WS14_Serbia - Cross Cultural Guidance and International Careers


WS14_Serbia - Cross Cultural Guidance and International Careers
Belgrade Open School
Improvement of Employability Programme
Bojan & Bojana
Belgrade Open School`s
• The Belgrade Open School (BOS) is a nongovernmental educational organisation
established in 1993.
• BOS strengthens human resources, improves
work of public institutions and organisations,
develops and advocates for public policies in
order to develop better society based on
freedom, knowledge and innovation.
Belgrade Open School`s
Career Guidance and
Counselling Centre mission
Contributes to establishment and development
of career guidance and counselling in the fields
of education, lifelong learning, training and
employment in order to improve employability
and the overall economic growth of Serbia.
Career guidance and counselling
• Development of strategic
• Research
• Supporting institutions
• Innovative techniques/tools for
career guidance and counselling
• Capacity building of career guidance
and counselling practitioners
• Career informing and individual and
group career counselling
Harmonization of education
and labour market
• Organization of
internships and job
shadowing visits
• Policy research and
advocacy activities
• Establishing a network
of stakeholders
Main achievements of BOS
• Initial text of Strategy for Career Guidance and
Counseling in Serbia
• National Council for Vocational Education and
Adult Education
• Methodology for measuring the effects of
career guidance and counselling
Main achievements of BOS
• Development of a national program and
methodology of career guidance and counseling
for students of higher education institutions
• Trained app. 150 education professionals from
diverse secondary schools and app. 60 youth
• Online career service
On-going activities
• Improvement of the regulatory framework
for the organisation of internship programmes
• Advocating for the continual implementation
of the lifelong career guidance policy
• Promotion of perspective educational profiles
in vocational schools
• WEstern Balkan youth WORK(s) for youth
Employability! - Regional initiative for a
common approach to youth employability
Career Informers - United Nations –
Peacebuilding and Inclusive Local
Development (PBILD)
• Aim - to improve social inclusion and youth employability in Serbia
through capacity building of youth offices for providing services of career
• Results - Increased capacities of 12 Local Youth Offices for providing
services of career informing;
– 39 young people from the Youth Offices were trained to
become peer career informers, counselors for career
– 24 peer workshops on career informing were organized
and included 289 young people, 64 of whom were from
vulnerable groups (mainly young Roma and young people
from rural areas)
Needs of vulnerable youth in the field
of career informing and
recommendations for meeting their
• A need to change attitude towards life – Roma should be encouraged to
abandon the pattern of routine behavior in order to become active
• Vulnerable young people should be informed about the services delivered by
different institutions and bodies and about terms and conditions of use of these
• A basic computer training course should be delivered
• A life skills training course should be organized
• Young people who have abandoned formal education should be referred to the
programmes that could be useful for them
• The lack of information among young Roma and other vulnerable groups about
the work and programmes of youth offices/youth clubs
• Forming of mobile teams of peer career informers who would come out on the
field and other places where young people gather to deliver the information about
career planning
Young Roma – from 19 to
26 years
• Registered - 14.542 (20,27%) young Roma
• Students - 75 (0,50%)
• Unemployed 13.444 (92,44%)
• Employed 1.023 (7,03%)
• Married 1.983 (13,63%)
• Extramarital communities 6.844
Roma population in Serbia
• According to the latest census from 2011– 147.604 2,1%
• The average "age" of the Roma population is 27.8
• The average "age" of the total population of the
Republic of Serbia is 42.2 y.
Young Roma in Serbia
0-14 (years)- 61.223
15-29 - 36.905
30+ - 49.476
69% children went to the first grade on time / 97%
64% children complete primary school / 93%
22% children attend secondary school / 89%
43% girls leave high school to get married / 4%
Share of illiterate over 9 years old / 15,1 %
Enrolment of children in special classes / 2%
• Pedagogical assistants over 200 trained and
employed (the Ministry for Employment and
Social Policy)
• Scholarship and Mentorship programms for
Roma students in secondary schools (the
Ministry of Education, OSCE, REF,..)
The project “More experience
for more opportunities!“
Improvement of social inclusion and employability of
•Pilot project
•The overall objective is improving employability and
social inclusion of Roma through inclusive initiatives in
Project Implemented by: the Municipality of Ruma and the National Youth Council
of Serbia
Target group
• 90 young Roma (15-35 years old) *prolonged youth
• Employees in local government and decision-makers
• Roma health Mediators, Pedagogical Assistants and
Roma Coordinators at the local
• Youth Office of the Municipality of Ruma.
• 5 Public Enterprises (Utility Companies)
• Local CSOs (Roma)
• Educational institutions, including vocational schools
• National Employment Service – Local Branches
• Business sector
Project activities – role of BOS
• Training for local stakeholders on the importance of
social inclusion and employment of Roma.
• Training of 90 young Roma (18-30 years) in the field of
binding employment (career guidance and counseling).
• Training of mentors and implementation of working
practices in local public utilities
• The introduction and promotion program for
employment mediation for Roma
• Handbook/publication
Training for young Roma
• two-day training
• heterogeneous group (age, level of education,
motivation, residence…)
• time and venue of the training (weekends and school)
• training objectives:
❖the modern concept of career
❖self-assessment, skills
❖basic elements of decision making and communication
❖CV and Interview
The challenges during the
implementation of training
• limited vocabulary
❖lack of understanding of basic terms (career path, hobby, …)
• low level of self-confidence
• understanding the concept of personal skills
❖lack of understanding of the terminology used to define skills
(communicative skills, proactive, leadership skills,…)
• low level of oral and written communication
• Maintaining the attention
I Preparation phase:
✓Familiarize yourself with the target group and
local context
✓Familiarize yourself with the available support
system at the local level
✓Dictionary of basic terms (in particular skills)
II Design of training:
✓Minimize the extent of PPT presentations
✓Sessions must be based on workshops games
✓Prepare icebreaker games that are aligned with
the theme of training
✓Adapt all materials to the target group
(vocabulary and visual appearance)
Who has a career?
Novak Đoković
Zorica Savić
Oleg Perić
Džej Ramadanovski
Bojana Mišić
Vitomir Mihajlović
Examples of the icebreaker games
Spear and Shield
an introduction to the session "decision-making"
I love you
an introduction to the session "Communication"
II During the implementation of the training:
Be prepared to make adjustments during the
implementation of the training program
Motivating examples
 Keep reminding them of previous session
Simplify the evaluation at the end of training
Thank you!
Non scholae, sed vitae discimus We learn, not for school, but for life