volume xxxii. columbus, ohio, saturday, march 17
volume xxxii. columbus, ohio, saturday, march 17
d by and for the Ohio Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb. VOLUME XXXII. THE DREAMER AND THE TOILER. I am tired of plnnninK and Vi.iliiij; In the crowded hived of men ; Ilosrt-wearv (if Ijiiililinir mill spoiling An. I xpoilin>rH>id lniiMiiitf ftKHJn; Ami I lonit for the dear old river Where 1 dreamed my youth uwiiy Fora dreamer lives forever, And a toiler 'lion in n day. COLUMBUS, OHIO, SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 190C. have no son, and Phil shall be one of your heirs. He will take hold here and run the store fur you. and whim you urn gone, he, civn have it to him gulf.' That was my intention, pnrwn but I have been wofully disappoint ed. You might as well expect « pump to run this store us Phil. lit is ullerly worthless." NUMBER 24. ride with you, Phil," said the minis- there was a crash. The insecure Current Items. ter, when the wagon was ready. spout bud given way, and Phil was "I shall be glad to have you, -ir," hurled violently to the ground. There are \~2~i co-operative hanka replied the boy, respectfully. When the boy recovered his senses, And, together, they drove down the he found himself in the best bed in in MHNfcachusetts, with assets of |2",« main street of the village. the/ house, and his uncle and aunt 000,000. It was a strangling village, and were hanging over him. A bomb weighing about seventy when the pout office and tavern and He opened his eyes in wonder, and pounds explodes into a shower of the lew stores were left behind, the then the, events of the lire came bac 1200 pieces. 1 am nick of the showy Of a I iff that JN luilf 11 lip, to him. "Hut be doesn't refuse to work houses w«re few and far between. Electrical power ran be transmitted Of the faces lined with They bad gone hut a few rods, "Tossie?'' he asked earnestly. "1 with profit eighty mile* and used as does he?" asked ibe minister. In tin- thronn thai InirticH by. "Oh, no! Ha does wbat 1 tell bin: when ill" be.ll in thechurch began to she safe?" l-'rom the sleeplenii ISmuhtM endeavor steam is used. "Yes, safe and sound, thanks t I woiilil «<> where the children |>hiy to do; but that in all. It' 1 tell bin ring violently. The Balfour extension of the Cana"Fire ! fire'.'" For a dremner lives forever, your bravery. You rushed in just i to tie up a bag of sugar, he will do dian Pacific is about being started, And H thinker dieH in u day. The cry was taken up, and in an tune. The spout gave way while yo it; but thai isn't what I expected, I and will cost *.'.00,(XK». hoped that he would jump in and instant the street was filled with peo- were sliding down it, and you bad I can feel no pride, hut pity France makes nearly 2(1,000,000 For the hiirdpns the lirh endure ; terrible fall." take charge lift the work oil' my ple. There in ni>lhii>K Kweet in Uie city pairs of gloves yearly, and of these Up on a little hill of}' to the l«ff, a "But the house did not burn?" shoulders. I have earned my ease Hut the pHtient lives of the |.oor, column of smoke was curling upward. "No, the fire did not get beyond th 1*,(X.)0.000 pairs are exported. but there is no rest for me." Oh, the little (muds too nkillltil, "It is my uncle's houce !''exclaimA search- light fire engine, the first ell. There., Phil, try to go to slee] And the child-mind choked with weeds, "Quite likely the boy in out of his The lUuiihter's heart grown wilful. ed Phil, excitedly, as he started the We must look out for you now." ot its kind ever built, has been tried "lenient." Alld the father's heart that bleeds. horse into a gallop. The boy turned his head on hi in N'-w York, and is a success. "Yea-a-s; it is quite likely,' Women deserted their kitchens and pillow. N". no; from the street's rude hustle, Nearly all th« progressive railroads Kroin the trophit'K, ir -in unit »ml Mage, drawled Mr. Turner. "It isn't bis men their work. All hastened after "Never mind me. I am glad littl are abandoning wooden cars and element to work, that in certain. I would fly to (he wood'* lo* rustle thu wagon ; but Phil did not seethem. Tossie is safe, but never mind me And the meadow's kindly page. He. wants to l>n one of these electrical His eye.s were on the bous>< on the I'm no account. I wouldn't be ver adopting the steel built structures. Let us dream HH of yore by the rivei, The advanced price of turpentine, fellows. 1 ' bill, from one of the windows of much missed," he murmured. And be loved for the dream alwav resin, and naval stores is making "Electrical what?" queried the which the smoke was beginning to For the dreamer livew forever, "Why, Phil, what do you mean? hundreds of Florida producers rich. minister. Hut the toiler dies in a dny. burst in a black cloud. asked his aunt,while his uncle looke ' During the month of January "It IB in the ell," he »aid. "Little at the sutl-rer with a pained expres "Why, he's all the time fooling Clyde shipbuilders launched :>1',740 with electricity or something or oth- Tossio is up there. If any harm SIOll. tons of shipping, the largest since That Good-For-Nothing Boy. er. He got some wire and ran it should come to her, it would break! "I am only a good-for nothing, from the house to the liarn. Then he my uncle's heart." j am sorry I have been such a trial t IIV CHAHI.KS II IIKI'sTIS. A surveying party has started to ToBsio, the flaxen-haired daughte you all." hitched some queer little things on "Pbil," replied Ins uncle, gravel} survey an electric mad from Salt "I fell you, parson. the boy is each end of it, and when I went out of Mr. Turner, was the joy of he Lake City all the way to Ogden, worthless. He is useless to ftimself, to the barn he told me to put my ear lather. No one, knew better thai "did you bear those cruel word"? was a little angry when I said them Utah. to it, and I could hear him talk at Phil bow he adored her. to me, and to everybody else." "It would kill him!" cried th but I didn't mean them, indeed, In (Ireat Britain, last year, there "You surprise me, Mr. Turner. the other end. Well, bang me if he minister. didn't "Hurry, were do 711 striken, and it is estimated it, Phil!" too! didn't. He Can called you it ever a teleforgive me fo From wbat I have seen of Phil, I got that 1.">,0< 0,000 days were lost to The barrel of flour rolled arouiu saying them?" the impression that he was a well- phone. Then he rigged up some mor« workmen. "But it is true, uncle. I know wires all over (be house and culled in the wagon until it burst open th meaning lad." them a burglar alarm. If any one backboard and fell to the ground have been of little use to you, but Cavalry cover four miles an hour "No, h«'a a good-for-nothing." should open a door or window, Thus lightened, the wngon will try harder now." when walking, nine miles an hour Aud the good for-nothing sat at a bell would go off and everybody ina :he street as it had never t<>realoii| "No; not in the store, you won't. when trotting, fifteen miles an hour done be dingy desk in a little backroom of the house would know it. My wife fore. It turned from (he main stree "Why, uncle, what do you mean? galloping. the country grocery store, and started the thing off one night and I and took the road to the left. And Phil looked inquiringly iut< Pennsylvania factory inspectors reheard his uncle's harsh words. haven't got over shaking yet." In a few moments it bud dashei Mr. Turner's face. port 2,228 accidents last year, three"I'll have the barrel of flour tent "I mean that my eyes have beet fourths of which were due to careless"Well." said the minister, after 8 up the driveway, and Phil jumped t< up this afternoon, parson that is, if time, "I don't know what The parion is right. . ness. you think he ground before the horse hac opened I can get that boy here long enough about it; but ilthat hoy was mine,and come to a half. don't believe you are fitted for tha The union laboring classes of Sato roll it info the wagon. Let me he wanted to study electricity Mrs. Turner was running up and kind of a life, and I was too selfish.' vannah, l>a., are organizing a general see; ten pounds of sugar, I think you could afford it, he should do it.andNo1 down before the door, calling upoi "And you mean "cried Phil, hie strike, iu which every trade is expect>aid. I'll put it right up for you doubt (bat i* just what Phil would one to save her child. face brightening with expectancy. Granulated, 1 suppose?1 ' I mean that I have decided to le' ed to join. "Ob, Phil, Phil, she will be burn like to do, and if he could be educat"If you please. Wbat is the mat- ed in that direction, Although the Transvaal is 1,000 you go to school, if you wish, anc ed!" she cried, as her eyes fell upoi he might ter with Pbil? He isn't vicious, I able to make a mark in the world."b the boy. fool around with all the, telephones miles nearer the equator, the tembojw." The fire was confined to the ell, &<: and burglar alarms that you wish perature averages much lower than "Oh,yes! there's doubt he wouU "Ob, no, rot vicious simply lazy, like it fast enough ;nobut addition which Mr. Turner had re- If you make a success of it, all right at Cape Town. in my lam out of nil patience with him." ion it is a foolish waste of time an< cently made to the bouse. There but if you don't, the old store is still Co-operative factories in Great "Perhaps ibitt can be cured," sug money. I never wanted to fool will w«re two rooms on the second floor open to you. Britain last year made profits aggreI'nclel" gested the minister. gating over $1,000,000, on a capital one of which was Tossie's play-room. lightning and things like that, "No, I'm afraid not," said the store have worked bard, There! not a word. Lie still and f $11,000,000. und I want Pbii ti Without a word, Pbil rubbed up lh< keeper will a dubious shake of bis do the same. Only lazy people foo front stuirs, the only means of com jo to sleep, or you will never get in The extraordinary demand forcoke head. uway their time on such new-fanglei municatioii with the ell, and hastily condition to try it." las started the erection of ^00 coke "Perhaps this town is too small for notions ss burglar alarms. Why took in the situation. And in spitu of his bruises, Phil vens at Masoutown. Pa., in the Conhim." The tlames were now licking U| smiled in his happiness, and obey- lellsville region. there hasn't been a burglary iu Fair "Yes, that's it,' 1 repeated Mr. Tur- lamb since I can remember." the further end of the nearest room, ed. Golden />uu«. The gas manufacturers in the gas ner, with a vigorous nod. "He ba«j The minister smiled. and were rapidly making their way jelt of ludixna are about being proalways lived in Philadelphia. As "I will talk to Phil, if you like through into the back room. lieeeded against under the anti statute Cost of the Paris Exposition. you know, bis mother died five years Mr. Tinner, and see wbat I can make tween him and little I'o^sie was a n trusts of Indiana The funds for the exp-nge of »be ago, aud when his father died last out of him." sheet of tire. In Virginia, a company has been exposition are derived chiefly from year, I brought the boy up here. My Phil hesitated only a moment "I wish you would, parson, and if brother was smart enough, but he you can make anything out of him, Then, running into a bedroom, be ive sources: the subsidy of the Re- ormed to make artificial marble of ipeitt about all the money he made it is more than I cau do. Phil! Phil! snatched a blanket and sheet, and, >ublic, twenty million fianc.i; the milk of lime, salt and marsbnjallow iot, together with cement. and left none for Phil. Well, as 1 where are you?" throwing these over his bend, made ubsidy of the City of Puns, twenty uillinu francs; advances by the Bank Preparations are being made for an aid, I brought Phil here and put The boy, who had been sitting at a da-iI) into the fllames. It was him lo work in the store. But be in the desk in the back room, scratch- puickly doue, but his clothes were on f France, to be repaid out of the ad- xpansion of rice culture in Texas. a failure, a dead failure, aud I am ing in an account book, bad heard fire when he bad reached the further uicsion receipt*, thirty million n one county al<>ne the acreage will ratio*; the sale of tbree million two e increased by 7,000, this year. sadly disappointed." very little of the conversation. His room. A commerical bureau like the "How old is Phil?" Quickly smothering the little undred HIH! titty thousand bonds at uncle's words, "He's a good-for-nothweuty francs each at popular sub- biladelphia one has been establish"(ioing on sixteen, I believe." bad stung him to the quick. lames, be looked for Tossie. There cription, million francs; ed in Berlin, for the particular pur"Perhaps he would do better in 11, bis bend on his bai.ds, she lay, stretched out on the floor, ie sale of sixty-five concessions and privileg. pose of developing Oriental trade. overcome IODIH other business." with the amoke, which was *nd instinctively his thoughts went es, and of the buildings and other "Yes, perhaps be would that is, back to big old home in the city. hokutg in its density, and utterly There are thirteen possessors of material after the Exposition is over if bo didn't have to work. 1 tell you He- hud early developed a ta«le for hereditary titles in Canada seven estimated at five million franca; a 'be boy id lazy. Work never burl the study of electricii y. H'\d h« was It was terribly hot in that room. lords and six baronets. Of nonanybody yet. Why, do you see this about to enter a scientific school I'he fire was spreading all over it, and total of one hundred and forty mil. hereditary, titles (knights) Canada lion francs, or somewhat more limn *hen his father died. Hebad brought 1*hil could hardly breathe. It was can boast of thirty-two. Mr. Turner paused in his process his books to FairlHinli with him, and mpossibleto return through the door twenty-seven million dollars. The The people of Seattle say that withbonds in question ar" not to be reof wrapping up the sugar in a brown n-a.) all the scientific papers that with little Tossie in her almost life in a year not a pound of food prodeemed, the inducement to their purPiper bag and waved his band a' ran- found their <*ay In ib i» town ; ess condition. The only means of chase consisting of the double privi- ducts west of the Mississippi will be dom. escape was the window, and already but bin life was an mibHppv one, leges of the holders fo participate in shipped East, but will go to Asia by The minister turned aud looked Totally unfit for work in the store, the flames were beginning to ignite twenty-nine drawings for four thous- way of the Pacific coast. Wound him as he had done a hundred he bad sirtiggled bravely on to please its sash. The famous shot fired in the jubitimes before. What he saw was a his uncle, hut hit heart WHS no! in With the rapidity of thought, Phil and three hundred and thirteen priztypical country store, with a counter hid work, and be knew Unit IIH wan tore the sheet into halves and tied es of an aggregate value of six million lee year of Queen Victoria from a for dry goods running down one side a failure without being told. Still, the strips together. Then, wrapping francs, to be derived from interest on twenty-two ton gun, to ascertain how *ud a counter for groceries on the his uncle's words hurt him, and he the blanket around the little girl, be the fund, and of reduced fares on all Far a shot could be carried, remain?tber, with barrels and boxes stand- could not suppress the tears that made the improvised rope fast to it, railroads, as well as from Mediter- ed in the air <><JJ seconds. The Minneapolis mills are turning and lowered her out of the window. ranean and French colonial ports, to ing arouud in confusion. He saw sprung to his eyes. out 2,300 cars of flour every week, and In a moment glad shouts told of the aud from the exposition. Ex. '"erything at a glance, and then "Phil ! I nay, Phil !" there is a constant fight between Ibe 'urned to the storekeeper ouce more His uncle was calling again, and safety of his little charge. He had saved Tossie, but could he Thirty-two miles ot snow sheds, bicago and St. Paul lines over which "Well, everything here is mine." he jumped down from his high stool save himself? There was no place costing $64 a foot, or a total of 110,- road gets the bigger share of the continued Mr. Turner, after a pause. and went out into the store. to hitch the rope, and there was no 813,440, represents the price one 'reighta. "Coming, uncle." "I have got this stock together after time, even if there had beeu. Clutch- transcontinental railwav had to pay In the province of Oudh, British "Well, I should say it was about h'fd work. I have been at it all my d»y«, just aa my father did before time. Where have you been loafing ing the burning sash, he lowered him- oefore it could run its trains over the india, the population per square mil* °"9- 1 have doue fairly well, ami now? Here, roll a barrel of Hour self out, aud hung swinging in the ilocky Mountain division of its road. s 522, compared with 120 in New hve made some money. When I into the wagon aud take it and this air. A wooden spout ran down by Since that first outlay f 1,000,000 baa York and less than 9 iu Texas at the brnught Phil here, I said to myself, sugar over to Parson Parley's house." the aide of the window, aud grasping >een spent annually iu keepiug the atest Federal census. Room for expansion iu our own broad acrei "If you have uo objection, I will this, he slid downward. Suddenly sheda free from mow, "ow you cau take your ease. You FROM AUSTRALIA. anchor, the yachts, all gnily decorat i (V ed with coloured flags, passed in "In 1.4'ltvlnK <>T TriiopN for Ilii* Mri-nti <>r (linn file" and saluted the Sunbeam Homo time ago her put dog hit a Witr—llnvli l'hi'» Sundry llciiii. We learn from the papers that In the meantime the contingen little* child, so according lo law it rttBI.ISIIKII KVKKV SATCRIIAV AT TH« Is not the present English-Boer arrived at the pier and passed under Mr. Hoy has been reserved by the was shot. The father of the child learning of Helen's grief gave her a war dreadful? It will he a long war- an arch on one side of which was the American League Club of St. Paul. good sum of money to purchase an fare, the most terrible that Africa has encouraging sentence, "Victoria's Mrs. Miller went to Goldsboro last _ __ other dog just like thi one she lout, ever Keen, as the Boers are good shots sons will do their duty," and on the Entered «t the Pout Office in Colnmbni |)ut Helen could not he comforted and will not tight in the open fields other side, "God Speed and Au Monday. Mr. Miller went as far n» as gecomi-clags mail matter. with money. She said there were nr. but in the wild bush. Many people Kevoir but not Good Bye," these be Greensboro with her. Kelly, N. C. more dogs lik« her pet. The money think that thn Boers are in the right, ing the final emblems shown on the Messenger. EDITOR she gave to Tommy Stringer. Helen and are in sympathy with them. I march. Patriotic songs were sung ROBERT PATTKKSON, The Washington correspondent of think this war would have never been mingled with "bravos"and"hoorays.' in now at Kmlclill" College. involved if they hud kept their prom- Women many laughing and ninny the Journal states that he has heard Tins paper ia published a* a means of ise to England that equal rights sobbing shook hands with every that Mr. Hoy has signed with the FHOM the Dayton Kreniny Herald should be given to all white people imparting industrial instruction to a iiuintrooper as he passed and stepped on Pittsburg team. ner »f |>upils of tlit' School. It aims to of the (ith iiint: in the Transvaal. England saved the hoard the vessel. With further cheer, furnish interesting and iimlructive reailiii); The Rev. A. W. Mann officiates in A successful experiment was trie Boers when they were in danger of "The Girl I left Behind Me" ringing 'or anil to encourage a hnbil of reailhi); IIOIIK our pupils and deaf subscribers, at the Central Boiler House las being crushed out by savages and in the soldiers ears, the vessel the Sunday-school room of Chnct ,11 I to l>e u iiiediiini of communication evening in the triatter of heating gav» them their independence back. moved out from the pier. As it Church, Springfield, on Monday evenlii'Mveen the school and piirentH and friends There are some people who think bore them away further from their of pupils now in the Institution, those who Chief Engineer Thomas P. Kvasis war wrong under any circumstances ; beloved native land, they strained to ing, March 19tb, at 7:30 o'clock. werr formerly pupils, and all who an1 in- assisted by Night Kngine«r Josep terested in the education of the deaf. Dowling, and Veteran Michael Out) there are others who think it justi- see the last of their relations, friends We are glnd to know Bro. Deem Subscription is Seventy-live Cents per attached an Evans Duplex Oil Burn fiable nnib r certain circumstances; and sweethearts. Then the Sun- has fully recovered from an attack M'lviol year payable in advance. Subscrip- er to one of the SO-liorse power boiler and still others who think it a great beam came and sailed along with of the lagrippe and is again writing tions may commence at any time. and turned natural gag through it and glorious thing. I come under the vessel amid the booming of can- editorials for the Deaf-Mute Voice. Subscriber* failing to receive their papers Though the connecting pipes wer the second category, though it seems nons. May our boys return to us Wis. Times. regularly will please n tify us that ui'g- small only half inch the resul to me inhuman, and I don't see any safe and sound. takes may be promptly corrected. GeneralThe Rev A. W. Mann will ofliciaU It is now proposed to send a corps ly papers are stopped upon expiration of was most satisfactory. Perfect com glory in it. I only wish all such at St. John's church, Youngsfown.on disputescould be settled by arbitraMihsrription, unlesit otherwise ordered. bustion WHS produced. the (lame b of 1000 bushmen to South Africa. The date on each subscriber's label is the ing as blue as the deepest natnra tion, but 1 do net think the time will A fund IIHS been started for the pur- Monday, March 26th, at 7:30 p. ID.; time when the subscription rung out. color of mi Italian skv. The liea soon be ripe for it. pose and has alreadv amounted to and at St. Paul's Church, Canton, on Correspondence is invited on matterd WMS intense,and Chief Evans believe Last October Australia sent a over C-'<>,000. Sir John Madden, pertaining to the deaf. Communications that another improvement has beet contingent of abot:t 1,000 men to Lieutenant Governor, assumed oflice he following day, at the same hour. mutt l>e accompanied by the full iMine ans made in the method of securing the South Africa to fight for the Queen, in succession to Lord Brassev, as we '.SI vs. '89. Our Boer friend, A. H. addresg of the writer. greatest possible heat with the great so did New Zealand and little Tas- will not have a new governor till Schorv, has been having it out with Address all communications to est possible economy of fuel. By lh' mania, but they sent a small con- Australia is federated which will prob bis rooibalje colleague, C. W. THK OHIO CHKON1CI.K. use of the oil burner for the double tingent each. Last month the sec- ably be in a few mouths. There ie a Charles, in a great debate before the CoLl'MBl'll, OHIO. purpose of consuming oil or gas, ; ond contingent, nearly all mounted dispute about the site of the federal Clionian Society, and suffered the change to either fuel can he mad rifles, and also a medical corps, capital, but the Federal Parliament fate that is predicted for his compaSaturday, March 17, IQOO. without any appreciable loss of time tnbarked for Africa nmid a scene will sit in Melbourne until the cap! triots. Buff and Blue. or heat. Besides, Mie present heat- of popular enthusiasm which even tal is decided upon. Mr. E. I. Holycross has in his ing surface beimath the boilers is surpassed the demonstrations at the Bush fires appeared early in the For the Home. sufficient fur the use of either oil or departure of (lie first contingent. northern part ot the colony, but were home a handsome writing desk which Clara Linj;le. Dayton .. .......... f 25 gas, wheras if it should be necessary The Governor ami Ludv Brassey extinguished by rain within a fort- came together with au order for 1UO to burn cowl a portion of the brick- ook their departure from the colony night after having destroyed some How It Strikes Him. work would have to he removed. An >n the same day as the second Yic- homesteads, cattle, thousands of cakes of Lurk in soap for ten dollars. contingent. The unique iicreg uf grass, and miles of fencing. He i<* well pleased with the preMr. \V. \Va<le, of (Ukiunnt, I'a, oil burner for the use ot gas is a new oriau 'double event" was witnessed by a A few persons were "caught" and mium. Another deaf-mute is talkthing under a boiler as well a* unwho has an inexhaustible fund of denser crowd than has ever probably rousted to death. With almost un- ing of taking a Morris chair with common sense, thus writes to the der the eun. men aeon in the streets of Melbourne. failing regularity bush fire come his order. Kentucky Standard: I'lease excuse one who has not the first \Vnii.K in Columbus last week The forenoon was occupied at Gov- along every summer and devour idea of the relative advantage* of oral or Miss K M. Browning was at the deat rnment Hous<» (the residence of the everything before them and gen A handsome baby carnage was combined education of the deaf, in stating iovernor) by a farewell levee, and Hilly disappear in three months. I delivered at the residence of Mr. and and dumb institute, and saw little liiv experience. AH the Mt. Airy World well said, there are some persons whose Leslie Oreu and his teacher, Miss lit the barracks on the oilier side of can never forget my terrible experi- Mrs. Harry Bard last Saturday afterlips cannot be read to which 1 would par- Lyons. The child is mbkingremarkx- he road, by the less formal and more ence with the great fire two years noon having the following carl atenthetically add "by many." and I seem hie progress with his studies. He (inching leave Inking* of the troops ago. It ia still fresh in my mind. tn be one of that number. Hut one person tached to it: "For Mrs. Katie Wait. 'he streets where the procession We had a violent storm some time ever read my lips, Mrs. Mann, and speaks several words with distinct- marched were gav with Hags and ago. Since then we have enjoyed the I Compliments |of the State Bindery simulated by my remark that she nag the ness, and by means of signs in the only deaf person who ever could do that, palms of his hands he and his teacher mhlnms which flowed from the wet weather and would not object t and Friends." Mrs. Wait was comseveral deal ladies tried it at Columbus am* communicate readily. He dresses windows. The display of different it for a few more days, but I believe pletely taken by surprise and greatly every one failed. At Northampton lust lags was interesting. For instance, summer, the one who carne the nearest himself with the exception of tying tie I'riion Jack flapped familiarly we are in for a spell of hot weathe affected by the kind gift. again. wax a pupil (or ifradiiatej of the Hartford his shoes, and whm Miss Browning school, the next, a pupil at (ialluudet, arid saw him was engaged in writing his gainst the Stars and Stripes, while Miss Graham (deaf) is going home Mrs. Simon Kingry made her lirft the tbirj a pure oralist, a graduate of the first letter. He is a merry, mischiev- lie Rnval Standard and the Southern with her sisters for a trip. (The visit to Columbus for eleven weekClarke school. Now as the only successJross fluttered together. word "home" means England, ou ful reader, and the first and second ap- ous, dear little hoy, and the state is last Saturday, looking well and comThe street from the barracks to mother country.) They intend to gr proaches to success at Northampton, knew doing a great work in bringing him ie bridge, the entrance to the city, pletely recovered from her late illto the Paris Exposition and then trav all the usual modes of communication bv out from under the cloud of deafness the deaf, tind as no less limn three special- and blindness to an appreciation of lined with troop* and cadets el on the Continent for two or three ness. Her friends say she was unly skilled pure oralint* failed utterly, as far The windows and verndah tops were years. usually spry during her visit. Xo as I can see, knowing the manual alpha- life and love and all good things. alive with humanity. People throng Mr. Overend of Brisbane is also go doubt it did her good to be in the city Miss Browning aUo saw little Leon bet and using it cannot seriously impair the ability to read from the lips I sup- Jones, one of the brightest children ed the streets nil day. By the time ing to the Paris Exposition. again. She expects to stay closely at p.we I am not very exceptional in theditti- in the school, and he told her he was the cannon tired, announcing that DAISY. cultiea 1 present to lip readingthe Governor had left Government \Varburton, Victoria, Jan. 28th, 1900. home for a few weeks frjm now ou learning to be a printer. We recent ly saw a letter from him to IIM Houfe and that the procession had watching her incubator. Meeting of Board of Home Managers. mother, and we really doubt if any started, they were crammed and From Hiss Mary C. Bogle. The long-expected job press arAt a meeting of the Hoard of child of his age in Wi'mington, with finally choked. Shortly afterwards By permission of Superintendent there came a State carriage contain rived at the Deaf World office WedManagers held Feb 2ti'h, to fill va- all his senses, could have written and E S. JOIIH', we publish the following and exdressed himself so well. The ing Lord and Lady Brassey. their nesday afternoon. Simultaneously cancies ou the Board, the following institution has just completed a daughter and Lord Richard Nevill, letter to friends at the Home: Mr. George Martin dropped his comnew members were elected and have beautiful new school building on the surrounded by an escort. As soon TACOMA, WASH , Feb 28,1900. posing stick, and departed for Piqua, accepted : Messrs. A. B Greener and grounds. They employ forty teach- as the spectactors caught sight of DEAR KKIK.NDS: This last }ear of the 19th century Ohio, to take a position in a hanA G Byera of Columbu-<, Mr. Thomas ers. Misg Browning was also at the them, they cheered and waved their hats and handkerchiefs, which were will be a memorial year, BS I write dle factory. Two deaf-mutes, the institution for the feeble minded Turner of Cliftou, and Mr. Ition my first letter to the "Home." youth, and was much interested in acknowledged. Sloukowski brothers, are employed in Ho«*l of Corwin. They sent a special good bye cheer would like to take a peep in at the the teaching methods there, and says A committee consisting of the su- that the gymnastic exercises by the up to the Governor, who was in uni- windows of your rooms. I send you that factory. Fred, who bad hii perintendent of the Home, Messrs. classes wrre the finest .she has ever form, when they realized they were greetings, and I hope you all have right hand sawn otf at the wrist, i« Byers, McGregor, Greener and Jones seen in any school. H'ilmlnytun seeing the last of him. After the bad a pleasant Christmas and will doing well, and his left arm is said to | other carriages containing the rest of have a happy new year. You have possess unusual strength. wail appointed to select plans and the vice regal party came and passed probably had a number of useful supervise the erection of the new barn with cheers, with a band playing and gifts from liberal friends. But the The Columbus Advance Society I Mr. C. W. Charles, president of colours flying, the contingent came best gift of all was toe gift of God beld a meeting in the library of the along, followed by 40(K) troops. to you, which was your dear Saviour tiie Association, Messrs. Zorn and They were received amid a perfect who died on Calvary for you. I hope Institution last Monday evening, Schory were appointed a Committee Ohio School for the Deaf. storm of cheers and the waving of all the dear inmates have received decided to give a masquerade social ou Ways and Means for increasing hats, handkerchiefs, flags and any- the precious gift with the heart to in the girls' recreation hall of the I the financial resources of the Home (living the past history of the Institution thing else that could be waved, appreciate it. Institution on Saturday evening, sketches of men prominent in its hisA legislative committee consisting and I hope you all ara happy and com 24th iust. A prize will be awarded tory. The Institution of to-day, in its olli- which kept up as they passed along. The procession had great difficulty fortable in as pleasant a Home as of Messrs. Eagleson, Filler, Jones cixl, educational, industrial departments, ig fully described. There are sketches and in making their way along owing to you have. May I congratulate you to the lady having the most attractive and Mc<iregor was also appointed to portraits of over one hundred representathe intrusion of crowd at every avail- upon having a new superintendent costume, and one to the gen tie man | look after any legislative action tive alumni. It tells aliout the Home for able point, and the good-tempered and matron, while their influence ex- laving the most unique costuui* Deaf, the Ladies' Aid Society of C that may be found necessary to in- the lumbus, the Alumni Asxociation, the build- police could scarcely manage to keep erted to cheer all around will bring An admission price of ten cents will crease the usefulness of the Home. ings departments, etc., of the Institution, fair control over the throng. to you all contentment. be charged. Refreshments will beoul etc , etc.. Nt'MBHous ILLUSTRATIONS. ClearM}' home is a very lonely place and Every now and then a girl would R. P. McGitK.ioK, sale, and some attractions provided.I ly printed on tine enameled piper and Secretary. bound in tfreen cloth with title stamped in dart from the crowd and embrace one I am deprived of many privileges. Games and dancing can be indulg"* always is smiling, and Bays she is BO happy. Ilje «0ljio Tile Smith African \Vwr- Di-m'l-litllmi uf Ilic OHIO STATE SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF. Historical aod Biographical Sonyeuir of the departing soldiers hurriedly, while/ at intervals a halt would Price 75 cents, postpaid. give the soldiers an opportunity for Address a'l orders to C. W. Charles, further leave takings. The procession School for the Deaf, Columbus, Ohio. passed under several grand triumphdTSpecial prices to agents. al arches, beautifully decorated with greenery and Hags, bearing different inscriptions in bold letters, such as DEAF "For Queen," "For Empire," "Bon GOOD MONEY" Voyage," "The Empire one and unSciiiniE the handsomt divided the world we defy,"etc. Lord Illustrated ?2-page and Lady Brassey had long passed booklet, "The Lord's grayer in the Sign on the way to the wharf, where the language. " They •rll at 15 centt each, launch was waiting to convey them and [merest htarinff to their famous yacht, the Sunbeam, or iltuf people old or j/oung. Our ageou in the bay. As the yacht sailed to•ay ''they sell lilt* hot cakes." Write for tree cir wards the yacht squadron, the big cular with terms to agents and testimonials. The book guns of a man of-war thundered out let mailed postpaid toany address for 15 cents. AGENTS WANTED. Cm. HtguiM Co.. Hartford, COM; farewell salute. When it weighed gold. The Boston correspondent of the Denf-Mvtea 1 Heyinter says: Mrs. Walter H. Perry went on a tour of inspection at the ''Youth's Companion," where Mr. Perry is employed, and found much to her interest, especially as she came across some pictures of Miss Helen Keller and learned much to her surprise that Miss Keller has been writing tor that paper for some time. Themouey earned thus, also in other ways, goes toward educating the blind boy Tom Stringer. Mrs. Perry has known Miss Keller for years and tells many interesting things about her. One is that despite her afflictions she almost 8i/.e. closed, xxlO'.j. But I am very thankful that the Lord has given me a number of rich blessings, and such a good home with a dear sister, who has been many years an invalid. Her life is a mission through her affliction find brings me to be more sanctified of life. We are surrounded with the prosperity and blessing of kind Providence as much the same as you all are blessed. I hope some of you will write to me. I will say goodbye, God bless and keep you all. Yours most affectionately, n by those so wishing. Messix. <-' "I Jones, Geo. W. Halse and Frank Reit-l man compose the committee of ar-| angements. The Mississippi Institution «" bave to wait two years more for i'8J uew building. The lower house had! passed a bill appropriating $200,OW| or the purpose. But a recousidera-l ion followed and then postponed! MAHY C. BOOLE. ill the next session, two years Sl'.llt Sixth Ave., Tacoina, Wash. 'he reason for this action is a bill half Few men with a grievance can tell or a 11,000,000 capitol and a the truth. i million dollars to the school fund. Thursday morning the ground | wan covered with snow. Miss Lincoln received a call from hf>r father Thursday afternoon. A new clock has been placed in 11: i) B ball of the school building. The teachers find it a great convenience. Miss Greener to se<> a nmplH camp on a mnall Hcalc. Tin1 ladies bad a taste of tbe maple PLIGHT and i WHS delicious. The rest of Mix after noon and evening were spent in social talk and enjoyment. Just before upper they were taken over to see tho chickens They are surely fine specimens. Services were held Sunday morning. The ladies put on their bent "bibs and tuckers," Miss Wat bey Miss Oblinger and Mrs. Town send having new dresses. Kv>-rything seems to be in a flourishing condition. The ladies are very much it love with their matron, who in so knx and patient. making his home with his grandparents and that William will attmx the High School at Latty, Paiildinj. Co., Ohio, for the rest of this schoo year. Nearly every boy in the Institution has made or bought himself B baseball. Ab<) McKee received a box containing a pair of shoes from home 01 Tuesday. Easter will soon be here. Gut ready your easier eggs, boys. Can't rely much on the rabbits this year. Albert Stewle. noticed how long Thomas IlHiicutT's hair has growi and nicknamed him "Quaker Tommy " have moved to Chrisman, Ohio, and they tell her HIM next timo they write to her they will tell her allabout their new home and then Iva can judge for herself as to whether she will like the place or not. Monday morning a telegram called Mary Szymanok home to attend the funeral of her father, who had quietly parsed awav after several year* of constant illness and suffering. Poor Mary has our sincere sympathy in her bereavement. tion. You may addresi him at Berkeley, California. ED. | To F. E. P. Please accept my thanks for compliments in last week's paper. Sunshine, you had better step out and write a good letter to the CHRONICI.K to cheer up the renders. It seems to us that tbe paper looks lonesome without Tooth-Pick, who has not written to the paper for some LINCOLN. time From Lake County. Winnie Hannaford, Albertha I feel like writing some items Jones and Elfin Laing were taken to about our neighbors for the CiutoM. The members of the Senior class West Jefferson last Saturday morn- i I.K. and hope the readers will enjoy ire taxing their brain* for subject? ing l.y Sup»rintend»mt Jones and our letter. they gave an exhibition of school to begin their gntduating essays, Mabel Harris, of Painesville, (), The larger number of the boys work. Winnie Jones also rendered is still enjoying her work in the which th'iy find n no small task. want their birthdays kept a secret in signs several hymns beautifully. basket factory there, and (fets very * 9 as they do not appreciate the poundMr. Geo. W. Martin called at the Peitrl Ellis, Virgie. Lund is, and good wages. She will probably quit ings. Institution Wednesday morning to Among the Boys. Tank were among those who had her work in the factory this summer Ida Roy B. Conk I ing, on last Satur K< I'ortfil l.y "\\cilltigr say good-bye to his friends and left during last week. They as it is not suitable for her strength. birthdays Walter Reynolds had the pleasure day, received tbe infoimation thai were teased much by their chums. She may get a job in Cleveland this in the afternoon for Piqua, where he 'Mie of his cousins died of tbe whoop of his sinter's company Sunday. Ida Tank received a prettv bracelet spring, where her father is w< rking. has a job in a handle factory. ing cough. as a birthday gift. Virgie Landisgave She will have good times in CleveRay Black is rejoicing over the ar Hugh Oakes tins been assisting a a small party in honor of her birth- land next summer. She is now doMr. Greener conducted the chap rival of a button picture of his little in the printing-office this week. day and had a real nice time. ing well, She looks happy all the el service last Sunday. IIin subject brother and friend. He. can set type a little, th< ugh lit time. wai< l'D«ic«»ption," has«d upon James The mild weather has been giving has only his left arm. * # Miss Myrtle Hicks of Madison i, 2'2: "But be ye doers of the word, grent satisfaction to the boys. They moved there from here two years ago. Williuni morning Thursday Last Societies. the Among tod not hearers only, deceiving your liavii been spending the time in out- Wingate received a box from his She is frequently lonesome at home CI.IOMAN HOCIKTV. door sport* without seeing or talking to any deaf home. His parents sent him a nice own selves." The society met again last Satur- girls. Joseph Adelson took the B boys suit with which hewasmuch pleaded. day. An excellent and interesting Every one if invited to donate to Franklin Park Sunday afternoon (>id Mr. W. Davis lives in our town, Samuel To up, on Thursday, resomething for the Ladies' Aid fora walk. The little ones seemed eived a tine box of thing" from lecture on "Ben-Hur; A Tale of the but rar»ly sees any deaf people. He Christ,"was given by Mr. W. H.Zorn. Society's Easter Sale. Remember to enjoy the sight-seeing. home. He was ple.»»ed to lind that He spoke for two hours and kept us teems lonesome all the time, beClionthe of meeting At a recent it contained numerous kinds of can- interested from start to finish. Mr. cause (he deaf people are busy with that helping the 8 xnety is the same their work. Mr. D. is always anxious ian Society nine new members were dies. as helping the Home. There is still admitted. The pupils seem to realDrake made a motion that we tender to see Roy Harris who went to school Two birthdays in succession this a vote of thanks to Mr. Xorn, which last November. plenty of time for you to make some ize the value of the society. week. Masters Davis and Shindortl' was unanimously passed. Mr. Earl Hill of East Hill was imall fancy article as the salo is to It is rumored that a fishing expe- elel.rated theirs. Master Davis' A debate will tie had to night. here on a visit at Mabel Harris* be held April 7th. dition will be made to the Home birthday wan the 12th and Master RKGINA. Come one and all. house and enjoyed himself much. next month. Who the partita are, I Hhindortf's, the 13th. Mrs. Harry H. Ice, nee Virginia am not at liberty to mention. He has quit working in the basket A sudden change came on the BOYS l.ITKKAKY SOCIETY. factory. He is doing well. He looks Laggeti, of Muncie, Itid., is the guest Clyde Settlemire, Georg« Doyle ground Thursday. On Wednesday The lust regular meeting was held happy. Ask him why. uf Miss Hiuning this week and has and David Klnpinger each received a we were all thinking about spring We hav« not seen our other deaf been a pleasat't caller at the Institu- box the past week. Clyde's was a and baseball, but on Thursday our >n Tuesday evening, March l-'Ith, fora I suppose they are busy neighbors. the all found call roll The debate. tion every day. She has spent con- birthday box and a grand one, too. lopes came to an end, for tin-re were members present. with their farm work this spring. Roy Baker'e mother and baby about three inches of snow on the niderable time with her old class, Earl Hill of Mentor met with an J. Mueller, K. Drake und H. Dix Thur-dav accident which she finds improved in every have been with him the past week. [round. We had to creep in our were chosen as judges. The question unfortunate Roy showed her all over the In- ivercoats then. for tbe debate was "Resolved, That morning two weeks ago and barely way, and we all enjoyed her visi'. stitution and new school building. Lust Thursday morning Mrs. Mondeath. He started to work The interest manifested by former She expressed great pleasure with ev- ahan came here to visit Mitts Mona- iron is more useful than wood." escaped The debaters were evenly matched in the basket factory at Paiuesville, co-workers is always gratifying. erything. ban. She gave some candy to Leon and it was dillicult for the judges to four miles from his home. LearnWillie Mayer, who recently had an Jones. Robert Drake, Adolph Enekel decide. Charles Blackburn upheld ing that the electric line wat tied up by The Board of Trustees met in reoperation performed on his nose, was Guy Camp and Jacob Kaler. Th'sy tbestorm, he undertook to walk on the gular monthly session on Thursday. advised by his physician to take a were pleased to eat it. They thanked the affirmative side with John Fry- Lake Shore A Michigan Southern fogle as his aid. Harry Alexander All the members were pres.-nt. Only rest Accordingly Willie packed his Miss Monahan. Mrs. Mouahan will was on the negative side with Joseph track. Being deaf and the storm rourine business was disposed of. trunk and left for home Tuesday. move tu this city in a few weeks. blinding, he did not notice a west* Arnold as his aid. Mr. McElroy wax a happy man, being He will be among us again next fall. Tbe debate was closed on E Her- bound train coming, and was struck zig's motion and then the judges retir- by the engine. The traiuwas stopped, Cieorge Ziegler brings us the sad kept busy receiving congratulations Girls. the Among for consultation. Edward Herzig and the crew picked him up and ed at ill quite is father his that n«ws upon winning out in bis own county. other boys made some remarks brought him to the Mentor station. and He is a candidate for Congress from present. We hope our good old sol dier friend will soon be himself Edna Kyle's father made herhappy upon the subject. The report of the It was found that he bad a fiv«-inch his district. The convention is to again. judges was in favor of the negative scalp wound, a broken wrist, and by a visit last Tuesday. meet at Wellington on April 10th. side by a vote of 8 to 7. Harry Dix other injuries. At this date he is Charles Blackburn had his hair We were pleased to bn favored with delivered a good declamation. A fun- doing well, and recovering rapidly. Prof. J. S. Cooley, of Boston, a cut clone last Saturday. When asked a visit from Mrs. Legget-Ic* last Tues- ny dialogue was given by Henry TuMiss Mabel Harris sends her best why he had his head so treated, he vertical writing specialist, met our said, "I am giving the signal that Eas- day. dor, Thomas Haneull, diner Cox regards to all who know her. AMERICAN. March 1'lth. teachers in Mr. McGregor's room on ter will soon be here. Tillie Buzzard and the Stottler and James McGrattan. Emit SchneiJEINI:. speakers. the criticised der Monday afternoon at three o'clock August Beckert was in the pitch- sisters were among those who receivAMONG SISTER SCHOOLS. and gave us an excellent and prac- er's box for a while Saturday, help- ed calls from friends the past week. being This nine. English the ing Toledo Items. tical talk upon the Normal Review Katie Miller's uncle recently made 44,771 deaf children in the L'nited Tbe readers will hn surprised to States have received instruction since System of Vertical Writing. This his tint experiment as a pitcher, her a call. He told her be would the Boers indeed had a peach pie of probably move to Hardin, Ohio, very hear that Miss Emma Henning was the first school wan established for lystem was introduced intoour school him. married to Mr. A. Fromm at the them ID 1*17. .V. Dakota Banner. soon. last fall. With Prof. Cooley's sugTuesday was the birthday of Simon bride's parents' home on March 8th. The ''Doublechins" will give up Her parents invited several relatives Tuesday was the eighty sixth birthgestions and hints we will be able ShindortT. He was given several sweet poundings by his friends. their place as reporters for the girls' and friends to the wedding. The day of our venerable friend, Dr. Wra. to do better work. Rutus Jeffries and Orie Davis also side, HI id wish some one nlse to take writer is unable togivethe particulars. H. Latham. The doctor celebrated The regular meeting of the La- celebrated their birth anniversaries ou their place as soon as possible. Miss Eva Spockfr has gone back to theevent by attending his u^ual dutidiet' Aid Society was held Thursday Monday. home to live with her mother. es in the school room. Silent Hoosler Winnie Jones recently received a Miss Eva Spocker and Carrie Buck ier. evening in the library ot Ihe InstituCharles Blackburn, wishing to nice long letter from Miss Clara Mrs. Doyle, our matron, resigned n call on Mr. and Mrs. W. J. made tion. Considering the inclement know Bomethii'K about Latin, went to Runck, who is now staying in Day quite unexpectedly the first of March good a had und Sunday last Nichols rekind her sends She Ohio. ton, and students School High the of one weather there was a good attendance. time chatting Mr. Hastings escorted to accept a position at a higher salary Mrs. Greener gave au interesting ac- asked him to give the Latin alphabet. gards to all here who know her. in ti.e school at Ro-ne, N. Y., as mathem to their homes. He was greatly astonished when inEliza Gash's cousin, who lives in count of the visiting committee's re. formed that it was tbe same as the Miss Helen (iomoll, who has been tron. She left on the evening of this city, visited our Institution. working for Mrs Frank GHIIBOII. has Feb. 28. We wish her success in her cunt vitit to the Home. The com- alphabet he himself uses. After Eliza had shown her through left for her home. Mrs. Genson, who new position Fla. Herald. articles small few u mittee reported The beautiful springlike weather the buildings, she was taken to the was sick for two weeks, is fast recovThe Kansas Star says: "Once that were needed in the kitchen and has given the boys the baseball fever. city and says she enjoyed herself more, we have the water. Tuesday ering. the matron's room at the Home, and A game was arranged Saturday very much. Joseph Mueller has secured a job noon the city street commissioner morning between two picked nines, it was decided to purchase them. the Lnzier machine department. turned it on for our Institution. No at Tinny Fisch and Blanche Greene which were exiled the Boer and EngHe works on gas engines for launches, one appreciates our relief except nice of recipients the recently were On Wednesday Miss Kenney lish nines. After over three hours' letters from Agnts Killen. She is and gets ^ood wages. He expects to those who, like us, have been forced celebrated her birthday, and her class work the Boers won by 35 to 28 runs. now improving in health and wish- work steadily and perhaps be will to draw thirty odd wagon loads a To KKIIC.II AVKKH. enjoyed the day with her. Just be es to be remembered to all who used move his family to Toledo from New- day for two months." fa»t; INK grow I'm big; HO ff*el I ark. At the Mt. Airy school when pupils fore noon she treated the children lo I'm ten year* old in-day. to know her. Rev. A. W. Mann preached a are permitted to go outside of the a party and each child received a bag I tint some money (but it won't last); Bridget McNally, Annie Klippel, .sermon from Matt, l.'i, 24 last Friday. grounds or to tbe city, they are given old to-day. <>f candy, pop-corn and nuts. All I'mI'mnottena years Carrie Niswouger tell us they The sermon was good and interesting. a button to wear in their coat lapels. and baby anv more ; visited a deaf lady in this city whose Most of the deaf-mutes attendedliad a tine time and wished tbeir I'm ten years olil to-day. It is a permit and at the same time name is Miss Fortner. They had a feet, measured by the door; teacher many happy returns of the I'mI'mfour of talking is Nichols J. W. Mr. as an identification card in serves to-day. old ten years enjoyable time with her and would building a cozy cottage on his lot in case of accident. day. The pupils presented her with Mamma calls me "Little man ;" like to go again. I'm ten team old tn-ilny. West Toledo this coming spring. The teachers' meetings of this year a fancy plate, a stick pin, and u Says I "miiKt study hard '« I can ;" We got a letter from Mr. Fred are being conducted ou a new plan, Miss accompanied Fetters Jennie I'm ten year* old to-day. pretty ornament of flower under glass. Hall to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ruhm, nee Lizzie Donuelly, stating and one which promises to accomHis MOTHER. March 10, 1900. Among other gifts was au elegant Atwood on Oak St. last Saturday. that her baby was taken sick during plish much. There will be no gen "pal ring surrounded by diamonds. The object was to help wait on the her visit to her mother before she died. eral teachers' meetings, their place Reported by "Wellington, Jr." The doctors advised her to take her being taken by "grade teachers' Moat of the boys are well at present. guests who were visiting at Mr. and baby home. Two members of a visiting comMrs. Atwood's home. meetings" that is, meetings of all If it keeps warm, winter will soon We are glad to hear that Dr. G. 0. the teachers of each grade, both mittee of tbe Ladies' Aid Society Yeager Emma and Bertha Reinke Fay resumed his duties, and hope manual and oral coming in. The made a trip to the Home last Satur- go north. Three more boys joined the B. L. visited the Blind Institution recent- he is on the road to rapid recovery, and plan is to have reports of the success day. Mr. Lillard met them at the S. Thursday evening. ly and enjoyed the visit, being may swing his arm in full freedom. or failure in th» accomplishment of car, and driving thro'deep mud they No more skating, I think, this win interested in almost everything they Editor, may I ask you for the ad- the work as outlined for each grade, saw, especially the bead-work done dress of Chas. S. Perry formerly and a discussion of plans and exarrived at tho Home just about noon. ter. Better put your skates away. by the blind, which they think is teacher of the High Class in the Ohio perieuces. The teachers They were met at the door by all the of the Otto Kloeppel on Wednesday re- pretty. School? la he still alive? [Yes. He various grades will meet once a said which home from ladies, who were right glad to see ceived a letter them. After dinner Mrs. Jones took I that bis brother William is now! Iva Lohr hears that her parents is teaching in the California, Institu- month. To Make a Happy Home. blocked, another will be open to you. 1. Learn to govern yourselvei aud It is a sort of slavery to be r--o dependIttOO - 11)00. ent on circumstances that our comto be gentle and patient. a or dav rainy a by destroyed is fort 2. (iiiard your tempers especially in aeason of ill health, irritation, and week of enforced inactivity Kx, trouble, and soften them by prayer tit-orge P. Tyler, Prog... .. Kii8«(>llvjvj|iJ WWiam A.Gipson ... Upper Satnln.i, and a sense of your own shortcomings TIIK family circle is older than the Willism ' L. McKlroy.......; Mt. V and errors. nation; the home is as old os Eden. (ioorge W. Glover................ 'A. Never ppeak or act in anger The Pussy Cat. takn, JH what only one in a thousand until you have prayed over your A real home, where all dwell together Jacob Calm ........... ...... A, in love and confidence, is* a type of Tlic PIISHV Cat with eyes HO green, would think ut trying. "This is in words or actn, and concluded that heaven. About the style of the home In nearly every house it* Been, dewd the great artist!" thought th« Christ would have done so in your it rriHtters little. Home, sweet bonne John W. Jones ..........Superintt. ll ,| M Her fur is very soft ami smooth, tmiy be in a palnce or in a hut. To A. K. Kflrnnrt ...... .,...,. messenger; he could need no other place. »*(, lint sharp is every flaw ami tooth. is as valuable that, Kf'inember 4. proof. Kveti to this tlsy, when »n the gift of speech, silence is often be perfect in either there are needed J. A. flurgoyne ............... Phv m, iw| people who love one another, and Cora A. Jones .. .............. ila.tr Most ail the day she's near the stove, Italian in talking of anything utterly more valuable. Deborah Kvans......... Assistant M Htr| people who are faithful, irue nnd self- Kmnia All nice warm places 1'uanien love, Green. ...........Girls' H-.Mairn impossible, lie will cay that it from much too expect not Do >. r . Tbe home. the makes Love denying Maiw K. Ncheiick........ Boys' H-M,,,,,,, But when the ninht conip.<, out site (toes have all that remember hut other*, Giotto." of O tl>« than rounder happy home is filled with content- HeHha 11. Chirk..........Girt-, 1 C-Sl«t r" Ami on the roof-top sinijn her woes. an evil nature, whose developments ment. Children are in it, in train- Sanih K. Monahan ...... Boys' C-M H i r,, Slur we must expect, and which we should ing for useful maturity. Middle ags Maria (>«.« ............ Girls' I>-M Ktr,, Mrs. J. M. Bechtol...... BOM' " " " forbear and forgive, as we often de- is there, bearing brave burdens. Dear J. M. Bechtol. ..........Boys' sre forbearance and forgiveness aged ones, grandfathers, grandmothA Miner's Dog. Hfckort ....... ...... " ourselves. .\ Brii ers, aunts, cousins, friends, are there Margaret Kitzgihliona. .... .... Some men went to Alaska to look (>. Never retort a sharp or angry and ail tog»ther, full chortled, they John Barfehunit.,.. ........ Wm, (, n,, for gold. It is very cold in Alaska word. It is the second word that strike the anthem of Home ! Cfirixl- William H. Ainswortti....... Htotekoew I.laM. Moore............. .Houspk.f Sometime.) the snow is very deep. makes the quarrel. Kirk Kennedy.......... Steward's c> inn Herald. ment. disagree first the of Beware 7. Annie MaUe..........Visitor*' Attcmlir,, The men had a dog wilh them. They Olga Witteiimier ..... Visitors' Altrui H. Leiirn to speak in a gentle tone walked many miles. One day they Little Willie, whose father worked of voice. learned had factory, canning B ill at ame to a grt-at glacier. They b?9. Learn to say kind and pleasant ame lost on the mountain. They hings whenever an opportunity of- the procrss by which lobsters were Robert Patterson .............. Princlpii canned, and one day he accompanied LidaMansur, Supervising teacher of put up their tents anil camped on 'ers. his futher to a funeral and saw the Uonce A. Odebrecht. ...... High School 10. Study the character of each, crflin he glacier. Two of the miners said of the man closed preparatory Robert P. McCiregor . ..... High School hey would go ahead and find a way and sympathize with all in tht> ir trou- for burial. He said, "Say, papa, have Augustus Gveener ... ... B Intermedia^ )l»s however small. Mary (irimcH. ...... .B Intermediate, OR,! a man?" rom the glacier. They put Fome Albert H. Schory ........ .C Interim-dun 11. Do not neglect little things, if they canned Halph H. Atwond ... . . D InUrim-ilu^ food in their knapsacks ami went they can ati'ect others :n the smallGazette Hawaiian the to According H. Clark. ..... D Intermediate (Jril Anna degree. est away. The dog went with them. Jarnen M. Steward ........ Kirn Primary to thirty from ordinarily are there 12. Avoid moods, pets, and fits of Some people then ^et very illiam H. Zorn ....... Second Primari For several days they walked. They forty varieties of tit-h on sale in the W Fanni* B. Walker ... Second I'nintr? sulkiness. All xiirtx of thiiiirHat lier they IONS, and cold was It tired. >ecame very 1<". I.earu to deny yourself aud Honolulu market. A large percent- Loui»e M. Greener, Second Primary Ural A I'd try to hurt poor Pussy (.'at; age of the people make their living Kathryn F. Bite* . .Second Primary Aaril hey bad little food. At last they prefer othtrs. But you ami I woiilil nut ilu that. Lulu J. Hteliig........... Third Primar, lay down in the snow to sleep. They 14. Hi'vvnre of meddlers and tale- by fishing. Beanie Edgar Third lint if you're kiml timl strukr her fur Kliua O'Harra. ... .Third Primary Ural were exhausted. They could not bearers. to formed been has syndicate A T.ie ri»jht way, she liet;iiic to purr; Primary (>,». Third Arlmiigh...... Nellie 15. Never charge a bad motive j| a walk any more. Th» dog laid down build a single mil high speed electric Mary K. Bancroft.... .. Fourth Ptimuy IVrhupx Mome wheels K" roiiml insiilr'.' conceivable. is one good Olivia Rrttning ......... Fourth Frimtn be.-ide them. To tinil that nut I've often trie.I. Hi. lie gentle and firm wilh chil rxilway between Liverpool and Man- Gertruil" Dickerson fourth Pnintrt el trter. The men were afraid they would dren. Anna B. Steelmaii.. Fourth Primary, On! Our I'ussy C'at is very clean. Bessie Hunter ... r-ourth Primary, Oul die in the snow. One man hud a 17. D" not allow your children tu No t*pcck of ilust is on her seen ; Caiolyn M. Feaaley.. ..... .Fifth Pruiurj without aigbt at nome from away be He paper. of piece and leudpencil Ami Mother says, we all should care "Success" and Minnie M. Young ........ Fifth Primary Blnie Kenney.............. Fifth Primarr wrote a note on the paper and tied it knowing wheie they aro. To tuke such pains with every hair. Chronicle, Ohio 18. Do not allow them ti> go where Maggie 1,011*. ...... Fifth Vr-iman tut! <'inrinn'ilt A'n'/virfr. in a rag around the dog's neck. They f.ouine Berry ...... Fifth Piimary, ur»l they please on the Sabbath. TO A told him to go back. He understood .Sixth Primary KIU A. Xell ...... ... l!l. Do not furnish them much ............Siath Primary l.iiui kiiiHcll the to back went He away. ran and Kf. money. spending Sixth Primtry Giotto's 0. Success wascbsngul to s monthly Xora.M. Ilisey ...... Irene B»iors......... Birth Primary. o«'l place where the other miners had 1!)<>6. 10'h, January on year a |1 Ht Giotto wits a little shepherd boy, Ida M. J.utz .... .... Sixth IVuiary Cultivate Resources. camped. The miners saw the rag The new monthly form has ',V2 pages, M» W. Kuil Sixth Primart lira! aud all day long he tended his father's A lad of fifteen was laid up with Hi pages more than the weekly form, Anna Lincoln ..... Sixth Primarv <>m! rounp his nnck and untied it. They sheep. He had plenty of idle time; injury, and is interesting, instructive, and Ada t.yon Teacher of lW-11 in.! read the note. They took some ford a sprained ankle. The though nt'vere enough to make quiet inspiring. We are pleased to make A *a Buckles ..... .Teacher of Deaf-lllmd aud oue day he discovered that he Krnest Zell ..... and followed the dog. They walked an absolute necessity, did not cause Art T? achti the above Combination offer, and could make pictures. To be sure he Ohlemacher ..... Physical Dir two days. The dog led them to the him any especial pain, and yet the trust that many of our friends will Albert Maria Lerch. . . .Teacher Phyiical C niton Lad only the rocks to draw with; bet two men in the snow. The men were days of his enforced invalidism will be glad to take advantage of it. content. quite aud he was happy ! uot dead. Their friends carried be long remembered in that house- Present subscribers may have Success George C. Schmelt. ........ Book Bimlery hold. One evening when he was copying' tbf.m l)ftck fo (be camp ,fhf, for 65 cents a year. Address, Clarence W. Charles. .... .Printing Offict He bad never cared for reading. Joseph H. Neutzling ........ Shoe Shoj, Tb» Ohio Chronicle. a sheep which was grazing at a little ; efg djd uo, (ind My gold ._ Cana(/i( . n AuKtut Odebfecht .......... Tailor Shop Colombo*, Ohio. He was fond only of tnose games distance, he perceived that some one C. B. o'H.'eness. ..... ....Carpenter Shc.p which demanded physical exertion. Maud Wheeler ........ ...Sewinjf Koom was looking down over his shoulder. He was an indifferent Htudent, and James 8herm»n. ............... Kntiineer 1dm Good PATENT To I A stranger, taking an evening walk on herejected impatiently theviufigestion William H. 8ch warts. ............ Florin may be woured bjr Harry and the Cow. our kid. Addrcaa, the plain, bad peen him at work, and ] that IIH should spend a part of his THE PATENT RECORD, Harry was a little deaf boy and he undesired leisure upon his schoolBammen. Ma. drawn near softlv not to disturb him. Bword nM per aunun. Patent The lo •utMcrlptloni TERMS OF EMISSION. He wu<< delighted to see how the boy went to the Institution to school, but work. HH passed his time in complaints which actually retarded his 1. No charge is made for pupils who art was occupied, for thin stranger WHS . he came home in vacation. He was own recovery, to say nothing of the residents of the State of Ohio, ««cept for clothing, traveling and incidental «iJazy boy and he often disobeyed discomfort he produced in the home. Cimabue, a renowned artist from penses. Florence. He asked Giotto if be, too, l his mother. A cousin about bis own age, who Our ter returned if we fall. Any one aending 2. Pupils cannot bb received until th«r and deik'tiptiou of any invention will .ire seven veara of age, and must he of KOO<| would like to be an artist? Would J One morning in July, his mother was confined to the house lor an •ketch promptly receive our opinion free concerning intellect, free .from immoralities of cotiilucl patentability of tame. " How to obtain a he live with him and learn? The lit- J was washing, aud she told Harry to equal time by a slight indisposition, the and from contagious and offensive <liBe«I'atcnta »ecur«d Tatenl" uent upon tei|ue«t. had a very different experience. "I through ua advertJMed for mile at our eipenae ea. By the statute pupils may remain such tie shepherd must have thought be , chop some wood and carry it iuto the have done so many of the things I've Patents taker out through UH receive ifM-rtat a portion of nine years as their proyreM nolirr, without charge, in Tun I'ATKNT RKCOHD. WH* onlv dreaming ; but no, it was' kitchen. Harry went out to the wood- been putting otf over solong," she said. an illustrated and widely circulated jourual, seems to justify. If at the end of nine consulted by Manufacturers aud Investor*. fears, their proticiencv be such aa ^milall true quite true, even the strang-1 pile, then he sneaked into the wood- "What with reading and writing let Send for (ample copy FUCK. Addiciw, ties them to enter the intei mediate departVICTOR J. KVANS 4 CO. er went down to his home to get bis shed and got bis fish pole and ran off ters aud helping with some of the ment, they may remain three years longer \Pmtcnt Attorneys,) people the with talking and sewing 3. Application for admission shoulit b« father's consent, and then took him to tisb. He walked through the C, O. WASHINGTON. •ulldlnx. Ivan* Hew." made to the Buperintendentof the Instituwoods and he cauie to the river. He who came in, the days fairly away to Florence. tion, who will furnish a blank form of apTbe contrast between these two plication, with the questions about whirh In that great and beautiful city caught a lly and put it on the hook. young 'folks illustrates a point we BO YEAR*' information it desired, conveniently arthere were many artists, doing their He sat on a stump on the bank and need to emphasize. It does not do to EXPERIENCE ranged for answering. 4. The- session commenced ou tl-e second work under the cure and direction of threw the line into the water. He be without resources. Perhaps your Wednesday in September and closet* on Cimabue. But in a little time tbe held the fish-pole a long time, but he favorite enjoyment is bicycle-riding, the second Tuesday in Jane. The beat tin" but if you cannot b» content unless for admission is at the commencement of shepherd excelled them all; and his did not catch a fish. you are engaged in that pastime, you the session, and pupils will not be receired An old cow was in tbe woods aud are likely to pass a large part of kind patron took care to have him eduat other times except in eatraonlinarr caaes. cated in other things besides art, so she saw Harry sitting on the stump. your year quite unhappily. 5. No pupil can be removed from thi We have all known people to he placed him uijdera very celebrated She came up behind him, but he Institution during the progress of the ae»Anyone amdlng a sketch and description may disaster, a seemed day rainy a whoa) Mion. without permission of the Superinlulckly ascertain our opinion free whether an master. He was twenty-six years old could not hear our. He wore a red intention Is probably pntenuble. ( oninjunlm. and who conld not fuce a two hours' tendent and Board of Trustees. The putlona strictly conndenttsl. Handbook on Patents when Cimabue died. They were waist and cows do not like red. She wait in a railway station with any sent free. Oldest acencr for securing patents. pils are not permitted to no home at tfa* recelr* Co. ft Munn tnroujzh taken Patents Harry at ran and head holiday*. always spoken of and praised togeth- shook her Ifttial nottet, wit boot charge. In the degree ofeqiiauimity. Cultivate more 6. Parent* and guardians will be duly er; and when the peasant artist di*d, ami booked him into the river. He than on*> faculty of your mind. Find notified of the day on which school closen. widely things in possible, if pleasure, other the to swam be but scared, was that they may make amuigeinents lot contoo, after a long life of fame, he was A hanrtnomcl- llhntr»t«<l w** !-. IjirirMt Circulation of nnj sK'ientlOe Journal. Terrat, $3 * veying their children home. Except in f BUT ; fiturruonthst.il. Sold by all n«w»dea!0rm. buried in the same Italian church, bank and got out and ran home. His divert", which can be enjoyed under cases of sickness, pupils caiuiot, be pf* totally different circumstances. Have he and muddy and wet were clothes milted to leave before tbe specified time. where the friend who had done so resources, so that if oue road is Branch Offlce. 8» r St, Washington, D. C. The frequency with which arrangements much fur him had been laid years cried. His mother beard the noise are made for pupils to leave a. few dayr K«* (and she run out of the kitchen. She fur* the close of school renders it necesbefore. sary, to prevent disappointment, to direct So great was his fame, that the met Harry in tbe yard and he threw special attention to this rult>. ~' Faventa and vuaruians are required to highest nobles of Italy ordered pict- his arms around her neck, because prov'de their children with the necessary cards. alphabet of number large a printed lately have We her. disobeying for sorry was he ures from him. One desiring to see clothing and books when they are able to doi>o; when they are not able to this, the this marvellous artist, sent a mes He told her about the cow and she on which we quote lower prices than before. county in which the child's home is, is "' She punished. WHH Harry knew With name. Withom name on reverse side. SMALL—2 11-16 I $%. "»nger, bidding him to go to liome. (itiireil by law to pay for the same. Five (lollarH should be deposited with tbe Stew. 16 cents. 26 cards.............................I'1 cents...... ... Vhen the messenger reached his forgave her bad boy. ard I >) parents who pay their own bills for .......... " " .............................20 " .26 50 house, he began to doubt if the man incidentals. .60 " 100 " .............................40 " .......... 8. Pupils are required to f pend thu vaParis has the Urgent library in the he saw was really tbe great painter. .86 " 200 " ............................./5 " .......... action at home, or with their friends. io he asked him for a proof. There world. It consist* upward of 2,000,Thin arrangement is an desirable for the LAKGE 1% t \% health of the pupils which will be prowas paper lying on the table. Giotto 000 printed books and 100,000 manu... .16 cents. 20 cards............................. 10 cents......... moted by a ehange of air and exercise, »« took a pencil, and with oue sweep of scripts. The British museum confor the convenience of the Institution. ....80 " .......... ..................26 ( , ......... 60 9 The Institution is not responsible for ....60 " .60 his arm drew a perfect circle. Now, tains about 1,000,000 volumes, and 100 pupils in their coming to or their if°'"tf .$1 00 90 200 a perfect circle is the hardest thing in the Imperial library at St. Petersburg from th* Institution, or when they are truant from it. In such canes, however, there 'Jje world to do; to draw one iu a mo- about tbe game uumber. These are prices at the office and tu correspondents of the CBKONIOLB. will be rendered all the assistance reasonneat, without eny tremble or mis- tb.9 largest libraries in tbe world. Addreai. Tarn OHIO CHBONICU, Oolumbtu, Ohio. able under the circiunaUuic** OhioState School ior the Deal | Our Young Readers. m 1 PATENTS GUARANTEED Scientific American. MUNN jeo.""*"-" New York Alphabet Cards for Your Friends.
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