. Niessen, M.
van Egmond, M.M. Ulrich, R.H.J. Beelen1
1Dept. of Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, 2Vereniging van Samenwerkende
Brandwondencentra Nederland, Beverwijk
Dutch Burn Foundation. MOVE, NIRM and NWO
Screening of new carbohydrate components that prevent pathogen binding to DC-SIGN
M. Perdicchio, M. Ambrosini, W. Unger, Y. van Kooyk
Depts of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Carmusys FP7 EU Marie Curie Network
Signaling pathways in homeostasis and function of dendritic cells
M. Beijer, G. Kraal and J.M.M. den Haan
Dept of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
NWO-ALW Meervoud to J.M.M. den Haan
Skin and mucosal allergies to dental metals
D Rachmawati, J. Muris1) von Blomberg BME, R.J. Scheper, .M.W. van Hoogstraten
Dept. Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam; 1) Dept dental materials Science, ACTA, Amsterdam,
Dept. Nat. Educ. Indon., Directorat General of Higher Degree education
Dept. Nat. Educ. Indon., Directorat General of Higher Degree education
Surgery induced development of liver metastases
N. Gül1, S. Grewal1,2, R.H.J. Beelen1, M. van Egmond1,2
Depts. of 1Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology, and 2Surgery, VU University Medical Center
Eerste geldstroom via MCBI
Surgery induced development of liver metastases
S. Grewal1,2, N. Gül1, R.H.J. Beelen1, J. Bonjer2, M. van Egmond1,2
Depts. of 1Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology, and 2Surgery, VU University Medical Center
NWO, Mozaiek
Targeting dendritic cells with glycosylated liposomes in defense against prostate cancer
A.J. van Beelen1, B. Hangalapura2, T.D. de Gruijl2, Y. van Kooyk1
Depts. of 1Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, and 2Medical Oncology, VU University
Medical Center
Targeting mMGL-1 and mMGL-2 on murine DCs to modulate immune responses
I. Ouwehand, E. Saeland, Y. van Kooyk
Depts of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
VUmc Research Institute: CCA/V-ICI
The design of glyco-peptide dendrimers to improve DC targeted antigen presentation
M. Ambrosini, M. Perdicchio, H. Kalay, J.J. Garcia Vallejo, Y. van Kooyk
Depts of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Carmusys FP7 EU Marie Curie Network
The development of immuno-competent human skin and oral mucosa equivalents and their use in determining
factors involved in T cell skewing and imprinting
I. Kosten1, S.W. Spiekstra1, B.M.E. von Blomberg2, T. Rustemeyer1, R.J. Scheper2, T.J. De Gruijl2, S. Gibbs1
Departments of 1Dermatology and 2Pathology, VU University Medical Center
The effect of HIV infection and AZT-3TC-NVP/EVF therapy on vascular and metabolic changes in patienst with HIV
T.Msoka1, Y.Smulders2, M.van Agtmael2, J.Bartlett3, A.M. van Furth4
Depts. of 1Centre for Human Metabolomics, Potchefstroom, SA; 2 VUmc, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 3 John
Hopkins, Baltimore, USA; 4Pediatric Infectiology, Immunology and Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
The generation of tolerance inducing vaccines
J.B. Vos, K. Vrijland, G. Kraal
Appendix 7: Ongoing projects
Depts of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
The host immune response to tuberculous meningitis
D. Visser 1 , R.Solomons2, J.Schoeman2, A.M. van Furth1
Depts. of 1Pediatric Infectiology, Immunology and Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The
Netherlands; 2 Tijgerberg Hospital, Cape Town, SA
The influence of vitamin A metabolism on immune cell differentiation in the gut
J. Bar-Ephraim1, G. Bouma2, R. Mebius1
Dept. Of 1Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology and 2Gastroenterology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
1e geldstroom
The potential of Fc-alpha-RI as trigger molecule for antibody therapy of cancer
J.E.Bakema1, S. Ganzevles, C. Tuk1, M. van Egmond1,2
Depts. of 1Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology, and 2Surgery, VU University Medical Center
The rich focus in tuberculous meningitis: form pathology to mathematics
M. van der Kuip1, M. El-Kebir1, D. Kirschner2, A.M. van Furth1
Depts. of 1Pediatric Infectiology, Immunology and Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The
Netherlands and 2Microbiology and Immunology, The University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases / Wyeth (to MvdK) and the National Institutes of Health HL092853-01
(to DK)
The role of galectins in interaction of tumour cells with the immune system
A. Belo, B. Tefsen, I. van Die
Department of Molecular Cell Biology & Immunology, VUmc, Amsterdam
the Portuguese FCT to A. Belo and STW
The role of retinoic acid in regulation of gene expression during lymph node formation
D. Schooneman, R.E. Mebius, S.A. van de Pavert
Dept. Mol. Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center
NWO ZonMW Horizon
Towards adjuvant immunotherapy for squamous cell carcinoma
AW Turksma, JJ Ruizendaal, H van den Heuvel, CJLM Meijer, CR Leemans and E Hooijberg
Dept. of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam
KWF VU2007-3814
Vaccine delivery: alternatives for conventional multiple injection vaccines
T. van Es, A.J. van Beelen, W.W.J. Unger, S.C.M. Bruijns and Y. van Kooyk
Depts of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Variations in T cell glycosylation direct the interaction with dendritic cells
S.J. van Vliet and Y. van Kooyk
Depts of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Mizutani Foundation for Glycosciences
Program 3
Alternative proteomics strategies for discovery of biofluid and imaging biomarkers and drugable targets
1. Cell surface proteomics of osteosarcoma identifies EPHA2 as receptor for targeted drug delivery
J. PosthumaDeBoer1, S.R. Piersma2, T.V. Pham2, J.C. Knol2, V.W. van Beusechem3, G.J.L. Kaspers4, B.J. van
Royen1,5, C.R. Jiménez2 §, M.N. Helder1,5 §
1) Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, 2) Oncoproteomics Laboratory, 3) Department of Medical Oncology, 4) Paediatric
Oncology/Haematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
2. Platelet proteomics for cancer biomarker discovery
M. Walraven1, S.R. Piersma2, H.J. Broxterman1, H.M.W. Verheul1*, C.R. Jiménez2*
1Angiogenesis Laboratory and 2OncoProteomics Laboratory, Dept. Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center,
VUmc CCA, Aegon
3. Proteomics of exosomes secreted by cancer cell lines and primary cells
M. Lavaei1, R.J.A. Fijneman2, D.M. Fluitsma3, J.C. Knol1, S.R. Piersma1, T.V. Pham1, R. Steenbergen2, G.A. Meijer2,
M. Pegtel2, H.M.W. Verheul1, C.R. Jimenez1
1Dept. Pathology, 2Dept. Medical Oncology, 3Dept. Mol. Cell. Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center
Brain proteomics
4. Proteomics of meningiomas in correlation with growth rate
S. Peerdeman1, TMB. Schaaij-Visser2, R. Ariana1, JC. Knol2, S. Piersma2, CR. Jimenez2
1Dept. Neurosurgery, 2OncoProteomics Laboratory, Dept. Medical Oncology, VUmc-Cancer Center Amsterdam, VU
University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Breast cancer proteomics
5. Exploring differences in short-term response to cisplatin in sensitive and non-sensitive mouse mammary tumors
M. Warmoes1*, J. Jaspers2*, S. Rottenberg2, S. Piersma1, C.R. Jimenez1*, J. Jonkers2*
1OncoProteomics Laboratory, Dept. Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
2Molecular Biology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
CenE/Van Lanschot and the VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam
6. Proteomics of murine BRCA1 deficient breast tumors identifies DNA repair proteins with prognostic value in human
breast cancer
Appendix 7: Ongoing projects
M.O. Warmoes¹, J. Jaspers2, T.V. Pham1, S. Piersma1, M.P.G. Massink3, H. Meijers-Heijboer3, Q. Waisfisz3, S.
Rottenberg2, E. Boven1, J. Jonkers2, C.R. Jimenez1
1Oncoproteomics Laboratory, Dept. of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2Division of Molecular Biology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 3Dept. Clinical
Genetics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
CenE/Van Lanschot and the VUmc CCA
Chronic inflammatory diseases
7. Immunogenetics and disease profiling of Chronic inflammatory, autoimmune and Infectious diseases
J.B.A. Crusius1 (PI, LI), I.E. van der Horst-Bruinsma2 (PI Reuma), Stephan Verweij (PhD student LI), Marieke Sanders
(PhD student LI and Pediatrics), Gijs van Well (PhD student LI and Pediatrics), Vitaly Smelov (PhD student LI), N. de
Vries3, G. J. Wolbink4,5, A.A. van Bodegraven6 (PI MDL), B.M.J. Uitdehaag7, C.H. Polman8 (PI, Neuro), M. Van Furth9
(PI, Pediatrics), C. Verweij(2,10), A.S. Peña1, S.A. Morré1
1Laboratory of Immunogenetics, Dept Medical Microbiology and Infection Control), VU University Medical Center, 2Dept
Rheumatology VU University Medical Center, 3Dept Rheumatology, Academic Medical Center, 4Reade/Jan van Breemen
Institute, 5Sanquin Research, 6Dept Gastroenterology VU University Medical Center, 7Dept Epidemiology & Biostatistics,
8Dept Neurology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam. 9Pediatrics, VUmc. 10Dept Pathology, VUmc.
Funding: amongst others NGI (2011), and 2x NIH (2011). EU FPs: IBD-CHIP and EpiGenChlamydia ended in 2011
Colorectal cancer proteomics
8. Enrichment of tumorigenic stem-like cells in biopsy spheroids from colorectal cancer
U. Rajcevic1, J.C. Knol2, S. Piersma2, S. Bougnaud1, T.V. Pham2, E. Sundlisaeter3, P. Enger3, R. Bjerkvig1,3, S.P.
Niclou1, C.R. Jimenez2
1NorLux Neuro-Oncology, CRP-Santé, Luxembourg, 2OncoProteomics Laboratory, Dept. Medical Oncology, VU University
Medical Center, Amsterdam; 3Department of Biomedicine, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway
9. Identification of new Biomarkers for Colon Cancer using integration of Genomics and Cell Surface Proteomics
M. de Wit1, C.R. Jimenez2, B. Carvalho1, J.A.M. Belien1, P.M. Delis-van Diemen1, S. Mongera1, S.R. Piersma2, G.A.
Meijer1, R.J.A. Fijneman1
1Dept. Pathology (Tumor Profiling Unit), 2Dept. Medical Oncology (OncoProteomics Laboratory), VU University Medical
Phillips research and VUmc CCA
10. Label-free LC-MS/MS profiling of chromatin-associated proteins in colorectal adenoma and carcinoma tissues
J. Albrethsen1, J.C. Knol1, T.V. Pham1, S.R. Piersma1, S. Mongera?2, B. Carvalho2, M. de Wit2, R.J.A. Fijneman2, G.A.
Meijer2, C.R. Jimenez1*
1OncoProteomics Laboratory, Dept. Medical Oncology, 2Dept. Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam. The
11. Protein biomarker discovery in stool for the early detection of colorectal cancer
L.J.W. Bosch1, M. de Wit1,2, G. Oudgenoeg2, S. Mongera1, S. Piersma2, T. Pham2, J.S. Terhaar Sive Droste3, C.J.J.
Mulder3, B. Carvalho1, R.J.A. Fijneman1, C.R. Jimenez2, G.A. Meijer1
1Dept. Pathology (Tumor Profiling Unit), 2Dept. Medical Oncology (OncoProteomics Laboratory), 3Dept.
Gastroenterology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
VUmc CCA and CTMM-DeCoDe
12. Proteome profiling of mouse colon tumor proximal fluids reveals candidate biomarkers for colorectal cancer
R.J.A. Fijneman1,2, M. de Wit1, M. Pourghiasian1,2, S. Piersma2, M. Warmoes2, P.M. van Diemen1, C. Piso1, E.C.
Robanus-Maandag3, R. Smits4, R. Fodde4, V.W.M. van Hinsbergh2,5, G.A. Meijer1, C.R. Jimenez2
1Dept. of Pathology, 2Dept. of Medical Oncology, 5Dept of Physiology, VU University Medical Center, 3Dept. of Human
Genetics, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands 4 Dept. of Pathology, Josephine Nefkens Institute,
Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Aegon International Scholarship in Oncology, and by the VUmc-Cancer Center Amsterdam.
13. Proteomics of colon cancer stem cells (CSC) and their isogenic differentiated progeny
B. Emmink1, W. van Houdt1, T.V. Pham2, S. Piersma2, I. Borel Rinkes1, C. Jimenez2^, O. Kranenburg1^
1Dept. Surgical Oncology, University Medical Center Utrecht and 2OncoProteomics Laboratory, Dept. Medical Oncology,
VU University Medical Center
14. Proximal Fluid Proteome Profiling of Human Colorectal Cancer Tissue Reveals Candidate Biomarkers for CRC
R.J.A. Fijneman1, H. Kant2, M. de Wit1, S.R. Piersma2, T.V. Pham2, M. O. Warmoes2, S. Mongera1, H.M.W. Verheul2,
G.A. Meijer1, C.R. Jimenez2
Dept. of 1Pathology, 2OncoProteomics Laboratory, Dept. Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam,
The Netherlands
Aegon International Scholarship in Oncology, and by the VUmc-Cancer Center Amsterdam.
15. Targeted mass spectrometry-based candidate biomarker validation in biological matrices
G. Oudgenoeg1, L. Bosch2, M. de Wit1, R.J.A. Fijneman2, G.A. Meijer2 , C.R. Jimenez1
*OncoProteomics Laboratory, Dept. Medical Oncology, and **Tumor Profiling Unit , Dept. Pathology, VUmc Cancer
Center Amsterdam, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
High-throughput body fluid peptide profiling by MALDI mass spectrometry for patient stratification by pattern diagnosis
16. Mass spectrometric serum peptide profiling for drug response prediction: signature validation
T.V. Pham1, J.C. Knol1, J.S.W. Lind2, H.M.W. Verheul1, E.F. Smit2, C.R. Jimenez1
1Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, 2Department of Pulmonary Diseases, VU University
Medical Center
17. Serum peptide profiling in non-small cell lung cancer patients treated with sorafenib and erlotinib
T.V. Pham1, J.S.W. Lind2, J.C. Knol1, A.-M.C. Dingemans3, H.J.M. Groen4, P.E. Postmus1, C.R. Jimenez1*, E.F. Smit 2*
Appendix 7: Ongoing projects
Departments of 1Medical Oncology and 2Pulmonary Diseases VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, 3Maastricht
University Medical Center and 4University Medical Center Groningen
Imaging: Brain tumours
18. Assessment of blood-brain barrier function in pharmacoresistant patients with tumor-related epilepsy
F. Froklage1, R.A. Voskuyl7, J.J. Heimans1, N.H.M. Hendrikse3,4, J.C. Baayen2, R.M.C. Debets6, D. Velis5, A.A.
Lammertsma3, J.C. Reijneveld1,5,
Departments of 1Neurology, 2Neurosurgery and 3Nuclear Medicine and PET-research, 4. Clinical Pharmacology and
Pharmacy, VU University Medical Center, Department of 5Neurology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam,
Departments of 5Neurology and 6Clinical Neurophysiology, Stichting Epilepsie Instellingen Nederland (SEIN), Heemstede,
and 7Department of Pharmacology, Leiden/Amsterdam Center for Human Drug Research (L/A CHDR), Leiden
Europese Unie Framework Program 7 (FP7 EURIPIDES project)
Imaging: Colorectal tumours
19. Molecular imaging for personalized therapy in metastatic colorectal cancer
J. Goos1, R. Fijneman1, A.A. Geldof2, O.S. Hoekstra2, L. Perk3, G.A. Meijer1
Dept. Of 1Pathology, 2Nuclear Medicine & PET research, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 3 BV Cyclotron
20. Molecular imaging of early stage disease
M. de Wit, R. Fijneman, M. van der Wiel, R. Lamerichs, C. Jimenez, J. Stoker, G.A. Meijer
Dept. Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Imaging: Generic
21. Antibody derivatives as molecular agents for neoplastic targeting
D. Vugts1, G.W.M. Visser2, G.A.M.S. van Dongen1,2
Dept. of 1Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, and 2Nuclear Medicine & PET research, VU University Medical Center,
22. Development of dual-specific nanobodies for cancer diagnosis and treatment
M. Vosjan1, M. Stigter-van Walsum1, R. Roovers3, P.M P. van Bergen en Henegouwen3, G.A.M.S. van Dongen1,2
Dept. of 1Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery VU University Medical Center, 2Nuclear Medicine & PET Research VU
University Medical Center, 3Dept. Cellular Architecture & Dynamics, Utrecht University
NWO/STW 10074
23. Effect of anti-CD44 (RO5429083) and the bispecific antibody (A2V) treatment on tumor uptake of 11C-docetaxel in
pre-clinical xenograft studies
C.F.M. Molthoff1, I. de Greeuw1, M.Verlaan1, R. Bergstra1, A.A. Lammertsma1
Dept. of 1Nuclear Medicine & PET Research, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Roche Diagnostics, Germany
24. FLT- and FDG-PET imaging to support dose-finding for the CD-44 (RO5429083) program in pre- clinical xenograft
C.F.M. Molthoff1, I. de Greeuw1, M.Verlaan1, R. Bergstra1, A.A. Lammertsma1
Dept. of 1Nuclear Medicine & PET Research, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Roche Diagnostics, Germany
25. In vivo imaging of Epstein Barr Virus Activation by cytolytic antiviral therapy in nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell lines
and xenograft models
A.E. Greijer1, Z. Novalic1, M. Verlaan2, J. Eersels2, C.F.M. Molthoff2, J.M. Middeldorp1
Depts. of 1Pathology and 2Nuclear Medicine & PET Research, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
ZonMW2010, KWF VU 2010-4809
26. Quantitative imaging in cancer: connecting cellular processes with therapy: Data and Image Analysis (WP4)
L.L. Hoyng, M. Yaqub, F. van Velden, R. Boellaard
Dept. Of Nuclear Medicine & PET research, Vu University Medical Center, Amsterdam
IMI EU project QuicConcept (EORTC, CR-UK, EFPIA)
27. Technical validation of DW-MRI, FLT and ICMT-PET as read-outs of proliferation and apoptosis in drug development
V. Frings, L. Hoyng, JPA Kuijer, IC Pieters, R Boellaard, EF Smit, W Menke, OS Hoekstra
Dept of Nucl Med & PET research, Radiology, FMT, Pulmonary Oncology, Medical Oncology, VU University Medical
Center, Amsterdam
IMI EU project QuicConcept (EORTC, CR-UK, EFPIA)
28. The development of radiolabeled tyrosine kinase inhibitors for PET imaging
P. Slobbe, G.A.M.S. van Dongen
Dept. of Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
29. The development of radiolabeled tyrosine kinase inhibitors for PET imaging: a predictive tool for cancer therapy
A.J. Poot, G.A.M.S. van Dongen, A.D. Windhorst, N.H. Hendrikse, O.S. Hoekstra, H.M.W. Verheul, E.F. Smit
Depts of Nuclear Med & PET research, Medical Oncology, Pulmonology, Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery
30. The selective targeting of angiogenesis and of tumour stroma
R. Cohen1, R. de Bree1, M. Stigter-van Walsum1, G.W.M. Visser2, D. Neri3, C.R. Leemans1, G.A.M.S. van Dongen1,2
Dept. 1Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, 2Nuclear Medicine & PET Research VU University Medical Center, 3Swiss
Federal Institute of Technology,Zürich, Switzerland
European commision FP6-LSHC-CT-2003-503233
31. Towards personalized treatment planning of chemotherapy: 11C-docetaxel PET studies in lung cancer patients
A.A.M. van der Veldt, M. Lubberink, N.H. Hendrikse, E.F. Smit, A.A. Lammertsma
Depts Nucl Med & PET research, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
32. Towards targeted therapy: quantitative imaging with PET and long lived isotopes
N. Makris, R. Boellaard, M.C. Huisman, A.A. Lammertsma
Appendix 7: Ongoing projects
Department of Nuclear Medicine & PET research, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Philips Healthcare
33. Validation of imaging response criteria in oncology: focus on FDG PET-CT
S.N.F. Rizvi, A. Vincent, R. Boellaard, H. van Tinteren, O.S. Hoekstra
Dept Nucl Med & PET research, VU University Medical Center, and Dept of Biostatistics, Neth Cancer Institute,
2 NIBIB projects funded by Rad Soc North America (RSNA)
Imaging: Haematological malignancies
34. Positron Emission Tomography (PET) for detection of histologic transformation of indolent non-Hodgkin’s
M.J. Wondergem1, J.M. Zijlstra1, S.A.G.M. Cillessen2, J.J. Oudejans2, O.S. Hoekstra3, M.E.D. Chamuleau1, S.
Zweegman1, P.C. Huijgens1
Department of Hematology1, Pathology2, Nuclear medicine & PET research3 VU University Medical Center
de Vilder Stichting
Imaging: Head & Neck tumours
35. Detection of residual neck disease after chemoradiation by PET-CT
S. Faraj-Hakim, O.S. Hoekstra, R. de Bree
Dept. of Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
36. Evaluation and prediction of response
L. van der Putten1, O.S. Hoekstra3, C.R. Leemans1, R. de Bree1
Depts. of 1Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, 2Nuclear Medicine / PET Research, 3Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
4Radiology and 5Pathology, VU University Medical Center
ZonMw and CCA 945-04-311, 80-82305-98-08106
37. FDG-PET for avoidance of futile direct laryngoscopies under general anasthesia with taking op biopsies in patiens
with suspicion on recurrent laryngeal carcinoma after radiotherapy
L. van der Putten1, I. van der Waal2, O.S. Hoekstra3, E. Bloemena5, C.R. Leemans1, R. de Bree1
Depts. of 1Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, 2Nuclear Medicine / PET Research, 3Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
4Radiology and 5Pathology, VU University Medical Center
ZonMw and CCA 945-04-311, 80-82305-98-08106
38. Improvement of the sentinel node procedure in head and neck cancer by PET-CT lymfoscintigraphy, optical
techniques and minimal invasive surgery. Molecular targeting of intracellular proteins in cancer
Heuveling D, G.A.M.S. van Dongen, C.R. Leemans, R. de Bree
Dept. Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
39. Screening on distant metastases using whole-body MRI
I. Pieters1, J.A. Castelijns1, R. de Bree2
Dept. of 1Radiology and 2Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Imaging: Head & Neck tumours
40. Ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration cytology and sentinel node biopsy in the detection of occult lymph node
metastases of early oral and oropharyngeal cancer
G.B. Flach, J. Castelijns, O.S. Hoekstra, E. Bloemena, G.A.M.S. van Dongen, C.R. Leemans, R. de Bree
Dept. Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
ZonMw 80-82305-98-08106
Imaging: Lung Cancer
41. PET tracers for (chemo)radiation of lung and head and neck cancer
A. Poot1, N.H. Hendrikse2,3, G.A.M.S. van Dongen1,2
Depts. of 1Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, 2Nuclear Medicine & PET Research and 3Clinical Pharmacology and
Pharmacy, VU University Medical Center,
CTMM Air Force
42. Quantification and tumor delineation with PET
P Cheebsumon, FH van Velden, M Yaqub, OS Hoekstra, EF Smit, R Boellaard
Depts of Nucl Med & PET research & Pulmonology, VU University Medical Center
CTMM AirForce
Imaging: Paediatric tumours
43. Development of pediatric brain tumor. Diffuse intrinxic pontine glioma (DIPG) models for improvement of imaging
and therapy
P. Wesseling1, T. Würdinger2, E. Hulleman3, G.J. Kaspers3
Depts of 1pathology, 2Neurooncology Research Group, 3Pediatric Oncology/ Hematology, VU University Medical Center,
4VU University RNC, 5Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Stichting Kika
44. Exploration of target-expression using 89Zirconium labelled antibodies in a diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma mouse
M.H.A. Jansen1, T. Lagerweij2, C.F.M. Molthoff3, D. Noske2
Dept. Of 1Child Oncology, 2Neurosurgery and 3 Nuclear Medicine&PET Research, VU University Medical Center,
Imaging: Prostate cancer
45. Towards personalized therapy in prostate cancer: the role of imaging (preclinical and clinical studies)
D. Oprea-Lager, A.J.M. van den Eertwegh, R.J.A. van Moorselaar, W.R. Gerritsen, A.A. Geldof, R. Boellaard, O.S.
Depts Nucl Med & PET research, Medical Oncology, Urology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Imaging: Retinoblastoma
46. Clinical and experimental high resolution ocular MR imaging: towards improved detection of retinoblastoma tumor
P. de Graaf1, P. van der Valk2, A.C. Moll3, S.M. Imhof7, A.Y.N. Schouten-van Meeteren4, D.L. Knol5, P.W.J. Pouwels6,
J.A. Castelijns1
Appendix 7: Ongoing projects
Departments of Radiology1, Pathology2, Ophthalmology 3 and Epidemiology and Biostatistics5, Physics and Medical
Technology6, VU University Medical Center, Department of Pediatric Oncology4, Emma Children’s Hospital, Academic
Medical Center, Amsterdam, and Department of Ophthalmology, University Medical Center Utrecht
Grant ZonMw-AGIKO 2006, ODAS Foundation, National Foundation for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Blindenhulp
Foundation, Dutch Eye Fund (Grant 2004-23)
47. CT- and MR-imaging characteristics of cranio-facial second primary tumors in retinoblastoma patients previously
treated by radiation therapy
F. Rodjan1, P. de Graaf1, H.J. Brisse2, J.I.L.M.Verbeke1, E. Sanchez1, P. Maeder3, S. Göricke4, P. Galluzzi5, A.C.
Moll6, D.L. Knol7, J.A. Castelijns1
1Dept. of Radiology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2 Dept. of Radiology, Institut Curie,
Paris, France, 3 Dept. of Radiology, University Hospital, Lausanne, Switzerland, 4Dept. of Diagnostic and Interventional
Radiology and Neuroradiology, University Hospital Essen, Germany, 5 Dept. of Radiology, Azienda Ospedaliera e
Universitaria Santa Maria alle Scotte Siena, Italy, 6Dept. of Ophtalmology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam,
The Netherlands, 7 Dept. of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
48. Retinoblastoma: Value of Dynamic Contrast-enhanced MR Imaging and Correlation with Tumor Angiogenesis
F. Rodjan1, P. de Graaf1, P. van der Valk2, A.C. Moll3, J.P.A. Kuijer4, D.L. Knol5, J.A. Castelijns1, P.J.W.Pouwels4
Departments of Radiology1, Pathology2, Ophthalmology 3, Physics & Medical Technology4 and Epidemiology and
Biostatistics5, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
ZonMw-AGIKO 2006, ODAS Foundation, National Foundation for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Blindenhulp Foundation,
Dutch Eye Fund (Grant 2004-23)
49. Trilateral retinoblastoma: neuroimaging characteristics and value of routine brain screening on admission
F. Rodjan1, P. de Graaf1, S. Göricke2, H.J. Brisse3, P. Maeder4, P. Galluzzi5, A. Moll6, I. Aerts7, C. Alapetite9, L.
Desjardins9, M. Beck Popovic10, M. Diezi11, F.L. Munier11, T. Hadjistilianou12, D.L. Knol 13, J.A. Castelijns1
1Dept. of Radiology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2Dept. of Diagnostic and
Interventional Radiology and Neuroradiology, University Hospital Essen, Germany, 3Dept. of Radiology, Institut Curie,
Paris, France, 4Dept. of Radiology, University Hospital, Lausanne, Switzerland, 5 Dept. of Radiology, Azienda
Ospedaliera e Universitaria Santa Maria alle Scotte Siena, Italy, 6Dept. of Ophtalmology, VU University Medical Center,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 7Dept. of Pediatric oncology, Institut Curie, Paris, France, 8Dept. of Radiotherapy,
Institut Curie, Paris, France, 9Dept. of Ophtalmology Surgery, Institut Curie, Paris, France, 10Dept. of Pediatric
Hematology-Oncology Unit, University Hospital, Lausanne, Switzerland, 11Jules Gonin Eye Hospital, University of
Lausanne, Vaud, 12Dept. of Ophtalmology Azienda Ospedaliera e Universitaria Santa Maria alle Scotte Siena, Italy,
13Dept. of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Imaging: Rheumatoid diseases
50. [11C]-(R)-PK11195 PET imaging of subclinical synovitis in rheumatoid arthritis patients in clinical remission
Y.Y.J. Gent, A.E. Voskuyl1, R.W. Kloet 2, E.F.I. Comans2, O.S. Hoekstra2, A.A. Lammertsma2, B.A.C. Dijkmans1, C.J.
van der Lakenl1
Depts of 1Rheumatology, 2Nuclear Medicine & PET Research, VU University Medical Center
51. [11C]-(R)-PK11195 PET imaging of subclinical synovitis in the pre-clinical phase of rheumatoid arthritis
Y.Y.J. Gent1, A.E. Voskuyl1, R.W. Kloet 2, E.F.I. Comans2, D. van Schaardenburg3, O.S. Hoekstra2, A.A. Lammertsma2,
B.A.C. Dijkmans1, C. J. Van der Laken1
Depts of 1Rheumatology, 2Nuclear Medicine & PET Research, VU University Medical Center,3Jan van Breemen Institute,
52. Development of imaging markers, using PET(-CT), for early detection of RA and therapy monitoring
Y.Y.J. Gent1, K. Weijers1, I. de Greeuw2, M. Verlaan2, A.D. Windhorst2, C. J. Van der Laken1, A.A. Lammertsma2, O.S.
Hoekstra2, B.A.C. Dijkmans1, C.F.M. Molthoff2, C.J. van der Laken1
Depts of 1Rheumatology, 2Nuclear Medicine & PET Research, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
53. Imaging of ankylosing spondylitis by PET-CT
S.T. Bruijnen1 ,M.A.C. van der Weijden1, N.Hoetjes2, A.E. Voskuyl1, O.S. Hoekstra2, R. Boellaard2, J.P. Klein3, B.A.C.
Dijkmans1, I. E. van der Horst-Bruinsma1, C. J. Van der Laken1
Depts of 1Rheumatology, 2Nuclear Medicine & PET Research, 3Radiology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Imaging: Thyroid cancer
54. Recurrent differentiated thyroid cancer: towards personalized treatment based on evaluation of tumor
characteristics with PET (THYROPET)
J. Kist, MPM Stokkel, MC Huisman, OS Hoekstra, B de Keizer, W. Vogel
Depts of Nuclear Medicine AvL/NKI, UMCU, VUmc
Improvement of the diagnosis of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC)
55. Diagnosis and treatment of recurrent laryngeal carcinoma
L. van der Putten1, O.S. Hoekstra3, J.A. Castelijns3, E. Bloemena4, C.R. Leemans1, R. de Bree1
Depts. of 1Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, 2Nuclear Medicine / PET Research, 3Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
4Radiology and 5Pathology, VU University Medical Center
56. Molecular targeting of intracellular proteins in cancer
D. Heuveling, G.A.M.S. van Dongen, C.R. Leemans, R. de Bree
Dept. of Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Lung cancer proteomics
57. Exploration of sputum to develop protein-based assays for early detection, prognosis and drug response of lung
T.B.M. Schaaij-Visser1, B. Colak1, J. Hubers2, E.F. Smit3, (Erik) F.B.J.M. Thunnissen2, C.R. Jimenez1
1 OncoProteomics Laboratory, Department of Medical Oncology; 2 Department of Pathology, 3Dept. Pulmonology, VU
University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
58. Novel candidate biomarkers for cisplatin response prediction and monitoring in NSCLC
T.B.M. Schaaij-Visser1, N. Proost2, R. Nagel3, S.R. Piersma1, T.V. Pham1, R.H. Brakenhoff3, A. Berns2, C.R. Jimenez1
Appendix 7: Ongoing projects
1OncoProteomics Laboratory, Department of Medical Oncology, 2Division of Molecular Genetics and Centre for
Biomedical Genetics, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 3Department of
Otolaryngology/Head and Neck surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
CTMM Airforce
Mining high dimensional proteomics data
59. Network-based data analysis for marker prioritization for targeted mass spectrometry validation
T.V. Pham1, L.G. Leon1, M.O. Warmoes1, S.R. Piersma1, C.R. Jimenez1
1OncoProteomics Laboratory, Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
60. Strategies for analyzing spectral count data in label-free tandem mass spectrometry-based proteomics
T.V. Pham, M. Warmoes, S.R. Piersma, C.R. Jimenez
OncoProteomics Laboratory, Department Medical Oncology, VUmc-Cancer Center Amsterdam, VU University Medical
Signaling pathway proteomics for insight into cancer signaling, identification of drug targets and biomarkers for patient
61. Development of kinobeads for comprehensive capture of the kinome prior to analysis by proteomics
S.R. Piersma1, I. de Reus1, J. Weterings2, I. de Esch2, H. Verheul1, C.R. Jiménez1
1OncoProteomics Laboratory, Dept. Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center; 2FEW-VU, Amsterdam
62. Global profiling of endogenous tyrosine phosphorylation events for identifying aberrant signaling in cancer
Sander R. Piersma1, J.C. van der Mijn2, Barath Kumar1, K.J. Gotink2, M. Labots2, Richard de Haas2, Henk Broxterman2,
Henk Verheul2 and Connie R. Jiménez1
1OncoProteomics Laboratory and 2Angiogenesis Laboratory, Dept. Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center
VUmc CCA and VHS
Other projects
63. Analysis of bacterial contamination of blood transfusion projects
I. Rood, A. Petterson, P.H.M. Savelkoul
Dept. of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Sanquin Bloodbank
64. Anca-PR-3 vasculitis studie; preventie van recidieven
A.E. Voskuyl
Dep Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
65. Assessing the need for isolation in a single room of patients colonized with highly resistant microorganisms
C.M.J.E. Vandenbroucke-Grauls, J.A.J.W. Kluytmans
Dept. of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center
66. Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae in The Netherlands: development of phenotypical and molecular
assays for detection and evaluation of the prevalence, risk factors and molecular epidemiology
J.A.J.W. Kluytmans, C.M.J.E. Vandenbroucke-Grauls
Dept. of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center
67. Cervix cancer proteomics. Unraveling protein expression changes during HPV-induced transformation using a labelfree proteomics approach
C.R. Jimenez1, C. van Alphen1, T.V. Pham1, S.R. Piersma1, P.J.F. Snijders2, R.D.M. Steenbergen2
1OncoProteomics Laboratory, Dept. Medical Oncology, and 2Dept. Pathology, VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam, VU
University Medical Center, Amsterdam
68. Characterization of epileptogenic brain networks in primary brain tumor patients
L. Douw1, J.J. Heimans1, F. Bartolomei2,6, J.C. Baayen4, W.P. Vandertop 4, B.W. van Dijk2, D.N. Velis7, M. Klein3,
C.J. Stam2, J.C. Reijneveld1,5
Departments of 1Neurology, 2Clinical Neurophysiology, 3Medical Psychology, and 4Neurosurgery, VU University Medical
Center, 5Department of Neurology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, 6Department of Clinical Neurophysiology,
Hospital de la Timone, Marseille, France, 7Department of Clinical Neurophysiology, Stichting Epilepsie Instellingen
Nederland (SEIN), Heemstede
Nationaal Epilepsie Fonds (NEF), Project NEF 08-08 08-08
69. Characterization of the leukemic stem cell compartment in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML)
J.J.W.M. Janssen, W. Pouwels, B. van Kuijk, A. Zevenbergen, G.J. Schuurhuis, G.J. Ossenkoppele
Dept. of Hematology, VU University Medical Center
Stichting Vanderes
70. CMSB, preventive medicine in rheumatoid arthritis
C. Verweij, J.G. Wesseling, M. Blits, W. Lems
Dept. Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam
71. Community-associated MRSA: determinants of carriage, transmissibility and virulence
J.A.J.W. Kluytmans, P.H.M. Savelkoul, C.M.J.E. Vandenbroucke-Grauls
Dept. of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center
72. Cross-talk between TNF and IFN in rheumatidc arthritis
T.D. de Jong1, S. de Ridder1, J. Beliën1, P. Welsing2, J. Luime3. C. Verweij1
1Dept. of Pathology, 2UMCU, 3Emc
CTMM Reumafonds
Appendix 7: Ongoing projects
73. Crypton: A genome-based generalized strategy to activate cryptic antibiotic biosynthesis gene clusters in
C.M.J.E. Vandenbroucke-Grauls, W. Bitter
Dept. of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center (samenwerking met RUG)
STW Genbiotics grant
74. Curing autoimmune disease. A translational study to autoimmune diseases in the post-genomic era using
inflammatory rheumatic arthritis and myositis as prototypes and learning examples, understanding the molecular
basis of teh differential INFB response in relapsing remitting MS
C. Verweij
Dept. Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
MS stichting
75. Development of a decision aid in prostate cancer
Vis, J.A. Nieuwenhuijzen and R.J.A. van Moorselaar
Dept. of Urology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
76. Development of a methodology to characterise the genomic content of lifestock-associated MRSA
P.H.M. Savelkoul, C.M.J.E. Vandenbroucke-Grauls, J.A.J.W. Kluytmans
Dept. of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center
Agentschap NL
77. Development of screening tests for early detection of CRC
B. Carvalho1, M. van der Wiel1, V. Coupé1, M. van Engeland2, Y. van der Burgt3, W. van Criekinge4, G.A. Meijer
Dept. Of Pathology, VUmc1, MUMC2, LUMC3, MdXHEalth, Univ Gent4
78. Diagnostic monitoring of NPC and building a second center of expertise in Indonesia
Gondowiyardjo S1, L. Adham1, A.N. Kurniawan1, J.M. Middeldorp2
1Univ Indonesia, Jakarta, 2Dept of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
79. Discontinuation of imatinib in CML patients in continuous complete molecular remission
J.J.W.M. Janssen, B. van Kuijk, G.J. Schuurhuis, J.J. Cornelissen, G.J. Ossenkoppele
Dept. of Hematology, VU University Medical Center
80. Early versus late Mitomycin C instillation in bladder cancer
T. van Ginkel and R.J.A. van Moorselaar
Dept. of Urology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
81. EBV markers in CLL cases from Spain
De Sanjose, J.M. Middeldorp
Dept. Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam
82. EBV-based markers in prognosis of Burkitt
E. Weiderpass, C.J.L.M. Meijer, J.M. Middeldorp
Dept. Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam
Karolinska Inst
83. E-healt in urology patients
J. Bossenga, E.J.H. Meuleman, A. Vis and R.J.A. van Moorselaar
Dept. of Urology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
84. Flowcytometric stem cell assessment for prediction and monitoring of response in nilotinib treated CML patients
J.J.W.M. Janssen, W. Pouwels, B. van Kuijk, A. Zevenbergen, G.J. Schuurhuis, G.J. Ossenkoppele
Dept. Of Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Novartis Oncology, Arnhem
85. Genomic biomarkers to predict development of RA (VERA, ERA) and therapy responsiveness (ESRA)
J. Lübbers1, A. Voskuyl2, W. Lems2, M. Boers2, D.J. van Schaardenberg3, M. Nurmohamed3, M. Hazes4
1Dept. Of Pathology, 2Dept. Of Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 3Reade/JBI, 4Emc
86. Genotyping and phenotyping of distant breast cancer metastases
P. Wesseling1, P. van Diest2, J. Wesseling1
Dept. Of Pathology, 1VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, 2Utrecht Medical Center
87. ICT and data analysis
J. Beliën, G.A. Meijer
Dept. Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
88. Identification of chromosomal aberrations driving metastatic colorectal cancer development
B. Ylstra
Dept. Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam
St. Sacha Swarttouw
89. Identification of clinically relevant genetic aberrations in pediatric glioneuronal tumors
B. Ylstra1, P. Wesseling1, E. Aronica2, Schouten2
Dept. Of Pathology, 1VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, 2Amsterdam Medical Center
Edli Foundation
90. Identification of small non/coding RNAs involved in colorectal adenome to carcinoma progression
B. Diosdado, R.Q.J. Schaapveld1, G.A. Meijer
Dept of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, 1InteRNA Technologies BV
91. IS-pro: A molecular tool for clinical diagnostics of complex microbial communities
D. Budding, P.H.M. Savelkoul
Dept. of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center
NGI pre-seed grant
Appendix 7: Ongoing projects
92. Laboratory tests in primary colorectal cancer
B. Carvalho1, M. van Engeland2, W. Corver3, B. Janssen4, W. van Criekinge5, G.A. Meijer1
Dept. Of 1Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 2MUMC, 3LUMC, 4ServiceXS, MDXHEalth, Univ. Gent
93. Measuring intraprostatic androgen concentrations using LC-MS/MS: from bench to bedside
T. van der Sluis1, H.N. Bui2, J.J.L. Jacobs1, A.A. Geldof1, M.A. Meuleman1, M.A. Blankenstein, L2. Rozendaal3, A.
Heijboer2, R.J.A. van Moorselaar1 and A. Vis1
Dept. of Urology1, Clinical Chemistry2 and Pathology3 VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
94. Medical technology assessment
C. Uyl, V. Coupé, G.A. Meijer
Dept. Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
95. Metastatic colorectal molecular laboratory tests
B. Ylstra1, B. Carvalho1, M. van Engeland2, W. Corver3, B. Janssen4, W. van Criekinge5, G.A. Meijer1
Dept. Of 1Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 2MUMC, 3LUMC, 4ServiceXS, MDXHEalth, Univ. Gent
96. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: occupational exposure, dynamics of carriage and associated disease
B. van Cleef, P.H.M. Savelkoul, C.M.J.E. Vandenbroucke-Grauls, J.A.J.W. Kluytmans
Dept. of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center
97. Multiplex NPC families in Taiwan
A. Hildesheim2, J.M. Middeldorp1
1Dept. Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, 2 NCI-NIH, USA
98. Overcoming Temozolomide (TMZ) resistance in glioma
T. Würdinger1, P. Wesseling2
Dept. Of Neurosurgery1 and Pathology2, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
St. Stop Hersentumoren
99. Peritoneal metastases from colorectal carcinoma; Diagnostic markers to identify patients that will benefit from
radical surgical resection
E. de Cuba, G.A. Meijer, H.J. Bonjer, E.A. te Velde
Dept. Of Surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
100. PET imaging in giant cell vasculitis
KJ Lensen, I Smulders, E Coomans, C vd Laken, A Voskuyl
Dep Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
101. Prediction of progression in low-grade glioma using chromosomal copy number alterations
H.F. van Thuijl1,2, J.J. Heimans1, P. van der Valk2, B. Ylstra2, P. Wesseling2, J.C. Reijneveld1,3
Departments of 1Neurology and 2Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, Department of 3 Neurology,
Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam
KWF Kankerbestrijding VU 2009-4470
102. Prediction of response to drug therapy in advanced colorectal cancer based on DNA copy number profiles of
primary tumors
J. Haan, J.H.J.M. van Krieken, C.J.A. Punt, G.A. Meijer
Dept. Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
KWF 2007-3832
103. Projectmanagement
M. van Engeland1, C.J.H. van de Velde2, G.A. Meijer2
Dept of Pathology, MUMC1, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam2
104. Protein arrays and metabolite biomarkers to predict development of RA and response to therapy (WP8)Curing
autoimmune disease. A translational study to autoimmune dieseases in the post-genomic era using inflammatory
rheumatic arthritis and mysositis as prototypes and learning examples
M. Blits1, L. Klareskog2, I. Lundberg2, T. Huizinga3, G. Burmester4, A. Voskuyl4, W. Lems4, M. Boers4, D.J. van
Schaardenberg5, M. Nurmohamed5, M. Hazes6, H. Bijlsma7, J. Smolen8, B. Bresnihan9, P.P. Tak10, D. Baeten10, A.
Cope11, W. van den Berg12, W. van Vernrooij12, C. Jorgeson13, T. Saxne13, R. Holmdahl14, S. Rantapää-Dahlqvist15, J.
Vencovsky16, J. Worhtington17, J. van de Winkel18, C. Buckley19, F. Cornelis20, D. Boumpas21, G. Burmester22, C.
Verweij1, T. Hanke23, P. Olofsson24, K. Mignon-Godefroy25, M. Veroordeldonk26
Dept. Of Pathology1 and Rheumatology4, VU Universtiy Medical Center Amsterdam, 2Karolinska Instituted, 3LUMC,
5Reade/JBI, 6Emc, 7UMCURadbruch (Charité, Berlin), 8MUW, Austria), 9SVUH, Ireland, 10AMC, 11Imperial, UK, 12UMCN,
13Inserm, France, 14UNILUND, Sweden, 15UMU, Sweden, 16Inst Rheum, Czech Republic, 17Manc, UK, 18Genmab
Denmark, 19UNIBHAM, UK, 20GenHotel, France, 21Rheumacrete, Greece, 21EULAR, Belgium, 22TeGenero
GermanyOlofsson (ARX, Sweden), 23BMD, France, 24Arthrogen, NL
105. Reducing CRC death in stage II carcinomas by identifying high/risk stage II cancer patients who could benefit from
adjuvant chemotherapy
B. Diosdado, R.Q.J. Schaapveld1, G.A. Meijer
Dept of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, 1InteRNA Technologies BV
106. Resistance due to extended-spectrum Beta-Lactamases in The Nederlands: the REBEL study
E.A.E. Reuland, , P.H.M. Savelkoul, J.A.J.W. Kluytmans, C.M.J.E. Vandenbroucke-Grauls
Dept. of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center
107. Response evaluation during targeted therapy
A.J. de Langen, R. Boellaard, A. Vincent, H. van Tinteren, O.S. Hoekstra, R. Boellaard
Appendix 7: Ongoing projects
Depts of Nucl Med & PET research, Pulmonology, VU University Medical Center, Dept Biostatistics Neth Cancer Institute,
108. Tumor profiling of gastrointestinal (i.e. gastric & colorectal) cancer
C. Postma1, A.H. Hardebol1, J.C. Haan1, O. Krijgsman1, J.A.C.M. Goos1,4, A.A. Geldof4, O.S. Hoekstra4, R.P.A.
Brosens1,2, E. Belt1,2, M.A. Cuesta2, E.M.L.V. de Cuba1,2, E. te Velde2, M.Labots3, T. Buffart1,3, H. Verheul3, M.
Tijssen1, S. Mongera1, P.M. Delis-van Diemen1, A. Bolijn1, D. Israeli1, B. Ylstra1, R.J.A. Fijneman1, B. Diosdado1, B.
Carvalho1, N.C.T. van Grieken1, and G.A. Meijer1
1Dept of Pathology, 2Dept of Surgery, 3Dept of Oncology, 4Dept of Nuclear Medicine & PET Research, VU University
Medical Center, Amsterdam
KWF, CTMM DeCoDe WorkPackage 5 and 6 2002-2618 / 2004-3051 / 2007-3832 / 2007-3974
109. Understanding the molecular basis of the differential INFB response in relapsing remitting MS
C. Verweij1, Ch. Polman2, J. Killestein2
Dept of 1Pathology, 2 Neurology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam
MS stichting
110. Validation of citrulline as a marker of small intestine absorption capacity: a pilot study
J.H.C. Peters1, N.J. Wierdsma2, C.J.J. Mulder1, P.A.M. van Leeuwen3 and A.A. van Bodegraven1
1Department of Gastroenterology, Small Bowel Disease Unit, 2Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, 3Department of
Experimental Surgery, VU University medical center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Program 4
1. Application of bortezomib in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia
D. Niewerth1, J. van Meerloo1,2, N.E. Franke1, S. Zweegman2, Y.G. Assaraf4, G. Jansen3, G.J.L. Kaspers1, J. Cloos1,2
Depts. of 1Pediatric Oncology/Hematology, 2Hematology and 3Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center,
Amsterdam, 4Department of Biology, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
Stichting KIKA
2. Characterization of relapsed acute myeloid leukemia
C. Bachas1,2, Z.J. Kwidama1,2, G.J. Schuurhuis2, G.J.L. Kaspers1 J. Cloos1,2.
Depts. of 1Pediatric Oncology/ Hematology and 2Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
KWF KWF 2005-3666
3. Detection of residual leukemic stem cells during minimal residual disease in AML
M. Terwijn, G.J. Ossenkoppele, GJ. Schuurhuis
Dept. of Hematology, VU University Medical Center
KWF 2006-3695
4. Discovery by proteomics of factors that regulate therapy resistance in acute myeloid leukemia
S. Zweegman1, F.L. Kessler1, S.R. Piersma2, T.V. Pham2, J. C. Knol2, P. Noordhuis1, J. Cloos1, G.J. Schuurhuis1, C.
Dept of 1Hematology and 2OncoProteomics Laboratory, Dept. Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center
CCA-V-ICI grant
5. Drug resistance in childhood leukemia
N.E. Franke1, J. van Meerloo1,2, D Niewerth1,2, S.E. Verbrugge3, D.P. Geerke4 A. Schimmer5, W.J. Chng6, B.A.C.
Dijkmans3, Y.G. Assaraf7, G.J.L. Kaspers1, G. Jansen3, J. Cloos1,2
Depts. of 1Pediatric Oncology/Hematology, 2Hematology and 3Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center,
Amsterdam, 4Dept. of Medicine, National University of Singapore, 5Princess Margaret Hospital, Ontario Cancer Institute,
Toronto, 6Dept. of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, VU University, Amsterdam, 7Dept of Biology, TechnionIsrael Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
Stichting Translation Research and ZonMw PV06/08 CCA
6. Identification and characterization of AML (stem) cells responsible for development of relapse
R. Wouters2, C. Bachas1,2, Z.J. Kwidama1,2, G.J. Schuurhuis2, G.J.L. Kaspers1 J. Cloos1,2
Depts. of 1Pediatric Oncology/ Hematology and 2Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
7. Improvement of diagnosis and monitoring of childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia for better treatment in
E. Supriyadi1, P. H. Widjajanto1, J.Cloos2,3, A.J.P. Veerman2
Pediatrci Oncology, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Depts of 2Pediatric Oncology/Hematology and
3Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
KWF IN-2006-22
8. Protein tyrosine phosphatases as novel treatment targets in acute myeloid leukemia
M. Irandoust1,2, M. Akyuz1,2, E. de Bruijn3, A.J.F. Broekhuizen1,2, G.J.L. Kaspers1, E. Cuppen3, J. Cloos1,2
Depts. of 1Pediatric Hematology/Oncology and 2Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 3Genomic
Biology Department, Hubrecht institute, Utrecht
Stichting KiKa
9. Targeting of CLEC12A positive AML stem cells with CR2357 and antibody-drug conjugates
P. Noordhuis, M. Terwijn, A.R. Rutten, G.J.Ossenkoppele, G.J.Schuurhuis
Dept. of Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Crucell Nederland
10. The function of EVI-1 in Acute Myeloid Leukemia; Leukemic stem cells and chemotherapy resistance
B. Venniker-Punt, D. de Leeuw, A. Rutten, P. Merle, G. Ossenkoppele, G.J. Schuurhuis, L. Smit
Department of Hematology University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Interna and St. Vu Steunfonds Hematologie
11. The identification of biomarkers/drugtargets specific for leukemic stem cells of Acute Myeloid Leukemia
H. Verhagen, M. Terwijn, A. Rutte, B. Ylstra, R. Menezes, G. Ossenkoppele, G.J. Schuurhuis, L.Smit
Appendix 7: Ongoing projects
Department of Hematology, Microarray Facility, department of Pathology, Department of Biostatistics. VU University
Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
CCA/V-ICI project
12. The identification of microRNA(s) (signatures) for leukemic stem cells of Acute Myeloid Leukemia and Chronic
Myeloid Leukemia
D. de Leeuw, F. Denkers, G.J. Schuurhuis, G. Ossenkoppele, L. Smit
Department of Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
AICR and Interna
13. The role of impaired FPGS splicing in methotrexate response in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia
A.M. Wojtuszkiewicz1,2, G.J. Peters3, G. Jansen4, Y.G. Assaraf5, G.J.L. Kaspers1, J. Cloos1,2
Oncology/Hematology, 2Hematology, 3Medical Oncology and 4Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam,
5Department of Biology, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
Stichting KIKA (kinderen kankervrij)
14. The role of minimal residual disease, and leukemic stem cells herein, in clinical decision making
W. Zeijlemaker, A. Kelder, G.J. Schuurhuis, G.J. Ossenkoppele
Dept. Of Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
St. VU Steunfonds Hematologie
15. Targeted therapy in pediatric brain tumors
D.G. van Vuurden1,4, E. Hulleman2,4, P. van der Stoop2,4, T. Wurdinger2,4, 5, M. Irandoust1,3, G.J.L. Kaspers1, J.
Depts of 1Pediatric Oncology/ Hematology, 2Neurosurgery, 3Hematology and 4Neuro-Oncology Research Group, VU
University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 5Molecular Neurogenetics Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard
Medical School, Boston, MA. VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Combined radiotherapy with conventional chemotherapy and molecular targeted agents
16. Combined radiotherapy with conventional chemotherapy and molecular targeted agents
S. Senan, F.J. Lagerwaard, J.S.W. Lind, E.C.J. Phernambucq, E.F. Smit, V.L.J.L. Thijssen, B.J. Slotman
Departments of Radiation Oncolog, Pulmonology and Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Co-morbidity RA
17. Cardiovascular disease and Rheumatoid Arthritis
A. van Sijl1,2, M. Peters1,2, M.T. Nurmohamed1,2,4, A.E. Voskuyl2, C.D.A. Stehouwer4, M. Visser5, W.F. Lems3, R.J.
van de Stadt2, M.H.M.T. de Koning2, M. Boers6, B.A.C. Dijkmans1,2,3
Depts of 1Rheumatology, VUMC, 2Jan van Breemen Institute, 3Slotervaart Hospital, 4Dept of Internal Medicine VU
University Medical Center, 5Institute for Research in Extramural Medicine, 6Dept of Clinical Epidemiology, VUMC
Imaging: Colorectal tumours
18. Treatment optimization of cetuximab in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer based on tumor uptake of 89Zrlabeled cetuximab assessed by PET
C.W. Menke-van der Houven van Oordt, G.A.M.S. van Dongen, O.S. Hoekstra, J.J. van der Vliet, M. Labots, C. van
Montfrans, A. Beeker, H.M.W. Verheul
Dept. of Medical Oncology VU University Medical Center Amsterdam
Imaging: Paediatric tumours
19. Treatment strategies and new diagnostic tools for malignant pontine gliomas
M.H.A. Jansen1, D.G. van Vuurden1, W.P. Vandertop2, G.A.M.S. van Dongen3, O.S. Hoekstra4, G.J.L. Kaspers1
1Dept Pediatrics, Pediatric Oncology/-Hematology, 2Dept Neurosurgery, 3Dept Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
and Nuclear Medicine & PET research, 4Dept Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
VONK, Semmy Foundation
Imaging: Rheumatoid diseases
20. Clinical applications of Positron Emission Tomography for inflammatory rheumatic diseases
S.T.G. Bruijnen, J. van der Laken, A.E. Voskuyl, O.S. Hoekstra, B.A.C. Dijkmans
Dept. Of Reumatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Beheer BV gelden
21. Imaging and targeting of macrophage folate receptor-beta in rheumatoid arthritis
K. Weijers1, Y.Y.J. Gent1, G. Jansen1, C.F.M. Molthoff2, A.D. Windhorst2, J.W. van der Heijden1, A. Voskuyl1, P.S.
Low3, M. Ratnam4, Y.G. Assaraf 5, A.A. Lammertsma2, B.A.C. Dijkmans1, and C.J van der Laken1
Depts. of 1Rheumatology and 2PET-Center/Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The
Netherlands, 3Endocyte, West Lafayette, IN, USA, 4Dept of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Medical University of
Toledo, Toledo, OH. U.S.A., 5Dept. of Biology, The Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
Nationaal Reumafonds NRF-09-404
Improvement of treatment of head and neck cancer
22. Electrochemotherapy
D.H. Heuveling, R. de Bree
Dept. of Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
23. Hypothyroidism after treatment for laryngeal cancer
A.M. Lo Galbo, R. de Bree, C.R. Leemans
Dept. Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
24. Improvement of treatment of head and neck cancer. General aspects.
R. de Bree1, P. Doornaert2, I. van der Waal3, J. Buter4 , C.R. Leemans1
Depts. of 1Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, 2Radiation Oncology, 3Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 4 Medical
Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
25. Salvage treatment after (chemo)radiation
L. van der Putten, C.R. Leemans, R. de Bree
Dept. of Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Oncolytic adenovirus
Appendix 7: Ongoing projects
26. Enhancement of the oncolytic potency of conditionally replicative adenoviruses
W. Dong1, H. van Wijngaarden1, M. Cascallo2, W.R. Gerritsen3, R. Alemany2, J.J.M. Meulenberg1, V.W. van
1ORCA Therapeutics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 2Translational Research Laboratory, IDIBELL-Institut Català
d’Oncologia, Barcelona, Spain; and 3Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
27. Exploiting miRNA to enhance oncolytic adenovirus potency
J.W.H. van Ginkel1, C. Vermeulen2, J. Hodzic2, A. Vermeulen3, J. Karpilow3, J.J.M. Meulenberg1, V.W. van
1ORCA Therapeutics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 2Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 3Thermo Fisher Scientific, Dharmacon RNAi Technologies, Lafayette, CO, USA.
28. Identification of virus inhibitors in cancer cells by RNA interference screening
C. Vermeulen1, I.H. van der Meulen-Muileman1,2, R.N. Lalai1, W.R. Gerritsen1, V.W. van Beusechem1,2.
1Department of Medical Oncology and 2RNA Interference Functional Oncogenomics Laboratory, VU University Medical
Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Technology foundation STW 7710
29. Virotherapy of glioblastoma multiforme using an infectivity-enhanced selectively replication-competent adenovirus
V.W. van Beusechem1, M.L.M. Lamfers2, J.M. Amado de Azevedo1, S. Idema3, C.M.F. Dirven2, W.R. Gerritsen1, W.P.
Vandertop3, D.P. Noske3
Depts. of 1Medical Oncology and 3Neurosurgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam; 2Dept. Neurosurgery,
Erasmus MC, Rotterdam
ZonMw Translationeel Gentherapeutisch Onderzoek 43200003
30. Identification of genes involved in resistance of lung cancer cells to cisplatin
E. Siebring-van Olst1, I. Kotov2, R.X. de Menezes3, T. Marti2, R. Stahel2, E.F. Smit1, V.W. van Beusechem4,5
Depts. of 1Pulmonary Diseases, 3Epidemiology and Biostatistics, and 4Medical Oncology, and 5RNA Interference
Functional Oncogenomics Laboratory, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam; 2Laboratory of Molecular Oncology,
University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland
Foundation Avanti STR / Walter Bruckerhoff Stiftung
31. Identification of genes involved in resistance of prostate cancer cells to irradiation
J. Hodzic1, B. van Triest2, A. Geldof3, R.X. de Menezes4, W.R. Gerritsen1, M. Verheij2, V.W. van Beusechem1,5
Departments of 1Medical Oncology, 3Urology, 4Epidemiology and Biostatistics and 5RNA Interference Functional
Oncogenomics Laboratory, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam; 2Department of Radiotherapy, The Netherlands
Cancer Institute, Amsterdam
CCA, Avanti STR
Symptoms and symptomatic treatment of cerebral glioma
32. Correlation between SV2A expression in tumour tissue and efficacy of levetiracetam in glioma patients with
M. de Groot1, J.J. Heimans1, E. Aronica5, C.J. Vecht6, M. Klein3, C.J. Stam2, J.C. Reijneveld1,4
Departments of 1Neurology, 2Clinical Neurophysiology, and 3Medical Psychology, VU University Medical Center,
Amsterdam, Departments of 4 Neurology and 5 Pathology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, and 6Department of
Neurology, Medical Center ‘Haaglanden’, The Hague
UCB Pharma Nederland BV
Systemische sclerose
33. Capillair microscopie bij sclerodermie
H.M.A. Hofstee, E.H. Serne, I. Smulders, A.E. Voskuyl
Dep Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Other projects
34. A multicenter, randomized phase II trial of paclitaxel plus bevacizumab versus paclitaxel, bevacizumab plus
capecitabine in HER2-negative locally recurrent or metastastic breast cancer
S.W. Lam, A.H. Honkoop, S. de Groot, S v.d. Wildt, H. van Tinteren, E. Boven
Depts. of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center and BOOG Study Center Amsterdam
35. Absorptiometry in ICU patients
R.J.M. Strack van Schijndel1, N.J. Wierdsma2, A.A. van Bodegraven3
1Department of Intensive Care, 2Department of Nutrition and Dietetics and 3Department of Gastroenterology, Small
Bowel Disease Unit VU University medical centre, Amsterdam
36. Activity of Novel Irreversible Inhibitors of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor in Non Small Cell Lung Cancer
E. Galvani,a,b C. Carmi,c F. Vacondio,c A. Cavazzoni,a R.R. Alfieri,a E. Giovannetti,b M. Mor,c P.G. Petronini,a G.J.
a University of Parma, Department of Experimental Medicine, Italy;
bVU University Medical Center, Department of Medical Oncology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands;
c University of Parma, Pharmaceutical Department, Italy
37. Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Activity (ALDH) is higher in normal Hematopoietic Stem Cells compared to Leukemic Stem
Cells in Acute Myeloid Leukemia
G.J. Schuurhuis, L.A. Min, H. Meel, R. Wouters, N. de Jonge, M. Terwijn, A. Kelder, A.N. Snel, G.J. Ossenkoppele, L.
Department of Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands
38. Anti-inflammatory therapy and biomarker analysis during peritoneal dialysis
A. Stavenuiter, M. Schilte, K. Farhat, N. Paauw, J. van den Born, P.M. ter Wee1, R.H.J. Beelen
1Dept. Nephrology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Dutch Kidney Foundation, Marie Curie ITN
39. Assessment of renal function in pediatric oncology using new renal function markers
H.N. Blufpand1, F.C.H. Abbink1, B. Stoffel-Wagner3, G.J.L. Kaspers1, A. Bökenkamp2
Appendix 7: Ongoing projects
1Pediatric Oncology, 2Pediatric Nephrology VU University Medical Center and 3Clinical Chemistry and Clinical
Pharmacology, Bonn University Medical Center
VUmc Childhood Cancer Research Foundation – VONK
Autologous stemcell transplantation in systemic sclerosis (ASTIS); a multinational RCT
J.M. van Laar, D. Farge, A. van de Loosdrecht, P. Huijgens, A.E. Voskuyl, A. Tyndall
Dept. Of Rheumatology and Haematology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam
Bioluminescence imaging for discovery and characterization of novel glioma therapeutics
C.E. Badr1,2,3, J. Niers1,2,3, W.P. Vandertop1,2, D.P. Noske1,2, T. Wurdinger1,2,3, B.A. Tannous3
Depts. of 1Neurosurgery, 2Neuro-oncology Research Group, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam.3Molecular
Neurogenetics Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Biomarkers as predictors for the effect of anti-angiogenic therapy
L.Vroling, K.Hoekman, Y.Yuana, R. de Haas, V.W.M. van Hinsbergh1, E. Boven, G.J. Schuurhuis2, H.J.Broxterman
Depts. of Medical Oncology, 1Physiology and 2Hematology, VU University Medical Center
EU (FP6): Integrated Project: Angiotargeting 504743
Brain tumor miRNA in the development of 'genetic' chemotherapeutics
R. J. A Nilsson1,2, M. Smits1,2, S. van Rijn1,2 , P. van der Stoop1,2, J. Berenguer1,2, W.P. Vandertop1,2, D.P.
Noske1,2, T Wurdinger1,2,3
Depts. of 1Neurosurgery, 2Neuro-oncology Research Group, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam. 3Molecular
Neurogenetics Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
NWO-VIDI, Van Reekum/van Moorselaar stichting, CCA/STR, Swedish Research Council
Brainstem tumors: development of anti-tumor drugs for convection enhanced delivery
V. Caretti1,2,3, E. Hulleman2,3, J. Cloos2,3, W.P. Vandertop1,3, G.J.L. Kaspers2,3, D.P. Noske1,3, T. Wurdinger1,3,4
Depts. of 1Neurosurgery, 2Pediatric Oncology/ Hematology, 3Neuro-oncology Research Group ,VU University Medical
Center, Amsterdam. 4Molecular Neurogenetics Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School,
Boston, MA
VONK/Semmy/Stichting Egbers
Chronological or random reading of radiographs in long term follow-up studies of Rheumatoid Arthritis?
L. Van Tuyl,1,2 D.M.F.M van der Heijde, 3 M. Boers (PI)1,2
1. Dept of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics; 2. Dept of Rheumatology; VUmc; 3. Dept of Rheumatology, Leiden
Clinical evaluation of the underlying mechanisms of targeted therapy related toxicities
M. Rovithi1, H. Berkhof2, T.D. de Gruijl1, C.R. Jimenez1, M.Labots1, G.A. Meijer3, G.J. Peters1, S.Santegoets1, A.A.
van Bodegraven4, N.C.T van Grieken3, C. van Montfrans5, A.J.M van den Eertwegh1, H.M.W. Verheul1
Depts. of 1Medical Oncology, 2Biostatistics, 3 Pathology, 4 Gastroenterology and 5 Dermatology of the VU University
Medical Center
Compliance with childhood cancer treatment in Kenya
S. Mostert1, F. Njuguna2, L.J.P.A. Kemps1, M.N. Sitaresmi3, R.M. Strother4, J. Skiles4, R. Vreeman4, L.M. Aluoch2,
N.G. Buziba2, G.J.L. Kaspers1
1 Pediatric Oncology-Hematology and Doctor2Doctor program, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the
Netherlands, 2 Pediatrics, Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, Eldoret, Kenya, 3 Pediatrics, Dr Sardjito Hospital,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 4 Pediatrics and USAID-Academic Model Providing Access to Healthcare (AMPATH) program,
Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, United States of America
Development of DCOne/MUTZ-3 and novel AML-derived cell lines for DC-based allogeneic tumor vaccination
R. van de Ven1, S.J.A.M. Santegoets1, D. Oosterhoff2, M. Koppes3, P.J.G.T.B. Wijnands2, A. Reurs2, M. Meerendonk2,
J. Kaspers2, S. van Wetering2, A.J.M. van den Eertwegh1, Rik J. Scheper1,4, G.J. Ossenkoppele3, A.A. van de
Loosdrecht3, A.M. Kruisbeek2, T.D. de Gruijl1
Department of 1Medical Oncology, 2DC Prime BV, and the Departments of 3Hematology and 4Pathology, VU University
Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
DC Prime, Biopartner FSG & Senter Grant, ZonMW Translationeel Research Grant 40-41200-98-9106
Development of preclinical pediatric brain tumor imaging models
L. Hiddingh1,2,3, V. Caretti1,2,3, T. Lagerweij1,2,3, E. Hulleman1,2,3, G.J. Kaspers1, W.P. Vandertop2, C. Molthoff4,
B.A. Tannous4, D. Noske2,3, T. Wurdinger2,3,5
Depts of 1Pediatric Oncology/ Hematology, 2Neurosurgery, 3Neurooncology Research Group, VU University Medical
Center, 4VU University RNC, 5Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Stichting KiKa
Diffuse intrinsic pontine gliomas: towards new treatment strategies
V. Caretti1,2,3, D.P. Noske2,3, W.P. Vandertop2, G.J.L. Kaspers1, T. Wurdinger2,3,4
Departments of Pediatric Oncology1 and Neurosurgery2, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, Neuro-oncology
Research Group, Cancer Center Amsterdam3, Molecular Neurogenetics Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard
Medical School, Boston, MA4.
Elucidating TMZ resistance in glioma
L. Hiddingh1,2,3, G.J. Kaspers1, W.P. Vandertop2, P. Wesseling4, B.A. Tannous5, D. Noske2,3, J. Jeuken4, T.
Depts of 1Pediatric Oncology/ Hematology, 2Neurosurgery, 3Neurooncology Research Group, VU University Medical
Center, 4Pathology, RUNMC, 5Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Stichting www.stophersentumoren.nl
Epstein barr virus activation and cytolytic antivirual therapy in nasopharyngeal patients
O. Ramayanti1, A.E. Greijer1, I.B. Tan2, J. Kurnianda3, J.M. Middeldorp1
1Dept of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, 2Dept. Of Head and Neck Surgery & Medical Oncology, NKI,
Amsterdam, 3Dept Medicine, Gadjah Mada University
KWF VU 2010-4809
Evaluation of (neuro)toxicity of systemic anti-cancer therapy and neuroprotection
T.J. Postma1, A.A. Geldof2, P.C. Huijgens3, N.K. Aaronson6, G.J. Peters4, B.J. Slotman5, J.J. Heimans1
Appendix 7: Ongoing projects
Departments of 1Neurology, 2Endocrinology, 3Hematology, 4Medical Oncology, 5Radiotherapy, VU University Medical
Center, Amsterdam, Department of 6Psychosocial Research and Epidemiology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute,
EVIDENCE: European observational study on the burden of disease associated with the use of NSAIDs in
1A. Lanas, 2M. Boers
Dept of Reumatology, 1Zaragoza, Spain, 2VU University Medical Center Amsterdam
AstraZeneca international
Experimental therapy rationale for prostatic cancer
A.A. Geldof1,2, JJL Jacobs1, I.V. Bijnsdorp1, P. J. Frantzen1 , A. Vis1 and R.J.A. van Moorselaar1
Depts. of 1Urology and 2Nuclear Medicine & PET Research, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Exploring the role of endothelial galectins in tumor angiogenesis
I. Schulkens1, R. Heusschen1, A.M. Dingemans2, V. Van den Boogaart2, H.M. Verheul1, A.W. Griffioen, V.L.J.L.
Depts. of 1Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, 2Pulmonology, Maastricht University Medical Cencer,
Maastricht, and 3Radiotherapy, VU University Medical Center
KWF 2009-4358
Gemcitabine and PI3Kinase-Akt pathway inhibition to enhance radiotherapy in human glioblastoma multiforme
M El-Naggar, C Fedrigo, P. Sminia, GJ Peters
Dept. Of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Human pharmacokinetics (PK) of selected tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI) in relation to transport characteristics in
a polarized gut epithelium model system
R. Honeywell; C. Fatmawati; M. Boeddha; I. Kathmann; N. Losekoot; E. Giovannetti; H.M. Verheul, E.F. Smit; G.J.
Dept. Of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Identification of targeted therapies for anaplastic large cell lymphoma based on apoptosis expression profiles
S. Cillessen, G. Ossenkoppele, C. Meijer
Dept. Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam
Image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT)
S. Senan, W.F.A.R. Verbakel, M. Dahele, J.R. van Sörnsen de Koste, P. Doornaert, J.P. Cuijpers, F.J. Lagerwaard, C.L.
Ong, C.J. Haasbeek, F.O.B. Spoelstra, B.J. Slotman
Departments of Radiation Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Immune correlates of clinical response and survival in castration resistant prostate cancer patients treated with
Prostate GVAX and anti-CTLA4 immunotherapy
S.J.A.M. Santegoets2, A.J.M. van den Eertwegh1, A.G.M. Stam2, S.M. Lougheed1, H. Gall1, P.E.T. Scholten2, B.M.E. von
Blomberg2, E. Hooijberg2, K. Jooss4, N. Sacks4, K. Hege4, I. Lowy5, R.J. Scheper2, W.R. Gerritsen1, T.D. de Gruijl1
Departments of 1Medical Oncology and 2Pathology of the VU University medical center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands;
3Abramson Family Cancer Research Institute, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA; 4Cell Genesys Inc.,South San
Francisco, CA; 5Medarex, Bloomsbury, NJ
Prostate Cancer Foundation Research Award, Dutch Cancer Society KWF-VU 2006-3697
Immunogenetic and therapeutic aspects of Autoimmune hepatitis
N.M.F. van Gerven1, B.J. Verwer1, Y.S. de Boer1, C.J.J. Mulder1, E. Bloemena2, G. Kraal3, C.M.J. van Nieuwkerk1, G.
1. Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, VU University Medical Center, 2. Department of Pathology, VU
University Medical Center, 3. Department of Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center
Immunomodulation in melanoma sentinel lymph node
B.D. Koster1, M.F.C.M. van den Hout2, R. van de Ven1, B.J.R. Sluijter3, S.M. Lougheed1, S.J.A.M. Santegoets1, P.A.M.
van Leeuwen3, S. Meijer3, R.J. Scheper2, P. van den Tol3, A.J.M. van den Eertwegh1, T.D. de Gruijl1
Departments of 1Surgical Oncology, 2Medical Oncology, and 3Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The
Harry J. Lloyd Charitable Trust, Heelkundefonds
Improving conventional immunomodulating thiopurine and methotrexate therapy in inflammatory bowel disease
M.L. Seinen, A.A. van Bodegraven, G.J. Peters, C.J.J. Mulder
Dept. Of Gastroenterology and Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center
Industry: HLW bv, Helmond
Individualized treatment of patients with advanced colorectal cancer based on miRNA expression profiling
M. Neerincx1, T.E. Buffart1, B. Diosdado2, T. Pham1, H. Dekker1, D. Sie2, C. Verhoef3, G.A. Meijer2, H.M.W. Verheul1
1 Dept. of Medical Oncology VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, 2 Dept. of Pathology VU University Medical
Center Amsterdam, 3 Dept. of Surgical Oncology Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam
Innovative techniques for intracranial stereotactic radiotherapy
Lagerwaard FJ, Meijer OWM, Haasbeek CJA, Vandertop WP, Baaijen JC, van den Berg R, Postma TJ, Leemans CR,
Slotman BJ
Depts. of Radiation Oncology, Neurosurgery, Radiology, Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery and Neurology, VU
University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Varian - RapidArc
Is c-Abl a potentail target for therapy in Enteropathy Associated T-cell Lymphomas?
M. Radersma1, C.J.L.M. Meijer2, O.J. Visser3, B.M.E. von Blomberg2, G. Bouma1, C.J.J. Mulder1, S.A.G.M. Cillessen2
Depts. of 1Gastro-enterology and Hepatology,2Clinical Pathology, 3Hematology, VU University Medical Center,
MLDS grant WO-9-28
Kinase activity of tumor-derived exosomes as a potential biomarker for response to treatment
J.C. van der Mijn1, C.R. Jimenez1, S.R. Piersma1, H. Dekker1, M. Labots1, L.M. Schutte1, E.F. Smit2, H.J.
Broxterman1, B.A. Tannous1, T. Wurdinger3, H.M.W. Verheul1
Appendix 7: Ongoing projects
Depts. of 1Medical Oncology, 2Pulmonology 3Neurosurgery of the VU University Medical Center and 4Neurogenetics unit,
Harvard Medical School, Charlestown (USA)
Leukemia associated antigen loading of dendritic cells for vaccination of acute myeloid leukemia patients
J.M. Ruben1, W.A. van den Ancker1, T,D de Gruijl2, T.M. Westers1, G.J. Ossenkoppele1, H.J. Bontkes1, A.A. van de
Departments of Hematology1 and medical oncology2, Cancer Center Amsterdam, VU University Medical Center
Modulation of miRNAs in glioma stem-like cells
S. van Rijn1,2, M. Smits1,2, J. Nilsson1,2, D.P. Noske1,2, T. Würdinger1,2,3
1Neuro-oncology Research Group, 2Department of Neurosurgery, VU University Medical Center, 3Molecular
Neurogenetics Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
CCA/STR funding
Molecular basis of sensitivity/resistance for folate antagonist and experimental targeted drugs
G. Jansen1, J.W. van der Heijden1, R. Oerlemans1, W.F. Lems1, R.J. Scheper2, J. Cloos3, N.E. Franke3, S.E.
Verbrugge1, R. Mauritz4, C.L. Verweij1,2, R. de Jonge5, G.L. Scheffer2, G.J. Peters4, Y.G. Assaraf 6 and B.A.C.
Depts. of 1Rheumatology, 2Pathology, 3Pediatric Oncology and 4Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 5 Dept. of Clinical Chemistry, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands,
6Dept. of Biology, The Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
Molecular mechanisms involved in the synergistic interaction of the EZH2 inhibitor 3-deazaneplanocin A (DZNeP)
with gemcitabine in pancreatic cancer cells
A. Avan1,* F. Crea2,* E. Paolicchi2,* N. Funel3, E. Galvani1, V.E. Marquez4, R. Honeywell1, R. Danesi2, G.J. Peters1,#
E. Giovannetti1
1Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 2Department of Internal Medicine,
University of Pisa, Italy; 3Department of Surgery, University of Pisa, Italy; 4NIH, Frederick, MD, US
New therapy for Epstein-Barr virus driven tumours by targeting the virus itself
Z. Novalic1, A.E. Greijer1, I.B. Tan2, J.P. de Boer2, J.M. Middeldorp1
1Dept of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, 2Dept. Of Head and Neck Surgery & Medical Oncology, NKI,
Nieuwe behandelingsmogelijkheden bij longkankerpatienten met een K-RAS mutatie
W.W. Mellema, E.F. Smit
Dept. Pulmology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Optimalisation of immunomodulating therapies in IBD treatment
D.P. van Asseldonk1, K.H.N. de Boer1, C.J, Mulder1, A.A. van Bodegraven1
Dept. of 1Gastroenterology, VU University Medical Center
Phase I-II study of everolimus and low-dose oral cyclophosphamide in patients with metastatic RCC
L. Huijts, J.J. van der Vliet, T.D. Gruijl, H. Verheul
Dept of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Photoimmunodetection of colorectal cancer
M. Ankersmit1, DA van Dam1, MHGM van der Pas1, EA te Velde, E. De Cuba, GAMS van Dongen2, WJHJ Meijerink1
Depts of 1Gastro-intestinal Surgery, 2Nucleaire Geneeskunde en PET research, VU University Medical Center
Prediction of response to radiotherapy with concomitant and adjuvant Temozolomide in glioblastoma patients with
serum proteomics
M.E. Van Linde1#, J.C. van der Mijn1#, J.C. Knol1, L.E. Wedekind3, T. Pham1, J.C. Reijneveld2, C.R. Jimenez1,
H.M.W. Verheul1
Depts. of 1Medical Oncology, 2Neurology and 3Neurosurgery of the VU University Medical Center, # contributed equally
Promoting antitumor immunity by specific tumor-targeting of iNKT cells
T.D. de Gruijl1, G.A.M.S. van Dongen, J.J. van der Vliet1
1Dept. Of Medical Oncology and 2Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Prospective Validation of Soluble Biomarkers as Predictors of Structural Damage in Rheumatoid Arthritis (BIODAM)
G. Wells (Canada), J. Bathon (USA), C. Bingham (USA), V. Bykerk (Canada), M. Ostergaard (Denmark), T. Kvien
(Norway), M. Boers (Netherlands), D. Aletaha (Austria), P.P. Tak (Netherlands), O. Fitzgerald (Ireland), C. Ritchlin
(USA), P. Mease (USA), H. El-Gabalawy (Canada), W. Lems (Netherlands), D.J. van Schaardenburg (Netherlands), H.
Berner Hammer (Norway), M. Backhaus (Germany), B. Combe (France), G. Ferraccioli (Italy).
OMERACT Biomarker working group
Proteasome inhibitor targeting of the (immuno)proteasome: effects on immune effector cells and therapeutic
consequences for cancer and chronic inflammatory diseases
S.E. Verbrugge1, T.D. de Gruijl2, R.J. Scheper3, E. Chan4, C.J. Kirk4, J. Cloos5, Y.G. Assaraf 6, B.A.C. Dijkmans1, and
G. Jansen1
Depts. of 1Rheumatology, 2Medical Oncology, 3Pathology, 5 Pediatric Oncology, VU University Medical Center,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 4Onyx Pharmaceuticals, South San Francisco, USA. 6Dept. of Biology, The Technion, Israel
Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel.
V-ICI Pro07/36
Radiation and targeted therapy of brain tumours
P. Sminia1,K .A. van Nifterik1,6,7, J. van den Berg1, N. Ameziane2, L.J.A. Stalpers6, T.J.M. Hulsebos7, S. Leenstra8, P.
van der Valk4, M.V.M. Lafleur1, R.D.M. Steenbergen3, B.J. Slotman1
Depts. 1Radiation Oncology, 2Oncogenetics, 3Molecular Pathology, 4Pathology, 5Dept Medical Oncology, VU University
Medical Center, Depts. 6Radiation Oncology, 7Neurogenetics, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam; 8Dept.
Neurosurgery, St. Elisabeth Ziekenhuis,Tilburg
KWF VU2000-2149
Resistance to proteasome inhibitors in cancer and reumatoid arthritis
B. Dijkmans1, T.D. de Gruijl2, R.J. Scheper3, G. Jansen1
Appendix 7: Ongoing projects
1Dept. Of Reumatology, 2Medical Oncology and 3Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Resistance to receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors
H.J. Broxterman, K.J. Gotink, M. Labots, R.R. de Haas, H. Dekker, V. van Beusechem, R.J. Honeywell, G.J. Peters, H.M.
Dept. of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center
Risk and Benefit of Glucocorticoid Therapy in Rheumatoid Arthritis: A systematic review and GRADE approach to
the body of evidence from prospective studies
S. Tarp Jensen1,2, E.M. Bartels1, H. Bliddal1,3,4, M. Boers5, D.E. Furst6, J.R. Kirwan7, B. Danneskiold-Samsøe1,3,4, M.
Rasmussen2, R. Christensen1,8
1.Parker Institute (MSU), Copenhagen Univ Hosp Frederiksberg Denmark, 2. Fac Pharmaceutical Sciences, Univ
Copenhagen, Denmark, 3. Center for Sensory-Motor Interaction, Aalborg University, Denmark, 4. Fac Health & Science,
Univ of Copenhagen, Denmark, 5. Dept Epidemiology and Biostatistics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 6.
Univ California, Los Angeles, USA, 7. Univ Bristol, Bristol, UK,
8. Inst Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, Univ of Southern Denmark, Odense M, Denmark.
Mundipharma International
Role of flow cytometry in the diagnosis and prognostication of myelodysplastic syndromes
C. Alhan, T.M. Westers, C. Cali, K. Vandenberghe, K. Schouten, G.J. Ossenkoppele, A.A. van de Loosdrecht
Dept. of Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
VUmc, dept. of Hematology/Stichting Hematologie Fonds, Celgene/Roche as part of HOVON89
Sensitivity of pediatric high-grade glioma to chemotherapy
Veringa S.J.E.1, van Vuurden D.G.1, D.P. Noske2, W.P. Vandertop2, T. Wurdinger2, G.J.L. Kaspers1, E. Hulleman1
Depts of 1Pediatric Oncology/ Hematology, and 2Neurosurgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
EDLI foundation
Sensitization towards TRAIL-induced apoptosis in acquired bortezomib resistant A549 cells is not mediated by
downstream apoptotic signalling
L.H.A.M. de Wilt1, G.J. Peters1, S. de Jong3, G. Jansen2, F.A.E. Kruyt3
1Department of medical oncology and 2department of Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The
Netherlands; 3Department of medical oncology, University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen,
Groningen, The Netherlands
Shared decision-making in early-stage lung cancer
DRM Timmermans1, S Senan2, W Hopmans1-2, OC Damman1, BJ Slotman2, EF Smit3, CJA Haasbeek2
¹Department of Public and Occupational Health and the EMGO+ Institute for Health and Care Research, 2 Radiation
Oncology, Pulmonology3, VU University Medical Centre, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Small molecule bioluminescent screening for novel therapeutics for pediatric brain tumors
E. Hulleman1,2,4, J. Cloos1,3, G.J.L. Kaspers1, W.P. Vandertop2,4, B.A. Tannous5, D.P. Noske2,4, T.Wurdinger2,4,5
Depts of 1Pediatric Oncology/ Hematology, 2Neurosurgery and 3Hematology and 4Neuro-oncology Research Group,
5Molecular Neurogenetics Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA. VU University
Medical Center, Amsterdam
Stichting KIKA en NIH-R21
Specific tumor-targeting of iNKT cells and VγVδ2 T cells using nanobody technology
R. de Bruin, T.D. de Gruijl1, H. Verheul1, R.J. Scheper2, J.J. van der Vliet1
1Dept. Of Medical Oncology and 2Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
KWF fellowship
Stereotactic ablative radiotherapy for lung cancer and comparative effectivess research
S. Senan, D.A. Palma2, W.F.A.R. Verbakel, F.J. Lagerwaard, C.J. Haasbeek, C.L. Ong, A.V. Louie, D. Rodrigues, N.E.
Verstegen, J.P. Cuijpers, A.V. Louie2, B.J. Slotman
Departments of Radiation Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam and 2Department of Radiation Oncology,
London Regional Cancer Program, London, Ontario, Canada
Stereotactic ablative ratiotherapy (SABR) for oligometastases
M. Dahele, C.J.A. Haasbeek, W.F.A.R. Verbakel, D.A. Palma2, B.J. Slotman, S. Senan
Departments of Radiation Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 2 1Department of Radiation Oncology,
London Regional Cancer Program, London, Ontario, Canada
Study on the interaction between angiogenesis inhibition and radiotherapy
Thijssen VLJL, Kleibeuker E, Castricum K, Senan S, Griffioen AW, Verheul HM, Slotman B
Depts. of 1Radiotherapy, VU University Medical Center, and 2Radiotherapy, VU University Medical Center
Target identification specific for leukemic stem cells of acute myeloid leukemia
H. Verhagen1, M. Terwijn1, A. Rutten1, B. Ylstra2, R. Menezes3, G. Ossenkoppele1, G.J. Schuurhuis1, L. Smit1
Department of Hematology1, Microarray Facility, department of Pathology2, Department of Biostatistics3, VU University
Medical Center, Amsterdam
Targeted therapy of osteosarcoma
drs. J. Posthuma de Boer1, dr. M. N. Helder1, dr. V.W. van Beusechem2, prof. dr. G.J.L. Kaspers3. prof. dr. B.J. van
1Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, VU University Medical Center, 2department of Medical Oncology, VU University
Medical Center and 3department of Pediatric Oncology/Haematology, VU University Medical Center. Supported by
Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark, Stichting VUmc fonds VONK and the department of Orthopaedic Surgery, VU
University Medical Centre, Amsterdam
The Strategic Regeneration Network
Targeted therapy selection-based on tumor tissue phosphoproteomic and kinase activity profiles in patients with
solid tumors
M. Labots, J. C. Van der Mijn, H. Dekker, K. Gotink, M. Voebel-de Jong, R. Ruijter, M. Neerincx, T. V. Pham, H. J. Van
Der Vliet, C. R. Jimenez, J. Van Der Hoeven, G. A. Meijer1, H. M. Verheul
Dept. of Medical Oncology VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, Dept. of Pathology VU University Medical Center
Targeting galectin-1 for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer
Appendix 7: Ongoing projects
R. Heusschen1, I. Schulkens1, A.W. Griffioen1, H.M. Verheul1, V.L.J.L. Thijssen1,2
Depts. of 1Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, and 2Radiotherapy, VU University Medical Center
KWF UM 2008-4101
99. Targeting resistance to radio-chemotherapy by inhibition of the PI3Kinase-Akt signaling pathway
R.S. Narayan1, C.A. Fedrigo2, L.J.A. Stalpers3, B. G. Baumert4, M.E. van Linde5, N.A.P. Franken3, J. van den Berg1, J.
Theys4, G.J. Peters5, B.J. Slotman1, T. Wurdinger6, P. Sminia1
Depts. 1Radiation Oncology, 5Medical Oncology,6 Neuro-Oncology Research Group, VU University Medical Center;
2Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul; Dept. 3Radiation Oncology, Academic Medical Center,
Amsterdam; 4Dept. Radiation Oncology Maastricht Universitair Medisch Centrum
KWF 2010-4874
100. The role of epigenetics in the treatment of pediatric brain tumors
S.E. Mir1,5, M. Smits2,5, E. Hulleman1,2,5, T. Wurdinger2,5, D. Noske2,5, G.J.L. Kaspers1, B. Drukarch3, J. Cloos1,4
Depts of 1Pediatric Oncology/ Hematology, 2Neurosurgery, 3Anatomy and Neusosciences and 4Hematology, 5Neurooncology Research Group, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Mozaiek, KWF fellowship
101. Thymidine protection of rapamycin cytotoxicity is mediated by increased p70/S6k phosphorylation and autophagy
I.V. Bijnsdorp, F.A.E. Kruyt, M. Fukushima, G.J. Peters
Department of Medical Oncology, VUmc, Amsterdam, Taiho Pharmaceuticals, Tokushima, Japan, Department of Medical
Oncology, UMCG, Groningen
Taiho Pharmaceuticals, Japan
102. TRAIL-induced pro- and anti-apoptotic kinase activation in Non small cell lung cancer cells
K. Azijli1,2, S. Yuvaraj2, M.P. Peppelenbosch3, T. Würdinger4,5, H. Dekker1, J. Joore3, E. van Dijk6, W.J. Quax7, G.J.
Peters1, S. de Jong2, F.A.E. Kruyt2
1. Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 2. Department of Medical Oncology ,
University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, 3. Department of Gastroenterology & Hepatology,
Erasmus MC, Rotterdam 4. Neuro-oncology Research Group, Departments of Neurosurgery and Pediatric
Oncology/Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 5. Molecular Neurogenetics Unit, Department of
Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Charlestown, MA 02113, USA 6. Pepscan Presto
BV, Lelystad 7. Department of Pharmaceutical Biology, University of Groningen
Top Institute Pharma T3-112
103. Treatment and survival of indolent and aggressive NHL patients; population based studies in the Netherlands
D.E. Issa, M. Wondergem, O. Visser, J.M. Zijlstra, S. Zweegman, P.C. Huijgens
Department of Hematology, VU University Medical Center
104. Vaccination in acute myeloid leukemia; towards a cure by innovative dendritic cell-based immunotherapeutic
Ruben J1, Van den Ancker W1, de Gruijl TD2, Bontkes HJ1, Westers TM1, Ossenkoppele GJ1, van de Loosdrecht AA1
1Dept of Hematology, 2Dept of Oncology, VU University Hospital Amsterdam
Program 5
Late effects of brain tumor therapy
1. Efficacy and toxicity of cerebral glioma treatment
I. Bosma1, M.J. Vos1, E. Sizoo1, M. de Groot1, T.J. Postma1, J.C. Reijneveld1,11, M.J.B. Taphoorn1,13, W.P.
Vandertop2,12, J.C. Baayen2, B.J. Slotman3, F. Lagerwaard3, J.Buter4 , M. Klein5, O.S. Hoekstra6, F. Barkhof7, E.
Sanchez7, P. van der Valk8, A.A.T.P. Brink8, M.A. Blankenstein9, J. Berkhof10, J.J. Heimans1
Department of 1Neurology, 2Neurosurgery, 3Radiotherapy, 4Medical Oncology, 5Medical Psychology, 6 Nuclear
medicine, 7Radiology, 8Pathology, 9Clinical Chemistry, and 10Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, VU University
Medical Center, Department of 11Neurology and 12Neurosurgery, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, 12Department
of Neurology, MC ‘Haaglanden’, Den Haag
Late effects of tumor treatment
2. Pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia: quality of life and cost-effectiveness of treatment
R.R.L. van Litsenburg¹, E.M.M. Meijer-van den Bergh², J. Huisman³, P.M. Hoogerbrugge4, C. Verhaak², G.J.L. Kaspers¹,
R.J.B.J. Gemke¹
Department of ¹Pediatrics VU University Medical Center, ²medical psychology UMC Nijmegen, ³Medical Psychology, VU
University Medical Center and 4Pediatrics UMC Nijmegen.
Patient reported outcome in head and neck cancer
3. Health related quality of life in head and neck cancer patients: survival, response shift, and care
I.M. Oskam1, R.N.P.M. Rinkel1, P. Doornaert2, I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw1, R. de Bree1, J.A. Langendijk3, N.K.
Aaronson4, C.R. Leemans1
1Departments of Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, 2Radiotherapy, VU University
Medical Center, 3Radiotherapy, University Medical Center Groningen, 4Division of Psychosocial Research &
Epidemiology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute Amsterdam
4. OncoCompass: Development and pilot testing of a e-health management platform to optimise disease management
in cancer patients
Lubberding S, van Uden-Kraan CF, Leemans CR. de Bree R, Gerritsen WR, van Kalken C, Kraaijenhagen RA, Cuijpers P,
Verdonck-de Leeuw IM
Dept Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
NDDO Foundation and KWF
5. OncoQuest: touch screen computer based screening of health related quality of life and distress
I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw1, C.R. Leemans1, R.N.P.M. Rinkel1, P. Doornaert2, R. de Bree1, C.R. Leemans1
1Departments of Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, 2Radiotherapy, VU University
Medical Center
Fonds NutsOhra 0702-118
Appendix 7: Ongoing projects
Patient reported speech and swallowing outcome in head and neck cancer
R.N. Rinkel1, R. de Bree1, J.A. Langendijk2, C.R. Leemans1, I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw1
1Dept Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, 2Dept Radiotherapy, University Medical Center
Groningen, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Psycho-Oncology / Palliative Care
7. Psychosocial aspects in head and neck cancer patients
I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw1, A.M.H. Krebber1, P. Cuijpers2, G. Kleijn2, A. van Straten2, R. de Bree1, C.R. Leemans1
1,Depts. Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center and 12Clinical Psychology, VU University
ZonMw DO 80-82305-98-09001, ZonMw DM (600-82600-98-8043/300020012); ZonMw PZ 1151.0003, Fonds NutsOhra 080T045
Psychosocial aspects in head and neck cancer
8. Costeffectiveness of psychological intervention via the internet in head and neck cancer patients
Krebber AMH, Leemans CR, Cuijpers P, van Straten A, Smit F, de Bree R, Becker A, Smit E, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM
Dept. Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
ZonMw DC 80-82305-98-09001
9. Internet-based treatment of low-grade glioma patients with depression and fatigue; randomized controlled trial
M.Klein1, J.C. Reijneveld2,3, I. Verdonck4,5, J.J. Heimans2, P. Cuijpers5
Departments of 1Medical Psychology, 2Neurology, VU University Medical Center, 3Neurology, Academic Medical Center,
4Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, 5Clinical Psychology, VU University, Amsterdam
KWF (Alpe d'Huzes) 4615-4804
10. Stepped care to improve symptoms of anxiety and depression in cancer patients
Krebber AMH, Leemans CR, Cuijpers P, van Straten A, Smit F, de Bree R, Becker A, Smit E, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM
Dept. Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
ZonMW 600-82600-98-8043/300
11. Structured life review using autobiographical retrieval practice in depressed palliative head and neck cancer
Kleijn G. de Bree R. Leemans CR, Bohlmeijer E, Steunenberg B, Eeltink C, Slotman B, Becker A, Smit E, Cuijpers P,
Verdonck-de Leeuw IM
Dept. Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
ZonMw PZ 1151.0003
Voice, speech and swallowing in head and neck cancer
12. Prediction of radiation-induced swallowing dysfunction after curative (chemo) radiation for head and neck cancer
M.C.E.M. Christianen, I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw, M. de Bruijn, R.N. Rinkel, C.R. Leemans, P. Doornaert, J.A. Langendijk
Dept. Otolarynogology'/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam
KWF RUG 2008-3938
13. Efficacy of voice therapy in patients with voice problems after treatment for early glottic cancer
C.D.L. van Gogh1, I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw1, R.N. Rinkel1, J.A. Langendijk2, P. Doornaert3, H.F. Mahieu1
1Dept Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, 2Dept Radiotherapy, University Medical Center
Groningen, 3Dept Radiotherapy, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
KWF Dutch Cancer Society RUG2008-3983, Fonds NutsOhra 080T-043, Eureka 2614 GGN371, VAZ/CVZ Doelmatigheid
00143 00143
14. LARINX: a web-based self-help programme for laryngectomized patients during and after treatment
Cnossen IC, Leemans CR, Rinkel RN, de Bree R, Eeerensten SE, Langendijk JA, Doornaert P Verdonck-de Leeuw IM
Dept. Otolarynogology'/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam
Michel Keijzer Foundation
15. Objective speech assessment in head and neck cancer: acoustic-phonetic and feature analyses by a neural network
M. de Bruijn1, J.A. Langendijk2, C.R. Leemans1, R. de Bree1, I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw1
1Dept Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, 2Dept Radiotherapy, University Medical Center
KWF Dutch Cancer Society RUG2008-3983, Fonds NutsOhra 080T-043, Eureka 2614 GGN371, VAZ/CVZ Doelmatigheid
00143 2008-3983
16. Prevention of speech, swallowing, and shoulder impairment after treatment for head and neck cancer
Cnossen IC, Leemans CR, Rinkel, RN, de Bree R, Eerenstein SE, Langendijk JA, Doornaert P, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM
Dept. Otolarynogology'/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam
Fonds NutsOhra 080T-043 080T-043
Other projects
17. A combined physical exercise and psychosocial training program to improve physical fitness in children with cancer
K.I. Braam1, E.M. van Dijk2, E. van Dulmen-den Broeder1, M.A. Veening1, M. Bierings3, J. van der Net3, J.H.M. Merks4,
M.A. Grootenhuis4 G. Sinnema3, M. Chinapaw5, T. Takken3, J. Huisman2, G.J.L. Kaspers1
1Pediatric Oncology/ Hematology, VU University Medical Center, and 2Dept of medical Psychology VU university
medical center; 3Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital, University Medical Center Utrecht; 4Academic Medical Centre,
Amsterdam; 5EMGO institute, VU University Medical Center
Alpe d’HuZes/KWF 2009-4305
18. Distress and quality of life of patients treated with autologous stem cell transplantation following high-dose
chemotherapy: Outcome of stepped care
A. Braamse1, B. van Meijel2, O. Visser3, P.C. Huijgens3, A. Boenink1, P. Cuijpers4, P. van Oppen1 , A.T.F. Beekman1, J.
1 Dept. of Psychiatry VU University Medical Center, 2 Research Group Mental Health Nursing, Inholland University, 3
Dept. of Hematology VU University
VU University Medical Center and Inholland University
19. Early recognition and optimal treatment of delirium in patients with advanced cancer
E.C.W. Neefjes1, M.J.D.L. van der Vorst1, A.T.F. Beekman2, H. Berkhof3, H.M.W. Verheul1
Depts. of 1Medical Oncology, 2Psychiatry and 3Biostatistics of the VU University Medical Center
ZonMw 1151.0011
Appendix 7: Ongoing projects
20. Early-detection of quality of life problems in children with Retinoblastoma and their parents
A.G. La Rivière1, J. van Dijk2, J. Huisman2, A. Frankfoorder1, G. Buurmans-Kool1, M.I. Bosscha1, A. Kors3, E. van
Dulmen-den Broeder5, M.A. Grootenhuis4, A. Houffelaar5, I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw5 and A.C. Moll1
Depts. of 1Ophthalmology, 2Pedriatic Psychology, 3Pediatric Oncology, 5ENT/Head and Neck, VU University Medical
Center, and 4Clinical Psychology, Free University, and Psychosocial Department, Pediatrics, University Hospital of
NutsOhra, grant 0901-072
21. Enhancing quality of life in low-grade glioma patients by attacking fatigue through modafinil: a randomized
magnetoencephalography study
S. Driessen1, K. Hilverda1, L. Douw2, M. de Groot2, M.J.B. Taphoorn2,4, J.J. Heimans2, J.C. Reijneveld2,3, M. Klein1
Departments of 1Medical Psychology and 2Neurology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 3Department of
Neurology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, 4Department of Neurology, MC ‘Haaglanden’, Den Haag
Fonds NutsOhra Zorgsubsidies
22. Glucocorticoid induced HPA axis suppression in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and lymphoma
M.S. Gordijn1, R.J.B.J. Gemke1, J. Rotteveel1, M.B. Bierings2, C. van den Bos3, G.J.L. Kaspers1
Depts. of 1Pediatrics and Pediatric Oncology/Hematology, VU University Medical Center, 2Pediatric Hematology,
Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital, University Medical
Center Utrecht, 3Pediatric Oncology/Hematology, Emma’s Children Hospital / Academic
Medical Center
Dutch Cancer Society, grant VU 2010-4859
23. Health-related quality of life in high-grade glioma patients and their partners in the end-of-life phase
E. Sizoo1, J.J. Heimans1, M. Klein2, T.J. Postma1, R. Grant6, W. Grisold7, C. Marosi 8,G. Stockhammer9, H.R.W.
Pasman3, L. Deliens3 J.C. Reijneveld1,4, M.J.B. Taphoorn1,5
Departments of 1Neurology, 2Medical Psychology, and 3EMGO+, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 4Department
of Neurology, Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam, 5Department of Neurology, Medical Centre ‘Haaglanden’, Den
Haag, 6Department of Neurology, Western General Hospital, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 7Ludwig Bolzman
Institute for Neuro-Oncology, Kaiser Franz Josef Hospital, Vienna, 8Department of Internal Medicine, Medical Univeristy,
Vienna, and 9Department of Neurology, Neuro-Oncology Group, Medical University of Innsbruck, Austria
Jacobus Stichting
24. Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal axis function in survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia and healthy
M.S. Gordijn1, R.R.L. van Litsenburg1, RJ.B.J. Gemke1, M.B. Bierings2, C.J. Heijnen3, P.M. Hoogerbrugge4, P.M. van de
Ven5, G.J.L. Kaspers1
Depts. of 1Pediatrics and Pediatric Oncology/Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 2Pediatric
Hematology/Oncology, Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital, University Medical Center Utrecht 3Laboratory
Psychoneuroimmunology, Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital, University Medical Center Utrecht, 4Pediatric HematoOncology, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center, 5Epidemiology and Biostatistics, VU University Medical Center,
KWF VU 2010-4859
25. Maintaining health-related quality of life of caregivers of glioblastoma patients: a randomized, two-group,
controlled trial
J. Lenting1, J.J. Heimans2, T.J. Postma2, M.J.B. Taphoorn2,3 J.C. Reijneveld2,4, M. Klein1
Departments of 1Medical Psychology and 2Neurology, VU University Medical Center, 4Department of Neurology,
Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, 3Department of Neurology, Medical Center ‘Haaglanden’, Den Haag
Tug McGraw Foundation / National Brain Tumor Foundation
26. Metoclopramide, Dexamethasone or Aprepitant for the prevention of delayed chemotherapy-induced nausea and
vomiting in moderately emetogenic non-AC-based chemotherapy: the MEDEA trial
M.J.D.L. van der Vorst1, J. Dekker2, H. Berkhof3, H.M.W. Verheul1
Depts. of 1Medical Oncology, 2 Psychiatry/Rehabilitation Medicine and 3Biostatistics of the VU University Medical Center
27. NET-QUBIC, quality of life and biomedical cohort study in head and neck cancer: a feasibility study
A. van Nieuwenhuizen, C.R. Leemans, L. Buffart, R. de Bree, I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw
Depts. Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center and 12Clinical Psychology, VU University
28. Neurotoxicity of cancer treatment: Neurocognitive dysfunction and underlying mechanisms
I. Schuitema1,2, A.J.P. Veerman1, C. van den Bos3, L.M.J. de Sonneville2
1Pediatrics Oncology/Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam; 2Dept. of Child and Adolescent Studies,
University of Leiden, Leiden; 3Dept. of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, Amsterdam Medical
Center, Amsterdam
29. Preclinical, translational and clinical research including quality of life and late effect studies in pediatric oncology
G.J.L. Kaspers1, E. van Dulmen-den Broeder1, F. Abbink1, V. De Haas1,2, E.G. Hulleman1, W.A. Kors1, N.A. Oeij1, S.
Mostert1, D.G. van Vuurden1, M.A. Veening1, A.J.P. Veerman1, J. Cloos1
1Pediatric Oncology/Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam and 2Dutch Childhood Oncology Group, The
Hague, The Netherlands
30. Predictive factors for severe weight loss in head and neck cancer patients
J.A.E. Langius1, C.R. Leemans2, P. Doornaert3, H.M. Kruizenga1, I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw2, J.A. Langendijk4, P.J.M.
Depts. of 1Nutrition and Dietetics, Internal Medicine; 2Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery; 3Radiation Oncology, VU
University Medical Center, Amsterdam and 4Radiation Oncology, University Medical Center Groningen, University of
Groningen, The Netherlands
CCA CCA2011-1-02
31. Prevalence and biomarkers of pre-cachexia and cachexia in advanced cancer patients scheduled for treatment with
S. Buskermolen, M.A.E. van Bokhorst-van der Schueren, J.A.E. Langius, H.M.W. Verheul
Dept. of Nutricion and Dietics and Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Fonds NutsOhra
32. Quality of life and neurocognitive functioning in meningioma patients
Appendix 7: Ongoing projects
D. van Nieuwenhuizen1, S.M. Peerdeman2, L.J.A. Stalpers5, W.P. Vandertop2,6, , M. Waagemans1,3, J.J. Heimans1, M.
Klein3, J.C. Reijneveld1,4
Department of 1Neurology, 2Neurosurgery, and 3Medical Psychology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam,
Department of 4Neurology, 5Radiotherapy, and 6Neurosurgery, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam
Quality of life in patients treated with radiotherapy for head and neck cancers
P. Doornaert, M.R. Vergeer, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, C.R. Leemans, B.J. Slotman
Dept of Radiation Oncology, Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Reproductive function, ovarian reserve, and risk of premature menopause in female childhood cancer survivors: a
nationwide study
A. Overbeek1, M.H. van den Berg1, C.B. Lambalk2, G.J.L. Kaspers1, F.E. van Leeuwen3, E. van Dulmen-den Broeder1
Depts. of 1Pediatric Oncology/Hematology and 2Obstetrics & Gynaecology, VU University Medical Center,
3Epidemiology, Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam
KWF / Kika Foundation 2006-3622
Risk factors for impairments of quality of life after colorectal cancer: a feasibility study
A.M.J. Braamse1, C.J.J. Mulder 2, B Penninx1, J.H. Smit1, S.T. van Turenhout2 , J. Dekker1,3
Depts. Of 1Psychiatry, 2 Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 3 Rehabilitation Medicine, VU University Medical Center
VU University Medical Center
Screening and treatment of psychological distress in colorectal cancer with metastasized disease: the TES-trial
H. Bomhof- Roordink MSc 1, A. Beekman MD, PhD 1, A. Honig MD, PHD, 1 A. Hoogendoorn PhD, 1, M. van der Linden
PhD, 2,3, B. van Meijel, PhD 4 , C.J.J. Mulder MD, PhD 5, M. van Tulder PhD 6, M. van der Vorst, MD, 3, H. Verheul, MD,
PhD 3, J. Dekker 1
1. Dept Psychiatry 2 Dept Medical Psychology, 3 Dept Medical Oncology , 4 Mental Health Nursing, Inholland University
of Applied Sciences, 5 Dept Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 6 Health Sciences/HTA, VU/VUmc
Sleep, fatigue and quality of life in survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia
M.S. Gordijn1, R.R.L. van Litsenburg1, RJ.B.J. Gemke1, J. Huisman2, M.B. Bierings3, P.M. Hoogerbrugge5, G.J.L.
Depts. of 1Pediatrics and Pediatric Oncology/Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 2 Medical
Psychology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam / Pediatric Psychology & Social Work, University Medical Center
Utrecht, 3Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital, University Medical Center Utrecht,
4Pediatric Hemato-Oncology, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center
KWF VU 2010-4859
Supportive care needs in patients treated with autologous or allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
A.M.J. Braamse1, O. Visser 2, B. van Meijel3, P.C. Huijgens2, A.T.F. Beekman1, J. Dekker1,4
Depts. Of 1Psychiatry, 2 Hematology, 4 Rehabilitation Medicine, VU University Medical Center, 3 Inholland University of
Applied Sciences, Amsterdam
The development, implementation and evaluation of the meaning-centered group psychotherapy 'Living
Meaningfully with Cancer' in the Netherlands
N. van der Spek, J. Vos, R. Tollenaar, P. Cuijpers, I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw
Depts. Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center and 12Clinical Psychology, VU University
The effects of enteral and parenteral fish oil on outcome in lung cancer and Graft-vs-Host Disease patients
B.S. van der Meij1, J.A.E. Langius1, M. van der Bokhorst – de van der schueren1, P.A.M. van Leeuwen2
Depts. of 1Nutrition and Dietetics and 2Surgery, VU University Medical Center
Voice, speech, and swallowing outcome in head and neck cancer patients
I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw1, M. de Bruijn1, I.M. Cnossen1, C.D.L. van Gogh1, R.N.P.M. Rinkel1, R. de Bree1, S.E.
Eerenstein1, J.A. Langendijk2, M. Christianen2, P. Doornaert3, C.R. Leemans1
1Dept Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, 2Dept Radiotherapy, Univeristy Medical Center
Groningen, 3Dept Radiotherapy, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
8. International collaboration
International collaboration
Prominent associates
Ang CW
H.P. Endtz, ICDDR-B, Dhaka, Bangladesh
P.F. Teunis, Emory University, Atlanta, USA
Appelmelk BJ
G. Besra, School of Biosciences, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, United Kingdom
D. Umetsu, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
Bitter W
Piere Genevaux, Laboratoire de Microbiologie et Génétique Moléculaires, Université Paul
Sabatier, Toulouse, France
Riccardo Manganelli, University of Padua, Padua, Italy
Boers M
P. Tugwell, Prof G. Wells, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada
P. Brooks, University of Brisbane, Brisbane, Australia
V. Strand, University of Stanford, Stanford, USA
J. Kirwan, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK
W. Maksymovich, University of Edmonton, Edmonton, Canada
J. Smolen, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
P. Wilkinson, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK
J. Blazenby, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK
R. Christensen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
A. Lanas, University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain
Braakhuis BJM
P. Golusinsky, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland
de Gruijl TD
Bernie A Fox/Walter Urba, Providence Cancer Center, Earle A. Chiles Research Institute,
Portland, OR
de Winter JP
D. Schindler, University of Wuerzburg, Department of Human Genetics, Wuerzburg, Germany
J. Rouse, University of Dundee, MRC Protein Phosphorylation Unit, Dundee, Scotland, UK
den Otter W
D. Characiejus, Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania
Gibbs S
Sens-it-iv consortium (30 international partners – multiple publications), Multiple in Europe
(www.sensitiv.eu), Europe
Hoekstra, OS / Boellaard R
W.A. Weber, S. Stroobants, S. Shankar, Freiburg, Antwerp, NCI (De, Be, US)
Jansen, G
Y.G. Assaraf, Technion-Israel, Institute of Technology University, Haifa, Israel
Kaspers GJL
F. Njuguna, MTRH, Eldoret, Kenya
L. Dalla-Pozza & R. Howman-Giles, The Childeren’s Hospital at Westmead, Sydney, Australia
G. Escherich & G. Janka-Schaub, German COALL Group, Hamburg, Germany
A.D. Schimmer, Princess Margaret Hospital, Ontario Cancer Institute, Toronto, Canada
Kaspers GJL & Bokenkamp A.
B. Stoffel-Wagner, Bonn University Medical Center, Bonn, Germany
Kaspers GJL & Cloos J
U. Creutzig & D. Reinhardt, AML-BFM Group, Hannover, Germany
Y.G. Assaraf, Technion-Israel, Institute of Technology University, Haifa, Israel
B.A. Tannous, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
Kaspers GJL & Veerman AJP
Pudjo H. Widjayanto & M.N. Sitaresmi, Dr. Sardjito General Hospital, UGM, Yogyakarta,
Kirtschig G
University of Nottingham, University of Schleswig Holstein, Lübeck. Multiple in Germany and
UK, Europe International trial on bullous pemphigoid; BLISTER Study/ The Bullous Pemphigoid
Steroids and Tetracyclines Study ISRCTN13704604, EudraCT 2007-006658-24, MREC N°
Lammertsma AA
J. Wolf & C. Kobe, University Hospital of Cologne, Center for Integrated Oncology Cologne
Bonn and Department for Nuclear Medicine and Int. Med, Cologne, Germany
Moll AC
D.H. Abramson, MSKCC, New York, USA
Peters GJ
I. Fichtner, Max-Delbrück-Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin-Buch, Germany
J.M. Padron, Instituto Canario de Investigación del Cáncer (ICIC), Tenerife, Spain
Y.G. Assaraf, Technion-Israel, Institute of Technology University, Haifa, Israel
P.A. Zucali & Prof. Dr. A. Santoro, Humanitas Hospital, Milan, Italy
M. Fukushima, Taiho Pharmaceuticals, Tokoshima, Japan
Carmelo Tibaldi, University of Livorno, Livorno, Italy
G. Giaconne, National Cancer Institute (NCI), Bethesda, USA.
8. International collaboration
Prominent associates
N. Funel, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
R.A. Schwendener, University of Zürich, Zürich, Switserland
H Schott, University of Tubingen, Tubingen, Germany
J. Balzarini, Rega Instituut, Leuven, Belgium
O. Fodstadt, Radium Hospital, Oslo, Norway
S. Eriksson, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
C.M. Galmarini, PharmaMar, Madrid, Spain
M. Sandvold, Clavis Pharma ASA, Oslo, Norway
Filippo Minutolo, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
K. Ichida, Jikei University, Tokyo, Japan
Y. Mayur, Center for Drug Design and Discovery, SVERI’s College of Pharmacy, Pandharpur,
J. Hall, EORTC Translational Research Division, Brussels, Belgium
A. Hanauske, Eli Lilly & CO, European Head Quarters, Germany
A. Paradiso, National Cancer Institute, Bari, Italy
Peters GJ & Giovannetti E
R. Danesi, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
Rustemeyer T
Sens-it-iv consortium (30 international partners – 1 publication), Multiple in Europe
(www.sensitiv.eu), Europe
EU commission on Consumers’ Health, Multiple in Europe, EU commision in Brussels, Belgium
Savelkoul PHM
Roch Molecular Systems, Plesangton, USA
Senan S
D. Palma, G. Rodrigues & A.V. Louie, London Regional Cancer Program, Ontario, Canada
T. Treasure, University College London, London, UK
J. Peto, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK
M. O’Brien, Royal Marsden Hospital, London, UK
K. O’Byrne, St. James’s Hospital an Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
G.G. Hanna, Belfast City Hospital, Belfast, UK
M. Snee, St. James University Hospital, Leeds, UK
R. Muirhead, Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre, Glasgow, Scotland, UK
C. le Péchoux, Institut Gustave Roussy, Paris, France
J.P. van Meerbeeck, University of Ghent, Ghent, Belgium
W. de Neve, Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium
J. Vansteenkiste, University Hospital Gashuisberg, Respiratiory Oncology Unit, Leuven,
C. le Péchoux, Institut Gustave Roussy, Paris, France
J.P. van Meerbeeck, Univerisity of Ghent, Ghent, Belgium
W. de Neve, Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium
J. Vansteenkiste, University Hospital Gasthuisber, Respiratory Oncology Unit, Leuven, Belgium
G. Scagliotti, University of Turin, San Luigi Hospital, Turin, Italy
F. Cardenal, Institut Catala d’Oncologia, Medical Oncology, Barcelona, Spain
C. Faivre- Finn, The Christie, Manchester, UK
Senan S & Sminia P
C.A. Fedrigo, Catholic University Rio Grande do Sul, Porte Alegro, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Taphoorn MJB
M.J. van den Bent, on behalf of the EORTC Brain Tumor Group, EORTC Data Center, Brussels
A. Bottomley, on behalf of the EORTC Quality of Life Department and PROBE project, EORTC
Data Center, Brussels Belgium
G. Cavaletti, Universita di Milano Biocca, Monza, Italy
van de Vliet H
M. Bonneville, University of Nantes, Nantes, France
M. Exley, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
S. Porcelli, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, USA
van der Horst-Bruinsma IE
Steering committee of IGAS, International Genomewide Association Studies (Australië, VS,
ASAS (Assessment of SpondyloArthritis International Society, worldwide)
Progenika (Madrid)
R. Plenge (VS)
van der Sar AM
G.S. Besra & Dr. A. Bhatt, School of Biosciences, College of Life and Environmental Sciences,
University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, United Kingdom
van der Waal I
R.A. Mendes & J.F.C. Carvalho, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Department of Oral Surgery,
University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
K. Nylander, University of Umeã, Department of Odontology/Endodontics Medical Biosciences,
Umeã, Sweden
C. Scully, University College London, London, UK
8. International collaboration
Prominent associates
van Furth AM
J. Schoeman, Tijgerberg Hospital, Cape Town, South-Africa
C.J. Reinecke, Centre for Human Metalbolomics, Potchefstroom, South-Africa
R. Peters, ANOVA Health Institute, Limpopo, South-Africa
J. Bartlett, John Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA
T. Msoka, Kilamanjaro Christian Medical Centre, Moshi, South-Africa
van Furth AM & van der Kuip M
D. Kirschner, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Uiversity of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
Michigan, USA
van Rossum LGM
J. Duffy, St. Vincent’s University Hospital, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine/
UCD School of Medicine and Medical Science, Dublin, Ireland
van Schaardenburg D
Validation of new ACR/EULAR criteria for remission of rheumatoid arthritis: VUmc, Reade,
Vienna, Ottawa, Nijmegen. See publication van Tuyl 2011 in the early arthritis section.
Further studies on the prognostic significance of fulfilling these criteria are underway
Verheul H
M. Carducci, John Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA
R.P. Pili, Rosswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, USA
Waisfisz Q / Meijers-Heijboer H
Consortium of Investigators of Modifiers of BRCA1/2 (CIMBA): broad international collaboration
Windhorst AD
A.J. Airaksinen & T. Meski, University of Helsinki, Finland
Wurdinger T
Bakhos Tannous, Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
Zijlstra JM
A. Engert, German Hodgkin Study Group, Cologne, Germany
Zweegman S
Y.G. Assaraf, The Fred Wyszkowski Cancer Research Laboratory, Department of Biology,
Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
A.D. Schimmer, Ontario Cancer Institute, Princess Margaret Hospital Toronto, Toronto, Canada
8. International collaboration
9. Scientific Research Committee
Scientific Research Committee
CWO: Clinical protocols
S. Sie
Effect of procalcitonin-guided decision making on duration of antibiotic therapy in suspected
early –onset neonatal sepsis: multicenter prospective randomized intervention study.
A.A. van Bodegraven
A long-term assessment of safety and efficacy of AMG 827 treatment in subjects with crohns
M.H.A Jansen
E. Clasquin
Exploring alternative wound care treatment for percutaneous gastrostomy site infection: a
prospective, randomized, open blinded end-point (PROBE) design
A.E. Voskuyl
A multicenter, prospective cohort study ushing Nailfold Videocapillaroscopy (NVC) and other
factors to determine the risk of developing Digital Ulceration in patients with Systemic Sclerosis
H.M.W. Verheul
A phase II Randomized, Open-Label, multicenter Study Comparing CO-1.01 WithGemcitabine as
First-Line Therapy in Patients with Metastatic Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma
M.E.D. Chamuleau
A phase Ib, multicenter, open-label study of HCD122 administered intravenously in combination
with bendamustine in patients with CD40+ follicular lymphoma who are refractory to rituximab.
Protocol CHCD122A22104
Zirconium-bevacizumab uptake in patients with diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma imaged by PET
Biological Response evaluation of kinase inhibitors in advanced solid malignancies
A.J.M. van den Eertweg
An open Phase I study of immunization with the recNY-ESO-1 + AS15 Antigen-Specific Cancer
Immunotherapeutic in patients with NY-ESO-1- positive unresectable an progressive metastatic
cutaneous melanoma
S. Gisbertz
Closure of the pancreatic Remnant after distal pancreatectomy; a prospective randomized
controlled trial (CPRtrial)
D.A. van Dam
SIMPEL- trial (Single Incision, Miniport or convEbtional Laparoscopic surgery for uncomplicated
symptomatic cholecystolithiasis)
J.M.A. Daniels
TEXACOLD. Is antibiotic treatment associated with reduced risk of subsequent exacerbation and
mortality in chronic obstructive lung disease?
H.M.W. Verheul
Open-Label Multicenter 2-Arm Phase I study of RO5429083 with Dose-Escalation and Extension
Cohort, and Imaging Cohort with RO5429083 and 89Zr-labeled RO5429083, in Patients with
Metastatic and /or Locally Advanced, CD44-Expressing, malignant Solid Tumors.
S. Zweegman
HOVON 95 MM: A randomized phase III study to compare Bortezomib, Melphalan, Prednisone
(VMP) with High Dose Melphalan followed by Bortezomib, Lenalidomide, Dexamethasone (VRD)
consolidation and Lenalidomide maintenance in patients with newly diagnosed multiple
M.J. Wondergem
TAMIL study: treatment induced alterations in microenvironment in follicular lymphoma. A
multicenter descriptive study.
H. Kabboue
Atopic dermatitis and vitamin D
J.C. Reijneveld
Cognitive function and health related quality of life of long-term anaplastic oliogodendroglioma
and oligoastrocytoma survivors from EORTC study 26951
R. de Bree
PET-CT lymphoscintigraphy for sentinel node detection in head and neck cancer: a feasiblility
E. Boven
Nature and mechanism of cognitive deficits following chemotherapy: an (f)MRI study
A. Voskuyl
Éffects of bosentan in a HOMogenEous population of SSc subjects with a predefined restriction of
blood flow in the hands (HOME)
H.J. Bonjer
Perioperative selective decontamination of the digestive tract (SDD) in elective colorectal cander
patients: a multicenter randomized clinical trial
J.C. Reijneveld
Phase III intergroup Study of Radiotherapy versus Temozolomide Alone versus radiotherapy with
concomitant an adjuvant Temozolomide for Patients with 1p/19q Codeleted Anaplastic Glioma
D.M. Ferns
Charting of immune reactivity agains HPV in patients with HPV-induced (pre)malignant lesions
(The CIRCLE study 2)
H. Dekker
Peri-implantitis, implant loss and osteoradionecrosis in oral cancer patients
H.M.W. Verheul
Pilot study on the determination of intratumoral concentractions of kinase inhibitors in patients
with advanced solid malignancies
A.J.M. van den
An open-label, multicenter expanded access study of RO5185426 in patients with metastatic
S.F. Bakker
Concomitant presence of Coeliac disease in adult patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus;
enhancement (micro) vascular risk?
9. Scientific Research Committee
A.J.M. van den Eertwegh
An open-label, randomized, multi-center, Phase III study to compare the satety and efficacy of
TKI258 versus sorafenib in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma after failure of antiangiogenic (VEGF-targeted and mTOR inhibitor therapies)
E.F. Smit
Phase III, randomized, open-label study of the efficacy and safety of crizotinib versus
pemetrexed/cisplatin or pemetrexed/carboplatin in previously untreated patients with nonsquaumous carcinoma of the lung harboring a translocation or inversion event involving the
anaplastic lymphoma (ALK) gene locus
S. Gisbertz
Acute CHOlecystitis in high risk patients: percutaneous ChOlecystostomy versus LAparoscopic
cholecys TEctomy (CHOCOLATE trail)
E.M. de Boer
A double blind, comparative, superiority, multi center investigation evaluating the efficacy of an
absorbent foam dressing containing silver (Mepilex AG) versus the same dressing without dressing
used on subjects with venous leg ulcers or mixed ulcers – PUMA 416
S. Gibbs
A phase 2 randomized controlled comparative efficacy and safety study of Tiscover and Remaix
in chronic (arterio-)venous ulcers which is registered under A-SKIN_TIS2010
J.M.A. Daniels
The ProFECT trial: Detection and treatment of endobronichial (pre-)malignant lesions with
autofluorescence bronchoscopy after treatment of early stage lung cancer in COPD patients
G.J. Ossenkoppele
A phase II/III randomized, open-label study to compare the efficacy and safety of intravenous
volasertib in combination with subcutaneous cytarabine versus investigators choice of antileukemic treatment in adult patients with relapsed of refractory acute myeloid leukemia with no
established treatment options (POLO – AML1)
S. Zweegman
Onyx PX-171-009: A randomized, Multicenter, Phase 3 Study, comparing Carfilzomib,
lenalidomide and Dexamethasone (CRd) vs Lenalidomide and Dexamethasone (Rd) in Subjects
with Relapsed Multiple Myeloma
S.M. Franken
Psoriasis and daily low emission phototherapy; effects on disease and vitamin D level
J. van der Laken
Multicenter study with a 16-week double-blind placebo-controlled (during the initial 2 weeks)
randomized period, followed by a 24-week open-label extension to assess magnetic resonance
image-verified early response to ceertoluzimab pegol in subjects with active rheumatoid arthritis
H. Trum
Diagnostische lparaoscopie ter predictie van de uitkomst van cytoreductieve chirurgie bij
patiënten met vergevorderd stadium ovariumcarcinoom (LapOvCa)
V. de Haas
Euronet-PHL-C1: First international Inter-Group Study for classical Hodgkins Lymphoma in
Children and Adolescents
E. Smit
A phase 3, randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study of ARQ 197 plus Erlotinib
versus placebo plus Erlotinib in previously treated subjects with locally advanced or metastatic,
non-squaumous, non small cell lung cancer
E. Boven
Randomized, Open-Label Study of Abiraterone Acetate (JNJ-212082) Plus Prednisone With of
Without Exemestane in Postmenopausal Women with ER+ Metastatic Breast Cancer Progressing
After Letrozole or Anastrozole Therapy
W.R. Gerritsen
A Multinational Phase 3, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Efficacy and Safety Study
of Oral MDV 3100 in Chemotherapy-Naïve Patients with Progressive Metastatic Prostate Cancer
Who Have Failed Androgen Deprivation Therapy
A.A. van Bodegraven
A phase 2b randomized, placebo-controlled study to evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of
induction and maintenance therapy with BMS-936557 in subjects with active ulceratie colitis
M. van Bokhorst / H.
Prevalence and biomarkers of pre-cachexia and cachexia in advanced cancer patients scheduled
for treatment with chemotherapy
E. Boven
Protein profiling in breast cancer to identify biomarkers
H. Verheul
A Phase 3, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo Controlled, Trial of AMG 479 or
Placebo in Combination with Gencitabine as First-line Therapy for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma of
the Pancreas
H. Verheul
A randomized multicenter clinical trial for patients with multi-organ, colorectal cancer
metastases comparing the combination of chemotherapy and maximal tumor debulking versus
chemotherapy alone
M.E. van Linde / H.
A randomized phase II clinical trial on axitinib for the treatment of patients with recurrent
H. Verheul / v.d. Vorst
Metoclopramide, Dezamthasome or Aprepitant for the prevention of delayed chemotherapyinduced nausea and vomiting in moderately emetogenic non-AC-based chemotherapy: the MEDEA
W.P. Vandertop
MOBI-KIDS protocol; Study on communication technology, environment and brain tumours in
young people
E.F. Smit
An open-label, multicenter, randomized, phase 2 study evaluating the safety and efficacy of
cisplatin and pemtrexed with of without cixutumumab as first-line therapy in patients with
advanced nonsquamous non-small cell lung carcinoma
G.J.L. Kaspers
DREAMS II Study; HPA axis function and sympathetic nervous system activity in survivors of
childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia
9. Scientific Research Committee
S. Zweegman
Revlimid, Endoxan, Prednisone Evaluation After prior revlimid Treatment (REPEAT): A phase 1
and phase 2 study of lenalidomide (Revlimid) in combination with cyclofphosphamide (endoxan)
and prednisone (REP) in relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma.
J.J.W.M. Janssen
HOVON 108 MM: A randomized phase II study for the evaluation of T cell depleted nonmyeloablative allogeneic stem cell transplantation followed by early consolidation with
lenalidomide or lenalidomide combined with bortezomib and subsequent DLI for patients with
multiple myeloma in progression of relapse following first line therapy.
M.E. van Linde / H.
An open-label, Phase I/IIa, dose escalating study of 2B3-101 in patients with solid tumors and
brain metastases
A.E. Voskuyl
A phase 3, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter study of the efficacy and
safety of four 12-week treatment cycles (48 weeks total) of epratuzumab in systemic lupus
erythematosus subjects with moderate to severe disease (embody 2)
A.A. van Bodegraven
Assessment of the performance of the new generation Pillcam colon capsule (PVVE2) in Crohns
disease: an exploratory study.
G.J.L. Kaspers
Whole-body MRi voor initiële stagering, vroege respons bepaling en restagering na behandeling
bij kinderen met Hodgkin lymfoom (add-on study)
G.J.L. Kaspers
Efficacy of Carboplatin Administered Concomitantly With Radiation and 13-Cis Retinoic Acid as a
Pro-Apoptotic Agent in Other Than Average Risk Medulloblastoma / PNET Patients- a Groupwise
Phase III study
G.J.L. Kaspers
Chronic Disease in Immune Thrombocytopenia of Childhood (Chronic ITP in the Netherlands in
KIDs, the CIN-KID study)
L. de Castilho
Tumor derived vesicles as biomarkers for ovarian cancer
M.L. Seinen
Hepatic histology of IBD patients following one year of combination therapy with allopurinol and
low-dose conventional thiopurines
A.A. van de Loosdrecht
TRC114968, A Three-part Study of Eltrombopag in Thrombocytopenic Subjects with
Myelodysplastic Syndromes of Acute Myeloid Leukemia (Part 1: open-label, part 2: randomized,
double blind, part 3: extension). Short title: ASPIRE
E.F. Smit
A Phase II open label, multicenter randomized study to access the efficacy and safety of GSK
1120212 compared with docetaxel in 2nd line subjects with targeted mutations (KRAS, NRAS,
BRAF, MEKI) in locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC stageIIIbwet-IV)
J.G. Hugtenburg
Validation of dried blood spot sampling in therapeutic drug monitoring of nilotinib
M.E.D. Chamuleau
HOVON 109 CLL: Efficacy and safety of first-line therapy with chlorambucil, rituximab and
lenalidomide (Revlimid®)(CR2) in elderly patients and young frail patients with advanced Chronic
Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL): a phase I/II trial
G.G. Kenter
Tolerance and immunogenicity of ProCervix, a therapeutic vaccine composed of 2 Human
Papillomavirus (HPV)antigens vectored in recombinant adenylate cyclises, in HPV 16 and/or HPV
18 infected women with normal cytology
G. Pals
Genetic sequencing study in Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia
H.M.W. Verheul
Prediction of response to kinase inhibitors based on protein phosphorylation profiles in tumor
issue from advanced renal cell cancer patients
C.M.J. van Nieuwkerk
A phase 4, Randomized, Open-Label, Active-Controlled, Superiority Study to Evaluate the
Efficacy and Safety of Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate (TDF) in Combination with Peginterferon
alfa-2a (Pegasys) versus Standard of Care Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate Monotherapy of
Peginterferon alfa-2a Monotherapy for 48 weeks in Non-Cirrhotic Subjects with HBeAg-Positive or
HBe-Negative Chronic Hepatitis B (CHB)
M.E.D. Chamuleau
HOVON 110 FL/ReBeL study: a randomized phase I/II trial of lenalidomide and rituximab with or
without bendamustine in patients ≥ 18 years with relapse follicular lymphoma, a HOVON/GLSG
J.C. Reijneveld
The effect of dexamethasone on the biodistribution of [3-N-11C-methyl] temozolomide in
glioblastoma multiforme patients; a pilot study
NB handtekening afdelingshoofd op signature sheet, (origineel volgt nog)
W. Mellema
A phase II study of sorafenib and metformin in patients with stage IV non-small cell lung cancer
(NSCLC) with a K-Ras mutation
NB brief met handtekening afdelingshoofd is onderweg.
A.J.M. van den Eertwegh
Clinical evaluation of the underlying mechanisms of targeted therapy related toxicities
R.J.A. van Moorselaar
A phase 3 randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of tasquinimod in men with
metastatic castrate-resistante prostate cancer
S. Zweegman
CC-4047-MM-003: A phase 3, Multicenter, Randomized, Open-label Study to compare the Efficacy
and Safety op Pomalidomide in Combination with Low-Dose Dexamehasone versus High-Dose
Dexamethasone in Subjects with Refractory or Relapsed and Refractory Multiple Myeloma
9. Scientific Research Committee
S. Zweegman
CC-4047-MM-003/C: Open-label, multi-center, single-arm study for the safety and efficacy of
pomalidomide (CC-4047) monotherapy for subjects with refractory or relaps and refractory
multiple myeloma: a companion study for clinical trial CC-4047-MM-003 (
W. Mellema
Sorafenib pharmacokinetics in non small cell lung cancer patients: an in vivo study using positron
emission tomography
A.A. van Bodegraven
A phase 2a, randomized, double-blind, sponsor unblended, placebo-controlled, parallel, multiple
dose study to evaluate the pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics and safety of Anrukinzumab in
patients with active ulcerative colitis (#B2421003)
A.J.M. van den Eertwegh
CA 184169 A Randomized Double-Blind Phase III Study of Ipilimumab Administered at 3 mg/kg vs
at 10 mg/kg in Subjects with Previously Treated or Untreated Unresectable of Metastactic
A. Becker
Anamorelin HCI in the Treatment of Non-Small Cell Lung Cander – Cachexia (NSCLC-C): A
randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Multicenter, Phase III Study to evaluate the
Safety and Efficacy of Anamorelin HCI in Patients with NSCLC studies 301 and 303 (ROMANA I and
A. Voskuyl
ACR/EULAR endorsed study to develop classification and diagnostic criteria for primary systemic
G.J.L. Kaspers
EWING 2008
CWO: Research projects / grant proposals
R. Nagel
Identification van biomarkers and additional drug targets for
improvement of cetuximab therapy for head and neck cancer patients
L.J.W. Bosch
Molecular stool-bases test for early detection and control of colorectal
cancer: a life without cancer
T.E. Buffart
Tumor MiR profiling to individualize systemic treatment for patients with
advanced colorectal cancer.
L.M. Buffart
Predictors of participation, compliance and success of rehabilitation and
supportive care programs
H.J. Broxterman
Lysosomal sequestration and autophagy: mechanisms of resistance to
receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors
N. Makris
Towards targeted therapy: quantitative imaging with PET and long lived
NWO middelgroot
A.M. van der Sar
Real time, high throughput, high content screening from cells to
zebrafish by a automated high-information microscopy reader
R.J.A. Fijneman
Structural chromosomal rearrangements in colorectal cancer
M. van Egmond
Identification of of tumor-derived proteins that modulate macrophage
effector functions
R. Boellaard
Quantitative imaging in cancer: connecting cellular processes with
therapy proposal acronym: QuIC-ConCePt
R. Fijneman
Development of an improved molecular test for population-wide
colorectal cancer screening.
M. Neerincx
Individualized treatment of patients with advanced colorectal cancer
based on miRNA profiling
J.C. van der Mijn
R. Boellaard
Quantitative Imaging in Cancer: Connecting Cellular Processes with
Therapy: Data and Image Analysis (WP4)
M. Jansen
Phase I/II, Open-Label, Single-Arm Trial of investigational products
erlotinib and everolimus, added to irinotecan and bevacizumab in
subjects with malignant pontine glioma with progressive disease
K.S. Versteeg
Optimilization of systemic treatment strategies in elderly patients with
9. Scientific Research Committee
advanced solid malignancies
M. van Egmond
The human IgA Fc receptor FcαRI; a coming of age!
Beheer BV
S.T.G Bruijnen
Clinical applications of Positron Emission Tomography for inflammatory
rheumatic diseases
C. Oudejans
What the placenta can teach us about cancer
R. Brakenhoff
Targeted therapy of precancerous fields in head and neck mucosa
V. van Beusechem
Clinical evaluation of virotherapy for glioblastoma multiforme using an
infectivity-enhanced oncolytic adenovirus.
N. Krekel/
S. Meijer
Ultrasound-guided breast-sparing surgery to improve cosmetic outcomes
and quality of life
I. Bijnsdorp
To treat or not to treat: prostasome prostate cancer diagnostics
S. Wilting
Discovery of pseudogenes as novel regulators in (hrHPV-induced)
M. van Bokhorst
Nutritional intervention in patients with advanced or recurrent colorectal
cancer undergoing chemotherapy
J. de Winter
Targeted therapy of squamous cell carcinomas in Fanconi anemia patients
J. de Winter/
H. Meijers
Identification of tumour and germ line mutations in young patients with
rectal carcinoma and colon carcinoma
P. Sminia
Anti-angiogenesis efficacy of PI3Kinase-Akt/mTOR pathway inhibitors in
combination with irradiation and temozolomide in brain tumour therapy
T. de Gruijl
OK Vaccines (Operatie Kamer Vaccins)
L. te Velde
The Fanconi pathway and Mitomycin C sensitivity in HIPEC patients with
peritoneal metastases of colorectal carcinoma
R. Blankenstein
The importance of local, intra-prostatic concentrations of
dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in prostate cancer and benign prostatic
hyperplasia (BPH)
A. Braamse
Supportive care needs in patients undergoing autologous stem cell
transplantation for hematological malignancies: a qualitative study
M. van Egmond
Role of macrophages in therapeutic effect of antibody mediated
immunotherapy of haematological malignancies
J. den Haan
Antibody responses to tumour-specific glycosylation forms of MUC-1 and
their effect in colorectal cancer
R. Mebius
Expression of vitamin A converting enzymes in colon cancer stem cells
and the
consequences for cancer stem cell survival
J. Meijerink
Near-Infra Red immunophoto-detection in peritoneal metastases in
Colorectal and Gynaecological cancers
C. Verweij/
H. van der Vliet
Systemic immunomonitoring of host-related gene signatures during
combined everolimus/cyclophosphomide therapy in renal cell carcinoma
E. Giovannetti
New strategies for treatment of EGFR-TKI resistant non-small cell lung
E. Giovannetti
Unravelling and targeting key molecular determinants and pathways in
the biology of cancer stem cells using bioluminescent orthotopic tumors
from primary pancreatic cancer cells characterized for their genetic
signature in comparison with the originator tumors
R. Steenbergen
Towards the identification of proteins directly involved in HPV-induced
immortalization and assessment of their potential value as early
detection biomarker
9. Scientific Research Committee
H. van der Vliet
Phase 1 study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of pamidronate for the
treatment of malignant ascites
A. Greijer
Fast screening and evaluation of novel therapeutics in oncology by using
the 3-D in vivo tumour model on the chorioallantoic membrane of the
embryonized chicken egg
A. Greijer
Reactivation of Epstein Barr virus: exploiting the cause of cancer as novel
therapeutic target for cancer
M. van Linde/H.
A biological effective dose finding clinical trial of monotherapy
bevacizumab in recurrent GBM
M. van der Kuip
Granuloma formation in the zebrafish brain after inoculation with
K. Versteeg/
H. Verheul
Optimalization of systemic treatment strategies in elderly patients with
advanced solid malignancies
J. Dorsman
Novel targets for treatment of retinoblastoma
T. Buffart/
H. Verheul
MiR based profiling of advanced colorectal cancer for individualized
H. Joenje/
J. Dorsman
Whole genome next-generation sequencing to uncover novel mechanisms
of multidrug resistance
S. Senan
Development and clinical validation of imaging algorithms to distinguish
fibrosis from local recurrences following stereotactic ablative
radiotherapy in stage I non-small cell lung cancer
A. Geldof
Prostate cancer chemotherapy response monitoring using Positron
Emission Tomography
N. van Grieken
Molecular profiling of gastric cancer for the prediction of response to
(neo)adjuvant chemoradiation.
D. Heideman
Demarcation of the ‘switch’ to chromosomal instability in lung
P. de Witt Hamer
Maximizing resective low-grade glioma surgery using connectivity
P. de Witt Hamer
Accurate delineation of peripheral glioma infiltration using advanced
neuro-imaging to improve glioma treatment
T. Würdinger
KRAS diagnostics using blood platelets of colorectal cancer patients
F. van den
Development of 89Zr-labeled ipilimumab for PET-imaging: towards a
predictive tool for metastatic melanoma patients treated with
T. Pham
Comprehensive network-based analysis of OMICS data to uncover cancer
mechanisms/signaling, novel drug targets and biomarkers for
personalized medicine
J. Janssen
Application of phosphoproteomics for patient-tailored medicine in acute
myeloid leukemia and colorectal carcinoma.
G. Jansen
Exploration of anti-leukemic and anti-inflammatory effects elicited by
myelomonocytic cell-targeted aminopeptidase inhibitors with an
esterase-sensitive motif
S. Senan
Treatment of stage I non-small cell lung cancer: designing information for
patient participation in decision making
S. Cillessen
Targeting of autophagy to improve sensitivity to apoptosis of diffuse large
B-cell lymphoma cells
R. Mebius
The influence of vitamin A metabolism on immune cell differentiation in
the gut
J. Dorsman
Genomics of Retinoblastoma
9. Scientific Research Committee
KWF fellowship
S. Derks
Individualized biology-driven treatment for esophageal cancer
KWF fellowship
R. de Leeuw
Translation of genetic data to define predictors in treatment of prostate,
lung and colorectal cancer
R. Nagel
Characterization of novel therapeutic targets for lund and head-and-neck
N. Koning
Sentinels or agitators? Brain macrophages and their immune modulating
capacities via the C-type lectin mannose receptor
9.3. CWO-DEC: Animal related protocols
Principal investigator
H. Veninga/
J. den Haan
Het effect van antigen targeting naar verschillende types dendritische cellen en macrofagen
op vroege B cel responsen in aan- en afwezigheid van helper T cellen
M. Perdicchio
Tumor-expressed sialic acids dampen anti-tumor immune responses via dendritic cell
Hetty Bontkes
Het verkrijgen van rattenweefsels t.b.v. medisch immunologisch diagnostische testen.
B. Braakhuis
Voorspellen van de chemoradiatie response van hoofd-halstumoren in een realistisch in vivo
G. Kraal
Effect van adjuvanspeptiden op de activering van cytotoxische CD8 T cellen en CD4 T helper
A. Greijer
Cytoytische virusactivatie-therapie voor behandeling van Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)
gerelateerde lymfomen en carcinomen
W. Dong
Evaluatie van de oncolytische potentie van een nieuw conditioneel replicerend adenovirus,
AdOT-091, in een humaan prostaat kanker model in naakte muizen
L. van der Steen/
M. van Egmond
In vivo migratie van humane FcαRI transgene neutrofielen naar humaan IgA antilichamen
gericht tegen muis collageen type XVII
J. Jacobs
Wat is de rol van testosteron bij de metastasering van prostaatkanker
G. van Dongen
Aanvullende biodistributie- en therapie studies met anti-HGF nanobodies
R. Scheper
Effectiviteit van microneedle array applicatie versus intradermale injectie voor vaccinatie.
V. Caretti
Development of diffuse pontine glioma (DIPG) mouse models
J. Garcia-Vallejo
Development of EAE in mSIGN-R1-/- mice
M. Ulrich
Evaluatie van debridement efficiëntie en mogelijke negatieve effecten van een debrilase
wondbedekking in een acuut wondmodel in het varken
B. Appelmelk
Mycobacteriële kapsel componenten als nieuwe vaccins voor tuberculose
I. Bijnsdorp
Het vergelijken van de prostaatkanker cellijnen PC3 en LNCaP in in vivo groei en
E. Stoop
Vaccin potentie van Mycobacterium marinum mutant in volwassen zebravissen.
J. Garcia Vallejo
Isolation of microglia from mouse brain
M. Bögels
Geeft antilichaamtherapie met een humaan IgG1 antilichaam, gericht tegen de humane
epitheliale groei factor receptor (hEGFR) in een muizenmodel met humane of
gehumaniseerde colon tumoren, bescherming tegen het ontstaan van levermetastases na
J. den Haan
Practicum FACS and CFSE Proliferatie Assay (september 2011 en 2012)
R. Mebius
Bepaling vitamine A metabolisme en mucosale immuun systeem in BALB/c en C57BL/6
N. Koning
Perivasculaire macrofaag en mannose receptor in neuroinflammatie
M. van Hout
Het beschermend effect van IgA en/of FcαRI tegen Salmonella enterica infectie
A. Stavenuiter
Potentieel gunstige effecten van de selectieve Vitamine D analogen op peritoneale
veranderingen in een preklinisch dier model voor peritoneale dialyse
M.M.W. Ulrich
Evaluatie van verschillende formuleringen weefsellijm met PDGF als hechtmiddel voor
9. Scientific Research Committee
Principal investigator
L. Smit
De identificatie van specifieke therapie targets tegen de leukemische stamcel in chronische
myeloide leukemie
S. Grewal
Rol van ontstekingsfactoren en bacteriële producten in de uitgroei van levermetastasen
G. van Dongen
Validation of a method for quantitative assessment of biodistribution of near-infrared
fluorescent probes in optical imaging
G. van Dongen
Therapiestudie met bispecifieke anti-tumor Nanobodies gericht tegen zowel EGFR als IGF-1R
H. Veninga
Het effect van antigen targeting naar verschillende types dendritische cellen en macrofagen
T. Lagerweij
Bepalen van targetexpressie en medicijndistributie in hersenstamtumoren met behulp van
Zr-gelabelde antilichamen
M. Beijer
Effect van vitamine A op de ontwikkeling en homeostase van dendritische cellen in de milt
S. Grewal
Effecten van selectieve darm decontaminatie (SDD) op de aanhechting van tumorcellen in de
T. Lagerweij
Development of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) mouse models from primary
cultures as new tools for therapeutics discovery
S. van Rijn
Een in vivo screen voor tumor supressor-genen die zijn ontregeld in GBM
H. Veninga
Het effect van antigen targeting naar verschillende types dendritische cellen en macrofagen
op CD4 en CD8 T cellen
L. van der Steen
De rol van interacties van immunoglobulin A (IgA) met de IgA Fc receptor (Fc RI) op
neutrofielen in mucosale ontsteking van het darmstelsel
J. Koning
Zijn Nestin positieve mesenchymale cellen de voorlopers van lymfeklier stromale cellen?
W. Unger
Remmen van ongewenste T-cel responsen via modulatie van dendritische cellen
I. Hiemstra
Het effect van door microflora gestimuleerde Toll-like receptor 2 en Nod2 signalering op de
barrière functie van het epitheel en de differentiatie van immuuncellen in de dikke darm.
A. Stavenuiter
Potentieel gunstige effecten van de selectieve Vitamine D analogen op peritoneale
veranderingen in een preklinisch uremisch dier model voor peritoneale dialyse
L. Smit
Bevestigen van mulilineage engraftment en leukemia initiërende capaciteit van de door ons
geïdentificeerde leukemische en normale stamcellen door middel van aldehyde
dehydrogenase activiteit in acute myeloide leukemie
W. Dong
Evaluatie van de oncolytische potentie van een nieuw conditioneel replicerend adenovirus,
AdOT-091, in een humaan long kanker model in naakte muizen
10. Evening lectures
10. CCA/V-ICI evening lectures
January 18, 2011
Highlights program 3 (Disease profiling)and program 4 (Innovative therapy)
Host: Connie Jimenez
Irene van der Horst-Bruinsma: Clinical studies in Ankylosing Spondylitis
Bart Crusius: (Immuno)genetics and genomics of Ankylosing Spondylitis
February 15, 2011
Highlights program 1 (Oncogenesis) and program 2 (Immunopathogenesis)
Host: Peter Snijders
Mariska Bierkens: Chromosomal profiles of high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia relate to duration of preceding
high-risk HPV infection
Ingeborg Ouwehand: Glycan-modifications of antigen to induce anti-tumor responses
March 15, 2011
Highlights program 3 (Disease profiling)and program 5 (Quality of life)
Host: Conny Jimenez
Saskia Vosslamber: Understanding the pharmacology of B cell depletion (rituximab) in rheumatoid arthritis: towards
personalized medicine
Martin Klein: Factors affecting quality of life in primary brain tumor patients
April 19, 2011
Highlights program 1 (Oncogenesis) and program 4 (Innovative therapy)
Host: Ruud Brakenhoff
Chantal Stoepker: SLX4, a coördinator of structure-specific endonucleases, is mutated in a new Fanconi anemia subtype
Costa Bachas: Molecular changes between diagnosis and relapse and their association with outcome in pediatric AML:
implications for personalized medicine
May 17, 2011
Highlights program 3 (Disease profiling) and program 2 (Immunopathogenesis)
Host: Guus van Dongen
Harry Hendrikse/Alex Poot: Development and clinical evaluation of radiolabeled tyrosine kinase inhibitors to image with
positron emission tomography
Joke den Haan: Collaboration between splenic macrophages and dendritic cells for the activation of immune responses
June 21, 2011
Highlights program 1 (Oncogenesis) and program 5 (Quality of life)
Host: P. Snijders
Robert van Boerdonk: DNA copy number alterations in endobronchial squamous metaplastic lesions predict lung cancer
Mecheline van der Linden: Psychosocial screening of patients with breast cancer
September 20, 2011
Highlights program 2 (Immunopathogenesis) and program 4 (Innovative therapy)
Host: Y. van Kooyk
Wendy Unger: Notch signaling is essential for potent effector function of tumor-specific human CD8 T-cells
Jurjen Ruben: Apoptotic blebs from leukemic cells as a preferred source of tumor associated antigen for dendritic cellbased vaccines
October 18, 2011
Highlights program 1 (Oncogenesis) and program 5 (Quality of Life)
Host: J. de Winter
Rinus Voorham: It’s a flat world, after all. Characterisation of colorectal flat adenomas.
Raphaele van Litsenburg: Quality of life in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia
November 15, 2011
Highlights program 3 (Disease profiling) and program 4 (Innovative therapy)
Host: Cor Verweij
Joyce Lübbers: Towards the biology and diagnosis of preclinical rheumatoid arthritis
Yoony Gent: PET imaging for early arthritis detection: preclinical and clinical approaches
December 13, 2011
Highlights program 2 (Immunopathogenesis) and program 5 (Quality of Life)
Host: Rob Beelen
Famke Schneiders: Invariant NKT cells in Cancer
Annemarie Braamse: Which factors predict health-related quality of life in patients treated with HSCT for hematological