Best of -
Best of -
page 15 RENO’S NEWS & ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY | VOLUME 10, NO. 36 | OCTOBER 14-OCTOBER 20, 2004 | WWW.NEWSREVIEW.COM It’s great to be the best You are the reason this is the best “Best of” in Northern Nevada By the readers and editors of the RN&R Here it is folks, the moment we’ve all been waiting for: the results of the RN&R’s annual readers’ poll to determine what people, places and things are the very best in Northern Nevada. This year seems especially symbolic, somehow. The Olympics in Athens, Greece, reminded us of what it really means to be the “best.” It means to try harder, to make a real effort to grab that unquantifiable—but recognizable—thing that allows one competitor to stand above all others. Being best is not just a category in an alt-weekly newspaper; it’s more than just the desire to have the highest quality customer service or tastiest drink or even smoothest putting green. It’s actually succeeding. It’s the desire, effort and execution that help to make all of Northern Nevada a better place to live. In many ways, topping the competition and always striving to put out a better effort than the ones before are what make us human. This is also an election year. Voting must be on people’s minds because our readers sure stood up to be counted. Yes, there were those few who took the concept of a secret ballot to extremes and failed to put a name and contact information in the place provided, and there were those businesses who tried to illicitly tip the scales in their own favor—but those ballots made it into a special file and didn’t impact the results. There’s probably little reason to point out there were also businesses who honestly and in some cases successfully lobbied their customers to vote in their favor—it’s called a campaign—a clear analogy to the election that’s coming up in just two weeks. But the RN&R’s Best of Northern Nevada readers’ poll is more than just a popularity contest. Many people keep it around to use as a resource throughout the year. Don’t know where to take your car when the tick becomes a clunk? Got a Mexican-food-favoring friend coming to visit? Look in the Best of; chances are you’ll be pleased with the results. After all, it’s your neighbors who voted. And if you find the readers’ choices unsatisfying, check out the editors’ picks, you know we’re always going to have our take on things. Finally, congratulations to all the winners, and congratulations and thanks to you who recognized greatness and took the time to fill out a ballot. Ω Goods & Services ..............17 Independents ....................21 Personalities......................23 Fun & Gaming..................27 Nightlife............................30 Outdoors ............................33 Food & Drink ..................35 Kids & Family..................37 Culture................................38 Ballot box stuffers ............41 BEST OF ILLUSTRATIONS BY RICK SEALOCK BEST OF PHOTOGRAPHY BY DAVID ROBERTS INSIDE | OPINION | NEWS | BEST OF NORTHERN NEVADA | ARTS&CULTURE | THEATER | THIS WEEK | MUSICBEAT | NIGHTCLUBS/CASINOS | FOODFINDS | FILM | CLASSIFIEDS | MISCELLANY | OCTOBER 14, 2004 | R N&R | 15 Goods & Services Editors’ choices Best cultural experience that’s really only shopping Readers’ choices FIVE DOG BOOKS Best bookstore 906 Holcomb Ave., 322-1917 1. BARNES & NOBLE BOOKSELLERS Every day must be a great new day for Five Dog Books owner Manuel Simpson. He owns what can only be called the coolest lesser-known bookstore in town. The store—you almost have to know where it is to find it—would be a star on the Unauthorized Roadmap of Reno. For a mental image, picture wooden floors with a Dickensian Curiosity Shop groove and books literally sagging the bookshelves. The house itself has quite a history. Built in 1900, it has two major claims to notoriety. On Dec. 20, 1978, an infamous murder, perpetrated by Jack Mazzan, took place in the apartment/garage behind the bookstore. Back even further, the detective who investigated a 1911 Indian massacre lived in the house. Check out Manuel sometime. Popular mythology says he’s read every book in the place, and he may greet you with such pieces of wisdom as, “They used to say that vertebrates lived longer than any other creature, but did you know they found a tubeworm in South America that lives 280 years? You know why? No stress.” 5555 S. Virginia St., 826-8882 2. BORDERS, 4995 S. Virginia St., 448-9999 3. SUNDANCE BOOKS, 1155 W. Fourth St., 786-1188 Best place to buy a musical instrument 1 . M AY TA N M U S I C 777 S. Center St., 323-5443 2 . B I Z A R R E G U I TA R , 2677 Oddie Blvd., 331-1001 3 . M O D E R N G U I TA R , 575 E. Moana Lane, 825-1982 Best place to make a friend Best Gym SPCA OF NORTHERN NEVADA 1. 24-HOUR FITNESS 840 E. Fifth St. (shelter), 324-7773; various locations 903 E. Fourth St. (thrift store), 324-7776 2 . SPORTS WEST ATHLETIC CENTER, Pets have a way of making you feel better even when you’re having one of those days when it seems the whole world wants to shake you like an old rag. Pets always seem to be happy to see you when you come home (especially if you forgot to feed them before you left), and they usually don’t mind a quick snuggle. If you don’t have a friend and are thinking of bringing one home, stop by SPCA and meet some of the dogs and cats waiting for adoption. The center is a no-kill shelter, so each animal will remain there until the right person comes along to take it home. All animals are spayed/neutered, vaccinated and given a microchip ID. If you can’t afford a pet right now, you might find something else at the SPCA’s thrift store to take home (perhaps you can snuggle a used umbrella or an antique vanity). All sales support its adoption center and other SPCA programs. 1575 S. Virginia St., 348-6666 3 . N E VA D A F I T N E S S , various locations Best place to buy CDs 1 . S O U N D W AV E C D S 971 W. Moana Lane, 825-5044 2 . B E S T B U Y, 5575 S. Virginia St., 448-9797 3. TOWER RECORDS, 6450 S. Virginia St., 852-5559 Best place to rent DVDs Best place for a patch and rotate 1. BLOCKBUSTER various locations ALL TIRE & WHEEL 2 . H O L LY W O O D V I D E O , 2560 E. Fourth St., 329-1606 various locations Ray Caron, the owner of All Tire & Wheel, will make you feel like a member of the family when you come in for a set of tires. He’s got the type of personality you wish everybody in the car-selling, -repairing and -maintaining fields had—kinda like your favorite uncle. Top-of-the-line and bottom-of-the-line tires at AT&W are pretty inexpensive, as well. And, for the life of the tire/tires, Ray will quickly invite you in if you call and let him know you need a tire rotation or a flat repaired. These maintenance tasks are always performed free of charge, quickly and with a smile. In a town that’s sprouting up chain tire-repair stores faster than it can build post-dated check-cashing stores, it’s nice to have a logo guy like Ray around to fix your flats. 3. VIDEO MANIACS, 900 W. Fifth St., 786-3444 and 3340 S. McCarran Blvd., 827-4758 Best adult-themed store 1 . S U Z I E ’ S A D U LT SUPERSTORE 195 Kietzke Lane, 786-8557 2 . R O M A N T I C S E N S AT I O N S , 1065 S. Virginia St., 322-1884 3 . G S P O T, 138 West St., 333-6969 Best computer store 2 . M O T H E R L O D E B I C YC L E S , 1. BEST BUY 3 . C O L L E G E C YC L E R Y, 5575 S. Virginia St., 448-9797 539 E. Prater Way, 355-6700 622 S. Virginia St., 323-1809 2. COMPUSA, 6407 S. Virginia St., 853-4222 3 . M O O N D O G M U LT I M E D I A , 4896 S. Virginia St., 332-6666 Best place to buy vintage clothes 1 . S AV E R S 2350 Oddie Blvd., Sparks, 359-4244 Best flower shop 1 . S PA R K S F L O R I S T 1001 Pyramid Way, Suite 100, Sparks, 358-8500; 5000 Smithridge Drive, Suite C-3, 826-8500 2 . S T. I V E S F L O R I S T, 700 S. Wells Ave., 333-9190 3. LA FLEUR, 475 S. Arlington Ave., 322-8666 2 . RAD BET T Y’S CLOTHING CO., 141 Vesta St., 322-3889 3 . C O R A L R O S E V I N TA G E , 805 S. Virginia St., 324-1953 Best bicycle shop Best beauty salon 1. METRO 250 W. First St., 786-7720 2 . G E N E S I S S A L O N & S PA , 250 Crummer Lane, 828-9797 1. BICYCLE BANANAS 2005 Sierra Highlands Drive, No. 115, 747-1413 INSIDE | OPINION | NEWS | BEST OF NORTHERN NEVADA | ARTS&CULTURE | THEATER | THIS WEEK | MUSICBEAT | NIGHTCLUBS/CASINOS | FOODFINDS | FILM | G O O D S & S E RV I C E S CLASSIFIEDS | MISCELLANY | OCTOBER 14, 2004 | continued on page 18 R N&R | 17 G O O D S & S E RV I C E S continued from page 17 Soundwave CDs, pictured here with owner Tim Shaffer, was voted best place to buy CDs in both the Goods & Services and Independent categories. Best specialty ice cream store 1. COLD STONE CREAMERY 2838 Vista Blvd., Sparks, 355-0668 2 . B E C ’ S F R O Z E N C U S TA R D FA C T O R Y, 670 Mount Rose St., 322-9332 3. BEN & JERRY’S, 1495 E. Prater Way, Suite 111, Sparks, 355-1236. 3 . M A R B L E S L A B C R E A M E R Y, 2835 N. McCarran Blvd., Sparks, 358-5566 3. BLUE, 3. GREG’S GARAGE, 1170 S. Wells Ave., 329-4555 410 E. Sixth St., 324-0911 Best car dealership 1 . R E N O T O Y O TA 2100 Kietzke Lane, 826-2750 2 . S AT U R N O F R E N O , 1000 Kietzke Lane, 324-3366 3. JONES WEST FORD, 3600 Kietzke Lane, 329-8800 Best place to get a tattoo 1 . A C E S TAT T O O 2 . P I R AT E S TAT T O O , 1039 S. Virginia St., 337-1153 855 E. Fourth St., Suite H, 337-0909 1. MOANA NURSERY Best place to get pierced 1. BLACK HOLE 912 S. Virginia St., 329-6010 475 Gentry Way, 825-3527 2 . F O N D U E B O DY B O U T I Q U E , 3. DRY CREEK GARDEN CO., 416 Greenbrae Drive, Sparks, 359-1750 7250 S. Virginia St., 851-0353 3 . L O T U S B O DY P I E R C I N G , 677 S. Virginia St., 323-6266 Best bank 3. PET TIN’ PL ACE, 1121 S. Wells Ave., 323-3348 Best skateboard store 1. OUT OF BOUNDS BOARD SHOP 4084 Kietzke Lane, 825-5771; 3179 S. Carson St., Carson City, 888-2010 2. WORLD OF TOYS, 2331 Kietzke Lane, 827-2601 various locations 3 . WINNER’S CORNER FULL SERVICE CAR WASH, 3. US BANK, 2. BANK OF AMERICA, various locations Best pawn shop 1 . TA N A M E R A 1 . PA C I F I C PA W N B R O K E R S 900 S. Meadows Parkway, 853-6563 various locations 2 . M O U N TA I N S H A D O W A PA R T M E N T S , 2 . M E T R O PAW N , 695 E. Patriot Blvd., 851-2772 3 . S U P E R PAW N , 225 Telegraph St., 322-7223 2 . S I LV E R S TAT E A U T O M O T I V E , 580 Gentry Way, 827-5510 2004 various locations 3 . COPELAND’S SPORTS FITNESS SUPER STORES, 1 . C O M PA C T C A R R E PA I R 14, various locations 2. FRANKTOWN HAND CAR WASH & E X P R E S S D E TA I L I N G , Best place to get a car repaired OCTOBER 1. PETCO Meadowood Mall, 826-7816 2475 Robb Drive, 348-2400 | Best pet supply store various locations 3 . M A N Z A N I TA G AT E A PA R T M E N T S , S N&R 520 E. Prater Way, Sparks, 331-5500 1 . W E L L S FA R G O B A N K Best apartment complex | 3. DISCOUNT PET FOOD & SUPPLIES, 6355 S. McCarran Blvd., 827-4222 7699 S Virginia St., 851-1361 18 various locations 2 . P E T S M A R T, 2 . G A R D E N S H O P N U R S E R Y, 1 . M I S S I O N CA R WAS H 2 . P E T S M A R T, 681 S. Virginia St., 333-0915 Best garden nursery Best car wash 1. PETCO various locations 3 . C A F É TAT 2 , Moana Lane and Lakeside Drive, 825-0600; 11301 S. Virginia St., 853-1319 Best pet store various locations 641 S. Rock Blvd., 331-4044 Best grocery store 1. RALEY’S SUPERMARKETS AND DRUG CENTERS various locations 2. TRADER JOES, 5035 S. McCarran Blvd., 826-1621 3. ALBERTSONS, various locations Meadowood Mall, 829-1700 Best hotel for a romantic getaway 1. A D V E N T U R E I N N & WEDDING CHAPEL 3575 S. Virginia St., 828-9000 2. PEPPERMILL HOTEL CASINO, 2707 S. Virginia St., 826-2121 3 . H O T E L S PA C A S I N O , 1 S. Lake St., 337-6260 Best wireless phone service coverage 1 . AT&T W I R E L E S S various locations 2. VERIZON, various locations 3 . S P R I N T, various locations Independents (non-chain stores) Editors’ choices Best place for caviar OFISHAL AQUARIUM 3434 Lakeside Drive, 825-3434 The employees at Ofishal know their water creatures. More than one person working at the shop has actually worked at an aquarium. They’ve got a handy fishfact-filled book that customers are encouraged to peruse while making their fish selections. And the range of freshwater, saltwater and brackish fish, anemones, corals, clams, etc. feels surprisingly representative of all the world’s water sources. The friendly and helpful staff won’t mind if you just want to come in to look around. Any animal-curious child aged 4 to 14 would probably be content spending an hour or more just examining the wildlife—everything from grown-up sharks to baby sharks still swimming around inside their eggs to the genetically engineered Glo-fish. Ofishal is also the only place in town to offer a full range of fish-related trinkets and antiques. You can buy a Charlie Tuna hand-held radio and a snowflake eel in one quick stop. The best little-known Mexican restaurant MI RANCHITO 500 Denslowe Drive, 337-8411 Sterling Village, between the university and the fairgrounds, was one of Reno’s first shopping centers, surrounded by homes thrown up in the 1950s for baby-boom families (some of them are flat-topped houses, a short-lived fad of the postwar era). Today Readers’ choices Best independent bookstore 1. SUNDANCE BOOKSTORE 1155 W. Fourth St., 786-1188 2. DHARMA BOOKS, W. First St., 786-8667 3. BL ACK AND WHITE BOOKS, Best independent computer store Best independent hardware 1. MOONDOG MULTIMEDIA 1 . S H E L LY ’ S T R U E VA LU E H A R DWA R E 4896 S. Virginia St., 332-6666 2. MAC-O-RAMA, 961 Matley Lane, Suite 130, 626-7751 3 . C O M P U T E R G U Y, 550 E. Plumb Lane, Suite 201, 829-2341 3378 Lakeside Court, 828-3445 Best independent CD store 1 . S O U N D W AV E C D s 971 W. Moana Lane, 825-5044 2 . R E C YC L E D R E C O R D S , Best uncategorized sandwich ROSE’S 725 S. Center St., 329-7673 Part of the reason we have this Best of Northern Nevada contest every year is to remind folks of some of the great things in Reno and Sparks that add a pleasant esthetic touch to life. Unfortunately, there aren’t enough pages in the paper to include a category for every group, business or individual that contributes something great to the Truckee Meadows palette. While we didn’t have a category for Sandwich Shop this year (we got tired of people voting for chainstores like Subway and Port of Subs), there are only a few places in town that would make the grade. At the top would be the independent sandwich shop Rose’s, whose friendly service, artistically named and made sandwiches and kick-back décor encourage another sip of tea. This is simply the best sandwich shop in Reno. Jake Rorex provides Best-of-Northern-Nevadaquality service at Moondog Multimedia. 440 Greenbrae Drive, Sparks, 358-1841 2. ACE HARDWARE, 1299 Baring Blvd., Sparks, 323-2750 3. WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY CO., 950 S. Rock Blvd., 359-5800 Best local Internet service provider 1 . G R E AT B A S I N INTERNET SERVICE 745 W. Moana Lane, Suite 350, 348-7299 4930 S. Virginia St., 826-4119; 812 N. Virginia St., 322-4644 2. CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS, 3 . J . J . S E A R C A N DY, 3 . P Y R A M I D . N E T, 200 E. Winnie Lane, Carson City, 885-8863 it’s mostly a line of those kinds of stores that change every six months. But one of them is Mi Ranchito, a terrific restaurant that caters mostly to the folks who live in the neighborhood. It’s not fancy, but the food is very tasty, and it’s served in a setting of friendliness and courtesy. The huevos rancheros will knock your calcetines off. Best of all, the store doesn’t have a Chihuahua or talking taco or a corporate logo for a spokesnoun. 9335 Prototype Drive, 850-8555 116 E. Seventh St., Suite 201, 884-3202 Best independent grocery 1. BLUE BOUNTY 3480 Lakeside Drive, 826-9015 2. BUTCHER BOY M E AT & D E L I , 1073 N. Rock Blvd., Sparks, 359-7445 3 . I N T E R N AT I O N A L M A R K E T, 95 E. Grove St., 825-5258 INSIDE | OPINION | NEWS | BEST OF NORTHERN NEVADA | ARTS&CULTURE | THEATER | THIS WEEK | MUSICBEAT | NIGHTCLUBS/CASINOS | FOODFINDS | FILM | CLASSIFIEDS | MISCELLANY | OCTOBER 14, 2004 | R N&R | 21 Personalities Editors’ choices The best weird personality lore about Nevada this year There’s something about this state. It generates some pretty off-the-wall situations— like the cathouse madam who ran for the Legislature (Beverly Harrell) and the legalization of bogus youth and anti-cancer drugs (Laetrile). Here’s another one. There’s a newspaper column in Chicago called “The Straight Dope” that answers people’s weird questions (“If all billion Chinese got up on chairs and all jumped off at the same time, would the earth be thrown out of orbit?”), and recently a North Carolina reader asked him what’s up with the term Chevy Chase: “Who, or what, is Chevy Chase? There is a Chevy Chase bank, city, a bad comedic actor (except in Fletch), numerous streets, lakes, etc. Why does this person/thing get such attention and national recognition?” Who woulda thunk it? Nevada’s responsible. According to author Cecil Adams, U.S. Sen. Francis Newlands of Nevada went back to Washington and while serving as our senator was also hustling land development in the boonies outside D.C. “Senator Newlands came to Washington, D.C., with the dream of building a planned settlement outside of the nation’s capital. Over several years, he purchased more than 1,700 acres of land from Dupont Circle to Jones Bridge Road, along what is now Connecticut Avenue. He named the area Chevy Chase after the Cheviot Hills, his ancestral homeland.” This is not to say that Newlands invented the name—it existed in a ballad before that—but that Newlands popularized it. People most likely to take the best care of your family when you go outside to smoke ROBERTO AND MINDY GULIZIA Mario’s Portofino Ristorante, 2740 S. Virginia St., 825-7779 What’d’ya mean they didn’t win best Italian restaurant? I don’t know, Mike, sometimes you gotta think maybe these readers are voting for places they’ve heard of instead of places they actually think are the best. Obviously, Luciano’s and even La Vecchia can be considered among the best Italian restaurants in Reno, but Olive Garden? These are the people who think the greatest cook in Reno is Chef Boyardee, and who want their bread to “taste just like Boboli.” Why don’t we step outside for a moment to talk about it? Oh, Roberto and Mindy will take care of them. Have ’em order some tiramisu. Mary Bennett, who acts primarily with Brüka Theatre, has members of the Reno community starstruck. Readers’ choices Best local TV news 1. KOLO CHANNEL 8 Best politician 1. U.S. SEN. HARRY REID 2 . A S S E M B LY W O M A N S H E I L A L E S L I E 3 . R E N O M AY O R B O B C A S H E L L 2. KRNV CHANNEL 4 3. KTVN CHANNEL 2 Best local radio DJ or DJ team Best local columnist 1 . C O RY FA R L E Y Reno Gazette-Journal 2. DEIDRE PIKE, Reno News & Review Best local TV anchor 1 . TA D D U N B A R KOLO Channel 8 2 . W E N DY D A M O N T E , KTVN Channel 2 1 . B R U C E VA N DY K E KTHX 2. NICK DANGER, KDOT 3 . R O B , A R N I E & D AW N , KRZQ Best local actress/actor 1. MARY BENNETT 2. JEANMARIE SIMPSON 3. SHANNYN SOSSAMON 3. SHELBY SHEEHAN, KRNV Channel 4 PERSONALITIES continued on page 24 INSIDE | OPINION | NEWS | BEST OF NORTHERN NEVADA | ARTS&CULTURE | THEATER | THIS WEEK | MUSICBEAT | NIGHTCLUBS/CASINOS | FOODFINDS | FILM | CLASSIFIEDS | MISCELLANY | OCTOBER 14, 2004 | RN&R | 23 PERSONALITIES continued from page 23 Our readers said Bruce Van Dyke is the area’s best DJ, but he was lagging when it came to best columnist. Best-dressed bookseller ANN MALSON PAPERBACK EXCHANGE, 131 VESTA ST., 322-8822 Vesta Street seems to be experiencing a kind of Renaissance in business, and at the head of this growth spurt is the Paperback Exchange. OK, maybe Paperback Exchange was at the head of the last Renaissance, too, 31-plus years ago when it opened, but who keeps track of such things? Ann Malson didn’t arrive at the store until it had been around for five years, but in the 26 intervening years, she’s made up for lost time. As one of Reno’s most stylishly clad booksellers, she’ll help seekers locate books in the store’s overflowing shelves, offer advice about authors or even keep mental notes of the books her clients have purchased. The clerk you always want but seldom get CHRIS WILLIAMSON Whenever dealing with a bureaucracy (public or private), a client/customer always hopes to find that one friendly, helpful clerk, the one who makes life easy and unsnarls problems. This is especially important in stores where every clerk seems unfamiliar with the merchandise he or she is selling and hostile toward inquiries. One of the good guys works at Albertson’s on Oddie Boulevard. His name is Chris Williamson, and he has become famous throughout the neighborhood for his friendliness and willingness to help. When we describe friendliness, we’re not talking about the aggressive Safeway-style friendliness that generated lawsuits. We mean actual friendliness that comes from within—not from an order by management. Williamson quickly solves price checks without holding up lines, and he gets spills taken care of right away. To put it succinctly, he deals with complaints with composure and complainants with respect. Shoppers get the feeling that if the world were going up in smoke, Chris would keep everyone calm. Radio jockey most likely to use the words “Gettin’ it done” MAT DIABLO Also, most likely to use the words “butt rock,” which isn’t a nasty thing at all. The host of Reno’s best 5 o’clock drive-time radio show, “Road Riot” on 100.9 FM, isn’t likely to pull out the latest news from the NPR Web site. Diablo may, however, pull out the Sun Valley bell or the Carson City bell to salute his callers. While Music Director Diablo shouldn’t be expected to lead up the KRZQ 5 o’clock news team, he can be expected to play the top requested songs of the week. The tunes are apt to blow a conscientious driver’s ears off, and while it might make them angry, it would be appropriate to call the feeling “road rage.” 24 | R N&R | OCTOBER 14, 2004 Fun & Gaming Editors’ choices Best fast hangover cure THE ATLANTIS’ OUTSIDE ELEVATOR 3702 S Virginia St., 825-4700 OK, it’s 11 a.m. on Saturday. Friday evening, night and early Saturday morning are a blur—too many mojitos at Tonic. Your head- and body-aches are crippling. You might as well face it: You’ve got the mother of all hangovers. Everyone knows the only true hangover cure is a hair of the dog, but even the slightest sip of a Bloody Mary or a red beer can send weakened weekend warriors down the slippery slope of another all-day runner. Here’s what you do. Drive over to the Atlantis, have a nice greasy breakfast in the coffee shop—maybe ham steak, eggs, hash browns with a side of pancakes. Go to the elevators on the north side of the casino and hop in the glass one. Push the button for the highest floor. If you suffer from acrophobia at all, the combination of heightened respirations, palpitations, ham molecules and adrenaline will blast the pain away. Not that anybody over here has tried it or anything. Best place to prep for the next World Poker Tour at the Reno Hilton YOUR FRIEND’S LIVING ROOM After the popularity of Celebrity Poker Showdown on the Bravo network and the World Poker Tour on the Travel Channel, No-Limit Texas Hold’em poker has become a popular game in some Reno circles. If you want to get really good, your best bet is wagering at a friend’s house, where the stakes aren’t high and you can buy in for $5 or $10, rather than the $5,000 required to buy into world tour games like those at the Reno Hilton. Playing at home also gives the peace of mind of knowing that your losses aren’t going to a casino but instead to a guy who’s got a wife and baby at home or maybe to a guy who just needs to buy the latest Xbox game. There’s no cocktail waitress bringing free drinks, but a $6 12-pack of Pabst shared among friends is worth a night’s worth of free Jack and Cokes. FUN & GAMING continued on page 29 Readers’ choices Best casino 1. PEPPERMILL HOTEL CASINO 2707 S. Virginia St., 826-2121 2. ELDORADO HOTEL CASINO, 345 N. Virginia St., 786-5700 3 . AT L A N T I S C A S I N O R E S O R T, 3800 S. Virginia St., 825-4700 Best sports book 1 . C L U B C A L- N E V A 40 North Virginia St., 323-1046 2 . R E N O H I LT O N , 2500 E. Second St., 789-2285 3. PEPPERMILL HOTEL CASINO, 2707 S. Virginia St., 826-2121 Best poker room 1. ELDORADO HOTEL CASINO 345 N. Virginia St., 786-5700 2 . AT L A N T I S C A S I N O R E S O R T, 3800 S. Virginia St., 825-4700 3 . J O H N A S C U A G A’ S N U G G E T, 1100 Nugget Ave., Sparks, 356-3300 Best casino buffet 1 . AT L A N T I S C A S I N O R E S O R T Best casino show 3800 S. Virginia St., 825-4700 1. ART OF ILLUSION WITH ELI KERR 2. PEPPERMILL HOTEL CASINO, 2707 S. Virginia St., 826-2121 Golden Phoenix, 255 N Sierra St., 785-7100 3. ELDORADO HOTEL CASINO, 2 . VA R I O U S S H O W S , 345 N. Virginia St., 786-5700 Eldorado Hotel Casino, 345 N. Virginia St., 786-5700 Best non-casino thing to do downtown 1 . WA L K A LO N G R I V E R 2 . K AYA K PA R K 3. CENTURY RIVERSIDE CINEMA, 11 N. Sierra St. 3 . VA R I O U S S H O W S , Harrah’s Reno, 219 N. Center St., 786-3232 Best casino customer service 1. PEPPERMILL HOTEL CASINO Best casino carpet 1. PEPPERMILL HOTEL CASINO 2707 S. Virginia St., 826-2121 2707 S. Virginia St., 826-2121 2. ELDORADO HOTEL CASINO, 345 N. Virginia St., 786-5700 2 . R E N O H I LT O N , 3 . R E N O H I LT O N , 2500 E. Second St., 789-2386 3 . AT L A N T I S C A S I N O R E S O R T, 2500 E. Second St., 789-2386 3800 S. Virginia St., 825-4700 Dave Peyton has worked at the voters’ favorite sports book, the Club Cal-Neva, for three years. INSIDE | OPINION | NEWS | BEST OF NORTHERN NEVADA | ARTS&CULTURE | THEATER | THIS WEEK | MUSICBEAT | NIGHTCLUBS/CASINOS | FOODFINDS | FILM | CLASSIFIEDS | MISCELLANY | OCTOBER 14, 2004 | RN&R | 27 FUN & GAMING continued from page 27 Best place to make a wish FOUNTAIN OF FORTUNE AT THE ELDORADO HOTEL CASINO 345 N. Virginia St., 786-5700 It’s not surprising that casino resorts in Nevada often choose classical and Renaissance art to decorate their buildings. Those artistic styles convey beauty and grandeur. While no casino could ever compare to the magnificence of the Roman Coliseum or the Parthenon, that doesn’t stop casino owners from trying to put themselves on the level of these masterpieces. Eldorado goes for a Greco-Roman look with its indoor fountain, located in front of its Roxy restaurant and right before the casino meets the Silver Legacy. The running water offers a soothing element to all the bleeping slot machines. Tourists even take pictures of it, as if it were some ancient fountain unearthed in the middle of a modern casino. While you probably don’t pray to those gods, it couldn’t hurt to toss a coin and ask Fortune to reward you with a jackpot. On the other hand, if you’ve already left some cash on the tables downstairs, you can consider that your offering to Lady Luck. The best tourist attraction tourists seldom see W.M. KECK EARTH SCIENCE AND MINERAL ENGINEERING MUSEUM Folks who look for museums in Northern Nevada are often directed to the Nevada Museum of Art, the National Automobile Museum or the state museum, but in this mining state, the mining museum gets overlooked. It’s on the ground floor of the Mackay School of Mines at UNR at the north end of the campus quad. Not just a collection of rocks—though those are certainly there—it includes mining machinery, historic photographs, maps and a mock-up mining office. (The museum once included a black-light booth in which kids delighted in seeing minerals that were not otherwise visible revealed on the surface of rocks, but it broke many years ago and for some reason never got fixed.) This museum doesn’t have the chrome/tile/glass personality of some of the museums mentioned here. The feel is of hardwood floors and polished wood display cases, of the warmth of light bulbs instead of the chill of fluorescents. A decade ago, those who love this museum worried that, when the Mackay building was gutted and rebuilt, the museum would be updated and “improved” to the impersonality of modern museums. That did not happen, and it remains as welcoming as ever. INSIDE | OPINION | NEWS | BEST OF NORTHERN NEVADA | ARTS&CULTURE | THEATER | THIS WEEK | MUSICBEAT | NIGHTCLUBS/CASINOS | FOODFINDS | FILM | CLASSIFIEDS | MISCELLANY | OCTOBER 14, 2004 | RN&R | 29 Nightlife Editors’ choices Best drink to put you in orbit Readers’ choices SATELLITE COCKTAIL LOUNGE Best bar 188 California Ave., 786-3536 1 . S AT E L L I T E There may be a U.S. embargo on Cuban products, but fortunately that doesn’t include mojitos. The drink has long been a staple in bars in Miami, but only in the past few years has its popularity expanded to trend-setting cities like New York City and San Francisco. The trendy cocktail has finally hit Reno’s bar scene, and one of the best places to indulge in this light-butstrong infusion is at that groovy little lounge, Satellite. Coowner/bartender Noel Judal crushes ice, limes and mint leaves together and then adds a generous splash of light rum, syrup and soda water. The result: a delicious, refreshing drink that hits the spot on a sultry summer day. They’re so good, you’ll probably order two, or three or four. But it’s probably best to limit yourself to a few, as you may wake up with a headache and a sore butt with a tattoo of Fidel Castro. Viva la revolución! 188 California Ave., 786-3536 2 . B R E W B R O T H E R S AT ELDORADO HOTEL CASINO, 345 N. Virginia St., 786-5700 3. TONIC, 231 W. Second St., 337-6868 Best dance club 1 . B U B I N G A L O U N G E AT ELDORADO HOTEL CASINO 345 N. Virginia St., 786-5700 2 . PA C I F I C B E A C H C L U B , 45 W. Second St., 329-1950 Best place to drink Vicodin Lemon Drops 3 . S AT E L L I T E , 188 California Ave., 786-3536 THE ALIBI LOUNGE 125 Casazza Drive, 323-0611 Feel like a mellow night but not the quiet, stay-at-home kind of mellow night? The Alibi is just the place to take it easy with a couple of friends in a dark-but-friendly, hole-in-the-wall bar. Sometimes, the video poker machines will even pay off. Among a group of three or four friends, someone could easily win a couple sawbucks, enough to pay for a couple rounds of drinks, since drinks are better than reasonably priced. Did we mention the friendly and creative bartenders? One mellow mixologist jokingly suggested that instead of using sugar to rim your shot glass, you might try crushed Vicodin. Sure, it’d be fun, but who wants to spend the evening clutching the john or explaining to the E.R. doctor how you don’t have a problem, it’s really just an isolated incident? Best strip club Best karaoke Best place for live music 1 . F A N TA S Y G I R L S 1. WEST SECOND STREET BAR 1 . WA L D E N ’ S C O F F E E H O U S E 1095 E. Fourth St., 324-7877 118 W. Second St., 348-7976 3940 Mayberry Drive, 787-3307 2. THE MEN’S CLUB OF RENO, 2. NEW OASIS, 270 Lake St., 786-7800 2 . R U M B U L L I O N S I S L A N D B A R AT T H E S I LV E R L E G A C Y, 2100 Victorian Ave., Sparks, 359-4020 3 . G R E AT B A S I N B R E W I N G C O M PA N Y, 3. WILD ORCHID GENTLEMEN’S CLUB, 407 N. Virginia St., 329-4777 515 S. Virginia St., 324-1010 Best sports bar 846 Victorian Ave., Sparks, 355-7711 Best happy hour Best club DJ 1. EJ DA DJ 2. DJ KLING 3. CHRISTOF Best open mic night 1 . WA L D E N ’ S C O F F E E H O U S E 1. SILVER PEAK RESTAURANT & BREWERY 124 Wonder St., 324-1864; 135 N. Sierra St., 284-3300 1 . B U L LY ’ S S P O R T S B A R & GRILL various locations 2 . S PA R K Y ’ S S P O R T S BAR & GRILL, various locations 2. OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE, 3. FLOWING TIDE PUB, 3645 S. Virginia St., 827-5050; 1805 E. Lincoln Way, Sparks, 358-2700 10580 N. McCarran Blvd., 747-7707; 465 S. Meadows Parkway, 284-7707 3 . F I R E S I D E L O U N G E AT T H E PEPPERMILL HOTEL CASINO, 3940 Mayberry Drive, 787-3307 2707 S. Virginia St., 826-2121 2. ZEPHYR LOUNGE, 3 . S PA R K Y ’ S S P O R T S B A R & GRILL, Best place to watch Monday Night Football various locations 1 . BULLY’S SPORTS BAR & GRILL 1074 S. Virginia St., 337-6004 3 . GREAT BASIN BREWING COMPANY, various locations 846 Victorian Ave., Sparks, 355-7711 Best gay hangout 1 . T H E PAT I O 600 W. Fifth St., 323-6565 2 . T H E Q U E S T, 210 W. Commercial Row, 333-2808 Best microbrewery 2 . SPARKY’S SPORTS BAR & GRILL, 1. SILVER PEAK RESTAURANT & BREWERY 3. HOME various locations 124 Wonder St., 324-1864 2 . GREAT BASIN BREWING COMPANY, 846 Victorian Ave., Sparks, 355-7711 3. VISIONS, 3 . B R E W B R OT H E R S AT E L D O R A D O H OT E L C A S I N O , 340 Kietzke Lane, 786-5455 345 N. Virginia St., 786-5700 Most romantic bar 1 . F I R E S I D E LO U N G E AT P E P P E R M I L L H OT E L CAS I N O 2707 S. Virginia St., 826-2121 2 . R O X Y ’ S B A R & L O U N G E AT ELDORADO HOTEL CASINO, 345 N. Virginia St., 786-5700 Tyler DePetro mashes up mojito mixings at the best bar in Reno, Satellite. 30 | R N&R | OCTOBER 14, 2004 3 . S A P P H I R E L O U N G E AT HARRAH’S RENO, 219 N. Center St., 786-3232 Outdoors Editors’ choices Best place to do the tube Best place to get out of the car and walk TRUCKEE RIVER, ANYWHERE FROM BEYOND THE CALIFORNIA BORDER TO DOWNTOWN RENO DOWNTOWN So you’re rushing to work, carefully following the posted speed limits. You head east down Fourth Street, thanking your lucky stars that the train trench doesn’t go north and south when you hit Sierra, and you realize, “Damn, Street Vibrations or the Cattle Drive or the Terra Cotta Fair or something has the right of way on Virginia shut down.” Quickly you turn south (the only way one-way Sierra goes), are stopped by a train on the shoe-fly, turn right onto West Third Street and encounter another detour forcing you to the north and then east again on West Fourth Street, where you are forced to turn south again because Virginia Street is closed for the Foondocks Festival. Park your car at one of the many nearby on-street parking spots and walk to work. Don’t laugh. It could happen. With the Truckee River Whitewater Park, sports other than kayaking are also quickly becoming popular pastimes on the river. Wake-boarders were some of the river rats to be seen, their lines tied to rocks while they rode the rapids. Inner tubers also made a resurgence. Many warm summer evenings, teenagers could be found riding their tube from the first rapid at the whitewater park down to the last, then toting their tubes back to the start. Downtown Reno, however, isn’t the only ideal tubing location. Drive into California and drop off in Farad, Floriston or farther upriver, and you’re bound to have the tubing ride of your life. Rapids can be on the slightly fierce side, and rocks are plentiful, so wearing a helmet and a life vest is a good idea. Best dry kayak run Our readers said the Rattlesnake Mountain Skate Park is the best place to catch some air. Skater Sean Pearson would probably concur. TRUCKEE RIVER WHITEWATER PARK, DOWNTOWN RENO ALONG THE TRUCKEE RIVER Head down to Wingfield Park, and you’ll wonder what took so long for our city to build this whitewater park. While the Century Riverside movie theater, art galleries and boutiques were attracting people to the downtown arts and culture district, the whitewater park appeared to be the missing link to bring the sportspeople to the waiting arms of the casino district. The moment it opened, kayakers and sunbathers dived in to take advantage of Reno’s best natural resource, the Truckee River. On any given day, children could be found wading in the water, while kayakers navigated the park’s 11 drop pools. Although there were some reported conflicts between swimmers and kayakers over space, nobody drowned. Now that fall is here, there aren’t as many people in the water, and water flow has decreased due to the drought. The park, however, was designed to accommodate lowwater flows and is open for use. Readers’ choices Best skiing 1 . M T. R O S E S K I TA H O E 2222 Mount Rose Highway, 849-0704 2 . S Q U AW VA L L E Y U S A , 1960 Squaw Valley Road, Olympic Valley, Calif., (530) 583-6955 3 . N O R T H S TA R - AT-TA H O E , Truckee, Calif., (530) 562-1010 Best place to ride personal watercraft 1 . L A K E TA H O E 2. PYRAMID L AKE 3. BOCA RESERVOIR Best snowboarding 1 . M T. R O S E S K I TA H O E Best skate park 2. LAKERIDGE GOLF COURSE, 1 . R AT T L E S N A K E M O U N TA I N / M I R A L O M A 3. MONTREUX GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB, Mira Loma Drive at South McCarran Boulevard 2 . I D L E W I L D PA R K , Truckee, Calif. (530) 562-1010 3 . B O R E A L M O U N TA I N R E S O R T, Interstate 80, near Donner Summit, Calif., (530) 583-6955 18077 Bordeaux Drive, 849-9496 805 IDLEWILD DRIVE Best mountain biking 3 . B U R G E S S PA R K , 1 . TA H O E R I M T R A I L Pyramid Way between Greenbrae Drive and Holman Way 2 . L A K E TA H O E 3 . N O R T H S TA R - AT-TA H O E , 2222 Mount Rose Highway, 849-0704 2 . N O R T H S TA R - AT-TA H O E , 1200 Razor Back Road, 825-2200 Best golfing Truckee, Calif., (530) 562-1010 1 . R E D H AW K G O L F C L U B AT W I N G F I E L D S P R I N G S Best spot to hike 1 . M T. R O S E 2 . L A K E TA H O E 3 . TA H O E R I M T R A I L Best spot to smooch under the stars 1. WINDY HILL off of Lakeside Drive 2 . L A K E TA H O E 2. PYRAMID L AKE 6600 N. Wingfield Parkway, Sparks, 626-6000 INSIDE | OPINION | NEWS | BEST OF NORTHERN NEVADA | ARTS&CULTURE | THEATER | THIS WEEK | MUSICBEAT | NIGHTCLUBS/CASINOS | FOODFINDS | FILM | CLASSIFIEDS | MISCELLANY | OCTOBER 14, 2004 | RN&R | 33 Food & drink Readers’ choices Best Mexican 1. BETO’S MEXICAN FOOD 3 . K I M S O N R E S TA U R A N T 102 E. Second St., 322-2226 575 W. Fifth St., 324-0632 2 . B E R T H A M I R A N D A’ S , 336 Mill St., 786-9697 Best sushi 3. MI CASA TOO, 1. SUSHI PIER various locations various locations 2. SUSHI CLUB, Best Italian 294 E. Moana Lane, 828-7311 1 . LUCIANO’S 3338 Kietzke Lane, 828-9611 3. ALOHA SUSHI, 719 N. Virginia St., 322-7373; 6135 Lakeside Drive, Suite 145, 828-0400 2 . O L I V E G A R D E N I TA L I A N R E S TA U R A N T, Best vegetarian 4900 S. Virginia St., 829-1500 1 . P N E U M AT I C D I N E R 2. L A VECCHIA RISTORANTE, 501 W. First St., 786-8888 3501 S. Virginia St., 825-1113 2. DANDELION DELI, 1170 S. Wells Ave., 322-6100 3. DEUX GROS NE Z, Best Indian 249 California Ave., 786-9400 1. INDIA GARDEN 1565 S. Virginia St., 337-8002 Best burger 2 . TA S T E O F I N D I A , 1. AWFUL AWFUL AT THE LITTLE NUGGET 315 E. Moana Lane, 825-3008 233 N. Virginia St., 323-0716 Best Japanese 2. JUICY’S GIANT HAMBURGER, 1 . K Y O T O R E S TA U R A N T 301 S. Wells Ave., 322-2600 915 W. Moana Lane, 825-9686 3 . I N ’ N ’ O U T, 2 . I C H I B A N J A PA N E S E S T E A K H O U S E AND SUSHI BAR, various locations 210 N. Sierra St., 323-5550 Editors’ choices 3 . B E N I H A N A J A PA N E S E S T E A K H O U S E , Best doughnuts/pastries 255 N. Sierra St., 785-7373 1. KRISPY KREME 5050 Keitzke Lane, 853-9111 Best pub grub O’SKI’S PUB & GRILLE 840 Victorian Ave., Sparks, 359-7547 Best Thai 2 . J O S E F ’ S V I E N N A B A K E R Y, 1. BANGKOK CUISINE 3 . J E L LY D O N U T, 933 W. Moana Lane, 825-0451 55 Mt. Rose St., 322-0299 There are some days when all you crave is pub grub—garlic fries, steak sandwiches or the king of all pub grub, fish and chips. Now, not everyone can fly to England to taste the real deal, but if it tastes half as good as what the friendly folks at the only Irish-Polish bar in town, O’Ski’s, serve, then it might be time to book reservations. O’Ski’s is one of the few places in Reno and Sparks where you actually get more fish than batter in your serving. Add a splash of malt vinegar and a squeeze of lemon, and you’ll be in fish-and-chips heaven. While the coleslaw and fries are a pleasant bonus, the delectable nuggets of white, flaky cod are worth the price of admission all by themselves. Best place to find bottom cleavage various locations 2 . TA S T E O F T H A I , 6135 Lakeside Drive, 828-6400 3. CAFÉ DE THAI, Best bakery 7499 Longley Lane, 829-8424 1 . JOSEF’S VIENNA BAKERY 933 W. Moana Lane, 825-0451 Best Chinese 2. FRANZ’S BACKSTUBE AUSTRIAN CAFE C A K E S & PA S T R I E S , 1 . PA L A I S D E J A D E 3882 Mayberry Drive, 624-2921 960 W. Moana Lane, 827-5233 3 . G R E AT H A R V E S T B R E A D C O . , 2 . P. F. C H A N G ’ S C H I N A B I S T R O , 530 W. Plumb Lane, 323-7733 5180 Kietzke Lane, 825-9800 3 . S H A N G H A I R E S TA U R A N T, RENO’S INDIAN FOOD RESTAURANTS You’ve seen it. You’ve probably done a double take. And if you’re a heterosexual male, you probably thought, “Now why don’t women dress like that here?” Those who’ve dined at Reno’s Indian food restaurants have surely caught a glimpse of that special kind of cleavage that peeks out from below a woman’s very short shirt rather than peeking out from above a low-cut top. The bizarre but artistic fabric wall-hangings at local Indian food restaurants feature many women modeling the above-the-waist version of hot pants. This fashion trend, though not perhaps prêt-àporter in contemporary India, surely enhances the Indian food dining experience, which involves many hot and savory spices. Who knew Indian food could be so sexy? Best coffee 1269 Baring Blvd., Sparks, 358-1122 1 . S TA R B U C K S various locations Best Vietnamese 2 . J AVA J U N G L E , 1. PHO 777 VIETNAMESE N O O D L E R E S TA U R A N T 246 W. First St., 329-4484 201 E. Second St., 323-7777 3940 Mayberry Drive, 787-3307 3. WALDEN’S COFFEEHOUSE, 2. GOLDEN FLOWER VIETNAMESE R E S TA U R A N T, 205 W. Fifth St., 323-1628 E D I TO R S’ C H O I C E S continued on page 36 INSIDE | OPINION | NEWS | BEST OF NORTHERN NEVADA | ARTS&CULTURE | THEATER | THIS WEEK | MUSICBEAT | NIGHTCLUBS/CASINOS | FOODFINDS | FILM | FO O D & D R I N K continued on page 36 CLASSIFIEDS | MISCELLANY | OCTOBER 14, 2004 | RN&R | 35 FO O D & D R I N K continued from page 35 Best seafood 1. RAPSCALLION SEAFOOD HOUSE & BAR 1555 S. Wells Ave., 323-1211 2 . AT L A N T I S C A S I N O R E S O R T, 3800 S. Virginia St., 825-4700 3 . O C E A N O AT P E P P E R M I L L HOTEL CASINO, 2707 S. Virginia St., 826-2121 Best steak 1. OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE 3465 S. Virginia St., 827-5050; 1805 Lincoln Way, 358-2700 2. HARRAH’S STEAKHOUSE, Harrah’s Reno, 219 N. Center St., 786-3232 3. RUBY RIVER STEAKHOUSE, 2750 S. Virginia St., 827-4007 Best pizza 1 . J . J . ’ S P I E C O M PA N Y 55 W. Fifth St., 786-5555 2. BLUE MOON PIZZA, 6135 Lakeside Drive, 825-1120 3. BLIND ONION, 3605 Kings Row, 747-7744 Best breakfast 1. PEG’S GLORIFIED HAM & EGGS 420 S. Sierra St., 329-2600 2. HEIDI’S, various locations 3 . P. J . & C O . R E S TA U R A N T, 1590 S. Wells Ave., 323-6366 Best Reno restaurant 1 . S I LV E R P E A K R E S TA U R A N T & B R E W E R Y 124 Wonder St., 324-1864 2 . 4 T H S T. B I S T R O , 3065 W. Fourth St., 323-3200 3. RAPSCALLION SEAFOOD HOUSE & BAR, 2. BL ACK BEAR, 235 N. McCarran Blvd., 356-1138 Ashoo Thakore serves up the voters’ favorite curry at India Garden. 3. OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE, 1805 Lincoln Way, 358-2700 Best Tahoe restaurant 1. JAKE’S ON THE LAKE Boatworks Shopping Mall, Tahoe City, Calif., (530) 583-0188 2 . L A S T R A D A AT T H E E L D O R A D O HOTEL CASINO, 345 N. Virginia St., 786-5700 3 . R O X Y ’ S AT T H E E L D O R A D O HOTEL CASINO, 345 N. Virginia St., 786-5700 2. GARWOODS GRILL & PIER, 5000 N. Lake Blvd., Carnelian Bay, Calif., (530) 546-3366 Most romantic restaurant 3. JASON’S BEACHSIDE GRILLE ON THE LAKE, 1 . WHITE ORCHID AT THE PEPPERMILL HOTEL CASINO 8338 N. Lake Blvd., Kings Beach, Calif., (530) 546-3315 2707 S. Virginia St., 826-2121 Best casino restaurant 2707 S. Virginia St., 826-2121 1 . WHITE ORCHID AT THE PEPPERMILL HOTEL CASINO 1470 S. Virginia St., 329-9979 2 . R O M A N Z A AT T H E P E P P E R M I L L H OT E L C A S I N O , 3 . L U L O U ’ S R E S TA U R A N T, 2707 S. Virginia St., 826-2121 1555 S. Wells Ave., 323-1211 Best Carson restaurant 1. ADELE’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE 1112 N. Carson St., Carson City, 882-3353 2. REDS OLD 395 GRILL, 1055 S. Carson St., Carson City, 847-0404 3. GARIBALDI’S, 301 N. Carson St., Carson City, 884-4574 Best Sparks restaurant 1 . G R E AT B A S I N B R E W I N G C O M PA N Y 846 Victorian Ave., Sparks, 355-7711 36 | S N&R | OCTOBER 14, 2004 E D I TO R S’ C H O I C E S continued from page 35 The best food court from which to watch swans while you eat THE OVERLOOK If your memory of food at the UNR student union is of the snack bar that has been little changed since God was a boy, a visit would be an eye opener. This same facility, now called the Overlook, has been moved upstairs into a hall that extends over Manzanita Lake. With floor-to-ceiling windows, the view is of swans, fountains, trees, an island, the lake’s green opaque water (which, granted, was once clear blue), and, in the distance, the city skyline. OK, the food is no great shakes, though it is varied—Asian food, salads, sandwiches (none are pre-made, so allow time), burgers and fries (pre-made), desserts. But the atmosphere makes up for the pedestrian fare. If you have to eat in a cafeteria, this is the one to pick. Kids & family Editors’ choice Best place to teach your teenager a lesson in speed SLOT CAR WAREHOUSE 132 E. Plumb Lane, 448-9996 We’ve all been teenaged drivers, and we all probably took a turn a little too fast before learning that a quick turn leads to a spin-out, nearly side-swiping a car in the oncoming lane or a holy-crap adrenaline rush that makes us promise we’ll never again take a turn at more than 15 miles an hour. For parents who want their kids and teens to learn lessons about speed before reaching driving age, the track at Park Lane Mall is invaluable. It’ll teach yet-to-be drivers to speed up on the straight-aways, slow down on the turns and not drive too close to other cars. Ten bucks gets drivers an hour of drive time and a car rental, although the truly fanatical can buy their own cars and spiff them up however they like. Racing can be fun for moms and dads, too, or just useful for earning mom and dad an hour or so of alone time. Best place to teach your children about the birds and the bees OXBOW PARK Sure, there are lots of great things about school: art (only not as much as there used to be), music (only not as much as there used to be), SHARE (Sexuality, Health and Responsibility Education, only not as much as there used to be), math (OK, but only how to pass the test for No Child Left Behind). But is school really the place to learn about the birds and the bees? This sort of thing can’t be taught in a classroom; can you imagine the visual aids? Nope, the birds and the bees should be left up to mom and dad, who can joyfully take their children down to Oxbow Nature Study Area, 3100 Dickerson Road, where they can see real-life examples of flora and ornithology. What do you mean, sex? What did you think we were talking about? Oh. That’s just sick. Best place to score a hole in one WILD ISLAND ADVENTURE PARK 250 Wild Island Court, Sparks, 359-2927 You don’t need to go to Disneyland to have quality time with the kids. Since 1989, Wild Island Adventure Park has been thrilling local kids and parents with its water park, miniature golf course and Indy and sprint car rides. In the summer, families can splash in the park’s Montego Bay wave pool or try more daring attractions such as The Scorpion, a half-pipe tube ride, or its Red Viper and Black Widow water slides. If getting wet isn’t your idea of having fun, then you and the kids can play 18 or 36 holes of putt-putt at the park’s miniature golf course. The park recently added an indoor entertainment center, which includes its 20lane Coconut Bowl, a children’s play zone and a billiards area. When the kids tire of playing and their tummies start to growl, head over to the Smokin’ Marlin; it’ll build up the stamina for another 18 holes. Readers’ choices Best park Best toy store 1 . I D L E W I L D PA R K 1. TOYS ‘R’ US 2 . R A N C H O S A N R A FA E L R E G I O N A L PA R K , 5000 Smithridge Drive, 827-8697 2. WORLD OF TOYS, 805 Idlewild Drive 1502 Washington St., 785-4319 3 . S PA R K S M A R I N A 5130 Meadowood Mall Circle, 825-3023 3. KB TOYS, 276 E. Plumb Lane, 825-2999; 2845 Northtowne Lane, 331-2929 Best arcade games Best place to introduce kids to nature 1 . R A N C H O SA N R A FA E L R E G I O N A L PA R K 1502 Washington St., 785-4319 2500 E. Second St., 789-2386 2 . L A K E TA H O E 3 . O X B O W N AT U R E S T U DY A R E A , 2. CIRCUS CIRCUS HOTEL & CASINO, 3100 Dickerson Road, 334-3808 1 . F U N Q U E S T AT T H E R E N O H I LT O N 500 N. Sierra St., 329-0711 3 . AT L A N T I S F U N C E N T E R , 3800 S. Virginia St., 824-4435 Best youth sports program 1 . R E N O F A M I LY Y M C A 1300 Foster Drive, 329-1311 2. POP WARNER F O O T B A L L /C H E E R L E A D I N G , Liberty Lynch swings for the camera at the voters’ favorite park, Idlewild Park. 331-5003 3. AMERICAN YOUTH SOCCER O R G A N I Z AT I O N ( AY S O ) , 826-5425 INSIDE | OPINION | NEWS | BEST OF NORTHERN NEVADA | ARTS&CULTURE | THEATER | THIS WEEK | MUSICBEAT | NIGHTCLUBS/CASINOS | FOODFINDS | FILM | CLASSIFIEDS | MISCELLANY | OCTOBER 14, 2004 | RN&R | 37 Culture Editors’ choices The best solitary art Readers’ choices Best art gallery/museum 1 . NEVADA MUSEUM OF ART 160 W. Liberty St., 329-3333 “BAKARDADE” 2. THE CHAPTERHOUSE, In the hills north and west of the intersection of McCarran Boulevard and North Virginia Street, there’s a sculpture titled “Bakardade” (“Solitude”). Created by Nestor Basterretxea, it has stood since August of 1989 as a monument to the Basque sheepherders who played a significant role in the history of the West. Basterretxea, a Spaniard who was exiled to France after the Spanish civil war, has specialized in works touching on the Basque experience. “Solitude” is abstract without being inaccessible. The shepherd cradling a lamb in his arms is quickly recognizable. From there, it is a site and a work that—even with the sound of cars on McCarran—lends itself to quiet thought and, well, solitude. 25 St. Lawrence St., Most family-friendly downtown DOWNTOWN SPARKS While the Truckee River Whitewater Park has done a lot to improve downtown Reno, you can’t beat Sparks for providing a more familyfriendly downtown atmosphere. Sparks may not have the variety of gaming and entertainment venues that Reno has, but it makes up for that with its outdoor festivals. Downtown Sparks bustles with activity during the summer thanks to events such as the Sparks Hometowne Farmers’ Market, The Big Easy and the Best in the West Nugget Rib Cook-Off. During quiet weeks, you can catch a movie at the Sparks Century theaters, cool off at the outdoor fountain or head over to Cantina Los Tres Hombres or Great Basin Brewing Co. for an afterwork drink with friends. The action dies down during the cooler months, but events such as the Hometowne Christmas parade still attract large crowds. 3 . S T R E M M E L G A L L E R Y, 1400 S. Virginia St., 786-0558 Best local band 1. SADDLE TRAMPS 2. DELUSIONS OF GRANDEUR 3. SOL JIBE Best local dance company 1 . A R E A- 51 DA N C E T H E AT E R C O M PA N Y 2 . A S H A B E L LY D A N C E R S Best local theater company 1 . B R Ü K A T H E AT R E 99 N. Virginia St., 323-3221 2 . NEVADA SHAKESPEARE COMPANY, 1 Booth St., 324-4198 3 . R E N O L I T T L E T H E AT E R , 246 E. Arroyo St., 329-0661 Best church Best category to remove from the RN&R’s Best of Northern Nevada readers’ poll: Best art museum NEVADA MUSEUM OF ART There are categories where there are actually races for No. 1. Best art museum is not one of them. 1 . S T. T H E R E S E T H E LITTLE FLOWER CHURCH 875 E. Plumb Lane, 322-2255 2. CIRCLE’S EDGE SPIRITUAL CENTER, Best grassroots organization Best local Web site 1 . PROGRESSIVE LEADERSHIP ALLIANCE OF NEVADA 2 . W W W.7 7 5 S H O W S . C O M 3 . TAT T O O S B Y G A R R E T T. C O M 1101 Riverside Drive, 348-7557 527 Lander St., 323-6289 2. A RAINBOW PL ACE, 2 . SPARKS CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP, 33 St. Lawrence Ave., 789-1780 510 Greenbrae Drive, Sparks, 331-2303 3 . N E W V O T E R S P R O J E C T, Best farmers’ market 1 . S PA R K S F A R M E R S ’ MARKET Victorian Avenue, Sparks, Thursday evenings. 2 . C A L I F O R N I A AV E N U E A N D B O O T H S T R E E T O N S AT U R D AY MORNINGS Best dog park 1 . S PA R K S M A R I N A 2 . R A N C H O S A N R A FA E L 3. VIRGINIA LAKE The Nevada Musuem of Art was voted best art gallery/museum in Northern Nevada, probably because it exhibits such fantastic shows as the Wynn Collection (pictured here), featuring Picassos, Monets, Van Goghs, Renoirs and more. 38 | R N&R | OCTOBER 14, 2004 1 . W W W. L I N G U S W E B . C O M Best special event in downtown Reno 1. ARTOWN 2. HOT AUGUST NIGHTS 3 . S T R E E T V I B R AT I O N S Best special event in downtown Sparks 1. BEST OF THE WEST N U G G E T R I B C O O K- O F F 2. HOT AUGUST NIGHTS 3 . FA R M E R S ’ M A R K E T Just the facts Cheaters never prosper The analysis shows a very clean election in our latest readers’ poll Do you ever wonder how honest these “Best of” contests are? You drive around town, and you see restaurants proclaiming themselves to be the “Best” someby D. Brian Burghart thing, and all you can think of is their last district health report, which talked about food stored in the hallway, mouse feces and employees not washing hands after leaving the bathroom. “Best what?” you ask yourself, “best place to catch a cough?” And then you read about places that sell their “Best of” ballots, so that the business or individual who buys the most ballots can essentially win the contest. Many observers also look at the winners and wonder how big the sample is or how sophisticated the voters are—after all, how can some chain restaurant win “Best Mexican food” when Reno is filled with independent, authentic Mexican restaurants. Well, that’s the answer in a nutshell. By definition, there are a lot of stores involved in a restaurant chain. They’re popular, or they wouldn’t exist. But popular doesn’t mean best, and fortunately for us, our readers seem to know that McDonald’s doesn’t make the best hamburger. At any rate, this year we took steps to eliminate as much of the ballot box stuffing as possible while encouraging businesses to encourage their customers to vote. To do this, we limited the number of ballots that would be accepted at once—online, at the welcome window at our office, or in the mail. Also, we reserved the right to throw away ballots that were suspected of being a concerted effort to skew the outcome. One business took the rules and ran with them. Regular as clockwork, they mailed in ballots in packs of five—as long as each of the ballots had a name, address and contact phone number and all the categories were completed in the same handwriting and ink, we accepted it. The same was true with a local rock band—a few submissions were removed for having different handwriting and ink within the same ballot, but there’s no way to determine that it wasn’t another band trying to get Band A disqualified from the contest, so we just threw away the suspect ballots. Finally, there was one business that tried to bring in 105 ballots on deadline, at 4 p.m. on the last day. We accepted five ballots and returned the rest, even though there was no reason to suspect that the other ballots were in any way falsified. That was the whole point of making the rules. This year, we accepted 431 paper ballots. We disqualified 47 paper ballots for reasons including: came in after deadline, more than one color of ink and/or handwriting, no name or address, mailed in more than five ballots in one envelope, completed fewer than 10 categories. Compare that to last year, when 619 paper ballots came in and we disqualified some 341 ballots. This year, we received 620 ballots online. Some 151 were kicked out because they failed to click on the link to verify their e-mail address. None of the e-mail-verified ballots were disqualified. That makes the grand total 384 paper ballots plus 469 online ballots, or 853 total good ballots. I don’t know how else to place this number in context, except to say that a few weeks ago in the very important Assembly District 24 Republican primary race of Jason Geddes against Holcomb Brooks, only 2,798 people voted. Or how about this: In the primary election Ward 5 Reno City Council race, Dave Aiazzi beat challenger Patty Melton by only 25 votes. Is 853 ballots a statistically valid sampling? Hard to say. Time magazine’s Oct. 6 sample of likely voters in the presidential race had only 886 likely voters (and if they kicked anyone out for lying, they didn’t mention it). Ω INSIDE | OPINION | NEWS | BEST OF NORTHERN NEVADA | ARTS&CULTURE | THEATER | THIS WEEK | MUSICBEAT | NIGHTCLUBS/CASINOS | FOODFINDS | FILM | CLASSIFIEDS | MISCELLANY | OCTOBER 14, 2004 | R N&R | 41