A November 7 - 13 13.pmd - San Gabriel Valley Examiner
A November 7 - 13 13.pmd - San Gabriel Valley Examiner
November 7 - 13, 2013 San Gabriel Valley S.G.V. EXAMINER A1 To reach us: Phone: (626) 852-3374 Fax : (626) 852-1904 E-mail: sgexaminer@aol.com Web: www.sgvexaminer.com Since 1997 • Published in GLENDORA, California A Weekly Adjudicated Publication Serving all of Los Angeles County 25 cents Volume XVI, Issue No. 45 INSIDE STRIVING FOR JOURNALISTIC EXCELLENCE IN LOCAL NEWS Save A Child - Win A Custom Chopper By Jorge V. Rosales Saluting Our Veterans / B1 105 Years Young Elizabeth Foerster / A3 INDEX City Notices B14 Classifieds B15 Financial/ Consumer B4 Legal Notices B6 AZUSA- Joseph Falzone, Founder and President of JoeDan's Healthy Children, Inc., truly believes in the proverb "It takes a village to raise a child." His belief is that it takes more than one person to teach a child the ways of life because a child comes upon many different experiences and circumstances during their life and often is taught by someone else the right and wrong thing to do. Because he wants to be part of the right thing to do in as many children’s lives as possible, he founded JoeDan's Healthy Children, a non-profit organization designed to enhance the quality of life for the children in the community who do not have the financial means to get involved in after school activities. The organization itself was founded as a result of the recent increase awareness of bullies and the bullied. Their goal is to keep children off the streets and properly behaved. The organization is a mentoring program to help prevent children from making bad choices. Opportunities for the children will be created by providing a healthy environment to come and learn fighting techniques that will improve their health, enhance their study, Joe Hernandez (left) founder and owner of Solo 1 Customs, Inc. of Azusa and Joseph Falzone, Founder and President of JoeDan's Healthy Children, Inc in front of the 2008 Custom Chopper being raffled by Solo 1 Customs and the proceeds donated to JoeDan's Healthy Children. They and the Custom Chopper are surrounded by Hernandez' customized automobiles. communication, and leadership skills, while at the same time building confidence and selfesteem. They strive to help children thrive and to build, strengthen, and sustain family and community life. One of the major ways of meeting the organization's mission and provide services to children is through the generosity of individuals and busi- Cindy Tessitor at the Glendora Florist By Jayam Rutnam GLENDORA - There is no doubt that Cindy Tessitor enjoys flowers, being around flowers and working with flowers.She also knows the names of the variety of flowers she works with. Cindy works and teaches the art of floral arranging at the Glendora Florist on the Avenue in the Village of Glendora. We watched her make an arrangement for a wedding with an autumn theme. She said that she would use purple, orange and sage green flowers and greens, with hydrangeas, lisinthus and alstroenarias. Cindy is a professional floral designer and wedding consultant with the Glendora Florist. She previously owned the Cindy Tessitor works on an arrangement for an autumn wedding. Petal Pusher on Route 66. She has been teaching the art of floral arranging at the Glendora Florist for the past few months on Tuesday evenings. Her favorite saying is "Ev- ery woman loves receiving flowers!" Cindy has been a teacher at the Glenkirk Church in Glendora for many years. Woman's Club of West Covina Celebrates Fifty-Seven Years! By George Ogden WEST COVINA - The Woman's of West Covina Celebrated their 57th year of existence. At their last meeting on November 1st, they had a number of past presidents show up November 7 - 13, 2013 as well as a charter member. The event held at the Elk's Lodge in West Covina had a nice lunch and entertainment from the Magic Castle's Alan Rich who provided jokes and some great magic. Pictured above from left are past presidents: Zona Wilt, Nanci Sachs, Mary Ellsworth, Dorothy Fertala, Joyce Owen, Sue Kreger, Nancy Hippach and Sandra Taylor. Seated is Charter Member Louse Crouse. nesses for support. Such generosity has been demonstrated by Joe Hernandez, founder and owner of Solo 1 Kustoms, Inc., located at 701 E. Arrow Highway will be raffling off a 2008 custom chopper valued between $45,000 to $55,000 on December 14, 2013 at Citrus College from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. The proceeds from the raffle will go to JoeDans Healthy Children. Hernandez, who restores classic cars at Solo 1 Kustoms made a decision to help out Flazone from JoeDan's Healthy Children to open his facility. Hernandez has a heart for the children and will do what he can to help them out. In 2010 he helped out Northview High School by donating his 1966 Ford Mustang for them to build an all weather baseball infield surface. And 2011 he also helped out the kids from Ayon Fist Boxing in Azusa by donating a 2008 GSXR bike. You can get your tickets for the raffle of the 2008 Custom Chopper at Solo 1 Kustoms, Inc. or by calling 626-331-6270 for only $20.00 a ticket. Just remember that for every ticket you buy you might be saving a child. The 2008 Custom Chopper by DNA Frame has 110 EVO Motor and EVO Tranny with 21" Front Twisty Spokes and 25" Rear on Twisty Spokes. It has a Tangerine customs paint with air brush graphic designs finish. For more information about the raffle, the Car Show, or the organization call (626) 3248188. Glendora Community Coordinating Council Award Recipients for October GLENDORA - Linda Hermann is a local Glendora business owner of A & J Cakes. She has served as President of the Glendora Chamber of Commerce 2011-2012, President of GCCC 2011-2013, two terms on the City Beautification Committee and chaired it twice, Community Services Commission current Vice Chair and still serves on Chamber of Commerce Board. While at the Chamber she was a strategic planner for Flashback, helping to raise thousands of dollars for the Glendora Chamber and Kiwanis projects. She curently teaches classes in candy making at the library each February and provides decorating for the Glendora Citizen of the Year ceremony. Her business, A & J Cakes has been honored on TV and received the Glendora Business of the Year award in 2013, also recognized in L A Magazine, October 2009 as 100 things to see and do and has also been mentioned in Sunset Magazine. She was the first business owner to sponsor the new GCCC Business Luncheon Sponsor Program, let us know if you are interested in sponsoring a meeting. Congratulations Linda on receiving the October 2013 GCCC Humanitarian Service Award. The Tim Crowther Youth Recognition Award has been presented annually, since October 1997, in honor of the late Tim Crowther, who was dedicated to serving the youth of our community. He was a police officer who was involved and volunteered time with the Glendora Jaycees, the Community Service Commission and the Glendora Coordinating Council. Lieutenant Crowther also had a special interest and involvement in youth sports in the community as well. Tori Whitworth has a long list of volunteer accomplishments, a few of them are: girl's camp leader, youth conference organizer, GHS Varsity Cross Country, community choir, serves The San Gabriel Valley Examiner Linda Hermann (Humanitarian Award recipient for October) and Amanda Behnke GCCC president. Tori Whitworth is the Glendora Community Coordinating Council Tim Crowther Youth Recognition Award recipient for October, pictured above with Daniel and Donna Crowther. meals at the winter shelter for the homeless and serves on the LA County Junior Fair Board. Congratulations Tori! The GCCC is looking for young people to recognize each month. Please help us by nominating a young person in our community. Please contact the GCCC at info@glendoracoordinatingcouncil.org if you have a nominee for this award. You can learn more at www.glendoracoordinatingcouncil.org Emergency Preparedness Fair AZUSA - The City of Azusa together with the Make a Senior Smile Foundation invite you to the upcoming "Seniors Get Ready" Emergency Preparedness Fair which will be held on Saturday, November 23 from 10 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. This event will be held at the Azusa Senior Center, 740 N. Dalton Ave., in Azusa. This event is designed to help "Seniors Get Ready" and be prepared for an emergency. Free Emergency Kits will be given to the first 200 Azusa senior residents, ages 55 and over who register for the event! Attendance and proof of residency is required to receive the kit! For more information or to register, please visit or call the Azusa Senior Center at (626) 812-5204. The event will also feature Speakers and Workshops on topics of Emergency Preparedness and Safety. A lot of important information to be provided A2 S.G.V. EXAMINER November 7 - 13, 2013 Dog-Days Are Over: 4 Simple Military Banner For David Norato Rules of Furry Friendships By Jenny Park GLENDORA - Americans love their dogs, but keeping up with your pets let alone all the things life throws at us can be difficult. There are luckily many different services that will handle your pets in Glendora. I admit seeing my furry friends with matted hair and dirty paws can put a damper in my day. What are some things that can help you be a master dog-keeper? 1. Keep them healthy. That means taking them to get their shots and vaccinations, especially if you pick up strays. All our family dogs started off as strays, but they all became part of the family once we invested a little money from the beginning. Postponing these shots can be a serious issue, especially if they have rabies and bite you, your family, or visitors. I recommend Dr. Park of West Foothill Animal Hospital. He has helped many people who have adopted dogs or cats, as well as my own two stray female terrier puppies, Lin-Lin and Angel. It turned out they had a small case of infection in the intestines due to possibly eating scraps. 2. Keep them clean. Having a clean area for them to sleep can help lower the risk of fleas. That means sweeping the patio or keeping a clean bed for them. Giving them regular showers, about twothree times a week, can help them have a shiny coat. I found out the hard way that not giving my dog enough showers especially during the summer led to flies buzzing around him all the time. Not washing your dog is like having a dirty car, ignoring your friends, or never calling your mother. It's so easy to procrastinate your chores, but if you see them as fun, it will get the job done. 3. Keep them happy. There's a reason why they say that a dog is man's best friend. Dogs are smart, loyal, and affectionate creatures. Even the toughest ones need attention. Correction. Especially the toughest ones. That means more than just going outside and feeding them, which is what I used to do. Auto-pilot mode puts your dog at risk to doing random things for attention. Attention -grabbers such as barking at strange hours, digging up holes, running around in circles are behaviors dogs exhibit when they want to communicate their needs to In addition to family members and members of the Azusa Veterans Memorial Committee, Azusa Mayor Joe Rocha and Councilman Robert Gonzales were present. David Norato (4th from lft) is flanked by his mother Alma Flores and sister Giselle Norato to his left and girfriend Jacqueline Rubio and father Rogelio Norato to his right. By Jorge V. Rosales Dr. Sung Park takes out the sutures from the puppy, post spay recovery. California law stipulates that neutering dogs or cats can help against overpopulation in the animal shelter/rescue system. their owners. Dogs "talk" to us with their body-language and it's always a fun thing trying to guess what they are saying to us. Most often it's a general, "Hi, how are you? Now can you feed me?" But other times, it could be, "I'm annoyed" or "Why aren't you coming outside to play?" 4. Keep it simple. There are all kinds of toys and treats to give to your pets, but I did not really "get into" the idea of buying too much stuff. The idea of a toy for a dog just seems excessive to me. Plus they would rather chew up an old shoe. Dogs seemed to never care about the plastic bone or squeaky stuffed animal that I so excitedly picked out for them. Looking back, I would rather have saved up the money and bought pet shampoo, dental cleanings, or better yet save it for a rainy day fund. Spending a lot of money on your dog is just unnecessary. There are four cardinal rules that I have learned from taking care of our family pets. I have a feeling that cat lovers have their own set of rules that I am just not aware of, but it must be very similar to the above rules. Also a shout-out to Dr. Sung Park and his son Dr. Michael Park, veterinar- ians at West Foothill Animal Hospital for contributing to this article. West Foothill Animal Hospital is located on 615 W. Foothill Blvd and can be reached at (626)335-4912. WEST COVINA - The Westfield Shopping Center held a great Halloween event at their Mall, the Westfield Spooktacular. There were well over 100 kids who participated in the costume contest. Origi- nality seemed to be how the judging went. There were three judges, two city officials and one youth council member with the back-up judge being Councilman Fredrick Sykes. Pictured are the winners. On the far left is 4-year-old years old. He is scheduled for deployment in November 2013. His father's name is Rogelio Norato and his Mother's name is Alma Flores. His two younger siblings are Giselle and Christopher. David's girlfriend is Jacqueline Rubio, who is Peggy Martinez' niece. The hanging of banners along Azusa Avenue is a program that was started shortly after war started in Iraq, by the then Director of the Downtown Azusa Business Association (DABA), Peggy Martinez and then Councilman Joe Rocha. The City unable to fund the program due to budgetary constraints, au- Halloween on the Avenue in Glendora By Jayam Rutnam GLENDORA - It has become an annual event which is eagerly anticipated by young and old. People flock the Avenue of the Glendora Village, from the community and also from surrounding cities in brightly colored costumes. The Glendora Halloween Trick or Treat event on The Avenue just gets bigger every year. Thousands converge to make this celebration both exciting and fun. From babies to teenagers, parents go all out by dressing their children and themselves as ghosts, ghouls and also in costumes of fantasy characters such as Spiderman and Superman. They walk up and down Glendora Avenue, stopping outside the various restaurants, shops and businesses, to get their share of treats. This event started around 11 a.m. on Halloween day. One of the highlights of the event, was a flashmob, organized by the Luxe Salon. This is the second year of the flashmob (last years theme was Michael Jackson's "Thriller"). This year Luxe Sa- Fun Halloween Spooktacular Winners By George Ogden AZUSA - On a chilly Sunday morning, November 3, over twenty family members and friends gathered in the 500 block of North Azusa Avenue to witness the hanging of military banner on a light post in front of the U.S. Post Office in honor of PFC David Norato, U. S. Marines, who was scheduled to report back to Camp Pendleton the same afternoon for preparations and readiness for deployment to Okinawa, Japan. David graduated from Azusa High School in 2012, and immediately enlisted in the Marines immediately after turning 18 Michelle Griepentrog of Sing Inc. greets children in costume outside their studio in Glendora. Next to Snow White are a few of the trick or treaters. lon owner Annette Hernandez arranged for twenty one of her beautiful stylists to do a very entertaining dance routine. The music for the flashmob was provided by Tracee Theisen of Sing Inc. Trick or Treat on the Avenue is sponsored and organized by the Glendora Village Business Improvement District (BID). They also provided some awesome photo opportunities in the center business plaza by filling the entire avenue with balloons, Halloween décor and music to set the spirit of the holiday. This is an annual event which pro- Lorenzo Rodriquez and the Popcorn is 3-year-old Aneesah Alamillo and 8-year-old Asliyah Alamillo. Sadly the Starbucks Coffee didn't provide their name before they left. The San Gabriel Valley vides a safe and festive Halloween for the community and also for the community to explore and discover all the wonderful retail businesses, restaurants and salons the Glendora Village has to offer. Many of the restaurants and shops on the Avenue, enjoyed brisk business from the Glendora community and also from those who visited from other cities. The next event on the Avenue in the Village of Glendora will be the Holiday Stroll Tree Lighting which will be held in the Village Plaza from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Friday November 22. FD113 Se Habla Español Examiner thorized DABA to hang the banners honoring Azusa soldiers. The preparation of banners are possible due to donations by businesses, families, or individuals and are hung by volunteers from the Azusa Veterans Memorial Committee (AVMC) under the direction of the AVMC's Chairman, Mayor Joe Rocha and Martinez. Also present at the hanging ceremony were Council Member Robert Gonzales, VFW Post 8070 Commander Jesse Martinez, Norato, Flores and Rubio family members and friends, and numerous AVMC members. November 7 - 13, 2013 S.G.V. EXAMINER A3 Elizabeth Foerster 105 Years Young! Antonovich’s Pet Of The Week: “Timmy” By Jayam Rutnam GLENDORA - Elizabeth Foerster celebrated 105 years on October 10, 2013. Her family and friends attended an English Tea Party hosted for her by the beautiful Mesa Glen Care Center in Glendora, where she is a resident. The Honorable Mayor Joe Santoro of the City of Glendora graced the occasion and presented Elizabeth with a certificate of declaration. All the staff of Mesa Glen Care Center were on hand to make sure that the party went off well and that all the guests were happy. Most of the guests, of course, were the other residents of the Care Center. They always jump at the idea of going to a birthday celebration. There was a violinist Sherrill Coltrin who played Tea Party music. The birthday girl enjoyed all the attention! Some of the guests enjoying the party were Mesa Glen Care Center residents Pamela Hudson, Elsa Seaford, Ravi Maymie, Zuefelt, Josie Villa, Tina Spadero, Irma Webster, Jutta Plankegoort, Carlos Gonzalez, Celia, Jillden, Marjorie, Evelyn Lee, Sally Reza, Richard, Bill Spurlock, Myrtle Anderson, John Ladouceur, Ginnie Brown, Berthiner Moore, Nancy Najarian, Irene Koepp, Muna Chao and Jackie Bartholomeus. Of Polish descent, Elizabeth Zakrewicsz was born in Hamburg, Germany and was one of 18 brothers and sisters. She emigrated to the United States in 1928 to join her sister Angela and settled in New York. On December 26, 1929 she married Alfons Foerster who was also from Germany. Elizabeth was a home maker but worked at a bakery for a short time. When Alfons retired, they moved to California and lived in Covina and then Glendora. Elizabeth and Alfons were married for 61 years. Alfons passed away in 1990 at the age of 83. Elizabeth has six brothers and sisters still alive in Germany. Her youngest brother is 87. Mesa Glen care Center is a skilled nursing 96 bed facility, located at 638 E. Colorado Ave, Glendora. Telephone 626-963-6091. They welcome visitors who wish to take a tour of the facility and meet their staff. LOS ANGELES COUNTY — Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich presents “Timmy,” a 1-year old Chihuahua mix, one of many pets available for adoption now. Elizabeth Foerster (seated in the middle) with daughters Loretta Casey and Harriet Maldonado, grand daughter Carol Casey and friends Dutch and Jo Bader and Glendora Mayor Joe Santoro. 221 W. FOOTHILL BLVD - GLENDORA, CA 91741 TEL: 626-914-3500 --- FAX 626-914-3511 P & M Management, a healthcare partner you can rely upon with four nearby locations to service your individual needs. We invite you to take a tour of our beautifully appointed facilities where caring for you and about you is our pleasure and our commitment. The San Gabriel Valley Examiner For more information about adopting a pet, please call the Los Angeles County Department of Animal Care and Control at 562-728-4610. A4 S.G.V. EXAMINER November 7 - 13, 2013 Doctors of Urology Open Satellite Office in Glendora By Jayam Rutnam GLENDORA - Gone are the days when Glendorans and those in other parts of the San Gabriel Valley would have to take the trek to downtown Los Angeles for appointments or for treatment in the area of Urology. The USC Institute of Urology has joined Glendoran Urologist Dr. Edward Davis and opened an Outreach Satellite Facility in Glendora. Besides Dr. Monish Aron who is a USC Professor of Clinicsl Urology of the Keck School of Medicine, there are three more qualified doctors who are from the USC Institute of Urology in this program. They will be available to treat patients and perform surgery on residents in the San Gabriel Valley. The other three doctors in the program are Andre Berger MD, Leo Doumanian, MD and Hooman Djaladat, MD. The areas of specialty would include General Urology, Urologic Oncology,Advance robotic surgery prostate, kidney, and bladder cancer, Reconstructive urology (pyeloplasty, ureteral reimplants, sacrocolpopexy, urethral strictures), Male sexual health, Erectile dysfunction, Male voiding dysfunction, Female urology, Urinary incontinence and Pelvic organ prolapse. According to Regina Rezex MSHCM, Business Develop- Well known Glendoran doctor Edward L. Davis MD, with Dr. Monish Aron of the USC Institute of Urology at the Glendora office. ment and Marketing Manager of the USC Institute of Urology , it provides a complete range of sub-specialties which deliver comprehensive diagnostic and treatment services for urologic disorders. USC urologists are world leaders in laparoscopic and robotic surgery for kidney cancer. With more experience than any other team in the world (over 3000 cases), USC urologists have pioneered and continue to define the field of minimally invasive surgery for kidney cancer, with special expertise in kidney-saving surgery. For the past three decades, USC urologists have been recognized pioneers and established leaders in major surgery for bladder cancer. Many breakthroughs for bladder cancer treatment have been developed at USC. With more than 2,500 cases, our experience in radicalcystectomy and continent diversion is amongst the largest in the world. These urologists have performed more than 5,000 prostate cancer surgery cases, which places USC amongst the nation's most experienced programs. The team is one of very few in the country which provide comprehensive treatment options for prostate cancer, including the latest robotic and laparoscopic techniques, as well as traditional open surgery, radiation therapy, seed implants, and cryotherapy. Other distinctive services of- fered at the USC Institute of Urology include pediatric urology and stem cell therapies, female urology and incontinence surgery, genito-urinary reconstruction and prosthetics, "belly-button" kidney donor surgery for transplantation, and scar-free single-port laparoscopic surgery. The Institute's physicians are a group of more than 500 physicians who are faculty members at the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California. They are among the nation's leaders in innovative clinical care, research and education of future physicians. Dr Monish Aron said " One would have access to all the newest technology with an entire range of urology at the highest level". The San Gabriel Valley project is called USC Urology and Citrus Valley Urologic Medical Group which was started on April 1, 2013. USC Universitylevel urologic care is now in our community and are backed by a complete team of more than 50 faculty, surgeons, physicians, residents, fellows, and physician assistants located at the Keck School of Medicine of USC. All PPO, Medicare, and some HMO's are accepted with prior authorization. The Glendora office is located at 412 W. Carroll Avenue, Glendora. Telephone 626-914-3921 or 626- 335-0228. Glendora Public Library's 6th Annual Battle Of The Books Is A Hugh Success! GLENDORA - The sixth successful "Battle of the Books" contest took place at the Glendora Public Library on October 10, 2013 in front of a standing-room only crowd. The competition among the twenty teams was tense as the questions got more difficult. After twenty-one rounds of going neck-to-neck, the winning team was No-Brainer Brainiacs! The winning team members are, Jordon Lavazzeri (7th grade, St. Louise de Marillac), Jillyn Turunen (7th grade, Goddard Middle School) and Noah Albrecht (7th grader, Goddard Middle School), There was tie for second place between Cover to Cover Girls with team members, Sarah Brammer (7th grade, Royal Oak Middle School) and Tatiana Leschper (8th grade, Sky Mountain Charter School) and Phoebe Garcia (6th grade, Sky Mountain Charter School) and Minion Swag with team members, Christian Gregary, Daniel Rea and Cory Chen (6th graders, Goddard Middle School). This event is based on the same idea as the library's Great Trivia Challenge. The difference? Onlyteens can participate and the questions come from three pre-selected books, Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer, Schooled by Gordon Korman and The Wednesday Wars by Gary D. Schmidt. A dedicated volunteer committee works for months preparing the 300+ questions on the three booksand then spends weeks and weeks fine-tuning them. The participants represented many schools in our community in grades 6 - 12: Bonita High School, CAVA, Damien High School, Edgewood High School, Glendora High School, Goddard Middle School, St. Louise de Marillac, Sandburg Middle School, Southlands Christian School, PSP, Suzanne Middle School, Sky Mountain Charter School, Walnut High School, and various Homeschool groups. Pat Janes, Committee Chairperson remarked, "I am proud of the First Place winners No-Brainer Brainiacs Second Place winners Cover to Cover Girls Second Place winners Minion Swag youth of our community. This is a great way for the community to show support to our teens and their reading efforts." Thank you to everyone that made this event possible for Our Teens!: The Glendora Rotary Club and the Friends Foundation who sponsored the event, our committee members, schools and parents, and donations from Crestwood Communities, Roger & Sheila Gutierrez, Thom and Sheryl Hill, Norm and Pat Janes, the Stan Deal family, the Dwight Richards family, Jan White, Bobbi Jefferson and Martha's Candy. Cindy Romero, Senior Librarian, Youth Services at the Glendora Public Library, shared, "The goal of 'Battle of the Books' is to promote recreational reading, build reading skills and comprehension, encourage team building skills in teens, and, most of all, to have fun!" I would like to thank the brave men and women who served and sacrificed for our freedom. Kyle A. 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