Volume 52 December January 2014/15
Volume 52 December January 2014/15
Volume 52 December January 2014/15 “To Support and Promote the American Art of the Blues on the Treasure Coast” Officers Patti Gamble-President Elaine Souza-VP/Treas Sandra Griffith-Rec. Sec., PR, Phone Board of Directors Richard Griffith Eileen Ludmerer Jack Hudson Richard Ludmerer Tina Livio-Board Assist., PR, Media Michael Schonbach Advisory Gerry Mullaney Vern Melvin Richard Ludmerer Elaine Souza James Karpus Hawk Levy Newsletter Editor Patti Gamble Anet Reed Newsletter Printer Ken Reed Printing Photography Danielle McCune Tracey Williams The Blues Alliance of the Treasure Coast, Inc. is a non-profit organization comprised of musicians, vocalists, song writers, bands and folks who just love music; especially the BLUES, here on the Treasure Coast of Florida. The Blues Alliance of the Treasure Coast supports all types of music, however, the basis of the organization is the BLUES. The Blues Alliance of the Treasure Coast has many fine community programs. Blues Newsletter - Interesting articles, mailed every other month to members and distributed throughout the Treasure Coast. Monthly Membership Meetings - Come and socialize with the other Blues Alliance members and discuss the local area blues scene. Member - The National Blues Foundation. Listed - The Blues Festival Guide, the “BIBLE OF THE BLUES”. Participant - The International Blues Challenge (a.k.a. The IBC). Benefit Program - For local musicians Scholarship - Provides two worthy students with music scholarships to IRSC each year. Let Us Play Program - Recycle program providing instruments free of cost to children unable to buy or rent their own. New Annual Event - Conservation Alliance of St. Lucie County’s “Party in the Park,” celebrates the environment and the Fort Pierce Inlet State Park. Rides, music, displays - a fun day for all! “Hooked on Blues” - Supporting our bands each month. Blues Website - Packed with blues information, scheduled events, happenings, links and more. www.bluesalliance.org 772-467-1851 Dec. 4, Thurs., Open jam with 24 Steven, 7-10 PM, Pineapple Joe’s, 6297 N. US I, Fort Pierce, Fl. 34946. 772-465-6930. Dec. 9, Tues., “Hooked on Blues” with The Sophisticats, 2-5 PM, Little Jim’s Bait and Tackle, 601 N. Cswy., Fort Pierce, Fl. 34949. 772-468-2503. BATC Holiday Party, watch e-mails for details. Jan. 16, Fri., Nominations Meeting at 6:30 PM then “Hooked on Blues and Music” with The Dixie Highway Band from 7-11 PM. Manatee Island Grill (old Mangrove Mattie’s) 1640 Seaway Dr., Fort Pierce Inlet, Fort Pierce, Fl. 34949. 772-242-8460. Dec. 20, Sat., “Hooked on Blues” with Albert Castiglia, 7-10:30 PM, Terra Fermata Tiki Bar, 26 NE 6th St., Stuart, Fl. 34994. 772-465-3157. Dec. 21, Sun., “Hooked on Blues” with Ben Prestage, 4:30-8 PM, Terra Fermata Tiki Bar, 26 NE 6th St., Stuart, Fl. 34994. 772-465-3157. Short Board meeting at 4 pm Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from all of us! Jan. 20-24, 2015, IBC (International Blues Challenge) Memphis, Tenn. www.blues.org for details. This year’s playoff winner: The Mark Telesca Band! Best wishes to all of you! Feb. 27-Mar. 1, 2015, 3rd Annual Jensen Beach Blues and BBQ/Marathon by Flavors Festivals. Watch listings and e-mails. Upcoming Children’s “Let Us Play” Recital Jam, details soon! To volunteer or participate, please call: 772-332-2120. Members children are welcome! Watch e-mails for more events. Come out and support live music and the BLUES! Volume 52 Page 2 Member Bands Support our member bands by going out to see them. Category 5: www.category5blues.com www.facebook.com/Cat5blues www.reverbnation.com/category5blues The Mojo Band: www.myspace.com/greggjacksonthemojoband www.facebook.com/gjmojoband Soul Rebel: www.soulrebelband.com Facebook: SoulRebelBand www.youtube.com/desikane.music www.desikane.bandcamp.com desikane@gmail.com Ben Prestage www.benprestagemusic.com Hurricane Hawk and the Invaders www.hurricanehawk.com Mary Ann Stefanik www.maryannsmusic.com www.reverbnation.com/maryann The Rockin’ Jake Band www.rockinjake.com Captain Reese and Son of Man www.captainslogbook.com Big Jim Adam 321-610-4602 bigjimadam@yahoo.com www.bigjimadam.com www.facebook.com/pages/big-jimadam/73604198141 Katie Popeye Schanze www.facebook.com/katie.schanze crazy24735@yahoo.com JP Soars and the Red Hots www.facebook.com/jpsoars www.jpsoars.com 561-667-5481 Emergency Poncho Brian Siegle-captainvere@hotmail.com Booking: 516-524-1620 jennifertrefelner76@gmail.com Joel Zoss (Solo, Trio, Band) www.joelzoss.com www.bluzpik.com/joelzoss/joelzossepk.htm Lili Lavon Band Sophisticats www.s-cats.com www.nortonmusic.com Mark Barnes www.markbarnesmusic.com www.reverbnation.com/markbarnesmusic The Lucky Dogs Band theluckydogsband.com www.facebook.com/theluckydogsband info@theluckydogsband.com The Dali Lamas Jeff 772-370-5091 Mike 772-473-3298 www.facebook.com/pages/thejaywalkers/419611994790474 The Sunrise Party Band thesunrisepartyband.com The Silver Rock Band thesilverrockband.com donplayspiano.com donbestor.com Mark Telesca Band marktelesca.com marktelesca16@gmailcom Twenty Four Steven (24 Steven) 772-519-0569 twenty4steven@aol.com www.facebook.comstevenwphillippejr Lowdown 13 www.lowdown13blues.com www.facebook.com/lowdown13fans orajstrickland@excite.com Dixie Highway Band James Karpus Best wishes to the Mark Telesca Band, IBC 2015 participant www.facebook.com/Dixiehighwayband dixiehighway1@aol.com Will Vaughn and Soul Tyme w.vaughnbless@yahoo.com www.facebook.com/willvaughn 772-828-8928 Kenny Clarke B3 Trio b3clarke@gmail.com www.b3clarke.com www.facebook.com/kennyclarkeb3 www.facebook.com/b3clarke www.youtube.comb3clarke twitter.com/b3clarke Robert Allen Gibbs, the Mark Telesca Band! www.lililavonband.com www.facebook.com/lililavonband lililavon@gmail.com *Please send gigs for e-mail blast at least a day ahead. Please do not send attachments. Attachments can be placed on your link or fb page. BATC Recital/ Jam 2014 Antony Livoti, the Mark Telesca Band! Volume 52 Page 3 Volume 52 Page 4 Volume 52 Page 5 Read Any Good Blues Books Lately? Part 3 By Vern Melvin After the last couple of articles sharing some of my favorite blues books I had planned to take a break and pick another topic for this article. That pretty much changed when I came upon a recently released semi-autobiography by an almost blues/jazz legend. The book is titled, “Tales of a Road Dog: The Lowdown along the Blues Highway,” by Ron Levy. At almost 500 pages it took a few days to get through but was well worth the effort. I refer to Levy as an “almost legend” because if he were better known by more of us blues & jazz fans then he would, in fact, be thought of as a legend. Consider the following (much of which I did not know before reading his book): Ron is from New England, around the Boston area…not exactly known as a blues hotbed; early on he was a prodigy on the piano & has become a master of not only the keyboards, but the B3 Hammond Organ in particular; at 15 years old he got permission from his parents to join, & tour with, Albert King’s blues band where he was the only white member of the group; at 18 years old he joined BB King’s band, again as the only white member, and toured with BB for seven years, leaving to go solo at 25; has been a member of Roomful of Blues; and over the years, besides touring and recording with various bands he put together, Levy became a “first call” session man due to his extraordinary keyboard/organ skills. Levy’s best known touring & recording unit is “Ron Levy’s Wild Kingdom.” The experiences, stories and anecdotes he shares are insightful, humorous, and very interesting. It is his experiences as an on-the-road touring musician that are particularly entertaining…some of it falls into the category of “you can’t make this stuff up!” If you need proof of Levy’s street cred as a blues musician, consider the following quote by BB King included in the liner notes of Levy’s book, “I want everyone to know, Ron Levy is one of the very best musicians I’ve ever played with and worked with. Now, he’s even written a book! I’m so proud of my ‘son’.” Another book I found very interesting and informative is, “Living the Blues: Canned Heat’s Story of Music, Drugs, Death, Sex and Survival.” It is interesting because it gave me an opportunity to learn more about a band that, to my mind, was on a par with the Paul Butterfield Blues Band as one the two best “white boy” blues bands to come out of the mid to late Sixties blues revival scene. “Living the Blues” is written by the lone surviving member and drummer, Fito de la Parra. The band was originally formed by blues music diehards Bob “Bear” Hite, Al “Blind Owl” Wilson, Henry “Sunflower” Vestine and Larry Taylor. Bottom line is that they were serious as a heart attack about the blues…maybe a little too serious. The romantic notion of living the life of a blues man can sometimes turn into a harsh, self-destructive reality. But during their most creative and productive period they had a couple of Top 40 hits, “Going Up the Country” and “Let’s Work Together.” Hite, Wilson, and Vestine have long since passed but de la Parra continues to carry the Canned Heat torch with various top musicians who share the Heat’s love of the blues. Switching gears, so to speak, the Holiday season is almost upon us and if you’re looking for some good bluesy Christmas music I have a couple of suggestions. First, a couple of CD’s from Alligator Records: Christmas Collection & Genuine Houserockin’ Christmas. Some excellent songs include: Back Door Santa (Holmes Brothers); Stay a Little Longer Santa (Shemekia Copeland); A Bluesman’s Christmas (Coco Montoya); Santa Claus Wants Some Lovin’ (Tinsley Ellis); One Parent Christmas (Safire-the Uppity Blues Women). The other CD I would recommend is Blue Yule: Christmas Blues & R&B Classics. This record has 18 songs from blues artists such as Lightnin’ Hopkins, John Lee Hooker, Sonny Boy Williamson II, Canned Heat, Detroit Junior, and many others. I hope y’all have a safe & happy holiday season…..See you in 2015! Volume 52 Page 6 The Lili Lavon Band (a.k.a. “LLB”) is a collaboration of musicians who have been rockin’ Treasure Coast for quite a while now. Audiences seem to love LLB’s musical vibe.........mixture of soulful rock and gritty country, with a hint of sultry blues! LLB is made up of some serious local talent: Lili Lavon (lead vocals), Dave Scott (guitar/vocals), Peter George (bass/vocals) and Brian Cunningham (drums/vocals). Together these musicians make not only incredible original music, but also re-create the classics in a way that’ll make you fall in love with your favorites all over again. This is THE band to watch if you’re looking for a high energy night to remember! Beverly Blair, President The Virtual E.A., Inc. 772-333-2900 bblair@virteainc.com www.thevirtualea.com The Blues Alliance of the Treasure Coast welcomes The Lili Lavon Band (LLB)!! lililavon@gmail.com, www.lililavonband.com. Featured Sponsors Band of Brothers 772.879.4785 (Doc) St. Lucie County www.bandofbrothers-fl.com This is not a motorcycle club Advertising Prices for Newsletter Business Card $25 2 x 3.5 1/4 Page $50 4/12 x 5 1/2 Half Page $75 5 x 8 Full Page $150 8 x 11 Sponsor Flyers 1st time Free - You print - we insert 10% off multiple ads Blues Alliance of the Treasusre Coast Membership Application Name___________________________________________ Address__________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Phone___________________________________________ E-Mail__________________________________________ Instrument(s) Played_______________________________ _______________________________________________ Blues Alliance facebook Membership Type and Dues Lup-Under 21, Novice, 1st year $10 Student: $10 (full time student) Individual: $20 Household: $30 (2 members same address / 2 votes Mojo Member: $40 ( 1 vote - free T-shirt or hat) Band Member $50 (1 vote) Corporate Member $100 - 1 vote, website and news recognition Payable to Blues Alliance of the Treasure Coast P O Box 7192 Port St. Lucie, FL 34985-7192 HotLine 772-467-1851 Private/Confidential Welcome !! Blues Alliance website The Blues Alliance of the Treasure Coast wishes to welcome new members: Kimberlee Ann Brooks Trakis and The Lili Lavon Band (LLB). Welcome Back!! Larry Mayo, Reuben “LL” Morgan, Leo Gale and Sharon Brickman. Thank you for supporting live music and the blues! Volume 52 Support Our Sponsors, They Support The Blues Page 7 Take a moment to discover our corporate members and think of them when you are doing business. They contribute much needed funds to the organization and some even offer member discounts. They share your love of music and have shared their support for it where it counts; so let’s do the same for them. Corporate Sponsors will be featured in the Newsletter and we will feature some each month. Another perk coming back atcha! ARLO KOLETZKY Visitor Services Manager Seven Gables House 482 N. Indian River Dr. Fort Pierce, FL 34950 772.468.9152 Toll Free 888.StLucie www.StLucieChamber.org 'RQ%HVWRU-U Email: Arlo@StLucieChamber.org -$== PRELOH ID[ EHVWRUG#EHOOVRXWKQHW THE FRIENDLY POST OF THE TREASURE COAST AMERICAN LEGION POST #40 35(6,'(17 32%R[)RUW3LHUFH)/ 772.461.1480 810 So. U S 1 Fort Pierce, FL 34950 23 SW Osceola St. Stuart, FL 34994 772-324-8289 Bmerrygastropub.com Facebook Band of Brothers JAMES L. AUTIN, M.D. 772.879.4785 (Doc) St. Lucie County www.bandofbrothers-fl.com This is not a motorcycle club Sinus - Ears - Nose - Throat - Facial Plastic Surgery Care of the Professional Voice MUSICIAN’S SPECIAL Includes Consult with Dr. Autin - Video Exam of Vocal Chords & Complete Hearing Evaluation $99 www.jautin.com 10377 S. US 1, PSL For Appointment Call 772.337.3700 Facebook.com/BMerrygastropub PHONE 772.337.6559 561.252.6330 www.adamsairconditioning.net Saint Lucie Jewelry 9168 South US 1 Port St. Lucie, FL 34952 772.201.2001 Hawk’s Blues Port St. Lucie Downtown Lion’s Club jack@theamericandreamfactory.com Jill Borowicz, M.S.W. 632 SW Monterey Rd. jborowicz@safespacefl.org Stuart, FL www.safespacefl.org 772-223-2399 Meeting 2nd Tuesday of the Month 11:45 AM at Bistro on the Green P.O.Box 9301 Port St. Lucie, FL 34985-9301 psldowntownus.lionswap.org Ronnie DeChambeau General Manager Ph: 772.286.7474 Cell772.485.9562 Email: ronnie@schumachermusic.com 888 SW Federal Hwy. Stuart, FL 34994 www.schumachermusic.com PIRATES COVE RESORT & MARINA 772.287.2500 Fax 772.220.2704 4307 S.E. Bayview St., Stuart, FL 34997 www.piratescoveresort.com info@pcrm.net Florida Offices 2018 NE Ridge Ave. Jensen Beach, FL 34957 E info@flavorsfestivals.com Festivals Blues Alliance of the Treasure Coast P. O. Box 7192 Port St. Lucie, FL 34985-7192 www.bluesalliance.org Advertising Prices for Newsletter Business Card $25 2 x 3.5 1/4 Page $50 4/12 x 5 1/2 Half Page $75 5 x 8 Full Page $150 8 x 11 Sponsor Flyers 1st time Free - You print - we insert 10% off multiple ads Blues Alliance of the Treasusre Coast Membership Application Name___________________________________________ Address__________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Phone___________________________________________ E-Mail__________________________________________ Instrument(s) Played_______________________________ _______________________________________________ Membership Type and Dues Lup-Under 21, Novice, 1st year $10 Student: $10 (full time student) Individual: $20 Household: $30 (2 members same address / 2 votes Mojo Member: $40 ( 1 vote - free T-shirt or hat) Band Member $50 (1 vote) Corporate Member $100 - 1 vote, website and news recognition Payable to Blues Alliance of the Treasure Coast P O Box 7192 Port St. Lucie, FL 34985-7192 HotLine 772-467-1851 Private/Confidential
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