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What does World Vision Do?
Bosnia and Herzegovina
TB and HIV Prison Settings and Continuity Care
World Vision Bosnia & Herzegovina
October 16-18, 2012, Estonia
Bosnia and Herzegovina on Map
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Basic information Bosnia and Herzegovina
Area: 51,209.000 km²
Total population of country: 3,8 milion
Mountainous country (62% of the land more
than 700 m above sea level)
Continental and Mediterranean climate
Divided into two entities: FBiH, RS and Brcko
City district
Political and administratively complex
framework in B&H: state, entity and regional
Three health care systems: state, entity and
regional levels
The Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and
Herzegovina is in charge of the overall
coordination of health issues at the state level.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
• 1996 - political commitment was made to DOTS Strategy
2007 - GF TB Grant was awarded to BiH - Further Strengthening of DOTS Strategy in
Bosnia and Herzegovina
2010 - World Vision B&H start with implementation of SSF GFATM TB Project
– Objective 1: Increase Capacity for Case Detection:
– Objective 5: Improve TB Control in Roma and Other Vulnerable Population
• 2006 - GF HIV Grant - World Vision B&H start with implementation of SSF GFATM
HIV Project R5 and R9:
– Objective 6: Introduce HIV Prevention in Roma Communities and Former
Displaced Persons
– Objective 1: Maximize Coverage of Effective HIV Prevention and Care Among
Most-At-Risk Population and STIGMA reduction
World Vision B&H - GFATM TB Project
Objective 1 of TB project: Increase
Capacity for Case Detection
Engagement of:
– 2 National TB M&E Coordinators
– 27 Regional/Cantonal Coordinators
– 75 Patronage Nurses/Technicians
– 2 Trainers nominated by entity health
Organization of the trainings for 800 health
care profesions including:
– TB staff doctors/specialists (170)
– TB Family doctors (354)
– TB laboratory staff (200)
– TB staff nurses (113)
Total trained: 837 health profesionals
World Vision B&H - GFATM Project
The Roma are de facto the largest
national minority in Bosnia and
Herzegovina, app 80.000
The largest number of Roma in BiH is in
social need - health, housing, education
and employment
No health insurance
The percentage of Roma employed within
the public sector in BiH is extremely
adverse and ranges between 2-3%
The most common source of income for
Roma today is self-employment,
specifically in the sector of secondaryraw
materials collection and waste recycling.
World Vision B&H - GFATM TB&HIV Project
World Vision B&H - SSF GFATM TB Project
Objective 5 of TB project: Improve TB Control in Roma and Other Vulnerable Population
Establishment of 4 Roma Regional TB Centers
Engagement 4 Roma coordinators, 16 outreach workers, and 50 nurses
Development of the program model and the plan of implementation strategy of DOTS TB
in Roma communities
Sensitization and mobilization of the Roma on the prevention of TB thru outreach work
(3.102 Roma)
Sensitization and mobilization of social and health workers in Roma issues (203
Screening and monitoring of TB in Roma communities (177)
TB patients on DOT by PPN (76 patients)
Distribution of combined food-hygienic parcels for TB patients (1937 parcels)
World Vision B&H - GFATM HIV Project
Objective 1 of HIV project: Maximize Coverage of Effective HIV Prevention and Care
Among Most-At-Risk Population and STIGMA reduction
Establishment of 3 HIV Info Centers
Engagement 3 Roma coordinators, 20 outreach workers
Organization of trainings for outreach workers and representatives of 3 Roma Info
Sensitization and mobilization of the Roma people on the prevention of HIV/AIDS, thru
outreach work (4.120 Roma)
Sensitization and mobilization of Roma community leaders on HIV and AIDS issues
Sensitization and mobilization of health workers in Roma issues, with aim to improve
SBC with the Roma (67 workers)
Roma community members conducted VCT (236 Roma)
Distribution of condoms (38.045 condoms)
Distribution of IEC materials (14.461 material)
Prisons in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Total population of country:
3,8 milion
Number of prisoners in
country: 2.668*
Number of prisoners rate:
69/100.000 population *
Turnover of prisoners per
year: No data
Number of prisons: 15
Capacity of prisons: 3204**
State level
Ministry of Justice BH
State prison:
The Detention Unit at the state level
20-30 cells
Entity level:
Federal Ministry of Justice
Capacity app 1600 beds
KPZ Zenica
KPZ Tuzla
169 beds
KPZ Sarajevo
257 beds
KPZ Bihac
40 beds
KPZ Mostar
144 beds
KPZ Ustikolina
No data
KPZ Orasje
No data
KPZ Busovaca
No data
*Data from 2007
** Not relable data
State prison:
Institute for Execution of Criminal Sanctions,
Detention and other Measures of BiH
300 beds/will be finished in 2013
Entity level:
The Republic of Srpska Ministry of Justice
Capacity 1604 beds
KPZ Kula
228 beds
KPZ Foca
490 beds
KPZ Trebinje
74 beds
KPZ Doboj
237 beds
KPZ Bijeljina
134 beds
KPZ Banja Luka
441 beds
Basic information of prisoners
Federation BH
Number of prisoners per year
Overall TB situation in
Bosnia and Herzegovina
In 2009, 2010, 2011 incidence rate was 50 per 100 000 population
Prevalence rate 60 per 100 000 population.
Number of TB cases in 2009: 1772
Number of TB cases in 2010: 1.390
According to the relevant Global WHO Report, the overall treatment success for
new smear positive rate is 92% and the case detection is estimated to be 91%
for all forms.
Overall TB and MDR situation in prisons in
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Number of TB cases in BH in 2011: 1.425
Number of TB cases diagnosed in prisons in 2011: 2
Guidelines for TB treatment: National TB Programme NTP approved in
accordance with WHO Global Program
TB is diagnosed in prisons (sputum collection, X-ray, blood samples): upon
Only few TB cases detected in the past years
The proportion of MDR of all TB patients: 7 out of wich 1 in prison
MDR patients get second line treatment
Analysis in prison: smear, culture, DST (Drug susceptibility testing), rapid tests,
X-ray, DST to first line in BH Lab and second line medicines in Borstel
HIV situation in prisons and in
Bosnia and Herzegovina
1989: first HIV positive person registered
Total number of HIV cases in B&H: 196 (116 AIDS)
In 2011: 26 new HIV positive persons, (11 patients developed AIDS)
Low HIV prevalence country: 0,1%
83 patient living with HIV under the supervision of health services, (63 ARV)
Number of HIV cases diagnosed in prisons: None
Prisoners are tested on request
Total number of HIV-infected prisoners: 1 person
In last 10 years HIV situation is stable in prisons
HIV situation in
Bosnia and Herzegovina
HIV&IDU situation in prisons in
Bosnia and Herzegovina
WHO guidelines are in use
ARV is available in prison
system and distributed by
health workers
One prison in B&H with
specialized sanatoriums for
TB, mental and other
No prisons specialized for IDU-s, they are placed in every prison
No accurate data for number of IDU-s in prisons
Socio-demographic background of HIV and TB cases in prisons: immigrants and
other vulnerable groups
Regularly education, information sharing, counseling, syringe exchange, for IDU
thru GFATM and health system
Prison system`s integration with national
treatment programme and health workers
Prison system's integration is in the line with national TB and HIV substitution
treatment programme
Finances the services in prisons: Ministry of Internal Affairs BH and GFATM
If the prisoner is released before TB, ARV or substitution treatment is over,
health institutions and VCT (18) centers are available
Trainings for the prison staff on TB and HIV issues are done continuous, thru
health system and NGOs (GFATM )
No HIV or TB cases among the prison staff related to occupational exposure
Annualy examination for health care providers TB and HIV if is neccessary
Thank you!