
op 21 en 22 NOVEMBER 2014
du 21 et 22 NOVEMBRE 2014
09:30 bus transportation to Materialise, Haasrode
Meeting point: Parking Congress Centre Groot Begijnhof – LEUVEN
10:00 From 3D surgical planning on medical images to 3D printed
patient-specific guides and custom implants,
Stefaan Motte, Materialise, Leuven, Belgium
Materialise Headquarters: Guided visit 3D Printing / lectures / lunch
Technologielaan 15, 3001 Leuven (Haasrode Industriepark) België
Disclosure of interests / affiliation Materialise 3D printing Software & Services (free of charge)
13:15 Return by bus to the Friday congress site: Groot Begijnhof - Leuven
Auditorium “Huis Van Chièvres”
Groot Begijnhof te Leuven
Gratis auto parking bij Faculty Club: toegangscode 7529 op zaterdag 21 en
vrijdag 22 november/ Parking gratuit au Faculty Club. Code d’entrée:7529
pour Vendredi 21 et Samedi 22 Novembre.
14:00 The use of 3-matic® (Materialise) in CAD-CAM-ing of craniofacial
congenital malformations.
Lauri D.J. Wauters, Maurice Y. Mommaerts
UZ Brussel
14:10 Accuracy assessment of plastic mandible models
made by a “low cost” three dimensional printer
Federico Maschio, Mirali Pandya, Antoine De Muylder, Raphael Olszewski
Clin.Univ.St-Luc, UCL, Brussels
14:20 Feasibility, reliability and limitations of three-dimensional paper
models in maxillofacial surgery.
T.Dontaine, H.Reychler, R.Olszewski.
Clin.Univ.St-Luc, UCL , Brussels
14:30 The use of surgical navigation in the pediatric population.
Y. Opdenakker, J. Abeloos, J. De Ceulaer, C. De Clercq, P. Lamoral, K.Nagy, N. Neyt,
G. Swennen.
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, St John’s Hospital, Bruges
14:40 Double barrel fibula reconstruction of the mandible in a pediatric
patient with an ossisfying fibroma.
B. Falter, J. Abeloos, J. De Ceulaer, C. De Clercq, P. Lamoral, K. Nagy, N. Neyt,
G. Swennen
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, St John’s Hospital, Bruges
14:50 Discussion
15:00 3D Validation of Results Using Plagiocephalometry (PCM) Integrated
with 3D White-Light Surface Scanning to Determine a Deformity Ratio.
Ms Jolijn Oris, OT, CO - R. Willemsen
disclosure of interests/affiliation - V!GO group, campus Leuven, Pellenberg
15:15 The Cranial Remolding Orthosis ( CRO): Clinical Applicability and
Follow Up in Daily Practice.
Ms Jolijn Oris, OT, CO - R. Willemsen
disclosure of interests/affiliation - V!gogroup, campusLeuven, Pellenberg
15:25 Early management of cleft lip and palate – combination of surgical
and non-surgical procedures.
Dr. Krizstian Nagy PhD, FEBOMFS1,3, Dr. Balint Nemes* LTH2, Prof. Dr. Gwen
Swennen PhD FEBOMFS1, Sofie Hoste LTH1, Francoise Van den Eynde LTH1
Schisis & CF Centrum, AZ Sint Jan Brugge / Semmelweis University
15:35Modeling 3D facial shape from DNA
Peter Claes
KU Leuven, ESAT/PSI - UZ Leuven, MIRC - iMinds, Medical IT Dept.
15:55 Studying the 3D Dynamics of the face. A new technique being
used to assess function, speech and expression before and after
Chris Lane, CEO 3dMD LLC
Atlanta, USA - disclosure of interests/affiliation
16:10 Facial Motion Capture in Orthognathic Surgery: Preliminary results
and future research projects
G. Van Hemelen, H. Jr. Vercruysse, M Nadjmi, N Nadjmi
Dept OMFS, AZ Monica- HH Lier-KLINA, Antwerp
16:30 COFFEE
17:00 Real 3D CT/ MRI imaging using 3D binoculars, Is realD 3D making
its appearance in medical imaging?
Jan Reijnen
disclosure of interests/affiliation - VitualProteines International BV
17:20 Endoscopische behandeling van craniosynostosis en post-oper-
atieve evaluatie met 3D-fotogrammetrie.
Dr. W.A. Borstlap1, Dr. E. van Lindert 2, Dr. H. Delye2, Drs. J. Meulstee1, Dr. Th. Maal1.
Afdeling Mond-, Kaak en Aangezichtschirurgie - 2Afdeling Neurochirurgie
Amalia Kinderziekenhuis, Radboud Universitair Medisch Centrum, Nijmegen,
the Netherlands.
17:45 SynpliciTi customized guide-plate system: Moving bones under
controll using a reversed planning process;
Thomas Schouman, Patrick Goudot
APHP, Hôpital Pitié-Salpétrière, Université Paris 6, Paris, France
disclosure of affiliation/ interests - OBL - Materialise
18:15 Computer- assisted planning and navigation in craniomaxillofacial sur-
gery with special focus on congenital deformities: a review and outlook
Prof. Dr. Dr. Nils-Claudius Gellrich, Majeed Rana, Alexander Schramm, Horst
Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Medical School,
Hannover & Military Hospital and University Ulm, Germany
18:50 Discussion
19:00 END of the scientific program
20:00 DINNER (with partners): Faculty Club - Groot Begijnhof - LEUVEN
Locatie - Location 21/11/2014
Auditorium “Huis van Chièvres” - Groot Begijnhof
GPS: Tervuuursevest 70, 3000 Leuven
Locatie - Location 22/11/2014
Auditorium “Groot Aula Maria Theresia“
GPS: Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven
Koninklijke Belgische Vereniging voor Stomatologie en Maxillo-Faciale Heelkunde
Société Royale Belge de Stomatologie et de Chirurgie Maxillo-Faciale
Ter attentie van - A l’attention de Dr. E. Lahy
8, Ridderstraat - Rue des Chevaliers
B-1050 Brussel - Bruxelles
Uw totaal bedrag te betalen te storten op BE73 000079565460 - BIC/IBAN BPOTBEB1 van K.B.V.S., Gistelsesteenweg 583, 8200 Brugge vóór 14.11.2014. Inschrijving wordt enkel
geregistreerd na ontvangst inschrijvingskaart en betaling. - Montant total à verser au N° BE73 000079565460 - BIC/IBAN BPOTBEB1 de la S.R.B.S., Gistelsesteenweg 583, 8200 Brugge
avant le 14.11.2014. Votre participation sera confirmée aprèsréception de votre carte réponse et de votre virement.
Na 14/11/2014 en inschrijving ter plaatse - après le 14/11/2014 et sur place: + 50eu
Niet lid - Non membre: 250 eu
Assistent - Assistant: 40 eu
Gewoon lid - Membre ordinaire: 100 eu
Deelname in de kosten voor Vrijdag 21/11 en Zaterdag 22/11 (middagmaal inbegrepen)
Frais de participation pour Vendredi 21/11 et Samedi 22/11 (déjeuner compris)
Email: ..................................................................................................................................................................................
Tel: .......................................................................................................................................................................................
Adres - Adresse: ..............................................................................................................................................................
Naam - Nom: ....................................................................................................................................................................
Groot Aula Maria Theresia,
Sint-Michielstraat 6,
(Hogeschoolplein) Leuven
Gratis auto parking bij Faculty Club: toegangscode 7529 op zaterdag 21 en
vrijdag 22 november/ Parking gratuit au Faculty Club. Code d’entrée:7529
pour Vendredi 21 et Samedi 22 Novembre.
08:45 Accueil- Onthaal
09:00 Ultrasound-aided fixation of biodegradable plates in craniofacial surgery.
N.Nadjmi * , M.De Praeter **
Dept of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, GH Monica/University of Antwerp*
Dept Pediatric Neurosurgery, Paola Hospital/ UZA, Antwerp**
09:10 Osteodistraction of the mandible in patients with congenital de-
F. De Brauwer, J. Van Hevele, R. Coropciuc, A. Verdonck, T. Dormaar,
C. Politis, J. Schoenaers
Dept.OMFS, UZ-KU Leuven
09:20 Management of the vertical ramus compartment in hemifacial
Maurice Y. Mommaerts, M.Büttner,
UZ Brussel
09:35 Craniosynostosis UZ Leuven 1994-2014: Number of patients, typol-
ogy, indications and timing for surgery.
I. Libert, J. Schoenaers, B. Veys,T. Dormaar, R. Coropciuc, F. Van Calenbergh*,
J. Vranckx**, L.Lagae *** , C. Politis
Dept OMFS, Neurosurgery*, Plastic Surg**, Pediatrics***, Cranio
Faciaal Centrum - UZ-KU Leuven
09:50 Hypertelorism: surgical correction and results
Prof.Dr.Eppo Wolvius* , Prof.Dr. Itene M.J. Matthijssen,**
Dept of OMFS *, Dept of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery – Het Craniofaciaal
Centrum Nederland, Erasmus Medical Centre Rotterdam, the Netherlands
10:10 Computer assisted craniofacial surgery – some experiences of the
interdisciplinary Berlin Centre for Craniofacial Surgery
Nicolai Adolphs, MD, DMD, Bodo Hoffmeister, MD, DMD, Phd / Matthias Schulz,
MD*, Ernst-Johannes Haberl, MD, Phd*-
Department for Craniomaxillofacial Surgery & Pediatric Neurosurgery*,
Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Campus Virchow Klinikum, Germany
10:40 Discussion
10:45 COFFEE
11:15 Neurological and developmental aspects of craniosynostosis:
20 years experience in the Leuven craniofacial unit.
Prof. F. Van Calenbergh*, L. Lagae**, J.Schoenaers***
Dept. Neurosurgery* , Pediatrics ** Dept. OMFS*** , CFC – UZ/KU Leuven
11:35 Treatment of craniosynostosis with the use of distraction springs
Prof.Dr. I.M.J. Mathijssen*; Dr. M.L.C. van Veelen**,
Dept of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery* Neurosurgery** ;
het Craniofaciaal Centrum Nederland - Erasmus MC Rotterdam,
the Netherlands
11:50 Cleft Outcomes: objective and patient-centered measurements.
Dept. OMFS , Guilford Univ. & London, UK
12:25 Honorary Membership Ceremony to Prof. P. E. Haers
12:35 I. A.O.M.S. : An update on new initiatives.
Prof.P.Haers, President of IAOMS
12:45 APERITIF & LUNCH (Walking dinner)
14:00 Scéance Administrative – Adminitratieve Zitting
14:30 40th Anniversary of CLP team UZ Leuven: an overview 2003-2013
T. Dormaar, J. Schoenaers, V. Vander Poorten*, G.Hens*,P. Hellings*, C. Politis
Dept OMFS, Dept ENT*, Zorg programma Schisis, UZ-KU Leuven
14:40 The importance of orbicularis muscle restoration in bilateral cleft lips
M. Büttner, Maurice Y. Mommaerts
UZ Brussel
14:50 An anatomical approach to enhance the aesthetics of cleft lip and
nose reconstruction
N. Nadjmi
Dept of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, GH Monica/University of Antwerp
15:00 Does the columella grow in bilateral cleft lip, alveolus and palate
S. Van Roy, Maurice Y. Mommaerts
UZ Brussel
15:10Secondary maxillary osteoplasty in cleft patients
L.Sibille, R.Olszewski, H.Reychler
Clin.Univ.St-Luc, UCL, Brussels
15:20 Regenerative medicine in treatment of alveolar cleft defect :
a systematic review of literature
A.Khojasteh*, N.Nadjmi **
Dept Oral and MFS , Shadid Beheshti Univ. Med.Sc., Tehran , IRAN*
Dept of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, GH Monica/University of Antwerp**
15:30 Transplantation of teeth to the reconstructed cleft alveolus.
D. Sinha, J. Schoenaers, A. Verdonck, T. Dormaar, C. Politis
Dept OMFS & of Orthodontics - ZorgProgramma Schisis , UZ-KU Leuven
15:40Orthodontic bone anchorage devices in cleft lip and palate patients.
J. Van Hevele, J. Schoenaers, G. De Temmerman, F. De Brauwer, A. Verdonck*, R.
Coropciuc, J. Dormaar, C. Politis
Dept. of OMFS & of Orthodontics* Zorg Programma Schisis - UZ/KU Leuven
15:50 Secondary Cleft Lip Reconstruction with Pedicled De-epithelialized Scar
N. Nadjmi
Dept of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, GH Monica/University of Antwerp
16:00 Discussion
16:10 COFFEE
16:40 An unknown congenital mandibular deformity.
A. De Muylder, H. Reychler
Clin.Univ.St-Luc, UCL, Brussels
16:50 Cleidocranial Dysostosis: Pierre Marie-Sainton disease: about 2 cases
S. Gilis, S. Medin Rey, E. Boutremans, I. Loeb
Hôp.Univ.St-Pierre, ULB , Brussels
17:00 Giant cervical lymphangioma: report of case
A. Carlier, E. Boutremans, R. Javadian, I. Loeb
Hôp.Univ.St-Pierre, ULB , Brussels
17:10 Congenital melanocytic nevi in the head and neck region
D. Gorlé, M. Desmedt, M. Klein
Fachklinik Hornheide, Germany.
17:20Craniofacial teratoma
L.Castiaux, N.Terlinden,P. Mahy, H. Reychler
Clin.Univ.St-Luc,UCL, Brussels
17:30 Gorlin-Goltz syndrome: a case report with 10 year follow-up
L. Govaers*, K. Chapelle**
*Dept OMFS UZ-KU Leuven , **Dept OMFS AZ St-Maarten, Duffel
17:40 Discussion & closing remarks
17:50 END OF of the scientific program
Voorzitter - Président
Prof. J. SCHOENAERS - KU / UZ Leuven
Algemeen Secretaris - Secrétaire Général
8, Ridderstraat - Rue des Chevaliers
Locatie - Location 21/11/2014
Auditorium “Huis van Chièvres”
Groot Begijnhof te Leuven
Locatie - Location 22/11/2014
Auditorium “Groot Aula Maria Theresia“
Sint-Michielsstraat 6, Leuven
Inschrijving - Inscription
Inschrijving door de antwoodkaart voor 14/11/2014
par renvoi de la carte réponse AVANT le 14/11/2014
volgende bijeenkomst
prochaine réunion
16 MAART - MARS 2015
Sheraton Brussels Airport
Thème - Thema
Preimplant Maxillofacial Reconstructive Surgery
Voorstellen van voordrachten te e-mailen VOOR 10 Januari 2015 aan Propositions de communications à adresser AVANT le 10 Janvier 2015 par
e-mail à: -
15, Groot Begijnhof/Tervuursevest 70
3000 Leuven - Louvain
+32 16 29 10 10 - -
Reservation code: Congres KBVSMFH - G77957
Room Type
Rack Rate 2014
Offered UZ Leuven-Rate
Single room
Weekend (Fri - Sun)
e 278,00
e 110,00
Double room
Weekend (Fri - Sun)
e 299,00
e 130,00
These rates are per room, per night; breakfast buffet, VAT, City tax and high-speed Wi-Fi included.