East Pike August-September 2014 Newsletter
East Pike August-September 2014 Newsletter
INDIANA AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT EAST PIKE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL August/September 2014 Mr. Donald Springer, Principal dspringer@iasd.cc www.iasd.cc PRINCIPAL NOTES… It is hard to believe that I am working on the August Newsletter already. It surprises me just how fast time goes by. This summer was the most hectic since I have been at East Pike. The custodial and maintenance staff moved out five teachers and moved in eight. They have made twenty classroom moves within the building as well. Congratulations to Erin Snyder, Hollee Jones, and Denise Dragich; they are the only classroom teachers whose rooms were not moved. In addition to the move, we hired Leigh Heidenthal as our new first grade teacher and David Sheeran to fill the vacancy in kindergarten at East Pike. This school year brings significant changes to all of us. We are welcoming around 120 new students to East Pike from Horace Mann. For those families, this is very difficult and you are leaving a comfortable caring place and moving to a new one. I have had the pleasure to be a principal in both buildings. I can assure you that while we are a different school, we share many of the same values. We care about the whole child. We treat each one as individuals and know that they each have different strengths, needs, and emotions. Every child is a unique individual and it is our responsibility to ensure that they have the most wonderful school year of their career. We will all work together to get to know the families and students that are new to us. I would encourage all of us to be focused on the positives that will far outweigh the negatives you experience in this transition. I am so excited to start this school year; it’s a shame that August is in the way. We have expanded Hybrid Learning to all five third grade classrooms. Every third grade room will have eight chrome books that will be used throughout the day. In addition to this every homeroom will have a Promethean Board and RedCat Sound System as well. Randy O’Neil and Laurie McAfoose have been Telephone: 724-463-8567 Fax: 724-717-1080 working hard to get all the new technology in place and running for the start of school. I also wanted to thank Greg Trout and the entire maintenance staff as well. Their hard work made this move look far too easy. The custodial staff at East Pike is on schedule despite all the moves and work happening in the building. This team of workers all supported one another to get the job done. We are fortunate to have such talented and hardworking support staff that works behind the scenes to make sure that the school is ready for children on August 26th. Please note that our school day has been adjusted slightly due to the grade level realignment. Our school day begins at 9:00 AM and will end at 3:40 PM. If you drive your child to school, please do not drop him/her off earlier than 8:35 AM. If you pick up your child at the end of the day, we cannot open the doors until 5 minutes before dismissal time (3:35 PM). School safety continues to be at the top of our list of priorities. Please be reminded that visitors WILL NOT be permitted to gain access to the building without calling to setting up an appointment prior to your arrival. While we understand the inconvenience this brings, we feel it is an important step in the overall security of our building. There can be no exceptions to this policy so please plan ahead (and call first) when visiting the building. Please enjoy the remaining days of summer vacation. We are all anxious for the start of this school year yet at the same time excited to be working with new families and building new relationships. I am certain that with your support, dedication, and communication, this school year will be a huge success. Mr. Springer THE EAST PIKE OFFICE… The School Office is closed at 4:00 PM daily. Should you have a bus issue or need to contact someone about the arrival time of your child after this time please contact Krise Bus Service, Inc. at 724-349-3944. SCHOOL YEAR 2014-2015… The first day of the 2014-15 school year is Tuesday, August 26th. If you know families whose children will be new students at East Pike, please encourage them to enroll their children as soon as possible. Enrollment packets can be picked up at the school between 7:30 AM and 3:00 PM Monday through Thursday. A REMINDER TO PARENTS… Car Kid requests will be taken to the office only until 2:15 each day. Parents who have submitted a note or contacted the school prior to 2:15 will be using the circle area for pick up this year. You will drive around the loop and remain in your car to wait for your child. A staff member will have a clipboard with the car kids listed on it. They will have the children on the sidewalk and make a one on one connection and then walk the child to your car. It is important that you do not block the bus lane when attempting to pull into the loop. Several staff members will be in the circle area to help make this process smooth and safe. Parents who do not contact the school prior to 2:15 and want to take their child(ren) home, will have to park in the parking lot and then walk to the sidewalk by the entrance doors. You will need to sign your child out with one of the school staff members and then wait until your child’s bus number has been called. Remember, dismissal is at 3:40 PM. SCHOOL PROCEDURES… We cannot express enough the importance of the significant changes in place to improve school security in 2014-2015. These include locked doors at all schools immediately after the school day ends and no admittance to our buildings during the school day unless arranged in advance. If your child forgets something at school: please remind them the classrooms will be locked at 4:00 PM. The custodians cannot open them after that time. The building will be opened for scheduled activities, but not the classrooms or the office. Student Release from School: The Indiana Area School Board has adopted policies on the release of a student during school hours. We cannot release a student to any adult other than that student’s parent or guardian. The parent/guardian must come into the school office and “sign out” the student. If a parent/guardian does grant approval for the student to be released to an adult not identified as parent/guardian, a written request is required. Identification may be required from any adult who comes in to take the student off school grounds. The school reserves the right not to release a student to anyone other than the custodial parents if we have received a legal document determining custody. Please remember that all students must be signed in/out in the office. A parent/guardian should not proceed to a classroom – the student will be summoned to the office upon the arrival of the parent/guardian. If the student returns to school following his/her appointment, the parent/guardian must also sign the student “in” at the office. It is important that the school office is made aware of any changes in custody or living arrangements. Custody information must be kept current. If your child may only be released to a certain person or persons, it is critical that school personnel be informed and that we have a copy of the most recent official custody order on file. This information is needed for our professional use only and will be treated confidentially. We would be happy to discuss any questions or concerns that you may have. PLEASE BE AWARE… It is important for your child to attend school on a daily basis. Please review these arrival and dismissal times and what it may mean for your child in these events. Starting time 9:00 AM Dismissal 3:40 PM Arrival between 9:00 AM and 10:30 AM = Tardy Arrival between 10:30 AM and 12:30 PM = ½ day absent. Arrival after 12:30 PM = Full day absent Departure between 11:30 AM and 1:00 PM And NOT returning to school = ½ day absent. Students are not to arrive at school before 8:35 AM. We cannot guarantee supervision for students who arrive early. Scheduled early dismissals are at 12:00 PM. HAS YOUR ADDRESS, E-Mail, OR PHONE NUMBER CHANGED?… Please keep the school informed if there are any changes in your address, e-mail, or telephone number. It is most important that we be able to get in touch with you in case of illness or injury with your child(ren). ATTENDANCE GUIDELINES… Please call the school office (724-463-8567) by 9:30 AM if your child is absent from school. Unless we have had contact with the parent/guardian of an absent student, a phone call will be placed to the home of each absent student. When a child is absent a written excuse from the parent/guardian is required when the student returns to school. The excuse is required within 3 school days following the student’s return. If the reason for the absence is not valid, or the excuse is not submitted within the 3 day limit, the absence will be recorded as unexcused. Excused absences from school are for reasons of illness, recovery from an accident, required court attendance, or death in the family. Requests for approval for educational trips must be made to the principal in writing and in advance. “BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT”… This evening is designed for parents. We will provide an overview of your child’s school program in the classroom. We hope that you will mark your calendar and plan to attend. September 17th (Wednesday) – 6:00-8:00 PM. 6:00-6:30 6:30-7:00 6:30-7:00 7:00-7:30 7:00-7:30 7:30-8:00 Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade 1 Room Presendations 1 Meet & Greet 2 Room Presentations 2 Meet & Greet 3 Room Presentations 3 Meet & Greet No large group presentation will be scheduled for this time. Specialists will be available from 6:00-8:00 to meet with you as your schedule permitts. Time will not be provided this evening for individual conferences. If you would want an individual conference, time can be scheduled at a mutually convenient time. FREE & REDUCED LUNCH APPLICATIONS… MY CHILD’S APPLICATION WAS APPROVED LAST YEAR. DO I NEED TO FILL OUT ANOTHER ONE?... Yes! Your child’s application is only good for that school year and for the first 30 operating days of this school year. You must send in a new application by October 7, 2014 unless the school told you that your child has been directly certified for free meals for the new school year. If a new application is NOT filed by this date, the responsibility is yours for any charges incurred before a new application is approved. We are pleased to inform you that you can now submit Free & Reduced-Priced Meal Applications online by logging onto www.paschoolmeals.com. The application process is quick and easy. This process will require an adult to login and set up an account. Applying online will speed up the determination process and benefits can be utilized sooner. Please remember to include all students in your household on the same application. If you are unable to access the website and would like to complete a paper application, you may print one from www.iasd.cc, pick one up at your child's school or at the administration office located at 501 East Pike, or by calling 724-463-8713 extension 101. Remember all current benefits will expire if a new application is not on file by October 7, 2014. IASD WEBSITE… Keep up with school district news and events on our website at www.iasd.cc THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL MENU… August 26, 2014 Breakfast: Egg & Cheese on a WW English Muffin, 100% Apple Juice Cup, Mandarin Oranges Lunch: Baked Macaroni and Cheese, Garlic Toast Stick, Seasoned Hot Fresh Veggie Medley, Crunchy Red Pepper Strips, Choice of Chilled Fruit, Fresh Fruit or Fruit Juice, and Choice of Milk Alternates: Mini Corn Dog Nuggets, French Bread Pizza, Peanut Butter & Jelly on a Bun SCHOOL PICTURES… East Pike School is scheduled for Monday, September 8th. All students will have their picture taken on this scheduled day. The pictures are guaranteed, and you will receive a refund or a retake if you are not satisfied. Pre-pay envelopes will be sent home with your child the first week of school. Students’ pictures will be taken even if you do not wish to purchase a package, so that every child will appear on their class composite photo. If a student is absent on this date, there will be a picture make-up day, which will be determined by Lifetouch Picture Company. You will be notified of this date. If you would have any concerns or questions with your pictures please contact: Lifetouch at 1-866-955-8342 or mylifetouch.com. BUS ASSIGNMENTS… These will be mailed home. Please DO NOT change buses unless it is urgent. If you must request a change, notify Mr. Springer in writing at least one day in advance. If a child is to travel to another home after school, we will need a note from the parents of both children to assure the safety of your child. Be sure your child rides the bus the first day so that any problems can be identified and corrected as soon as possible. SCHOOL BUSES… Students should be at the assigned bus stop about 5-10 minutes early in case the schedule fluctuates. If your child misses the bus, it becomes your responsibility to see that he or she gets to school. We encourage all students to ride the bus each day so that they do not arrive at school too early or late. Please remind your child about bus safety and bus behavior, as we will do at school. Inappropriate behavior can result in suspension of bus privileges. Should your child be suspended from the bus, it again becomes your responsibility to see that the child gets to school. Please remember that a video camera has been installed on each bus as an aid to monitor behavior. CELL PHONE POLICY. . . On the first day of school, you will receive the IASD Attendance, Behavioral Guidelines and Discipline Policy Handbook. It is important that you read this with your child and understand attendance and discipline policies. Please pay special attention to the cell phone policy. Cell phones must be turned off and remain in students’ backpacks. The last page of the booklet is to be signed by the parent and student and returned to school. Please contact Mr. Springer with any questions. VIDEOTAPES AND PHOTOGRAPHS… During the school year we videotape and photograph many school activities, such as concerts and plays. In addition, student teachers are often required to videotape themselves teaching a lesson. If you have any objection to your child being photographed or videotaped, please write a letter to Mr. Springer as soon as possible. Be sure to include your child’s name. PARTY INVITATIONS… Party invitations may ONLY be distributed at school if every member of the child’s class is invited, (or all the boys in the class for a boy’s party or all the girls in the class for a girl’s party). Children’s feelings are easily hurt when they are not included for these events, so we respectfully ask that parents mail invitations when fewer students are involved. Thank you for your cooperation. SCHOOL DELAYS OR CANCELLATIONS…In bad weather, or for any emergency when school may be closed, delayed, or dismissed early, announcements will be made on the radio and TV. Radio stations announcing this information are: WCCS (1160 AM) and WDAD (1450AM). TV stations are: WTAE (Channel 4) and WPXI (Channel 11). If you are connected to the Internet, go to www.iu28.org/ and click on “Schoolcast” for the latest information on school closings and delays. PLEASE DO NOT CALL THE SCHOOL. We must keep our phone lines open for emergency communications. Be sure to have a back up plan with your children in case of an unscheduled early dismissal. Arrangements should be made ahead of time for emergency childcare if needed. DELAY TO CANCELLATION…Sometimes school is cancelled after a delay has been called. Continue to listen to your radio/TV for updates. 2-HOUR DELAYS…Children who ride buses should report to their bus stop 2 hours later than normal. All children should report to school by 11:00 AM. Breakfast will not be served on days with a delay. Dismissal will be at 3:40 PM, as usual. EARLY DISMISSALS…It is important that parents establish a plan for their children in the event of an unscheduled early dismissal. Your children should know what they are to do if school is dismissed early. It is impossible for us to alert everyone by phone when this happens. With the new auto-dialer system we can now notify parents of an early dismissal. The system will continue to call until it reaches a person. It will not leave a message. PLEASE DO NOT CALL THE SCHOOL. We must keep our phone lines open for emergency communications. NURSE’S CORNER: SOME HELPFUL TIPS TO START OFF THE YEAR! Encourage your child to get enough sleep. At least 10 hours of sleep each night is a good rule of thumb – more sleep is even better if possible. Start the day off with a nutritious breakfast. Remember breakfast is available here at school as well. Provide a nutritious lunch for your child. If your child buys lunch, review the menu together and discuss making wise, healthy selections. Encourage your child to drink water throughout the day to help avoid dehydration, irritated throat, and coughs. Help to keep your child’s stress level down through good communication and consistently reviewing your family’s schedule. Remember to encourage your child to exercise regularly for better heath. Tennis shoes are the appropriate footwear for physical education. Please encourage your child to wear tennis shoes to gym class to avoid foot and ankle injuries. EMERGENCY CARDS… New Emergency Care cards will be sent home with your child. Please review the information for each child. Please sign, date, and return them to school by the end of the first week of school. One card will be for the nurse’s office, and the other card will be for the school office. Be sure to contact the school office if there would be an address or telephone change during the school year. Also, if you would want to change or add the name of the person for us to contact in case of an emergency, please call the office at your earliest convenience. BACK TO SCHOOL BASH… Mark your calendar for the Back to School Bash, an annual event sponsored by area churches, community organizations and individuals. This year’s event will take place Saturday, August 16th in downtown Indiana on Church Street between 6th and 7th Streets. The goal is to provide school supplies to Indiana County families who are experiencing economic difficulties. In addition, the event provides a day of fun-filled family activities, refreshments, clothing, haircuts and the opportunity to obtain valuable information on a variety of child centered topics. To be eligible for this program, students must be from families with incomes at or below 200% of the poverty level. To register, call 724-463-8036. Registration dates are Monday – Friday, August 1-11 from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM. Evening registration hours are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday August 5-7 from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM. PARENTS, PLEASE REMEMBER…if you are planning on picking your child up before the 3:40 dismissal time you will need to provide a note to your child’s teacher and the office. GOING GREEN… East Pike Is GREEN! We are sending our Newsletters and other announcements/flyers to parents/guardians through e-mail. This will allow you to receive news and other information quickly. We are using a secure address so that no one else will be able to have your e-mail address. If you haven’t already done so, we are asking that you fill out the information below so that you can be added to this “new super highway of information.” Please return this to your child’s teacher or send us an e-mail at EPS@iasd.cc If you have any questions/concerns, please call the school office (724-463-8567). SNEAK PEEK… Due to the new grade realignment, we understand there may be some anxiety about the upcoming school year. Therefore, we are having a special “sneak peek” the day before school so you and your child can visit the school and see their classroom. If your teacher happens to be in their room you can meet them too! Please remember this time is NOT for a conference. Many families will be “walking through” and for confidentiality reasons we would not want to discuss personal items at that time. Classroom Visitations will be held on Monday, August 25th from 1:00 – 3:00 PM. Student Name: ____________________________________ Teacher Name: _____________________________________ Your Name: _______________________________________ E-Mail Address: ____________________________________ Please print clearly INDIANA AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT Mission Statement Educating our students to become lifelong learners and responsible citizens in a changing global society. CHARTWELLS SCHOOL DINNING SERVICES… Chartwells School Dining Services is hiring part-time positions in food service. This is an excellent opportunity for parents that would like to make money during the school day. Please stop by the district administration office at 501 East Pike to pick up an application. OH NO…MY CHILD FORGOT TO BRING SOMETHNG HOME…. Please remind your child the classrooms will be locked at 4:00 PM. The custodians cannot open the rooms after this time. Sometimes the building will be open in the evenings for scheduled activities but not the classrooms or the office. East Pike Elementary School Staff Assignments 2014 - 2015 Location Office Office Guidance Office Health Room Custodial Office Name Mr. Donald Springer Mrs. Sherry Bradley Mrs. Nichole Lychalk Mrs. Beth Mauk Mr. Joe Fedor Position__________________ Principal Administrative Assistant Guidance School Nurse Head Custodian B-014 Mrs. Amy McDowell Pre-K Counts B-007 B-009 B-010 B-011 B-012 B-013 Mrs. Mandy Yanoschick Mrs. Karen Morganti Mrs. Erin Snyder Mrs. Claudia Curry Mr. David Sheeran Mrs. Ashley Rosendale Kindergarten Kindergarten Kindergarten Kindergarten Kindergarten Kindergarten B-002 B-003 B-004 B-005 B-008 Mrs. Leigh Heidenthal Mrs. Corine Schrecengost Mr. Jason Stubbe Mrs. Beth Bailey Mrs. Katilyn Reed First Grade First Grade First Grade First Grade First Grade A-001 A-002 A-003 A-004 A-005 Mrs. Deborah Ribblett Mrs. Debra Patterson Ms. Denise Dragich Mrs. Heidi Martel Mrs. Peg Soukup Second Grade Second Grade Second Grade Second Grade Second Grade A-006 A-008 A-009 A-010 A-011 Mrs. Hollee Jones Mrs. Natalie McKee Mrs. Jenna Hawk Mrs. Diana Bennett Mrs. Heidi Higbee Third Grade Third Grade Third Grade Third Grade Third Grade B-001 Art Room Music #1 Music #1 Mrs. Susan Brown Mr. Howard Murray Mrs. Greta Nelson Mr. Scott Salser Mrs. Elizabeth Woods Mrs. Leanne Jack Mrs. Geri Nath Mrs. Jennifer Pino Mrs. Barb Peightal Mrs. Heather Edmonds Mrs. Madeline Rupert Mr. Justin Brode Mrs. Katie Kent Mrs. Jillian Fu Learning Support Art Music Music Enrichment Support Physical Education Librarian Speech and Language Support BCIT Title I Reading Title I Reading Title I Reading ESL Math Coach Gym Library Suite 1 Suite 2 B-3.5 A-007 B-3.75 B-3.75 Class List 2014/2015 K Mrs. Yanoschick B-7 Allison, Will Baker, Ryley Carper, Eliza Cormier, Hazel Gardner, Anna Glaser, Aiden Gray, Kaelin Hoyman, Ashlyn Shick-Ripley, Joel Smith, Liam Templeton, Liam Trevorrow, Daniel Vello, Liliana Walkins, Lauren Weber, Parker K Mrs. Curry Adamsky, Sydney Allen, Jacob Andrascik, Nathan Beatty, Braylon Buterbaugh, Owen Eiselman, Ciara Miller, Chad Orton, Zachery Race, Aiden Scott, Kailla Simms, Aubrey Snead, Isabella Vizza, Micah Yachisko, Dane K Mrs. Morganti B-9 Brendlinger, Alexander Burglund, Lila Cherry, Daniel Conde, Sofia Cusimano, Nico Filkosky, Brody Foulk, Dylon Henderson, Angel Michalek, Mitchell Reiter, Jacob Sedhain, Arnav Szalkowski, Brionna Weber, Julia Williams, Addison B-11 K Mr. Sheeran Ahmed, Tasfia Ahmed, Zara Allison, Tai Allshouse, Cash Barker, Jade Boyle, Adison Camerata, Chloe Ditch, Jack Hozak, Hunter Lewis, Maddelyn Miller, Eva Mukeba, Meshullam Oberdick, Shane Singer, Shane K Mrs. Snyder B-10 Bush, Christopher Campisano, Max Cass, Kaylee Dill-Fernandez, Isabela Fairman, Mariah Herr, William Higgins, Jackson Lichtenfels, Allison Major, Veronica McCabe, Madden Miller, Jamison Soto-Kelly, Adam Yanoschick, Chloe B-12 K Mrs. Rosendale B-13 Ball, Giana Bradosky, Rebekah Clark, Anthony Clark, Ellie Gentile, Angelo Hagerman, Addison Hill, Leannah Jones, Roman Kowchuck, Dominic McHugh, Shane Musser, Mason Myers, John Phillips, Tyler Reed, Joshua Rifendifer, Anna Webb, Kiera 1 Mrs. Heidenthal Allison, Lelise Antonacci, Julia Burkhart, Quinn Fennell, Lance Ferraro, Emily Francis, Evan Frederick, Braden Grove, Morgan Jarvie, Melia Kasun, Dominic Liu, Kevin Lonetti, Dominic Major, Elizabeth Manzek, Andrew Pickerd, Luke Pierce, Isabella Porter, Libby Snead, Benjamin Stewart, Claire Thompson, Ava 1 Mrs. Bailey B-5 Anderson, Sydney Arndt, Kaleb Brown, Alexandrea Cooper, Rowan Cordero, Brayden Grim, Isabella Harper, Katrina Hartnett, Riley Hill, Jeanice Joseph, Trevon Miller, Maddison Miller, Zachary Noronha, Luca Riffer, Evan Runge, Emma Sebring, Mathew Shugart, Josephine Tew, Nicholas VanHoose, Sullavin Weigner, Micah B-2 1 Mrs. Schreceng ost Barker, Emily Barrera, Sweetsage Boyer, Gianna Boyer, Makenzie Bufalo, Trent Cardelli, Chase Evanick, Tyler Henry, Alayna Kunkle, Hunter Long, Eliana Manna, Claire Manzi, Robert Matty, Jackon McGowan, Connor Mohney, Xander Patterson, Andrew Petersen, Bridgette Prikhodko, Sofia Rhoades, Korbin Wyant, Kaitlyn B-3 1 Mr. Stubbe B-4 Aiken, Eli Brendlinger, Dominic Brewer, Zachary Brocious, Drew Canals, Avalyn Ditch, Noble Fanella, Dominic Fleek, Erin Galbraith, Adriana Goodrich, Garrett Isenberg, Gabrielle Louther, Reanna Magolis, Kierce McKenith, Michael Miller, Elena Montgomery, Bryce Peterson, Jayla Webb, Alliyah Webber, Justin 1 Mrs. Reed B-8 Almasri, Abdurrahman Chuhran, Ethan Fields, Lucas Finney, Darian Glambin, Christian Higbee, Jocelynn Ianarelli, Hannah Johnson, Ariella Kugler, Laken Lamantia, Nicholas McFarlane, Graham Mears, Marissa Myers, Meah Perdue, Hayden Rifendifer, Tyler Tomb, Elliot Uschock, Jeremiah Wallace, Sophia Wilson, Brody 2 Mrs. Ribblett A-1 Aljehani, Abdulelah Barnes, Sky Burkhart, Isabella Durante, Hannah Fanella, Nicholas Garrigan, Allei Johns, Coda Johnson, Alexandria Jozefowicz, Abigail Miller, Landon Monk, Ryder Ooten, Katie Pazzaglia, Isabella Putt, Carter Roth, Christopher Rummel, Jack Stewart, Julia Tuazon, Madison Wyant, Jonathan 2 Mrs. Martel Barber, Scout Blystone, Matthew Bowser, Sebastian Boyle, Abigail Grim, Andrew Hunter, Tyler Kugler, Ayla McLaurine, Kaitlyn Nelson, Kara Okopal, Ryan Painter, Jacob Palmer, Abigail Pennington, Hailey Ploskunak, Mason Rubinstein, Olivia Terpis, Adria Wadsworth, Abagail 2 Mrs. Patterson Bradosky, Riley Brandon, Zoe Burch, Abigail Carnahan, Aiden Clawson, Alyssa Clawson, Edan Doyle, Jack Dunsmore, Cora Ghiardi, Brandon Hazley, Vega Henning, Emil Knepper, Samuel Norland, Morgan Robertson, Jaiden Sharbaugh, Tovah Shick-Ripley, Fiona Stillman, Bianca Thomas, Ava A-4 A-2 2 Ms. Dragich A-3 Apkok, Ava Cardelli, Caiden Cowburn, Hannah Davies, Annabelle Ferguson, Xavier Gauntner, Lucas Gill, Rachel Kuzneski, Eve Lin Xu, Matthew McHugh, Ella Mill, Katelynn Mukeba, Marcus Nettleton, Gabriel Oswald, Taylor Shaffor, Damion Stiffy. Angelina Zaczyk, Joplin 2 Mrs. Soukup A-5 Anderson, Lilian Brode, Asher Carr, Callista Cunningham, Maggie Hodgkinson, Kian Hunter, Joseph Kunkle, Adam Miller, Derek Minnick, Gregory Pierce, Aidan Rifendifer, Isabella Robinson, Demetri Sensebaugh, Christian Shirley, Madeline Slagle, Izabella Templeton, Adelae Walker, Bella 3 Mrs. Jones A-6 Abrams, Nevaeh Ball, Jadyn Beatty, Carson Brocious, Evan Cass, Courtney Clemons, Cileigh Cooper, India Emrock, Jocelyn Fisher, James Hamilton, Hayley Hoyman, Jayden Jarvie, Colton Magas, Hailynn Martin, Hunter Noronha, Yana Riffer, Braden Sexton, Hunter Weaver, Kyla 3 Mrs. Bennett Clark, Arabella Duffee, Maddox Gallagher, Victoria Gillham, Alexander Gillham, Grant Jones, Wade Lockard, Ash Long, Ella Mears, Alaina Medvetz, Katarina Mock, Carter Sharbaugh, Zoe Snead, Bradley Sufka, Hayden Taylor, Gavin Wilson, Lauren Zimmerman, Reed 3 Mrs. McKee A-8 Baker, Ryder Bennett, Wesley Boyer, Cassandra Burglund, Ava Cochran, Benjamin Cochran, Reisse Cook, Gracie Lohr, Teona Long, Hadley Mansfield, Samuel Mill, James Minnick, Garret Mukeba. Celine Smith, Trevor Sparks, Dakota Todd, Trevor Weigner, Noah Whitstyne, Dymond Zaczyk, Gabriel A-10 3 Mrs. Hawk A-9 Beere, Breana Buterbaugh, Anna Clawson, Brooke Crook, Ryan Druschel, Nathan Kobak, Andrew Lee, Margaret Masengale, Emma McCabe, Mason Methven, James Michele, Cassandra Myers, Jaiden Oswald, Danielle Putt, Wilson Sharbaugh, Eva Stoker, Bradly Sullivan, Noah Williamson, Da’leisha 3 Mrs. Higbee A-11 Antonacci, Isabella Bradley, Jacob Conjelko, Marina Davis, Natalie Detwiler, Mackenzie Frederick, Haydn Gittings, Caleb Helman, Caleb Kadash, Aurora Kowchuck, Anthony Kuzneski, Tess Lavely, Riley McGee, Andrew McGill, Marcus Mock, Kamron Redinger, Tristan Trevorrow, John Weber, Charles Williams, Trinity Volume 1, Issue 1 August/September 2014 Edition Make a Difference. Help us go the Distance! Join East Pike Horace Mann PTA! East Pike Horace Mann Be sure to turn in your membership forms. The classroom with the highest percentage of family member membership by November 1st will win a special snack for their classroom. PTA Membership is $6.00/person Refunding Make checks payable to “East Pike Horace Mann PTA” We are participating in the following programs: Membership forms can be found: At www.eastpikehoracemannpta.weebly.com/ By request from Elizabeth McFarlane (eamcfarlane@hotmail.com) Calendar of Events/Deadlines Like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/eastpikehorancemannpta Date Aug 26 Sept1 Sept 10 Sept 17 Septe18 Event/Reminder Location/Time First Day of School No School PTA Meeting 6:30PM East Pike Cafe Back To School Night East Pike Back to School Night Horace Mann 6 to 7:30 PM Events tentatively planned. Always stay up to date online at: www.facebook.com/eastpikehorancemannpta http://eastpikehoracemannpta.weebly.com/ Find us at: http://eastpikehoracemannpta.weebly.com/ Elizabeth McFarlane President 724-357-9602 eamcfarlane@hotmail.com Jenn Boyer Vice President 724-465-2833 jboy011383@gmail.com Sarah Brown Vice President 724-801-8422 paulandsarah07@gmail.com Kammie Cooper Recording Secretary 724-427-5266 kamcoop5@gmail.com Kristi Clark Financial Secretary 814-243-4437 kjclark86@hotmail.com Tanja Petersen Treasurer 724-463-7790 tanja.petersen@gmail.com IASD 2014-2015 TESTING, MEASUREMENT, AND INDIVIDUAL APPRAISAL PROGRAM Test Administered Grade Level K-12 Purpose W-APT Throughout the year upon enrollment Phelps Kindergarten Readiness Scale Spring Speech/Language Screening January/February DIBELS & Number Knowledge Test Periodically according to RtII K-2 Assessment of progress in reading and math concepts Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA’s) CRT’s Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Fall, Winter, Spring (2 or 3 times) Fall, Winter, Spring (2 or 3 times) 1-3 K K-5 Assessment of Reading Growth Classroom Diagnostic Tests On going 6-12 On-line diagnostic tests in Math, Language Arts, Social Studies and Science Keystone Exams (Winter) Wave I Algebra I, Biology, Literature December 3-17 7-11 Keystone Eligible Content/Retakes Keystone Exams (Spring) Algebra I, Biology, Literature May 13-27 7-11 Keystone Eligible Content/End of Course Assessment PSSA English Language Arts April 13-17 3-8 PSSA Mathematics April 20-24 3-8 Assessment of Writing achievement and Reading comprehension Assessment of Math concepts/problem solving PSSA Science April 27-May 1 PSSA Make-ups (ELA, Mathematics, Science) May 4-8 PASA – PA Alternate System of Assessment TBD ACCESS for ELLs (WIDA) January 26 – March 6 Career Cruising Fall 3-8, 11 4 and 8 K-12 ESL students 10, 11 Redi Step (formerly DAT) Fall 9 AGS Grade + (Group Reading & Diagnostic Evaluation) HEALTH SCREENING: Medical Exam (Private or at school) Dental Exam (Private or at school) Body Mass Index Vision, Height, Weight Hearing Test Scoliosis Screening Spring Life Steps Screenings Fall PreK To determine need for OT, PT, Speech and/or Autism services Assessment Status Reports/Child Outcomes Report/Creative Strategies Fall/Winter/Spring Prek Assessment of the following categories: SocialEmotional, Physical, Language, Cognitive, Literacy, Mathematics, Science & Technology, Social Studies, the Arts, and English Language Acquisition as necessary Prior to entrance 2 4 and 8 3-8 Title I Students Screening tool to determine English as a Second Language needs Assessment of readiness skills; Title I identification Assessment of speech and/or language difficulties Measures progress over time in reading, math, and language arts Assessment of Science achievement All Make-ups Measures the attainment of knowledge and skills of students with cognitive disabilities (IDEA ’97) Assessment of English language acquisition Career Exploration Assessment of reading, writing and math skills to determine early indicators of PSAT/SAT success To determine growth in vocabulary, comprehension & listening skills During school K or 1, 6, 11 K or 1, 3, 7 K – 12 K – 12 K – 3, 7, 11 6, 7 Note: Dates may be subject to change. Rev. 7/22/14 JB/bb INDIANA SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TICKET INFORMATION FOR HOME EVENTS PRE-SALE STUDENT FOOTBALL TICKETS RESERVED SEAT FOOTBALL TICKETS ADMISSION FEES FAMILY DISCOUNT PROGRAM ADULT SEASON PASS During the week of all the home varsity football games, students will have the opportunity to purchase pre-sale student tickets only for $2.00 in the main office. There are NO student tickets sold at the gate. If students do not purchase advance tickets at the cost of $2.00, they will pay $5.00 at the gate. Adults are to purchase general admission tickets at the gate or at the Senior High Athletic Office at the cost of $5.00. All home football games are scheduled on the following dates and will start at 7:00 p.m.: Friday, August 29 vs. Mars Friday, September 12 vs. Yough (Pee Wee and Jr. High Football/Cheerleader Recognition Night) Friday, October 3 vs. Elizabeth Forward (Homecoming and Pre-game Sr. Salutes – Boys’ and Girls’ Golf, Girls’ Tennis, Cross-Country) Friday, October 17 vs. Knoch (Sr. Salute) Reserved seat tickets can be purchased at the Sr. High Athletic Office prior to each home game or at the ticket office the night of the home football game. Cost per seat/per game is $6.00. ADMISSION FEES FOR IHS SPORTING EVENTS: The following are the admission fees: Varsity Football Student – pre sale only Varsity Football Reserved Varsity Football at Gate – all general admission JV/Varsity Volleyball JV/Varsity Volleyball JV/Varsity Soccer (evening and Saturday) JV/Varsity Soccer (evening and Saturday) Jr. High Football – 9th grade only (evening) Jr. High Football – 9th grade only (evening) JV/Varsity Basketball JV/Varsity Basketball Varsity Wrestling Varsity Wrestling $2.00 $6.00 $5.00 $4.00 Adult $2.00 Student $4.00 Adult $2.00 Student $2.00 Adult $1.00 Student $5.00 Adult $2.00 Student $4.00 Adult $2.00 Student FAMILY DISCOUNT PROGRAM: The family discount program will be offered at a rate of $10.00 per event (varsity football reserved seating not included). Families MUST obtain a discount card and purchase tickets IN ADVANCE at the Sr. High Athletic Office. NO family discount cards/tickets will be available at the ticket office. The tickets are valid for single games/events as designated: Football Freshman Football (evening only) JV/Varsity Volleyball JV/Varsity Soccer (evening and Saturday only) JV/Varsity Basketball Varsity Wrestling ADULT SEASON PASS: Varsity Football, JV/Varsity Girls' Basketball, and JV/Varsity Boys' Basketball: An adult season pass will be offered at a rate of $4.00 per home game. Passes MUST be purchased at the Sr. High Athletic Office IN ADVANCE. NO passes will be sold at the ticket office. Passes are good for only designated athletic events. An adult varsity football season pass will be offered at a rate of $4.00 per home game = $16.00 The boys’ and girls’ basketball season pass rate will be determined prior to the season. For questions or additional information, please contact Darla Mathe, Administrative Assistant at 724-463-3530 or via email at dmathe@iasd.cc
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