FOF 1058- Foresight Newsletter Summer 2016v3


FOF 1058- Foresight Newsletter Summer 2016v3
1000 F R I E N D S
From the President
s 1000 Friends celebrates its 30th anniversary,
I recently met with the board of directors in
West Palm Beach to discuss how Friends can most
successfully shape the future of planning and
growth in Florida. One word continues to
resonate from that meeting: stewardship
What does stewardship mean in terms of how
Florida develops?
Stewardship means that development in
Florida proceeds with care and respect for existing
communities, the environment and the quality of
life of future residents who will turn today’s
Ryan Smart
developments into tomorrow’s communities.
I strongly believe that such development is in all of our best interests –
environmentalists, developers, existing residents and future Floridians. That
Florida can continue to grow while protecting our most valuable resources – our
people and our environment – if stewardship is our guiding principle. And that
development designed with respect and care will be worth more than
conventional sprawl.
Over the past six months Friends has brought on new board members that
share this vision of a better Florida and how we achieve it. The result is a
stronger 1000 Friends of Florida.
1000 Friends is already the go-to organization to stop developments which
degrade our environment and quality of life. In the future we hope to also be the
go to organization for fostering developments that preserve our lands and waters,
protect existing communities and embrace the philosophy of stewardship.
Timothy Jackson, Chair
Vicki Tschinkel, Vice Chair
F. Gregory Barnhart, Secretary
West Palm Beach
Terry Turner, Treasurer
Board Members
Lee Constantine, Altamonte Springs
Courtney Cunningham, Miami
James Nicholas, Gainesville
Susan Trevarthen, Fort Lauderdale
Mark Watts, DeLand
Board Members Emeritus
Nathaniel P. Reed, Chairman Emeritus
Hobe Sound
Lester Abberger, Tallahassee
Robert Davis, Seaside
Roy Rogers, Lighthouse Point
Earl Starnes, Cedar Key
Staff and Consultants
Ryan Smart, President
Robert N. Hartsell, P.A., Legal Counsel
Thomas Hawkins, Policy & Planning Director
Toni Russell, Operations & Development Director
Vivian Young, AICP, Communications Director
Featured Photograher
Gary Kuhl
Foresight is published by 1000 Friends of Florida, a 501(c)(3)
nonprofit membership organization founded in 1986. 1000
Friends of Florida works to save special places, fight sprawl,
and build better communities.
Recollections of Crystal River
Post Office Box 5948
Tallahassee, FL 32314-5948
Phone: 850-222-6277
Fax: 850-222-1117
Printed on recycled paper.
1000 Friends Turns 30!
For the last 30 years, 1000 Friends of Florida has
advocated unceasingly to protect our vanishing rural and
agricultural lands and to enhance the quality of life in
our cities and towns. As Florida’s leading not-for-profit
planning “guard dog,” we recognize that decisions our
elected officials make today have a direct impact on each
and every one of us, sometimes for generations to come.
But it is you – our members, donors and friends –
who truly make a difference. Thank you for your
steadfast support over the years. And thank you for all
that you do in your community and at the state level to
make a difference. Staying on top of plan changes and
development proposals, attending hearings, reaching out
to decision-makers are essential to creating a more
sustainable future for all Floridians.
Over the course of this year – and in years to come –
1000 Friends will continue to challenge inappropriate
development, provide technical planning assistance to
communities, conduct informative webinars, serve on
important state and regional policy panels, advocate in
the halls of the legislature, and so much more. We do all
of this thanks to your support. Here’s to the next 30
Photographer in Focus:
Gary Kuhl
Born in St. Petersburg, Florida, Gary
grew up in the Boca Ciega Bay
community of Gulfport. He received
a Masters Degree in Environmental
Engineering from the University of
He was then employed at the
Southwest Florida Water
Management District and after
serving five and half years as the
Executive Director he worked in
several other career capacities. He
served as public works director in
Citrus and Sumter counties, county
Gary Kuhl
administrator in Citrus and
Hernando counties, and as the Hillsborough County
Water Resource Team Administrator.
Perhaps his most satisfying job came in a return to the
water management district in 2001 as their operations
director responsible for District owned flood control
structures and
management/maintenance of the
District’s conservation lands in
sixteen Florida counties.
Later in his career, Gary found a
fascination with photography. Living
on Lake Tsala Apopka near Floral
City brought photo opportunities of
wildlife and natural landscapes. He
has won numerous awards and
statewide recognition for his nature
photography. His work is featured in
art galleries, libraries, business
offices and medical facilities.
He is a founding member of the
Florida Conservation Coalition and currently serves as
Executive Director of Save Crystal River, Inc.
To see more of Gary’s work, visit
Summer 2016
Thomas Hawkins Joins 1000 Friends as
New Policy and Planning Director
Previously, Thomas practiced law in
Thomas Hawkins of Gainesville joined
Gainesville, and served two terms as a
1000 Friends of Florida’s team as the
Gainesville City Commissioner. Thomas
new Policy and Planning Director on
also has served as a member of a
May 1. “Thomas brings the perfect mix
metropolitan planning organization, a
of on-the-ground experience as a land
regional planning council and a
use attorney and city commissioner as
community redevelopment agency. He
well as strong academic credentials to
has a law degree from Emory University
this position. The staff and board are
School of Law, has a Master of Science
very pleased to be working with
in Real Estate from the Hough
Thomas on the many pressing growth
Thomas Hawkins
Graduate School of Business at the
and environmental issues facing
University of Florida, and is a fifth generation
Florida” notes 1000 Friends President Ryan Smart.
“I am excited to join Florida’s leading smart
You may contact Thomas at
growth advocate,” explains Thomas. “Applying
this experience to advocate for great outcomes for
Floridians from our legislators during each session
in Tallahassee, and working with citizens on
growth and development issues facing our state
will be a challenge and an honor.”
Thomas will work out of both Gainesville and
Tallahassee. “With offices in Tallahassee, Palm
Beach County and now Gainesville, 1000 Friends is
better positioned than ever to address critical
planning issues throughout our rapidly growing
state,” says Ryan. Thomas will continue to teach
Florida Land Use at the Levin College of Law and
Growth Management at the University of Florida
College of Design Construction and Planning.
Thomas Hawkins has been selected to
serve as 1000 Friends’ representative on
this Florida Department of Transportation
Panel, replacing previous Policy Director
Charles Pattison. The charge of the group
is to provide consensus recommendation
on maximizing existing and developing
new high-capacity transportation corridors.
Old Florida at Rainbow Springs
Hawkins appointed to
I-75 Relief Task Force
1000 Friends’ Charles Pattison New Executive
Director of Monroe County Land Authority
time in the Keys – it really is like coming
After 18 years with 1000 Friends, Charles
home again,” Charles notes.
Pattison, FAICP, has joined the Monroe
County Land Authority as Executive
Charles first came to 1000 Friends in 1998,
Director. Charles is overseeing the
serving as the organization’s third
acquisition and protection of property for
executive director until 2014 when he
conservation, recreation and affordable
became Policy Director. He spearheaded
housing in accordance with Monroe
numerous successful legal challenges to
County’s state-mandated local
uphold comprehensive planning and was
comprehensive plan. “Charles has served
instrumental in the successful relocation of
1000 Friends of Florida with rare skills and Charles Pattison
Scripps Florida to a more appropriate site
devotion,” says 1000 Friends Chairman
near existing development in Palm Beach County. He
Emeritus Nathaniel Reed. “He is forever a member of
helped successfully integrate sound planning and
our Friends’ family.”
conservation principles into countless state and
regional plans, policies and programs. In 2015,
Charles was the Department of Community Affairs
Charles received the Florida Wildlife Federation’s
Area of Critical State Concern field director in 1983,
Conservationist of the Year Award.
and then served as county planning director in 1985
when Monroe County’s first land use plan was drafted
“We wish Charles all the best as he focuses on
and adopted. He went on to serve as the Land
protecting one of the most unique and fragile
Authority’s first Executive Director, the position he is
ecosystems in Florida,” says 1000 Friends President
once again taking. “It is an exciting and challenging
Ryan Smart.
Some current and former 1000 Friends board and staff members wish Charles Pattison all the best at the
March 23 Tallahassee reception in his honor.
Summer 2016
1000 Friends Welcomes New Board Members
1000 Friends is pleased to welcome three new board
members to our organization. Lee Constantine, Courtney
Cunningham and Susan Trevarthen bring diverse expertise
in public service, advocacy, communications and land use
law. “We need all hands on deck to address the many
challenges facing our state,” explains 1000 Friends Board
Chairman Tim Jackson. “With their passion for shaping a
better future for Florida, Lee, Courtney and Susan will add
immeasurably to 1000 Friends’ already robust team.”
Lee Constantine of Altamonte Springs
Ghost crab
At the state level Lee sponsored Save Our
Currently a Seminole County
Everglades, Florida Forever, the Wekiva
Commissioner, Lee Constantine has
Parkway and Protection Act and other
represented Florida as a public servant for
significant legislation crafted to protect
36 years. Previously he served in the Florida
Florida’s threatened natural resources. He
Senate from 2000 to 2010 when he was
has been reappointed by the Governor to
term limited out, the Florida House from
serve his fourth term as Chairman of the
1992 to 2000, and prior to that was a
Wekiva River Basin Committee, is on the
Commissioner and then Mayor of
board of the Florida Conservation Coalition,
Altamonte Springs for 14 years. In
chairs the East Central Florida Regional
recognition of his stellar devotion to
Lee Constantine
Planning Council and serves on several
protecting Florida’s natural resources, 1000
other national and regional boards.
Friends presented Lee with its Bill Sadowski Award in
Courtney Cunningham of Miami
now. Sitting on the side lines waiting for
somebody else to step up is no longer an
An expert in public relations and public
affairs, Courtney Cunningham is CEO of
The Brand Advocates, Inc., an awardwinning public relations firm based in
Miami. He has led successful public
relations and public affairs campaigns for
government and private sector clients over
the last 25 years, including extensive work
developing strategies and communications
for infrastructure, transportation, housing,
and environmental programs and projects.
Courtney has received numerous
recognitions from the community he
serves, including the Prudential-Davis
Productivity Award given by the State of
Florida. He has served both as ViceChairman and Chairman of Floridians for
Courtney Cunningham
Better Transportation, and for five years
was a member of the Board of Trustees of the
University of Florida. He has recently joined the Board
Explaining why he agreed to serve on 1000 Friends’
of Advisors of the Bob Graham Center for Public
board of directors Courtney shares, “We are facing a
Service at the University of Florida. Recognized
critical point in the future of our planet. Miami-Dade
throughout the state as a thought leader, Courtney is a
County is one of the most endangered places in
registered professional of the Florida Bar.
America because of climate change. We have to act
Susan Trevarthen of Fort Lauderdale
Susan Trevarthen is an attorney with Weiss
Serota Helfman Cole & Bierman, PL,
chairing the firm’s Public Land Use and
Zoning Group. She handles land use,
planning and zoning matters for
governments throughout Florida and
serves as a municipal attorney. Susan
speaks and publishes frequently on
planning, zoning and land use issues, and
has led several Dr. John M. DeGrove
webinars on planning ethics and sign
regulation on behalf of 1000 Friends.
Susan Trevarthen
“My first job in Florida planning was working for Dr.
John DeGrove,” says Susan. “It is a privilege to be able
to use my legal and planning expertise to help the
organization he helped create, as it reinvents itself to
face the challenges and opportunities of a new era in
Susan’s work includes negotiating
development agreements and approvals,
drafting municipal codes and plans,
advising municipal staffs, managers and
attorneys, defending challenges to
municipal regulations and decisions,
handling public hearings and counseling
elected officials, as well as advocating for
municipalities on legislative issues in her
A member of the College of Fellows of the American
Institute of Certified Planners and Board Certified In
City, County And Local Government Law by The
Florida Bar, Susan has been recognized as one of the
top land use attorneys in the state with an AV rating
(highest attainable) from Martindale Hubbell.
For more information on 1000 Friends’ Board of Directors,
Summer 2016
2016 Florida Legislative Wrap Up
Thanks to the advocacy of 1000 Friends of Florida this
session, a number of pieces of key planning and
conservation legislation were significantly improved.
1000 Friends continues to be viewed as a fair and
reasonable advocate for good planning and
environmental policy with the ability to generate
intense public and media pressure if our issues are not
Here is an overview of some of the major bills that
passed and failed. For more detailed information,
please visit
Planning and Growth Management
HB 1361 related to Developments of Regional Impact
(DRIs) and signed into law by Gov. Scott benefitted
greatly from 1000 Friends’ active engagement. 1000
Friends convinced the authors to incorporate provisions
ensuring local governments continue to have a say in
changes to existing DRIs and requiring FDOT
consultation on certain transportation-related changes.
This bill also incorporated provisions from the failed
CS/SB 7000, including a provision 1000 Friends
opposed lessening required state review of certain DRIsize projects.
During the last week of the session growth management
provisions were attached to a bill related to airport
zoning, CS/SB 1508, but were subsequently removed.
As passed, this bill contains airport zoning provisions
related to managing airspace and land use at or near
1000 Friends testified in opposition to SB 550 and HB
735 related to impact fees, which ultimately failed. 1000
Friends questioned the need for the bills as certain
provisions were already allowed, and adamantly
opposed a provision that would have passed the costs of
growth onto existing homes and away from new
developments where it belongs. CS/SB 584, related to
coastal planning, was supported by 1000 Friends but did
not pass. This legislation was intended to provide
follow up to Brandes’ 2014 bill that provided funding to
reduce local flood hazard risks.
1000 Friends supported two conservation funding bills
that passed. The Florida Keys Stewardship Act, HB 447,
provides funding for various Keys environmental
projects including land acquisition, water quality
improvements, reduction of development impacts to
hurricane evacuation times, and alternative water
supplies. Implementation of the Water and Land
Conservation Amendment, SB 1168, makes available
through Amendment 1 $200 million to implement the
Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan, $50
million for springs restoration and $5 million for Lake
Apopka restoration.
1000 Friends and other partners helped improve the
state lands bill, HB 1075, by successfully advocating for
the removal of language which would have allowed
Florida Forever funds to be used for water supply
infrastructure projects instead of its intended purpose:
land acquisition. However, the bill does allow
conservation lands to be managed for recreational
purposes and provides a process for exchanging state
conservation lands to private land owners in exchange
for a conservation easement on the private property.
Also passed was CS/CS/SB 552 related to water policy.
After failing to pass the two previous sessions, this was
among the first bills to pass the two chambers and be
signed into law by Gov. Scott. Unfortunately, it is flawed
by loopholes, advantages for special interests and
provisions to delay the protection and restoration of
Florida’s waters. It does include two amendments
advocated for by 1000 Friends, but ultimately 1000
Friends and more than 100 other conservation groups
opposed the bill. Its effect on Florida’s waters will be
dependent on future funding and implementation.
Two sets of failed bills represent victories for
conservation. SB 318 and HB 191 on “fracking” were
defeated in the face of major public opposition. SB 658
and HB 851 related to land application of septage also
failed, leaving intact a July 1, 2016 ban on the land
application of septage in Florida. Unfortunately, bills
intended to reduce conflicts between humans and bears
died, including SB 1674, SB 1096 and HB 1055.
Hundreds Attend Graham Webinar
the John M. DeGrove Eminent Scholar
Close to 300 participants attended 1000
Chair at Florida Atlantic University for
Friends’ April 19 webinar featuring former
underwriting the costs of the webinar so it
Gov. Bob Graham, Chris Hand, former
could be offered free of charge. “Engaging
chief-of-staff to Jacksonville Mayor Alvin
citizens and training them to be better
Brown, and 1000 Friends of Florida
advocates is essential if we are to craft a
President Ryan Smart. The hour-and-abetter future for Florida,” he continued.
half long event, Speak Up: Environmental
Advocacy with Gov. Bob Graham, focused
After an overview by Ryan Smart on
on techniques citizens can use to enhance
Amendment 1, Gov. Graham shared stories
their advocacy efforts on behalf of Florida’s Gov. Bob Graham
on effective advocacy he has encountered
natural resources.
throughout his career, noting that advocacy is NOT a
spectator sport. He emphasized the importance of
“We are honored that Gov. Graham and Chris agreed
building on-going relationships with political leaders.
to present this webinar,” says Ryan. He also thanks
Chris Hand then followed with specific strategies to
persuade decision makers, taken from the book he and
Major Development
Gov. Graham co-authored, America, the Owner’s
Proposed Near the Econ River Manual. An updated edition of the manual will be
available this summer at
Early this summer, the Orange County Board of
County Commissioners is slated to take a final vote on
The broadcast is available for viewing at
the proposed Lake Pickett South Development. under “What’s New.”
Encompassing around 1,200 acres adjoining the
Econlockhatchee River in eastern Orange County, the
land currently is designated as rural with one
residential unit per ten acres allowed. The proposed
comprehensive plan amendment would add more
than 2,000 residences to this area. Another
development proposal moving forward, Lake Pickett
North, would add another 2,000 homes in the same
Purchase Your Copy of
America, the Owner’s
Manual, and Support
1000 Friends!
“The Econ River has traditionally served as the
boundary beyond which urban services would not be
allowed or expected,” explains 1000 Friends President
Ryan Smart. He notes that Orange County
comprehensive plan provisions, zoning requirements
and planning history clearly show intent to keep this
area rural.
1000 Friends continues to monitor proposed
development in this critical area. Ryan notes,
“Keeping this area rural is essential to protect critical
habitat and preserve quality of life in the area.”
If you wish to support this initiative, make a donation
through and check “Protect Rural Orange County.”
Did you know that when you make an
on-line purchase through Amazon you
can support 1000 Friends of Florida?
Visit and select
1000 Friends of Florida as your charity.
Or you can link to us directly at When you use this link to
make a purchase, Amazon will make a
donation to support 1000 Friends’
work to build better communities and
save special places in Florida.
Summer 2016
Walton County Coastal Dune
Challenge Moving Forward
1000 Friends’ legal challenge to a damaging 2015
comprehensive plan amendment – which weakens coastal
dune lake protection provisions in Walton County –
continues to wend its way through the process.
says 1000 Friends President Ryan Smart. “Unfortunately,
Walton County responded with a proposal even worse
than the amendment we challenged.” The case likely will be
heard by an administrative law judge later this summer.
“For the last six months, 1000 Friends and our local
members attempted to work in good faith with Walton
County to reach a settlement that resolves our concerns,”
Now represented by attorneys Ralf Brookes and Dan Cox,
1000 Friends and partners contend that Walton County
submitted an incomplete amendment packet, failing to
submit appropriate data and analysis to support the
amendment. Additionally, the amendment lacked
consistency with other policies within the plan and did not
include meaningful and predictable standards. Several
state agencies noted deficiencies in their comment letters
on the amendment when it was proposed.
Martin County
Amendment Challenge
In August of 2013, the Martin County Commission
adopted a sweeping comprehensive plan amendment,
supported by 1000 Friends, to protect the unique
communities, special character and natural lands and
waters of Martin County.
When this amendment was subsequently challenged by
developers, 1000 Friends intervened on behalf of the
County to stand up for these good amendments in the
Administrative Hearing.
Following the hearing, the Administrative Law Judge
primarily sided with Martin County and 1000 Friends
finding the vast majority of the amendments to be “in
compliance.” However, the ALJ did take issue with two
technical aspects of the amendment dealing with the
methodology for calculating residential capacity and the
combining of urban service areas.
The developer challenged the ALJ’s findings to the
Governor and Cabinet, sitting as Administration
Commission. In April, the Governor and Cabinet upheld
the ALJ’s final order, but with one big additional
concession for the developer. The existing supermajority
vote requirement for changing the “pillars” of the
comprehensive plan was overturned.
The County now has the option to appeal the decision or
change the Amendment to comply with the
Commission’s ruling. 1000 Friends will continue to work
with Martin County to adopt a new amendment to
restore the supermajority requirement and ensure good
planning for many years to come.
“This challenge highlights fundamental flaws with local
and state implementation of Florida’s growth management
laws,” says Ryan, noting that coastal dune lakes are globally
imperiled and found only in Walton County and a few
other areas of the world. “If the State and Walton County
fail to protect a globally imperiled ecosystem, how does
that bode for the many other significant resources in our
For more information on coastal dune lakes and 1000
Friends’ challenge, please visit
Please Support
1000 Friends of Florida!
As a not-for-profit organization, 1000 Friends
of Florida relies on your donations to advocate
on behalf of the citizens of Florida and make a
difference in Florida’ s future. We hope you
will consider making a donation to support our
efforts to build better communities and help
save special places in the third largest state in
the nation. You can make your contribution
on-line at
1000 Friends to Challenge
Westlake Ruling
lands and rural lifestyles,” explains 1000 Friends
attorney Robert Hartsell.
Concerned about the impacts of development in rural
northwestern Palm Beach County, last year 1000
Friends of Florida and residents of Loxahatchee Groves
and the Acreage filed a challenge to the proposed
3,900-acre Minto West development. Now known as
Westlake, the project would bring massive-scale mixed
use, residential and commercial development –
including 4,546 residential units, 2,000,000 square feet
of non-residential uses, 200,000 square feet of civic
uses, a 150-room hotel and a 3,000 student college – to
the heart of this rural community.
At a hearing on April 18, a lawyer for Minto urged
Circuit Court Judge Edward A. Garrison to find that
the development orders approving the development
were consistent with the Palm Beach County
Comprehensive Plan. On April 26th, Garrison ruled in
favor of the County and Minto.
“We are very disappointed in the outcome of the
hearing and are filing an appeal,” says Friends
president Ryan Smart. “We still believe that the
development is inconsistent as a matter of fact with the
comprehensive plan’s overarching goals to concentrate
development in the eastern part of the county and
protect the rural communities and environmental
resources to the west.”
1000 Friends and partners contend that Minto is
inconsistent with numerous comprehensive plan
policies regarding development and road design in
rural areas. “This will bring thousands of new
residents and millions of square feet of commercial
development to an area best known for its agricultural
to Martin County
GL Homes/
Indian Trail Groves
SR 7 Corridor 1
SR 7 Corridor 3
Minto West/
Lion Country
Pratt Whitney Rd
Southern Blvd
*Not to Scale
Westlake (formerly known as Minto West, in red) and other major developments (in orange and yellow) are proposed for
rural Palm Beach County
Summer 2016 11
DeGrove Webinar Series Seeking Sponsors
Since the inception of the DeGrove webinar
series in 2012, close to 5,000 people have
attended 1000 Friends’ exceptional webinar
series. Offered monthly, these well-received
presentations cover topics ranging from the
Florida legislature to urban design to land
conservation, and many are approved for
professional certification credits for planners,
Florida attorneys and others.
1000 Friends charges a modest $10 per
webinar to cover associated costs, and has
begun offering several free citizen-oriented
webinars each year. We are seeking additional
sponsors to be able to offer more of these
important educational events for free. Please
contact Communications Director Vivian
Young at if you or your
organization is interested in sponsoring these
Thank You to Our
2015-2016 Webinar Sponsors:
• Archibald Foundation
• Ronald Book, PA
• Cambridge Systematics
• Mr. William M. DeGrove
• Dr. Frank Schnidman,
John M. DeGrove Eminent Scholar
Chair, Florida Atlantic University
• Mosaic Fertilizer, LLC
• Cobb Cole
• Ms. Kimberly A. DeGrove and
Dr. William Partin
• William Howard Flowers, Jr.
Foundation, Inc.
• Kitson Evergreen, LLC
• Robert L. Parks, PL
• The Perkins Charitable Foundation
• Mr. Robert M. Rhodes
• American Planning Association,
Florida Chapter
• Mr. Thomas J. Baird
• Mr. David M. Orshefsky
• Mr. Thomas G. Pelham
• Mr. Henry Sniezek
• Ms. Nancy Ellen Stroud
• Tallahassee State Bank
• Thomson Brock Luger & Company
• Treasure Coast RPC
• Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. and
Helen Wallace
Reflections at Merritt Island
Summer 2016 13
friends of
membership highlights
Thank you to our donors who contributed during
the period from September 1, 2015 to April 30, 2016
Over the years, many foundations, corporations, and organizations have supported our work.
We appreciate their current and generous support. Recent gifts have been provided by:
Anita & Julian Saul Foundation Inc.
Ayco Charitable Foundation
Clark Family Foundation, Inc.
CMB Foundation
Community Foundation of Greater Chattanooga
Conrades Family Fund
Curtis & Edith Munson Foundation
Donald Grant & Ann Martin Calder Foundation
Edward C. Shotwell III Charitable Lead
Annuity Trust
Gorter Family Foundation
James E. & Constance L. Bell Foundation
James O. Robbins Family CLT
James Riepe Family Foundation
Jay M. Wilson Fund of the
Baltimore Community Foundation
Landmark Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Live Oak Foundation
M/B Foundation
Marmot Foundation
Emerald Club
Mrs. Cornelia T. Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Flinn, Jr.
Hon. & Mrs. Nathaniel P. Reed
Ms. Victoria J. Tschinkel
Mr. F. Gregory Barnhart
Mr. Timothy Jackson
Mr. John W. Madigan
Mr. & Mrs. Clement McGillicuddy
Diamond Club
Mr. & Mrs. Philip D. Allen
Mr. Jess R. Santamaria
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Spass
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Sullivan, Jr.
Hon. & Mrs. Stephen F. Brauer
Mr. & Mrs. William Gardner Brown
Mr. Olin Browne
Ms. Judith Buechner
McCormack Family Foundation
Morton Family Foundation
Nelson Mead Fund
Osborne-White Foundation
Patricia & J. Harvey Graves Family Foundation
Patton Family Charitable Foundation
Porpoise Fund at Fidelity Charitable
R & S Zeckhauser Foundation
River Branch Foundation
SAD Foundation
Scott Family Foundation
St. Clair Foundation
The Archibald Foundation, Inc.
The Crisp Family Foundation
The Frederic C. Hamilton Family Foundation
The Henry Foundation, Inc.
The John L. & Sue Ann Weinberg Foundation
The Krimendahl/Saint-Amand Foundation
The Lemon Foundation
The Perkins Charitable Foundation
The S&G Foundation, Inc.
The Tilghman Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Terrence Daniels
Ms. Kimberly DeGrove
and Dr. William Partin
Mrs. Douglas Dillon
Mrs. Donald R. Findlay
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gay
Mr. Edward T. Goodman
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Hughes
Ms. Elise Hughes
Mr. William C. Jonson
Mr. Douglas M. Kinney
Mrs. Mary Ann Hamilton Lamont
Mrs. William L. Matheson
Mr. & Mrs. Hans Mautner
Christy Hamilton McGraw and
Ted McGraw
Mr. William C. Miller, IV
Mr. Peter C. Moreno
Mr. William T. O'Donnell, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. O'Neill
Ms. Anita Page
Mr. Robert L. Parks
Mr. Peter S. Pauley
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Pompea
Mr. Robert M. Rhodes
The Warner Foundation
Thomas & Nephele Wing Domencich Foundation
Turner Foundation Inc.
William & Martha Ford Fund
William Howard Flowers, Jr. Foundation
Cambridge Systematics
Fenton, Lang, Bruner & Associates
Kitson Evergreen, LLC
Mosaic Fertilizer, LLC
Tallahassee State Bank
Coffeen Land Trust Inc.
Dr. Frank Schnidman, John M. DeGrove Eminent
Scholar Chair, Florida Atlantic University
Nature Coast Action Team Incorporated
South Manasota Key Association, Inc.
Tall Timbers Research Station and Land
The Villagers
Mr. Phillip B. Rooney
Mr. Darren Ross
Mr. Gregg Schlesinger
Mr. Ryan Smart
Dr. Earl M. Starnes
Mr. George Strawbridge, Jr.
Mr. Lee Styslinger, Jr.
Mr. David M. Testa
Mr. Terry Turner
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Walsh
Mr. Mark Watts
Mr. & Mrs. Ted and Trudy Winsberg
Mr. David Ausherman
Mr. & Mrs. James N. Bailey
Mr. Walker Banning
Mr. & Mrs. James O. Benson
Mr. Jeffrey Berg
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brandt
Dr. & Mrs. James N. Burt
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Charlston
Mr. & Mrs. David D'Addario
Mrs. Ingeborg Downing
Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Flint
Ms. Ann M. Geupel
Ms. Maggy Hurchalla
Mr. Edgar D. Jannotta
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. LeGette
Mr. & Mrs. W. Scott McGraw
Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. McNeely
Dr. Jim Nicholas
Mr. Pat Noonan
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh O'Kane, Jr.
Mr. Peter Rummell
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis W. Schade
Ms. S. Fay Baird & Mr. Tom Staley
Mr. Spencer Olin Taylor
Mr. Stephen B. Timbers
Ms. Susan Trevarthen
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Wallace
Mr. & Mrs. Howard B. Wentz, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Whitman, Jr.
Anniversary Club
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stanley Chatham
Mr. & Mrs. Don and Jan Downing
Mr. & Mrs. Tom and Sara Fotopulos
Mr. Roy Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Allen, Jr.
Mr. Marvin Medintz and Mr. Percy Angelo
Mr. Terrell Arline
Mr. & Mrs. David Auth
Mr. Thomas J. Baird
Mrs. William Barnes, III
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Birdsey
Mr. Thomas M. Bizzell
Dr. Susan Marks and Mr. Bruce J. Black
Mr. Curtis L. Blake
Ms. Betsy Bousfield
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Bush
Mrs. William C. Campbell
Mr. Tom F. Campenni
Ms. Alane Cater
Mr. Robert D. Chapin
Mr. Harry Chiles
Mrs. Hays Clark
Mr. Timothy N. Clemmons
Ms. Martha L. Clutter
Mr. C. David Coffey
Mrs. John H. Coleman
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Collier
Mr. Lawrence Corning
Mr. Donald R. Crane, Jr.
Mr. Doug Croley
Ms. Marilyn E. Crotty
Mr. & Mrs. Carey and Patti Davis
Mrs. Vincent de Roulet
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Deyle
Mrs. Ivan Doverspike
Mr. & Mrs. David Dowler
Ms. Karen Droege
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Duffy
Mr. Donald Duttenhoeffer
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Dwinell, III
Mr. & Ms. Peter Dye
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Eitzman
Dr. Edward E. Etheredge
Mr. Salvatore Faso
Ms. Barbara Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. George Allen Fowlkes
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph C. Franklin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert and Nancy Frehling
Dr. Robert Friedman
Mr. George G. Gentile
Mr. & Mrs. Dieter P. Gerlach
Mr. Timothy C. Glover
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip and Carole Goodyear
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Gordon
Mr. John Green
Mr. Roger S. Griffin
Mrs. Nina B. Griswold
Mr. Edward E. Hagenlocker
Mr. C. Barrows Hall
Mr. Charles Matthew Hand
Mr. Frederick O. Hanser
Mrs. Elizabeth L. Havens
Ms. Christie A. Heavener
Mr. Jamie Heiney
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick and Nancy Higgs
Mrs. Richard A. Hill
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Holliday
Mr. Winchester F. Hotchkiss
Mr. E. L. Roy Hunt
Mrs. Katherine S. Ingalls
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Ingle
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Kennedy
Mr. Howard Kessler
Mr. Thomas Leonard Knapp
Ms. Peggy C. Land
Ms. Anne Adams Laumont
Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Leiden
Mrs. Nancy Lesher
Ms. Laura Lewis
Mrs. June Long
Ms. Margaret P. Lord
Ms. Joan Lumb
Mrs. Joan Towles Matthews
Dr. Lenore McCullagh
Dr. Patric McPoland
Mr. Edward Mierzejewski
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne and Delores Mills
Mrs. Pauline B. Nutting
Mr. Chuck O'Neal
Mr. David M. Orshefsky
Mr. & Mrs. J. Geddes Parsons
Mr. Thomas G. Pelham
Mrs. Lyn Mathews Perrin
Mr. Richard Pettigrew
Dr. Allan W. Pither
Mr. & Mrs. Ted & Kay Poitras
Ms. Nancy Prine
Mr. & Mrs. Paul and Judy Pronsky
Ms. Sarah A. Raiden
Mr. Frederick D. Remsen
Dr. Mary E. Rice
Mr. & Mrs. Mark and Margie Richardson
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel H. Ridder
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Robson
Ms. Alicia Roemmele-Putney
Mr. Mitchell Roffer
Mrs. Cynthia A. Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. David and Andrea Rossiter
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Rubino
Mrs. Jean M. Sadowski
Mr. Morley Schloss
Mr. James Schwarz
Ms. Jeannie Scruggs
Mrs. Dawn Shea
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Siragusa
Mr. & Mrs. Les and Cindy Smith
Mr. Bruce Stephenson
Ms. Patricia M. Stichnoth
Mrs. Peter W. Stroh
Ms. Nancy Ellen Stroud
Mrs. Janice Sullivan
Mrs. Fiona Sunquist
Mr. Jerome F. Synowiec
Mr. & Mrs. Akram M. Tamer
Mr. Gary Thomas
Mr. Dan Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Townsend
Mr. Rory C. Trumbore
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Udell
Mr. Craig Vanderlaan
Mr. Emilio Vergara
Ms. Ruth S. Wagner
Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. and Helen Wallace
Mr. & Mrs. Robb and Jane White
Mr. & Mrs. Estus Whitfield
Ms. Elinor Williams
Ms. Coralie C. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. David Wilmerding
Dr. James Wilson
Mr. Frederick C. Witsell, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Woolston
Ms. Marie L. York
Mr. Robert J. Austin
Dr. Donald M. Axelrad
Ms. Marianne Bayley
Mr. Bret Bennett
Mr. Myles Bland
Mr. Bill Borah
Ms. Lola Brett
Ms. Leigh B. Brooks
Mr. Timothy Brown
Mr. Richard Bryan
Mrs. Patricia Bryk
Ms. Joyce Calese
Ms. Sharon L. Carveth
Dr. Anthony James Catanese
Ms. Allyn Chandler
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Chicky
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Clark
Ms. Paula Collins
Ms. Andrea Conover
Ms. Sandy Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. and
Sheri L.R. Coven
Mr. Phillip I. Crawford
Mr. Paul J. Croce
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Crowell
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Curtin
Capt. Ed Davidson
Mr. Paco de la Fuente
Ms. Nan DeGrove
Ms. Janice A. DeMiranda
Ms. Mary Dickens
Mrs. Mallory Dimmitt
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dobes
Mr. Richard Dunkel
Ms. Nancy M. Escoffier
Ms. Annette Evans
Ms. Doris J. Fenner
Ms. Nadine Foley
Ms. Janet Foltz
Mr. Richard Foss
Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Fosselman
Ms. Skye Gallagher
Mr. Joseph R. Gannon
Ms. Donna Garcia
Ms. Judy Geiger
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Gonyaw
Ms. Jean S. Gottlieb
Ms. Ruth C. Hamberg
Mrs. Charles D. Hamilton
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Harden
Mr. & Mrs. Robert and Dorinda Hatfield
Ms. Barbara Southworth and
Mr.Jorge Hoagland
Mr. & Mrs. Bill and Kathy Horn
Mr. Gregory L. Huffman
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ingram
Dr. & Mrs. G. Keefe Jackson
Ms. Susan J. Jacobson
Dr. & Mrs. George Jacobson
Ms. Nancy Ann James
Mr. Doug Jesseph
Ms. Sallye G. Jude
Ms. Margaret M. Ketter
Mr. Dwight Kingsbury
Mr. Joachim Knueppelholz
Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy and Claire Kuhn
Mr. Ney C. Landrum
Ms. Jean L. Langston
Mrs. Robert E. Lazarchik
Ms. Debbie Lightsey
Mr. Allen H. Loyd
Mr. James R. Lussier
Ms. Frances S. MacIntyre
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Markell
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Mautner
Mrs. Elizabeth McCallum
Fr. Michael J. McNally
Mr. Michael Mett
Ms. Carol Miller
Ms. Leigh Moore
Ms. Peggy Roanne Moreno
Mr. Howard Pardue
Ms. Casey Pearson
Mrs. Beatrice C. Perkins
Mr. Robert Perkis
Mrs. Betty L. Perry
Mr. Mike Rao
Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon C. Rieley
Ms. Ellen Knox Roston
Mr. Bill Sagues
Ms. Claire Schelske and
Ms. Betty Schelske
Ms. Rosalie Shaffer
Mr. Arnold I. Simon
Mr. Henry Sniezek
Mr. John Sojat
Ms. Janet Stanko
Mrs. Monika D. Tandon
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar W. Tomberlin
Mr. Richard E. Towne
Mr. Robert Usherson
Mrs. Ann E. Van Cott
Ms. Mary Van Kleunen
Ms. Laura M. Ward
Ms. Julie Wert
Ms. Karen Whitaker
Mr. Colin White
Mr. Harry W. White
Ms. Kristine M. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Kent Wimmer
Mr. Gary W. Wolf
Mr. & Mrs. H. Curtis Wood, III
Mr. John Woodward
Ms. Carol A. Wynn
Mr. Kay M. Yeuell
Ms. Kathryn Ziewitz
Summer 2016 15
1000 Friends of Florida
Post Office Box 5948
Tallahassee, FL 32314-5948
Tallahassee, FL
last word
We can’t do it without you!
For three decades, many members and supporters have
joined with 1000 Friends of Florida to save special
places and build better communities across our fine state.
We have been tireless advocates for comprehensive
solutions to the many growth challenges that face
Florida. We can all be very proud of our
accomplishments, but much more remains to be done.
Sunset at Key West
1000 Friends needs your support so it can continue to
serve as the citizen’s voice for smarter growth and
conservation in Florida. You may use the enclosed
envelope to mail in your contribution, or visit
and join on-line. Please take this
opportunity to help!
Nathaniel P. Reed
Chairman Emeritus
1000 Friends of Florida
3400 quantity
3000 packaged together &
400 separate for client use
16 page book
8.5x11 finished size
4/4 process + flood satin aqueous
coating throughout
100# Flo Dull Text
Inserting 1 color #10 size remittance
envelope (new 30th anniversary ones)
Digital physical proof to Cuneo
Due complete by 12noon Monday
Email Cuneo when complete
Bill to:
1000 Friends of Florida
Attn: Vivian Young
Post Office Box 5948
Tallahassee, FL 32314-5948