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What does World Vision Do?
Bosnia and Herzegovina TB and HIV Prison Settings and Continuity Care World Vision Bosnia & Herzegovina October 16-18, 2012, Estonia Bosnia and Herzegovina on Map Estonia Bosnia and Herzegovina Basic information Bosnia and Herzegovina • Area: 51,209.000 km² • Total population of country: 3,8 milion • Mountainous country (62% of the land more than 700 m above sea level) • Continental and Mediterranean climate • Divided into two entities: FBiH, RS and Brcko City district • Political and administratively complex framework in B&H: state, entity and regional • Three health care systems: state, entity and regional levels • The Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina is in charge of the overall coordination of health issues at the state level. TB&HIV GF Grant Bosnia and Herzegovina TB • 1996 - political commitment was made to DOTS Strategy • 2007 - GF TB Grant was awarded to BiH - Further Strengthening of DOTS Strategy in Bosnia and Herzegovina • 2010 - World Vision B&H start with implementation of SSF GFATM TB Project – Objective 1: Increase Capacity for Case Detection: – Objective 5: Improve TB Control in Roma and Other Vulnerable Population HIV • 2006 - GF HIV Grant - World Vision B&H start with implementation of SSF GFATM HIV Project R5 and R9: – Objective 6: Introduce HIV Prevention in Roma Communities and Former Displaced Persons – Objective 1: Maximize Coverage of Effective HIV Prevention and Care Among Most-At-Risk Population and STIGMA reduction World Vision B&H - GFATM TB Project • Objective 1 of TB project: Increase Capacity for Case Detection • Engagement of: – 2 National TB M&E Coordinators – 27 Regional/Cantonal Coordinators – 75 Patronage Nurses/Technicians – 2 Trainers nominated by entity health ministry • Organization of the trainings for 800 health care profesions including: – TB staff doctors/specialists (170) – TB Family doctors (354) – TB laboratory staff (200) – TB staff nurses (113) Total trained: 837 health profesionals World Vision B&H - GFATM Project • The Roma are de facto the largest national minority in Bosnia and Herzegovina, app 80.000 • The largest number of Roma in BiH is in social need - health, housing, education and employment • No health insurance • The percentage of Roma employed within the public sector in BiH is extremely adverse and ranges between 2-3% • The most common source of income for Roma today is self-employment, specifically in the sector of secondaryraw materials collection and waste recycling. World Vision B&H - GFATM TB&HIV Project World Vision B&H - SSF GFATM TB Project Objective 5 of TB project: Improve TB Control in Roma and Other Vulnerable Population • Establishment of 4 Roma Regional TB Centers • Engagement 4 Roma coordinators, 16 outreach workers, and 50 nurses • Development of the program model and the plan of implementation strategy of DOTS TB in Roma communities • Sensitization and mobilization of the Roma on the prevention of TB thru outreach work (3.102 Roma) • Sensitization and mobilization of social and health workers in Roma issues (203 workers) • Screening and monitoring of TB in Roma communities (177) • TB patients on DOT by PPN (76 patients) • Distribution of combined food-hygienic parcels for TB patients (1937 parcels) World Vision B&H - GFATM HIV Project Objective 1 of HIV project: Maximize Coverage of Effective HIV Prevention and Care Among Most-At-Risk Population and STIGMA reduction • • Establishment of 3 HIV Info Centers Engagement 3 Roma coordinators, 20 outreach workers • Organization of trainings for outreach workers and representatives of 3 Roma Info Centers • Sensitization and mobilization of the Roma people on the prevention of HIV/AIDS, thru outreach work (4.120 Roma) • Sensitization and mobilization of Roma community leaders on HIV and AIDS issues • Sensitization and mobilization of health workers in Roma issues, with aim to improve SBC with the Roma (67 workers) • Roma community members conducted VCT (236 Roma) • Distribution of condoms (38.045 condoms) • Distribution of IEC materials (14.461 material) Prisons in Bosnia and Herzegovina • Total population of country: 3,8 milion • Number of prisoners in country: 2.668* • Number of prisoners rate: 69/100.000 population * • Turnover of prisoners per year: No data • Number of prisons: 15 • Capacity of prisons: 3204** • • State level Ministry of Justice BH State prison: The Detention Unit at the state level 20-30 cells Entity level: Federal Ministry of Justice Capacity app 1600 beds Prison: KPZ Zenica 676 Prison: KPZ Tuzla 169 beds Prison: KPZ Sarajevo 257 beds Prison: KPZ Bihac 40 beds Prison: KPZ Mostar 144 beds Prison: KPZ Ustikolina No data Prison: KPZ Orasje No data Prison: KPZ Busovaca No data *Data from 2007 ** Not relable data State prison: Institute for Execution of Criminal Sanctions, Detention and other Measures of BiH 300 beds/will be finished in 2013 Entity level: The Republic of Srpska Ministry of Justice Capacity 1604 beds Prison: KPZ Kula 228 beds Prison: KPZ Foca 490 beds Prison: KPZ Trebinje 74 beds Prison: KPZ Doboj 237 beds Prison: KPZ Bijeljina 134 beds Prison: KPZ Banja Luka 441 beds Basic information of prisoners Federation BH Number of prisoners per year Overall TB situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina • In 2009, 2010, 2011 incidence rate was 50 per 100 000 population • Prevalence rate 60 per 100 000 population. • Number of TB cases in 2009: 1772 • Number of TB cases in 2010: 1.390 • According to the relevant Global WHO Report, the overall treatment success for new smear positive rate is 92% and the case detection is estimated to be 91% for all forms. Overall TB and MDR situation in prisons in Bosnia and Herzegovina • Number of TB cases in BH in 2011: 1.425 • Number of TB cases diagnosed in prisons in 2011: 2 • Guidelines for TB treatment: National TB Programme NTP approved in accordance with WHO Global Program • TB is diagnosed in prisons (sputum collection, X-ray, blood samples): upon arrival • Only few TB cases detected in the past years • The proportion of MDR of all TB patients: 7 out of wich 1 in prison • MDR patients get second line treatment • Analysis in prison: smear, culture, DST (Drug susceptibility testing), rapid tests, X-ray, DST to first line in BH Lab and second line medicines in Borstel HIV situation in prisons and in Bosnia and Herzegovina • 1989: first HIV positive person registered • Total number of HIV cases in B&H: 196 (116 AIDS) • In 2011: 26 new HIV positive persons, (11 patients developed AIDS) • Low HIV prevalence country: 0,1% • 83 patient living with HIV under the supervision of health services, (63 ARV) • Number of HIV cases diagnosed in prisons: None • Prisoners are tested on request • Total number of HIV-infected prisoners: 1 person • In last 10 years HIV situation is stable in prisons HIV situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina HIV&IDU situation in prisons in Bosnia and Herzegovina • WHO guidelines are in use • ARV is available in prison system and distributed by health workers • One prison in B&H with specialized sanatoriums for TB, mental and other patients • No prisons specialized for IDU-s, they are placed in every prison • No accurate data for number of IDU-s in prisons • Socio-demographic background of HIV and TB cases in prisons: immigrants and other vulnerable groups • Regularly education, information sharing, counseling, syringe exchange, for IDU thru GFATM and health system Prison system`s integration with national treatment programme and health workers • Prison system's integration is in the line with national TB and HIV substitution treatment programme • Finances the services in prisons: Ministry of Internal Affairs BH and GFATM • If the prisoner is released before TB, ARV or substitution treatment is over, health institutions and VCT (18) centers are available • Trainings for the prison staff on TB and HIV issues are done continuous, thru health system and NGOs (GFATM ) • No HIV or TB cases among the prison staff related to occupational exposure • Annualy examination for health care providers TB and HIV if is neccessary Thank you!