A March 11 - San Gabriel Valley Examiner


A March 11 - San Gabriel Valley Examiner
March 11 - 17, 2010
San Gabriel Valley
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Since 1997 • Published in GLENDORA, California
A Weekly Adjudicated Publication Serving all of Los Angeles County
25 cents
Volume XIV, Issue No. 11
March 11 - 17, 2010
Newcomers Say "Hi" From The Walker House
By Lynda Siminske
Increase Transparency / B1
Gold Key Award / A3
City Notices
Financial/ Consumer
Legal Notices
Glendora newcomers traveled
to San Dimas for their March
meeting. It was held at the
Walker House formerly known
as the "Old San Dimas Mansion." Fifty-five ladies attended
and enjoyed a delicious lunch
and a tour of this lovely historic
home (there was even a waiting list of members who wanted
to go). San Dimas credits its
birth to the completion of the
Santa Fe Railroad line in 1887
from Los Angeles to San Bernardino. The San Jose Ranch
Company was formed with the
purpose of laying out town sites
along the way. They acquired
most of the land that later became San Dimas. Mr. Moses
Wicks, organizer of the company, created a promotional program to induce people to buy
town lots and fruit lands in San
Dimas. This activity gave rise
to the need for temporary housing where interested buyers
would be able to stay while company officials showed them the
area. A decision was made to
design and build a hotel.
Pine from Oregon and redwood from Northern California
were floated down the coast on
large lumber rafts to San Pedro.
Glendora Newcomers say "Hello" from the Walker House in San Dimas.
From there the logs were hauled
by wagons to a sight on the east
side of San Dimas Avenue,
south of the train tracks. A plan-
The Academy Awards
Parties are Fun for All
By George Ogden
— There were a number of
Academy Awards parties
through out the Los Angeles
area. One special party was the
Waters’ Academy Awards Party
held in Montrose.
The party had a lot of the locals from the area attending.
The event had cast members
from the Bellvues, Scarantino’s
USO Show, Shakespeare Actors
and actresses. There were some
political figures, past and
present, who also attended.
Miss Washington USA for
2006 and actress, Tiffany
Doorn, Susan CarpenterMcMillan, Actress Kristine
Brock, former City Clerk Rosie
Fabian, former Azusa Commissioner Sandra Rentschler and
comedian Leland Waters just to
name a few were on hand. Oh,
we must not forget the interviewing greeter, Edna Childs.
This fun event included culinary and costume contests with
When the Academy Awards
program started, those attending could watch the big screens
or TVs throughout the Waters
home, or go down stairs to the
7 chimneys. Unfortunately, by
the time the hotel was completed, the land boom had collapsed. It was never used as a
hotel. It has never had an actual paying guest.
In the fall of 1889, James and
Sue Walker of Covington, Kentucky purchased the hotel and
its 40-acre ranch for $25,000.
The Walkers moved in. Their
home became the center of
most of the little town's activities. The town's first private
school held classes in the basement, the first church services
were held in the living room, and
all the early day clubs meet here.
For nearly ninety years, from
1889 to 1978, Walker Family
descendants lived in this Victorian home once destined to be a
hotel. After that it served as a
restaurant and a location for
wedding receptions. It was
closed down for a while.
Then in 2009, the City of San
Dimas saw value and decided
to restore the lovely home. The
reconstruction took 22 months
and the cost was $8.67 million.
Today it is used by the San
Dimas Historical Society, The
San Dimas Festival of Arts, and
Saffron Restaurant. Docents
give tours of this elegant home.
Call (909) 592-1190. Saffron
Restaurant service delicious
lunch and dinners. They even
have a Sunday Brunch. You may
make reservations by calling
(909) 599-7900. The Glendora
newcomers enjoyed a wonderful afternoon at the Walker
Azusa-Citrus Gold Line Station Ceremony
Leland Waters good friend Edna Childs interviews Rosie Fabian at
the Waters Academy Awards Party.
theater below the home.
Many who attended this fun
event were dressed in a movie
theme and some were quite
elaborate. The ballots were recorded from those who attended and the Waters’ commercials and interviews between Oscar Awards were of-
ten very entertaining and humorous with both Edna Childs and
Leland Waters taking the microphone to entertain the guests.
This was a great event and a
great time for everyone who attended.
Hope your favorite movie and
actor took the honors.
Lending a Helping Hand
AZUSA — Fourteen
Gladstone High School students, along with teachers
Cathy Smith and Rose Franco,
assisted the Habitat for Humanity in helping deserving
families realize their dream of
home ownership. Students
were Danielle Rios, Ashlie
Montenegro, Michelle Valdez,
Sunshine Baltazar, Raelene
Torres, Ruby Pena, Mariah
Sams, Adam Barnes, Aurelio
Osornio, Javier Palacios,
Miguel Vargas, Alex Muro,
Fernando Peraza and Frankie
ning mill was built and the lumber for the San Dimas hotel, the
old Santa Fe Depot, and a number of other small buildings was
milled. The construction of the
hotel building began in 1885 and
was completed in 1887. The
Deodar Cedar and Hoop Pine
tree in the front yard are part of
the original plantings and are
among the oldest and tallest of
their species in California.
The siding and all woodwork
inside the house is of redwood.
It has 30 rooms and is about
13,200 square feet. The highest part of the building from the
ground to the eaves is 40 feet
and to the top of the tower is
65 feet. The original hotel was
lighted by kerosene, electricity
was put in 1902. The hotel was
heated by 14 fireplaces and has
Azusa Mayor Joe Rocha (second from left) is joined by Congresswoman Judy Chu, Assemblyman Ed
Hernandez, members of the Azusa City Council, Chamber of Commerce, representatives from Citrus
College and Azusa Pacific University and Miss Azusa 2010 as they celebrate the upcoming ground
breaking of the Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension and unveil the station sign at the future AzusaCitrus Gold Line Station.
By Jorge V. Rosales
In a ceremony Friday, March
5 with City, State, and Federal
officials and representatives of
Azusa Pacific University, Citrus
College, and the Azusa Chamber of Commerce that brings
the Gold Line extension one step
closer to reality, the Foothill
Extension Construction Authority unveiled a sign on the northwest corner of the intersection
of Citrus and Foothill Avenues
where the extension of Citrus
Avenue will be and close to the
site of the future Citrus Gold
Line Station.
With the October 2009 passage of Metro's 2009 Long
Range Transportation Plan, the
Gold Line Foothill Extension is
earmarked to receive funds to
break ground on construction
The San Gabriel Valley
of the line's next phase from
Pasadena to Azusa in June 2010.
The $800 million plus allocation
of Measure R funds will translate into new jobs, increased
economic investment and new
public transit options in the San
Gabriel Valley.
Work is expected to begin on
the Line in early June, 2010 and
is expected to create thousands
of new jobs, increase economic
investment and more public
transit options in the area. The
proposed center platform station will be located along Duarte
Road, approximately 500 feet
west of Highland Avenue.
Funds for this project are coming from the monies generated
by Measure R which increased
sales taxes by a half cent.
The Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension Construction Authority is an independent transportation planning and construction agency created in 1999 by
the California State Legislature.
Its purpose is to construct the
Gold Line light-rail line from
downtown Los Angeles to
The Construction Authority
completed Phase 1 of the line
in 2003 (connecting downtown
Los Angeles to Pasadena) and
is currently preparing to begin
construction on Phase 2A
(Pasadena to Azusa). Phase 2B
will extend the line further east
(from Glendora to Montclair),
and a possible extension to LA/
Ontario International Airport is
under study.
March 11 - 17, 2010
Red Hat Ladies Enjoy An Afternoon In Pasadena Seat Belt Enforcement
Crackdown Planned in
the City of Glendora
By Lynda Siminske
Glendora "Casual T's Red Hat
Group"enjoyed an afternoon visiting two historic places in Pasadena. Car pooling from
Glendora to Mijares Mexican
Restaurant, ten Red Hat Ladies
enjoyed a wonderful buffet
lunch at this well-known Pasadena Restaurant established in
1920. Arriving at the restaurant
you are greeted by colorful;
flags from local colleges and
others that have recently played
in the Rose Bowl. Mijares has a
charming bar where locals can
be found chatting about the latest events and watching sports
on the several TVs. There are
several banquet rooms and a
lovely patio in addition to colorfully decorated main dining
room. Over ninety years ago,
Jesucita Mijares fled the revolution in Mexico looking for a
new life for her family. After
settling in Pasadena, she opened
a small tortilla factory. It quickly
became known for its tiny restaurant featuring Jesucita's
original recipes, tortillas, tamales, and sauces made with her
metate stone grinder carried
from Mexico. Today, Mijares
Pasadena's oldest and finest restaurant known for its authentic
regional and traditional cuisine,
famous margaritas, and festive
patio dining. Mijares remains a
family tradition under the care
of the Mijares family. This
legacy is a tribute to Jesucita
Mijares who passed away in
1988. A large lunch buffet is
served daily and frequently
guests are entertained by
After lunch, they proceeded
to tour the historic Wrigley
Mansion also known as the
Tournament of Roses House.
This three-story, 21 room,
CLICK IT OR TICKET Safety Campaign Saves Lives
Lined up by the Tournament of Roses Sign identifying this unique home on "Millionaire's Row" in the
Wrigley Gardens are Charlene Warr, Lynda Siminske, Doris McGinley, Mary Brumfield, Queen, Elaine
Butterfield, Jacki Boardman, Pam LiCausi, Patti Garman, Margie Henderson, and Bonnie Donohoe.
18,000 square foot home was
built in the early 1900's. In those
days it was considered modest
compared to the nearby mansions that lined Orange Groove
Street in Pasadena. At that time
the street was nick-named
"Millionaire's Row." In 1906 this
home was built as the family
residence by well-known architect G. Lawrence Stimson and
his father, George W. Stimson,
a prominent local builder. The
home is built of concrete and
steel and took over eight years
to complete. Sadly, by then
most of the Stimson children
had grown and moved away.
Mr. and Mrs. Stimson found the
home too large for their needs.
In 1914 they sold the home to
William Wrigley Jr., for the
pricey sum of $170,000. One
year later the adjoining property
on the north side was purchased for $25,000. Colorful
roses and an arbor were brought
in to transform the four and a
half acres into breath-taking
Wrigley Gardens.
A favorite Wrigley pastime
each New Year's was watching
the splendor of the Rose Parade
unfold right in front of their
home. The Pasadena house was
one of six homes the Wrigleys
owned. After William Jr.'s
death, it became the widow's
favorite residence. Because the
Wrigley's enjoyed the Rose Parade, the family presented the
property to the City of Pasadena
after Mrs. Wrigley's death in
1958. Mrs. Wrigley's heirs requested that the house become
the permanent base of operations for the Tournament of
Roses Association. In 1960 the
Tournament of Roses built new
offices attached at the rear of
the main house for its yearround staff.
The Tournament of Roses/
Wrigley Mansion can be toured
for free every Thursday at 2:00
PM or 3:00 PM from February
until the end of August. (Large
groups need to make reservations. Call (626) 449-4100).
Tours take you through the
beautiful and elaborated rooms
of the first and second floors
including a room dedicated to
past Rose Parade Queens and
her court, past Grand Marshalls
of the Rose Parade, and a room
honoring past Presidents of the
Tournament of Roses. Beautiful replicas of the Queens'
crowns are displayed in a glass
show case. Tour guides tell interesting history and stories,
including the Eisenhower bathroom where he got stuck temporarily when the pocket door
wouldn't open at the traditional
breakfast for parade dignitaries
and the Grand Marshall before
the parade at the home.
Fifth Be A Walker-Walk 60 Event At Northside Park
By Jorge V. Rosales
The fifth "Be A Walker-Walk
60" event, a wellness program
that Mayor Joe Rocha and
members of the Azusa Wellness
Committee kicked-off in November 2009 is scheduled for
Saturday, March 13 at 9:30 a.
m. at Northside Park, on the
corner West 12th Street and
North Orange Avenue, and will
include presentations by health
experts, professional physical
trainers, and nutritionists.
The objective of the program
is twofold. First, to educate
families, especially children,
about the importance of walking, exercising, and eating
healthy and nutritional food and
snacks, in order to prevent obesity and the associated health
problems that it causes, such
as diabetes and high blood pressure. And second, to encourage children and adults to walk
and exercise daily for at least
60 minutes.
The lead walker for the
March event will be the Honorable Assemblymember Ed
Hernandez, O. D., 57th Assembly District. Last month the walk
was led by two members of the
those driving or riding without
seat belts in vehicles this week,"
said Glendora Police Chief
Charles Montoya. "Officers
will not give a pass on this critically important safety requirement, so please buckle up and
protect your passengers by ensuring they fasten their seat belts
or use the proper child restraint
Glendora police officers will
be out at all hours during the
campaign, day and night, making sure that everyone is safely
buckled in. Teens will be a particular focus of officers, as their
usage rate lags behind adults,
yet they are disproportionately
involved in more crashes.
Proper restraints can increase
chances of surviving a serious
crash by 50 percent.
Funding for this operation
supporting California's Click It
or Ticket campaign was provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety
through the National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration.
JP Sports Bar Grand
Opening A Success
LA VERNE — The La Verne
Chamber of Commerce held a
ribbon cutting ceremony on
February 22nd at the JP Sports
Bar at 5:30 p.m. located on 2123
Foothill Blvd just off D St. attached to Mama Petrillo's.
About 40 members of the
community attended the ribbon
cutting ceremony to show their
support and stayed after for
food and drinks. The atmosphere was upscale with a familiar sports lounge feel. The
food was fantastic as was the
house magician, Magic Wayne,
who entertained the crowds
with his sleight of hand. Needless to say, that will not be the
last time the marble topped bar
will be crowded.
With a full bar, food menu,
and 7 flat screen TV's this may
be the new spot for you and
your friends to watch your favorite games. JP Sports Bar is
open Monday - Thursday 3-10
p.m., Friday 3-11p.m., Saturday 11-11 p.m., and Sunday 1010 p.m. with Happy Hour from
3-6 p.m.
Mama Petrillo's is a staple to
the city of La Verne and JP Sport
Bar looks to be a great addition.
This sports bar separates itself
from the rest since they purchased all the sports packages
so you can tune-in for all your
Taisuke From Moka
Japan Visits Glendora
By Jayam Rutnam
It was fifteen years ago that
Taisuke (pronounced Tais Kay)
visited Glendora last. He was
four years old and was hosted
by a Glendora family arranged
by the Glendora Chapter of
Rotary and Rotarians Diane and
Jacob Morua, Army (left) and Andrew Montes, Air Force lead over 150 children and adults around Gordy Norman of Glendora.
Yumi Furuya, a middle school
Veterans Freedom Park during the fourth Be A Walker-Walk 60 event in February 2010.
military who had just returned keep track of the number of chase Be A Walker t-shirts for teacher was visiting Glendora
from Moka in Japan, which had
from Iraq, Andrew Montes (Air steps taken every day and a Be $5.00 each.
After the walk children will been adopted as a sister city.
Force) and Jacob Morua A Walker t-shirt. Those children
which have participated in pre- be provided free healthy foods, She was visiting with her
mother and four year old son.
Prior to walking three, 3/8 of vious Be A Walker events are nutritional snacks, and water.
If you have any questions Sixteen years later, in March
a mile laps around the walk path required to bring their pedomat Northside Park or a total of eters and wear their t-shirts, about the Be A Walker-Walk 60 2010, Taisuke made a trip to Los
1-1/8 miles, each new child will both which were issued in pre- Program, please call at (626) Angeles, he is twenty now and
is in College in Japan. He was
receive free a pedometer to vious events. Adults may pur- 523-2506.
being hosted by Yumi's old
Goddard Middle School Honor Society Serves Others
GLENDORA - The seventh
and eighth grade Honor Society at Goddard Middle School
recently concluded its first service project of the year. The
main focus of the Honor Soci-
GLENDORA - Glendora
Police Department will be out
in force during the month of
March 2010, searching for
those unbelted drivers and passengers, enforcing California's
seatbelt laws as part of a yearlong Click It or Ticket campaign.
Police and safety experts are
partnered to keep this safety
message to the forefront of
everyone's mind and to aggressively enforce the law to those
violators who do not buckle up.
The state's seat belt use rate
in 2009 was 95.2 percent,
which still leaves more than a
million Californians vulnerable.
Through enforcement and
awareness of these preventable
tragedies, fewer lives will be
lost. 2008 collision data shows
that more than 1,389 people in
passenger vehicles died in
crashes while unbelted. About
half of these lives could have
been saved if they had been
wearing seat belts at the time of
the crash.
"Seat belts save lives and law
enforcement will stop and cite
ety is service to others.
All of the school's student
body were invited to participate
in the collection of items for
Shepherd's Pantry in Glendora.
The students collected over
3,000 items, which included
shampoo, canned food, and
Since Shepherd's Pantry provide emergency food and re-
sources to needy families, the
honor society members felt that
this collection was a way that
they could help out and serve
Shown are the Honor Society Members and students who collected items for Shepherd's Pantry in Glendora.
The San Gabriel Valley
classmate Laurie, Yoshi and
Christie Miyakawa. They visited Glendora and walked past
Goddard Middle School which
plays a major role in the student
exchange program. He also visited his host family of sixteen
years ago. We wish Taisuke a
great future.
A.A.R.P. "Driver
Safety Program"
Irwindale Senior Center is
pleased to once again serve as
host for the A.A.R.P. "Driver
Safety Program, which will be
held on Monday and Wednesday, March 15 and 17, 2010
from 8:00 a.m. till 12:00 noon
at the Irwindale Senior Center,
16116 Arrow Highway,
The A.A.R.P. Driver Safety
Program is an 8-hour classroom
refresher course that can help
you learn the effect of aging on
driving and how you can adjust
one's driving habits to remain
safe on the road. This is open
to participants 50 years of age
or older. This class will be
taught in two 4-hour sessions
and attendance for both days is
required to receive a certificate
of completion. Many insurance
companies offer reduced insurance rates for those who complete this course. Check with
your individual insurance company to see if you qualify. Fees
are $12.00 for AARP members
and $14.00 for non-members.
March 11 - 17, 2010
Citrus College to
Harlem Ambassadors Show Basketball Team To
Co-Host Annual
Take On "Duarte Route 66'ers" for Charity
Hunger Relief Event
By Stacy Armstrong
Raise money for hunger relief and enjoy a delicious bowl
of soup – at the same time!
Citrus College and the First
Christian Church Fine Arts
Academy are once again hosting the Empty Bowls benefit, an
energetic and appetizing community gathering that seeks to
raise funds and awareness to
fight hunger throughout
The benefit, which is actually part two of the Empty
Bowls project, will take place
on Friday, March 12 from 5 to
9 p.m. at the First Christian
Church at 300 N. Glendora Avenue in Glendora.
“First, people made bowls in
the college’s ceramics studio on
Super Bowl Sunday. At that
time, they had the option of purchasing their bowls for $15
apiece or donating them for the
benefit in March,” said Mike
Hillman, Citrus College ceramics instructor. “The second part
of Empty Bowls is the benefit,
in which guests purchase the
bowls that will be filled with
This year, more than 15
Glendora restaurants have donated soup for the event. In
addition, the Citrus College Jazz
Ensemble will be providing entertainment.
All sales proceeds will be
given to the Glendora Police Department, which uses the funds
to aid those in need of immediate assistance.
“Often, police officers encounter hungry people when
they are working,” Hillman said.
“This money helps them provide food vouchers to the
Every year, the Empty Bowl
benefit raises approximately
$10,000 for hunger relief efforts in the Glendora community.
“Normally, we take and take
and take,” Hillman said. “It is
nice to have an event in which
we can give back.”
Empty Bowls is an internationally recognized program that
was created by Michigan artist/teacher John Hantom in
1990. Individual communities
and organizations sponsor the
event in an effort to raise hunger awareness and to help feed
the hungry in their own neighborhoods.
For more information about
the Empty Bowls benefit or the
Citrus College Ceramics Department, contact Mike Hillman at
(626) 914-8661.
Mt. SAC Art Gallery to
Host Wood Panel Exhibit
WALNUT — The Mt. San
Antonio College Art Gallery will
feature an exhibit of carved
wood panels by Mt. SAC art
professor Craig Deines, “Craig
Deines 2006-2009,” which runs
March 11 through April 8. This
exhibit is free and open to the
Deines’ new series of carved
wood panels deals with our
identity, our cultural identity,
and our potential. Deines, who
usually works in 3-D, refers to
the carved marks as brush
strokes and the surface as a skin
or vital material. He thinks of
these compositions as taking on
their own life, growing and
changing after his work is complete.
A special opening reception
will be held Thursday, March
11, 4 to 6 p.m., in the Art Gallery. Gallery hours are Tuesdays
through Thursdays, 11 a.m. to
2 p.m., and Tuesday nights, 5
to 7:30 p.m.
For more information, call the
Art Gallery at (909) 594-5611,
ext. 4328.
We buy Old Gold
and Diamonds
Š Customed Designs Š Ring Sizing
Š Watch and Jewelry Repairs Done
On Premises by Master Watch Maker
& Master Jeweler
DUARTE - High-flying slam
dunks, dazzling ball-handling
tricks and hilarious comedy routines are in store when the
Harlem Ambassadors bring their
unique brand of Harlem-style
basketball to town to take on the
Duarte Route 66'ers on Friday,
April 30 at 7 p.m. at the Duarte
High School Gym.
"It's going to be a great night
of fun for the community," said
Frank Haynes, event chair. "The
Harlem Ambassadors are legendary for putting on a great
show with non-stop laughs that
the entire family can enjoy. Providing the other half of the entertainment will be the Duarte
Route 66'ers, featuring the heretofore unknown athletic prowess of team players that will include Duarte City Manager,
Darrell George; Council Member, Tzeitel Paras-Carraci; and
Mount Olive High School principal, Kevin Morris.
Proceeds from the event, cosponsored by the Duarte Community Service Council and the
City of Duarte, will benefit the
nonprofit Duarte Community
Service Council to assist needy
families in the Duarte community.
The Duarte Community Service Council has been helping
Duarte families in need with
emergency food and welfare
services since 1947. It also provides assistance to needy students with school uniforms,
school supplies, eye exams and
glasses. The Service Council
Members of the nonprofit Duarte Community Service Council's event committee have high hopes to
fill the Duarte High School gym on April 30 when the Harlem Ambassadors Basketball Show comes
to town. Proceeds will benefit needy families and children in the Duarte community. Standing, from
left: Angelo Morton, Laura Silverman, Liz Reilly, Ruth Purbaugh, Cynthia Johnson, and Dilip Tiwari.
Seated, from left: Mary Haynes, Dorothy Smith, and Frank Haynes.
helps bring holiday cheer to as
many as 300 families a year,
providing them with food and
gifts through its annual Christmas Basket program, and donates scholarships to Duarte
High School seniors who are
planning to major in a medical
field, among other activities.
The majority of the Duarte
Community Service Council's
funding comes from donations.
This is the first major fundraiser
for the organization in many
years, said Haynes.
Tax-deductible sponsorship
opportunities are available ranging from $100 as a friend of the
Duarte Community Service
Council to $2,500 to be an
Event Sponsor.
Tickets for the basketball
show are on sale in advance
from the Duarte Chamber of
Commerce and online at
w w w. d u a r t e c h a m b e r. c o m ,
Joe's Place, Duarte Elks Lodge,
Roasty Toasty Chicken, Duarte
City Hall, Senior Center and
Teen Center. Ticket prices are
$9 in advance, $10 at the door
for senior citizens and students,
12 years of age; $11 in advance
and $12 at the door for adults.
Children 2 years of age and under are free.
For more information or to
become an event sponsor, call
Frank Haynes at (626) 3037191 or Dorothy Smith at (626)
Congratulations! Century 21 Adams
And Barnes To Move
By Jayam Rutnam
The Scholastic Art and Writing Awards for the Los Angeles
Region has selected Azusa High
School student Briseida Santos
as a recipient of its Gold Key
Award for her artwork. She will
now compete in the national
competition. Scholastic has
been honoring young authors
and artists for 87 years. One of
its recipients was renowned artist Andy Warhol. She is pictured
with her teacher Leah Calvillo
who encouraged her to apply
for the award.
Century 21 Adams and
Barnes, on Route 66, is moving their office on March 15th.
Their new offices will be at
1395 S. Grand Avenue in
Glendora, at the north west corner of Gladstone and Grand in
the new Glendora Promenade.
According to Judy Fig, Manager of the company, the move
is to newer quarters with better
visibility for marketing. Century 21 Adams and Barnes in
Monrovia has been in business
since 1989 and they opened
their offices in Glendora in
March 2005 after acquiring
Century 21 Alosta. Their team
at Century 21 Adams & Barnes
looks forward to the move and
new state of the art location.
According to Jackie Riley, a 20
year veteran of Century 21,
what is different with Century
21 Adams and Barnes compared
to other realtors is the friendly
atmosphere, integrity and standards of company and management.
Tue-Fri 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sat 10 a.m.-5 p.m.;
Closed Sun & Mon
144 N. Grand Avenue
Located in Von’s Shopping Center
(626) 914-4538
Realtors Jackie Riley, Debbie Bush, Judy Fig (Manager) and Amany
1724 S. Grand Ave.
(626) 335-9188
David & Olga Fernandez
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The San Gabriel Valley
March 11 - 17, 2010
Arcadia Association 14th Annual Expo
All REALTORS in the entire
San Gabriel Valley are invited to
attend the free 14th Annual REALTOR Tech, Business and International Expo, themed "Tech
Together" on Tuesday, April
20th from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
at the World Famous Santa
Anita Race Track. Enter at
Gate 3 - Main Gate. Sponsored
by the AAR Tech Committee,
the Expo offers many exciting
exhibitors who will present
tools of the trade for real estate
professionals in addition to free
educational breakout sessions
for the latest industry news and
trends. This year's "International" component will surely
be of interest to today's real estate professional. Door prizes,
grand prizes, food and fun are
all free in addition to free admission and parking.
The Grand Prize will capitalize on this year's theme, "Tech
Together", and is "The Techy
International REALTOR on the
Go" package. The package includes a Slingbox, Flip Video
Camera and Garmin GPS Navigation System (approximate
value $1,000). The main prize
for the "Passport" event is a
$100 cash card and other cash
prizes. These winners need not
be present to win. Winners for
the door prizes must be present
to win.
Dr. E. J. Aleman, Senior
Economist, Wells Fargo, will be
the keynote speaker in the lovely
Members of the AAR Tech Committee take a tour of the Santa Anita Race Track where our 14th
Annual Expo will be held. They are (L to R): Mary Rovarino, Executive Vice President; Michael Beltran,
AAR Staff; Gary Marquette, Jacen Crehan, Joe Pacilio, Committee Co-Chairman; John Thompson,
Irene Yamagate, Committee Co-Chairman; Ryan Asao, Kelvin Wong, Connie Snider, Phyllis Sang and
Jeff Russell.
and exclusive Chandelier Room
of the Turf Club. More than
200 members of the Arcadia
Association of REALTORS will
attend this lovely hot buffet luncheon (by reservation only).
"A REALTORS Legal Update" with Senior Legal Counsel, Gov Hutchinson, California
Association of REALTORS, and
"Real Estate Fraud" with Dan
Baker, L.A. District Attorney
will begin the day just after the
opening at 9:00 a.m. The first
50 REALTORS in the door will
receive a free autographed book
entitled "Borrow Smart and Retire Rich" written by John Thompson. The noontime session
will feature short sales specialist, Lee Hornish on "Short Sales"
and the afternoon breakout session from 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. is
with an "International Panel of
Speakers" featuring an outstanding line up of topics such
as International Business Etiquette, Feng Shui, International
Property Searches and much
Delta Nu Initiates New Members
By Lynda Siminske
Delta Nu chapter of Delta
Kappa Gamma Society International recently initiated three
new members. Delta Kappa
Gamma is found internationally
in 16 countries and throughout
the United States. The organization promotes education,
women educators, and service
to schools and communities.
New members are initiated in
a meaningful ceremony with
large and small candles being
lit by new members. Six current members take part in the
ceremony by reading the ritual
and presenting the goals of
Delta Kappa Gamma. New
members receive a certificate
of membership, a pin, and a
red rose, the symbol of organization.
more. What a powerful group
of speakers!
Immediately following the
Expo, from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. at
the Racetrack, enjoy a networking opportunity with a free
Texas Hold'em party. Prizes will
be awarded to the top three winners.
Bring lots of your real estate
business cards and a photo I.D.
for admission and to be eligible
for all the prizes. This is the
premiere expo event for REALTORS (not open to members of
the public) within the entire San
Gabriel Valley area.
The Santa Anita Race Track
is located at 285 W. Huntington
Drive in Arcadia. Enter at Gate
3 - Main Gate. For more information or for exhibitor information, contact the Arcadia Association at (626) 446-2115 or
visit the Expo website at
More than 700 Students
Expected at 30th Annual
History Day L.A.
AZUSA – Azusa Pacific University and the Los Angeles
County Office of Education will
host the 30th annual History Day
L.A. on Saturday, March 13,
from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. This history-based learning experience
includes a scholastic competition for Los Angeles County
youth grades 4-12. The event
will take place on APU’s West
Campus with more than 700
students and 2,000 total guests
from nearly 50 participating Los
Angeles County schools. The
theme this year focuses on
“2010 Innovation in History:
Impact and Change.”
Students from each grade
submit projects for History Day
L.A. that visually illustrate historical themes. The projects,
which include presentations and
performances, are judged by
community members and social
science professionals, and
teachers can utilize History Day
projects to easily assess the
knowledge and skills of their
Throughout the day, historical re-enactments take place on
the West Campus lawn to give
students a tangible representation of the events they study in
textbooks. Historical organizations on site include the New
Buffalo Soldiers, Pacific Asian
Museum, Chinese Historical
Society, Heritage Trails Association, Vermont Volunteers, the
Sons of the American Revolution, and the Wells Fargo Stage
Coach. The students have the
opportunity to practice drills
with the soldiers, learn how to
make a quilt, and learn English
Country dancing.
Winners in the elementary,
junior, and senior categories go
on to compete at the California
History Day on May 6-9 in
Pasadena, and state winners in
junior and senior categories then
travel to the University of Maryland in June to participate in
National History Day.
Students, teachers, and parents attending this year’s History Day L.A. will have a chance
to view student exhibits, historical performances and documentaries, and attend the
awards ceremony. Also on hand
will be live historical character
interpretations and the Azusa
Pacific University Presidential
Signature Collection.
History Day L.A. is part of a
national program that gives students an opportunity to explore
history through creative and
original productions on specific
historical themes. This marks
the fifth year Azusa Pacific has
served as the host site.
Kid's Night Out March Madness!
Mary Carhill, Colleen Reynolds, and Linda Gamborg are initiated
into Delta Nu Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma.
ARCADIA - On Friday,
March 12th, from 6-11pm, the
Recreation staff and volunteers
will offer themed games, a
movie, delicious dinner and supervision so mom and dad can
have a night on the town or a
quiet evening at home. Children must be at least four years
of age to attend. All activities
will be geared toward elementary school children; anyone
younger must be potty trained.
The cost is $15.00 per child and
also includes snacks and beverages. Registration for Kid's
Night Out will begin March 1st
at the Recreation Office. For
more information please call
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The San Gabriel Valley

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