Burnout Legends - Sony PSP - Manual
Burnout Legends - Sony PSP - Manual
s = a Registeronlineat w ww , gam e r e g .e a .c 0 m EnteryourRegistration Godeandreceive: r Exclusive to a freehintor cheatfor vour access game. r Newsonyourfavourite EAgames, . Fulltechnical support. Registration Code: 15122 It'sFast.lt's Easy.It'sWorthlt! t'@tl Elect0nlc Ads,il, S GAMES,theEA GAMES1090,il SP0RTS,lheil SPoRTSloso,il SP0RTSBIGand the s SPoBTSBIGlogo arctademafks o. reqlsieredhademarks0l ElectonicAtu hc. n ihe !.S. and/orother counti€s.Al righisreserved.il mMESTM,S SP0RTSTM and il SP0RTSBIGrMar€ ElectonicAnsrMbrands. U L E S -00125 . ll en ystton FJF lM Dild l! O ) XO m t dem t r h t r r e q s t r d t d e n a r k s o f s o n / C o m D u r e r E n b d a h n e n r n c . A NighbBseryd EAJ058@786M 5030941@5865 WH A T ISTH EP E GIA GER A TIN GS Y S TE M? : F : : AL -l ONs : .' ' ' - :: - : :::.' : :':'ihe . : .. .. : - : ,: . . :: ,: ::-: : ::: system. Nevelusethis P5PrM(Playstation@Portable) -:::: l! not leavethe discnearheat sourcesor in directsunlight :: -:. .rackedor deformeddiscsor discsthat havebeen repaired :::i!maiunction. - jfjexce$ downwards Placethe discasshown,gentlypressing the discincotredly Storing untilit clickslntoplace. mayresultin damage. F . EA LT HWA RNING - :,': Avoid 15m inutesever yhour :e n vi T o n me n t.T a ker egular br eaks, - . : to flashing aresensitive Someindividuals : : : - .-: : :: :' :-.i?ringfromlackof sleep. epileptic andpatterntmayhavean undetected : ' :,:.-: .-r :' jeometric shapes '"'' or playing whenwatchingtelevision .'. -:- :'rrerience epileptic seizures if you havean epileptic :::::-.: ::-:-: r'c!r doctorbeforeplayingvideogames whilst symptoms anyof the following : : : :- :-: --.rareLy shouldyouexperience movement, lossof otherinvoluntary hvitching, : : -: ::: ::: : ieredvision,muscle : : :-::; ::_'-: o' and/or convulsions. (PEGI) in Europe istheageratingsystem forvideogames Games In{ormation PanEuropean but (except ratingsystem appliet.PEGIcomprises tlvo separate where,by law another elements. Thefirstis anageratingl complementary mm m m m on thetypeoi thetypeof content in the game.Depending is iconsdescribing Thesecond 10the game, of suchicons. Theageratingo{thegameisappropriate theremaybea number Theiconsare: of theconlent. intensity mmffim*wm BADLANGUAGE FEAR VIOLENCE SEXUAL CONTENT DRUGS DISCRIMINATION PEGIwill allow parentsand those purchasinggames for children to choose games to the age 01 the intended player. For further informati0n visit appropriate http://ww,pegi.info PI R A C Y -':::: . !,siemandthisdisc€ontainlechnicalprotectionmechanismsdesignedtoprevent -: --:.relreproductionofthecopyrightworkspresentonthedisc.Theunauthorised - : :' -:; s:ered trademarks or the unauthorised reproduction 0f copyright works by ' '' .- .-'.^. ihesemechanisms or otherwiseis prohibitedby law ' . '.,a 34) informationabout pirate product or methods used to circumventour - :: :':irctlon measurespleaseemail anti-piracy@eu.playstation.comol call your ::: --:::-.. servicenumbergivenatthe backof this manual. LEVELS CONTROL PARENTAL a€cording to the PEGIratingsystem. ThePEGIratingmarksand Thisgameis classified (except on the gamepackage where,by law another aredisplayed contentdescriptors andthe Parental Therelationship between the PEGI ratingsystem ratingsystem applie$. Levels is asfollows: Control . PARENTAL CONTROL @lr@ -' : ::r Gamesoftwarehas a plesetParentalControlLevelbased '' P,ay5ta'tion@Portable) ::-::.i You can set the ParentalControl Levelon the PSPiMsystemto restrict with a ParentalControl Levelthat is higherthan the evel : : : :::( of a PSPrMGame :: :- :-: DSPD'system. For more information,please refer to the PSPrMsystem :' . : _-:s,0 0125 - ,:::-:: : 2tt5 Eeclronic Entefainment SonyCompul€r O 2003-2005 ArtsInc.L braryprograms LJSE 0NLYUnatthorised FoRPERS0NAL : : : : ::-s.r lr sonl ComputerEntertanmeniEtrop€. dlstlblton,€xtlactlon,re-sale,afcadeus€,charongloruse,broadcast, : r:::::::_'alia endrng access of useoTthLs transmission, .': -.- . a'l iternet.cableor anyteecommunicaliois :rr::_:-rr;rafk0Tcopyrightworkthatformspartofthisploductafeprohibted.Plblshedby sonware ol thisproductncludes : . r : -: -:: la . opedby Electronic Ads nc.Thecommrnication _:,::BSDioufdauonlnc.andtscontrbltors.Foracompetelislolcontribulorspleasesee r:::: : pspnet.ltr ::: :: : :a:- a?nse el m 7 5 3 2 m m w m Eontents lheEane Starting DC OUT connectors lR port Us9.,aoitiectui ..,., .!.' 2. . t tt ,,3. sl!g! Ingmyt !!!!:: AdllocMode AAH;"'M&; ii t i,v'iijijjs'iWtANii;;iji; iii;i Warning!Keep Memory Stick DuorMmedia out of reach of small children, as the media could be swallowed by accident. Warning!Do not push the POWER/HOLDSwitch whilst data is being uploaded from the PSPrMGame dlsc as thls may cause data corruption. This title uses an autoload feature on boot up where any data present on the Memory Stick DuorMwill be autoloaded To save game setiings and progress,insert a Memory Stic<Dro-v irto the MemoryStick DuorMslot of your syslem.Youcan loadsavedgame data from the same MemorySt ck Duo M or any MemoryStick DuoTM containingpreviously savedgamqs. Note: Makesuretherels enoughfreespaceon your MemoryStick DuorMbeforecommencingplay,',:'''.r P8P'- [Pla!fltafion a Portahlel LLU directrcnat-' buftons "_t I.- Memorfi-..,) Sflck DuorMi l\!-r.,/ .,aCcess -, rl-l "o indicator SCTCEN A E O E button button or;'uon button POWER indicator HOLD indicatol Analog stick Right speaker Left speaker HOME button Eanetharing S6ffi;i;ii*;i; iiti$ ieatUi; c;rii; Sii;iilis facilitieswhichenablethe userto sharespecific game featureswith other userswho do not havea P S P 'M c a m ei n t h e i rP S P r vs y s t e m . - llaril. llit theEoad fh; ;irc;;i;;;;;li';;;io' warking.rhey were made for all-comersto the ultimateTakedown burning.',Challenge qvef.thebest tracks and hottest crash junctionsfrom the Burnbuf seiriesso far.rspeed.Devastation.Mayheming els^d. matters. n:Oth Eonlols Eonplete Note: Both the,analogstick and the directionalbuttons can be usedfor the sameactions. . Note: Some options in the game are self-explanatory and are not coveredin this manual. WLAN access indicator Strap holder allowstwo or more individualPSPrMsystemsto communicatedirectlywith eachother. STARTbutton SELECTbutton tuntrols Eanepla! r.ioi;lid6ri;ihoa;cii;d;ii-;iai;;;;iia6i6ii6il ili; CONTROLmenuoption.(SeePauseMenu on p. 11 for more information.) lype A ldelaultl Accelerate Brake/Reverse Steer ttoost HornlSiren Sound button Change camera Display button 'Eilnnon EsfrIrols Wlreless fl[{41fl.mfri0$ :., . ,,.:::, Softwaretitresthat supportWirelessWLAN) functionality allowthe userto communicatewith other PSPrMsystems. downloaddata and competeagainstotherusersvia connectionto a WiieieSsLocalArea NetworkMLAN). Aftertouch Crdshbi'eaker (in crash junctions) lmpactTime (while crashing) Pause game/Access Pause Menu buttor.i ranaloqstick H outton .. i.. @ button 6 button analogstick Z! button Pressand hold the R button STARTbutton Menu llavigation button f/* Cycle choices button SelecVGo to next screen E button Return to previous screen 6 button Setting UptheEane Ereate a Prolila ""' ' E; i; o';'i L;ij;;d; ;;q;i;; ; ijiiiiil; ii i;; ;[ri i;'iffi ii" your progress: 1. At the prompt.selectNEW PROFILEand use the onscreenkeyboardto enter a name for your Profile. ,l, SelectDONEto finish,," . ...,t,,,,,]],lllt, 2. At the save prompts,SelectYESto saveyquirrpadflle:to, to a MemoryStick DuorMand then confirm6t':,iatu.in the previousscreen. Note: lf you select NO, you are warnedltha!;,aqlosg-v-e will be disabled.Continueand selectYES,att,therrnrex{,rrr rrr warningand your Profitewill not be savedand Autosavewill be turned off. 3. When the Save Completemessageappears.pressthe @ buttonto proceed. Itiailing a Prrltile ;''F?ci ijiioFiLE. ini6;'siiiiiiid'pii ciii'i'ci;ii,'sejni6i:r -tdfirt . Chooseyour Profileand select it to continueto the Load'Completedmessage.Pressthe O button'io proceedto the Main menu. Fromthe Main menu,chooseto go on eitherthe WORLDTOUR(see p. 9), set up your own one-off Raie or Crash SINGLEEVENT(see p. 11),take Burnout Legends.onthe road and play with friends in (seep. 12)or checkout your DRIVER MULTIPLAYER DETAILS and adjustgamesettings(seep.11). Burn tsEarn EAfnWt P0fllf$ ill,,lli,iiiillii ,,,,,,,, ,,,,, ,.,r:r,.... :...,r.'.::':,:r,:,':,:,,:li. , ........a. .!r.ri..............,; . . . : . , . . : ; , . ; . 1; ; : l; U; ; . . ; : ; ; : : . . ; ; lil; i;l i t ; i r i ; ; , i ! ; i i l i ! : ! , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Taketqrthestreels,rrtake.diritn andlakgyoq1,,,1 Voui,,riivals - andcrashing earns chances. Driving - withtotaldisrespect youvaiuaue,lBgrngut Poig-s,and that.co-me viith,,it,, the,rewardq iaitsxing;'lihiniing;, a meaiuieot,a' orini;CI.,and:.ive.jti.nsrire burner'sdaiiingskilis: sofloorrrii io Eelyoui handson some silverware to your andgeta iangeof hewmotorsdelivered oaraoe. Ear Boost Weqvethroughoncomingtraffic,drlftaroundbends,get air,o,n:ahill crestor risk a boost-stealing shunton your opponeritsto fuel your boost bar. Keep up the extreme drivin'g{oi long enoughand a rotatingstar appearsnext to youl bar.Carry.ondrivinglikea maniacand the star fillsin. Keep:yournerveto fill three stars and earn maximum Bu,|nqrut Points. | 'ii4ns ": where the real speed boosts and bonus Takedowns,are pdints lie. Smash a rivaloff the road to extend and fill the boodt bar:.onesection is added perTakedown,to a maximum,:offour:SufferaTakedownor crash and one of those had.:won sgctionsis smashedto nothing. fourTakedownTargetdifficultiesfrom Takedoii\ins:Come,'in meet theseTakedowntargetsto unlock Easy'to'Ch.ampion; new iides.'Cheik out which ones you've compleledfrom theTrophiesscreen(seeRewardson p. 10). /lrtturMth flndInpaltliml Wii;iii;;t;rj'i;i;'ril;ii a;wn6t ; i;'fisl;U ll;;l oi;i;;ii your own ride.you can stillturn it to your advantage. After you crash, press and hold the R button to switch to slo- I mo lmpactTime.then use the analogstickto add Aftertouchand guide your wreck into traffic or into the path of anotherburner. Note:Youcan togglelmpactTimeon or off when you crash.SelectMANUALor AUTOMATIC from the DRIVERDETAILS> SETTINGS > GAMEPLAYmenu. Events Eace or take on the world. In eithercase;.it'sa Take.lllon;!he,,cfock marriageof streetspeedand crashmayhemwith just one aim - makeit first to the finishline.Earnmedalsfor placing,,plUsBurnout Pointsfor skilful- or just downright extreme- driving. RACE Make it acrossthe finishlinein first place- whateverit takes.The slicker your drive,the and more aggressive better- TIME ATTACK ROAD RAGE PURSUIT FACEOFF ELIMINATOR BURNINGLAP GRAND PRIX Attacka trackand beatthe best lap time. Takedown as many rivalsas you can to beat the course record beforevour damagereachescritical. You are the law - take down the lawlessTargetbeforethey get away. Claimenoughhits and the bad guy is yours- but your ride alsotakes damage,so keepan eye on his Health'tr - and your Distancegauges. Rateyourselfas some kind of trick go headburner?You and a challenger to-headin two Legendvehicles. Whoevercomesout on top adds the sametype of wheelsas the loserto his Garage. Stay one step aheadof,the,Paek,therrr, burnerin lastplaceat the end of each lap is toast. As a rewardfor winning each EIim'ihalolEvgn!,yoU' ll.0nlo,,ckri!!lq, Collectorvehicle,that you racedriri'The ','othervehiclesyou racdd against'canl only be unlockedby winningthe Wi-Fi CollectorChallenges againstthesecars (seeCollectorChallenge on p. 13). Beatthe clock:burn the bronze,silver or gold time in one lap to earn braggingmedals. Grabas manyGP pointsand pull as many movesas you can acrossthese sprintracesto boostyour Burnout Pointscollection. I .,:Pr:qss the E buttonto skip the introfly-by,but you'l a Quick:,gverview of the set-up at the junctionand rirri]llsg your attack route. . thg,.chance'to,,plan plqss the 6,,bijlton from the Crash Resultsscreento AcdessiiaReplayof your run. Note:To,taborta run, access the Pausemenu and seleclHtrslAh t. Bonus Pick Ups For extraCrash$, pilethroughCashBonus pick-ups. throuohthe lnstantBoostfor instant JilDrive t/r\l K t >)speedand highvelocityimpact. a\r,/-z wln..a',hrew,ae!, crasl.,,$;,gnd..ton..r:ni,gh1. ofrwheebi and'a medalplacing. pick-upto explode Hit a Crashbreaker instantwreckagearoundyour car! lt'll earn you some more Crash $ too. @ @ (Doublelmpactonly)Thinkyour rival crash-maker is out-scoringyou? Swipe this to switchpointson the sly. Erasfi tvents What could match the satisfactionof slammingyour way into first place? How about smashingtop-dollarvehicles into a multi-carpile-up?Rake in Crash $ arid a medal placingto unloci exciusivevehiclesand furtherEventsin the process. . Hit as rmanyvehlcles,,ag.lpoesible-inr'th:e'limited time avtl,lable:CqSh r$,aie aWarAedfor the :iiurmber,,total'led and the valueof the damageyou inflict.Earnenough Crashbreaker Each Crash Eventhas a differentCrashbreaker target,which counts down with everywreck you rack up. Causeenough mayhemand you can press the @ button to detonateyour ride with a write off a few more vehicles- and Crashbreaker, cause even more Crash $-earningdamage. World loar riif;ii; ;;;ilt h;;f hiffi;l;;;i;;;'*ii.;;i;'$ l ei;;;i Burnoui::Pd.inls':' Most locationsfeatureone.oi,.mote',Race and CrashEventsto competein. but not all are availableat Eventsand unlockmore as you go. once'+progress"tht'ough completed Eventsare markedby Notq; ,su,ccessfully medalyou won.Win gold in each location's ,rlhe.kind,0f ",Eventsto qualifyfor the LegendGP (seeLegend GP on p. 10). Yourtour beginsin the USA,but as you burn and win you can accessmore locationsand go on to dominateEurope and the Far East. J. Selectyour vehicleclass.Yourchoiceis limitedto the Compact class at first - you can play with the big toys with successin the CompactGrandPrix. Choosea location- (youare restrictedto one location at first).Pressthe O buttonto toggle betweenCRASH oTTOURRace Events.(SeeFace Evenfson p..7 and Crash Eventson p. B).Pressthe E buttonto confirm. Selectthe type of crashor raceto competein. Unlock . more Eventsby finishingin the medals.Finallyselect the vehicletype - and get burning. ...l Note: UnlockenoughCompactclassEventsto qualify for the CompactGrandPrix.Victoryin this Event meansyou unlockthe nextclass- the Musclecars. Legend Grand Prix For winnersonly.Youhaveto put in some serious time behindthe wheeland be one meanburner, winninggold in each Eventin a vehicleclassto qualifyfor this one. Go for gold in all LegendGP Eventsto unlocka Leoendvehicle... Aftt.;r Eurn Aii;;;;ii E;;1 ijlj iliit\ iiiircijbl;iiili;'(irii;?;iil ;; Success in Eventsunlocksnew wheels:swift ridesthat help you win races and heavy monstersthat promiseeasierTakedownsand awesomeCrash damage"Run your in your eyes over theS€"beauties garageand note what you haveto do to earnthem. Takedown a rival in the right spot and SIGNATURE TAKEDOWNS::,. capturethe momentin your photoalbum. SF-Ee4l- EVENTSAn unlockedSpecialEventis worth writinghome about- a postcard shouiddo it. InflictcolossalCrash$ on your tour to CRASH,r,'. hit the headlinesand fill up your H]EADLINES scrapbookwith some satisfyingnews clippings. ,r, ,Note:"lb,,unloCk the Firetruckcollect all Crash Headlinesand achieveall Gold medalsin Crashmode. GARAGE Single Event id'ri;p;ii i; ;.c;i; ;";;i i;i tii,i 6li.i".jii i R;;;i'Cl;;ii ' rankedin a seriesof RaceResultsscreens.Your performanceis measuredby criteriasuch,ta!,yo,gr: Takedowns,AggressiveDriving(suchasr,Tailgalins) and DrivingSkills(suchas longestDrift).VehicleDamageand Cash Bonusesboost your totals further in Crash Events. Hit target scoresor reach new goals and your freshly unlockedrewardsare revealed. Bewards Medalsand motors - all sorts of oleaminometal awaitsthe successfulburner. . Choose REWARDSfrom ihe Driver Detailsscreenat the Mainmenuto admirethe resultsof your reckless d riving. . lf ,a reward is greyed out, you lqVenl! qplfed it yet hiQhlightit to find,out:howtrto:tm,akerri! :youtls. TROPI{IES Thereare four categoriesofTakedown to achievein with fiveTakedownTargets each- completeall five to get your ir'r,ihah1dsriQ';n rarrpiecebi silveiware. Grab four trophiesand a new ride is ' unlockedahd deliveredto your garage. junctionEvent,whereall the Crash$ you earnfrom the 'ehsuing.carnage boosts your GlobalCfush,Totul,,,,::,,. Note: ,Progressthroughthe WorldTouito UnloOkr, can Eventsand vehiclesin SingleEventmode.Vehicles be unlockedfor the WorldTourin SingleEventmode too. llrivernetaits ij ETAi tSiidiliii; rir;i;ila;;;;*,r $i;i DRiVEii tfit O buttonfrom the WorldTourvehicleclassand CrashNav menusto check out your generalProgieSS -.ahd,l:unloqkedr., Rewards(see p. 10),view your Recordsand,saveor load your Profile.You can also adjust variouS,gam-e Sellings. llloiles Bflhilf.,,,franr ' iiii;Milii menu i5:i;;itGr5rr{i#'i;uiio; i; takea break.Pause on which Eventyou are competing op!1qni1tart1depending inl,and,:include: Selectfrom two controller CONTROLS configurations(seeGameplayControls on p. 5). l!$w!! Whetheryou want to co-operateor compete,Multiplayer Collector Challenge FiveCollectorvehiclescome with your copy of modes haveenoughextra speed and destructionfor all. Burnout Legends,which you can unlock in single The followingadditionalgame modesare availablein playergameplay.Each of the five vehicleclasses Multiplayer: has one EliminatorEventto competein and a Note: The WLAN switch must be on for Multiplay.er ,,l:ii:rl Collectorvehicleto unlockwhen you win gold. f unctionality. Thereare however20 other Collectorvehiclesto DOUBLE IMPACT Two playersfight for Crash $. \rVlo can : unlock.15 of theseare unlockedvia Multiplayer causethe most destruction?PUtan I whichare head-to-head races: CollectorChallenges explosivespin on collectingpick-ups you choose to drive a Collectorvehiclethat you and use a Crashbreakerto strew the own, but your opponenthas not unlockedand vice streetswith your opponent'swreckage. versa.The winnerof this race unlocksthe car PA RT Y cR A SHGe tbe hin dth ewheei, : t o. . inf i] ic i: ] ihe they'vejust beatenand adds it to theirgarage" biggestsmash. (For2 to 6 players, Challengeand beatthreeotherburnersin a vehicle either'SOLOas individualStrdi,CO.9P,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, classto add to your previouslyunlockedvehicle. in teamsof 2.) The fifth one is then unlockedas a bonusfor Note: Prog ress th rough t he World fo-ur:t0ttqnigCKt:, winningall the Collectorvehiclesin that series. Eventsand vehicleslinMultipllayei,,modeltilillllll.1i1l;tl,i11;, Challengeand win overall five classesand you re well on the way to becominga BurnoutLegend! Note: lf you are beatenin a CollectorChallenge, parry play Mixit upin iil6:;i#:i6iatA$iw*iiii.:].:'':' with'ir'p'io you do not loseyour vehicle- the winneradds the their own PSPrMsystems.(SeeAd HOC'MAdea:,:6hit:1p.,t5':fQr,:,j' r,,l samevehicletype as you's to his garage. information.,; connectivity llaWYH.!!!!!!.... .................'..'.':::,,:j:::.:::,:::r:,:,:,,',]::::,,,,,..,.,,,..., . then Fromthe Main menu,;,,soil6dt"MUulpmYgR; MULTIPLAYER. Choosefrom the followingMultiplayel .,, . ir,il'iti: r,'i,,.ilr,rrr:rult:,,,t Eangthafing game modes: $t ; ;i;,1*r..jn;ih;i ;;n i;ii; t,i..;a6i,;? th;' i"i iii6-ii-ill: game. JOIN GAME Jump in and joinrrar:Si0gls:,Event try and prove it in a one-off Race Event- even if ihey don't SINGLE,IVENT Createa one-off Race or Crash EVent own the game.As long as they'vegot their PSPrMsystem playerscan that up:,td:fiVe:rdiher and some front, you can begin the battlefor ::1;l;t;ttliti participatein: RACE,ROADRAGE, braggingrights: : . PARTYCRASH,PURSUITor DOUBLE . 1. F!'omthe Main menu on the PSP'Mih;gi se6ot,,.,..ii''..tlil.l. i:, lMpAcr. ..:,.;r..,,i..... MULTIPLAYER,thenGAMESHARING. 1 1 , , ', , r ': r : TOURNAMENT C'ustomiseyour own tournamentwith 2. Fromthe Home Menu on the PSPlv,gq6:!;t:t;i;i!.iii:il1 :,:t::,.:,1 Eventsof your choice (see below). GAMESHARINGto searchfor the host olaver. lf it's new, fast metal you're after,issue COLLECTOR 3. SelectBURNOUTLEGENDSfrom the PSP;' guestto this challengq,Winit and you unlock CHALLENGE ,.:r sendthe requestto the PSPrMhost.SelectYESfrom Collector:. v-ehicleS,,,',,,,tt:,,,:the-PSP]Y,,!g9twhen the requestis receivedand,lherrl,,. Oneof the'exQluSive . you'vejust beaten(seep. 13). Eventis copiedoverto the guest. 4. SelectJOIN GAMEfrom the PSPrvguestto go headto-heador SINGLEPLAYERDEMOfor solo play. irttrrr.':rNote: Pleaseallowfor longerloadingtimeswhen connectingto other PSPrMsystemsvia GameSharing. Note: DuringGameSharingmode,once a guesthas enteredthe Join Game screenthey cannot returnto PURSUIT the GameSharinqmenu. 13 flints andlips Notice pii;itlori Vorjr;cil;&iiii6 i;d;i silcis;;: wriil iti;;l;" markershit red, they're readyto ram you off the road. Steer out of troublewhen they smash you -Takedown Denied! Use Aftertouchin Race Eventsto steeryour wreck into your opponentsand score an AftertouchTakedownand keepthat preciousboost bar segment. That cameraflashmeansyou ve just scoreda SignatureTakedown: checkyour photo albumfor clues about how to grab anotherone (seeReward1on p.r"10)., alsoscoreyou big SignatureTakedowns BurnoutPoints. Get in front of yourTargetin PursuitEvenisrrandrslam r on your anchors.Eachtime he shuntsyou. he drmanac hic rido In CrashEvents,eachjunctionhas a sweetspot. Find it to maximiseyour Qrash$ - timing,,yOur ruinis , ,11. 1, :,, : important.Don't forgetyou can also 5l6p 6111{1i6., anchorsor reverseif needed. Use any rampsto get air.then employAftertouchto guideyourselfinto the trafficor towardspick-ups.lf you hit a Crashbreakerpi9!Up;,,useAftertouchagain to seek out any pick:Upsyou rnissed.. Maximiseyour scoreby timingyour Crashbreaker detonation. i#]ii;;iiea iiiioii; N/;m6i't Stick DuorMslot is requiredto save and load your progress. SelectPROFILEfrom'theDriverDetailsscreento manage your Profile.Chooseto Save or Load an existingProfrleor createa New Profile.You can also turn AutosaveON or OFF $avw ;':"'li'Aui&a;; s iijiri<iiicjii,,voiiiprosi# wii 6€;;a;64 ii; . the Memioiry,Stick DuorMafter each evell: i 1bl,g.av,g,youi P1ofilenanually,choose PROFILEand then SAVE qRorl,le;1frQm:,th€...Qiivei.rDetails screen. ',, T o l o a d a P ro fi l e cfi tri n o th e name t4 to this ElectronicArts reservesthe rightto make improvements productdescribedin this manualat any time and withoutnotice. the softw aredescri bedi n thi s manual i, s under Thi s manual and , copyright.All rightsare reserved.No parl of this manualor the degoribedsoftwaremay be cop ed. reproduced,lranslatedor {orm to any electronicmediumor machine-readable reduoe..d priorwrittenconsentof ElectronicArls Ltd, Customer withi)Ui,,the Box 181, Chertsey,KTl6 OYL,England,United Serviqeq',,PO Arts makesno warranties,conditionsor Kingdom.,Elbctronic expressor impled. with respectto this manual,its representations qriility,:merchantability or fitnessfor any particularpurpose.This manqalis provided"as is". 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W-arranty :Limited:Warranty lo the originalpurchaseroJthis compuler Electfat.icrAils..warrants that the recordingmedraon whichthe software sollwaio.rpioduct Brogiarjisdie recordedwill be f ree from defectsin materialsand workmarishipfor 90 days from the date of purchase.Duringsuch peiiod defectivemediawill be replacedif the originalproductis returnedto ElectronicArts at the belowaddress,togetherwilh a a statemenrdescribingthe defects.the dated proofof pLirchase. r. faultymediaand your returnaddress.This wai.ranii;s in:additi6n,,, to. and does not affectyoJr sratuto'y'i ghtsi n any w ay.Thi s warrantydoes not applyto the soflwareprogranithemsClyegrriwh!9h are provided"as is", nor does it applyto mediawhich has bden : , . subjecltormisuse,damageor excessivewear. , Returns After Warranty ,,,,,,1 ElectronicAris will replaceuser-damagedmedia,l,cu,iient stodks or allowing,if the originalmedia is relurnedwith,a::Eul:odheqire postalorderfor t1 0 per disc. payableto Electionic Ltd:.1jyou 'Aits queries warranty replacemenls on or user-damaged diseg haveany or manuals,pleasee-mailus on uk-warranty@ea.comPlease note that this is only for warrantyand NOT techiiiialrq.ueJjegit ......... 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