FA Newsletter 3rd edition
FA Newsletter 3rd edition
www.net2one.my N NEMO N E W S . N E T 2 O N E . E N T E R P R I S E . M O B I L I T Y CONNECTIVITY REDEFINED April - June 2016 | VOLUME 3 « ISSUE N21 03/2504 /2016 MAKING CONNECTIONS Net2One members celebrated the launch of “Connectivity Redefined” Southern Region. (Stories on page 2) 02 > Net2One Johor Bahru. > Staff News. this issue «« INSIDE 03 > Signing Ceremony SPA Malaysia. > Newly Launch Website 04 > Net2One & KDDI Malaysia. > HeiTech Padu Sdn Bhd > Staff Town Hall «« N n .E.M.O NEWS • CONNECTIVITY REDEFINED Welcome all our readers to the 3rd edition of our NnEMO newsletter. On behalf of the Management and Staff, we wish to thank you most sincerely for your continued support. I am delighted as we begin Q1 2016 with many projects underway throughout Net2One. Your partnership has enabled us to accomplish great things. To that end, we have already secured a key patent in this potentially high growth sector, and are working diligently to ensure we achieve a leading role in future developments. On the other hand, we have been working hard to finalise the new structure for our team and take the opportunity in this page 2 newsletter to introduce you to some of our new management team. They bring a wealth of knowledge, expertise and experience to Net2One and are already making a valued contribution to the organization and the people we support. You will already have noticed our newly launched website www.net2one.my forms an integral new look of Net2One for the future.I invite you to read our website, and feel free to contact us for more information. Please sign up to receive our news alerts as we hope you will follow our progress towards a bright future. This is “Connectivity Redefined”. We hope to serve you soon! Sincerely, Nik NET2ONE LAUNCHED SOUTHERN REGION INITIATIVE FOR NEW BUSINESSES The mini launch is a big move for the company, which built its business to serve the AL- Bukhary Group of Companies, Government and Educational with Wholesale market. Net2One strived to give new business the best possible experience with the solutions provided on the market. CCO YM Tengku Asmaluddin Tengku Arshad talks about product and solutions by Net2One. GCEO En.Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Yaacob STAFF NEWS It is with great pleasure we would like to welcome the newly joined management team! Chief Operation Officer, En.Mahizzan Mohd Fadzil. En.Mahizzan, has a strong experience with 19 years in Service Provider and Telco, 7 years in IT Networking and 6 years in civil engineering. He listens to Coldplay, Fray and Martina McBride. Wow! We ask him what are y o u r hopes for t h e industry? Hopes the Telco industry becomes more collaborative and works towards leveraging on each other capabilities” Held in Mutiara Hotel Johor Bahru (Tradewinds) on 30th March 2016, Net2One is officially launched by Group CEO Altel Holdings Sdn Bhd, En.Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Yaacob. MESSAGE FROM Chief Financial En.Shahrin Ali Officer, En.Shahrin brings the expertise and a track record of a successful CFO. With 22 years of experience in investment banking and project finance prior to joining Altel Communications for 2 years. His favourite movie is Forrest Gump and read The History of Time book by Stephen Hawkins! Woohoo. We ask him what are 3 words to describe Net2One? “Enthusiastic, Committed and Friendly” Awww...Thank You! Vice President, Corporate Services, Pn.Aliza Sulaiman Pn.Aliza, a bubbly lady with 25 years of experience in Project Management & Network Solutioning prior to joining Altel Holdings Sdn Bhd for 2 years. Tremendous! She enjoyed cooking and her favourable dishes by all staff is Nasi Lemak and traditional dessert. Can cook more for us please? We ask her, what do you like about Net2One? “We can work together building Net2One as preferred Managed Network Provider and cheerful people in the organization ” Nice! «« N n .E.M.O NEWS • CONNECTIVITY REDEFINED page 3 THE SPA AGREEMENT SIGNING CEREMONY AT A GLANCE Net2One has established its services for Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam Malaysia (Exam Online). The company business not only constraint to network services but Net2One has also extended offer in cloud solutions for all client. A signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Net2One Sdn Bhd and Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam Malaysia was held on 27th January 2016 in Pullman Hotel Putrajaya. The ceremony was officiated by the SPA Secretary, YBhg Dato’ Zainal Abidin Ahmad and the Group CEO Altel Holdings Sdn Bhd, CEO Net2One En.Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Yaacob and witness by the SPA Chairman, YBhg Dato’ Seri Arpah Abdul Razak & Chairman ALTEL Holdings Sdn Bhd, Dato Hilmi Md Noor. WE ARE PLEASE TO ANNOUNCE THE LAUNCH OF OUR BRAND NEW WEBSITE! After months of hard work, we are delighted to officially announce the launch of our website. You can now visit us at www.net2one.my Our goals with this new website is to provide our visitors an easier way to understand about our business, services and solutions. The new website is smartphone interactive and best viewed via iPad and Tabs. Amongst the new features the sites contains integrated button to foster improved communications with our clients. We hope you find the new website fresh look and modern vibes! There is NO SUBSTITUTE for HARDWORK Thomas Edison «« N n .E.M.O NEWS • CONNECTIVITY REDEFINED page 4 COLLABORATION AGREEMENT SIGNING CEREMONY A memorandum of agreement (MOA) on collaborative partnership was successfully held on 24th February 2016 at Hotel Istana Kuala Lumpur between KDDI Malaysia and Net2One Sdn Bhd. The signing ceremony was witnessed by Mr.Kento Ikeda, Head of IT KDDI Malaysia and Mr.Mahizzan Mohd Fadzil, Chief Operating Officer Net2One Sdn Bhd. BUSINESS PLANNING WITH HEITECH PADU SDN BHD Heitech Padu Sdn Bhd hosted a business planning trip from 19th January 2016 to 20th January 2016 with Net2One at Paragon Hotel Johor Bahru. The objective of the session is to introduce the latest innovation by HeiTech’s product solution for various market segment in Net2One for collaboration strategy. Mr.Hiroshimi Ikegami, General Manager KDDI Malaysia and YM Tengku Asmaluddin Tengku Arshad, Chief Commercial Officer Net2One Sdn Bhd signed the agreement to a collaboration between these two organizations. The objective of the agreement is a commitment of Net2One as KDDI Malaysia domestic partner to serve Japanese companies in Malaysia and adhere to Japanese standard of network services. STAFF TOWN HALL 2015/2016 Gathering momentum for success. We are family! For further media enquiries, please contact: Brand Communications, Net2One Sdn Bhd Tel: 603-78596111 Email: suraiya.hani@net2One.my