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here - ERF
„…Human error on the road should not be punished by death…”
Inowrocław 15-16.06.2016
Designing and equipping roads with infrastructure / all-year road
maintenance / safety of works on roads / traffic safety
International conference on designing and equipping roads with infrastructure,
all-year maintenance of works and safety of works on roads - linked to crash tests
of road safety equipment.
The only such event in Europe!
zero killed / zero wounded
Based on the Scandinavian experience, Polish Vision Zero is an initiative that brings attention to the core problems
causing threat to health and life in road traffic.
Road and Bridge Research Institute
European Union Road Federation
Polish Association of Construction Industry Employers
Research Institute for Protective Systems
The Line of Life Association
Saferoad RRS
Crash tests of road infrastructure facilities linked to a conference on designing and equipping roads with infrastructure,
all-year road maintenance, safety of works in the right of way and traffic safety.
This year, the crash tests and the interdisciplinary conference will address the issues of designing and choosing proper safe ty
systems on roads and structures of various categories, and the safety of works in the right of way in traffic.
Discussions will focus on the influence of various types of road pavements and all-year maintenance of roads on road users.
Polish Vision Zero is the only event in Poland and Europe which at the same time and place binds together theoretical
and practical aspects of a proper choice of safety systems, road maintenance, and behaviour of road users.
Both the conference and the crash tests take place on the testing ground of Research Institute for Protective Systems
in Inowrocław. Conference facilities, constructed especially for this event, allow for a comfortable participation in the event ,
and the testing ground is the place for a practical reflection of the matters discussed, in the form of crash tests,
exhibitions and other presentations made in front of the conference participants.
The Potential of Polish road construction and maintenance market in years 2015-2022
Poland is the second in Europe market of road transportation – after Germany. It is a huge challenge
for road networks. The total length of roads at the end of 2014 was 420 000 km and it is still growing.
Funds for construction and maintenance of roads in Poland in years 2015-2022
Funds for the construction of motorways, express ways and other roads amount to approximately
34 billion euros
Funds for the maintenance of roads of various categories amount to approximately 3,5 billion euros
15.06 - Wednesday
16.06 – Thursday
9.00 - 9.30 - CRASH TEST III - crash test of terminal section of a barrier
9.00 – 09:30 Opening (presentations and introductory movies)
09:30 – 10:00 Crash test I – test of gantry / supporting structure
09:30 – 11:00 SESSION III
- Innovative solutions in equipping roads with safety infrastructure
10-12:30 –Session I
- Proper certification and necessary conditions for changing parameters of traffic safety equipment
- Designing roads which are safe for both users and the surrounding
- Concrete and asphalt pavements – safety, maintenance, costs
- Trends and changes and interpretations of standards and guidelines for road equipment in Poland
and Europe
12:30 – 13:15 – Discussion panel and plenary session
11:00-11:45 - Discussion panel and plenary session
13:15-13:45 – CRASH TEST II – test of an equipment for securing works on roads
11:45-13:15 – Session IV
13:45 – 15:00 – lunch
15:00-17:15 – Session II
- All-year maintenance of roads – effectiveness and risks in different models
- Road marking – new technologies and products
- Safety of maintenance and repair works
- Temporary traffic organization
13:15-13:45 – Crash test IV – test of a traffic division barrier on 2+1 roads
13:45-14:30 - Discussion panel and plenary session
- Intelligent transportation systems on roads
14.30 – 14:45 – summary and closing of the conference and crash tests
- Public-private partnership in respect of maintenance and repairs of roads
17:15 – 18:00 - Discussion panel and plenary session
18:15-20:15 – EURO 2016 live transmission
21:00-01:00 - dinner (barbecue on IBOS testing ground) – EURO 2016 live transmission
14:45-15:30 - lunch, departure of participants
Over 20 specialist presentations from Polish and European perspective will be delivered
during the event.
Participants of discussion panels: representatives of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Construction,
universities, General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways, national and local road
authorities, designers, contractors, experts on road infrastructure.
The cost: 120 EU
The fee includes: participation in the conference and crash tests, materials, access to
videos of the tests, meals (5 x buffet-drinks / snacks, 2 x lunch, dinner on 15.06)
The fee does not include the cost of accommodation. Due to the nature of the place
(health resort - a large number of guesthouses, hotels at different prices (depending on
the standard – from 30 to 70 EU / 1 day)), participants make reservations at their
Please send the completed application to the address:,
The amount should be sent to the account: Freelancers Group Sp. o.o. PKO Bank Polski,
account number: 80 1440 1387 0000 0000 1258 1351, name of the bank transfer: Polish
Vision Zero 2016.
1. Tent 3x3 m + area in front: 3 m2 + table + 4 chairs + electricity EU = 700
2. Tent 6x3 m + area in front: 6 m2 + 2 tables + 4 chairs + electricity = 900 EU
3. Tent 5x5 m + area in front: 5 m2 + 2 tables + 6 chairs + electricity = 1 100 EU
1. Grass, no tent - up to 10 m2 = 35 EU / m2
2. Grass, no tent - 10-20 m2 = 29 EU / m2
3. Grass, no tent - over 20 m2 = 24 EU / m2
The offer includes:
1. Banners in place of the conference and crash tests - the area of ​60 m2 (exposure to
television and photographers)
2. The possibility of placing other forms of promoting the partner, eg. balloons, promotion
stands, ...
3. The area for a stand: up to 18m2 (tent) + 6m2 area in front of the tent
4. Placement of Partner logo on vehicles and objects in the crash tests (exposure to
television and photographers).
5. Placement of Partner logo on the barriers in the background of crash tests (exposure to
television and photographers) –the size of the logo with the protective field up to 4000 cm2.
6. Placing Partner’s promotional material in the conference area - separate / special
scenography - roll up, banners, wall ....
7. Speech / presentation in any form - up to 30 min.
8. Presenting Partner’s movie material on a big screen (up to 5 min).
9. Transfer of footage of crash tests to Partner for any use (including material from
the high-speed camera).
10. Logo in publications (program, poster, ID)
11. Possibility to provide clothes for the staff (up to 4 people) with Partner logo
12. Other activities (distribution of materials, hostesses, ...)
13. Exposure or active product presentation (cars, appliances, others, ...).
14. Participation in the conference and crash tests for 4 persons designated by the Partner
In the case of Main Partner it is possible to determine specific actions. If they generate
additional costs, they should be added to the cost of the partnership. Main Partner may
purchase additional invitations for 80 EU each in any number. The invitation includes
participation, meals, dinner, materials (excluding the cost of accommodation).
The offer includes:
1. Banners in place of the conference and crash tests - the area of ​20 m2 (exposure to
television and photographers)
2. The possibility of placing other forms of promoting the partner, eg. balloons,
promotion stands, ... – up to 2 pieces
3. The area for a stand: up to 10m2 (tent)
6. Placing Partner’s promotional material in the conference area – part of scenography roll up, banners, wall
7. Speech / presentation in any form - up to 15 min.
8. Presenting Partner’s movie material on a big screen (up to 3 min).
9. Transfer of footage of crash tests to Partner for any use (including material from the
high-speed camera).
10. Logo in publications (program, poster, ID)
14. Participation in the conference and crash tests for 4 persons designated by the
The Partner may purchase additional invitations for 80 EU each in any number. The
invitation includes participation, meals, dinner, materials (excluding the cost of
NOTE: It is possible to arrange other, individual forms and scope of promotion – we are
open to negotiations.
Representatives of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Construction, General
Directorate for National Roads and Motorways, national and local road
authorities, urban infrastructure authorities, traffic safety auditors.
Representatives of the biggest companies participating in designing
and constructing road infrastructure and its all-year maintenance – general
contractors and their subcontractors.
Representatives of road maintenance companies and companies designing
equipment for road maintenace
Representatives of foreign companies involved in construction
and maintenance of infrastructure (in the previous years, representatives
from 8 countries attended the event)
Representatives of universities and research institutes, banks, law firms,
and the biggest consulting companies.
Expected number of participants – approximately 250
Expected media coverage
Polish Vision Zero is one of the few road infrastructure events that receives
national media attention. We expect the television and radio stations to
prepare a live coverage from the event.
Television: TVN 24, TVP 3, TV Polsat News, TVP Bydgoszcz, TVN Turbo –
these stations have made live coverage from the previous events and
reports were later shown in the news. TVN Turbo broadcast four 20minute programmes about these events. Total number of viewers – over
850 000.
Press: Puls Biznesu, Fakt, Gazeta Pomorska, Auto Świat, Top Gear, Motor,
Autostrady, Mosty, Polskie Drogi, Drogi Samorządowe, Drogi,
Drogownictwo, Euroinfrastruktura XXI, Infrastruktura Samorządowa i
Web portals:,,,,,,,,,, inowrocł,, …
Radio: Polskie Radio 1, RMF FM, Antyradio, Polskie Radio PIK, Radio GRA,
Movies from crash tests in Inowrocław are on YOUTUBE, social media and
trade web sites. Total number of views of the movies from the last 4 years
has already exceeded one million!
Testing Ground of Research
Institute for Protective Systems
Marcinkowskiego 150
00 867 Warszawa
Al. Jana Pawła II 27
NIP 525 249 38 90
TEL: 665 282 810