W inter 2006 - H.O.P.E. Safehouse


W inter 2006 - H.O.P.E. Safehouse
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To all the volunteers,
donors, and staff of
When all this started, I signed a
slip to offer my help, as we all
were required to do, knowing
that the effort was going to take a
lot of people if it was going to be
able to succeed. This was my
first time trying to help with
H.O.P.E. Safehouse. For the most
part, I never committed myself to
a time that I would show up and
didn’t work directly with the
I was amazed that so much was somehow getting done
beginning at ground-zero and working through things as
they came up. But I began to realize that it was not just a
“lot of people” that was making this work.
None of this could have happened without the
commitment of H.O.P.E. and it’s staff to take on this task.
This, along with the business donors for the building,
veterinary services, grooming services, carpentry,
electrical, fencing, laundry, plumbing, phone service,
computer setup and other services. Plus, the thousands of
items donated by individuals and businesses.
Of the several hundred people that signed volunteer slips
and the hundreds that came in for training, I am sure that
there were those that were caught up in the excitement of
the relief effort. Some were just curious as to what was
going on. Some were discouraged by what they were
being asked to do. Some were possibly “put off” by
comments made to theme as to how they were doing what
was needed (many times this may have been a personal
difference as to what was happening and how it should be
done but with the best interest of the animals at heart).
But I believe the biggest factor has been the very
dedicated core group of volunteers that got us through
this! I never got directly involved with all the Kritters,
as I felt that I would not be
comfortable trying to work with some
of them, but many of you have
become very fond of all the animals
that you have helped, and rightly so.
Hopefully, all the Kritters will find
good homes and we will be kept
informed of their lives from time to
As we come to the end of this effort, I
feel we should be thankful to
everyone who helped along the way,
but a very special thanks to the small
core of people that were able to
commit their time, finances, and
above all, their love of animals. You
were sad to see the Kritters leave but you can feel good
that you were able to help them find a new life!
Your time and efforts will not be forgotten by the Kritters,
who may not be able to speak to us directly, but their tails
are no longer dragging but “wagging.”
Glad to have been a part of this effort!
~ Bruce
We’re glad you and the hundreds of others
were a part of this effort as well, Bruce!
Read about
Allison’s story
of her “Life as a
along with notes
from all who
contributed so
generously to
this endeavor!!
H.O.P.E. Safehouse, Inc.
Lynn Nielsen-Eeg
Board of Directors
Lynn Nielsen-Eeg
Jonathan Eeg
Alan Eisenberg
Lori Jensen
Sharon Johnson
Dave Braun
Mike Balcer
Cat Minister
Kahy VanParys
Fundraising and Event Committee
Pearl Czechowicz
Stephanie Hardy
Debbie Prucha
Lori Jensen
Sharon Johnson
Lynn Neilsen-Eeg
Lynn Phelps
Sharon Schuster
Tina Anchondo
Foster Coordinator
Debbie Prucha
Veterinary Assistance
Crossroads Animal Hospital
North Shore Animal Hospital
The Animal ER of Racine/Kenosha
Racine Veterinary Clinic
Volunteer Coordinator
Paul Burdick
Critter Quarterly Staff
From Allison
Okay, so the topic may be a little off, but it is
true. It really feels like I have been a Hopeful
all my life. Maybe that is just because I have almost a
whole new family that I look forward going to see every day. Or maybe it is
because I have such wonderful four-legged friends that just sit there and wag
their tales and give you the saddest eyes that sit and wait for me to come in. I
know that all of us each look forward to coming in to personally what I call
“my home away from home.”
So what you are about to read is the day that I started as a Hopeful to the day
that I will never be one again. I started becoming a Hopeful at an animal
meet-and-greet. Lucky me, I got to handle the puppies, which meant really
bad puppy breath, people asking if they can hold one, and stepping in a little
doggy poop. Okay, I know that does not sound like fun, but it was to me.
After the meet-and-greet ended, I started going up to the animal shelter with
my mom more and more. I just thought that it was the greatest thing in the
world. I mean, me getting the opportunity to go and help the smallest, most
terrified dogs bring up their confidence to the most big, terrible looking dogs
look like they were the king or queen. I know that I did have a lot of help
from my new friends that are also Hopefuls. My new friends which happened
to be Holly, Tammy, Sandi, Roy, Tina, Sherri, Sam, and many more to come
were the coolest. Let’s see:
Holly – She was the coolest, spunkiest person up at the shelter that
let me help her give a dog a bath.
Tammy – She was the one that took Bess home because her mom
finally gave in. She knew what to say when I would just break down
and cry because one of my favorite animals was leaving (like Roxy).
Carol Ann Garner
Sandi – She was the one that always cried. She made sure that
everyone was kept nice and tidy.
Lynn Neilsen-Eeg
Roy – He was one cool dude. He was the one that asked me to take
pictures with dogs that I never thought that I would even go by.
St. Martin Printing, Racine, WI
Tina – She was like the secretary of it all. She even let me answer
the phone. (I really liked to answer it.)
Labeling & Mailing
Pearl Czechowicz
H.O.P.E. Safehouse is a 501(c) 3
charitable organization that specializes
in the treatment and care of injured
All contribution of property or monies is
tax deductible.
Sherri – She was the momma to the dogs. I remember everybody
called her “Momma Sherri.” She was the mom of the house, though.
I mean she made sure that the dogs would be fed and cleaned up
before she left.
Sam – She was really cool too. I mean hey, she got me to go to her
house and take pictures with Neil, a dog I never expected to like.
Okay, so that took care of the Hopefuls up at the shelter... (continued)
Page 2
My Life as a Hopeful (continued)
Now I want to tell you about my adventures. Well, see,
my life as being a Hopeful I think has brought up my
maturity level. Not only have I gained maturity, but I also
gained more respect. More of my adventures include
things like going in the kennel with Ivory. Also like
walking Sinatra, a Husky. I think overall that I am going
to miss this place after it all shuts down. I mean, sure, it’s
not going to be closed forever, but I will never get to see
half of all those people again. Okay, I might become a cat
person, but it won’t be the same as being a dog person.
The dog people I think had a lot of responsibilities, like
feeding the dogs, cleaning out their kennels whenever
someone had a mess (like Jane).
So that was just most of my adventures, but not all of
them. Next I want to tell you about the animals up there.
Some animals I will never forget. Some, like Tank,
Quantis, Roxy, Sinatra, and many more because there was
that special touch to all of them. I am sure that a lot of
Hopefuls have their special little dogs that they will never
forget either. Some may have been the most terrifying
dogs on the fact of the planet, but that doesn’t give you the
right to call them ugly. Some people I have heard stand up
for some dogs, and I think that is the most wonderful thing
to do.
I know that we all hear of cases of animal abuse and we
all get tears in our eyes when we hear some cases just like
Lana’s. Some people want to stand up and put a barrier to
people hurting their animals. I mean how can an animal
abuser go to a shelter and pick out this cute innocent little
puppy and go home and use it for animal fighting? Or how
can somebody go out and pick out this other cute dog and
later that month we find out that just because it won’t
listen that it is being kicked and hit. That just isn’t right.
Some people find animal abuse is a joke. Like a story I
read in a magazine about some teenage boys finding this
little abandoned kitten and then they have it to an old
junkyard and try to kill it. That I don’t think right. We
hear stories from all over the place about animal abuse and
some people try to put a stop to it, but that doesn’t mean
that they can go around all of the United States and find
every single animal abuser. I get tears to my eyes just
hearing about a dog getting kicked.
• www.stopdeclaw.com
• www.good-dog.com
• www.bestfriends.com
• www.aspca.org
• www.hsus.org
• www.petloverart.com
• www.finedogart.com
A lot of people know that when this all ends, our journeys
may end too. I think that some people will carry on and
some day start their own animal shelter. I know that I
might. Well, I hope that you have learned a lot about my
life as a Hopeful!!
Page 3
“My Name is Murphy and (I
have a) new forever family. I
really like it here. There is good
food, a warm place to lie and boy
do they give a good belly
scratching!! I’m a “Katrina” dog so
they don’t know too much about
me, but they sure do love me and I
love them too.” ~ Peg, Jim, Ellen, Amy & Murphy
“Meet Mary Lou from the Bayou – healthy at 36 lbs. She
loves everyone and meets each new experienced with a
wagging tail. She loves her big brother Moby – a Great
Dane – and chases her 2 kitties until they chase back! She
brings a lot of joy. Thanks for all you do!” ~ Jen, CVT
of Animal Hospital of Ashwaubenon
“I just can’t believe that the little schnauzer that was
sitting in the corner of her kennel at Aldi quiet as can be
is the same little Paige that gets this wild look in her eyes
when she wants to play dog I have ever see. I have
always wanted a lap dog and I finally have one. With her
being and older dog, I was a little worried how things
would turn out. I am glad that she has come out of her
shell and I am proud to have her in my family” ~ Lisa
“Thank you for finding a home for me at the Granetzke’s.
This is a home filled with love and cats. I was brought
into Northshore with a broken leg but it didn’t heal right.
My new owners took me to a specialist in Milwaukee but
I couldn’t be fixed. Dr. Torhorst amputated my right
front leg. He did a good job. I can chase my fellow cats
without too much trouble. Muggigan was found on a golf
course in bad shape. He is my play buddy. Blossum and
Apple (white cats) found in our yard are fun to play with.
Yellow Arrow was a wild cat found in the yard. I love to
chase her.” ~ Magnus Granetzke (Carl & Janyce
“I adopted Joey, called “Ching” at the time of adoption.
We just completed obedience training at Petco. I have
attached a copy of the certificate. He is the best doggy
ever! I just got back from Mom’s up in Wisconsin Rapids
and she said she couldn’t decide who she misses more,
him or me! Wow, outdone by a dog! He is my best friend
and I will always. We will be traveling in my motor home
and I know he and I will both enjoy each others’ company.
Thanks for finding him and you have no idea how much
he helped changed my life. God bless all of you!” ~
Richard Zawatzke
“I wanted to update you on Sam! He is doing great, well
all love him dearly. He walked in the house on Friday,
took turns sitting on everyone’s lap and then fell asleep!
He seems very comfortable in our home! Sam is great
with the kids, especially the little one. Thank you for all
your help! I am very impressed with the amount of care
and thought you put into your animals. After bringing Sam
home, we found out our neighbor adopted his dog from
H.O.P.E. too! We will speak highly of you to others! Sam
is a wonderful addition to our home, he was a great
holiday gift for our family, and I think our family was a
great holiday gift for him.” ~ Ali Haigh
“Kelsey is coming out of her shell so much in the last
week or so. She walked right up to my stepdaughter for
petting the first time she met her. She does the happy
dance when it’s walk time and no longer objects to having
her harness put oh. She decided that the stairs are nothing
to be afraid of, especially since it means she can go
upstairs and steal Manfred’s toys. She doesn’t mind
sharing her food or toys with him, she just seems to feel
that all the toys & rawhides in the house should be kept
next to her bed... One really funny habit – if the drapes
open when we go to bed, she sits in the window and barks
at the neighbor’s Christmas lights.” ~ Debbie SpencerGilbert
“We try to spoil all our residents as much as possible and
we have a decent adoption rate for our FIV cats (we
actually send them into “permanent foster”). We will be
sure to find them a wonderful home and in the mean time
treat them like royalty. We have a special room for our
FIV residents and we are currently looking for a way to
expand to give them an even nicer environment. We will
be sure Brianna has a sack bed for her to enjoy.”
~ Eric S. Heppe, Executive Director of Save-A-Pet.
Save-A-Pet, located in Grayslake, IL, took in Brianna
and Vaughn, two of the FIV+ kitties who were part of the
Hurricane Katrina rescue. Visit them online at
Page 4
“Just an e-mail to let you know how the first night at my
new home went. I was so excited when we arrived at my
new Dad took me outside to potty – I marked the corners
of the house if you know what I mean!
Once inside, I got to see all the rooms and it was hard for
me to settle down at first, but once my new kids went to
sleep, I really relaxed. I am sooooo glad I brought my bed
and blankies. They sure remind me of all of you at the
My new house has a really comfy sofa. I could get used to
sitting on it! I passed gas at my new Dad! ha ha! He was
stretched out on the love seat and I was laying on the
carpet near him. He still likes me and he even slept in the
living room with me so I wouldn’t be afraid. He stopped
home once already this morning, and he said he’d be back
again this afternoon.” ~ Quantas, new family member of
Lori & Tom Erickson
One week later, Lori Erickson writes “Quantas is
becoming less aloof and more lively each day. Even
thought it’s difficult, we all make an effort to keep him
calm – hard to do when he just wants to play. He has
bonded well with Tom – the biggest dog lover ever! He is
great with the children. I can’t believe how lucky we are
to have found such a great buddy!”
“We will be unable to attend the January 14th celebration,
but certainly something must be said. We do not to thank
all the staff of the H.O.P.E. Safehouse for the wonderful
and outstanding effort that you organized and completed
to perfection. Give yourselves a well-deserved pat on the
back. We were proud to serve with our humble little
effort. All the dogs and cats that you saved will be waiting
for you in heaven. Speaking for all the animals that
cannot, we way thank you for all your kindness. For
ourselves we thank you for allowing us to be part of your
great humane effort.” ~ LaVerne, Diane, & Robert
Page 5
Donation from Winston and
Strawn, LLP of Chicago raised
from their Employee Matching
Gift program
Donation from Pet Supplies Plus
of monies raised from selling
collars and wristbands donated by
Nestle Purina. HOPE was chosen
as the designated organization.
Donation from the Carl W.
Nelson Animal Shelter (Charlyn
Walter), who held a fundraiser
called “Egg Bash Eggstravaganza”
where participants could smash an
egg on top of the head of one of 4
volunteers. They donated 20% of
those monies raised to HOPE to
assist with Katrina’s Kritters.
Donation from St. Catherine’s
High School, who held a “Pocket
Change for Pets” drive and raised
money for HOPE.
A Donation was made by Girl
Scout Troop 822 and Dona King
who chose HOPE Safehouse for
their “Make a Difference Day”
Sportland 2 added HOPE’s plea
for help for Kartina’s Kritters on
their web site. This past Christmas
season, they took donations from
customers for gift wrapping of
purchases and donated proceeds to
H.O.P.E. They also had a
Christmas tree with hand made
personalized ornaments (bone
shapes for dogs, mouse shaped for
cats) patrons could buy for a
donation to HOPE. Please visit
them at www.sportland2.com.
Donation from Dawn and Eugene
Dunk, who collected donations for
HOPE Safehouse at their annual
Christmas Open House.
Areal Akelaitis
Paula Alecos
Beth Blimling
John Borkowski
Nancy Broen
Gary Bronson
Richrd/Barbara Chambers
Janet Clunie
Sharon David
Dover Flag
Dawn/Eugene Dunk
Thomas/Cheryl Foley
Valerie Gabriel
Debora Gault
Rick Giallanza
Michael/Sue Gibbs
Paul & Amanda Bulgrin Grohs
Del Gross
Wayne/Kathy Groth
Elaine Hartman
Margaret Henze
Jerry/Dorothy Howard
Alois/Beatrice Janiszewski
Ramona Johns
Bonnie Kidwell Customers
Michael/Patricia Landeck
Bonnie Larkfield
Rebecca McCracken
Thomas Mielke
Shannon/Amy Moore
David/Jane Nielsen
Gene/Margaret Pearson
C R Pease
Jack Plate – Lakeside Therapy
Jeff/Kimberly Boland-Prom
Quad Graphics (Timothy Ehrett)
Karl David/Elaine Radwanski
Luanne Ross
Arthur/Marianna Rothe
Roundys Supermarket
Christine Sagal
Alison Schadwill
James/Linda Schickert
Kathryn Daly Schulz
Dorothy Smalancke
Jackie Snider
Richard/Linda Sorensen
Peggy Sowinski
Nancy Spohn
Sportland 2 Inc
Doris Stitt
Charles/Victoria Talbert
Garrett/Kristine Veenstra
Burnell/Jacqueline Walbrandt
Sally Wilkinson
Wayne/Mary Jo Wojtczak
Donald/Mary Jo Woodward
Calvin/Suzanne Young
Janis B Allan
All Saints Lab Sunshine Club
(Margie Engels on behalf of
Dr. Lori Allen)
Matt/Rita Andis
Shala Anastasio
Jerome/Marian Andersen
Geraldyne Annesley
s Hair Designs
J J Austin
Michael//Susan Balcerek
Robert/Gisela Baltensperger
Claire Banaszak
Leigh Barber
James/Barbara Barker
Kathleen Baron
Claudia Berges
Richard/Debra Biondi
Harriet Blair
Janet Blazek
Beth Blimling
A. Gerri Bogardus
Jacob/Nannette Boinski
Linda Borneman
Russell/Bonnie Brannen Jr
Doris Braun
Breakfast Club
Stanley/Karen Breiwick
Nancy Broen
Beryl C Brown
Buffets Inc (Old Country Buffet)
Susan Buhler
Wendy Bumgarner
Burlington Area Schools
Michael/Mary Burnett
Terrance/Jeanne Cahak
Diane Campbell
Richard/Terese Chylla
Janet Clunie
Steen/Elizabeth Coleman
Robert/Nancy Czaplewski
Patricia Czarkowski
Robert/Beth David
Page 6
Ann M Day
Diane Declerk
Diane Delaney
Sepleei and Bubba De Moulgied
John/Patti De Vincentis
Laura Doperealski
Gerald Drankiewicz
Dennis/Susan Dressen
Jock Drummond/DorothyCrockett
Dawn & Eugene Dunk
Wilfried/Ingeborg Duske
Douglas/Sherri Duty
Diane Ebeling
George S Edgar
Vicky L Elliott
Marjorie J Engaas
Jo Dell G Faraone
Thomas/Lynne Fiser
Thomas/Cheryl Foley
Jacob/Karyne Frank
Fresh Brands Distributing Inc
(Dawn Thaves Coordinator
Arnie/Carol Froode
Dian Gabriel
Darryl/Judith Gasser
Cheryl Geboy
Michael/Sue Gibbs
Thomas Gissell
William/Patricia Glade
Betty Goebel
Ronald/Karen Goetsch
Irving/Claire Goodsitt
Nancy C Gorenc
Kathy Gomez
James/Nola Gordon
Richard/Mary Gotthardt
Judith Griffiths
Jill Gundy
Ronald Gutschow
Lavergne Hageman
Bonnie Halsey
Barbara Hammes
Raymond/Sharon Hansen
Stuart Hansen/Erica Eddy
Julie Hanus
Lawrence/Elizabeth Harrer
Havahart Pets
Thomas Heinrich DDS (Mary)
Audrey Helgesen
Paul/Mary Hesse
Dr Sharon Hill
Marie Hillyer
Leah Hinze
Margie/Dawn Hohman
H J Holefelder
Irish Setter Club of Milwaukee
(Gwendolyn Mazanetz)
Clive Jander
Jill E Jarapko
Janet Jasperson
Marcus/Barbara Jensen
Jill & Skip
Edwin/Patti Jirgensen
Charles Johnson
Gordon/Elizabeth Johnson
Johnson Insurance
Noel/Doris Johnson
Robert/Faye Johnson
Natalie Jonas
Lois Kaplan
Kim or Susan Kass
Mary Lou Kazak
James/Patricia Keeran
Patricia Kiedrowski
Ronald/Dorothy Kingen
Gary/Debra Klaben
Jayne Klement-Klements Sausage
Dwayne/Diane Koltermann
Kimberly Korzenecki
Alice Kottmeyer
Cris Kramschuster
Laura Jean Kreissl
Shirley Kreiter
Mildred Krisik
Carl/Carolyn Krueger
Phyllis Kukula
Roger/Marianne Kunz
Michelle Kutis
Michael/Patricia Landeck
Bryan/Kelly Larson
Amy Edwards-Lebaron
Marge Lequia
Gary/Tami Lema
The Look
Thomas/Barbara Lukas
Constance Lunde
Linda Lynch
Magic Scissors Staff & Customer
Bruce/Denise Majewski
Brian Majowski
Susan Manalli
Paula Mandes
Julia Mano
Judy/Molly Maranger
(Petco Cr Card)
Lois Martin
Gregory Mason
Angela Mattes
Alice M May
Ruth Mc Cloud (Wis Friends)
Mary Kay Mc Collum
Rebecca Mc Cracken
Robert/Patricia Mc Gee
Holly De Groot-Mendiola
Steven/Diane Mekeel
Becky Merten
Marilyn Michas
Marilyn Michna
Judith Miller
Paul/Rita Miller Sr
Mitchell Middle School
Dorothy Moen
William Murphy
Maria Mussaitef
Denise Nelson
Melvin/Joan Nelson
Jackie Newport
C.A./R.M. Nicks
Edwin Nielsen
Judith Nielsen
Richard/Mary Odders MD
David/Kathleen Oleszak
Debra Ostroski
Robert/Jan Otto
Judie Paryl
C R Pease
Gene/Magaret Pearson
Karen Pederson
Marlene Perkins
Thomas/Lynn Perlberg
Pet Supplies
Pet Supplies Plus Northern Ill
Lynn Peterson
Patricia Pfarr
Sharon Pitchford
Robert/Barbara Puder
Thomas/Sandy Putnam
Racine Humane Society
Randalll School – Kathleen Fosdick
(donation matched by Matthew
& Maria Ostrander)
Patricia Rankin (WisFriends)
The R.E.A.L. School
Lee-Ann/Jody Rinnemaki
Lee Roberts
Richard/Diane Rognsvoog
Sandra Romanski
Ebbe/Kathleen Rostgaard
Lynn Ruege
Ruud Family Foundation
St Catherines High School
Alison Schadwill
Jude/Dorothy Schmidt
Stephen/Carol Schneider
Page 7
Mary Schroeder
Michael Schroeder
Edith Schultz
Kathryn Daly Schulz
Sharon Schuster
Sandra Severson
Rustin/Colleen Shaw
Shopko Stores Inc
(Amy Anderson Community
Relations Manager)
Dr Howard/Mary Lou Short
Margo/Michel Shoys
Evelyn Silverstein
Gertrude Skaaland Trust
(Lynn Frischmann)
Marilyn Snyder
Deborah Sobczak
(In Name of Charles & Patricia
Sally Sowinski-Leman Whse
Robert C Meyer (Sportland 2)
Honor M Steinmetz
Curtis/Dawn Stephan
Douglas/Joette Story
Susan Kay Stover
Mary Jane Stryczek
Barbara Sumpter
Stanley/Dawn Sutherland
William/Melissa Taylor
Jennifer M Tenhaeff
Pat Therkelson
The Third Way -Wm/Chris Bach
John W Thiele
Gregg/Diane Thompson
Deborah Thomsen
TOPS Wi 250 Kenosha
Robert/Marilyn Treffert
Keith/Terry Tridle
United Methodist Women
(Diane Snyder)
Richard Vallee (Vallee
Marilyn Van Lanen
Joe/Rose Vlasak (Rojo'
s Pub)
Jo Ann Walker
Jairus/Melissa Warner
H. Jean Webb
Thomas/Blanca Webers
Mark/Margaret Wenzel
Stephen/Carolyn Wharton
(and Bailey)
Jeffrey/Colleen Wilkens
S L Wilkinson
James/Mary Wilson
Winston & Strawn Foundation
(Matched Julia Mano donation)
Wisconsin Friends of Animals
Robin Winterberg
Joy J Wolf
Yardarm Bar & Grill
Calvin/Suzanne Young
Amy J Zinnen
Kevin/Kimberly Zlevor
David/Susan Zoppe & Dale &
Sandy Houge
“You are to be applauded for your
hugs, hearts, and your time and
energy to help in such a disaster.”
~ David and Susan Zoppe,
Sandy & Dale Houge
“The animals from the hurricane are
so lucky to be found by you. I am
sure they will find a good home.”
~ Sepleei and Bubba
De Moulgied
“What you are doing is not just a
simple act of kindness, but a huge
~ Marilyn Michas
$ &/0 1 2 $ &/0
1 2 $ &/0 1 2
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% 4
Page 8
Valerie Aldrich
J J Austin & Jeanette Lowther
Carolyn Boehmer
Mary Bordner
Lynn Bretz
Cindy Celmer
Michael/Daniela Chlebos
Tim/Shannon Doherty
James/Judith Feller
Lisa Filerman
Sharon Fitzpatrick
Debora Gault
Michael/Sue Gibbs
Sheri Hansen
Donald/Barbara Helfenstein
Bea Janis
Jill Jankowski
Marion Konsinowski
Nancy Lamar
Debbie Leeb
Dianna Lyngdal
Sheryl McGrath
Catherine Mc Mullen
Karin May
Maurice/Lynn Moriarity
Thomas/Robin Mrotek
Susan Olsen
Corinne Prohl
Heather and Michael Pugh
Brad/Linda Rasmussen
Sandra Rekowski
Hlonor Steinmetz
Gary/Joy Vallancourt
James/Elaine Verhegge
Elisa Weeks
Beverly Wenzel
Gail Winter
Join Friends &
Family for a day
of fun at . . .
Infusino’s Banquet Hall
3201 Rapids Drive – Racine
March 12, 2006
Enjoy food and a day of playing the popular
Texas Hold’em!
Registration at 8:30 a.m.
Game begins promptly at 10 a.m.
Tables, Dealers, & Spotters provided by Pocket Aces
A $100 donation is requested to hold your spot
The sole purpose of the game described above/below is
provided for entertainment purposes only. All donations
go to H.O.P.E. Safehouse medical fund.
You must be 18 years of age or older to play.
Please remember to bring a valid picture identification
card with you.
Game begins promptly at
10:00 a.m. It should be
understood by you that if
you have not registered at
the allotted time (8:30-9:30),
you space will be considered
forfeit & available to anyone
that wishes to play. Don’t be
Please contact H.O.P.E. at 262.634.4571 or
hopesafehouse@core.com for more details.
Page 9
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The following people opened
their homes and hearts to a
lucky HOPE critter (or 2, or 3!).
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Stare Downs
Staring is always
associated with
usually followed
by aggression.
Dogs are great pets and companions. By
observing their behavior with other dogs
we learn how they interact, however,
dogs overreact or are provoked
sometimes in those situations which
could cause potential harm or injury.
As owners, we need to read the warning
signs to avert escalations.
First, we need some basic understanding
of canine behavior. Dogs are "pack"
oriented; they have their own social
structure and hierarchy from the leader
(alpha male and alpha female) to lowest
underlings. In socializing with other dogs
they go through various rituals consisting
of muzzle, genital, and butt sniffing, a
general "feeling out" or introduction,
before they establish a relationship and
Second, we need to look at
communication. Dog communication,
besides vocalization (barks, growls,
howls, etc.), consists of body language,
positioning of ears, eyes, tail, and stance.
For example, Dominant dog (head, ears,
tail erect and direct eye contact) and a
Submissive dog (ears and head down, tail
low between the legs and no eye contact).
These two are probably the most
commonly recognized body languages
and isn’t much different than our own
body language (except for the tail and
ears). Other body "signals" that most
dogs give before reacting are the raising
of hackles, stare downs, fearful threats,
defiant stance, and the T-bone.
Recognizing these types of body
language will help you take action and
avert any injury to your canine
companion or yourself.
Hackles are
the hair on the
neck and back
that are raised
involuntarily in anger or flight.
Fearful Threats
A slinky low
posture with the tail
between the legs and the
ears rotated back to one
Defiant Stance
Head, tail, and ears
held high with a stiff
body posture
accompanied by a
slow forward
gesture of
placing the head
over the
shoulders of
another dog.
So what should you do when you
observe these warning signs?
Always watch your dog and stay
close. When other dogs approach,
observe how your dog reacts and
how the other dog approaches your
Never let your dog play or stray too
far away from you in case you need
to intervene.
Break the eye contact. Remember,
staring is an act of dominance and is
followed by acts of aggression.
Divert or distract your dog by
calling him to you, turning him
away from the other dog, offering
him a toy or a food treat.
Lastly, react immediately. Don’t
wait to see the outcome, once you
recognize the warning signals
intervene and take action.
Following the warning signs and taking
the appropriate course of action will
make your life and yours dogs a lot
safer and happier.
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Happy birthday to all our
members, volunteers,
and friends!
Joan Lewens, Karen Murillo
Robert Turner
Mary Lou Bordner
Mike Conley, John Starzyk, Michael Pugh
Danielle Sands
Valerie Langendorf
Don Schmidt
Norman Riddell
Donald Klein, Jerry Miller, Jerry Killberg, Leroy
Charlie Vnuk
Judith Turner
Cheryl Foley
James DuQuaine
Ruth Miller
Doris Stitt
Arnie Froode
Denise Nelson, Thomas Fiser
Walter Kloechel
Mary Buelow, Hugh Stanzil
Roger Otto, Joy Kayon
Janis Allan
Jean Unger, Ann Wyland
Russell Pusateri
Debbie Wells
Robert Holm
Nancy Nelson
Kathy Ginther
Gary Bronson, Robin Mrotek
June Marcoe
Robin Birkholz
Richard Giese, Carolyn Zinns
Marie Sands
Jean Vandermeer
Heather Pugh
Barb Dombeck
Caleb Deschler
John Razdik
Phyllis Kukula, Eileen Williams, Pat Wember
Dawn Sutherland, Barbara Schmidt
Diane Oswald, Katie Bielefeldt
Robin Mrotek
Judy Plant, Jean Mc Crcken
Jill Ward
Nancy Gorenc
Carol Lorenzini
Sarah Oppeneer, Valerie Aldrich, Debra Gault
Ed Bryner, Mark Giese
Richard Chambers, Marv Sorensen
Donna Utakis
Page 12
In Memory of David Burton
♥ Bill and Mary Walker
♥ Dennis & Barb Waltman
♥ Marilyn, Dick, and Peaches
♥ Al and Dorothy Bent
♥ Iris Coey
James and Deanna Parrish
Patrick and Katie Dawson
Maria Firtko
Harrison and Jean Webb
In Memory of Barry Nielsen
♥ Larry and Jan Nielsen (parents)
♥ Mr. & Mrs. Donal Heckel
♥ Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Miller
♥ Mr. & Mrs. Jeff McCray
♥ Mr. & Mrs. John Madden
♥ The Falaschi Families of:
∗ Frank
∗ Rocky & Janice
∗ Gary & Elaine
∗ Tim & Sally
∗ Scott & Retta
In Memory of Carolyn Presta
~ from her daughter, Patricia Simonson & Ardis
Ann Cherkian
In Memory of Josephine A. Barth
♥ Greg & Jean M. Nelson (daughter)
♥ Randall/Diane Hanson
♥ Nancy Mueller
In Memory of TG, beloved companion of Gail and Lee
♥ Karen Weiss
♥ Dave, Diane, Beth & Rick Snyder
♥ Balistrieri TP
In Memory of Roy Nelson
♥ Scott & Linda Nelson
♥ Elaine Nelson
In Memory of Sadie ~ from Karin May
In Memory of Janice Mary (Schumacher) Mueller
~ from Dave (brother) and Barb Schumacher
In Memory of Theodore Shellberg ~ from Carol Ohde
In Memory of Kaye S. Mann and in honor of the Mann
Family ~ from Mr. & Mrs. John Poorman
In Mrmory of Hilde Hegeman ~ from Peggy Sowinski
In Memory of Shelly Foster – a gift to David Foster &
Family ~ from Susan Kuroski
In Memory of Shirley Turek ~ from Bonnie Larkfield
In Memory of Liz Young Hadley ~ from Judith Olsen
In Memory of Ava Mae ~ from the Seetz Family
In Memory of our son, Kevin, who loved his dogs!
~ from Jay and Karyne Frank
Sympathies for Chris Tresch with the passing of her
In Memory of Weber Walker, “A Once in a Lifetime Dog”
♥ Bill and Mary Walker
♥ “One of the luckiest, most wonderful Black Labs that
ever graced our planet,” companion of Bill and
Mary Walker – from Janna and Ed Waldeck
In Memory of Quazar, “A Sweetheart” who belonged to
Arlene, Dean, and Eric Howe ~ from Mary Walker
In Memory of Blondie (cat), companion of Steve and
Linda Rumachik ~ from Peggy Sowinski
In Memory of Big Dog (cat), companion of Tony Delaat
~ from Peggy Sowinski
In Memory of P.T. (dog), pet of Barry and Sue Ellen
Allison ~ with love from Diane and Dave Snyder
In Memory of Marley, pet of Gail and Lee Pullen
~ With love from Dave and Diane Snyder
In Memory of Buddy, “a wonderful dalmation who
blessed the home of John and Shirley Meldgaard”
~ from Gail and Lee Pullen
In Memory of Ron and Judy Fox’s dog
In Memory of Rick Ruston’s kitty
~ from Gail and Lee Pullen
In Memory of Jake, companion of Marie Hillyer
~ Adam & Erin Sylvester
Beth Braun lost Barkley
Joanne Dean lost Taz
Michelle Larkin lost Elliot
Page 13
Treat me kindly,
my beloved friend,
for no heart in all the world is
more grateful for kindness
than the loving heart of me.
Do not break my spirit with a stick, for though
I might lick your hand between the blows,
your patience and understanding will more quickly
teach me things you would have me learn.
Speak to me often, for your voice is the world’s
sweetest music,
As you must know by the fierce wagging of my tail
when your step falls upon my waiting ear.
Please take me inside when it is cold and wet,
for I am a domesticated animal, no longer
accustomed to bitter elements.
I ask no greater glory than the privilege of sitting
at your feet beside the hearth.
Keep my pan filled with fresh water
For I can’t tell you when I am thirsty.
Feed me clean food that I might stay well,
to romp and play and do your bidding,
to walk by your side
and stand ready, willing and able
to protect you with my life.
And, my friend, when I am old, and I no longer
enjoy good health, hearing and sight,
do not make heroic efforts to keep me going.
I am not having any fun.
Please see that my trusting life is taken gently.
I shall leave this earth knowing
with the last breath drawn
that my fate was always safest in your hands.
In Honor of Sandy and Dave Steinke
In Honor of Barb Delaney ~ from Karen Hermansen
In Honor of Mardi ~ Donation to medical expenses
given by Lisa Grodey
Donations on behalf of Sharon Johnson’s birthday ~
from Gerald & Judith Baker, Les and Mary Fregien,
Michael & Sue Gibbs, Roger and Sandra Hettricks,
Charles and Gayle Katzfey, Tom and Jackie Nelson,
Laura Palazzola, Alan & Judy Reid, & Janna and Ed
In Honor of my 5th Birthday ~ from Molly Maranger
In Honor of Lynn Frischmann’s Birthday
~ from Sam & Karen Zacharias
In Honor of Cindy Mikulecky’s birthday
~ from Albert and Peggy Thorton
In Honor of Lisa Mahoney’s Birthday
~ from Robert and Lorrain Horst
Birthday Gift for Sister Janice ~ from David and Barb
Birthday and Christmas Gift for Judy Reed
~ from Mike and Suzanne Gibbs
Christmas Gift for Marlene Hegel
~ from Burnell & Jacqueline Walbrandt
Christmas Gift for Nancy Gorenc
~ from Paula Mandes
Christmas Gift for “All About Pets”
~ from Brian and Kelly Larson
Christmas Gift for Geraldyne Arnecky
~ from Patricia and Michael Landeck
~ Marie Hillyer, in memory of Jake, for 17 years
of love
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