technology - Tecnoconference Europe
technology - Tecnoconference Europe
A DAZZLING TECHNOLOGY ROMA Via Alessandro Luzio, 66 00179 Roma ph +39 06.78359617 fax +39 06.78359385 FIRENZE Via Domenico Comparetti, 30/32 50135 Firenze ph +39 055.4633305 fax +39 055.4634769 MILANO Piazza IV Novembre, 7 - 20124 ph e fax +39 0287343470 YOUR SPECIALISTS IN COMMUNICATION TOOLS FOR EVENTS MEETINGS: HOW AND WHY Meetings have become an essential part in the life of both institutions and enterprises. They are the best source of networking as well as a valuable communication means. Moreover, they have an excellent cost/benefit ratio. Meetings are successful only if they manage to engage their audience, who must feel involved and completely part of them. They should go back with a long-lasting memory. Meetings are also supposed to maximize the effectiveness of the message and to give the sponsors an adequate visibility of their brand. And this market consistently shows that the privileged tools to achieve this goal are technologies: audio, video, lights. TECNOCONFERENCE EUROPE – DEL FIO GROUP Foto G8/Ansa It is a company that is always “one step ahead” in the communications technologies: Tecnoconference Europe – Del Fio Group is based in Rome and is one of the main suppliers of hi-tech products and services for the meeting industry in central Italy as a whole, in terms of revenues, number of events, number of employees and active clients. Strengths A complete range of equipment and devices to meet all the requirements of different kinds of meetings. A skilled and continuously trained technical team. Major investments in the state-of-the-art equipment. WHY WE HAVE BEEN CHOSEN We are leaders in congress technology, with a specific knowhow and innovative services. Tecnoconference Europe – Del Fio Group has been selected as a partner for the most important meetings held in Italy. As a mere example, we participated in the G8 Summit in L’Aquila (2009) and in Genoa (2001), in the G8 Economy and Labour Ministers’ Summits, in the Nato-Russia summit in Pratica di Mare, in the meeting of the Heads of State and Government during the Italian presidency of the European Union and in innumerable corporate, scientific and social events at an international level. Foto G8/Ansa OUR OFFER Service and rent: a complete service for any kind of event (exhibitions included), from the creative project – with concept progress – to the planning of the setup, from technical development to production, including scheduling, coordinating and directing, up to all post event services. Supply and installation of any technological devices, from the basic features to the most complex items. Specialized consulting for the design and implementation of multimedia meeting rooms: study on space functionality, analysis of acoustic quality, arrangement and positioning of technical equipment. CERTIFIED QUALITY Tecnoconference Europe – Del Fio Group has received the UNI EN ISO 9001-2008 quality certification, related to service design and supply. Moreover, it has been granted by Federcongressi&eventi the Ethics & Professionalism award “for well-known and proven integrity and fairness to employees, partners, suppliers and clients, as well as for the devotion to duty in the approach to work, marked by the knowledge and the adoption of many ethical codes”. THE FUTURE Silvio Del Fio, president of Tecnoconference Europe – Del Fio Group, began working with the MICE technology in the Sixties, and thanks to his long experience he is considered to be one of the most authoritative experts in the Italian meeting industry. Former vice president of Italcongressi (one of the Italian MICE associations), he has worked for the promotion of the main Italian destinations, especially Florence, Rome and Naples. He was also member of the Board of the Italia National Convention Bureau as well as of Federturismo (Confindustria), the federation of the Italian tourist associations. Forty years of experience, always looking at the future. The ambition to serve the market leads to incessant research and development, but especially to the investment on fresh and young resources able to imagine the future according to the best tradition of the brand. This consistent corporate vision has the imprinting of Davide Del Fio, the founder’s son, who has already been active in the company for a long time. He is witness to his father’s legacy. OUR SERVICES AUDIO P.A. SYSTEMS New systems that ensure excellent results in all situations: in particular the Line Array modules reach the maximum pressure and give consistent sound coverage even in the most reverberant environments, while the vertical arrays represent the most modern and efficient evolution of the classic speaker aids. DIGITAL SIMULTANEOUS TRANSLATION Simultaneous translation up to 32 Hi-Fi quality channels. New 2, 3 and 4 seat mobile cabins, the only ones really and completely complying both to the ISO 4043 standard (new version) and to the fire security requirements for public locations. DIGITAL CONFERENCE SYSTEM New DCN Next Generation system, providing the ultimate flexibility and easiness in management and control, either in automatic or through a PC, with multimedia functions, also wireless. The design is smart and versatile and the audio quality is excellent. VIDEO VIDEO PROJECTIONS AND LEDWALLS From video projections on giant widescreens to blending multi video projections, from multimedia setups to big multiple screens: high-resolution and high-brightness projectors, high-resolution modular Ledwall systems in any format, full HD (and even SDI) emission directions, digital graphics mixers with integrated blending functions, very innovative special effects. The signals are distributed through optical DVi fiber. FULL HD VIDEO SHOOTING AND RECORDING Full HD digital Broadcast cameras fully equipped with studio accessories as well as video directing Full HD “fly” systems; shooting devices by Cranes/Jibs, Steadycam, Autodome. POST PRODUCTION All that is necessary to upgrade the video shootings in an ever-lasting movie piece. Video synthesis of the meeting with on site editing, emotional videos, walk-in movies, video footage from operating rooms. MULTI-VIDEOCONFERENCES A wide range of solutions to fulfil any requirement in terms of interactive link, from I.P. videoconferences to satellite broadcasting, with TV quality guaranteed. OUR SERVICES LIGHTS LIGHTING SYSTEMS Sophisticated lighting systems creating backdrops as well as architectural lighting designed and manufactured to provide the highest quality of light in all shapes and hues. Our lighting design service plans lighting for show, entertainment, atmosphere or communication purposes, thus enhancing both the context and the message, as well as making the event truly memorable. MULTIMEDIA INTERACTIVE ELECTRONIC POLLING SYSTEM This is the perfect means to evaluate both the educational results of a course and the opinions of the audience. It is managed by a computer reading the data sent by the televoter, and visualising them in graphics or tables. Equipped with traditional or multi-aerial equipment. LIVE AND ON DEMAND STREAMING Activation of channels for real-time webcast of audio and video signals, even on demand, thus leaving the user the ability to start at any time the playback of pre-recorded material put online with proper encoding. PRESENCE MONITOR Laser barcodes readers and checkpoints also through RFID technology (Radio Frequency Identity). Complete secretarial service provided (for badge printing, data cancellation or integration, final data sheet filling). WEB CONGRESS Innovative, dynamic, interactive and multimedia websites to optimize the organization and the management of the meeting. In addition to specific areas protected by a password, the system offers a variety of email forms to join the conference, to make hotel reservations and to receive confirmation via e-mail and more. The speakers can also send their PowerPoint presentations on line. IT EQUIPMENT Creation of customized hardware and software solutions, advanced management systems and applications; provision of services and equipment rentals for information technology and office automation. Technical assistance on site. CD-ROM AND DVD PRODUCTION A few days after the event, the complete archive is available: presentations, text, audio, movies, slides, interviews, with all the benefits of interactivity (search engine by keyword, topic, speaker and so on). A link to the CD-ROM gives access to the online version. OUR INNOVATIVE SERVICES TELEPROMPTER Thanks to the latest generation of Teleprompters, we enable the speaker to visualize the text of his speech right at the moment of his presentation. The text runs on two bright LCD monitors, hidden on the floor, whose screens are reflected by two transparent mirrors. The speaker himself manages the running speed of the text, by pressing a pedal hidden under the podium. This function can also be given in charge to a technician, manually operating from his desk. The audience has the feeling that the speaker fluently speaks impromptu. DYNAMIC MULTI-VIDEOPROJECTIONS Through advanced software and hardware solutions we create great slide shows and high-definition digital videos, with extraordinary quality and perfect sync. Our systems apply automatically, in real time, the masking to fuse the images in the point at which the projection areas overlap (on any number of screens), with the result of a unique vision, without joints. All this is also suitable for single screens, though primarily used in panoramic multi-screen applications. MULTIMEDIA CONGRESS MANAGER It is the most established and innovative management system for congress communication. The speaker leaves his PowerPoint presentation at the slide centre and when he goes to the podium it is already on the control monitor. Outside, on a series of plasma screens, real-time information is displayed on the progress of the work in the halls, with the speaker’s name, the title of the presentation, the possible delay etc. You can also show movies, videos and animations, even by the sponsors, as well as communications of the secretariat. The entire system is always managed by online servers with UPS and back up on to ensure the maximum data security. OUR STRENGHTS SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION Analysis of the room functionality: verification of both the overall volumes (ceiling height, room width etc.) and of each possible variant to the use of the equipment. Sound quality check: verification of the characteristics of the room, thus implementing any necessary correction before the room is built. Definition of the technical equipment: from the basic requirements (audio, video and projection software, videoconference tools and simultaneous translation) to the more sophisticated ones. Implant predisposition: it is realized as an “open system”, thus allowing the maximum of operation flexibility at the lowest economic investment. RENT INTEGRATION Offered at highly competitive prices, it implements three different kinds of supplies: Implant preparation (installation of cables, connections, stage boxes etc.), taking into account all the requirements expressed by the different meeting typologies. Basic provision of the most common equipment: microphones, simultaneous translation, projectors, video recording, closed circuit TV…; Rental of all the equipment which are necessary according to the circumstances, with an annual contract stating prices as well as conditions, discounts and preference clauses. FACILITY MANAGEMENT Tecnoconference Europe – Del Fio Group offers a technical support to facility sales managers either during site inspections or for specific requirements. This implies an active and complete consultancy to ensure the compliance of the rented equipment with its future utilization. From the creative project, with its concept development, to the design of the set-up with graphic rendering, from technical development, with the use of the most advanced multimedia technology, to the production of the meetings, with planning, coordination and direction. OUR CUSTOMERS WE BUILD VALUE FOR OUR CUSTOMERS The Customer at the centre of our Mission Our regular customers mainly come from major congress centers and hotels, as well from the major PCO agencies, and from organizations, institutions, industries and associations such as: AEROPORTI DI ROMA - ACQUARIO ROMANO - ALENIA AERMACCHI - ALENIA AERONAUTICA ALFA FCM - AMBASCIATA BRITANNICA - AERONAUTICA MILITARE AMMINISTRAZIONE PATRIMONIO SEDE APOSTOLICA - ANAGINA ANCE (Associazione Nazionale Costruttori Edili) - APS PRODUCTION - ASSET CAMERA ASSOCIAZIONE ITALIA DECIDE - ASSOCONSULT - AUDITORIUM CONCILIAZIONE - AUDITORIUM PARCO DELLA MUSICA AUDITORIUM VIA VENETO - BANCA D’ITALIA - BANCA POPOLARE DELL’EMILIA ROMAGNA - BHW - BNL – GRUPPO BNP PARIBAS BRISTOL MAYER SQUIBB - BRITISH COUNCIL - BUSINESS INTERNATIONAL CAMERA DI COMMERCIO DI ROMA - CISALPINA TOUR - CNA - COMMISSIONE EUROPEA - CONFAGRICOLTURA - CONFARTIGIANATO CONFCOMMERCIO - CONFINDUSTRIA - CONSIP - CORTE COSTITUZIONALE - CORTE DEI CONTI - COSTA CROCIERE - DEXIA CREDIOP DOMUS AUSTRALIA - ECONSULTING - ENGINEERING S.p.A. - ERNST & YOUNG - EUR SPA EVENTS IN&OUT - FARMINDUSTRIA - FAI CISL - FIERA DI ROMA FINDOMESTIC BANCA - FONDAZIONE MARISA BELLISARIO - FONDAZIONE ALCIDE DE GASPERI FONDAZIONE UGO BORDONI - FORMULA CONGRESSI PROMOTION INCENTIVE - FULL DAY MEETING GARDEN TRAVEL - GOLDMAN SACHS - GRASS ROOTS - GUARDIA DI FINANZA ICE (Istituto Commercio Estero) - I & C - I.F.A.D - IDEA CONGRESS - INA ASSITALIA INTERCONTINENTAL TRAVEL COMPANY - INVENTAEVENTI - INVITALIA - INNOVACTION LAB IRCCS SAN RAFFAELE ROMA - ISTAT - IVASS - JOHNSON CONTROL - JUMBO GRANDI EVENTI - KUONI DESTINATION MANAGEMENT - MCKINSEY & COMPANY INC. - MERK SHARP & DOHME - MERRILL- LYNCH WEALTH MANAGEMENT MINISTERO AFFARI ESTERI - MINISTERO DELL’ECONOMIA E DELLE FINANZE MINISTERO PER I BENI E PER LE ATTIVITA’ CULTURALI - MINISTERO POLITICHE AGRICOLE E FORESTALI MINISTERO POSTE E TELECOMUNICAZIONI - MINISTERO DELL’AMBIENTE - NESPRESSO OSPEDALE PEDIATRICO BAMBIN GESU’ - PALAZZO DEI CONGRESSI ROMA - PALAZZO DEI CONGRESSI ORVIETO - PALAZZI & GAS - PITTI IMMAGINE - PONTIFICIA UNIVERSITA’ GREGORIANA - POSTE ITALIANE PRESIDENZA DELLA REPUBBLICA - PROMOROMA - PROTEZIONE CIVILE ROMA CAPITALE - ROMA CONVENTION GROUP - SACE - SALESIANUM - SAVE THE CHILDREN - SCARAMUZZI TEAM - SELEX GRUPPO FINMECCANICA - SENATO DELLA REPUBBLICA - SIAE SIMEST (Società Italiana per le imprese all’Estero) - SINDACATO NAZIONALE AUTONOMO GIORNALAI SOCIETA’ ITALIANA DI MEDICINA ESTETICA - SOGEI - SOCIETA’ ITALIANA DI ULTRASONOLOGIA E BIOLOGIA - STATO MAGGIORE DIFESA STATO MAGGIORE ESERCITO - T.E.R.N.A. - TOP CONGRESS P.R. - UNICEF - UNIONE CAMERE DI COMMERCIO UNINDUSTRIA - UNIONCAMERE LAZIO - UNIVERSITA’ CATTOLICA DEL SACRO CUORE UNIVERSITA’ LATERANENSE - UNIVERSITA’ LUISS GUIDO CARLI - VICARIATO DI ROMA - VIVA GROUP - WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME A DAZZLING TECHNOLOGY ROMA Via Alessandro Luzio, 66 00179 Roma ph +39 06.78359617 fax +39 06.78359385 FIRENZE Via Domenico Comparetti, 30/32 50135 Firenze ph +39 055.4633305 fax +39 055.4634769 MILANO Piazza IV Novembre, 7 - 20124 ph e fax +39 0287343470 YOUR SPECIALISTS IN COMMUNICATION TOOLS FOR EVENTS